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ln 0001THETHE
ln 0004AsAs itit hathhath beenebeen sundrysundry timestimes ActedActed,
ln 0005byby thethe KingsKing’sking’s MaiestiesMajesty’s
ln 0006SeruantsServants.
ln 0008PrintedPrinted byby G.G. ELDELD, andand areare toto bebe soldfoldfoldsold atat hishis
ln 0009househouse inin Fleete-laneFleet laneFleet-lane atat thethe signesign ofof thethe
ln 0010Printers-PressePrinter’s PressPrinters-press.
ln 001116071607.
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wln 0001TheThe ReuengersRevengers TragædieTragaedieTragedytragedy.
wln 0002ACT.ACT. 1.1. SCÆ.SCAE.SCENASCAE. 1.1.
wln 0003EnterEnter VendiciVindiceVendici, thethe DukeDuke, DutchesseDuchess, LusuriosoLusurioso herher sonneson,
wln 0004SpurioSpurio thethe bastardbastard, withwith aa trainetrain, passepass ouerover thethe
wln 0005StageStage withwith Torch-lightTorchlight.
wln 0006Vindi.VindiceVindi.DVkeDUkeduke: royallroyal letcherlecher; goego, gray hayredgray hayrdegray-hairedgrey haired adulteryadultery,
wln 0007AndAnd thouthou hishis sonneson,, asas impiousimpious steeptsteeped asas heehe:
wln 0008AndAnd thouthou hishis bastardbastard true-begotttrue-begottrue-beget inin euillevil:
wln 0009AndAnd thouthou hishis DutchesseDuchess thatthat willwill doedo withwith DiuillDevil,
wln 0010FoureFourfour exlentexc’llent CharactersCharacters — OOOh thatthat marrow-lessemarrowless ageage,
wln 0011WouldWould stuffestuff thethe hollowhollow BonesBones withwith dambddamned desiresdesires,
wln 0012AndAnd stead’steadstead ofof heateheat kindlekindle infernallinfernal firesfires,
wln 0013WithinWithin thethe spend-thriftspendthrift veynesveins ofof aa dryedry DukeDuke,
wln 0014AA parchtparched andand iuicelessejuiceless luxurluxur. OO God!God! oneone
wln 0015ThatThat hashas scarcescarce bloudblood inoughenough toto liuelive vponupon.
wln 0016AndAnd heehe toto ryctriotryct itit likelike aa sonneson andand heyreheir?
wln 0017OO thethe thoughtthought ofof thatthat
wln 0018TurnesTurns mymy abusedabused heart-stringsheartstrings intointo fretfret.
wln 0019ThouThou sallowsallow picturepicture ofof mymy poysonedpoisoned louelcuelove,
wln 0020MyMy studiesstudy’s ornamentornament, thouthou shellshell ofof DeathDeath,
wln 0021OnceOnce thethe brightbright faceface ofof mymy betrothedbetrothed LadyLady,
wln 0022WhenWhen lifelife andand beautybeauty naturallynaturally fildfilled outout
wln 0023TheseThese raggedragged imperfectionsimperfections;
wln 0024WhenWhen two-heauen-pointedtwo heaven-pointedtwo-heaven-pointed DiamondsDiamonds werewere setset
wln 0025InIn thosethose vnsightlyunsightly RingsRings; — thenthen ’twas’twas aa faceface
wln 0026SoSo farrefar beyondbeyond thethe artificiallartificial shineshine
wln 0027OfOf anyany womanswoman’s boughtbought complexioncomplexion
wln 0028ThatThat thethe vprightestuprightest manman, (ifif suchsuch therethere bebe,
wln 0029ThatThat sinnesin butbut seauenseven timestimes aa dayday) brokebroke customecustom
wln 0030AndAnd mademade vpup eighteight withwith lookinglooking afterafter herher,
wln 0031OhOhO sheshe waswas ableable toto haha’ mademade aa VsurersUsurer’susurer’s sonneson
wln 0032MeltMelt allall hishis patrimonypatrimony inin aa kissekiss,
wln 0033AndAnd whatwhat hishis fatherfather fiftiefifty yearesyears toldtold
wln 0034ToTo hauehave consumdeconsumed, andand yetyet hishis sutesuit beenebeen coldcold:
wln 0035ButBut ohoho accursedaccursed PallacePalace!
