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ln 0001THETHE
ln 0004WithWith thethe DeathDeath ofof thethe DukeDuke
ln 0005ofof GuiseGuise.

ln 0006AsAs itit waswas plaideplayed byby thethe rightright honourablehonourable thethe
ln 0007LordLord highhigh AdmirallAdmiral hishis SeruantsServants.

ln 0008WrittenWritten byby ChristopherChristopher MarlowMarlowe.

ln 0010PrintedPrinted byby E.E. A.A. forfor EdwardEdward WhiteWhite, dwellingdwelling neerenear
ln 0011thethe littlelittle NorthNorth dooredoor ofof S.St.S. PaulesPaul’s
ln 0012ChurchChurch atat thethe signesign ofof
ln 0013thethe GunGun.

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wln 0001THETHE

wln 0004VVithWith thethe DeathDeath ofof thethe
wln 0005DukeDuke ofof GuiseGuise.

wln 0006EnterEnter CharlesCharles thethe FrenchFrench KingKing, thethe QueeneQueen MotherMother,
wln 0007thethe KingKing ofof NauarreNavarre, thethe PrincePri●cePrince ofof CondyeCondéCondy, thethe
wln 0008LordLord highhigh AdmirallAdmiral, andand thethe QueeneQueen ofof NauarreNavarre,
wln 0009withwith othersothers.

wln 0010CharlesCharles.
wln 0011PRincePrincePRincePRince ofof NauarreNavarre mymy honourablehonourable
wln 0012 brotherbrother,
wln 0013PrincePrince CondyCondéCondy, andand mymy goodgood LordLord
wln 0014 AdmirallAdmiral,
wln 0015II wisheWishewishWish thisthis vnionunion andand religiousreligious leagueleague,
wln 0016KnitKnit inin thesethese handshands thusthus ioyn’djoined inin nuptiallnuptial ritesrites,
wln 0017MayMay notnot desoluedissolve, tilltill deathdeath desoluedissolve ourour liueslives,
wln 0018AndAnd thatthat thethe natiuenative sparkessparks ofof princelyprincely louelove,

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The Massacre

wln 0019ThatThat kindledkindled firstfirst thisthis motionmotion inin ourour heartshearts:
wln 0020MayMay stillstill bebe feweldfueled inin ourour progenyeprogeny.
wln 0021NauarNauar.NavarreNavar..TheThe manymany fauoursfavours whichwhich youryour gracegrace
wln 0022 hathhath showneshown,
wln 0023FromFrom timetime toto timetime, butbut speciallyspecially inin thisthis:
wln 0024ShallShall bindebind meme euerever toto youryour highneshighness’ willwill,
wln 0025InIn whatwhat QueenQueen MotherMother oror youryour gracegrace commandscommands.
wln 0026OldOld Qu.QueenQu.ThanksThanks sonneson NauarreNavarre, youyou seesee wewe louelove
wln 0027 youyou wellwell,
wln 0028ThatThat linkelink youyou inin mariagemarriage withwith ourour daughterdaughter heerhere:
wln 0029AndAnd asas youyou knowknow ourour differencedifference inin ReligionReligion,
wln 0030MightMight bebe aa meanesmeans toto crossecross youyou inin youryour louelove.
wln 0031CharlesCharles.WellWell MadamMadam, letlet thatthat restrest:
wln 0032AndAnd nownow mymy LordsLords thethe mariagemarriage ritesrites perfourm’dperformed,
wln 0033WeWe thinkthink itit goodgood toto goego andand consumateconsummate thethe restrest,
wln 0034WithWith hearinghearing ofof aa holyholy MasseMass: SisterSister, II thinkthink
wln 0035your selfeyourself willwill bearebear vsus companycompany.
wln 0036Q.QueenQ. Mar.MargaretMar.II willwill mymy goodgood LordLord,
wln 0037CharlesCharles.TheThe restrest thatthat willwill notnot goego (mymy LordsLords)
wln 0038 maymay staystay:
wln 0039ComeCome MotherMother letlet vsus goego toto honorhonour thisthis solemnitiesolemnity.
wln 0040OldOld Q.QueenQ.VVhichWhich IleI’ll desoluedissolve withwith bloudblood
wln 0041 andand crueltiecruelty.
wln 0042ExitExit thethe KingKing, QQueenQ MotherMother, andand thethe Q.QueenQ. ofof NauarNavarreNavar,
wln 0043andand manetmanet NauarNavarreNavar, thethe PrincePrince ofof CondyCondéCondy, andand
wln 0044thethe LordLord highhigh AdmirallAdmiral.

wln 0045NauarNauar.NavarreNavar..PrincePrince CondyCondéCondy andand mymy goodgood L.LordL. AdmiralAdmiral,
wln 0046NowNow GuiseGuise maymay stormestorm butbut doedo vsus littlelittle hurthurt:
wln 0047HauingHaving thethe KingKing, Qu.QueenQu. MotherMother onon ourour sidessides,
wln 0048ToTo stopstop thethe mallicemalice ofof hishis enuiousenvious heartheart,

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The Massacre

wln 0049ThatThat seekesseeks toto murdermurder allall thethe ProtestantsProtestants:
wln 0050HaueHave youyou notnot heardheard ofof latelate howhow hehe decreeddecreed,
wln 0051IfIf thatthat thethe KingKing hadhad giuengiven consentconsent theretothereto,
wln 0052ThatThat allall thethe protestantsprotestants thatthat areare inin ParisParis,
wln 0053ShouldShould hauehave beenbeen murderedmurdered thethe otherother nightnight?
wln 0054Ad.AdmiralMyMy LordLord II meruailemarvel thatthat th’aspiringth’aspiring GuiseGuise,
wln 0055DaresDares onceonce aduentureadventure withoutwithout thethe KingsKing’sking’s consentconsent,
wln 0056ToTo meddlemeddle oror attemptattempt suchsuch dangerousdangerous thingsthings.
wln 0057Con.CondéCon.MyMy L.LordL. youyou needneed notnot meruailemarvel atat thethe GuiseGuise,
wln 0058ForFor whatwhat hehe dothdoth thethe PopePope willwill ratifieratify:
wln 0059InIn murdermurder, mischeefemischief, oror inin tirannytyranny.
wln 0060Na.NavarreNa.ButBut hehe thatthat sitssits andand rulesrules aboueabove thethe clowdesclouds,
wln 0061DothDoth hearehear andand seesee thethe praiersprayers ofof thethe iustjust:
wln 0062AndAnd willwill reuengerevenge thethe bloudblood ofof innocentsinnocents,
wln 0063ThatThat GuiseGuise hathhath slaineslain byby treasontreason ofof hishis heartheart,
wln 0064AndAnd broughtbrought byby murdermurder toto theirtheir timelestimeless endsends.
wln 0065Ad.AdmiralMyMy LordLord, butbut diddid youyou markmark thethe CardinallCardinal,
wln 0066TheThe GuisesGuise’s brotherbrother andand thethe DukeDuke DumainDumaineDumain:
wln 0067HowHow theythey diddid stormestorm atat thesethese youryour nuptiallnuptialnuptiallritesnuptial ritesrites,
wln 0068BecauseBecause thethe househouse ofof BurbonBourbon nownow comescomes inin,
wln 0069AndAnd ioynesjoins youryour linnagelineage toto thethe crownecrown ofof FranceFrance?
wln 0070Na,NavarreNa,AndAnd thatsthat’s yethethe causecause thatthat GuiseGuise soso frownsfrowns atat vsus,
wln 0071AndAnd beatesbeats hishis brainesbrains toto catchcatch vsus inin hishis traptrap:
wln 0072WhichWhich hehe hathhath pitchtpitched withinwithin hishis deadlydeadly toyletoil.
wln 0073ComeCome mymy LordsLords letslet’s gogo toto thethe ChurchChurch andand prayprayprey,
wln 0074ThatThat GodGod maymay stillstill defenddefend thethe rightright ofof FranceFrance:
wln 0075AndAnd makemake hishis GospelGospel flourishflourish inin thisthis landland.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 0076EnterEnter thethe DukeDuke ofof GuiseGuise.
wln 0077GuiseGuise.IfIf euerever HymenHymen lowr’dloured atat marriagemarriage ritesrites,
wln 0078AndAnd hadhad hishis altersaltars decktdecked withwith duskiedusky lighteslights:
If euer

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The Massacre

wln 0079IfIf euerever sunnesun staindestained heauenheaven withwith bloudybloody clowdesclouds,
wln 0080AndAnd mademade it〈◊〉it looklook withwith terrourterror onon thethe worldeworld:
wln 0081IfIf euerever dayday werewere turndeturnedturned toto vglyugly nightnight.
wln 0082AndAnd nightnight mademade semblancesemblance ofof thethe huehue ofof hellhell,
wln 0083ThisThis dayday, thisthis hourehour, thisthis fatallfatal nightnight,
wln 0084ShallShall fullyfully shewshow thethe furyfury ofof themthem allall,
wln 0085ApothecarieApothecary.
wln 0086EnterEnter thethe PothecariePothecary.
wln 0087Pothe.PothecaryPothe.MyMy LordLord.
wln 0088GuiseGuise.NowNow shallshall II proueprove andand guerdonguerdon toto thethe fulfull,
wln 0089TheThe louelove thouthou bear’stbear’stbearest vntounto thethe househouse ofof GuiseGuise:
wln 0090WhereWhere areare thosethose perfumedperfumed glouesgloves whichwhich II sentsent
wln 0091ToTo bebe poysonedpoisoned, hasthast thouthou donedone themthem? speakespeak,
wln 0092WillWill eueryevery sauoursavour breedbreed aa panguepang ofof deathdeath?
wln 0093Pothe.PothecaryPothe.SeeSee wherewhere theythey bebe mymy goodgood LordLord,
wln 0094AndAnd hehe thatthat smellessmells butbut toto themthem, dyesdies.
wln 0095GuiseGuise.ThenThen thouthou remainestremainest resoluteresolute.
wln 0096Pothe.PothecaryPothe.II amam mymy LordLord, inin whatwhat youryour gracegrace
wln 0097commaundescommands tilltill deathdeath.
wln 0098GuiseGuise.ThankesThanks mymy goodgood freendfriend, II wilwill requiterequite thythy (louelove,
wln 0099GoeGo thenthen presentpresent themthem toto thethe QueeneQueen NauarreNavarre:
wln 0100ForFor sheshe isis thatthat hugehuge blemishblemish inin ourour eyeeye,
wln 0101ThatThat makesmakes thesethese vpstartupstart heresiesheresies inin FraunceFrance:
wln 0102BeBe gonegone mymy freendfriend presentpresent themthem toto herher straitestraight.
wln 0103SouldyerSoldier.ExitExit PothePothecaryPothe.
wln 0104EnterEnter aa SouldierSoldier.
wln 0105Soul.SoldierMyMy LordLord,
wln 0106GuiseGuise.NowNow comecome thouthou forthforth andand playplay thythy
wln 0107 tragicktragic partpart.
wln 0108StandStand inin somesome windowwindow openingopening neerenear thethe streetstreet,

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at Paris.

wln 0109AndAnd whenwhen thouthou seestseest thethe AdmirallAdmiral rideride byby,
wln 0110DischargeDischarge thythy musketmusket andand perfourmeperform hishis deathdeath:
wln 0111AndAnd thenthen IleI’ll guerdonguerdon theethee withwith storestore ofof crownescrowns.
wln 0112Soul.SoldierII willwill mymy LordLord.ExitExit SouldiSouldierSouldi.
wln 0113GuiseGuise.NowNow GuiseGuise beginsbegins thosethose deepedeep ingendredengendered
wln 0114 thoughtsthoughts,
wln 0115ToTo burstburst abroadabroad thosethose neuernever dyingdying flamesflames,
wln 0116WhichWhich cannotcannot bebe extinguishtextinguished butbut byby bloudblood.
wln 0117OftOft hauehave II leueldlevelled, andand atat lastlast hauehave learndlearned,
wln 0118ThatThat perillperil isis thethe cheefestchiefest wayway toto happineshappiness,
wln 0119AndAnd resolutionresolution honorshonour'shonours fairestfairest aimeaim.
wln 0120WhatWhat gloryglory isis therethere inin aa commoncommon goodgood,
wln 0121ThatThat hangeshangs forfor eueryevery peasantpeasant toto atchiueachieve?
wln 0122ThatThat likelike II bestbest thatthat flyesflies beyondbeyond mymy reachreach,
wln 0123SetSet meme toto scalescale thethe highhigh PeramidesPyramidspyramids,
wln 0124AndAnd thereonthereon setset thethe DiademDrademDiadem ofof FraunceFrance,
wln 0125IleI’ll eithereither rendrend itit withwith mymy naylesnails toto naughtnaught,
wln 0126OrOr mountmount thethe toptop withwith mymy aspiringaspiring wingeswings,
wln 0127AlthoughAlthough mymy downfalldownfall bebe thethe deepestdeepest hellhell.
wln 0128ForFor thisthis, II wakewake, whenwhen othersothers thinkthink II sleepesleep,
wln 0129ForFor thisthis, II waitewait, thatthat scornesscorns attendanceattendance elseelse:
wln 0130ForFor thisthis, mymy quenchlesquenchless thirstthirst whereonwhereon II buildebuild,
wln 0131HathHath oftenoften pleadedpleaded kindredkindred toto thethe KingKing.
wln 0132ForFor thisthis, thisthis headhead, thisthis heartheart, thisthis handhand andand swordesword,
wln 0133ContriuesContrives, imaginesimagines andand fullyfully executesexecutes,
wln 0134MattersMatters ofof importeimport, aimdeaimed atat byby manymany,
wln 0135YetYet vnderstoodeunderstood byby nonenone.
wln 0136ForFor thisthis, hathhath heauenheaven engendredengendered meme ofof earthearth,
wln 0137ForFor thisthis, thisthis earthearth sustainessustains mymy bodiesbody’sBody’s waightweight,
wln 0138AndAnd withwith thisthis wiatweightwiat IleI’ll counterpoisecounterpoise aa CrowneCrown,

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at Paris.

wln 0139OrOr withwith seditionsseditions wearyweary allall thethe worldeworld:
wln 0140ForFor thisthis, fromfrom SpaineSpain thethe statelystately CatholickesCatholics,
wln 0141SendsSends IndianIndian goldegold toto coynecoin meme FrenchFrench ecuesecus:
wln 0142ForFor thisthis hauehave II aa largesselargesse fromfrom thethe PopePope,
wln 0143AA pensionpension andand aa dispensationdispensation tootoo:
wln 0144AndAnd byby thatthat priuiledgeprivilege toto workework vponupon,
wln 0145MyMy policyepolicy hathhath framdeframed religionreligion,
wln 0146ReligionReligion: OOOh DiaboleDiabole.
wln 0147FyeFie, II amam ashamdeashamed how euerhowever thatthat II seemeseem,
wln 0148ToTo thinkthink aa wordword ofof suchsuch aa simplesimple soundsound,
wln 0149OfOf soso greatgreat mattermatter shouldshould bebe mademade thethe groundground.
wln 0150TheThe gentlegentle KingKing whosewhose pleasurepleasure vncontroldeuncontrolled,
wln 0151WeaknethWeakeneth hishis bodybody, andand willwill wastewaste hishis RealmeRealm,
wln 0152IfIf II repairerepair notnot whatwhat hehe ruinatesruinates:
wln 0153HimHim asas aa childechild II daylydaily winnewin withwith wordswords,
wln 0154SoSo thatthat forfor proofeproof, hehe barelybarely bearesbears thethe namename:
wln 0155II executeexecute, andand hehe sustainessustains thethe blameblame.
wln 0156TheThe MotherMother QueeneQueen workesworks wonderswonders forfor mymy
wln 0157 sakesake,
wln 0158AndAnd inin mymy louelove entombesentombs thethe hopehope ofof FraunceFrance:
wln 0159RiflingRifling thethe bowelsbowels ofof herher treasurietreasury,
wln 0160ToTo supplysupply mymy wantswants andand necessitienecessity.
wln 0161ParisParis hathhath fullfull fiuefive hundredhundred ColledgesColleges,
wln 0162AsAs MonestariesMonasteriesmonasteries, PrioriesPriories, AbbyesAbbeys andand halleshalls,
wln 0163WhereinWherein areare thirtiethirty thousandthousand ableable menmen,
wln 0164BesidesBesides aa thousandthousand sturdysturdy studentstudent CatholicksCatholics,
wln 0165AndAnd moremore ofof mymy knowledgeknowledge inin oneone cloystercloister keepskeeps,
wln 0166FiueFive hundredhundred fattefat FranciscanFranciscan FryersFriars andand priestespriests.
wln 0167AllAll thisthis andand moremore, ifif moremore maymay bebe comprisdecomprised,
wln 0168ToTo bringbring thethe willwill ofof ourour desiresdesires toto endend.

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The Massacre

wln 0169ThenThen GuiseGuise sincesince thouthou hasthast allall thethe CardesCards,
wln 0170WithinWithin thythy handshands toto shuffleshuffle oror cutcut, taketake thisthis asas
wln 0171 surestsurest thingthing:
wln 0172ThatThat rightright oror wrongwrong, thouthou dealedeal thy selfethyself aa KingKing.
wln 0173IAyI butbut, NauarreNavarre, NauarreNavarre, tis’tis butbut aa nooknook ofof FranceFrance,
wln 0174SufficientSufficient yetyet forfor suchsuch aa pettiepetty KingKing:
wln 0175ThatThat withwith aa rablementrabblement ofof hishis hereticksheretics,
wln 0176BlindesBlinds EuropsEurope’s eyeseyes andand troublethtroubleth ourour estateestate:
wln 0177HimHim willwill wewePointingPointing toto hishis SwordeSword.
wln 0178ButBut firstfirst letslet’s followfollow thosethose inin FranceFrance,
wln 0179ThatThat hinderhinder ourour possessionpossession toto thethe crownecrown:
wln 0180AsAs CæsarCaesarCaesar toto hishis souldierssoldiers, soso saysay II:
wln 0181ThoseThose thatthat hatehate meme, willwill II learnlearn toto loathloathe.
wln 0182GiueGive meme aa looklook, thatthat whenwhen II bendbend thethe browesbrows,
wln 0183PalePale deathdeath maymay walkewalk inin furrowesfurrows ofof mymy faceface:
wln 0184AA handhand, thatthat withwith aa graspegrasp maymay gripegripe thethe worldworld,
wln 0185AnAn eareear, toto hearehear whatwhat mymy detractorsdetractors saysay,
wln 0186AA royallroyal seateseat, aa sceptersceptre andand aa crownecrown:
wln 0187ThatThat thosethose whichwhich doedo beholdebehold, theythey maymay becomebecome
wln 0188AsAs menmen thatthat standstand andand gasegaze againstagainst thethe SunneSun.
wln 0189TheThe plotplot isis laidelaid, andand thingsthings shallshall comecome toto passepass:
wln 0190WhereWhere resolutionresolution striuesstrives forfor victoryvictory.ExitExit.

wln 0191EnterEnter thethe KingKing ofof NauarNavarreNavar andand QueenQueen, andand hishis MotherMother
wln 0192QueenQueen, thethe PrincePrince ofof CondyCondéCondy, thethe AdmirallAdmiral, andand
wln 0193thethe PothecaryPothecary withwith thethe glouesgloves, andand giuesgives themthem toto
wln 0194thethe oldeold QueeneQueen.

wln 0195Pothe.PothecaryPothe.MaddameMadammadam, II beseechbeseech youryour gracegrace toto
wln 0196exceptaccept thisthis simplesimple giftgift.

