The Conquests of Tamburlaine.
wln 1966ActusActus. 55.55... ScænaScaenaScaena. 22.22...
wln 1967TamburlaineTamburlaine. TechellesTechelles TheridamasTheridamas, VsumeasanUsumcasaneUsumeasane,
wln 1968withwith othersothers: TamburlaineTamburlaine allall inin blackeblack, andand verieveri●very
wln 1969melancholymelancholy.
wln 1970Tamb.TamburlaineTamb.
wln 1971WHatWHat, areare thethe TurtlesTurtles fraidefrayedfraid outout ofof theirtheir
wln 1972 (neastesnests?
wln 1973AlasAlas poorepoor foolesfools, mustmust youyou bebe firstfirst shalshall feelefeel
wln 1974TheThe swornesworn destructiondestruction ofof DamascusDamascus.
wln 1975TheyThey knowknow mymy customecustom: couldcould theythey notnot asas wellwell
wln 1976HaueHave sentsent yeye outout, whenwhen firstfirst mymy milkwhitemilk-white flagsflags
wln 1977ThroughThrough whichwhich sweetsweet merciemercy threwthrew herher gentlegentle beamsbeams
wln 1978ReflexingReflexing themthem onon youryour disdainfulldisdainful eieseyeseyes:
wln 1979AsAs nownow whenwhen furiefury andand incensedincensed hatehate
wln 1980FlingsFlings slaughteringslaughtering terrourterror fromfrom mymy coleblackcoal-black tentstents.
wln 1981AndAnd telstells forfor truethtruth, submissionssubmissions comescomes tootoo latelate.
wln 19821.1. VirginVirgin.MostMost happyhappy KingKing andand EmperourEmperor ofof thethe
wln 1983 (earthearth.
wln 1984ImageImage ofof HonorHonour andand NobilitieNobility.
wln 1985ForFor whomewhom thethe PowersPowers diuinedivine hauehave mademade thethe worldworld.
wln 1986AndAnd onon whosewhose thronethrone thethe holyholy GracesGraces sitsit.
wln 1987InIn whosewhose sweetesweet personperson isis compriz’dcomprised thethe SumSum
wln 1988OfOf naturesnature’s SkillSkill andand heauenlyheavenly maiestiemajesty.
wln 1989PittiePity ourour plightesplights, OOOh pitiepity poorepoor DamascusDamascus:
wln 1990PitiePity oldeold ageage, withinwithin whosewhose siluersilver haireshairshair’s
wln 1991HonorHonour andand reuerencereverence euermoreevermore hauehave raign’dreigned,
wln 1992PitiePity thethe mariagemarriage bedbed, wherewhere manymany aa LordLord
wln 1993InIn primeprime andand glorieglory ofof hishis louingloving ioyjoy.
wln 1994EmbracethEmbraceth nownow withwith tearestears ofof ruthruth andand bloodblood,
wln 1995TheThe iealousjealous bodiebody ofof hishis fearfullfearful wifewife,
wln 1996WhoseWhose cheekescheeks andand heartshearts soso punishtpunished withwith conceitconceit,
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the Scythian Shepheard.
wln 1997ToTo thinkethink thythy puisantpuissant neuer staiedneuernever-stayedneverstaiedstaid armearm
wln 1998WillWill partpart theirtheir bodiesbodies, andand preuentprevent theirtheir soulessouls
wln 1999FromFrom heauensheavens ofof comfortcomfort, yetyet theirtheir ageage mightmight bearebear,
wln 2000NowNow waxewax allall palepale andand witheredwithered toto thethe deathdeath,
wln 2001AsAs wellwell forfor griefegrief ourour ruthlesseruthless GouernourGovernor
wln 2002HaueHave thusthus refusderefused thethe merciemercy ofof thythy handhand,
wln 2003(WhoseWhose sceptersceptre AngelsAngels kissekiss, andand FuriesFuries dreaddread)
wln 2004AsAs forfor theirtheir libertiesliberties, theirtheir louesloves oror liueslives,
wln 2005OOOh thenthen forfor thesethese, andand suchsuch asas wewe our seluesourselves,
wln 2006ForFor vsus, forfor infantsinfants, andand forfor allall ourour bloodsbloods,
wln 2007ThatThat neuernever nourishtnourished thoughtthought againstagainst thythy rulerule,
wln 2008PitiePity, OOOh pitiepity, (sacredsacred EmperourEmperor)
wln 2009TheThe prostrateprostrate seruiceservice ofof thisthis wretchedwretched townetown.
wln 2010AndAnd taketake inin signesign thereofthereof thisthis gildedgilded wreathwreath,
wln 2011WheretoWhereto echeach manman ofof rulerule hathhath giuengiven hishis handhand,
wln 2012AndAnd wishtwished asas worthyworthy subiectssubjects happyhappy meanesmeans,
wln 2013ToTo bebe inuestersinvesters ofof thythy royallroyal browesbrows,
wln 2014EuenEven withwith thethe truetrue EgyptianEgyptian DiademDiadem.
wln 2015tam.tamburlainetam.VirginsVirgins, inin vainevain yeye labourlaborelabo●●labour toto preuentprevent
wln 2016ThatThat whichwhich minemine honorhonour swearesswears shalshall bebe perform’dperformed:
wln 2017BeholdBehold mymy swordsword, whatwhat seesee youyou atat thethe pointpoint?
wln 2018Virg.VirginVirg.NothingNothing butbut fearefear andand fatallfatal steelesteel mymy LordLord.
wln 2019tam.tamburlainetam.YourYour fearfullfearful mindsminds areare thickethick andand mistiemisty thenthen
wln 2020ForFor therethere sitssits DeathDeath, therethere sitssits imperiousimperious DeathDeath.
wln 2021KeepingKeeping hishis circuitcircuit byby thethe slicingslicing edgeedge.
wln 2022ButBut II’amII’m’am am pleasdepleased youyou shallshall notnot seesee himhim therethere,
wln 2023HeHe nownow isis seatedseated onon mymy horsmenshorsemen’s spearesspears:
wln 2024AndAnd onon theirtheir pointspoints hishis fleshlessefleshless bodiebody feedesfechesfeedsfeches.
wln 2025TechellesTechelles, straightstraight goego chargecharge aa fewfew ofof themthem
wln 2026ToTo chardgecharge thesethese DamesDames, andand shewshow mymy seruantservant deathdeath:
wln 2027SittingSitting inin scarletscarlet onon theirtheir armedarmed spearesspears.
wln 2028OmnesOmnes.OO pitiepity vsus.
