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ln 0001Tamburlain[·]TamburlaineTamburlaine
ln 0002thethe GreatGreat..
ln 0003WhoWho,, fromfrom aa ScythianScythian ShepheardeShepherd,,
ln 0004byby hishis rarerare andand woonderfullwonderful ConquestsConquests,,

ln 0005becamebecame aa mostmost puissantpuissant andand migh-migh∣tyemighty
ln 0006tye
ln 0006MonarqueMonarch..
ln 0007AndAnd ((forfor hishis tyrannytyranny,, andand terrourterror inin
ln 0008WarreWar)) waswas tearmedtermed,,
ln 0009TheThe ScourgeScourge ofof GodGod..

ln 0010DeuidedDivided intointo twotwo TragicallTragical Dis-Dis∣coursesDiscourses
ln 0011courses,,
ln 0011asas theythey werewere sundriesundry timestimes
ln 0012shewedshowed vponupon StagesStages inin thethe CitieCity
ln 0013ofof LondonLondon..

ln 0014ByBy thethe rightright honorablehonorable thethe LordLord
ln 0015AdmyrallAdmiral,, hishis seruantesservants..

ln 0016NowNow firstfirst,, andand newlienewly publishedpublished..

ln 0018PrintedPrinted byby RichardRichard IhonesJones:: atat thethe signesign
ln 0019ofof thethe RoseRose andand CrowneCrown neerenear Hol-Hol∣borneHolborn
ln 0020borne
ln 0020BridgeBridge.. 15901590..

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ln 0001ToTo thethe GentlemenGentlemen Rea-Rea∣dersReaders
ln 0002ders::
ln 0002andand othersothers thatthat taketake pleasurepleasure

ln 0003inin readingreading HistoriesHistories..

ln 0004GEntlemenGEntlemen,, andand curteouscourteous ReadersReaders whoso-whoso∣euerwhosoever
ln 0005euer::
ln 0005II hauehave herehere publishedpublished inin printprint forfor
ln 0006youryour sakessakes,, thethe twotwo tragicaltragical DiscoursesDiscourses ofof
ln 0007thethe ScythianScythian ShepheardShepherd,, TamburlaineTamburlaine,, thatthat
ln 0008becamebecame soso greatgreat aa ConquerourConqueror,, andand soso mightiemighty
ln 0009aa MonarqueMonarch:: MyMy hopehope isis,, thatthat theythey wilwill bebe nownow
ln 0010nono lesseless acceptableacceptable vntounto youyou toto readread afterafter youryour
ln 0011seriousserious affairesaffairs andand studiesstudies,, thenthan theythey hauehave benebeen
ln 0012((latelylately)) delightfulldelightful forfor manymany ofof youyou toto seesee,, whenwhen
ln 0013thethe samesame werewere shewedshowed inin LondonLondon vponupon stagesstages::
ln 0014II hauehave ((purposelypurposely)) omittedomitted andand leftleft outout somesome
ln 0015fondfond andand friuolousfrivolous IesturesGestures,, digressingdigressing ((andand inin
ln 0016mymy poorepoor opinionopinion)) farfar vnmeetunmeet forfor thethe mattermatter,,
ln 0017whichwhich II thoughtthought,, mightmight seemeseem moremore tedioustedious
ln 0018vntounto thethe wisewise,, thanthan anyany wayway elselse toto bebe regardedregarded,,
ln 0019thoughthough ((happlyhappily)) theythey hauehave benebeen ofof somesome vainevain
ln 0020cōceitedcōceitedconceited fondlingsfondlings greatlygreatly gapedgaped atat,, whatwhat timestimes
ln 0021theythey werewere shewedshowed vponupon thethe stagestage inin theirtheir gra-gra∣cedgraced
ln 0022ced
ln 0022deformitiesdeformities:: neuerthelesnevertheless nownow,, toto bebe mixtu-mixtu∣redmixtured
ln 0023red
ln 0023inin printprint withwith suchsuch mattermatter ofof worthworth,, itit wuldwould

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To the Reader.

ln 0024prooueprove aa greatgreat disgracedisgrace toto soso honorablehonorable &and state-stare∣lystately
ln 0025ly
ln 0025aa historiehistory:: GreatGreat follyfolly werewere itit inin meme,, toto com-com∣mendcommend
ln 0026mend
ln 0026vntounto youryour wisedomeswisdoms,, eithereither thethe elo-elo∣quenceeloquence
ln 0027quence
ln 0027ofof thethe AuthourAuthor thatthat writwrit themthem,, oror thethe
ln 0028worthinesseworthiness ofof thethe mattermatter it selfeitself;; II thereforetherefore
ln 0029leaueleave vntounto youryour learnedlearned censurescensures,, bothboth thethe oneone
ln 0030andand thethe otherother,, andand my selfemyself thethe poorepoor printerprinter ofof
ln 0031themthem vntounto youryour mostmost curteouscourteous andand fauourablefavourable
ln 0031protectionprotection;; whichwhich ifif youyou vouchsafevouchsafe toto acceptaccept,,
ln 0032youyou shallshall euermoreevermore bindebind meeme toto imployemploy whatwhat
ln 0033trauelltravail andand seruiceservice II cancan,, toto thethe aduauncingadua uncingadvancing andand
ln 0034pleasuringpleasuring ofof youryour excellentexcellent degreedegree..

ln 0035YoursYours,, mostmost humblehumble atat com=com∣maundement
ln 0036maundementcommandment,,

ln 0037R.R. I.J. PrinterPrinter

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wln 0001TheThe tvvotwotwo tragicaltragical DisDis∣coursesDiscoursesDis∣courses
wln 0002courses
wln 0002ofof mightymighty TamburlaineTamburlaine, thethe
wln 0003ScythianScythian ShepheardShepherd. &c.etc.

wln 0004TheThe ProloguePrologue.

wln 0005FRomFRom iyggingjigging vainesveins ofof rimingrhyming mothermother witswits,
wln 0006AndAnd suchsuch conceitsconceits asas clownageclownage keepeskeeps inin paypay,
wln 0007WeeleWe’llwe’ll leadlead youyou toto thethe statelystately tenttent ofof WarWar.
wln 0008WhereWhere youyou shallshall hearehear thethe ScythianScythian TamburlaineTamburlaine:
wln 0009ThreatningThreat’ningThreatening thethe worldworld withwith highhigh astoundingastounding tearmsterms
wln 0010AndAnd scourgingscourging kingdomskingdoms withwith hishis cōqueringconqueringcōqueringconquering swordsword
wln 0011ViewView butbut hishis picturepicture inin thisthis tragicketragic glasseglass,
wln 0012AndAnd thenthen applaudapplaud hishis fortunesfortunes asas youyou pleaseplease.

wln 0013ActusActus. 11.11... ScænaScaenaScaena. 11.11...

wln 0014MycetesMycetes, CosroeCosroe, MeanderMeander, TheridamasTheridamas, OrtygiusOrtygius,
wln 0015CeneusCeneus, withwith othersothers.

wln 0016MycetesMycetes.
wln 0017BRotherBRother CosroeCosroe, II findfind my selfemyself agreeu’dagreeudaggrieved,
wln 0018YetYet insufficientinsufficient toto expresseexpress thethe samesame:
wln 0019ForFor itit requiresrequires aa greatgreat andand thundringthund’ringthundering speechspeech:
wln 0020GoodGood brotherbrother telltell thethe causecause vntounto mymy LordsLords,
wln 0021II knowknow youyou hauehave aa betterbetter witwit thanthan II.
wln 0022Cos.CosroeCos.VnhappieUnhappy PerseaPersia, thatthat inin formerformer ageage
wln 0023HastHast benebeen thethe seatseat ofof mightiemighty ConquerorsConquerors,
wln 0024ThatThat inin theirtheir prowesseprowess andand theirtheir polliciespolicies,
wln 0025HaueHave triumphttriumphed ouerover AffrikeAfricAfrique, andand thethe boundsbounds
wln 0026OfOf EuropeEurope, wherwhere thethe SunSun daresdares scarcescarce appeareappear,
wln 0027ForFor freezingfreezing meteorsmeteors andand coniealedcongealed coldecold:
wln 0028NowNow toto bebe rulderuled andand gouernedgoverned byby aa manman,
wln 0029AtAt whosewhose byrth=daybyrth-daybirthday CynthiaCynthia withwith SaturneSaturn ioindejoined,
wln 0030AndAnd IoueJovejove, thethe SunSun andand Mercuriemercury denieddenied

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wln 0031ToTo shedshed hishis influenceinfluence inin hishis ficklefickle brainebrain,
wln 0032NowNow TurkesTurks andand TartarsTartars shakeshake theirtheir swordsswords atat th[··]thatth●●theethat
wln 0033MeaningMeaning toto manglemangle allall thythy ProuincesProvinces,
wln 0034Mycet.MycetesMycet.BrotherBrother, II seesee youryour meaningmeaning wellwell enoughenough.
wln 0035AndAnd thoroughthrough youryour PlanetsPlanets II perceiueperceive youyou thinkethink,
wln 0036II amam notnot wisewise enoughenough toto bebe aa kingeking,
wln 0037ButBut II referrefer meme toto mymy noblenoble menmen,
wln 0038ThatThat knoweknow mymy witwit, andand cancan bebe witnesseswitnesses:
wln 0039II mightmight commandcommand youyou toto bebe slaineslain forfor thisthis,
wln 0040MeanderMeander, mightmight II notnot?
wln 0041Meand.MeanderMeand.NotNot forfor soso smallsmall aa faultfault mymy soueraignesovereign LordLord
wln 0042Mycet.MycetesMycet.II meanemean itit notnot, butbut yetyet II knowknow II mightmight,
wln 0043YetYet liuelive, yeayea, liuelive, MycetesMycetes wilswills itit soso:
wln 0044MeanderMeander, thouthou mymy faithfullfaithful CounsellorCounsellor,
wln 0045DeclareDeclare thethe causecause ofof mymy conceiuedconceived griefegrief,
wln 0046WhichWhich isis (GodGod knowesknows) aboutabout thatthat TamburlaineTamburlaine.
wln 0047ThatThat likelike aa FoxeFox inin midstmidst ofof haruestharvest timetime,
wln 0048DoothDoth praypray vpnonvponvpnonupon mymy flockesflocks ofof PassengersPassengers.
wln 0049AndAnd asas II hearehear, dothdoth meanemean toto pullpull mymy plumesplumes,
wln 0050ThereforeTherefore tis’tis goodgood andand meetemeet forfor toto bebe wisewise.
wln 0051Meand.MeanderMeand.OftOft hauehave II heardheard youryour MaiestieMajesty complaincomplain,
wln 0052OfOf TamburlaineTamburlaine, thatthat sturdiesturdy ScythianScythian thiefethief,
wln 0053ThatThat robsrobs youryour merchantsmerchants ofof PersepolisPersepolis,
wln 0054TreadingTreading byby landland vntounto thethe WesterneWestern IslesIsles,
wln 0055AndAnd inin youryour confinesconfines withwith hishis lawlesselawless trainetrain,
wln 0056DailyDaily commitscommits inciuillincivil outragesoutrages.
wln 0057HopingHoping (misledmisled byby dreamingdreaming prophesiesprophecies)
wln 0058ToTo raignereign inin AsiaAsia, andand withwith barbarousbarbarous ArmesArmies,
wln 0059ToTo makemake himselfehimself thethe MonarchMonarch ofof thethe EastEast:
wln 0060ButBut ereere hehe marchmarch inin AsiaAsia, oror displaydisplay
wln 0061HisHis vagrantvagrant EnsigneEnsign inin thethe PerseanPersianpersian fieldsfields,
wln 0062YourYour GraceGrace hathhath takentaken orderorder byby TheridimasTheridamas,

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the Scythian Shepheard.

wln 0063Chardg’dCharged withwith aa thousandthousand horsehorse, toto apprehendapprehend
wln 0064AndAnd bringbring himhim CaptiueCaptive toto youryour HighnesseHighneseHighness’highness thronethrone,
wln 0065Myce.MycetesMyce.FulFull truetrue thouthou speakstspeak'stspeakst, &and likelike thy selfethyself mymy lordlord
wln 0066WhomWhom II maymay tearmeterm aa DamonDamon forfor thythy louelove.
wln 0067ThereforeTherefore tis’tis bestbest, ifif soso itit liklike youyou allall,
wln 0068ToTo sendsend mymy thousandthousand horsehorse incontinentincontinent,
wln 0069ToTo apprehendapprehend thatthat paltriepaltry ScythianScythian.
wln 0070HowHow likelike youyou thisthis, mymy honorablehonourable LordsLords?
wln 0071IsIs itit notnot aa kinglykingly resolutionresolution?
wln 0072Cosr.CosroeCosr.ItIt cannotcannot choosechoose, becausebecause itit comescomes fromfrom youyou.
wln 0073Myce.MycetesMyce.ThenThen hearehear thythy chargecharge, valiantvaliant TheridimasTheridamas
wln 0074TheThe chiefestchiefest CaptaineCaptain ofof MycetesMycetes’Mycetes hostehost,
wln 0075TheThe hopehope ofof PerseaPersia, andand thethe verievery leggeslegs
wln 0076WhereonWhereon ourour statestate dothdoth leanelean, asas onon aa staffestaff,
wln 0077ThatThat holdsholds vsus vpup, andand foilesfoils ourour neighbourneighbour foesfoes,
wln 0078ThouThou shaltshalt bebe leaderleader ofof thisthis thousandthousand horsehorse,
wln 0079WhoseWhose fomingfoaming gallegall withwith ragerage andand highhigh disdainedisdain,
wln 0080HaueHave swornesworn thethe deathdeath ofof wickedwicked TamburlaineTamburlaine.
wln 0081GoGo frowninggrowningfrowninggroaning foorthforth, butbut comecome thouthou smylingsmiling homehome,
wln 0082AsAs diddid SirSir ParisParis withwith thethe GrecianGrecian DameDame,
wln 0083ReturneReturn withwith speedspeed, timetime passethpasseth swiftswift awayaway,
wln 0084OurOur lifelife isis frailefrail, andand wewe maymay diedie to daytoday.
wln 0085Ther.TheridamasTher.BeforeBefore thethe MooneMoon renewrenew herher borrowedborrowed lightlight,
wln 0086DoubtDoubt notnot mymy LordLord andand gratiousgracious SoueraigneSovereign,
wln 0087ButBut TamburlaineTamburlaine, andand thatthat TartarianTartarian routrout,
wln 0088ShallShall eithereither perishperish byby ourour warlikewarlike handshands,
wln 0089OrOr pleadplead forfor merciemercy atat youryour highnessehighness’ feetfeet.
wln 0090Myce.MycetesMyce.GoGo, stoutstout TheridimasTheridamas, thythy wordswords areare swordsswords
wln 0091AndAnd withwith thythy lookeslooks thouthou conquerestconquerest allall thythy foesfoes:
wln 0092II longlong toto seesee theethee backback returnereturn fromfrom thencethence,
wln 0093ThatThat II maymay viewview thesethese milk-whitemilk-white steedssteeds ofof minemine.
wln 0094AllAll lodenladen withwith thethe headsheads ofof killedkilled menmen,

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wln 0095AndAnd fromfrom theirtheir kneesknees, eueneven toto theirtheir hoofeshooves belowbelow,
wln 0096Besmer’dBesmeared withwith bloodblood, thatthat makesmakes aa daintydainty showshow.
wln 0097The.TheridamasThe.ThenThen nownow mymy LordLord, II humblyhumbly taketake mymy leaueleave. (ExitExit.
wln 0098Myc.MycetesMyc.Therid.TheridTheridamasTherid. farewelfarewell tenten thousandthousand timestimes,
wln 0099AhAh, MenaphonMenaphon, whywhy staieststayest thouthou thusthus behindbehind,
wln 0100WhenWhen otherother menmen preasepress forwardforward forfor renownerenown::?
wln 0101GoGo MenaphonMenaphon, gogo intointo ScythiaScythia,
wln 0102AndAnd footfoot byby footfoot followfollow TheridamasTheridamas:
wln 0103Cos.CosroeCos.NayNay, praypray youyou letlet himhim staystay, aa greatergreater
wln 0104FitsFits MenaphonMenaphon, thanthan warringwarring withwith aa ThiefeThief:
wln 0105CreateCreate himhim ProrexProrex ofof AffricaAfrica,
wln 0106ThatThat hehe maymay winwin thethe BabyloniansBabylonians’Babylonians heartshearts,
wln 0107WhichWhich willwill reuoltrevolt fromfrom PerseanPersianpersian gouernmentgovernment,
wln 0108VnlesseUnless theythey hauehave aa wiserwiser kingking thanthan youyou.
wln 0109Myc.MycetesMyc.VnlesseUnless theythey hauehave aa wiserwiser kingking thanthan youyou?
wln 0110TheseThese areare hishis wordswords, MeanderMeander setset themthem downedown.
wln 0111Cos.CosroeCos.AndAnd adadd thisthis toto themthem, thatthat allall AsiaAsia
wln 0112LamentLament toto seesee thethe folliefolly ofof theirtheir KingKing.
wln 0113Myc.MycetesMyc.WellWell herehere II sweareswear byby thisthis mymy royalroyal seatseat.
wln 0114Cos.CosroeCos.YouYou maymay doedo wellwell toto kissekiss itit thenthen.
wln 0115Myc.MycetesMyc.EmbostEmbossed withwith silkesilk asas bestbest beseemesbeseems mymy statestate.
wln 0116ToTo bebe reueng’drevenged forfor thesethese contemptuouscontemptuous wordswords.
wln 0117OO wherewhere isis dutieduty andand allegeanceallegiance nownow?
wln 0118FledFled toto thethe CaspeanCaspianCaspean oror thethe OceanOcean mainemain?
wln 0119WhatWhat, shallshall II callcall theethee brotherbrother? NoNo, aa foefoe,
wln 0120MonsterMonster ofof NatureNature, shameshame vntounto thythy stockestock,
wln 0121ThatThat dar stdar’stdar’st presumepresume thythy SoueraigneSovereign forfor toto mockemock.
wln 0122MeanderMeander comecome, II amam abus’dabused MeanderMeander.ExitExit.
wln 0123ManentManent CosroeCosroe &and MenaphonMenaphon.
wln 0124Mena.MenaphonMena.HowHow nownow mymy LordLord, whatwhat, matedmated andand amaz’damazed
wln 0125ToTo hearehear thethe kingking thusthus thratenthreaten likelike himselfehimself?
wln 0126Cos.CosroeCos.AhAh MenaphonMenaphon, II passepass notnot forfor hishis threatesthreats,

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the Scythian Shepheard.

wln 0127TheThe plotplot isis laidlaid byby PerseanPersianpersian NobleNoble menmen,
wln 0128AndAnd CaptainesCaptains ofof thethe MedeanMedean garrisonsgarrisons,
wln 0129ToTo crownecrown meme EmperourEmperor ofof AsiaAsia,
wln 0130ButBut thisthis itit isis thatthat dothdoth excruciateexcruciate
wln 0131TheThe verievery substancesubstance ofof mymy vexedvexed soulesoul::!
wln 0132ToTo seesee ourour neighboursneighbours thatthat werewere woontwont toto quakequake
wln 0133AndAnd trembletremble atat thethe PerseanPersianpersian Monarkesmonarch’s namename,
wln 0134NowNow sitssits andand laughslaughs ourour regimentregiment toto scornescorn,
wln 0135AndAnd thatthat whichwhich mightmight resolueresolve meme intointo tearestears:
wln 0136MenMen fromfrom thethe farthestfarthest Equinoctiallequinoctial lineline,
wln 0137HaueHave swarm’dswarmed inin troopestroops intointo thethe EasterneEastern IndiaIndia:
wln 0138LadingLading theirtheir shippesships withwith goldegold andand pretiousprecious stonesstones:
wln 0139AndAnd mademade theirtheir spoilesspoils fromfrom allall ourour prouincesprovinces.
wln 0140Mena.MenaphonMena.ThisThis shouldshould intreatentreat youryour highnessehighness toto reioicerejoice,
wln 0141SinceSince FortuneFortune giuesgives youyou opportunityopportunity,
wln 0142ToTo gainegain thethe tytletitle ofof aa ConquerourConqueror,
wln 0143ByBy curingcuring ofof thisthis maimedmaimed EmperieEmpire,
wln 0144AffrikeAfricAfrique andand EuropeEurope borderingbordering onon youryour landland,
wln 0145AndAnd continentcontinent toto youryour DominionsDominions:
wln 0146HowHow easelyeasily maymay youyou withwith aa mightiemighty hostehost,
wln 0147PassePass intointo GræciaGraeciaGraecia, asas diddid CyrusCyrus onceonce.
wln 0148AndAnd causecause themthem toto withdrawwithdraw theirtheir forcesforces homehome,
wln 0149Leastlest youyou subduesubdue thethe pridepride ofof ChristendomeChristendom..??!
wln 0150Cos.CosroeCos.ButBut Menaph.MenaphMenaphonMenaph. whatwhat meansmeans thisthis trumpetstrumpet’strumpets (soundsound
wln 0151Mena.MenaphonMena.BeholdBehold, mymy LordLord OrtigiusOrtygius, andand thethe restrest,
wln 0152BringingBringing thethe CrowneCrown toto makemake youyou EmperourEmperor.
wln 0153EnterEnter OrtigiusOrtigius &and ConerusConerus bearingbearing aa CrowneCrown
wln 0154withwith othersothers.

wln 0155Ort.OrtygiusOrt.MagnificentMagnificent andand mightiemighty PrincePrince CosroeCosroe,
wln 0156WeWe inin thethe namename ofof otherother PerseanPersianpersian statesstates,
wln 0157AndAnd commonscommons ofof thisthis mightiemighty MonarchieMonarchy,
wln 0158PresentPresent theethee withwith th’Emperiallth’Imperialth’imperial DiademDiadem.
Cen. The

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The Conquests of Tamburlaine.

wln 0159CeneCeneusCeneTheThe warlikewarlike SouldiersSoldiers, &and thethe GentlemenGentlemen,
wln 0160ThatThat heretoforeheretofore hauehave fildfilled PersepolisPersepolis
wln 0161WithWith AffrikeAfricAfrique CaptainesCaptains, takentaken inin thethe fieldfield:
wln 0162WhoseWhooseWhose ransomeransom mademade themthem martchmarch inin coatescoats ofof goldgold,
wln 0163WithWith costliecostly iewelsjewels hanginghanging atat theirtheir earesears,
wln 0164AndAnd shiningshining stonesstones vponupon theirtheir loftielofty CrestesCrests,
wln 0165NowNow liuingliving idleidle inin thethe walledwalled townestowns,
wln 0166WantingWanting bothboth paypay andand martiallmartial disciplinediscipline.
wln 0167BeginBegin inin troopestroops toto threatenthreaten ciuillcivil warrewar.
wln 0168AndAnd openlyopenly exclaimeexclaim againstagainst thethe KingKing.
wln 0169ThereforeTherefore toto staystay allall sodainesudden mutiniesmutinies,
wln 0170WeWe willwill inuestinvest youryour HighnesseHighness EmperourEmperor:
wln 0171WhereatWhereat thethe SouldiersSoldiers willwill conceiueconceive moremore ioyjoy,
wln 0172ThenThen diddid thethe MacedoniansMacedonians atat thethe spoilespoil
wln 0173OfOf greatgreat DariusDarius andand hishis wealthywealthy hoasthost.
wln 0174Cosr.CosroeCosr.WelWell, sincesince II seesee thethe statestate ofof PerseaPersia droopedroop,
wln 0175AndAnd languishlanguish inin mymy brothersbrother’s gouernmentgovernment:
wln 0176II willinglywillingly receiuereceive th’mperiallth’imperial crownecrown,
wln 0177AndAnd vowvow toto wearewear itit forfor mymy countriescountry’s goodgood:
wln 0178InIn spightspite ofof themthem shallshall malicemalice mymy estateestate.
wln 0179Ortyg.OrtygiusOrtyg.AndAnd inin assuranceassurance ofof desir’ddesired successesuccess,
wln 0180WeWe herehere doodo crownecrown theethee MonarchMonarch ofof thethe EastEast,
wln 0181EmperourEmperor ofof AsiaAsia, andand ofof PerseaPersia,
wln 0182GreatGreat LordLord ofof MedeaMedea andand ArmeniaArmenia:
wln 0183DukeDuke ofof AffricaAfrica andand AlbaniaAlbania,
wln 0184MesopotamiaMesopotamia andand ofof ParthiaParthia,
wln 0185EastEast IndiaIndia andand thethe latelate discouereddiscovered IslesIsles,
wln 0186ChiefeChief LordLord ofof allall thethe widewide vastvast EuxineEuxine seasea,
wln 0187AndAnd ofof thethe euerever ragingraging CaspianCaspian LakeLake:
wln 0188LongLong liuelive CosroeCosroe mightymighty EmperourEmperor.
wln 0189Cosr.CosroeCosr.AndAnd IoueJovejove maymay neuernever letlet meme longerlonger liuelive,
wln 0190ThenThan II maymay seekeseek toto gratifiegratify youryour louelove,

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the Scythian Shepheard.

wln 0191AndAnd causecause thethe souldierssoldiers thatthat thusthus honourhonour meme,
wln 0192ToTo triumphtriumph ouerover manymany ProuincesProvinces.
wln 0193ByBy whosewhose desiresdesires ofof disciplinediscipline inin ArmesArms,
wln 0194II doubtdoubt notnot shortlyshortly butbut toto raignereign solesole kingking,
wln 0195AndAnd withwith thethe ArmieArmy ofof TheridamasTheridamas,
wln 0196WhetherWhether wewe presentlypresently willwill fliefly (mymy LordsLords)
wln 0197ToTo restrest securesecure againstagainst mymy brothersbrother’s forceforce.
wln 0198OrtygOrtygiusOrtygWeWe knewknew mymy LordLord, beforebefore wewe broughtbrought thethe (crownecrown,
wln 0199IntendingIntending youryour inuestioninvestion soso neerenear,
wln 0200TheThe residenceresidence ofof youryour dispiseddespised brotherbrother,
wln 0201TheThe LordLord wouldwould notnot bebe tootoo exasperateexasperate,
wln 0202ToTo iniureinjure oror suppressesuppress youryour woorthyworthy tytletitle.
wln 0203OrOr ifif theythey wouldwould, therethere areare inin readinesreadiness
wln 0204TenTen thousandthousand horsehorse toto cariecarry youyou fromfrom hencehence,
wln 0205InIn spitespite ofof allall suspectedsuspected enemiesenemies.
wln 0206Cosr.CosroeCosr.II knowknow itit welwell mymy LordLord, &and thankethank youyou allall..,
wln 0207Ortyg.OrtygiusOrtyg.SoundSound vpup thethe trumpetstrumpets thenthen,
wln 0208GodGod sauesave thethe KingKing.ExeuntExeunt.

wln 0209ActusActus. 11.11... ScœnaScoenaScaenaScoena. 22:

wln 0210TamburlaineTamburlaine leadingleading ZenocrateZenocrate: TechellesTechelles, Vsu-VsumeasaneVsu∣measaneUsumcasaneUsumeasane
wln 0211measane,
wln 0211otherother LordsLords andand SouldiersSoldiers lodenladen
wln 0212withwith treasuretreasure.

wln 0213Tam.TamburlaineTam.COmeCOme ladylady, letlet notnot thisthis appalappal youryour thoughtsthoughts
wln 0214TheThe iewelsjewels andand thethe treasuretreasure wewe hauehave taneta’en
wln 0215ShallShall bebe reseru’dreserved, andand youyou inin betterbetter statestate,
wln 0216ThanThan ifif youyou werewere arriu’darrived inin SiriaSyriaSiria.
wln 0217EuenEveneven inin thethe circlecircle ofof youryour FathersFather’s armesarmies:
wln 0218TheThe mightiemighty SouldanSoldanSultan ofof EgyptiaEgyptia.
wln 0219Zeno.ZenocrateZeno.AhAh ShepheardShepherd, pitypity mymy distresseddistressed plightplight,

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wln 0220(IfIf asas thouthou seem’stseem’stseemest, thouthou artart soso meanemean aa manman)
wln 0221AndAnd seekeseek notnot toto inrichenrich thythy followersfollowers,
wln 0222ByBy lawlesselawless rapinerapine fromfrom aa sillysilly maidemaid.
wln 0223WhoWho traueilingtravelling withwith thesethese MedeanMedean LordsLords
wln 0224ToTo MemphisMemphis, fromfrom mymy vnclesuncle’s countrycountry ofof MedeaMedea,
wln 0225WhereWhere allall mymy youthyouth II hauehave benevenebeenvene gouernedgoverned,
wln 0226HaueHave pastpassed thethe armiearmy ofof thethe mightiemighty TurkeTurk:
wln 0227BearingBearing hishis priuieprivy signetsignet andand hishis handhand:
wln 0228ToTo safesafe conductconduct vsus thorowthroughthorough AffricaAfrica:
wln 0229Mag.MagnetesMag.AndAnd sincesince wewe hauehave arriu’darrived inin ScythiaScythia,
wln 0230BesidesBesides richrich presentspresents fromfrom thethe puisantpuissant ChamCham,
wln 0231WeWe hauehave hishis highnessehighness’ lettersletters toto commandcommand
wln 0232AideAid andand assistanceassistance ifif wewe standstand inin needneed.
wln 0233Tam.TamburlaineTam.ButBut nownow youyou seesee thesethese lettersletters &and commandescommands,
wln 0234AreAre countermandedcountermanded byby aa greatergreater manman:
wln 0235AndAnd throughthrough mymy prouincesprovinces youyou mustmust expectexpect
wln 0236LettersLetters ofof conductconduct fromfrom mymy mightinessemightiness,
wln 0237IfIf youyou intendintend toto keepkeep youryour treasuretreasure safesafe.
wln 0238ButBut sincesince II louelove toto liuelive atat libertyliberty,
wln 0239AsAs easelyeasily maymay youyou getget thethe SouldansSoldan’ssoldan’s crownecrown,
wln 0240AsAs anyany prizesprizes outout ofof mymy precinctprecinct.
wln 0241ForFor theythey areare friendsfriends thatthat helphelp toto weanewean mymy statestate,
wln 0242TillTill menmen andand kingdomeskingdoms helphelp toto strengthenstrengthen itit:
wln 0243AndAnd mustmust maintainemaintain mymy lifelife exemptexempt fromfrom seruitudeservitude.
wln 0244ButBut telltell meme MaddamMadam, isis youryour gracegrace betroth’dbetrothed??:
wln 0245Zen.ZenocrateZen.II amam (mymy LordLord,) forfor soso youyou dodo importimport.
wln 0246Tam.TamburlaineTam.II amam aa LordLord, forfor soso mymy deedsdeeds shallshall prooueprove,
wln 0247AndAnd yetyet aa shepheardshepherd byby mymy ParentageParentage:
wln 0248ButBut LadyLady, thisthis fairefair faceface andand heauenlyheavenly hewhue,
wln 0249MustMudMustMud gracegrace hishis bedbed thatthat conquersconquers AsiaAsia:
wln 0250AndAnd meanesmeans toto bebe aa terrourterror toto thethe worldworld,
wln 0251MeasuringMeasuring thethe limitslimits ofof hishis EmperieEmpery

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the Scythian Shepheard.

wln 0252ByBy EastEast andand westwest, asas PhæbusPhaebusPhoebus dothdoth hishis coursecourse:
wln 0253LieLie herehere yeye weedesweeds thatthat II disdainedisdain toto wearewear,
wln 0254ThisThis compleatcomplete armorarmour, andand thisthis curtle=axecurtle-axecurtle-axe
wln 0255AreAre adiunctsadjuncts moremore beseemingbeseeming TamburlaineTamburlaine.
wln 0256AndAnd MaddamMadam, whatsoeuerwhatsoever youyou esteemeesteem
wln 0257OfOf thisthis successesuccess, andand losseloss vnvalluedunvalued,
wln 0258BothBoth maymay inuestinvest youyou EmpresseEmpress ofof thethe EastEast:
wln 0259AndAnd thesethese thatthat seemeseem butbut sillysilly countrycountry SwainesSwains,
wln 0260MayMay hauehave thethe leadingleading ofof soso greatgreat anan hosthost,
wln 0261AsAs withwith theirtheir waightweight shallshall makemake thethe mountainsmountains quakequake.
wln 0262EuenEveneven asas whenwhen windywindy exhalationsexhalations,
wln 0263FightingFighting forfor passagepassage, tilttilt withinwithin thethe earthearth.
wln 0264Tec.TechellesTec.AsAs princelyprincely LionsLions whenwhen theythey rouserouse themseluesthemselves,
wln 0265StretthingStretchingStretching theirtheir pawespaws, andand threatningthreat’ningthreatening heardesherds ofof
wln 0266 (BeastesBeasts.
wln 0267SoSo inin hishis ArmourArmour lookethlooketh TamburlaineTamburlaine:
wln 0268Me thinksMethinksmethinks II seesee kingskings kneelingkneeling atat hishis feetfeet,
wln 0269AndAnd hehe withwith frowningfrowning browesbrows andand fieryfiery lookeslooks,
wln 0270SpurningSpurning theirtheir crownescrowns fromfrom offoff theirtheir captiuecaptive headsheads.
wln 0271Vsum.UsumcasaneVsum.AndAnd makingmaking theethee andand meme TechellesTechelles, kingeskings,
wln 0272ThatThat eueneven toto deathdeath willwill followfollow TamburlaineTamburlaine.
wln 0273Tam.TamburlaineTam.NoblyNobly resolu’dresolved, sweetsweet friendsfriends andand followersfollowers,
wln 0274TheseThese LordsLords (perhapsperhaps) dodo scornescorn ourour estimatesestimates:
wln 0275AndAnd thinkethink wewe prattleprattle withwith distempereddistempered spiritsspirits,
wln 0276ButBut sincesince theythey measuremeasure ourour desertsdeserts soso meanemean,
wln 0277ThatThat inin conceitconceit bearbear EmpiresEmpires onon ourour spearesspears,
wln 0278AffectingAffecting thoughtsthoughts coequallco-equal withwith thethe cloudesclouds,
wln 0279TheyThey shallshall bebe keptkept ourour forcedforced followersfollowers,
wln 0280TillTill withwith theirtheir eieseyes theethee viewview vsus EmperoursEmperors.
wln 0281Zen.ZenocrateZen.TheThe GodsGods, defendersdefenders ofof thethe innocentinnocent,
wln 0282WillWill neuernever prosperprosper youryour intendedintended driftesdrifts,
wln 0283ThatThat thusthus oppresseoppress poorepoor friendlesfriendless passengerspassengers.