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The Massacre

wln 0197OldOld Qu.QueenQu.ThanksThanks mymy goodgood freendfriend, holdehold taketake
wln 0198thouthou thisthis rewardreward.
wln 0199Pothe.PothecaryPothe.II humblyhumbly thankthank youryour MaiestieMajesty.ExitExit PoPothecaryPo.
wln 0200OldOld Qu.QueenQu.Me thinkesMethinksmethinks thethe glouesgloves hauehave aa veryvery
wln 0201 strongstrong perfumeperfume,
wln 0202TheThe sentscent whereofwhereof dothdoth makemake mymy headhead toto akeache.
wln 0203NauarNauar.NavarreNavar..DothDoth notnot youryour gracegrace knowknow thethe manman
wln 0204thatthat gauegave themthem youyou?
wln 0205OldOld QuQueenNotNot welwell, butbut dodo rememberremember suchsuch aa manman.
wln 0206AdAdmiralAdYourYour gracegrace waswas illill aduisdeadvised toto taketake thēthēthem thenthen,
wln 0207ConsideringConsidering ofof thesethese dangerousdangerous timestimes.
wln 0208OldOld QuQueenHelpHelp sonneson NauarreNavarre II amam poysonedpoisoned.
wln 0209QQueenQ Mar.MargaretMar.TheThe heauensheavens forbidforbid youryour highneshighness
wln 0210 suchsuch mishapmishap.
wln 0211NauarNauar.NavarreNavar..TheThe latelate suspitionsuspicion ofof thethe DukeDuke ofof GuiseGuise,
wln 0212MightMight wellwell hauehave mouedmoved youryour highneshighness toto bewarebeware:
wln 0213HowHow youyou diddid meddlemeddle withwith suchsuch dangerousdangerous giftesgifts.
wln 0214Q.QueenQ. Mar.MargaretMar.TooToo latelate itit isis mymy LordLord ifif thatthat bebe truetrue
wln 0215ToTo blameblame herher highneshighness, butbut II hopehope itit bebe
wln 0216OnlyOnly somesome naturallnatural passionpassion makesmakes herher sickesick.
wln 0217O[*]dOOldO d worser QuQueenOO nono, sweetsweet MargretMarg’ret, thethe fatallfatal poysonpoison
wln 0218WorkesWorks withinwithin mymy headhead, mymy brainbrain panpan breakesbreaks,
wln 0219MyMy heartheart dothdoth faintfaint, II dyedie.SheShe dyesdies.
wln 0220NauarNauar.NavarreNavar..MyMy MotherMother poysonedpoisoned heerehere beforebefore
wln 0221 mymy faceface:
wln 0222OOOh graciousgracious GodGod, whatwhat timestimes areare thesethese?
wln 0223OO grauntgrant sweetsweet GodGod mymy daiesdays maymay endend withwith hershers,
wln 0224ThatThat II withwith herher maymay dyedie andand liuelive againeagain.
wln 0225Q.QueenQ. Mar.MargaretMar.LetLet notnot thisthis heauyheavy chauncechance
wln 0226 mymy dearestdearest LordLord,

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at Paris.

wln 0227(ForForwhoseFor whosewhose effectseffects mymy soulesoul isis massacredmassacred)
wln 0228Infectinfect●nfectInfect thythy graciousgracious brestbreast withwith freshfresh supplysupply,
wln 0229Toto●oTo agrauateaggravate ourour sodainesudden miseriemisery.
wln 0230Ad.AdmiralComeCome mymy LordsLords letlet vsus bearebear herher bodybody (hencehence,
wln 0231Andand●ndAnd seesee itit honouredhonoured withwith iustjust solemnitiesolemnity.
wln 0232AsAs theythey areare goinggoing, thethe SouldierSoldier dischargethdischargeth hishis
wln 0233MusketMusket atat thethe LordLord AdmirallAdmiral.

wln 0234CondyCondéCondy,VVhatWhat areare youyou hurthurt mymy L.LordL. highhigh AdmiralAdmiral?
wln 0235Admi.AdmiralIAyI mymy goodgood LordLord shotshot throughthrough thethe armearm.
wln 0236NauarNauar.NavarreNavar..VVeWe areare betraidebetrayed comecome mymy LordsLords,
wln 0237andand letlet vsus goego telltell thethe KingKing ofof thisthis.
wln 0238Admi.AdmiralTheseThese areare thethe cursedcursed GuisiansGuisians thatthat doedo
wln 0239 seekeseek ourour deathdeath.
wln 0240OhOhO fatallfatal waswas thisthis mariagemarriage toto vsus allall.
wln 0241TheyThey bearebear awayaway thethe QueeneQueen andand goego outout.

wln 0242EnterEnter thethe KingKing, QueeneQueen MotherMother, DukeDuke ofof GuiseGuise,
wln 0243DukeDuke AnioyAnjouAnjoy, DukeDuke DemayneDumaineDemayne.

wln 0244QueeneQueen MotherMother.
wln 0245MyMy noblenoble sonneson, andand princelyprincely DukeDuke ofof GuiseGuise,
wln 0246NowNow hauehave wewe gotgot thethe fatallfatal straglingstraggling deeredeer:
wln 0247VVithinWithin thethe compassecompass ofof aa deadlydeadly toyletoil,
wln 0248AndAnd asas wewe latelate decreeddecreed wewe maymay perfourmeperform.
wln 0249KingKing.MadamMadam, itit wilbewill be notednoted throughthrough thethe worldworld,
wln 0250AnAn actionaction bloudybloody andand tirannicalltyrannical:
wln 0251CheefelyChiefly sincesince vnderunder safetiesafety ofof ourour wordword,
wln 0252TheyThey iustlyjustly challengechallenge theirtheir protectionprotection:
wln 0253BesidesBesides mymy heartheart relentesrelents thatthat noblenoble menmen,
wln 0254OnelyOnly corruptedcorrupted inin religionreligion, LadiesLadies ofof honorhonour,

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The Massacre

wln 0255KnightesKnights andand GentlemenGentlemen, shouldshould forfor theirtheir con-consciencecon∣scienceconscience
wln 0256science
wln 0256tastetaste suchsuch ruthelesruthless endsends.
wln 0257AnioyAnioy.AnjouAnjoy..ThoughThough gentlegentle mindesminds shouldshould pittiepity
wln 0258 othersother’sothers painespains,
wln 0259YetYet willwill thethe wisestwisest notenote theirtheir properproper greefesgriefs:
wln 0260AndAnd ratherrather seekeseek toto scourgescourge theirtheir enemiesenemies,
wln 0261ThenThanThen bebe themseluesthemselves basebase subiectssubjects toto thethe whipwhip.
wln 0262GuiseGuise.Me thinkesMethinksmethinks mymy LordLord, AnioyAnjouAnjoy hathhath wellwell
wln 0263 aduisdeadvised,
wln 0264YourYour highneshighness toto considerconsider ofof thethe thingthing,
wln 0265AndAnd ratherrather chusechoose toto seekseckseeksack youryour countriescountry’scountries goodgood,
wln 0266ThenThanThen pittiepity oror releeuerelieve thesethese vpstartvpupstartup start start hereticksheretics.
wln 0267QueeneQueen.II hopehope thesethese reasonsreasons maymay serueserve mymy
wln 0268 princelyprincely SonneSon,
wln 0269ToTo hauehave somesome carecare forfor fearefear ofof enemiesenemies:
wln 0270KingKing.WellWell MadamMadam, II referrerefer itit toto youryour MaiestieMajesty,
wln 0271AndAnd toto mymy NephewNephew heerehere thethe DukeDuke ofof GuiseGuise:
wln 0272WhatWhat youyou determinedetermine, II willwill ratifieratify.
wln 0273QueeneQueen.ThankesThanks toto mymy princelyprincely sonneson, thenthen telltell
wln 0274 meme GuiseGuise,
wln 0275WhatWhat orderorder wilwill youyou setset downedown forfor thethe MassacreMassacre?
wln 0276GuiseGuise.ThusThus MadameMadammadam.
wln 0277TheyThey thatthat shalbeshall be actorsactors inin thisthis MassacreMassacre,
wln 0278ShallShall wearewear whitewhite crossescrosses onon theirtheir BurgonetsBurgonets:
wln 0279AndAnd tyetie whitewhite linnenlinen scarfesscarves aboutabout theirtheir armesarms.
wln 0280HeHe thatthat wanteswants thesethese, andand isis suspectedsuspected ofof heresieheresy,
wln 0281ShallShall dyedie, bebe hehe KingKing oror EmperourEmperor.
wln 0282ThenThen IleI’ll hauehave aa pealepeal ofof ordinanceordinance shotshot fromfrom thethe
wln 0283 towertower,
wln 0284AtAt whichwhich theythey allall shallshall issueissue outout andand setset thethe streetesstreets.

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at Paris.

wln 0285AndAnd thenthen thethe watchwordwatchword beingbeing giuengiven, aa bellbell shallshall
wln 0286 ringring,
wln 0287WhichWhich whenwhen theythey hearehear, theythey shallshall beginbegin toto killkill:
wln 0288AndAnd neuernever ceasecease vntilluntil thatthat bellbell shallshall ceasecease,
wln 0289ThenThen breathbreathe aa whilewhile.
wln 0290EnterEnter thethe AdmiralsAdmiral’sadmiral’s manman.
wln 0291KingKing.HowHow nownow fellowfellow, whatwhat newesnews?
wln 0292Man.Man.AndAnd itit pleaseplease youryour gracegrace thethe LordLord highhigh
wln 0293 AdmirallAdmiral,
wln 0294RidingRiding thethe streetesstreets waswas traiterouslytraitorously shotshot,
wln 0295AndAnd mostmost humblehumbly intreatesentreats youryour MaiestieMajesty
wln 0296ToTo visitevifitevisit himhim sicksick inin hishis bedbed.
wln 0297KingKing.MessengerMessenger, telltell himhim II willwill seesee himhim straitestraight.
wln 0298ExitExit MessengerMessenger.
wln 0299WhatWhat shallshall wewe doedo nownow withwith thethe AdmirallAdmiral?
wln 0300Qu.QueenQu.YourYour MaiestyMajesty werewere bestbest goego visitevisit himhim,
wln 0301AndAnd makemake aa shewshow asas ifif allall werewere wellwell.
wln 0302KingKing.ContentContent, II willwill goego visitevisit thethe AdmirallAdmiral.
wln 0303GuiseGuise.AndAnd II willwill goego taketake orderorder forfor hishis deathdeath.
wln 0304ExitExit GuiseGuise.
wln 0305EnterEnter thethe AdmirallAdmiral inin hishis bedbed.
wln 0306KingKing.HowHow faresfares itit withwith mymy LordLord highhigh AdmiralAdmiral,
wln 0307HathHath hehe beenbeen hurthurt withwith villainesvillains inin thethe streetstreet?
wln 0308II vowvow andand sweareswear asas II amam KingKing ofof FranceFrance,
wln 0309ToTo findefind andand toto repayrepay thethe manman withwith deathdeath:
wln 0310WithWith deathdeath delay’ddelayed andand tormentstorments neuernever vsdeused,
wln 0311ThatThat durstdurst presumepresume forfor hopehope ofof anyany gainegain,
wln 0312ToTo hurthurt thethe noblenoble manman theirtheir soueraignsovereign louesloves.
wln 0313Ad.AdmiralAhAh mymy goodgood LordLord, thesethese areare thethe GuisiansGuisians,
wln 0314ThatThat seekeseek toto massacremassacre ourour guiltlesguiltless liueslives.

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at Paris.

wln 0315KingKing.AssureAssure your selfeyourself mymy goodgood LordLord AdmirallAdmiral,
wln 0316II deepelydeeply sorrowsorrow forfor youryour trecheroustreacherous wrongwrong:
wln 0317AndAnd thatthat II amam notnot moremore securesecure my selfemyself,
wln 0318ThenThan II amam carefullcareful youyou shouldshould bebe preseruedpreserved.
wln 0319CosinCousincousin, taketake twentytwenty ofof ourour strongeststrongest guardeguard,
wln 0320AndAnd vnderunder youryour directiondirection seesee theythey keepkeep,
wln 0321AllAll trecheroustreacherous violenceviolence fromfrom ourour noblenoble freendfriend,
wln 0322RepayingRepaying allall attemptsattempts withwith presentpresent deathdeath,
wln 0323VponUpon thethe cursedcursed breakersbreakers ofof ourour peacepeace.
wln 0324AndAnd soso bebe pacientpatient goodgood LordLord AdmirallAdmiral,
wln 0325AndAnd eueryevery howerhour II willwill visitevisit youyou.
wln 0326Admi.AdmiralII humblyhumbly thankthank youryour royallroyal MaiestieMajesty.
wln 0327ExeuntExeunt omnesomnes.
wln 0328EnterEnter GuiseGuise, AnioyAnjouAnjoy, DumaineDumaine, GonzagoGonzago, RetesRetes,
wln 0329MontsorrellMontsorrell, andand SouldiersSoldiers toto thethe massacremassacre.

wln 0330GuiseGuise.
wln 0331AnioyAnjouAnjoy, DumaineDumaine, GonzagoGonzago, RetesRetes,
wln 0332SweareSwear byby thethe argentargent crossescrosses inin youryour burgonetsburgonersburgonets,
wln 0333ToTo killkill allall thatthat youyou suspectsuspect ofof heresieheresy.
wln 0334Dumain.DumaineDumain.II sweareswear byby thisthis toto bebe vnmercifullunmerciful.
wln 0335AnioyAnioy.AnjouAnjoy..II amam disguisdedisguised andand nonenone knowsknows
wln 0336 whowho II amam.
wln 0337AndAnd therforetherefore meanemean toto murdermurder allall II meetmeet.
wln 0338Gonza.GonzagoGonza.AndAnd soso willwill II.
wln 0339Retes.RetesRetes.AndAnd II.
wln 0340GuiseGuise.AwayAway thenthen, breakbreak intointo thethe AdmiralsAdmiral’sadmiral’s (househouse,
wln 0341Retes.RetesRetes.IAyI letlet thethe AdmirallAdmiral bebe firstfirst dispatchtdispatchrdispatcheddispatcher.
wln 0342GuiseGuise.TheThe AdmirallAdmiral cheefechief standardstandard bearerbearer
wln 0343toto thethe LutheranesLutherans,
wln 0344ShallShall inin thethe entranceentrance ofof thisthis MassacreMassacre,

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at Paris.

wln 0345BeBe murderedmurdered inin hishis bedbed. GonzagoGonzago conductconduct themthem
wln 0346 thitherthither,
wln 0347AndAnd thenthen besetbeset hishis househouse thatthat notnot aa manman maymay liuelive.
wln 0348AnioyAnioy.AnjouAnjoy..ThatThat chargecharge isis minemine, SwizersSwizzers keepekeep youyou
wln 0349 thethe streetesstreets,
wln 0350AndAnd atat echeach cornercorner shallshall thethe KingsKing’sking’s gardeguard standstand.
wln 0351GonzagoGonzago.ComeCome sirssirs followfollow meme.
wln 0352ExitExit GonzagoGonzago andand othersothers withwith himhim.
wln 0353AnioyAnioy.AnjouAnjoy..CosinCousin, thethe CaptaineCaptain ofof thethe AdmiralsAdmiral’sadmiral’s
wln 0354 guardeguard,
wln 0355Plac’dPlaced byby mymy brotherbrother, willwill betraybetray hishis LordLord:
wln 0356NowNow GuiseGuise shallshall catholiquescatholics flourishflourish onceonce againeagain,
wln 0357TheThe headhead beingbeing ofof, thethe membersmembers cannotcannot standstand.
wln 0358Retes.RetesRetes.ButBut looklook mymy LordLord, ther’sthere’s somesome inin thethe
wln 0359 AdmiralsAdmiral’sadmiral’s househouse.
wln 0360EnterEnter intointo thethe AdmiralsAdmiral’sadmiral’s househouse,
wln 0361andand hehe inin hishis bedbed.

wln 0362AnioyAnioy.AnjouAnjoy..InIn luckylucky timetime, comecome letlet vsus keepkeep thisthis lanelane,
wln 0363AndAnd slayslay hishis seruantsservants thatthat shallshall issueissue outout.
wln 0364Gonza,GonzagoGonzaWhereWhere isis thethe AdmirallAdmiral?
wln 0365Admi.AdmiralOO letlet meme praypray beforebefore II dyedie.
wln 0366Gonza.GonzagoGonza.ThenThen praypray vntounto ourour LadyeLady,
wln 0367kissekiss thisthis crossecross.StabStab himhim.
wln 0368Admi.AdmiralOO GodGod forgiueforgive mymy sinssins.
wln 0369GuiseGuise,GonzagoGonzago, whatwhat, isis hehe deaddead?
wln 0370Gonza.GonzagoGonza.IAyI mymy LordLord.
wln 0371GuiseGuise.ThenThen throwthrow himhim downdown.
wln 0372AnioyAnioy.AnjouAnjoy..NowNow cosincousin viewview himhim wellwell, itit maymay bebe itit isis
wln 0373somesome otherother, andand hehe escapteescaped.
wln 0374GuiseGuise.CosinCousin tis’tis hehe, II knowknow himhim byby hishis looklook.

