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ln 0001Tamburlain[
ln 0002the Great.
ln 0003Who, from a Scythian Shephearde,
ln 0004by his rare and woonderfull Conquests,
ln 0005became a most puissant and migh-
ln 0006tye Monarque.
ln 0007And (for his tyranny, and terrour in
ln 0008Warre) was tearmed,
ln 0009The Scourge of God.
ln 0010Deuided into two Tragicall Dis-
ln 0011courses, as they were sundrie times
ln 0012shewed vpon Stages in the Citie
ln 0013of London.
ln 0014By the right honorable the Lord
ln 0015Admyrall, his seruantes.
ln 0016Now first, and newlie published.
ln 0017LONDON.
ln 0018Printed by Richard Ihones: at the signe
ln 0019of the Rose and Crowne neere Hol-
ln 0020borne Bridge. 1590.
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ln 0001To the Gentlemen Rea-
ln 0002ders: and others that take pleasure
ln 0003in reading Histories.
ln 0004GEntlemen, and curteous Readers whoso-
ln 0005euer: I haue here published in print for
ln 0006your sakes, the two tragical Discourses of
ln 0007the Scythian Shepheard, Tamburlaine, that
ln 0008became so great a Conquerour, and so mightie
ln 0009a Monarque: My hope is, that they wil be now
ln 0010no lesse acceptable vnto you to read after your
ln 0011serious affaires and studies, then they haue bene
ln 0012(lately) delightfull for many of you to see, when
ln 0013the same were shewed in London vpon stages:
ln 0014I haue (purposely) omitted and left out some
ln 0015fond and friuolous Iestures, digressing (and in
ln 0016my poore opinion) far vnmeet for the matter,
ln 0017which I thought, might seeme more tedious
ln 0018vnto the wise, than any way els to be regarded,
ln 0019though (happly) they haue bene of some vaine
ln 0020cōceited fondlings greatly gaped at, what times
ln 0021they were shewed vpon the stage in their gra-
ln 0022ced deformities: neuertheles now, to be mixtu-
ln 0023red in print with such matter of worth, it wuld
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To the Reader.
ln 0024prooue a great disgrace to so honorable & state-
ln 0025ly a historie: Great folly were it in me, to com-
ln 0026mend vnto your wisedomes, either the elo-
ln 0027quence of the Authour that writ them, or the
ln 0028worthinesse of the matter it selfe; I therefore
ln 0029leaue vnto your learned censures, both the one
ln 0030and the other, and my selfe the poore printer of
ln 0031them vnto your most curteous and fauourable
ln 0031protection; which if you vouchsafe to accept,
ln 0032you shall euermore binde mee to imploy what
ln 0033trauell and seruice I can, to the aduauncing and
ln 0034pleasuring of your excellent degree.
ln 0035Yours, most humble at com=
ln 0036maundement,
ln 0037R. I. Printer
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wln 0001The tvvo tragical Dis
wln 0002courses of mighty Tamburlaine, the
wln 0003Scythian Shepheard. &c.
wln 0004The Prologue.
wln 0005FRom iygging vaines of riming mother wits,
wln 0006And such conceits as clownage keepes in pay,
wln 0007Weele lead you to the stately tent of War.
wln 0008Where you shall heare the Scythian Tamburlaine:
wln 0009Threatning the world with high astounding tearms
wln 0010And scourging kingdoms with his cōquering sword
wln 0011View but his picture in this tragicke glasse,
wln 0012And then applaud his fortunes as you please.
wln 0013Actus. 1. Scæna. 1.
wln 0014Mycetes, Cosroe, Meander, Theridamas, Ortygius,
wln 0015Ceneus, with others.
wln 0016Mycetes.
wln 0017BRother Cosroe, I find my selfe agreeu’d,
wln 0018Yet insufficient to expresse the same:
wln 0019For it requires a great and thundring speech:
wln 0020Good brother tell the cause vnto my Lords,
wln 0021I know you haue a better wit than I.
wln 0022Cos.Unhappie Persea, that in former age
wln 0023Hast bene the seat of mightie Conquerors,
wln 0024That in their prowesse and their pollicies,
wln 0025Haue triumpht ouer Affrike, and the bounds
wln 0026Of Europe, wher the Sun dares scarce appeare,
wln 0027For freezing meteors and coniealed colde:
wln 0028Now to be rulde and gouerned by a man,
wln 0029At whose byrth=day Cynthia with Saturne ioinde,
wln 0030And Ioue, the Sun and Mercurie denied
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wln 0031To shed his influence in his fickle braine,
wln 0032Now Turkes and Tartars shake their swords at th[
wln 0033Meaning to mangle all thy Prouinces,
wln 0034Mycet.Brother, I see your meaning well enough.
wln 0035And thorough your Planets I perceiue you thinke,
wln 0036I am not wise enough to be a kinge,
wln 0037But I refer me to my noble men,
wln 0038That knowe my wit, and can be witnesses:
wln 0039I might command you to be slaine for this,
wln 0040Meander, might I not?
wln 0041Meand.Not for so small a fault my soueraigne Lord
wln 0042Mycet.I meane it not, but yet I know I might,
wln 0043Yet liue, yea, liue, Mycetes wils it so:
wln 0044Meander, thou my faithfull Counsellor,
wln 0045Declare the cause of my conceiued griefe,
wln 0046Which is (God knowes) about that Tamburlaine.
wln 0047That like a Foxe in midst of haruest time,
wln 0048Dooth pray vpnon my flockes of Passengers.
wln 0049And as I heare, doth meane to pull my plumes,
wln 0050Therefore tis good and meete for to be wise.
wln 0051Meand.Oft haue I heard your Maiestie complain,
wln 0052Of Tamburlaine, that sturdie Scythian thiefe,
wln 0053That robs your merchants of Persepolis,
wln 0054Treading by land vnto the Westerne Isles,
wln 0055And in your confines with his lawlesse traine,
wln 0056Daily commits inciuill outrages.
wln 0057Hoping (misled by dreaming prophesies)
wln 0058To raigne in Asia, and with barbarous Armes,
wln 0059To make himselfe the Monarch of the East:
wln 0060But ere he march in Asia, or display
wln 0061His vagrant Ensigne in the Persean fields,
wln 0062Your Grace hath taken order by Theridimas,
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the Scythian Shepheard.
wln 0063Chardg’d with a thousand horse, to apprehend
wln 0064And bring him Captiue to your Highnesse throne,
wln 0065Myce.Ful true thou speakst, & like thy selfe my lord
wln 0066Whom I may tearme a Damon for thy loue.
wln 0067Therefore tis best, if so it lik you all,
wln 0068To send my thousand horse incontinent,
wln 0069To apprehend that paltrie Scythian.
wln 0070How like you this, my honorable Lords?
wln 0071Is it not a kingly resolution?
wln 0072Cosr.It cannot choose, because it comes from you.
wln 0073Myce.Then heare thy charge, valiant Theridimas
wln 0074The chiefest Captaine of Mycetes hoste,
wln 0075The hope of Persea, and the verie legges
wln 0076Whereon our state doth leane, as on a staffe,
wln 0077That holds vs vp, and foiles our neighbour foes,
wln 0078Thou shalt be leader of this thousand horse,
wln 0079Whose foming galle with rage and high disdaine,
wln 0080Haue sworne the death of wicked Tamburlaine.
wln 0081Go frowning foorth, but come thou smyling home,
wln 0082As did Sir Paris with the Grecian Dame,
wln 0083Returne with speed, time passeth swift away,
wln 0084Our life is fraile, and we may die to day.
wln 0085Ther.Before the Moone renew her borrowed light,
wln 0086Doubt not my Lord and gratious Soueraigne,
wln 0087But Tamburlaine, and that Tartarian rout,
wln 0088Shall either perish by our warlike hands,
wln 0089Or plead for mercie at your highnesse feet.
wln 0090Myce.Go, stout Theridimas, thy words are swords
wln 0091And with thy lookes thou conquerest all thy foes:
wln 0092I long to see thee back returne from thence,
wln 0093That I may view these milk-white steeds of mine.
wln 0094All loden with the heads of killed men,
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wln 0095And from their knees, euen to their hoofes below,
wln 0096Besmer’d with blood, that makes a dainty show.
wln 0097The.Then now my Lord, I humbly take my leaue.(Exit.
wln 0098Myc.Therid. farewel ten thousand times,
wln 0099Ah, Menaphon, why staiest thou thus behind,
wln 0100When other men prease forward for renowne:
wln 0101Go Menaphon, go into Scythia,
wln 0102And foot by foot follow Theridamas:
wln 0103Cos.Nay, pray you let him stay, a greater
wln 0104Fits Menaphon, than warring with a Thiefe:
wln 0105Create him Prorex of Affrica,
wln 0106That he may win the Babylonians hearts,
wln 0107Which will reuolt from Persean gouernment,
wln 0108Unlesse they haue a wiser king than you.
wln 0109Myc.Unlesse they haue a wiser king than you?
wln 0110These are his words, Meander set them downe.
wln 0111Cos.And ad this to them, that all Asia
wln 0112Lament to see the follie of their King.
wln 0113Myc.Well here I sweare by this my royal seat.
wln 0114Cos.You may doe well to kisse it then.
wln 0115Myc.Embost with silke as best beseemes my state.
wln 0116To be reueng’d for these contemptuous words.
wln 0117O where is dutie and allegeance now?
wln 0118Fled to the Caspean or the Ocean maine?
wln 0119What, shall I call thee brother? No, a foe,
wln 0120Monster of Nature, shame vnto thy stocke,
wln 0121That dar st presume thy Soueraigne for to mocke.
wln 0122Meander come, I am abus’d Meander.Exit.
wln 0123Manent Cosroe & Menaphon.
wln 0124Mena.How now my Lord, what, mated and amaz’d
wln 0125To heare the king thus thraten like himselfe?
wln 0126Cos.Ah Menaphon, I passe not for his threates,
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the Scythian Shepheard.
wln 0127The plot is laid by Persean Noble men,
wln 0128And Captaines of the Medean garrisons,
wln 0129To crowne me Emperour of Asia,
wln 0130But this it is that doth excruciate
wln 0131The verie substance of my vexed soule:
wln 0132To see our neighbours that were woont to quake
wln 0133And tremble at the Persean Monarkes name,
wln 0134Now sits and laughs our regiment to scorne,
wln 0135And that which might resolue me into teares:
wln 0136Men from the farthest Equinoctiall line,
wln 0137Haue swarm’d in troopes into the Easterne India:
wln 0138Lading their shippes with golde and pretious stones:
wln 0139And made their spoiles from all our prouinces.
wln 0140Mena.This should intreat your highnesse to reioice,
wln 0141Since Fortune giues you opportunity,
wln 0142To gaine the tytle of a Conquerour,
wln 0143By curing of this maimed Emperie,
wln 0144Affrike and Europe bordering on your land,
wln 0145And continent to your Dominions:
wln 0146How easely may you with a mightie hoste,
wln 0147Passe into Græcia, as did Cyrus once.
wln 0148And cause them to withdraw their forces home,
wln 0149Least you subdue the pride of Christendome.?
wln 0150Cos.But Menaph. what means this trumpets (sound
wln 0151Mena.Behold, my Lord Ortigius, and the rest,
wln 0152Bringing the Crowne to make you Emperour.
wln 0153Enter Ortigius & Conerus bearing a Crowne
wln 0154with others.
wln 0155Ort.Magnificent and mightie Prince Cosroe,
wln 0156We in the name of other Persean states,
wln 0157And commons of this mightie Monarchie,
wln 0158Present thee with th’Emperiall Diadem.
Cen. The
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The Conquests of Tamburlaine.
wln 0159CeneThe warlike Souldiers, & the Gentlemen,
wln 0160That heretofore haue fild Persepolis
wln 0161With Affrike Captaines, taken in the field:
wln 0162Whose ransome made them martch in coates of gold,
wln 0163With costlie iewels hanging at their eares,
wln 0164And shining stones vpon their loftie Crestes,
wln 0165Now liuing idle in the walled townes,
wln 0166Wanting both pay and martiall discipline.
wln 0167Begin in troopes to threaten ciuill warre.
wln 0168And openly exclaime against the King.
wln 0169Therefore to stay all sodaine mutinies,
wln 0170We will inuest your Highnesse Emperour:
wln 0171Whereat the Souldiers will conceiue more ioy,
wln 0172Then did the Macedonians at the spoile
wln 0173Of great Darius and his wealthy hoast.
wln 0174Cosr.Wel, since I see the state of Persea droope,
wln 0175And languish in my brothers gouernment:
wln 0176I willingly receiue th’mperiall crowne,
wln 0177And vow to weare it for my countries good:
wln 0178In spight of them shall malice my estate.
wln 0179Ortyg.And in assurance of desir’d successe,
wln 0180We here doo crowne thee Monarch of the East,
wln 0181Emperour of Asia, and of Persea,
wln 0182Great Lord of Medea and Armenia:
wln 0183Duke of Affrica and Albania,
wln 0184Mesopotamia and of Parthia,
wln 0185East India and the late discouered Isles,
wln 0186Chiefe Lord of all the wide vast Euxine sea,
wln 0187And of the euer raging Caspian Lake:
wln 0188Long liue Cosroe mighty Emperour.
wln 0189Cosr.And Ioue may neuer let me longer liue,
wln 0190Then I may seeke to gratifie your loue,
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the Scythian Shepheard.
wln 0191And cause the souldiers that thus honour me,
wln 0192To triumph ouer many Prouinces.
wln 0193By whose desires of discipline in Armes,
wln 0194I doubt not shortly but to raigne sole king,
wln 0195And with the Armie of Theridamas,
wln 0196Whether we presently will flie (my Lords)
wln 0197To rest secure against my brothers force.
wln 0198OrtygWe knew my Lord, before we brought the (crowne,
wln 0199Intending your inuestion so neere,
wln 0200The residence of your dispised brother,
wln 0201The Lord would not be too exasperate,
wln 0202To iniure or suppresse your woorthy tytle.
wln 0203Or if they would, there are in readines
wln 0204Ten thousand horse to carie you from hence,
wln 0205In spite of all suspected enemies.
wln 0206Cosr.I know it wel my Lord, & thanke you all.
wln 0207Ortyg.Sound vp the trumpets then,
wln 0208God saue the King.Exeunt.
wln 0209Actus. 1. Scœna. 2:
wln 0210Tamburlaine leading Zenocrate: Techelles, Vsu-
wln 0211measane, other Lords and Souldiers loden
wln 0212with treasure.
wln 0213Tam.COme lady, let not this appal your thoughts
wln 0214The iewels and the treasure we haue tane
wln 0215Shall be reseru’d, and you in better state,
wln 0216Than if you were arriu’d in Siria.
wln 0217Euen in the circle of your Fathers armes:
wln 0218The mightie Soldan of Egyptia.
wln 0219Zeno.Ah Shepheard, pity my distressed plight,
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wln 0220(If as thou seem’st, thou art so meane a man)
wln 0221And seeke not to inrich thy followers,
wln 0222By lawlesse rapine from a silly maide.
wln 0223Who traueiling with these Medean Lords
wln 0224To Memphis, from my vncles country of Medea,
wln 0225Where all my youth I haue bene gouerned,
wln 0226Haue past the armie of the mightie Turke:
wln 0227Bearing his priuie signet and his hand:
wln 0228To safe conduct vs thorow Affrica:
wln 0229Mag.And since we haue arriu’d in Scythia,
wln 0230Besides rich presents from the puisant Cham,
wln 0231We haue his highnesse letters to command
wln 0232Aide and assistance if we stand in need.
wln 0233Tam.But now you see these letters & commandes,
wln 0234Are countermanded by a greater man:
wln 0235And through my prouinces you must expect
wln 0236Letters of conduct from my mightinesse,
wln 0237If you intend to keep your treasure safe.
wln 0238But since I loue to liue at liberty,
wln 0239As easely may you get the Souldans crowne,
wln 0240As any prizes out of my precinct.
wln 0241For they are friends that help to weane my state,
wln 0242Till men and kingdomes help to strengthen it:
wln 0243And must maintaine my life exempt from seruitude.
wln 0244But tell me Maddam, is your grace betroth’d?
wln 0245Zen.I am (my Lord,) for so you do import.
wln 0246Tam.I am a Lord, for so my deeds shall prooue,
wln 0247And yet a shepheard by my Parentage:
wln 0248But Lady, this faire face and heauenly hew,
wln 0249Must grace his bed that conquers Asia:
wln 0250And meanes to be a terrour to the world,
wln 0251Measuring the limits of his Emperie
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the Scythian Shepheard.
wln 0252By East and west, as Phæbus doth his course:
wln 0253Lie here ye weedes that I disdaine to weare,
wln 0254This compleat armor, and this curtle=axe
wln 0255Are adiuncts more beseeming Tamburlaine.
wln 0256And Maddam, whatsoeuer you esteeme
wln 0257Of this successe, and losse vnvallued,
wln 0258Both may inuest you Empresse of the East:
wln 0259And these that seeme but silly country Swaines,
wln 0260May haue the leading of so great an host,
wln 0261As with their waight shall make the mountains quake.
wln 0262Euen as when windy exhalations,
wln 0263Fighting for passage, tilt within the earth.
wln 0264Tec.As princely Lions when they rouse themselues,
wln 0265Stretthing their pawes, and threatning heardes of
wln 0266 (Beastes.
wln 0267So in his Armour looketh Tamburlaine:
wln 0268Me thinks I see kings kneeling at his feet,
wln 0269And he with frowning browes and fiery lookes,
wln 0270Spurning their crownes from off their captiue heads.
wln 0271Vsum.And making thee and me Techelles, kinges,
wln 0272That euen to death will follow Tamburlaine.
wln 0273Tam.Nobly resolu’d, sweet friends and followers,
wln 0274These Lords (perhaps) do scorne our estimates:
wln 0275And thinke we prattle with distempered spirits,
wln 0276But since they measure our deserts so meane,
wln 0277That in conceit bear Empires on our speares,
wln 0278Affecting thoughts coequall with the cloudes,
wln 0279They shall be kept our forced followers,
wln 0280Till with their eies thee view vs Emperours.
wln 0281Zen.The Gods, defenders of the innocent,
wln 0282Will neuer prosper your intended driftes,
wln 0283That thus oppresse poore friendles passengers.