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The Conquests of Tamburlaine.
wln 2029tam.tamburlainetam.AwayAway withwith themthem II saysay andand shewshow themthem deathdeath.
wln 2030TheyThey taketake themthem awayaway.
wln 2031II willwill notnot sparespare thesethese proudproud EgyptiansEgyptians.
wln 2032NorNor changechange mymy MartiallMartial obseruationsobservations,
wln 2033ForFor allall thethe wealthwealth ofof GehonsGihon’sGehon’s goldengolden waueswaves.
wln 2034OrOr forfor thethe louelove ofof VenusVenus, wouldwould sheshe leaueleave
wln 2035TheThe angrieangry GodGod ofof ArmesArms, andand lielie withwith meme.
wln 2036TheyThey hauehave refusderefused thethe offeroffer ofof theirtheir liueslives,
wln 2037AndAnd knowknow mymy customescustoms areare asas peremptoryperemptory
wln 2038AsAs wrathfullwrathful PlanetsPlanets, deathdeath, oror destiniedestiny.
wln 2039EnterEnter TechellesTechelles.
wln 2040WhatWhat, hauehave youryour horsmenhorsemen shewenshown thethe virginsvirginsvirgin’s DeathDeath?
wln 2041tech.techellestech.TheyThey hauehave mymy LordLord, andand onon DamascusDamascus’Damascus walswalls
wln 2042HaueHave hoistedhoist vpup theirtheir slaughteredslaughtered carcasescarcases.
wln 2043tam.tamburlainetam.AA sightsight asas banefullbaneful toto theirtheir soulessouls II thinkthink
wln 2044AsAs areare ThessalianThessalian drugsdrugs oror MithradateMithridatemithridate.
wln 2045ButBut goego mymy LordsLords, putput thethe restrest toto thethe swordsword.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 2046AhAh fairefair ZenocrateZenocrate, diuinedivine ZenocrateZenocrate,
wln 2047FaireFair isis tootoo foulefoul anan EpithiteEpithet forfor theethee,
wln 2048ThatThat inin thythy passionpassion forfor thythy countriescountry’s louelove,
wln 2049AndAnd fearefear toto seesee thythy kinglykingly FathersFather’s harmeharm,
wln 2050WithWith hairehair dischewelddisheveled wip’stwip’stwipest thythy waterywatery cheekscheeks:
wln 2051AndAnd likelike toto FloraFlora inin herher morningsmorning’s pridepride,
wln 2052ShakingShaking herher siluersilver treshestressestreshes inin thethe aireair.
wln 2053Rain’stRain’stRainest onon thethe earthearth resoluedresolvedresolve pearlepearl inin showersshowers,
wln 2054AndAnd sprinklestsprinklest Saphyrssapphires onon thythy shiningshining faceface,
wln 2055WherWhere BeautyBeauty, mothermother toto thethe MusesMuses sitssits,
wln 2056AndAnd commentscomments vollumesvolumes withwith herher YuoryIvory penpen:
wln 2057TakingTaking instructionsinstructions fromfrom thythy flowingflowing eieseyes,
wln 2058EiesEyes whenwhen thatthat EbenaEbena stepssteps toto heauenheaven.
wln 2059InIn silencesilence ofof thythy solemnsolemn EueningsEvening’s walkwalk.
wln 2060MakingMaking thethe mantlemantle ofof thethe richestrichest nightnight.
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the Scythian Shepheard.
wln 2061TheThe MooneMoon, thethe PlanetsPlanets, andand thethe MeteorsMeteorsmeteor’s lightlight,
wln 2062ThereThere AngelsAngels inin theirtheir christalcrystal armoursarmours fightfight
wln 2063AA doubtfulldoubtful battellbattle withwith mymy temptedtempted thoughtesthoughts,
wln 2064ForFor EgyptsEgypt’s freedomfreedom andand thethe SouldansSoldan’ssoldan’s lifelife:
wln 2065HisHis lifelife thatthat soso consumesconsumes ZenocrateZenocrate,
wln 2066WhoseWhose sorrowessorrows laylay moremore siegesiege vntounto mymy soulesaulesoulsaul,
wln 2067ThanThan allall mymy ArmyArmy toto DamascusDamascus’Damascus walleswalls.
wln 2068AndAnd neitherneither PerseansPersians SoueraignSovereign, nornor thethe TurkTurk
wln 2069TroubledTroubled mymy sencessenses withwith conceitconceit ofof foilefoil,
wln 2070SoSo muchmuch byby muchmuch, asas doothdoth zenocratezenocrate.
wln 2071WhatWhat isis beautybeauty saithsaith mymy sufferingssufferings thenthen?
wln 2072IfIf allall thethe penspens thatthat euerever poetspoets heldheld,
wln 2073HadHad fedfed thethe feelingfeeling ofof theirtheir maistersmaster’s thoughtsthoughts,
wln 2074AndAnd eueryevery sweetnessweetness thatthat inspir’dinspired theirtheir hartshearts,
wln 2075TheirTheir mindsminds, andand musesmuses onon admyredadmired theamesthemes:
wln 2076IfIf allall thethe heauenlyheavenly QuintessenceQuintessence theythey stillstill
wln 2077FromFrom theirtheir immortallimmortal flowersflowers ofof PoesyPoesy,
wln 2078WhereinWherein asas inin aa myrrourmirror wewe perceiueperceive
wln 2079TheThe highesthighest reachesreaches ofof aa humainehuman witwit.
wln 2080IfIf thesethese hadhad mademade oneone PoemsPoem’s periodperiod
wln 2081AndAnd allall combin’dcombined inin BeautiesBeauty’s worthinesseworthiness,
wln 2082YetYet shouldshould therthere houerhover inin theirtheir restlesserestless headsheads,
wln 2083OneOne thoughtthought, oneone gracegrace, oneone woonderwonder atat thethe leastleast,
wln 2084WhichWhich intointo wordswords nono vertuevirtue cancan digestdigest:
wln 2085ButBut howhow vnseemlyunseemly isis itit forfor mymy SexSex
wln 2086MyMy disciplinediscipline ofof armesarms andand ChiualrieChivalry,
wln 2087MyMy naturenature andand thethe terrourterror ofof mymy namename.
wln 2088ToTo harbourharbour thoughtsthoughts effeminateeffeminate andand faintfaint?
wln 2089SaueSave onelyonly thatthat inin / BeautiesBeauty’s iustjust applauseapplause,
wln 2090WithWith whosewhose instinctinstinct thethe soulesoul ofof manman isis touchttouched.
wln 2091AndAnd eueryevery warriourwarrior thatthat isis raptrapt withwith louelove,
wln 2092OfOf famefame, ofof valourvalour, andand ofof victoryvictory
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The Conquests of Tamburlaine.