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The Massacre

wln 0375SeeSee wherewhere mymy SouldierSoldier shotshot himhim throughthrough thethe armarm.
wln 0376HeHe mistmissed himhim neernear, butbut wewe hauehave strookstruck himhim nownow.
wln 0377AhAh basebase ShatillianChatillion andand degeneratedegenerate, cheefchief standardstandard
wln 0378bearerbearer toto thethe LutheranesLutherans,
wln 0379ThusThus inin despitedespite ofof thythy ReligionReligion,
wln 0380TheThe DukeDuke ofof GuiseGuise stampesstamps onon thythy liueleslifeless bulkebulk.
wln 0381AnioyAnioy.AnjouAnjoy..AwayAAwayA way way withwith himhim, cutcut ofof hishis headhead andand
wln 0382 handeshands.
wln 0383AndAnd sendsend themthem forfor aa presentpresent toto thethe PopePope:
wln 0384AndAnd whenwhen thisthis iustjust reuengerevenge isis finishedfinished,
wln 0385VntoUnto mount FauconmountMontfauconmount Faucon falcon willwill wewe draggedrag hishis coarsecorsecorpse:
wln 0386AndAnd hehe thatthat liuingliving hatedhated soso thethe crossecross,
wln 0387ShallShall beingbeing deaddead, bebe hangdhanged thereonthereon inin chaineschains.
wln 0388GuiseGuise.AnioyAnjouAnjoy, GonzagoGonzago, RetesRetes, ifif thatthat youyou threethree,
wln 0389WillWill bebe asas resoluteresolute asas II andand DumaineDumaine:
wln 0390ThereThere shallshall notnot aa HugonetHuguenot breathbreathebreath inin FranceFrance.
wln 0391AnioyAnioy.AnjouAnjoy..II sweareswear byby thisthis crossecross, wee’lwe’ll notnot bebe
wln 0392 partiallpartial,
wln 0393ButBut slayslay asas manymany asas wewe cancan comecome neernear.
wln 0394GuiseGuise.MountsorrellMountsorrell, goego shooteshoot thethe ordinanceordinance ofoffof,
wln 0395ThatThat theythey whichwhich hauehave alreadyalready setset thethe streetstreet
wln 0396MayMay knowknow theirtheir watchwordwatchword, thenthen toletoll thethe bellbell,
wln 0397AndAnd soso letslet’s forwardforward toto thethe MassacreMassacre.
wln 0398Mount.MountsorrellMount.II willwill mymy LordLord,ExitExit. MountMountsorrellMount.
wln 0399GuiseGuise.AndAnd nownow mymy LordsLords letlet vsus closelyclosely toto ourour
wln 0400 businesbusiness.
wln 0401AnioyAnioy.AnjouAnjoy..AnioyAnjouAnjoy willwill followfollow theethee.
wln 0402Du.DumaineDuchessAndAnd soso willwill DumaineDumaine.
wln 0403TheThe ordinanceordinance beingbeing shotshot ofoffof, thethe bellbell tollestolls.
wln 0404GuiseGuise.ComeCome thenthen, letslet’s awayaway.ExeuntExeunt.

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at Paris.

wln 0405TheThe GuiseGuise entersenters againeagain, withwith allall thethe restrest, withwith theirtheir
wln 0406SwordsSwords drawnedrawn, chasingchasing thethe ProtestantsProtestants.

wln 0407GuiseGuise.
wln 0408TueTue tuetue, tuetue, letlet nonenone escapeescape, murdermurder thethe
wln 0409 HugonetsHuguenots.
wln 0410AnioyAnioy.AnjouAnjoy..KillKill themthem, killkill themthem.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 0411EnterEnter LoreineLoreine runningrunning, thethe GuiseGuise andand thethe restrest
wln 0412pursuingpursuing himhim.

wln 0413GuiseGuise.LoreineLoreineLorraine, LoreineLoreineLorraine, followfollow LoreineLoreineLorraine, SirraSirrah,
wln 0414AreAre youyou aa preacherpreacher ofof thesethese heresiesheresies?
wln 0415LoreineLoreineII amam aa preacherpreacher ofof thethe wordword ofof GodGod,
wln 0416AndAnd thouthou aa traitortraitor toto thythy soulesoul andand himhim.
wln 0417GuiseGuise.DearelyDearlydear belouedbeloved brotherbrother, thusthus tis’tis
wln 0418writtenwritten.hehe stabsstabs himhim.
wln 0419AnioyAnioy.AnjouAnjoy..StayStay mymy LordLord, letlet meme beginbegin thethe psalmepsalm.
wln 0420GuiseGuise.ComeCome draggedrag himhim awayaway andand throwthrow himhim
wln 0421inin aa ditchditch.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 0422EnterEnter MountsorrellMountsorrell andand knocksknocks atat SerounsSeroune’sSerouns dooredoor.
wln 0423SerounsSeroune’sSerouns wifewife.WhoWho isis thatthat whichwhich knocksknocks therethere?
wln 0424Mount.MountsorrellMount.MountsorrellMountsorrell fromfrom thethe DukeDuke ofof GuiseGuise.
wln 0425WifeWife.HusbandHusband comecome downdown, heer’shere’s oneone wouldwould
wln 0426speakspeak withwith youyou fromfrom thethe DukeDuke ofof GuiseGuise.
wln 0427EnterEnter SerouneSeroune.

wln 0428SerouneSeroune.
wln 0429ToTo speekspeak withwith meme fromfrom suchsuch aa manman asas hehe?
wln 0430Mount.MountsorrellMount.IAyay, Iay, forfor thisthis SerouneSeroune, andand thouthou shaltshalt
wln 0431hatehate.shewingshowing hishis daggerdagger.
wln 0432SerouneSeroune.OO letlet meme praypray beforebefore II taketake mymy deathdeath.
wln 0433Mount.MountsorrellMount.DespatchDespatch thenthen quicklyquickly.

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The Massacre

wln 0434SerouneSeronneSerouneSeronne.OO ChristChrist mymy SauiourSaviour.
wln 0435Mount.MountsorrellMount.ChristChrist, villainevillain, whywhy darstdar’st thouthou presumepresume
wln 0436toto callcall onon ChristChrist, withoutwithout thethe intercessionintercession ofof
wln 0437somesome SaintSaint? SanctaSancta IacobusJacobusjacobus heehe waswas mymy SaintSaint,
wln 0438praypray toto himhim.
wln 0439SerouneSeronneSerouneSeronne.OO letlet meme praypray vntounto mymy GodGod.
wln 0440Mount.MountsorrellMount.ThenThen taketake thisthis withwith youyou.StabStab himhim.
wln 0441ExitExit.
wln 0442EnterEnter RamusRamus inin hishis studiestudy.

wln 0443RamusRamus.WhatWhat fearfullfearful criescries comescomes fromfrom thethe
wln 0444 riuerriver ReneSeneReneSeine,
wln 0445ThatThat frightesfrights poorepoor RamusRamus sittingsitting atat hishis bookbook?
wln 0446II fearefear thethe GuisiansGuisians hauehave pastpassed thethe bridgebridge,
wln 0447AndAnd meanemean onceonce moremore toto menacemenace meme.

wln 0448EnterEnter TaleusTaleus.

wln 0449TaleusTaleus.FlyeFly RamusRamus flyefly, ifif thouthou wiltwilt sauesave thythy lifelife,
wln 0450RamusRamus.TellTell meme TaleusTaleus, wherforewherefore shouldshould II flyefly?
wln 0451TaleusTaleus.TheThe GuisiansGuisians areare hardhard atat thythy dooredoor, andand
wln 0452meanemean toto murdermurder vsus: harkehark, harkehark theythey comecome,
wln 0453IleI’ll leapleap outout atat thethe windowwindow.
wln 0454RamusRamus.SweetSweet TaleusTaleus staystay.

wln 0455EnterEnter GonzagoGonzago andand RetesRetes.

wln 0456GonzagoGonzago.
wln 0457WhoWho goesgoes therethere?
wln 0458Retes.RetesRetes.Tis’Tis TaleusTaleus, RamusRamasRamus’Ramas’ bedfellowbedfellow.

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The Massacre

wln 0459Gonza.GonzagoGonza.WhatWhat artart thouthou?
wln 0460Tal.TaleusTal.II amam asas RamusRamus isis, aa ChristianChristian.
wln 0461Ret.RetesRet.OO letlet himhim goego, hehe isis aa catholickcatholic.
wln 0462EnterEnter RamusRamus. ExitExit TaleusTaleus.
wln 0463Gon.GonzagoGon.ComeCome RamusRamus, moremore goldegold, oror thouthou shaltshalt
wln 0464hauehave thethe stabbestab.
wln 0465RamusRamus.AlasAlas II amam aa schollerscholar, howhow shouldshould II hauehave
wln 0466 goldegold?
wln 0467AllAll thatthat II hauehave isis butbut mymy stipendstipend fromfrom thethe KingKing,
wln 0468WhichWhich isis nono soonersooner receiu’dreceived butbut itit isis spentspent.

wln 0469EnterEnter thethe GuiseGuise andand AnioyAnjouAnjoy.

wln 0470AnioyAnioy.AnjouAnioy..
wln 0471WhoWho hauehave youyou therethere?
wln 0472Ret.RetesRet.Tis’Tis RamusRamus, thethe KingsKing’sking’s professorprofessor ofof LogickLogic.
wln 0473GuiseGuise,StabStab himhim.
wln 0474RamusRamus.OO goodgood mymy LordLord, whereinwherein hathhath RamusRamus
wln 0475beenbeen soso offenciousoffencious.
wln 0476GuiseGuise.MarryMarry sirsir, inin hauinghaving aa smacksmack inin allall,
wln 0477AndAnd yetyet didstdidst neuernever soundsound anythinganyanythingany thing thing toto thethe depthdepth.
wln 0478WasWas itit notnot thouthou thatthat scoftesscoff’dst thethe OrganonOrganon,
wln 0479AndAnd saidsaid itit waswas aa heapeheap ofof vanitiesvanities?
wln 0480HeHe thatthat willwill bebe aa flatflat decotamestdichotomistdecotamest,
wln 0481AndAnd seenseen inin nothingnothing butbut EpetomiesEpitomiesEpetomies:
wln 0482IsIs inin youryour iudgmentjudgement thoughtthought aa learnedlearned manman.
wln 0483AndAnd hehe forsoothforsooth mustmust goego andand preachpreach inin GermanyGermany:
wln 0484ExceptingExcepting againstagainst DoctorsDoctors’Doctors actionsactions,
wln 0485AndAnd ipsiipsi dixidixi withwith thisthis quidditiequiddity,
wln 0486ArgumentumArgumentum testimonistestimonis estest inin artearte fetialisfetialis.

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The Massacre

wln 0487ToTo contradictcontradict whichwhich, II saysay RamusRamus shallshall dyedie:
wln 0488HowHow answereanswer youyou thatthat? youryour negonego argumentumargumentum
wln 0489 cannotcannot serueserve, sirrasirrah, killkill himhim.
wln 0490Ra.RamusRa.OO goodgood mymy LordLord, letlet meme butbut speakspeak aa wordword.
wln 0491AnioyAnioy.AnjouAnjoy..WellWell, saysay onon.
wln 0492RamusRamus.NotNot forfor mymy lifelife doedo II desiredesire thisthis pausepause,
wln 0493ButBut inin mymy latterlatter hourehour toto purgepurge my selfemyself,
wln 0494InIn thatthat II knowknow thethe thingsthings thatthat II hauehave wrotewrotewritten,
wln 0495WhichWhich asas II hearehear oneone ShekinsShekins takestakes itit illill:
wln 0496BecauseBecause mymy placesplaces beingbeing butbut threethree, containscontains allall hishis:
wln 0497II knewknew thethe OrganonOrganon toto bebe confusdeconfused,
wln 0498AndAnd II reduc’dreduced itit intointo betterbetter formeform.
wln 0499AndAnd thisthis forfor AristotleAristotle willwill II saysay,
wln 0500ThatThat hehe thatthat despisethdespiseth himhim, cancan nerene’er
wln 0501BeBe goodgood inin LogickLogic oror PhilosophiePhilosophy.
wln 0502AndAnd thatsthat’s becausebecause thethe blockishblockish thorbonestthorbonest,
wln 0503AttributeAttribute asas muchmuch vntounto theirtheir workesworks,
wln 0504AsAs toto thethe seruiceservice ofof thethe eternalleternal GodGod.
wln 0505GuiseGuise.WhyWhy suffersuffer youyou thatthat peasantpeasant toto declaimedeclaim?
wln 0506StabStab himhim II saysay andand sendsend himhim toto hishis freendsfriends inin hellhell.
wln 0507AnioyAnioy.AnjouAnjoy..NereNe’erne’er waswas therethere ColliarsCollier’scollier’s sonneson soso fullfull
wln 0508 ofof pridepride.killkill himhim.
wln 0509GuiseGuise.MyMy LordLord ofof AnioyAnjouAnjoy, therethere areare aa hundredhundred
wln 0510 ProtestantsProtestants.
wln 0511WhichWhich wewe hauehave chastechased intointo thethe riuerriver ReneSeneReneSeine,
wln 0512ThatThat swimswim aboutabout andand soso preseruepreserve theirtheir liueslives:
wln 0513HowHow maymay wewe doedo? II fearefear meme theythey willwill liuelive.
wln 0514DumaineDumaine.GoeGo placeplace somesome menmen vponupon thethe bridgebridge,
wln 0515WithWith bowesbows andand dartesdarts toto shootshoot atat themthem theythey seesee,
wln 0516AndAnd sinkesink themthem inin thethe riuerriver asas theythey swimswim.

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The Massacre

wln 0517GuiseGuise.Tis’Tis wellwell aduisdeadvised DumainDumaineDumain, goego seesee itit straitstraight
wln 0518 bebe donedone.
wln 0519AndAnd inin thethe mean timemeanmeantimemean time time mymy LordLord, couldcould wewe deuisedevise,
wln 0520ToTo getget thosethose pedantespedants fromfrom thethe KingKing NauarreNavarre,
wln 0521thatthat areare tutorstutors toto himhim andand thethe princeprince ofof CondyCondéCondy.
wln 0522AnioyAnioy.AnjouAnjoy..ForFor thatthat letlet meme alonealone, CousinCousin staystay youyou heerhere,
wln 0523AndAnd whenwhen youyou seesee meme inin, thenthen followfollow hardhard.
wln 0524HeHe knockethknocketh, andand enterenter thethe KingKing ofof NauarreNavarre andand
wln 0525PrincePrince ofof CondyCondéCondy, withwith theirtheir scholmaistersschoolmasters.

wln 0526HowHow nownow mymy LordsLords, howhow farefare youyou?
wln 0527NauarNauar.NavarreNavar..MyMy LordLord, theythey saysay thatthat allall thethe
wln 0528protestantsprotestants areare massacredmassacred.
wln 0529AnioyAnjouAnjoyIAyay, soso theythey areare, butbut yetyet whatwhat remedyremedy:
wln 0530II hauehave donedone whatwhat II couldcould toto staystay thisthis broilebroil.
wln 0531Nauarr.NavarreNavarr.ButBut yetyet mymy LordLord thethe reportreport dothdoth runrun,
wln 0532ThatThat youyou werewere oneone thatthat mademade thisthis MassacreMassacre.
wln 0533An.AnjouAn.WhoWho II, youyou areare deceiueddeceived, II roserose butbut nownow.
wln 0534EnterEnter GuiseGuise.
wln 0535GuiseGuise.MurderMurder thethe HugonetsHuguenots, taketake thosethose pedantespedants (hencehence.
wln 0536Na.NavarreNa.ThouThou traitortraitor GuiseGuise, laylay ofof thythy bloudybloody handshands.
wln 0537Condy.CondéCondy.ComeCome letlet vsus goego telltell thethe KingKing.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 0538GuiseGuise.ComeCome sirssirs, IleI’ll whipwhip youyou toto deathdeath withwith mymy
wln 0539 punniardsponiard’s pointpoint.hehe kilskills themthem.
wln 0540An.AnjouAn.AwayAAwayA way way withwith themthem bothboth.ExitExit AnioyAnjouAnjoy.
wln 0541GuiseGuise.AndAnd nownow sirssirs forfor thisthis nightnight letlet ourour furyfury staystay.
wln 0542YetYet willwill wewe notnot thatthat thethe MassacreMassacre shallshall endend,
wln 0543GonzagoGonzago postepost youyou toto OrleanceOrleans,
wln 0544RetesRetes toto DeepDieppeDeep, MountsorrellMountsorrell vntounto RoanRouen,
wln 0545AndAnd sparespare notnot oneone thatthat youyou suspectsuspect ofof heresyheresy.
wln 0546andand nownow staystay thatthat belbell thatthat toto yethethe deuilsdevil’s mattinsmatinsmatin’s ringsrings

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The Massacre

wln 0547NowNow eueryevery manman putput ofoffof hishis burgonetburgonet,
wln 0548AndAnd soso conueyconvey himhim closelyclosely toto hishis bedbed.ExeuntExeunt.

wln 0549EnterEnter AnioyAnjouAnjoy, withwith twotwo LordsLords ofof PolandPoland.

wln 0550AnioyAnioy.AnjouAnjoy..
wln 0551MyMy LordsLords ofof PolandPoland II mustmust needsneeds confesseconfess,
wln 0552TheThe offeroffer ofof youryour PrincePrince ElectorsElectors, farrefar
wln 0553BeyondBeyond thethe reachreach ofof mymy desertesdeserts:
wln 0554ForFor PolandPoland isis asas II hauehave beenbeen enformdeinformed,
wln 0555AA martiallmartial peoplepeople, worthyworthy suchsuch aa KingKing,
wln 0556AsAs hathhath sufficientsufficient counsailecounsel inin himselfehimself,
wln 0557ToTo lightenlighten doubtsdoubts andand frustratefrustrate subtilesubtle foesfoes.
wln 0558AndAnd suchsuch aa KingKing whomwhom practisepractice longlong hathhath taughttaught,
wln 0559ToTo pleaseplease himselfehimself withwith mannagemanage ofof thethe warreswars.
wln 0560TheThe greatestgreatest warreswars withinwithin ourour ChristianChristian boundsbounds,
wln 0561II meanemean ourour warreswars againstagainst thethe MuscouitesMuscovites:
wln 0562AndAnd onon thethe otherother sideside againstagainst thethe TurkeTurk,
wln 0563RichRich PrincesPrinces bothboth, andand mightymighty EmperoursEmperors:
wln 0564YetYet byby mymy brotherbrother CharlesCharles ourour KingKing ofof FranceFrance,
wln 0565AndAnd byby hishis gracesgrace’s councellcouncil itit isis thoughtthought,
wln 0566thatthat ifif II vndertakeundertake toto wearewear thethe crownecrown
wln 0567OfOf PolandPoland, itit maymay preiudiceprejudice theirtheir hopehope
wln 0568OfOf mymy inheritanceinheritance toto thethe crownecrown ofof FranceFrance:
wln 0569ForFor ifif th’almightyth’almighty taketake mymy brotherbrother hencehence,
wln 0570ByBy duedue discentdescent thethe RegallRegal seatseat isis minemine.
wln 0571WithWith PolandPoland therforetherefore mustmust II couenantcovenant thusthus,
wln 0572ThatThat ifif byby deathdeath ofof CharlesCharles, thethe diademdiadem
wln 0573OfOf FranceFrance bebe castcast onon meme, thenthen withwith youryour leauesleaves
wln 0574II maymay retireretire meme toto mymy natiuenative homehome.
If your