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wln 0284ThereforeTherefore atat leastleast admitadmit vsus libertieliberty,
wln 0285EuenEven asas thouthou hop’sthop’sthopest toto bebe eternizedeternised,
wln 0286ByBy liuingliving AsiasAsia’s mightiemighty EmperourEmperor.
wln 0287Agid.AgydasAgid.II hopehope ourour LadiesLady’sladies’ treasuretreasure andand ourour owneown,
wln 0288MayMay serueserve forfor ransomeransom toto ourour libertiesliberties:
wln 0289ReturneReturn ourour MulesMules andand emptieempty CamelsCamels backeback,
wln 0290ThatThat wewe maymay traueiletravel intointo SiriaSyriaSiria,
wln 0291WhereWhere herher betrothedbetrothed LordLord AlcidamusAlcidamus,
wln 0292ExpectsExpects th’arriuallth’arrival ofof herher highnessehighness’ personperson.
wln 0293Mag.MagnetesMag.AndAnd wheresoeuerwheresoever wewe reposerepose our seluesourselves,
wln 0294WeWe willwill reportreport butbut wellwell ofof TamburlaineTamburlaine.
wln 0295Tamb.TamburlaineTamb.DisdainesDisdains ZenocrateZenocrate toto liuelive withwith meme?
wln 0296OrOr youyou mymy LordesLords toto bebe mymy followersfollowers?
wln 0297ThinkeThink youyou II wayweighway thisthis treasuretreasure moremore thanthan youyou?
wln 0298NotNot allall thethe GoldGold inin IndiasIndia’s welthywealthy armesarms,
wln 0299ShallShall buybuy thethe meanestmeanest souldiersoldier inin mymy trainetrain.
wln 0300ZenocrateZenocrate, louelierlovelier thanthan thethe LoueLove ofof IoueJovejove,
wln 0301BrighterBrighter thanthan isis thethe siluersilver RhodolfeRhodolfe,
wln 0302FairerFairetFairer thanthan whitestwhitcstwhitest snowsnow onon ScythianScythian hilshills,
wln 0303ThyThy personperson isis moremore woorthworth toto TamburlaineTamburlaine,
wln 0304ThanThan thethe possessionpossession ofof thethe PerseanPersianpersian CrowneCrown.
wln 0305WhichWhich gratiousgracious starresstartesstarsstarts hauehave promistpromised atat mymy birthbirth,
wln 0306AA hundrethhundreth TartarsTartars shallshall attendattend onon theethee,
wln 0307MountedMountrfMounted onon SteedsSteeds, swifterswifter thanthan PegasusPegasus.
wln 0308ThyThy GarmentsGarments shallshall bebe mademade ofof MedeanMedean silkesilk,
wln 0309EnchastEnchased withwith preciousprecious iuellesjewels ofof minemine owneown:
wln 0310MoreMore richrich andand valurousvalorous thanthan ZenocratesZenocrate’s.
wln 0311WithWith milke=whitemilke-whitemilk-white HartesHartsHearts vponupon anan Iuorieivory sledsled,
wln 0312ThouThou shaltshalt bebe drawendrawn amidstamidstamid thethe frosenfrozen PoolesPools,
wln 0313AndAnd scalescale thethe ysieicy mountainesmountain’smountains loftylofty topstops:
wln 0314WhichWhich withwith thythy beautiebeauty willwill bebe soonesoon resolu’dresolved.
wln 0315MyMy martiallmartial prisesprizes withwith fiuefive hundredhundred menmen,

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the Scythian Shepheard.

wln 0316WunWon onon thethe fiftiefifty headedheaded VuolgasVolga’s waueswaves.
wln 0317ShallShall allall wewe offeroffer toto ZenocrateZenocrate,
wln 0318AndAnd thenthen my selfemyself toto fairefair ZenocrateZenocrate.
wln 0319Tech.TechellesTech.WhatWhat nownow? InIn louelove?
wln 0320Tam.TamburlaineTam.TechellesTechelles, womenwomen mustmust bebe flateredflaterrdflattered.
wln 0321ButBut thisthis isis sheshe withwith whomwhom II amam inin louelove.
wln 0322EnterEnter aa SouldierSoldier.
wln 0323Sould.SoldierNewesNews, newesnews.
wln 0324Tamb.TamburlaineTamb.HowHow nownow, what’swhat’s thethe mattermatter?
wln 0325Sould.SoldierAA thousandthousand PerseanPersianpersian horsmenhorsemen areare atat handhand,
wln 0326SentSent fromfrom thethe KingKing toto ouercomeovercome vsus allall.
wln 0327Tam.TamburlaineTam.HowHow nownow mymy LordsLords ofof EgyptEgypt &and ZenocrateZenocrate?
wln 0328NowNow mustmust youryour iewelsjewels bebe restor’drestored againeagain:
wln 0329AndAnd II thatthat triumphttriumphed soso bebe ouercomeovercome.
wln 0330HowHow saysay youyou LordingsLordings, IsIs notnot thisthis youryour hopehope?
wln 0331Agid.AgydasAgid.WeWe hopehope your selfeyourself wilwill willinglywillingly restorerestore thēthēthem.
wln 0332Tamb.TamburlaineTamb.SuchSuch hopehope, suchsuch fortunefortune hauehave thethe thousandthousand (horsehorse.
wln 0333SoftSoft yeye mymy LordsLords andand sweetsweet ZenocrateZenocrate.
wln 0334YouYou mustmust bebe forcedforced fromfrom meme ereere youyou goego:
wln 0335AA thousandthousand horsmenhorsemen??: WeWe fiuefive hundredhundred footefoot?
wln 0336AnAn odsodds tootoo greatgreat, forfor vsus toto standstand againstagainst:
wln 0337ButBut areare theythey richrich??: AndAnd isis theirtheir armourarmour goodgood?
wln 0338Sould.SoldierTheirTheir plumedplumed helmeshelms areare wroughtwrought withwith
wln 0339 (beatenbeaten goldegold.
wln 0340TheirTheir swordsswords enameldenamelled, andand aboutabout theirtheir neckesnecks
wln 0341HangsHangs massiemassy chaineschains ofof goldegold downedown toto thethe wastewaistwaste,
wln 0342InIn eueryevery partpart exceedingexceeding brauebrave andand richrich.
wln 0343Tam.TamburlaineTam.ThenThen shallshall wewe fightfight couragiouslycourageously withwith themthem.
wln 0344OrOr lookelook youyou, II shouldshould playplay thethe OratorOrator?
wln 0345Tech.TechellesTech.NoNo: cowardscowards andand faintheartedfaint-hearted runawaiesrunaways,
wln 0346LookeLook forfor orationsorations whenwhen thethe foefoe isis neerenear.
wln 0347OurOur swordesswords shallshall playplay thethe OratorsOrators forfor vsus.
Vsum. Come

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wln 0348Vsum.UsumcasaneVsum.ComeCome letlet vsus meetmeet themthem atat thethe mountainmountain footfoot,
wln 0349AndAnd withwith aa sodainesudden andand anan hothot alarmealarm
wln 0350DriueDrive allall theirtheir horseshorses headlongheadlong downdown thethe hillhill.
wln 0351Tech.TechellesTech.ComeCome letlet vsus martchmarch.
wln 0352Tam.TamburlaineTam.StayStay TechellesTechelles, askeask aa parleeparley firstfirst,
wln 0353TheThe SouldiersSoldiers enterenter.
wln 0354OpenOpen thethe MalesMailsMales, yetyet guardguard thethe treasuretreasure suresure,
wln 0355LayLay outout ourour goldengolden wedgeswedges toto thethe viewview,
wln 0356ThatThat theirtheir reflexionsreflections maymay amazeamaze thethe PerseansPersians.
wln 0357AndAnd lookelook wewe friendlyfriendly onon themthem whenwhen theythey comecome:
wln 0358ButBut ifif theythey offeroffer wordword oror violenceviolence,
wln 0359WeeleWe’llwe’ll fightfight fiuefive hundredhundred menmen atat armesarms toto oneone,
wln 0360BeforeBefore wewe partpart withwith ourour possessionpossession.
wln 0361AndAnd gainst’gainst thethe GenerallGeneral wewe willwill liftlift ourour swordsswords.
wln 0362AndAnd eithereither lanchlancelaunch hishis greedygreedy thirstingthirsting throatthroat,
wln 0363OrOr taketake himhim prisonerprisoner, andand hishis chainechain shallshall serueserve
wln 0364ForFor ManacklesManacles, tilltill hehe bebe ransom’dransomed homehome.
wln 0365Tech,TechellesTech,II hearehear themthem comecome, shalshall wewe encounterencounter themthem?
wln 0366Tam.TamburlaineTam.KeepKeep allall youryour standingsstandings, andand notnot stirstir aa footefoot,
wln 0367My selfeMyselfmyself willwill bidebide thethe dangerdanger ofof thethe bruntbrunt.

wln 0368EnterEnter TheridamasTheridamas withwith othersothers.

wln 0369Ther.TheridamasTher.WhereWhere isis thisthis ScythianScythian TamberlaineTamburlaine?
wln 0370Tam.TamburlaineTam.WhōWhōWhom seekstseek’stseekst thouthou PerseanPersianpersian? II amam TaburlainTamburlaine.
wln 0371Ther.TheridamasTher.TamburlaineTamburlaine? AA ScythianScythian ShepheardShepherd,
wln 0372 (soso imbellishedembellished
wln 0373WithWith NaturesNature’s pridepride, andand richestrichest furniturefurniture,
wln 0374HisHis lookslooks dodo menacemenace heauenheaven andand daredare thethe GodsGods,
wln 0375HisHis fieriefiery eieseyes areare fixtfixed vponupon thethe earthearth.
wln 0376AsAs ifif hehe nownow deuis’ddevised somesome StratagemeStratagem:
wln 0377OrOr meantmeant toto piercepierce AuernasAvernus’ darksomedarksome vaultsvaults.

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the Scythian Shepheard.

wln 0378ToTo pullpull thethe tripletriple headedheaded dogdog fromfrom hellhell.
wln 0379tamb.tamburlainetamb.NobleNoble andand mildemild thisthis PerseanPersianpersian seemesseems toto bebe,
wln 0380IfIf outwardoutward habithabit iudgejudge thethe inwardinward manman,
wln 0381tech.techellestech.HisHis deepdeep affectionsaffections makemake himhim passionatepassionate.
wln 0382tamb.tamburlainetamb.WithWith whatwhat aa maiestymajesty hehe rearsrears hishis lookslooks:
wln 0383InIn theethee (thouthou valiantvaliant manman ofof PerseaPersia)
wln 0384II seesee thethe follyfolly ofof thythy EmperourEmperor:
wln 0385ArtArt thouthou butbut CaptaineCaptain ofof aa thousandthousand horsehorse,
wln 0386ThatThat byvybyvy CharactersCharacters grauengraven inin thythy browesbrows,
wln 0387AndAnd byby thythy martiallmartial faceface andand stoutstout aspectaspect,
wln 0388Deseru’stDeserv’stDeservest toto hauehave thethe leadingleading ofof anan hostehost?
wln 0389ForsakeForsake thythy kingking andand dodo butbut ioinejoin withwith meme
wln 0390AndAnd wewe willwill triumphtriumph ouerover allall thethe worldworld.
wln 0391II holdhold thethe FatesFates boundbound fastfast inin yroniron chaineschains,
wln 0392AndAnd withwith mymy handhand turneturn FortunesFortune’s wheelwheel aboutabout,
wln 0393AndAnd soonersooner shallshall thethe SunSun fallfall fromfrom hishis SpheareSphere,
wln 0394ThanThan TamburlaineTamburlaine bebe slaineslain oror ouercomeovercome.
wln 0395DrawDraw foorthforth thythy swordsword, thouthou mightymighty manman atat ArmesArms,
wln 0396IntendingIntending butbut toto raseraze mymy charmedcharmed skinskin:
wln 0397AndAnd IoueJovejove himselfehimself willwill stretchstretch hishis handhand fromfrom heauenheaven.
wln 0398ToTo wardward thethe blowblow, andand shieldshield meme safesafe fromfrom harmeharm,
wln 0399SeeSee howhow hehe rainesrains downdown heapsheaps ofof goldgold inin showersshowers.
wln 0400AsAs ifif hehe meantmeant toto giuegive mymy SouldiersSoldiers paypay,
wln 0401AndAnd asas aa suresure andand groundedgrounded argumentargument,
wln 0402ThatThat II shallshall bebe thethe MonarkMonarch ofof thethe EastEast.
wln 0403HeHe sendssends thisthis SouldansSculdansSouldan’sSculdans daughterdaughter richrich andand brauebrave,
wln 0404ToTo bebe mymy QueenQueen andand portlyportly EmperesseEmpress,
wln 0405IfIf thouthou wiltwilt staystay withwith meme, renowmedrenowned manman,
wln 0406AndAnd leadlead thythy thousandthousand horsehorse withwith mymy conductconduct,
wln 0407BesidesBesides thythy shareshare ofof thisthis EgyptianEgyptian priseprize,
wln 0408ThoseThose thousandthousand horsehorse shallshall sweatsweat withwith martiallmartial spoilespoil
wln 0409OfOf conqueredconquered kingdomeskingdoms, andand ofof CitiesCities sacktsacked,

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wln 0410BothBoth wewe wilwill walkewalk vponupon thethe loftylofty cliftscliffs,
wln 0411AndAnd ChristianChristian MerchantsMerchants thatthat withwith RussianRussian stemsstems
wln 0412PlowPlowBlow vpup hugehuge furrowesfurrows inin thethe CaspianCaspian seasea.
wln 0413ShallShall vailevailveil toto vsus, asas LordsLords ofof allall thethe LakeLake.
wln 0414BothBoth wewe willwill raignereign asas ConsulsConsuls ofof thethe earthearth,
wln 0415AndAnd mightiemighty kingskings shallshall bebe ourour SenatorsSenators,
wln 0416IoueJovejove sometimesometime maskedmasked inin aa ShepheardsShepherd’s weedweed,
wln 0417AndAnd byby thosethose stepssteps thatthat hehe hathhath scal’dscaled thethe heauensheavens,
wln 0418MayMay wewe becomebecome immortallimmortal likelike thethe GodsGods.
wln 0419IoineJoinjoin withwith meme nownow inin thisthis mymy meanemean estateestate,
wln 0420(II calcall itit meanemean, becausebecause beingbeing yetyet obscureobscure,
wln 0421TheThe NationsNations farfar remoou’dremoved admyreadmire meme notnot)
wln 0422AndAnd whenwhen mymy namename andand honorhonour shallshall bebe spreadspread,
wln 0423AsAs farfar asas BoreasBoreas clapsclaps hishis brazenbrazen wingswings,
wln 0424OrOr fairefair BotëesBotëesBoötes sendssends hishis cheerefullcheerful lightlight.
wln 0425ThenThen shaltshalt thouthou bebe CompetitorCompetitor withwith meme,
wln 0426AndAnd sitsit withwith TamburlaineTambulaineTamburlaine. inin allall hishis maiestiemajesty.
wln 0427Ther.TheridamasTher.NotNot HermesHermes ProlocutorProlocutor toto thethe GodsGods,
wln 0428CouldCould vseuse perswasionspersuasions moremore patheticallpathetical.
wln 0429Tam.TamburlaineTam.NorNor areare ApollosApollo’s OraclesOracles moremore truetrue,
wln 0430ThenThan thouthou shaltshalt findfind mymy vauntsvaunts substantiallsubstantial.
wln 0431Tec.TechellesTec.WeWe areare hishis friendsfriends, andand ifif thethe PerseanPersianpersian kingking
wln 0432ShouldShould offeroffer presentpresent DukedomesDukeDukedomsDukedomesdomes toto ourour statestate,
wln 0433WeWe thinkethink itit losseloss toto makemake exchangeexchange forfor thatthat,
wln 0434WeWe areare assuredassured ofof byby ourour friendsfriend’s successesuccess.
wln 0435Vsum.UsumcasaneVsum.AndAnd kingdomeskingdoms atat thethe leastleast wewe allall expectexpect.
wln 0436BefidesBesides thethe honorhonour inin assuredassured conquestesconquests:
wln 0437WhereWhere kingskings shallshall crouchcrouch vntounto ourour conqueringconquering swordsswords,
wln 0438AndAnd hosteshosts ofof souldierssoldiers standstand amaz’damazed atat vsus,
wln 0439WhenWhen withwith theirtheir fearfullfearful tonguestongues theythey shallshall confessecenfesseconfess
wln 0440TheiseThese areare thethe menmen thatthat allall thethe worldworld admiresadmires,
wln 0441Ther.TheridamasTher.WhatWhat strongestrong enchantmentsenchantments ticetice’tice mymy yeeldingyielding (soulesoul

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the Scythian Shepheard.

wln 0442AreAre thesethese resoluedresolved noblenoble ScythiansScythians?
wln 0443ButBut shallshall II prooueprove aa TraitorTraitor toto mymy KingKing?
wln 0444Tam.TamburlaineTam.NoNo, butbut thethe trustietrusty friendfriend ofof TamburlaineTamburlaine.
wln 0445Ther.TheridamasTher.WonWon withwith thythy wordswords, &and conqueredconquered withwith thythy (lookslooks,
wln 0446II yeeldyield my selfemyself, mymy menmen &and horsehorse toto theethee:
wln 0447ToTo bebe partakerpartaker ofof thythy goodgood oror illill,
wln 0448AsAs longlong asas lifelife maintainesmaintains TheridamasTheridamas.
wln 0449Tam.TamburlaineTam.TheridamasTheridamas mymy friendfriend, taketake herehere mymy handhand.
wln 0450WhichWhich isis asas muchmuch asas ifif II sworeswore byby heauenheaven,
wln 0451AndAnd call’dcalled thethe GodsGods toto witnessewitness ofof mymy vowvow,
wln 0452ThusThus shallshall mymy heartheart bebe stillstill combindecombined withwith thinethine,
wln 0453VntillUntil ourour bodiesbodies turneturn toto ElementsElements:
wln 0454AndAnd bothboth ourour soulessouls aspireaspire celestiallcelestial thronesthrones.
wln 0455TechellesTechelles, andand CasaneCasane, welcomewelcome himhim.
wln 0456Tech.TechellesTech.WelcomeWelcome renowmedrenowned PerseanPersianpersian toto vsus allall.
wln 0457Cas.UsumcasaneCas.LongLong maymay theridamastheridamas remaineremain withwith vsus.
wln 0458Tam.TamburlaineTam.TheseThese areare mymy friendsfriends inin whōwhōwhom II moremore reioicerejoice,
wln 0459ThanThan doothdoth thethe KingKing ofof PerseaPersia inin hishis CrowneCrown:
wln 0460AndAnd byby thethe louelove ofof PylladesPylades andand OrestesOrestes,
wln 0461WhoseWhose statutesstatutes wewe adoreadore inin ScythiaScythia,
wln 0462Thy selfeThyselfthyself andand themthem shallshall neuernever partpart fromfrom meme,
wln 0463BeforeBefore II crownecrown youyou kingskings inin AsiaAsia.
wln 0464MakeMake muchmuch ofof themthem gentlegentle TheridamasTheridamas,
wln 0465AndAnd theythey willwill neuernever leaueleave theethee tilltill thethe deathdeath.
wln 0466ther.theridamasther.NorNor theethee, nornor themthem, thricethrice noblenoble TamburlainTambutlainTamburlaine
wln 0467ShalShall wantwant mymy heartheart toto bebe withwith gladnesgladness pierc’dpierced
wln 0468ToTo dodo youyou honorhonour andand securitiesecurity.
wln 0469Tam.TamburlaineTam.AA thousandthousand thankesthanks worthyworthy theridamastheridamas:
wln 0470AndAnd nownow fairefair MadamMadam, andand mymy noblenoble LordsLords,
wln 0471IfIf youyou willwill willinglywillingly remaineremain withwith meme,
wln 0472YouYou shallshall hauehave honorsherorshonoursherors, asas youryour meritsmerits bebe:
wln 0473OrOr elselse youyou shallshall bebe forc’dforced wtthwithw●●hwith slauerieslavery.
Agid. We

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The Conquests of Tamburlaine.

wln 0474Agid.AgydasAgid.WeWe yeeldyield vntounto theethee happiehappy TamburlaineTamburlaine
wln 0475tamb.tamburlainetamb.ForFor youyou thenthen MaddamMadam, II amam outout ofof doubtdoubt
wln 0476Zeno.ZenocrateZeno.II mustmust bebe pleasdepleased perforceperforce, wretchedwretched
wln 0477 (ZenocrateZenocrate.ExeuntExeunt.

wln 0478ActusActus. 22.22... ScœnaScaenaScaena. 11.11...

wln 0479CosroeCosroe, MenaphonMenaphon, OrtygiusOrtygius, CeneusCeneus, withwith
wln 0480otherother SouldiersSoldiers.

wln 0481CosroeCosroe.
wln 0482THusTHus farrefar areare wewe towardstowards TheridamasTheridamas,
wln 0483AndAnd valiantvaliant TamburlaineTamburlaine, thethe manman ofof famefame,
wln 0484TheThe manman thatthat inin thethe forheadforehead ofof hishis fortunefortune,
wln 0485BearesBears figuresfigures ofof renownerenown andand myraclemiracle:
wln 0486ButBut telltell meme, thatthat hasthast seeneseen himhim, MenaphonMenaphon,
wln 0487WhatWhat staturestature wieldswields hehe, andand whatwhat personagepersonage??:
wln 0488Mena.MenaphonMena.OfOf staturestature talltall, andand straightlystraightlystraight fashionedfashioned,
wln 0489LikeLike hishis desiredesire, liftlift vpwardsupwardsonwards andand diuinedivine,
wln 0490SaSoSa largelarge ofof limslimbs, hishis iointsjoints soso stronglystrongly knitknit,
wln 0491SuchSuch breadthbreadth ofof shouldersshoulders asas mightmight mainelymainly bearebear
wln 0492OldeOld AtlasAtlas’ burthenburden, twixt’twixttwixt hishis manlymanly pitchpitch,
wln 0493AA pearlepearl moremore worthworth, thenthan allall thethe worldworld isis plasteplaced:
wln 0494WhereinWherein byby curiouscurious soueraintiesovereignty ofof ArtArt,
wln 0495AreAre fixtfirtfixed hishis piercingpiercing instrumentsinstruments ofof sightsight:
wln 0496WhoseWhose fieryfiery cyrclescircles bearebear encompassedencompassed
wln 0497AA heauenheaven ofof heauenlyheavenly bodiesbodies inin theirtheir SphearesSpheres:
wln 0498ThatThat guidesguides hishis stepssteps andand actionsactions toto thethe thronethrone.
wln 0499WhereWhere honorhonour sitssits inuestedinvested royallyroyally:
wln 0500PalePale ofof complexioncomplexion: wroughtwrought inin himhim withwith passionpassion,
wln 0501ThrirstingThirstingThirsting withwith soueraintysovereignty withwith louelove ofof armesarms,
wln 0502HisHis loftylofty browesbrows inin foldesfolds, dodo figurefigure deathdeath,

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the Scythian [◇]

wln 0503AndAnd inin theirtheir smoothnessesmoothness, amitieamity andand lifelife:
wln 0504AboutAbout themthem hangshangs aa knotknot ofof AmberAmber heirehairheir.
wln 0505WrappedWrapped inin curlescurls, asas fiercefierce AchillesAchilles waswas,
wln 0506OnOn whichwhich thethe breathbreath ofof heauenheaven delightsdelights toto playplay,
wln 0507MakingMaking itit dauncedance withwith wantonwanton maiestiemajesty:
wln 0508HisHis armesarms andand fingerssingersfingerssingers longlong andand snowysnowy,
wln 0509BetokeningBetokening valourvalour andand excesseexcess ofof strengthstrength:
wln 0510InIn eueryevery partpart proportionedproportioned likelike thethe manman,
wln 0511ShouldShould makemake thethe worldworld subduedsubdued toto TamburlaineTamburlaine.
wln 0512CosCosroeCosWelWell hasthast thouthou pourtraidportrayed inin thythy tearmsterms ofof lifelife,
wln 0513TheThe faceface andand personagepersonage ofof aa woondrouswondrous manman:
wln 0514NatureNature dothdoth striuestrive withwith FortuneFortune andand hishis starsstars,
wln 0515ToTo makemake himhim famousfamous inin accomplishtaccomplished woorthworth:
wln 0516AndAnd wellwell hishis meritsmerits showshow himhim toto bebe mademade:
wln 0517HisHis FortunesFortune’s maisterm●istermaster, andand thethe kingking ofof menmen.
wln 0518ThatThat couldcould perswadepersuade atat suchsuch aa sodainesudden pinchpinch,
wln 0519WithWith reasonsreasons ofof hishis valourvalour andand hishis lifelife,
wln 0520AA thousandthousand swornesworn andand ouermatchingovermatching foesfoes:
wln 0521ThenThen whenwhen ourour powerspowers inin pointspoints ofof swordsswords areare ioin’djoined
wln 0522AndAnd closdeclosed inin compassecompass ofof thethe killingkilling bulletbullet,
wln 0523ThoughThough straightstraight thethe passagepassage andand thethe portport bebe mademade,
wln 0524ThatThat leadsleads toto PallacePalace ofof mymy brothersbrother’s lifelife,
wln 0525ProudProud isis hishis fortunefortune ifif wewe piercepierce itit notnot.
wln 0526AndAnd whenwhen thethe princelyprincely PerseanPersianpersian DiademDiadem,
wln 0527ShallShall ouerwayoverweighoverway hishis wearieweary witlessewitless headhead,
wln 0528AndAnd fallfall likelike mellowedmellowed fruitfruit, withwith shakesshakes ofof deathdeath,
wln 0529InIn fairefair PerseaPersia noblenoble tamburlainetamburlaine
wln 0530ShallShall bebe mymy RegentRegent, andand remaineremain asas KingKing:
wln 0531Ort.OrtygiusOrt.InIn happyhappy howerhour wewe hauehave setset thethe CrowneCrown
wln 0532VponUpon youryour kinglykingly headhead, thatthat seeksseeks ourour honorhonour,
wln 0533InIn ioyningjoining withwith thethe manman, ordain’dordained byby heauenheaven
wln 0534ToTo furtherfurther eueryevery actionaction toto thethe bestbest.
Ce. He

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The Conquests of Tamburlaine.

wln 0535Cen.CeneusCen.HeHe thatthat withwith ShepheardsShepherds andand aa litlelittle spoilespoil,
wln 0536DurstDurst inin disdainedisdain ofof wrongwrong andand tyrannietyranny,
wln 0537DefendDefend hishis freedomefreedom gainst’gainst aa MonarchieMonarchy.
wln 0538WhatWhat willwill hehe doedo supportedsupported byby aa kingking??:
wln 0539LeadingLeading aa troopetroop ofof GentlemenGentlemen andand LordsLords,
wln 0540AndAnd stuftstuffed withwith trasuretreasure forfor hishis highesthighest thoughtsthoughts,
wln 0541Cos.CosroeCos.AndAnd suchsuch shallshall waitwait onon worthyworthy TamburlaineTamburlaine.
wln 0542OurOur armyarmy willwill bebe fortyforty thousandthousand strongstrong,
wln 0543WhenWhen TamburlainTamburlaine andand brauebrave TheridamasTheridamas
wln 0544HaueHave metmet vsus byby thethe riuerriver ArarisAraris:
wln 0545AndAnd allall conioin’dconjoined toto meetmeet thethe witlessewitless KingKing.
wln 0546ThatThat nownow isis marchingmarching neernear toto ParthiaParthia.
wln 0547AndAnd withwith vnwillingunwilling souldierssoldiers faintlyfaintly arm’darmed,
wln 0548ToTo seekeseek reuengerevenge onon meme andand TamburlaineTamburlaine.
wln 0549ToTo whomwhom sweetsweet MenaphonMenaphon, directdirect meme straightstraight.
wln 0550Mena.MenaphonMena.II willwill mymy LordLord.ExeuntExeunt.

wln 0551Act.Act. 22.22... ScænaScaenaScaena. 22,

wln 0552MycetesMycetes, MeanderMeander, withwith otherother LordsLords
wln 0553andand SouldiersSoldiers.

wln 0554MycetesMycetes.
wln 0555COmeCOme mymy MeanderMeander, letlet vsus toto thisthis geeregear,
wln 0556II teltell youyou truetrue mymy heartheart isis swolneswoll’nswollen withwith wrathwrath,
wln 0557OnOn thisthis samesame theeuishthievish villainevillain tamburlainetamburlaine.
wln 0558AndAnd ofof thatthat falsefalse CosroeCosroe, mymy traiteroustraitorous brotherbrothetbrother
wln 0559WouldWould itit notnot grieuegrieve aa KingKing toto bebe soso abusdeabused.
wln 0560AndAnd hauehave aa thousandthousand horsmenhorsemen taneta’en awayaway?
wln 0561AndAnd whichwhich isis worstworst toto hauehave hishis DiademDiadem
wln 0562SoughtSought forfor byby suchsuch scaldescald knauesknaucsknaves asas louelove himhim notnetnotnet??.
wln 0563II thinkethink itit wouldwould: welwell thenthen, byby heauensheavens II sweareswear,
wln 0564AuroraAurora shallshall notnot peepepeep outout ofof herher dooresdoors,

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the Scythian Shepheard.

wln 0565ButBut II willwill hauehave CosroeCosroe byby thethe headhead,
wln 0566AndAnd killkill proudproud TamburlaineTamburlaine withwith pointpoint ofof swordsword.
wln 0567TellTell youyou thethe restrest (MeanderMeander) II hauehave saidsaid.
wln 0568Mean.MeanderMean.ThenThen hauinghaving pastpassed ArmenianArmenian desartsdeserts nownow,
wln 0569AndAnd pitchpitch ourour tentstents vnderunder thethe GeorgeanGeorgiangeorgian hilleshills.
wln 0570WhoseWhose topstops areare coueredcovered withwith TartarianTartarian thieuesthieves,
wln 0571ThatThat lielie inin ambushambush, waitingwaiting forfor aa prayprey:
wln 0572WhatWhat shouldshould wewe doedo butbut bidbid themthem battailebattle straightstraight,
wln 0573AndAnd ridrid thethe worldworld ofof thosethose detesteddetested troopestroops??;
wln 0574LeastLestlest ifif wewe letlet themthem lyngerlinger herehere aa whilewhile,
wln 0575TheyThey gathergather strengthstrength byby powerpower ofof freshfresh suppliessupplies.
wln 0576ThisThis countriecountry swarmesswarntesswarms withwith vilevile outragiouseutragiousoutrageous menmen,
wln 0577ThatThat liuelive byby rapinerapine andand byby lawlesselawless spoilespoil,
wln 0578FitFit SouldiersSoldiers forfor thethe wickedwicked TamburlaineTamburlaine.
wln 0579AndAnd hehe thatthat couldcould withwith giftesgifts andand promisespromises.
wln 0580InueigleInveigle himhim thatthat leadled aa thousandthousand horsehorse,
wln 0581AndAnd makemake himhim falsefalse hishis faithfaith vntounto hishis KingKing,
wln 0582WillWill quicklyquickly winwin suchsuch asas areare likelike himselfehimself.
wln 0583ThereforeTherefore cheerecheer vpup youryour mindesminds, prepareprepare toto fightfight,
wln 0584HeHe thatthat cancan taketake oror slaughterslaughter tamburlainetamburlaine,
wln 0585ShallShall rulerule thethe ProuinceProvince ofof AlbaniaAlbania.
wln 0586WhoWho bringsbrings thatthat TraitorsTraitor’straitor’s headhead theridamastheridamas,
wln 0587ShalShall hauehave aa gouernmentgovernment inin MedeaMedea:
wln 0588BesideBeside thethe spoilespoil ofof himhim andand allall hishis trainetrain:
wln 0589ButBut ifif CosroeCosroe (asas ourour Spials’SpialsEspials saysay,
wln 0590AndAnd asas wewe knowknow) remainesremains withwith tamburlainetamburlaine,
wln 0591HisHis HighnesseHighness’highness’ pleasurepleasure isis thatthat hehe shouldshould liuelive,
wln 0592AndAnd bebe reclaim’dreclaimed withwith princelyprincely lenitielenity.
wln 0593AA SpySpy.SpySpy...AnAn hundredhundred horsmenhorsemen ofof mymy companycompany
wln 0594ScowtingSrowtingScoutingscouting abroadabroad vponupon thesethese championchampion plainesplains,
wln 0595HaueHave view’dvtew’dviewed thethe armyarmy ofof thethe ScythiansScythians,
wln 0596WhichWhich makemake reportsreports itit farfar exceedsexceeds thethe KingsKings.