wln 2093MustMust needsneeds hauehave beautybeauty beatbeat onon hishis conceitesconceits,
wln 2094II thusthus conceiuingconceiving andand subduingsubduing bothboth:
wln 2095ThatThat whichwhich hathhath stoptstopped thethe tempesttempest ofof thethe GodsGods,
wln 2096EuenEven fromfrom thethe fieryfiery spangledspangled vaileveil ofof heauenheaven,
wln 2097ToTo feelefeel thethe louelylovely warmthwarmth ofof shepheardsshepherds’Shepherd’s flamesflames,
wln 2098AndAnd martchmarch inin cottagescottages ofof strowedstrewedstrowed weedsweeds,
wln 2099ShalShall giuegive thethe worldworld toto notenote forfor allall mymy byrthbirth,
wln 2100ThatThat VertueVirtue solelysolely isis thethe sumsum ofof glorieglory,
wln 2101AndAnd fashionsfashions menmen withwith truetrue nobilitynobility.
wln 2102Who’sWho’s withinwithin therethere?
wln 2103EnterEnter twotwo oror threethree.
wln 2104HathHath BaiazethBajazeth benebeen fedfed to daytoday?
wln 2105An.AnippeAn.IAyay, mymy LordLord.
wln 2106tamb.tamburlainetamb.BringBring himhim forthforth, &and letlet vsus knowknow ifif thethe townetown
wln 2107bebe ransacktransacked.
wln 2108EnterEnter TechellesTechelles, TheridamasTheridamas, VsumeasanUsumcasaneUsumeasane &and othersothers.
wln 2109techtechellestechTheThe towntown isis oursours mymy LordLord, andand freshfresh supplysupply
wln 2110OfOf conquestconquest, andand ofof spoilespoil isis offeredoffered vsus:
wln 2111tam.tamburlainetam.ThatsThat’sthat’s welwell techellestechelles, what’swhat’s thethe newesnews?
wln 2112tech.techellestech.TheThe SouldanSoldanSultan andand thethe ArabianArabian kingking togethertogether
wln 2113MartchMarch onon vsus withwith suchsuch eagereager violenceviolence,
wln 2114AsAs ifif therethere werewere nono wayway butbut oneone withwith vsus.
wln 2115tam.tamburlainetam.NoNo moremore therethere isis notnot II warrantwarrant theethee techellestechelles
wln 2116TheyThey bringbring inin thethe TurkeTurk.
wln 2117ther.theridamasther.WeWe knowknow thethe victorievictory isis oursours mymy LordLord,
wln 2118ButBut letlet vsus sauesave thethe reuerendreverend SouldansSoldan’ssoldan’s lifelife,
wln 2119ForFor fairefair ZenocrateZenocrate, thatthat soso lamentslaments hishis statestate.
wln 2120tamb.tamburlainetamb.ThatThat willwill wewe chieflychiefly seesee vntounto, theridamastheridamas.
wln 2121ForFor sweetsweet zenocratezenocrate, whosewhose worthinesseworthiness
wln 2122DeseruesDeserves aa conquestconquest ouerover eueryevery hartheart:
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the Scythian Shepheard.
wln 2123AndAnd nownow mymy footstoolefootstool, ifif II looselose thethe fieldfield,
wln 2124YouYou hopehope ofof libertieliberty andand restitutionrestitution:
wln 2125HereHere letlet himhim staystay mymy maystersmasters fromfrom thethe tentstents,
wln 2126TillTill wewe hauehave mademade vsus readyready forfor thethe fieldfield.
wln 2127PrayPray forfor vsus BaiazethBajazeth, wewe areare goinggoing.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 2128Bai.BajazethBai.GoGo, neuernever toto returnereturn withwith victorievictory:
wln 2129MillionsMillions ofof menmen encompasseencompass theethee aboutabout.
wln 2130AndAnd goregore thythy bodybody withwith asas manymany woundswounds,
wln 2131SharpeSharp forkedforked arrowesarrows lightlight vponupon thythy horsehorse:
wln 2132FuriesFuries fromfrom thethe blackeblack CocitusCocytus’Cocytus lakelake,
wln 2133BreakeBreak vpup thethe earthearth, andand withwith theirtheir firebrandsfirebrands,
wln 2134EnforceEnforce theethee runrun vponupon thethe banefullbaneful pikespikes.
wln 2135VolleyesVolleys ofof shotshot piercepierce throughthrough thythy charmedcharmed SkinSkin.
wln 2136AndAnd eueryevery bulletbullet diptdipped inin poisonedpoisoned drugsdrugs,
wln 2137OrOr roaringroaring CannonsCannons seuersever allall thythy iointsjoints.
wln 2138MakingMaking theethee mountmount asas highhigh asas EaglesEagles soaresoar.
wln 2139zab.zabinazab.LetLet allall thethe swordsswords andand LancesLances inin thethe fieldfield,
wln 2140StickStick inin hishis breastbreast, asas inin theirtheir properproper roomesrooms,
wln 2141AtAt eueryevery poreporepoor letlet bloodblood commecome droppingdropping foorthforth.
wln 2142ThatThat lingringling’ringlingering painespains maymay massacremassacre hishis heartheart.
wln 2143AndAnd madnessemadness sendsend hishis damneddanmeddamned soulesoul toto hellhell.
wln 2144Bai.BajazethBai.AhAh fairefair zabinazabina, wewe maymay cursecurse hishis powerpower,
wln 2145TheThe heauensheavens maymay frownefrown, thethe earthearth forfor angeranger quakequake,
wln 2146ButBut suchsuch aa StarStar hathhath influenceinfluence inin hishis swordsword,
wln 2147AsAs rulesrules thethe SkiesSkies, andand countermandscountermands thethe GodsGods..,
wln 2148MoreMore thanthan CymerianCimmerian StixStyx oror DistinieDestinydestiny:
wln 2149AndAnd thenthen shallshall wewe inin thisthis detesteddetested guyseguise,
wln 2150WithWith shameshame, withwith hungarhunger, andand withwith horrorhorror aieaye
wln 2151GripingGripingGripping ourour bowelsbowels withwith retorquedretorqued thoughtesthoughts,
wln 2152AndAnd hauehave nono hopehope toto endend ourour extasiesecstasies.
wln 2153zab.zabinazab.ThenThen isis therethere leftleft nono MahometMahomet, nono GodGod,
wln 2154NoNo FeendFiend, nono FortuneFortune, nornor nono hopehope ofof endend?