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The Massacre

wln 0575IfIf youryour commissioncommission serueserve toto warrantwarrant thisthis,
wln 0576II thankfullythankfully shallshall vndertakeundertake thethe chargecharge
wln 0577OfOf youyou andand yoursyours, andand carefullycarefully maintainemaintain
wln 0578thethe wealthwealth andand safetysafety ofof youryour kingdomeskingdom’s rightright.
wln 0579LordLord.AllAll thisthis andand moremore youryour highneshighness
wln 0580 shallshall commaundcommand,
wln 0581ForFor PolandsPoland’sPolands crownecrown andand kinglykingly diademdiadem.
wln 0582AnioyAnioy.AnjouAnjoy..ThenThen comecome mymy LordsLords, letslet’s goego.ExeuntExeunt.

wln 0583EnterEnter twotwo withwith thethe AdmiralsAdmiral’sadmiral’s bodybody.
wln 05841.1 soldier1.NowNow sirrasirrah, whatwhat shallshall wewe doedo withwith
wln 0585thethe AdmirallAdmiral?
wln 05862.2 soldier2.WhyWhy letlet vsus burneburn himhim forfor anan heretickheretic.
wln 05871.1 soldier1.OO nono, hishis bodyebody willwill infectinfect thethe firefire, andand thethe
wln 0588firefire thethe aireair, andand soso wewe shallshall bebe poysonedpoisoned withwith
wln 0589himhim.
wln 05902.2 soldier2.WhatWhat shallshall wewe doedo thenthen?
wln 05911.1 soldier1.LetsLet’slet’s throwthrow himhim intointo thethe riuerriver.
wln 05922.2 soldier2.OhOhO twill’twill corruptcorrupt thethe waterwater, andand thethe waterwater
wln 0593thethe fishfish, andand byby thethe fishfish our seluesourselves whenwhen wewe eateeat
wln 0594themthem.
wln 05951.1 soldier1.ThenThen throwthrow himhim intointo thethe ditchditch.
wln 05962.2 soldier2.NoNo, nono, toto decidedecide allall doubtsdoubts, bebe rulderuled byby meme,
wln 0597letslet’s hanghang himhim heerehere vponupon thisthis treetree.
wln 05981,11 soldier1,AgreedeAgreed.TheyThey hanghang himhim.

wln 0599EnterEnter thethe DukeDuke ofof GuiseGuise, andand QueeneQueen MotherMother, andand
wln 0600thethe CardinallCardinal.

wln 0601GuiseGuise.NowNow MadameMadammadam, howhow likelike youyou ourour lustylusty
wln 0602 AdmirallAdmiral?

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at Paris.

wln 0603QueeneQueen.BeleeueBelieve meme GuiseGuise hehe becomesbecomes thethe placeplace
wln 0604 soso wellwell,
wln 0605AsAs II couldcould longlong ereere thisthis hauehave wishtwished himhim therethere.
wln 0606ButBut comecome letslet’s walkewalk asideaside, thair’sth’air’sthere’s notnot veryvery sweetsweet.
wln 0607GuiseGuise.NoNo byby mymy faithfaith MadamMadam.
wln 0608SirsSirs, taketake himhim awayaway andand throwthrow himhim inin somesome ditchditch.
wln 0609carrycarry awayaway thethe deaddead bodybody.
wln 0610AndAnd nownow MadamMadam asas II vnderstandunderstand,
wln 0611ThereThere areare aa hundredhundred HugonetsHuguenots andand moremore,
wln 0612WhichWhich inin thethe woodswoods doedo holdehold theirtheir synagoguesynagogue:
wln 0613AndAnd daylydaily meetmeet aboutabout thisthis timetime ofof dayday,
wln 0614AndAnd thitherthither willwill II toto putput themthem toto thethe swordsword.
wln 0615Qu.QueenQu.DoeDo soso sweetsweet GuiseGuise, letlet vsus delaydelay nono timetime,
wln 0616ForFor ifif thesethese straglersstragglers gathergather headhead againeagain,
wln 0617AndAnd dispersedisperse themseluesthemselves throughoutthroughout thethe RealmeRealm
wln 0618 ofof FranceFrance,
wln 0619ItIt willwill bebe hardhard forfor vsus toto workework theirtheir deathsdeaths.
wln 0620BeBe gonegone, delaydelay nono timetime sweetsweet GuiseGuise.
wln 0621GuiseGuise.MadamMadam, II goego asas whirl-windeswhirlwindswhirlwind’s ragerage
wln 0622 beforebefore aa stormestorm,ExitExit GuiseGuise.
wln 0623Qu.QueenQu.MyMy LordLord ofof LoraineLorraine hauehave youyou marktmarked ofof latelate,
wln 0624HowHow CharlesCharles ourour sonneson beginsbegins forfor toto lamentlament:
wln 0625ForFor thethe latelate nightsnight’s workework whichwhich mymy LordLord ofof GuiseGuise
wln 0626DidDid makemake inin ParisParis amongstamongst thethe HugonitesHugonites?
wln 0627Card.CardinalMadamMadam, II hauehave heardheard himhim solemnlysolemnly vowvow,
wln 0628WithWith thethe rebelliousrebellious KingKing ofof NauarreNavarre,
wln 0629ForFor toto reuengerevenge theirtheir deathsdeaths vponupon vsus allall.
wln 0630Qu.QueenQu.IAyay, butbut mymy LordLord letlet meme alonealone forfor thatthat,
wln 0631ForFor KatherineKatherine mustmust hauehave herher willwill inin FranceFrance:
wln 0632AsAs II doedo liuelive, soso surelysurely shallshall hehe dyedie.

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The Massacre

wln 0633AndAnd HenryHenry thenthen shallshall wearewear thethe diademdiadem.
wln 0634AndAnd ifif hehe grudgegrudge oror crossecross hishis MothersMother’s willwill,
wln 0635IleI’ll disinheritedisinherit himhim andand allall thethe restrest:
wln 0636ForFor IleI’ll rulerule FranceFrance, butbut theythey shallshall wearewear thethe (crownecrown:
wln 0637AndAnd ifif theythey stormestorm, II thenthen maymay pullpull themthem downedown.
wln 0638ComeCome mymy LordLord letslet’s vsus goego.ExeuntExeunt.

wln 0639EnterEnter fiuefive oror sixesix ProtestantsProtestants withwith bookesbooks, andand kneelekneel to-togetherto∣gethertogether
wln 0640gether.
wln 0640EnterEnter alsoalso thethe GuiseGuise.

wln 0641GuiseGuise.DowneDown withwith thethe HugonitesHuguenotsHugonites, murdermurder themthem.
wln 0642ProtestantProtestant.OO MounserMonsieur dede GuiseGuise, hearehear meme butbut
wln 0643 speakespeak.
wln 0644GuiseGuise.NoNo villainvillain, thatthat toungtongue ofof thinethine,
wln 0645ThatThat hathhath blasphemdeblasphemed thethe holyholy ChurchChurch ofof RomeRome,
wln 0646ShallShall driuedrive nono plaintesplaints intointo thethe GuisesGuise’s earesears,
wln 0647ToTo makemake thethe iusticejustice ofof mymy heartheart relentrelent:
wln 0648TueTue, tuetue, tuetue, letlet nonenone escapeescape:killkill themthem.
wln 0649SoSo, draggedrag themthem awayaway.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 0650EnterEnter thethe KingKing ofof FranceFrance, NauarNavarreNavar andand EpernouneEpernounEpernoune stay-stayingstay∣ingstaying
wln 0651ing
wln 0651himhim: enterenter Qu.QueenQu. MotherMother, andand thethe CardinallCardinal.

wln 0652KingKing.
wln 0653OO letlet meme staystay andand restrest meme heerhere aa whilewhile,
wln 0654AA gripinggriping painepain hathhath ceasdeseizedceased vponupon mymy heartheart:
wln 0655AA sodainesudden pangpang, thethe messengermessenger ofof deathdeath.
wln 0656Qu.QueenQu.OO saysay notnot soso, thouthou kill’stkill’stkillest thythy mothersmother’s heartheart.
wln 0657KingKing.II mustmust saysay soso, painepain forcethforceth meme complainecomplain.
wln 0658Na.NavarreNa.ComfortComfort your selfeyourself mymy LordLord andand hauehave nono
wln 0659 doubtdoubt,
wln 0660ButBut GodGod willwill suresure restorerestore youyou toto youryour healthhealth.
wln 0661KingKing.OO nono, mymy louingloving brotherbrother ofof NauarreNavarre.
I haue

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at Paris.

wln 0662II hauehave deseru’ddeserved aa scourgescourge II mustmust confesseconfess,
wln 0663YetYet isis therethere paciencepatience ofof anotheranother sortsort,
wln 0664ThenThan toto misdoemisdo thethe welfarewelfare ofof theirtheir KingKing:
wln 0665GodGod grauntgrant mymy neerestnearest freendsfriends maymay proueprove
wln 0666 nono worseworse.
wln 0667OO holdehold meme vpup, mymy sightsight beginsbegins toto failefail,
wln 0668MyMy sinnewessinews shrinkeshrink, mymy brainesbrains turneturn vpsideupside
wln 0669 downedown,
wln 0670MyMy heartheart dothdoth breakbreak, II faintfaint andand dyedie.HeHe diesdies.
wln 0671QueeneQueen,WhatWhat artart thouthou deaddead, sweetsweet sonneson speakspeak
wln 0672 toto thythy MotherMother,
wln 0673OOOh nono, hishis soulesoul isis fledfled fromfrom outout hishis breastbreast,
wln 0674AndAnd hehe nornor heareshears, nornor seessees vsus whatwhat wewe doedo:
wln 0675MyMy LordsLords, whatwhat restethresteth therethere nownow forfor toto bebe donedone?
wln 0676ButBut thatthat wewe presentlypresently despatchdispatch EmbassadoursAmbassadors
wln 0677ToTo PolandPoland, toto callcall HenryHenry backback againeagain,
wln 0678ToTo wearewear hishis brothersbrother’s crownecrown andand dignitydignity.
wln 0679EpernouneEpernounEpernoune, goego seesee itit presentlypresently bebe donedone,
wln 0680AndAnd bidbid himhim comecome withoutwithout delaydelay toto vsus.
wln 0681Eper.EpernounEper.MadamMadam, II willwill.ExitExit EperEpernounEper.
wln 0682QueeneQueen.AndAnd nownow mymy LordsLords afterafter thesethese funeralsfunerals
wln 0683 bebe donedone,
wln 0684WeWe willwill withwith allall thethe speedspeed wewe cancan prouideprovide,
wln 0685ForFor HenriesHenry’s coronationcoronation fromfrom PoloniePolony:
wln 0686ComeCome letlet vsus taketake hishis bodybody hencehence.
wln 0687AllAll goego outout, butbut NauarreNavarre andand PleshePleshe.
wln 0688NauarNavarreNavar,AndAnd nownow NauarreNavarre whilstewhilst thatthat thesethese
wln 0689 broilesbroils doedo lastlast,
wln 0690MyMy opportunityopportunity maymay serueserve meme fitfit,
wln 0691ToTo stealesteal fromfrom FranceFrance, andand hyehie meme toto mymy homehome.

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at Paris.

wln 0692ForFor heershere’s nono saftiesafety inin thethe RealmeRealm forfor meme,
wln 0693AndAnd nownow thatthat HenryHenry isis cal’dcalled fromfrom PollandPolandPolland,
wln 0694ItIt isis mymy duedue byby iustjust successionsuccession:
wln 0695AndAnd thereforetherefore asas speedilyspeedily asas II cancan perfourmeperform,
wln 0696IleI’ll mustermuster vpup anan armyarmy secretlysecretly,
wln 0697ForFor fearefear thatthat GuiseGuise ioyn’djoined withwith thethe K.KingK. ofof SpaineSpain,
wln 0698MightMight seemeseem toto crossecross meme inin minemine enterpriseenterprise.
wln 0699ButBut GodGod thatthat alwaiesalways dothdoth defenddefend thethe rightright,
wln 0700WillWill shewshow hishis mercymercy andand preseruepreserve vsus stillstill.
wln 0701PleshePleshe.TheThe vertuesvirtues ofof ourour truetrue ReligionReligion,
wln 0702CannotCannot butbut marchmarch withwith manymany gracesgraces moremore:
wln 0703WhoseWhose armyarmy shallshall discomfortdiscomfort allall youryour foesfoes,
wln 0704AndAnd atat thethe lengthlength inin PampeloniaPampelonia crownecrown,
wln 0705InIn spitespite ofof SpaineSpain andand allall thethe popishpopish powerpower,
wln 0706ThatThat holdesholds itit fromfrom youryour highnessehighness wrongfullywrongfully:
wln 0707YourYour MaiestieMajesty herher rightfullrightful LordLord andand SoueraigneSovereign.
wln 0708NauarNauar.NavarreNavar..TruthTruth PleshePleshe, andand GodGod soso prosperprosper
wln 0709 meme inin allall,
wln 0710AsAs II entendintend toto labourlabour forfor thethe truthtruth,
wln 0711AndAnd truetrue professionprofession ofof hishis holyholy wordword:
wln 0712ComeCome PleshePleshe, letslet’s awayaway whilstewhilst timetime dothdoth serueserve,
wln 0713EzeuntExeuntEzeunt.
wln 0714SoundSound TrumpetsTrumpets withinwithin, andand thenthen allall cryecry viuevive lala RoyRoiRoy
wln 0715twotwo oror threethree timestimes.

wln 0716EnterEnter HenryHenry crowndcrowned: QueeneQueen, CardinallCardinal, DukeDuke ofof
wln 0717GuiseGuise, EpernooneEpernounEpernoone, thethe kingsking’s MinionsMintonsMinions, withwith othersothers,
wln 0718andand thethe CutpurseCutpurse.

wln 0719AllAll.AllAll..ViueVive lala RoyRoy, viuevive lala RoyRoy,SoundSound TrumpetsTrumpets.
wln 0720Qu.QueenQu.WelcomeWelcome fromfrom PolandPoland HenryHenry onceonce agayneagain,

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The Massacre

wln 0721WelcomeWelcome toto FranceFrance thythy fathersfather’s royallroyal seateseat,
wln 0722HeereHere hasthast thouthou aa countrycountry voidevoid ofof fearesfears,
wln 0723AA warlikewarlike peoplepeople toto maintainemaintain thythy rightright,
wln 0724AA watchfullwatchful SenateSenate forfor ordainingordaining laweslaws,
wln 0725AA louingloving mothermother toto preseruepreserve thythy statestate,
wln 0726AndAnd allall thingsthings thatthat aa KingKing maymay wishwish besidesbesides:
wln 0727AllAll thisthis andand moremore hathhath HenryHenry withwith hishis crownecrown.
wln 0728Car.CardinalAndAnd longlong maymay HenryHenry enioyenjoy allall thisthis &and moremore,
wln 0729AllAll.AllAll..ViueVive lala RoyRoy, viuevive lala RoyRoy.SoundSound trumpetstrumpets.
wln 0730HenryHenry,ThanksThanks toto youyou alall. TheThe guiderguider ofof allall
wln 0731 crownescrowns,
wln 0732GrauntGrant thatthat ourour deedsdeeds maymay welwell deseruedeserve youryour louesloves:
wln 0733AndAnd soso theythey shallshall, ifif fortunefortune speedspeed mymy willwill,
wln 0734AndAnd yeeldyield youryour thoughtsthoughts toto heightheight ofof mymy desertesdeserts.
wln 0735WhatWhat saiessays ourour MinionsMinions, thinkthink theythey HenriesHenry’s heartheart
wln 0736WillWill notnot bothboth harbourharbour louelove andand MaiestieMajesty?
wln 0737PutPut ofoffof thatthat fearefear, theythey areare alreadyalready ioyndejoined,
wln 0738NoNo personperson, placeplace, oror timetime, oror circumstancecircumstance,
wln 0739ShallShall slackeslack mymy loueslove’s affectionaffection fromfrom hishis bentbent,
wln 0740AsAs nownow youyou areare, soso shallshall youyou stillstill persistpersist,
wln 0741RemoouelesRemoveless fromfrom thethe fauoursfavours ofof youryour KingKing.
wln 0742MugerounMugeroun.WeWe knowknow thatthat noblenoble mindesminds changechange
wln 0743 notnot theirtheir thoughtsthoughts
wln 0744ForFor wearingwearing ofof aa crownecrown: inin thatthat youryour gracegrace,
wln 0745HathHath worneworn thethe PolandPoland diademdiadem, beforebefore
wln 0746youyou werewere inuestedinvested inin thethe crownecrown ofof FranceFrance:
wln 0747HenryHenry.II telltell theethee MugerounMugeroun wewe willwill bebe freendsfriends,
wln 0748AndAnd fellowesfellows totooto, what euerwhatever stormesstorms arisearise.
wln 0749MugerounMugeroun.ThenThen maymay itit pleaseplease youryour MaiestieMajesty
wln 0750 toto giuegive meme leaueleave,

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at Paris.

wln 0751ToTo punishpunish thosethose thatthat doedo prophaneprofane thisthis holyholy feastfeast.
wln 0752HeHe cutscuts ofoffof thethe CutpurseCutpurse eareear, forfor cuttingcutting ofof thethe
wln 0753goldegold buttonsbuttons offoff hishis cloakecloak.

