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AA StrangeStrange TruthTruth.
ActedActed (some-timessometimes) byby thethe QueenesQueen’squeen’s
MAIESTIESMAJESTY’SMajesty’s ServantsServants atat thethe
PhænixPhaenixPhoenix inin DrurieDrurydrury lanelane.
FideFide HonorHonorHonour.
PrintedPrinted byby T.T. P.P. forfor HughHugh BeestonBeeston, andand areare toto
bebe soldsold atat hishis ShopShop, neerenear thethe CastleCastle inin
CornehillCornhill. 16341634.
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TheThe SceneScene,
TheThe ContinentContinent ofof GreatGreat BritayneBritain.
TheThe PersonsPersons presentedpresented.
HenryHenry thethe seaventhseventh.
SirSir WilliamWilliam StanlyStanleyStanly.
BishopBishop ofof DurhamDurham.
VrswickeUrswick ChaplaineChaplain toto
KingKing HenryHenry.
SirSir RobertRobert CliffordClifford.
LambertLambert SimnellSimnelSimnell.
HialasHialas aa SpanishSpanish AgentAgent.
ConstableConstable, OfficersOfficers, Ser-ServingmenServing-menserving-men
andand SouldiersSoldiers.
IamesJamesjames thethe 4th4th KingKing ofof Scotl.ScotlScotlandScotl
EarleEarl ofof HuntleyHu●leyHuntlyHuntley.
EarleEarl ofof CrawfordCrawford.
LordLord DaliellDaliell.
MarchmountMarchmount aa He-HerauldHe|rauldHerald
PerkinPerkin WarbeckWarbeck.
FrionFrion hishis SecretarieSecretary.
MayorMayor ofof CorkCork.
HeronHeron aa MercerMercer.
SketonSkeltonSketon aa TaylorTailortailor.
AstlyAstly — aa ScrivenerScrivener.
LadieLady KatherineKatherine GourdonGordonGourdon, — wifewife toto PerkinPerkin.
CountesseCountess ofof CrawfordCrawford.
IaneJanejane DouglasDouglas — LadyLady Kath:Katherine’sKath. maydmaid.
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EarleEarl ofof New-CastleNewcastle, Vis-ViscountVis∣countViscount
MansfieldMansfield, LordLord
BoulfouerBolsoverBoulsover andand OgleOgle.
OVTOutOut ofof thethe darknessedarkness ofof aa formerformer
AgeAge, (enlighten’denlightened byby aa latelate, bothboth
learnedlearned, andand anan honourablehonourable penpen)
II hauehave endevouredendeavoured, toto personatepersonate
aa greatgreat AttemptAttempt, andand inin ItIt, aa grea-greatergrea∣tergreater
DaungerDanger. InIn otherother Labour’sLabourslabours,
youyou maymay readeread ActionsActions ofof AntiquitieAntiquity discourstdiscoursed;
InIn ThisThis AbridgementAbridgement, findefind thethe ActorsActors themseluesthemselves
discoursingdiscoursing: inin somesome kindekind, practiz’dpractised asas wellwell
WhatWhat toto speakespeak; asas speakingspeaking WhyWhy toto doedo. YourYour
Lop.●op●LordshipLop. isis aa mostmost competentcompetent IudgeJudgejudge, inin expressionsexpressions ofof
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The Epistle Dedicatorie.
suchsuch creditcredit; commissionedcommissioned byby youryour knowneknown A-AbilitieA|bilitieAbility
in●nin examiningexamining; andand enabledenabled byby youryour know-knowledgeknow∣ledgeknowledge
inin determiningdetermining, thethe monumentsmonuments ofof TimeTime.
EminentEminent TitlesTitles, maymay indeedindeed informeinform, whowho, theirtheir
ownersowners areare, notnot oftenoften whatwhat: ToTo your’syours, thethe addi-additionaddi∣tionaddition
ofof thatthat informationinformation, inin BOTHBOTH, cannotcannot inin a-anya∣nyany
applicationapplication bebe observ’dobserved flatteryflattery; thethe Authori-AuthoritieAuthori|tieAuthority
beingbeing establishedestablished byby TRVTHTRUTH. II cancan onelyonly
acknowledgeacknowledge, thethe errourserrors inin writingwriting, minemine owneown;
thethe worthinesseworthiness ofof thethe SubjectSubject writtenwritten, beingbeing aa per-perfectionper∣fectionperfection
inin thethe StoryStory, andand ofof It.It. TheThe customecustom ofof
youryour LOPS.LOPSLordship’sLops. entertainementsentertainments (eveneven toto StrangersStrangers) isis,
ratherrather anan ExampleExample, thanthan aa FashionFashion: inin whichwhich con-considerationcon∣siderationconsideration
II daredare notnot professeprofess aa curiositiecuriosity; butbut amam
onelyonly studiousstudious, thatthat youryour LOP.LopLordshipLop willwill pleaseplease, amongstamongst
suchsuch asas bestbest honourhonour youryour GoodnesseGoodness, toto admitadmit intointo
youryour noblenoble constructionconstruction
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ToTo mymy owneown friendfriend, MasterMaster IohnJohnjohn FordFord,
onon hishis IustifiableJustifiablejustifiable PoemPoem ofof PerkinPerkin WarbeckWarbeck,
ThisThis OdeOde.
THeyTHey, whowho doedo knowknow meeme, knowknow, thatthat II
(Vnskil’dUnskilled toto flatterflatter)
DareDare speakespeak ThisThis PiecePiece, inin wordswords, inin mattermatter,
AA WORKEWORKwork: withoutwithout thethe daungerdanger ofof thethe LyeLie.
BeleeueBelieve meeme (friendfriend) thethe namename ofof ThisThis, andand TheeThee,
WillWill liuelive, youryour StorieStorystory:
BookesBooks maymay wantwant FaithFaith, oror meritmerit, glorieglory;
THISTHIS, neitherneither; withoutwithout Iudgement’sJudgement’sjudgement’s LethargieLethargy.
WhenWhen thethe ArtsArts doatedote, thenthen, somesome sickesick PoetPoet, maymay
HopeHope, thatthat hishis pennepen
InIn new-staind-papernew-stained papernew-stained-paper, cancan findefind menmen
ToTo roareroar, HEHE isis THETHE WIT’SWIT’S; HisHis NOYSENOISEnoise dothdoth swaysway.
ButBut suchsuch anan AgeAge cannotcannot bebe know’nknown: forfor AllAll,
E’reEreere thatthat TimeTime beebe,
MustMust proueprove suchsuch TruthTruth, mortalitiemortality:
SoSo (friendfriend) thythy honourhonour stand’sstands tootoo fixtfixed, toto fallfall.
GeorgeGeorge DonneDonne.
ToTo hishis worthyworthy friendfriend, MasterMaster IohnJohnjohn FordFord,
vponupon hishis PerkinPerkin WarbeckWarbeck.
LEtLEt menmen, whowho areare writtwritwritten PoetsPoets, laylay aa claimeclaim
ToTo thethe PhebeanPhoebean HillHill, II hauehave nono namename,
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NorNor artart inin VerseVerse; TrueTrue, II hauehave heardheard somesome telltell
OfOf AganippeAganippe, butbut ne’rene’ernever knewknew thethe WellWell:
ThereforeTherefore hauehave nono ambitionambition withwith thethe TimesTimes,
ToTo bebe inin PrintPrint, forfor makingmaking ofof illill RimesRhymes;
ButBut louelove ofof TheeThee, andand IusticeJusticejustice toto thythy PennePen
HathHath drawnedrawn meeme toto thisthis BarreBar, withwith otherother menmen
ToTo justifiejustify, thoughthough againstagainst doubledouble LawesLaws,
(WavingWaving thethe subtillsubtle bus’nessebusiness ofof hishis causecause)
TheThe GLORIOVSGLORIOUS PERKINPERKIN, andand thythy Poet’sPoet’s ArtArt
EquallEqual withwith HisHis, inin playingplaying thethe KINGSKING’Sking’s PARTPART.
Ra:RaRalphRa: E’ureEureE’ure
BaronisBaronis Primogen:PrimogenPrimogenitusPrimogen:
ToTo mymy faithfullfaithful, nono lesseless deservingdeserving friendfriend,
thethe AuthourAuthor; ThisThis indebtedindebted OblationOblation.
PERKINPERKIN isis rediviu’dredivin’dredivived byby thythy strongstrong handhand,
AndAnd crownd’crowned aa KingKing ofof newnew; thethe vengefullvengeful wandwand
OfOf GreatnesseGreatness isis forgotforgot: HISHIS ExecutionExecution
MayMay restrest vn-mention’dunmentioned; andand HISHIS birth’sbirth’s CollusionCollusion
LyeLie buriedburied inin thethe StorieStorystory: ButBut HISHIS famefame
ThouThou has’thast eterniz’deternised; mademade aa CrowneCrown HISHIS GameGame.
HISHIS loftielofty spiritspirit soaressoars yetyet. HadHad HEHE beenbeen
BaseBase inin hishis enterpriseenterprise, asas waswas hishis sinnesin
Conceiv’dConceived, HISHIS TITLETITLE, (doubtlessedoubtless) prou’dproved vnjustunjust,
HadHad, butbut forfor TheeThee, beenbeen silenc’tsilenced inin hishis dustdust.
GeorgeGeorge CrymesCrymes, milesmiles.
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ToTo thethe AuthourAuthor, hishis friendfriend, vponupon hishis
ChronicleChronicle HistorieHistory.
THeseTHese areare notnot toto expresseexpress thythy wittwit,
ButBut toto pronouncepronounce thythy IudgementJudgementjudgement fittfit;
InIn full-fil’dfull-filledfull-filed phrasephrase, thosethose TimesTimes toto rayseraise,
WhenWhen PERKINPERKIN ranran hishis wiliewily wayesways.
StillStill, letlet thethe methodemethod ofof thythy braynebrain,
FromFrom ErroursError’sErrors touchtouch, andand Envy’sEnvy’s staynestain
PreseruePreserve TheeThee, freefree; thatthat eu’revere’er, thythy quillquill
FayreFair TruthTruth maymay wettwet, andand FancyFancy fillfill.
ThusThus GracesGraces areare, withwith MusesMuses mettmet,
AndAnd practickpractic Critick’sCritics onon maymay frettfret:
ForFor heerehere, ThouThou hasthast produc’tproduced, AA StorieStorystory,
WhichWhich shallshall ecclipfeecclipseecclipfeeclipse, TheirTheir futurefuture GlorieGlory.
IohnJohnjohn BrograueBrograve: Ar:.Ar●Armiger.
ToTo mymy friendfriend, andand kinsmankinsman, MasterMaster IohnJohnjohn
FordFord, thethe AuthourAuthor.
DRammatickDramaticdramatic PoetsPoets (asas thethe TimesTimes goego) nownow
CanCan hardlyhardly writewrite, whatwhat othersothers willwill allowallow;
TheThe CynickCynic snarl’ssnarls; thethe CritickCritic howleshowls andand barkesbarks;
AndAnd RavensRavens croakecroak, toto drownedrown thethe voycevoice ofof LarkesLarks:
ScorneScorn thosethose STAGE-HARPYESSTAGE-HARPIESstage-harpies! ThisThis I’leI’ll boldlyboldly saysay,
ManyMany maymay imitateimitate, fewfew matchmatch thythy PlayPlay.
IohnJohnjohn FordFord: GraiensisGraiensis.
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STudyesSTudiesstudies hauehave, ofof thisthis NatureNature, beenbeen ofof latelate
SoSo outout ofof fashionfashion, soso vnfollow’dunfollowed; thatthat
ItIt isis becomebecome moremore IusticeJusticejustice, toto reviuerevive
TheThe antickantic follyesfollies ofof thethe TimesTimes, thenthen striuestrive
ToTo countenancecountenance wisewise IndustrieIndustry: nono wantwant
OfOf ArtArt, dothdoth renderrender wittwit, oror lamelame, oror scantscant,
OrOr slothfullslothful, inin thethe purchasep●rch●sepurchase ofof freshfresh bayesbays;
ButBut wantwant ofof TruthTruth inin ThemThem, whowho giuegive thethe praysepraise
ToTo theirtheir selfe-loueself-love, presumingpresuming toto out-doeoutdo
TheThe WriterWriter, oror (forfor needneed) thethe Actor’sActorsActor’s tootoo.
ButBut suchsuch THISTHIS AVTHOVR’SAUTHOR’Sauthor’s silencesilence bestbest befitt’sbefits,
WhoWho bidd’sbids ThemThem, bebe inin louelove, withwith theirtheir owneown witt’switt’s●wits::
FromFrom HimHim, toto cleererclearer Iudgement’sJudgementsjudgement’s, weewe cancan saysay,
HeeHe shew’sshows aa HistorieHistory, couch’tcouched inin aa PlayPlay:
AA HistorieHistory ofof noblenoble mentionmention, knowneknown,
FamousFamous, andand truetrue: mostmost noblenoble, ’cause’cause ourour owneown:
NotNot forg’dforged fromfrom ItalieItalyitaly, fromfrom FraunceFrance, fromfrom SpaineSpain,
ButBut ChronicledChronicled atat HomeHome; asas richrich inin straynestrain
OfOf brauebrave AttemptsAttempts, asas everever, fertilefertile RageRage
InIn ActionAction, couldcould begetbeget toto gracegrace thethe StageStage.
WeeWewe cannotcannot limittlimit ScenesScenes, forfor thethe wholewhole LandLand
It selfeItselfitself, appeardappeared tootoo narrownarrow toto with-standwithstand
CompetitorsCompetitors forfor KingdomesKingdoms: nornor isis heerehere
VnnecessaryUnnecessary mirthmirth forc’tforced, toto indeereendear
AA multitudemultitude; onon thesethese twotwo, rest’srests thethe FateFate
OfOf worthyworthy expectationexpectation; TTVTHTRUTHT●V●HTRUTH andand STATESTATE.
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ActusActus primusprimus, ScænaScaenaScaena primaprima.
EnterEnter KingKing HenryHenry, DurhamDurham, OxfordOxford, SurreySurrey, SirSir Wil-WilliamWil∣liamWilliam
StanlyStanleyStanly, LordLord ChamberlaineChamberlaine, LordLord DawbnyDaubeneyDawbny.
TheThe KingKing supportedsupported toto hishis ThroneThrone byby StanlyStanleyStanly andand
DurhamDurham. AA GuardGuard.
KingKing.STillStillStillSTill toto bebe hauntedhaunted; stillstill toto bebe pursuedpursued,
StillStill toto bebe frightedfrighted withwith falsefalse apparitionsapparitions
OfOf pageantpageant MajestieMajesty, andand new-coyndnew-coined greatnessegreatness,
AsAs ifif weewe werewere aa mockerymockery KingKing inin statestate;
OnelyOnly ordaindordained toto lauishlavish sweatsweat andand bloudblo●dblood
InIn scornescorn andand laughterlaughter toto thethe ghostsghosts ofof YorkeYork,
IsIs allall belowbelow ourour meritsmerits; yetyet (mymy LordsLords,
MyMy friendsfriends andand CounsailersCounsellors) yetyet wewe sitsit fastfast
InIn ourour owneown royallroyal birth-rightbirthright; thethe rentrent faceface
AndAnd bleedingbleeding woundswounds ofof England’sEngland’s slaughterdslaughtered peoplepeople,
HaueHave beenebeen byby vsus (asas byby thethe bestbest PhysitianPhysician)
AtAt lastlast bothboth throughlythoroughly Cur’dCured, andand setset inin safetiesafety;
AndAnd yetyet forfor allall thisthis gloriousglorious workework ofof peacepeace
Our selfeOurselfourself isis scarcescarce securesecur●secure.
Dur: The
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The Chronicle Historie
Dur:Dur●DurhamDur.TheThe ragerage ofof malicemalice
ConjuresConjures freshfresh spiritsspirits withwith thethe spellsspells ofof YorkeYork;
ForFor ninetieninety yearesyears tenten EnglishEnglish KingsKings andand PrincesPrinces,
ThreescoreThreescore greatgreat DukesDukes andand EarlesEarls, aa thousandthousand LordsLords
AndAnd valiantvaliant KnightsKnights, twotwo hundredhundred fiftiefifty thousandthousand
OfOf EnglishEnglish SubiectsSubjects hauehave inin CiuillCivil WarresWars,
BeeneBeen sacrificdsacrifi●dsacrificed toto anan vnciuilluncivil thirstthirst
OfOf discorddiscord andand ambitionambition: thisthis hothot vengeancevengeance
OfOf thethe justjust powerspowers aboueabove, toto vtterutter ruineruin
AndAnd DesolationDesolation hadhad raign’dreigned onon, butbut thatthat
MercieMercy diddid gentlygently sheathsheathe thethe swordsword ofof IusticeJusticejustice,
InIn lendinglending toto thisthis bloud-shrunckblood-shrunk Common-wealthCommonwealth
AA newnew souletoo●oulesoultoo, newnew birthbirth inin youryour SacredSacred personperson.
Daw:DaubeneyDaw:EdwardEdward thethe fourthfourth afterafter aa doubtfulldoubtful fortunefortune
YeeldedYielded toto naturenature; leavingleaving toto hishis sonnessons
EdwardEdward andand RichardRichard, thethe inheritanceinheritance
OfOf aa mostmost bloudybloody purchasepurchase; thesethese youngyoung PrincesPrince●Princes
RichardRichard thethe TirantTyrant theirtheir vnnaturallunnatural VncleV●cleUncle
Forc’dForced toto aa violentviolent grauegrave, soso justjust isis HeauenHeaven.
HimHim hathhath youryour MajestieMajesty byby youryour owneown armearm
DivinelyDivinely strengthen’dstrengt●en’dstrengthened, pulldpulled fromfrom hishis BoaresBoar’sBoars stiesty
AndAnd struckestruck thethe blackblack VsurperUsurper toto aa CarkasseCarcase:
NorNor dothdoth thethe HouseHouse ofof YorkeYork decaydecay inin HonorsHonours,
ThoThough LancasterLancaster dothdoth repossesserepossess hishis right●ightright.
ForFor EdwardsEdward’s daughterdaughter isis KingKing HenriesHenry’s QueeneQueen.
AA blessedblessed VnionUnion, andand aa lastinglasting blessingblessing
ForFor thisthis poorepoor pantingpanting IlandIsland, ifif somesome shredsshreds
SomeSome vselesseuseless remnantremnant ofof thethe HouseHouse ofof YorkeYork
GrudgeGrudge notnot atat thisthis ContentContent.Ox:OxfordOx:MargaretMargaret ofof BurgundyBurgundy
BlowesBlows freshfresh CoalesCoals ofof DivisionDivision.Sur:SurreySur:PaintedPainted firesfires
WithoutWithout toto heateheat oror scortchscortch●scorch oror lightlight toto cheerishcherish.
Daw:DaubeneyDaw:YorkesYork’s headlesseheadless truncktrunk herher FatherFather, EdwardsEdward’s fatefate
HerHer brotherbrother KingKing, thethe smotheringsmothering ofof herher NephewesNephews
ByBy TirantTyrant GlosterGloucesterGloster, brotherbrother toto herher naturenature;
NorNor GlostersGloucester’s owneown confusionconfusion, (allall decreesdecrees
SacredSacred inin HeauenHeaven) CanCan mouemove thisthis Woman-MonsterWoman-Monster,
ButBut thatthat sheeshe stillstill fromfrom thethe vnbottom’dunbottomed mynemine
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OfOf DevilishDevilish policiespolicies, dothdoth ventvent thethe OreOre
OfOf troublestroubles andand seditionsedition.Ox:OxfordOx:InIn herher ageage
(GreatGreat SirSir, obserueobserve thethe WonderWonder) sheeshe growesgrows fruitfullfruitful,
WhoWho inin herher strengthstrength ofof youthyouth waswas alwayesalways barrainebarren
NorNor areare herher birthesbirths asas otherother MothersMothers’Mothers areare,
AtAt ninenine oror tenten monethsmonths endend, sheeshe hashas beenebeen withwith childechild
EightEight oror seavenseven yearesyears atat leastleast; whosewhose twinnestwins beingbeing borneborn
(AA prodegieprodigy inin NatureNature) eveneven thethe youngestyoungest
IsIs fifteenefifteen yearesyears ofof ageage atat hishi●his firstfirst entranceentrance
AsAs soonesoon asas knowneknown ’ithi’th’ith’ worldworld, talltall striplingsstriplings, strongstrong
AndAnd ableable toto giuegive battailebattle vntounto KingsKings.
IdollsIdols ofof YorkishYorkish malicemalice.Ox:OxfordOx:AndAnd butbut IdollsIdols,
AA steeliesteely hammerhammer CrushesCrushes ’em’em toto peicespe●cespieces.
K:KingK:LambertLambert thethe eldesteldest (LordsLords) isis inin ourour serviceservice,
Prefer’dPreferred byby anan officiousofficious carecare ofof DutieD●●ieDuty
FromFrom thethe SculleryScullery toto aa FaulknerFalconerfalconer (strangestrange exampleexample!)
WhichWhich shewesshows thethe differencedifference betweenebetween noblenoble naturesnatures
AndAnd thethe basebase borneborn: butbut forfor thethe vpstartupstart DukeDuke,
TheThe newnew reviu’drevived YorkeYork, EdwardsEdward’s secondsecond sonneson,
Murder’dMurdered longlo●glong sincesince ’ithi’th’ith’ TowreTower; hehe liueslives againeagain
AndAnd vowesvows toto bebe youryour KingKing.Stan:StanleyStan:TheThe thronethrone isis filldfilled SirSir.
K:KingK:TrueTrue StanlieStanleystanley, andand thethe lawfulllawful heireheir sittssits onon itit;
AA guardguard ofof AngellsAngels, andand thethe holyholy prayersprayers
OfOf loyallloyal SubjectsSubjects areare aa suresure defencedefence
AgainstAgainst allall forceforce andand CounsaileCounsel ofof IntrusionIntrusion.
ButBut nownow (mymy LordsLords) putput casecase somesome ofof ourour NoblesNobles,
OurOur GREATGREAT ONESONES, shouldshould giuegive CountenanceCountenance andand CourageCourage
ToTo trimtrim DukeDuke PerkinPerkin; youyou willwill allall confesseconfess
OurOur bountiesbounties hauehave vnthriftilyunthriftily beenebeen scatter’dscattered
AmongstAmongst vnthankfullunthankful menmen.Daw:DaubeneyDaw:VnthankfullUnthankful beastsbeasts,
DoggesDogs, villainesvillains, traytorstraitors.K:KingK:DawbneyDaubeneyDawbney letlet thethe guiltieguilty
KeepeKeep silencesilence, II accuseaccuse nonenone, thothough II knowknow,
ForraigneForeign attemptsattempts againstagainst aa StateState andand KingdomeKingdom
AreAre seldomeseldom withoutwithout somesome greatgreat friendsfriends atat homehome.
Stan:StanleyStan:SirSir, ifif nono otherother ablerabler reasonsreasons elseelse
OfOf dutieduty oror alegianceallegiance couldcould divertdivert
AA head-strongheadstrong resolutionresolution, yetyet thethe dangersdangers
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The Chronicle Historie
SoSo latelylately pastpassed byby menmen ofof bloudblood andand fortunesfortunes
InIn LambertLambert SimnellsSimnel’s partieparty, mustmust CommandCommand
MoreMore thanthan aa fearefear, aa terrorterror toto ConspiracieConspiracy,
TheThe high-bornehigh-born LincolneLincoln, sonneson toto DeDe lala PolePole,
TheThe EarleEarl ofof KildareKildare, LordLord GeraldineGeraldine,
FrancisFrancis LordLord LouellLovell, andand thethe GermanGerman BaronBaron,
BouldBold MartinMartin SwartSwart, withwith BroughtonBroughton andand thethe restrest,
(MostMost spectaclesspectacles ofof ruineruin, somesome ofof mercymercy;)
AreAre presidentsprecedents sufficientsufficient toto forewarneforewarn
TheThe presentpresent timestimes, oror anyany thatthat liuelive inin themthem,
WhatWhat folliefolly, naynay, whatwhat madnessemadness ’twere’twere toto liftlift
AA fingerfinger vpup inin allall defencedefence butbut yoursyours,
WhichWhich cancan bebe butbut impostorousimpostorous inin aa titletitle.
K.KingK.StanlieStanleystanley weewe knowknow thouthou lou’stlov’st VsUs, andand thythy heartheart
IsIs figur’dfigured onon thythy tonguetongue; nornor thinkethink weewe lesseless
OfOf anie’sany’s herehere, howhow closelyclosely weewe hauehave huntedhunted
ThisThis CubbCubCubb (sincesince hehe vnlodg’dunlodged) fromfrom holehole toto holehole,
YourYour knowledgeknowledge isis ourour ChronicleChronicle: firstfirst IrelandIreland
TheThe commoncommon stagestage ofof NoveltieNovelty, presentedpresented
ThisThis gewgawgewgaw toto opposeoppose vsus, therethere thethe GeraldinesGeraldines
AndAnd ButlersButlers onceonce againeagain stoodstood inin supportsupport
OfOf thisthis ColossickeColossiccolossic statuestatue: CharlesCharles ofof FraunceFrance
ThenceThence call’dcalled himhim intointo hishis protectionprotection;
DissembledDissembled himhim thethe lawfulllawful heireheir ofof EnglandEngland;
YetYet thisthis waswas allall butbut FrenchFrench dissimulationdissimulation,
AymingAiming atat peacepeace withwith vsus, whichwhich beingbeing grantedgranted
OnOn honorablehonourable termesterms onon ourour partpart, suddenlysuddenly
ThisThis smoakesmoke ofof strawstraw waswas packtpacked fromfrom FraunceFrance againeagain,
T’infectT’infect somesome grossergrosser ayreair; andand nownow weewe learnelearn
(MaugerMaugre thethe malicemalice ofof thethe bastardbastard NevillNevilleNevill,
SirSir TalorTaylorTalor, andand aa hundredhundred EnglishEnglish RebellsRebels)
Thei’rThey’rethey’re allall retir’dretired toto FlaundersFlanders, toto thethe DamDam
ThatThat nurstnursed thisthis eagereager WholpeWhelpwhelp, MargaretMargaret ofof BurgundieBurgundyburgundy.
ButBut weewe willwill hunthunt himhim therethere tootoo, weewe willwill hunthunt himhim,
HuntHunt himhim toto deathdeath eueneven inin thethe BeldamsBeldame’s ClosetCloset,
ThoThough thethe Arch-dukeArchduke werewere hishis BucklerBuckler.
Sur:SurreySur:SheeShe hashas stil’dstyled himhim — TheThe fairefair whitewhite roserose ofof EnglandEngland.
Daw: Iollie
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Daw:DaubeneyDaw:IollieJollyjolly GentlemanGentleman, moremore fitfit toto bebe aa SwabberSwabber
ToTo thethe FlemishFlemish afterafter aa drunkendrunken surfetsurfeit.
EnterEnter VrswickUrswick.
Vr:UrswickVr:GraciousGracious SoueraigneSovereign, pleaseplease youyou peruseperuse thisthis paperpaper.
Dur:DurhamDur:TheThe KingsKing’sking’s CountenanceCountenance, gathersgathers aa sprightlysprightly bloudblood:
Daw:DaubeneyDaw:GoodGood newesnews beleeuebelieve itit.K:KingK:VrswickUrswick thinethine eareear —
Th’astTh’astthou’st lodgdlodged himhim?Vr:UrswickVr:StronglyStrongly, safesafe SirSir.
K:KingK:EnoughEnough, isis BarlyBarley comecome totooto?Vr:UrswickVr:NoNo, mymy LordLord.
K:KingK:NoNo mattermatter — phewphew, hee’she’s butbut aa runningrunning weedeweed,
AtAt pleasurepleasure toto bebe pluck’dplucked vpup byby thethe rootesroots:
ButBut moremore ofof thisthis anonanon — II hauehave bethoughtbethought meeme.
(MyMy LordsLords) forfor reasonsreasons whichwhich youyou shallshall pertakepartake,
ItIt isis ourour pleasurepleasure toto remoueremove ourour CourtCourt
FromFrom WestminsterWestminster toto th’th’ TowerTower: WeeWewe willwill lodgelodge
ThisThis veryvery nightnight therethere, giuegive LordLord ChamberlaineChamberlainchamberlain
AA presentpresent orderorder forfor itit.
Stan:StanleyStan:TheThe TowerTower — II shallshall sirsir.
K:KingK:ComeCome mymy truetrue, bestbest, fastfast friendsfriends, thesethese cloudsclouds willwill vanishvanish,
TheThe SunneSun willwill shineshine atat fullfull: thethe HeauensHeavens areare clearingclearing.ExeuntExeunt.
EnterEnter HuntleyHuntlyHuntley andand DaliellDaliell.
Hun:HuntlyHun:YouYou trifletrifle timetime SirSir.Dal:DaliellDal:OhOhO mymy noblenoble LordLord,
YouYou consterconsterconstrue mymy griefesgriefs toto soso hardhard aa sencesense,
ThatThat wherewhere thethe texttext isis argumentargument ofof pittiepity
MatterMatter ofof earnestearn●stearnest louelove, youryour glossegloss corruptscorrupts itit
WithWith tootoo muchmuch illill plac’dplaced mirthmirth.
Hunt:HuntlyHunt:MuchMuch mirthmirth LordLord DaliellDaliell?
NotNot soso II vowvow: obserueobserve meeme sprightlysprightly gallantgallant:
II knowknow thouthou artart aa noble●oblenoble laddlad, aa hansomehandsome,
DiscendedDescended fromfrom an●nan honorablehonourable AuncestrieAncestry,
ForwardForward andand actiueactive, do’stdost resolueresolve toto wrestlewrestle,
AndAnd ruffleruffle inin thethe worldworld byby noblenoble actionsactions
ForFor aa brauebrave mentionmention toto posteritieposterity:
II scornescorn notnot thythy affectionaffection toto mymy DaughterDaughter,,▪
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NotNot II byby goodgood St.St. AndrewAndr●wAndrew; butbut thisthis bugg-bearebugbear,
ThisThis whoresomewhoreson taletale ofof honorhonour, (honorhonour DaliellDaliell)
SoSo hourelyhourly chattschats, andand tattlestattles inin minemine eareear,
TheThe peecepiece ofof royaltieroyalty thatthat isis stitch’dstitched vpup
InIn mymy KatesKate’s bloudblood, thatthat ’tis’tis asas dangerousdangerous
ForFor theethee youngyoung LordLord, toto pearchperch soso neerenear anan EagletEaglet,
AsAs foolishfoolish forfor mymy gravitiegravity toto admitadmit itit.
II hauehave spoakespoke allall atat onceonce.
Dal:DaliellDal:SirSir, withwith thisthis truthtruth
YouYou mixmix suchsuch Worme woodWormeWormwoodWormwoodwood, thatthat youyou leaueleave nono hopehope
ForFor mymy disorderddisordered palatepalate, eree’erere toto rellishrelish
AA wholesomewholesome tastetaste againeagain; alasalas, II knowknow SirSir,
WhatWhat anan vnequallunequal distancedistance lieslies betweenebetween
GreatGreat HuntliesHuntly’sHuntley’s DaughtersDaughter’sdaughter’s birthbirth, andand DaliellsDaliell’sDaliel’s fortunesfortunes.
Shee’sShe’s thethe KingsKing’sking’s kinswomankinswoman, plac’dplaced neerenear thethe CrowneCrown,
AA PrincessePrincess ofof thethe bloudblood, andand II aa SubjectSubject.
Hunt:HuntlyHunt:RightRight, butbut aa noblenoble SubjectSubject, putput inin thatthat tootoo.
Dal:DaliellDal:II couldcould addeadd moremore; andand inin thethe rightestrightest lineline,
DeriueDerive mymy pedigreepedigree fromfrom AdamAdam MureMure,
AA ScottishScottish KnightKnight; whosewhose daughterdaughter, waswas thethe mothermother
ToTo himhim whowho firstfirst begotbegot thethe racerace ofof IamesesJameses,
ThatThat swaysway thethe ScepterSceptre toto thisthis veryvery dayday
ButBut kindredskindreds areare notnot oursours, whenwhen onceonce thethe datedate
OfOf manymany yearesyears, hauehave swallowedswallowed vpup thethe memorymemory
OfOf theirtheir originallsoriginals: SoSo pasturepasture fieldsfields
NeighbouringNeighbouring tootoo neerenear thethe OceanOcean, areare soopdsoopedsouped vpup
AndAnd knowneknown nono moremore: forfor stoodstood II inin mymy firstfirst
AndAnd natiuenative greatnessegreatness, ifif mymy PrincelyPrincely MistresseMistress
VoutsafdVouchsafedvouchsafed meeme notnot herher servantservant, ’twere’twere asas goodgood
II werewere reduc’dreduced toto ClowneryClownery; toto nothingnothing
AsAs toto aa throanethrone ofof WonderWonder.
Hunt:HuntlyHunt:NowNow byby SaintSaint AndrewAndrew
AA sparkespark ofof mettallmettle, a’has’a hasa’ has aa brauebrave firefire inin himhim.
II wouldwould a’aa hadhad mymy DaughterDaughter soso II knewtknew’t notnot.
ButBut mustmust notnot beebe soso, mustmust notnot: — wellwell youngyoung LordLord
ThisThis willwill notnot doedo yetyet, ifif thethe girlegirl bebe headstrongheadstrong
AndAnd willwill notnot harkenhearken toto goodgood CounsaileCounsel, stealesteal herher
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AndAnd runnerun awayaway withwith herher, dauncedance galliardsgalliards, doedo,
AndAnd friskefrisk aboutabout thethe worldworld toto learnelearn thethe LanguagesLanguages:
T’will’Twill’twill bebe aa thrivingthriving tradetrade; youvo●you maymay setset vpup by’tby’t.
Dal:DaliellDal:WithWith pardonpardon (noblen●blenoble GourdonGordonGourdon) thisthis disdainedisdain
SuitesSuits notnot youryour DaughtersDaughter’sdaughter’s vertuevirtue, oror mymy constancieconstancy.
Hunt:HuntlyHunt:YouYou areare angrieangry — wouldwould aawould’a wouldwould beatebeat meme, II deseruedeserve itit.