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wln 0284Therefore at least admit vs libertie,
wln 0285Euen as thou hop’st to be eternized,
wln 0286By liuing Asias mightie Emperour.
wln 0287Agid.I hope our Ladies treasure and our owne,
wln 0288May serue for ransome to our liberties:
wln 0289Returne our Mules and emptie Camels backe,
wln 0290That we may traueile into Siria,
wln 0291Where her betrothed Lord Alcidamus,
wln 0292Expects th’arriuall of her highnesse person.
wln 0293Mag.And wheresoeuer we repose our selues,
wln 0294We will report but well of Tamburlaine.
wln 0295Tamb.Disdaines Zenocrate to liue with me?
wln 0296Or you my Lordes to be my followers?
wln 0297Thinke you I way this treasure more than you?
wln 0298Not all the Gold in Indias welthy armes,
wln 0299Shall buy the meanest souldier in my traine.
wln 0300Zenocrate, louelier than the Loue of Ioue,
wln 0301Brighter than is the siluer Rhodolfe,
wln 0302Fairer than whitest snow on Scythian hils,
wln 0303Thy person is more woorth to Tamburlaine,
wln 0304Than the possession of the Persean Crowne.
wln 0305Which gratious starres haue promist at my birth,
wln 0306A hundreth Tartars shall attend on thee,
wln 0307Mounted on Steeds, swifter than Pegasus.
wln 0308Thy Garments shall be made of Medean silke,
wln 0309Enchast with precious iuelles of mine owne:
wln 0310More rich and valurous than Zenocrates.
wln 0311With milke=white Hartes vpon an Iuorie sled,
wln 0312Thou shalt be drawen amidst the frosen Pooles,
wln 0313And scale the ysie mountaines lofty tops:
wln 0314Which with thy beautie will be soone resolu’d.
wln 0315My martiall prises with fiue hundred men,
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the Scythian Shepheard.
wln 0316Wun on the fiftie headed Vuolgas waues.
wln 0317Shall all we offer to Zenocrate,
wln 0318And then my selfe to faire Zenocrate.
wln 0319Tech.What now? In loue?
wln 0320Tam.Techelles, women must be flatered.
wln 0321But this is she with whom I am in loue.
wln 0322Enter a Souldier.
wln 0323Sould.Newes, newes.
wln 0324Tamb.How now, what’s the matter?
wln 0325Sould.A thousand Persean horsmen are at hand,
wln 0326Sent from the King to ouercome vs all.
wln 0327Tam.How now my Lords of Egypt & Zenocrate?
wln 0328Now must your iewels be restor’d againe:
wln 0329And I that triumpht so be ouercome.
wln 0330How say you Lordings, Is not this your hope?
wln 0331Agid.We hope your selfe wil willingly restore thē.
wln 0332Tamb.Such hope, such fortune haue the thousand (horse.
wln 0333Soft ye my Lords and sweet Zenocrate.
wln 0334You must be forced from me ere you goe:
wln 0335A thousand horsmen? We fiue hundred foote?
wln 0336An ods too great, for vs to stand against:
wln 0337But are they rich? And is their armour good?
wln 0338Sould.Their plumed helmes are wrought with
wln 0339 (beaten golde.
wln 0340Their swords enameld, and about their neckes
wln 0341Hangs massie chaines of golde downe to the waste,
wln 0342In euery part exceeding braue and rich.
wln 0343Tam.Then shall we fight couragiously with them.
wln 0344Or looke you, I should play the Orator?
wln 0345Tech.No: cowards and fainthearted runawaies,
wln 0346Looke for orations when the foe is neere.
wln 0347Our swordes shall play the Orators for vs.
Vsum. Come
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wln 0348Vsum.Come let vs meet them at the mountain foot,
wln 0349And with a sodaine and an hot alarme
wln 0350Driue all their horses headlong down the hill.
wln 0351Tech.Come let vs martch.
wln 0352Tam.Stay Techelles, aske a parlee first,
wln 0353The Souldiers enter.
wln 0354Open the Males, yet guard the treasure sure,
wln 0355Lay out our golden wedges to the view,
wln 0356That their reflexions may amaze the Perseans.
wln 0357And looke we friendly on them when they come:
wln 0358But if they offer word or violence,
wln 0359Weele fight fiue hundred men at armes to one,
wln 0360Before we part with our possession.
wln 0361And gainst the Generall we will lift our swords.
wln 0362And either lanch his greedy thirsting throat,
wln 0363Or take him prisoner, and his chaine shall serue
wln 0364For Manackles, till he be ransom’d home.
wln 0365Tech,I heare them come, shal we encounter them?
wln 0366Tam.Keep all your standings, and not stir a foote,
wln 0367My selfe will bide the danger of the brunt.
wln 0368Enter Theridamas with others.
wln 0369Ther.Where is this Scythian Tamberlaine?
wln 0370Tam.Whō seekst thou Persean? I am Taburlain.
wln 0371Ther.Tamburlaine? A Scythian Shepheard,
wln 0372 (so imbellished
wln 0373With Natures pride, and richest furniture,
wln 0374His looks do menace heauen and dare the Gods,
wln 0375His fierie eies are fixt vpon the earth.
wln 0376As if he now deuis’d some Stratageme:
wln 0377Or meant to pierce Auernas darksome vaults.
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the Scythian Shepheard.
wln 0378To pull the triple headed dog from hell.
wln 0379tamb.Noble and milde this Persean seemes to be,
wln 0380If outward habit iudge the inward man,
wln 0381tech.His deep affections make him passionate.
wln 0382tamb.With what a maiesty he rears his looks:
wln 0383In thee (thou valiant man of Persea)
wln 0384I see the folly of thy Emperour:
wln 0385Art thou but Captaine of a thousand horse,
wln 0386That by Characters grauen in thy browes,
wln 0387And by thy martiall face and stout aspect,
wln 0388Deseru’st to haue the leading of an hoste?
wln 0389Forsake thy king and do but ioine with me
wln 0390And we will triumph ouer all the world.
wln 0391I hold the Fates bound fast in yron chaines,
wln 0392And with my hand turne Fortunes wheel about,
wln 0393And sooner shall the Sun fall from his Spheare,
wln 0394Than Tamburlaine be slaine or ouercome.
wln 0395Draw foorth thy sword, thou mighty man at Armes,
wln 0396Intending but to rase my charmed skin:
wln 0397And Ioue himselfe will stretch his hand from heauen.
wln 0398To ward the blow, and shield me safe from harme,
wln 0399See how he raines down heaps of gold in showers.
wln 0400As if he meant to giue my Souldiers pay,
wln 0401And as a sure and grounded argument,
wln 0402That I shall be the Monark of the East.
wln 0403He sends this Souldans daughter rich and braue,
wln 0404To be my Queen and portly Emperesse,
wln 0405If thou wilt stay with me, renowmed man,
wln 0406And lead thy thousand horse with my conduct,
wln 0407Besides thy share of this Egyptian prise,
wln 0408Those thousand horse shall sweat with martiall spoile
wln 0409Of conquered kingdomes, and of Cities sackt,
img: 10-a
sig: B1v
wln 0410Both we wil walke vpon the lofty clifts,
wln 0411And Christian Merchants that with Russian stems
wln 0412Plow vp huge furrowes in the Caspian sea.
wln 0413Shall vaile to vs, as Lords of all the Lake.
wln 0414Both we will raigne as Consuls of the earth,
wln 0415And mightie kings shall be our Senators,
wln 0416Ioue sometime masked in a Shepheards weed,
wln 0417And by those steps that he hath scal’d the heauens,
wln 0418May we become immortall like the Gods.
wln 0419Ioine with me now in this my meane estate,
wln 0420(I cal it meane, because being yet obscure,
wln 0421The Nations far remoou’d admyre me not)
wln 0422And when my name and honor shall be spread,
wln 0423As far as Boreas claps his brazen wings,
wln 0424Or faire Botëes sends his cheerefull light.
wln 0425Then shalt thou be Competitor with me,
wln 0426And sit with Tamburlaine in all his maiestie.
wln 0427Ther.Not Hermes Prolocutor to the Gods,
wln 0428Could vse perswasions more patheticall.
wln 0429Tam.Nor are Apollos Oracles more true,
wln 0430Then thou shalt find my vaunts substantiall.
wln 0431Tec.We are his friends, and if the Persean king
wln 0432Should offer present Dukedomes to our state,
wln 0433We thinke it losse to make exchange for that,
wln 0434We are assured of by our friends successe.
wln 0435Vsum.And kingdomes at the least we all expect.
wln 0436Befides the honor in assured conquestes:
wln 0437Where kings shall crouch vnto our conquering swords,
wln 0438And hostes of souldiers stand amaz’d at vs,
wln 0439When with their fearfull tongues they shall confesse
wln 0440Theise are the men that all the world admires,
wln 0441Ther.What stronge enchantments tice my yeelding (soule
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the Scythian Shepheard.
wln 0442Are these resolued noble Scythians?
wln 0443But shall I prooue a Traitor to my King?
wln 0444Tam.No, but the trustie friend of Tamburlaine.
wln 0445Ther.Won with thy words, & conquered with thy (looks,
wln 0446I yeeld my selfe, my men & horse to thee:
wln 0447To be partaker of thy good or ill,
wln 0448As long as life maintaines Theridamas.
wln 0449Tam.Theridamas my friend, take here my hand.
wln 0450Which is as much as if I swore by heauen,
wln 0451And call’d the Gods to witnesse of my vow,
wln 0452Thus shall my heart be still combinde with thine,
wln 0453Untill our bodies turne to Elements:
wln 0454And both our soules aspire celestiall thrones.
wln 0455Techelles, and Casane, welcome him.
wln 0456Tech.Welcome renowmed Persean to vs all.
wln 0457Cas.Long may theridamas remaine with vs.
wln 0458Tam.These are my friends in whō I more reioice,
wln 0459Than dooth the King of Persea in his Crowne:
wln 0460And by the loue of Pyllades and Orestes,
wln 0461Whose statutes we adore in Scythia,
wln 0462Thy selfe and them shall neuer part from me,
wln 0463Before I crowne you kings in Asia.
wln 0464Make much of them gentle Theridamas,
wln 0465And they will neuer leaue thee till the death.
wln 0466ther.Nor thee, nor them, thrice noble Tamburlain
wln 0467Shal want my heart to be with gladnes pierc’d
wln 0468To do you honor and securitie.
wln 0469Tam.A thousand thankes worthy theridamas:
wln 0470And now faire Madam, and my noble Lords,
wln 0471If you will willingly remaine with me,
wln 0472You shall haue honors, as your merits be:
wln 0473Or els you shall be forc’d wtth slauerie.
Agid. We
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The Conquests of Tamburlaine.
wln 0474Agid.We yeeld vnto thee happie Tamburlaine
wln 0475tamb.For you then Maddam, I am out of doubt
wln 0476Zeno.I must be pleasde perforce, wretched
wln 0477 (Zenocrate.Exeunt
wln 0478Actus. 2. Scœna. 1.
wln 0479Cosroe, Menaphon, Ortygius, Ceneus, with
wln 0480other Souldiers.
wln 0481Cosroe.
wln 0482THus farre are we towards Theridamas,
wln 0483And valiant Tamburlaine, the man of fame,
wln 0484The man that in the forhead of his fortune,
wln 0485Beares figures of renowne and myracle:
wln 0486But tell me, that hast seene him, Menaphon,
wln 0487What stature wields he, and what personage?
wln 0488Mena.Of stature tall, and straightly fashioned,
wln 0489Like his desire, lift vpwards and diuine,
wln 0490Sa large of lims, his ioints so strongly knit,
wln 0491Such breadth of shoulders as might mainely beare
wln 0492Olde Atlas burthen, twixt his manly pitch,
wln 0493A pearle more worth, then all the world is plaste:
wln 0494Wherein by curious soueraintie of Art,
wln 0495Are fixt his piercing instruments of sight:
wln 0496Whose fiery cyrcles beare encompassed
wln 0497A heauen of heauenly bodies in their Spheares:
wln 0498That guides his steps and actions to the throne.
wln 0499Where honor sits inuested royally:
wln 0500Pale of complexion: wrought in him with passion,
wln 0501Thrirsting with souerainty with loue of armes,
wln 0502His lofty browes in foldes, do figure death,
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the Scythian [
wln 0503And in their smoothnesse, amitie and life:
wln 0504About them hangs a knot of Amber heire.
wln 0505Wrapped in curles, as fierce Achilles was,
wln 0506On which the breath of heauen delights to play,
wln 0507Making it daunce with wanton maiestie:
wln 0508His armes and fingers long and snowy,
wln 0509Betokening valour and excesse of strength:
wln 0510In euery part proportioned like the man,
wln 0511Should make the world subdued to Tamburlaine.
wln 0512CosWel hast thou pourtraid in thy tearms of life,
wln 0513The face and personage of a woondrous man:
wln 0514Nature doth striue with Fortune and his stars,
wln 0515To make him famous in accomplisht woorth:
wln 0516And well his merits show him to be made:
wln 0517His Fortunes maister, and the king of men.
wln 0518That could perswade at such a sodaine pinch,
wln 0519With reasons of his valour and his life,
wln 0520A thousand sworne and ouermatching foes:
wln 0521Then when our powers in points of swords are ioin’d
wln 0522And closde in compasse of the killing bullet,
wln 0523Though straight the passage and the port be made,
wln 0524That leads to Pallace of my brothers life,
wln 0525Proud is his fortune if we pierce it not.
wln 0526And when the princely Persean Diadem,
wln 0527Shall ouerway his wearie witlesse head,
wln 0528And fall like mellowed fruit, with shakes of death,
wln 0529In faire Persea noble tamburlaine
wln 0530Shall be my Regent, and remaine as King:
wln 0531Ort.In happy hower we haue set the Crowne
wln 0532Upon your kingly head, that seeks our honor,
wln 0533In ioyning with the man, ordain’d by heauen
wln 0534To further euery action to the best.
Ce. He
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The Conquests of Tamburlaine.
wln 0535Cen.He that with Shepheards and a litle spoile,
wln 0536Durst in disdaine of wrong and tyrannie,
wln 0537Defend his freedome gainst a Monarchie.
wln 0538What will he doe supported by a king?
wln 0539Leading a troope of Gentlemen and Lords,
wln 0540And stuft with trasure for his highest thoughts,
wln 0541Cos.And such shall wait on worthy Tamburlaine.
wln 0542Our army will be forty thousand strong,
wln 0543When Tamburlain and braue Theridamas
wln 0544Haue met vs by the riuer Araris:
wln 0545And all conioin’d to meet the witlesse King.
wln 0546That now is marching neer to Parthia.
wln 0547And with vnwilling souldiers faintly arm’d,
wln 0548To seeke reuenge on me and Tamburlaine.
wln 0549To whom sweet Menaphon, direct me straight.
wln 0550Mena.I will my Lord.Exeunt.
wln 0551Act. 2. Scæna. 2,
wln 0552Mycetes, Meander, with other Lords
wln 0553and Souldiers.
wln 0554Mycetes.
wln 0555COme my Meander, let vs to this geere,
wln 0556I tel you true my heart is swolne with wrath,
wln 0557On this same theeuish villaine tamburlaine.
wln 0558And of that false Cosroe, my traiterous brother
wln 0559Would it not grieue a King to be so abusde.
wln 0560And haue a thousand horsmen tane away?
wln 0561And which is worst to haue his Diadem
wln 0562Sought for by such scalde knaues as loue him not?
wln 0563I thinke it would: wel then, by heauens I sweare,
wln 0564Aurora shall not peepe out of her doores,
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the Scythian Shepheard.
wln 0565But I will haue Cosroe by the head,
wln 0566And kill proud Tamburlaine with point of sword.
wln 0567Tell you the rest (Meander) I haue said.
wln 0568Mean.Then hauing past Armenian desarts now,
wln 0569And pitch our tents vnder the Georgean hilles.
wln 0570Whose tops are couered with Tartarian thieues,
wln 0571That lie in ambush, waiting for a pray:
wln 0572What should we doe but bid them battaile straight,
wln 0573And rid the world of those detested troopes?
wln 0574Least if we let them lynger here a while,
wln 0575They gather strength by power of fresh supplies.
wln 0576This countrie swarmes with vile outragious men,
wln 0577That liue by rapine and by lawlesse spoile,
wln 0578Fit Souldiers for the wicked Tamburlaine.
wln 0579And he that could with giftes and promises.
wln 0580Inueigle him that lead a thousand horse,
wln 0581And make him false his faith vnto his King,
wln 0582Will quickly win such as are like himselfe.
wln 0583Therefore cheere vp your mindes, prepare to fight,
wln 0584He that can take or slaughter tamburlaine,
wln 0585Shall rule the Prouince of Albania.
wln 0586Who brings that Traitors head theridamas,
wln 0587Shal haue a gouernment in Medea:
wln 0588Beside the spoile of him and all his traine:
wln 0589But if Cosroe (as our Spials say,
wln 0590And as we know) remaines with tamburlaine,
wln 0591His Highnesse pleasure is that he should liue,
wln 0592And be reclaim’d with princely lenitie.
wln 0593A Spy.An hundred horsmen of my company
wln 0594Scowting abroad vpon these champion plaines,
wln 0595Haue view’d the army of the Scythians,
wln 0596Which make reports it far exceeds the Kings.