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wln 0597Mean.MeanderMean.SupposeSuppose theythey bebe inin numbernumber infinitinfinite,
wln 0598YetYet beingbeing voidvoid ofof MartiallMartial disciplinediscipline,
wln 0599AllAll runningrunning headlongheadlong afterafter greedygreedy spoilesspoils:
wln 0600AndAnd moremore regardingregarding gainegain thanthan victoryvictory:
wln 0601LikeLike toto thethe cruellcruel brothersbrothers ofof thethe earthearth,
wln 0602SprongSprung ofof thethe teethteeth ofof DragonsDragonsdragon’s venomousvenomous,
wln 0603TheirTheir carelessecareless swordsswords shalshall lanchlancelaunch theirtheir fellowesfellows’fellows throatsthreatsthroatsthreats
wln 0604AndAnd makemake vsus triumphtriumph inin theirtheir ouerthrowoverthrow.
wln 0605Myc.MycetesMyc.WasWas therethere suchsuch brethrenbrethrenbrothers, sweetsweet MeanderMeander, saysay
wln 0606ThatThat sprongsprung ofof teethteeth ofof DragonsDragonsdragon’s venomousvenomous.
wln 0607Meand.MeanderMeand.SoSo PoetsPoets saysay, mymy LordLord.
wln 0608Myce.MycetesMyce.AndAnd tis’tis aa pretypretty toytoy toto bebe aa PoetPoet.
wln 0609WelWell, welwell (MeanderMeander) thouthou artart deeplydeeply readread:
wln 0610AndAnd hauinghaving theethee, II hauehave aa iewelljewel suresure:
wln 0611GoGo onenon mymy LordLord, andand giuegive youryour chargecharge II saysay,
wln 0612ThyThy witwit willwill makemake vsus ConquerorsConquerors to daytoday.
wln 0613Mean.MeanderMean.ThenThen noblenoble souldiorssoldiers, toto intrapentrap thesethese theeuesthieves,
wln 0614ThatThat liuelive confoundedconfounded inin disordereddisordered troopestroops,
wln 0615IfIf wealthwealth oror richesriches maymay preuaileprevail withwith themthem,
wln 0616WeWe hauehave ourour CammelsCamels ladenladen allall withwith goldgold:
wln 0617WhichWhich youyou thatthat bebe butbut commoncommon souldierssoldiers,
wln 0618ShallShall flingfling inin eueryevery cornercorner ofof thethe fieldfield:
wln 0619AndAnd whilewhile thethe base bornebasebase-bornbase borneborn TartarsTartars taketake itit vpup,
wln 0620YouYou fightingfighting moremore forfor honorhonour thanthan forfor goldgold,
wln 0621ShallShall massacremassacre thosethose greedygreedy mindedminded slauesslaves.
wln 0622AndAnd whenwhen theirtheir scatteredscattered armiearmy isis subdu’dsubdued:
wln 0623AndAnd youyou marchmarch onon theirtheir slaughteredslaughtered carkassescarcases,
wln 0624ShareShare equalllyequallyequally thethe goldgold thatthat boughtbought theirtheir liueslives,
wln 0625AndAnd liuelive likelike GentlemenGentlemen inin PerseaPersia,
wln 0626StrikeStrike vpup thethe DrumDrum andand martchmarch corragiouslycourageously,
wln 0627FortuneFortune her selfeherself doothdoth sitsit vponupon ourour CrestsCrests.
wln 0628Myc.MycetesMyc.HeHe telstells youyou truetrue, mymy maistersmasters, soso hehe doesdoes.
wln 0629DrumsDrumisDrumsDrumis, whywhy soundsound yeye notnot whewhēwhen Meand.MeanderMeand. speaksspeakisspeaks.ExeuntExeunt

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the [◇◇]

wln 0630ActusActus. 22.22... ScænaScaenaScaena. 33.33...

wln 0631CosroeCosroe, TamburlaineTamburlaine, TheridamasTheridamas, TechellesTechelles, Vsu-VsumeasaneVsu∣measaneUsumcasaneUsumeasane
wln 0632measane,
wln 0632OrtygiusOrtygius. withwith othersothers.

wln 0633CosroeCosroe.
wln 0634NOwNOw worthyworthy TamburlaineTamburlaine, hauehave II reposdereposed,
wln 0635InIn thythy approouedapproved FortunesFortunes allall mymy hopehope,
wln 0636WhatWhat thinkstthink’stthinkst thouthou manman, shalshall comecome ofof ourour at=attemptesat∣temptesattempts
wln 0637(temptesattempts.
wln 0638ForFor eueneven asas fromfrom assuredassured oracleoracle,
wln 0639II taketake thythy doomedoom forfor satisfactionsatisfaction.
wln 0640Tamb.TamburlaineTamb.AndAnd soso mistakemistake youyou notnot aa whitwhit mymy LordLord.
wln 0641ForFor FatesFates andand OraclesOracles, heauenheaven hauehave swornesworn,
wln 0642ToTo roialiseroyalizeroyal thethe deedesdeeds ofof tamburlainetamburlaine:
wln 0643AndAnd makemake themthem blestblessed thatthat shareshare inin hishis attemptesattempts.
wln 0644AndAnd doubtdoubt youyou notnot, butbut ifif youyou fauourfavour meme,
wln 0645AndAnd letlet mymy FortunesFortunes andand mymy valourvalour swaysway,
wln 0646ToTo somesome directiondirection inin youryour martiallmartial deedsdeeds,
wln 0647TheThe worldworld willwill striuestrive withwith hosteshosts ofof menmen atat armesarms.
wln 0648ToTo swarmeswarm vntounto thethe EnsigneEnsign II supportsupport,
wln 0649TheThe hosthost ofof XerxesXerxes, whichwhich byby famefame isis saidsaid
wln 0650ToTo drinkedrink thethe mightiemighty ParthianParthian ArarisAraris,
wln 0651WasWas butbut aa handfulhandful toto thatthat wewe willwill hauehave.
wln 0652OurOur quiueringquivering LancesLances shakingshaking inin thethe aireair,
wln 0653AndAnd bulletsbullets likelike IouesJove’sjove’s dreadfulldreadful ThunderboltsThunderbolts,
wln 0654EnroldeEnrolledenrolled inin flamesflames andand fieryfiery smolderingsmouldering mistesmists,
wln 0655ShallShall threatthreat thethe GodsGods moremore thanthan CyclopianCyclopian warreswars,
wln 0656AndAnd withwith ourour Sun=brightSun-brightSun-bright armourarmour asas wewe marchmarch,
wln 0657WeelWe’llwe’ll chasechase thethe StarsStars fromfrom heauenheaven, andand dimdim theirtheir eieseyes
wln 0658ThatThat standstand andand musemuse atat ourour admyredadmired armesarms.
wln 0659therid.theridamastherid.YouYou seesee mymy LordLord, whatwhat woorkingworking woordeswords
wln 0660 (hehe hathhath.

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wln 0661ButBut whenwhen youyou seesee hishis actionsactions stopstop hishis speechspeech,
wln 0662YourYour speechspeech willwill staystay, oror soso extolextol hishis worthworth,
wln 0663AsAs II shallshall bebe commendedcommended andand excusdeexcused
wln 0664ForFor turningturning mymy poorepoor chargecharge toto hishis directiondirection.
wln 0665AndAnd thesethese hishis twotwo renowmedrenowned friendsfriends mymy LordLord,
wln 0666WouldWould makemake oneone thrustthrust andand striuestrive toto bebe retain’dretained
wln 0667InIn suchsuch aa greatgreat degreedegree ofof amitieamity.
wln 0668tech.techellestech.WithWith dutieduty notnot withwith amitieamity wewe yeeldyield
wln 0669OurOur vtmostutmost seruiceservice toto thethe fairefair CosroeCosroe.
wln 0670Cos.CosroeCos.WhichWhich II esteemeesteem asas portionportion ofof mymy crowncrown.
wln 0671VsumeasaneUsumcasaneUsumeasane andand techellestechelles bothboth,
wln 0672WhenWhen sheshe thatthat rulesrules inin RhamnisRhamnus’Rhamnis’ goldengolden gatesgates,
wln 0673AndAnd makesmakes aa passagepassage forfor allall prosperousprosperous ArmesArms:
wln 0674ShallShall makemake meme solelysolely EmperourEmperor ofof AsiaAsia,
wln 0675ThenThen shallshall youryour meedsmeeds andand valloursvalours bebe aduaunstadvanced
wln 0676ToTo roomesrooms ofof honourhonour andand NobilitieNobility.
wln 0677Tam.TamburlaineTam.ThenThen hastehaste CosroeCosroe toto bebe kingking alonealone.
wln 0678ThatThat II withwith thesethese mymy friendsfriends andand allall mymy menmen,
wln 0679MayMay triumphtriumph inin ourour longlong expectedexpected FateFate,
wln 0680TheThe KingKing youryour BrotherBrother isis nownow hardhard atat handhand,
wln 0681MeeteMeet withwith thethe foolefool, andand ridrid youryour royallroyal shouldersshoulders
wln 0682OfOf suchsuch aa burthenburden, asas outwaiesoutweighs thethe sandssands
wln 0683AndAnd allall thethe craggiecraggy rockesrocks ofof CaspeaCaspia.
wln 0684Mess.MessengerMyMy LordLord, wewe hauehave discouereddiscovered thethe enemieenemy
wln 0685ReadyReady toto chardgecharge youyou withwith aa mightymighty armiearmy.
wln 0686Cos.CosroeCos.ComeCome tamburlaintamburlaineTamburlaine, nownow whetwhet thythy wingedwinged swordsword
wln 0687AndAnd liftlift thythy loftylofty armearm intointo thethe cloudesclouds,
wln 0688ThatThat itit maymay reachreach thethe KingKing ofof PerseasPersia’s crownecrown,
wln 0689AndAnd setset itit safesafe onon mymy victoriousvictorious headhead.
wln 0690tam.tamburlainetam.SeeSee wherewhere itit isis, thethe keenestkeenest Cutle=axeCutle-axeCurtle-axe.
wln 0691ThatThat ereere mademade passagepassage thorowthorough PerseanPersianpersian ArmesArms,
wln 0692TheseThese areare thethe wingswings shallshall makemake itit fliefly asas swiftswift,

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the Scythian Shepheard.

wln 0693AsAs doothdoth thethe lighteninglightning: oror thethe breathbreath ofof heauenheaven,
wln 0694AndAnd killkill asas suresure asas itit swiftlyswiftly fliesflies.
wln 0695Cos.CosroeCos.ThyThy wordswords assureassure meme ofof kindkind successesuccess:
wln 0696GoGo valiantvaliant SouldierSoldier, gogo beforebefore andand chargecharge
wln 0697TheThe faintingfainting armyarmy ofof thatthat foolishfoolish KingKing.
wln 0698tamb.tamburlainetamb.VsumeasaneUsumcasaneUsumeasane andand techellestechelles comecome,
wln 0699WeWe areare enoughenough toto scarrescarescar thethe enemyenemy,
wln 0700AndAnd moremore thanthan needesneeds toto makemake anan EmperourEmperor.

wln 0701ToTo thethe BattaileBattle, andand MycetesMycetes comescomes outout alonealone withwith
wln 0702hishis CrowneCrown inin hishis handhand offeringoffering toto hidehide itit.

wln 0703Myc.MycetesMyc.AccurstAccursed bebe hehe thatthat firstfirst inuentedinvented warwar,
wln 0704TheyThey knewknew notnot, ahah, theythey knewknew notnot simplesimple menmen,
wln 0705HowHow thosethose werewere hithit byby peltingpelting CannonCannon shotshot,
wln 0706StandStand staggeringstaggering likelike aa quiueringquivering AspenAspen leafeleaf,
wln 0707FearingFearing thethe forceforce ofof BoreasBoreas’Boreas boistrousboisterous blastsblasts.
wln 0708InIn whatwhat aa lamentablelamentable casecase werewere II,
wln 0709IfIf NatureNature hadhad notnot giuengiven meme wisedomeswisdom’s lorelore?
wln 0710ForFor KingsKings areare cloutsclouts thatthat eueryevery manman shootsshoots atat,
wln 0711OurOur CrowneCrown thethe pinpin thatthat thousandsthousands seekeseek toto cleauecleave,
wln 0712ThereforeTherefore inin polliciepolicy II thinkethink itit goodgood
wln 0713ToTo hidehide itit closeclose: aa goodlygoodly StratagemStratagem,
wln 0714AndAnd farfar fromfrom anyany manman thatthat isis aa foolefool.
wln 0715SoSo shallshall notnot II bebe knowenknown, oror ifif II beebe,
wln 0716TheyThey cannotcannot taketake awayaway mymy crownecrown fromfrom meme.
wln 0717HereHere willwill II hidehide itit inin thisthis simplesimple holehole.
wln 0718EnterEnter TamburlainTamburlaine.
wln 0719tam.tamburlainetam.WhatWhat fearfulfearful cowardcoward straglingstraggling fromfrom thethe campcamp
wln 0720WhenWhen KingsKings themseluesthemselves areare presentpresent inin thethe fieldfield.
wln 0721Myc.MycetesMyc.ThouThou liestliest.
wln 0722tam.tamburlainetam.BaseBase villainevillain, darstdar’st thouthou giuegive thethe lielie?
wln 0723Myc.MycetesMyc.AwayAway, II amam thethe KingKing: gogo, touchtouch meme notnot.

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wln 0724ThouThou breakstbreak’stbreakest thethe lawlaw ofof ArmesArms vnlesseunless thouthou kneelekneel.
wln 0725AndAnd crycry meme merciemercy, noblenoble KingKing.
wln 0726TamTamburlaineTamAreAre youyou thethe wittywitty KingKing ofof PerseaPersia?
wln 0727Myce.MycetesMyce.IAyI mariemarry amam II: hauehave youyou anyany suitesuit toto meme?
wln 0728Tam.TamburlaineTam.II wouldwould intreatentreat youyou toto speakspeak butbut threethree wisewise
wln 0729 wordeswords.
wln 0730Myce.MycetesMyce.SoSo II cancan whenwhen II seesee mymy timetime.
wln 0731Tam.TamburlaineTam.IsIs thisthis youryour CrowneCrown?
wln 0732Myce.MycetesMyce.IAyay, DidstDidst thouthou euerever seesee aa fairerfairer?
wln 0733Tamb.TamburlaineTamb.YouYou willwill notnot sellsell itit, wilwill yeye?
wln 0734Myce.MycetesMyce.SuchSuch anotheranother wordword, andand II, willwill hauehave theethee
wln 0735 executedexecuted.
wln 0736ComeCome giuegive itit meme.
wln 0737Tamb.TamburlaineTamb.NoNo, II tooketook itit prisonerprisoner.
wln 0738Myce.MycetesMyce.YouYou lielie, II gauegave itit youyou.
wln 0739tam.tamburlainetam.ThenThen tis’tis minemine.
wln 0740Myce.MycetesMyce.NoNo, II meanemean, II letlet youyou keepkeep itit.
wln 0741tamb.tamburlainetamb.WelWell, II meanemean youyou shallshall hauehave itit againeagain.
wln 0742HereHere taketake itit forfor aa whilewhile, II lendlend itit theethee,
wln 0743TillTill II maymay seesee theethee hem’dhemmed withwith armedarmed menmen.
wln 0744ThenThen shaltshalt thouthou seesee meme pullpull itit fromfrom thythy headhead:
wln 0745ThouThou artart nono matchmatch forfor mightiemighty TamburlaineTamburlaine.
wln 0746Myce.MycetesMyce.OO GodsGods, isis thisthis tamburlainetamburlaine thethe thiefethief,
wln 0747II marueilemarvel muchmuch hehe stolestole itit notnot awayaway.

wln 0748SoundSound trumpetstrumpets toto thethe battellbattle, andand hehe runsruns inin.

wln 0749CosroeCosroe, TamburlaineTamburlaine, TheridamasTheridamas, MenaphonMenaphon,
wln 0750MeanderMeander, OrtygiusOrtygius, TechellesTechelles. VsumeasaneUsumcasaneUsumeasane,
wln 0751withwith othersothers.

wln 0752Tamb.TamburlaineTamb.HoldeHold theethee CosroeCosroe, wearewear twotwo imperiallimperial
wln 0753 (CrownesCrowns.

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the Scythian Shepheard.

wln 0754ThinksThinks theethee InuestedInvested nownow asas royallyroyally,
wln 0755EuenEven byby thethe mightymighty handhand ofof tamburlainetamburlaine,
wln 0756AsAs ifif asas manymany kingeskings asas couldcould encompasseencompass theethee,
wln 0757WithWith greatestgreatest pompepomp hadhad crown’dcrowned theethee EmperourEmperor.
wln 0758Cosr.CosroeCosr.SoSo dodo II thricethrice renowmedrenowinedrenowned manman atat armesarms,
wln 0759AndAnd nonenone shallshall keepekeep thethe crownecrown butbut tamburlainetamburlaine:
wln 0760TheeThee doodo II makemake mymy RegentRegent ofof PerseaPersia,
wln 0761AndAnd GenerallGeneral LieftenantLieutenant ofof mymy ArmiesArmies.
wln 0762MeanderMeander, youyou thatthat werewere ourour brothersbrother’s GuideGuide,
wln 0763AndAnd chiefestchiefest CounsailorCounsellor inin allall hishis actsacts,
wln 0764SinceSince hehe isis yeeldedyielded toto thethe strokestroke ofof WarWar,
wln 0765OnOn youryour submissionsubmission wewe withwith thanksthanks excuseexcuse,
wln 0766AndAnd giuegive youyou equallequal placeplace inin ourour affairesaffairs.
wln 0767Mean.MeanderMean.MostMost happyhappy EmperourEmperor inin humblesthumblest tearmsterms
wln 0768II vowvow mymy seruiceservice toto youryour MaiestieMajesty.
wln 0769WithWith vtmostutmost vertuevirtue ofof mymy faithfaith andand dutieduty.
wln 0770Cosr.CosroeCosr.ThanksThanks goodgood MeanderMeander, thenthenthan CosroeCosroe raignreign
wln 0771AndAnd gouernegovern PerseaPersia inin herher formerformer pomppomp:
wln 0772NowNow sendsend AmbassageAmbassage toto thythy neighborneighbour KingsKings,
wln 0773AndAnd letlet themthem knowknow thethe PerseanPersianpersian KingKing isis chang’dchanged:
wln 0774FromFrom oneone thatthat knewknew notnot whatwhat aa KingKing shouldshould dodo,
wln 0775ToTo oneone thatthat cancan commaundcommand whatwhat longslongs theretothereto:
wln 0776AndAnd nownow wewe willwill toto fairefair PersepolisPersepolis,
wln 0777WithWith twentytwenty thousandthousand expertexpert souldierssoldiers.
wln 0778TheThe LordsLords andand CaptainesCaptains ofof mymy brothersbrother’s campecamp,
wln 0779WithWith litlelittle slaughterslaughter taketake MeandersMeander’s coursecourse,
wln 0780AndAnd gladlygladly yeeldyield themthem toto mymy graciousgracious rulerule:
wln 0781OrtigiusOrtygius andand menaphonmenaphon, mymy trustietrusty friendesfriends,
wln 0782NowNow willwill II gratifygratify youryour formerformer goodgood,
wln 0783AndAnd gracegrace youryour callingcalling withwith aa greatergreater swaysway.
wln 0784Ort.OrtygiusOrt.AndAnd asas wewe euerever andand atat youryour behoofebehoof,
wln 0785AndAnd soughtsought youryour statestate, allall honorhonour itit deseru’ddeserved,

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wln 0786SoSo willwill wewe withwith ourour powerspowers andand ourour liueslives,
wln 0787IndeuorEndeavour toto preseruepreserve andand prosperprosper itit.
wln 0788Cos.CosroeCos.II willwill notnot thankthank theethee (sweetsweet OrtigiusOrtygius)
wln 0789BetterBetter repliesreplies shallshall prooueprove mymy purposespurposes.
wln 0790AndAnd nownow, LordLord tamburlainetamburlaine, mymy brothersbrother’s CampeCamp
wln 0791II leaueleave toto theethee, andand toto theridamastheridamas,
wln 0792ToTo followfollow meme toto fairefair PersepolisPersepolis.
wln 0793ThenThen willwill wewe marchmarch toto allall thosethose IndianIndian MinesMines,
wln 0794MyMy witlessewitless brotherbrother toto thethe ChristiansChristians lostlost:
wln 0795AndAnd ransomeransom themthem withwith famefame andand vsurieusury.
wln 0796AndAnd tilltill thouthou ouertakeovertake meme tamburlainetamburlaine,
wln 0797(StayingStaying toto orderorder allall thethe scatteredscattered troopestroops)
wln 0798FarewellFarewell LordLord RegentRegent, andand hishis happiehappy friendsfriends,
wln 0799II longlong toto sitsit vponupon mymy brothersbrother’s thronethrone,
wln 0800Mena.MenaphonMena.YourYour MaiestieMajesty shallshall shortlyshortly hauehave youryour wishwish.
wln 0801AndAnd rideride inin triumphtriumph throughthrough PersepolisPersepolis.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 0802ManentManent Tamb.TamburlaineTamb. Tech.TechellesTech. Ther.TheridamasTher. Vsum.UsumcasaneUsum.
wln 0803tamb.tamburlainetamb.AndAnd rideride inin triumphtriumph throughthrough PersepolisPersepolis?
wln 0804IsIs itit notnot brauebrave toto bebe aa KingKing, techellestechelles?
wln 0805VsumeasaneUsumcasaneUsumeasane andand theridamastheridamas,
wln 0806IsIs itit notnot passingpassing brauebrave toto bebe aa KingKing,
wln 0807AndAnd rideride inin triumphtriumph throughthrough PersepolisPersepolis?
wln 0808tech.techellestech.OO mymy LordLord, tis’tis sweetsweet andand fullfull ofof pompepomp.
wln 0809Vsum.UsumcasaneVsum.ToTo bebe aa KingKing, isis halfehalf toto bebe aa GodGod.
wln 0810ther.theridamasther.AA GodGod isis notnot soso gloriousglorious asas aa KingKing:
wln 0811II thinkethink thethe pleasurepleasure theythey enioyenjoy inin heauenheaven
wln 0812CanCan notnot comparecompare withwith kinglykingly ioyesjoys inin earthearth,
wln 0813ToTo wearewear aa CrowneCrown enchac’denchased withwith pearlepearl andand goldegold,
wln 0814WhoseWhose vertuesvirtues cariecarry withwith itit lifelife andand deathdeath,
wln 0815ToTo askeask, andand hauehave: commandcommand, andand bebe obeiedobeyed.
wln 0816WhenWhen lookslooks breedbreed louelove, withwith lookeslooks toto gainegain thethe prizeprize..;
wln 0817SuchSuch powerpower attractiueattractive shinesshines inin princesprinces’ eieseyes.

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the Scythian Shepheard.

wln 0818tam.tamburlainetam.WhyWhy saysay theridamastheridamas, wiltwilt thouthou bebe aa kingking?
wln 0819the.theridamasthe.NayNay, thoughthough II praisepraise itit, II cancan liuelive withoutwithout itit.
wln 0820tam.tamburlainetam.WhatWhat saiessays mymy otherother friendsfriends, wilwill youyou bebe kingskings?
wln 0821tec.techellestec.IAyay, ifif II couldcould withwith allall mymy heartheart mymy LordLord.
wln 0822tam.tamburlainetam.WhyWhy, that’sthat’s welwell saidsaid techellestechelles, soso wouldwould II,
wln 0823AndAnd soso wouldwould youyou mymy maistersmasters, wouldwould youyou notnot?
wln 0824Vsum.UsumcasaneVsum.WhatWhat thenthen mymy LordLord?
wln 0825tam.tamburlainetam.WhyWhy thenthen CasanesCasaneCasanes shallshall wewe wishwish forfor oughtought
wln 0826TheThe worldworld affoordsaffords inin greatestgreatest noueltienovelty,
wln 0827AndAnd restrest attemplesseattmplesseattemptless faintfaint andand destitutedestitute?
wln 0828Me thinksMethinksmethinks wewe shouldshould notnot, II amam stronglystrongly moou’dmoved,
wln 0829ThatThat ifif II shouldshould desiredesire thethe PerseanPersianpersian CrowneCrown,
wln 0830II couldcould attaineattain itit withwith aa woondrouswondrous easeease,
wln 0831AndAnd wouldwould notnot allall ourour souldierssoldiers soonesoon consentconsent,
wln 0832IfIf wewe shouldshould aimeaim atat suchsuch aa dignitiedignity?
wln 0833ther.theridamasther.II knowknow theythey wouldwould withwith ourour perswasionspersuasions.
wln 0834tam.tamburlainetam.WhyWhy thenthen theridamastheridamas, IleI’ll firstfirst assayassay,
wln 0835ToTo getget thethe PerseanPersianpersian KingdomeKingdom toto my selfemyself:
wln 0836ThenThenThan thouthou forfor ParthiaParthia, theythey forfor ScythiaScythia andand MedeaMedea.
wln 0837AndAnd ifif II prosperprosper, allall shallshall bebe asas suresure,
wln 0838AsAs ifif thethe TurkeTurk, thethe PopePope, AffrikeAfricAfrique andand GreeceGreece,
wln 0839CameCame creepingcreeping toto vsus withwith theirtheir crownescrowns apaceapace.
wln 0840tech.techellestech.ThenThen shallshall wewe sendsend toto thisthis triumphingtriumphing KingKing,
wln 0841AndAnd bidbid himhim battellbattle forfor hishis nouellnovel CrowneCrown?
wln 0842Vsum.UsumcasaneVsum.NayNay quicklyquickly thenthen, beforebefore hishis roomeroom bebe hothot.
wln 0843tam.tamburlainetam.Twil’Twill prooueprove aa pretiepretty iestjest (inin faithfaith) mymy friendsfriends.
wln 0844the.theridamasthe.AA iestjest toto chardgecharge onon twentytwenty thousandthousand menmen?
wln 0845II iudgejudge thethe purchasepurchase moremore importantimportant farfar.
wln 0846tam.tamburlainetam.IudgeJudge byby thy selfethyself theridamastheridamas, notnot meme,
wln 0847ForFor presentlypresently techellestechelles herehere shalshall hastehaste,
wln 0848ToTo bidbid himhim battailebattle ereere hehe passepass tootoo farrefar,
wln 0849AndAnd loselose moremore laborlabour thanthan thethe gainegain willwill quightquite.

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The Conquests of Tamburlaine,

wln 0850ThenThen shaltshalt thouthou seesee thethe ScythianScythian tamburlainetamburlaine,
wln 0851MakeMake butbut aa iestjest toto winwin thethe PerseanPersianpersian crownecrown.
wln 0852techellestechelles, taketake aa thousandthousand horsehorse withwith theethee,
wln 0853AndAnd bidbid himhim turneturn hishis backback toto warwar withwith vsus,
wln 0854ThatThat onelyonly mademade himhim KingKing toto makemake vsus sportsport.
wln 0855WeWe willwill notnot stealesteal vponupon himhim cowardlycowardly,
wln 0856ButBut giuegive himhim warningwarning andand moremore warriourswarriors.
wln 0857HasteHaste thetheethe techellestechelles, wewe willwill followfollow theethee.
wln 0858WhatWhat saithsaith theridamastheridamas?
wln 0859ther.theridamasther.GoeGo onon forfor meme.ExeuntExeunt.

wln 0860ActusActus. 22.22... ScænaScaenaScaena. 66.66...

wln 0861CosroeCosroe, MeanderMeander, OrtygiusOrtygius, MenaphonMenaphon, withwith
wln 0862otherother SouldiersSoldiers.

wln 0863Cos.CosroeCos.
wln 0864VVhatWhat meansmeans thisthis diuelishdevilish shepheardshepherd toto aspireaspire
wln 0865WithWith suchsuch aa GiantlyGiantly presumptionpresumption.
wln 0866ToTo castcast vpup hilshills againstagainst thethe faceface ofof heauenheaven:
wln 0867AndAnd daredare thethe forceforce ofof angrieangry IupiterJupiterjupiter.
wln 0868ButBut asas hehe thrustthrust themthem vnderneathunderneath thethe hilshills,
wln 0869AndAnd prestpressed outout firefire fromfrom theirtheir burningburning iawesjaws:
wln 0870SoSo willwill II sendsend thisthis monstrousmonstrous slaueslave toto hellhell,
wln 0871WhereWhere flamesflames shallshall euerever feedfeed vponupon hishis soulesoul.
wln 0872mean.meandermeanSomeSome powerspowers diuinedivine, oror elselse infernallinfernal, mixtmixed
wln 0873TheirTheir angryangry seedsseeds atat hishis conceptionconception:
wln 0874ForFor hehe waswas neuernever sprongsprung ofof humainehuman racerace,
wln 0875SinceSince withwith thethe spiritspirit ofof hishis fearefullfearful pridepride,
wln 0876HeHe daresdares soso doubtleslydoubtlessly resolueresolve ofof rulerule.
wln 0877AndAnd byby professionprofession bebe ambitousambitious.
wln 0878Ort.OrtygiusOrt.WhatWhat GodGod oror FeendFiend, oror spiritspirit ofof thethe earthearth,
wln 0879OrOr MonsterMonster turnedturned toto aa manlymanly shapeshape,

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the Scythian Shepheard.

wln 0880OrOr ofof whatwhat mouldmould oror mettelmetal hehe bebe mademade,
wln 0881WhatWhat starstar oror statestate soeuersoever gouernegovern himhim,
wln 0882LetLet vsus putput onon ourour meetmeet incountringencount’ringencountering mindesminds,
wln 0883AndAnd inin detestingdetesting suchsuch aa diuelishdevilish ThiefeThief,
wln 0884InIn louelove ofof honorhonour &and defencedefence ofof rightright,
wln 0885BeBe arm’darmed againstagainst thethe hatehate ofof suchsuch aa foefoe,
wln 0886WhetherWhether fromfrom earthearth, oror hellhell, oror heauenheaven hehe growgrow.
wln 0887Cos.CosroeCos.NoblyNobly resolu’dresolved, mymy goodgood OrtygiusOrtygius.
wln 0888AndAnd sincesince wewe allall hauehave sucktsucked oneone wholsomewholesome aireair,
wln 0889AndAnd withwith thethe samesame proportionproportion ofof ElementsElements,
wln 0890ResolueResolve, II hopehope wewe areare resembledresembled,
wln 0891VowingVowing ourour louesloves toto equallequal deathdeath andand lifelife,
wln 0892Let’sLet’s cheerecheer ourour souldierssoldiers toto incounterencounter himhim,
wln 0893ThatThat grieuousgrievous imageimage ofof ingratitudeingratitude:
wln 0894ThatThat fieryfiery thirsterthirster afterafter SoueraingtieSovereigntysovereignty:
wln 0895AndAnd burneburn himhim inin thethe furyfury ofof thatthat flameflame,
wln 0896ThatThat nonenone cancan quencequenchquench butbut bloodblood andand EmperieEmpery.
wln 0897ResolueResolve mymy LordsLords andand louingloving souldierssoldiers nownow,
wln 0898ToTo sauesave youryour KingKing andand countrycountry fromfrom decaydecay:
wln 0899ThenThen strikestrike vpup DrumDrum, andand allall thethe StarresStars thatthat makemake
wln 0900TheThe loathsomeloathsome CircleCircle ofof mymy dateddated lifelife,
wln 0901DirectDirect mymy weaponweapon toto hishis barbarousbarbarous heartheart,
wln 0902ThatThat thusthus opposethopposeth himhim againstagainst thethe GodsGods,
wln 0903AndAnd scornesscorns thethe PowersPowers thatthat gouernegovern PerseaPersia.

wln 0904EnterEnter toto thethe BattellBattle, &and afterafter thethe battellbattle, enterenter CosroeCosroe
wln 0905woundedwounded, TheridamasTheridamas, tamburlainetamburlaine, TechellesTechelles,
wln 0906VsumeasaneUsumcasaneUsumeasane, withwith othersothers.

wln 0907Cos.CosroeCos.BarbarousBarbarous andand bloodybloody TamburlaineTamburlaine,
wln 0908ThusThus toto depriuedeprive meme ofof mymy crownecrown andand lifelife.
wln 0909TreacherousTreacherous andand falsefalse theridamastheridamas,

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The Conquests of Tamburlaine,

wln 0910EuenEven atat thethe morningmorning ofof mymy happyhappy statestate,
wln 0911ScarceScarce beingbeing seatedseated inin mymy royallroyal thronethrone,
wln 0912ToTo workework mymy downfalldownfall andand vntimelyuntimely endend.
wln 0913AnAn vncouthuncouth painepain tormentstorments mymy grieuedgrieved soulesoul,
wln 0914AndAnd deathdeath arrestsarrests thethe organeorgan ofof mymy voicevoice.
wln 0915WhoWho entringent’ringentering atat thethe breachbreach thythy swordsword hathhath mademade,
wln 0916SacksSacks eueryevery vainevain andand artierartierartery ofof mymy heartheart,
wln 0917BloodyBloody andand insatiateinsatiate TamburlainTamburlaine.
wln 0918tam.tamburlainetam.TheThe thirstthirst ofof raignereign andand sweetnessweetness ofof aa crowncrown,
wln 0919ThatThat causdecaused thethe eldesteldest sonneson ofof heauenlyheavenly OpsOps,
wln 0920ToTo thrustthrust hishis dotingdoting fatherfather fromfrom hishis chairechair,
wln 0921AndAnd placeplace himselfehimself inin thethe EmperiallImperial heauenheaven,
wln 0922Moou’dMoved meme toto managemanage armesarms againstagainst thytheythythey statestate,
wln 0923WhatWhat betterbetter presidentprecedent thanthan mightiemighty IoueJovejove?
wln 0924NatureNature thatthat fram’dframed vsus ofof fourefour ElementsElements,
wln 0925WarringWarring withinwithin ourour breastsbreasts forfor regimentregiment,
wln 0926DothDoth teachteach vsus allall toto hauehave aspyringaspiring mindsminds:
wln 0927OurOur soulessouls, whosewhose facultiesfaculties cancan comprehendcomprehend
wln 0928TheThe wondrouswondrous ArchitectureArchitecture ofof thethe worldworld:
wln 0929AndAnd measuremeasure eueryevery wandringwand’ring plannetsplanets coursecourse.
wln 0930StillStill climingclimbing afterafter knowledgeknowledge infiniteinfinite,
wln 0931AndAnd alwaiesalways moouingmoving asas thethe restlesrestless SphearesSpheres.
wln 0932WilsWills vsus toto wearewear our seluesourselves andand neuernever restrest.
wln 0933VntilUntil wewe reachreach thethe ripestripest fruitfruit ofof allall.
wln 0934ThatThat perfectperfect blissebliss andand solesole felicitiefelicity.
wln 0935TheThe sweetsweet fruitionfruition ofof anan earthlyearthly crownecrown.
wln 0936Ther.TheridamasTher.AndAnd thatthat mademade meme toto ioinejoin withwith tamburlaintamburlaineTamburlaine
wln 0937ForFor hehe isis grossegross andand likelike thethe massiemassy earthearth,
wln 0938ThatThat moouesmoves notnot vpwardsupwardsonwards, nornor byby princelyprincely deedsdeeds
wln 0939DothDoth meanemean toto soaresoar aboueabove thethe highesthighest sortsort.
wln 0940Tec.TechellesTec.AndAnd thatthat mademade vsus thethe friendsfriends ofof TamburlaineTamburlaine.
wln 0941ToTo liftlift ourour swordsswords againstagainst thethe PerseanPersianpersian KingKing.