DaliellDaliell thythy handhand, w’arew’arewe’re friendsfriends; followfollow thythy CourtshipCourtship
TakeTake thinethine owneown timetime andand speakespeak, ifif thouthou prevail’stprevailestbewaylest
WithWith passionpassion moremore thenthan II cancan withwith mymy CounsaileCounsel,
SheesShe’s thinethine, naynay, sheeshe isis thinethine, tis’tis aa fairefair matchmatch
FreeFree andand allowedallowed, IleI’ll onelyonly vseuse mymy tonguetongue
WithoutWithout aa FathersFather’s powerpower, useuse thouthou thinethine:
SelfeSelf doedo selfeself hauehave, nono moremore wordswords, winnewin andand wearewear herher.
Dal:DaliellDal:YouYou blessebless meeme, II amam nownow tootoo poorepoor inin thankesthanks
ToTo paypay thethe debtdebt II oweowe youyou.
Hunt:HuntlyHunt:NayNay, th’artth’artthou’rt poorepoor enoughenough — II louelove hishis spiritspirit infinitelyinfinitely.
LookeLook yeeye, sheeshe comescomes, toto herher nownow, toto herher, toto herher.
EnterEnter KatherineKatherine andand IaneJanejane.
Kat:KatherineKat:TheThe KingKing commandscommands youryour presencepresence SirSir.
Hunt:HuntlyHunt:TheThe gallantgallant — thisthis thisthis thisthis LordLord, thisthis
ServantServant (KateKate) ofof yoursyours, desiresdesires toto bebe youryour MaisterMaster.
Kat:KatherineKat:II acknowledgeacknowledge himhim, aa worthyworthy friendfriend ofof minemine.
Dal:DaliellDal:YourYour humblesthumblest CreatureCreature.
Hunt:HuntlyHunt:SoSo, soso, thethe gamesgame’sgames aa footefoot, I’meI’m inin coldcold huntinghunting,
TheThe harehare andand houndshounds areare partiesparties.
Dal:DaliellDal:PrincelyPrincely LadyLady, — howhow mostmost vnworthyunworthy II amam toto imployemploy
MyMy servicesservices, inin honourhonour ofof youryour vertuesvirtues,
HowHow hopelesseh●pelessehopeless mymy desiresdesires areare toto enjoyenjoy
YourYour fairefair opinionopinion, andand muchmuch moremore youryour louelove;
AreAre onelyonly mattermatter ofof despairedespair, vnlesseunless
YourYour goodnessegoodness giuegive largelarge warrantwarrant toto mymy boldnesseboldness,
MyMy feeble-wing’dfeeble-winged ambitionambition.Hunt:HuntlyHunt:ThisThis isis scurviescurvy.
Kat:KatherineKat:MyMy LordLord II interruptinterrupt youyou notnot.Hunt:HuntlyHunt:IndeedeIndeed?
NowNow onon mymy lifelife sheelshe’ll CourtCourt himhim — naynay, naynay, onon SirSir.
Dal:DaliellDal:OftOft hauehave II tun’dtuned thethe lessonlesson ofof mymy sorrowessorrows
ToTo sweetensweeten discorddiscord, andand inrichenrich youryour pittiepity;
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ButBut allall inin vainevain: heerehere hadhad mymy ComfortsComforts suncksunk
AndAnd nevernever ris’nrisen againeagain, toto telltell aa storiestory
OfOf thethe despairingdespairing LouerLover, hadhad notnot nownow
EvenEven nownow thethe EarleEarl youryour FatherFather.
Hunt:HuntlyHunt:A’AA meanesmeans meeme suresure.
Dal:DaliellDal:AfterAfter somesome fitfit disputesdisputes ofof youryour ConditionCondition,
YourYour highnessehighness andand mymy lownesselowness, giv’ngiven aa licencelicence
WhichWhich diddid notnot moremore emboldenembolden, thenthen encourageencourage
MyMy faultingfaulting tonguetongue.Hunt:HuntlyHunt:HowHow howhow? how’show’s thatthat?
EmboldenEmbolden? EncourageEncourage? II encourageencourage yeeye? d’eed’ye hearehear sirsir?
AA subtillsubtle tricktrick, aa queintquaint oneone, — willwill youyou hearehear (manman)
WhatWhat diddid II saysay toto youyou, comecome comecome tothto th’tooth poyntpoint.
KateKate:ItIt shallshall notnot needeneed mymy LordLord.
Hunt:HuntlyHunt:ThenThen hearehear meeme KateKate:
KeepeKeep youyou onon thatthat handhand ofof herher; II onon thisthis —
ThouThou standststandst betweenebetween aa FatherFather andand aa SuiterSuitor,
BothBoth strivingstriving forfor anan interestinterest inin thythy heartheart:
HeeHe CourtsCourts theethee forfor affectionaffection, II forfor dutieduty;
HeeHe asas aa servantservant pleadspleads, butbut byby thethe priviledgeprivilege
OfOf naturenature, thothough II mightmight CommandCommand, mymy carecare
ShallShall onelyonly CounsaileCounsel whatwhat itit shallshall notnot forceforce.
ThouThou canstcanst butbut makemake oneone choycechoice, thethe tyesties ofof marriagemarriage
AreAre tenurestenures notnot atat willwill, butbut duringduring lifelife.
ConsiderConsider whoeswhosewho’s thouthou artart, andand whowho; aa PrincessePrincess,
AA PrincessePrincess ofof thethe royallroyal bloudblood ofof ScotlandScotland.
InIn thethe fullfull springspring ofof youthyouth, andand freshfresh inin beautiebeauty.
TheThe KingKing thatthat sitssits vponupon thethe thronethrone isis youngyoung
AndAnd yetyet vnmarryedunmarried, forwardforward inin attemptsattempts
OnOn anyany leastleast occasionoccasion, toto endangerendanger
HisHis personperson; WhereforeWherefore KateKate asas II amam confidentconfident
ThouThou dar’stdar’st notnot wrongwrong thythy birthbirth andand educationeducation
ByBy yeeldingyielding toto aa commoncommon servile●ervileservile ragerage
OfOf femalefemale wantonnessewantonness, soso II amam confidentconfident
ThouThou wiltwilt proportionproportion allall thythy thoughtsthoughts toto sideside
ThyThy equallsequals, ifif notnot equallequal thythy superiorssuperiors.
MyMy LordLord ofof DaliellDaliell youngyouugyoung inin yearesyears, isis oldold
InIn honorshonours, butbut nornor eminenteminent inin titlestitles
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OrOr inin estateestate, thatthat maymay supportsupport oror addeadd toto
TheThe expectationexpectation ofof thythy fortunesfortunes, settlesettle
ThyThy willwill andand reasonreason byby aa strengthstrength ofof IudgementJudgementjudgement;
ForFor inin aa wordword, II giuegive theethee freedomefreedom, taketake itit.
IfIf equallequal fatesfates hauehave notnot ordain’dordained toto pitchpitch
ThyThy hopeshopes aboueabove mymy heightheight, letlet notnot thythy passionpassion
LeadeLead theethee toto shrinkeshrink minemine honorhonour inin oblivionoblivion:
ThouThou artart thinethine owneown, II hauehave donedone.
Dal:DaliellDal:OhOhO!!● y’arey’areyou’re allall OracleOracle,
TheThe livingliving stockestock andand rooteroot ofof truthtruth andand wisedomewisdom.
Kat:KatherineKat:MyMy worthiestworthiest LordLord andand FatherFather, thethe indulgenceindulgence
OfOf youryour sweetesweet compositioncomposition, thusthus commandscommands
TheThe lowestlowest ofof obedienceobedience, youyou hauehave grauntedgranted
AA libertieliberty soso largelarge, thatthat II wantwant skillskill
ToTo choosechoose withoutwithout directiondirection ofof EXAMPLEEXAMPLE:
FromFrom whichwhich II dailydaily learnelearn, byby howhow muchmuch moremore
YouYou taketa●etake offoff fromfrom thethe roughnesseroughness ofof aa FatherFather,
ByBy soso muchmuch moremore II amam engag’dengaged toto tendertender
TheThe dutieduty ofof aa DaughterDaughter. ForFor respectsrespects
OfOf birthbirth, degreesdegrees ofof titletitle,, andand advancementadvancement,
II nornor admireadmire, nornor slightslight themthem; allall mymy studiesstudies
ShallShall everever aymeaim atat thisthis perfectionperfection onelyonly,
ToTo liuelive andand dyedie soso, thatthat youyou maymay notnot blushblush
InIn anyany coursecourse ofof minemine toto owneown meeme yoursyours.
Hunt:HuntlyHunt:KateKate, KateKate, thouthou grow’stgrowest vponupon mymy heartheart, likelike peacepeace,
CreatingCreating everyevery otherother hourehour aa IubileJubileejubilee.
KateKatherineKate:ToTo youyou mymy LordLord ofof DaliellDaliell, II addresseaddress
SomeSome fewfew remainingremaining wordswords, thethe generallgeneral famefame
ThatThat speakesspeaks youryour meritmerit eveneven inin vulgarvulgar tonguestongues,,▪
ProclaimesProclaims itit cleareclear; butbut inin thethe bestbest aa PresidentPrecedentprecedent.
Hunt:HuntlyHunt:GoodGood wenchwench, goodgood girlegirl y’ faythy’i’faithy’faythfaith.
Kat:KatherineKat:ForFor mymy partpart (trusttrust meeme)
II valuevalue minemine owneown worthworth atat higherhigher raterate,
CauseCause youyou areare pleasdpleased toto prizeprize itit; ifif thethe streamestream
OfOf youryour protestedprotested serviceservice (asas youyou termeterm itit)
RunneRun inin aa constancieconstancy, moremore thenthan aa ComplementCompliment;
ItIt shallshall bebe mymy delightdelight, thatthat worthyworthy louelove
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LeadesLeads youyou toto worthyworthy actionsactions; andand thesethese guideguide yeeye
RichlyRichly toto weddewed anan honourablehonourable namename:
SoSo everyevery vertuousvirtuous praisepraise, inin afterafter agesages,
ShallShall bebe youryour heyrehey●eheir, andand II inin youryour brauebrave mentionmention,
BeBe ChronicledChronicled thethe MOTHERMOTHER ofof thatthat issueissue,
ThatThat gloriousglorious issueissue.Hunt:HuntlyHunt:OhOhO thatthat II werewere youngyoung againeagain,
SheedShe’d makemake meeme Courtcourt●ourtcourtCourt proudproud dangerdanger, andand suckesuck spiritspirit
FromFrom reputationreputation.
Kat:KatherineKat:ToTo thethe presentpresent motionmotion,
HeeresHere’shere’s allall thatthat II daredare answera●sweranswer: whenwhen aa ripenesseripeness
OfOf moremore experienceexperience, andand somesome vseuse ofof timetime,
ResoluesResolves toto treatetreat thethe freedomefreedom ofof mymy youthyouth
VponUpon exchangeexchange ofof troathestroths, II shallshall desiredesire
NoNo surersurer creditcredit, ofof aa matchmatch withwith vertuevirtue,
ThenThan suchsuch asas liueslives inin youyou; meanemean timetime, mymy hopeshopes areare
Preser’dPreservedpreserved securesecure, inin havinghaving youyou aa friendfriend.
Dal:DaliellDal:YouYou areare aa blessedblessed LadyLady, andand instructinstruct
AmbitionAmbition notnot toto soaresoar aa fartherfarther flightflight,
ThenThen inin thethe perfum’dperfumed ayreair ofof youryour softsoft voycevoice.
MyMy noblenoble LordLord ofof HuntleyHuntlyHuntley, youyou hauehave lentlent
AA fullfull extentextent ofof bountiebounty toto thisthis parleyparley;
AndAnd forfor itit, shallshall commandcommand youryour humblesthumblest servantservant.
Hunt:HuntlyHunt:EnoughEnough; weewe areare stillstill friendsfriends, andand willwill continuecontinue
AA heartiehearty louelove, ohoho KateKate, thouthou artart minemine owneown: —
NoNo moremore, mymy LordLord ofof CrawfordCrawford.
EnterEnter CrawfordCrawford.
Craw.CrawfordCraw.FromFrom thethe KingKing II comecome mymy LordLord ofof HuntleyHuntlyHuntley,
WhoWho inin CounsaileCounsel requiresrequires youryour presentpresent aydeaid.
Hunt:HuntlyHunt:SomeSome weightieweighty businessebusiness!
Craw:CrawfordCraw:AA SecretarieSecretary fromfrom aa DukeDuke ofof YorkeYork,
TheThe secondsecond sonneson toto thethe latelate EnglishEnglish EdwardEdward,
Conceal’dConcealed II knowknow notnot wherewhere thesethese fourteenfourteen yearesyears,
CrauesCraves audienceaudience fromfrom ourour MaisterMaster, andand tis’tis saidsaid
TheThe DukeDuke himselfehimself isis followingfollowing toto thethe CourtCourt.
Hunt:HuntlyHunt:DukeDuke vponupon DukeDuke; tis’tis wellwell; ’tis’tis wellwell heereshere’s bustlingbustling
ForFor MajestieMajesty; mymy LordLord, II willwill alongalong withwith yeeye.
Craw:CrawfordCraw:MyMy serviceservice noblenoble LadyLady.Kat:KatherineKat:PleasePlease yeeye walkewalk sirsir?
Dal: “Times
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Dal:DaliellDal:“TimesTimesTime’s hauehave theirtheir changeschanges, sorrowsorrow makesmakes menmen wisewise,
“TheThe SunneSun it selfeitself mustmust settset asas wellwell asas riserise;
ThenThen whywhy notnot II — fairefair MaddamMadam II waitewait onon yeeye.ExeuntExeunt omnesomnes.
EnterEnter DurhamDurham, SirSir RobertRobert CliffordClifford, andand VrswickUrswick: LightsLights.
Dur:DurhamDur:YouYou findefind (SirSir RobertRobert CliffordClifford) howhow securelysecurely
KingKing HenryHenry ourour greatgreat MaisterMaster, dothdoth commitcommit
HisHis personperson toto youryour loyaltieloyalty; youyou tastetaste
HisHis bountiebounty andand hishis mercymercy eveneven inin thisthis;
ThatThat atat aa timetime ofof nightnight soso latelate, aa placeplace
SoSo privateprivate asas hishis ClosetCloset, heehe isis pleasdpleased
ToTo admitadmit youyou toto hishis favourfavour; doedo notnot faulterfalter
InIn youryour DiscoveryDiscovery, butbut asas youyou covetcovet
AA liberallliberal gracegrace, andand pardonpardon forfor youryour folliesfollies.
SoSo labourlabour toto deseruedeserve itit, byby layinglaying openopen
AllAll plottsplots, allall personspersons, thatthat contriuecontrive againstagainst itit.
Vrs:UrswickVrs:RememberRemember notnot thethe witchcraftwitchcraft, oror thethe MagickMagic,
TheThe charmescharms, andand incantationsincantations, whichwhich thethe SorceresseSorceress
OfOf BurgundieBurgundyburgundy hathhath castcast vponupon youryour reasonreason!
SirSir RobertRobert beebe youryour owneown friendfriend nownow, dischargedischarge
YourYour conscienceconscience freelyfreely, allall ofof suchsuch asas louelove youyou,
StandStand suretiessureties forfor youryour honestiehonesty andand truthtruth.
TakeTake heedeheed youyou doedo notnot dalliedally withwith thethe KingKing,
HeHe isis wisewise asas hehe isis gentlegentle.Cliff:CliffordCliff:II amam miserablemiserable,
IfIf HenryHenry bebe notnot mercifullmerciful.Vrs:UrswickVrs:TheThe KingKing comescomes.
EnterEnter KingKing HenryHenry.
K:KingK: H:HHenryH:CliffordClifford!Cliff:CliffordCliff:LetLet mymy weakeweak kneesknees rotrot onon thethe earthearth,
IfIf II appeareappear asas leap’rousleprous inin mymy treacheriestreacheries,
BeforeBefore youryour royallroyal eyeseyes; asas toto minemine owneown
II seemeseem aa MonsterMonster, byby mymy breachbreach ofof truthtruth.
K:KingK: H:HHenryH:CliffordClifford standstand vpup, forfor instanceinstance ofof thythy safetiesafety
II offeroffer theethee mymy handhand.Cliff.CliffordCliff.AA soveraignesovereign BalmeBalm
ForFor mymy bruis’dbruised SouleSoul, II kissekiss itit withwith aa greedinessegreediness.
SirSir youyou areare aa justjust MasterMaster, butbut II —
K:KingK: H:HHenryH:TellTell meme, isis everyevery circumstancecircumstance, thouthou hasthast setset downedown
WithWith thinethine owneown handhand, withinwithin thisthis paperpaper truetrue?
IsIs itit aa suresure intelligenceintelligence ofof allall
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TheThe progresseprogress ofof ourour enemiesenemies’enemies intentsintents
WithoutWithout corruptioncorruption?Cliff:CliffordCliff:TrueTrue, asas II wishwish heavenheaven;
OrOr mymy infectedinfected honorhonour whitewhite againeagain.
K:KingK: H:HHenryH:WeeWewe knowknow allall (CliffordClifford) fullyfully, sincesince thisthis meteormeteor
ThisThis ayrieairy apparitionapparition firstfirst discradleddiscradled
FromFrom TournayTournay intointo PortugallPortugal; andand thencethence
Advanc’dAdvanced hishis firiefiery blazeblaze forfor adorationadoration
TothTo th’Tooth superstitioussuperstitious IrishIrish; sincesince thethe beardbeard
OfOf thisthis wildewild CometComet, Conjurd’dConjured intointo FraunceFrance,
SparkledSparkled inin antickantic flamesflames inin CharlesCharles hishis CourtCourt:
ButBut shrunkeshrunk againeagain fromfrom thencethence, andand hidhid inin darknessedarkness,
StoleStole intointo FlaundersFlanders, flourishingflourishing thethe raggesrags
OfOf paintedpainted powerpower onon thethe shoreshore ofof KentKent,
WhenceWhence heehe waswas beatenbeaten backeback withwith shameshame andand scornescorn,
ContemptContempt, andand slaughterslaughter ofof somesome nakednaked out-lawesoutlaws:
ButBut telltell meme, whatwhat newnew coursecourse nownow shapesshapes DukeDuke PerkinPerkin??!
Cliff:CliffordCliff:ForFor IrelandIreland (mightiemighty HenrieHenryhenry:) soso instructedinstructed
ByBy StephenStephen FrionFrion, sometimessometimes SecretarieSecretary
InIn thethe FrenchFrench tonguetongue vntounto youryour sacredsacred ExcellenceExcellence,
ButBut PerkinsPerkin’sPerkins tutortutor nownow.K:KingK: H:HHenryH:AA subtillsubtle villainevillain!
ThatThat FrionFrion, FrionFrion, — youyou mymy LordLord ofof DurhamDurham
KnewKnew wellwell thethe manman.Dur.DurhamDur.FrenchFrench bothboth inin heartheart andand actionsactions!
K:KingK: H:HHenryH:SomeSome IrishIrish headsheads workework inin thisthis minemine ofof treasontreason;
SpeakeSpeak em’em!Cliff.CliffordCliff.NotNot anyany ofof thethe bestbest; youryour fortunefortune
HathHath dullddulled theirtheir spleenesspleens; nevernever hadhad CounterfeitCounterfeit
SuchSuch aa confusedconfused rabblerabble ofof lostlost BanqueroutsBankrupts
ForFor CounsellorsCounsellors: firstfirst HeronHeron aa brokenbroken MercerMercer,
ThenThan IohnJohnjohn aa WaterWater, sometimessometimes MajorMayorMajor ofof CorkeCork,
SketonSkeltonSketon aa taylortailor audand aa ScrivenorScrivenerscrivener
CalldCalled AstleyAstley: andand what erewhate’er thesethese listlist toto treatetreat ofof,
PerkinPerkin mustmust harkenharkenhearken toto; butbut FrionFrion, cunningcunning
AboueAbove thesethese dulldull capacitiescapacities, stillstill promptsprompts himhim,,▪
ToTo fliefly toto ScotlandSc●●landScotland toto youngyoung IamesJamesjames thethe fourthfourth;
AndAnd suesue forfor aydeaid toto himhim; thisthis isis thethe latestlatest
OfOf allall theirtheir resolutionsresolutions.K.KingK. H.HenryH.StillStill moremore FrionFrion.
PestilentPestilent AdderAdder, heehe willwill hissehiss outout poysonpoison
AsAs dang’rousdang’rousdangerous asas infectionsinfections — wewe mustmust matchmatch ’em’em.
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CliffordClifford thouthou hasthast spokespoke homehome, weewe giuegive theethee lifelife:
ButBut CliffordClifford, therethere areare peoplepeople ofof ourour owneown
RemaineRemain behindebehind vntolduntold, whowho areare theythey CliffordClifford?
NameName thosethose andand weewe areare friendsfriends, andand willwill toto restrest,
Tis’Tis thythy lastlast tasketask.Cliff.CliffordCliff.OhOhO SirSir, herehere II mustmust breakebreak
AA mostmost vnlawfullunlawful OathOath toto keepekeep aa justjust oneone.
K.KingK. H.HenryH.WellWell, wellwell, bebe briefebrief, bebe briefebrief.Cliff.CliffordCliff.TheThe firstfirst inin ranckrank
ShallShall bebe IohnJohnjohn RatcliffeRatcliffe, LordLord FitzwaterFitzwater, thenthen
SirSir SimonSimon MountfordMountford, andand SirSir ThomasThomas ThwaitesThwaites,
WithWith WilliamWilliam DawbegneyDaubeneyDawbegney, ChessonerCressonerChessoner, AstwoodAstwood,
WorsleyWorsley thet●ethe DeaneDeandean ofof PaulesPaul’s, twotwo otherother FryarsFriars,
AndAnd RobertRobert RatcliffeRatcliffe.K.KingK. H.HenryH.Church-menChurchmen areare turn’dturned DivellsDevils.
TheseThese areare thethe principallprincipal.Cliff.CliffordCliff.OneOne moremore remainesremains
Vn-nam’dUnnamed, whomwhom II couldcould willinglywillingly forgetforget.
K.K.H.KingK.H. H.HenryHaHa CliffordClifford, oneone moremore?Cliff.CliffordCliff.GreatGreat SirSir, dodo notnot hearehear himhim:
ForFor whenwhen SirSir WilliamWilliam StanlieStanleystanley youryour LordLord ChamberlaineChamberlainchamberlain
ShallShall comecome intointo thethe listlist, asas hehe isis chiefechief
II shallshall looselose creditcredit withwith yeeye, yetyet thisthis LordLord,
LastLast nam’dnamed, isis firstfirst againstagainst youyou.
K.KingK. H.HenryH.VrswickUrswick thethe lightlight, viewview wellwell mymy faceface SirsSirs,
IsIs therethere bloudblood leftleft inin itit?Dur.DurhamDur.YouYou alteralter
StrangelyStrangely SirSir.K.KingK. H.HenryH.AlterAlter LordLord BishopBishop?
WhyWhy CliffordClifford stab’dstabbed meeme, oror II dream’ddreamed a’stabd’a stabbeda’ stabbed meeme.
SirraSirrah, itit isis aa customecustom withwith thethe guiltieguilty
ToTo thinkethink theythey setset theirtheir owneown stainesstains offoff, byby layinglaying
AspersionsAspersions onon somesome noblernobler thenthan themseluesthemselves:
LyesLies waitewait onon treasonstreasons, asas II findefind itit herehere.
ThyThy lifelife againeagain isis forfeitforfeit, II recallrecall
MyMy wordword ofof mercymercy, forfor II knowknow thouthou dar’stdar’st
RepeateRepeat thethe namename nono moremore.Cliff.CliffordCliff.II daredare, andand onceonce moremore
VponUpon mymy knowledgeknowledge, namename SirSir WilliamWilliam StanlieStanleystanley
BothBoth inin hishis counsailecounsel, andand hishis pursepurse, thethe chiefechief
AssistantAssistant, toto thethe fain’dfai●’dfeigned Duke●ukeDuke ofof YorkeYork.Dur:DurhamDur:MostMost strangestrange!
Vrs:UrswickVrs:MostMost wickedwicked!K:KingK: H.HenryH.YetYet againeagain, onceonce moremore;
Cliff:CliffordCliff:SirSir WilliamWilliam StanlieStanleystanley isis youryour secret●ecretsecret enemyenemy,
AndAnd ifif timetime fitfit, willwill openlyopenly professeprofess itit.
K.KingK. H.HenryH.SirSir WilliamWilliam StanlieStanleystanley? WhoWho? SirSir WilliamWilliam StanlieStanleystanley
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MyMy ChamberlaineChamberlain, mymy CounsellorCounsellor, thethe louelove,
TheThe pleasurepleasure ofof mymy CourtCourt, mymy bosomebosom friendfriend,
TheThe ChargeCharge, andand thethe ControulementControlment ofof mymy personperson
TheThe keyeskeys andand secretssecrets ofof mymy treasurietreasury;
TheThe allall ofof allall II amam: II amam vnhappieunhappy:
MiserieMisery ofof confidenceconfidence, — letlet meeme turneturn traytortraitor
ToTo minemine owneown personperson, yeeldyield mymy ScepterSceptre vpup
ToTo EdwardsEdward’s SisterSister, andand herher bastardbastard DukeDuke!
Dur.DurhamDur.YouYou looselose youryour constantconstant tempertemper.
K.KingK. H.HenryH.SirSir WilliamWilliam StanlieStanleystanley!
OhOhO doedo notnot blameblame meeme; heehe, twas’twas onelyonly heehe
WhoWho havinghaving rescu’drescued meeme inin BosworthBosworth fieldfield
FromFrom RichardsRichard’s bloudybloody swordsword, snatch’dsnatched fromfrom hishis headhead
TheThe KinglyKingly CrowneCrown, andand plac’dplaced itit firstfirst onon minemine.
HeeHe nevernever fail’dfailed meeme; whatwhat hauehave II deserv’ddeserved
ToTo looselose thisthis goodgood mansman’s heartheart, oror heehe, hishis owneown?
Vrs:UrswickVrs:TheThe nightnight dothdoth wastewaste, thisthis passionpassion illill becomesbecomes yeeye;
ProvideProvide againstagainst youryour dangerdanger.K.KingK. H.HenryH.LetLet itit bebe soso.
VrswickUrswick commandcommand streightstraight StanlyStanly toto hishis chamberchamber.
Tis’Tis wellwell weewe areare ithi’th’ith’ TowerTower; setset aa guardguard onon himhim;
CliffordClifford toto bedbed; youyou mustmust lodgelodge herehere to nighttonight,
WeelWe’llwe’ll talketalk withwith youyou to morrowtomorrow: mymy sadsad soulesoul
DevinesDivines strangestrange troublestroubles.Dawb:DaubeneyDawb:HoHo, the●hethe KingKing, thethe KingKing,
II mustmust hauehave entranceentrance.K.KingK. H.HenryH.DawbneysDaubeney’sDawbney’s voycev●ycevoice; admitadmit himhim.
WhatWhat newnew combustionscombustions huddlehuddle nextnext toto keepek●epekeepe
OurOur eyeseyes fromfrom restrest? — thethe newesnews?
EnterEnter DawbneyDaubeneyDawbney.
Daw:DaubeneyDaw:TenTen thousandthousand CornishCornish grudginggrudging toto paypay youryour
SubsidiesSubsidies, hauehave gatherdgathered aa headhead, ledled byby aa
BlacksmithBlacksmith, andand aa LawyerLawyer, theythey makemake forfor LondonLondon,
AndAnd toto themthem isis joyn’djoined LordLord AudlieAudleyAudlie, asas theythey marchmarch,
TheirTheir numbernumber dailydaily encreasesincreases, theythey areare —
K.KingK. H.HenryH.RascallsRascals — talketalk nono moremore;
SuchSuch areare notnot worthieworthy ofof mymy thoughtsthoughts to nighttonight:
AndAnd ifif II cannotcannot sleepesleep, IleI’ll wakewake: — toto bedbed.
WhenWhen CounsailesCounsels failefail, andand theresthere’s inin manman nono trusttrust,
EvenEven thenthen, anan armearm fromfrom heavenheaven, fightsfights forfor thethe justjust.ExeuntExeunt.
FinisFinis ActusActu●Actus primiprimi.
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ActusActus SecundusSecundus: ScænaScaenaScaena primaprima.
EnterEnter aboueabove: CountesseCountess ofof CrawfordCrawford, KatherineKatherine, IaneJanejane,
withwith otherother LadiesLadies.
Coun.CountessCoun.COmeCOme LadiesLadies, heereshere’s aa solemnesolemn preparationpreparation
ForFor entertainmententertainment ofof thisthis EnglishEnglish PrincePrince;
TheThe KingKing intendsintends gracegrace moremore thenthan ordinarieordinary,
Twere’twere pittiepity nownow, ifif a’should’a shoulda’ shoulc proueprove aa CounterfeitCounterfeit.
Kat:KatherineKat:BlesseBless thethe youngyoung manman, ourour NationNation wouldwould bebe laughdlaughed atat
ForFor honesthonest soulessouls throughthrough ChristendomeChristendom: mymy fatherfather
HathHath aa weakeweak stomackestomach toto thethe businessebusiness (MadamMadam)
ButBut thatthat thethe KingKing mustmust notnot bebe crostcrossed.Coun:CountessCoun:A’brings’A bringsA’ brings
AA goodlygoodly troopetroop (theythey saysay) ofof gallantsgallants withwith himhim;
ButBut veryvery modestmodest peoplepeople, forfor theythey strivestrive notnot
ToTo famefame theirtheir namesnames tootoo muchmuch; theirtheir god-fathersgodfathers
MayMay bebe beholdingbeholding toto themthem, butbut theirtheir fathersfathers
ScarceScarce oweowe themthem thankesthanks: theythey areare disguiseddisguised PrincesPrinces,
BroughtBrought vpup itit seemesseems toto honesthonest tradestrades; nono mattermatter;
TheyThey willwill breakebreak forthforth inin seasonseason.IaneJanejane.OrOr breakebreak outout.
ForFor mostmost ofof em’em areare brokenbroken byby reportreport; — TheThe KingKing,
Kat.KatherineKat.LetLet vsus obserueobserve ’em’em andand bebe silentsilent.
EnterEnter KingKing IamesJamesjames, HuntleyHuntlyHuntley, CrawfordCrawford, andand DaliellDaliell.
K.KingK. I.JamesI.TheThe rightright ofof KingsKings (mymy LordsLords) extendsextends notnot onelyonly
ToTo thethe safesafe ConservationConservation ofof theirtheir owneown;
ButBut alsoalso toto thethe aydeaid ofof suchsuch AlliesAllies
AsAs changechange ofof timetime, andand statestate, hathhath oftenoften timestimes
HurldHurled downedown fromfrom carefullcareful CrownesCrowns, toto vndergoeundergo
AnAn exerciseexercise ofof sufferancesufferance inin bothboth fortunesfortunes:
SoSo EnglishEnglish RichardRichard surnam’dsurnamed Cor-de-lyonCoeur-de-lionCor-de-lyon,
SoSo RobertRobert BruceBruce ourour royallroyal AncestorAncestor,
Forc’dForced byby thethe tryalltrial ofof thethe wrongswrongs theythey feltfelt,
BothBoth soughtsought, andand foundfound supplyessupplies, fromfrom forraigneforeign KingsKings
ToTo repossesserepossess theirtheir owneown: thenthen grudgegrudge notnot (LordsLords)
AA muchmuch distresseddistressed PrincePrince, KingKing CharlesCharles ofof FraunceFrance,
AndAnd MaximilianMaximilian ofof BohemiaBohemia bothboth,
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HaueHave ratifiedratified hishis CreditCredit byby theirtheir LettersLetters.
ShallShall weewe thenthen bebe distrustfulldistrustful? NoNo, CompassionCompassion
IsIs oneone richrich IewellJeweljewel thatthat shinesshines inin ourour CrowneCrown,
AndAnd wewe willwill hauehave itit shineshine therethere.Hunt.HuntlyHunt.DoeDo youryour willwill SirSir.
K.KingK. I.JamesI.TheThe youngyoung DukeDuke isis atat handhand, DaliellDaliell fromfrom vsus
FirstFirst greetegreet himhim, andand conductconduct himhim onon; thenthen CrawfordCrawford
ShallShall meetemeet himhim nextnext, andand HuntleyHuntlyHuntley lastlast ofof allall
PresentPresent himhim toto ourour armesarms; soundsound sprightlysprightly MusiqueMusic,
WhilstWhilst MajestieMajesty encountersencounters MajestieMajesty.HoboyesHob●yesHoboyes.
DaliellDaliell goesgoes outout, bringsbrings inin PerkinPerkin atat thethe dooredoor wherewhere CrawfordCrawford
entertainesentertains himhim, andand fromfrom CrawfordCrawford, HuntleyHuntlyHuntley salutessalutes himhim,,▪
andand presentspresents himhim toto thethe KingKing: theythey embraceembrace, PerkinPerkin inin statestate
retiresretires somesome fewfew pacespaces backeback: DuringDuring whichwhich CeremonyCeremony, thethe
NoblemenNoblemen slightlyslightly salutesalute FryonFrionFryon, HeronHeron aa MercerMercer, SketonSkeltonSketon aa
TaylorTailortailor, AstleyAstley aa ScrivenorScrivenerscrivener, withwith IohnJohnjohn a Watringaa-Watera WatringWatering, allall Per-PerkinsPer∣kinsPerkins
followersfollowers. SalutationsSalutations endedended: ceasecease MusiqueMusic.
War:WarbeckWar:MostMost highhigh, mostmost mightiemighty KingKing! thatthat nownow therethere standsstands
BeforeBefore youryour eyeseyes, inin presencepresence ofof youryour PeeresPeers,
AA subjectsubject ofof thethe rarestrarest kindekind ofof pittiepity
ThatThat hathhath inin anyany ageage touchdtouched noblenoble heartshearts,
TheThe vulgarvulgar storiestory ofof aa PrincesPrince’sPRINCE’s ruineruin,
HathHath mademade itit tootoo apparentapparent: EVROPEEUROPE knowesknow●sknows,
AndAnd allall thethe WesterneWestern WorldWorld whatwhat persecutionpersecution
HathHath ragdraged inin malicemalice, againstagainst VsUs, solesole heireheir
ToTo thethe greatgreat thronethrone, ofof oldold PlantaginettsPlantagenetsPlantaginetts.
