Browsing: Author: Francis Beaumont

Displaying 1 - 14 of 14
Title Author(s) Performance Date Publication Datesort descending Company of First Production STC/Wing
The Woman Hater (The Hungry Courtier) 1606 1607

STC 1693

The Knight of the Burning Pestle 1607 1613

STC 1674

Cupid's Revenge 1608 1615

STC 1667

The Scornful Lady 1610 1616

STC 1686

A King and No King 1611 1619

STC 1670

The Maid's Tragedy 1610 1619

STC 1677

Philaster 1609 1620

STC 1681.5

Thierry and Theodoret 1617 1621

STC 11074

Beggars' Bush 1622 1647

Wing B1581

The Captain 1612 1647

Wing B1581

The Coxcomb 1609 1647

Wing B1581

Love's Cure, or The Martial Maid 1606 1647

Wing B1581

Love's Pilgrimage 1616 1647

Wing B1581

The Noble Gentleman 1606 1647

Wing B1581