wln 0036TheeThee whenwhen thouthou wertwert appareldapparelled inin thythy fleshflesh,
wln 0037TheThe oldold DukeDuke poyson’dpoisoned,
wln 0038BecauseBecause thythy purerpurer partpart wouldwould notnot consentconsent
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wln 0039VntoUnto hishis palsey-lustpalsy-lust, forfor oldold menmen lust-fulllustful
wln 0040DoDo showshow likelike youngyoung menmen angryangry, eagereager violentviolent,
wln 0041Out-bidOutbid likelike theirtheir limitedlimited performancesperformances
wln 0042OOOh ware’warebeware anan oldold manman hothot, andand viciousvicious
wln 0043„AgeAge asas inin goldgold,, inin lustlust isis couetouscovetous.
wln 0044VengenceVengeance thouthou murdersmurder’smurders Quit-rentQuit-rentQuitrent, andand wherebywhereby
wln 0045ThouThou shoustshow’stshowst thy selfethyself TennantTenant toto TragedyTragedy,
wln 0046OhOhO keepekeep thythy dayday, hourehour, minuteminute, II beseechbeseech,
wln 0047ForFor thosethose thouthou hasthast determinddetermineddetermined: humhum: whowho eree’erere knewknew
wln 0048MurderMurder vnpaydunpaid, faithfaith giuegive ReuengeRevenge herher duedue
wln 0049Sha’sSh’asSha’s keptkept touchtouch hethertohitherto — bebe merrymerry, merrymerry,
wln 0050AduanceAdvance theethee, OOOh thouthou terrorterror toto fatfat folkesfolks
wln 0051ToTo hauehave theirtheir costlyCostlyCostlycostly three-pildethree-piled fleshflesh worneworn ofoffof
wln 0052AsAs barebare asas thisthis — forfor banquetsbanquets: easeease andand laughterlaughter,
wln 0053CanCan makemake greatgreat menmen,, asas greatnessegreatness goesgoes byby clayclay,
wln 0054ButBut wisewise menmen littlelittle areare moremore greatgreat thenthan theythey?
wln 0055EnterEnter herher brotherbrother HippolitoHippolito.
wln 0056Hip.HippolitoHip.StillStill sighingsighing oreo’er deathsdeath’s vizardvizard.
wln 0057Vind.VindiceVind.BrotherBrother welcomewelcome,
wln 0058WhatWhat comfortcomfort bringstbring’stbringst thouthou? howhow gogo thingsthings atat CourtCourt?
wln 0059Hip.HippolitoHip.InIn silkesilk andand siluersilver brotherbrother: neuernever brauerbraver.
wln 0060Vind.VindiceVind.PuhPuh,
wln 0061ThouThou playstplay’st vponupon mymy meaningmeaning pree-theeprithee saysay
wln 0062HasHas thatthat baldbald MadamMadam, OpportunityOpportunity?
wln 0063YetYet thoughtthought vpon’supon ’supon’s, speakespeak areare wewe happyhappy yetyet?
wln 0064ThyThy wrongswrongs andand minemine areare forfor oneone scabberdscabbard fitfit.
wln 0065Hip.HippolitoHip.ItIt maymay proueprove happinessehappiness?
wln 0066Vind.VindiceVind.WhatWhat istis ’tis’t maymay proueprove?
wln 0067GiueGive meme toto tasttaste.
wln 0068Hip.HippolitoHip.GiueGive meme youryour hearinghearing thenthen,
wln 0069YouYou knowknow mymy placeplace atat CourtCourt.
wln 0070Vind.VindiceVind.IAyI; thethe DukesDuke’s ChamberChamber
wln 0071ButBut tis’tis aa maruailemarvel thourtthou ’rtthou’rt notnot turndturned outout yetyet!
wln 0072Hip.HippolitoHip.FaithFaith II hauehave beenebeen shooudshovedshooud atat, butbut twas’twas stillstill mymy haphap
wln 0073ToTo holdhold by’thby th’ DuchesseDuchess’Duchess skirtskirt, youyou gesseguess atat thatthat,
wln 0074WhomeWhom suchsuch aa CoateCoat keepeskeeps vpup cancan nerene’er fallfall flatflat,
wln 0075ButBut toto thethe purposepurpose.
