THE First part of the Tragicall raigne of Selimus, sometime Emperour of the Turkes, and grandfather to him that now raigneth. Wherein is showne how hee most vnnaturally raised warres against his owne father Baiazet, and preuailing therein, in the end caused him to be poysoned: Also with the murthering of his two brethren, Corcut, and Acomat.
As it was playd by the Queenes Maiesties Players.
LONDON Printed by Thomas Creede, dwelling in Thames streete at the signe of the Kathren wheele, neare the olde Swanne. 1594.
Wiggins suggests a best-guess creation date of 1591; range 1591–94.
While not imaged by EEBO, this work is available in free digital facsimile from the Boston Public Library.