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wln 0597Mean.Suppose they be in number infinit,
wln 0598Yet being void of Martiall discipline,
wln 0599All running headlong after greedy spoiles:
wln 0600And more regarding gaine than victory:
wln 0601Like to the cruell brothers of the earth,
wln 0602Sprong of the teeth of Dragons venomous,
wln 0603Their carelesse swords shal lanch their fellowes throats
wln 0604And make vs triumph in their ouerthrow.
wln 0605Myc.Was there such brethren, sweet Meander, say
wln 0606That sprong of teeth of Dragons venomous.
wln 0607Meand.So Poets say, my Lord.
wln 0608Myce.And tis a prety toy to be a Poet.
wln 0609Wel, wel (Meander) thou art deeply read:
wln 0610And hauing thee, I haue a iewell sure:
wln 0611Go on my Lord, and giue your charge I say,
wln 0612Thy wit will make vs Conquerors to day.
wln 0613Mean.Then noble souldiors, to intrap these theeues,
wln 0614That liue confounded in disordered troopes,
wln 0615If wealth or riches may preuaile with them,
wln 0616We haue our Cammels laden all with gold:
wln 0617Which you that be but common souldiers,
wln 0618Shall fling in euery corner of the field:
wln 0619And while the base borne Tartars take it vp,
wln 0620You fighting more for honor than for gold,
wln 0621Shall massacre those greedy minded slaues.
wln 0622And when their scattered armie is subdu’d:
wln 0623And you march on their slaughtered carkasses,
wln 0624Share equallly the gold that bought their liues,
wln 0625And liue like Gentlemen in Persea,
wln 0626Strike vp the Drum and martch corragiously,
wln 0627Fortune her selfe dooth sit vpon our Crests.
wln 0628Myc.He tels you true, my maisters, so he does.
wln 0629Drums, why sound ye not whe Meand. speaks.Exeunt
img: 13-b
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the [
wln 0630Actus. 2. Scæna. 3.
wln 0631Cosroe, Tamburlaine, Theridamas, Techelles, Vsu-
wln 0632measane, Ortygius. with others.
wln 0633Cosroe.
wln 0634NOw worthy Tamburlaine, haue I reposde,
wln 0635In thy approoued Fortunes all my hope,
wln 0636What thinkst thou man, shal come of our at=
wln 0637 (temptes.
wln 0638For euen as from assured oracle,
wln 0639I take thy doome for satisfaction.
wln 0640Tamb.And so mistake you not a whit my Lord.
wln 0641For Fates and Oracles, heauen haue sworne,
wln 0642To roialise the deedes of tamburlaine:
wln 0643And make them blest that share in his attemptes.
wln 0644And doubt you not, but if you fauour me,
wln 0645And let my Fortunes and my valour sway,
wln 0646To some direction in your martiall deeds,
wln 0647The world will striue with hostes of men at armes.
wln 0648To swarme vnto the Ensigne I support,
wln 0649The host of Xerxes, which by fame is said
wln 0650To drinke the mightie Parthian Araris,
wln 0651Was but a handful to that we will haue.
wln 0652Our quiuering Lances shaking in the aire,
wln 0653And bullets like Ioues dreadfull Thunderbolts,
wln 0654Enrolde in flames and fiery smoldering mistes,
wln 0655Shall threat the Gods more than Cyclopian warres,
wln 0656And with our Sun=bright armour as we march,
wln 0657Weel chase the Stars from heauen, and dim their eies
wln 0658That stand and muse at our admyred armes.
wln 0659therid.You see my Lord, what woorking woordes
wln 0660 (he hath.
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wln 0661But when you see his actions stop his speech,
wln 0662Your speech will stay, or so extol his worth,
wln 0663As I shall be commended and excusde
wln 0664For turning my poore charge to his direction.
wln 0665And these his two renowmed friends my Lord,
wln 0666Would make one thrust and striue to be retain’d
wln 0667In such a great degree of amitie.
wln 0668tech.With dutie not with amitie we yeeld
wln 0669Our vtmost seruice to the faire Cosroe.
wln 0670Cos.Which I esteeme as portion of my crown.
wln 0671Vsumeasane and techelles both,
wln 0672When she that rules in Rhamnis golden gates,
wln 0673And makes a passage for all prosperous Armes:
wln 0674Shall make me solely Emperour of Asia,
wln 0675Then shall your meeds and vallours be aduaunst
wln 0676To roomes of honour and Nobilitie.
wln 0677Tam.Then haste Cosroe to be king alone.
wln 0678That I with these my friends and all my men,
wln 0679May triumph in our long expected Fate,
wln 0680The King your Brother is now hard at hand,
wln 0681Meete with the foole, and rid your royall shoulders
wln 0682Of such a burthen, as outwaies the sands
wln 0683And all the craggie rockes of Caspea.
wln 0684Mess.My Lord, we haue discouered the enemie
wln 0685Ready to chardge you with a mighty armie.
wln 0686Cos.Come tamburlain, now whet thy winged sword
wln 0687And lift thy lofty arme into the cloudes,
wln 0688That it may reach the King of Perseas crowne,
wln 0689And set it safe on my victorious head.
wln 0690tam.See where it is, the keenest Cutle=axe.
wln 0691That ere made passage thorow Persean Armes,
wln 0692These are the wings shall make it flie as swift,
img: 14-b
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the Scythian Shepheard.
wln 0693As dooth the lightening: or the breath of heauen,
wln 0694And kill as sure as it swiftly flies.
wln 0695Cos.Thy words assure me of kind successe:
wln 0696Go valiant Souldier, go before and charge
wln 0697The fainting army of that foolish King.
wln 0698tamb.Vsumeasane and techelles come,
wln 0699We are enough to scarre the enemy,
wln 0700And more than needes to make an Emperour.
wln 0701To the Battaile, and Mycetes comes out alone with
wln 0702his Crowne in his hand offering to hide it.
wln 0703Myc.Accurst be he that first inuented war,
wln 0704They knew not, ah, they knew not simple men,
wln 0705How those were hit by pelting Cannon shot,
wln 0706Stand staggering like a quiuering Aspen leafe,
wln 0707Fearing the force of Boreas boistrous blasts.
wln 0708In what a lamentable case were I,
wln 0709If Nature had not giuen me wisedomes lore?
wln 0710For Kings are clouts that euery man shoots at,
wln 0711Our Crowne the pin that thousands seeke to cleaue,
wln 0712Therefore in pollicie I thinke it good
wln 0713To hide it close: a goodly Stratagem,
wln 0714And far from any man that is a foole.
wln 0715So shall not I be knowen, or if I bee,
wln 0716They cannot take away my crowne from me.
wln 0717Here will I hide it in this simple hole.
wln 0718Enter Tamburlain.
wln 0719tam.What fearful coward stragling from the camp
wln 0720When Kings themselues are present in the field.
wln 0721Myc.Thou liest.
wln 0722tam.Base villaine, darst thou giue the lie?
wln 0723Myc.Away, I am the King: go, touch me not.
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wln 0724Thou breakst the law of Armes vnlesse thou kneele.
wln 0725And cry me mercie, noble King.
wln 0726TamAre you the witty King of Persea?
wln 0727Myce.I marie am I: haue you any suite to me?
wln 0728Tam.I would intreat you to speak but three wise
wln 0729 wordes.
wln 0730Myce.So I can when I see my time.
wln 0731Tam.Is this your Crowne?
wln 0732Myce.I, Didst thou euer see a fairer?
wln 0733Tamb.You will not sell it, wil ye?
wln 0734Myce.Such another word, and I will haue thee
wln 0735 executed.
wln 0736Come giue it me.
wln 0737Tamb.No, I tooke it prisoner.
wln 0738Myce.You lie, I gaue it you.
wln 0739tam.Then tis mine.
wln 0740Myce.No, I meane, I let you keep it.
wln 0741tamb.Wel, I meane you shall haue it againe.
wln 0742Here take it for a while, I lend it thee,
wln 0743Till I may see thee hem’d with armed men.
wln 0744Then shalt thou see me pull it from thy head:
wln 0745Thou art no match for mightie Tamburlaine.
wln 0746Myce.O Gods, is this tamburlaine the thiefe,
wln 0747I marueile much he stole it not away.
wln 0748Sound trumpets to the battell, and he runs in.
wln 0749Cosroe, Tamburlaine, Theridamas, Menaphon,
wln 0750Meander, Ortygius, Techelles. Vsumeasane,
wln 0751with others.
wln 0752Tamb.Holde thee Cosroe, weare two imperiall
wln 0753 (Crownes.
img: 15-b
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the Scythian Shepheard.
wln 0754Thinks thee Inuested now as royally,
wln 0755Euen by the mighty hand of tamburlaine,
wln 0756As if as many kinges as could encompasse thee,
wln 0757With greatest pompe had crown’d thee Emperour.
wln 0758Cosr.So do I thrice renowmed man at armes,
wln 0759And none shall keepe the crowne but tamburlaine:
wln 0760Thee doo I make my Regent of Persea,
wln 0761And Generall Lieftenant of my Armies.
wln 0762Meander, you that were our brothers Guide,
wln 0763And chiefest Counsailor in all his acts,
wln 0764Since he is yeelded to the stroke of War,
wln 0765On your submission we with thanks excuse,
wln 0766And giue you equall place in our affaires.
wln 0767Mean.Most happy Emperour in humblest tearms
wln 0768I vow my seruice to your Maiestie.
wln 0769With vtmost vertue of my faith and dutie.
wln 0770Cosr.Thanks good Meander, then Cosroe raign
wln 0771And gouerne Persea in her former pomp:
wln 0772Now send Ambassage to thy neighbor Kings,
wln 0773And let them know the Persean King is chang’d:
wln 0774From one that knew not what a King should do,
wln 0775To one that can commaund what longs thereto:
wln 0776And now we will to faire Persepolis,
wln 0777With twenty thousand expert souldiers.
wln 0778The Lords and Captaines of my brothers campe,
wln 0779With litle slaughter take Meanders course,
wln 0780And gladly yeeld them to my gracious rule:
wln 0781Ortigius and menaphon, my trustie friendes,
wln 0782Now will I gratify your former good,
wln 0783And grace your calling with a greater sway.
wln 0784Ort.And as we euer and at your behoofe,
wln 0785And sought your state, all honor it deseru’d,
img: 16-a
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wln 0786So will we with our powers and our liues,
wln 0787Indeuor to preserue and prosper it.
wln 0788Cos.I will not thank thee (sweet Ortigius)
wln 0789Better replies shall prooue my purposes.
wln 0790And now, Lord tamburlaine, my brothers Campe
wln 0791I leaue to thee, and to theridamas,
wln 0792To follow me to faire Persepolis.
wln 0793Then will we march to all those Indian Mines,
wln 0794My witlesse brother to the Christians lost:
wln 0795And ransome them with fame and vsurie.
wln 0796And till thou ouertake me tamburlaine,
wln 0797(Staying to order all the scattered troopes)
wln 0798Farewell Lord Regent, and his happie friends,
wln 0799I long to sit vpon my brothers throne,
wln 0800Mena.Your Maiestie shall shortly haue your wish.
wln 0801And ride in triumph through Persepolis.Exeunt.
wln 0802Manent Tamb. Tech. Ther. Vsum.
wln 0803tamb.And ride in triumph through Persepolis?
wln 0804Is it not braue to be a King, techelles?
wln 0805Vsumeasane and theridamas,
wln 0806Is it not passing braue to be a King,
wln 0807And ride in triumph through Persepolis?
wln 0808tech.O my Lord, tis sweet and full of pompe.
wln 0809Vsum.To be a King, is halfe to be a God.
wln 0810ther.A God is not so glorious as a King:
wln 0811I thinke the pleasure they enioy in heauen
wln 0812Can not compare with kingly ioyes in earth,
wln 0813To weare a Crowne enchac’d with pearle and golde,
wln 0814Whose vertues carie with it life and death,
wln 0815To aske, and haue: command, and be obeied.
wln 0816When looks breed loue, with lookes to gaine the prize.
wln 0817Such power attractiue shines in princes eies.
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the Scythian Shepheard.
wln 0818tam.Why say theridamas, wilt thou be a king?
wln 0819the.Nay, though I praise it, I can liue without it.
wln 0820tam.What saies my other friends, wil you be kings?
wln 0821tec.I, if I could with all my heart my Lord.
wln 0822tam.Why, that’s wel said techelles, so would I,
wln 0823And so would you my maisters, would you not?
wln 0824Vsum.What then my Lord?
wln 0825tam.Why then Casanes shall we wish for ought
wln 0826The world affoords in greatest noueltie,
wln 0827And rest attemplesse faint and destitute?
wln 0828Me thinks we should not, I am strongly moou’d,
wln 0829That if I should desire the Persean Crowne,
wln 0830I could attaine it with a woondrous ease,
wln 0831And would not all our souldiers soone consent,
wln 0832If we should aime at such a dignitie?
wln 0833ther.I know they would with our perswasions.
wln 0834tam.Why then theridamas, Ile first assay,
wln 0835To get the Persean Kingdome to my selfe:
wln 0836Then thou for Parthia, they for Scythia and Medea.
wln 0837And if I prosper, all shall be as sure,
wln 0838As if the Turke, the Pope, Affrike and Greece,
wln 0839Came creeping to vs with their crownes apace.
wln 0840tech.Then shall we send to this triumphing King,
wln 0841And bid him battell for his nouell Crowne?
wln 0842Vsum.Nay quickly then, before his roome be hot.
wln 0843tam.Twil prooue a pretie iest (in faith) my friends.
wln 0844the.A iest to chardge on twenty thousand men?
wln 0845I iudge the purchase more important far.
wln 0846tam.Iudge by thy selfe theridamas, not me,
wln 0847For presently techelles here shal haste,
wln 0848To bid him battaile ere he passe too farre,
wln 0849And lose more labor than the gaine will quight.
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The Conquests of Tamburlaine,
wln 0850Then shalt thou see the Scythian tamburlaine,
wln 0851Make but a iest to win the Persean crowne.
wln 0852techelles, take a thousand horse with thee,
wln 0853And bid him turne his back to war with vs,
wln 0854That onely made him King to make vs sport.
wln 0855We will not steale vpon him cowardly,
wln 0856But giue him warning and more warriours.
wln 0857Haste the techelles, we will follow thee.
wln 0858What saith theridamas?
wln 0859ther.Goe on for me.Exeunt.
wln 0860Actus. 2. Scæna. 6.
wln 0861Cosroe, Meander, Ortygius, Menaphon, with
wln 0862other Souldiers.
wln 0863Cos.
wln 0864VVhat means this diuelish shepheard to aspire
wln 0865With such a Giantly presumption.
wln 0866To cast vp hils against the face of heauen:
wln 0867And dare the force of angrie Iupiter.
wln 0868But as he thrust them vnderneath the hils,
wln 0869And prest out fire from their burning iawes:
wln 0870So will I send this monstrous slaue to hell,
wln 0871Where flames shall euer feed vpon his soule.
wln 0872mean.Some powers diuine, or els infernall, mixt
wln 0873Their angry seeds at his conception:
wln 0874For he was neuer sprong of humaine race,
wln 0875Since with the spirit of his fearefull pride,
wln 0876He dares so doubtlesly resolue of rule.
wln 0877And by profession be ambitous.
wln 0878Ort.What God or Feend, or spirit of the earth,
wln 0879Or Monster turned to a manly shape,
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the Scythian Shepheard.
wln 0880Or of what mould or mettel he be made,
wln 0881What star or state soeuer gouerne him,
wln 0882Let vs put on our meet incountring mindes,
wln 0883And in detesting such a diuelish Thiefe,
wln 0884In loue of honor & defence of right,
wln 0885Be arm’d against the hate of such a foe,
wln 0886Whether from earth, or hell, or heauen he grow.
wln 0887Cos.Nobly resolu’d, my good Ortygius.
wln 0888And since we all haue suckt one wholsome aire,
wln 0889And with the same proportion of Elements,
wln 0890Resolue, I hope we are resembled,
wln 0891Uowing our loues to equall death and life,
wln 0892Let’s cheere our souldiers to incounter him,
wln 0893That grieuous image of ingratitude:
wln 0894That fiery thirster after Soueraingtie:
wln 0895And burne him in the fury of that flame,
wln 0896That none can quence but blood and Emperie.
wln 0897Resolue my Lords and louing souldiers now,
wln 0898To saue your King and country from decay:
wln 0899Then strike vp Drum, and all the Starres that make
wln 0900The loathsome Circle of my dated life,
wln 0901Direct my weapon to his barbarous heart,
wln 0902That thus opposeth him against the Gods,
wln 0903And scornes the Powers that gouerne Persea.
wln 0904Enter to the Battell, & after the battell, enter Cosroe
wln 0905wounded, Theridamas, tamburlaine, Techelles,
wln 0906Vsumeasane, with others.
wln 0907Cos.Barbarous and bloody Tamburlaine,
wln 0908Thus to depriue me of my crowne and life.
wln 0909Treacherous and false theridamas,
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The Conquests of Tamburlaine,
wln 0910Euen at the morning of my happy state,
wln 0911Scarce being seated in my royall throne,
wln 0912To worke my downfall and vntimely end.
wln 0913An vncouth paine torments my grieued soule,
wln 0914And death arrests the organe of my voice.
wln 0915Who entring at the breach thy sword hath made,
wln 0916Sacks euery vaine and artier of my heart,
wln 0917Bloody and insatiate Tamburlain.
wln 0918tam.The thirst of raigne and sweetnes of a crown,
wln 0919That causde the eldest sonne of heauenly Ops,
wln 0920To thrust his doting father from his chaire,
wln 0921And place himselfe in the Emperiall heauen,
wln 0922Moou’d me to manage armes against they state,
wln 0923What better president than mightie Ioue?
wln 0924Nature that fram’d vs of foure Elements,
wln 0925Warring within our breasts for regiment,
wln 0926Doth teach vs all to haue aspyring minds:
wln 0927Our soules, whose faculties can comprehend
wln 0928The wondrous Architecture of the world:
wln 0929And measure euery wandring plannets course.
wln 0930Still climing after knowledge infinite,
wln 0931And alwaies moouing as the restles Spheares.
wln 0932Wils vs to weare our selues and neuer rest.
wln 0933Until we reach the ripest fruit of all.
wln 0934That perfect blisse and sole felicitie.
wln 0935The sweet fruition of an earthly crowne.
wln 0936Ther.And that made me to ioine with tamburlain
wln 0937For he is grosse and like the massie earth,
wln 0938That mooues not vpwards, nor by princely deeds
wln 0939Doth meane to soare aboue the highest sort.
wln 0940Tec.And that made vs the friends of Tamburlaine.
wln 0941To lift our swords against the Persean King.