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The Conquests of Tamburlaine,
wln 2155ToTo ourour infamousinfamous monstrousmonstrous slaueriesslaveries:
wln 2156GapeGape earthearth, andand letlet thethe FeendsFiend’sFiends infernallinfernal viewview,
wln 2157AsAs hellhell, asas hoplessehopeless andand asas fullfull ofof fearefear
wln 2158AsAs areare thethe blastedblasted banksbanks ofof ErebusErebus:
wln 2159WhereWhere shakingshaking ghostsghosts withwith euerever howlinghowling gronesgroans,
wln 2160HouerHover aboutabout thethe vglyugly FerrimanFerryman, toto getget aa passagepassage toto E-ElysiāE∣lysiāElysianelysian(lisiã
wln 2161
wln 2161whywhy shouldshould wewe liuelive, OOOh wretcheswretches, beggarsbeggars slauesslaves
wln 2162WhyWhy liuelive wewe BaiazethBajazeth, andand buildbuild vpup neastsnests,
wln 2163SoSo highhigh withinwithin thethe regionregion ofof thethe aireair,
wln 2164ByBy liuingliving longlong inin thisthis oppressionoppression,
wln 2165ThatThat allall thethe worldworld willwill seesee andand laughlaugh toto scornescorn.
wln 2166TheThe formerformer triumphestriumphs ofof ourour mightinesmightiness,
wln 2167InIn thisthis obscureobscure infernallinfernal seruitudeservitude??:
wln 2168Bai.BajazethBai.OO lifelife moremore loathsomeloathsome toto mymy vexedvexed thoughtsthoughts,
wln 2169ThanThan noisomenoisome parbreakparbreak ofof thethe StygianStygian SnakesSnakes,
wln 2170WhichWhich filsfills thethe nookesnooks ofof HellHell withwith standingstanding aireair,
wln 2171InfectingInfecting allall thethe GhostsGhosts withwith curelessecureless griefsgriefs:
wln 2172OOOh drearydreary EnginesEngines ofof mymy loathedloathed sightsight,
wln 2173ThatThat seessees mymy crownecrown, mymy honorhonour andand mymy namename,
wln 2174ThrustThrust vnderunder yokeyoke andand thraldomthraldom ofof aa thiefethief.
wln 2175WhyWhy feedfeed yeye stillstill onon daiesday’s accursedaccursed beamsbeams,
wln 2176AndAnd sinksink notnot quitequite intointo mymy tortur’dtortured soulesoul.
wln 2177YouYou seesee mymy wifewife, mymy QueeneQueen andand EmperesseEmpress,
wln 2178BroughtBrought vpup andand proppedpropped byby thethe handhand ofof famefame,
wln 2179QueenQueen ofof fifteenefifteen contributorycontributory QueensQueens,
wln 2180NowNow throwenthrown toto roomesrooms ofof blackeblack abiectionabjection,
wln 2181Smear’dSmeared withwith blotsblots ofof basestbasest drudgerydrudgery:
wln 2182AndAnd VillanesseVilleinessVillainess toto shameshame, disdainedisdain, andand miserymisery:
wln 2183AccursedAccursed BaiazethBajazeth, whosewhose wordswords ofof ruthruth,
wln 2184ThatThat wouldwould withwith pitypity chearcheer zabinasZabina’s heartheart:
wln 2185AndAnd makemake ourour soulessouls resolueresolve inin ceaslesceaseless tearestears,
wln 2186SharpSharp hungerhunger bitesbites vponupon andand gripesgripes thethe rootroot:
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the Scythian Shepheard.
wln 2187FromFrom whencewhence thethe issuesissues ofof mymy thoughtsthoughts doedo breakebreak,
wln 2188OOOh poorepoor zabinazabina, OOOh mymy QueenQueen, mymy QueenQueen,
wln 2189FetchFetch meme somesome waterwater forfor mymy burningburning breastbreast,
wln 2190ToTo coolecool andand comfortcomfort meme withwith longerlonger datedate,
wln 2191ThatThat inin thethe shortnedshort’nedshortned sequelsequel ofof mymy lifelife,
wln 2192II maymay pourepour foorthforth mymy soulesoul intointo thinethine armesarms,
wln 2193WithWith wordswords ofof louelove: whosewhose moaningmoaning entercourseintercourse
wln 2194HathHath hethertohitherto binbeen staidstayed, withwith wrathwrath andand hatehate
wln 2195OfOf ourour expreslesseexpressless bandbannedband inflictions
wln 2196zab.zabinazab.SweetSweet BaiazethBajazeth, II willwill prolongprolong thythy lifelife,
wln 2197AsAs longlong asas anyany bloodblood oror sparkespark ofof breathbreath
wln 2198CanCan quenchquench oror coolecool thethe tormentstorments ofof mymy griefegrief.
wln 2199SheShe goesgoes outout:
wln 2200Bai.BajazethBai.NowNow BaiazethBajazeth, abridgeabridge thythy banefullbaneful daiesdays,
wln 2201AndAnd beatbeat thythy brainesbrains outout ofof thythy conquer’dconquered headhead:
wln 2202SinceSince otherother meanesmeans areare allall forbiddenforbidden meme,
wln 2203ThatThat maymay bebe ministersministers ofof mymy decaydecay.
wln 2204OO highesthighest LampLamp ofof euerliuingeverliving IoueJovejove,
wln 2205AccursedAccursed dayday infectedinfected withwith mymy griefsgriefs,
wln 2206HideHide nownow thythy stainedstained faceface inin endlesendless nightnight,
wln 2207AndAnd shutshut thethe windoweswindows ofof thethe lightsomelightsome heauensheavens,
wln 2208LetLet vglyugly darknessedarkness withwith herher rustyrusty coachcoach
wln 2209EngyrtEngirtengirt withwith tempeststempests wraptwrapped inin pitchypitchy cloudsclouds,
wln 2210SmotherSmother thethe earthearth withwith neuer fadingneuernever-fadingnever fadingfading mistesmists:
wln 2211AndAnd letlet herher horseshorses fromfrom theirtheir nostrelsnostrils breathebreathe
wln 2212RebelliousRebellious windswinds andand dreadfulldreadful thunderclapsthunderclaps:
wln 2213ThatThat inin thisthis terrourterror tamburlainetamburlaine maymay liuelive.
wln 2214AndAnd mymy pin’dpined soulesoul resolu’dresolved inin liquidliquid ayay,
wln 2215MayMay stylstill excruciatexcruciateexcruciatexcruciate hishis tormentedtormented thoughtsthoughts.
wln 2216ThenThen letlet thethe stonystony dartdart ofof sencelessesenseless coldecold,
wln 2217PiercePierce throughthrough thethe centercentre ofof mymy witheredwithered heartheart,
wln 2218AndAnd makemake aa passagepassage forfor mymy loathedloathed lifelife.
wln 2219HeHe brainsbrains himselfhimself againstagainst thethe cagecage.