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the Scythian Shepheard.

wln 0942Vsum.UsumcasaneVsum.ForFor asas whenwhen IoueJovejove diddid thrustthrust oldold SaturnSaturn downdown,,.
wln 0943NeptuneNeptune andand DisDis gain’dgained eacheach ofof themthem aa CrowneCrown.
wln 0944SoSo dodo wewe hopehope toto raignreign inin AsiaAsia,
wln 0945IfIf tamburlaintamburlaineTamburlaine bebe plac’dplaced inin PerseaPersia.
wln 0946Cos.CosroeCos.TheThe strangeststrangest menmen thatthat euerever naturenature mademade,
wln 0947II knowknow notnot howhow toto taketake theirtheir tyranniestyrannies.
wln 0948MyMy bloodlessebloodless bodybody waxethwaxeth chillchill andand coldecold,
wln 0949AndAnd withwith mymy bloodblood mymy lifelife slidesslides throughthrough mymy woundwound.
wln 0950MyMy soulesoul beginsbegins toto taketake herher flightflight toto hellhell.
wln 0951AndAnd sommonssummons allall mymy sencessenses toto departdepart:
wln 0952TheThe heatheat andand moisturemoisture whichwhich diddid feedfeed eacheach otherother,
wln 0953ForFor wantwant ofof nourishmentnourishment toto feedfeed themthem bothboth.
wln 0954IsIs driedry andand coldcold, andand nownow doothdoth gastlyghastly deathdeath
wln 0955WithWith greedygreedy tallentstalonstalents gripegripe mymy bleedingbleeding hartheart,
wln 0956AndAnd likelike aa HarpyrHarpyHarper tirestires onon mymy lifelife.
wln 0957TheridamasTheridamas andand TamburlaineTamburlaine, II diedie,
wln 0958AndAnd fearefullfearful vengeancevengeance lightlight vponupon youyou bothboth.

wln 0959HeHe takestakes thethe CrowneCrown andand putsputs itit onon.

wln 0960tam.tamburlainetam.NotNot allall thethe cursescurses whichwhich thethe furiesfuries breathebreathe,
wln 0961ShallShall makemake meme leaueleave soso richrich aa prizeprize asas thisthis:
wln 0962TheridamasTeridamasTheridamas, techellestechelles, andand thethe restrest,
wln 0963WhoWho thinkethink youyou nownow isis kingking ofof PerseaPersia?
wln 0964AllAll.AllAll...TamburlaineTamburlaine, tamburlainetamburlaine.
wln 0965Tamb.TamburlaineTamb.ThoughThough MarsMars himselfehimself thethe angrieangry GodGod ofof (armesarms,
wln 0966AndAnd allall thethe earthlyearthly PotentatesPotentates conspireconspire,
wln 0967ToTo dispossessedispossess meme ofof thisthis DiademDiadem:
wln 0968YetYet willwill II wearewear itit inin despightdespite ofof themthem,
wln 0969AsAs greatgreat commandercommander ofof thisthethisthe EasterneEastern worldworld,
wln 0970IfIf youyou butbut saysay thatthat tamburlainetamburlaine shallshall raignereign.
wln 0971Al.AllAl.LongLong liuelive tamburlainetamburlaine, andand raignereign inin AsiaAsia.

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The Conquests of Tamburlaine.

wln 0972tamb.tamburlainetamb.SoSo, nownow itit isis moremore surersurer onon mymy headhead,
wln 0973ThanThan ifif thethe GodsGods hadhad heldheld aa ParliamentParliament:
wln 0974AndAnd allall pronounstpronounced meme kingking ofof PerseaPersia.
wln 0975FinisFinis ActusActus 2.2.

wln 0976ActusActus. 33.33... ScænaScaenaScaena. 11.11...

wln 0977BaiazethBajazethBaiazeth, thethe kingskings ofof FessFess.FezFess... MorocoMoroccoMoroco, andand ArgierArgier.
wln 0978withwith othersothers, inin greatgreat pompepomp.

wln 0979BaiazethBajazethBaiazeth.
wln 0980GReatGReat KingsKings ofof BarbaryBarbary, andand mymy portlyportly BassoesBassoes,
wln 0981WeWe hearehear, thethe TartarsTartars &and thethe EasterneEastern theeuesthieves
wln 0982VnderUnder thethe conductconduct ofof oneone TamburlaineTamburlaine,
wln 0983PresumePresume aa bickeringbickering withwith youryour EmperourEmperor:
wln 0984AndAnd thinksthinks toto rouserouse vsus fromfrom ourour dreadfuldreadful siegesiege
wln 0985OfOf thethe famousfamous GrecianGrecian ConstantinopleConstantinople.
wln 0986YouYou knowknow ourour ArmieArmy isis inuincibleinvincible:
wln 0987AsAs manymany circumcisedcircumcised TurkesTurks wewe hauehave,
wln 0988AndAnd warlikewarlike bandsbands ofof ChristiansChristians reniedrenayedrenied,
wln 0989AsAs hathhath thethe OceanOcean oror thethe TerreneTerrene seasea
wln 0990SmallSmall dropsdrops ofof waterwater, whenwhen thethe MoonMaonMoon beginsbegins
wln 0991ToTo ioinejoin inin oneone herher semi=circledsemi-circledsemicircled horneshorns:
wln 0992YetYet wouldwould wewe notnot bebe brau’dbraved withwith forrainforeign powerpower,
wln 0993NorNor raiseraise ourour siegesiege beforebefore thethe GretiansGreciansGretians yeeldyield.
wln 0994OrOr breathlesbreathless lielie beforebefore thethe citiecity walleswalls.
wln 0995Fess.FezFess.RenowmedRenowned EmperourEmperor, andand mightymighty GenerallGeneral
wln 0996WhatWhat ifif youyou sentsent thethe BassoesBassoes ofof youryour guardguard.
wln 0997ToTo chargecharge himhim toto remaineremain inin AsiaAsia.
wln 0998OrOr elselse toto threatenthreaten deathdeath andand deadlydeadly armesarms,
wln 0999AsAs fromfrom thethe mouthmouth ofof mightymighty BaiazethBajazeth.
wln 1000Bai.BajazethBai.HieHie theethee mymy BassoeBassobassa fastfast toto PerseaPersia,
wln 1001TellTell himhim thythy LordLord thethe TurkishTurkish EmperourEmperor,
wln 1002DreadDread LordLord ofof AffrikeAfricAfrique, EuropeEurope andand AsiaAsia.

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the Scythian Shepheard.

wln 1003GreatGreat KingKing andand conquerourconqueror ofof GreciaGrecia,
wln 1004TheThe OceanOcean, TerreneTerrene, andand thethe cole=blackecole-blackecoal-black seasea,
wln 1005TheThe highhigh andand higesthighesthighest MonarkeMonarch ofof thethe worldworld.
wln 1006WilsWills andand CommandsCommands (forfor saysay notnot II intreatentreat)
wln 1007NotNot onceonce toto setset hishis footfoot inin AffricaAfrica,
wln 1008OrOr spreadspread hishis collourscolours inin GreciaGrecia.
wln 1009LeastLestlest hehe incurreincur thethe furiefury ofof mymy wrathwrath.
wln 1010TellTell himhim, II amam contentcontent toto taketake aa trucetruce,
wln 1011BecauseBecause II hearehear hehe bearesbears aa valiantvaliant mindmind.
wln 1012ButBut ifif presumingpresuming onon hishis sillysilly powerpower,
wln 1013HeHe bebe soso madmad toto managemanage ArmesArms withwith meme,
wln 1014ThenThen staystay thouthou withwith himhim, saysay II bidbid theethee soso.
wln 1015AndAnd ifif beforebefore thethe SunSun hauehave measuredmeasured heauenheaven
wln 1016WithWith tripletriple circuitcircuit thouthou regreetregreet vsus notnot,
wln 1017WeWe meanemean toto taketake hishis morningsmorning’s nextnext arisearise.
wln 1018ForFor messengermessenger, hehe willwill notnot bebe reclaim’dreclaimed,
wln 1019AndAnd meanemean toto fetchfetch theethee inin despightdespite ofof himhim.
wln 1020Bass.BassoBass.MostMost greatgreat andand puisantpuissant MonarkeMonarch ofof thethe earthearth,
wln 1021YourYour BassoeBassobassa willwill accomplishaccomplish youryour behestbehest:
wln 1022AndAnd showshow youryour pleasurepleasure toto thethe PerseanPersianpersian.
wln 1023AsAs fitsfits thethe LegateLegate ofof thethe statelystately TurkTurk.ExitExit Bass.BassoBass.
wln 1024Arg.ArgierArg.TheyThey saysay hehe isis thethe KingKing ofof PerseaPersia.
wln 1025ButBut ifif hehe daredare attemptattempt toto stirstir youryour siegesiege,
wln 1026Twere’Twere’twere requisiterequisite hehe shouldshould bebe tenten timestimes moremore,
wln 1027ForFor allall fleshflesh quakesquakes atat youryour magnificencemagnificence.
wln 1028Bai.BajazethBai.TrueTrue (ArgierArgier) andand trembletremble atat mymy lookeslooks.
wln 1029Moro.MoroccoMoro.TheThe springspring isis hindredhindered byby youryour smootheringsmothering (hosthost,
wln 1030ForFor neitherneither rainrain cancan fallfall vponupon thethe earthearth,
wln 1031NorNor SunSun reflexereflerereflexreflect hishis vertuousvirtuous beamesbeams thereonthereon.
wln 1032TheThe groundground isis mantledmantled withwith suchsuch multitudesmultitudes.
wln 1033Bai.BajazethBai.AllAll thisthis isis truetrue asas holyholy MahometMahomet,
wln 1034AndAnd allall thethe treestrees areare blastedblasted withwith ourour breathesbreathes.

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The Conquests of Tamburlaine.

wln 1035Fess.FezFess.WhatWhat thinksthinks youryour greatnesgreatness bestbest toto bebe atchieu’dachieved
wln 1036InIn pursuitpursuit ofof thethe CitiesCity’s ouerthrowoverthrow?
wln 1037Bai.BajazethBai.II wilwill thethe captiuecaptive PionersPioneers ofof ArgierArgier,
wln 1038CutCut ofoffof thethe waterwater, thatthat byby leadenleaden pipespipes
wln 1039RunsRuns toto thethe citiecity fromfrom thethe mountainmountain CarnonCarnon,
wln 1040TwoTwo thousandthousand horsehorse shallshall forrageforage vpup andand downedown,
wln 1041ThatThat nono relieferelief oror succoursuccour comecome byby LandLand.
wln 1042AndAnd allall thethe seasea mymy GalliesGalleys countermaundcountermand.
wln 1043ThenThen shallshall ourour footmenfootmen lielie withinwithin thethe trenchtrench,
wln 1044AndAnd withwith theirtheir CannonsCannons mouth’dmouthed likelike OrcusOrcus’ gulfegulf
wln 1045BatterBatter thethe walleswalls, andand wewe willwill enterenter inin:
wln 1046AndAnd thusthus thethe GreciansGrcciansGrecians shallshall bebe conqueredconquered.ExeuntExeunt

wln 1047ActusActus. 33.33... ScænaScaenaScaena. 22.22...

wln 1048AgidasAgydasAgidas, ZenocrateZenocrate, AnippeAnippe, withwith
wln 1049othersothers.

wln 1050MAdamMAdam ZenocrateZenocrate, maymay II presumepresume
wln 1051ToTo knowknow thethe causecause ofof thesethese vnquietunquiet fitsfits:
wln 1052ThatThat workework suchsuch troubletrouble toto youryour woontedwonted restrest:
wln 1053Tis’Tis moremore thenthan pittypity suchsuch aa heauenlyheavenly faceface
wln 1054ShouldShould byby heartsheart’s sorrowsorrow waxwax soso wanwan andand palepale.
wln 1055WhenWhen youryour offensiueoffensive raperape byby tamburlainetamburlaine,
wln 1056(WhichWhich ofof youryour wholewhole displeasuresdispleasures shouldshould bebe mostmost)
wln 1057HathHath seem’dseemed toto bebe digesteddigested longlong agoeago.
wln 1058Zen.ZenocrateZen.AlthoughAlthough itit bebe digesteddigested longlong agoeago,,
wln 1059AsAs hishis excedingexceeding fauoursfavours hauehave deseru’ddeserved,
wln 1060AndAnd mightmight contentcontent thethe QueeneQueen ofof heauenheaven asas wellwell:
wln 1061AsAs itit hathhath chang’dchanged mymy firstfirst conceiu’dconceived disdainedisdain.
wln 1062YetYet sincesince aa fartherfarther passionpassion feedsfeeds mymy thoughtsthoughts,
wln 1063WithWith ceaselesseceasclesseceaseless andand disconsolatediscorsolatedisconsolate conceitsconceits.

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the Scythian Shepheard.

wln 1064WhichWhich diesdyesdies mymy lookeslooks soso liuelesselifelessliveless asas theythey areare.
wln 1065AndAnd mightmight, ifif mymy extreamsextremes hadhad fullfuilfull euentsevents,
wln 1066MakeMake meme thethe gastlyghastly counterfeitcounterfeit ofof deathdeath.
wln 1067Agid.AgydasAgid.EternallEternal heauenheaven soonersooner bebe dissolu’ddissolved.
wln 1068AndAnd allall thatthat piercethpierceth PhœbesPhoebesPhoebe’s siluersilver eieeye,
wln 1069BeforeBefore suchsuch haphap fallfall toto zenocratezenocrate.
wln 1070zen.zenocratezen.AhAh, lifelife, andand soulesoul stillstill houerhover inin hishis BreastBreast.
wln 1071AndAnd leaueleave mymy bodybody sencelessesenseless asas thethe earthearth.
wln 1072OrOr elselse vniteunite youyou toto hishis lifelife andand soulesoul,
wln 1073ThatThat II maymay liuelive andand diedie withwith tamburlainetamburlaintamburlaineTamburlaine.

wln 1074EnterEnter TamburlaineTamburlaine withwith TechellesTechelles andand othersothers.

wln 1075Agid.AgydasAgid.WithWith tamburlainetamburlaine? AhAh fairefair zenocratezenocrate.
wln 1076LetLet notnot aa manman soso vilevile andand barbarousbarbarous,
wln 1077ThatThat holdsholds youyou fromfrom youryour fatherfather inin despightdespite,
wln 1078AndAnd keepskeeps youyou fromfrom thethe honorshonours ofof aa QueeneQueen.
wln 1079BeingBeing supposdesupposed hishis worthlesseworthless ConcubineConcubine.
wln 1080BeBe honoredhonoured withwith youryour louelove, butbut forfor necessitynecessity.
wln 1081SoSo nownow thethe mightymighty SouldanSoldanSultan heareshears ofof youyou,
wln 1082YourYour HighnesseHighness needsneeds notnot doubtdoubt butbut inin shortshort timetime,
wln 1083HeHe willwill withwith TamburlainesTamburlaine’s destructiondestruction
wln 1084RedeemeRedeem youyou fromfrom thisthis deadlydeadly seruitudeservitude.
wln 1085Zen.ZenocrateZen.leaueleave toto woundwound meme withwith thesethese wordswords.
wln 1086AndAnd speakespeak ofof tamburlainetamburlaine asas hehe deseruesdeserves:
wln 1087TheThe entertainmententertainment wewe hauehave hadhad ofof himhim,
wln 1088IsIs farfar fromfrom villanievillainy oror seruitudeservitude.
wln 1089AndAnd mightmight inin noblenoble mindsminds bebe countedcounted princelyprincely.
wln 1090Agid.AgydasAgid.HowHow cancan youyou fanciefancy oneone thatthat lookeslooks soso fiercefierce,
wln 1091OnelieOnly disposeddisposed toto martiallmartial StratagemsStratagems?
wln 1092WhoWho whenwhen hehe shallshall embraceembrace youyou inin hishis armesarms,
wln 1093WillWill telltell howhow manymany thousandthousand menmen hehe slewslew.

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The Conquests of Tamburlaine.

wln 1094AndAnd whenwhen youyou lookelook forfor amorousamorous discoursediscourse,
wln 1095WillWill rattlerattle foorthforth hishis factsfacts ofof warwar andand bloodblood.
wln 1096TooToo harshharsh aa subiectsubject forfor youryour daintydainty earesears.
wln 1097Zen.ZenocrateZen.AsAs lookslooks thethe sunsun throughthrough NilusNilus’Nilus flowingflowing streamstream,
wln 1098OrOr whenwhen thethe morningmorning holdsholds himhim inin herher armesarms.
wln 1099SoSo lookeslooks mymy LordlyLordly louelove, fairefair tamburlainetamburlaine:
wln 1100HisHis talketalk muchmuch sweetersweeter thanthan thethe MusesMuse’smuse’s songsong,
wln 1101TheyThey sungsung forfor honorhonour gainst’gainst PieridesPierides.
wln 1102OrOr whenwhen MineruaMinerva diddid withwith NeptuneNeptune striuestrive,
wln 1103AndAnd higherhigher wouldwould II rearerear mymy estimateestimate,
wln 1104ThanThan IunoJunojuno sistersister toto thethe highesthighest GodGod.
wln 1105IfIf II werewere matchtmatched withwith mightiemighty tamburlainetamburlaine..,
wln 1106Agid.AgydasAgid.YetYet bebe notnot soso inconstantinconstant inin youryour louelove,
wln 1107ButBut letlet thethe yongyoung ArabianArabian liuelive inin hopehope,
wln 1108AfterAfter youryour rescuerescue toto eioyenjoy hishis choisechoice.
wln 1109YouYou seesee thoughthough firstfirst thethe KingKing ofof PerseaPersia
wln 1110(BeingBeing aa ShepheardShepherd) seem’dseemed toto louelove youyou muchmuch,
wln 1111NowNow inin hishis maiestymajesty hehe leauesleaves thosethose lookeslooks,
wln 1112ThoseThose wordswords ofof fauourfavour, andand thosethose comfortingscomfortings,
wln 1113AndAnd giuesgives nono moremore thanthan commoncommon courtesiescourtesies.
wln 1114Zen.ZenocrateZen.ThenceThence riserise thethe tearstears thatthat soso distaindistain mymy cheekscheckscheekschecks,
wln 1115FearingFearing hishis louelove throughthrough mymy vnworthynesseunworthiness.

wln 1116TamburlaineTamburlaine goesgoes toto herher, &and takestakes herher awayaway louing-louinglylouing∣lylovingly
wln 1117ly
wln 1117byby thethe handhand, lookinglooking wrathfullywrathfully onon AgidasAgydasAgidas,
wln 1118andand sayessays nothingnothing.

wln 1119Agid.AgydasAgid.BetraideBetrayed byby fortunefortune andand suspitioussuspicious louelove.
wln 1120ThreatnedThreatened withwith frowningfrowning wrathwrath andand iealousiejealousy.
wln 1121Surpriz dSurprizdSurpriz dSurprised withwith fearefear ofof hideoushideous reuengerevenge.
wln 1122II standstand agastaghast: butbut mostmost astoniedastoniedastonished
wln 1123ToTo seesee hishis chollercholer shutshut inin secretesecret thoughtesthoughts,
wln 1124AndAnd wraptwrapped inin silencesilence ofof hishis angryangry soulesoul.

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the Scythian Shepheard.

wln 1125VponUpon hishis browesbrows waswas pourtraidportrayed vglyugly deathdeath,
wln 1126AndAnd inin hishis eieseyes thethe furiefury ofof hishis hartheart.
wln 1127ThatThat shineshine asas CometsComets, menacingmenacing reuengerevenge,
wln 1128AndAnd castscasts aa palepale complexioncomplexion onon hishis cheekscheeks.
wln 1129AsAs whenwhen thethe Sea=manSea-manSeaman seessees thethe HyadesHyades
wln 1130GatherGather anan armyearmy ofof CemerianCemerian cloudsclouds,
wln 1131(AusterAuster andand AquilonAquilon withwith wingedwinged SteadsSteedsSteads
wln 1132AllAll sweatingsweating, tilttilt aboutabout thethe waterywatery heauensheavens,
wln 1133WithWith shiueringshivering spearesspears enforcingenforcing thunderclapsthunderclaps.
wln 1134AndAnd fromfrom theirtheir shieldesshields strikestrike flamesflames ofof lighteninglightning)
wln 1135AllAll fearefullfearful foldesfolds hishis sailessails, andand soundssounds thethe mainemain,
wln 1136LiftingLifting hishis prayersprayers toto thethe heauensheavens forfor aidaid,
wln 1137AgainstAgainst thethe terrourterror ofof thethe windswinds andand waueswaves.
wln 1138SoSo faresfares AgydasAgydasAgidas forfor thethe latelate feltfelt frownesfrowns
wln 1139ThatThat sentsent aa tempesttempest toto mymy daunteddaunted thoughtesthoughts,
wln 1140AndAnd makesmakes mymy soulesoul deuinedivine herher ouerthrowoverthrow.
wln 1141EnterEnter TechellesTechelles withwith aa nakednaked daggerdagger.
wln 1142tech.techellestech.SeeSee youyou AgidasAgydasAgidas howhow thethe KingKing salutessalutes youyou.
wln 1143HeHe bidsbids youyou prophesieprophesy whatwhat itit importsimports.ExitExit.
wln 1144Agid.AgydasAgid.II propheciedprophesied beforebefore andand nownow II prooueprove,
wln 1145TheThe killingkilling frownesfrowns ofof iealousiejealousy andand louelove.
wln 1146HeHe neededneeded notnot withwith wordswords confirmeconfirm mymy fearefear,
wln 1147ForFor wordswords areare vainevain wherewhere workingworking toolestools presentpresent
wln 1148TheThe nakednaked actionaction ofof mymy threatnedthreatened endend.
wln 1149ItIt saiessays, AgydasAgydasAgidas, thouthou shaltshalt surelysurely diedie.
wln 1150AndAnd ofof extremitiesextremities electelect thethe leastleast,
wln 1151MoreMore honorhonour andand lesseless painepain itit maymay procureprocure,
wln 1152ToTodyTo dydie byby thisthis resoluedresolved handhand ofof thinethine,
wln 1153ThanThan staystay thethe tormentstorments hehe andand heauenheaven hauehave swornesworn.
wln 1154ThenThen hastehaste AgydasAgydasAgidas, andand preuentprevent thethe plaguesplagues:
wln 1155WhichWhich thythy prolongedprolonged FatesFates maymay drawdraw onon theethee:
wln 1156GoGo wanderwander freefree fromfrom fearefear ofof TyrantsTyrant’styrant’s ragerage.

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The Conquests of Tamburlaine.

wln 1157RemoouedRemoved fromfrom thethe TormentsTorments andand thethe hellhell:
wln 1158WherewithWherewith hehe maymay excruciateexcruciate thythy soulesoul.
wln 1159AndAnd letlet AgidasAgydasAgidas byby AgidasAgydasAgidas diedie.
wln 1160AndAnd withwith thisthis stabstab slumberslumber eternallyeternally.
wln 1161tech.techellestech.VsumeasaneUsumcasaneUsumeasane, seesee howhow rightright thethe manman
wln 1162HathHath hithit thethe meaningmeaning ofof mymy LordLord thethe KingKing.
wln 1163Vsum.UsumcasaneVsum.FaithFaith, andand techellestechelles, itit waswas manlymanly donedone::;
wln 1164AndAnd sincesince hehe waswas soso wisewise andand honorablehonourable,
wln 1165LetLet vsus affoordafford himhim nownow thethe bearingbearing hencehence.
wln 1166AndAnd crauecrave hishis tripletriple worthyworthy buriallburial.
wln 1167tech.techellestech.AgreedAgreed CasaneCasane, wewe wilwill honorhonour himhim.

wln 1168Act.Act. 33.33... ScænaScaenaScaena. 33,
wln 1169TamburlainTamburlaineTamburlain, TechellesTechelles, VsumeasaneUsumcasaneUsumeasane, TheridamasTheridamas,
wln 1170BassoeBassobassa, ZenocrateZenocrate, withwith othersothers.

wln 1171TamburlaineTamburlaine.
wln 1172BAssoeBassobasso, byby thisthis thythy LordLord andand maistermaster knowesknows,
wln 1173II meanemean toto meetmeet himhim inin BithyniaBithynia:
wln 1174seesee howhow hehe comescomes? TushTush. TurkesTurks areare fulfull ofof bragsbrags
wln 1175AndAnd menacemenace moremore thanthan theythey cancan welwell performeperform:
wln 1176HeHe meetmeet meme inin thethe fieldfield andand fetchfetch theethee hencehence?
wln 1177AlasAlas (poorepoor TurkeTurk) hishis fortunefortune isis totoo weakeweak,
wln 1178T’incounterT’encounterT’incounter withwith thethe strengthstrength ofof TamburlaineTamburlaine.
wln 1179ViewView wellwell mymy CampCamp, andand speakespeak indifferentlyindifferently,
wln 1180DooDo notnot mymy captainescaptains andand mymy souldierssoldiers lookelook
wln 1181AsAs ifif theythey meantmeant toto conquerconquer AffricaAfrica.
wln 1182BassBaslBassoBasl.YourYour menmen areare valiantvaliant butbut theirtheir numbernumber fewfew,
wln 1183AndAnd cannotcannot terrefieterrify hishis mightiemighty hostehost,
wln 1184MyMy LordLord, thethe greatgreat CommanderCommander ofof thethe worldeworld,
wln 1185BesidesBesides fifteenefifteen contributoriecontributory kingskings,
wln 1186HathHath nownow inin armesarms tenten thousandthousand IanisariesJanissariesjanissaries,
wln 1187MountedMounted onon lustylusty MauritanianMauritanian SteedsSteeds.

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the Scythian Shepheard.

wln 1188BroughtBrought toto thethe warwar byby menmen ofof TripolyTripoli.
wln 1189TwoTwo hundredhundred thousandthousand footmenfootmen thatthat hauehave seru’dserved
wln 1190InIn twotwo setset battelsbattles foughtfought inin GreciaGrecia:
wln 1191AndAnd forfor thethe expeditionexpedition ofof thisthis warwar,
wln 1192IfIf hehe thinkthink goodgood, cancan fromfrom hishis garrisonsgarrisons,
wln 1193WithdrawWithdraw asas manymany moremore toto followfollow himhim.
wln 1194tech.techellestech.TheThe moremore hehe bringsbrings, thethe greatergreater isis thethe spoilespoil,
wln 1195ForFor whenwhen theythey perishperish byby ourour warlikewarlike handshands,
wln 1196WeWe meanemean toto seateseat ourour footmenfootmen onon theirtheir SteedsSteeds.
wln 1197AndAnd riflerifle allall thosethose statelystately IanisarsJanisarsjanisars.
wln 1198tam.tamburlainetam.ButBut wilwill thosethose KingsKings accompanyaccompany youryour LordLord?
wln 1199Bass.BassoBass.SuchSuch asas hishis HighnesseHighness pleaseplease, butbut somesome mustmust (staystay
wln 1200ToTo rulerule thethe prouincesprovinces hehe latelate subdudesubdued.
wln 1201tam.tamburlainetam.thēthēThen fightfight couragiouslycourageously, theirtheir crownscrowns areare yoursyours
wln 1202ThisThis handhand shalshall setset themthem onon youryour conqueringconquering headsheads:
wln 1203ThatThat mademade meme EmperourEmperor ofof AsiaAsia.
wln 1204Vsum.UsumcasaneVsum.LetLet himhim bringbring millionsmissionsmillionsmissions infiniteinfinite ofof menmen,
wln 1205VnpeoplingUnpeopling WesterneWestern AffricaAfrica andand GreeceGreece:
wln 1206YetYet wewe assureassure vsus ofof thethe victorievictory.
wln 1207ther.theridamasther.EuenEveneven hehe thatthat inin aa tricetrice vanquishtvanquished twotwo kingskings,
wln 1208MoreMore mightymighty thanthan thethe TurkishTurkish EmperourEmperor:
wln 1209ShallShall rouserouse himhim outout ofof EuropeEurope, andand pursuepursue
wln 1210HisHis scatteredscattered armiearmy tiltill theythey yeeldyield oror diedie.
wln 1211tamb.tamburlainetamb.WelWell saidsaid theridamastheridamas, speakespeak inin thatthat moodmood,
wln 1212ForFor WilWill andand ShallShall bestbest fittethfitteth TamburlainTamburlaine,
wln 1213WhoseWhose smilingsmiling starsstars giuesgives himhim assuredassured hopehope
wln 1214OfOf martiallmartial triumphtriumph, ereere hehe meetemeet hishis foesfoes:
wln 1215II thatthat amam tearm’dtermed thethe ScourgeScourge andand WrathWrath ofof GodGod,
wln 1216TheThe onelyonly fearefear andand terrourterror ofof thethe worldworld,
wln 1217WilWill firstfirst subduesubdue thethe TurkeTurk, andand thenthen inlargeenlarge
wln 1218ThoseThose ChristianChristian CaptiuesCaptives, whichwhich youyou keepkeep asas slauesslaves,
wln 1219BurdeningBurdening theirtheir bodiesbodies withwith youryour heauieheavy chaineschameschains.