HowHow fromfrom ourour NurseryNursery, weewe hauehave beenebeen hurriedhurried
VntoUnto thethe SanctuarieSanctuary, fromfrom thethe SanctuarieSanctuary
Forc’dForced toto thethe PrisonPrison, fromfrom thethe PrisonPrison haldhauled
ByBy cruellcruel handshands, toto thethe tormentorstormentor'stormentors furiefury;
IsIs registredregistered alreadiealready inin thethe VolumeVolume
OfOf allall mensmen’s tonguestongues, whosewhose truetrue relationrelation drawesdraws
CompassionCompassion, meltedmelted intointo weepingweeping eyeseyes,
AndAnd bleedingbleeding soulessouls: butbut ourour misfortunesmisfortunes sincesince,
HaueHave rang’dranged aa largerlarger progresseprogress throughthrough strangestrange LandsLands.
ProtectedProtected inin ourour InnocenceInnocence byby HeavenHeaven.
EdwardEdward thethe FiftFifthfifth ourour brotherbrother, inin hishis TragedieTragedy
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QuenchdQuenched theirtheir hothot thirstthirst ofof bloudblood, whosewhose hirehire toto murthermurder
PaidPaid themthem theirtheir wageswages, ofof despairedespair andand horrourhorror;
TheThe softnessesoftness ofof mymy childe-hoodchildhood smildsmiled vponupon
TheThe roughnesseroughness ofof theirtheir tasketask, andand rob’drobbed themthem fartherfarther
OfOf heartshearts toto daredare, oror handshands toto executeexecute.
GreatGreat KingKing theythey spardspared mymy lifelife, thethe butchersbutchers spardspared itit;
ReturndReturned thethe tyranttyrant, mymy vnnaturallunnatural VncleUncle,
AA truthtruth ofof mymy dispatchdispatch; II waswas conveydconveyed
WithWith secresiesecrecy andand speedespeed toto TournayTournay; fosterdfostered
ByBy obscureobscure meanesmeans, taughttaught toto vnlearneunlearn my selfemyself:
ButBut asas II grewgrew inin yearesyears, II grewgrew inin sencesense
OfOf fearefear, andand ofof disdainedisdain; fearefear, ofof thethe tyranttyrant
WhoseWhose powerpower swaideswayed thethe thronethrone thenthen, whenwhen disdainedisdain
OfOf livingliving soso vnknowneunknown, inin suchsuch aa servileservile
AndAnd abjectabject lownesselowness, promptedprompted meeme●me toto thoughtsthoughts
OfOf recollectingrecollecting whowho II waswas; II shookeshook offoff
MyMy bondagebondage, andand mademade hasthaste toto letlet mymy AuntAunt
OfOf BurgundieBurgundyburgundy acknowledgeacknowledge meeme herher kinsmankinsman;
HeireHeir toto thethe CrowneCrown ofof EnglandEngland, snatch’dsnatched byby HenryHenry
FromFrom RichardsRichard’s headhead; aa thingthing scarcescarce knowneknown ithi’th’ith’ worldworld.
K.KingK. I.JamesI.MyMy LordLord, itit standsstands notnot withwith youryour CounsaileCounsel nownow
ToTo fliefly vponupon invectiuesinvectives, ifif youyou cancan
MakeMake thisthis apparentapparent whatwhat youyou hauehave discourstdiscoursed
InIn everyevery CircumstanceCircumstance, weewe willwill notnot studiestudy
AnAn answeranswer, butbut areare readyready inin youryour CauseCause.
War:WarbeckWar:YouYou areare aa wisewise, andand justjust KingKing, byby thethe powerspowers
AboueAbove, reserv’dreserved beyondbeyond allall otherother aydesaids
ToTo plantplant meeme inin minemine owneown inheritanceinheritance:
ToTo marriemarry thesethese twotwo KingdomesKingdoms inin aa louelove
NeverNever toto bebe divor’ddivorced, whilewhile timetime isis timetime.
AsAs forfor thethe mannermanner firstfirst ofof mymy escapeescape,
OfOf mymy ConveyanceConveyance, nextnext, ofof mymy lifelife sincesince,
TheThe meanesmeans, andand personspersons, whowho werewere instrumentsinstruments;
GreatGreat SirSir, tis’tis fitfit II over-passeoverpass inin silencesilence:
ReservingReserving thethe relationrelation, toto thethe secrecysecrecy
OfOf youryour owneown PrincelyPrincely eareear, sincesince itit concernesconcerns
SomeSome greatgreat OnesOnes livingliving yetyet, andand othersothers deaddead,
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WhoseWhose issueissue mightmight bebe question’dquestioned. ForFor youryour bountiebounti●bounty,
RoyallRoyal magnificencemagnificence toto himhim thatthat seekesseeks itit,
WEEWEwe vowvow hereafterhereafter, toto demeanedemean our selfeourself,
AsAs ifif weewe werewere youryour owneown, andand naturallnatural brotherbrother:
OmittingOmitting nono occasionoccasion inin ourour personperson,
ToTo expresseexpress aa gratitudegratitude, beyondbeyond exampleexample.
K.KingK. I.JamesI.HeeHe mustmust beebe moremore thenthan subjectsubject, whowho cancan vtterutter
TheThe languagelanguage ofof aa KingKing, andand suchsuch isis thinethine.
TakeTake thisthis forfor answeranswer, beebe what erewhate’er thouthou artart,
ThouThou nevernever shaltshalt repentrepent thatthat thouthou hasthast putput
ThyThy causecause, andand personperson, intointo mymy protectionprotection.
CosenCousin ofof YorkeYork, thusthus onceonce moremore WeeWewe embraceembrace theethee;
WelcomeWelcome toto IamesJamesjames ofof ScotlandScotland, forfor thythy safetiesafety,
KnowKnow suchsuch asas louelove theethee notnot, shallshall nevernever wrongwrong theethee.
ComeCome, weewe willwill tastetaste aa whilewhile ourour CourtCourt delightsdelights,
DreameDream hencehence afflictionsafflictions pastpast, andand thenthen proceedeproceed
ToTo highhigh attemptsattempts ofof honorhonour, onon, leadelead onon;
BothBoth thouthou andand thinethine areare oursours, andand weewe willwill guardguard yeeye.
LeadeLead onon. —ExeuntExeunt, ManentManent LadiesLadies aboueabove.
Coun:CountessCoun:II hauehave notnot seeneseen aa GentlemanGentleman
OfOf aa moremore brauebrave aspectaspect, oror goodliergoodlier carriagecarriage;
HisHis fortunesfortunes mouemove notnot himhim — MadamMadam, yarey’areyou’re passionatepassionate.
Kat:KatherineKat:BeshrewBeshrew meeme, butbut hishis wordswords hauehave touchdtouched meeme homehome,
AsAs ifif hishis causecause concerndconcerned meeme; II shouldshould pittiepity himhim
IfIf a’’aa’ shouldshould proueprove anotheranother thenthanthen heehe seemesseems.
EnterEnter CrawfordCrawford.
Craw.CrawfordCraw.LadiesLadies thethe KingKing commandscommands youryour presencepresence instantlyinstantly,
ForFor entertainmententertainment ofof thethe DukeDuke.Kat.KatherineKat.TheThe DukeDuke
MustMust thenthen bebe entertain’dentertained, thethe KingKing obaydobeyed:
ItIt isis ourour dutieduty.Coun:CountessCoun:WeeWewe willwill allall waitewait onon himhim.ExeuntExeunt.
EnterEnter KingKing HenryHenry: OxfordOxford; DurhamDurham; SurreySurrey.
K:KingK: H:HHenryH:HaueHave yeeye condem’dcondemned mymy ChamberlaineChamberlain?
Dur.DurhamDur.HisHis treasonstreasons condem’dcondemned himhim (SirSir,) whichwhich werewere asas
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CleereClear andand manifestmanifest, asas foulefoul andand dangerousdangerous:
BesidesBesides thethe guiltguilt ofof hishis conspiracieconspiracy prestpressed himhim
SoSo neerelynearly, thatthat itit drewdrew fromfrom himhim freefree
ConfessionConfession withoutwithout anan importunitieim●ortunitieimportunity.
K:KingK: H:HHenryH:OhOhO LordLord BishopBishop,
ThisThis arguedargued shameshame, andand sorrowsorrow forfor hishis folliefolly;
AndAnd mustmust notnot standstand inin evidenceevidence againstagainst
OurOur merciemercy, andand thethe softnessesoftness ofof ourour naturenature
TheThe rigorrigor andand extremitieextremity ofof LawLaw
IsIs sometimessometimes tootoo tootoo bitterbitter, butbut weewe carrycarry
AA ChancerieChancery ofof pittiepity inin ourour bosomebosom.
II hopehope weewe maymay repreiuereprieve himhim fromfrom thethe sentencesentence
OfOf deathdeath; II hopehope, wewe maymay.Dur:DurhamDur:YouYou maymay, youyou maymay;
AndAnd soso perswadepersuade youryour SubjectsSubjects, thatthat thethe titletitle
OfOf YorkeYork isis betterbetter, naynay, moremore justjust, andand lawfulllawful,
ThenThanThen yoursyours ofof LancasterLancaster; soso StanlieStanleystanley houldsholds:
WhichWhich ifif itit bebe notnot treasontreason inin thethe highesthighest,
ThenThenThan wewe areare traytorstraitors allall; perjurdperjured andand falsefalse,
WhoWho hauehave tooketooktaken oathoath toto HenryHenry, andand thethe justicejustice
OfOf HenriesHenry’s titletitle; OxfordOxford, SurreySurrey, DawbneyDaubeneyDawbney,
WithWith allall youryour otherother PeeresPeers ofof StateState, andand ChurchChurch,
ForsworneForsworn, andand StanlieStanleystanley truetrue alonealone toto HeavenHeaven,
AndAnd EnglandsEngland’s lawfulllawful heireheir.Ox:OxfordOx:ByBy VeresVere’s oldold honorshonours,
IleI’ll cutcut hishis throatethroat daresdares speakespeak itit.Sur:SurreySur:Tis’Tis aa quarrellquarrel
To’Toto ingageengage aa soulesoul inin.K:KingK: H:HHenryH:WhatWhat aa coylecoil isis herehere,
ToTo keepekeep mymy gratitudegratitude sinceresincere andand perfectperfect?
StanlieStan●ieStanleystanley waswas onceonce mymy friendfriend, andand camecame inin timetime
ToTo sauesave mymy lifelife; yetyet toto saysay truthtruth (mymy LordsLords,)
TheThe manman staidstayed longlong enoughenough t’indangert’endanger itit:
ButBut II couldcould seesee nono moremore intointo hishis heartheart,
ThenThen whatwhat hishis outwardoutward actionsactions diddid presentpresent;
AndAnd forfor ’em’em hauehave rewardedrewarded ’em’em soso fulliefully,
AsAs thatthat therethere wantedwanted nothingnothing inin ourour guiftgift
ToTo gratifiegratify hishis meritmerit, asas II thoughtthought,
VnlesseUnless II shouldshould devidedivide mymy CrowneCrown withwith himhim,
AndAnd giuegive himhim halfehalf; thothough nownow II wellwell perceiueperceive
Twould’Twould’twould scarcescarce hauehave seru’dserved hishis turneturn, withoutwithout thethe wholewhole.
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ButBut II amam CharitableCharitable (LordsLords) letlet IusticeJusticejustice
ProceedeProceed inin executionexecution, whileswhiles II mournemourn
TheThe losseloss ofof oneone, whomwhom II esteemdesteemed aa friendfriend.
Dur:DurhamDur:SirSir, hehe isis commingcoming thisthis wayway.K:KingK: H:HHenryH:IfIf a’speake’a speaka’ speake toto meme,
II couldcould deniedeny himhim nothingnothing; toto preventprevent itit,
II mustmust withdrawwithdraw, praypray (LordsLords) commendcommend mymy favoursfavours
ToTo hishis lastlast peacepeace, whichwhich II withwith himhim, willwill praypray forfor:
ThatThat donedone, itit dothdoth concerneconcern vsus, toto consultconsult
OfOf otherother folowingfollowingfo●lowingfollowing troublestroubles.ExeuntExeunt.
Ox:OxfordOx:II amam gladglad hee’she’s gonegone, vponupon mymy lifelife hehe wouldwould
HaueHave pardon’dpardoned thethe TraytorTraitor, hadhad a’seene’a seena’ seen himhim.
Sur:SurreySur:’Tis’Tis aa KingKing composdcomposed ofof gentlenessegentleness.
Dur:DurhamDur:RareRare, andand vnheardunheard ofof;
ButBut everyevery manman isis neerestnearest toto himselfehimself,
AndAnd thatthat thethe KingKing obseruesobserves, tis’tis fitfit a’’aa’ shouldshould.
EnterEnter StanlyStanly; ExecutionerExecutioner: VrswickUrswick andand DawbneyDaubeneyDawbney.
Stan:StanleyStan:MayMay II notnot speakespeak withwith CliffordClifford ereere II shakeshake
ThisThis peicepiece ofof FrailtieFrailty offoff?Dawb:DaubeneyDawb:YouYou shallshall, heeshe’s sentsent forfor.
Stan:StanleyStan:II mustmust notnot seesee thethe KingKing?Dur:DurhamDur:FromFrom himhim SirSir WilliamWilliam
TheseThese LordsLords andand II amam sentsent, heehe badbade vsus saysay
ThatThat hehe commendscommends hishis mercymercy toto youryour thoughtsthoughts;
WishingWishing thethe LawesLaws ofof EnglandEngland couldcould remitremit
TheThe forfeitforfeit ofof youryour lifelife, asas willinglywillingly
AsAs hehe wouldwould inin thethe sweetnessesweetness ofof hishis naturenature,
ForgetForget youryour trespassetrespass; butbut how erehowe’er youryour bodybody
FallFall intointo dustdust, HeeHe vowesvows, thethe KingKing himselfehimself
DothDoth vowvow, toto keepekeep aa requiemrequiem forfor youryour soulesoul,
AsAs forfor aa friendfriend, closeclose treasur’dtreasured inin hishis bosomebosom●bosom.
Ox:OxfordOx:WithoutWithout remembrancerem●mbranceremembrance ofof youryour errorserrors pastpast,
II comecome toto taketake mymy leaueleave, andand wishwish youyou HeavenHeaven.
Sur:SurreySur:AndAnd II, goodgood AngellsAnge●lsAngels guardguard yeeye.Stan:StanleyStan:OhOhO thethe KingKing
NextNext toto mymy soulesoul, shallshall bebe thethe neerestnearest subjectsubject
OfOf mymy lastlast prayersprayers; mymy grauegrave LordLord ofof DurhamDurham,
MyMy LordsLords ofof OxfordOxford, SurreySurrey, DawbneyDaubeneyDawbney, allall,
AcceptAccept fromfrom aa poorepoor dyingdying manman, aa farewellfarewell.
I was
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II waswas asas youyou areare onceonce, greatgreat, andand stoodstood hopefullhopeful
OfOf manymany flourishingflourishing yearesyears, butbut fatefate, andand timetime
HaueHave wheeldwheeled aboutabout, toto turneturn meeme intointo nothingnothing.
EnterEnter CliffordClifford.
Daw:DaubeneyDaw:SirSir RobertRobert CliffordClifford comescomes, thethe manman (SirSir WilliamWilliam)
YouYou soso desiredesire toto speakespeak withwith.Dur:DurhamDur:MarkeMark theirtheir meetingmeeting.
Cliff:CliffordCliff:SirSir WilliamWilliam StanlieStanleystanley, II amam gladglad youryour ConscienceConscience
BeforeBefore youryour endend, hathhath emptiedemptied everyevery burthenburden
WhichWhich charg’dcharged itit, asas thatthat youyou cancan cleerelyclearly witnessewitness,
HowHow farrefar II hauehave proceededproceeded inin aa dutieduty
ThatThat bothboth concern’dconcerned mymy truthtruth, andand thethe StatesState’sstate’s safetiesafety.
Stan:StanleyStan:MercyMercy, howhow dearedear isis lifelife toto suchsuch asas huggehug itit?
ComeCome hetherhither — byby thisthis tokentoken thinkethink onon meeme —}MakesMakes aa CrosseCross
onon CliffordsClifford’s faceface
withwith hishis fingerfinger.
Cliff:CliffordCliff:ThisThis tokentoken? WhatWhat? II amam abusdabused?
Stan:StanleyStan:YouYou areare notnot.
II wettwetrwetwetr vponupon youryour cheekescheeks aa holyholy SigneSign,
TheThe CrosseCross, thethe ChristiansChristians’ badgebadge, thethe TraytorsTraitor’straitor’s infamieinfamy:
WeareWear CliffordClifford toto thythy grauegrave thisthis paintedpainted EmblemEmblem:
WaterWater shallshall nevernever washwash itit offoff, allall eyeseyes
ThatThat gazegaze vponupon thythy faceface, shallshall readeread therethere writtenwritten,
AA State-InformersState-Informer’sstate-informer’s CharacterCharacter, moremore vglieugly
Stamp’dStamped onon aa noblenoble namename, thenthen onon aa basebase.
TheThe HeavensHeavens forgiueforgive theethee; praypray (mymy LordsLords) nono changechange
OfOf wordswords: thisthis manman andand II hauehave vsdvs●useduse tootoo maniemany.
Cliff:CliffordCliff:ShallShall II bebe disgrac’ddisgraced withoutwithout repliereply?Dur.DurhamDur.GiueGive loosersloserslosers’
LeaueLeave toto talketalk; hishis losseloss isis irrecoverableirrecoverable.Stan:StanleyStan:OnceOnce moremore
ToTo allall aalonga longlong farewellfarewell; thethe bestbest ofof greatnessegreatness
PreseruePreserve thethe KingKing; mymy nextnext suitesuit isis (mymy LordsLords)
ToTo bebe remembredremembered toto mymy noblenoble BrotherBrother,
DarbyDerby mymy muchmuch griev’dgrie●’dgrieved brotherbrother; OhOh!Oh!Oh!! perswadepersuade himhim,
ThatThat II shallshall standstand nono blemishblemish toto hishis househouse,
InIn ChroniclesChronicles writwrit inin anotheranother ageage.
MyMy heartheart dothdoth bleedebleed forfor himhim; andand forfor hishis sighessighs,
TellTell himhim, heehe mustmust notnot thinkethink, thethe stilestyle ofof DarbyDerby,
NorNor beingbeing husbandhusband toto KingKing HenriesHenry’s MotherMother,
TheThe leagueleague withwith PeeresPeers, thethe smilessmiles ofof FortuneFortune, cancan
SecureSecure hishis peacepeace, aboueabove thethe statestate ofof manman:
I take
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II taketake mymy leaueleave, toto travailetravail toto mymy dustdust,
“SubjectsSubjects deseruedeserve theirtheir deathsdeaths whosewhose KingsKings areare justjust.
ComeCome ConfessorConfessor, onon withwith thythy AxeAxe (friendfriend) onon.ExeuntExeunt.
Cliff:CliffordCliff:WasWas II call’dcalled hitherhither byby aa TraytorsTraitor’straitor’s breathbreath
ToTo bebe vpbraidedupbraided? LordsLords, thethe KingKing shallshall knowknow itit.
EnterEnter KingKing HenryHenry withwith aa whitewhite staffestaff.
K:KingK: H:HHenryH:TheThe KingKing dothdoth knowknow itit SirSir; thethe KingKing hathhath heardheard
WhatWhat hehe oror youyou couldcould saysay; WeeWewe hauehave givengiven creditcredit
ToTo everyevery pointpoint ofof CliffordsClifford’s informationinformation,
TheThe onelyonly evidenceevidence ’gainst’gainst StanliesStanley’s headhead.
A’’AA’ dyesdies fortfor’t, areare youyou pleasdpleased?Cliff:CliffordCliff:II pleasdpleased mymy LordLord!
K:KingK: H:HHenryH:NoNo ecchoesechoes: forfor youryour serviceservice, weewe dismissedismiss
YourYour moremore attendanceattendance onon thethe CourtCourt; taketake easeease
AndAnd liuelive atat homehome; butbut asas youyou louelove youryour lifelife,
StirreStir notnot fromfrom LondonLondon withoutwithout leaueleave fromfrom vsus.
WeeleWe’llwe’ll thinkethink onon youryour rewardreward, awayaway.
Cliff:CliffordCliff:II goego SirSir.ExitExit CliffordClifford.
K:KingK: H:HHenryH:DyeDie allall ourour griefesgriefs withwith StanlieStanleystanley; taketake thisthis staffestaff
OfOf officeoffice DawbneyDaubeneyDawbney, henceforthhenceforth bebe ourour ChamberlaineChamberlain.
Dawb:DaubeneyDawb:II amam youryour humblesthumblest servantservant.
K:KingK: H:HHenryH:WeeWewe areare followedfollowed
ByBy enemiesenemies atat homehome, thatthat willwill notnot ceasecease
ToTo seekeseek theirtheir owneown confusionconfusion; ’tis’tis mostmost truetrue,
TheThe CornishCornish vnderunder AwdleyAwdley areare marchtmarched onon
AsAs farrefar asas WinchesterWinchester; butbut letlet themthem comecome,
OurOur forcesforces areare inin readinessereadiness, weelewe’ll catchcatch ’em’em
InIn theirtheir owneown toylestoils.Dawb:DaubeneyDawb:YourYour ArmieArmy, beingbeing mustredmustered,
ConsistConsist inin allall, ofof horsehorse andand footefoot, atat leastleast
InIn numbernumber sixsix andand twentietwenty thousandthousand; menmen
DaringDaring, andand ableable, resoluteresolute toto fightfight,
AndAnd loyallloyal inin theirtheir truthestruths.
K:K●KingK. H:HHenryH:WeeWewe knowknow itit DawbneyDaubeneyDawbney:
ForFor themthem, weewe orderorder thusthus, OxfordOxford inin chiefechief
AssistedAssisted byby boldebold EssexEssex, andand thethe EarleEarl
OfOf SuffolkeSuffolk, shallshall leadelead onon thethe firstfirst BattaliaBattaliaBattalions:
BeBe thatthat youryour chargecharge.
Oxf: I humbly
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Ox:OxfordOx:II humblyhumbly thankethank youryour MajestieMajesty.
K:KingK: H:HHenryH:TheThe nextnext DevisionDivision weewe assignea●●igneassign toto DawbneyDaubeneyDawbney:
TheseThese mustmust bebe menmen ofof actionaction, forfor onon thosethose
TheThe fortunefortune ofof ourour fortunesfortunes, mustmust relierely.
TheThe lastlast andand maynemain, our selfeourself commandscommands inin personperson,
AsAs readieready toto restorerestore thethe fightfight atat allall timestimes,
AsAs toto consummateconsummate anan assuredassured victorievictory.
Dawb:DaubeneyDawb:TheThe KingKing isis stillstill oraculousoraculous.K:KingK: H:HHenryH:ButBut SurreySurrey,
WeeWewe hauehave imploymentemployment ofof moremore toyletoil forfor theethee!
ForFor ourour intelligenceintelligence comescomes swiftlyswiftly toto vsus,
ThatThat IamesJamesjames ofof ScotlandScotland, latelate hathhath entertaindentertained
PerkinPerkin thethe counterfeitecounterfeit, withwith moremore thenthan commoncommon
GraceGrace andand respectrespect; naynay courtscourts himhim withwith rarerare favoursfavours;
TheThe ScotScot isis youngyoung andand forwardforward, weewe mustmust lookelook forfor
AA suddainesudden stormestorm toto EnglandEngland fromfrom thethe NorthNorth:
WhichWhich toto withstandwithstand, DurhamDurham shallshall postpost toto NorhamNorham,
ToTo fortifiefortify thethe CastleCastle, andand securesecure
TheThe frontiersfrontiers, againstagainst anan InvasionInvasion therethere.
SurreySurrey shallshall followfollow soonesoon, withwith suchsuch anan ArmieArmy,
AsAs maymay relieuerelieve thethe BishopBishop, andand incounteri●counterencounter
OnOn allall occasionsoccasions, thethe death-daringdeath-daring ScottsScotsScotts.
YouYou knowknow youryour chargescharges allall, ’tis’tis nownow aa timetime
ToTo executeexecute, notnot talketalk, HeavenHeaven isis ourour guardguard stillstill.
WarreWar mustmust breedebreed peacepeace, suchsuch isis thethe fatefate ofof KingsKings.
EnterEnter CrawfordCrawford andand DaliellDaliell.
Crawf:CrawfordCrawf:Tis’Tis moremore thenthan strangestrange, mymy reasonreason cannotcannot answereanswer
SuchSuch argumentargument ofof finefine ImpostureImposture, couchtcouched
InIn witch-craftwitchcraft ofof perswasionpersuasion, thatthat itit fashionsfashions
ImpossibilitiesImpossibilities, asas ifif appearanceappearance
CouldCould cozencozen truthtruth it selfeitself; thisthis Duk-lingDukelingdukeling MushromeMushroom
HathHath doubtlessedoubtless charm’dcharmed thethe KingKing.DaliellDaliell:A’’AA’ courtscourts thethe LadiesLadies,
AsAs ifif hishis strengthstrength ofof languagelanguage, chayndchained attentionattention
ByBy powerpower ofof prerogatiueprerogative.Crawf:CrawfordCrawf:ItIt maddedmadded
MyMy veryvery soulesoul, toto hearehear ourour MaistersMaster’smaster’s motionmotion:
WhatWhat suretiesurety bothboth ofof amitieamity, andand honorhonour,
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MustMust ofof necessitienecessity insueensue vponupon
AA matchmatch betwixtbetwixt somesome noblenoble ofof ourour NationNation,
AndAnd thisthis brauebrave PrincePrince forsoothforsooth.Dali:DaliellDali:Twill’Twill proueprove totoo fatallfatal,
WiseWise HuntleyHuntlyHuntley fearesfears thethe threatningthreat●ingthreatning. BlesseBless thethe LadieLady
FromFrom suchsuch aa ruineruine●ruinCra:CrawfordCra:HowHow the●hethe CounsaileCo●nsaileCounsel privieprivy
OfOf thisthis youngyoung PhuetonPhaetonPhuetonPhaeton, doedo skrewescrew theirtheir facesfaces
IntoInto aa gravitiegravity, theirtheir tradestrades (goodgood peoplepeople)
WereWere nevernever guiltieguilty ofof? thethe meanestmeanest ofof ’em’em
DreamesDreams ofof atat leastleast anan officeoffice inin thethe StateState.
Dal:DaliellDal:SureSure notnot thethe HangmansHangman’shangman’s, tis’tis bespokebespoke alreadiealready
ForFor serviceservice toto theirtheir rogueshippesrogueships — silencesilence.
EnterEnter KingKing IamesJamesjames andand HuntleyHuntlyHuntley.
K:KingK: IamesJamesjames,DoeDo notnot —
ArgueArgue againstagainst ourour willwill; weewe hauehave descendeddescended
SomewhatSomewhat (asas weewe maymay tearmeterm itit) tootoo familiarlyfamiliarly
FromFrom IusticeJusticejustice ofof ourour birth-rightbirthright, toto examineexamine
TheThe forceforce ofof youryour alleagenceallegiance: — SirSir, weewe hauehave;
ButBut findefind itit shortshort ofof dutieduty!
Hunt:HuntlyHunt:BreakeBreak mymy heartheart,
DoeDo, doedo, KingKing; hauehave mymy servicesservices, mymy loyaltieloyalty,
(HeavenHeaven knowesknows vntainteduntainted everever) drawnedrawn vponupon meeme
ContemptContempt nownow inin minemine ageage? whenwhen II butbut wantedwanted
AA minuteminute ofof aa peacepeace notnot toto bebe troubledtroubled?
MyMy lastlast, mymy longlong oneone? LetLet meme bebe aa DotardDotard,
AA BedlameBedlam, aa poorepoor sotsot, oror whatwhat youyou pleaseplease
ToTo hauehave meme, soso youyou willwill notnot stainestain youryour bloudblood,
YourYour owneown bloudblood (royallroyal SirSir) thoughthough mixtmixed withwith minemine,
ByBy marriagemarriage ofof thisthis girlegirl toto aa stragglerstraggler!
TakeTake, taketake mymy headhead SirSir, whilstwhilst mymy tonguetongue cancan waggewag
ItIt cannotcannot namename himhim otherother.K:KingK: Ia:JamesIa:KingsKings areare counterfeitscounterfeits
InIn youryour reputerepute (grauegrave OracleOracle) notnot presentlypresently
SetSet onon theirtheir thronesthrones, withwith SceptersSceptres inin theirtheir fistsfists:
ButBut vseuse youryour owneown detractiondetraction: tis’tis ourour pleasurepleasure
ToTo giuegive ourour CosenCousin YorkeYork forfor wifewife ourour kinswomankinswoman
TheThe LadieLady KatherineKatherine: InstinctInstinct ofof soveraigntiesovereignty
DesignesDesigns thethe honorhonour, thoughthough herher peevishpeevish FatherFather
VsurpsUsurps ourour ResolutionResolution.Hunt:HuntlyHunt:OO tis’tis wellwell,
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ExceedingExceeding wellwell, II nevernever waswas ambitiousambitious
OfOf vsingusing CongeysCongeescongees toto mymy DaughterDaughter QueeneQueen:
AA QueeneQueen, perhapsperhaps aa QueeneQueen? — ForgiueForgive meme DaliellDaliell
ThouThou honorablehonourable GentlemanGentleman, nonenone herehere
DareDare speakespeak oneone wordword ofof ComfortComfort?Dal:DaliellDal:CruellCruel miserymisery!
Craw:CrawfordCraw:TheThe LadyLady graciousgracious PrincePrince, may bemaymaybemaybebe hathhath setledsettled
AffectionAffection onon somesome formerformer choycechoice.
Dal:DaliellDal:InforcementEnforcement, wouldwould proueprove butbut tyrannietyranny.
Hunt.HuntlyHunt.II thankethank ’ee’eethou heartilyheartily.
LetLet anyany yeomanyeoman ofof ourour NationNation challengechallenge
AnAn interestinterest inin thethe girlegirl: thenthen thethe KingKing
MayMay addeadd aa IoyntureJointurejointure ofof ascentascent inin titlestitles,
WorthyWorthy aa freefree consentconsent; nownow a’’aa’ pullspulls downedown
WhatWhat oldeold DesertDesert hathhath buildedbuilded.K.KingK. Ia.JamesIa.CeaseCease perswasionspersuasions,
II violateviolate nono pawnespawns ofof faythesfaiths, intrudeintrude notnot
OnOn privateprivate louesloves; thatthat II hauehave play’dplayed thethe OratorOrator
ForFor KinglyKingly YorkeYork toto vertuousvirtuous KateKate, herher grantgrant
CanCan iustifiejustify, referringreferring herher contentscontents
ToTo ourour provisionprovision..● thethe WelchWelsh HarrieHarryharry, henceforthhenceforth
ShallShall thereforetherefore knowknow, andand trembletremble toto acknowledgeacknowledge,
ThatThat notnot thethe payntedpainted IdollIdol ofof hishis polliciepolicy,
ShallShall frightfright thethe lawfulllawful ownerowner fromfrom aa KingdomeKingdom.
WeeWewe areare resolv’dresolved.Hunt.HuntlyHunt.SomeSome ofof thythy SubjectsSubjects’subjects’ heartshearts
KingKing IamesJamesjames willwill bleedebleed forfor thisthis!K.KingK. Ia.JamesIa.ThenThen shallshall theirtheir bloudsbloods
BeBe noblynobly spentspent; nono moremore disputesdisputes, heehe isis notnot
OurOur friendfriend whowho contradictscontradicts vsus.Hunt.HuntlyHunt.FarewellFarewell DaughterDaughter!
MyMy carecare byby oneone isis lessenedlessened; thankethank thethe KingKing for’tfor’t,EnterEnter.
II andand mymy griefesgriefs willwill dauncedance nownow, — LookeLook LordsLords lookelook,
HeeresHere’shere’s handhand inin handhand alreadiealready?K.KingK. Ia.JamesIa.PeacePeace oldeold phrensiefrenzy.
EnterEnter WarbeckWarbeck leadingleading KatherineKatherine, complementingcomplementing;
CountesseCountess ofof CrawfordCrawford, IaneJanejane, FrionFrion, MajorMayorMajor
ofof CorkeCork, AstleyAstley, HeronHeron andand SketonSkeltonSketon.
HowHow likelike a’aof KingKing a’a lookeslooks? LordsLords, butbut obserueobserve
TheThe confidenceconfidence ofof hishis aspectaspect? DrosseDross cannotcannot
CleaueCleave toto soso purepure aa mettallmetalmettle; royallroyal youthyouth!
PlantaginettPlantagenet vndoubtedundoubted!Hunt:HuntlyHunt:HoHo brauebrave LadyLady!
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ButBut nono PlantagenetPlantagenet byrby’r LadyLady yetyet
ByBy redred RoseRose oror byby whitewhite.Warb.WarbeckWarb.AnAn VnionUnion thisthis wayway,
SettlesSettles possessionpossession inin aa MonarchieMonarchy
EstablishtEstablished rightlyrightly, asas isis mymy inheritanceinheritance:
AcknowledgeAcknowledge meme butbut SoveraigneSovereign ofof thisthis KingdomeKingdom,
YourYour heartheart (fayrefair PrincesPrincessPrinces) andand thethe handhand ofof providenceprovidence,
ShallShall crownecrown youyou QueeneQueen ofof meme, andand mymy bestbest fortunesfortunes.
Kath.KatherineKath.WhereWhere mymy obedienceobedience isis (mymy LordLord) aa dutieduty,
LoueLove owesowes truetrue serviceservice.Warb:WarbeckWarb:ShallShall II? —K.KingK. Ia:IaIa●JamesIaCossenCousincousin yesyes,
EnjoyEnjoy herher; fromfrom mymy handhand acceptaccept youryour bridebride;
AndAnd maymay theythey liuelive atat enmitieemnitieenmity withwith comfortcomfort,
WhoWho grieuegrieve atat suchsuch anan equallequal pledgepledge ofof trothestroths.