wln 0754HenryHenry.HowHow meanstmeanst thouthou thatthat?
wln 0755CutpurseCutpurse.OO LordLord, minemine eareear.
wln 0756MugerounMugeroun.ComeCome sirsir, giuegive meme mymy buttonsbuttons
wln 0757andand heershere’s youryour eareear.
wln 0758GuiseGuise.SirraSirrah, taketake himhim awayaway.
wln 0759HenryHenry.HandsHands ofoffof goodgood fellowfellow, II willwill bebe
wln 0760 hishis bailebail
wln 0761ForFor thisthis offenceoffence: goego sirrasirrah, workework nono moremore,
wln 0762TillTill thisthis ourour CoronationCoronation dayday bebe pastpassed:
wln 0763AndAnd nownow ourour solemnesolemn ritesrites ofof CoronationCoronation donedone,
wln 0764WhatWhat nownow remainesremains, butbut forfor aa whilewhile toto feastfeast,
wln 0765AndAnd spendspend somesome daiesdays inin barriersbarriers, tournytourney, tyltetilt,
wln 0766andand likelike disportesdisports, suchsuch asas doedo fitfit thethe CourtCourt?
wln 0767LetsLet’slet’s goego mymy LordsLords, ourour dinnerdinner staiesstays forfor vsus.
wln 0768GoeGo outout allall, butbut thethe QueeneQueen andand thethe CardinallCardinal.
wln 0769QueeneQueen.
wln 0770MyMy LordLord CardinallCardinal ofof LoraineLorraine, telltell meme,
wln 0771HowHow likeslikes youryour gracegrace mymy sonnesson’s pleasantnespleasantness?
wln 0772HisHis mindemind youyou seesee runnesruns onon hishis minionsminions,
wln 0773AndAnd allall hishis heauenheaven isis toto delightdelight himselfehimself:
wln 0774AndAnd whilstewhilst hehe sleepessleeps securelysecurely thusthus inin easeease,
wln 0775ThyThy brotherbrother GuiseGuise andand wewe maymay nownow prouideprovide,
wln 0776ToTo plantplant our seluesourselves withwith suchsuch authoritieauthority,
wln 0777asas notnot aa manman maymay liuelive withoutwithout ourour leauesleaves.
wln 0778ThenThen shallshall thethe CatholickCatholic faithfaith ofof RomeRome,
wln 0779FlourishFlourish inin FranceFrance, andand nonenone denydeny thethe samesame,
wln 0780Car.CardinalMadamMadam, asas inin secrecysecrecy II waswas toldetold,

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The Massacre

wln 0781MyMy brotherbrother GuiseGuise hathhath gatheredgathered aa powerpower ofof menmen,
wln 0782WhichWhich asas hehe saithsaith, toto killkill thethe PuritansPuritans,
wln 0783ButBut tis’tis thethe househouse ofof BurbonBourbon thatthat hehe meanesmeans.
wln 0784NowNow MadamMadam mustmust youyou insinuateinsinuate withwith thethe KingKing,
wln 0785AndAnd telltell himhim thatthat tis’tis forfor hishis CountriesCountry’scountry’s goodgood,
wln 0786AndAnd commoncommon profitprofit ofof ReligionReligion.
wln 0787Qu.QueenQu.TushTush manman, letlet meme alonealone withwith himhim,
wln 0788ToTo workwork thethe wayway toto bringbring thisthis thingthing toto passepass:
wln 0789AndAnd ifif hehe doedo denydeny whatwhat II doedo saysay,
wln 0790IleI’ll dispatchdispatch himhim withwith hishis brotherbrother presentlypresently.
wln 0791AndAnd thenthen shallshall MounserMonsieur wearewear thethe diademdiadem:
wln 0792TushTush, allall shallshall dyedie vnlesunless II hauehave mymy willwill.
wln 0793ForFor whilewhile sheshe liueslives KatherineKatherine willwill bebe QueeneQueen.
wln 0794ComeCome mymy LordsLords, letlet vsus goego seekseek thethe GuiseGuise,
wln 0795AndAnd thenthen determinedetermine ofof thisthis enterpriseenterprise.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 0796EnterEnter thethe DuchesseDuchess ofof GuiseGuise, andand herher MaideMaid,
wln 0797Duch.DuchessGoeGo fetchfetch meme penpen andand inkeink.
wln 0798MaidMaid.II willwill MadamMadam.ExitExit MaidMaid.
wln 0799Duch.DuchessThatThat II maymay writewrite vntounto mymy dearestdearest LordLord.
wln 0800SweetSweet MugerouneMugeroune, tis’tis hehe thatthat hathhath mymy heartheart,
wln 0801AndAnd GuiseGuise vsurpesusurps itit, cause'causecause II amam hishis wifewife:
wln 0802FaineFain wouldwould II findefind somesome meansmeans toto speakspeak withwith himhim
wln 0803butbut cannotcannot, andand therforetherefore amam enforstenforced toto writewrite,
wln 0804ThatThat hehe maymay comecome andand meetmeet meme inin somesome placeplace,
wln 0805WhereWhere wewe maymay oneone inioyenjoy thethe othersother’sothers sightsight.
wln 0806EnterEnter thethe MaidMaid withwith InkeInk andand PaperPaper.
wln 0807SoSo, setset itit downdown andand leaueleave meme toto my selfemyself.
wln 0808SheShe writeswrites. OO wouldwould toto GodGod thisthis quillquill thatthat heerehere
wln 0809 dothdoth writewrite,
wln 0810HadHad latelate beenbeen plucktplucked fromfrom outout fairefair CupidsCupid’s wingwing:

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at Paris.

wln 0811ThatThat itit mightmight printprint thesethese lineslines withinwithin hishis heartheart.

wln 0812EnterEnter thethe GuiseGuise.

wln 0813GuiseGuise.WhatWhat, allall alonealone mymy louelove, andand writingwriting tootoo:
wln 0814IIpretheeI pretheeprithee saysay toto whomewhom thouthou writeswrites?
wln 0815Duch.DuchessToTo suchsuch aa oneone mymy LordLord, asas whenwhen sheshe readsreads
wln 0816mymy lineslines, willwill laughlaugh II fearefear meme atat theirtheir goodgood arayarray.
wln 0817GuiseGuise.II praypray theethee letlet meme seesee.
wln 0818Duch.DuchessOO nono mymy LordLord, aa womanwoman onlyonly mustmust
wln 0819partakepartake thethe secretssecrets ofof mymy heartheart.
wln 0820GuiseGuise.ButBut MadamMadam II mustmust seesee.hehe takestakes itit.
wln 0821AreAre thesethese youryour secretssecrets thatthat nono manman mustmust knowknow?
wln 0822Duch.DuchessOO pardonpardon meme mymy LordLord.
wln 0823GuiseGuise.ThouThou trothlestrothless andand vniustunjust, whatwhat lineslines
wln 0824 areare thesethese?
wln 0825AmAm II grownegrown oldeold, oror isis thythy lustlust grownegrown yongyoung,
wln 0826OrOr hathhath mymy louelove beenbeen soso obscurdeobscured inin theethee,
wln 0827ThatThat othersothers needsneeds toto commentcomment onon mymy texttext?
wln 0828IsIsallIsBe allall mymy louelove forgotforgot whichwhich heldeheld theethee dearedear?
wln 0829IAyay, dearerdearer thenthan thethe appleapple ofof minemine eyeeye?
wln 0830IsIs GuisesGuise’s gloryglory butbut aa clowdycloudy mistmist,
wln 0831InIn sightsight andand iudgementjudgement ofof thythy lustfulllustful eyeeye?
wln 0832MorMortMor dudieudu, wertwert notnot thethe fruitfruit withinwithin thythy wombewomb,
wln 0833OfOf whosewhose encreaseincrease II setset somesome longinglonging hopehope:
wln 0834ThisThis wrathfullwrathful handhand shouldshould strikestrike theethee toto thethe hartheart.
wln 0835HenceHence strumpetstrumpet, hidehide thythy headhead forfor shameshame,
wln 0836AndAnd flyfly mymy presencepresence ifif thouthou lookelook toto liuelive.ExitExit.
wln 0837OO wickedwicked sexesex, periuredperjured andand vniustunjust,
wln 0838NowNow doedo II seesee thatthat fromfrom thethe veryvery firstfirst,

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The Massacre

wln 0839HerHer eyeseyes andand lookeslooks sow’dsowed seedsseeds ofof periuryperjury,
wln 0840ButBut villainevillain hehe toto whomwhom thesethese lineslines shouldshould goego,
wln 0841ShallShall buybuy herher louelove eueneven withwith hishis dearestdearest bloudblood.
wln 0842ExitExit.
wln 0843EnterEnter thethe KingKing ofof NauarreNavarre, PleshePleshe andand BartusBartus, andand
wln 0844theirtheir traintrain, withwith drumsdrums andand trumpetstrumpets.

wln 0845NauarreNavarre.
wln 0846MyMy LordsLords, sithsith inin aa quarrellquarrel iustjust andand rightright,
wln 0847WeWe vndertakeundertake toto mannagemanage thesethese ourour warreswars:
wln 0848AgainstAgainst thethe proudproud disturbersdisturbers ofof thethe faithfaith,
wln 0849II meanemean thethe GuiseGuise, thethe PopePope, andand KingKing ofof SpaineSpain,
wln 0850WhoWho setset themseluesthemselves toto treadtread vsus vnderunder footfoot,
wln 0851AndAnd rentrent ourour truetrue religionreligion fromfrom thisthis landland.
wln 0852ButBut forfor youyou knowknow ourour quarrellquarrel isis nono moremore,
wln 0853ButBut toto defenddefend theirtheir strangestrange inuentionsinventions,
wln 0854WhichWhich theythey willwill putput vsus toto withwith swordsword andand firefire:
wln 0855WeWe mustmust withwith resoluteresolute mindesminds resolueresolve toto fightfight,
wln 0856InIn honorhonour ofof ourour GodGod andand countriescountry’scountries goodgood.
wln 0857SpaineSpain isis thethe counsellcouncil chamberchamber ofof thethe popepope,
wln 0858SpaineSpain isis thethe placeplace wherewhere hehe makesmakes peacepeace
wln 0859 andand warrewar,
wln 0860AndAnd GuiseGuise forfor SpaineSpain hathhath nownow incenstincensed thethe KingKing,
wln 0861ToTo sendsend hishis powerpower toto meetmeet vsus inin thethe fieldfield.
wln 0862BartusBartus.ThenThen inin thisthis bloudybloody bruntbrunt theythey
wln 0863 maymay beholdebehold,
wln 0864TheThe solesole endeuourendeavour ofof youryour princelyprincely
wln 0865 carecare,
wln 0866ToTo plantplant thethe truetrue successionsuccession ofof thethe faithfaith,
wln 0867InIn spitespite ofof SpaineSpain andand allall hishis heresiesheresies.

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at Paris.

wln 0868NauarreNavarre.TheThe powerpower ofof vengeancevengeance nownow
wln 0869 incampesencamps it selfeitself,
wln 0870VponUpon thethe hautyhaughty mountainsmountains ofof mymy brestbreast:
wln 0871plaiesplays withwith herher goarygory coulourscolours ofof reuengerevenge,
wln 0872WhomWhom II respectrespect asas leauesleaves ofof boastingboasting greenegreen,
wln 0873ThatThat changechange theirtheir coulourcolour whenwhen thethe winterwinter comescomes,
wln 0874WhenWhen II shallshall vauntvaunt asas victorvictor inin reuengerevenge.

wln 0875EnterEnter aa MessengerMessenger.
wln 0876HowHow nownow sirrasirrah, whatwhat newesnews?
wln 0877Mes.MessengerMyMy LordLord, asas byby ourour scoutesscouts wewe vnder-vnderstandevnder∣standeunderstand
wln 0878standeunderstand,
wln 0879AA mightymighty armyarmy comescomes fromfrom FranceFrance withwith speedspeed:
wln 0880WhichWhich areare alreadyalready musteredmustered inin thethe landland,
wln 0881AndAnd meanesmeans toto meetmeet youryour highneshighness inin thethe fieldfield.
wln 0882Na.NavarreNa.InIn GodsGod’s namename, letlet themthem comecome.
wln 0883ThisThis isis thethe GuiseGuise thatthat hathhath incenstincensed thethe KingKing,
wln 0884ToTo leauylevy armesarms andand makemake thesethese ciuillcivil broylessbroils
wln 0885ButBut canstcanst thouthou telltell whowho isis theirtheir generallgeneral?
wln 0886Mes.MessengerNotNotyNot yetetyet mymy LordLord, forfor thereonthereon doedo
wln 0887 theythey staystay:
wln 0888ButBut asas reportreport dothdoth goego, thethe DukeDuke ofof IoyeuxJoyeuxjoyeux
wln 0889HathHath mademade greatgreat sutesuit vntounto thethe KingKing therforetherefore.
wln 0890Na.NavarreNa.ItIt willwill notnot counteruailecountervail hishis painespains II hopehope,
wln 0891II wouldwould thethe GuiseGuise inin hishis steedsteed mightmight hauehave comecome,
wln 0892ButBut hehe dothdoth lurkelurk withinwithin hishis drousiedrowsy couchcouch,
wln 0893AndAnd makesmakes hishis footstoolefootstool onon securitiesecurity:
wln 0894SoSo hehe bebe safesafe hehe carescares notnot whatwhat becomesbecomes,
wln 0895OfOf KingKing oror CountryCountry, nono notnot forfor themthem bothboth.
wln 0896ButBut comecome mymy LordsLords, letlet vsus awayaway withwith speedspeed,

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The Massacre

wln 0897AndAnd placeplace our seluesourselves inin orderorder forfor thethe fightfight.
wln 0898ExeuntExeunt.
wln 0899EnterEnter thethe KingKing ofof FranceFrance, DukeDuke ofof GuiseGuise, EpernouneEpernounEpernoune,
wln 0900andand DukeDuke IoyeuxJoyeuxjoyeux.

wln 0901KingKing.MyMy sweetsweet IoyeuxJoyeuxjoyeux, II makemake theethee GenerallGeneral,
wln 0902OfOf allall mymy armyarmy nownow inin readinesreadiness:
wln 0903ToTo marchmarch againstagainst thethe rebelliousrebellious KingKing NauarreNavarre,.
wln 0904AtAt thythy requestrequest II amam contentcontent thouthou goego,
wln 0905AlthoughAlthough mymy louelove toto theethee cancan hardlyhardly suffersuffer,
wln 0906RegardingRegarding stillstill thethe dangerdanger ofof thythy lifelife.
wln 0907IoyeuxJoyeuxjoyeux.ThanksThanks toto youryour MaiestieMajesty, andand soso II taketake
wln 0908 mymy leaueleave.
wln 0909FarwellFarewell toto mymy LordLord ofof GuiseGuise andand EpernouneEpernounEpernoune,
wln 0910GuiseGuise.HealthHealth andand hartyhearty farwellfarewell toto mymy LordLord
wln 0911 IoyeuxJoyeuxjoyeux.ExitExit IoyeuxJoyeuxjoyeux.
wln 0912KingKing.SoSo kindelykindly CosinCousin ofof GuiseGuise youyou andand youryour
wln 0913wifewife doedo bothboth salutesalute ourour louelylovely MinionsMinions.
wln 0914hehe makesmakes horneshorns atat thethe GuiseGuise.
wln 0915RememberRemember youyou thethe letterletter gentlegentle sirsir, whichwhich youryour
wln 0916wifewife writwrit toto mymy dearedear MinionMinion, andand herher chosenchosen
wln 0917freendfriend?
wln 0918GuiseGuise.HowHow nownow mymy LordLord, faithfaith thisthis isis moremore
wln 0919 thenthan needneed,
wln 0920AmAm II thusthus toto bebe iestedjested atat andand scorndescorned?
wln 0921Tis’Tis moremore thenthan kinglykingly oror EmperiousImperiousimperious.
wln 0922AndAnd suresure ifif allall thethe proudestproudest KingsKings inin
wln 0923ChristendomeChristendom, shouldshould bearebear meme suchsuch derisionderision:
wln 0924TheyThey shouldshould knowknow howhow II scorndescorned themthem andand theirtheir
wln 0925 mockesmocks.
I loue

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at Paris.

wln 0926II louelove youryour MinionsMinions, dotedote onon themthem your selfeyourself,
wln 0927II knowknow nonenone elselse butbut holdesholds themthem inin disgracedisgrace:
wln 0928AndAnd heerhere byby allall thethe SaintsSaints inin heauenheaven II sweareswear,
wln 0929ThatThat villainvillain forfor whomwhom II bearebear thisthis deepdeep disgracedisgrace:
wln 0930EuenEven forfor youryour wordswords thatthat hauehave incenstincensed meme soso,
wln 0931ShallShall buybuy thatthat strumpetsstrumpet’s fauourfavour withwith hishis bloodblood.
wln 0932WhetherWhether hehe hauehave dishonoureddishonoured meme oror nono.
wln 0933ParPar lala mormortmor dudieudu, IlIl meramourramera.ExitExit.
wln 0934KingKing.BeleeueBelieve meme thisthis iestjest bitesbites soresoresoar.
wln 0935Eper.EpernounEper.MyMy LordLord, twere’twere goodgood toto makemake themthem frendsfriends
wln 0936ForFor hishis othesoaths areare seldomeseldom spentspent inin vainevain.

wln 0937EnterEnter MugerounMugeroun.
wln 0938KingKing.HowHow nownow MugerounMugeroun, metstmett'stmetst thouthou notnot
wln 0939 thethe GuiseGuise atat thethe dooredoor?
wln 0940Muge.MugerounMuge.NotNot II mymy LordLord, whatwhat ifif II hadhad?
wln 0941KingKing.MarryMarry ifif thouthou hadsthadst, thouthou mightstmightst hauehave
wln 0942 hadhad thethe stabstab,
wln 0943ForFor hehe hathhath solemnelysolemnly swornesworn thythy deathdeath.
wln 0944Muge.MugerounMuge.II maymay bebe stabdstabbed, andand liuelive tilltill hehe bebe deaddead,
wln 0945ButBut wherforewherefore bearesbears hehe meme suchsuch deadlydeadly hatehate?
wln 0946KingKing.BecauseBecause hishis wifewife bearesbears theethee suchsuch
wln 0947 kindelykindly louelove.
wln 0948Muge.MugerounMuge.IfIf thatthat bebe allall, thethe nextnext timetime thatthat II meetmeet herher,
wln 0949IleI’ll makemake herher shakeshake offoffloueoff louelove withwith herher heelesheels.
wln 0950ButBut whichwhich wayway isis hehe gonegone, IleI’ll goego makemake aa walkwalk onon
wln 0951purposepurpose fromfrom thethe CourtCourt toto meetmeet withwith himhim.ExitExit.
wln 0952KingKing.II likelike notnot thisthis, comecome EpernouneEpernounEpernoune letslet’s goego seekseek
wln 0953thethe DukeDuke andand makemake themthem freendsfriends.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 0954AlarumsAlarms withinwithin. TheThe DukeDuke IoyeuxJoyeuxjoyeux slaineslain.