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The Conquests of Tamburlaine,

wln 1220AndAnd feedingfeeding themthem withwith thinthin andand slenderslender farefare,
wln 1221ThatThat nakednaked rowerow aboutabout thethe TerreneTerrene seasea.
wln 1222AndAnd whenwhen theythey chancechance toto breathbreathe andand restrest aa spacespace,
wln 1223AreAre punishtpunished withwith BastonesBastones soso grieuouslygrievously,
wln 1224ThatThat theythey lielie pantingpanting onon thethe GalliesGalley’sgalley’s sideside.
wln 1225AndAnd striuestrive forfor lifelife atat eueryevery strokestroke theythey giuegive,
wln 1226TheseThese areare thethe cruellcruel piratespirates ofof ArgeireArgier,
wln 1227ThatThat damneddamned trainetrain, thethe scumscum ofof AffricaAfrica.
wln 1228InhabitedInhabited withwith straglingstraggling RunnagatesRunagates,
wln 1229ThatThat makemake quickquick hauockhavoc ofof thethe ChristianChristian bloodblood.
wln 1230ButBut asas II liuelive thatthat townetown shallshall cursecurse thethe timetime
wln 1231ThatThat TamburlaineTamburlaine setset footfoot inin AffricaAfrica:

wln 1232EnterEnter BaiazethBajazethBaiazeth withwith hishis BassoesBassoes andand contri-contributoriecontri∣butoriecontributory
wln 1233butorie
wln 1233KingesKings.

wln 1234Bai.BajazethBai.BassoesBassoes andand IanisariesJanissariesjanissaries ofof mymy GuardGuard,
wln 1235AttendAttend vponupon thethe personperson ofof youryour LordLord,
wln 1236TheThe greatestgreatest PotentatePotentate ofof AffricaAfrica.
wln 1237Tam.TamburlaineTam.TechellesTechelles, andand thethe restrest prepareprepare youryour swordesswords
wln 1238II meanemean t’incountert’encountert’incounter withwith thatthat BaiazethBajazeth.
wln 1239Bai.BajazethBai.KingsKings ofof FesseFez, MoroccusMoroccus andand ArgierArgier,
wln 1240HeHe calscalls meme BaiazethBajazeth, whomwhom youyou callcall LordLord.
wln 1241NoteNote thethe presumptionpresemptionpresumption ofof thisthis ScythianScythian slaueslave:
wln 1242II telltell theethee villainevillain, thosethose thatthat leadlead mymy horsehorse
wln 1243HaueHave toto theirtheir namesnames tytlestitles ofof dignitydignity,
wln 1244AndAnd dar’stdar’st thouthou bluntlybluntly callcall meme BaiazethBajazeth?
wln 1245Tam.TamburlaineTam.AndAnd knowknow thouthou TurkeTurk, thatthat thosethose whichwhich
wln 1246 (leadlead mymy horsehorse,
wln 1247ShallShall leadlead theethee CaptiueCaptive thorowthroughthorough AffricaAfrica.
wln 1248AndAnd dar’stdar’st thouthou bluntlybluntly callcall meme tamburlainetamburlaine?
wln 1249Bai.BajazethBai.ByBy MahometMahomet, mymy KinsmansKinsman’skinsman’s sepulchersepulchre.

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the Scythian Shepheard.

wln 1250AndAnd byby thethe holyholy AlcaronAlcoranAlcaron II sweareswear,
wln 1251HeHe shallshall bebe mademade aa chastchaste andand lustlesselustless EunukeEunuk●Eunuch,
wln 1252AndAnd inin mymy SarellSerailseraglio tendtend mymy ConcubinesConcubines:
wln 1253AndAnd allall hishis CaptainesCaptaincsCaptains thatthat thusthus stoutlystoutly standstand,
wln 1254ShallShall drawdraw thethe chariotchariot ofof mymy EmperesseEmpress.
wln 1255WhomWhom II hauehave broughtbrought toto seesee theirtheir ouerthrowoverthrow.
wln 1256Tamb.TamburlaineTamb.ByBy thisthis mymy swordsword thatthat conquer’dconquered PerseaPersia,
wln 1257ThyThy fallfall shallshall makemake meme famousfamous throughthrough thethe worldworld:
wln 1258II willwill notnot telltell theethee howhow IleI’ll handlehandle theethee,
wln 1259ButBut eueryevery commoncommon souldiersoldier ofof mymy CampCamp
wln 1260ShallShall smilesmile toto seesee thythy miserablemiserable statestate.
wln 1261Fess.FezFess.WhatWhat meanesmeans thethe mightymighty TurkishTurkish EmperorEmperor
wln 1262ToTo talktalk withwith oneone soso basebase asas tamburlainetamburlaine.
wln 1263Moro.MoroccoMoro.YeYe MooresMoors andand valiantvaliant menmen ofof BarbaryBarbary.
wln 1264HowHow cancan yeye suffersuffer thesethese indignitiesindignities.
wln 1265Arg.ArgierArg.LeaueLeave wordswords andand letlet themthem feelefeel youryour lanceslances’lances
wln 1266 (pointespoints.
wln 1267WhichWhich glidedglided throughthrough thethe bowelsbowels ofof thethe GreekesGreeks.
wln 1268Bai.BajazethBai.WelWell saidsaid mymy stoutstout contributorycontributory kingskings,
wln 1269YourYour threefoldthreefold armiearmy andand mymy hugiehugy hostehost,
wln 1270ShallShall swallowswallow vpup thesethese base bornebasebase-bornbase borneborn PerseansPersians,
wln 1271tech.techellestech.PuissantPuissant, renowmedrenowned andand mightymighty tamburlaintamburlaineTamburlaine,
wln 1272WhyWhy staystay wewe thusthus prolongingprolonging allall theirtheir liueslives?
wln 1273ther.theridamasther.II longlong toto seesee thosethose crownescrowns wonwon byby ourour swordsswords
wln 1274ThatThat wewe maymay raignereign asas kingskings ofof AffricaAfrica.
wln 1275Vsum.UsumcasaneVsum.WhatWhat CowardCoward woldwould notnot fightfight forfor suchsuch aa prizeprize?
wln 1276Tamb.TamburlaineTamb.FightFight allall couragiouslycourageously andand bebe youyou kingskings.
wln 1277II speakespeak itit, andand mymy wordswords areare oraclesoracles.
wln 1278Bai.BajazethBai.ZabinaZabina, mothermother ofof threethree brauerbraver boiesboys,
wln 1279ThanThan HerculesHercules, thatthat inin hishis infancieinfancy
wln 1280DidDid pashpash thethe iawesjaws ofof SerpentsSerpents venomousvenomous:
wln 1281WhoseWhose handshands areare mademade toto gripegripe aa warlikewarlike LanceLance.

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The Conquests of Tamburlaine,

wln 1282TheirTheir shouldersshoulders broadbroad, forfor completcomplete armourarmour fitfit,
wln 1283TheirTheir limslimbs moremore largelarge andand ofof aa biggerbigger sizesize
wln 1284ThanThan allall thethe bratsbrats ysprongy-sprungysprung fromfrom TyphonsTyphon’s loinsloins:
wln 1285WhoWho, whenwhen theythey comecome vntounto theirtheir fathersfather’s ageage,
wln 1286WillWill batterbatter TurretsTurrets withwith theirtheir manlymanly fistssistsfists.
wln 1287SitSit herehere vponupon thisthis royalroyal chairechair ofof statestate,,
wln 1288AndAnd onon thythy headhead wearewear mymy EmperiallImperial crownecrown,
wln 1289VntillUntil II bringbring thisthis sturdysturdy tamburlaintamburlaineTamburlaine,
wln 1290AndAnd allall hishis CaptainsCaptains boundbound inin captiuecaptive chaineschains.
wln 1291zab.zabinazab.SuchSuch goodgood successesuccess happenhappen toto BaiazethBajazeth,
wln 1292Tam.TamburlaineTam.zenocratezenocrate, thethe loueliestloveliest MaideMaid aliuealive,
wln 1293FairerFairer thanthan rockesrocks ofof pearlepearl andand pretiousprecious stonestone,
wln 1294TheThe onelyonly ParagonParagon ofof tamburlainetamburlaine,
wln 1295WhoseWhose eieseyes areare brighterbrighter thanthan thethe LampsLamps ofof heauenheaven.
wln 1296AndAnd speechspeech moremore pleasantpleasant thanthan sweetsweet harmonyharmony:
wln 1297ThatThat withwith thythy lookeslooks canstcanst cleareclear thethe darkeneddarkened SkySky:
wln 1298AndAnd calmecalm thethe ragerage ofof thundringthund’ringthundering IupiterJupiterjupiter:
wln 1299SitSit downedown byby herher: adornedadorned withwith mymy CrowneCrown,
wln 1300AsAs ifif thouthou wertwert thethe EmpresseEmpress ofof thethe worldworld.
wln 1301StirStir notnot zenocratezenocrate vntilluntil thouthou seesee
wln 1302MeMe martchmarch victoriouslyvictoriously withwith allall mymy menmen,
wln 1303TriumphingTriumphing ouerover himhim andand thesethese hishis kingskings.
wln 1304WhichWhich II willwill bringbring asas VassalsVassals toto thythy feetefeet.
wln 1305TilTill thenthen taketake thouthou mymy crownecrown, vauntvaunt ofof mymy worthworth,
wln 1306AndAnd managemanage wordswords withwith herher asas wewe willwill armesarms.
wln 1307zen.zenocratezen.AndAnd maymay mymy LoueLove, thethe kingking ofof PerseaPersia
wln 1308ReturneReturn withwith victorievictory, andand freefree fromfrom woundwound.
wln 1309Bai.BajazethBai.NowNow shaltshalt thouthou feelfeel thethe forceforce ofof TurkishTurkish armsarms,
wln 1310WhichWhich latelylately mademade allall EuropeEurope quakequake forfor fearefear:
wln 1311II hauehave ofof TurkesTurks, ArabiansArabians, MooresMoors andand IewesJews
wln 1312EnoughEnough toto couercover allall BythiniaBithynia,
wln 1313LetLet thousandsthousands diedie, theirtheir slaughteredslaughtered CarkassesCarcases

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the Scythian Shepheard.

wln 1314ShalShall serueserve forfor walleswalls andand bulwarkesbulwarks toto thethe restrest:
wln 1315AndAnd asas thethe headsheads ofof HydraHydra, soso mymy powerpower
wln 1316SubduedSubdued, shallshall standstand asas mightymighty asas beforebefore:
wln 1317IfIf theythey shouldshould yeeldyield theirtheir necksnecks vntounto thethe swordsword,
wln 1318ThyThy souldierssoldiers’soldiers armesarms couldcould notnot endureendure toto strikestrike
wln 1319SoSo manymany blowesblows asas II hauehave headsheads forfor theethee.
wln 1320ThouThou knowestknowest notnot (foolishfoolish hardyhardy TamburlaineTamburlaine)
wln 1321WhatWhat tis’tis toto meetmeet meme inin thethe openopen fieldfield,
wln 1322ThatThat leaueleave nono groundground forfor theethee toto martchmarch vponupon.
wln 1323Tam.TamburlaineTam.OurOur conqueringconquering swordsswords shallshall marshalmarshal vsus thethe (wayway
wln 1324WeWe vseuse toto marchmarch vponupon thethe slaughteredslaughtered foefoe:
wln 1325TramplingTrampling theirtheir bowelsbowels withwith ourour horseshorses hooffeshoofs:
wln 1326BraueBrave horseshorses, bredbred onon thethe whitewhite TartarianTartarian hilshills:
wln 1327MyMy CampeCamp isis likelike toto IuliusJuliusjulius CæsarsCaesarsCaesar’s hostehost,
wln 1328ThatThat neuernever foughtfought butbut hadhad thethe victorievictory:
wln 1329NorNor inin PharsaliaPharsalia waswas therethere suchsuch hothot warwar,
wln 1330AsAs thesethese mymy followersfollowers willinglywillingly wouldwould hauehave:
wln 1331LegionsLegions ofof SpiritsSpirits fleetingfleeting inin thethe aireair,
wln 1332DirectDirect ourour BulletsBullets andand ourour weaponsweapons’weapons pointespoints
wln 1333AndAnd makemake ourour strokesstrokes toto woundwound thethe sencelessesenseless lurelure,
wln 1334AndAnd whenwhen sheshe seessees ourour bloodybloody ColloursColours spreadspread.
wln 1335ThenThen VictorieVictory beginsbegins toto taketake herher flightflight,
wln 1336RestingResting her selfeherself vponupon mymy milk=whitemilk-whitemilk-white TentTent:
wln 1337ButBut comecome mymy LordsLords, toto weaponsweapons letlet vsus fallfall.
wln 1338TheThe fieldfield isis oursours, thethe TurkTurk, hishis wifewife andand allall.
wln 1339ExitExit, withwith hishis followersfollowers.
wln 1340Bai.BajazethBai.ComeCome KingsKings andand BassoesBassoes letlet vsus glutglut ourour swordsswords
wln 1341ThatThat thirstthirst toto drinkedrink thethe feblefeeble PerseansPersians’ bloodblood.
wln 1342ExitExit, withwith hishis followersfollowers.
wln 1343zab.zabinazab.BaseBase ConcubineConcubine, mustmust thouthou bebe plac’dplaced byby meme
wln 1344ThatThat amam thethe EmpresseEmpress ofof thethe mightymighty TurkeTurk?
wln 1345zen.zenocratezen.DisdainfulDisdainful TurkesseTurkess andand vnreuerendunreverend BosseBoss,

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The Conquests of Tamburlaine,

wln 1346Call’stCall’stCallest thouthou meme ConcubineConcubine thatthat amam betroath’dbetrothed
wln 1347VntoUnto thethe greatgreat andand mightymighty tamburlainetamburlaine?
wln 1348Zab.ZabinaZab.ToTo tamburlainetamburlaine thethe greatgreat TartarianTartarian thiefethief?
wln 1349Zen.ZenocrateZen.ThouThou wiltwilt repentrepent thesethese lauishlavish wordswords ofof thinethine,
wln 1350WhenWhen thythy greatgreat BassoeBassobassa, maistermaster andand thy selfethyself.
wln 1351MustMust pleadplead forfor merciemercy atat hishis kinglykingly feetfeet,
wln 1352AndAnd suesue toto meme toto bebe youryour AduocatesAdvocates.
wln 1353Zab.ZabinaZab.AndAnd suesue toto theethee? II telltell theethee shamelesseshameless girlegirl,
wln 1354ThouThou shaltshalt bebe LandresseLaundress toto mymy waitingwaiting maidmaid.
wln 1355HowHow lik’stlik’stlikest thouthou herher EbeaEbea, willwill sheshe serueserve?
wln 1356Ebea.Ebea.MadameMadammadam, sheshe thinksthinks perhapsperhaps sheshe isis tootoo finefine.
wln 1357ButBut II shallshall turneturn herher intointo otherother weedesweeds.
wln 1358AndAnd makemake herher daintiedainty fingersfingers fallfall toto woorkework.
wln 1359Zen.ZenocrateZen.hearsthear’sthearst thouthou AnippeAnippe, howhow thythy drudgedrudge dothdoth talktalk,
wln 1360AndAnd howhow mymy slaueslave, herher mistressemistress menacethmenaceth.
wln 1361BothBoth forfor theirtheir sausinessesauciness shallshall bebe employedemployed,
wln 1362ToTo dressedress thethe commoncommon souldierssoldiers’soldier’s meatmeat andand drinkdrink.
wln 1363ForFor wewe willwill scornescorn theythey shouldshould comecome nerenear our seluesourselves.
wln 1364Anip.AnippeAnip.YetYet somtimessometimes letlet youryour highnessehighness sendsend forfor thēthēthem
wln 1365ToTo dodo thethe workwork mymy chamberchamber maidmaid disdainesdisdains.
wln 1366TheyThey soundsound thethe battellbattle withinwithin, andand staystay
wln 1367Zen.ZenocrateZen.YeYe GodsGods andand powerspowers thatthat gouernegovern PerseaPersia.
wln 1368AndAnd mademade mymy lordlylordly LoueLove herher worthyworthy KingKing:
wln 1369NowNow strengthenstrengthen himhim againstagainst thethe TurkishTurkish BaiazethBajazeth,
wln 1370AndAnd letlet hishis foesfoes likelike flockesflocks ofof fearfullfearful RoesRoes,
wln 1371PursudePursued byby huntershunters, fliefly hishis angrieangry lookeslooks,
wln 1372ThatThat II maymay seesee himhim issueissue ConquerourConqueror.
wln 1373Zab.ZabinaZab.NowNow MahometMahomet, solicitsolicit GodGod himselfehimself,
wln 1374AndAnd makemake himhim rainerain downdown murtheringmurdering shotshot frōfrōfrom heauenheaven
wln 1375ToTo dashdash thethe ScythiansScythians’Scythians brainesbrains, andand strikestrike themthem deaddead,
wln 1376ThatThat daredare toto managemanage armesarms withwith himhim,
wln 1377ThatThat offeredoffered iewelsjewels toto thythy sacredsacred shrineshrine.

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the Scythian Shepheard.

wln 1378WhenWhen firstfirst hehe war’dwarred againstagainst thethe ChristiansChristians.
wln 1379ToTo thethe battellbattle againeagain.
wln 1380Zen.ZenocrateZen.ByBy thisthis thethe TurksTurks lielie weltringwelt’ringweltering inin theirtheir bloodbloodsoundsound,
wln 1381AndAnd tamburlainetamburlaine isis LordLord ofof AffricaAfrica:
wln 1382Zab.ZabinaZab.ThouThou artart deceiu’ddeceived, II heardheard thethe TrumpetsTrumpets (soundsound,
wln 1383AsAs whenwhen mymy EmperourEmperor ouerthrewoverthrew thethe GreeksGreeks:
wln 1384AndAnd ledled themthem CaptiueCaptive intointo AffricaAfrica.
wln 1385StraightStraight willwill II vseuse theethee asas thythy pridepride deseruesdeserves:
wln 1386PreparePrepare thy selfethyself toto liuelive andand diedie mymy slaueslave.
wln 1387Zen.ZenocrateZen.IfIf MahometMahomet shouldshould comecome fromfrom heauenheaven andand (sweareswear,
wln 1388MyMy royallroyal LordLord isis slaineslain oror conqueredconquered.
wln 1389YetYet shouldshould hehe notnot perswadepersuade meme otherwiseotherwise.
wln 1390ButBut thatthat hehe liueslives andand willwill bebe ConquerourConqueror.
wln 1391BaiazethBajazethBaiazeth fliesflies, andand hehe pursuespursues himhim.
wln 1392TheThe battellbattle shortshort, andand theythey enterenter,
wln 1393BaiazethBajazethBaiazeth isis ouercomeovercome.

wln 1394Tam.TamburlaineTam.NowNow kingking ofof BassoesBassoes, whowho isis ConquerorConqueror?
wln 1395Bai.BajazethBai.ThouThou, byby thethe fortunefortune ofof thisthis damneddamned soilefoilesoilfoil,
wln 1396Tam.TamburlaineTam.WhereWhere areare youryour stoutstout contributoriecontributory kingskings?

wln 1397EnterEnter TechellesTechelles, TheridamasTheridamas, VsumeasaneUsumcasaneUsumeasane.

wln 1398Tech.TechellesTech.WeWe hauehave theirtheir crownescrowns theirtheir bodiesbodies strowestrewstrow
wln 1399 (thethe fieldefield.
wln 1400Tam.TamburlaineTam.EachEach manman aa crowncrown? whywhy kinglykingly foughtfought ifaithi’faith
wln 1401DeliuerDeliver themthem intointo mymy treasurietreasury.
wln 1402Zen.ZenocrateZen.NowNow letlet meme offeroffer toto mymy graciousgracious LordLord.
wln 1403HisHis royallroyal CrowneCrown againeagain, soso highlyhighly wonwon:
wln 1404tam.tamburlainetam.NayNay taketake thethe TurkishTurkish CrownCrown fromfrom herher, zen.zenocratezen
wln 1405AndAnd crownecrown meme EmperourEmperor ofof AffricaAfrica.
wln 1406Zab.ZabinaZab.NoNo tamburlaintamburlaineTamburlaine, thoughthough nownow thouthou gatgatgot thethe bestbest
wln 1407ThouThou shaltshalt notnot yetyet bebe LordLord ofof AffricaAfrica.

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The Conquests of Tamburlaine,

wln 1408ther.theridamasther.GiueGive herher thethe CrowneCrown TurkesseTurkess youyou werwere bestbest.
wln 1409HeHe takestakes itit fromfrom herher, andand giuesgives itit ZenocrateZenocrate,
wln 1410zab.zabinazab.IniuriousInjurious villainesvillains, thieuesthieves, runnagatesrunagates,
wln 1411HowHow daredare youyou thusthus abuseabuse mymy MaiestyMajesty?
wln 1412ther.theridamasther.HereHere MadamMadam, youyou areare EmpresseEmpress, sheshe isis nonenone..,
wln 1413tam.tamburlainetam.NotNot nownow theridamastheridamas, herher timetime isis pastpast:
wln 1414TheThe pillerspillars thatthat hauehave bolsteredbolstered vpup thosethose tearmesterms,
wln 1415AreAre falnefall’nfallen inin clustersclusters atat mymy conqueringconquering feetfeet.
wln 1416zab.zabinazab.ThoughThough hehe bebe prisonerprisoner, hehe maymay bebe ransomedransomed:
wln 1417tamb.tamburlainetamb.NotNot allall thethe worldworld shallshall ransomransom BaiazethBajazeth.
wln 1418Bai.BajazethBai.AhAh fairefair zabinazabina, wewe hauehave lostlost thethe fieldfield.
wln 1419AndAnd neuernever hadhad thethe TurkishTurkish EmperourEmperor
wln 1420SoSo greatgreat aa foilefoil byby anyany forraineforeign foefoe.
wln 1421NowNow willwill thethe ChristianChristian miscreantsnusc reantsmiscreants bebe gladglad,
wln 1422RingingRinging withwith ioyjoy theirtheir superstitioussuperstitious bellesbells:
wln 1423AndAnd makingmaking bonfiresbonfires forfor mymy ouerthrowoverthrow.
wln 1424ButBut ereere II diedie thosethose foulefoul IdolatersIdolaters
wln 1425ShallShall makemake meme bonfiresbonfires withwith theirtheir filthyfilthy bonesbones,
wln 1426ForFor thoughthough thethe glorieglory ofof thisthis dayday bebe lostlost.
wln 1427AffrikAfricAfrique andand GreeceGreece hauehave garrisonsgarrisons enoughenough
wln 1428ToTo makemake meme SoueraigneSovereign ofof thethe earthearth againeagain.
wln 1429Tam.TamburlaineTam.ThoseThose walledwalled garrisonsgarrisons wilwill II subduesubdue,
wln 1430AndAnd writewrite my selfemyself greatgreat LordLord ofof AffricaAfrica:
wln 1431SoSo fromfrom thethe EastEast vntounto thethe furthestfurthest WestWest,
wln 1432ShallShall tamburlaintamburlaineTamburlaine extendextend hishis puisantpuissant armearm.
wln 1433TheThe GallesGalleysGalls andand thosethose pillingpilling BriggandinesBrigandines,
wln 1434ThatThat yeerelyyearly sailesail toto thethe VenetianVenetian gulfegulf,
wln 1435AndAnd houerhover inin thethe straightesstraits forfor ChristiansChristians’Christians wrackewrack,
wln 1436ShallShall lielie atat anchoranchor inin thethe IsleIsle AsantAsant.
wln 1437VntillUntil thethe PerseanPersianpersian FleeteFleet andand menmen ofof warwar,
wln 1438SailingSailing alongalong thethe OrientallOriental seasea,
wln 1439HaueHave fetchtfetched aboutabout thethe IndianIndian continentcontinent:

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the Scythian Shepheard.

wln 1440EuenEven fromfrom PersepolisPersepolis toto MexicoMexico,
wln 1441AndAnd thencethence vntounto thethe straightesstraits ofof IubalterJubalterGibraltar:
wln 1442WhereWhere theythey shallshall meetemeet, andand ioinejoin theirtheir forceforce inin oneone..
wln 1443KeepingKeeping inin awawe thethe BayBay ofof PortingalePortingale.
wln 1444AndAnd allall thethe OceanOcean byby thethe BritishBritish shoreshore:
wln 1445AndAnd byby thisthis meanesmeans IleI’ll winwin thethe worldworld atat lastlast.
wln 1446Bai.BajazethBai.YetYet setset aa ransomeransom onon meme tamburlainetamburlaine.
wln 1447Tam.TamburlaineTam.WhatWhat, thinkstthink’stthinkst thouthou tamburlaintamburlaineTamburlaine esteemsesteems thythy (goldgold,
wln 1448IleI’ll makemake thethe kingskings ofof IndiaIndia ereere II diedie,
wln 1449OfferOffer theirtheir minesmines (toto sewsuesew forfor peacepeace) toto meme,
wln 1450AndAnd digdig forfor treasuretreasure toto appeaseappease mymy wrathwrath:
wln 1451ComeCome bindbind themthem bothboth andand oneone leadlead inin thethe TurkeTurk.
wln 1452TheThe TurkesseTurkess letlet mymy LouesLove’slove’s maidmaid leadlead awayaway.
wln 1453TheyThey bindbind themthem.
wln 1454Bai.BajazethBai.AhAh villainesvillains, daredare yeye touchtouch mymy sacredsacred armesarms.
wln 1455OO MahometMahomet, OhO sleepiesleepy MahometMahomet.
wln 1456zab.zabinazab.OO cursedcursed MahometMahomet thatthat makestmakest vsus thusthus
wln 1457TheThe slauesslaves toto ScythiansScythians ruderude andand barbarousbarbarous.
wln 1458Tam.TamburlaineTam.ComeCome bringbring themthem inin, &and forfor thisthis happyhappy cōquestcōquestconquest
wln 1459TriumphTriumph, andand solemnizesolemnize aa martiallmartial feastfeast.
wln 1460ExeuntExeunt.FinisFinis ActusActus tertiitertii.

wln 1461ActusActus. 44.44... ScænaScaenaScaena. 11.11...

wln 1462SouldanSoldanSultan ofof EgiptEgypt withwith threethree oror fourfour LordsLords, CapolinCapolin SouldanSultan.
wln 1463SouldanSoldan..
wln 1464AWakeAWake yeye menmen ofof MemphisMemphis, hearehear thethe clangeclang
wln 1465OfOf ScythianScythian trumpetstrumpets, hearehear thethe BasiliskesBasilisks,
wln 1466ThatThat roaringroaring, shakeshake DamascusDamascus’Damascus turretsturrets downedown,
wln 1467TheThe roguerogue ofof VolgaVolga holdsholds zenocratezenocrate,
wln 1468TheThe SouldansSoldan’ssoldan’s daughterdaughter forfor hishis ConcubineConcubine,
wln 1469AndAnd withwith aa troopetroop ofof theeuesthieves andand vagabondesvagabonds.

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The Conquests of Tamburlaine.

wln 1470HathHath spreadspread hishis collourscolours toto ourour highhigh disgracedisgrace:
wln 1471WhileWhile youyou faint=heartedfaint-heartedfaint-hearted basebase EgyptiansEgyptians,
wln 1472LieLie slumberingslumbering onon thethe flowrieflow’ryflowery bankesbanks ofof NileNile,
wln 1473AsAs CrocodilesCrocodiles thatthat vnaffrightedunaffrighted restrest,
wln 1474WhileWhile thundringthund’ringthundering CannonsCannons rattlerattle onon theirtheir SkinsSkins.
wln 1475Mess.MessengerNayNay (mightiemighty SouldanSoldanSultan) diddid youryour greatnesgreatness seesee
wln 1476TheThe frowningfrowning lookeslooks ofof fieryfiery TamburlaineTamburlaine,
wln 1477ThatThat withwith hishis terrourterror andand imperiousimperious eieseyes,
wln 1478CommandesCommands thethe heartshearts ofof hishis associatesassociates,
wln 1479ItIt mightmight amazeamaze youryour royallroyal maiestymajesty.
wln 1480Soul.SoldanSoldanSoul.VillainVillain. II telltell theethee, werewere thatthat tamburlainetamburlaine,
wln 1481AsAs monstrousmonstrous asas GorgonGorgon, princeprince ofof HellHell,
wln 1482TheThe SouldaneSoldan wouldwould notnot startstart aa footfoot fromfrom himhim.
wln 1483ButBut speakespeak, whatwhat powerpower hathhath hehe?
wln 1484Mess.MessengerMightieMighty LordLord,
wln 1485ThreeThree hundredhundred thousandthousand menmen inin armourarmour cladclad,
wln 1486VponUpon theirtheir pransingprancingpransing SteedsSteeds, disdainfullydidainfullydisdainfully
wln 1487WithWith wantonwanton pacespaces tramplingtrampling onon thethe groundground.
wln 1488FiueFive hundredhundred thousandthousand footmenfootmen threatningthreat’ningthreatening shotshot,
wln 1489ShakingShaking theirtheir swordsswords, theirtheir spearesspears andand yroniron bilsbills,
wln 1490EnuironingEnvironing theirtheir StandardStandard roundround, thatthat stoodstood
wln 1491AsAs bristle=pointedbristle-pointedbristle-pointed asas aa thornythorny woodwood.
wln 1492TheirTheir warlikewarlike EnginsEngines andand munitionmunition
wln 1493ExceedExceed thethe forcesforces ofof theirtheir martialmartial menmen.
wln 1494Soul.SoldanSoldanSoul.NayNay couldcould theirtheir nūbersnūbersnumbers counteruailcountervail thethe starsstars
wln 1495OrOr euerever drislingdrizzling dropsdrops ofof AprillApril showerssnowersshowers,
wln 1496OrOr witheredwithered leauesleaves thatthat Autumeautumn shakethshaketh downedown.
wln 1497YetYet wouldwould thethe SouldaneSoldan byby hishis conqueringconquering powerpower:
wln 1498SoSo scatterscatter andand consumeconsume themthem inin hishis ragerage,
wln 1499ThatThat notnot aa manman shouldshould liuelive toto ruerue theirtheir fallfall,
wln 1500Cap.CapolinCap.SoSo mightmight youryour highnessehighness, hadhad youyou timetime toto sortsort
wln 1501YourYour fightingfighting menmen, andand raiseraise youryour royallroyal hostehost.