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wln 2220EnterEnter ZabinaZabina.
wln 2221zab.Zab.zabinaZab.WhatWhat dodo minemine eieseyes beholdbehold, mymy husbandhusband deaddead?
wln 2222HisHis SkulSkullskull alall riuinriven inin twaintwain, hishis brainesbrains dashtdashed outout?:
wln 2223TheThe brainesbrains ofof BaiazethBajazeth, mymy LordLord andand SoueraigneSovereign?:
wln 2224OOOh BaiazethBajazeth, mymy husbandhusband andand mymy LordLord,
wln 2225OOOh BaiazetBajazeth, OOOh TurkTurk, OOOh EmperorEmperor, giuegive himhim hishis liquorliquor
wln 2226NotNot II, bringbring milkmilk andand firefire, andand mymy bloodblood II bringbring himhim
wln 2227againeagain, tearetear meme inin peecespieces, giuegive meme thethe swordesword withwith aa
wln 2228ballball ofof wildefirewildfire vponupon itit. DowneDown withwith himhim, downedown withwith
wln 2229himhim. GoeGo toto mymy childchild, awayaway, awayaway, awayaway. AhAh, sauesave thatthat
wln 2230InfantInfant, sauesave himhim, sauesave himhim. IIay, eueneven II speakespeak toto herher, thethe
wln 2231SunSun waswas downedown. StreamersStreamers whitewhite. RedRed, BlackeBlack, herehere
wln 2232herehere, herehere. FlingFling thethe meatmeat inin hishis faceface. TamburlaineTamburlaine,
wln 2233tamburlainetamburlaine, LetLet thethe souldierssoldiers bebe buriedburied. HelHell, deathdeath,
wln 2234tamburlaintamburlaineTamburlaine, HellHell, makemake readyready mymy CochCoach, mymy chairechair, mymy
wln 2235iewelsjewels, II comecome, II comecome, II comecome.
wln 2236SheShe runsruns againstagainst thethe CageCage andand brainesbrains her selfeherself
wln 2237ZenocrateZenocrate wythwith AnippeAnippe,
wln 2238WretchedWretched ZenocrateZenocrate, thatthat liuestlivest toto seesee,
wln 2239DamascusDamascus’Damascus walleswalls di’ddyeddied withwith EgytianEgyptian bloodblood.
wln 2240ThyThy FathersFather’s subiectssubjects andand thythy countrimencountrymen:
wln 2241ThyThy streetesstreets strowedstrewedstrowed withwith disseuereddissevered iointesjoints ofof menmen,
wln 2242AndAnd woundedwounded bodiesbodies gaspinggasping yetyet forfor lifelife.
wln 2243ButBut mostmost accurstaccursed, toto seesee thethe Sun=brightSun-brightSun-bright troopetroop
wln 2244OfOf heauenlyheavenly vyrginsvirgins andand vnspottedunspotted maidesmaids,
wln 2245WhoseWhose lookeslooks mightmight makemake thethe angryangry GodGod ofof armesarms,
wln 2246ToTo breakebreak hishis swordsword, andand mildlymildly treattreat ofof louelove,
wln 2247OnOn horsmenshorsemen’s LancesLances toto bebe hoistedhoistedhoist vpup,
wln 2248AndAnd guiltleslyguiltlessly endureendure aa cruellcruel deathdeath.
wln 2249ForFor eueryevery fellfell andand stoutstout TartarianTartarian SteadStead,
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the Scythian Shepheard.
wln 2250ThatThat stamptstamped onon othersothers withwith theirtheir thundringthund’ringthundering hooueshooves
wln 2251WhenWhen alall theirtheir ridersriders chardg’dcharged theirtheir quiueringquivering spearesspears
wln 2252BeganBegan toto checkecheck thethe groundground, andand rainreinrain themseluesthemselves:
wln 2253GazingGazing vponupon thethe beautiebeauty ofof theirtheir lookeslooks:
wln 2254AhAh TamburlaineTamburlaine, wertwert thouthou thethe causecause ofof thisthis
wln 2255ThatThat tearm’stterm’st ZenocrateZenocrate thythy dearestdearest louelove?
wln 2256WhoseWhose liueslives werewere dearerdearer toto ZenocrateZenocrate
wln 2257ThanThan herher owneown lifelife, oror oughtaughtought sauesave thinethine owneown louelove.
wln 2258ButBut seesee anotheranother bloodybloody spectaclespectacle.
wln 2259AhAh wretchedwretched eieseyes, thethe enemiesenemies ofof mymy hartheart,
wln 2260HowHow areare yeye gluttedglutted withwith thesethese grieuousgrievous obiectsobjects,
wln 2261AndAnd telltell mymy soulesoul mormore talestales ofof bleedingbleeding ruthruth?
wln 2262SeeSee, sesee AnippeAnippe ifif theythey breathebreathe oror nono.
wln 2263Anip.AnippeAnip.NoNo breathbreath nornor sencesense, nornor motionmotion inin themthem bothboth
wln 2264AhAh MadamMadam, thisthis theirtheir slaueryslavery hathhath Enforc’dEnforcedenforced,
wln 2265AndAnd ruthlesseruthless crueltycruelty ofof TamburlaineTamburlaine.
wln 2266Zen.ZenocrateZen.EarthEarth castcast vpup fountainesfountains fromfrom thythy entrallesentrails,
wln 2267AndAnd wetwet thythy cheekscheeks forfor theirtheir vntimelyuntimely deathesdeaths:
wln 2268ShakeShake withwith theirtheir waightweight inin signesign ofof fearefear &and griefegrief:
wln 2269BlushBlush heauenheaven, thatthat gauegave themthem honorhonour atat theirtheir birthbirth,
wln 2270AndAnd letlet themthem diedie aa deathdeath soso barbarousbarbarous.
wln 2271ThoseThose thatthat areare proudproud ofof ficklefickle EmperyEmpery,
wln 2272AndAnd placeplace theirtheir chiefestchiefest goodgood inin earthlyearthly pompepomp:
wln 2273BeholdBehold thethe TurkeTurk andand hishis greatgreat EmperesseEmperesseEmpress.
wln 2274AhAh tamburlainetamburlaine, mymy louelove, sweetsweet tamburlainetamburlaine,
wln 2275ThatThat fightsfights forfor SceptersSceptres andand forfor slipperyslippery crownescrowns,
wln 2276BeholdBehold thethe TurkTurk andand hishis greatgreat EmperesseEmperesseEmpress,
wln 2277ThouThou thatthat inin conductconduct ofof thythy happyhappy starsstars,
wln 2278Sleep’stSleep’stSleepest eueryevery nightnight withwith conquestconquest onon thythy browesbrows,
wln 2279AndAnd yetyet wouldstwouldst shunshun thethe waueringwavering turnesturns ofof warwar,
wln 2280InIn fearefear andand feelingfeeling ofof thethe likelike distressedistress,
wln 2281BeholdBehold thethe TurkeTurk andand hishis greatgreat EmperesseEmperesseEmpress.