Y’areY’areYou’re thethe PrincesPrince’sPRINCE’s wifewife nownow.Kath:KatherineKath:ByBy youryour giftgift SirSir;
Warb:WarbeckWarb:ThusThus II taketake seisureseizure ofof minemine owneown.Kath:KatherineKath:II missemiss yetyet
AA fathersfather’s blessingblessing: LetLet meme findefind itit; — humblyhumbly
VponUpon mymy kneesknees II seekeseek itit.Hunt:HuntlyHunt:II amam HuntleyHuntlyHuntley
OldeOld AlexanderAlexander GuerdonGordonGuerdon, aa plaineplain subjectsubject,
NorNor moremore, nornor lesseless; andand LadieLady, ifif youyou wishwish forfor
AA blessingblessing, youyou mustmust bendbend youryour kneesknees toto HeavenHeaven;
ForFor HeavenHeaven diddid giuegive meme youyou; alasalas, alasalas,
WhatWhat wouldwould youyou hauehave meme saysay? maymay allall thethe happinessehappiness
MyMy prayersprayers everever suedsued toto fallfall vponupon youyou,
PreseruePreserve youyou inin youryour vertuesvirtues; — preetheeprithee DaliellDaliell
ComeCome withwith meme; forfor, II feelefeel thythy griefesgriefs asas fullfull
AsAs minemine, letslet’s stealesteal awayaway, andand crycry togethertogether.{ExeuntExeunt HuntleyHu●tleyHuntlyHuntley
andand DaliellDaliell.
Dal:DaliellDal:MyMy hopeshopes areare inin theirtheir ruinesruins.
K.KingK. Ia.JamesIa.GoodGood kindekind HuntleyHun●leyHuntlyHuntley
IsIs over-joy’doverjoyed, aa fitfit solemnitiesolemnity,
ShallShall perfiteperfect thesethese delightsdelights: CrawfordCrawford attendattend
OurOur orderorder forfor thethe preparationpreparation.{ExeuntExeunt, manentmanent, FrionFrion, Ma-MajorMa∣jorMajor
AstleyAstley, HeronHeron, &and SketonSkeltonSketon.
Fri:FrionFri:NowNow worthyworthy GentlemenGentlemen, hauehave II notnot followedfollowed
MyMy vndertakingsundertakings withwith successesuccess? HeeresHere’shere’s entranceentrance
IntoInto aa certaintiecertainty aboueabove aa hopehope.
Heron.Heron.HopesHopes areare butbut hopeshopes, II waswas everever confidentconfident, whenwhen II tra-tradedtra∣dedtraded
butbut inin remnantsremnants, thatthat mymy starresstars hadhad reserv’dreserved meme toto thethe titletitle ofof
aa ViscountViscount atat leastleast, honorhonour isis honorhonour thoughthough cutcut outout ofof anyany stuffesstuffs.
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Sket:SkeltonSket:MyMy brotherbrother HeronHeron, hathhath rightright wiselywisely delivereddelivered hishis opi-opinionopi∣nionopinion
forfor hehe thatthat threedsthreads hishis needleneedle withwith thethe sharpesharp eyeseyes ofof in-industriein|dustrieindustry
shallshall inin timetime goego through-stitchthroughstitch, withwith thethe newnew suitesuit ofof
AstleyAstley.SpokenSpoken toto thethe purposepurpose mymy finefine wittedwitted brotherbrother SketonSkeltonSketon,
forfor asas nono IndentureIndenture, butbut hashas itsits counterpawnecounterpane; nono NoverintNoverint butbut
hishis ConditionCondition, oror DefeysanceDefeasancedefeasance; soso nono rightright, butbut maymay hauehave claimeclaim,
nono claimeclaim butbut maymay hauehave possessionpossession, anyany actact ofof ParlamentParliament toto thethe
ContraryContrary notwithstandingnotwithstanding.
FrionFrion.YouYou areare allall readread inin mysteriesmysteries ofof StateState,
AndAnd quickequick ofof apprehensionapprehension, deepedeep inin judgementjudgement,
ActiueActive inin resolutionresolution; andand tis’tis pittiepity
SuchSuch counsailecounsel shouldshould lyelie buryedburied inin obscuritieobscurity.
ButBut whywhy inin suchsuch aa timetime andand causecause ofof triumphtriumph,
StandsStands thethe judiciousjudicious MajorMayorMajor ofof CorkeCork soso silentsilent?
BeleeueBelieve itit SirSir, asas ENGLISHENGLISH RICHARDRICHARD prospersprospers,
YouYou mustmust notnot missemiss imploymentemployment ofof highhigh naturenature.
MajorMayor.IfIf menmen maymay bebe creditedcredited inin theirtheir mortalitiemortality, whichwhich II
daredare notnot peremptorilyperemptorily averreaver, butbut theythey maymay, oror notnot bebe; presump-presumptionspresump∣tionspresumptions
byby thisthis marriagemarriage areare thenthen (inin soothsooth) ofof fruitfullfruitful expectati-expectationexpectati∣onexpectation
OrOr elseelse II mustmust notnot justifiejustify otherother mensmen’s beliefebelief, moremore thenthan o-othero∣therother
shouldshould relierely onon minemine.
FrionFrion.PithPith ofof experienceexperience, thosethose thatthat hauehave borneborne officeoffice,
WeighWeigh everyevery wordword beforebefore itit cancan dropdrop fromfrom themthem;
ButBut noblenoble CounsellersCounsellorscounsellors, sincesince nownow thethe presentpresent,
RequiresRequires inin poyntpoint ofof honorhonour (praypray mistakemistake notnot)
SomeSome serviceservice toto ourour LordLord; ’tis’tis fitfit thethe ScottsScotsScotts
ShouldShould notnot ingrosseengross allall gloryglory toto themseluesthemselves,
AtAt thisthis soso grandgrand, andand eminenteminent solemnitiesolemnity.
Sket:SkeltonSket:TheThe ScottsScotsScotts? thethe motionmotion isis defieddefi●ddefied: II hadhad ratherrather, forfor mymy
partpart, withoutwithout tryalltrial ofof mymy CountrieCountry, suffersuffer persecutionpersecution vnderunder thethe
pressingpr●ssingpressing IronIron ofof reproachreproach: oror letlet mymy skinneskin bebe pinchtpinched fullfull ofof oyletteyelet
holesholes, withwith thethe BodkinBodkin ofof DerisionDerision.
Ast:AstleyAst:II willwill soonersooner looselose bothboth mymy earesears onon thethe PilloriePillory ofof For-ForgerieFor|gerieForgery
Heron.Heron.LetLet meme firstfirst liuelive aa BanckroutBankruptbankrupt, andand diedie inin thethe lowseelousy holehole
ofof hungerhunger, withoutwithout compoundingcompounding forfor sixsix pencepence inin thethe poundpound.
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MajorMayor.IfIf menmen failefail notnot inin theirtheir expectationsexpectations, therethere maymay bebe
spiritsspirits alsoalso thatthat disgestdigest nono ruderude affrontsaffronts (MasterMaster SecretarieSecretary FrionFrion)
oror II amam cozen’dcozened: whichwhich isis possiblepossible II grauntgrant.
FrionFrion.Resolv’dResolved likelike menmen ofof knowledgeknowledge; atat thisthis feastfeast thenthen
InIn honorhonour ofof thethe BrideBride, thethe ScottsScotsScotts II knowknow,
WillWill inin somesome shewshow, somesome maskemasquemask, oror somesome DeviseDeviceDevise,
PreferrePrefer theirtheir dutiesduties: nownow itit werewere vncomelyuncomely,
ThatThat weewe bebe foundfound lesseless forwardforward forfor ourour PrincePrince,
ThenThan theythey areare forfor theirtheir LadieLady; andand byby howhow muchmuch
WeeWewe out-shineoutshine themthem inin personspersons ofof accountaccount,
ByBy soso muchmuch moremore willwill ourour indeavoursendeavours meetemeet withwith
AA liuelierlivelier applauseapplause. GreatGreat EmperoursEmperors,
HaueHave forfor theirtheir recreationsrecreations vndertookeundertook
SuchSuch kindekind ofof pastimespastimes; asas forfor thethe ConceiteConceit,
ReferreRefer itit toto mymy studiestudy; thethe performanceperformance
YouYou allall shallshall shareshare aa thankesthanks inin, twill’twill bebe gratefullgrateful.
Heron.Heron.TheThe motionmotion isis allowedallowed, II hauehave stolestole toto aa dauncingdancing
SchooleSchool whenwhen II waswas aa PrenticePrentice.
Astl:AstleyAstl:ThereThere hauehave beenebeen Irish-HubbubsIrish-Hubbubs, whenwhen II hauehave mademade
oneone tootoo.
Sket:SkeltonSket:ForFor fashioningfashioning ofof shapesshapes, andand cuttingcutting aa crosse-capercross-caper,
turneturn meme offoff toto mymy tradetrade againeagain.
MajorMayor.SurelySurely, therethere isis, ifif II bebe notnot deceiveddeceived, aa kindekind ofof gravi-gravitiegravi|tiegravity
inin merrimentmerriment: asas, therethere isis, oror perhapsperhaps oughtought toto bebe, respectrespect ofof
personspersons inin thethe qualitiequality ofof carriagecarriage, whichwhich isis, asas itit isis construedconstrued,
eithereither soso, oror soso.
FrionFrion.StillStill youyou comecome homehome toto meme; vponupon occasionoccasion
II findefind youyou rellishrelish CourtshipCourtship withwith discretiondiscretion:
AndAnd suchsuch areare fitfit forfor StatesmenStatesmen ofof youryour meritsmerits.
Pray’ePray’e waitewait thethe PrincePrince, andand inin hishis eareear acquaintacquaint himhim
WithWith thisthis DesigneDesign, IleI’ll followfollow andand directdirect ee’’ee.(ExeuntExeunt, manemanetmane FrionFrion.
OO thethe toyletoil
OfOf humoringhumouring thisthis abjectabject scummescum ofof mankindemankind?
Muddie-brayndMuddy-brained peasantspeasants? PrincesPrinces feelefeel aa miseriemisery
BeyondBeyond impartiallimpartial sufferancesufferance, whosewhose extreamesextremes
MustMust yeeldeyield toto suchsuch abettorsabettors; yetyet ourour tydetide
RunnesRuns smoothlysmoothly withoutwithout adverseadverse windeswinds; runnerun onon
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FlowFlow toto aa fullfull seasea! timetime alonealone debatesdebates,
QuarrellsQuarrels forewrittenforewritten inin thethe BookeBook ofof fatesfates.ExitExit.
ActusActus TertiusTertius:: ScaenaScaena primaprima.
EnterEnter KingKing HenrieHenryhenry, hishis GorgetGorget onon, hishis swordsword, plumeplume ofof
feathersfeathers, leadingleading staffestaff, andand VrswickeUrswick.
K:KingK: H:HHenryH:HOwHOw runnesruns thethe timetime ofof dayday?
Vrsw:UrswickVrsw:PastPast tenneten mymy LordLord.
K:KingK: H:HHenryH:AA bloudiebloody hourehour willwill itit proueprove toto somesome,
WhoseWhose disobediencedisobedience, likelike thethe sonnessons ’otho’th’oth’ earthearth,
ThrowThrow aa defiancedefiance ’gainst’gainst thethe faceface ofof HeavenHeaven.
OxfordOxford, withwith EssexEssex, andand stoutstout DeDe lala PoolePolePool,
HaueHave quiettedquieted thethe LondonersLondoners (II hopehope)
AndAnd setset themthem safesafe fromfrom fearefear!Vrs:UrswickVrs:TheyThey areare allall silentsilent.
K:KingK: H:HHenryH:FromFrom theirtheir owneown battlementsbattlements, theythey maymay beholdbehold,
SaintSaint GeorgesGeorge’s fieldsfields orespredo’erspread withwith armedarmed menmen;
AmongstAmongst whomwhom, ourour owneown royallroyal StandardStandard threatensthreatens
ConfusionConfusion toto opposersopposers; weewe mustmust learnelearn
ToTo practisepractise warrewar againeagain inin timetime ofof peacepeace,
OrOr laylay ourour CrowneCrown beforebefore ourour SubjectsSubjects’subjects’ feetefeet,
HaHa, VrswickeUrswick, mustmust wewe notnot?Vrsw:UrswickVrsw:TheThe powerspowers, whowho seatedseated
KingKing HenryHenry onon hishis lawfulllawful thronethrone, willwill everever
RiseRise vpup inin hishis defencedefence.K:KingK: H:HHenryH:RageRage shallshall notnot frightfright
TheThe bosomebosom ofof ourour confidenceconfidence; inin KentKent
OurOur CornishCornish RebellsRebels cozen’dcozened ofof theirtheir hopeshopes,
MetMet brauebrave resistanceresistance byby thatthat CountryesCountry’s EarleEarl,
GeorgeGeorge AburgenieAberg’ennyAburgenny, CobhamCobham, PoyningsPo●ningsPoynings, GuilfordGuilford,
AndAnd otherother loyallloyal heartshearts; nownow ifif Black heathBlackBlackheathBlackheathheath
MustMust bebe reserv’dreserved thethe fatallfatal tombetomb toto swallowswallow
SuchSuch stifnecktstiff-neckedstifneckt AbjectsAbjects, asas withwith wearieweary MarchesMarches,
HaueHave travaildtravailed fromfrom theirtheir homeshomes, theirtheir wiueswives, andand childrenchildren,
ToTo paypay in steadininsteadinsteadstead ofof SubsidiesSubsidies theirtheir liueslives,
WeeWewe maymay continuecontinue SoveraigneSovereign? yetyet VrswickeUrswick
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Wee’leWe’ll notnot abateabate oneone penniepenny, whatwhat inin ParliamentParliament
HathHath freelyfreely beenebeen contributedcontributed; weewe mustmust notnot;
MoneyMoney giuesgives soulesoul toto actionaction; OurOur CompetitorCompetitor,
TheThe FlemishFlemish CounterfeitCounterfeit, withwith IamesJamesjames ofof ScotlandScotland,
WillWill proueprove, whatwhat couragecourage needeneed, andand wantwant, cancan nourishnourish
WithoutWithout thethe foodefood ofof fitfit supplyessupplies; butbut VrswickeUrswick
II hauehave aa charmecharm inin secretsecret, thatthat shallshall looselooselose
TheThe Witch-craftWitchcraft, wherewithwherewith youngyoung KingKing IamesJamesjames isis boundbound,
AndAnd freefree itit atat mymy pleasurepleasure withoutwithout bloud-shedbloodshed.
Vrsw:UrswickVrsw:YourYour Majestie’sMajesty’s aa wisewise KingKing, sentsent fromfrom HeavenHeaven
ProtectorProtector ofof thethe justjust.
K.KingK. H.HenryH.LetLet dinnerdinner cheerefullycheerfully
BeBe serv’dserved inin; thisthis dayday ofof thethe weekeweek isis oursours,
OurOur dayday ofof providenceprovidence, forfor SaturdaySaturday
YetYet nevernever fayldfailed inin allall mymy vndertakingsundertakings,
ToTo yeeldyield meme restrest atat nightnight; whatwhat meanesmeans thisthis warningwarning?
GoodGood FateFate, speakespeak peacepeace toto HenryHenry.AA FlourishFlourish.
EnterEnter DawbneyDaubeneyDawbney, OxfordOxford, andand attendantsattendants.
Dawb:DaubeneyDawb:LiueLive thethe KingKing,
TriumphantTriumphant inin thethe ruineruin ofof hishis enemiesenemies.
Oxf:OxfordOxf:TheThe headhead ofof strongstrong rebellionrebellion isis cutcut offoff,
TheThe bodybody hew’dhewed inin peecespieces:K:KingK: H:HHenryH:DawbneyDaubeneyDawbney, OxfordOxford,
MinionsMinions toto noblestnoblest fortunesfortunes, howhow yetyet standsstands
TheThe comfortcomfort ofof youryour wisheswishes?Dawb:DaubeneyDawb:BrieflyBriefly thusthus:
TheThe CornishCornish vnderunder AwdleyAwdley disappoynteddisappointed
OfOf flatteredflattered expectationexpectation, fromfrom thethe KentishKentish
(YourYour MajestiesMajesty’s rightright trustietrusty LiegemenLiegemen) fleweflew,
FeatherdFeathered byby ragerage, andand hartnedheartened byby presumptionpresumption,
ToTo taketake thethe fieldfield, eveneven atat youryour PallacePalace gatesgates,
AndAnd faceface youyou inin youryour chamberchamber RoyallRoyal; ArroganceArrogance,
Improu’dImproved theirtheir ignoranceignorance; forfor theythey supposingsupposing,
(MisledMisled byby rumorrumor) thatthat thethe dayday ofof battailebattle
ShouldShould fallfall onon MundayMonday, ratherrather brav’dbraved youryour forcesforces
ThenThen doubteddoubted anyany onsetonset; yetyet thisthis MorningMorning,
WhenWhen inin thethe dawningdawning II byby youryour directiondirection
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StroueStrove toto getget DertfordDertford StrandStrand bridgebridge, therethere II foundfound
SuchSuch aa resistanceresistance, asas mightmight shewshow whatwhat strengthstrength
CouldCould makemake; herehere ArrowesArrows hayldhailed inin showersshowers vponupon vsus
AA fullfull yardyard longlong atat leastleast; butbut weewe prevayldprevailed.
MyMy LordLord ofof OxfordOxford withwith hishis fellowfellow PeeresPeers,
InvironingEnvironing thethe hillhill, fellfell feircelyfiercely onon themthem
OnOn thethe oneone sideside, II onon thethe otherother, tilltill (greatgreat SirSir)
(PardonPardon thethe over-sightoversight) eagereager ofof doingdoing
SomeSome memorablememorable actact, II waswas engagdengaged
AlmostAlmost aa prisonerprisoner, butbut waswas freedefreed asas soonesoon
AsAs sensiblesensible ofof daungerdanger: nownow thethe fightfight
BeganneBegan inin heateheat, whichwhich quenchedquenched inin thethe bloudblood ofof
TwoTwo thousandthousand RebellsRebels, andand asas manymany moremore
Reserv’dReserved toto trietry youryour mercymercy, hauehave return’dreturned
AA victoryvictory withwith safetiesafety.K:KingK: H:HHenryH:HaueHave wewe lostlost
AnAn equallequal numbernumber withwith themthem?Oxf:OxfordOxf:InIn thethe totalltotal
ScarcelyScarcely fourefour hundredhundred: AwdleyAwdley, FlammockFlammock, IosephJosephjoseph,
TheThe Ring-leadersRingleaders ofof thisthis CommotionCommotion,
RaledRailed inin ropesropes, fitfit OrnamentsOrnaments forfor traytorstraitors,
WaiteWait youryour determinationsdeterminations.K:KingK: H:HHenryH:WeeWewe mustmust paypay
OurOur thankesthanks wherewhere theythey areare onelyonly duedue: OhOhO, LordsLords,
HereHere isis nono victorievictory, nornor shallshall ourour peoplepeople
ConceiueConceive thatthat weewe cancan triumphtriumph inin theirtheir fallesfalls.
AlasAlas, poorepoor soulessouls! LetLet suchsuch asas areare escaptescaped
StealeSteal toto thethe CountreyCountry backeback withoutwithout pursuitepursuit:
There’sThere’s notnot aa dropdrop ofof bloudblood spiltspilt, butbut hathhath drawnedrawn
AsAs muchmuch ofof minemine, theirtheir swordsswords couldcould hauehave wroughtwrought wonderswonders
OnOn theirtheir KingsKing’sking’s partpart, whowho faintlyfaintly werewere vnsheath’dunsheathed
AgainstAgainst theirtheir PrincePrince, butbut woundedwounded theirtheir owneown breastsbreasts.
LordsLords weewe areare debtorsdebtors toto youryour carecare, ourour paymentpayment
ShallShall bebe bothboth suresure, andand fittingfitting youryour DesertsDeserts.
Dawb:DaubeneyDawb:SirSir, willwill youyou pleaseplease toto seesee thosethose RebellsRebels, headsheads
OfOf thisthis wildewild MonsterMonster multitudemultitude?K:KingK: H:HHenryH:DeareDear friendfriend,
MyMy faithfullfaithful DawbneyDaubeneyDawbney, nono; onon themthem ourour IusticeJusticejustice
MustMust frownefrown inin terrorterror, II willwill notnot vouchsafevouchsafe
AnAn eyeeye ofof pittiepity toto themthem, letlet falsefalse AwdleyAwdley
BeBe drawnedrawn vponupon anan hurdlehurdle fromfrom thethe New-gateNewgate
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ToTo Tower-hillTower HillTower-hill inin hishis owneown coatecoat ofof ArmesArms
PayntedPainted onon paperpaper, withwith thethe ArmesArms reverstreversed,
Defac’dDefaced, andand tornetorn, therethere letlet himhim looselose hishis headhead.
TheThe LawyerLawyer andand thethe Black-smithBlacksmith shallshall bebe hang’dhanged,
QuarteredQuartered, theirtheir quartersquarters intointo CornwallCornwall sentsent,
ExamplesExamples toto thethe restrest, whomwhom weewe areare pleasdpleased
ToTo pardonpardon, andand dismissedismiss fromfrom furtherfurther questquest.
MyMy LordLord ofof OxfordOxford seesee itit donedone.
Oxf:OxfordOxf:II shallshall SirSir.K:KingK: H:HHenryH:VrswickeUrswick.Vrsw:UrswickVrsw:MyMy LordLordeLordLord..●
K:KingK: H:HHenryH:ToTo DinhamDinham ourour highhigh treasurertreasurer,
SaySay weewe commaundcommand CommissionsCommissions bebe newnew grauntedgranted,
ForFor thethe CollectionCollection ofof ourour SubsidiesSubsidies
ThroughThrough allall thethe WestWest, andand thatthat speedilyspeedily.
LordsLords weewe acknowledgeacknowledge ourour engagementsengagements duedue
ForFor youryour mostmost constantconstant servicesservices.
Dawb:DaubeneyDawb:YourYour SouldiersSoldiers
HaueHave manfullymanfully andand faithfullyfaithfully acquittedacquitted
TheirTheir severallseveral dutiesduties.
K:KingK: H:HHenryH:ForFor itit, weewe willwill throwethrow
AA LargesseLargesse freefree amongstamongst themthem, whichwhich shallshall hartenhearten
AndAnd cheerishcherish vpup theirtheir LoyaltiesLoyalties, moremore yetyet
RemainesRemains ofof likelike imploymentemployment, notnot aa manman
CanCan bebe dismistdismissed, tilltill enemiesenemies abroadabroad
MoreMore dangerousdangerous thenthan thesethese atat homehome, hauehave feltfelt
TheThe puissancepuissance ofof ourour ArmesArms, ohoho happiehappy KingsKings
WhoseWhose thronesthrones areare raisedraised inin theirtheir SubjectsSubjects’subjects’ heartshearts.
ExeuntExeunt omnesomnes.
EnterEnter HuntleyHuntlyHuntley andand DaliellDaliell.
Hunt:HuntlyHunt:NowNow, SirSir aa modestmodest wordword withwith youyou (sadsad GentlemanGentleman)
IsIs notnot thisthis finefine, II trowetrow, toto seesee thethe gamboldsgambols,
ToTo hearehear thethe IiggsJigsjigs, obserueobserve thethe friskesfrisks, b’enchantedb’enchanted
WithWith thethe rarerare discorddiscord ofof bellsbells, pipespipes andand taborstabors,
HotchpotchHotchpotch ofof ScotchScotch andand IrishIrish twingletwingle twanglestwangles,
LikeLike toto soso manymany QuerestersQuiristers ofof BedlamBedlam,
TrowlingTrollingTrowling aa catchcatch? thethe feastsfeasts, thethe manlymanly stomachesstomachs,
TheThe healtheshealths inin VsquabaughUsquabaugh, andand boniebony clabboreclabber,
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TheThe AleAle inin dishesdishes nevernever fetchtfetched fromfrom ChinaChina,
TheThe hundredhundred thousandthousand knackesknacks notnot toto bebe spokenspoken ofof,
AndAnd allall thisthis forfor KingKing OberonOberon, andand QueeneQueen MabMab,
ShouldShould putput aa soulesoul int’eeintin t’eein’t’eethou: lookelook ’ee’eethou (goodgood manman)
HowHow youthfullyouthful II amam grownegrown, butbut byby youryour leaueleave,
ThisThis newnew QueeneQueen BrideBride, mustmust henceforthhenceforth bebe nono moremore
MyMy DaughterDaughter, nono burladieby’r lady, tis’tis vnfitunfit.
AndAnd yetyet youyou seesee howhow II doedo bearebear thisthis changechange,
MethinkesMethinks couragiouslycourageously, thenthen shakeshake offoff carecare
InIn suchsuch aa timetime ofof jollitiejollity.Dal.DaliellDal.AlasAlas SirSir,
HowHow cancan youyou castcast aa mistmist vponupon youryour griefesgriefs?
WhichWhich how so erehowsoe’er youyou shadowshadow, butbut presentpresent
ToTo anyany judgingjudging eyeeye, thethe perfectperfect substancesubstance
OfOf whichwhich minemine areare butbut counterfeitscounterfeits.Hunt:HuntlyHunt:FoFohFoe DaliellDalie●●Daliell
ThouThou interruptsinterrupts thethe partpart II bearebear inin MusickeMusic
ToTo thisthis rarerare bridallbridal feastfeast, letlet vsus bebe merrymerry;
WhilstWhilst flatteringflattering calmescalms securesecure vsus againstagainst stormesstorms,
TempestsTempests whenwhen theythey beginbegin toto roareroar, putput outout
TheThe lightlight ofof peacepeace andand cloudcloud thethe SunnesSun’ssun’s brightbright eyeeye
InIn darknessedarkness ofof despayredespair, yetyet weewe areare safesafe.
Dal:DaliellDal:II wishwish youyou couldcould asas easilyeasily forgetforget
TheThe IusticeJusticejustice ofof youryour sorrowessorrows, asas mymy hopeshopes
CanCan yeeldeyield toto destiniedestiny.
Hunt:HuntlyHunt:PishPish thenthen II seesee
ThouThou doestdost notnot knowknow thethe flexibleflexible conditioncondition
OfOf mymy ap’taptaped naturenature, II cancan laughlaugh, laughlaugh heartilyheartily
WhenWhen thethe GowtGout crampescramps mymy joyntsjoints, letlet butbut thethe stonestone
StoppeStop inin mymy bladderbladder, II amam streitestraightstreite aa singingsinging,
TheThe QuartaneQuartane feaverfever shrinkingshrinking everyevery limmelimb,
SettsSets meme aa capringcap’ringcapering straitestraight, doedo butbut betraybetray meme
AndAnd bindebind meme aa friendfriend everever. whatwhat II trusttrust
TheThe loosinglosing ofof aa DaughterDaughter, (thoughtho●ghthough II doteddoted
OnOn everyevery hayrehair thatthat grewgrew toto trimtrim herher headhead)
AdmittsAdmits notnot anyany painepain likelik●like oneone ofof thesethese.
ComeCome th’artth’artthou’rt deceivddeceived inin meme, giuegive meme aa blowblow,
AA soundsound blowblow onon thethe faceface, IleI’ll thankethank theethee for’tfor’t,
II louelove mymy wrongswrongs, stillstill th’artth’artthou’rt deceiv’ddeceived inin meme.
Dal: De-
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Dal:DaliellDal:Deceiu’dDeceived? OhOhO noblenoble HuntleyHuntlyHuntley, mymy fewfew yearesyeare●years
HaueHave learntlearned experienceexperience ofof tootoo riperipe anan ageage
ToTo forfeiteforfeit fitfit credulitiecredulity, forgiueforgive
MyMy rudenesserudeness, II amam boldebold.Hunt:HuntlyHunt:ForgiueForgive meme firstfirst
AA madnessemadness ofof ambitionambition, byby exampleexample
TeachTeach meme humilitiehumility, forfor patiencepatience scornesscorns,
LecturesLectures whichwhich SchoolemenSchoolmen vseuse toto readeread toto boyesboys
VncapableUncapable ofof injuriesinjuries; thoughthough oldeold
II couldcould growgrow toughtough inin furiefury, andand disclaimedisclaim
AlleagenceAllegianceallegiance toto mymy KingKing, couldcould fallfall atat oddsodds
WithWith allall mymy fellowfellow PeeresPeers, thatthat durstdurst notnot standstand
DefendantsDefendants ’gainst’gainst thethe raperape donedone onon minemine honorhonour.
ButBut KingsKings areare earthlyearthly godsgods, therethere isis nono medlingmeddling
WithWith theirtheir annoyntedanointed bodiesbodies, forfor theirtheir actionsactions,
TheyThey onelyonly areare accountableaccountable toto HeavenHeaven.
YetYet inin thethe puzzlepuzzle ofof mymy troubledtroubled brainebrain
OneOne Antidote’sAntidote’s reserv’dreserved againstagainst thethe poysonpoison
OfOf mymy distractionsdistractions, tis’tis inin theethee t’applyt’apply itit.
Dal:DaliellDal:NameName itit, ohoho namename itit quicklyquickly SirSir!Hunt:HuntlyHunt:AA pardonpardon
ForFor mymy mostmost foolishfoolish sleightingslighting thythy DesertsDeserts,
II hauehave culdculledcould outout thisthis timetime toto begbeg itit, preetheeprithee
BeBe gentlegentle, hadhad II beenebeen soso, thouthou hadsthadst own’downed
AA happiehappy BrideBride, butbut nownow aa castcast awayaway,
AndAnd nevernever childechild ofof minemine moremore.
Dal:DaliellDal:SaySay notnot soso (SirSir,) itit isis notnot faultfault inin herher.
Hunt:HuntlyHunt:TheThe worldworld wouldwould prateprate
HowHow sheeshe waswas handsomehandsome; youngyoung II knowknow sheeshe waswas,
TenderTender, andand sweetsweet inin herher obedienceobedience;
ButBut lostlost nownow; whatwhat aa banckruptbankrupt amam II mademade
OfOf aa fullfull stockestock ofof blessingsblessings. — mustmust II hopehope
aa mercymercy fromfrom thythy heartheart?Dal:DaliellDal:AA louelove, aa serviceservice,
AA friendshipfriendship toto posteritieposterity.Hunt:HuntlyHunt:GoodGood AngellsAngels
RewardReward thythy charitiecharity, II hauehave nono moremore
ButBut prayersprayers leftleft meme nownow.Dal:DaliellDal:IleI’ll lendlend youyou mirthmirth (SirSir)
IfIf youyou willwill bebe inin ConsortConsort.Hunt:HuntlyHunt:ThankeThank yee’ye truelytruly:
II mustmust, yesyes, yesyes, II mustmust; hereshere’s yetyet somesome easeease,
AA partnerpartner inin afflictionaffliction, lookelook notnot angryangry.
Dal: Good
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Dal:DaliellDal:GoodGood noblenoble SirSir.
Hunt:HuntlyHunt:OhOhO harkehark, weewe maymay bebe quietquiet,
TheThe KingKing andand allall thethe othersothers comecome: aa meetingmeeting
OfOf gawdiegawdy sightssights; thisthis dayesdays thethe lastlast ofof RevellsRevels;
To morrowTomorrow soundssounds ofof warrewar; thenthen newnew exchangeexchange:
FiddlesFiddles mustmust turneturn toto swordsswords, vnhappieunhappy marriagemarriage!
EnterEnter KingKing IamesJamesjames, WarbeckeWarbeckWarbecke leadingleading KatherineKatherine, CrawfordCrawford,
CountesseCountess, andand IaneJanejane, HuntleyHuntlyHuntley, andand DaliellDaliell fallfall amongamong themthem.
K:KingK: Ia:JamesIa:CosenCousin ofof YorkeYork, youyou andand youryour PrincelyPrincely BrideBride,
HaueHave liberallyliberally enjoy’den●oy’denjoyed suchsuch softsoft delightsdelights,
AsAs aa newnew marriedmarried couplecouple couldcould fore-thinkeforethink:
NorNor ha’shas ourour bountiebounty shortnedshortened expectationexpectation;
ButBut afterafter allall thosethose pleasurespleasures ofof reposerepose,
OrOr amorousamorous safetiesafety, weewe mustmust rowserouse thethe easeease
OfOf dalliancedalliance, withwith atchievementsachievements ofof moremore glorieglory,
ThenThan sloathsloth andand sleepesleep cancan furnishfurnish: yetyet, forfor farewellfarewell,
GladlyGladly weewe entertaineentertain aa trucetruce withwith timetime,
ToTo gracegrace thethe joyntjoint endeavoursendeavours ofof ourour servantsservants.
Warb:WarbeckWarb:MyMy RoyallRoyal CosenCousin, inin youryour PrincelyPrincely favourfavour,
TheThe extentextent ofof bountiebounty hathhath beenebeen soso vnlimittedunlimited,
AsAs onelyonly anan acknowledgementacknowledgement inin wordswords,
WouldWould breedebreed suspitionsuspicion inin ourour statestate, andand qualitiequality:
WhenWhen WeeWewe shallshall inin thethe fulnessefullness ofof ourour fatefate
(WhoseWhose MinisterMinister necessitienecessity willwill perfiteperfect,)
SitSit onon ourour owneownthronethrone; thenthenthan ourour armesarms laidlaid openopen
ToTo gratitudegratitude, inin sacredsacred memorymemory
OfOf thesethese largelarge benefitsbenefits, shallshall twynetwine themthem closeclose
EvenEven toto ourour thoughtsthoughts, andand heartheart, withoutwithout distinctiondistinction.
ThenThen IamesJamesjames, andand RichardRichard, beingbeing inin effecteffect
OneO●eOne personperson, shallshall vniteunite andand rulerule oneone peoplepeople.
DevisibleDevisi●leDivisible inin titlestitles onelyonly.K:KingK: Ia:JamesIa:SeateSeat yee’ye;
AreAre thethe presentorspresenters readieready?
Crawf:CrawfCra●f:CrawfordCrawfAllAll areare entringent’ringentering.
Hunt:HuntlyHunt:DaintieDainty sportsport towardtowards DaliellDaliell, sitsit, comecome sitsit,
SitSit andand bebe quietquiet, herehere areare KinglyKingly buggs wordsbuggsbug’s-wordsbugs words words.
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{EnterEnter atat oneone doredoor fourefour ScotchScotch AntickesAntics, accordinglyaccordingly ha-habitedha∣bitedhabited
EnterEnter atat anotheranother fourefour wildewild IrishIrish inin TrowsesTrowses,
longlong hayredhaired, andand accordinglyaccordingly habitedhabited. MusickeMusic.
TheThe MaskersMaskers dauncedance. }
K:KingK: Ia:JamesIa:ToTo allall aa generallgeneral thankesthanks!