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the Scythian Shepheard.

wln 1502ButBut tamburlainetamburlaine, byby expeditionexpedition
wln 1503AduantageAdvantage takestakes ofof youryour vnreadinesseunreadiness.
wln 1504Soul.SoldanSoldanSoul.LetLet himhim taketake allall th’aduantagesth’advantages hehe cancan,
wln 1505WereWere allall thethe worldworld conspirdconspired toto fightsightfight forfor himhim,
wln 1506NayNay, werewere hehe DeuillDevil, asas hehe isis nono manman,
wln 1507YetYet inin reuengerevenge ofof fairefair ZenocrateZenocrate,
wln 1508WhomWhom hehe detainethdetamethdetaineth inin despightdespite ofof vsus,
wln 1509ThisThis armearm shouldshould sendsend himhim downedown toto ErebusErebus.
wln 1510ToTo shroudshroud hishis shameshame inin darknesdarkness ofof thethe nightnight.
wln 1511Mess.MessengerPleasethPleaseth youryour mightinessemightiness toto vnderstandunderstand,
wln 1512HisHis resolutionresolution farfar exceedethexceedeth allall:
wln 1513TheThe firstfirst dayday whenwhen hehe pitchethpitcheth downedown hishis tentestents,
wln 1514WhiteWhite isis theirtheir hewhue, andand onon hishis siluersilver crestcrest
wln 1515AA snowysnowy FeatherFeather spangledspangled whitewhite hehe bearesbears,
wln 1516ToTo signifysignify thethe mildnessemildness ofof hishis mindemind.
wln 1517ThatThat satiatesatiate withwith spoilespoil refusethrefuseth bloodblood:
wln 1518ButBut whenwhen AuroraAurora mountsmounts thethe secondsecond timetime,
wln 1519AsAs redred asas scarletscarlet isis hishis furniturefurniture,
wln 1520ThenThen mustmust hishis kindledkindled wrathwrath beebe quenchtquenched withwith bloodblood.
wln 1521NotNot sparingsparing anyany thatthat cancan managemanage armesarms:
wln 1522ButBut ifif thesethese threatsthreats moouemove notnot submissionsubmission.
wln 1523BlackBlack areare hishis collourscolours, blackeblack PauilionPavilion,
wln 1524HisHis spearespear, hishis shieldshield, hishis horsehorse, hishis armourarmour, plumesplumes,
wln 1525AndAnd IettyJettyjetty FeathersFeathers menacemenace deathdeath andand hellhell,
wln 1526WithoutWithout respectrespect ofof SexSex, degreedegree oror ageage.
wln 1527HeHe racethraceth allall hishis foesfoes withwith firefire andand swordsword.
wln 1528Soul.SoldanSoldanSoul.MercilesseMerciless villainevillain, PesantPeasant ignorantignorant,
wln 1529OfOf lawfulllawful armesarms, oror martiallmartial disciplinediscipline:
wln 1530PillagePillage andand murdermurder areare hishis vsuallusual tradestrades.
wln 1531TheThe slaueslave vsurpsusurps thethe gloriousglorious namename ofof warwar.
wln 1532SeeSee CapolinCapolin thethe fairefair ArabianArabian kingking,
wln 1533ThatThat hathhath benebeen disapointeddisappointed byby thisthis slaueslave:

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The Conquests of Tamburlaine.

wln 1534OfOf mymy fairefair daughterdaughter, andand hishis princelyprincely LoueLove:
wln 1535MayMay hauehave freshfresh warningwarning toto gogo warwar withwith vsus,
wln 1536AndAnd bebe reueng’drevenged forfor herher dispardgementdisparagement.

wln 1537ActusActus. 44.44... ScænaScaenaScaena. 22.22...

wln 1538TamburlainTamburlaineTamburlain, TechellesTechelles, TheridamasTheridamas, VsumeasaneUsumcasaneUsumeasane,
wln 1539ZenocrateZenocrate, AnippeAnippe, twotwo MooresMoors drawingdrawing Baia-BaiazethBaia∣zethBajazethBaiazeth
wln 1540zeth
wln 1540inin hishis cagecage, andand hishis wifewife followingfollowing himhim.

wln 1541Tamb.TamburlaineTamb.
wln 1542BRingBRing outout mymy foot=stoolefoot-stoolefootstool.
wln 1543TheyThey taketake himhim outout ofof thethe cagecage.
wln 1544BaiBajazethBaiYeYe holyholy PriestsPriests ofof heauenlyheavenly MahometMahomet,
wln 1545ThatThat sacrificingsacrificing sliceslice andand cutcut youryour fleshflesh,
wln 1546StainingStaining hishis AltarsAltars withwith youryour purplepurple bloodblood:
wln 1547MakeMake heauenheaven toto frownefrown andand eueryevery firedfired starrestar
wln 1548ToTo suckesuck vpup poisonpoison fromfrom thethe moorishmoorish FensFens,
wln 1549AndAnd pourepour itit inin thisthis gloriousglorious TyrantsTyrant’styrant’s throatthroat.
wln 1550tam.tamburlainetam.TheThe chiefestchiefest GodGod firstfirst moouermover ofof thatthat SpheareSphere,
wln 1551Enchac’dEnchacdEnchased withwith thousandsthousands euer shiningeuerever-shiningever shiningshining lampslamps,
wln 1552WillWill soonersooner burneburn thethe gloriousglorious frameframe ofof HeauenHeaven.
wln 1553ThenThen itit shouldshould soso conspireconspire mymy ouerthrowoverthrow.
wln 1554ButBut VillaineVillain, thouthou thatthat wishestwishest thisthis toto meme,
wln 1555FallFall prostrateprostrate onon thethe lowelow disdainefulldisdainful earthearth.
wln 1556AndAnd bebe thethe foot=stoolefoot-stoolefootstool ofof greatgreat TamburlainTamburlaine,
wln 1557ThatThat II maymay riserise intointo mymy royallroyal thronethrone.
wln 1558Bai.BajazethBai.FirstFirst shaltshalt thouthou riprip mymy bowelsbowels withwith thythy swordsword,
wln 1559AndAnd sacrificesacrifice mymy heartheart toto deathdeath andand hellhell,
wln 1560BeforeBefore II yeeldyield toto suchsuch aa slaueryslavery.
wln 1561tamb.tamburlainetamb.BaseBase villainvillain, vassallvassal, slaueslave toto TamburlaineTamburlaine:
wln 1562VnworthyUnworthy toto imbraceembrace oror touchtouch thethe groundground.
wln 1563ThatThat bearesbears thethe honorhonour ofof mymy royallroyal waightweight.

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the Scythian Shepheard.

wln 1564StoopStoop villainevillain, stoopestoop, stoopestoop forfor soso hehe bidsbids,
wln 1565ThatThat maymay commandcommand theethee peecemealepiecemeal toto bebe tornetorn,
wln 1566OrOr scatteredscattered likelike thethe loftylofty CedarCedar treestrees,
wln 1567StrockeStruckstruck withwith thethe voicevoice ofof thundringthund’ringthundering IupiterJupiterjupiter.
wln 1568Bai.BajazethBai.ThenThen asas II looklook downedown toto thethe damneddamned FeendsFiends.
wln 1569FeendsFiends lookelook onon meme, andand thouthou dreaddread GodGod ofof hellhell.
wln 1570WithWith EbanEvanEbonEvan ScepterSceptre strikestrike thisthis hatefullhateful earthearth,
wln 1571AndAnd makemake itit swallowswallow bothboth ofof vsus atat onceonce.

wln 1572HeHe getsgets vpup vponupon himhim toto hishis chairechair.

wln 1573Tamb.TamburlaineTamb.NowNow cleareclear thethe tripletriple regionregion ofof thethe aireair,
wln 1574AndAnd letlet thethe maiestiemajesty ofof heauenheaven beholdebehold
wln 1575TheirTheir ScourgeScourge andand TerrourTerror treadetread onon EmperoursEmperors,
wln 1576SmileSmile StarsStars thatthat raign’dreigned atat mymy natiuitynativity:
wln 1577AndAnd dimdim thethe brightnessebrightness ofof theirtheir neighborneighbour LampsLamps,
wln 1578DisdaineDisdain toto borrowborrow lightlight ofof CynthiaCynthia,
wln 1579ForFor II thethe chiefestchiefest LampLamp ofof allall thethe earthearth,
wln 1580FirstFirst risingrising inin thethe EastEast withwith mildemild aspectaspect,
wln 1581ButBut firedfired nownow inin thethe MeridianMeridian lineline,
wln 1582WillWill sendsend vpup firefire toto youryour turningturning SphearesSpheres,
wln 1583AndAnd causecause thethe SunSun toto borroweborrow lightlight ofof youyou.
wln 1584MyMy swordsword strokestroke firefire fromfrom hishis coatcoat ofof steelesteel,
wln 1585EuenEven inin BythiniaBithynia, whenwhen II tooktook thisthis TurkeTurk:
wln 1586AsAs whenwhen aa fieryfiery exhalationexhalation
wln 1587WraptWrapped inin thethe bowelsbowels ofof aa freezingfreezing cloudecloud,
wln 1588FightingFighting forfor passagepassage, makemake thethe WelkinWelkin crackecrack,
wln 1589AndAnd castscasts aa flashflash ofof lightninglightning toto thethe earthearth.
wln 1590ButBut ereere II martchmarch toto wealthywealthy PerseaPersia,
wln 1591OrOr leaueleave DamascusDamascus andand th’Egyptianth’Egyptian fieldsfields,
wln 1592AsAs waswas thethe famefame ofof ClymeusClymene’sClymeus brain=sickebrain-sickebrainsick sonneson,
wln 1593ThatThat almostalmost brentbrent thethe AxeltreeAxle-treeAxletree ofof heauenheaven,

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The Conquests of Tamburlaine.

wln 1594SoSo shallshall ourour swordsswords, ourour lanceslances andand ourour shotshot.
wln 1595FillFill allall thethe aireair withwith fieryfiery meteorsmeteors.
wln 1596ThenThen whenwhen thethe SkySky shalshall waxewax asas redred asas bloodblood,
wln 1597ItIt shallshall bebe saidsaid, II mademade itit redred my selfemyself,
wln 1598ToTo makemake meme thinkthink ofof noughtnaught butbut bloodblood andand warwar.
wln 1599Zab.ZabinaZab.VnworthyUnworthy kingking, thatthat byby thythy crueltiecruelty,
wln 1600VnlawfullyUnlawfully vsurpestusurpest thethe PerseanPersianpersian seatseat:
wln 1601Dar’stDar’stDarest thouthou thatthat neuernever sawsaw anan EmperourEmperor,
wln 1602BeforeBefore thouthou metmet mymy husbandhusband inin thethe fieldfield,
wln 1603BeingBeing thythy CaptiueCaptive, thusthus abuseabuse hishis statestate,
wln 1604KeepingKeeping hishis kinglykingly bodybody inin aa CageCage,
wln 1605ThatThat rooffesroofs ofof goldegold, andand sun=brightsun-brightsun-bright PallacesPalaces,
wln 1606ShouldShould hauehave prepar’dprepared toto entertaineentertain hishis GraceGrace?
wln 1607AndAnd treadingtreading himhim beneathbeneath thythy loathsomeloathsome feetfeet,
wln 1608WhoseWhose feetfeet thethe kingskings ofof AffricaAfrica hauehave kistkissed.
wln 1609tech.techellestech.YouYou mustmust deuisedevise somesome tormēttormēttorment worsseworse, mymy LordLord
wln 1610ToTo makemake thesethese captiuescaptives reinerein theirtheir lauishlavish tonguestongues.
wln 1611tam.tamburlainetam.zenocratezenocrate, lookelook betterbetter toto youryour slaueslave:
wln 1612zen.zenocratezen.SheShe isis mymy HandmaidsHandmaid’shandmaid’s slaueslave, andand sheshe shalshall lookelook
wln 1613ThatThat thesethese abusesabuses flowflow notnot fromfrom herher tonguetongue:
wln 1614ChideChide herher AnippeAnippe.
wln 1615Anip.AnippeAnip.LetLet thesethese bebe warningswarnings forfor youyou thenthen mymy slaueslave,
wln 1616HowHow youyou abuseabuse thethe personperson ofof thethe kingking:
wln 1617OrOr elselse II sweareswear toto hauehave youyou whiptwhipped starkstark nak’dnaked.
wln 1618Bai.BajazethBai.GreatGreat tamburlainetamburlaine, greatgreat inin mymy ouerthrowoverthrow,
wln 1619AmbitiousAmbitious pridepride shallshall makemake theethee fallfall asas lowlow.
wln 1620ForFor treadingtreading onon thethe backback ofof BaiazethBajazeth,
wln 1621ThatThat shouldshould bebe horsedhorsed onon fowerfour mightiemighty kingskings.
wln 1622tam.tamburlainetam.ThyThy namesnames andand tytlestitles, andand thythy dignitiesdignities
wln 1623AreAre fledfled fromfrom BaiazethBajazeth, andand remaineremain withwith meme,
wln 1624ThatThat willwill maintainemaintain itit againstagainst aa worldworld ofof KingsKings.
wln 1625PutPut himhim inin againeagain.

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the Scythian Shepheard.

wln 1626Bai.BajazethBai.IsIs thisthis aa placeplace forfor mightymighty BaiazethBajazeth?
wln 1627ConfusionConfusion lightlight onon himhim thatthat helpshelps theethee thusthus.
wln 1628tam.tamburlainetam.ThereThere whileswhiles hehe liueslives, shalshall BaiezethBajazeth bebe keptkept,
wln 1629AndAnd wherewhere II goego bebe thusthus inin triumphtriumph drawnedrawn:
wln 1630AndAnd thouthou hishis wifewife shaltshalt feedfeed himhim withwith thethe scrapsscraps
wln 1631MyMy seruituresservitures shallshall bringbring thethee fromfrom mymy boordboard.
wln 1632ForFor hehe thatthat giuesgives himhim otherother foodfood thanthan thisthis:
wln 1633ShallShall sitsit byby himhim andand staruestarve toto deathdeath himselfehimself.
wln 1634ThisThis isis mymy mindemind, andand II willwill hauehave itit soso.
wln 1635NotNot allall thethe KingsKings andand EmperoursEmperors ofof thethe EarthEarth:
wln 1636IfIf theythey wouldwould laylay theirtheir crownescrowns beforebefore mymy feetfeet,
wln 1637ShallShall ransomeransom himhim, oror taketake himhim fromfrom hishis cagecage.
wln 1638TheThe agesages thatthat shallshall talktalk ofof TamburlainTamburlaine,
wln 1639EuenEven fromfrom thisthis dayday toto PlatoesPlato’s wondrouswondrous yeareyear,
wln 1640ShallShall talketalk howhow II hauehave handledhandled BaiazethBajazeth.
wln 1641TheseThese MoresMoorsMores thatthat drewdrew himhim fromfrom BythiniaBithynia,
wln 1642ToTo fairefair DamascusDamascus, wherewhere wewe nownow remaineremain,
wln 1643ShallShall leadlead himhim withwith vsus wheresoerewheresoe’erwheresoever wewe goego.
wln 1644TechellesTechelles, andand mymy louingloving followersfollowers,
wln 1645NowNow maymay wewe seesee DamascusDamascus’Damascus loftylofty towerstowers,
wln 1646LikeLike toto thethe shadowesshadows ofof PyramidesPyramids,
wln 1647ThatThat withwith theirtheir beautiesbeauties grac’dgraced thethe MemphionMemphianmemphian fieldsfields::.
wln 1648TheThe goldengolden staturestature ofof theirtheir featheredfeathered birdbird
wln 1649ThatThat spreadsspreads herher wingswings vponupon thethe citiecity walswalls,
wln 1650ShallShall notnot defenddefend itit fromfrom ourour batteringbattering shotshot.
wln 1651TheThe townes=mentownes-mentownsmen maskemask inin silkesilk andand cloathcloth ofof goldgold.
wln 1652AndAnd eueryevery househouse isis asas aa treasurietreasury.
wln 1653TheThe menmen, thethe treasuretreasure, andand thethe townetown isis oursours.
wln 1654Ther.TheridamasTher.YourYour tentestents ofof whitewhite nownow pitch’dpitched beforebefore thethe (gatesgates
wln 1655AndAnd gentlegentle flagsflags ofof amitieamity displaiddisplayed.
wln 1656II doubtdoubt notnot butbut thethe GouernourGovernor willwill yeeldyield,
wln 1657OfferingOffering DamascusDamascus toto youryour MaiestyMajesty.

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The Conquests of Tamburlaine.

wln 1658Tam.TamburlaineTam.SoSo shallshall hehe hauehave hishis lifelife, andand allall thethe restrest.
wln 1659ButBut ifif hehe staystay vntiluntil thethe bloodybloody flagflag
wln 1660BeBe onceonce aduanc’dadvanced onon mymy vermilionvermilion TentTent,
wln 1661HeHe diesdies, andand thosethose thatthat keptkept vsus outout soso longlong.
wln 1662AndAnd whenwhen theythey seesee meme marchmarch inin blackblack arayarray,
wln 1663WithWith mournfullmournful streamersstreamers hanginghanging downdown theirtheir headsheads,
wln 1664WereWere inin thatthat citiecity allall thethe worldworld contain’dcontained.
wln 1665NotNot oneone shouldshould scape’scapescape: butbut perishperish byby ourour swordsswords.
wln 1666zen.zenocratezen.YetYet wouldwould youyou hauehave somesome pitiepity forfor mymy sakesake,
wln 1667BecauseBecause itit isis mymy countriescountry’scountries, andand mymy FathersFather’sFathers.
wln 1668Tam.TamburlaineTam.NotNot forfor thethe worldworld ZenocrateZenocrate, ifif II hauehave swornsworn:
wln 1669ComeCome bringbring inin thethe TurkeTurk.ExeuntExcuntExeunt.

wln 1670Act.Act. 44.44... ScænaScaenaScaena. 33,

wln 1671SouldaneSoldan, ArabiaArabia, CapolineCapoline, withwith steamingstreamingsteaming collorscollorcolourscolour:
wln 1672andand SouldiersSoldiers.

wln 1673SouldanSoldanSouldan.
wln 1674ME thinksMEthinksmethinks wewe martchmarch asas MeliagerMeleager diddid,
wln 1675EnuironedEnvironed withwith brauebrave ArgolianArgolian knightesknights:
wln 1676ToTo chacechase thethe sauagesavage CaldonianCaldonian BoareBoar,
wln 1677OrOr CephalusCephalus withwith lustielusty ThebaneTheThebanThebanebane youthsyouths.
wln 1678AgainstAgainst thethe WoolfeWolf thatthat angrieangry ThemisThemis sentsent.
wln 1679ToTo wastewaste andand spoilespoil thethe sweetsweet AonianAonian fieldesfields.
wln 1680AA monstermonster ofof fiuefive hundredhundred thousandthousand headesheads,
wln 1681CompactCompact ofof RapineRapine, PyraciePiracy, andand spoilespoil.
wln 1682TheThe ScumScum ofof menmen, thethe hatehate andand ScourgeScourge ofof GodGod,
wln 1683RauesRaves inin EgyptiaEgyptia, andand annoyethannoyeth vsus.
wln 1684MyMy LordLord itit isis thethe bloodybloody TamburlaineTamburlaine.
wln 1685AA sturdysturdy FelonFelon andand aa base=bredbase-bredbase-bred ThiefeThief.
wln 1686ByBy murdermurder raisedraised toto thethe PerseanPerse anPersianpersian CrowneCrown.
wln 1687ThatThat daresdares controllcontrol vsus inin ourour TerritoriesTerritories.

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the Scythian Shepheard.

wln 1688ToTo tametame thethe pridepride ofof thisthis presumotuouspresumptuouspresumptuous BeastBeast,
wln 1689Ioinejoin youryour ArabiansArabians withwith thethe SouldansSoldan’ssoldan’s powerpower:
wln 1690LetLet vsus vniteunite ourour royallroyal bandesbands inin oneone,
wln 1691AndAnd hastenhasten toto remooueremove DamascusDamascus’ siegesiege.
wln 1692ItIt isis aa blemishblemish toto thethe MaiestieMajesty
wln 1693AndAnd highhigh estateestate ofof mightiemighty EmperoursEmperors,
wln 1694ThatThat suchsuch aa basebase vsurpingusurping vagabondvagabond
wln 1695ShouldShould brauebrave aa kingking, oror wearewear aa princelyprincely crownecrown.
wln 1696Ara.ArabiaAra.RenowmedRenowned SouldaneSoldan, hauehave yeye latelylately heardheard
wln 1697TheThe ouerthrowoverthrow ofof mightiemighty BaiazethBajazeth,
wln 1698AboutAbout thethe confinesconfines ofof BythiniaBithynia?
wln 1699TheThe slauerieslavery wherewithwherewith hehe persecutespersecutes
wln 1700TheThe noblenoble TurkeTurk andand hishis greatgreat EmperesseEmpress.
wln 1701Soul.SoldanSoldanSoul.II hauehave, andand sorrowsorrow forfor hishis badbad successesuccess:
wln 1702ButBut noblenoble LordLord ofof greatgreat ArabiaArabia,
wln 1703BeBe soso perswadedpersuaded, thatthat thethe SouldanSoldanSultan isis
wln 1704NoNo moremore dismaidedismayed withwith tidingstidings ofof hishis fallfall,
wln 1705ThanThan inin thethe hauenhaven whenwhen thethe PilotPilot standsstands
wln 1706AndAnd viewesviews aa strangersstranger’s shipship rentrent inin thethe windswinds,
wln 1707AndAnd shiueredshivered againstagainst aa craggiecraggy rockerock,
wln 1708YetYet inin compassioncompassion ofof hishis wretchedwretched statestate,
wln 1709AA sacredsacred vowvow toto heauenheaven andand himhim II makemake,
wln 1710ConfirmingConfirming itit withwith lbisIbis’lbis holyholy namename,
wln 1711ThatThat TamburlaineTamburlaine shallshall ruerue thethe dayday, thethe howerhour,
wln 1712WhereinWherein hehe wroughtwrought suchsuch ignominiousignominious wrongwrong.
wln 1713VntoUnto thethe hallowedhallowed personperson ofof aa princeprince,
wln 1714OrOr keptkept thethe fairefair zenocratezenocrate soso longlong.
wln 1715AsAs ConcubineConcubine, II fearefear toto feedfeed hishis lustlust.
wln 1716Ara.ArabiaAra.LetLet griefegrief andand furiefury hastenhasten onon reuengerevenge,
wln 1717LetLet TamburlaineTamburlaine forfor hishis offencesoffences feelefeel
wln 1718SuchSuch plaguesplagues asas heauenheaven andand wewe cancan pourepour onon himhim.
wln 1719II longlong toto breakebreak mymy spearespear vponupon hishis crestcrest,

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wln 1720AndAnd prooueprove thethe waightweight ofof hishis victoriousvictorious armearm:
wln 1721ForFor FameFame II fearefear hathhath benebeen tootoo prodigallprodigal:
wln 1722InIn soundingsounding throughthrough thethe worldworld hishis partiallpartial praisepraise:
wln 1723Soul.SoldanSoldanSoul.CapolinCapolin, hasthast thouthou suruaidsurveyed ourour powerspowers.
wln 1724Cap.CapolinCap.GreatGreat EmperoursEmperors ofof EgyptEgypt andand ArabiaArabia.
wln 1725TheThe numbernumber ofof youryour hosteshosts vnitedunited isis,
wln 1726AA hundredhundred andand fiftyfifty thousandthousand horsehorse,
wln 1727TwoTwo hundredhundred thousandthousand footfoot, brauebrave menmen atat armesarms,
wln 1728CouragiousCourageous andand fullfull ofof hardinessehardiness:
wln 1729AsAs frolikefrolic asas thethe huntershunters inin thethe chacechase:
wln 1730OfOf sauagesavage beastesbeasts amidamid thethe desartdesert woodswoods.
wln 1731Arab.ArabiaArab.MyMy mindmind presagethpresageth fortunatefortunate successesuccess,
wln 1732AndAnd tamburlainetamburlaine, mymy spiritspirit dothdoth foreseeforesee
wln 1733TheThe vtterutter ruineruin ofof thythy menmen andand theethee.
wln 1734Soul.SoldanSoldanSoul.ThenThen rearerear youryour standardesstandards, letlet youryour soun-soundingsoun∣dingsounding
wln 1735(ding
wln 1735DrummesDrums
wln 1736DirectDirect ourour SouldiersSoldiers toto DamascusDamascus’Damascus walleswalls.
wln 1737NowNow TamburlaineTamburlaine, thethe mightiemighty SouldaneSoldan comescomes,
wln 1738AndAnd leadsleads withwith himhim thethe greatgreat ArabianArabian KingKing.
wln 1739ToTo dimdim thythy basenessebaseness andand obscurityobscurity.
wln 1740FamousFamous forfor nothingnothing butbut forfor thefttheft andand spoilespoil,
wln 1741ToTo racerace andand scatterscatter thythy ingloriousinglorious cruecrew,
wln 1742OfOf ScythiansScythians andand slauishslavish PersiansPersians.ExeuntExeunt.

wln 1743ActusActus: 44.44... ScænaScaenaScaena 55.55...

wln 1744TheThe BanquetBanquet, andand toto itit commethcometh TamburlainTamburlaineTamburlain alall inin
wln 1745scarletscarlet, TheridamasTheridamas. TechellesTechelles, VsumeasaneUsumcasaneUsumeasane, thethe
wln 1746TurkeTurk, withwith othersothers.

wln 1747Tamb.TamburlaineTamb.
wln 1748NOwNOw hanghang ourour bloodybloody collourscolours byby DamascusDamascus.
wln 1749ReflexingReflexing heweshues ofof bloodblood vponupon theirtheir headsheads.

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the Scythian Shepheard.

wln 1750WhileWhile theythey walkewalk quiueringquivering onon theirtheir citiecity walleswalls,
wln 1751HalfeHalf deaddead forfor fearefear beforebefore theythey feelefeel mymy wrathwrath:
wln 1752ThenThen letlet vsus freelyfreely banquetbanquet andand carousecarouse
wln 1753FullFull bowlesbowls ofof winewine vntounto thethe GodGod ofof warwar,
wln 1754ThatThat meanesmeans toto fillfill youryour helmetshelmets fullfull ofof goldegold::
wln 1755AndAnd makemake DamascusDamascus’Damascus spoilesspoils asas richrich toto youyou,
wln 1756AsAs waswas toto IasonJasonjason ColchosColchos’Colchos goldengolden fleecefleece.
wln 1757AndAnd nownow BaiazethBajazeth, hasthast thouthou anyany stomackestomach?
wln 1758Bai.BajazethBai.IAyay, suchsuch aa stomackestomach (cruelcruel tamburlanetamburlaineTamburlaine) asas II (couldcould
wln 1759WillinglyWillingly feedfeed vponupon thythy blood=rawblood-rawblood-raw hartheart.
wln 1760tam.tamburlainetam.NayNay, thinethine owneown isis easiereasier toto comecome byby, pluckepluck
wln 1761 (outout thatthat,
wln 1762AndAnd twil’twill serueserve theethee andand thythy wifewife: WelWell zenocratezenocrate,
wln 1763techellestechelles, andand thethe restrest, fallfall toto youryour victualsvictuals.
wln 1764Bai.BajazethBai.FallFall toto, andand neuernever maymay youryour meatmeat digestdigest..,
wln 1765YeYe FuriesFuries thatthat cancan maskemask inuisibleinvisible,
wln 1766DiueDive toto thethe bottomebottom ofof AuernasAvernus’ poolepool,
wln 1767AndAnd inin youryour handshands bringbring hellishhellish poisonpoison vpup.
wln 1768AndAnd squeasesqueeze itit inin thethe cupcup ofof tamburlaintamburlaineTamburlaine.
wln 1769OrOr wingedwinged snakessnakes ofof LernaLerna castcast youryour stingsstings,
wln 1770AndAnd leaueleave youryour venomsvenoms inin thisthis TyrantsTyrant’styrant’s dishdish.
wln 1771zab.zabinazab.AndAnd maymay thisthis banquetbanquet prooueprove asas omenousominous,
wln 1772AsAs PrognesProgne’s toto th’adulterousth’adulterous ThracianThracian KingKing.
wln 1773ThatThat fedfed vponupon thethe substancesubstance ofof hishis childchild.
wln 1774zen.zenocratezen.MyMy LordLord, howhow cancan youyou suffersuffer thesethese outragiousoutrageous (cursescurses
wln 1775ByBy thesethese slauesslaves ofof yoursyours?
wln 1776tam.tamburlainetam.ToTo letlet themthem seesee (diuinedivine zenocratezenocrate)
wln 1777II glorieglory inin thethe cursescurses ofof mymy foesfoes.
wln 1778HauingHaving thethe powerpower frōfrōfrom thethe EmperiallImperial heauenheaven,
wln 1779ToTo turneturn themthem alall vponupon theirtheir properproper headesheads.
wln 1780tech.techellestech.II praypray youyou giuegive themthem leaueleave MadamMadam, thisthis
wln 1781speechspeech isis aa goodlygoodly refreshingrefreshing toto themthem.

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The Conquests of Tamburlaine.

wln 1782Ther.TheridamasTher.ButBut ifif hishis highnessehighness wouldwould letlet themthem bebe fedfed, itit
wln 1783wouldwould doedo themthem moremore goodgood.
wln 1784tam.tamburlainetam.SirraSirrah, whywhy fallfall youyou notnot tootoo, areare youyou soso daintilydaintily
wln 1785broughtbrought vpup, youyou cannotcannot eateat youryour owneown fleshflesh?
wln 1786Bai.BajazethBai.FirstFirst legionslegions ofof deuilsdevils shallshall tearetear theethee inin peecespieces.
wln 1787Vsum.UsumcasaneVsum.VillainVillain, knowestknowest thouthou toto whomwhom thouthou speakestspeakest
wln 1788tam.tamburlainetam.OO letlet himhim alonealone: herehere, eateat sirsir, taketake itit fromfrom mymy
wln 1789swordssword’s pointpoint, oror IleI’ll thrustthrust itit toto thythy heartheart.
wln 1790HeHe takestakes itit andand stampsstamps vponupon itit.
wln 1791thertheridamastherHeHe stampsstamps itit vnderunder hishis feetfeet mymy LordLord.
wln 1792tam.tamburlainetam.TakeTake itit vpup VillaineVillain andand eateat itit, oror II willwill makemake
wln 1793theethee sliceslice thethe brawnesbrawns ofof thythy armesarms intointo carbonadoescarbonadoes,
wln 1794andand eateat themthem.
wln 1795vsu.usumcasanevsu.NayNay, twere’twere betterbetter hehe kildkilled hishis wifewife, &and thenthen sheshe shallshall
wln 1796bebe suresure notnot toto bebe staru’dstarved, &and hehe bebe prouidedprovided forfor aa monethsmonth’s
wln 1797victuallvictual before handbeforebeforehandbefore hand hand.
wln 1798tam.tamburlainetam.HereHere isis mymy daggerdagger, dispatchdispatch herher whilewhile sheshe isis
wln 1799fatfat, forfor ifif sheshe liuelive butbut aa whilewhile longerlonger, sheeshe willwill fallfall intointo aa
wln 1800comsumptionconsumption withwith freattingfretting, andand thenthen sheshe willwill notnot beebe
wln 1801woorthworth thethe eatingeating.
wln 1802ther.theridamasther.DoostDost thouthou thinkthink thatthat MahometMahomet wilwill suffersuffer thisthis
wln 1803tech.techellestech.Tis’Tis likelike hehe wilwill, whenwhen hehe cannotcannot letlet itit.
wln 1804tam.tamburlainetam.GoGo toto, falfall toto youryour meatmeat: whatwhat notnot aa bitbit? belikebelike hehe
wln 1805hathhath notnot benebeen wateredwatered to daytoday, giuegive himhim somesome drinkedrink.
wln 1806TheyThey giuegive himhim waterwater toto drinkedrink, andand hehe flingsflings itit onon
wln 1807thethe groundground.

wln 1808FasteFast andand welcomewelcome sirsir, whilewhile hungerhunger makemake youyou eateat.
wln 1809HowHow nownow zenocratezenocrate, doothdoth notnot thethe TurkeTurk andand hishis wifewife
wln 1810makemake aa goodlygoodly showeshow atat aa banquetbanquet?
wln 1811Zen.ZenocrateZen.YesYes. mymy LordLord.
wln 1812thertheridamastherMe thinksMethinksmethinks, tis’tis aa greatgreat dealedeal betterbetter thanthan aa con=consortcon∣sortconsort
wln 1813sort
wln 1813ofof musickemusic.
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the Scythian Shepheard.

wln 1814tam.tamburlainetam.YetYet musickemusic wouldewould doedo wellwell toto cheerecheer vpup ze-zenocrateze∣nocratezenocrate
wln 1815nocrate:
wln 1815praypray theethee teltell, whywhy artart thouthou soso sadsad? IfIf thouthou wiltwilt
wln 1816hauehave aa songsong, thethe TurkeTurk shallshall strainestrain hishis voicevoice: butbut whywhy
wln 1817isis itit?
wln 1818Zen.ZenocrateZen.MyMy lordlord, toto seesee mymy fathersfather’s townetown besieg’dbesieged,
wln 1819TheThe countriecountry wastedwasted wherewhere my selfemyself waswas borneborn,
wln 1820HowHow cancan itit butbut afflictafflict mymy verievery soulesoul?
wln 1821IfIf anyany louelove remaineremain inin youyou mymy LordLord,
wln 1822OrOr ifif mymy louelove vntounto youryour maiestymajesty
wln 1823MayMay meritmerit fauourfavour atat youryour highnessehighness’ handeshands,
wln 1824ThenThen raiseraise youryour siegesiege fromfrom fairefair DamascusDamascus’Damascus walleswalls,
wln 1825AndAnd withwith mymy fatherfather taketake aa frindlyfriendly trucetruce.
wln 1826tamb.tamburlainetamb.ZenocrateZenocrate, werewere EgyptEgypt IouesJove’sjove’s owneown landland,
wln 1827YetYet wouldwould II withwith mymy swordsword makemake IoueJovejove toto stoopestoupesto●pestoop,
wln 1828II willwill confuteconfute thosethose blindblind GeographersGeographers
wln 1829ThatThat makemake aa tripletriple regionregion inin thethe worldworld,
wln 1830ExcludingExcluding RegionsRegions whichwhich II meanemean toto tracetrace,,
wln 1831AndAnd withwith thisthis penpen reducereduce themthem toto aa MapMap.
wln 1832CallingCalling thethe ProuincesProvinces, CittiesCities andand townestowns
wln 1833AfterAfter mymy namename andand thinethine zenocratezenocrate:
wln 1834HereHere atat DamascusDamascus willwill II makemake thethe PointPoint
wln 1835ThatThat shallshall beginbegin thethe PerpendicularPerpendicular.
wln 1836AndAnd wouldstwouldst thouthou hauehave meme buybuy thythy FathersFather’s louelove
wln 1837WithWith suchsuch aa losseloss? TellTell meme zenocratezenocrate?
wln 1838Zen.ZenocrateZen.HonorHonour stillstill waightwaitweight onon happyhappy tamburlainetamburlaine:
wln 1839YetYet giuegive meme leaueleave toto pleadplead forfor himhim mymy LordLord.
wln 1840Tam.TamburlaineTam.ContentContent thy selfethyself, hishis personperson shallshall bebe safesafe.
wln 1841AndAnd allall thethe friendesfriends ofof fairefair ZenocrateZenocrate,
wln 1842IfIf withwith theirtheir liueslives theythey willwill bebe pleasdepleased toto yeeldyield,
wln 1843OrOr maymay bebe forc’dforced toto makemake meme EmperourEmperor.
wln 1844ForFor EgyptEgypt andand ArabiaArabia mustmust bebe minemine.