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the Scythian Shepheard.
wln 0942Vsum.For as when Ioue did thrust old Saturn down,
wln 0943Neptune and Dis gain’d each of them a Crowne.
wln 0944So do we hope to raign in Asia,
wln 0945If tamburlain be plac’d in Persea.
wln 0946Cos.The strangest men that euer nature made,
wln 0947I know not how to take their tyrannies.
wln 0948My bloodlesse body waxeth chill and colde,
wln 0949And with my blood my life slides through my wound.
wln 0950My soule begins to take her flight to hell.
wln 0951And sommons all my sences to depart:
wln 0952The heat and moisture which did feed each other,
wln 0953For want of nourishment to feed them both.
wln 0954Is drie and cold, and now dooth gastly death
wln 0955With greedy tallents gripe my bleeding hart,
wln 0956And like a Harpyr tires on my life.
wln 0957Theridamas and Tamburlaine, I die,
wln 0958And fearefull vengeance light vpon you both.
wln 0959He takes the Crowne and puts it on.
wln 0960tam.Not all the curses which the furies breathe,
wln 0961Shall make me leaue so rich a prize as this:
wln 0962Theridamas, techelles, and the rest,
wln 0963Who thinke you now is king of Persea?
wln 0964All.Tamburlaine, tamburlaine.
wln 0965Tamb.Though Mars himselfe the angrie God of (armes,
wln 0966And all the earthly Potentates conspire,
wln 0967To dispossesse me of this Diadem:
wln 0968Yet will I weare it in despight of them,
wln 0969As great commander of this Easterne world,
wln 0970If you but say that tamburlaine shall raigne.
wln 0971Al.Long liue tamburlaine, and raigne in Asia.
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The Conquests of Tamburlaine.
wln 0972tamb.So, now it is more surer on my head,
wln 0973Than if the Gods had held a Parliament:
wln 0974And all pronounst me king of Persea.
wln 0975Finis Actus 2.
wln 0976Actus. 3. Scæna. 1.
wln 0977Baiazeth, the kings of Fess. Moroco, and Argier.
wln 0978with others, in great pompe.
wln 0979Baiazeth.
wln 0980GReat Kings of Barbary, and my portly Bassoes,
wln 0981We heare, the Tartars & the Easterne theeues
wln 0982Under the conduct of one Tamburlaine,
wln 0983Presume a bickering with your Emperour:
wln 0984And thinks to rouse vs from our dreadful siege
wln 0985Of the famous Grecian Constantinople.
wln 0986You know our Armie is inuincible:
wln 0987As many circumcised Turkes we haue,
wln 0988And warlike bands of Christians renied,
wln 0989As hath the Ocean or the Terrene sea
wln 0990Small drops of water, when the Moon begins
wln 0991To ioine in one her semi=circled hornes:
wln 0992Yet would we not be brau’d with forrain power,
wln 0993Nor raise our siege before the Gretians yeeld.
wln 0994Or breathles lie before the citie walles.
wln 0995Fess.Renowmed Emperour, and mighty Generall
wln 0996What if you sent the Bassoes of your guard.
wln 0997To charge him to remaine in Asia.
wln 0998Or els to threaten death and deadly armes,
wln 0999As from the mouth of mighty Baiazeth.
wln 1000Bai.Hie thee my Bassoe fast to Persea,
wln 1001Tell him thy Lord the Turkish Emperour,
wln 1002Dread Lord of Affrike, Europe and Asia.
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the Scythian Shepheard.
wln 1003Great King and conquerour of Grecia,
wln 1004The Ocean, Terrene, and the cole=blacke sea,
wln 1005The high and higest Monarke of the world.
wln 1006Wils and Commands (for say not I intreat)
wln 1007Not once to set his foot in Affrica,
wln 1008Or spread his collours in Grecia.
wln 1009Least he incurre the furie of my wrath.
wln 1010Tell him, I am content to take a truce,
wln 1011Because I heare he beares a valiant mind.
wln 1012But if presuming on his silly power,
wln 1013He be so mad to manage Armes with me,
wln 1014Then stay thou with him, say I bid thee so.
wln 1015And if before the Sun haue measured heauen
wln 1016With triple circuit thou regreet vs not,
wln 1017We meane to take his mornings next arise.
wln 1018For messenger, he will not be reclaim’d,
wln 1019And meane to fetch thee in despight of him.
wln 1020Bass.Most great and puisant Monarke of the earth,
wln 1021Your Bassoe will accomplish your behest:
wln 1022And show your pleasure to the Persean.
wln 1023As fits the Legate of the stately Turk.Exit Bass.
wln 1024Arg.They say he is the King of Persea.
wln 1025But if he dare attempt to stir your siege,
wln 1026Twere requisite he should be ten times more,
wln 1027For all flesh quakes at your magnificence.
wln 1028Bai.True (Argier) and tremble at my lookes.
wln 1029Moro.The spring is hindred by your smoothering (host,
wln 1030For neither rain can fall vpon the earth,
wln 1031Nor Sun reflexe his vertuous beames thereon.
wln 1032The ground is mantled with such multitudes.
wln 1033Bai.All this is true as holy Mahomet,
wln 1034And all the trees are blasted with our breathes.
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The Conquests of Tamburlaine.
wln 1035Fess.What thinks your greatnes best to be atchieu’d
wln 1036In pursuit of the Cities ouerthrow?
wln 1037Bai.I wil the captiue Pioners of Argier,
wln 1038Cut of the water, that by leaden pipes
wln 1039Runs to the citie from the mountain Carnon,
wln 1040Two thousand horse shall forrage vp and downe,
wln 1041That no reliefe or succour come by Land.
wln 1042And all the sea my Gallies countermaund.
wln 1043Then shall our footmen lie within the trench,
wln 1044And with their Cannons mouth’d like Orcus gulfe
wln 1045Batter the walles, and we will enter in:
wln 1046And thus the Grecians shall be conquered.Exeunt
wln 1047Actus. 3. Scæna. 2.
wln 1048Agidas, Zenocrate, Anippe, with
wln 1049others.
wln 1050MAdam Zenocrate, may I presume
wln 1051To know the cause of these vnquiet fits:
wln 1052That worke such trouble to your woonted rest:
wln 1053Tis more then pitty such a heauenly face
wln 1054Should by hearts sorrow wax so wan and pale.
wln 1055When your offensiue rape by tamburlaine,
wln 1056(Which of your whole displeasures should be most)
wln 1057Hath seem’d to be digested long agoe.
wln 1058Zen.Although it be digested long agoe,
wln 1059As his exceding fauours haue deseru’d,
wln 1060And might content the Queene of heauen as well:
wln 1061As it hath chang’d my first conceiu’d disdaine.
wln 1062Yet since a farther passion feeds my thoughts,
wln 1063With ceaselesse and disconsolate conceits.
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the Scythian Shepheard.
wln 1064Which dies my lookes so liuelesse as they are.
wln 1065And might, if my extreams had full euents,
wln 1066Make me the gastly counterfeit of death.
wln 1067Agid.Eternall heauen sooner be dissolu’d.
wln 1068And all that pierceth Phœbes siluer eie,
wln 1069Before such hap fall to zenocrate.
wln 1070zen.Ah, life, and soule still houer in his Breast.
wln 1071And leaue my body sencelesse as the earth.
wln 1072Or els vnite you to his life and soule,
wln 1073That I may liue and die with tamburlaine.
wln 1074Enter Tamburlaine with Techelles and others.
wln 1075Agid.With tamburlaine? Ah faire zenocrate.
wln 1076Let not a man so vile and barbarous,
wln 1077That holds you from your father in despight,
wln 1078And keeps you from the honors of a Queene.
wln 1079Being supposde his worthlesse Concubine.
wln 1080Be honored with your loue, but for necessity.
wln 1081So now the mighty Souldan heares of you,
wln 1082Your Highnesse needs not doubt but in short time,
wln 1083He will with Tamburlaines destruction
wln 1084Redeeme you from this deadly seruitude.
wln 1085Zen.leaue to wound me with these words.
wln 1086And speake of tamburlaine as he deserues:
wln 1087The entertainment we haue had of him,
wln 1088Is far from villanie or seruitude.
wln 1089And might in noble minds be counted princely.
wln 1090Agid.How can you fancie one that lookes so fierce,
wln 1091Onelie disposed to martiall Stratagems?
wln 1092Who when he shall embrace you in his armes,
wln 1093Will tell how many thousand men he slew.
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The Conquests of Tamburlaine.
wln 1094And when you looke for amorous discourse,
wln 1095Will rattle foorth his facts of war and blood.
wln 1096Too harsh a subiect for your dainty eares.
wln 1097Zen.As looks the sun through Nilus flowing stream,
wln 1098Or when the morning holds him in her armes.
wln 1099So lookes my Lordly loue, faire tamburlaine:
wln 1100His talke much sweeter than the Muses song,
wln 1101They sung for honor gainst Pierides.
wln 1102Or when Minerua did with Neptune striue,
wln 1103And higher would I reare my estimate,
wln 1104Than Iuno sister to the highest God.
wln 1105If I were matcht with mightie tamburlaine.
wln 1106Agid.Yet be not so inconstant in your loue,
wln 1107But let the yong Arabian liue in hope,
wln 1108After your rescue to eioy his choise.
wln 1109You see though first the King of Persea
wln 1110(Being a Shepheard) seem’d to loue you much,
wln 1111Now in his maiesty he leaues those lookes,
wln 1112Those words of fauour, and those comfortings,
wln 1113And giues no more than common courtesies.
wln 1114Zen.Thence rise the tears that so distain my cheeks,
wln 1115Fearing his loue through my vnworthynesse.
wln 1116Tamburlaine goes to her, & takes her away louing-
wln 1117ly by the hand, looking wrathfully on Agidas,
wln 1118and sayes nothing.
wln 1119Agid.Betraide by fortune and suspitious loue.
wln 1120Threatned with frowning wrath and iealousie.
wln 1121Surpriz d with feare of hideous reuenge.
wln 1122I stand agast: but most astonied
wln 1123To see his choller shut in secrete thoughtes,
wln 1124And wrapt in silence of his angry soule.
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the Scythian Shepheard.
wln 1125Upon his browes was pourtraid vgly death,
wln 1126And in his eies the furie of his hart.
wln 1127That shine as Comets, menacing reuenge,
wln 1128And casts a pale complexion on his cheeks.
wln 1129As when the Sea=man sees the Hyades
wln 1130Gather an armye of Cemerian clouds,
wln 1131(Auster and Aquilon with winged Steads
wln 1132All sweating, tilt about the watery heauens,
wln 1133With shiuering speares enforcing thunderclaps.
wln 1134And from their shieldes strike flames of lightening)
wln 1135All fearefull foldes his sailes, and sounds the maine,
wln 1136Lifting his prayers to the heauens for aid,
wln 1137Against the terrour of the winds and waues.
wln 1138So fares Agydas for the late felt frownes
wln 1139That sent a tempest to my daunted thoughtes,
wln 1140And makes my soule deuine her ouerthrow.
wln 1141Enter Techelles with a naked dagger.
wln 1142tech.See you Agidas how the King salutes you.
wln 1143He bids you prophesie what it imports.Exit.
wln 1144Agid.I prophecied before and now I prooue,
wln 1145The killing frownes of iealousie and loue.
wln 1146He needed not with words confirme my feare,
wln 1147For words are vaine where working tooles present
wln 1148The naked action of my threatned end.
wln 1149It saies, Agydas, thou shalt surely die.
wln 1150And of extremities elect the least,
wln 1151More honor and lesse paine it may procure,
wln 1152To dy by this resolued hand of thine,
wln 1153Than stay the torments he and heauen haue sworne.
wln 1154Then haste Agydas, and preuent the plagues:
wln 1155Which thy prolonged Fates may draw on thee:
wln 1156Go wander free from feare of Tyrants rage.
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The Conquests of Tamburlaine.
wln 1157Remooued from the Torments and the hell:
wln 1158Wherewith he may excruciate thy soule.
wln 1159And let Agidas by Agidas die.
wln 1160And with this stab slumber eternally.
wln 1161tech.Vsumeasane, see how right the man
wln 1162Hath hit the meaning of my Lord the King.
wln 1163Vsum.Faith, and techelles, it was manly done:
wln 1164And since he was so wise and honorable,
wln 1165Let vs affoord him now the bearing hence.
wln 1166And craue his triple worthy buriall.
wln 1167tech.Agreed Casane, we wil honor him.
wln 1168Act. 3. Scæna. 3,
wln 1169Tamburlain, Techelles, Vsumeasane, Theridamas,
wln 1170Bassoe, Zenocrate, with others.
wln 1171Tamburlaine.
wln 1172BAssoe, by this thy Lord and maister knowes,
wln 1173I meane to meet him in Bithynia:
wln 1174see how he comes? Tush. Turkes are ful of brags
wln 1175And menace more than they can wel performe:
wln 1176He meet me in the field and fetch thee hence?
wln 1177Alas (poore Turke) his fortune is to weake,
wln 1178T’incounter with the strength of Tamburlaine.
wln 1179Uiew well my Camp, and speake indifferently,
wln 1180Doo not my captaines and my souldiers looke
wln 1181As if they meant to conquer Affrica.
wln 1182Bass.Your men are valiant but their number few,
wln 1183And cannot terrefie his mightie hoste,
wln 1184My Lord, the great Commander of the worlde,
wln 1185Besides fifteene contributorie kings,
wln 1186Hath now in armes ten thousand Ianisaries,
wln 1187Mounted on lusty Mauritanian Steeds.
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the Scythian Shepheard.
wln 1188Brought to the war by men of Tripoly.
wln 1189Two hundred thousand footmen that haue seru’d
wln 1190In two set battels fought in Grecia:
wln 1191And for the expedition of this war,
wln 1192If he think good, can from his garrisons,
wln 1193Withdraw as many more to follow him.
wln 1194tech.The more he brings, the greater is the spoile,
wln 1195For when they perish by our warlike hands,
wln 1196We meane to seate our footmen on their Steeds.
wln 1197And rifle all those stately Ianisars.
wln 1198tam.But wil those Kings accompany your Lord?
wln 1199Bass.Such as his Highnesse please, but some must (stay
wln 1200To rule the prouinces he late subdude.
wln 1201tam.thē fight couragiously, their crowns are yours
wln 1202This hand shal set them on your conquering heads:
wln 1203That made me Emperour of Asia.
wln 1204Vsum.Let him bring millions infinite of men,
wln 1205Unpeopling Westerne Affrica and Greece:
wln 1206Yet we assure vs of the victorie.
wln 1207ther.Euen he that in a trice vanquisht two kings,
wln 1208More mighty than the Turkish Emperour:
wln 1209Shall rouse him out of Europe, and pursue
wln 1210His scattered armie til they yeeld or die.
wln 1211tamb.Wel said theridamas, speake in that mood,
wln 1212For Wil and Shall best fitteth Tamburlain,
wln 1213Whose smiling stars giues him assured hope
wln 1214Of martiall triumph, ere he meete his foes:
wln 1215I that am tearm’d the Scourge and Wrath of God,
wln 1216The onely feare and terrour of the world,
wln 1217Wil first subdue the Turke, and then inlarge
wln 1218Those Christian Captiues, which you keep as slaues,
wln 1219Burdening their bodies with your heauie chaines.