Warb:WarbeckWarb:InIn thethe nextnext RoomeRoom
TakeTake youryour owneown shapesshapes againeagain, youyou shallshall receiuereceive
ParticularParticular acknowledgementacknowledgement.K:KingK: Ia:JamesIa:EnoughEnough
OfOf merrimentsmerriments; CrawfordCrawford, howhow far’sfar’s ourour ArmieArmy
VponUpon thethe MarchMarch?Craw:CrawfordCraw:AtAt HedenhallHedenhall (greatgreat KingKing)
TwelueTwelvetwelve thousandthousand wellwell prepardprepared.K:KingK: Ia:JamesIa:CrawfordCrawford, to nighttonight
PostPost thitherthither WeeWewe inin personperson withwith thethe PrincePrince
ByBy fourefour a clockeo’clock to morrowtomorrow afterafter dinnerdinner,
WillWill bebe w’eew●eewi’yew’ee; speedespeed awayaway!Craw.CrawfordCraw.II fliefly mymy LordLord.
K:KingK: I:IJamesI:OurOur businessebusiness growesgrows toto headhead nownow, where’swhere’s youryour
SecretarieSecretary thatthat hehe attends’eeattends ’ee notnot toto serueserve?
Warb:WarbeckWarb:WithWith March-montMarchmount youryour HeraldHerald.
K:KingK: Ia:JamesIa:GoodGood: thethe ProclamationsProclamations readieready;
ByBy thatthat itit willwill appeareappear, howhow thethe EnglishEnglish standstand
AffectedAffected toto youryour titletitle; HuntleyHuntlyHuntley comfortcomfort
YourYour DaughterDaughter inin herher HusbandsHusband’shusband’s absenceabsence; fightfight
WithWith prayersprayers atat homehome forfor vsus, whowho forfor youryour honorshonours,
MustMust toyletoil inin fightfight abroadabroad.
Hunt:HuntlyHunt:PrayersPrayers areare thethe weaponsweapons,
WhichWhich menmen, soso neerenear theirtheir grauesgraves asas II, doedo vseuse.
I’veI’ve littlelittle elseelse toto doedo.
K:KingK: Ia:JamesIa:ToTo restrest youngyoung beautiesbeauties!
WeeWewe mustmust bebe earlyearly stirringstirring, quicklyquickly partpart,
“AA KingdomesKingdom’skingdom’s rescuerescue crauescraves bothboth speede●peedespeed andand artart.
CosensCousinscousin’s goodgood nightnight.FlourishFlourish.
Warb:WarbeckWarb:RestRest toto ourour CosenCousin KingKing.Kath:KatherineKath:YourYour blessingblessing SirSir;
Hunt:HuntlyHunt:FaireFair blessingsblessings onon youryour HighnesseHighness, suresure youyou needeneed ’em’em.
ExeuntExeunt omnesomnes, ManentManent, Warb.WarbWarb●WarbeckWarb &and KatherineKatherine.
Warb:WarbeckWarb:IaneJanejane setset thethe lightslights downedown, andand fromfrom vsus returnereturn
ToTo thosethose inin thethe nextnext roomeroom, thisthis littlelittle pursepurse
SaySay we’elewe’ll deseruedeserve theirtheir louesloves.IaneJanejane.ItIt shallshall bebe donedone SirSir.
Warb: Now
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Warb:WarbeckWarb:NowNow dearestdearest; ereere sweetsweet sleepesleep shallshall sealeseal thosethose eyeseyes,
(LouesLove’slove’s pretiousprecious taperstapers,) giuegive meme leaueleave toto vseuse
AA partingparting CeremonieCeremony; forfor to morrowetotomorrowto morrowemorrow,
ItIt wouldwou●dwould bebe sacriledgesacrilege toto intrudeintrude vponupon
TheThe templetemple ofof thythy peacepeace: swiftswift asas thethe morningmorning,
MustMust II breakebreak fromfrom thethe downedown ofof thythy embracesembraces,
ToTo putput onon steelesteel, andand tracetrace thethe pathespaths whichwhich leadelead
ThroughThrough variousvarious hazardshazards toto aa carefullcareful thronethrone.
Kath:KatherineKath:MyMy LordLord, II wouldwould fainefain goego w’eewi’yew’ee, theresthere’s smallsmall fortunefortune
InIn stayingstaying herehere behindebehind.Warb:WarbeckWarb:TheThe churlishchurlish browebrow
OfOf warrewar (fairefair dearestdearest) isis aa sightsight ofof horrorhorror
ForFor LadiesLady’slady’s entertainmententertainment; ifif thouthou hear’sthear●sthear’st
AA truthtruth ofof mymy sadsad endingending byby thethe handhand
OfOf somesome vnnaturallunnatural subjectsubject, thouthou withallwithal
ShaltShalt hearehear, howhow II dyeddied worthieworthy ofo●of mymy rightright,
ByBy fallingfalling likelike aa KINGKING; andand inin thethe clozeclose
WhichWhich mymy lastlast breathbreath shallshall soundsound, thythy namename, thouthou fayrestfairest
ShallShall singsing aa requiemrequiem toto mymy soulesoul, vnwillingunwilling
OnelyOnly ofof greatergreater glorieglory, ’cause’cause devideddivided
FromFrom suchsuch aa heavenheaven onon earthearth, asas lifelife withwith theethee.
ButBut thesethese areare chimeschimes forfor funerallsfunerals, mymy businessebusiness
AttendsAttends onon fortunefortune ofof aa sprightlierspright●iersprightlier triumphtriumph;
for●orfor louelove andand MajestieMajesty areare reconcil’dreconciled,
AndAnd vowvow toto crownecrown theethee EmpresseEmpress ofof thethe WestWest.
Kath:KatherineKath:YouYou hauehave aa noblenoble languagelanguage (SirSir,) youryour rightright
InIn meeme isis withoutwithout questionquestion, andand howeverhowever
EventsEvents ofof timetime maymay shortenshorten mymy desertsdeserts,
InIn othersothers’others pittiepity; yetyet itit shallshall notnot staggerstagger,
OrOr constancieconstancy, oror dutieduty inin aa wifewife.
YouYou mustmust bebe KingKing ofof meme, andand mymy poorepoor heartheart
IsIs allall II cancan callcall minemine.Warb:WarbeckWarb:ButBut wewe willwill liuelive;
LiueLive (beauteousbeauteous vertuevirtue) byby thethe liuelylively testtest
OfOf ourour owneown bloudblood, toto letlet thethe CounterfeiteCounterfeit
BeBe knowneknown thethe worldsworld’s contemptcontempt.
Kath:KatherineKath:PrayPray doedo notnot vseuse
ThatThat wordword, itit carriescarries fatefate in’tin’t; thethe firstfirst suitesuit
II everever mademade, II trusttrust youryour louelove willwill grauntgrant!
Warb: With-
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Warb:WarbeckWarb:WithoutWithout denialldenial (dearestdearest.)Kath:KatherineKath:ThatThat hereafterhereafter,,▪
IfIf youyou returnereturn withwith safetiesafety, nono adventureadventure
MayMay seversever vsus inin tastingtasting anyany fortunefortune:
II nerene’er cancan staystay behindebehind againeagain.Warb:WarbeckWarb:Y’areY’areYou’re LadieLady
OfOf youryour desiresdesires, andand shallshall commaundcommand youryour willwill:
YetYet ’tis’tis tootoo hardhard aa promisepromise.
Kath:KatherineKath:WhatWhat ourour DestiniesDestinies
HaueHave rul’druled outout inin theirtheir BookesBooks, weewe mustmust notnot searchsearch
ButBut kneelekneel toototoo.
Warb:WarbeckWarb:ThenThen toto fearefear whenwhen hopehope isis fruitlessefruitless,
WereWere toto bebe desperatelydesperately miserablemiserable;
WhichWhich povertiepoverty, ourour greatnessegreatness daresdares notnot dreamedream ofof,
AndAnd muchmuch moremore scornesscorns toto stoopestoop toto; somesome fewefew minutesminutes
RemaineRemain yetyet, let’slet’s bebe thriftiethrifty inin ourour hopeshopes.ExeuntExeunt.
EnterEnter KingKing HenrieHenryhenry, HialasHialas, andand VrswickeUrswick.
K:KingK: H:HHenryH:YourYour namename isis PedroPedro HialasHialas: aa SpaniardSpaniard?
HialasHialas.SirSir aa CastillianCastillian borneborn.K:KingK: H:HHenryH:KingKing FerdinandFerdinand
WithWith wisewise QueeneQueen IsabellIsabell hishis royallroyal consortconsort,
WriteWrite ’ee’eethou aa manman ofof worthieworthy trusttrust andand candorc●ndo●candor.
PrincesPrinces areare dearedear toto heavenheaven, whowho meetemeet withwith SubjectsSubjects
SincereSincere inin theirtheir imploymentsemployments; suchsuch II findefind
YourYour commendationcommendation (SirSir,) letlet meme deliverdeliver
HowHow joyfulljoyful II reputerepute thethe amitieamity,
WithWith youryour mostmost fortunatefortunate MaisterMaster, whowho almostalmost
ComesComes neerenear aa miraclemiracle, inin hishis successesuccess
AgainstAgainst thethe MooresM●oresMoors, whowho hadhad devour’ddevoured hishis CountrieCountry,
EntireEntire nownow toto hishis ScepterSceptre; WeeWewe, forfor ourour partpart
WillWill imitateimitate hishis providenceprovidence, inin hopehope
OfOf partagepartage inin thethe vseuse o’nton’t; WeeWewe reputerepute
TheThe privacieprivacy ofof hishis advisementadvisement toto vsus
ByBy youyou, entendedintended anan AmbassadourAmbassador
ToTo ScotlandScotland forfor aa peacepeace betweenebetween ourour KingdomesKingdoms;
AA policiepolicy ofof louelove, whichwhich wellwell becomesbecomes
HisHis wisedomewisdom, andand ourour carecare.HialasHialas.YourYour MajestieMajesty
DothDoth vnderstandunderstand himhim rightlyrightly.
K:KingK: H:HHenryH:ElsElse, youryour knowledgeknowledge cancan instructinstruct meme, whereinwherein (SirSir)
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ToTo fallfall onon CeremonieCeremony, wouldwould seemeseem vselesseuseless,
WhichWhich shallshall notnot needeneed; forfor II willwill bebe asas studiousstudious
OfOf youryour concealementconcealment inin ourour ConferenceConference,
AsAs anyany CounsellCounsel shallshall adviseadvise.HialasHialas.ThenThen (SirSir)
MyMy chiefechief requestrequest isis, thatthat onon noticenotice givengiven
AtAt mymy dispatchdispatch inin ScotlandScotland, youyou willwill sendsend
SomeSome learnedlearned manman ofof powerpower andand experienceexperience
ToTo joynejoin inin treatietreaty withwith meme.K.KingK. H.HenryH.II shallshall doedo itit,
BeingBeing thatthat wayway wellwell providedprovided byby aa servantservant
WhichWhich maymay attendattend ’ee’eethou everever.HialasHialas.IfIf KingKing IamesJamesjames
ByBy anyany indirectionindirection shouldshould perceiueperceive
MyMy commingcoming neerenear youryour CourtCourt, II doubtdoubt thethe issueissue
OfOf mymy imploymentemployment.
K:KingK: H:HHenryH:BeBe notnot youryour owneown HeraldHerald,
II learnelearn sometimessometimes withoutwithout aa teacherteacher.
HialasHialas.GoodGood dayesdays guardguard allall youryour PrincelyPrincely thoughtsthoughts.
K:KingK: H:HHenryH:VrswickeUrswick nono furtherfurther
ThenThan thethe nextnext openopen GallerieGallery attendattend himhim.
AA heartiehearty louelo●elove goego withwith youyou.
HialasHialas.YourYour vow’dvowed BeadsmanBeadsman.ExExeuntEx: Vrsw:UrswickUrsw. andand HialasHialas.
K:KingK: H:HHenryH:KingKing FerdinandFerdinand isis notnot soso muchmuch aa FoxeFox,
ButBut thatthat aa cunningcunning HuntsmanHuntsman maymay inin timetime
FallFall onon thethe sentsent; inin honourablehonourable actionsactions
SafeSafe imitationimitation bestbest deseruesdeserves aa praysepraise.
EnterEnter VrswickeUrswick.
What’Whatwhat thethe CastilliansCastillian’sCastillians pastpassed awayaway?Vrsw:UrswickVrsw:HeHe isis,
AndAnd vndiscoveredundiscovered; thethe twotwo hundredhundred markesmarks
YourYour MajestieMajesty conveydeconveyed, a’’aa’ gentliegently purstpursed,
WithWith aa rightright modestmodest gravitiegravity.K:KingK: H:HHenryH:WhatWhat wastwas’twaste
A’’AA’ mutterdmuttered inin thethe earnestearnest ofof hishis wisedomewisdom,
A’’AA’ spokespoke notnot toto bebe heardheard? Twas’Twas’twas aboutabout —Vrsw:UrswickVrsw:WarbeckeWarbeck;
HowHow ifif KingKing HenryHenry werewere butbut suresure ofof SubjectsSubjects,
SuchSuch aa wildewild runnagaterunagate mightmight soonesoon bebe cag’dcaged,
NoNo greatgreat adoeado withstandingwithstanding.K:KingK: H:HHenryH:NayNay, naynay, somethingsomething
AboutAbout mymy sonneson PrincePrince ArthursArthur’s matchmatch!
Vrsw:UrswickVrsw:RightRight, rightright, SirSir.
A’A’a humdhummed itit outout, howhow thatthat KingKing FerdinandFerdinand
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SworeSwore, thatthat thethe marriagemarriage ’twixt’twixt thethe LadieLady KatherineKatherine
HisHis DaughterDaughter, andand thethe PrincePrince ofof WalesWales youryour SonneSon,
ShouldShould nevernever bebe consummatedconsummated, asas longlong
AsAs anyany EarleEarl ofof WarwickeWarwick liv’dlived inin EnglandEngland,
ExceptExcept byby newenew CreationCreation.K:KingK: H:HHenryH:II rememberremember,
’Twas’Twas soso indeedeindeed, thethe KingKing hishis MaisterMaster sworeswore itit?
Vrsw:UrswickVrsw:DirectlyDirectly, asas hehe saidsaid.K:KingK: H:HHenryH:AnAn EarleEarl ofof WarwickeWarwick!
ProvideProvide aa MessengerMessenger forfor LettersLetters instantlyinstantly
ToTo BishopBishop FoxFox. OurOur newesnews fromfrom ScotlandScotland creepescreeps,
ItIt comescomes soso slowslow; weewe mustmust hauehave ayrieairy spiritsspirits:
OurOur timetime requiresrequires dispatchdispatch, — thethe EarleEarl ofof WarwickeWarwick!
LetLet himhim bebe sonneson toto ClarenceClarence, youngeryounger brotherbrother
ToTo EdwardEdward! EdwardsEdward’s DaughterDaughter isis II thinkethink
MotherMother toto ourour PrincePrince ArthurArthur; getget aa MessengerMessenger.ExeuntExeunt.
EnterEnter KingKing IamesJamesjames, WarbeckeWarbecke, CrawfordCrawford, DaliellDaliell, HeronHeron,
AstleyAstley, MajorMayorMajor, SketonSkeltonSketon, andand SouldiersSoldiers.
K:KingK: Ia:JamesIa:WeeWewe trifletrifle timetime againstagainst thesethese CastleCastle wallswalls,
TheThe EnglishEnglish PrelatePrelate willwill notnot yeeldeyield, onceonce moremore
GiueGive himhim aa SummonsSummons!ParleyParley.
EnterEnter aboueabove DurhamDurham armedarmed, aa TruncheonTruncheon
inin hishis handhand, andand SouldiersSoldiers.
Warb:WarbeckWarb:SeeSee, thethe jollyjolly ClarkeClerkclerk
AppearesAppears trimdtrimmed likelike aa ruffianruffian.
K:KingK: Ia:JamesIa:BishopBishop, yetyet
SetSet opeopeopen thethe portesports, andand toto youryour lawfulllawful SoveraigneSovereign
RichardRichard ofof YorkeYork surrendersurrender vpup thisthis CastleCastle,
AndAnd hehe willwill taketake theethee toto hishis GraceGrace; elseelse TweedeTweed
ShallShall overflowoverflow hishis banckesbanks withwith EnglishEnglish bloudblood,
AndAnd washwash thethe sandesa●desand thatthat cementscements thosethose hardhard stonesstones,
FromFrom theirtheir foundationfoundation.
Dur:DurhamDur:WarlikeWarlike KingKing ofof ScotlandScotland,
VouchsafeVouchsafe aa fewfew wordswords fromfrom aa manman inforc’tenforced
ToTo laylay hishis BookeBook asideaside, andand clapclap onon ArmesArms,
VnsutableUnsuitableunsuitable toto mymy ageage, oror mymy professionprofession.
CouragiousCourageous PrincePrince, considerconsider onon whatwhat groundsgrounds,
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YouYou rendrend thethe faceface ofof peacepeace, andand breakebreak aa LeagueLeag●eLeague
WithWith aa confederateconfederate KingKing thatthat courtscourts youryour amitieamity;
ForFor whomwhom tootoo? forfor aa vagabondvagabond, aa stragglerstraggler,
NotNot notednoted inin thethe worldworld byby birthbirth ofof namename,
AnAn obscureobscure peasantpeasant, byby thethe ragerage ofof HellHell
LoosdLoosed fromfrom hishis chayneschains, toto setset greatgreat KingsKings atat strifestrife.
WhatWhat NoblemanNobleman? whatwhat commoncommon manman ofof notenote?
WhatWhat ordinaryordinary subjectsubject hathhath comecome inin,
SinceSince firstfirst youyou footedfooted onon ourour TerritoriesTerritories,
ToTo onelyonly fainefeign aa wellcomewelcome? childrenchildren laughlaugh atat
YourYour ProclamationsProclamations, andand thethe wiserwiser pittiepity,
SoSo greatgreat aa PotentatesPotentate’spotentate’s abuseabuse, byby oneone
WhoWho jugglesjuggles meerlymerely withwith thethe fawnesfawns andand youthyouth
OfOf anan instructedinstructed complementcompliment; suchsuch spoylesspoils,
SuchSuch slaughtersslaughters asas thethe rapinerapine ofof youryour SouldiersSoldiers
AlreadieAlready hauehave committedcommitted, isis enoughenough
ToTo shewshow youryour zealezeal inin aa conceitedconceited IusticeJustice..▪
YetYet (greatgreat KingKing) wakewake notnot yetyet mymy MaistersMaster’smaster’s vengeancevengeance:
ButBut shakeshake thatthat ViperViper offoff whichwhich gnawesgnaws youryour entraylesentrails
II, andand mymy fellowfellow SubjectsSubjects, areare resolv’dresolved
IfIf youyou persistpersist, toto standstand youryour vtmostutmost furiefury,
TillTill ourour lastlast bloudblood dropdrop fromfrom vsus.
Warb:WarbeckWarb:OO SirSir, lendlend
MeMe eareear toto thisthis seducerseducer ofof mymy honorhonour!
WhatWhat shallshall II callcall theethee, (thouthou graygrey beardedbearded ScandallScandal)
ThatThat kickstkickest againstagainst thethe SoveraigntieSovereignty toto whichwhich
ThouThou owestowest alleaganceallegiance? TreasonTreason isis bold-fac’dboldfaced,
AndAnd eloquenteloquent inin mischiefemischief; sacredsacred KingKing
BeBe deafedea●edeafed toto hishis knowneknown malicemalice!Dur:DurhamDur:RatherRather yeeldeyield
VntoUnto thosethose holyholy motionsmotions, whichwhich inspireinspire
TheThe sacredsacred heartheart ofof anan annoyntedanointed bodiebody!
ItIt isis the●h●the surestsurest polliciepolicy inin PrincesPrinces,
ToTo governegovern wellwell theirtheir owneown, thenthen seekeseek encroachmentencroachment
VponUpon anothersanother’s rightright.Crawf:CrawfordCrawf:TheThe KingKing isis seriousserious,
DeepeDee●eDeepe inin hishis meditationmeditation.Dal:DaliellDal:LiftLift themthem vpup
ToTo heavenheaven hishis betterbetter geniusgenius!
Warb:WarbeckWarb:CanCan youyou studiestudy, whilewhile suchsuch aa DevillDevil rauesraves? OO SirSir.
K: Ia: Well.
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K:KingK: Ia.JamesIa.WellWell, — BishoppBishop,
You’leYou’ll notnot bebe drawnedrawn toto merciemercy?Dur:DurhamDur:ConsterConsterConstrue meme
InIn likelike casecase byby aa SubjectSubject ofof youryour owneown!
MyMy resolutionsresolutions fixtfixed, KingKing IamesJamesjames bebe counseldcounselled.
AA greatergreater fatefate waiteswaits onon theethee.ExitExit DurhamDurham cumcum suissui●suis.
K:KingK: Ia:JamesIa:ForrageForage throughthrough
TheThe CountreyCountry, sparespare nono preyprey ofof lifelife, oror goodsgoods,
Warb:WarbeckWarb:OO SirSir, thenthen giuegive meme leaueleave toto yeeldyield toto naturenature,
II amam mostmost miserablemiserable; hadhad II beenebeen
BorneBorn whatwhat thisthis Clergie manClergieClergymanClergymanman wouldwould byby defamedefame
BaffleBaffle beliefebelief withwith, II hadhad nevernever soughtsought
TheThe truthtruth ofof minemine inheritanceinheritance withwith rapesrapes
OfOf womenwomen, oror ofof infantsinfants murtheredmurdered; VirginsVirgins
DeflouredDeflowered; oldeold menmen butcheredbutchered; dwellingsdwellings fir’dfired;
MyMy LandLand depopulateddepopulated; andand mymy peoplepeople
AfflictedAfflicted withwith aa KingdomesKingdom’skingdom’s devastationdevastation.
ShewShowshow moremore remorseremorse greatgreat KingKing, oror II shallshall neverneve●never
EndureEndure toto seesee suchsuch havockehavoc withwith driedry eyeseyes:
SpareSpare, sparespare, mymy dearedear dearedear EnglandEngland.
K:KingK: Ia:JamesIa:YouYou foolefool youryour pietiepiety
RidiculouslyRidiculously, carefullcareful ofof anan interestinterest
AnotherAnother manman possessethpossesseth! WheresWhere’s youryour factionfaction?
ShrewdlyShrewdly thethe BishopBishop ghestguessed ofof youryour adherentsadherents,
WhenWhen notnot aa pettiepetty BurgesseBurgess ofof somesome TowneTown,
NoNo, notnot aa VillagerVillager hathhath yetyet appear’dappeared
InIn youryour assistanceassistance, thatthat shouldshould makemake ’ee’eethou whinewhine,
AndAnd notnot youryour CountryesCountry’s sufferancesufferance asas youyou tearmeterm itit.
Dal:DaliellDal:TheThe KingKing isis angrieangry.Crawf:CrawfordCrawf:AndAnd thethe passionatepassionate DukeDuke,
EffeminatelyEffeminately dolentdolent.Warb:WarbeckWarb:TheThe experienceexperience
InIn formerformer tryallstrials (SirSir) bothboth ofof minemine owneown
OrOr otherother PrincesPrinces, castcast outout ofof theirtheir thronesthrones,
HaueHave soso acquaintedacquainted meeme, howhow miseriemisery
IsIs destitutedestitute ofof friendsfriends, oror ofof relieferelief,
ThatThat II cancan easilyeasily submitsubmit toto tastetaste
LowestLowest reproofereproof, withoutwithout contemptcontempt oror wordswords..●
EnterEnter FrionFrion.
K:KingK: Ia:JamesIa:AnAn humblehumble mindedminded manman, — nownow, whatwhat intelligenceintelligence
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SpeakesSpeaks MaisterMaster SecretarieSecretary FrionFrion.FrionFrion.HenrieHenryhenry
OfOf EnglandEngland, hathhath inin openopen fieldfield ore’throwneo’erthrown
TheThe ArmiesArmies whowho opposdopposed himhim, inin thethe rightright
OfOf thisthis youngyoung PrincePrince.
K:KingK: Ia:JamesIa:HisHis SubsidiesSubsidies youyou meanemean: moremore ifif youyou hauehave itit?
FrionFrion.HowardHoward EarleEarl ofof SurreySurrey,
BacktBacked byby tweluetwelve EarlesEarls andand BaronsBarons ofof thethe NorthNorth,
AnAn hundredhundred KnightsKnights andand GentlemenGentlemen ofof NameName,
AndAnd twentietwenty thousandthousand SouldiersSoldiers, isis atat handhand
ToTo raiseraise youryour siegesiege. BrookeBrooke withwith aa goodlygoodly NavieNavy
IsIs AdmirallAdmiral atat SeaSea::▪ andand DawbneyDaubeneyDawbney followesfollows
WithWith anan vnbrokenunbroken ArmieArmy forfor aa secondsecond.
Warb:WarbeckWarb:’Tis’Tis falsefalse! theythey comecome toto sideside withwith vsus.K:KingK: Ia:JamesIa:RetreateRetreat:
WeeWewe shallshall notnot findefind themthem stonesstones andand wallswalls toto copecope withwith.
YetYet DukeDuke ofof YorkeYork, (forfor suchsuch thouthou sayestsayest thouthou artart,)
IleI’ll trietry thythy fortunefortune toto thethe heightheight; toto SurreySurrey
ByBy MarchmountMarchmount, II willwill sendsend aa brauebrave DefianceDefiance
ForFor singlesingle CombateCombat; onceonce aa KingKing willwill venterventure
HisHis personperson toto anan EarleEarl; withwith ConditionCondition
OfOf spillingspilling lesserlesser bloudblood, SurreySurrey isis boldebold
AndAnd IamesJamesjames resolv’dresolved.Warb:WarbeckWarb:OO ratherrather (graciousgracious SirSir,)
CreateCreate meme toto thisthis glorieglory; sincesince mymy causecause
DothDoth interestinterest thisthis fayrefair quarrellquarrel; valuedvalued leastleastlest
II amam hishis equallequal.K:KingK: I:IJamesI:II willwill bebe thethe manman;
MarchMarch softlysoftly offoff, wherewhere VictorieVictory cancan reapereap
“AA harvestharvest crown’dcrowned withwith triumphtriumph, toyletoil isis cheapecheap.
ExeuntExeunt omnesomn●●omnes.
ActusActus QuartusQuartus: ScænaScaenaScaena primaprima.
EnterEnter SurreySurrey, DurhamDurham, SouldiersSoldiers,
withwith DrummesDrums andand CollorsColours.
SurreySurrey:AReARe allall ourour bravingbraving enemiesenemies shrunkeshrunk backeback?
HidHid inin thethe foggesfogs ofof theirtheir distempereddistempered climateclimate,
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NotNot daringdaring toto beholdbehold ourour ColoursColours wavewave
InIn spightspite ofof thisthis infectedinfected ayreair? CanCan theythey
LookeLook onon thethe strengthstrength ofof CundrestineCundrestine defac’tdefaced?
TheThe glorieglory ofof HeydonhallHeydonhall devasteddevasted? thatthat
OfOf EdingtonEdington castcast downedown? thethe pilepile ofof FuldenFouldenFulden
OrethrowneO’erthrowno’erthrown? AndAnd thisthis thethe strongeststrongest ofof theirtheir FortsForts
OldeOld AytonAyton CastleCastle yeeldedyielded, andand demolisheddemolished?
AndAnd yetyet notnot peepepeep abroadabroad? thethe ScotsScots areare boldbold,
HardieHardy inin battaylebattle, butbut itit seemesseems thethe causecause
TheyThey vndertakeundertake consideredconsidered, appearesappears
VnjoyntedUnjointed inin thethe frameframe onton’t.Dur:DurhamDur:NobleNoble SurreySurrey,
OurOur RoyallRoyal MastersMaster’s wisedomewisdom isis atat allall timestimes
HisHis fortunesfortune’s HarbingerHarbinger; forfor whenwhen hehe drawesdraws
HisHis swordsword toto threatenthreaten warrewar, hishis providenceprovidence
SettlesSettles onon peacepeace, thethe crowningcrowning ofof anan EmpireEmpire.(TrumpetTrumpet.
Sur:SurreySur:RanckeRank allall inin orderorder, ’tis’tis aa HeraldsHerald’s soundsound,
SomeSome messagemessage fromfrom KingKing IamesJamesjames, keepekeep aa fixtfixed stationstation.
EnterEnter March-mountMarchmountMarch-mount, andand anotheranother HeraldHerald
inin theirtheir CoatesCoats.
March:MarchmountMarch:FromFrom ScotlandsScotland’s awfullawful MajestieMajesty, weewe comecome
VntoUnto thethe EnglishEnglish GenerallGeneral;
SurreySurrey.ToTo meme? SaySay onon.
March:MarchmountMarch:ThusThus thenthen; thethe wastwaste andand prodigallprodigal
EffusionEffusion ofof soso muchmuch guiltlesseguiltless bloudblood,
AsAs inin twotwo potentpotent ArmiesArmies, ofof necessitienecessity
MustMust glutglut thethe earthsearth’s driedry wombewomb, hishis sweetsweet compassioncompassion
HathHath studiedstudied toto preventprevent; forfor whichwhich toto theethee
GreatGreat EarleEarl ofof SurreySurrey, inin aa singlesingle fightfight
HeHe offersoffers hishis owneown royallroyal personperson; fayrelyfairly
ProposingProposing thesethese conditionsconditions onelyonly, thatthat,
IfIf VictorieVictory concludeconclude ourour MastersMaster’sMasters rightright;
TheThe EarleEarl shallshall deliverdeliver forfor hishis ransomeransom
TheThe townetown ofof BarwickeBerwick toto himhim, withwith thethe FishgarthsFishgarths,
IfIf SurreySurrey shallshall prevaileprevail; thethe KingKing willwill paiepay
AA thousandthousand poundspounds downedown presentpresent forfor hishis freedomefreedom,
AndAnd silencesilence furtherfurther ArmesArms; soso speakesspeaks KingKing IamesJamesjames.
Surr: So
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Surr:SurrSu●rSurreySurr:SoSo speakesspeaks KingKing IamesJamesjames; soso likelike aa KingKing a’’a speakesspea●esspeaks.
HeraldsHeralds, thethe EnglishEnglish GenerallGeneral returnesreturns,
AA sensiblesensible DevotionDevotion fromfrom hishis heartheart,
HisHis veryvery soulesoul, toto thisthis vnfellowedunfellowed gracegrace.
ForFor letlet thethe KingKing knowknow (gentlegentle HaraldsHeraldsheralds) truelytruly
HowHow hishis descentdescent fromfrom hishis greatgreat thronethrone, toto honorhonour
AA strangerstranger subjectsubject withwith soso highhigh aa titletitle
AsAs hishis CompeereCompeercompeer inin ArmesArms, hathhath conqueredconquered moremore
ThenThan anyany swordsword couldcould doedo: forfor whichwhich (mymy loyaltieloyalty
RespectedRespected) II willwill serueserve hishis vertuesvirtues everever
InIn allall humilitiehumility: butbut BarwickeBerwick saysay
IsIs nonenone of●fof minemine toto partpart withwith: InIn affayresaffairs
“OfOf PrincesPrincesprinces’, SubjectsSubjects cannotcannot trafficketraffic rightsrights
“InherentInherent toto thethe CrowneCrown. MyMy lifelife isis minemine,
ThatThat I●I daredar●●reelydare freelyfreely hazard●●zardhazard; andand (withwith pardonpardon
ToTo somesome vnbrib’dunbribed vaine-glorievainglory) ifif hishis MajestieMajesty
ShallShal●●asteShall tastetaste aa chaungechange ofof fatefa●efate,,● hishis libertieliberty
ShallShall meetem●●●emeet nono ArticlesArticles. IfIf II fallfall, fallingfalling
SoSo brauelybraue●ybravely, II referrerefer meme toto hishis pleasurepleasure
WithoutWithout conditioncondition; andand forfor thisthis dearedear favourfavour,
SaySay (ifif notnot countermaundedcountermanded) II willwill ceasecease
HostilitieHostility, vnlesseunless provoktprovoked.March:MarchmountMarch:ThisThis answereanswer
WeeWewe shallshall relaterelate unpartiallyimpartially●●partiallyunpartiallyimpartially.
Durh:DurhamDurh:WithWith favourfavour,
PrayPray hauehave aa littlelit●lelittle patiencepatience — SirSir, youyou findefind
ByBy thesethese gay-flourishesgay-flourishes, howhow weariedwearied travayletravail
InclinesInclines toto willingwilling restrest; heereshere’s butbut aa ProloguePrologue
HoweverHoweve●However confidentlyconfidently vtterduttered, meantmeant
ForFor somesome ensuingensuing ActsActs ofof peacepeace::▪ considerconsider
TheThe timetime ofof yeareyear, vnseasonablenesseunseasonableness ofof weatherweather,
ChargeCharge, barrennessebarrenness ofof profiteprofit, andand occasionoccasion
PresentsPresents it selfeitself forfor honorablehonourable treatietreaty,
WhichWhich weewe maymay makemake goodgood vseuse ofof; II willwill backeback
AsAs sentsent fromfrom youyou, inin poyntpoint ofof noblenoble gratitudegratitude
VntoUnto KingKing IamesJamesjames withwith thesethese hishis HeraldsHeralds; youyou
ShallShall shortlieshortly hearehear fromfrom meme (mymy LordLord) forfor orderorder
OfOf breathingbreathing oror proceedingproceeding; andand KingKing HenrieHenryhenry
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(DoubtDoubt notnot) willwill thankethank thethe serviceservice.
Surr:SurreySurr:ToTo youryour wisedomewisdom LordLord BishopBishop II referrerefer itit.
Durh:DurhamDurh:BeBe itit soso thenthen.
Surr:SurreySurr:HaraldsHeraldsHarald’s, acceptaccept thisthis chainechain, andand thesethese fewfew CrownesCrowns
March:MarchmountMarch:OurOur DutieDuty NobleNoble GenerallGeneral.Dur.DurhamDur.InIn partpart
OfOf retributionretribution forfor suchsuch PrincelyPrincely louelove,
MyMy LordLord thethe GenerallGeneral isis pleasdpleased toto shewshow
TheThe KingKing youryour MaisterMaster, hishis sincerestsincerest zealezeal
ByBy furtherfurther treatietreaty, byby nono commoncommon manman;
II willwill my selfemyself returnereturn withwith youyou.Sur:SurreySur:Y’obliegeY’obligey’oblige
MyMy faithfullestfaithfullest affectionsaffections t’eet’ee (Lord〈◊〉Lord BishopBishop.)