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The Conquests of Tamburlaine.

wln 1845FeedFeed youyou slaueslave, thouthou maistmay’stmayst thinkethink thy selfethyself happiehappy toto bebe
wln 1846fedfed fromfrom mymy trenchertrencher.
wln 1847Bai.BajazethBai.MyMy emptyempty stomackestomach fulfull ofof idleidle heatheat,
wln 1848DrawesDraws bloodybloody humourshumours fromfrom mymy feeblefeeble partesparts,
wln 1849PreseruingPreserving lifelife, byby hastinghasting cruellcruel deathdeath.
wln 1850MyMy vainesveins areare palepale, mymy sinowessinews hardhard andand driedry,
wln 1851MyMy iointesjoints benumb’dbenumbed, vnlesseunless II eateat, II diedie.
wln 1852Zab.ZabinaZab.EatEat BaiazethBajazeth, LetLet vsus liuelive inin spitespite ofof themthem,
wln 1853LookingLooking somesome happiehappy powerpower willwill pitiepity andand inlargeenlarge vsus.
wln 1854tam.tamburlainetam.HereHere TurkTurk, wiltwilt thouthou hauehave aa cleaneclean trenchertrencher?
wln 1855Bai.BajazethBai.IAyI TyrantTyrant, andand moremore meatmeat.
wln 1856tam.tamburlainetam.SoftSoft sirsir, youyou mustmust bebe dieteddieted, tootoo muchmuch eatingeating
wln 1857willwill makemake youyou surfeitsurfeit.
wln 1858ther.theridamasther.SoSo itit wouldwould mymy lordlord, speciallyspecially hauinghaving soso smalsmall
wln 1859aa walkewalk, andand soso litlelittle exerciseexercise.

wln 1860EnterEnter aa secondsecond coursecourse ofof CrownesCrowns.

wln 1861tam.tamburlainetam.TheridamasTheridamas, techellestechelles andand CasaneCasane, herehere areare
wln 1862thethe catescates youyou desiredesire toto fingerfinger, areare theythey notnot?
wln 1863ther.theridamasther.IAyI (mymy LordLord) butbut nonenone sauesave kingeskings mustmust feedefeed
wln 1864withwith thesethese.
wln 1865tech.techellestech.Tis’Tis enoughenough forfor vsus toto seesee themthem, andand forfor tam-tamburlainetam∣burlainetamburlaine
wln 1866burlaine
wln 1866onelyonly toto enioyenjoy themthem.
wln 1867tam.tamburlainetam.WelWell, HereHere isis nownow toto thethe SouldaneSoldan ofof EgyptEgypt
wln 1868thethe KingKing ofof ArabiaArabia, andand thethe GouernoutGouernourGovernor ofof DamascusDamascus.
wln 1869NowNow taketake thesethese threethree crownescrowns, andand pledgepledge meme, mymy con=contributoriecon∣tributoriecontributory
wln 1870tributorie
wln 1870KingsKings.
wln 1871II crownecrown youyou herehere (TheridamasTheridamas) KingKing ofof ArgierArgier:
wln 1872TechellesTechelles KingKing ofof FesseFez, andand VsumeasaneUsumcasaneUsumeasane KingKing ofof
wln 1873MorocusMoroccus. HowHow saysay youyou toto thisthis (TurkeTurk) thesethese areare notnot
wln 1874youryour contributoriecontributory kingskings.

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the Scythian Shepheard.

wln 1875Bai.BajazethBai.NorNor shallshall theythey longlong bebe thinethine, II warrantwarrant themthem.
wln 1876tam.tamburlainetam.KingsKings ofof ArgierArgier, MorocusMoroccus, andand ofof FesseFez.
wln 1877YouYou thatthat hauehave martchtmarched withwith happyhappy TamburlaineTamburlaine,
wln 1878AsAs farfar asas fromfrom thethe frozenfrozen placeplace ofof heauenheaven.
wln 1879VntoUnto thethe watrywat’rywatery morningsmorning’s ruddyruddy howerhour.
wln 1880AndAnd thencethence byby landland vntounto thethe TorridTorrid ZoneZone,
wln 1881DeserueDeserve thesethese tytlestitles II endowendow youyou withwith.
wln 1882ByBy valuevalue andand byby magnanimitymagnanimity.
wln 1883YourYour byrthesbirths shallshall bebe nono blemishblemish toto youryour famefame.
wln 1884ForFor vertuevirtue isis thethe fountfount whencewhence honorhonour springssprings.
wln 1885AndAnd theythey areare worthyworthy sheshe inuestethinvesteth kingskings.
wln 1886ther.theridamasther.AndAnd sincesince youryour highnessehighness hathhath soso wellwell vouchsaftvouchsafed,
wln 1887IfIf wewe deseruedeserve themthem notnot withwith higherhigher meedsmeeds
wln 1888ThenThenThan ersterst ourour statesstates andand actionsactions hauehave retain’dretained,
wln 1889TakeTake themthem awayaway againeagain andand makemake vsus slauesslaves.
wln 1890Tam.TamburlaineTam.WelWell saidsaid TheridamasTheridamas, whenwhen holyholy FatesFates
wln 1891ShallShall stablish’stablishestablish meme inin strongstrong EgyptiaEgyptia.
wln 1892WeWe meanemean toto traueiletravel toto th’Antatiqueth’Antarctic PolePole,
wln 1893ConqueringConquering thethe peoplepeople vnderneathunderneath ourour feetfeet.
wln 1894AndAnd bebe renowm’drenowned, asas neuernever EmperoursEmperors werewere.
wln 1895zenocratezenocrate, II willwill notnot crownecrown theethee yetyet,
wln 1896VntilUntil withwith greatergreater honorshonours II bebe grac’dgraced.
wln 1897FinisFinis ActusActus quartiquarti.

wln 1898ActusActus: 55.55... ScænaScaenaScaena. 11.11...

wln 1899TheThe GouernourGovernor ofof DamascoDamasco, withwith threethree oror fourefour
wln 1900CitizensCitizens, andand fourefour VirginsVirgins withwith branchesbranches
wln 1901ofof LaurellLaurel inin theirtheir handshands.

wln 1902GouernourGovernor.
wln 1903STilSTillstill doothdothdoth thisthis manman oror ratherrather GodGod ofof warwar,
wln 1904BatterBatt●rBatter ourour walleswalls, andand beatbeat ourour TurretsTurrets downedown

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wln 1905AndAnd toto resistresist withwith longerlonger stubbornessestubborness,
wln 1906OrOr hopehope ofof rescuerescue fromfrom thethe SouldansSoldan’ssoldan’s powerpower,
wln 1907WereWere butbut toto bringbring ourour wilfullwilful ouerthrowoverthrow,
wln 1908AndAnd makemake vsus desperatedesperate ofof ourour threatnedthreat’nedthreatened liueslives:
wln 1909WeWe seesee hishis tentstents hauehave nownow benebeen alteredaltered,
wln 1910WithWith terroursterrors toto thethe lastlast andand cruelstcruel’stcruelest hewhue:
wln 1911HisHis cole=blackecole-blackecoal-blackcoalblack collourscolours euery whereeverywhere aduaunstadvanced,
wln 1912ThreatenThreaten ourour citiecity withwith aa generallgeneral spoilespoil:
wln 1913AndAnd ifif wewe shouldshould withwith commoncommon ritesrites ofof ArmesArms,
wln 1914OfferOffer ourour safetiessafeties toto hishis clemencieclemency,
wln 1915II fearefear thethe customecustom properproper toto hishis swordsword,
wln 1916WhichWhich hehe obseruesobserves asas parcellparcel ofof hishis famefame:
wln 1917IntendingIntending soso toto terrifieterrify thethe worldworld,
wln 1918ByBy anyany innouationinnovation oror remorseremorse,
wln 1919WillWill neuernever bebe dispenc’ddispensed withwith tiltill ourour deathsdeaths,
wln 1920TherforeTherefore, forfor thesethese ourour harmlesseharmless virginesvirgins’virgins sakessakes,
wln 1921WhoseWhose honorshonours andand whosewhose liueslives relierely onon himhim:
wln 1922LetLet vsus hauehave hopehope thatthat theirtheir vnspottedunspotted praiersprayers
wln 1923TheirTheir blubberedblubbered cheekescheeks andand hartiehearty humblehumble monesmoans
wln 1924WillWill meltmelt hishis furiefury intointo somesome remorseremorse:
wln 1925AndAnd vseuse vsus likelike aa louingloving ConquerourConqueror.
wln 1926Virg.VirginVirg.IfIf humblehumble suitessuits oror imprecationsimprecations,
wln 1927(vttereduttered withwith tearestears ofof wretchednessewretchedness andand bloodblood,
wln 1928SheadShed fromfrom thethe headsheads andand heartshearts ofof allall ourour SexSex.
wln 1929SomeSome mademade youryour wiueswives, andand somesome youryour childrenchildren)
wln 1930MightMight hauehave intreatedentreated youryour obdurateobdurate breastsbreasts.
wln 1931ToTo entertaineentertain somesome carecare ofof ourour securitiessecurities.
wln 1932WhilesWhiles onlyonly dangerdanger beatbeat vponupon ourour walleswalls,
wln 1933TheseThese moremore thanthan dangerousdangerous warrantswarrants ofof ourour deathdeat●death
wln 1934HadHad neuernever benebeen erectederected asas theythey beebe,
wln 1935NorNor youyou dependdepend onon suchsuch weakeweak helpshelps asas wewe
wln 1936Go.GovernorGo.WelWell, louelylovely VirginsVirgins, thinkthink ourour countriescount●●scountry’scountries carecare

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the Scythian Shepheard.

wln 1937OurOur louelove ofof honorhonour lothloath toto bebe enthral’denthralled
wln 1938ToTo forraineforeign powerspowers, andand roughrough imperiousimperious yokesyokes:
wln 1939WouldWould notnot withwith tootoo muchmuch cowardizecowardice oror fearefear,
wln 1940BeforeBefore allall hopehope ofof rescuerescue werewere denieddenied,
wln 1941SubmitSubmit your seluesyourselves andand vsus toto seruitudeservitude.
wln 1942ThereforeTherefore inin thatthat youryour safetiessafeties andand ourour owneown
wln 1943YourYour honorshonours, libertiesliberties andand liueslives werewere weigh’dweighed
wln 1944InIn equallequal carecare andand ballancebalance withwith ourour owneown,
wln 1945EndureEndure asas wewe thethe malicemalice ofof ourour starsstars.
wln 1946TheThe wrathwrath ofof TamburlainTamburlaine, andand powerpower ofof warreswars.
wln 1947OrOr bebe thethe meansmeans thethe ouerweighingoverweighing heauensheavens
wln 1948HaueHave keptkept toto quallifiequalify thesethese hothot extreamesextremes.
wln 1949AndAnd bringbring vsus pardonpardon inin youryour chearfullcheerful lookeslooks.
wln 19502.2. Virg.VirginVirg.ThenThen herehere beforebefore thethe maiestymajesty ofof heauenheaven,
wln 1951AndAnd holyholy PatronesPatronsPatroness ofof EgyptiaEgyptia,
wln 1952WithWith kneesknees andand heartshearts submissiuesubmissive wewe intreateentreat,
wln 1953GraceGrace toto ourour wordswords andand pitiepity toto ourour lookeslooks
wln 1954ThatThat thisthis deuisedevice maymay prooueprove propitiouspropitious,
wln 1955AndAnd throughthrough thethe eieseyes andand earesears ofof tamburlainetamburlaine,
wln 1956ConueyConvey euentsevents ofof merciemercy toto hishis heartheart:
wln 1957GrauntGrant thatthat thesethese signessigns ofof victorievictory wewe yeeldyield
wln 1958MayMay bindbind thethe templestemples ofof hishis conqueringconquering headhead,
wln 1959ToTo hidehide thethe foldedfolded furrowesfurrows ofof hishis browesbrows,
wln 1960AndAnd shadowshadow hishis displeaseddispleased countenancecountenance,
wln 1961WithWith happyhappy lookslooks ofof rutheruth andand lenitylenity,
wln 1962LeaueLeave vsus mymy LordLord, andand louingloving countrimencountrymen,
wln 1963WhatWhat simplesimple VirginsVirgins maymay perswadepersuade, wewe willwill.
wln 1964Go.GovernorGo.FarewellGarewellFarewell (sweetsweet VirginsVirgins) onon whosewhose safesafe returnreturn
wln 1965DependsDepends ourour citiecity, libertieliberty, andand liueslives.ExeuntExeunt.


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The Conquests of Tamburlaine.

wln 1966ActusActus. 55.55... ScænaScaenaScaena. 22.22...

wln 1967TamburlaineTamburlaine. TechellesTechelles TheridamasTheridamas, VsumeasanUsumcasaneUsumeasane,
wln 1968withwith othersothers: TamburlaineTamburlaine allall inin blackeblack, andand verieveri●very
wln 1969melancholymelancholy.

wln 1970Tamb.TamburlaineTamb.
wln 1971WHatWHat, areare thethe TurtlesTurtles fraidefrayedfraid outout ofof theirtheir
wln 1972 (neastesnests?
wln 1973AlasAlas poorepoor foolesfools, mustmust youyou bebe firstfirst shalshall feelefeel
wln 1974TheThe swornesworn destructiondestruction ofof DamascusDamascus.
wln 1975TheyThey knowknow mymy customecustom: couldcould theythey notnot asas wellwell
wln 1976HaueHave sentsent yeye outout, whenwhen firstfirst mymy milkwhitemilk-white flagsflags
wln 1977ThroughThrough whichwhich sweetsweet merciemercy threwthrew herher gentlegentle beamsbeams
wln 1978ReflexingReflexing themthem onon youryour disdainfulldisdainful eieseyeseyes:
wln 1979AsAs nownow whenwhen furiefury andand incensedincensed hatehate
wln 1980FlingsFlings slaughteringslaughtering terrourterror fromfrom mymy coleblackcoal-black tentstents.
wln 1981AndAnd telstells forfor truethtruth, submissionssubmissions comescomes tootoo latelate.
wln 19821.1. VirginVirgin.MostMost happyhappy KingKing andand EmperourEmperor ofof thethe
wln 1983 (earthearth.
wln 1984ImageImage ofof HonorHonour andand NobilitieNobility.
wln 1985ForFor whomewhom thethe PowersPowers diuinedivine hauehave mademade thethe worldworld.
wln 1986AndAnd onon whosewhose thronethrone thethe holyholy GracesGraces sitsit.
wln 1987InIn whosewhose sweetesweet personperson isis compriz’dcomprised thethe SumSum
wln 1988OfOf naturesnature’s SkillSkill andand heauenlyheavenly maiestiemajesty.
wln 1989PittiePity ourour plightesplights, OOOh pitiepity poorepoor DamascusDamascus:
wln 1990PitiePity oldeold ageage, withinwithin whosewhose siluersilver haireshairshair’s
wln 1991HonorHonour andand reuerencereverence euermoreevermore hauehave raign’dreigned,
wln 1992PitiePity thethe mariagemarriage bedbed, wherewhere manymany aa LordLord
wln 1993InIn primeprime andand glorieglory ofof hishis louingloving ioyjoy.
wln 1994EmbracethEmbraceth nownow withwith tearestears ofof ruthruth andand bloodblood,
wln 1995TheThe iealousjealous bodiebody ofof hishis fearfullfearful wifewife,
wln 1996WhoseWhose cheekescheeks andand heartshearts soso punishtpunished withwith conceitconceit,

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the Scythian Shepheard.

wln 1997ToTo thinkethink thythy puisantpuissant neuer staiedneuernever-stayedneverstaiedstaid armearm
wln 1998WillWill partpart theirtheir bodiesbodies, andand preuentprevent theirtheir soulessouls
wln 1999FromFrom heauensheavens ofof comfortcomfort, yetyet theirtheir ageage mightmight bearebear,
wln 2000NowNow waxewax allall palepale andand witheredwithered toto thethe deathdeath,
wln 2001AsAs wellwell forfor griefegrief ourour ruthlesseruthless GouernourGovernor
wln 2002HaueHave thusthus refusderefused thethe merciemercy ofof thythy handhand,
wln 2003(WhoseWhose sceptersceptre AngelsAngels kissekiss, andand FuriesFuries dreaddread)
wln 2004AsAs forfor theirtheir libertiesliberties, theirtheir louesloves oror liueslives,
wln 2005OOOh thenthen forfor thesethese, andand suchsuch asas wewe our seluesourselves,
wln 2006ForFor vsus, forfor infantsinfants, andand forfor allall ourour bloodsbloods,
wln 2007ThatThat neuernever nourishtnourished thoughtthought againstagainst thythy rulerule,
wln 2008PitiePity, OOOh pitiepity, (sacredsacred EmperourEmperor)
wln 2009TheThe prostrateprostrate seruiceservice ofof thisthis wretchedwretched townetown.
wln 2010AndAnd taketake inin signesign thereofthereof thisthis gildedgilded wreathwreath,
wln 2011WheretoWhereto echeach manman ofof rulerule hathhath giuengiven hishis handhand,
wln 2012AndAnd wishtwished asas worthyworthy subiectssubjects happyhappy meanesmeans,
wln 2013ToTo bebe inuestersinvesters ofof thythy royallroyal browesbrows,
wln 2014EuenEven withwith thethe truetrue EgyptianEgyptian DiademDiadem.
wln 2015tam.tamburlainetam.VirginsVirgins, inin vainevain yeye labourlaborelabo●●labour toto preuentprevent
wln 2016ThatThat whichwhich minemine honorhonour swearesswears shalshall bebe perform’dperformed:
wln 2017BeholdBehold mymy swordsword, whatwhat seesee youyou atat thethe pointpoint?
wln 2018Virg.VirginVirg.NothingNothing butbut fearefear andand fatallfatal steelesteel mymy LordLord.
wln 2019tam.tamburlainetam.YourYour fearfullfearful mindsminds areare thickethick andand mistiemisty thenthen
wln 2020ForFor therethere sitssits DeathDeath, therethere sitssits imperiousimperious DeathDeath.
wln 2021KeepingKeeping hishis circuitcircuit byby thethe slicingslicing edgeedge.
wln 2022ButBut II’amII’m’am am pleasdepleased youyou shallshall notnot seesee himhim therethere,
wln 2023HeHe nownow isis seatedseated onon mymy horsmenshorsemen’s spearesspears:
wln 2024AndAnd onon theirtheir pointspoints hishis fleshlessefleshless bodiebody feedesfechesfeedsfeches.
wln 2025TechellesTechelles, straightstraight goego chargecharge aa fewfew ofof themthem
wln 2026ToTo chardgecharge thesethese DamesDames, andand shewshow mymy seruantservant deathdeath:
wln 2027SittingSitting inin scarletscarlet onon theirtheir armedarmed spearesspears.
wln 2028OmnesOmnes.OO pitiepity vsus.

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The Conquests of Tamburlaine.

wln 2029tam.tamburlainetam.AwayAway withwith themthem II saysay andand shewshow themthem deathdeath.
wln 2030TheyThey taketake themthem awayaway.
wln 2031II willwill notnot sparespare thesethese proudproud EgyptiansEgyptians.
wln 2032NorNor changechange mymy MartiallMartial obseruationsobservations,
wln 2033ForFor allall thethe wealthwealth ofof GehonsGihon’sGehon’s goldengolden waueswaves.
wln 2034OrOr forfor thethe louelove ofof VenusVenus, wouldwould sheshe leaueleave
wln 2035TheThe angrieangry GodGod ofof ArmesArms, andand lielie withwith meme.
wln 2036TheyThey hauehave refusderefused thethe offeroffer ofof theirtheir liueslives,
wln 2037AndAnd knowknow mymy customescustoms areare asas peremptoryperemptory
wln 2038AsAs wrathfullwrathful PlanetsPlanets, deathdeath, oror destiniedestiny.
wln 2039EnterEnter TechellesTechelles.
wln 2040WhatWhat, hauehave youryour horsmenhorsemen shewenshown thethe virginsvirginsvirgin’s DeathDeath?
wln 2041tech.techellestech.TheyThey hauehave mymy LordLord, andand onon DamascusDamascus’Damascus walswalls
wln 2042HaueHave hoistedhoist vpup theirtheir slaughteredslaughtered carcasescarcases.
wln 2043tam.tamburlainetam.AA sightsight asas banefullbaneful toto theirtheir soulessouls II thinkthink
wln 2044AsAs areare ThessalianThessalian drugsdrugs oror MithradateMithridatemithridate.
wln 2045ButBut goego mymy LordsLords, putput thethe restrest toto thethe swordsword.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 2046AhAh fairefair ZenocrateZenocrate, diuinedivine ZenocrateZenocrate,
wln 2047FaireFair isis tootoo foulefoul anan EpithiteEpithet forfor theethee,
wln 2048ThatThat inin thythy passionpassion forfor thythy countriescountry’s louelove,
wln 2049AndAnd fearefear toto seesee thythy kinglykingly FathersFather’s harmeharm,
wln 2050WithWith hairehair dischewelddisheveled wip’stwip’stwipest thythy waterywatery cheekscheeks:
wln 2051AndAnd likelike toto FloraFlora inin herher morningsmorning’s pridepride,
wln 2052ShakingShaking herher siluersilver treshestressestreshes inin thethe aireair.
wln 2053Rain’stRain’stRainest onon thethe earthearth resoluedresolvedresolve pearlepearl inin showersshowers,
wln 2054AndAnd sprinklestsprinklest Saphyrssapphires onon thythy shiningshining faceface,
wln 2055WherWhere BeautyBeauty, mothermother toto thethe MusesMuses sitssits,
wln 2056AndAnd commentscomments vollumesvolumes withwith herher YuoryIvory penpen:
wln 2057TakingTaking instructionsinstructions fromfrom thythy flowingflowing eieseyes,
wln 2058EiesEyes whenwhen thatthat EbenaEbena stepssteps toto heauenheaven.
wln 2059InIn silencesilence ofof thythy solemnsolemn EueningsEvening’s walkwalk.
wln 2060MakingMaking thethe mantlemantle ofof thethe richestrichest nightnight.

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the Scythian Shepheard.

wln 2061TheThe MooneMoon, thethe PlanetsPlanets, andand thethe MeteorsMeteorsmeteor’s lightlight,
wln 2062ThereThere AngelsAngels inin theirtheir christalcrystal armoursarmours fightfight
wln 2063AA doubtfulldoubtful battellbattle withwith mymy temptedtempted thoughtesthoughts,
wln 2064ForFor EgyptsEgypt’s freedomfreedom andand thethe SouldansSoldan’ssoldan’s lifelife:
wln 2065HisHis lifelife thatthat soso consumesconsumes ZenocrateZenocrate,
wln 2066WhoseWhose sorrowessorrows laylay moremore siegesiege vntounto mymy soulesaulesoulsaul,
wln 2067ThanThan allall mymy ArmyArmy toto DamascusDamascus’Damascus walleswalls.
wln 2068AndAnd neitherneither PerseansPersians SoueraignSovereign, nornor thethe TurkTurk
wln 2069TroubledTroubled mymy sencessenses withwith conceitconceit ofof foilefoil,
wln 2070SoSo muchmuch byby muchmuch, asas doothdoth zenocratezenocrate.
wln 2071WhatWhat isis beautybeauty saithsaith mymy sufferingssufferings thenthen?
wln 2072IfIf allall thethe penspens thatthat euerever poetspoets heldheld,
wln 2073HadHad fedfed thethe feelingfeeling ofof theirtheir maistersmaster’s thoughtsthoughts,
wln 2074AndAnd eueryevery sweetnessweetness thatthat inspir’dinspired theirtheir hartshearts,
wln 2075TheirTheir mindsminds, andand musesmuses onon admyredadmired theamesthemes:
wln 2076IfIf allall thethe heauenlyheavenly QuintessenceQuintessence theythey stillstill
wln 2077FromFrom theirtheir immortallimmortal flowersflowers ofof PoesyPoesy,
wln 2078WhereinWherein asas inin aa myrrourmirror wewe perceiueperceive
wln 2079TheThe highesthighest reachesreaches ofof aa humainehuman witwit.
wln 2080IfIf thesethese hadhad mademade oneone PoemsPoem’s periodperiod
wln 2081AndAnd allall combin’dcombined inin BeautiesBeauty’s worthinesseworthiness,
wln 2082YetYet shouldshould therthere houerhover inin theirtheir restlesserestless headsheads,
wln 2083OneOne thoughtthought, oneone gracegrace, oneone woonderwonder atat thethe leastleast,
wln 2084WhichWhich intointo wordswords nono vertuevirtue cancan digestdigest:
wln 2085ButBut howhow vnseemlyunseemly isis itit forfor mymy SexSex
wln 2086MyMy disciplinediscipline ofof armesarms andand ChiualrieChivalry,
wln 2087MyMy naturenature andand thethe terrourterror ofof mymy namename.
wln 2088ToTo harbourharbour thoughtsthoughts effeminateeffeminate andand faintfaint?
wln 2089SaueSave onelyonly thatthat inin / BeautiesBeauty’s iustjust applauseapplause,
wln 2090WithWith whosewhose instinctinstinct thethe soulesoul ofof manman isis touchttouched.
wln 2091AndAnd eueryevery warriourwarrior thatthat isis raptrapt withwith louelove,
wln 2092OfOf famefame, ofof valourvalour, andand ofof victoryvictory

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The Conquests of Tamburlaine.

wln 2093MustMust needsneeds hauehave beautybeauty beatbeat onon hishis conceitesconceits,
wln 2094II thusthus conceiuingconceiving andand subduingsubduing bothboth:
wln 2095ThatThat whichwhich hathhath stoptstopped thethe tempesttempest ofof thethe GodsGods,
wln 2096EuenEven fromfrom thethe fieryfiery spangledspangled vaileveil ofof heauenheaven,
wln 2097ToTo feelefeel thethe louelylovely warmthwarmth ofof shepheardsshepherds’Shepherd’s flamesflames,
wln 2098AndAnd martchmarch inin cottagescottages ofof strowedstrewedstrowed weedsweeds,
wln 2099ShalShall giuegive thethe worldworld toto notenote forfor allall mymy byrthbirth,
wln 2100ThatThat VertueVirtue solelysolely isis thethe sumsum ofof glorieglory,
wln 2101AndAnd fashionsfashions menmen withwith truetrue nobilitynobility.
wln 2102Who’sWho’s withinwithin therethere?
wln 2103EnterEnter twotwo oror threethree.
wln 2104HathHath BaiazethBajazeth benebeen fedfed to daytoday?
wln 2105An.AnippeAn.IAyay, mymy LordLord.
wln 2106tamb.tamburlainetamb.BringBring himhim forthforth, &and letlet vsus knowknow ifif thethe townetown
wln 2107bebe ransacktransacked.

wln 2108EnterEnter TechellesTechelles, TheridamasTheridamas, VsumeasanUsumcasaneUsumeasane &and othersothers.

wln 2109techtechellestechTheThe towntown isis oursours mymy LordLord, andand freshfresh supplysupply
wln 2110OfOf conquestconquest, andand ofof spoilespoil isis offeredoffered vsus:
wln 2111tam.tamburlainetam.ThatsThat’sthat’s welwell techellestechelles, what’swhat’s thethe newesnews?
wln 2112tech.techellestech.TheThe SouldanSoldanSultan andand thethe ArabianArabian kingking togethertogether
wln 2113MartchMarch onon vsus withwith suchsuch eagereager violenceviolence,
wln 2114AsAs ifif therethere werewere nono wayway butbut oneone withwith vsus.
wln 2115tam.tamburlainetam.NoNo moremore therethere isis notnot II warrantwarrant theethee techellestechelles
wln 2116TheyThey bringbring inin thethe TurkeTurk.
wln 2117ther.theridamasther.WeWe knowknow thethe victorievictory isis oursours mymy LordLord,
wln 2118ButBut letlet vsus sauesave thethe reuerendreverend SouldansSoldan’ssoldan’s lifelife,
wln 2119ForFor fairefair ZenocrateZenocrate, thatthat soso lamentslaments hishis statestate.
wln 2120tamb.tamburlainetamb.ThatThat willwill wewe chieflychiefly seesee vntounto, theridamastheridamas.
wln 2121ForFor sweetsweet zenocratezenocrate, whosewhose worthinesseworthiness
wln 2122DeseruesDeserves aa conquestconquest ouerover eueryevery hartheart:

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the Scythian Shepheard.

wln 2123AndAnd nownow mymy footstoolefootstool, ifif II looselose thethe fieldfield,
wln 2124YouYou hopehope ofof libertieliberty andand restitutionrestitution:
wln 2125HereHere letlet himhim staystay mymy maystersmasters fromfrom thethe tentstents,
wln 2126TillTill wewe hauehave mademade vsus readyready forfor thethe fieldfield.
wln 2127PrayPray forfor vsus BaiazethBajazeth, wewe areare goinggoing.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 2128Bai.BajazethBai.GoGo, neuernever toto returnereturn withwith victorievictory:
wln 2129MillionsMillions ofof menmen encompasseencompass theethee aboutabout.
wln 2130AndAnd goregore thythy bodybody withwith asas manymany woundswounds,
wln 2131SharpeSharp forkedforked arrowesarrows lightlight vponupon thythy horsehorse:
wln 2132FuriesFuries fromfrom thethe blackeblack CocitusCocytus’Cocytus lakelake,
wln 2133BreakeBreak vpup thethe earthearth, andand withwith theirtheir firebrandsfirebrands,
wln 2134EnforceEnforce theethee runrun vponupon thethe banefullbaneful pikespikes.
wln 2135VolleyesVolleys ofof shotshot piercepierce throughthrough thythy charmedcharmed SkinSkin.
wln 2136AndAnd eueryevery bulletbullet diptdipped inin poisonedpoisoned drugsdrugs,
wln 2137OrOr roaringroaring CannonsCannons seuersever allall thythy iointsjoints.
wln 2138MakingMaking theethee mountmount asas highhigh asas EaglesEagles soaresoar.
wln 2139zab.zabinazab.LetLet allall thethe swordsswords andand LancesLances inin thethe fieldfield,
wln 2140StickStick inin hishis breastbreast, asas inin theirtheir properproper roomesrooms,
wln 2141AtAt eueryevery poreporepoor letlet bloodblood commecome droppingdropping foorthforth.
wln 2142ThatThat lingringling’ringlingering painespains maymay massacremassacre hishis heartheart.
wln 2143AndAnd madnessemadness sendsend hishis damneddanmeddamned soulesoul toto hellhell.
wln 2144Bai.BajazethBai.AhAh fairefair zabinazabina, wewe maymay cursecurse hishis powerpower,
wln 2145TheThe heauensheavens maymay frownefrown, thethe earthearth forfor angeranger quakequake,
wln 2146ButBut suchsuch aa StarStar hathhath influenceinfluence inin hishis swordsword,
wln 2147AsAs rulesrules thethe SkiesSkies, andand countermandscountermands thethe GodsGods..,
wln 2148MoreMore thanthan CymerianCimmerian StixStyx oror DistinieDestinydestiny:
wln 2149AndAnd thenthen shallshall wewe inin thisthis detesteddetested guyseguise,
wln 2150WithWith shameshame, withwith hungarhunger, andand withwith horrorhorror aieaye
wln 2151GripingGripingGripping ourour bowelsbowels withwith retorquedretorqued thoughtesthoughts,
wln 2152AndAnd hauehave nono hopehope toto endend ourour extasiesecstasies.
wln 2153zab.zabinazab.ThenThen isis therethere leftleft nono MahometMahomet, nono GodGod,
wln 2154NoNo FeendFiend, nono FortuneFortune, nornor nono hopehope ofof endend?