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The Conquests of Tamburlaine,
wln 2282AhAh myghtymighty IoueJovejove andand holyholy MahometMahomet,
wln 2283PardonPardon mymy LoueLove, ohoho pardonpardon hishis contemptcontempt,
wln 2284OfOf earthlyearthly fortunefortune, andand respectrespect ofof pitiepity,
wln 2285AndAnd letlet notnot conquestconquest ruthleslyruthlessly pursewdepursued
wln 2286BeBe equallyequally againstagainst hishis lifelife incenstincensed,
wln 2287InIn thisthis greatgreat TurkTurk andand haplessehapless EmperesseEmperesseEmpress.
wln 2288AndAnd pardonpardon meme thatthat waswas notnot moou’dmoved withwith rutheruth,
wln 2289ToTo seesee themthem liuelive soso longlong inin miserymisery:
wln 2290AhAh whatwhat maymay chancechance toto theethee zenocratezenocrate?
wln 2291Anip,AnippeAnip,MadamMadam contentcontent your selfyourself andand bebe resolu’dresolved,
wln 2292YourYour LoueLove hathhath fortunefortune soso atat hishis commandcommand,
wln 2293ThatThat sheshe shallshall staystay andand turneturn herher wheelewheel nono moremore,
wln 2294AsAs longlong asas lifelife maintainesmaintains hishis mightymighty armearm,
wln 2295ThatThat fightsfights forfor honorhonour toto adorneadorn youryour headhead.
wln 2296EnterEnter aa MessengerMessenger.
wln 2297Zen.ZenocrateZen.WhatWhat otherother heauieheavy newsnews nownow bringsbrings PhilemusPhilemus?
wln 2298Phi.PhilemusPhi.MadamMadam, youryour fatherfather andand th’th’ArabianArabian kingking,
wln 2299TheThe firstfirst affecteraffecter ofof youryour excellenceexcellence,
wln 2300ComesComes nownow asas TurnusTurnus gainst’gainst EneasAeneas diddid.
wln 2301ArmedArmed withwith lancelance intointo thethe EgyptianEgyptian fieldsfields,
wln 2302ReadyReady forfor battailebattle gainst’gainst mymy LordLord thethe KingKing.
wln 2303Zen.ZenocrateZen.NowNow shameshame andand dutyduty, louelove andand fearefear presentspresents
wln 2304AA thousandthousand sorrowessorrows toto mymy martyredmartyred soulesoul:
wln 2305WhomWhom shouldshould II wishwish thethe fatallfatal victoryvictory,
wln 2306WhenWhen mymy poorepoor pleasurespleasures areare deuideddivided thusthus,
wln 2307AndAnd racktracked byby dutieduty fromfrom mymy cursedcursed heartheart:
wln 2308MyMy fatherfather andand mymy firstfirst betrothedbetrothed louelove,
wln 2309MustMust fightfight againstagainst mymy lifelife andand presentpresent louelove:
wln 2310WherinWherein thethe changechange II vseuse condemnscondemns mymy faithfaith,
wln 2311AndAnd makesmakes mymy deedsdeeds infamousinfamous throughthrough thethe worldworld.
wln 2312ButBut asas thethe GodsGods toto endend thethe TroyansTrojans’Trojans toiletoil,
wln 2313PreuentedPreuent’dPrevented TurnusTurnus ofof LauiniaLavinia.
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the Scythian Shepheard.
wln 2314AndAnd fatallyfatally enrichtenriched EneasAeneas’ louelove.
wln 2315SoSo forfor aa finallfinal IssueIssue toto mymy griefesgriefs,
wln 2316ToTo pacifiepacify mymy countriecountry andand mymy louelove,
wln 2317MustMust TamburlaineTamburlaine byby theirtheir resistlesseresistless powerspowers,
wln 2318WithWith vertuevirtue ofof aa gentlegentle victorievictory,
wln 2319ConcludeConclude aa leagueleague ofof honorhonour toto mymy hopehope,
wln 2320ThenThen asas thethe powerspowers deuinedivine hauehave preordaindepreordained,
wln 2321WithWith happyhappy saftysafety ofof mymy fathersfather’s lifelife,
wln 2322SendSend likelike defencedefence ofof fairefair ArabiaArabia.
wln 2323TheyThey soundsound toto thethe battailebattle.
wln 2324AndAnd TamburlaineTamburlaine enioyesenjoys thethe victoryvictory, afterafter ArabiaArabia
wln 2325entersenters woundedwounded.
wln 2326Ar.ArabiaAr.WhatWhat cursedcursed powerpower guidesguides thethe murtheringmurdering handshands,
wln 2327OfOf thisthis infamousinfamous TyrantsTyrant’sTyrants souldierssoldiers.
wln 2328ThatThat nono escapeescape maymay sauesave theirtheir enemiesenemies:
wln 2329NorNor fortunefortune keepkeep them seluesthemselves fromfrom victoryvictory.
wln 2330LyeLie downdown ArabiaArabia, woundedwounded toto thethe deathdeath,
wln 2331AndAnd letlet ZenocratesZenocrate’s fairefair eieseyes beholdebehold
wln 2332ThatThat asas forfor herher thouthou bearstbear’stbearest thesethese wretchedwretched armesarms.
wln 2333EuenEveneven soso forfor herher thouthou diestdiest inin thesethese armesarms:
wln 2334LeauingLeaving thythy bloodblood forfor witnessewitness ofof thythy louelove.
wln 2335zen.zenocratezen.TooToo dearedear aa witnessewitness forfor suchsuch louelove mymy LordLord,
wln 2336BeholdBehold ZenocrateZenocrate, thethe cursedcursed obiectobject
wln 2337WhoseWhose FortunesFortunes neuernever masteredmastered herher griefsgriefs:
wln 2338BeholdBehold herher woundedwounded inin conceitconceit forfor theethee,
wln 2339AsAs muchmuch asas thythy fairefair bodybody isis forfor meme.
wln 2340Ar.ArabiaAr.ThenThen shalshall II diedie withwith fullfull contentedcontented heartheart,
wln 2341HauingHaving beheldbeheld deuinedivine ZenocrateZenocrate,
wln 2342WhoseWhose sightsight withwith ioyjoy wouldwould taketake awayaway mymy lifelife,
wln 2343AsAs nownow itit bringethbringeth sweetnessesweetness toto mymy woundwound,
wln 2344IfIf II hadhad notnot binbeen woundedwounded asas II amam.