wln 0076LastLast eueningevening predecessorpredecessor vntounto thisthis,
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wln 0077TheThe DukesDuke’s sonneson warilywarily enquirdenquired forfor meme,
wln 0078WhoseWhose pleasurepleasure II attendedattended: hehe beganbegan,
wln 0079ByBy policypolicy toto openopen andand vnhuskeunhusk meme
wln 0080AboutAbout thethe timetime andand commoncommon rumourrumorrumour:
wln 0081ButBut II hadhad soso muchmuch witwit toto keepekeep mymy thoughtsthoughts
wln 0082VpUp inin theirtheir builtbuilt houseshouses, yetyet affordedafforded himhim
wln 0083AnAn idleidle satifactionsatisfaction withoutwithout dangerdanger,
wln 0084ButBut thethe wholewhole aymeaim, andand scopescope ofof hishis intentintent
wln 0085EndedEnded inin thisthis, coniuringconjuring meme inin priuateprivate,
wln 0086ToTo seekeseek somesome strange digestedstrange-digestedstrange digested fellowfellow forthforth:
wln 0087OfOf ill-contentedill-contented naturenature, eithereither disgracstdisgraced
wln 0088InIn formerformertimesformer timestimes, oror byby newnew groomesgrooms displacstdisplaced,
wln 0089SinceSince hishis Step-mothersStepmother’sstepmother’s nuptiallsnuptials, suchsuch aa bloudblood
wln 0090AA manman thatthat werewere forfor euillevil onelyonly goodgood;
wln 0091ToTo giuegive youyou thethe truetrue wordword somesome base coyndbase-coinedbase coined PanderPander?
wln 0092Vind.VindiceVind.II reachreach youyou, forfor II knowknow hishis heateheat isis suchsuch,
wln 0093WereWere therethere asas manymany ConcubinesConcubines asas LadiesLadies
wln 0094HeHe wouldwould notnot bebe contayndcontained, hehe mustmust fliefly outout:
wln 0095II wonderwonder howhow illill featurdefeatured, vildevild proportiondproportioned.
wln 0096ThatThat oneone shouldshould bebe: ifif sheshe werewere mademade forfor womanwoman,
wln 0097WhomWhom atat thethe InsurrectionInsurrection ofof hishis lustlust
wln 0098HeHe wouldwould refuserefuse forfor onceonce, heartheart, II thinkethink nonenone,
wln 0099NextNext toto aa skullskull, thothough moremore vnsoundunsound thenthan oneone
wln 0100EachEach faceface hehe meetesmeets hehe stronglystrongly doatesdotes vponupon.
wln 0101Hip.HippolitoHip.BrotherBrother y’auey’aveyou’ve trulytruly spokespoke himhim?
wln 0102HeHe knowesknows notnot youyou, butbut IleI’ll sweareswear youyou knowknow himhim.
wln 0103Vind.VindiceVind.AndAnd thereforetherefore ilei’llI’ll putput onon thatthat knaueknave forfor onceonce,
wln 0104AndAnd bebe aa rightright manman thenthen, aa manman a’tho’ th’o’th’ TimeTime,
wln 0105ForFor toto bebe honesthonest isis notnot toto bebe ithi’ th’i’th’ worldworld,
wln 0106BrotherBrother ilei’llI’ll bebe thatthat strangestrange composedcomposed fellowfellow.
wln 0107Hip.HippolitoHip.AndAnd ilei’llI’ll preferprefer youyou brotherbrother.
wln 0108Vind.VindiceVind.GoGo tooto thenthen,
wln 0109TheThe smallstsmall’st aduantageadvantage fattensfattens wrongedwronged menmen
wln 0110ItIt maymay pointpoint outout, occasionoccasion, ifif II meetemeet herher,
wln 0111IleI’ll holdhold herher byby thethe fore-topforetop fastfast ynoughenough;
wln 0112OrOr likelike thethe FrenchFrench MoaleMolemole heaueheave vpup hayrehair andand allall,
wln 0113II hauehave aa habithabit thatthat wilwill fitfit itit quaintlyquaintly,
wln 0114HereHere comescomes ourour MotherMother.Hip.HippolitoHip.AndAnd SisterSister.
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wln 0115Vind.VindiceVind.WeWe mustmust quoynecoinquoin.
wln 0116WomenWomen areare aptapt youyou knowknow toto taketake falsefalse moneymoney,
wln 0117ButBut II daredare stakestake mymy soulesoul forfor thesethese twotwo creaturescreatures
wln 0118OnelyOnly excuseexcuse exceptedexcepted thatthat they’lethey’ll swallowswallow,
wln 0119BecauseBecause theirtheir sexesex isis easieeasy inin beleefebeleesebelief.
wln 0120Moth.MotherMoth.WhatWhat newesnews fromfrom CourCourtCour sonneson CarloCarlo?
wln 0121Hip.HippolitoHip.FaithFaith MotherMother,
wln 0122Tis’Tis whisperdwhispered therethere thethe DuchesseDuchess’Duchess yongestyoungest sonneson
wln 0123HasHas playdplayed aa RapeRape onon LordLord AntoniosAntonio’s wifewife.
wln 0124Moth.MotherMoth.OnOn thatthat relligiousreligious LadyLady!