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The Conquests of Tamburlaine,
wln 1220And feeding them with thin and slender fare,
wln 1221That naked rowe about the Terrene sea.
wln 1222And when they chance to breath and rest a space,
wln 1223Are punisht with Bastones so grieuously,
wln 1224That they lie panting on the Gallies side.
wln 1225And striue for life at euery stroke they giue,
wln 1226These are the cruell pirates of Argeire,
wln 1227That damned traine, the scum of Affrica.
wln 1228Inhabited with stragling Runnagates,
wln 1229That make quick hauock of the Christian blood.
wln 1230But as I liue that towne shall curse the time
wln 1231That Tamburlaine set foot in Affrica:
wln 1232Enter Baiazeth with his Bassoes and contri-
wln 1233butorie Kinges.
wln 1234Bai.Bassoes and Ianisaries of my Guard,
wln 1235Attend vpon the person of your Lord,
wln 1236The greatest Potentate of Affrica.
wln 1237Tam.Techelles, and the rest prepare your swordes
wln 1238I meane t’incounter with that Baiazeth.
wln 1239Bai.Kings of Fesse, Moroccus and Argier,
wln 1240He cals me Baiazeth, whom you call Lord.
wln 1241Note the presumption of this Scythian slaue:
wln 1242I tell thee villaine, those that lead my horse
wln 1243Haue to their names tytles of dignity,
wln 1244And dar’st thou bluntly call me Baiazeth?
wln 1245Tam.And know thou Turke, that those which
wln 1246 (lead my horse,
wln 1247Shall lead thee Captiue thorow Affrica.
wln 1248And dar’st thou bluntly call me tamburlaine?
wln 1249Bai.By Mahomet, my Kinsmans sepulcher.
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the Scythian Shepheard.
wln 1250And by the holy Alcaron I sweare,
wln 1251He shall be made a chast and lustlesse Eunuke,
wln 1252And in my Sarell tend my Concubines:
wln 1253And all his Captaines that thus stoutly stand,
wln 1254Shall draw the chariot of my Emperesse.
wln 1255Whom I haue brought to see their ouerthrow.
wln 1256Tamb.By this my sword that conquer’d Persea,
wln 1257Thy fall shall make me famous through the world:
wln 1258I will not tell thee how Ile handle thee,
wln 1259But euery common souldier of my Camp
wln 1260Shall smile to see thy miserable state.
wln 1261Fess.What meanes the mighty Turkish Emperor
wln 1262To talk with one so base as tamburlaine.
wln 1263Moro.Ye Moores and valiant men of Barbary.
wln 1264How can ye suffer these indignities.
wln 1265Arg.Leaue words and let them feele your lances
wln 1266 (pointes.
wln 1267Which glided through the bowels of the Greekes.
wln 1268Bai.Wel said my stout contributory kings,
wln 1269Your threefold armie and my hugie hoste,
wln 1270Shall swallow vp these base borne Perseans,
wln 1271tech.Puissant, renowmed and mighty tamburlain,
wln 1272Why stay we thus prolonging all their liues?
wln 1273ther.I long to see those crownes won by our swords
wln 1274That we may raigne as kings of Affrica.
wln 1275Vsum.What Coward wold not fight for such a prize?
wln 1276Tamb.Fight all couragiously and be you kings.
wln 1277I speake it, and my words are oracles.
wln 1278Bai.Zabina, mother of three brauer boies,
wln 1279Than Hercules, that in his infancie
wln 1280Did pash the iawes of Serpents venomous:
wln 1281Whose hands are made to gripe a warlike Lance.
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The Conquests of Tamburlaine,
wln 1282Their shoulders broad, for complet armour fit,
wln 1283Their lims more large and of a bigger size
wln 1284Than all the brats ysprong from Typhons loins:
wln 1285Who, when they come vnto their fathers age,
wln 1286Will batter Turrets with their manly fists.
wln 1287Sit here vpon this royal chaire of state,
wln 1288And on thy head weare my Emperiall crowne,
wln 1289Untill I bring this sturdy tamburlain,
wln 1290And all his Captains bound in captiue chaines.
wln 1291zab.Such good successe happen to Baiazeth,
wln 1292Tam.zenocrate, the loueliest Maide aliue,
wln 1293Fairer than rockes of pearle and pretious stone,
wln 1294The onely Paragon of tamburlaine,
wln 1295Whose eies are brighter than the Lamps of heauen.
wln 1296And speech more pleasant than sweet harmony:
wln 1297That with thy lookes canst cleare the darkened Sky:
wln 1298And calme the rage of thundring Iupiter:
wln 1299Sit downe by her: adorned with my Crowne,
wln 1300As if thou wert the Empresse of the world.
wln 1301Stir not zenocrate vntill thou see
wln 1302Me martch victoriously with all my men,
wln 1303Triumphing ouer him and these his kings.
wln 1304Which I will bring as Uassals to thy feete.
wln 1305Til then take thou my crowne, vaunt of my worth,
wln 1306And manage words with her as we will armes.
wln 1307zen.And may my Loue, the king of Persea
wln 1308Returne with victorie, and free from wound.
wln 1309Bai.Now shalt thou feel the force of Turkish arms,
wln 1310Which lately made all Europe quake for feare:
wln 1311I haue of Turkes, Arabians, Moores and Iewes
wln 1312Enough to couer all Bythinia,
wln 1313Let thousands die, their slaughtered Carkasses
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the Scythian Shepheard.
wln 1314Shal serue for walles and bulwarkes to the rest:
wln 1315And as the heads of Hydra, so my power
wln 1316Subdued, shall stand as mighty as before:
wln 1317If they should yeeld their necks vnto the sword,
wln 1318Thy souldiers armes could not endure to strike
wln 1319So many blowes as I haue heads for thee.
wln 1320Thou knowest not (foolish hardy Tamburlaine)
wln 1321What tis to meet me in the open field,
wln 1322That leaue no ground for thee to martch vpon.
wln 1323Tam.Our conquering swords shall marshal vs the (way
wln 1324We vse to march vpon the slaughtered foe:
wln 1325Trampling their bowels with our horses hooffes:
wln 1326Braue horses, bred on the white Tartarian hils:
wln 1327My Campe is like to Iulius Cæsars hoste,
wln 1328That neuer fought but had the victorie:
wln 1329Nor in Pharsalia was there such hot war,
wln 1330As these my followers willingly would haue:
wln 1331Legions of Spirits fleeting in the aire,
wln 1332Direct our Bullets and our weapons pointes
wln 1333And make our strokes to wound the sencelesse lure,
wln 1334And when she sees our bloody Collours spread.
wln 1335Then Uictorie begins to take her flight,
wln 1336Resting her selfe vpon my milk=white Tent:
wln 1337But come my Lords, to weapons let vs fall.
wln 1338The field is ours, the Turk, his wife and all.
wln 1339Exit, with his followers.
wln 1340Bai.Come Kings and Bassoes let vs glut our swords
wln 1341That thirst to drinke the feble Perseans blood.
wln 1342Exit, with his followers.
wln 1343zab.Base Concubine, must thou be plac’d by me
wln 1344That am the Empresse of the mighty Turke?
wln 1345zen.Disdainful Turkesse and vnreuerend Bosse,
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The Conquests of Tamburlaine,
wln 1346Call’st thou me Concubine that am betroath’d
wln 1347Unto the great and mighty tamburlaine?
wln 1348Zab.To tamburlaine the great Tartarian thiefe?
wln 1349Zen.Thou wilt repent these lauish words of thine,
wln 1350When thy great Bassoe, maister and thy selfe.
wln 1351Must plead for mercie at his kingly feet,
wln 1352And sue to me to be your Aduocates.
wln 1353Zab.And sue to thee? I tell thee shamelesse girle,
wln 1354Thou shalt be Landresse to my waiting maid.
wln 1355How lik’st thou her Ebea, will she serue?
wln 1356Ebea.Madame, she thinks perhaps she is too fine.
wln 1357But I shall turne her into other weedes.
wln 1358And make her daintie fingers fall to woorke.
wln 1359Zen.hearst thou Anippe, how thy drudge doth talk,
wln 1360And how my slaue, her mistresse menaceth.
wln 1361Both for their sausinesse shall be employed,
wln 1362To dresse the common souldiers meat and drink.
wln 1363For we will scorne they should come nere our selues.
wln 1364Anip.Yet somtimes let your highnesse send for thē
wln 1365To do the work my chamber maid disdaines.
wln 1366They sound the battell within, and stay
wln 1367Zen.Ye Gods and powers that gouerne Persea.
wln 1368And made my lordly Loue her worthy King:
wln 1369Now strengthen him against the Turkish Baiazeth,
wln 1370And let his foes like flockes of fearfull Roes,
wln 1371Pursude by hunters, flie his angrie lookes,
wln 1372That I may see him issue Conquerour.
wln 1373Zab.Now Mahomet, solicit God himselfe,
wln 1374And make him raine down murthering shot frō heauen
wln 1375To dash the Scythians braines, and strike them dead,
wln 1376That dare to manage armes with him,
wln 1377That offered iewels to thy sacred shrine.
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the Scythian Shepheard.
wln 1378When first he war’d against the Christians.
wln 1379To the battell againe.
wln 1380Zen.By this the Turks lie weltring in their blood
wln 1381And tamburlaine is Lord of Affrica:
wln 1382Zab.Thou art deceiu’d, I heard the Trumpets (sound,
wln 1383As when my Emperour ouerthrew the Greeks:
wln 1384And led them Captiue into Affrica.
wln 1385Straight will I vse thee as thy pride deserues:
wln 1386Prepare thy selfe to liue and die my slaue.
wln 1387Zen.If Mahomet should come from heauen and (sweare,
wln 1388My royall Lord is slaine or conquered.
wln 1389Yet should he not perswade me otherwise.
wln 1390But that he liues and will be Conquerour.
wln 1391Baiazeth flies, and he pursues him.
wln 1392The battell short, and they enter,
wln 1393Baiazeth is ouercome.
wln 1394Tam.Now king of Bassoes, who is Conqueror?
wln 1395Bai.Thou, by the fortune of this damned soile,
wln 1396Tam.Where are your stout contributorie kings?
wln 1397Enter Techelles, Theridamas, Vsumeasane.
wln 1398Tech.We haue their crownes their bodies strowe
wln 1399 (the fielde.
wln 1400Tam.Each man a crown? why kingly fought ifaith
wln 1401Deliuer them into my treasurie.
wln 1402Zen.Now let me offer to my gracious Lord.
wln 1403His royall Crowne againe, so highly won:
wln 1404tam.Nay take the Turkish Crown from her, zen.
wln 1405And crowne me Emperour of Affrica.
wln 1406Zab.No tamburlain, though now thou gat the best
wln 1407Thou shalt not yet be Lord of Affrica.
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The Conquests of Tamburlaine,
wln 1408ther.Giue her the Crowne Turkesse you wer best.
wln 1409He takes it from her, and giues it Zenocrate,
wln 1410zab.Iniurious villaines, thieues, runnagates,
wln 1411How dare you thus abuse my Maiesty?
wln 1412ther.Here Madam, you are Empresse, she is none.
wln 1413tam.Not now theridamas, her time is past:
wln 1414The pillers that haue bolstered vp those tearmes,
wln 1415Are falne in clusters at my conquering feet.
wln 1416zab.Though he be prisoner, he may be ransomed:
wln 1417tamb.Not all the world shall ransom Baiazeth.
wln 1418Bai.Ah faire zabina, we haue lost the field.
wln 1419And neuer had the Turkish Emperour
wln 1420So great a foile by any forraine foe.
wln 1421Now will the Christian miscreants be glad,
wln 1422Ringing with ioy their superstitious belles:
wln 1423And making bonfires for my ouerthrow.
wln 1424But ere I die those foule Idolaters
wln 1425Shall make me bonfires with their filthy bones,
wln 1426For though the glorie of this day be lost.
wln 1427Affrik and Greece haue garrisons enough
wln 1428To make me Soueraigne of the earth againe.
wln 1429Tam.Those walled garrisons wil I subdue,
wln 1430And write my selfe great Lord of Affrica:
wln 1431So from the East vnto the furthest West,
wln 1432Shall tamburlain extend his puisant arme.
wln 1433The Galles and those pilling Briggandines,
wln 1434That yeerely saile to the Uenetian gulfe,
wln 1435And houer in the straightes for Christians wracke,
wln 1436Shall lie at anchor in the Isle Asant.
wln 1437Untill the Persean Fleete and men of war,
wln 1438Sailing along the Orientall sea,
wln 1439Haue fetcht about the Indian continent:
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the Scythian Shepheard.
wln 1440Euen from Persepolis to Mexico,
wln 1441And thence vnto the straightes of Iubalter:
wln 1442Where they shall meete, and ioine their force in one.
wln 1443Keeping in aw the Bay of Portingale.
wln 1444And all the Ocean by the British shore:
wln 1445And by this meanes Ile win the world at last.
wln 1446Bai.Yet set a ransome on me tamburlaine.
wln 1447Tam.What, thinkst thou tamburlain esteems thy (gold,
wln 1448Ile make the kings of India ere I die,
wln 1449Offer their mines (to sew for peace) to me,
wln 1450And dig for treasure to appease my wrath:
wln 1451Come bind them both and one lead in the Turke.
wln 1452The Turkesse let my Loues maid lead away.
wln 1453They bind them.
wln 1454Bai.Ah villaines, dare ye touch my sacred armes.
wln 1455O Mahomet, Oh sleepie Mahomet.
wln 1456zab.O cursed Mahomet that makest vs thus
wln 1457The slaues to Scythians rude and barbarous.
wln 1458Tam.Come bring them in, & for this happy cōquest
wln 1459Triumph, and solemnize a martiall feast.
wln 1460Exeunt.Finis Actus tertii.
wln 1461Actus. 4. Scæna. 1.
wln 1462Souldan of Egipt with three or four Lords, Capolin
wln 1463Souldan.
wln 1464AWake ye men of Memphis, heare the clange
wln 1465Of Scythian trumpets, heare the Basiliskes,
wln 1466That roaring, shake Damascus turrets downe,
wln 1467The rogue of Volga holds zenocrate,
wln 1468The Souldans daughter for his Concubine,
wln 1469And with a troope of theeues and vagabondes.
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The Conquests of Tamburlaine.
wln 1470Hath spread his collours to our high disgrace:
wln 1471While you faint=hearted base Egyptians,
wln 1472Lie slumbering on the flowrie bankes of Nile,
wln 1473As Crocodiles that vnaffrighted rest,
wln 1474While thundring Cannons rattle on their Skins.
wln 1475Mess.Nay (mightie Souldan) did your greatnes see
wln 1476The frowning lookes of fiery Tamburlaine,
wln 1477That with his terrour and imperious eies,
wln 1478Commandes the hearts of his associates,
wln 1479It might amaze your royall maiesty.
wln 1480SoldanUillain. I tell thee, were that tamburlaine,
wln 1481As monstrous as Gorgon, prince of Hell,
wln 1482The Souldane would not start a foot from him.
wln 1483But speake, what power hath he?
wln 1484Mess.Mightie Lord,
wln 1485Three hundred thousand men in armour clad,
wln 1486Upon their pransing Steeds, disdainfully
wln 1487With wanton paces trampling on the ground.
wln 1488Fiue hundred thousand footmen threatning shot,
wln 1489Shaking their swords, their speares and yron bils,
wln 1490Enuironing their Standard round, that stood
wln 1491As bristle=pointed as a thorny wood.
wln 1492Their warlike Engins and munition
wln 1493Exceed the forces of their martial men.
wln 1494SoldanNay could their nūbers counteruail the stars
wln 1495Or euer drisling drops of Aprill showers,
wln 1496Or withered leaues that Autume shaketh downe.
wln 1497Yet would the Souldane by his conquering power:
wln 1498So scatter and consume them in his rage,
wln 1499That not a man should liue to rue their fall,
wln 1500Cap.So might your highnesse, had you time to sort
wln 1501Your fighting men, and raise your royall hoste.