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The Conquests of Tamburlaine,

wln 2155ToTo ourour infamousinfamous monstrousmonstrous slaueriesslaveries:
wln 2156GapeGape earthearth, andand letlet thethe FeendsFiend’sFiends infernallinfernal viewview,
wln 2157AsAs hellhell, asas hoplessehopeless andand asas fullfull ofof fearefear
wln 2158AsAs areare thethe blastedblasted banksbanks ofof ErebusErebus:
wln 2159WhereWhere shakingshaking ghostsghosts withwith euerever howlinghowling gronesgroans,
wln 2160HouerHover aboutabout thethe vglyugly FerrimanFerryman, toto getget aa passagepassage toto E-ElysiāE∣lysiāElysianelysian(lisiã
wln 2161
wln 2161whywhy shouldshould wewe liuelive, OOOh wretcheswretches, beggarsbeggars slauesslaves
wln 2162WhyWhy liuelive wewe BaiazethBajazeth, andand buildbuild vpup neastsnests,
wln 2163SoSo highhigh withinwithin thethe regionregion ofof thethe aireair,
wln 2164ByBy liuingliving longlong inin thisthis oppressionoppression,
wln 2165ThatThat allall thethe worldworld willwill seesee andand laughlaugh toto scornescorn.
wln 2166TheThe formerformer triumphestriumphs ofof ourour mightinesmightiness,
wln 2167InIn thisthis obscureobscure infernallinfernal seruitudeservitude??:
wln 2168Bai.BajazethBai.OO lifelife moremore loathsomeloathsome toto mymy vexedvexed thoughtsthoughts,
wln 2169ThanThan noisomenoisome parbreakparbreak ofof thethe StygianStygian SnakesSnakes,
wln 2170WhichWhich filsfills thethe nookesnooks ofof HellHell withwith standingstanding aireair,
wln 2171InfectingInfecting allall thethe GhostsGhosts withwith curelessecureless griefsgriefs:
wln 2172OOOh drearydreary EnginesEngines ofof mymy loathedloathed sightsight,
wln 2173ThatThat seessees mymy crownecrown, mymy honorhonour andand mymy namename,
wln 2174ThrustThrust vnderunder yokeyoke andand thraldomthraldom ofof aa thiefethief.
wln 2175WhyWhy feedfeed yeye stillstill onon daiesday’s accursedaccursed beamsbeams,
wln 2176AndAnd sinksink notnot quitequite intointo mymy tortur’dtortured soulesoul.
wln 2177YouYou seesee mymy wifewife, mymy QueeneQueen andand EmperesseEmpress,
wln 2178BroughtBrought vpup andand proppedpropped byby thethe handhand ofof famefame,
wln 2179QueenQueen ofof fifteenefifteen contributorycontributory QueensQueens,
wln 2180NowNow throwenthrown toto roomesrooms ofof blackeblack abiectionabjection,
wln 2181Smear’dSmeared withwith blotsblots ofof basestbasest drudgerydrudgery:
wln 2182AndAnd VillanesseVilleinessVillainess toto shameshame, disdainedisdain, andand miserymisery:
wln 2183AccursedAccursed BaiazethBajazeth, whosewhose wordswords ofof ruthruth,
wln 2184ThatThat wouldwould withwith pitypity chearcheer zabinasZabina’s heartheart:
wln 2185AndAnd makemake ourour soulessouls resolueresolve inin ceaslesceaseless tearestears,
wln 2186SharpSharp hungerhunger bitesbites vponupon andand gripesgripes thethe rootroot:

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the Scythian Shepheard.

wln 2187FromFrom whencewhence thethe issuesissues ofof mymy thoughtsthoughts doedo breakebreak,
wln 2188OOOh poorepoor zabinazabina, OOOh mymy QueenQueen, mymy QueenQueen,
wln 2189FetchFetch meme somesome waterwater forfor mymy burningburning breastbreast,
wln 2190ToTo coolecool andand comfortcomfort meme withwith longerlonger datedate,
wln 2191ThatThat inin thethe shortnedshort’nedshortned sequelsequel ofof mymy lifelife,
wln 2192II maymay pourepour foorthforth mymy soulesoul intointo thinethine armesarms,
wln 2193WithWith wordswords ofof louelove: whosewhose moaningmoaning entercourseintercourse
wln 2194HathHath hethertohitherto binbeen staidstayed, withwith wrathwrath andand hatehate
wln 2195OfOf ourour expreslesseexpressless bandbannedband inflictions inflictionsinflictions:
wln 2196zab.zabinazab.SweetSweet BaiazethBajazeth, II willwill prolongprolong thythy lifelife,
wln 2197AsAs longlong asas anyany bloodblood oror sparkespark ofof breathbreath
wln 2198CanCan quenchquench oror coolecool thethe tormentstorments ofof mymy griefegrief.
wln 2199SheShe goesgoes outout:
wln 2200Bai.BajazethBai.NowNow BaiazethBajazeth, abridgeabridge thythy banefullbaneful daiesdays,
wln 2201AndAnd beatbeat thythy brainesbrains outout ofof thythy conquer’dconquered headhead:
wln 2202SinceSince otherother meanesmeans areare allall forbiddenforbidden meme,
wln 2203ThatThat maymay bebe ministersministers ofof mymy decaydecay.
wln 2204OO highesthighest LampLamp ofof euerliuingeverliving IoueJovejove,
wln 2205AccursedAccursed dayday infectedinfected withwith mymy griefsgriefs,
wln 2206HideHide nownow thythy stainedstained faceface inin endlesendless nightnight,
wln 2207AndAnd shutshut thethe windoweswindows ofof thethe lightsomelightsome heauensheavens,
wln 2208LetLet vglyugly darknessedarkness withwith herher rustyrusty coachcoach
wln 2209EngyrtEngirtengirt withwith tempeststempests wraptwrapped inin pitchypitchy cloudsclouds,
wln 2210SmotherSmother thethe earthearth withwith neuer fadingneuernever-fadingnever fadingfading mistesmists:
wln 2211AndAnd letlet herher horseshorses fromfrom theirtheir nostrelsnostrils breathebreathe
wln 2212RebelliousRebellious windswinds andand dreadfulldreadful thunderclapsthunderclaps:
wln 2213ThatThat inin thisthis terrourterror tamburlainetamburlaine maymay liuelive.
wln 2214AndAnd mymy pin’dpined soulesoul resolu’dresolved inin liquidliquid ayay,
wln 2215MayMay stylstill excruciatexcruciateexcruciatexcruciate hishis tormentedtormented thoughtsthoughts.
wln 2216ThenThen letlet thethe stonystony dartdart ofof sencelessesenseless coldecold,
wln 2217PiercePierce throughthrough thethe centercentre ofof mymy witheredwithered heartheart,
wln 2218AndAnd makemake aa passagepassage forfor mymy loathedloathed lifelife.
wln 2219HeHe brainsbrains himselfhimself againstagainst thethe cagecage.

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wln 2220EnterEnter ZabinaZabina.
wln 2221zab.Zab.zabinaZab.WhatWhat dodo minemine eieseyes beholdbehold, mymy husbandhusband deaddead?
wln 2222HisHis SkulSkullskull alall riuinriven inin twaintwain, hishis brainesbrains dashtdashed outout?:
wln 2223TheThe brainesbrains ofof BaiazethBajazeth, mymy LordLord andand SoueraigneSovereign?:
wln 2224OOOh BaiazethBajazeth, mymy husbandhusband andand mymy LordLord,
wln 2225OOOh BaiazetBajazeth, OOOh TurkTurk, OOOh EmperorEmperor, giuegive himhim hishis liquorliquor
wln 2226NotNot II, bringbring milkmilk andand firefire, andand mymy bloodblood II bringbring himhim
wln 2227againeagain, tearetear meme inin peecespieces, giuegive meme thethe swordesword withwith aa
wln 2228ballball ofof wildefirewildfire vponupon itit. DowneDown withwith himhim, downedown withwith
wln 2229himhim. GoeGo toto mymy childchild, awayaway, awayaway, awayaway. AhAh, sauesave thatthat
wln 2230InfantInfant, sauesave himhim, sauesave himhim. IIay, eueneven II speakespeak toto herher, thethe
wln 2231SunSun waswas downedown. StreamersStreamers whitewhite. RedRed, BlackeBlack, herehere
wln 2232herehere, herehere. FlingFling thethe meatmeat inin hishis faceface. TamburlaineTamburlaine,
wln 2233tamburlainetamburlaine, LetLet thethe souldierssoldiers bebe buriedburied. HelHell, deathdeath,
wln 2234tamburlaintamburlaineTamburlaine, HellHell, makemake readyready mymy CochCoach, mymy chairechair, mymy
wln 2235iewelsjewels, II comecome, II comecome, II comecome.
wln 2236SheShe runsruns againstagainst thethe CageCage andand brainesbrains her selfeherself

wln 2237ZenocrateZenocrate wythwith AnippeAnippe,

wln 2238WretchedWretched ZenocrateZenocrate, thatthat liuestlivest toto seesee,
wln 2239DamascusDamascus’Damascus walleswalls di’ddyeddied withwith EgytianEgyptian bloodblood.
wln 2240ThyThy FathersFather’s subiectssubjects andand thythy countrimencountrymen:
wln 2241ThyThy streetesstreets strowedstrewedstrowed withwith disseuereddissevered iointesjoints ofof menmen,
wln 2242AndAnd woundedwounded bodiesbodies gaspinggasping yetyet forfor lifelife.
wln 2243ButBut mostmost accurstaccursed, toto seesee thethe Sun=brightSun-brightSun-bright troopetroop
wln 2244OfOf heauenlyheavenly vyrginsvirgins andand vnspottedunspotted maidesmaids,
wln 2245WhoseWhose lookeslooks mightmight makemake thethe angryangry GodGod ofof armesarms,
wln 2246ToTo breakebreak hishis swordsword, andand mildlymildly treattreat ofof louelove,
wln 2247OnOn horsmenshorsemen’s LancesLances toto bebe hoistedhoistedhoist vpup,
wln 2248AndAnd guiltleslyguiltlessly endureendure aa cruellcruel deathdeath.
wln 2249ForFor eueryevery fellfell andand stoutstout TartarianTartarian SteadStead,

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the Scythian Shepheard.

wln 2250ThatThat stamptstamped onon othersothers withwith theirtheir thundringthund’ringthundering hooueshooves
wln 2251WhenWhen alall theirtheir ridersriders chardg’dcharged theirtheir quiueringquivering spearesspears
wln 2252BeganBegan toto checkecheck thethe groundground, andand rainreinrain themseluesthemselves:
wln 2253GazingGazing vponupon thethe beautiebeauty ofof theirtheir lookeslooks:
wln 2254AhAh TamburlaineTamburlaine, wertwert thouthou thethe causecause ofof thisthis
wln 2255ThatThat tearm’stterm’st ZenocrateZenocrate thythy dearestdearest louelove?
wln 2256WhoseWhose liueslives werewere dearerdearer toto ZenocrateZenocrate
wln 2257ThanThan herher owneown lifelife, oror oughtaughtought sauesave thinethine owneown louelove.
wln 2258ButBut seesee anotheranother bloodybloody spectaclespectacle.
wln 2259AhAh wretchedwretched eieseyes, thethe enemiesenemies ofof mymy hartheart,
wln 2260HowHow areare yeye gluttedglutted withwith thesethese grieuousgrievous obiectsobjects,
wln 2261AndAnd telltell mymy soulesoul mormore talestales ofof bleedingbleeding ruthruth?
wln 2262SeeSee, sesee AnippeAnippe ifif theythey breathebreathe oror nono.
wln 2263Anip.AnippeAnip.NoNo breathbreath nornor sencesense, nornor motionmotion inin themthem bothboth
wln 2264AhAh MadamMadam, thisthis theirtheir slaueryslavery hathhath Enforc’dEnforcedenforced,
wln 2265AndAnd ruthlesseruthless crueltycruelty ofof TamburlaineTamburlaine.
wln 2266Zen.ZenocrateZen.EarthEarth castcast vpup fountainesfountains fromfrom thythy entrallesentrails,
wln 2267AndAnd wetwet thythy cheekscheeks forfor theirtheir vntimelyuntimely deathesdeaths:
wln 2268ShakeShake withwith theirtheir waightweight inin signesign ofof fearefear &and griefegrief:
wln 2269BlushBlush heauenheaven, thatthat gauegave themthem honorhonour atat theirtheir birthbirth,
wln 2270AndAnd letlet themthem diedie aa deathdeath soso barbarousbarbarous.
wln 2271ThoseThose thatthat areare proudproud ofof ficklefickle EmperyEmpery,
wln 2272AndAnd placeplace theirtheir chiefestchiefest goodgood inin earthlyearthly pompepomp:
wln 2273BeholdBehold thethe TurkeTurk andand hishis greatgreat EmperesseEmperesseEmpress.
wln 2274AhAh tamburlainetamburlaine, mymy louelove, sweetsweet tamburlainetamburlaine,
wln 2275ThatThat fightsfights forfor SceptersSceptres andand forfor slipperyslippery crownescrowns,
wln 2276BeholdBehold thethe TurkTurk andand hishis greatgreat EmperesseEmperesseEmpress,
wln 2277ThouThou thatthat inin conductconduct ofof thythy happyhappy starsstars,
wln 2278Sleep’stSleep’stSleepest eueryevery nightnight withwith conquestconquest onon thythy browesbrows,
wln 2279AndAnd yetyet wouldstwouldst shunshun thethe waueringwavering turnesturns ofof warwar,
wln 2280InIn fearefear andand feelingfeeling ofof thethe likelike distressedistress,
wln 2281BeholdBehold thethe TurkeTurk andand hishis greatgreat EmperesseEmperesseEmpress.

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The Conquests of Tamburlaine,

wln 2282AhAh myghtymighty IoueJovejove andand holyholy MahometMahomet,
wln 2283PardonPardon mymy LoueLove, ohoho pardonpardon hishis contemptcontempt,
wln 2284OfOf earthlyearthly fortunefortune, andand respectrespect ofof pitiepity,
wln 2285AndAnd letlet notnot conquestconquest ruthleslyruthlessly pursewdepursued
wln 2286BeBe equallyequally againstagainst hishis lifelife incenstincensed,
wln 2287InIn thisthis greatgreat TurkTurk andand haplessehapless EmperesseEmperesseEmpress.
wln 2288AndAnd pardonpardon meme thatthat waswas notnot moou’dmoved withwith rutheruth,
wln 2289ToTo seesee themthem liuelive soso longlong inin miserymisery:
wln 2290AhAh whatwhat maymay chancechance toto theethee zenocratezenocrate?
wln 2291Anip,AnippeAnip,MadamMadam contentcontent your selfyourself andand bebe resolu’dresolved,
wln 2292YourYour LoueLove hathhath fortunefortune soso atat hishis commandcommand,
wln 2293ThatThat sheshe shallshall staystay andand turneturn herher wheelewheel nono moremore,
wln 2294AsAs longlong asas lifelife maintainesmaintains hishis mightymighty armearm,
wln 2295ThatThat fightsfights forfor honorhonour toto adorneadorn youryour headhead.
wln 2296EnterEnter aa MessengerMessenger.
wln 2297Zen.ZenocrateZen.WhatWhat otherother heauieheavy newsnews nownow bringsbrings PhilemusPhilemus?
wln 2298Phi.PhilemusPhi.MadamMadam, youryour fatherfather andand th’th’ArabianArabian kingking,
wln 2299TheThe firstfirst affecteraffecter ofof youryour excellenceexcellence,
wln 2300ComesComes nownow asas TurnusTurnus gainst’gainst EneasAeneas diddid.
wln 2301ArmedArmed withwith lancelance intointo thethe EgyptianEgyptian fieldsfields,
wln 2302ReadyReady forfor battailebattle gainst’gainst mymy LordLord thethe KingKing.
wln 2303Zen.ZenocrateZen.NowNow shameshame andand dutyduty, louelove andand fearefear presentspresents
wln 2304AA thousandthousand sorrowessorrows toto mymy martyredmartyred soulesoul:
wln 2305WhomWhom shouldshould II wishwish thethe fatallfatal victoryvictory,
wln 2306WhenWhen mymy poorepoor pleasurespleasures areare deuideddivided thusthus,
wln 2307AndAnd racktracked byby dutieduty fromfrom mymy cursedcursed heartheart:
wln 2308MyMy fatherfather andand mymy firstfirst betrothedbetrothed louelove,
wln 2309MustMust fightfight againstagainst mymy lifelife andand presentpresent louelove:
wln 2310WherinWherein thethe changechange II vseuse condemnscondemns mymy faithfaith,
wln 2311AndAnd makesmakes mymy deedsdeeds infamousinfamous throughthrough thethe worldworld.
wln 2312ButBut asas thethe GodsGods toto endend thethe TroyansTrojans’Trojans toiletoil,
wln 2313PreuentedPreuent’dPrevented TurnusTurnus ofof LauiniaLavinia.

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the Scythian Shepheard.

wln 2314AndAnd fatallyfatally enrichtenriched EneasAeneas’ louelove.
wln 2315SoSo forfor aa finallfinal IssueIssue toto mymy griefesgriefs,
wln 2316ToTo pacifiepacify mymy countriecountry andand mymy louelove,
wln 2317MustMust TamburlaineTamburlaine byby theirtheir resistlesseresistless powerspowers,
wln 2318WithWith vertuevirtue ofof aa gentlegentle victorievictory,
wln 2319ConcludeConclude aa leagueleague ofof honorhonour toto mymy hopehope,
wln 2320ThenThen asas thethe powerspowers deuinedivine hauehave preordaindepreordained,
wln 2321WithWith happyhappy saftysafety ofof mymy fathersfather’s lifelife,
wln 2322SendSend likelike defencedefence ofof fairefair ArabiaArabia.

wln 2323TheyThey soundsound toto thethe battailebattle.
wln 2324AndAnd TamburlaineTamburlaine enioyesenjoys thethe victoryvictory,
afterafter ArabiaArabia
wln 2325entersenters woundedwounded.

wln 2326Ar.ArabiaAr.WhatWhat cursedcursed powerpower guidesguides thethe murtheringmurdering handshands,
wln 2327OfOf thisthis infamousinfamous TyrantsTyrant’sTyrants souldierssoldiers.
wln 2328ThatThat nono escapeescape maymay sauesave theirtheir enemiesenemies:
wln 2329NorNor fortunefortune keepkeep them seluesthemselves fromfrom victoryvictory.
wln 2330LyeLie downdown ArabiaArabia, woundedwounded toto thethe deathdeath,
wln 2331AndAnd letlet ZenocratesZenocrate’s fairefair eieseyes beholdebehold
wln 2332ThatThat asas forfor herher thouthou bearstbear’stbearest thesethese wretchedwretched armesarms.
wln 2333EuenEveneven soso forfor herher thouthou diestdiest inin thesethese armesarms:
wln 2334LeauingLeaving thythy bloodblood forfor witnessewitness ofof thythy louelove.
wln 2335zen.zenocratezen.TooToo dearedear aa witnessewitness forfor suchsuch louelove mymy LordLord,
wln 2336BeholdBehold ZenocrateZenocrate, thethe cursedcursed obiectobject
wln 2337WhoseWhose FortunesFortunes neuernever masteredmastered herher griefsgriefs:
wln 2338BeholdBehold herher woundedwounded inin conceitconceit forfor theethee,
wln 2339AsAs muchmuch asas thythy fairefair bodybody isis forfor meme.
wln 2340Ar.ArabiaAr.ThenThen shalshall II diedie withwith fullfull contentedcontented heartheart,
wln 2341HauingHaving beheldbeheld deuinedivine ZenocrateZenocrate,
wln 2342WhoseWhose sightsight withwith ioyjoy wouldwould taketake awayaway mymy lifelife,
wln 2343AsAs nownow itit bringethbringeth sweetnessesweetness toto mymy woundwound,
wln 2344IfIf II hadhad notnot binbeen woundedwounded asas II amam.

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The Conquests of Tamburlaine,

wln 2345AhAh thatthat thethe deadlydeadly pangespangs II suffersuffer nownow,
wln 2346WouldWould lendlend anan howershour’shours licenselicense toto mymy tonguetongue:
wln 2347ToTo makemake discoursediscourse ofof somesome sweetsweet accidentsaccidents
wln 2348HaueHave chanc’dchanced thythy meritsmerits inin thisthis worthlesworthless bondagebondage.
wln 2349AndAnd thatthat II mightmight bebe priuyprivy toto thethe statestate,
wln 2350OfOf thythy deseru’ddeserved contentmentcontentment andand thythy louelove:
wln 2351ButBut makingmaking nownow aa vertuevirtue ofof thythy sightsight,
wln 2352ToTo driuedrive allall sorrowsorrow fromfrom mymy faintingfainting soulesoul:
wln 2353SinceSince DeathDeath deniesdenies meme furtherfurther causecause ofof ioyjoy.
wln 2354Depriu’dDeprived ofof carecare, mymy heartheart withwith comfortcomfort diesdies.
wln 2355SinceSince thythy desireddesired handhand shallshall closeclose minemine eieseyes.

wln 2356EnterEnter TamburlainTamburlaineTamburlain leadingleading thethe SouldaneSoldan, Techel-TechellesTechel∣lesTechellesTechel∣les
wln 2357les,
wln 2357TheridamasTheridamas, VsumeasaneUsumcasaneUsumeasane, withwith othersothers.

wln 2358Tam.TamburlaineTam.ComeCome happyhappy FatherFather ofof ZenocrateZenocrate,
wln 2359AA titletitle higherhigher thanthan thythy SouldansSoldan’ssoldan’s namename:
wln 2360ThoughThough mymy rightright handhand hauehave thusthus enthralledenthralled theethee
wln 2361ThyThy princelyprincely daughterdaughter herehere shallshall setset theethee freefree.
wln 2362SheShe thatthat hathhath calmdecalmed thethe furiefury ofof mymy swordsword.
wln 2363WhichWhich hadhad ereere thisthis binbeen bathdebathed inin streamesstreams ofof bloodblood,
wln 2364AsAs vastvast andand deepdeep asas EuphratesEuphrates oror NileNile.
wln 2365Zen:ZenocrateZen:OO sightsight thricethrice welcomewelcome toto mymy ioifuljoyful soulesoul.
wln 2366ToTo seesee thethe kingking mymy FatherFather issueissue safesafe,
wln 2367FromFrom dangerousdangerous battelbattle ofof mymy conqueringcongueringconquering LoueLove.
wln 2368Soul.SoldanSoldanSoul.WelWell metmet mymy onlyonly dearedear ZenocrateZenocrate,
wln 2369ThoughThough withwith thethe losseloss ofof EgyptEgypt andand mymy CrownCrown.
wln 2370tam.tamburlainetam.Twas’Twas’twas II mymy lordlord thatthat gatgatgot thethe victoryvictory,
wln 2371AndAnd therforetherefore grieuegrieve notnot atat youryour ouerthrowoverthrow.
wln 2372SinceSince II shallshall renderrender allall intointo youryour handshands.
wln 2373AndAnd adadd moremore strengthstrength toto youryour dominionsdominions
wln 2374ThenThen euerever yetyet confirm’dconfirmed th’Egyptianth’Egyptian CrownCrown.

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the Scythian Shepheard.

wln 2375TheThe GodGod ofof warwar resignesresigns hishis roumeroom toto meme,
wln 2376MeaningMeaning toto makemake meme GenerallGeneral ofof thethe worldworld,
wln 2377IoueJovejove viewingviewing meme inin armesarms, lookeslooks palepale andand wanwan,
wln 2378FearingFearing mymy powerpower shouldshould pullpull himhim fromfrom hishis thronethrone,
wln 2379Where ereWhereWhere’erWhereereere II comecome thethe fatallfatal sisterssisterssister’s sweatsweat,
wln 2380AndAnd grieslygrisly deathdeath byby runningrunning toto andand frofro,
wln 2381ToTo doodo theirtheir ceasllesceasslesceaseless homaghomage toto mymy swordsword:
wln 2382AndAnd herehere inin AffrickAfricAfrique wherewhere itit seldomseldom rainesrains,
wln 2383SinceSince II arriu’darrived withwith mymy triumphattriumphant hostehost,
wln 2384HaueHave swellingswelling cloudesclouds drawendrawn fromfrom widewide gaspinggasping
wln 2385 (woundeswounds.
wln 2386BeneBeenbeen oftoft resolu’dresolved inin bloodybloody purplepurple showersshowers,
wln 2387AA meteormeteor thatthat mightmight terrifyterrify thethe earthearth,
wln 2388AndAnd makemake itit quakequake atat eueryevery dropdrop itit drinksdrinks:
wln 2389MillionsMillions ofof soulessouls sitsit onon thethe bankesbanks ofof StyxStyxTamburlaine,
wln 2390WaitingWaiting thethe backback returnereturn ofof CharonsCharon’s boatboat,
wln 2391HellHell andand ElisianElysian swarmeswarm withwith ghostsghosts ofof menmen,
wln 2392ThatThat II hauehave sentsent fromfrom sundrysundry foughtenfoughten fieldsfields.
wln 2393ToTo spreadspread mymy famefame throughthrough hellhell andand vpup toto heauenheaven:
wln 2394AndAnd seesee mymy LordLord, aa sightsight ofof strangestrange importimport,
wln 2395EmperoursEmperors andand kingskings lielie breathlessebreathless atat mymy feetfeet,
wln 2396TheThe TurkTurk andand hishis greatgreat EmperesseEmpress asas itit seemsseems,
wln 2397LeftLeft toto themseluesthemselves whilewhile wewe werewere atat thethe fightfight.
wln 2398HaueHave desperatlydesperately dispatchtdispatched theirtheir slauishslavish liueslives:
wln 2399WithWith themthem ArabiaArabia tootoo hathhath leftleft hishis lifelife,
wln 2400AlAll sightssights ofof powerpower toto gracegrace mymy victoryvictory:
wln 2401AndAnd suchsuch areare obiectsobjects fitfit forfor TamburlaineTamburlaine.
wln 2402WhereinWherein asas inin aa mirrourmirror maymay bebe seeneseen,
wln 2403HisHis honorhonour, thatthat consistsconsists inin sheadingshedding bloodblood,
wln 2404WhenWhen menmen presumepresume toto managemanage armesarms withwith himhim.
wln 2405Soul.SoldanSoldanSoul.MightyMighty hathhath GodGod &and MahometMahomet mademade thythy handhand
wln 2406(RenowmedRenowned tamburlaintamburlaineTamburlaine) toto whomwhom allall kingskings

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The Conquests of Tamburlaine,

wln 2407OfOf forceforce mustmust yeeldyield theirtheir crownescrowns andand EmperiesEmperies,
wln 2408AndAnd II amam pleasdepleased withwith thisthis mymy ouerthrowoverthrow:
wln 2409IfIf asas beseemesbeseems aa personperson ofof thythy statestate,
wln 2410ThouThou hasthast withwith honorhonour vsdeused ZenocrateZenocrate.
wln 2411tamb.tamburlainetamb.HerHer statestate andand personperson wantswants nono pomppomp youyou seesee,
wln 2412AndAnd forfor allall blotblot ofof foulefoul inchastityinchastity,
wln 2413II recordrecord heauenheaven, herhether heauenlyheavenly selfeself isis cleareclear:
wln 2414ThenThen letlet meme findfind nono furtherfurther timetime toto gracegrace
wln 2415HerHer princelyprincely TemplesTemples withwith thethe PerseanPersianpersian crownecrown:
wln 2416ButBut herehere thesethese kingskings thatthat onon mymy fortunesfortunes waitwait:
wln 2417AndAnd hauehave benebeen crown’dcrowned forfor proouedproved worthynesseworthiness,
wln 2418EuenEven byby thisthis handhand thatthat shallshall establishestablish themthem,
wln 2419ShalShall nownow, adioiningadjoining alall theirtheir handshands withwith minemine,
wln 2420InuestInvest herher herehere mymy QueeneQueen ofof PerseaPersia,
wln 2421WhatWhat saithsaith thethe noblenoble SouldaneSoldan andand ZenocrateZenocrate??:
wln 2422Soul.SoldanSoldanSoul.II yeeldyield withwith thanksthanks andand protestationsprotestations
wln 2423OfOf endlesseendless honorhonour toto theethee forfor herher louelove.
wln 2424Tamb.TamburlaineTamb.ThenThen doubtdoubt II notnot butbut fairefair ZenocrateZenocrate
wln 2425WillWill soonesoon consentconsent toto satisfysatisfy vsus bothboth.
wln 2426Zen.ZenocrateZen.ElsElse shouldshould II muchmuch forgetforget my selfmyself, mymy LordLord,
wln 2427Ther.TheridamasTher.ThenThen letlet vsus setset thethe crownecrown vponupon herher headhead,
wln 2428ThatThat longlong hathhath lingredlingered forfor soso highhigh aa seatseat.
wln 2429Tech.TechellesTech.MyMy handhand isis readyready toto performeperform thethe deeddeed,
wln 2430ForFor nownow herher mariagemarriage timetime shallshall workework vsus restrest:
wln 2431Vsum.UsumcasaneVsum.AndAnd her’shere’s thethe crowncrown mymy LordLord, helphelp setset itit onon
wln 2432Tam.TamburlaineTam.ThenThen sitsit thouthou downedown diuinedivine ZenocrateZenocrate,
wln 2433AndAnd herehere wewe crownecrown theethee QueeneQueen ofof PerseaPersia,
wln 2434AndAnd allall thethe kingdomeskingdoms andand dominionsdominions
wln 2435ThatThat latelate thethe powerpower ofof TamburlaineTamburlaine subdewedsubdued:
wln 2436AsAs IunoJunojuno, whenwhen thethe GiantsGiants werewere supprestsuppressed,
wln 2437ThatThat darteddarted mountainesmountmountainsmount aimesainesaims atat herher brotherbrother IoueJovejove:
wln 2438SoSo lookeslooks mymy LoueLove, shadowingshadowing inin herher browesbrows

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the Scythian Shepheard.

wln 2439TriumphesTriumphs andand TropheesTrophies forfor mymy victoriesvictories:
wln 2440OrOr asas LatonasLatona’s daughterdaughter bentbent toto armesarms,
wln 2441AddingAdding moremore couragecourage toto mymy conqueringconquering mindmind,
wln 2442ToTo gratifygratify thethe sweetsweet zenocratezenocrate,
wln 2443EgyptiansEgyptians, MooresMoors andand menmen ofof AsiaAsia,
wln 2444FromFrom BarbaryBarbary vntounto thethe WesterneWestemeWesternwestern IndieIndieindy,
wln 2445ShallShall paypay aa yearlyyearly tributetribute toto thythy SyreSire.
wln 2446AndAnd fromfrom thethe boundesbounds ofof AffrickAfricAfrique toto thethe banksbanks
wln 2447OfOf GangesGanges, shallshall hishis mightymighty armearm extendextend.
wln 2448AndAnd nownow mymy LordsLords andand louingloving followersfollowers,
wln 2449ThatThat purchac’dpurchased kingdomeskingdoms byby youryour matiallmartiallmatiallmartial deedsdeeds,
wln 2450CastCast offoff youryour armorarmour, putput onon scarletscarlet roabesrobes.
wln 2451MountMount vpup youryour royallroyal placesplaces ofof estateestate,
wln 2452EnuironedEnvironed withwith troopestroops ofof noblenoble menmen,
wln 2453AndAnd therethere makemake laweslaws toto rulerule youryour prouincesprovinces:
wln 2454HangHang vpup youryour weaponsweapons onon AlcidesAlcides’ postepost,
wln 2455ForFor TamburlaineTamburlaine takestakes trucetruce withwith alall thethe worldworld..,
wln 2456ThyThy firstfirst betrothedbetrothed, LoueLove ArabiaArabia,
wln 2457ShallShall wewe withwith honorhonour (asas beseemesbeseems) entombeentomb,
wln 2458WithWith thisthis greatgreat TurkeTurk andand hishis fairefair EmperesseEmperesseEmpress:
wln 2459ThenThen afterafter allall thesethese solemnesolemn ExequiesExequies,
wln 2460WeWe wilwill ourour celebratedcelebrated ritesrites ofof mariagemarriage solemnizesolemnize..,

wln 2461FinisFinis ActusActus quintiquinti &et vltimiultimi huiushuius
wln 2462primaeprimae partispartis.

Textual Notes
  1. 1 (1-b) : The regularized reading Tamburlaine is supplied for the original Tamburlain[·].
  2. 32 (4-a) : The regularized reading thee is supplied for the original th[··].
  3. 48 (4-a) : The regularized reading upon is amended from the original vpnon.
  4. 210 (6-b) : It appears that Usumcasane is erroneously spelled with an 'e' in place of 'c'. It has been changed in the regularization throughout.
  5. 265 (7-b) : The regularized reading Stretching is amended from the original Stretthing.
  6. 370 (9-a) : The regularized reading Tamburlaine is amended from the original Taburlain.
  7. 405 (9-b) : The regularized reading renowned is amended from the original renowmed.
  8. 456 (10-b) : The regularized reading renowned is amended from the original renowmed.
  9. 473 (10-b) : The regularized reading with is amended from the original wtth.
  10. 490 (11-a) : The regularized reading So is amended from the original Sa.
  11. 501 (11-a) : The regularized reading Thirsting is amended from the original Thrirsting.
  12. 508 (11-b) : The regularized reading snowy comes from the original snowy, though possible variants include sinewy.
  13. 624 (13-a) : The regularized reading equally is amended from the original equallly.
  14. 629 (13-a) : The regularized reading when is amended from the original whe.
  15. 827 (16-b) : The regularized reading attemptless is amended from the original attemplesse.
  16. 1005 (19-b) : The regularized reading highest is amended from the original higest.
  17. 1108 (21-a) : The regularized reading enjoy is amended from the original eioy.
  18. 1688 (30-b) : The regularized reading presumptuous is amended from the original presumotuous.
  19. 1868 (33-a) : The regularized reading Governor is amended from the original Gouernout.
  20. 2052 (36-a) : The regularized reading tresses is amended from the original treshes.
  21. 2214 (38-b) : The regularized reading ay comes from the original ay, though possible variants include air.
Choose spelling:

First printed edition
Tamburlaine the Great, 1