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The Massacre

wln 0955EnterEnter thethe KingKing ofof NauarreNavarre andand hishis trainetrain.

wln 0956NauarreNavarre.
wln 0957TheThe DukeDuke isis slaineslain andand allall hishis powerpower dispearstdispersed,
wln 0958AndAnd wewe areare grac’dgraced withwith wreatheswreathes ofof victoryvictory:
wln 0959ThusThus GodGod wewe seesee dothdoth euerever guideguide thethe rightright,
wln 0960ToTo makemake hishis gloryglory greatgreat vponupon thethe earthearth.
wln 0961Bar.BartusBar.TheThe terrourterror ofof thisthis happyhappy victoryvictory,
wln 0962II hopehope willwill makemake thethe KingKing surceasesurcease hishis hatehate:
wln 0963AndAnd eithereither neuernever mannagemanage armyarmy moremore,
wln 0964OrOr elseelse employemploy themthem inin somesome betterbetter causecause.
wln 0965Na.NavarreNa.HowHow manymany noblenoble menmen hauehave lostlost theirtheir
wln 0966 liueslives,
wln 0967InIn prosecutionprosecution ofof thesethese cruellcruel armesarms,
wln 0968IsIs ruthruth andand almostalmost deathdeath toto callcall toto mindemind:
wln 0969ButBut GodGod wewe knowknow willwill alwaiesalways putput themthem downedown,
wln 0970ThatThat liftlift themseluesthemselves againstagainst thethe perfectperfect truthtruth,
wln 0971WhichWhich IleI’ll maintainemaintain soso longlong asas lifelife dothdoth lastlast,
wln 0972AndAnd withwith thethe Q.QueenQ. ofof EnglandEngland ioynejoin mymy forceforce:
wln 0973ToTo beatbeat thethe papallpapal MonarckMonarchmonarch fromfrom ourour landslands,
wln 0974AndAnd keepkeep thosethose relicksrelics fromfrom ourour countriescountries coastescoasts.
wln 0975ComeCome mymy LordsLords nownow thatthat thisthis stormestorm isis ouerpastoverpast,
wln 0976LetLet vsus awayaway withwith triumphtriumph toto ourour tentstents.ExeuntExeunt.

wln 0977EnterEnter aa SouldierSoldier.
wln 0978Soul.SoldierSirSir, toto youyou sirsir, thatthat daresdares makemake thethe DukeDuke
wln 0979 aa cuckoldecuckold,
wln 0980AndAnd vseuse aa counterfeitecounterfeit keykey toto hishis
wln 0981 priuieprivy ChamberChamber dooredoor: AndAnd althoughalthough

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at Paris.

wln 0982youyou taketake outout nothingnothing butbut youryour owneown, yetyet youyou
wln 0983putput inin thatthat whichwhich displeasethdispleaseth himhim, andand soso fore-forestallfore∣stallforestall
wln 0984stall
wln 0984hishis marketmarket, andand setset vpup youryour standingstanding
wln 0985wherewhere youyou shouldshould notnot: andand whereaswhereas heehe isis
wln 0986youryour LandlordLandlord, youyou willwill taketake vponupon youyou toto bebe
wln 0987hishis, andand tylltill thethe groundground thatthat hehe himselfhimself shouldshould
wln 0988occupyoccupy, whichwhich isis hishis ownown freefree landland. IfIf itit bebe notnot
wln 0989tootoo freefree there’sthere’s thethe questionquestion: andand thoughthough II
wln 0990comecome notnot toto taketake possessionpossession (asas II wouldwould II
wln 0991mightmight) yetyet II meanemean toto keepekeep youyou outout, whichwhich II
wln 0992willwill ifif thisthis gearegeareholdegear holdehold: whatwhat areare yeye comecome soso
wln 0993soonesoon? hauehave atat yeye sirsir.
wln 0994EnterEnter MugerounMugeroun.
wln 0995HeHe shootesshoots atat himhim andand killeskills himhim.

wln 0996EnterEnter thethe GuiseGuise.

wln 0997GuiseGuise.HoldeHold theethee talltall SouldierSoldier, taketake theethee thisthis
wln 0998 andand flyefly.ExitExit SoulSouldierSoul.
wln 0999LyeLie therethere thethe KingsKing’sking’s delightdelight, andand GuisesGuise’s scornescorn.
wln 1000ReuengeRevenge itit HenryHenry asas thouthou listlist oror daredare,
wln 1001II diddid itit onlyonly inin despitedespite ofof theethee.
wln 1002TakeTake himhim awayaway.

wln 1003EnterEnter thethe KingKing andand EpernouneEpernounEpernoune.
wln 1004KingKing.
wln 1005MyMy LordLord ofof GuiseGuise, wewe vnderstandunderstand thatthat youyou hauehave
wln 1006gatheredgathered aa powerpower ofof menmen, whatwhat youryour intentintent isis
wln 1007yetyet wewe cannotcannot learnlearn, butbut wewe presumepresume itit isis notnot
wln 1008forfor ourour goodgood.

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The Massacre

wln 1009GuiseGuise.WhyWhy II amam nono traitortraitor toto thethe crownecrown
wln 1010 ofof FranceFrance.
wln 1011WhatWhat II hauehave donedone tis’tis forfor thethe GospellGospellgospel’s sakesake.
wln 1012Eper.EpernounEper.NayNay forfor thethe PopesPope’spope’s sakesake, andand thinethine owneown
wln 1013 benefitebenefit.
wln 1014WhatWhat PeerePeer inin FranceFrance butbut thouthou (aspiringaspiring GuiseGuise)
wln 1015DurstDurst bebe inin armesarms withoutwithout thethe KingsKing’sking’s consentconsent?
wln 1016II challengechallenge theethee forfor treasontreason inin thethe causecause.
wln 1017GuiseGuise.AhAh basebase EpernouneEpernounEpernoune, werewere notnot hishis highneshighness
wln 1018 heerehere,
wln 1019ThouThou shouldstshouldst perceiueperceive thethe D.DukeD. ofof GuiseGuise isis mou’dmoved.
wln 1020KingKing.BeBe patientpatient GuiseGuise andand threatthreat notnot EpernouneEpernounEpernoune,
wln 1021LeastLestlest thouthou perceiueperceive thethe KingKing ofof FranceFrance bebe mou’dmoved.
wln 1022GuiseGuise.WhyWhy? II amam aa PrincePrince ofof thethe ValoysesValoises’ lineline,
wln 1023TherforeTherefore anan enemyenemy toto thethe BurbonitesBourbonitesBurbonites.
wln 1024II amam aa iurorjuror inin thethe holyholy leagueleague,
wln 1025AndAnd therforetherefore hatedhated ofof thethe ProtestantsProtestants.
wln 1026WhatWhat shouldshould II doedo butbut standstand vponupon mymy guardeguard?
wln 1027AndAnd beingbeing ableable, IleI’ll keepkeep anan hoasthost inin paypay.
wln 1028EpernouneEpernounEpernoune.ThouThou ableable toto maintainemaintain anan hoasthost
wln 1029 inin paypay,
wln 1030ThatThat liuestlivest byby forraineforeign exhibitionexhibition.
wln 1031TheThe PopePope andand KingKing ofof SpaineSpain areare thythy goodgood frendsfriends,
wln 1032ElseElse allall FranceFrance knowesknows howhow poorpoor aa DukeDuke thouthou artart.
wln 1033KingKing.IAyay, thosethose areare theythey thatthat feedfeed himhim withwith
wln 1034 theirtheir goldegold,
wln 1035ToTo countermaundcounter maundcountermand ourour willwill andand checkcheck ourour freendsfriends.
wln 1036GuiseGuise.MyMy LordLord, toto speakspeak moremore plainelyplainly, thusthus itit isis:
wln 1037BeingBeing animatedanimated byby ReligiousReligious zealezeal,
wln 1038II meanemean toto mustermuster allall thethe powerpower II cancan,

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at Paris.

wln 1039ToTo ouerthrowoverthrow thosethose sexioussectious PuritansPuritanPuritans:
wln 1040AndAnd knowknow mymy LordLord, thethe PopePope willwill sellsell
wln 1041 hishis tripletriple crownecrown,
wln 1042IAyay, andand thethe catholickcatholic PhilipPhilip KingKing ofof SpaineSpain,
wln 1043EreEre II shallshall wantwant, willwill causecause hishis IndiansIndians,
wln 1044ToTo riprip thethe goldengolden bowelsbowels ofof AmericaAmerica.
wln 1045NauarreNavarre thatthat cloakescloaks themthem vnderneathunderneath hishis wingswings,
wln 1046ShallShall feelefeel thethe househouse ofof LorayneLorraine isis hishis foefoe:
wln 1047YourYour highneshighness needsneeds notnot fearefear minemine armiesarmy’sArmy’s forceforce,
wln 1048Tis’Tis forfor youryour safetiesafety andand youryour enemiesenemy’s wrackwrack.
wln 1049KingKing.GuiseGuise, wearewear ourour crownecrown, andand bebe thouthou
wln 1050 KingKing ofof FranceFrance,
wln 1051AndAnd asas DictatorDictator makemake oror warrewar oror peacepeace,
wln 1052WhilsteWhilst II crycry placetplacet likelike aa SenatorSenator,
wln 1053II cannotcannot brookbrook thythy hautyhaughty insolenceinsolence,
wln 1054DismisseDismiss thythy campecamp oror elseelse byby ourour EdictEdict,
wln 1055BeBe thouthou proclaimdeproclaimed aa traitortraitor throughoutthroughout FranceFrance.
wln 1056GuiseGuise.TheThe choysechoice isis hardhard, II mustmust dissembledissemble.
wln 1057MyMy LordLord, inin tokentoken ofof mymy truetrue humilitiehumility,
wln 1058AndAnd simplesimple meaningmeaning toto youryour MaiestieMajesty:
wln 1059II kissekiss youryour gracesgrace’s handhand, andand taketake mymy leaueleave,
wln 1060IntendingIntending toto dislodgedislodge mymy campecamp withwith speedspeed.
wln 1061KingKing.ThenThen farwellfarewell GuiseGuise, thethe KingKing andand thouthou
wln 1062 areare freendsfriends.ExitExit GuiseGuise.
wln 1063Eper.EpernounEper.ButBut trusttrust himhim notnot mymy LordLord, forfor hadhad
wln 1064 youryour highnessehighness,
wln 1065SeeneSeen withwith whatwhat aa pompepomp hehe entredentered ParisParis,
wln 1066AndAnd howhow thethe CitizensCitizens withwith giftsgifts andand shewesshows
wln 1067DidDid entertaineentertain himhim andand promisedpromised toto bebe atat
wln 1068 hishis commaundcommand:

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The Massacre

wln 1069NayNay, theythey fear’dfeared notnot toto speakspeak inin thethe streetesstreets,
wln 1070ThatThat thethe GuiseGuise durstdurst standstand inin armesarms againstagainst
wln 1071 thethe KingKing,
wln 1072ForFor notnot effectingeffecting ofof hishis holinesholiness willwill.
wln 1073KingKing.DidDid theythey ofof ParisParis entertaineentertain himhim soso?
wln 1074ThenThen meanesmeans hehe presentpresent treasontreason toto ourour statestate.
wln 1075WellWell, letlet meme alonealone, whosewho’s withinwithin therethere?

wln 1076EnterEnter oneone withwith aa penpen andand inkeink.

wln 1077MakeMake aa dischargedischarge ofof allall mymy counsellcouncil straitestraight,
wln 1078AndAnd IleI’ll subscribesubscribe mymy namename andand sealeseal itit straightstraight.
wln 1079MyMy headhead shallshall bebe mymy counsellcouncilcounsel, theythey areare falsefalse:
wln 1080AndAnd EpernouneEpernounEpernoune II willwill bebe rulderuled byby theethee.
wln 1081Eper.EpernounEper.MyMy LordLord, II thinkthink forfor safetysafety ofof youryour royallroyal
wln 1082 personperson,
wln 1083ItIt wouldwould bebe goodgood thethe GuiseGuise werewere mademade awayaway,
wln 1084AndAnd soso toto quitequitquite youryour gracegrace ofof allall suspectsuspect.
wln 1085KingKing.FirstFirst letlet vsus setset ourour handhand andand sealeseal toto
wln 1086 thisthis,
wln 1087AndAnd thenthen IleI’ll telltell theethee whatwhat II meanemean toto doedo.(hehe writeswrites.
wln 1088SoSo, conueyconvey thisthis toto thethe counsellcouncil presentlypresently.ExitExit oneone.
wln 1089AndAnd EpernouneEpernounEpernoune thoughthough II seemeseem mildemild andand calmecalm,
wln 1090ThinkeThink notnot butbut II amam tragicalltragical withinwithin:
wln 1091IleI’ll secretlysecretly conuayconvey meme vntounto BloyseBloisBloyse,
wln 1092ForFor nownow thatthat ParisParis takestakes thethe GuisesGuise’s partepart,
wln 1093HeereHere isis nono stayingstaying forfor thethe KingKing ofof FranceFrance,
wln 1094VnlesUnless hehe meanemean toto bebe betraidebetrayed andand dyedie:
wln 1095ButBut asas II liuehuelivehue, soso suresure thethe GuiseGuise shallshall dyedie.
wln 1096ExeuntExeunt.

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at Paris.

wln 1097EnterEnter thethe KingKing ofof NauarreNavarre readingreading ofof aa letterletter,
wln 1098andand BartusBartus.

wln 1099NauarreNavarre.
wln 1100MyMy LordLord, II amam aduertisedadvertised fromfrom FranceFrance,
wln 1101ThatThat thethe GuiseGuise hathhath takentaken armesarms againstagainst thethe KingKing,
wln 1102AndAnd thatthat ParisParis isis reuoltedrevolted fromfrom hishis gracegrace.
wln 1103Bar.BartusBar.ThenThen hathhath youryour gracegrace fitfit oportunitieopportunity,
wln 1104ToTo shewshow youryour louelove vntounto thethe KingKing ofof FranceFrance:
wln 1105OfferingOffering himhim aideaid againstagainst hishis enemiesenemies,
wln 1106WhichWhich cannotcannot butbut bebe thankfullythankfully receiu’dreceived.
wln 1107NauarreNavarre.BartusBartus, itit shallshall bebe soso, poastpost thenthen
wln 1108 toto FraunceFrance,
wln 1109AndAnd therethere salutesalute hishis highnessehighness inin ourour namename,
wln 1110AssureAssure himhim allall thethe aideaid wewe cancan prouideprovide,
wln 1111AgainstAgainst thethe GuisiansGuisians andand theirtheir complicescomplices.
wln 1112BartusBartus bebe gonegone, commendcommend meme toto hishis gracegrace,
wln 1113AndAnd telltell himhim ereere itit bebe longlong, IleI’ll visitevisit himhim.
wln 1114Bar.BartusBar.II willwill mymy LordLord.ExitExit.

wln 1115EnterEnter PleshePleshe.

wln 1116NauarreNavarre.PleshePleshe,
wln 1117PleshePleshe.MyMy LordLord.
wln 1118NaNavarreNaPleshePleshe, goego mustermuster vpup ourour menmen withwith speedspeed,
wln 1119AndAnd letlet themthem marchmarch awayaway toto FranceFrance amaineamain:
wln 1120ForFor wewe mustmust aideaid thethe KingKing againstagainst thethe GuiseGuise.
wln 1121BeBe gonegone II saysay, tis’tis timetime thatthat wewe werewere therethere.
wln 1122PleshePleshe.II goego mymy LordLord.

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The Massacre

wln 1123NauarNauar.NavarreNavar..ThatThat wickedwicked GuiseGuise II fearefear meme muchmuch
wln 1124 willwill bebe,
wln 1125TheThe ruineruin ofof thatthat famousfamous RealmeRealm ofof FranceFrance:
wln 1126ForFor hishis aspiringaspiring thoughtsthoughts aimeaim atat thethe crownecrown,
wln 1127AndAnd takestakes hishis vantagevantage onon ReligionReligion,
wln 1128ToTo plantplant thethe PopePope andand popelingspopelings inin thethe RealmeRealm,
wln 1129AndAnd bindebind itit wholywholly toto thethe SeaSeesee ofof RomeRome:
wln 1130ButBut ifif thatthat GodGod doedo prosperprosper minemine attemptsattempts,
wln 1131AndAnd sendsend vsus safelysafely toto arriuearrive inin FranceFrance:
wln 1132Wee’lWe’ll beatbeat himhim backback, andand driuedrive himhim toto hishis deathdeath,
wln 1133ThatThat baselybasely seekesseeks thethe ruineruin ofof hishis RealmeRealm.
wln 1134ExeuntExeunt.
wln 1135EnterEnter thethe CaptaineCaptain ofof thethe guardeguard, andand
wln 1136threethree murtherersmurderers.

wln 1137CaptaineCaptain.
wln 1138ComeCome onon sirssirs, whatwhat, areare youyou resolutelyresolutely bentbent,
wln 1139HatingHating thethe lifelife andand honourhonour ofof thethe GuiseGuise?
wln 1140WhatWhat, willwill youyou notnot fearefear whenwhen youyou seesee himhim comecome?
wln 11411.1 murderer1.FeareFear himhim saidsaid youyou? tushtush, werewere hehe heerehere, wewe
wln 1142wouldwould killkill himhim presentlypresently.
wln 11432.2 murderer2.OO thatthat hishis heartheart werewere leapingleaping inin
wln 1144mymy handhand.
wln 11453.3 murderer3.ButBut whenwhen willwill hehe comecome thatthat wewe maymay
wln 1146murthermurder himhim?
wln 1147Cap.CaptainWellWell, thenthenthan II seesee youyou areare resoluteresolute.
wln 11481.1 murderer1.LetLet vsus alonealone, II warrantwarrant youyou.
wln 1149Cap.CaptainThenThen sirssitssirs taketake youryour standingsstandings withinwithin
wln 1150thisthis ChamberChamber,
wln 1151ForFor anonanon thethe GuiseGuise willwill comecome.