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The Conquests of Tamburlaine,
wln 2345AhAh thatthat thethe deadlydeadly pangespangs II suffersuffer nownow,
wln 2346WouldWould lendlend anan howershour’shours licenselicense toto mymy tonguetongue:
wln 2347ToTo makemake discoursediscourse ofof somesome sweetsweet accidentsaccidents
wln 2348HaueHave chanc’dchanced thythy meritsmerits inin thisthis worthlesworthless bondagebondage.
wln 2349AndAnd thatthat II mightmight bebe priuyprivy toto thethe statestate,
wln 2350OfOf thythy deseru’ddeserved contentmentcontentment andand thythy louelove:
wln 2351ButBut makingmaking nownow aa vertuevirtue ofof thythy sightsight,
wln 2352ToTo driuedrive allall sorrowsorrow fromfrom mymy faintingfainting soulesoul:
wln 2353SinceSince DeathDeath deniesdenies meme furtherfurther causecause ofof ioyjoy.
wln 2354Depriu’dDeprived ofof carecare, mymy heartheart withwith comfortcomfort diesdies.
wln 2355SinceSince thythy desireddesired handhand shallshall closeclose minemine eieseyes.
wln 2356EnterEnter TamburlainTamburlaineTamburlain leadingleading thethe SouldaneSoldan, Techel-TechellesTechel∣lesTechellesTechel∣les
wln 2357les,
wln 2357TheridamasTheridamas, VsumeasaneUsumcasaneUsumeasane, withwith othersothers.
wln 2358Tam.TamburlaineTam.ComeCome happyhappy FatherFather ofof ZenocrateZenocrate,
wln 2359AA titletitle higherhigher thanthan thythy SouldansSoldan’ssoldan’s namename:
wln 2360ThoughThough mymy rightright handhand hauehave thusthus enthralledenthralled theethee
wln 2361ThyThy princelyprincely daughterdaughter herehere shallshall setset theethee freefree.
wln 2362SheShe thatthat hathhath calmdecalmed thethe furiefury ofof mymy swordsword.
wln 2363WhichWhich hadhad ereere thisthis binbeen bathdebathed inin streamesstreams ofof bloodblood,
wln 2364AsAs vastvast andand deepdeep asas EuphratesEuphrates oror NileNile.
wln 2365Zen:ZenocrateZen:OO sightsight thricethrice welcomewelcome toto mymy ioifuljoyful soulesoul.
wln 2366ToTo seesee thethe kingking mymy FatherFather issueissue safesafe,
wln 2367FromFrom dangerousdangerous battelbattle ofof mymy conqueringcongueringconquering LoueLove.
wln 2368Soul.SoldanSoldanSoul.WelWell metmet mymy onlyonly dearedear ZenocrateZenocrate,
wln 2369ThoughThough withwith thethe losseloss ofof EgyptEgypt andand mymy CrownCrown.
wln 2370tam.tamburlainetam.Twas’Twas’twas II mymy lordlord thatthat gatgatgot thethe victoryvictory,
wln 2371AndAnd therforetherefore grieuegrieve notnot atat youryour ouerthrowoverthrow.
wln 2372SinceSince II shallshall renderrender allall intointo youryour handshands.
wln 2373AndAnd adadd moremore strengthstrength toto youryour dominionsdominions
wln 2374ThenThen euerever yetyet confirm’dconfirmed th’Egyptianth’Egyptian CrownCrown.
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the Scythian Shepheard.
wln 2375TheThe GodGod ofof warwar resignesresigns hishis roumeroom toto meme,
wln 2376MeaningMeaning toto makemake meme GenerallGeneral ofof thethe worldworld,
wln 2377IoueJovejove viewingviewing meme inin armesarms, lookeslooks palepale andand wanwan,
wln 2378FearingFearing mymy powerpower shouldshould pullpull himhim fromfrom hishis thronethrone,
wln 2379Where ereWhereWhere’erWhereereere II comecome thethe fatallfatal sisterssisterssister’s sweatsweat,
wln 2380AndAnd grieslygrisly deathdeath byby runningrunning toto andand frofro,
wln 2381ToTo doodo theirtheir ceasllesceasslesceaseless homaghomage toto mymy swordsword:
wln 2382AndAnd herehere inin AffrickAfricAfrique wherewhere itit seldomseldom rainesrains,
wln 2383SinceSince II arriu’darrived withwith mymy triumphattriumphant hostehost,
wln 2384HaueHave swellingswelling cloudesclouds drawendrawn fromfrom widewide gaspinggasping
wln 2385 (woundeswounds.
wln 2386BeneBeenbeen oftoft resolu’dresolved inin bloodybloody purplepurple showersshowers,
wln 2387AA meteormeteor thatthat mightmight terrifyterrify thethe earthearth,
wln 2388AndAnd makemake itit quakequake atat eueryevery dropdrop itit drinksdrinks:
wln 2389MillionsMillions ofof soulessouls sitsit onon thethe bankesbanks ofof StyxStyxTamburlaine,
wln 2390WaitingWaiting thethe backback returnereturn ofof CharonsCharon’s boatboat,
wln 2391HellHell andand ElisianElysian swarmeswarm withwith ghostsghosts ofof menmen,
wln 2392ThatThat II hauehave sentsent fromfrom sundrysundry foughtenfoughten fieldsfields.
wln 2393ToTo spreadspread mymy famefame throughthrough hellhell andand vpup toto heauenheaven:
wln 2394AndAnd seesee mymy LordLord, aa sightsight ofof strangestrange importimport,
wln 2395EmperoursEmperors andand kingskings lielie breathlessebreathless atat mymy feetfeet,
wln 2396TheThe TurkTurk andand hishis greatgreat EmperesseEmpress asas itit seemsseems,
wln 2397LeftLeft toto themseluesthemselves whilewhile wewe werewere atat thethe fightfight.
wln 2398HaueHave desperatlydesperately dispatchtdispatched theirtheir slauishslavish liueslives:
wln 2399WithWith themthem ArabiaArabia tootoo hathhath leftleft hishis lifelife,
wln 2400AlAll sightssights ofof powerpower toto gracegrace mymy victoryvictory:
wln 2401AndAnd suchsuch areare obiectsobjects fitfit forfor TamburlaineTamburlaine.