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the Scythian Shepheard.
wln 1502But tamburlaine, by expedition
wln 1503Aduantage takes of your vnreadinesse.
wln 1504SoldanLet him take all th’aduantages he can,
wln 1505Were all the world conspird to fight for him,
wln 1506Nay, were he Deuill, as he is no man,
wln 1507Yet in reuenge of faire Zenocrate,
wln 1508Whom he detaineth in despight of vs,
wln 1509This arme should send him downe to Erebus.
wln 1510To shroud his shame in darknes of the night.
wln 1511Mess.Pleaseth your mightinesse to vnderstand,
wln 1512His resolution far exceedeth all:
wln 1513The first day when he pitcheth downe his tentes,
wln 1514White is their hew, and on his siluer crest
wln 1515A snowy Feather spangled white he beares,
wln 1516To signify the mildnesse of his minde.
wln 1517That satiate with spoile refuseth blood:
wln 1518But when Aurora mounts the second time,
wln 1519As red as scarlet is his furniture,
wln 1520Then must his kindled wrath bee quencht with blood.
wln 1521Not sparing any that can manage armes:
wln 1522But if these threats mooue not submission.
wln 1523Black are his collours, blacke Pauilion,
wln 1524His speare, his shield, his horse, his armour, plumes,
wln 1525And Ietty Feathers menace death and hell,
wln 1526Without respect of Sex, degree or age.
wln 1527He raceth all his foes with fire and sword.
wln 1528SoldanMercilesse villaine, Pesant ignorant,
wln 1529Of lawfull armes, or martiall discipline:
wln 1530Pillage and murder are his vsuall trades.
wln 1531The slaue vsurps the glorious name of war.
wln 1532See Capolin the faire Arabian king,
wln 1533That hath bene disapointed by this slaue:
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The Conquests of Tamburlaine.
wln 1534Of my faire daughter, and his princely Loue:
wln 1535May haue fresh warning to go war with vs,
wln 1536And be reueng’d for her dispardgement.
wln 1537Actus. 4. Scæna. 2.
wln 1538Tamburlain, Techelles, Theridamas, Vsumeasane,
wln 1539Zenocrate, Anippe, two Moores drawing Baia-
wln 1540zeth in his cage, and his wife following him.
wln 1541Tamb.
wln 1542BRing out my foot=stoole.
wln 1543They take him out of the cage.
wln 1544BaiYe holy Priests of heauenly Mahomet,
wln 1545That sacrificing slice and cut your flesh,
wln 1546Staining his Altars with your purple blood:
wln 1547Make heauen to frowne and euery fired starre
wln 1548To sucke vp poison from the moorish Fens,
wln 1549And poure it in this glorious Tyrants throat.
wln 1550tam.The chiefest God first moouer of that Spheare,
wln 1551Enchac’d with thousands euer shining lamps,
wln 1552Will sooner burne the glorious frame of Heauen.
wln 1553Then it should so conspire my ouerthrow.
wln 1554But Uillaine, thou that wishest this to me,
wln 1555Fall prostrate on the lowe disdainefull earth.
wln 1556And be the foot=stoole of great Tamburlain,
wln 1557That I may rise into my royall throne.
wln 1558Bai.First shalt thou rip my bowels with thy sword,
wln 1559And sacrifice my heart to death and hell,
wln 1560Before I yeeld to such a slauery.
wln 1561tamb.Base villain, vassall, slaue to Tamburlaine:
wln 1562Unworthy to imbrace or touch the ground.
wln 1563That beares the honor of my royall waight.
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the Scythian Shepheard.
wln 1564Stoop villaine, stoope, stoope for so he bids,
wln 1565That may command thee peecemeale to be torne,
wln 1566Or scattered like the lofty Cedar trees,
wln 1567Strocke with the voice of thundring Iupiter.
wln 1568Bai.Then as I look downe to the damned Feends.
wln 1569Feends looke on me, and thou dread God of hell.
wln 1570With Eban Scepter strike this hatefull earth,
wln 1571And make it swallow both of vs at once.
wln 1572He gets vp vpon him to his chaire.
wln 1573Tamb.Now cleare the triple region of the aire,
wln 1574And let the maiestie of heauen beholde
wln 1575Their Scourge and Terrour treade on Emperours,
wln 1576Smile Stars that raign’d at my natiuity:
wln 1577And dim the brightnesse of their neighbor Lamps,
wln 1578Disdaine to borrow light of Cynthia,
wln 1579For I the chiefest Lamp of all the earth,
wln 1580First rising in the East with milde aspect,
wln 1581But fired now in the Meridian line,
wln 1582Will send vp fire to your turning Spheares,
wln 1583And cause the Sun to borrowe light of you.
wln 1584My sword stroke fire from his coat of steele,
wln 1585Euen in Bythinia, when I took this Turke:
wln 1586As when a fiery exhalation
wln 1587Wrapt in the bowels of a freezing cloude,
wln 1588Fighting for passage, make the Welkin cracke,
wln 1589And casts a flash of lightning to the earth.
wln 1590But ere I martch to wealthy Persea,
wln 1591Or leaue Damascus and th’Egyptian fields,
wln 1592As was the fame of Clymeus brain=sicke sonne,
wln 1593That almost brent the Axeltree of heauen,
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The Conquests of Tamburlaine.
wln 1594So shall our swords, our lances and our shot.
wln 1595Fill all the aire with fiery meteors.
wln 1596Then when the Sky shal waxe as red as blood,
wln 1597It shall be said, I made it red my selfe,
wln 1598To make me think of nought but blood and war.
wln 1599Zab.Unworthy king, that by thy crueltie,
wln 1600Unlawfully vsurpest the Persean seat:
wln 1601Dar’st thou that neuer saw an Emperour,
wln 1602Before thou met my husband in the field,
wln 1603Being thy Captiue, thus abuse his state,
wln 1604Keeping his kingly body in a Cage,
wln 1605That rooffes of golde, and sun=bright Pallaces,
wln 1606Should haue prepar’d to entertaine his Grace?
wln 1607And treading him beneath thy loathsome feet,
wln 1608Whose feet the kings of Affrica haue kist.
wln 1609tech.You must deuise some tormēt worsse, my Lord
wln 1610To make these captiues reine their lauish tongues.
wln 1611tam.zenocrate, looke better to your slaue:
wln 1612zen.She is my Handmaids slaue, and she shal looke
wln 1613That these abuses flow not from her tongue:
wln 1614Chide her Anippe.
wln 1615Anip.Let these be warnings for you then my slaue,
wln 1616How you abuse the person of the king:
wln 1617Or els I sweare to haue you whipt stark nak’d.
wln 1618Bai.Great tamburlaine, great in my ouerthrow,
wln 1619Ambitious pride shall make thee fall as low.
wln 1620For treading on the back of Baiazeth,
wln 1621That should be horsed on fower mightie kings.
wln 1622tam.Thy names and tytles, and thy dignities
wln 1623Are fled from Baiazeth, and remaine with me,
wln 1624That will maintaine it against a world of Kings.
wln 1625Put him in againe.
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the Scythian Shepheard.
wln 1626Bai.Is this a place for mighty Baiazeth?
wln 1627Confusion light on him that helps thee thus.
wln 1628tam.There whiles he liues, shal Baiezeth be kept,
wln 1629And where I goe be thus in triumph drawne:
wln 1630And thou his wife shalt feed him with the scraps
wln 1631My seruitures shall bring the from my boord.
wln 1632For he that giues him other food than this:
wln 1633Shall sit by him and starue to death himselfe.
wln 1634This is my minde, and I will haue it so.
wln 1635Not all the Kings and Emperours of the Earth:
wln 1636If they would lay their crownes before my feet,
wln 1637Shall ransome him, or take him from his cage.
wln 1638The ages that shall talk of Tamburlain,
wln 1639Euen from this day to Platoes wondrous yeare,
wln 1640Shall talke how I haue handled Baiazeth.
wln 1641These Mores that drew him from Bythinia,
wln 1642To faire Damascus, where we now remaine,
wln 1643Shall lead him with vs wheresoere we goe.
wln 1644Techelles, and my louing followers,
wln 1645Now may we see Damascus lofty towers,
wln 1646Like to the shadowes of Pyramides,
wln 1647That with their beauties grac’d the Memphion fields:
wln 1648The golden stature of their feathered bird
wln 1649That spreads her wings vpon the citie wals,
wln 1650Shall not defend it from our battering shot.
wln 1651The townes=men maske in silke and cloath of gold.
wln 1652And euery house is as a treasurie.
wln 1653The men, the treasure, and the towne is ours.
wln 1654Ther.Your tentes of white now pitch’d before the (gates
wln 1655And gentle flags of amitie displaid.
wln 1656I doubt not but the Gouernour will yeeld,
wln 1657Offering Damascus to your Maiesty.
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The Conquests of Tamburlaine.
wln 1658Tam.So shall he haue his life, and all the rest.
wln 1659But if he stay vntil the bloody flag
wln 1660Be once aduanc’d on my vermilion Tent,
wln 1661He dies, and those that kept vs out so long.
wln 1662And when they see me march in black aray,
wln 1663With mournfull streamers hanging down their heads,
wln 1664Were in that citie all the world contain’d.
wln 1665Not one should scape: but perish by our swords.
wln 1666zen.Yet would you haue some pitie for my sake,
wln 1667Because it is my countries, and my Fathers.
wln 1668Tam.Not for the world Zenocrate, if I haue sworn:
wln 1669Come bring in the Turke.Exeunt.
wln 1670Act. 4. Scæna. 3,
wln 1671Souldane, Arabia, Capoline, with steaming collors
wln 1672and Souldiers.
wln 1673Souldan.
wln 1674ME thinks we martch as Meliager did,
wln 1675Enuironed with braue Argolian knightes:
wln 1676To chace the sauage Caldonian Boare,
wln 1677Or Cephalus with lustie Thebane youths.
wln 1678Against the Woolfe that angrie Themis sent.
wln 1679To waste and spoile the sweet Aonian fieldes.
wln 1680A monster of fiue hundred thousand heades,
wln 1681Compact of Rapine, Pyracie, and spoile.
wln 1682The Scum of men, the hate and Scourge of God,
wln 1683Raues in Egyptia, and annoyeth vs.
wln 1684My Lord it is the bloody Tamburlaine.
wln 1685A sturdy Felon and a base=bred Thiefe.
wln 1686By murder raised to the Persean Crowne.
wln 1687That dares controll vs in our Territories.
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the Scythian Shepheard.
wln 1688To tame the pride of this presumotuous Beast,
wln 1689Ioine your Arabians with the Souldans power:
wln 1690Let vs vnite our royall bandes in one,
wln 1691And hasten to remooue Damascus siege.
wln 1692It is a blemish to the Maiestie
wln 1693And high estate of mightie Emperours,
wln 1694That such a base vsurping vagabond
wln 1695Should braue a king, or weare a princely crowne.
wln 1696Ara.Renowmed Souldane, haue ye lately heard
wln 1697The ouerthrow of mightie Baiazeth,
wln 1698About the confines of Bythinia?
wln 1699The slauerie wherewith he persecutes
wln 1700The noble Turke and his great Emperesse.
wln 1701SoldanI haue, and sorrow for his bad successe:
wln 1702But noble Lord of great Arabia,
wln 1703Be so perswaded, that the Souldan is
wln 1704No more dismaide with tidings of his fall,
wln 1705Than in the hauen when the Pilot stands
wln 1706And viewes a strangers ship rent in the winds,
wln 1707And shiuered against a craggie rocke,
wln 1708Yet in compassion of his wretched state,
wln 1709A sacred vow to heauen and him I make,
wln 1710Confirming it with lbis holy name,
wln 1711That Tamburlaine shall rue the day, the hower,
wln 1712Wherein he wrought such ignominious wrong.
wln 1713Unto the hallowed person of a prince,
wln 1714Or kept the faire zenocrate so long.
wln 1715As Concubine, I feare to feed his lust.
wln 1716Ara.Let griefe and furie hasten on reuenge,
wln 1717Let Tamburlaine for his offences feele
wln 1718Such plagues as heauen and we can poure on him.
wln 1719I long to breake my speare vpon his crest,
img: 31-a
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wln 1720And prooue the waight of his victorious arme:
wln 1721For Fame I feare hath bene too prodigall:
wln 1722In sounding through the world his partiall praise:
wln 1723SoldanCapolin, hast thou suruaid our powers.
wln 1724Cap.Great Emperours of Egypt and Arabia.
wln 1725The number of your hostes vnited is,
wln 1726A hundred and fifty thousand horse,
wln 1727Two hundred thousand foot, braue men at armes,
wln 1728Couragious and full of hardinesse:
wln 1729As frolike as the hunters in the chace:
wln 1730Of sauage beastes amid the desart woods.
wln 1731Arab.My mind presageth fortunate successe,
wln 1732And tamburlaine, my spirit doth foresee
wln 1733The vtter ruine of thy men and thee.
wln 1734SoldanThen reare your standardes, let your soun-
wln 1735 (ding Drummes
wln 1736Direct our Souldiers to Damascus walles.
wln 1737Now Tamburlaine, the mightie Souldane comes,
wln 1738And leads with him the great Arabian King.
wln 1739To dim thy basenesse and obscurity.
wln 1740Famous for nothing but for theft and spoile,
wln 1741To race and scatter thy inglorious crue,
wln 1742Of Scythians and slauish Persians.Exeunt.
wln 1743Actus: 4. Scæna 5.
wln 1744The Banquet, and to it commeth Tamburlain al in
wln 1745scarlet, Theridamas. Techelles, Vsumeasane, the
wln 1746Turke, with others.
wln 1747Tamb.
wln 1748NOw hang our bloody collours by Damascus.
wln 1749Reflexing hewes of blood vpon their heads.
img: 31-b
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the Scythian Shepheard.
wln 1750While they walke quiuering on their citie walles,
wln 1751Halfe dead for feare before they feele my wrath:
wln 1752Then let vs freely banquet and carouse
wln 1753Full bowles of wine vnto the God of war,
wln 1754That meanes to fill your helmets full of golde:
wln 1755And make Damascus spoiles as rich to you,
wln 1756As was to Iason Colchos golden fleece.
wln 1757And now Baiazeth, hast thou any stomacke?
wln 1758Bai.I, such a stomacke (cruel tamburlane) as I (could
wln 1759Willingly feed vpon thy blood=raw hart.
wln 1760tam.Nay, thine owne is easier to come by, plucke
wln 1761 (out that,
wln 1762And twil serue thee and thy wife: Wel zenocrate,
wln 1763techelles, and the rest, fall to your victuals.
wln 1764Bai.Fall to, and neuer may your meat digest.
wln 1765Ye Furies that can maske inuisible,
wln 1766Diue to the bottome of Auernas poole,
wln 1767And in your hands bring hellish poison vp.
wln 1768And squease it in the cup of tamburlain.
wln 1769Or winged snakes of Lerna cast your stings,
wln 1770And leaue your venoms in this Tyrants dish.
wln 1771zab.And may this banquet prooue as omenous,
wln 1772As Prognes to th’adulterous Thracian King.
wln 1773That fed vpon the substance of his child.
wln 1774zen.My Lord, how can you suffer these outragious (curses
wln 1775By these slaues of yours?
wln 1776tam.To let them see (diuine zenocrate)
wln 1777I glorie in the curses of my foes.
wln 1778Hauing the power frō the Emperiall heauen,
wln 1779To turne them al vpon their proper heades.
wln 1780tech.I pray you giue them leaue Madam, this
wln 1781speech is a goodly refreshing to them.
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The Conquests of Tamburlaine.
wln 1782Ther.But if his highnesse would let them be fed, it
wln 1783would doe them more good.
wln 1784tam.Sirra, why fall you not too, are you so daintily
wln 1785brought vp, you cannot eat your owne flesh?
wln 1786Bai.First legions of deuils shall teare thee in peeces.
wln 1787Vsum.Uillain, knowest thou to whom thou speakest
wln 1788tam.O let him alone: here, eat sir, take it from my
wln 1789swords point, or Ile thrust it to thy heart.
wln 1790He takes it and stamps vpon it.
wln 1791therHe stamps it vnder his feet my Lord.
wln 1792tam.Take it vp Uillaine and eat it, or I will make
wln 1793thee slice the brawnes of thy armes into carbonadoes,
wln 1794and eat them.
wln 1795vsu.Nay, twere better he kild his wife, & then she shall
wln 1796be sure not to be staru’d, & he be prouided for a moneths
wln 1797victuall before hand.
wln 1798tam.Here is my dagger, dispatch her while she is
wln 1799fat, for if she liue but a while longer, shee will fall into a
wln 1800comsumption with freatting, and then she will not bee
wln 1801woorth the eating.
wln 1802ther.Doost thou think that Mahomet wil suffer this
wln 1803tech.Tis like he wil, when he cannot let it.
wln 1804tam.Go to, fal to your meat: what not a bit? belike he
wln 1805hath not bene watered to day, giue him some drinke.
wln 1806They giue him water to drinke, and he flings it on
wln 1807the ground.
wln 1808Faste and welcome sir, while hunger make you eat.
wln 1809How now zenocrate, dooth not the Turke and his wife
wln 1810make a goodly showe at a banquet?
wln 1811Zen.Yes. my Lord.
wln 1812therMe thinks, tis a great deale better than a con=
wln 1813sort of musicke.
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the Scythian Shepheard.
wln 1814tam.Yet musicke woulde doe well to cheere vp ze-
wln 1815nocrate: pray thee tel, why art thou so sad? If thou wilt
wln 1816haue a song, the Turke shall straine his voice: but why
wln 1817is it?
wln 1818Zen.My lord, to see my fathers towne besieg’d,
wln 1819The countrie wasted where my selfe was borne,
wln 1820How can it but afflict my verie soule?
wln 1821If any loue remaine in you my Lord,
wln 1822Or if my loue vnto your maiesty
wln 1823May merit fauour at your highnesse handes,
wln 1824Then raise your siege from faire Damascus walles,
wln 1825And with my father take a frindly truce.
wln 1826tamb.Zenocrate, were Egypt Ioues owne land,
wln 1827Yet would I with my sword make Ioue to stoope,
wln 1828I will confute those blind Geographers
wln 1829That make a triple region in the world,
wln 1830Excluding Regions which I meane to trace,
wln 1831And with this pen reduce them to a Map.
wln 1832Calling the Prouinces, Citties and townes
wln 1833After my name and thine zenocrate:
wln 1834Here at Damascus will I make the Point
wln 1835That shall begin the Perpendicular.
wln 1836And wouldst thou haue me buy thy Fathers loue
wln 1837With such a losse? Tell me zenocrate?
wln 1838Zen.Honor still waight on happy tamburlaine:
wln 1839Yet giue me leaue to plead for him my Lord.
wln 1840Tam.Content thy selfe, his person shall be safe.
wln 1841And all the friendes of faire Zenocrate,
wln 1842If with their liues they will be pleasde to yeeld,
wln 1843Or may be forc’d to make me Emperour.
wln 1844For Egypt and Arabia must be mine.