wln 0125Cast.CastizaCast.RoyallRoyal bloudblood: monstermonster hehe deseruesdeserves toto diedie,
wln 0126IfIf ItalyItaly hadhad nono moremore hopeshopes butbut hehe.
wln 0127Vin.VindiceVin.SisterSister y’auey’aveyou’ve sentenc’dsentenced mostmost directdirect, andand truetrue,
wln 0128TheThe LawesLaw’sLaws aa womanwoman, andand wouldwould sheshe werewere youyou:
wln 0129MotherMother II mustmust taketake leaueleave ofof youyou.
wln 0130Moth.MotherMoth.LeaueLeave forfor whatwhat?
wln 0131Vin.VindiceVin.II IntendIntend speedyspeedy trauailetravail.
wln 0132Hip.HippolitoHip.ThatThat hehe do’sdoes MadamMadam.Mo.MotherMo.SpeedySpeedy indeedindeed!
wln 0133Vind.VindiceVind.ForFor sincesince mymy worthyworthy fathersfather’s funerallfuneral,
wln 0134MyMy life’slife’s vnnaturallyunnaturally toto meme, e’ene’en compeldcompelled
wln 0135AsAs ifif II liu’dhu’dlivedhued nownow whenwhen II shouldshould bebe deaddead.
wln 0136Mot.MotherMot.IndeedIndeed hehe waswas aa worthyworthy GentlemanGentleman
wln 0137HadHad hishis estateestate beenebeen fellowfellow toto hishis mindmind.
wln 0138Vind.VindiceVind.TheThe DukeDuke diddid muchmuch deiectdeject himhim.
wln 0139Moth.MotherMoth.MuchMuch?
wln 0140Vind.VindiceVind.ToTootoo muchmuch.
wln 0141AndAnd throughthrough disgracedisgrace oftoft smotherdsmothered inin hishis spiritspirit,
wln 0142WhenWhen itit wouldwould mountmount, surelysurely II thinkethink heehe dyeddied
wln 0143OfOf discontentdiscontent: thethe NoblemansNobleman’s consumptionconsumption.
wln 0144Moth.MotherMoth.MostMost suresure hehe diddid!
wln 0145Vind.VindiceVind.DidDid hehe? lack’lacklack, — youyou knowknow allall
wln 0146YouYou werewere hishis mid-nightmidnight secretarysecretary.
wln 0147Moth.MotherMoth.NoNo.
wln 0148HeHe waswas totoo wisewise toto trusttrust meme withwith hishis thoughtsthoughts.
wln 0149Vind.VindiceVind.YfaithI’ faithI’faith thenthen fatherfather thouthou wastwast wisewise indeedindeed,
wln 0150„WiuesWives areare butbut mademade toto gogo toto bedbed andand feedefeed.
wln 0151ComeCome mothermother, sistersister: youleyou’ll bringbring meme onwardonward brotherbrother?
wln 0152Hip.HippolitoHip.II willwill.
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wln 0153Vind.VindiceVind.IleI’ll quicklyquickly turneturn intointo anotheranother.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 0154EnterEnter thethe oldold DukeDuke, LussiuriosoLussiurioso, hishis sonneson, thethe DuchesseDuchess; thethe Bast-BastardBast∣ardBastard
wln 0155ard,
wln 0155thethe DuchesseDuchess’Duchess twotwo sonnessons AmbitiosoAmbitioso, andand SuperuacuoSupervacuoSuperuacuo, thethe
wln 0156thirdthird herher yongestyoungest broughtbrought outout withwith OfficersOfficers forfor thethe RapeRape twotwo
wln 0157IudgesJudgesjudges.
wln 0158DukeDuke.DuchesseDuchessduchess itit isis youryour yongestyoungest sonneson, we’rewe’re sorysorry,
wln 0159HisHis violentviolent ActAct hashas e’ene’en drawnedrawn bloudblood ofof honorhonorhonour
wln 0160AndAnd staindstained ourou●our honorshonorshonours,
wln 0161ThrowneThrown inckink vponupon thethe for-headforehead ofof ourour statestate
wln 0162WhichWhich enuiousenvious spiritsspirits willwill dipdip theirtheir penspens intointo
wln 0163AfterAfter ourour deathdeath; andand blotblot vsus inin ourour ToombesTombs.
wln 0164ForFor thatthat whichwhich wouldwould seemeseem treasontreason inin ourour liueslives
wln 0165IsIs laughterlaughter whenwhen we’rewe’re deaddead.., whowho daresdares nownow whisperwhisper
wln 0166ThatThat daresdares notnot thenthen speakespeak outout, andand e’ene’en proclaimeproclaim,
wln 0167WithWith lowdloud wordswords andand broadbroad penspens ourour closestclosest shameshame.