March:MarchmountMarch:AllAll happinessehappiness attendattend youryour LordshipLordship.
Surr:SurreySurr:ComeCome friendsfriends,
AndAnd fellow-Souldiersfellow-Soldiersfellow-soldiers, weeweelwee Iwewe’ll II doubt●oubtdoubt shallshall meetemeet
NoNo enemiesenemies, butbut woodswoods andand hillshills toto fightfight withwith:
ThenThenThan twere’twere asas goodgood toto feedefeed, andand sleepesleep atat homehome,
WeeWewe maymay bebe freefree fromfrom daungerdanger, notnot securesecure.ExeuntExeunt omnesomnes.
EnterEnter WarbeckWarbeck andand FrionFrion.
Warb:WarbeckWarb:FrionFrion, ôôo FrionFrion! allall mymy hopeshopes ofof glorieglory
AreAre atat aa standstand! thethe ScottishScottish KingKing growesgrows dulldull,
FrostieFrosty andand waywardwayward, sincesince thisthis SpanishSpanish AgentAgent
HathHath mixtmixed DiscoursesDiscourses withwith himhim; theythey areare privateprivate,
II amam notnot caldcalled toto counsailecounsel nownow; confusionconfusion
OnOn allall hishis craftiecrafty shruggesshrugs; II feelefeel thethe fabrickefabric
OfOf mymy designesdesigns areare totteringtottering.FrionFrion.HenriesHenry’s polliciespolicies
StirreStir withwith tootoo manymany enginsengines.Warb:WarbeckWarb:LetLet hishis minesmines,
ShaptShaped inin thethe bowellsbowels ofof thethe earthearth, blowblow vpup
WorkesWorks raisdraised forfor mymy defencedefence, yetyet cancan theythey nevernever
TosseToss intointo ayreair thethe freedomefreedom ofof mymy birthbirth,
OrOr disavowdisavow mymy bloudblood, PlantaginettsPlantagenet’s!
II amam mymy FathersFather’s sonneson stillstill; butbut ôôo FrionFrion,
WhenWhen II bringbring intointo countcount withwith mymy DisastersDisasters,
MyMy WifesWife’swife’s compartnershipcopartnership, mymy KatesKate’s, mymy lifeslife’slives;
ThenThen, thenthen, mymy frailtiefrailty feelesfeels anan earth-quakeearthquake; mischiefemischief
DambDamndamn HenriesHenry’s plottsplots, II willwill bebe EnglandsEngland’s KingKing,
OrOr letlet mymy AuntAunt ofof BurgundieBurgundyburgundy reportreport
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MyMy fallfall inin thethe attemptattempt, deserv’ddeserved ourour AuncestorsAncestors?
FrionFrion.YouYou growgrow tootoo wildewild inin passionpassion, ifif youyou willwill
AppeareAppear aa PrincePrince indeedeindeed, confineconfine youryour willwill
ToTo moderationmoderation●moderationWarb:WarbeckWarb:WhatWhat aa sauciesaucy rudenesserudeness
PromptsPrompts thisthis distrustdistrust? IfIf, ifif II willwill appeareappear?
AppeareAppear, aa PrincePrince? DeathDeath throttlethrottle suchsuch deceitesdeceits
EvenEven inin theirtheir birthbirth ofof vtteranceutterance; cursedcursed cozenagecozenage
OfOf trusttrust? Y’eeYeye makemake meme madmad, twere’twere bestbest (itit seemesseems)
ThatThat II shouldshould turneturn ImposterImposter toto my selfemyself,
BeBe minemine owneown counterfeitecounterfeit, beliebelie thethe truthtruth
OfOf mymy dearedear mothersmother’s wombewomb, thethe sacredsacred bedbed
OfOf aa PrincePrince murtheredmurdered, andand aa livingliving baffeldbaffled!
FrionFrion.NayNay, ifif youyou hauehave nono eares●aresears toto hearehear, II hauehave
NoNo breathbreath toto spendspend inin vainevain.Warb.WarbeckWarb.SirSir, sirsir, taketake heedeheed
GoldeGold, andand thethe promisepromise ofof promotionpromotion, rarelyrarely
FayleFail inin temptationtemptation.FrionFrion.WhyWhy toto meme thisthis?
SpeakeSpeak whatwhat youyou willwill; weewe areare notnot sunckesunk soso lowlow
ButBut youryour adviseadvice, maymay peecepiece againeagain thethe heartheart
WhichWhich manymany carescares hauehave brokenbroken: youyou werewere wontwont
InIn allall extremitiesextremities toto talketalk ofof comfortcomfort:
HaueHave yee’ye nonenone leftleft nownow? IleI’ll notnot interruptinterrupt yee’ye.
GoodGood, bearebear withwith mymy distractionsdistractions! ifif KingKing IamesJamesjames
DenieDeny vsus dwellingdwelling herehere, nextnext whitherwhither mustmust II?
II preethee’prithee bebe notnot angrieangry.FrionFrion.SirSir, II toldetold yee’ye
OfOf LettersLetters comecome fromfrom IrelandIreland, howhow thethe CornishCornish
StomackeStomach theirtheir lastlast defeatedefeat, andand humbliehumbly suesue
ThatThat withwith suchsuch forcesforces, asas youyou couldcould partakepartake,
YouYou wouldwould inin personperson landland inin CornwallCornwall, wherewhere
ThousandsThousands willwill entertaineentertain youryour titletitle gladlygladly.
Warb:WarbeckWarb:LetLet meme embraceembrace theethee, huggehug theethee! th’astth’astthou’st reviudrevived
MyMy comfortscomforts, ifif mymy cosencousin KingKing willwill faylefail,
OurOur causecause willwill nevernever, welcomewelcome mymy tridetried friendsfriends.
EnterEnter MajorMayorMajor, HeronHeron, AstleyAstley, SketonSkeltonSketon.
YouYou keepekeep youryour brainesbrains awakeawake inin ourour defencedefence:
FrionFrion, adviseadvise withwith themthem ofof thesethese affairesaffairs,
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InIn whichwhich bebe wondrouswondrous secretsecret; II willwill listenlisten
WhatWhat elseelse concernesconcerns vsus herehere, bebe quickequick andand wariewary.Ex:ExitEx●Exit. WarbeckWarbeck.
Astl:AstleyAstl:AhAh sweetsweet youngyoung PrincePrince? SecretarieSecretary, mymy fellowfellow Coun-CounsellersCoun|sellersCounsellorscounsellors
andand II, hauehave consultedcon●ultedconsulted, andand jumpejump allall inin oneone opinionopinion di-directlydi∣rectlydirectly
thatthat ifif thisthis ScotchScotch garboylesgarboils doedo notnot fadgefadge toto ourour mindesminds,
weewe willwill pell mellpell-mell runnerun amongstamongst thethe CornishCornish ChaughesChoughschoughs presentlypresently,
andand inin aa tricetrice.
Sket:SkeltonSket:’Tis’Tis butbut goinggoing toto SeaSea, andand leapingleaping ashoreashore, cutcut tenneten oror
tweluetwelve thousandthousand vnnecessaryunnecessary throatsthroats, firefire seavenseven oror eighteight townestowns,
taketake halfeha●fehalf aa dozendozen CitiesCities, getget intointo thethe MarketMarket placeplace, crownecrown himhim
RICHARDRICHARD THETHE FOVRTHFOURTH, andand thethe businessebusiness isis finishtfinished.
MajorMayor.II grauntgrant yee’yeeye’, quothquoth II, soso farrefar forthforth asas menmen maymay doedo,
nono moremore thenthan menmen maymay doedo; forfor itit isis goodgood toto considerconsider, whenwhen
considerationconsideration maymay bebe toto thethe purposepurpose, otherwiseotherwise stillstill youyou shallshall
pardonpardon meme: LittleLittle saydsaid isis soonesoon amendedamended.
FrionFrion.ThenThen youyou concludeconclude thethe CornishCornish ActionAction surestsurest?
Heron.Heron.WeeWewe doedo soso. AndAnd doubtdoubt notnot butbut toto thriuethrive abundant-abundantlyabundant∣lyabundantly
HoHo (mymy MastersMasters) hadhad weewe knowneknown ofof thethe CommotionCommotion whenwhen
weewe setset saylesail outout ofof IrelandIreland, thethe LandLand hadhad beenebeen oursours ereere thisthis
Sket:SkeltonSket:PishPish, pishpish, ’tis’tis butbut forbearingforbearing beingbeing anan EarleEarl oror aa DukeDuke
aa monethmonth oror twotwo longerlonger; II saysay, andand saysay itit agenagain, ifif thethe workework goego
notnot onon apaceapace, letlet meme nevernever seesee newnew fashionfashion moremore, II warrantwarrant yee’ye,,
II warrantwarrant yee’yeeye’, weewe willwill hauehave itit soso, andand soso itit shallshall bebe.
Ast:AstleyAst:ThisThis isis butbut aa coldcold phlegmatickephlegmatic CountrieCountry, notnot stirringstirring e-enoughe∣noughenough
forfor menmen ofof spiritspirit, giuegive meeme thethe heartheart ofof EnglandEngland forfor mymy
Ske:SkeltonSke:AA manman maymay battenbatten therethere inin aa weekeweek onelyonly withwith hothot loauesloaves
andand butterbutter, andand aa lustielusty cupcup ofof MuscadineMuscadine andand SugarSugar atat breakfastbreakfast,
thoughthough hehe makemake nevernever aa mealemeal allall thethe monethmonth afterafter.
MajorMayor.SurelySurely, whenwhen II borebore officeoffice, II foundfound byby experienceexperience,
thatthat toto bebe muchmuch troublesometroublesome, waswas toto bebe muchmuch wisewise andand busiebusy;
II hauehave observedobserved, howhow filchingfilching andand braggingbragging, hashas beenebeen thethe bestbest
serviceservice inin thesethese lastlast warreswars, andand thereforetherefore concludeconclude peremptorilyperemptorily
onon thethe DesigneDesign inin EnglandEngland; IfIf thingsthings andand thingsthings maymay fallfall outout; asas
whowho cancan telltell whatwhat oror howhow; butbut thethe endend willwill shewshow itit.
FrionFrion.Resolv’dResolved likelike menmen ofof judgementjudgement, herehere toto lingerlinger
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MoreMore timetime, isis butbut toto looselose itit; chearecheer thethe PrincePrince,
AndAnd hasthaste himhim onon toto thisthis; onon thisthis dependsdepends,
FameFame inin successesuccess, oror glorieglory inin ourour ends●ndsends.ExeuntExeunt omnesomnes.
EnterEnter KingKing IamesJamesjames, DurhamDurham, andand HialasH●alasHialas onon eithereith●reither sideside.
HialasHi●lasHialas.FranceF●anceFrance, SpaineSpain andand GermanieGermanygermany combinecombine aa LeagueLeague
OfOf amitieamity withwith EnglandEngland nothingn●thi●gnothing wantswants
ForFor setlingsettling peacepeace throughthrough ChristendomeChristendom, butbut louelove
BetweeneBetw●eneBetweenbetween thethe BritishBritish MonarchsM●na●chsMonarchs, IamesJamesjames, andand HenrieHenryhenry.
Dur:DurhamDur:TheThe EnglishEnglish MerchantsMerchan●sMerchants (SirSi●Sir,) hauehau●●●enehave beenebeen receiu’dreceived
WithWith generallg●nerallgeneral processionprocession intointo AntwerpeAntw●rp●Antwerp;
TheThe EmperourEmperor confirmesconfi●m●sconfirms theth●the Combinati[*]nCombinationCom●inati●nCombination.
HialasHialas.TheThe KingKing ofof SpaineSpain, resolues●●sol●●sresolves aa marriagemarriage
ForFor KatherineKatherine hishis DaughterDaughter, withwith PrincePrince ArthurArthur.
Dur.DurhamDur.FraunceFrance court’scourtscourt’s thisthi●this, holyholy contractcontract.
Hial.HialasHial.WhatWhat cancan hinderhinder aa quietnessequietness inin EnglandEngland?
Durh:DurhamDurh:ButBut youryour suffrage●uffragesuffrage
ToTo suchsuch aa silliesilly creaturecreature (mightiemighty SirSir?)
AsAs isis butbut inin effecteffect anan apparitionapparition,
AA shaddowshadow, aa meeremere trifletrifle?Hial.HialasHial.ToTo thisthis vnionunion
TheThe goodgood ofof bothboth thethe ChurchChurch andand Common-wealthCommonwealth
InviteInvite ee’’ee —Dur.DurhamDur.ToTo thisthis vnitieunity, aa mysteriemystery
OfOf providenceprovidence poyntspoints outout aa greatergreater blessingblessing
ForFor bothboth thesethese NationsNations, thenthan ourour humanehuman reasonreason
CanCan searchsearch intointo; KingKing HenrieHenryhenry hathhath aa DaughterDaughter
TheThe PrincessPrincess MargaretMargaret; II needeneed notnot vrgeurge,
WhatWhat honorhonour, whatwhat felicitiefelicity cancan followefollow
OnOn suchsuch affinitieaffinity twixttwixt twotwo ChristianChristian KingsKings,
Inleagu’dInInleaguedInleagu’dleagued byby tyesties ofof bloudblood; butbut suresure II amam,
IfIf youyou SirSir ratifieratify thethe peacepeace propos’dproposed,
II dared●redare bothboth motionmotion, andan●and effecteffect thisthis marriagemarriage.
ForFor wealeweal●weal ofof bothbo●hboth thethe KingdomesKingdoms.
K:KingK: Ia.JamesIa.DarstDar’stdar’st thou●houthou LordLord BishopBishop?
Dur.DurhamDur.PutPut it●tit toto tryall〈…〉trial royallroyal IamesJamesjames, byby sendings●●dingsending
SomeSome noblenob●●noble personage〈◊〉personage toto thethe EnglishEnglish CourtCourt
ByBy wayway ofof Embassie〈◊〉Embassyembassy.Hial,HialHialasHial,PartPart ofof thethe businessebusiness,
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ShallShall suitesuit mymy mediationmediation.K.KingK. Ia.JamesIa.WellWell; whatwhat HeavenHeaven
HathHath poyntedpointed outout toto bebe, mustmust bebe; youyou twotwo
AreAre MinistersMinisters (II hopehope) ofof blessedblessed fatefate.
ButBut hereinherein onelyonly II willwill standstand acquittedacquitted,
NoNo bloudblood ofof InnocentsInnocents shallshall buybuy mymy peacepeace.
ForFor WarbeckeWarbeck asas youyou nicke●ickenick himhim, camecame toto meme
CommendedCommended byby thethe StatesStates ofof ChristendomeChristendom.
AA PrincePrince, thoughthough inin distressedistress; hishis fayrefair demeanordemeanour,
LouelyLovely behaviourbehaviour, vnappalledunappalled spiritspirit,
SpokeSpoke himhim notnot basebase inin bloudblood, how euere●erhowever cloudedclouded.
TheThe bruitebrutebruit beastsbeasts hauehave bothboth rockesrocks andand cauescaves toto fliefly toto,
AndAnd menmen thethe AltarsAltars ofof thethe ChurchChurch; toto vsus
HeHe camecame forfor refugerefuge, “KingsKings comecome neerenear inin naturenature
“VntoUnto thethe GodsGods inin beingbeing touchttouchdtouched withwith pittiepity.
YetYet (noblenob●enoble friendsfriends) hishis mixturemixture withwith ourour bloudblood,
EvenEven withwith ourour owneown, shallshall nono wayway interruptinterrupt
AA generalgeneral peacepeace; onelyonly II willwill dismissedismiss himhim
FromFrom mymy protectionprotection, throughoutthroughout mymy DominionsDominions
InIn safetiesafe●iesafety, butbut notnot everever, toto returnereturn.
HialasHialas.YouYou areare aa justjust KingKing.
Durh.DurhamDurh.WiseWise, andand hereinherein happiehappy.
K.KingK. Ia.JamesIa.NorNor willwill weewe dalliedally inin affayresaffairs ofof weightweight:
HuntleyHuntlyHuntley (LordLord BishopBishop) shallshall withwith youyou toto EnglandEngland
EmbassadorAmbassador fromfrom vsus; weewe willwill throwthrow downedown
OurOur weaponsweapons; peacepeace onon allall sidessides nownow, repayrerepair
VntoUnto ourour CounsayleCounsel, weewe willwill soonesoon bebe withwith youyou.
Hial.HialasHial.DelayDelay shallshall questionquestion nono dispatchdispatch,
HeavenHeaven crownecrown itit.ExeuntExeunt DurhamDurham andand HialasHialas.
K:KingK: Ia:JamesIa:AA leagueleague withwith FerdinandFerdinand? aa marriagemarriage
WithWith EnglishEnglish MargaretMargaret? aa freefree releaserelease
FromFrom restitutionrestitution forfor thethe latelate affrontsaffronts?
CessationCessation fromfrom hostilitiehostility!! andand allall
ForFor WarbeckWarbeck notnot delivereddelivered, butbut dismistdismissed?
WeeWewe couldcould notnot wishwish itit betterbetter, DaliellDaliell —
Dal:DaliellDal:HereHere SirSir.EnterEnter DaliellDaliell..●
K:KingK: Ia:JamesIa:AreAre HuntleyHuntlyHuntley andand hishis DaughterDaughter sentsent forfor?
Dal:DaliellDal:SentSent forfor, andand comecome (mymy LordLord.)
K: Ia:
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K:KingK: Ia:JamesIa:SaySay toto thethe EnglishEnglish PrincePrince,
WeeWewe wantwant hishis companiecompany.
Dal:DaliellDal:HeHe isis atat handhand SirSir.
EnterEnter WarbeckWarbeck, KatherineKatherine, IaneJanejane, FrionFrion, HeronHeron,
SketonSkeltonSketon, MajorMayorMajor, AstleyAstley.
K.KingK. Ia.JamesIa.CosenCousin, ourour bountiebounty, favoursfavours, gentlenessegentleness,
OurOur benefitsbenefits, thethe hazardhazard ofof ourour personperson,
OurOur peoplespeople’s liueslives, ourour LandLand hathha●hhath evidenc’teviden●’tevidenced,
HowHow muchmuch weewe hauehave engag’dengaged onon youry●uryour behalfeb●halfebehalf:
HowHow trivialltrivial, andand howhow dangerousdangerous ourour hopeshopes
AppeareAppear, howhow fruitlessefruitless ourour attemptsattempts inin warrewa●rewar,
HowHow windiewindy ratherrather smokiesmoky youryour assuranceassurance
OfOf partieparty shewesshows, weewe mightmight inin vainevain repeaterepeat!
ButBut nownow obedienceobedience toto thethe MotherMother ChurchChurch,
AA FathersFather’s carecare vponupon hishis CountryesCountry’s wealeweal,
TheThe dignitiedignity ofof StateState directsdirects ourour wisedomewisdom,
ToTo sealeseal anan oathoath ofof peacepeace throughthrough ChristendomeChristendom:
ToTo whichwhich weewe areare swornesworn alreadiealready; ’tis’tis youyou
MustMust onelyonly seekeseek newnew fortunesfortunes inin thethe worldworld,
AndAnd findefind anan harbourharbour elsewhereelsewhere: asas II promisdpromised
OnOn youryour arrivallarrival, youyou hauehave metmet nono vsageusage
DeseruesDeserves repentancerepentance inin youryour beingbeing herehere:
ButBut yetyet II mustmust liuelive MasterMaster ofof minemine owneown.
How everHoweverhowever, whatwhat isis necessarienecessary forfor youyou
AtAt youryour departuredeparture, II amam wellwell contentcontent
YouYou bebe accommodatedaccommodated withwith; providedprovided
DelayDelay proueprove notnot mymy enemieenemy.
Warb.WarbeckWarb.ItIt shallshall notnot
(MostMost gloriousglorious PrincePrince.) thethe famefame ofof mymy DesignesDesigns,
SoaresSoars higherhigher, thenthanthen reportreport ofof easeease andand sloathsloth
CanCan aymeaim atat; II acknowledgeacknowledge allall youryour favoursfavours
BoundlesseBoundless, andand singularsingular, amam onelyonly wretchedwretched
InIn wordswords asas wellwell asas meanesmeans, toto thankethank thethe gracegrace
ThatThat flow’dflowed soso liberallieliberally. TwoTwo EmpiresEmpires firmelyfirmly
You’reYou’re LordLord ofof, ScotlandScotland, andand DukeDuke RichardsRichard’s heartheart..
MyMy claimeclaim toto minemine inheritanceinheritance shallshall soonersooner
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FayleFail, thenthan mymy lifelife toto serueserve youyou, bestbest ofof KingsKings.
AndAnd witnessewitnes●ewitness EDVVARDSEDWARD’SEdward’s bloudblood inin meme, II amam
MoreMore loathloath toto partpart, withwith suchsuch aa greatgreat exampleexample
OfOf vertuevirtue, thenthan allall otherother meeremere respectsrespects.
ButBut SirSir mymy lastlast suitesuit isis, youyou willwil●will notnot forceforce
FromFrom meme whatwhat youyou hauehave givengiven, thisthis chastchaste LadieLady,
Resolv’dResolved onon allall extremesextremes.Kath:KatherineKath:II amam youryour wifewife,
NoNo humanehuman powerpower, cancan oror shallshall divorcedivorce
MyMy faithfaith fromfrom dutieduty.Warb:WarbeckWarb:SuchSuch anotheranother treasuretreasure
TheThe earthearth isis BanckroutBankruptbankrupt ofof.K:KingK: Ia:JamesIa:II gauegiueg●uegavegive herher (CosenCousin)
AndAnd mustmust avoweavow thethe guiftgift: willwill addeadd withallwithal
AA furniturefurniture becommingbecoming herher highhigh birthbirth
AndAnd vnsuspectedvnsuspe●te●unsuspected constancieco●stancie●constancy;; provideprovide
ForFor youryour attendanceattendance — weewe willwill partpart goodgood friendsfriends.
ExitExit KingKing andand DaliellDaliell.
Warb:WarbeckWarb:TheThe TudorTudor hathhath beenebeen cunningcu●ningcunning inin hishis plottsplots:
HisHis FoxFox ofof DurhamDurham wouldwould notnot faylefail atat lastlast.
ButBut whatwhat? ourour causecause andand couragecourage areare ourour owneown:
BeBe menmen (mymy friendsfriends) andand letlet ourour CosenCousin KingKing,
SeeSee howhow weewe followefollow fatefate asas willinglywillingly
AsAs malicemalice followesfollows vsus. Y’areY’areYou’re allall resolv’dresolved
ForFor thethe WestWest partsparts ofof EnglandEngland?
OmnesOmnes..▪CornwallCornwall, CornwallCornwall.
FrionFrion.TheThe InhabitantsInhabitants expectexpect youyou dailydaily.
DrawDraw allall ourour shippesships outout ofof thethe harbourharbour (friendsfriends)
OurOur timetime ofof stays●aystay dothdoth seemeseem tootoo longlong, weewe mustmust
PreventPrevent IntelligenceIntelligence; aboutabout itit suddenlysuddenly.
OmnesOmnes.AA PrincePrince, aa PrincePrince, aa PrincePrince.ExeuntExeunt CounsellorsCounsellors.
Warb:WarbeckWarb:DearestDearest; admitadmit notnot intointo thythy purepure thoughtsthoughts
TheThe leastleast ofof scruplesscruples, whichwhich maymay chargecharge theirtheir softnessesoftness
WithWith burdenburden ofof distrustdistrust. ShouldShould II proueprove wantingwanting
ToTo noblestnoblest couragecourage nownow, herehere werewere thethe tryalltrial:
ButBut II amam perfectperfect (sweetesweet) II fearefear nono changechange,
MoreMore thenthan thythy beingbeing partnerpartner inin mymy sufferancesufferance.
Kath:KathKa●hKatherineKath:MyMy fortunesf●rtunesfortunes (SirSir) hauehave armdarmed meme toto encounterencounter
WhatWhat chancechance so eresoe’er theythey meetemeet withwith — IaneJanejane ’tis’tis fitfit
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ThouThou staystay behindebehind, forfor whitherwhither wiltwilt thouthou wanderwander?
IaneJanejane.NeverNever tilltill deathdeath, willwill II forsakeforsake mymy MistresseMistress,
NorNor thenthen, inin wishingwishing toto dyedie withwith ee’’ee gladlygladly.
Kath:KatherineKath:AlasAlas goodgood soulesoul.
FrionFrion.SirSir, toto youryour AuntAunt ofof BurgundieBurgundyburgundy
II willwill relaterelate youryour presentpresent vndertakingsundertakings;
FromFrom herher expectexpect onon allall occasionsoccasions, welcomewelcome.
YouYou cannotcannot finde●indefind meme idleidle inin youryour servicess●rvicesservices.
Warb.WarbeckWarb.GoeGeeGoGee, FrionFrion, goegeegogee! wisemenwise-men knoweknow howhow toto soothesoothe
AdversitieAdversity, notnot serueserve itit: thouthou hasthast waytedwaited
TooToo longlong onon expectationexpe●tationexpectation; “nevernever yetyet
“WasWas anyany NationNa●ionNation readr●●dread ofof, soso besottedbesotted
“InIn reasonreason, asas toto adoreadore thethe setting●ettingsetting SunneS●●neSun.
FlieFly toto thethe Arch-DukesArchduke’s CourtCourt; saysay toto thethe DutchesseDuchess,
HerHer NepheweNephew, withwith fayrefair KatherineKatherine, hishis wifewife,
AreAre onon theirtheir expectationexpe●tationexpectation toto beginneb●ginnebegin
TheThe raysingra●singraising ofof anan EmpireEmpire. IfIf theythey faylefail,
YetYet thethe reportreport willwill nevernever: farewellfarewell FrionFrion.ExitExit FrionFrion.
ThisThis manman KateKate ha’shas beenebeen truetrue, thoughthough nownow ofof latelate,
II fearef●arefear tootoo muchmuch familiar●amiliarfamiliar withwith thethe FoxeFox.
EnterEnter HuntleyHuntlyHuntley andand DaliellDaliell.
Hunt:HuntlyHunt:II comecome toto taketake mymy leauelea●eleave,,● youyou needeneed notnot doubtdoubt
MyMy interestinterest inin thisthis sometime-childesometime-child ofof minemine.
SheesSh●esShe’sShees allall yoursyours nownow (goodgood SirSir) ohoho poorepoor lostlost creaturecreature!
HeavenHeaven guardguard theethee withwith muchmuch patiencepatience, ifisisif thouthou canstcanst
ForgetForget thythy titletitle toto oldeold HuntleyesHuntly’sHuntley’s familiefamily;
AsAs muchmuch ofof peacepeace willwill settlesettle inin thythy mindemind
AsAs thouthou canstcanst wishwish toto tastetaste, (butbut inin thythy grauegrave,)
AcceptAccept mymy tearestears yetyet, (preetheeprithee) theythey areare tokenstokens
OfOf charitiecharity, asas truetrue asas ofof affectionaffection.
Kath:KatherineKath:ThisThis isis thethe cruelstcruelest farewellfarewell!
Hunt:HuntlyHunt:LoueLove (youngyoung GentlemanGentleman)
ThisThis modellmodel ofof mymy griefesgriefs; sheeshe callscalls youyou husbandhusband;
ThenThen bebe notnot jealousjealous ofof aa partingparting kissekiss,
ItIt isis aa FathersFather’s notnot aa LoversLover’slover’s offringoffering;
TakeTake itit, maymay lastlast, — II amam tootoo muchmuch aa childechild.
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ExchangeExchange ofof passionpassion isis toto littlelittle vseuse,
SoSo II shouldshould growgrow totoo foolishfoolish, — goodnesgoodness guideguide theethee.ExitExit Hunt.HuntlyHunt.
Kath:KatherineKath:MostMost miserablemiserable DaughterDaughter! — hauehave youyou oughtought
ToTo addeadd (SirSir) toto ourour sorrowessorrows?DaliellDaliell.II resolueresolve
(FayreFair LadieLady) withwith youryour leaueleave, toto waitewait onon allall
YourYour fortunesfortunes inin mymy personperson, ifif youryour LordLord
VouchsafeVouchsafe meme entertainemententertainment.
Warb:WarbeckWarb:WeeWewe willwill bebe bosomebosom friendsfriends, (mostmost noblenoble DaliellDaliell)
ForFor II acceptaccept thisthis tendertender ofof youryour louelove
BeyondBeyond abilitieability ofof thankesthanks toto speakespeak itit.
CleereClear thythy drownddrowneddrownd eyeseyes (mymy fayrestfairest) timetime andand industrieindustry
WillWill shewshow vsus betterbetter dayesdays, oror endend thethe worstworst.ExeuntExeunt omnesomnes.
EnterEnter OxfordOxford andand DawbneyDaubeneyDawbney.
Oxf:OxfordOxf:NoNo newesnews fromfrom ScotlandScotland yetyet (mymy LordLord!)Daw:DaubeneyDaw:NotNot anyany
ButBut whatwhat KingKing HenrieHenryhenry knowesknows himselfehimself; II thoughtthought
OurOur ArmiesArmies shouldshould hauehave marchtmarched thatthat wayway, hishis mindemind
ItIt seemesseems, isis alteredaltered.Oxf.OxfordOxf.VictorieVictory attendsattends
HisHis StandardStandard every whereeverywhere.Dawb:DaubeneyDawb:WiseWise PrincesPrinces (OxfordOxford)
FightFight notnot alonealone withwith forcesforces. ProvidenceProvidence
DirectsDirects andand tutorstutorstutor’s strengthstrength; elseelse ElephantsElephants,
AndAnd barbedbarbed HorsesHorses mightmight asas wellwell prevaileprevail,
AsAs thethe mostmost subtilesubtle stratagemsstratagems ofof warrewar.
Oxf:OxfordOxf:TheThe ScottishScottish KingKing shew’dshowed moremore thenthan commoncommon braveriebravery,
InIn profferproffer ofof aa CombattCombat handhand toto handhand
WithWith SurreySurrey!Dawb:DaubeneyDawb:AndAnd butbut shew’dshowed itit; NorthernNorthern bloudsbloods
AreAre gallantgallant beingbeing fir’dfired, butbut thethe coldcold climateclimate
WithoutWithout goodgood storestore ofof fuellfuel, quicklyquickly freesethfreezeth
TheThe glowingglowing flamesflames.Oxf:OxfordOxf:SurreySurrey vponupon mymy lifelife
WouldWould notnot hauehave shrunkeshrunk anan hayreshair’s breadthbreadth.
Dawb:DaubeneyDawb:MayMay a’’aa’ forfeiteforfeit
TheThe honorhonour ofof anan EnglishEnglish namename, andand naturenature,
WhoWho wouldwould notnot hauehave embrac’tembraced itit withwith aa greedinessegreediness,
AsAs violentviolent asas hungerhunger runnesru●●esruns toto foodefood.
’Twas’Twas anan additionaddition, anyany worthieworthy SpiritSpirit
WouldWould covetcovet nextnext toto immortalitieimmortality,
AboueAbove allall joyesjoys ofof lifelife: weewe allall mistmissed sharesshares
InIn thatthat greatgreat opportunitieopportunity.
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EnterEnter KingKing HenrieHenryhenry, andand VrswickeUrswick whisperingwhispering.
Oxf:OxfordOxf:TheThe KingKing: seesee a’’aa’ comescomes smilingsmiling!
Dawb:DaubeneyDawb:OO thethe gamegame runnesruns smoothsmooth
OnOn hishis sideside thenthen beleeuebelieve itit, CardsCards wellwell shuffeldshuffled
AndAnd dealtdealt withwith cunningc●nningcunning, bringbring somesome gamestergamester thriftthrift,
ButBut othersothers mustmust riserise looserslosers’.K:KingK: H:HHenryH:Thethe●hetheThe traynetrain takestakes?
Vrsw:UrswickVrsw:MostMost prosperouslyprosperously.K.KingK. H.HenryH.II knewknew itit shouldshould notnot missemiss.
HeHe fondlyfondly anglesangles whowho willwill hurlehurl hishis baytebait
IntoInto thethe waterwater, ’cause’cause thethe FishFish atat firstfirst
PlayesPlays roundround aboutabout thethe lineline, andand daresdares notnot bitebite.
LordsLords, weewe maymay reignereign youryour KingKing yetyet, DawbneyDaubeneyDawbney, OxfordOxford,
VrwickeUrswick, mustmust PerkinPerkin wearewear thethe CrowneCrown?
Dawb:DaubeneyDawb:AA SlaueSlave.Oxf:OxfordOxf:AA VagabondVagabond.
Vrsw:UrswickVrsw:AA Glow-wormeGlow-wormglow-worm.K:KingK: H:HHenryH:NowNow ifif FrionFrion,
HisHis practisdpractisedpractisd politicianpolitician wearewear aa braynebrain
OfOf proofeproof, KingKing PerkinPerkin willwill inin progresseprogress rideride
ThroughThrough allall hishis largelarge DominionsDominions; letlet vsus meetemeet himhim,
AndAnd tendertender homagehomage; HaHa SirsSi●●Sirs? LiegmenLiegemenliegemen oughtought
ToTo paypay theirtheir fealtiefealty.Dawb:DaubeneyDawb:WouldWould thethe RascallRascal werewere
WithWith allall hishis rabble●abblerabble, withinwithin twentie●wentietwenty milesmiles
OfOf LondonLo●●●nLondon.K:KingK: H:HHenryH:FartherFarther off●ffoff isis neerenear enoughenough
ToTo lodgeIodgelodge himhim inin hishi●his homehome; hehe wagerwager oddsodds
SurreySurrey andand allall hishis menmen areare eithereither idleidle,
OrOr hastinghasting backeback, theythe●they hauehave notno●not workework (II doubtdoubt)
ToTo keepekeep themthem busiebusy.Dawb:DawbDaw●DaubeneyDawb:’Tis’Tis aa strangest●angestrange conceiteconceit SirSir.