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The Conquests of Tamburlaine.
wln 1845Feed you slaue, thou maist thinke thy selfe happie to be
wln 1846fed from my trencher.
wln 1847Bai.My empty stomacke ful of idle heat,
wln 1848Drawes bloody humours from my feeble partes,
wln 1849Preseruing life, by hasting cruell death.
wln 1850My vaines are pale, my sinowes hard and drie,
wln 1851My iointes benumb’d, vnlesse I eat, I die.
wln 1852Zab.Eat Baiazeth, Let vs liue in spite of them,
wln 1853Looking some happie power will pitie and inlarge vs.
wln 1854tam.Here Turk, wilt thou haue a cleane trencher?
wln 1855Bai.I Tyrant, and more meat.
wln 1856tam.Soft sir, you must be dieted, too much eating
wln 1857will make you surfeit.
wln 1858ther.So it would my lord, specially hauing so smal
wln 1859a walke, and so litle exercise.
wln 1860Enter a second course of Crownes.
wln 1861tam.Theridamas, techelles and Casane, here are
wln 1862the cates you desire to finger, are they not?
wln 1863ther.I (my Lord) but none saue kinges must feede
wln 1864with these.
wln 1865tech.Tis enough for vs to see them, and for tam-
wln 1866burlaine onely to enioy them.
wln 1867tam.Wel, Here is now to the Souldane of Egypt
wln 1868the King of Arabia, and the Gouernout of Damascus.
wln 1869Now take these three crownes, and pledge me, my con=
wln 1870tributorie Kings.
wln 1871I crowne you here (Theridamas) King of Argier:
wln 1872Techelles King of Fesse, and Vsumeasane King of
wln 1873Morocus. How say you to this (Turke) these are not
wln 1874your contributorie kings.
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the Scythian Shepheard.
wln 1875Bai.Nor shall they long be thine, I warrant them.
wln 1876tam.Kings of Argier, Morocus, and of Fesse.
wln 1877You that haue martcht with happy Tamburlaine,
wln 1878As far as from the frozen place of heauen.
wln 1879Unto the watry mornings ruddy hower.
wln 1880And thence by land vnto the Torrid Zone,
wln 1881Deserue these tytles I endow you with.
wln 1882By value and by magnanimity.
wln 1883Your byrthes shall be no blemish to your fame.
wln 1884For vertue is the fount whence honor springs.
wln 1885And they are worthy she inuesteth kings.
wln 1886ther.And since your highnesse hath so well vouchsaft,
wln 1887If we deserue them not with higher meeds
wln 1888Then erst our states and actions haue retain’d,
wln 1889Take them away againe and make vs slaues.
wln 1890Tam.Wel said Theridamas, when holy Fates
wln 1891Shall stablish me in strong Egyptia.
wln 1892We meane to traueile to th’Antatique Pole,
wln 1893Conquering the people vnderneath our feet.
wln 1894And be renowm’d, as neuer Emperours were.
wln 1895zenocrate, I will not crowne thee yet,
wln 1896Until with greater honors I be grac’d.
wln 1897Finis Actus quarti.
wln 1898Actus: 5. Scæna. 1.
wln 1899The Gouernour of Damasco, with three or foure
wln 1900Citizens, and foure Virgins with branches
wln 1901of Laurell in their hands.
wln 1902Gouernour.
wln 1903STil dooth this man or rather God of war,
wln 1904Batter our walles, and beat our Turrets downe
img: 34-a
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wln 1905And to resist with longer stubbornesse,
wln 1906Or hope of rescue from the Souldans power,
wln 1907Were but to bring our wilfull ouerthrow,
wln 1908And make vs desperate of our threatned liues:
wln 1909We see his tents haue now bene altered,
wln 1910With terrours to the last and cruelst hew:
wln 1911His cole=blacke collours euery where aduaunst,
wln 1912Threaten our citie with a generall spoile:
wln 1913And if we should with common rites of Armes,
wln 1914Offer our safeties to his clemencie,
wln 1915I feare the custome proper to his sword,
wln 1916Which he obserues as parcell of his fame:
wln 1917Intending so to terrifie the world,
wln 1918By any innouation or remorse,
wln 1919Will neuer be dispenc’d with til our deaths,
wln 1920Therfore, for these our harmlesse virgines sakes,
wln 1921Whose honors and whose liues relie on him:
wln 1922Let vs haue hope that their vnspotted praiers
wln 1923Their blubbered cheekes and hartie humble mones
wln 1924Will melt his furie into some remorse:
wln 1925And vse vs like a louing Conquerour.
wln 1926Virg.If humble suites or imprecations,
wln 1927(vttered with teares of wretchednesse and blood,
wln 1928Shead from the heads and hearts of all our Sex.
wln 1929Some made your wiues, and some your children)
wln 1930Might haue intreated your obdurate breasts.
wln 1931To entertaine some care of our securities.
wln 1932Whiles only danger beat vpon our walles,
wln 1933These more than dangerous warrants of our death
wln 1934Had neuer bene erected as they bee,
wln 1935Nor you depend on such weake helps as we
wln 1936Go.Wel, louely Uirgins, think our countries care
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the Scythian Shepheard.
wln 1937Our loue of honor loth to be enthral’d
wln 1938To forraine powers, and rough imperious yokes:
wln 1939Would not with too much cowardize or feare,
wln 1940Before all hope of rescue were denied,
wln 1941Submit your selues and vs to seruitude.
wln 1942Therefore in that your safeties and our owne
wln 1943Your honors, liberties and liues were weigh’d
wln 1944In equall care and ballance with our owne,
wln 1945Endure as we the malice of our stars.
wln 1946The wrath of Tamburlain, and power of warres.
wln 1947Or be the means the ouerweighing heauens
wln 1948Haue kept to quallifie these hot extreames.
wln 1949And bring vs pardon in your chearfull lookes.
wln 19502. Virg.Then here before the maiesty of heauen,
wln 1951And holy Patrones of Egyptia,
wln 1952With knees and hearts submissiue we intreate,
wln 1953Grace to our words and pitie to our lookes
wln 1954That this deuise may prooue propitious,
wln 1955And through the eies and eares of tamburlaine,
wln 1956Conuey euents of mercie to his heart:
wln 1957Graunt that these signes of victorie we yeeld
wln 1958May bind the temples of his conquering head,
wln 1959To hide the folded furrowes of his browes,
wln 1960And shadow his displeased countenance,
wln 1961With happy looks of ruthe and lenity,
wln 1962Leaue vs my Lord, and louing countrimen,
wln 1963What simple Uirgins may perswade, we will.
wln 1964Go.Farewell (sweet Uirgins) on whose safe return
wln 1965Depends our citie, libertie, and liues.Exeunt.
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The Conquests of Tamburlaine.
wln 1966Actus. 5. Scæna. 2.
wln 1967Tamburlaine. Techelles Theridamas, Vsumeasan,
wln 1968with others: Tamburlaine all in blacke, and verie
wln 1969melancholy.
wln 1970Tamb.
wln 1971WHat, are the Turtles fraide out of their
wln 1972 (neastes?
wln 1973Alas poore fooles, must you be first shal feele
wln 1974The sworne destruction of Damascus.
wln 1975They know my custome: could they not as well
wln 1976Haue sent ye out, when first my milkwhite flags
wln 1977Through which sweet mercie threw her gentle beams
wln 1978Reflexing them on your disdainfull eies:
wln 1979As now when furie and incensed hate
wln 1980Flings slaughtering terrour from my coleblack tents.
wln 1981And tels for trueth, submissions comes too late.
wln 19821. Virgin.Most happy King and Emperour of the
wln 1983 (earth.
wln 1984Image of Honor and Nobilitie.
wln 1985For whome the Powers diuine haue made the world.
wln 1986And on whose throne the holy Graces sit.
wln 1987In whose sweete person is compriz’d the Sum
wln 1988Of natures Skill and heauenly maiestie.
wln 1989Pittie our plightes, O pitie poore Damascus:
wln 1990Pitie olde age, within whose siluer haires
wln 1991Honor and reuerence euermore haue raign’d,
wln 1992Pitie the mariage bed, where many a Lord
wln 1993In prime and glorie of his louing ioy.
wln 1994Embraceth now with teares of ruth and blood,
wln 1995The iealous bodie of his fearfull wife,
wln 1996Whose cheekes and hearts so punisht with conceit,
img: 35-b
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the Scythian Shepheard.
wln 1997To thinke thy puisant neuer staied arme
wln 1998Will part their bodies, and preuent their soules
wln 1999From heauens of comfort, yet their age might beare,
wln 2000Now waxe all pale and withered to the death,
wln 2001As well for griefe our ruthlesse Gouernour
wln 2002Haue thus refusde the mercie of thy hand,
wln 2003(Whose scepter Angels kisse, and Furies dread)
wln 2004As for their liberties, their loues or liues,
wln 2005O then for these, and such as we our selues,
wln 2006For vs, for infants, and for all our bloods,
wln 2007That neuer nourisht thought against thy rule,
wln 2008Pitie, O pitie, (sacred Emperour)
wln 2009The prostrate seruice of this wretched towne.
wln 2010And take in signe thereof this gilded wreath,
wln 2011Whereto ech man of rule hath giuen his hand,
wln 2012And wisht as worthy subiects happy meanes,
wln 2013To be inuesters of thy royall browes,
wln 2014Euen with the true Egyptian Diadem.
wln 2015tam.Uirgins, in vaine ye labour to preuent
wln 2016That which mine honor sweares shal be perform’d:
wln 2017Behold my sword, what see you at the point?
wln 2018Virg.Nothing but feare and fatall steele my Lord.
wln 2019tam.Your fearfull minds are thicke and mistie then
wln 2020For there sits Death, there sits imperious Death.
wln 2021Keeping his circuit by the slicing edge.
wln 2022But I’am pleasde you shall not see him there,
wln 2023He now is seated on my horsmens speares:
wln 2024And on their points his fleshlesse bodie feedes.
wln 2025Techelles, straight goe charge a few of them
wln 2026To chardge these Dames, and shew my seruant death:
wln 2027Sitting in scarlet on their armed speares.
wln 2028Omnes.O pitie vs.
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The Conquests of Tamburlaine.
wln 2029tam.Away with them I say and shew them death.
wln 2030They take them away.
wln 2031I will not spare these proud Egyptians.
wln 2032Nor change my Martiall obseruations,
wln 2033For all the wealth of Gehons golden waues.
wln 2034Or for the loue of Venus, would she leaue
wln 2035The angrie God of Armes, and lie with me.
wln 2036They haue refusde the offer of their liues,
wln 2037And know my customes are as peremptory
wln 2038As wrathfull Planets, death, or destinie.
wln 2039Enter Techelles.
wln 2040What, haue your horsmen shewen the virgins Death?
wln 2041tech.They haue my Lord, and on Damascus wals
wln 2042Haue hoisted vp their slaughtered carcases.
wln 2043tam.A sight as banefull to their soules I think
wln 2044As are Thessalian drugs or Mithradate.
wln 2045But goe my Lords, put the rest to the sword.Exeunt.
wln 2046Ah faire Zenocrate, diuine Zenocrate,
wln 2047Faire is too foule an Epithite for thee,
wln 2048That in thy passion for thy countries loue,
wln 2049And feare to see thy kingly Fathers harme,
wln 2050With haire discheweld wip’st thy watery cheeks:
wln 2051And like to Flora in her mornings pride,
wln 2052Shaking her siluer treshes in the aire.
wln 2053Rain’st on the earth resolued pearle in showers,
wln 2054And sprinklest Saphyrs on thy shining face,
wln 2055Wher Beauty, mother to the Muses sits,
wln 2056And comments vollumes with her Yuory pen:
wln 2057Taking instructions from thy flowing eies,
wln 2058Eies when that Ebena steps to heauen.
wln 2059In silence of thy solemn Euenings walk.
wln 2060Making the mantle of the richest night.
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the Scythian Shepheard.
wln 2061The Moone, the Planets, and the Meteors light,
wln 2062There Angels in their christal armours fight
wln 2063A doubtfull battell with my tempted thoughtes,
wln 2064For Egypts freedom and the Souldans life:
wln 2065His life that so consumes Zenocrate,
wln 2066Whose sorrowes lay more siege vnto my soule,
wln 2067Than all my Army to Damascus walles.
wln 2068And neither Perseans Soueraign, nor the Turk
wln 2069Troubled my sences with conceit of foile,
wln 2070So much by much, as dooth zenocrate.
wln 2071What is beauty saith my sufferings then?
wln 2072If all the pens that euer poets held,
wln 2073Had fed the feeling of their maisters thoughts,
wln 2074And euery sweetnes that inspir’d their harts,
wln 2075Their minds, and muses on admyred theames:
wln 2076If all the heauenly Quintessence they still
wln 2077From their immortall flowers of Poesy,
wln 2078Wherein as in a myrrour we perceiue
wln 2079The highest reaches of a humaine wit.
wln 2080If these had made one Poems period
wln 2081And all combin’d in Beauties worthinesse,
wln 2082Yet should ther houer in their restlesse heads,
wln 2083One thought, one grace, one woonder at the least,
wln 2084Which into words no vertue can digest:
wln 2085But how vnseemly is it for my Sex
wln 2086My discipline of armes and Chiualrie,
wln 2087My nature and the terrour of my name.
wln 2088To harbour thoughts effeminate and faint?
wln 2089Saue onely that in Beauties iust applause,
wln 2090With whose instinct the soule of man is toucht.
wln 2091And euery warriour that is rapt with loue,
wln 2092Of fame, of valour, and of victory
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The Conquests of Tamburlaine.
wln 2093Must needs haue beauty beat on his conceites,
wln 2094I thus conceiuing and subduing both:
wln 2095That which hath stopt the tempest of the Gods,
wln 2096Euen from the fiery spangled vaile of heauen,
wln 2097To feele the louely warmth of shepheards flames,
wln 2098And martch in cottages of strowed weeds,
wln 2099Shal giue the world to note for all my byrth,
wln 2100That Uertue solely is the sum of glorie,
wln 2101And fashions men with true nobility.
wln 2102Who’s within there?
wln 2103Enter two or three.
wln 2104Hath Baiazeth bene fed to day?
wln 2105An.I, my Lord.
wln 2106tamb.Bring him forth, & let vs know if the towne
wln 2107be ransackt.
wln 2108Enter Techelles, Theridamas, Vsumeasan & others.
wln 2109techThe town is ours my Lord, and fresh supply
wln 2110Of conquest, and of spoile is offered vs:
wln 2111tam.Thats wel techelles, what’s the newes?
wln 2112tech.The Souldan and the Arabian king together
wln 2113Martch on vs with such eager violence,
wln 2114As if there were no way but one with vs.
wln 2115tam.No more there is not I warrant thee techelles
wln 2116They bring in the Turke.
wln 2117ther.We know the victorie is ours my Lord,
wln 2118But let vs saue the reuerend Souldans life,
wln 2119For faire Zenocrate, that so laments his state.
wln 2120tamb.That will we chiefly see vnto, theridamas.
wln 2121For sweet zenocrate, whose worthinesse
wln 2122Deserues a conquest ouer euery hart:
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the Scythian Shepheard.
wln 2123And now my footstoole, if I loose the field,
wln 2124You hope of libertie and restitution:
wln 2125Here let him stay my maysters from the tents,
wln 2126Till we haue made vs ready for the field.
wln 2127Pray for vs Baiazeth, we are going.Exeunt.
wln 2128Bai.Go, neuer to returne with victorie:
wln 2129Millions of men encompasse thee about.
wln 2130And gore thy body with as many wounds,
wln 2131Sharpe forked arrowes light vpon thy horse:
wln 2132Furies from the blacke Cocitus lake,
wln 2133Breake vp the earth, and with their firebrands,
wln 2134Enforce thee run vpon the banefull pikes.
wln 2135Uolleyes of shot pierce through thy charmed Skin.
wln 2136And euery bullet dipt in poisoned drugs,
wln 2137Or roaring Cannons seuer all thy ioints.
wln 2138Making thee mount as high as Eagles soare.
wln 2139zab.Let all the swords and Lances in the field,
wln 2140Stick in his breast, as in their proper roomes,
wln 2141At euery pore let blood comme dropping foorth.
wln 2142That lingring paines may massacre his heart.
wln 2143And madnesse send his damned soule to hell.
wln 2144Bai.Ah faire zabina, we may curse his power,
wln 2145The heauens may frowne, the earth for anger quake,
wln 2146But such a Star hath influence in his sword,
wln 2147As rules the Skies, and countermands the Gods.
wln 2148More than Cymerian Stix or Distinie:
wln 2149And then shall we in this detested guyse,
wln 2150With shame, with hungar, and with horror aie
wln 2151Griping our bowels with retorqued thoughtes,
wln 2152And haue no hope to end our extasies.
wln 2153zab.Then is there left no Mahomet, no God,
wln 2154No Feend, no Fortune, nor no hope of end?