wln 2402WhereinWherein asas inin aa mirrourmirror maymay bebe seeneseen,
wln 2403HisHis honorhonour, thatthat consistsconsists inin sheadingshedding bloodblood,
wln 2404WhenWhen menmen presumepresume toto managemanage armesarms withwith himhim.
wln 2405Soul.SoldanSoldanSoul.MightyMighty hathhath GodGod &and MahometMahomet mademade thythy handhand
wln 2406(RenowmedRenowned tamburlaintamburlaineTamburlaine) toto whomwhom allall kingskings
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The Conquests of Tamburlaine,
wln 2407OfOf forceforce mustmust yeeldyield theirtheir crownescrowns andand EmperiesEmperies,
wln 2408AndAnd II amam pleasdepleased withwith thisthis mymy ouerthrowoverthrow:
wln 2409IfIf asas beseemesbeseems aa personperson ofof thythy statestate,
wln 2410ThouThou hasthast withwith honorhonour vsdeused ZenocrateZenocrate.
wln 2411tamb.tamburlainetamb.HerHer statestate andand personperson wantswants nono pomppomp youyou seesee,
wln 2412AndAnd forfor allall blotblot ofof foulefoul inchastityinchastity,
wln 2413II recordrecord heauenheaven, herhether heauenlyheavenly selfeself isis cleareclear:
wln 2414ThenThen letlet meme findfind nono furtherfurther timetime toto gracegrace
wln 2415HerHer princelyprincely TemplesTemples withwith thethe PerseanPersianpersian crownecrown:
wln 2416ButBut herehere thesethese kingskings thatthat onon mymy fortunesfortunes waitwait:
wln 2417AndAnd hauehave benebeen crown’dcrowned forfor proouedproved worthynesseworthiness,
wln 2418EuenEven byby thisthis handhand thatthat shallshall establishestablish themthem,
wln 2419ShalShall nownow, adioiningadjoining alall theirtheir handshands withwith minemine,
wln 2420InuestInvest herher herehere mymy QueeneQueen ofof PerseaPersia,
wln 2421WhatWhat saithsaith thethe noblenoble SouldaneSoldan andand ZenocrateZenocrate??:
wln 2422Soul.SoldanSoldanSoul.II yeeldyield withwith thanksthanks andand protestationsprotestations
wln 2423OfOf endlesseendless honorhonour toto theethee forfor herher louelove.
wln 2424Tamb.TamburlaineTamb.ThenThen doubtdoubt II notnot butbut fairefair ZenocrateZenocrate
wln 2425WillWill soonesoon consentconsent toto satisfysatisfy vsus bothboth.
wln 2426Zen.ZenocrateZen.ElsElse shouldshould II muchmuch forgetforget my selfmyself, mymy LordLord,
wln 2427Ther.TheridamasTher.ThenThen letlet vsus setset thethe crownecrown vponupon herher headhead,
wln 2428ThatThat longlong hathhath lingredlingered forfor soso highhigh aa seatseat.
wln 2429Tech.TechellesTech.MyMy handhand isis readyready toto performeperform thethe deeddeed,
wln 2430ForFor nownow herher mariagemarriage timetime shallshall workework vsus restrest:
wln 2431Vsum.UsumcasaneVsum.AndAnd her’shere’s thethe crowncrown mymy LordLord, helphelp setset itit onon
wln 2432Tam.TamburlaineTam.ThenThen sitsit thouthou downedown diuinedivine ZenocrateZenocrate,
wln 2433AndAnd herehere wewe crownecrown theethee QueeneQueen ofof PerseaPersia,
wln 2434AndAnd allall thethe kingdomeskingdoms andand dominionsdominions
wln 2435ThatThat latelate thethe powerpower ofof TamburlaineTamburlaine subdewedsubdued:
wln 2436AsAs IunoJunojuno, whenwhen thethe GiantsGiants werewere supprestsuppressed,
wln 2437ThatThat darteddarted mountainesmountmountainsmount aimesainesaims atat herher brotherbrother IoueJovejove:
wln 2438SoSo lookeslooks mymy LoueLove, shadowingshadowing inin herher browesbrows
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the Scythian Shepheard.
wln 2439TriumphesTriumphs andand TropheesTrophies forfor mymy victoriesvictories:
wln 2440OrOr asas LatonasLatona’s daughterdaughter bentbent toto armesarms,
wln 2441AddingAdding moremore couragecourage toto mymy conqueringconquering mindmind,
wln 2442ToTo gratifygratify thethe sweetsweet zenocratezenocrate,
wln 2443EgyptiansEgyptians, MooresMoors andand menmen ofof AsiaAsia,
wln 2444FromFrom BarbaryBarbary vntounto thethe WesterneWestemeWesternwestern IndieIndieindy,
wln 2445ShallShall paypay aa yearlyyearly tributetribute toto thythy SyreSire.
wln 2446AndAnd fromfrom thethe boundesbounds ofof AffrickAfricAfrique toto thethe banksbanks
wln 2447OfOf GangesGanges, shallshall hishis mightymighty armearm extendextend.
wln 2448AndAnd nownow mymy LordsLords andand louingloving followersfollowers,
wln 2449ThatThat purchac’dpurchased kingdomeskingdoms byby youryour matiallmartiallmatiallmartial deedsdeeds,
wln 2450CastCast offoff youryour armorarmour, putput onon scarletscarlet roabesrobes.
wln 2451MountMount vpup youryour royallroyal placesplaces ofof estateestate,
wln 2452EnuironedEnvironed withwith troopestroops ofof noblenoble menmen,
wln 2453AndAnd therethere makemake laweslaws toto rulerule youryour prouincesprovinces:
wln 2454HangHang vpup youryour weaponsweapons onon AlcidesAlcides’ postepost,
wln 2455ForFor TamburlaineTamburlaine takestakes trucetruce withwith alall thethe worldworld..,
wln 2456ThyThy firstfirst betrothedbetrothed, LoueLove ArabiaArabia,
wln 2457ShallShall wewe withwith honorhonour (asas beseemesbeseems) entombeentomb,
wln 2458WithWith thisthis greatgreat TurkeTurk andand hishis fairefair EmperesseEmperesseEmpress:
wln 2459ThenThen afterafter allall thesethese solemnesolemn ExequiesExequies,
wln 2460WeWe wilwill ourour celebratedcelebrated ritesrites ofof mariagemarriage solemnizesolemnize..,
wln 2461FinisFinis ActusActus quintiquinti &et vltimiultimi huiushuius
wln 2462primaeprimae partispartis.