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at Paris.

wln 1152AllAll.AllAll..YouYou willwill giuegive vsus ourour moneymoney.
wln 1153Cap.CaptainIAyay, IAyay, fearefear notnot, standstand closeclose, soso bebe resoluteresolute:
wln 1154NowNow falsfalls thethe starstar whosewhose influenceinfluence gouernesgoverns
wln 1155 FranceFrance,
wln 1156WhoseWhose lightlight waswas deadlydeadly toto thethe ProtestantsProtestants
wln 1157NowNow mustmust hehe fallfall andand perishperish inin hishis heightheight.

wln 1158EnterEnter thethe KingKing andand EpernouneEpernounEpernoune.

wln 1159KingKing.
wln 1160NowNow CaptainCaptain ofof mymy guardeguard, areare thesethese murthe-murtherersmurthe∣rersmurderers
wln 1161rers
wln 1161readyready?
wln 1162Cap.CaptainTheyThey bebe mymy goodgood LordLord.
wln 1163KingKing.ButBut areare theythey resoluteresolute andand armdearmed toto killkill,
wln 1164HatingHating thethe lifelife andand honourhonour ofof thethe GuiseGuise?
wln 1165Cap.CaptainII warrantwarrant yeye mymy LordLord.
wln 1166KingKing.ThenThen comecome proudproud GuiseGuise andand heerehere
wln 1167 disgordgedisgorge thythy brestbreast,
wln 1168SurchargdeSurcharged withwith surfetsurfeit ofof ambitiousambitious thoughtsthoughts:
wln 1169BreathBreathebreathe outout thatthat lifelife whereinwherein mymy deathdeath waswas hidhid,
wln 1170AndAnd endend thythy endlesendless treasonstreasons withwith thythy deathdeath.

wln 1171EnterEnter thethe GuiseGuise andand knockethknocketh.

wln 1172GuiseGuise.
wln 1173HallaHallaholla verletevarlet heyheyheigh: EpernouneEpernounEpernoune, wherewhere isis thethe KingKing?
wln 1174Eper.EpernounEper.MountedMounted hishis royallroyal CabonetCabinetcabinet.
wln 1175GuiseGuise.II pretheeprithee telltell himhim thatthat thethe GuiseGuise
wln 1176 isis heerehere.
wln 1177Eper.EpernounEper.AndAnd pleaseplease youryour gracegrace thethe DukeDuke ofof GuiseGuise,

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The Massacre

wln 1178dothdoth crauecrave accesseaccess vntounto youryour highneshighness.
wln 1179KingKing.LetLet himhim comecome inin.
wln 1180ComeCome GuiseGuise andand seesee thythy traiteroustraitorous guileguile outreachtoutreached,
wln 1181AndAnd perishperish inin thethe pitpit thouthou mad’stmad’stmadest forfor meme.
wln 1182TheThe GuiseGuise comescomes toto thethe KingKing.
wln 1183GuiseGuise.GoodGood morrowmorrow toto youryour MaiestieMajesty.
wln 1184KingKing.GoodGood morrowmorrow toto mymy louingloving CousinCousin
wln 1185 ofof GuiseGuise.
wln 1186HowHow faresfares itit thisthis morningmorning withwith youryour excel-excellenceexcel∣lenceexcellence
wln 1187lenceexcellence?
wln 1188GuiseGuise.II heardheard youryour MaiestieMajesty waswas scarselyscarcely
wln 1189 pleasdepleased,
wln 1190ThatThat inin thethe CourtCourt II barebarebore soso greatgreat
wln 1191 aa trainetrain.
wln 1192KingKing.TheyThey werewere toto blameblame thatthat saidsaid II waswas
wln 1193 displeasdedispleased,
wln 1194AndAnd youyou goodgood CosinCousin toto imagineimagine itit.
wln 1195Twere’Twere’twere hardhard withwith meme ifif II shouldshould doubtdoubt
wln 1196 mymy kinnekin,
wln 1197OrOr bebe suspicioussuspicious ofof mymy deerestdearest freendsfriends:
wln 1198CousinCousin, assureassure youyou II amam resoluteresolute,
wln 1199WhatsoeuerWhatsoever anyany whisperwhisper inin minemine earesears,
wln 1200NotNot toto suspectsuspect disloyaltyedisloyalty inin theethee,
wln 1201AndAnd soso sweetsweet CuzCozcoz farwellfarewell.ExitExit KingKing.
wln 1202GuiseGuise.SoSo, nownow suessues thethe KingKing forfor fauourfavour
wln 1203 toto thethe GuiseGuise,
wln 1204AndAnd allall hishis MinionsMinions stoupstoop whenwhen II commaundcommand:
wln 1205WhyWhy thisthis tis’tis toto hauehave anan armyarmy inin thethe fieldefield,
wln 1206NowNow byby thethe holyholy sacramentsacrament II sweareswear,
wln 1207AsAs ancientancient RomanesRomans ouerover theirtheir CaptiueCaptive LordsLords,
So will

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at Paris.

wln 1208SoSo willwill II triumphtriumph ouerover thisthis wantonwanton KingKing,
wln 1209AndAnd hehe shallshall followfollow mymy proudproud ChariotsChariot’schariot’s wheeleswheels.
wln 1210NowNow doedo II butbut beginbegin toto looklook aboutabout,
wln 1211AndAnd allall mymy formerformer timetime waswas spentspent inin vainevain:
wln 1212HoldeHold SwordeSword, forfor inin theethee isis thethe DukeDuke ofof GuisesGuise’s
wln 1213 hopehope.

wln 1214EnterEnter oneone ofof thethe MurtherersMurderers.

wln 1215VillaineVillain, whywhy dostdost thouthou looklook soso gastlyghastly?
wln 1216speakespeak.
wln 1217Mur.MurdererOO pardonpardon meme mymy LordLord ofof GuiseGuise.
wln 1218GuiseGuise.PardonPardon theethee, whywhy whatwhat hasthast thouthou donedone?
wln 1219Mur.MurdererOO mymy LordLord, II amam oneone ofof themthem thatthat
wln 1220isis setset toto murdermurder youyou.
wln 1221GuiseGuise.ToTo murdermurder meme villainevillain.
wln 1222Mur.MurdererII mymy LordLord, thethe restrest hauehave taineta’en theirtheir stan-standingsstan∣dingsstandings
wln 1223dings
wln 1223inin thethe nextnext roomeroom, thereforetherefore goodgood mymy
wln 1224LordLord goego notnot foorthforth.
wln 1225GuiseGuise.YetYet CaesarCæsarCaesar shallshall goego forthforth, letlet meanmean consaitsconceits,
wln 1226andand baserbaser menmen fearefear deathdeath: tuttut theythey areare pesantspeasants,
wln 1227II amam DukeDuke ofof GuiseGuise: andand princesprinces withwith theirtheir lookeslooks,
wln 1228ingenderengender fearefear.
wln 12291.1 murderer1.StandStand closeclose, hehe isis commingcoming, II knowknow himhim
wln 1230byby hishis voicevoice.
wln 1231GuiseGuise.AsAs palepale asas ashesashes, naynay thenthen tis’tis timetime toto
wln 1232looklook aboutabout.
wln 1233AllAll.AllAll..DowneDown withwith himhim, downedown withwith himhim.
wln 1234TheyThey stabbestab himhim.
wln 1235GuiseGuise.OhOhO II hauehave mymy deathsdeath’s woundwound, giuegive meme
wln 1236leaueleave toto speakspeak.
2. Then

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The Massacre

wln 12372.2 murderer2.ThenThen praypray toto GodGod, andand askeask forgiuenesforgiveness
wln 1238ofof thethe KingKing.
wln 1239GuiseGuise.TroubleTrouble meme notnot, II nearene’er
wln 1240 offendedoffended himhim.
wln 1241NorNor willwill II askeask forgiuenesforgiveness ofof thethe KingKing.
wln 1242OhOhO thatthat II hauehave notnot powerpower toto staystay mymy lifelife,
wln 1243NorNor immortalitieimmortality toto bebe reueng’drevenged:
wln 1244ToTo dyedie byby PesantesPeasantspeasants, whatwhat aa greefegrief isis thisthis?
wln 1245AhAh SextusSextus, bebe reueng’drevenged vponupon thethe KingKing,
wln 1246PhilipPhilip andand ParmaParma, II amam slaineslain forfor youyou:
wln 1247PopePope excommunicateexcommunicate, PhilipPhilip deposedepose,
wln 1248TheThe wickedwicked branchbranch ofof curstcursed ValoisValois
wln 1249 hishis lineline.
wln 1250ViueVive lala messamesse, perishperish HugonetsHuguenots,
wln 1251ThusThus CœsarCoesarCaesar diddid goego foorthforth, andand thusthus
wln 1252 hehe dyeddied.HeHe dyesdies.

wln 1253EnterEnter CaptaineCaptain ofof thethe GuardeGuard.

wln 1254CaptaineCaptain.
wln 1255WhatWhat hauehave youyou donedone? thenthen staystay aa whilewhile andand IleI’ll
wln 1256goego callcall thethe KingKing, butbut seesee wherewhere hehe comescomes.
wln 1257MyMy LordLord, seesee wherewhere thethe GuiseGuise isis slaineslain.
wln 1258KingKing.AhAh thisthis sweetsweet sightsight isis phisickphysic
wln 1259 toto mymy soulesoul,
wln 1260GoeGo fetchfetch hishis sonneson forfor toto beholdebehold hishis deathdeath:
wln 1261SurchargdeSurcharged withwith guiltguilt ofof thousandthousand
wln 1262 massacresmassacres:
wln 1263MounserMonsieur ofof LoraineLorraine sinkesink awayaway toto hellhell,
wln 1264AndAnd inin remembranceremembrance ofof thosethose
wln 1265 bloudybloody broylesbroils:

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at Paris.

wln 1266ToTo whichwhich thouthou didstdidstaluredidst alureallure meme beingbeing aliuealive:
wln 1267AndAnd heerehere inin presencepresence ofof youyou allall II sweareswear,
wln 1268II nerene’er waswas KingKing ofof FranceFrance vntilluntil thisthis hourehour:
wln 1269ThisThis isis thethe traitortraitor thatthat hathhath spentspent mymy goldegold,
wln 1270InIn makingmaking forraineforeign warreswars andand ciuilecivil broilesbroils.
wln 1271DidDid hehe notnot drawdrawadraw aa sortesort ofof EnglishEnglish priestespriests,
wln 1272FromFrom DowayDouai toto thethe SeminarySeminary atat RemesRheims,
wln 1273ToTo hatchhatch forthforth treasontreason gainst’gainst theirtheir naturallnatural
wln 1274 QueeneQueen?
wln 1275DidDid hehe notnot causecause thethe KingKing ofof SpainesSpain’s hugehuge
wln 1276 fleetefleet,
wln 1277ToTo threatenthreaten EnglandEngland andand toto menacemenace meme?
wln 1278DidDid hehe notnot iniureinjure MounserMonsieur thatsthat’s deceastdeceased?
wln 1279HathHath hehe notnot mademade meme inin thethe PopesPope’spope’s defencedefence,
wln 1280ToTo spendspend thethe treasuretreasure thatthat shouldshould strengthstrength
wln 1281 mymy landland:
wln 1282InIn ciuillcivil broilesbroils betweenbetween NauarreNavarre andand meme?
wln 1283TushTush, toto bebe shortshort, hehe meantmeant toto makemake meme MunkeMonk,
wln 1284OrOr elseelse toto murdermurder meme, andand soso bebe KingKing.
wln 1285LetLet ChristianChristian princesprinces thatthat shallshall hearehear ofof thisthis,
wln 1286(AsAs allall thethe worldworld shallshall knowknow ourour GuiseGuise isis deaddead)
wln 1287RestRest satisfiedsatisfied withwith thisthis thatthat heerhere II sweareswear,
wln 1288NereNe’erne’er waswas therethere KingKing ofof FranceFrance soso yoaktyoked asas II.
wln 1289Eper.EpernounEper.MyMy LordLord heerhere isis hishis sonneson.
wln 1290EnterEnter thethe GuisesGuise’s sonneson.

wln 1291KingKing.
wln 1292BoyBoy, looklook wherewhere youryour fatherfather lyeslies,
wln 1293YongYoung GuiseGuise.MyMy fatherfather slaineslain, whowho hathhath donedone
wln 1294 thisthis deeddeed?

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The Massacre

wln 1295KingKing.SirraSirrah twas’twas II thatthat slewslew himhim, andand willwill slayslay
wln 1296theethee tootoo, andand thouthou proueprove suchsuch aa traitortraitor.
wln 1297YongYoung GuiseGuise.ArtArt thouthou KingKing, andand hasthast donedone thisthis
wln 1298bloudybloody deeddeed?
wln 1299IleI’ll bebe reuengderevenged.
wln 1300HeHe offerethoffereth toto throwethrow hishis daggerdagger.
wln 1301KingKing.AwayAAwayA way way toto prisonprison withwith himhim, IleI’ll clippeclip hishis
wln 1302wingeswings oror eree'erere hehe passepass mymy handeshands, awayaway withwith
wln 1303himhim.ExitExit BoyBoy.
wln 1304ButBut whatwhat auailethavaileth thatthat thisthis traitorstraitor’s deaddead,
wln 1305WhenWhen DukeDuke DumaineDumaine hishis brotherbrother isis aliuealive,
wln 1306AndAnd thatthat youngyoung CardinallCardinal thatthat isis grownegrown
wln 1307 soso proudproud?
wln 1308GoeGo toto thethe GouernourGovernor ofof OrleanceOrleans,
wln 1309AndAnd willwill himhim inin mymy namename toto killkill thethe DukeDuke.
wln 1310GetGet youyou awaya wayaway andand stranglestrangle thethe CardinallCardinal,
wln 1311TheseThese twotwo willwill makemake oneone entireentire DukeDuke ofof GuiseGuise,
wln 1312EspeciallyEspecially withwith ourour oldeold mothersmother’s helpehelp.
wln 1313Eper.EpernounEper.MyMy LordLord, seesee wherewhere sheshe comescomes, asas ifif sheshe
wln 1314drouptdrooped toto hearehear thesethese newesnews.

wln 1315EnterEnter QueeneQueen MotherMother.

wln 1316KingKing.AndAnd letlet herher droupdroop, mymy heartheart isis lightlight
wln 1317 enoughenough.
wln 1318MotherMother, howhow likelike youyou thisthis deuicedevice ofof minemine?
wln 1319II slewslew thethe GuiseGuise, becausebecause II wouldwould bebe KingKing.
wln 1320QueeneQueen.KingKing, whywhy soso thouthou wertwert beforebefore.
wln 1321PrayPray GodGod thouthou bebe aa KingKing nownow thisthis isis donedone.
wln 1322KingKing.NayNay hehe waswas KingKing andand countermandedcountermanded meme,

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at Paris.

wln 1323ButBut nownow II willwill bebe KingKing andand rulerule my selfemyself,
wln 1324AndAnd makemake thethe GuisiansGuisians stoupstoop thatthat areare aliuealive.
wln 1325QueeneQueen.II cannotcannot speakspeak forfor greefegrief, whenwhen thouthou
wln 1326 wastwast borneborn,
wln 1327II wouldwould thatthat II hadhad murderedmurdered theethee mymy sonneson.
wln 1328MyMy sonneson: thouthou artart aa changelingchangeling, notnot mymy sonneson.
wln 1329II cursecurse theethee andand exclaimeexclaim theethee miscreantmiscreant,
wln 1330TraitorTraitor toto GodGod, andand toto thethe realmerealm ofof FranceFrance.
wln 1331KingKing.CryCry outout, exclaimeexclaim, houlehowl tilltill thythy throatthroat
wln 1332 bebe hoarcehoarse,
wln 1333TheThe GuiseGuise isis slaineslain, andand II reioycerejoice thereforetherefore:
wln 1334AndAnd nownow willwill II toto armesarms, comecome EpernouneEpernounEpernoune:
wln 1335AndAnd letlet herher greeuegrieve herher heartheart outout ifif sheshe willwill.
wln 1336ExitExit thethe KingKing andand EpernouneEpernounEpernoune.
wln 1337QueeneQueen.AwayA wayAway, leaueleave meme alonealone toto meditatemeditate,
wln 1338SweetSweet GuiseGuise, wouldwould hehe hadhad dieddied soso thouthou
wln 1339 wertwert heerehere:
wln 1340ToTo whomwhom shallshall II bewraybewray mymy secretssecrets nownow,
wln 1341OrOr whowho willwill helpehelp toto buildebuild ReligionReligion?
wln 1342TheThe ProtestantsProtestants willwill gloryglory andand insulteinsult,
wln 1343WickedWicked NauarreNavarre willwill getget thethe crownecrown ofof FranceFrance,
wln 1344TheThe PopedomePopedom cannotcannot standstand, allall goesgoes toto wrackwrack.
wln 1345AndAnd allall forfor theethee mymy GuiseGuise, whatwhat maymay II doedo?
wln 1346ButBut sorrowsorrow seazeseize vponupon mymy toylingtoiling soulesoul,
wln 1347ForFor sincesince thethe GuiseGuise isis deaddead, II willwill notnot liuelive.ExitExit.

wln 1348EnterEnter twotwo draggingdragging inin thethe CardenallCardinalcardinal.
wln 1349Car.CardinalMurderMurder meme notnot, II amam aa CardenallCardinalcardinal.
wln 13501.1 murderer1.WertWert thouthou thethe PopePope thouthou mightstmight'stmightst notnot
wln 1351scapescape fromfrom vsus.

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The Massacre

wln 1352Car.CardinalWhatWhat willwill youyou fylefile youryour handeshands withwith
wln 1353 ChurchmensChurchmen’s bloudblood?
wln 13542.2 murderer2.ShedShed youryour bloudblood, OOhOh LordLord nono: forfor wewe entendintend
wln 1355toto stranglestrangle youyou.
wln 1356Car.CardinalThenThen therethere isis nono remedyeremedy butbut II mustmust
wln 1357 dyedie.
wln 13581.1 murderer1.NoNo remedyeremedy, thereforetherefore prepareprepare youryour selfeyourself
wln 1359selfeyourself.
wln 1360Car.CardinalYetYet liueslives mymy brotherbrother DukeDuke DumaineDumaiueDumaine,
wln 1361 andand manymany moemomore:
wln 1362ToTo reuengerevenge ourour deathsdeaths vponupon thatthat cursedcursed
wln 1363 KingKing.
wln 1364VponUpon whosewhose heartheart maymay allall thethe furiesfuries gripegripe,
wln 1365AndAnd withwith theirtheir pawespaws drenchdrench hishis blackblack soulesoul
wln 1366 inin hellhell.
wln 13671.1 murderer1.YoursYours mymy LordLord CardinallCardinal, youyou shouldshould
wln 1368 hauehave saidesaid.
wln 1369NowNow theythey stranglestrangle himhim.
wln 1370SoSo, pluckpluck amaineamain, hehe isis hardhard heartedhearted,
wln 1371 therforetherefore pullpull withwith violenceviolence.
wln 1372ComeCome taketake himhim awayaway.ExeuntExeunt.

wln 1373EnterEnter DukeDuke DumaynDumaineDumayn readingreading ofof aa letterletter,
wln 1374withwith othersothers.

wln 1375DumaineDumaiueDumaine.
wln 1376MyMy noblenoble brotherbrother murtheredmurdered byby thethe
wln 1377 KingKing,
wln 1378OhOhO whatwhat maymay II doedo, forfor toto reuengereuengethyrevenge
wln 1379 thythy deathdeath?