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The Conquests of Tamburlaine,
wln 2155To our infamous monstrous slaueries:
wln 2156Gape earth, and let the Feends infernall view,
wln 2157As hell, as hoplesse and as full of feare
wln 2158As are the blasted banks of Erebus:
wln 2159Where shaking ghosts with euer howling grones,
wln 2160Houer about the vgly Ferriman, to get a passage to E- (lisiã
wln 2161why should we liue, O wretches, beggars slaues
wln 2162Why liue we Baiazeth, and build vp neasts,
wln 2163So high within the region of the aire,
wln 2164By liuing long in this oppression,
wln 2165That all the world will see and laugh to scorne.
wln 2166The former triumphes of our mightines,
wln 2167In this obscure infernall seruitude?
wln 2168Bai.O life more loathsome to my vexed thoughts,
wln 2169Than noisome parbreak of the Stygian Snakes,
wln 2170Which fils the nookes of Hell with standing aire,
wln 2171Infecting all the Ghosts with curelesse griefs:
wln 2172O dreary Engines of my loathed sight,
wln 2173That sees my crowne, my honor and my name,
wln 2174Thrust vnder yoke and thraldom of a thiefe.
wln 2175Why feed ye still on daies accursed beams,
wln 2176And sink not quite into my tortur’d soule.
wln 2177You see my wife, my Queene and Emperesse,
wln 2178Brought vp and propped by the hand of fame,
wln 2179Queen of fifteene contributory Queens,
wln 2180Now throwen to roomes of blacke abiection,
wln 2181Smear’d with blots of basest drudgery:
wln 2182And Uillanesse to shame, disdaine, and misery:
wln 2183Accursed Baiazeth, whose words of ruth,
wln 2184That would with pity chear zabinas heart:
wln 2185And make our soules resolue in ceasles teares,
wln 2186Sharp hunger bites vpon and gripes the root:
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the Scythian Shepheard.
wln 2187From whence the issues of my thoughts doe breake,
wln 2188O poore zabina, O my Queen, my Queen,
wln 2189Fetch me some water for my burning breast,
wln 2190To coole and comfort me with longer date,
wln 2191That in the shortned sequel of my life,
wln 2192I may poure foorth my soule into thine armes,
wln 2193With words of loue: whose moaning entercourse
wln 2194Hath hetherto bin staid, with wrath and hate
wln 2195Of our expreslesse band inflictions
wln 2196zab.Sweet Baiazeth, I will prolong thy life,
wln 2197As long as any blood or sparke of breath
wln 2198Can quench or coole the torments of my griefe.
wln 2199She goes out:
wln 2200Bai.Now Baiazeth, abridge thy banefull daies,
wln 2201And beat thy braines out of thy conquer’d head:
wln 2202Since other meanes are all forbidden me,
wln 2203That may be ministers of my decay.
wln 2204O highest Lamp of euerliuing Ioue,
wln 2205Accursed day infected with my griefs,
wln 2206Hide now thy stained face in endles night,
wln 2207And shut the windowes of the lightsome heauens,
wln 2208Let vgly darknesse with her rusty coach
wln 2209Engyrt with tempests wrapt in pitchy clouds,
wln 2210Smother the earth with neuer fading mistes:
wln 2211And let her horses from their nostrels breathe
wln 2212Rebellious winds and dreadfull thunderclaps:
wln 2213That in this terrour tamburlaine may liue.
wln 2214And my pin’d soule resolu’d in liquid ay
wln 2215May styl excruciat his tormented thoughts.
wln 2216Then let the stony dart of sencelesse colde,
wln 2217Pierce through the center of my withered heart,
wln 2218And make a passage for my loathed life.
wln 2219He brains himself against the cage.
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wln 2220Enter Zabina.
wln 2221zab.What do mine eies behold, my husband dead?
wln 2222His Skul al riuin in twain, his braines dasht out?
wln 2223The braines of Baiazeth, my Lord and Soueraigne?
wln 2224O Baiazeth, my husband and my Lord,
wln 2225O Baiazet, O Turk, O Emperor, giue him his liquor
wln 2226Not I, bring milk and fire, and my blood I bring him
wln 2227againe, teare me in peeces, giue me the sworde with a
wln 2228ball of wildefire vpon it. Downe with him, downe with
wln 2229him. Goe to my child, away, away, away. Ah, saue that
wln 2230Infant, saue him, saue him. I, euen I speake to her, the
wln 2231Sun was downe. Streamers white. Red, Blacke, here
wln 2232here, here. Fling the meat in his face. Tamburlaine,
wln 2233tamburlaine, Let the souldiers be buried. Hel, death,
wln 2234tamburlain, Hell, make ready my Coch, my chaire, my
wln 2235iewels, I come, I come, I come.
wln 2236She runs against the Cage and braines her selfe
wln 2237Zenocrate wyth Anippe,
wln 2238Wretched Zenocrate, that liuest to see,
wln 2239Damascus walles di’d with Egytian blood.
wln 2240Thy Fathers subiects and thy countrimen:
wln 2241Thy streetes strowed with disseuered iointes of men,
wln 2242And wounded bodies gasping yet for life.
wln 2243But most accurst, to see the Sun=bright troope
wln 2244Of heauenly vyrgins and vnspotted maides,
wln 2245Whose lookes might make the angry God of armes,
wln 2246To breake his sword, and mildly treat of loue,
wln 2247On horsmens Lances to be hoisted vp,
wln 2248And guiltlesly endure a cruell death.
wln 2249For euery fell and stout Tartarian Stead,
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the Scythian Shepheard.
wln 2250That stampt on others with their thundring hooues
wln 2251When al their riders chardg’d their quiuering speares
wln 2252Began to checke the ground, and rain themselues:
wln 2253Gazing vpon the beautie of their lookes:
wln 2254Ah Tamburlaine, wert thou the cause of this
wln 2255That tearm’st Zenocrate thy dearest loue?
wln 2256Whose liues were dearer to Zenocrate
wln 2257Than her owne life, or ought saue thine owne loue.
wln 2258But see another bloody spectacle.
wln 2259Ah wretched eies, the enemies of my hart,
wln 2260How are ye glutted with these grieuous obiects,
wln 2261And tell my soule mor tales of bleeding ruth?
wln 2262See, se Anippe if they breathe or no.
wln 2263Anip.No breath nor sence, nor motion in them both
wln 2264Ah Madam, this their slauery hath Enforc’d,
wln 2265And ruthlesse cruelty of Tamburlaine.
wln 2266Zen.Earth cast vp fountaines from thy entralles,
wln 2267And wet thy cheeks for their vntimely deathes:
wln 2268Shake with their waight in signe of feare & griefe:
wln 2269Blush heauen, that gaue them honor at their birth,
wln 2270And let them die a death so barbarous.
wln 2271Those that are proud of fickle Empery,
wln 2272And place their chiefest good in earthly pompe:
wln 2273Behold the Turke and his great Emperesse.
wln 2274Ah tamburlaine, my loue, sweet tamburlaine,
wln 2275That fights for Scepters and for slippery crownes,
wln 2276Behold the Turk and his great Emperesse,
wln 2277Thou that in conduct of thy happy stars,
wln 2278Sleep’st euery night with conquest on thy browes,
wln 2279And yet wouldst shun the wauering turnes of war,
wln 2280In feare and feeling of the like distresse,
wln 2281Behold the Turke and his great Emperesse.
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The Conquests of Tamburlaine,
wln 2282Ah myghty Ioue and holy Mahomet,
wln 2283Pardon my Loue, oh pardon his contempt,
wln 2284Of earthly fortune, and respect of pitie,
wln 2285And let not conquest ruthlesly pursewde
wln 2286Be equally against his life incenst,
wln 2287In this great Turk and haplesse Emperesse.
wln 2288And pardon me that was not moou’d with ruthe,
wln 2289To see them liue so long in misery:
wln 2290Ah what may chance to thee zenocrate?
wln 2291Anip,Madam content your self and be resolu’d,
wln 2292Your Loue hath fortune so at his command,
wln 2293That she shall stay and turne her wheele no more,
wln 2294As long as life maintaines his mighty arme,
wln 2295That fights for honor to adorne your head.
wln 2296Enter a Messenger.
wln 2297Zen.What other heauie news now brings Philemus?
wln 2298Phi.Madam, your father and th’Arabian king,
wln 2299The first affecter of your excellence,
wln 2300Comes now as Turnus gainst Eneas did.
wln 2301Armed with lance into the Egyptian fields,
wln 2302Ready for battaile gainst my Lord the King.
wln 2303Zen.Now shame and duty, loue and feare presents
wln 2304A thousand sorrowes to my martyred soule:
wln 2305Whom should I wish the fatall victory,
wln 2306When my poore pleasures are deuided thus,
wln 2307And rackt by dutie from my cursed heart:
wln 2308My father and my first betrothed loue,
wln 2309Must fight against my life and present loue:
wln 2310Wherin the change I vse condemns my faith,
wln 2311And makes my deeds infamous through the world.
wln 2312But as the Gods to end the Troyans toile,
wln 2313Preuented Turnus of Lauinia.
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the Scythian Shepheard.
wln 2314And fatally enricht Eneas loue.
wln 2315So for a finall Issue to my griefes,
wln 2316To pacifie my countrie and my loue,
wln 2317Must Tamburlaine by their resistlesse powers,
wln 2318With vertue of a gentle victorie,
wln 2319Conclude a league of honor to my hope,
wln 2320Then as the powers deuine haue preordainde,
wln 2321With happy safty of my fathers life,
wln 2322Send like defence of faire Arabia.
wln 2323They sound to the battaile.
wln 2324And Tamburlaine enioyes the victory, after Arabia
wln 2325enters wounded.
wln 2326Ar.What cursed power guides the murthering hands,
wln 2327Of this infamous Tyrants souldiers.
wln 2328That no escape may saue their enemies:
wln 2329Nor fortune keep them selues from victory.
wln 2330Lye down Arabia, wounded to the death,
wln 2331And let Zenocrates faire eies beholde
wln 2332That as for her thou bearst these wretched armes.
wln 2333Euen so for her thou diest in these armes:
wln 2334Leauing thy blood for witnesse of thy loue.
wln 2335zen.Too deare a witnesse for such loue my Lord,
wln 2336Behold Zenocrate, the cursed obiect
wln 2337Whose Fortunes neuer mastered her griefs:
wln 2338Behold her wounded in conceit for thee,
wln 2339As much as thy faire body is for me.
wln 2340Ar.Then shal I die with full contented heart,
wln 2341Hauing beheld deuine Zenocrate,
wln 2342Whose sight with ioy would take away my life,
wln 2343As now it bringeth sweetnesse to my wound,
wln 2344If I had not bin wounded as I am.
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The Conquests of Tamburlaine,
wln 2345Ah that the deadly panges I suffer now,
wln 2346Would lend an howers license to my tongue:
wln 2347To make discourse of some sweet accidents
wln 2348Haue chanc’d thy merits in this worthles bondage.
wln 2349And that I might be priuy to the state,
wln 2350Of thy deseru’d contentment and thy loue:
wln 2351But making now a vertue of thy sight,
wln 2352To driue all sorrow from my fainting soule:
wln 2353Since Death denies me further cause of ioy.
wln 2354Depriu’d of care, my heart with comfort dies.
wln 2355Since thy desired hand shall close mine eies.
wln 2356Enter Tamburlain leading the Souldane, Techel-
wln 2357les, Theridamas, Vsumeasane, with others.
wln 2358Tam.Come happy Father of Zenocrate,
wln 2359A title higher than thy Souldans name:
wln 2360Though my right hand haue thus enthralled thee
wln 2361Thy princely daughter here shall set thee free.
wln 2362She that hath calmde the furie of my sword.
wln 2363Which had ere this bin bathde in streames of blood,
wln 2364As vast and deep as Euphrates or Nile.
wln 2365Zen:O sight thrice welcome to my ioiful soule.
wln 2366To see the king my Father issue safe,
wln 2367From dangerous battel of my conquering Loue.
wln 2368SoldanWel met my only deare Zenocrate,
wln 2369Though with the losse of Egypt and my Crown.
wln 2370tam.Twas I my lord that gat the victory,
wln 2371And therfore grieue not at your ouerthrow.
wln 2372Since I shall render all into your hands.
wln 2373And ad more strength to your dominions
wln 2374Then euer yet confirm’d th’Egyptian Crown.
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the Scythian Shepheard.
wln 2375The God of war resignes his roume to me,
wln 2376Meaning to make me Generall of the world,
wln 2377Ioue viewing me in armes, lookes pale and wan,
wln 2378Fearing my power should pull him from his throne,
wln 2379Where ere I come the fatall sisters sweat,
wln 2380And griesly death by running to and fro,
wln 2381To doo their ceaslles homag to my sword:
wln 2382And here in Affrick where it seldom raines,
wln 2383Since I arriu’d with my triumphat hoste,
wln 2384Haue swelling cloudes drawen from wide gasping
wln 2385 (woundes.
wln 2386Bene oft resolu’d in bloody purple showers,
wln 2387A meteor that might terrify the earth,
wln 2388And make it quake at euery drop it drinks:
wln 2389Millions of soules sit on the bankes of Styx,
wln 2390Waiting the back returne of Charons boat,
wln 2391Hell and Elisian swarme with ghosts of men,
wln 2392That I haue sent from sundry foughten fields.
wln 2393To spread my fame through hell and vp to heauen:
wln 2394And see my Lord, a sight of strange import,
wln 2395Emperours and kings lie breathlesse at my feet,
wln 2396The Turk and his great Emperesse as it seems,
wln 2397Left to themselues while we were at the fight.
wln 2398Haue desperatly dispatcht their slauish liues:
wln 2399With them Arabia too hath left his life,
wln 2400Al sights of power to grace my victory:
wln 2401And such are obiects fit for Tamburlaine.
wln 2402Wherein as in a mirrour may be seene,
wln 2403His honor, that consists in sheading blood,
wln 2404When men presume to manage armes with him.
wln 2405SoldanMighty hath God & Mahomet made thy hand
wln 2406(Renowmed tamburlain) to whom all kings
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The Conquests of Tamburlaine,
wln 2407Of force must yeeld their crownes and Emperies,
wln 2408And I am pleasde with this my ouerthrow:
wln 2409If as beseemes a person of thy state,
wln 2410Thou hast with honor vsde Zenocrate.
wln 2411tamb.Her state and person wants no pomp you see,
wln 2412And for all blot of foule inchastity,
wln 2413I record heauen, her heauenly selfe is cleare:
wln 2414Then let me find no further time to grace
wln 2415Her princely Temples with the Persean crowne:
wln 2416But here these kings that on my fortunes wait:
wln 2417And haue bene crown’d for prooued worthynesse,
wln 2418Euen by this hand that shall establish them,
wln 2419Shal now, adioining al their hands with mine,
wln 2420Inuest her here my Queene of Persea,
wln 2421What saith the noble Souldane and Zenocrate?
wln 2422SoldanI yeeld with thanks and protestations
wln 2423Of endlesse honor to thee for her loue.
wln 2424Tamb.Then doubt I not but faire Zenocrate
wln 2425Will soone consent to satisfy vs both.
wln 2426Zen.Els should I much forget my self, my Lord,
wln 2427Ther.Then let vs set the crowne vpon her head,
wln 2428That long hath lingred for so high a seat.
wln 2429Tech.My hand is ready to performe the deed,
wln 2430For now her mariage time shall worke vs rest:
wln 2431Vsum.And her’s the crown my Lord, help set it on
wln 2432Tam.Then sit thou downe diuine Zenocrate,
wln 2433And here we crowne thee Queene of Persea,
wln 2434And all the kingdomes and dominions
wln 2435That late the power of Tamburlaine subdewed:
wln 2436As Iuno, when the Giants were supprest,
wln 2437That darted mountaines at her brother Ioue:
wln 2438So lookes my Loue, shadowing in her browes
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the Scythian Shepheard.
wln 2439Triumphes and Trophees for my victories:
wln 2440Or as Latonas daughter bent to armes,
wln 2441Adding more courage to my conquering mind,
wln 2442To gratify the sweet zenocrate,
wln 2443Egyptians, Moores and men of Asia,
wln 2444From Barbary vnto the Westerne Indie,
wln 2445Shall pay a yearly tribute to thy Syre.
wln 2446And from the boundes of Affrick to the banks
wln 2447Of Ganges, shall his mighty arme extend.
wln 2448And now my Lords and louing followers,
wln 2449That purchac’d kingdomes by your matiall deeds,
wln 2450Cast off your armor, put on scarlet roabes.
wln 2451Mount vp your royall places of estate,
wln 2452Enuironed with troopes of noble men,
wln 2453And there make lawes to rule your prouinces:
wln 2454Hang vp your weapons on Alcides poste,
wln 2455For Tamburlaine takes truce with al the world.
wln 2456Thy first betrothed, Loue Arabia,
wln 2457Shall we with honor (as beseemes) entombe,
wln 2458With this great Turke and his faire Emperesse:
wln 2459Then after all these solemne Exequies,
wln 2460We wil our celebrated rites of mariage solemnize.
wln 2461Finis Actus quinti & vltimi huius
wln 2462primae partis.