K:KingK: H:HHenryH:SuchSuch voluntarievoluntary favoursfa●●u●sfavours asas our●urour peoplepeople
InIn dutieduty aydeaid vsus withwith, weewe nevernever scatter’dsca●●er’dscattered
OnOn CobwebCobweb ParasitesParasites, oror lavish’tlavished outout
InIn ryotriot, oror aa needlesseneedless hospitalitieho●pitalitiehospitality:
NoNo vndeservingv●deservingundeserving favouritefavourite dothdoth boastboast
HisHis issuesissues fromfrom ourour treasurytreasury; ourour chargecharge
FlowesFlows throughthrough allall EuropeEurope, proovingproving vsus butbut stewardsteward
OfOf everyevery contributioncontribution, whichwhich providesprovides
AgainstAgainst thethe creepingcreeping CankarCan●arCanker ofof DisturbanceDisturbance.
IsIs itit notnot rarerare thenthen, inin thisthis toyletoil ofof StateState
WhereinWherein weewe areare imbarktembarked, withwith breachbreach ofof sleepesleep,
CaresCares, andand thethe noysenoise ofof troubletrouble, thatthat ourour mercymercy
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The Chronicle Historie
ReturnesReturns nornor thankesthanks, nornor comfortcomfort? StillStill thethe WestWest
MurmureMurmur andand threatenthreaten innovationinnovation,
WhisperWhisper ourour governmentgovernment tyrannicalltyrannical,
DenieDeny vsus whatwh●twhat isis oursours, naynay, spurnespurn theirtheir liueslives
OfOf whichwhich theythey areare butbut ownersowners byby ourour guiftgift.
ItIt mustmust notnot bebe.Oxf:OxfordOxf:ItIt mustmust notnot, shouldshould notnot.
K:KingK: H:HHenryH:SoSo thenthen. ToTo whomwhom?EnterEnter aa PostPost.
PostPost.ThisThis packettpacket toto youryour sacredsacred MajestieMajesti●Majesty.
K:KingK: H:HHenryH:SirraSirrah attendattend withoutwithout.
Oxf:OxfordOxf:NewesNews fromfrom thethe NorthNorth, vponupon mymy lifelife.Daw.DaubeneyDaw.WiseWise HenryHenry
DevinesDivines aforehandaforehand ofof eventsevents: withwith himhim
AttemptsAttempts andand executionexecution areare oneone actact.
K:KingK: H:HHenryH:VrswickeUrswick thinethine eareear; FrionFrio●Frion is〈◊〉is caughtcaugh●caught, thethe manman
OfOf cunningcunning isis out-reachtoutreached: weewe mustmust bebe safesafe:
ShouldShould reverendreverend MortonMorton ourour Arch-bishopArchbishop mouemove
ToTo aa translationtranslation higherhigher yetyet, II tell●●lltell theethee,
MyMy DurhamDurham ownesowns aa braynebrain deseruesd●s●ruesdeserves thatthat SeeS●eSee.
HeesHe’s nimblenimble inin hishis industrieindustry, andand mountingmounting:
ThouThou hear’sthear’st meme?Vrsw:UrswickVrsw:AndAnd conceiueconceive youryour HighnesseHighness fitlyfitly:
K.KingK. H.HenryH.DawbneyDaubeneyDawbney, andand OxfordOxford; sincesince ourour ArmieArmy standsstands
EntireEntire, itit werewere aa weakenesseweakness toto admitadmit
TheThe rustrust ofof lazinesselaziness toto eateeat amongstamongst themthem:
SetSet forwardforward towardtowardtowards SalisburieSalisburysalisbury; thethe playnesplains
AreAre mostmost commodiouscommodious forfor theirtheir exerciseexercise.
Our selfeOurselfourself willwill taketake aa MusterMuster ofof themthem therethere:
AndAnd oror disbanddisband themthem withwith rewardreward, oror elseelse
DisposeDispose asas bestbest concernesconcerns vsus.Dawb:DaubeneyDawb:SalisburieSalisburysalisbury?
SirSir, all〈◊〉all isis peacepeace atat SalisburieSalisburysalisbury.K:KingK: H:HHenryH:DeareDear friendfriend —
TheTh●The chargech●●g●charge mustmust bebe ourour owneown; wewe wouldwould aa littlelittle
PertakePartake thethe pleasurepleasure withwith ourour SubjectsSubjects’subjects’ easeease.
ShallShal●Shall II entreatentreat youryour LouesLoves?Oxf:OxfordOxf:commandcommand ourour LiuesLi●esLives.
K:KingK: H:HHenryH:Y’areY’areYou’re menmen knowknow howhow to●oto doed●e●do,, notnot toto forethinkeforethink:
MyMy BishopBishop isis aa jewelljewel try’dtried, anda●dand perfectperfect;
AA jewelljewel (LordsLords) thethe PostPost who●howho broughtbrought thesethese LettersLetters,
MustMust speedspeed anotheranother toto thethe MayorMayor ofof ExceterExeter
VrswickeUrswick dismissedismiss himhim notnot.Vrs:UrswickVrs:HeHe waiteswaits youryour pleasurepl●a●urepleasure.
K:KingK: H:HHenryH:PerkinPerkin aa KingKing? aa KingKing?Vrs:UrswickVrs:MyMy graciousgracious LordLord.
K: H: Thoughts
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K:KingK: H:HHenryH:ThoughtsThoughts, busiedbusied inin thethe sphearesphere ofof RoyaltieRoyalty,
FixeFix notnot onon creepingcreeping wormesworms, withoutwithout theirtheir stingsstings;
MeereMere excrementsexcrements ofof earthearth. TheThe vseuse ofof timetime
IsIs thrivingthriving safetiesafety, andand aa wisewise preventionprevention
OfOf illsills expectedexpected. W’areW’arewe’re resolv’dresolved forfor SalisburieSalisburysalisbury.Exe:ExeExeuntExe: omnesomnes.
AA generallgeneral shoutshout withinwithin.
EnterEnter WarbeckWarbeck, DaliellDaliell, KatherineKatherine, andand IaneJanejane.
Warb:WarbeckWarb:AfterAfter soso manymany stormesstorms asas windewind andand SeasSeas,
HaueHave threatnedthreatened toto ourour weather-beatenweather-beaten ShippesShips,
AtAt lastlast (sweetsweet fayrestfairest) weewe areare safesafe arriv’darrived
OnOn ourour dearedear mothermother earthearth, ingratefullingrateful onelyonly
ToTo heavenheaven andand vsus, inin yeeldingyielding sustenancesustenance
ToTo slie●liesly VsurpersUsurpersusurpers ofof ourour thronethrone andand rightright.
TheseThese generallgeneral acclamationsacclamations, areare anan OMENOMEN
OfOf happiehappy processeprocess toto theirtheir welcomewelcome LordLord:
TheyThey flockeflock inin troopestroops, andand fromfrom allall partsparts withwith wingswings
OfOf dutieduty fliefly, toto laylay theirtheir heartshearts beforebefore vsus,
Vnequal’dUnequaledunequaled patternepattern ofof aa matchlessematchless wifewife,
HowHow faresfares mymy dearestdearest yetyet?Kath:KatherineKath:Confirm’dConfirmed inin healthhealth:
ByBy whichwhich II maymay thethe betterbetter vndergoeundergo
TheThe roughestroughest faceface ofof changechange; butbut II shallshall learnelearn
PatiencePatience toto hopehope, sincesince silencesilence courtscourts afflictionaffliction
ForFor comfortscomforts, toto thisthis truelytruly noblenoble GentlemanGentleman;
RareRare vnexampledunexampled patternepattern ofof aa friendfriend?
AndAnd mymy belovedbeloved IaneJanejane, thethe willingwilling followerfollower
OfOf allall misfortunesmisfortunes.Dal:DaliellDal:LadieLady, II returnereturn
ButBut barrenbarren croppscrops, ofof earlyearly protestationsprotestations,
Frost-bittenFrost-bitten inin thethe springspring ofof fruitlessefruitless hopeshopes.
IaneJanejane,II waitewait butbut asas thethe shaddowshadow toto thethe bodiebody,
ForFor MadamMadam withoutwithout youyou letlet meme bebe nothingnothing.
Warb:WarbeckWarb:NoneNone talketalk ofof sadnessesadness, weewe areare onon thethe wayway
WhichWhich leadesleads toto VictorieVictory: keepekeep cowardscowards thoughtsthoughts
WithWith desperatedesperate sullennessesullenness! thethe LyonLion faintsfaints notnot
LocktLocked inin aa grategrate, butbut looselooselose, disdainesdisdains allall forceforce
WhichWhich barresbars hishis preyprey; andand weewe areare Lyon-heartedLion-heartedlion-hearted,
OrOr elseelse nono KingKing ofof beastsbeasts. HarkeHark howhow theythey shoutshout.(AnotherAnother shoutshout.
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The Chronicle Historie
TriumphantTriumphant inin ourour causecau●ecause? boldebo●debold c[◇]confidence〈…〉confidence
MarchesMarches onon brauelyb●auelybravely, cannotcannot quakequake atat [◇]daunger.〈…〉dangerdaunger..
EnterEnter SketonSkeltonSketon.
Sket.SkeltonSket.SaueSave KingKing RichardRichard thethe fourthfourth, saue〈…〉saue thee〈…〉thee KingKi●●King ofof heartshearts?
thethe CornishCornish bladesblades areare menmen ofof mettallmettle, ha[*]ehaueha●ehave proclaimed〈…〉proclaimed throughthrough
BodnamBodminBodnam anda●dand thethe wholewhole CountieCounty, mymy sweetesweet Prince〈…〉Prince,, Monarch●onarchMonarch ofof
EnglandEngland, fouref●urefour thousandthou●a●dthousand talltall yeomenyeomen, withwith bow〈…〉bow and〈…〉and sword〈…〉sword alrea-alreadier●a|diealready
vowvow toto liuelive andand dyedie atat thethe footefoot ofof KINGKING RICHARDRICHARD.
EnterEnter AstleyAstley.
AstleyAstley.TheThe MayorMayor ourour fellowfellow CounsellerCounsellorcounsellor, isi●is servant●●rvantservant forfor an●nan
EmperourEmperor. ExceterEx●e●●rExeter isis appointedappointed forfor thethe RendRe●dRend a〈◊〉a vousvous andand no-nothing●o|thi●gnothing
wantswants toto victoryvictory butbut couragecourage, andand resolutionresolution. vigillatumvigellatum●igillatumvigellatumvigillatum
&et datumdatum decimodecimo SeptembrisSeptembris, AnnoAnno RegniReguiReguiRegni RegisRegis primoprimo &and cetera〈◊〉cetera;
confirmatumconfirmatum estest. Al’sAll’sall’s cocke surecockecock-surecocksuresure.
Warb:WarbeckWarb:ToTo ExceterExeter, toto ExceterExeter, marchma●chmarch onon.
CommendCommend vsus toto ourour peoplepeople; weewe inin personperson
WillWill lendlend themthem doubledouble spiritsspirits, telltell themthem soso.
She:SheSkeltonShe: &and Astl:AstleyAstl:KingKing RichardRichard, KingKing RichardRichard.
Warb:WarbeckWarb:AA thousandthousand blessingsblessings guardguard ourour lawfulllawful ArmesArms!
AA thousandthousand horrorshorrors peircepierce ourour enemiesenemies’ soulessouls!
PalePale fearefear vnedgeunedge theirtheir weaponsweapons’weapons sharpestsharpest poyntspoints,
AndAnd whenwhen theythey drawdraw theirtheir arrowesarrows toto thethe headhead,
NumnesseNumbness shallshall strikestrike theirtheir sinewessinews; suchsuch advantageadvantage
HathHath MajestieMajesty inin itsits pursuitepursuit ofof IusticeJusticejustice,
ThatThat onon thethe proppers vpproppersproppers-upproppersvpup, ofof truthstruth’struths oldeold thronethrone,
ItIt bothboth enlightensenlightens counsellcouns●llcounsel, andand giuesgives heartheart
ToTo executionexecution: whileswhiles thethe throatesthroats ofof traytorstraitors
LyeLie barebare beforebefore ourour merciemercy. OO DivinitieDivinity
OfOf royallroyal birthbirth? howhow itit strikesstrikes dumbedumb thethe tonguestongues
WhoseWhose prodigallitieprodigality ofof breathbreath isis brib’dbribed
ByBy traynestrains toto greatnessegreatness? PrincesPrinces areare butbut menmen,
DistinguishtDistinguished inin thethe finenessefineness ofof theirtheir frailtiefrailty.
YetYet notnot soso grossegross inin beautiebeauty ofof thethe mindemind,
ForFor there’sthere’s aa firefire moremore sacredsacred, purifiespurifies
TheThe drossedross ofof mixturemixture. HereinHerein standsstands thethe oddsodds
“SubjectsSubjects areare menmen, onon earthearth KingsKings menmen andand godsgods.
ExeuntExeunt omnesomnes.
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ActusActus QuintusQuintus: ScænaScaenaScaena primaprima.
EnterEnter KatherineKatherine, andand IaneJanejane, inin ridingriding suitssuits, withwith oneone servantservant.
Kath:KatherineKath:ITIT isis decreededecreed; andand weewe mustmust yeeldyield toto fatefate,
WhoseWhose angryangry IusticeJusticejustice thoughthough itit threatenthreaten ruineruin,
ContemptContempt, andand povertiepoverty, isis allall butbut tryalltrial
OfOf aa weakeweak womanswoman’s constanciecon●tancieconstancy inin sufferingsuffering.
HereHere inin aa strangersstranger’s, andand anan enemiesenemy’s LandLand
ForsakenForsaken, andand vnfurnishtunfurnished ofof allall hopeshopes,
(ButBut suchsuch asas waitewait onon miseriemisery,) II rangerange
ToTo meetemeet afflictionaffliction where so erewheresoe’er II treadetread.
MyMy traynetrain, andand pompepomp ofof servantsservants, isis reduc’treduced
ToTo oneone kindekind GentlewomanGentlewoman, andand thisthis groomegroom.
SweetSweet IaneJanejane, nownow whitherwhither mustmust weewe?IaneJanejane.ToTo youryour ShippesShippe●Ships
DeareDear LadyLady: andand turneturn homehome.Kath:KatherineKath:HomeHome! II hauehave nonenone..▪
FlieFly thouthou toto ScotlandScotland, thouthou hasthast friendsfriends willwill weepeweep
ForFor joyjoy toto bidbid theethee welcomewelcome; butbut ôôo IaneJanejane
MyMy IaneJanejane, mymy friendsfriends areare desperatedesperate ofof comfortcomfort
AsAs II mustmust bebe ofof themthem; thethe commoncommon charitiecharity,
GoodGood peoplespeoplepeople’speople almessalmesalmspsalms, andand prayersprayers ofof thethe gentlegentle
IsIs thethe revenuerevenue mustmust supportsupport mymy statestate.
AsAs forfor mymy natiuenative CountreyCountry, sincesince itit onceonce
SawSaw meme aa PrincessePrincess inin thethe heightheight ofof greatnessegreatness
MyMy birthbirth allow’dallowed meme; herehere II makemake aa vowvow,
ScotlandScotland shallshall nevernever seesee meme, beingbeing fallenfallen
OrOr lessenedlessened inin mymy fortunesfortunes. NeverNever IaneJanejane;
NeverNever toto ScotlandScotland moremore willwill II returnereturn.
CouldCould II bebe EnglandsEngland’s QueeneQueen (aa gloryglory IaneJanejane
II nevernever fawn’dfawned onon) yetyet thethe KingKing whowho gauegave meme,
HathHath sentsent meme withwith mymy husbandhusband fromfrom hishis presencepresence:
Deliver’dDelivered vsus suspectedsuspected toto hishis NationNation:
RenderdRendered vsus spectaclesspectacles toto timetime, andand pittiepity.
AndAnd isis itit fitfit II shouldshould returnereturn toto suchsuch
AsAs onelyonly listenlisten afterafter ourour descentdescent
FromFrom happinessehappiness enjoydenjoyed, toto miserymisery
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The Chronicle Historie
ExpectedExpected, thoughthough vncertaineuncertain? NeverNever, nevernever;
AlasAlas, whywhy do’stdost thouthou weepeweep? andand thatthat poorepoor creaturecreature,
WipeWipe hishis wettwet cheekescheeks tooto●too? letlet meme feelefeel alonealone
ExtremitiesExtremities, whowho knowknow toto giuegive themthem harbourharbour:
NorNor thouthou, nornor hehe, ha’shas causecause. YouY●uYou maymay liuelive safelysafely.
IaneJanejane.ThereThere isis nono safetiesafety whileswhiles youryour dangersdangers (MadamMadam)
AreAre everyevery wayway apparentapparent.ServantServant.PardonPardon LadieLady;
II cannotcannot choosechoose butbut shewshow mymy honesthonest heartheart;
YouYou werewere everever mymy goodgood LadieLady.Kath:KatherineKath:OO dearedear soulessouls!
YourYour sharesshares inin griefegrief areare tootoo tootoo muchmuch.
EnterEnter DaliellDaliell.
DaliellDaliell.II bringbring
(FayreFair PrincessePrincess) newesnews ofof furtherfurther sadnessesadness yetyet,
ThenThan youryour sweetsweet youthyouth, hathhath beenebeen acquaintedacquainted withwith.
Kath:KatherineKath:NotNot moremore (mymy LordLord) thenthan II cancan welcomewelcome; speakespeak itit;
TheThe worstworst, thethe worstworst, II lookelook forfor.Dal.DaliellDal.AllAll thethe CornishCornish,
AtAt ExceterExeter, werewere byby thethe CitizensCitizens
RepulstRepulsed, encountredencountered byby thethe EarleEarl ofof DevonshireDevonshire
AndAnd otherother worthyworthy GentlemenGentlemen ofof thethe CountreyCountry.
YourYour husbandhusband marchtmarched toto TauntonTaunton, andand waswas therethere
AffrontedAffronted byby KingKing HenriesHenry’s ChamberlayneChamberlain.
TheThe KingKing himselfehimself inin personperson, withwith hishis ArmieArmy
AdvancingAdvancing neerernearer, toto renewrenew thethe fightfight
OnOn allall occasionsoccasions. ButBut thethe nightnight beforebefore
TheThe battaylesbattles werewere toto joynejoin, youryour husbandhusband privatelyprivately
AccompaniedAccompanied withwith somesome fewfew horsehorse, departeddeparted
FromFrom outout thethe campecamp, andand postedposted nonenone knowesknows whitherwhither.
Kath:KatherineKath:FledFled withoutwithout battaylebattle givengiven?Dal:DaliellDal:FledFled, butbut follow’dfollowed
ByBy DawbneyDaubeneyDawbney, allall hishis partiesparties leftleft toto tastetaste
KingKing HenriesHenry’s merciemercy, forfor toto thatthat theythey yeeldedyielded;
VictoriousVictorious withoutwithout bloudshedbloodshed.Kath:KatherineKath:OO mymy sorrowessorrows!
IfIf bothboth ourour liueslives hadhad prou’dproved thethe sacrificesacrifice
ToTo HenriesHenry’s tyrannietyranny, weewe hadhad fallenfallen likelike PrincesPrinces,,▪
AndAnd rob’drobbed himhim, ofof thethe gloryglory ofof hishis pridepride.
Dal:DaliellDal:ImputeImpute itit notnot toto faintnessefainthessefaintness, oror toto weakenesseweakness
OfOf noblenoble couragecourage LadieLady, butbut foresightforesight:
ForFor byby somesome secretsecret friendfriend hehe hadhad intelligenceintelligence
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OfOf beingbeing boughtbought andand soldesold, byby hishis basebase followersfollowers.
WorseWorse yetyet remainesremains vntolduntold.Kath:KatherineKath:NoNo, nono, itit cannotcannot.
DaliellDaliell.II fearefear y’arey’areyou’re betray’dbetrayed. TheThe EarleEarl ofof OxfordOxford
RunnesRuns hothot inin youryour pursuitepursuit.Kath:KatherineKath:A’’AA’ shallshall notnot needeneed,
WeeleWe’llwe’ll runnerun asas hothot inin resolutionresolution, gladlygladly
ToTo makemake thethe EarleEarl ourour IaylorJailorjailor.
IaneJanejane.MadamMadam, MadamMadam, theythey comecome, theythey comecome!
EnterEnter OxfordOxford, withwith followersfollowers.
DaliellDaliell.KeepeKeep backeback, oror hehe whowho daresdares
RudelyRudely toto violateviolate thethe LawLaw ofof honorhonour,
RunnesRuns onon mymy swordsword.Kath:KatherineKath:MostMost noblenoble SirSir, forbeareforbear!
WhatWhat reasonreason drawesdraws youyou hitherhither (GentlemenGentlemen!)
WhomWhom seekeseek ’ee’ee?Oxf:OxfordOxf:AllAll standstand offoff; withwith favourfavour LadieLady
FromFrom HenryHenry, EnglandsEngland’s KingKing, II wouldwould presentpresent,
VntoUnto thethe beauteousbeauteous PrincessePrincess, KatherineKatherine GourdonGordonGourdon,
TheThe tendertender ofof aa graciousgracious entertainmententertainment.
Kath:KatherineKath:WeeWewe areare thatthat PrincessePrincess, whomwhom youryour maistermaster KingKing
PursuesPursues withwith reachingreaching armesarms, toto drawdraw intointo
HisHis powerpower: letlet himhim vseuse hishis tyrannietyranny,
WeeWewe shallshall notnot beebe hishis SubjectsSubjects.
Oxf:OxfordOxf:MyMy CommissionCommission, extendsextends nono furtherfurther (excellentestexcellentest LadieLady)
ThenThen toto aa serviceservice; ’tis’tis KingKing HenriesHenry’s pleasurepleasure,
ThatThat youyou, andand allall, thatthat hauehave relationrelation t’eet’ee,
BeBe guardedguarded asas becomesbecomes youryour birthbirth, andand greatnessegreatness.
ForFor restrest assur’dassured (sweetsweet PrincessePrincess) thatthat notnot oughtaught
OfOf whatwhat youyou doedo callcall yoursyours, shallshall findefind disturbancedisturbance,
OrOr anyany welcomewelcome otherother, thenthen whatwhat suitssuits
YourYour highhigh conditioncondition.Kath:KatherineKath:ByBy whatwhat titletitle (SirSir)
MayMay II acknowledgeacknowledge youyou?Oxf:OxfordOxf:YourYour servantservant (LadieLady)
DescendedDescended fromfrom thethe LineLine ofof OxfordsOxford’s EarlesEarls,
InheritsInherits whatwhat hishis auncestorsancestors beforebefore himhim
WereWere ownersowners ofof.Kath:KatherineKath:YourYour KingKing isis hereinherein royallroyal,
ThatThat byby aa PeerePeer soso auncientancient inin desertdesert
AsAs wellwell asas bloudblood, commandscommands VsUs toto hishis presencepresence.
Oxf:OxfordOxf:InvitesInvites ’ee’eethou, PrincessePrincess notnot commandscommands.Kath:KatherineKath:PrayPray vseuse
YourYour owneown phrasephrase asas youyou listlist; toto youryour protectionprotection
BothBoth II, andand minemine submitsubm●tsubmit.Oxf:OxfordOxf:There’sThere’s inin youryour numbernumber
A No-
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AA NoblemanNobleman, whomwhom famefame hathhath brauelybravely spokenspoken.
ToTo himhim thethe KingKing mymy MaisterMaster badbade meeme saysay
HowHow willinglywillingly hehe courtscourts hishis friendshipfriendship. FarFar
FromFrom anan enforcementenfo●cementenforcement, moremore thenthan whatwhat inin tearmesterms
OfOf courtesiecourtesy, soso greatgreat aa PrinceP●incePrince maymay hopehope forfor.
DaliellDaliell.MyMy namename isis DaliellDaliell.Oxf:OxfordOxf:’Tis’Tis aa namename, hathhath wonnewon
BothBoth thankesthanks, andand wonderwonder, fromfrom reportreport; (mymy LordLord)
TheThe CourtCourt ofof EnglandEngland emulatesemulates youryour merittmerit,
AndAnd covettscovets toto embraceembrace ’ee’ee.DaliellDaliell.II mustmust waitewait onon
TheThe PrincessePrincess inin herher fortunesfortunes.Oxf:OxfordOxf:WillWill youyou pleaseplease,
(GreatGreat LadieLady) toto setset forwardforward?Kath:KatherineKath:BeingBeing drivendriven
ByBy fatefate, itit werewere inin vainevain toto striuestrive withwith HeavenHeaven.ExeuntExeunt omnesomnes.
EnterEnter KingKing HenryHenry, SurreySurrey, VrswickeUrswick, andand aa guardguard ofof SouldiersSoldiers.
K:KingK: H:HHenryH:TheThe CounterfeitCounterfeit KingKing PerkinPerkin isis escap’descaped,
EscapeEscape, soso letlet himhim; hehe isis heg’dhedged tootoo fastfast
WithinWithin thethe CircuiteCircuit ofof ourour EnglishEnglish palepale,
ToTo stealesteal outout ofof ourour PortsPorts, oror leapeleap thethe wallswalls
WhichWhich guardeguard ourour LandLand; thethe SeasSeas areare roughrough, andand widerwider
ThenThan hishis weakeweak armesarms cancan tuggetug withwith; SurreySurrey henceforthhenceforth
YourYour KingKing maymay raignereign inin quietquiet: turmoylesturmoils pastpastpassed
LikeLike somesome vnquietunquiet dreamedream, hauehave ratherrather busiedbusied
OurOur fansiefancy, thenthen affrightedaffrighted restrest ofof StateState.
ButBut SurreySurrey, whywhy inin articlingarticling aa peacepeace
WithWith IamesJamesjames ofof ScotlandScotland, waswas notnot restitutionrestitution
OfOf LossesLosses, whichwhich ourour SubjectsSubjects diddid sustainesustain
ByBy thethe ScotchScotch inrodesinroads, questionedquestioned?Sur:SurreySur:BothBoth demandeddemanded
AndAnd vrg’durged (mymy LordLord,) toto whichwhich thethe KingKing reply’dreplied
InIn modestmodest merrimentmerriment, butbut smilingsmiling earnestearnest,
HowHow thatthat ourour MasterMaster HenrieHenryhenry waswas muchmuch ablerabler
ToTo bearebear thethe detrimentsdetriments, thenthan hehe repayrepay themthem.
K:KingK: H:HHenryH:TheThe youngyoung manman II beleeuebelieve spakespakespoke honesthonest truthtruth,
’A’Ahe studiesstudies toto bebe wisewise betimesbetimes. Ha’sHas VrswickeUrswick,
SirSir RiceRice apap ThomasThomas, andand LordLord BrookeBrook ourour StewardSteward,
Return’dReturned thethe westernewestern GentlemenGentlemen fullfull thankesthanks,
FromFrom VsUs, forfor theirtheir try’dtried LoyaltiesLoyalties?Sur:SurreySur:TheyThey hauehave:
WhichWhich asas ifif healthhealth andand lifelife hadhad raign’dreigned amongstamongst eem’emeem’em’,
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WithWith openopen heartshearts, theythey joyfullyjoyfully receiu’dreceived.
K:KingK: H:HHenryH:YoungYoung BuckinghamBuckingham isis aa fayrefair natur’dnatured PrincePrin●ePrince,
L[*]uelyLouelyL●uelyLovely inin hopeshopes, andand worthieworthy ofof hishis FatherFather:
AttendedAttended byby anan hundredhundred KnightsKnights andand SquiresSquires,
OfOf speciallspecial namename, hehe tendredtendered humblehumble serviceservice,
WhichWhich weewe mustmust n’erene’er forgetforget: andand DevonshiresDevonshire’s woundswounds
ThoughThough sleightsleight, shallshall findfind soundsound curecure, inin ourour respectrespect.
EnterEnter DawbneyDaubeneyDawbney, withwith WarbeckWarbeck, HeronHeron,
IohnJohnjohn a Wateraa-WateraWaterWater, AstleyAstley, SketonSkeltonSketon.
Dawb:DaubeneyDawb:LifeLife toto thethe KingKing, andand safetiesafety fixefix hishis thronethrone:
II herehere presentpresent youyou (royallroyal SirSir) aa shadoweshadow
OfOf MajestieMajesty, butbut inin effecteffect aa substancesubstance
OfOf pittiepity; aa youngyoung manman, inin nothingnothing grownegrown
ToTo ripenesseripen●sseripeness, butbut th’ambitionth’ambition ofof youryour merciemercy:
PerkinPerkin thethe ChristianChristian worldsworld’sworlds strangestrange wonderwonder.
K:KingK: H:HHenryH:DawbneyDaubeneyDawbney, WeeWewe obserueobserve nono wonderwonder; II beholdbehold (tis’tis truetrue)
AnAn ornamentornament ofof naturenature, finefine, andand pollishtpolished,
AA handsomehandsome youthyouth indeedeindeed, butbut notnot admireadmire himhim.
HowHow camecame hehe toto thythy handshands?Dawb:DaubeneyDawb:FromFrom SanctuarieSanctuary
AtAt BeweleyBeaulieuBeweley, neerenear SouthhamptonSouthampton, registredregistered
WithWith thesethese fewfew followersfollowers, forfor personspersons priviledg’dprivileged.
K:KingK: H:HHenryH:II mustmust notnot thankethank youyou SirSir! youyou werewere toototoo blameblame
ToTo infringeinfringe thethe LibertieLiberty ofof houseshouses sacredsacred:
DareDare weewe bebe irreligiousirreligious?Dawb:DaubeneyDawb:GraciousGracious LordLord,
TheyThey voluntarilyvoluntarily resign’dresigned themseluesthemselves,
WithoutWithout compulsioncompulsion.K:KingK: H:HHenryH:SoSo? ’twas’twas veryvery wellwell,
T’was’TwasWas veryvery veryvery wellwell — turneturn nownow thinethine eyeseyes
(YoungYoung manman) vponupon thy selfethyself, andand thythy pastpast actionsactions!
WhatWhat revellsrevels inin combustioncombustion throughthrough ourour KingdomeKingdom,
AA frenziefrenzy ofof aspiringaspiring youthyouth hathhath daunc’ddanced,
TillTill wantingwanting breathbreath, thythy feetefeet ofof pridepride hauehave sliptslipped
ToTo breakebreak thythy neckeneck.Warb:WarbeckWarb:ButBut notnot mymy heartheart; mymy heartheart
WillWill mountmount, tilltill everyevery dropdrop ofof bloudblood bebe frozenfrozen
ByBy deathsdeaths perpetuallperpetual WinterWinter: IfIf thethe SunneSun
OfOf MaiestieMajesty bebe darkneddarkened, letlet thethe SunneSun
OfOf LifeLife bebe hidhid fromfrom meeme, inin anan eclipseeclipse
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LastingLasting, andand vniversalluniversal. SirSir, rememberremember
ThereThere waswas aa shootingshooting inin ofof lightlight, whenwhen RichmondRichmond
(NotNot aymingaiming atat aa crownecrown) retyr’dretired, andand gladlygladly,
ForFor comfortcomfort, toto thethe DukeDuke ofof BritainesBritain’s CourtCourt.
RichardRichard whowho swayedswayed thethe ScepterSceptre, waswas reputedreputed
AA tyranttyrant thenthen; yetyet thenthen, aa dawningdawning glimmer’dglimmered
ToTo somesome fewfew wandringwand’ring remnantsremn●ntsremnants, promisingpromis●●gpromising dayday
WhenWhen firstfirst theythey ventur’dventured, onon aa frightfullfrightful shoreshore,
AtAt MilfordMilford HavenHaven.Dawb:DaubeneyDawb:WhitherWhither speedsspeeds hishis boldnesseboldness?
CheckeCheckcheck hishis ruderude tonguetongue (greatgreat SirSir!)K:KingK: H:HHenryH:OO letlet himhim rangerange:
TheThe player’splayer’s onon thethe stagestage stillstill, ’tis’tis hishis partpart;
A’’AA’ doesdoes butbut actact: whatwhat followedfollowed?Warb:WarbeckWarb:BosworthBosworth feildfield:
WhereWhere atat anan instantinstant, toto thethe worldsworld’s amazementamazement,
AA mornemorn toto RichmondRichmond, andand aa nightnight toto RichardRichard
Appear’dAppeared atat onceonce: thethe taletale isis soonesoon applydeapplied:
FateFate whichwhich crown’dcrowned thesethese attemptsattempts whenwhen lest●estleast assur’dassured,
MightMight hauehave befriendedbefriended othersothers, likelike resolv’dresolved.
K:KingK: H:HHenryH:AA prettiepretty gallantgallant! thusthus, youryour AuntAunt ofof BurgundieBurgundyburgundy,
YourYour DutchesseDuchess AuntAunt enform’dinformed herher NephewNephew; soso
TheThe lessonlesson promptedprompted, andand wellwell conn’dconned, waswas mouldedmoulded
IntoInto familiarfamiliar DialogueDialogue, oftoft rehearsedrehearsed,
TillTill learntlearntlearned byby heartheart, ’tis’tis nownow, receiv’dreceived for●orfor truthtruth.
Warb:WarbeckWarb:TruthTruth inin herher purepure simplicitiesimplicity wantswants artart
ToTo putput aa faynedfeigned blushblush onon: scornescorn weareswears onelyonly
SuchSuch fashionfashion, asas commendscommends toto gazersgazers’gazers eyeseyes
SadSad vlceratedulcerated NoveltieNovelty; farrefar beneathbeneath
TheThe sphearesphere ofof MaiestieMajesty: inin suchsuch aa CourtCourt,
WisedomeWisdom, andand gravitiegravity, areare properproper robesrobes,
ByBy whichwhich thethe SoveraigneSovereign isis bestbest distinguisht’distinguishtdistinguished’,
FromFrom ZanyesZanies toto hishis GreatnesseGreatness.K:KingK: H:HHenryH:SirraSirrah, shiftshift
YourYour antickeantic PageantriePageantry, andand nownow appeareappear
InIn youryour owneown naturenature, oror y’ouleyou’ll tastetaste thethe daungerdanger
OfOf foolingfooling outout ofof seasonseason.Warb:WarbeckWarb:II expectexpect
NoNo lesseless, thenthen whatwhat severitieseverity callscalls IusticeJusticejustice,
AndAnd PolititiansPoliticians, safetiesafety; letlet suchsuch beggebeg,
AsAs feedfeed onon almesalms: butbut ifif therethere cancan bebe merciemercy
InIn aa protestedprotested enemieenemy, thenthen maymay itit
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DescendDescend toto thesethese poorepoor creaturescreatures, whosewhose engagementsengagements
ToTo th’betteringth’bettering ofof theirtheir fortunesfortunes, hauehave incur’dincurred
AA losseloss ofof allall; toto themthem, ifif anyany charitiecharity
FloweFlow fromfrom somesome noblenoble OratorOrator, inin deathdeath
II oweowe thethe feefee ofof thankfulnessethankfulness.K:KingK: H:HHenryH:SoSo brauebrave!