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at Paris.

wln 1380TheThe KingsKingsaloneKing’sking’s alonealone, itit cannotcannot satisfiesatisfy.
wln 1381SweetSweet DukeDuke ofof GuiseGuise ourour propprop toto leanelean
wln 1382 vponupon,
wln 1383NowNow thouthou artart deaddead, heerehere isis nono staystay
wln 1384 forfor vsus:
wln 1385II amam thythy brotherbrother, andand ileI’ll reuengerevenge thythy
wln 1386 deathdeath,
wln 1387AndAnd rooteroot ValoysValois hishis lineline fromfrom forthforth ofof
wln 1388 FranceFrance,
wln 1389AndAnd beatebeat proudproud BurbonBourbon toto hishis natiuenative homehome.
wln 1390ThatThat baselybasely seekesseeks toto ioynejoin withwith suchsuch aa
wln 1391 KingKing.
wln 1392WhoseWhose murderousmurderous thoughtsthoughts willwill bebe hishis
wln 1393 ouerthrowoverthrow.
wln 1394HeeHe wildwilled thethe GouernourGovernor ofof OrleanceOrleans inin hishis
wln 1395 namename,
wln 1396ThatThat II withwith speedspeed shouldshould hauehave beenebeen putput toto
wln 1397 deathdeath.
wln 1398ButBut thatsthat’s preuentedprevented, forfor toto endend hishis lifelife.
wln 1399HisHis lifelife, andand allall thosethose traitorstraitors toto thethe ChurchChurch
wln 1400 ofof RomeRome,
wln 1401ThatThat durstdurst attemptattempt toto murdermurder noblenoble
wln 1402 GuiseGuise.

wln 1403EnterEnter thethe FrierFriar.

wln 1404FrierFriarfriar.
wln 1405MyMy LordLord, II comecome toto bringbring youyou newesnews, thatthat youryour
wln 1406brotherbrother thethe CardinallCardinal ofof LoraineLorraine byby thethe KingsKing’sking’s
wln 1407consentconsent isis latelylately strangledstrangled vntounto deathdeath.

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The Massacre

wln 1408DumaineDumaine.MyMy brotherbrother CardenallCarden allCardinalcardinal slaineslain andand
wln 1409 II aliuealive?
wln 1410OO wordeswords ofof powerpower toto killkill aa thousandthousand menmen.
wln 1411ComeCome letlet vsus awayaway andand leauylevy menmen,
wln 1412Tis’Tis warrewar thatthat mustmust asswageassuage thisthis tyrantestyrant’s
wln 1413 pridepride.
wln 1414FrierFriarfriar.MyMy LordLord, hearehear meme butbut speakspeak.
wln 1415II amam aa FrierFriar ofof thethe orderorder ofof thethe
wln 1416 IacobynsJacobins,
wln 1417ThatThat forfor mymy conscienceconscience’ sakesake willwill killkill thethe
wln 1418 KingKing.
wln 1419DumaineDumaine.ButBut whatwhat dothdoth mouemove theethee aboueabove thethe
wln 1420restrest toto doedo thethe deeddeed?
wln 1421FrierFriarfriar.OO mymy LordLord, II hauehave beenebeen aa greatgreat sinnersinner inin
wln 1422mymy dayesdays, andand thethe deeddeed isis meritoriousmeritorious.
wln 1423DumaineDumaine.ButBut howhow wiltwilt thouthou getget opportu-opportunityeopportu∣nityeopportunity
wln 1424nityeopportunity?
wln 1425FrierFriarfriar.TushTush mymy LordLord, letlet meme alonealone forfor thatthat.
wln 1426DumaineDumaine.FrierFriarfriar comecome withwith meme,
wln 1427WeWe willwill goego talketalk moremore ofof thisthis withinwithin.ExeuntExeunt.

wln 1428SoundSound DrummeDrum andand TrumpetsTrumpets, andand enterenter thethe KingKing
wln 1429ofof FranceFrance, andand NauarreNavarre, EpernouneEpernounEpernoune,
wln 1430BartusBartus, PleshePleshe andand
wln 1431SouldiersSoldiers.

wln 1432KingKing.
wln 1433BrotherBrother ofof NauarreNavarre, II sorrowsorrow muchmuch,
wln 1434ThatThat euerever II waswas prou’dproved youryour enemyenemy,
wln 1435AndAnd thatthat thethe sweetsweet andand princelyprincely mindemind youyou bearebear,

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at Paris.

wln 1436WasWas euerever troubledtroubled withwith iniuriousinjurious warreswars:
wln 1437II vowvow asas II amam lawfulllawful KingKing ofof FranceFrance,
wln 1438ToTo recompencerecompense youryour reconciledreconciled louelove,
wln 1439WithWith allall thethe honorshonours andand affectionsaffections,
wln 1440ThatThat euerever II vouchsaftevouchsafed mymy dearestdearest freendsfriends.
wln 1441NauarreNavarre.ItIt isis enoughenough ifif thatthat NauarreNavarre
wln 1442 mayniaymay bebe,
wln 1443EsteemedEsteemed faithfullfaithful toto thethe KingKing ofof FranceFrance:
wln 1444WhoseWhose seruiceservice hehe maymay stillstill commaundcommand tilltill
wln 1445 deathdeath.
wln 1446KingKing.ThankesThanks toto mymy KinglyKingly BrotherBrother ofof
wln 1447 NauarreNavarre.
wln 1448ThenThen heerehere wee’lwee’llyewe’ll lyelie beforebefore LucreciaLutetiaLutetia walleswalls,
wln 1449GirtingGirdinggirding thisthis strumpetstrumpet CittieCity withwith ourour siegesiege,
wln 1450TillTill surfeitingsurfeiting withwith ourour afflictingafflicting armesarms,
wln 1451SheShe castcast herher hatefullhateful stomackstomach toto thethe earthearth.

wln 1452EnterEnter aa MessengerMessenger.

wln 1453MessengerMessenger.
wln 1454AndAnd itit pleaseplease youryour MaiestieMajesty heerehere isis aa FrierFriar ofof
wln 1455thethe orderorder ofof thethe IacobinsJacobinsjacobins, sentsent fromfrom thethe Pre-PresidentPre∣sidentPresident
wln 1456sident
wln 1456ofof ParisParis, thatthat crauescraves accesseaccess vntounto youryour
wln 1457gracegrace.
wln 1458KingKing.LetLet himhim comecome inin.

wln 1459EnterEnter FrierFriar withwith aa LetterLetter.

wln 1460EpernouneEpernounEpernoune.
wln 1461II likelike notnot thisthis FriersFriar’sfriar’s looklook.

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The Massacre

wln 1462Twere’Twere’twere notnot amisseamiss mymy LordLord, ifif hehe werewere
wln 1463 searchtsearched.
wln 1464KingKing.SweeteSweet EpernouneEpernounEpernoune, ourour FriersFriars areare holyholy
wln 1465 menmen,
wln 1466AndAnd willwill notnot offeroffer violenceviolence toto theirtheir
wln 1467 KingKing,
wln 1468ForFor allall thethe wealthwealth andand treasuretreasure ofof thethe worldworld.,
wln 1469FrierFriar, thouthou dostdost acknowledgeacknowledge meme thythy
wln 1470 KingKing:
wln 1471FrierFriarfriar.IAyI mymy goodgood LordLord, andand willwill dyedie
wln 1472 thereintherein.
wln 1473KingKing.ThenThen comecome thouthou neernear, andand telltell whatwhat
wln 1474 newesnews thouthou bringstbringst.
wln 1475FrierFriarfriar.MyMy LordLord, thethe PresidentPresident ofof ParisParis greetesgreets
wln 1476youryour gracegrace, andand sendssends hishis dutieduty byby thesethese spee-speedyespee∣dyespeedy
wln 1477dye
wln 1477lineslines, humblyehumbly crauingcraving youryour graciousgracious
wln 1478replyreply.
wln 1479KingKing.IleI’ll readread themthem FrierFriar, andand thenthen IleI’ll answereanswer
wln 1480 theethee.
wln 1481FrierFriarfriar.SancteSancte IacobusJacobusjacobus, nownow hauehave mercyemercy vponupon
wln 1482 meme.

wln 1483HeHe stabsstabs thethe KingKing withwith aa knifeknife asas hehe readethreadeth
wln 1484thethe letterletter, andand thenthen thethe KingKing gettethgetteth thethe
wln 1485knifeknife andand killeskills himhim.

wln 1486EpernouneEpernounEpernoune.
wln 1487OO mymy LordLord, letlet himhim liuelive aa whilewhile.
wln 1488KingKing.NoNo, letlet thethe villainevillain dyedie, andand feelefeel inin hellhell,
wln 1489iustjust tormentstorments forfor hishis trecherytreachery.

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at Paris.

wln 1490NauarreNavarre.WhatWhat, isis youryour highneshighness hurthurt?
wln 1491KingKing.YesYes NauarreNavarre, butbut notnot toto deathdeath
wln 1492 II hopehope.
wln 1493NauarreNavarre.GodGod shieldshield youryour gracegrace fromfrom suchsuch
wln 1494 aa sodainesudden deathdeath:
wln 1495GoeGo callcall aa surgeonsurgeon hetherhither straitstraight.
wln 1496KingKing.WhatWhat irreligeousirreligious PagansPagans’pagans’ partesparts bebe
wln 1497 thesethese,
wln 1498OfOf suchsuch asas holdehold themthem ofof thethe holyholy churchchurch?
wln 1499TakeTake hencehence thatthat damneddamned villainevillain fromfrom mymy
wln 1500 sightsight.
wln 1501Eper.EpernounEper.AhAh, hadhad youryour highneshighness letlet himhim liuelive,
wln 1502WeWe mightmight hauehave punishtpunished himhim toto hishis desertsdeserts.
wln 1503KingKing.SweetSweet EpernouneEpernounEpernoune allall RebelsRebels vnderunder heauenheaven,
wln 1504shallshall taketake exampleexample byby theirtheir punishmentpunishment, howhow
wln 1505theythey bearebear armesarms againstagainst theirtheir soueraignesovereign.
wln 1506GoeGo callcall thethe EnglishEnglish AgentAgent hetherhither straitstraight,
wln 1507IleI’ll sendsend mymy sistersister EnglandEngland newesnews ofof thisthis,
wln 1508AndAnd giuegive herher warningwarning ofof herher trecheroustreacherous foesfoes.
wln 1509NauarreNavarre.PleasethPleaseth youryour gracegrace toto letlet thethe SurgeonSurgeon
wln 1510searchsearch youryour woundwound.
wln 1511KingKing.TheThe woundwound II warrantwarrant yeye isis deepedeep
wln 1512 mymy LordLord,
wln 1513SearchSearch SurgeonSurgeon andand resolueresolve meme whatwhat thouthou
wln 1514 seestseest.
wln 1515TheThe SurgeonSurgeon searchethsearcheth.

wln 1516EnterEnter thethe EnglishEnglish AgentAgent.

wln 1517AgentAgent forfor EnglandEngland, sendsend thythy mistresmistress wordword,

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The Massacre

wln 1518WhatWhat thisthis detesteddetested IacobinJacobinjacobin hathhath donedone.
wln 1519TellTell herher forfor allall thisthis thatthat II hopehope toto liuelive,
wln 1520WhichWhich ifif II doedo, thethe PapallPapal Monarckmonarch goesgoes
wln 1521 toto wrackwrack.
wln 1522AndAnd antechristianantichristian kingdomekingdom fallesfalls.
wln 1523TheseThese bloudybloody handshands shallshall tearetear hishis tripletriple CrowneCrown,
wln 1524AndAnd firefire accursedaccursed RomeRome aboutabout hishis earesears.
wln 1525IleHeI’llHe firefire hishis crasedIlecrasedcrazedI’ll buildingsbuildings andand incenseincense,
wln 1526TheThe papallpapal towerstowers toto kissekiss thethe holyholy earthearth.
wln 1527NauarreNavarre, giuegive meme thythy handhand, II heerehere dodo sweareswear,
wln 1528ToTo ruinateruinate thatthat wickedwicked ChurchChurch ofof RomeRome,
wln 1529ThatThat hatchethhatcheth vpup suchsuch bloudybloody practisespractises.
wln 1530AndAnd heerehere protestprotest eternalleternal louelove toto theethee,
wln 1531AndAnd toto thethe QueeneQueen ofof EnglandEngland speciallyspecially,
wln 1532WhomWhom GodGod hathhath blestblessed forfor hatinghating PapestryPapistrypapistry.
wln 1533NauarreNavarre.TheseThese wordswords reuiuerevive mymy thoughtsthoughts
wln 1534 andand comfortscomforts meme,
wln 1535ToTo seesee youryour highneshighness inin thisthis vertuousvirtuous mindemind.
wln 1536KingKing.TellTell meme SurgeonSurgeon, shallshall II liuelive?
wln 1537Sur.SurgeonAlasAlas mymy LordLord, thethe woundwound isis dangerousdangerous, forfor
wln 1538youyou areare strickenstricken withwith aa poysonedpoisoned knifeknife.
wln 1539KingKing.AA poysonedpoisoned knifeknife, whatwhat shallshall thethe FrenchFrench
wln 1540 kingking dyedy edie,
wln 1541WoundedWounded andand poysonedpoisoned, bothboth atat onceonce?
wln 1542Eper.EpernounEper.OO thatthat thatthat damneddamned villainevillain werewere aliuealive
wln 1543 againeagain,
wln 1544ThatThat wewe mightmight torturetorture himhim withwith somesome newnew
wln 1545 foundfound deathdeath.
wln 1546Bar.BartusBar.HeHe dieddied aa deathdeath tootoo goodgood, thethe deuilldevil ofof hellhell
wln 1547torturetorture hishis wickedwicked soulesoul.

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at Paris.

wln 1548KingKing.AhAh cursecurse himhim notnot sithsith hehe isis deaddead, OOOh thethe fa-fatallfa|tallfatal
wln 1549tall
wln 1549poysonpoison workesworks withinwithin mymy brestbreast, telltell meme
wln 1550SurgeonSurgeon andand flatterflatter notnot, maymay II liuelive?
wln 1551Sur.SurgeonAlasAlas mymy LordLord, youryour highneshighness cannotcannot liuelive.
wln 1552NauarreNavarre.SurgeonSurgeon, whywhy saistsayest thouthou soso? thethe KingKing
wln 1553maymay liuelive.
wln 1554KingKing.OhOhO nono NauarreNauarreNavarre, thouthou mustmust bebe KingKing
wln 1555 ofof FranceFrance.
wln 1556NauarreNavarre.LongLong maymay youyou liuelive, andand stillstill bebe KingKing ofof
wln 1557 FranceFrance.
wln 1558Eper.EpernounEper.OrOr elseelse dyedie EpernouneEpernounEpernoune.
wln 1559KingKing.SweetSweet EpernouneEpernounEpernoune thythy KingKing mustmust dyedie.
wln 1560MyMy LordsLords, fightfight inin thethe quarrellquarrel ofof thisthis valiantvaliant
wln 1561 PrincePrince,
wln 1562ForFor hehe isis youryour lawfulllawful KingKing andand mymy nextnext heireheir:
wln 1563ValoysesValois’ lyneline endsends inin mymy tragedietragedy.
wln 1564NowNow letlet thethe househouse ofof BourbonBourbon wearewear thethe crownecrown,
wln 1565AndAnd maymay itit neuernever endend inin bloudblood asas minemine hathhath
wln 1566 donedone.
wln 1567WeepWeep notnot sweetsweet NauarreNavarre, butbut reuengerevenge mymy
wln 1568 deathdeath.
wln 1569AhAh EpernouneEpernounEpernoune, isis thisthis thythy louelove toto meme?
wln 1570HenryHenry thythy KingKing wipeswipes ofoffof thesethese childishchildish
wln 1571 tearestears,
wln 1572AndAnd bidsbids theethee whetwhet thythy swordsword onon SextusSixtus'Sextus bonesbones,
wln 1573ThatThat itit maymay keenlykeenly sliceslice thethe CatholicksCatholics.
wln 1574HeHe louesloves meme notnot thatthat shedssheds mostmost tearestears,
wln 1575ButBut hehe thatthat makesmakes mostmost lauishlavish ofof hishis bloudblood.
wln 1576FireFire ParisParis wherewhere thesethese trecheroustreacherous rebelsrebels lurkelurk.,
wln 1577IIdyeI dyedie NauarreNauarreNavarre, comecome bearebear meme toto mymy SepulchreSepulchre.

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The Massacre

wln 1578SaluteSalute thethe QueeneQueen ofof EnglandEngland inin mymy namename,
wln 1579AndAnd telltell herher HenryHenry dyesdies herher faithfullfaithful freendfriend.
wln 1580HeHe dyesdies.
wln 1581NauarreNavarre.ComeCome LordsLords, taketake vpup thethe bodybody ofof
wln 1582 thethe KingKing.
wln 1583ThatThat wewe maymay seesee itit honourablyhonourably interdeinterred:
wln 1584AndAnd thenthen II vowvow forfor toto reuengerevenge hishis deathdeath,
wln 1585AsAs RomeRome andand allall thosethose popishpopish PrelatesPrelates therethere,
wln 1586ShallShall cursecurse thethe timetime thatthat eree'erere NauarreNavarre waswas KingKing.
wln 1587AndAnd rulderuled inin FranceFrance byby HenriesHenry’s fatallfatal deathdeath.

wln 1588TheyThey marchmarch outout withwith thethe bodybody ofof thethe KingKing, lyinglying
wln 1589onon fourefour mensmen’s shouldersshoulders withwith aa deaddead
wln 1590marchmarch, drawingdrawing weaponsweapons
wln 1591onon thethe groundground.

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Textual Notes
  1. 26 (3-a) : Ambiguous speech prefix. Suggest Catherine, the Queen-Mother.
  2. 40 (3-a) : Ambiguous speech prefix. Suggest Catherine, the Queen-Mother.
  3. 217 (6-a) : The regularized reading Old is supplied for the original O[*]d.
  4. 444 (10-a) : The regularized reading Seine is amended from the original Rene.
  5. 511 (11-a) : The regularized reading Seine is amended from the original Rene.
  6. 713 (14-b) : The regularized reading Exeunt is amended from the original Ezeunt.
Choose spelling:

First printed edition
The Massacre at Paris