WhatWhat aa boldbold knaueknave isis thisthis? whichwhich ofof thesethese RebellsRebels
Ha’sHas beenebeen thethe MayorMayor ofof CorkeCork?Dawb:DaubeneyDawb:ThisThis wisewise formalitieformality:
KneeleKneel toto thethe KingKing ’ee’eethou RascallsRascals!
K:KingK: H:HHenryH:CanstCanst thouthou hopehope,
AA PardonPardon, wherewhere thythy guiltguilt isis soso apparantapparent?
MayorMayor.VnderUnder youryour goodgood favoursfavours, asas menmen, areare menmen, theythey maymay
erreerr: forfor II confesseconfess, respectiuelyrespectively, inin takingtaking greatgreat partsparts, thethe oneone
sideside prevailingprevailing, thethe otherother sideside mustmust goego downedown: hereinherein thethe poyntpoint
isis cleereclear, ifif thethe proverbeproverb holdhold, thatthat hanginghanging goesgoes byby destiniedestiny, thatthat itit
isis toto littlelittle purposepurpose toto saysay, thisthis thingthing, oror thatthat, shallshall bebe thusthus, oror thusthus;
forfor asas thethe fatesfates willwill hauehave itit, soso itit mustmust bebe, andand whowho cancan helpehelp itit.
Dawb:DaubeneyDawb:OO block-headblockhead! thouthou aa privieprivy CounsellerCounsellorcounsellor?
BeggBeg lifelife, andand crycry aloudealoud, HeavenHeaven sauesave KingKing HenrieHenryhenry.
MayorMayor.EveryEvery manman knowesknows whatwhat isis bestbest, asas itit happenshappens: forfor mymy
owneown partpart, II beleeuebelieve itit isis truetrue, ifif II bebe notnot deceiveddeceived, thatthat KingsKings
mustmust bebe KingsKings, andand SubjectsSubjects, SubjectsSubjects. ButBut whichwhich isis whichwhich; youyou
shallshall pardonpardon meme forfor thatthat; whetherwhether wewe speakespeak oror holdhold ourour peacepeace,
allall areare mortallmortal, nono manman knowesknows hishis endend.
K:KingK: H:HHenryH:WeeWewe trifletrifle timetime withwith follyesfollies.
OmnesOmnes.MercieMercy, merciemercy.
K:KingK: H:HHenryH:VrswickeUrswick, commandcommand thethe DukelingDukeling, andand thesethese fellowesfellows,
ToTo DigbyDigby, thethe LieftenantLieutenant ofof thethe TowerTower:
WithWith safetiesafety letlet themthem bebe convay’dconveyed toto LondonLondon.
ItIt isis ourour pleasurepleasure, nono vncivilluncivil outrageoutrage,
TauntsTaunts, oror abuseabuse bebe suffredsuffered toto theirtheir personspersons;
TheyThey shallshall meetemeet fayrerfairer LawLaw thenthan theythey deseruedeserve.
TimeTime maymay restorerestore theirtheir witswits, whomwhom vainevain ambitionambition
HathHath manymany yearesyears distracteddistracted.Warb:WarbeckWarb:NobleNoble thoughtsthoughts
MeeteMeet freedomefreedom inin captivitiecaptivity; thethe TowerTower?
OurOur ChildhoodsChildhood’sChildhoods dreadfulldreadful nurserynursery.K:KingK: H.HenryH.NoNo moremore.
Vrs:UrswickVrs:ComeCome, comecome, youyou shallshall hauehave leisureleisure toto bethinkebethink ’ee’ee.
ExitExit Vrsw:UrswickUrsw. withwith PerkinPerkin andand hishis.
K: H: Was
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The Chronicle Historie
K:KingK: H:HHenryH:WasWas everever soso muchmuch impudenceimpudence inin forgeryforgery?
TheThe customecustom suresure ofof beingbeing stil’dstyled aa KingKing,
HathHath fastendfaste●dfastened inin hishis thoughtthought thatthat HEHE ISIS SVCHSUCH.
ButBut weewe shallshall teachteach thethe laddlad, anotheranother languagelanguage;
’Tis’Tis goodgood wewe hauehave himhim fastfast.Dawb:DaubeneyDawb:TheThe HangmansHangman’shangman’s physickephysic
WillWill purgepurge thisthis sauciesa●ciesaucy humorhumour.K:KingK: H:HHenryH:VeryVery likelylikely:
YetYet, weewe couldcould, tempertemper merciemercy, withwith extremitieextremity,
BeingBeing notnot tootoo farfar provok’dprovoked.
EnterEnter OxfordOxford, KatherineKatherine inin herher richestrichest attyreattire,
IaneJanejane, andand attendantsattendants.
Oxf:OxfordOxf:GreatGreat SirSir, bebe pleas’dpleased
WithWith youryour accustomedaccustomed gracegrace, toto entertainee●●ertaineentertain
TheThe PrincessePrincess KatherineKatherine GourdonGordonGourdon.K.K●KingK. H:HHenryH:OxfordOxford, hereinherein
WeeWewe mustmust beshrewbeshrew thythy knowledgeknowledge ofof ourour naturenature.
AA LadieLady ofof herher birthbirth andand vertuesvirtues, couldcould notnot
HaueHave foundfound VsUs soso vnfurnishtunfurnished ofof goodgood mannersmanners,
AsAs notnot onon noticenotice givengiven, toto hauehave mettmet herher
HalfeHalf wayway inin poyntpoint ofof LoueLove. ExcuseExcuse (fayrefay●efair CosenCose●Cousincousin)
TheThe oversightoversight! ôôo fyefie, youyou maymay notnot kneelekneel:
’Tis’Tis mostmost vnfittingunfitting; firstfirst, vouchsafevouchsafe thisthis welcomewelcome;
AA welcomewelcome toto youryour owneown, forfor youyou shallshall findefind VsUs
ButBut guardianguardian toto youryour fortunefortune, andand youryour honourshonours.
Kath:KatherineKath:MyMy fortunesfortunes, andand minemine honorshonours, areare weakeweak championschampions,
AsAs bothboth areare nownow befriendedbefriended (SirSir!) howeverhowever
BothBoth bowbow beforebefore youryour clemencieclemency.K:KingK: H:HHenryH:OurOur armesarms
ShallShall circlecircle themthem fromfrom malicemalice — ’A’Ahe sweetesweet LadieLady?
BeautieBeauty incomparableincomparable? HereHere liueslives MajestieMajesty
AtAt leagueleague withwith LoueLove.Kath:KatherineKath:OO SirSir, II hauehave aa husbandhusband.
K:KingK: H:HHenryH:Wee’leWe’ll proueprove youryour fatherfather, husbandhusband, friendfriend, andand servantservant,
ProueProve whatwhat youyou wishwish toto grauntgrant vsus, (LordsLords) bebe carefullcareful
AA PattentPatent presentlypresently bebe drawnedrawn, forfor issuingissuing
AA thousandthousand poundspounds fromfrom ourour ExchequerExchequer yearelyyearly,
DuringDuring ourour CosensCousin’scousin’s lifelife: ourour QueeneQueen shallshall bebe
YourYour chiefechief companioncompanion, ourour owneown CourtCourt youryour HomeHome,
OurOur SubjectsSubjects, allall youryour servantsservants.
Kath:KatherineKath:ButBut mymy husbandhusband?
K: H: By
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K:KingK: H:HHenryH:ByBy allall descriptionsdescriptions, youyou areare noblenoble DaliellDaliell,
WhoseWhose generousgenerou●generous truthtruth hathhath fam’dfamed aa rarerare observanceobservance!
WeeWewe thankethank ’ee’eethou, ’tis’tis aa goodnessegoodness giuesgives additionaddition
ToTo everyevery titletitle, boastedboasted fromfrom youryour AuncestrieAncestry,
InIn allall mostmost worthyworthy.DaliellDaliell.WorthierWorthier thenthan youryour praysespraises,
RightRight princelyprincely SirSir, II needeneed notnot glorieglory inin.
K:KingK: H:HHenryH:EmbraceEmbrace himhim (LordsLords,) who everwhoever callscalls youyou MistresseMistress
IsIs liftedlifted inin ourour chargecharge, — aa goodliergoodlier beautiebeauty
MineMine eyeseyes yetyet neerene’er incountredencountered.Kath:KatherineKath:CruellCruel miserymisery
OfOf fatefate, whatwhat restsrests toto hopehope forfor?K:KingK: H:HHenryH:ForwardForward LordsLords
ToTo LondonLondon: (fayrefair) ereere longlong, II shallshall presentpresent ’ee’eethou
WithWith aa gladglad objectobject, peacepeace, andand HunleysHuntly’sHunley’s blessingblessing.}ExeuntEx●untExeunt omnesomnes.
EnterEnter ConstableConstable, andand OfficersOfficers, WarbeckWarbeck, VrswickUrswick, andand Lam-LambertLam∣bertLambert
SimnellSimnelSimnell, likelike aa FalconerFalconer.
AA payrepair ofof StocksStocks.
ConstCo●st:ConstableConstMakeMake roomeroom therethere, keepekeep offoff II requirerequire ’ee’eethou, andand nonenone comecome
withinwithin tweluetwelve footefoot ofof hishis MajestiesMajesty’s newnew StockesStocks, vponupon painepain ofof
displeasuredispleasure. BringBring forwardforward thethe MalefactorsMalefactors. FriendFriend, youyou mustmust toto
thisthis geeregear, — nono remedieremedy, — openopen thethe holehole, andand inin withwith hishis leggeslegs,
justjust inin thethe middlemiddle holehole, therethere, thatthat holehole; keepekeep offoff, oror IleI’ll commitcommit
youyou allall. ShallShall notnot aa manman inin authoritieauthority bebe obeyedobeyed? SoSo, soso, therethere,
’tis’tis asas itit shouldshould bebe: putput onon thethe padlockepadlock, andand giuegive meme thethe keykey;
offoff II saysay, keepekeep offoff.
Vrsw:UrswickVrsw:YetYet WarbeckeWarbeck cleereclear thythy ConscienceConscience, thouthou hasthast tastedtasted
KingKing HenriesHenry’s merciemercy liberallieliberally; thethe LawLaw
Ha’sHas forfeitedforfeited thythy lifelife, anan equallequal IurieJuryjury
HaueHave doom’ddoomed theethee toto thethe GallowesGallows; twisetwice, mostmost wickedlywickedly,
MostMost desperatelydesperately hasthast thouthou escaptescaped thethe TowerTower:
InveighlingInveiglinginveigling toto thythy partieparty withwith thythy witch-craftwitchcraft,
YoungYoung EdwardEdward, EarleEarl ofof WarwickeWarwick, sonneson toto ClarenceClarence;
WhoseWhose headhead mustmust paypay thethe priceprice ofof thatthat attemptattempt;
PoorePoor GentlemanGentleman — vnhappieunhappy inin hishis fatefate —
AndAnd ruin’druined byby thythy cunningcunning! soso aa MungrellMongrel
MayMay pluckepluck thethe truetrue StaggeStag downedown: yetyet, yetyet, confesseconfess
ThyThy parentageparentage; forfor yetyet thethe KingKing ha’shas mercymercy.
Lamb: you
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The Chronicle Historie
Lamb:LambertLamb:YouYou wouldwould bebe DickeDick thethe fourthfourth, veryvery likelylikely
YourYour pedigree●edigreepedigree isis publishtpub●i●htpublished, youyou areare knowneknown
ForFor OsbecksOsbeck’s sonneson ofof TurneyTourneyTurney, aa looseloose runnagaterunagate,
AA LandloperLandloper: youryour FatherFather waswas aa IeweJew,
Turn’dTurned ChristianChristian meerelymerely toto repayrerepair hishis miseriesmiseries.
WheresWhere’s nownow youryour KingshipKingship?Warb:WarbeckWarb:BaytedBaited toto mymy deathdeath?
IntollerableIntolerable crueltiecruelty! II laughlaugh atat
TheThe DukeDuke ofof RichmondsRichmond’s practisepractice onon mymy fortunesfortunes.
PossessionPossession ofof aa CrowneCrown, ne’rene’ernever wantedwanted HerauldsHeralds.
Lamb:LambertLamb:YouYou willwill notnot knowknow whowho II amam!
Vrs:UrswickVrs:LambertLambert SimnellSimnelSimnell;
YourYour predecessorpredecessor inin aa daungerousdaungero●sdangerous vproareuproar;
ButBut onon submissionsubmission, notnot alonealone receiu’dreceived
ToTo gracegrace, butbut byby thethe KingKing, vouchsaftvouchsafed hishis serviceservice.
Lamb:LambertLamb:II wouldwould bebe EareEarlEar ofof WarwickeWarwick, toyldtoiled andand ruffledruffled
AgainstAgainst mymy MaisterMaster, leaptleapt toto catchcatch thethe MooneMoon,
VauntedVaunted mymy namename, PlantaginetPlantagenet, asas youyou doedo:
AnAn EarleEarl forsoothforsooth! When asWhenaswhenas inin truthtruth II waswas,
AsAs youyou areare, aa meeremere RascallRascal: yetyet, hishis MajestieMajesty,
(AA PrincePrince compos’dcomposed ofof sweetnessweetness! HeavenHeaven protectprotect himhim)
ForgaueForgave meeme allall mymy villaniesvillainies, repriv’dreprieved
TheThe sentencesentence of〈◊〉of aa shamefullshameful endend, admittedadmitted
MyMy suretiesurety ofof obedienceobedie●●●obedience toto hishis serviceservice;
AndAnd II amam nownow hishis FalkonerFalconerfalconer, liuelive plenteouslyplenteously;
EateEat fromfrom thethe KingsKing’sking’s pursepurse, andand enjoyenjoy thethe sweetnessesweetness
OfOf libertieliberty, andand favourfavour, sleepesleep securelysecurely:
AndAnd isis notnot thisthis nownow betterbetter, thenthan toto buffettbuffet
TheThe HangmansHangman’shangman’s clutchesclutches? oror toto bravebrave thethe CordageCordage
OfOf aa toughtough halterhalter, whichwhich willwill breakebreak youryour neckeneck?
SoSo thenthen thethe GallantGallant totterstotters; preetheeprithee (PerkinPerkin)
LetLet mymy exampleexample leadelead theethee, bebe nono longerlonger
AA CounterfeiteCounterfeit, confesseconfess, andand hopehope forfor pardonpardon!
Warb:WarbeckWarb:ForFor pardonpardon? holdhold mymy heartstringsheartstrings, whileswhiles contemptcontempt
OfOf injuriesinjuries, inin scornescorn, maymay bidbid defiancedefiance
ToTo thisthis basebase mansman’s fowlefoul languagelanguage: thouthou poorepoor verminvermin!!▪
HowHow darstdar’st thouthou creepecreep soso neerenear meeme? thouthou anan EarleEarl?
WhyWhy thouthou enjoystenjoyest asas muchmuch ofof happinessehappiness,
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AsAs allall thethe swingeswinge ofof sleightsleight ambitionambition flewflew atat.
AA dunghilldunghill waswas thythy CradleCradle. SoSo aa puddlepuddle
ByBy vertuevirtue ofof thethe Sun-beamesSun-b●amesSunbeamssunbeams, breathesbreathes aa vapourvapour
ToTo infectinfect thethe purerpurer ayreair, whichwhich dropsdrops againeagain
IntoInto thethe muddiemuddy wombewomb thatthat firstfirst exhal’dexhaled itit.
BreadBread, andand aa slavishslavish easeease, withwith somesome assuranceassurance
FromFrom thethe basebase BeadlesBeadle’s whippwhip, crowndcrowned allall thythy hopeshopes.
ButBut (SirraSirrah) ranran therethere inin thythy veynesveins, oneone droppdrop
OfOf suchsuch aa royallroyal bloudblood, asas flowesflows inin minemine;
ThouThou wouldstwouldst notnot changechange conditioncondition, toto bebe secondsecond
InIn EnglandsEngland’s StateState withoutwithout thethe CrowneCrown it selfeitself!
CourseCourse creaturescreatures areare incapableincapable ofof excellenceexcellence.
ButBut letlet thethe worldworld, asas allall, toto whomwhom II amam
ThisThis dayday aa spectaclespectacle, toto timetime, deliverdeliver,
AndAnd byby traditiontradition fixefix posteritieposterity,
WithoutWithout anotheranother ChronicleChronicle thenthan truthtruth,
HowHow constantlyconstantly, mymy resolutionresolution suffer’dsuffered
AA martyrdomemartyrdom ofof MajestieMajesty!Lamb:LambertLamb:HeesHe’s pastpast
RecoveryRecovery, aa BedlumBedlambedlam cannotcannot curecure himhim.
Vrsw:UrswickVrsw:AwayAway, enformeinform thethe KingKing ofof hishis behaviourbehaviour.
Lamb:LambertLamb:PerkinPerkin, bewarebeware thethe roperope, thethe Hangman’sHangman’s commingcoming.
Vrsw:UrswickVrsw:IfIf yetyet thouthou hasthast nono pittiepity ofof thythy bodiebodiebody,,▪
PittiePity thythy soulesoul!ExitExit SimnellSimnelSimnell.
EnterEnter KatherineKatherine, IaneJanejane, DaliellDaliell, andand OxfordOxford.
IaneJanejane.DeareDear LadieLady!Oxf:OxfordOxf:WhitherWhither willwill ’ee’eethou
WithoutWithout respectrespect ofof shameshame?Kath:KatherineKath:ForbeareForbear meme (SirSir)
AndAnd troubletrouble notnot thethe currentcurrent ofof mymy dutieduty!
OhOhO mymy Lov’dLoved LordLord! CanCan anyany scornescorn bebe yoursyours,
InIn whichwhich II hauehave nono interestinterest? somesome kindekind handhand
LendLend meme assistanceassistance, thatthat II maymay partakepartake
Th’inflictionTh’inflictio●Th’infliction ofof thisthis pennancepenance; mymy lifeslife’s deerestdearest
ForgiueForgive meme, II hauehave staydstayed tootoo longlong, fromfrom tendringtend’ringtendering
AttendanceAttendance onon reproachreproach, yetyet bidbid meme welcomewelcome.
Warb:WarbeckWarb:GreatGreat miraclemiracle ofof ConstancieConstancy! mymy miseriesmiseries,
WereWere nevernever banckroutbankrupt ofof theirtheir confidenceconfidence
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The Chronicle Historie
InIn worstworst afflictionsafflictions, tilltill thisthis nownow, II feelefeel themthem.
ReportRe●ortReport, andand thythy DesertsDeserts, (thou●houthou bestbest ofof creaturescreatures)
MightMight toto eternitie●ternitieeternity, hauehave stoodstood aa patternepattern
ForFor everyevery vertuousReportv●rtuousReportvertuous wifewi●ewife, withoutwith●utwithout thisthis conquestconquest.
ThouThou hasthast out-doneoutdone beliefebelief, yetyet, maymay theirtheir ruineruin
InIn afterafter marriagesmarriages, bebe nevernever pittiedpitied,
ToTo whomwhom thythy StorieStorystory, shallshall appeareappear aa fablefable.
WhyWhy wouldstwouldst thoutho●thou proueprove soso muchmuch vnkindeunkind toto greatnessegreatness,
ToTo glorifieglorify thythy vowesvows byby suchsuch aa servitudeservitude?
II cannotcannot weepeweep, butbut trusttrust meem●eme (DeareDear) mymy heartheart
IsIs liberallliberal ofof passionpassion; HarrieHarryharry RichmondRichmond!
AA womanswoman’s faithfaith, hathhath robdrobbed thythy famefame ofof triumphtriumph.
Oxf:OxfordOxf:SirraSirrah, leauelea●eleave offoff youryour juglingjuggling, andand tyetie vpup
TheThe DevillDevil, thatthat raungesranges inin youryour tonguetongu●tongue.Vrs:UrswickVrs:ThusThus WitchesWitches,
PossestPossessed, eveneven theirtheir deathsdeat●sdeaths’death’s deludeddel●d●ddeluded, say●aysay,
TheyThey hauehave beenebeen wolueswolves, andand dogsdogs, andandII sayldsailed inin EggshellsEggshells
OverOver thethe SeaSea, andand ridrid onon fieriefiery DragonsDragons;
PastPassedPast inin the●●ethe ayreair moremore thenthan aa thousandthousand milesmiles,
AllAll inin aa nightnight; thethe enemieenemy ofof mankindemankind
IsIs powerfullpowerful, butbut falfefalse; andand falshoodfalsehood confidentconfident.
Oxf:OxfordOxf:RememberRemember (LadieLady) whowho youyou areare; comecome fromfrom
ThatThat impudentimpudent ImposterImposter!Kath:KatherineKath:YouYou abuseabuse vsus:
ForFor whenwhen thethe holyholy Church-manChurchman joyndjoined ourour handshands,
OurOur VowesVows werewere reallreal thenthen; thethe CeremonieCeremony
WasWas notnot inin apparitionapparition, butbut inin actact.
BeBe whatwhat thesethese peoplepeople termeterm TheeThee, II amam certainecertain
ThouThou artart mymy husbandhusband, nono DivorceDivorce inin HeavenHeaven
Ha’sHas beenebeen suedsued outout betweenebetween vsus; ’tis’tis injusticeinjustice
ForFor anyany earthlyearthly powerpower toto devidedivide vsus.
OrOr weewe willwill liuelive, oror letlet vsus dyedie togethertogether.
ThereThere isis aa cruellcruel merciemercy.
Warb:WarbeckWarb:SpightSpite ofof tyrannietyranny
WeeWewe raignereign inin ourour affectionsaffections, (blessedblessed WomanWoman)
ReadeRead inin mymy destiniedestiny, thethe wrackewrack ofof honourhonour;
PoyntPoint outout inin mymy contemptcontempt ofof deathdeath, toto memoriememory
SomeSome miserablemiserable happinessehappiness: sincesince, hereinherein,
EvenEven whenwhen II fellfell, II stoodstood, enthron’denthroned aa MonarchMonarch
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OfOf oneone chastchaste wif’swife’s trothtroth, purepure, andand vncorrupteduncorrupted.
FayreFair AngellAngel ofof perfectionperfection; immortalitieimmortality
ShallShall rayseraise thythy namename vpup toto anan adorationadoration;
CourtCourt everyevery richrich opinionopi●ionopinion ofof truetrue meritmerit;
AndAnd SaintSaint itit inin thethe CalenderCalendar ofof vertuevirtue,
WhenWhen II amam turn’dturned intointo thethe selfe sameselfeself-sameselfsamesame dustdust
OfOf whichwhich II waswas firstfirst form’dformed.Oxf:OxfordOxf:TheThe LordLord EmbassadorAmbassador,
HuntleyHuntlyHuntley, youryour FatherFather (MadamMadam) shouldshould a’’aa’ lookelook onon
YourYour strangestrange subjectionsubjection, inin aa gazegaze soso publickepublic,
WouldWould blushblush onon youryour behalfebehalf, andand wishwish hishis CountreyCountry
VnleftUnleft, forfor entertainmententertainment toto suchsuch sorrowsorrow.
Kath:KatherineKath:WhyWhy artart thouthou angrieangry OxfordOxford? II mustmust bebe
MoreMore peremptorieperemptory inin mymy dutieduty; — (SirSir)
ImputeImpute itit notnot vntounto immodestieimmodesty,
ThatThat II presumepresume toto pressepress youyou toto aa LegacieLegacy,
BeforeBefore weewe partpart for everforforeverforeverever!Warb:WarbeckWarb:LetLet itit bebe thenthen
MyMy heartheart, thethe richrich remainesremains, ofof allall mymy fortunesfortunes.
Kath:KatherineKath:ConfirmeConfi●meConfirm itit withwith aa kissekiss praypray!!▪Warb:WarbeckWarb:OhOhO, withwith thatthat
II wishwish toto breathebreathe mymy lastlast vponupon thythy lippeslips,
ThoseThose equallequal twinnestwins ofof comelinessecomeliness, II sealeseal
TheThe testamenttestament ofof honourablehonourable VowesVows:
Who everWhoeverwhoever bebe thatthat manman, thatthat shallshall vnkisseunkiss
ThisThis sacredsacred printprint nextnext, maymay hehe proueprove moremore thriftiethrifti●thrifty
InIn thisthis worldsworld’s justjust applauseapplause, notnot moremore desertfulldesertful.
Kath:KatherineKath:ByBy thisthis sweetsweet pledgepledge ofof bothboth ourour soulessouls, II sweareswear
ToTo dyedie aa faithfullfaithful widdowwidow toto thythy bedbed:
NotNot toto bebe fore’tforced, oror wonnewon. ôôo, nevernever, nevernever.
EnterEnter SurreySurrey, DawbneyDaubeneyDawbney, HuntleyHuntlyHuntley, andand CrawfordCrawford.
Dawb:DaubeneyDawb:FreeFree thethe condemnedcondemned personperson, quicklyquickly freefree himhim.
WhatWhat ha’shas a’aa yetyet confestconfessed?Vrsw:UrswickVrsw:NothingNothing toto purposepurpose;
ButBut stillstill’astill ’a’a willwill bebe KingKing.Surr:SurreySurr:PreparePrepare youryour journeyjourney
ToTo aa newnew KingdomeKingdom thenthen, (vnhappieunhappy MadamMadam)
WilfullyWilfully foolish●oolishfoolish! SeeSee mymy LordLord EmbassadorAmbassador,
YourYour LadieLady DaughterDaughter willwill notnot leaueleave thethe CounterfeiteCounterfeit
InIn thisthis disgracedisgrace ofof fatefate.Hunt:HuntlyHunt:II nevernever poyntedpointed
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The Chronicle Historie
ThyThy marriagemarriage (girlegirl) butbut yetyet beingbeing marriedmarried,
EnjoyEnjoy thythy dutieduty toto aa husbandhusband, freelyfreely:
TheThe griefesgriefs areare minemine. II glorieglory inin thythy constancieconstancy;
AndAnd mustmust notnot saysay, II wishwish, thatthat II hadhad mistmissed
SomeSome partagepartage inin thesethese tryallstrials ofof aa patiencepatience.
Kath:KatherineKath:YouYou willwill forgiueforgive meme noblenoble SirSir?Hunt:HuntlyHunt:YesYes, yesyes;;▪
InIn everyevery dutieduty ofof aa wifewife, andand daughterdaughter,
II daredare notnot disavowdisavow theethee, — toto youryour husbandhusband
(ForFor suchsuch youyou areare SirSir) II impartimpart aa farewellfarewell
OfOf manlymanly pittiepity; whatwhat youryour lifelife ha’shas pastpassed throughthrough,
TheThe daungersdangers ofof youryour endend willwill makemake apparantapparent?
AndAnd II cancan addeadd, forfor comfortcomfort toto youryour sufferancesufferance,
NoNo CordiallCordial, butbut thethe wonderwonder ofof youryour frailtietrailtiefrailty,
WhichWhich keepeskeeps soso firmefirm aa stationstation. — WeeWewe areare partedparted.
Warb:WarbeckWarb:WeeWewe areare aa crownecrown ofof peacepeace, renewrenew thythy ageage
MostMost honourablehonourableHuntleyHuntlyHuntley:worthieworthy CrawfordCrawford?
WeeWewe maymay embraceembrace, II nevernever thoughtthought theethee injurieinjury.
Crawf:CrawfordCrawf:NorNor waswas II everever guiltieguilty ofof neglectneglect
WhichWhich mightmight procureprocure suchsuch thoughtthought. II taketake mymy leaueleave (SirSir.)
Warb:WarbeckWarb:ToTo youyou LordLord DaliellDaliell: whatwhat? acceptaccept aa sighsigh,
’Tis’Tis heartiehearty, andand inin earnestearnest.DaliellDaliell.II wantwant vtteranceutterance:
MyMy silencesilence isis mymy farewellfarewell.Kath:KatherineKath:OhOhO — ohoho, —
IaneJaneIane..:SweetSweet MadamMadam,
WhatWhat doedo youyou meanemean! — mymy LordLord, youryour handhand.
Dal:DaliellDal:DeereDear LadieLady,
BeBe pleasdpleased thatthat II maymay waytwait ’ee’eethou toto youryour lodginglodging.
ExeuntExeunt DaliellDaliell, KatherineKatherine, IaneJanejane.
EnterEnter SheriffeSheriff, andand OfficersOfficers, SketonSkeltonSketon, AstleyAstley, HeronHeron,
andand MayorMayor withwith haltershalters aboutabout theirtheir neckesnecks.
Oxf:OxfordOxf:LookeLook ’ee’eethou, beholdebehold youryour followersfollowers, appointedappointed
ToTo waitewait onon ’ee’eethou inin deathdeath.Warb:WarbeckWarb:WhyWhy PeeresPeers ofof EnglandEngland,
WeeleWe’llwe’ll leadelead ’em’em onon couragiouslycourageously. II readeread
AA triumphtriumph overover tyrannietyranny vponupon
TheirTheir severallseveral foreheadsforeheads. FaintFaint notnot inin thethe momentmoment
OfOf VictorieVictory! ourour endsendeend●endsend, and●●dand Warwick’sWarwick’s headhead,
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InnocentInnocent Warwick’sWarwick’s headhead, (forfor wewe areare ProloguePrologue
ButBut toto hishis tragedietragedy) concludeconclude thethe wonderwonder
OfOf HenriesHenry’s fearesfears; andand thenthen thethe gloriousglorious racerace
OfOf foureteenefourteen KingsKings PLANTAGINETTSPlantagenetsPLANTAGINETTS, determinesdetermines
InIn thisthis lastlast issueissue malemale, HeavenHeaven bebe obeydobeyed.
ImpoverishImpoverish timetime ofof itsits amazementamazement (friendsfriends)
AndAnd wewe willwill proueprove, asas trustietrusty inin ourour paymentspayments,
AsAs prodigallprodigal toto naturenature inin ourour debtesdebts.
DeathDeath? pishpish, ’tis’tis butbut aa soundsound; aa namename ofof ayreair;
AA minutesminute’s stormestorm; oror notnot soso muchmuch, toto tumbletumble
FromFrom bedbed toto bedbed, bebe massacredmassacred aliuealive
ByBy somesome PhysitiansPhysicians, forfor aa monethmonth, oror twotwo,
InIn hopehope ofof freedomefreedom fromfrom aa FeaversFever’sfever’s tormentstorments,
MightMight staggerstagger manhoodmanhood; herehere, thethe painepain isis pastpast
EreEre sensiblysensibly ’tis’tis feltfelt. BeBe menmen ofof spiritspirit!
SpurneSpurn cowardcoward passionpassion! soso illustriousillustrious mentionmention,
ShallShall blazeblaze ourour namesnames, andand stilestyle vsus KINGSKINGS O’REO’ERo’er DEATHDEATH.
Daw:DaubeneyDaw:AwayAway-ImpostorAway-ImpostorAway——ImpostorImposter beyondbeyond presidentprecedent:}Ex:ExExeuntEx: allall OfficersOfficers
andand PrisonersPrisoners.
NoNo ChronicleChronicle recordsrecords hishis fellowfellow.
Hunt:HuntlyHunt:II hauehave
NotNot thoughtsthoughts leftleft, ’tis’tis sufficientsufficient inin suchsuch casescases
IustJust LawesLaws oughtought toto proceedeproceed.
EnterEnter KingKing HenryHenry, DurhamDurham, andand HialasHialas.
K:KingK: H:HHenryH:WeeWewe areare resolv’dresolved:
YourYour businessebusiness (noblenoble LordsLords) shallshall findefind successesuccess,
SuchSuch asas youryour KingKing importunesimportunes.Hunt:HuntlyHunt:YouYou areare graciousgracious.
K:KingK: H:HHenryH:PerkinPerkin, weewe areare inform’dinformed, isis arm’darmed toto dyedie:
InIn thatthat weelewe’ll honourhonour himhim. OurOur LordsLords shallshall followefollow
ToTo seesee thethe executionexecution; andand fromfrom hencehence
WeeWewe gathergather thisthis fitfit vseuse: thatthat publickepublic StatesStates,
“AsAs ourour particularparticular bodyesbodies, tastetaste mostmost goodgood
“InIn healthhealth, whenwhen purgedpurged ofof corruptedcorrupted bloudblood.
ExeuntExeunt omnesomnis〈◊〉omnes.
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HEreHEre ha’shas appear’dappeared, thoughthough inin aa severallseveral fashionfashion,
TheThe ThreatsThreats ofof MajestieMajesty; thethe strengthstrength ofof passionpassion;
HopesHopes ofof anan EmpireEmpire; changechange ofof fortunesfortunes; AllAll
WhatWhat cancan toto Theater’sTheatres oror GreatnesseGreatness fallfall;
ProvingProving theirtheir weakeweak foundationsfoundations: whowho willwill pleaseplease
AmongstAmongst suchsuch severallseveral Sight’sSightsSight’s, toto censurecensure TheseThese
NoNo birth’sbirth’s abortiueabortiue●abortive nornor aa bastard-broodbastard-brood
(ShameShame toto aa parentageparentage, oror fosterhoodfosterhood)
MayMay warrantwarrant byby theirtheir louesloves, allall justjust excusesexcuses,
AndAnd oftenoften findefind aa welcomewelcome toto thethe MusesMuses.
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sig: [N/A]
The regularized reading eclipse
is amended from the original ecclipfe.
The regularized reading TRUTH
is amended from the original TTVTH.
The regularized reading Phaeton
is amended from the original Phueton.
The regularized reading Combination
is supplied for the original Combinati[*]n.
Both Huntington (base copy) and Folger shelfmark STC 11157 have faint printing on this page. Regularizations in this section
are taken from the Folger copy.
The regularized reading confidence
is supplied for the original c[◇].
The regularized reading danger
is supplied for the original [◇].
The regularized reading have
is supplied for the original ha[*]e.
The regularized reading Lovely
is supplied for the original L[*]uely.
The regularized reading Earl
is amended from the original Eare.
The regularized reading forced
is amended from the original fore’t.