wln 0168Iud.JudgeIud.YourYour gracegrace hathhath spokespoke likelike toto youryour siluersilver yearesyears
wln 0169FullFull ofof confirmedconfirmed grauitygravity; — forfor whatwhat isis itit toto hauehave,
wln 0170AA flatteringflattering falsefalse insculptioninsculption onon aa ToombeTomb:
wln 0171AndAnd inin mensmen’s heartshearts reprochreproach, thethe boweldbowelled CorpsCorpse,
wln 0172MayMay bebe seardseared inin, butbut withwith freefree tonguetongue II speakespeak,
wln 0173„TheThe faultsfaults ofof greatgreat menmen throughthrough theirtheir fearcefierce clothesclothes breakebreak,
wln 0174Duk.DukeDuk.TheyThey dodo, we’rewe’re sorysorry for’tfor ’tfor’t, itit isis ourour fatefate,
wln 0175ToTo liuelive inin fearefear andand diedie toto liuelive inin hatehate,
wln 0176II leaueleave himhim toto youryour sentancesentence domedoom himhim LordsLords
wln 0177TheThe factfact isis greatgreat; whilstwhilst II sitsit byby andand sighsigh.
wln 0178Duch.DuchessDuch.MyMy gratiousgracious LordLord II praypray bebe mercifullmerciful,
wln 0179AlthoughAlthough hishis trespassetrespass farfar exceedexceed hishis yearesyears,
wln 0180ThinkeThink himhim toto bebe youryour owneown asas II amam yoursyours,
wln 0181CallCall himhim notnot sonne in lawson-in-lawson in law: thethe lawlaw II fearefear
wln 0182WilWill falfall tootoo soonesoon vponupon hishis namename andand himhim:
wln 0183TemperTemper hishis faultfault withwith pittypity?
wln 0184Luss.LussuriosoLuss.GoodGood mymy LordLord.
wln 0185ThenThen twill’twill notnot tasttaste soso bitterbitter andand vnpleasantunpleasant
wln 0186VponUpon thethe IudgesJudges’judge’s pallatpalate, forfor offencesoffensesoffences
wln 0187GiltGilt oreo’er withwith mercymercy, showshow likelike fayrestfairest womenwomen,
wln 0188GoodGood onelyonly forfor therrtheirtheir beautiesbeauties, whichwhich washtwashed ofoffof: nono sinsin isis oug-ougliesoug∣liesuglierouglies(lier
wln 0189AmbitisAmbitiosoAmbitisII beseechbeseech youryour gracegrace,
wln 0190BeBe softsoft andand mildmild, letlet notnot RelentlesseRelentless LawLaw,
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wln 0191LookeLook withwith anan ironiron for-headforehead onon ourour brotherbrother.
wln 0192Spu.SpurioSpu.HeHe yeeldsyields smallsmall comfortcomfort yetyet, hopehope hehe shallshall diedie,
wln 0193AndAnd ifif aa bastardsbastard’s wishwish mightmight standstand inin forceforce,
wln 0194WouldWould allall thethe courtcourt werewere turndeturn deturnedturn de intointo aa coarsecorsecorpse,
wln 0195Duc,DuchessDuc,NoNo pittypity yetyet? mustmust II riserise fruitlessefruitless thenthen,
wln 0196AA wonderwonder inin aa womanwoman; areare mymy kneesknees,
wln 0197OfOf suchsuch lowelow — mettallmetalmettle — thatthat withoutwithout RespectRespect —
wln 01981.1. Iudg.JudgeIudg.LetLet thethe offenderoffender standstand forthforth,
wln 0199Tis’Tis thethe DukesDuke’s pleasurepleasure thatthat ImpartiallImpartial DoomeDoom,
wln 0200ShallShall taketake firstfirst holdhold ofof hishis vncleaneunclean attemptattempt,
wln 0201AA RapeRape! whywhy tis’tis thethe veryvery corecore ofof lustlust,
wln 0202DoubleDouble AdulteryAdultery.
wln 0203Iuni.JuniorIuni.SoSo SirSir.
wln 02042.2. Iud.JudgeIud.AndAnd whichwhich waswas worseworse,
wln 0205CommittedCommitted onon thethe LordLord AntonioesAntonio’s wifewife,
wln 0206ThatThat GenerallGeneral honesthonest LadyLady, confesseconfess mymy LordLord!
wln 0207WhatWhat mou’dmoved youyou tootto ’tto’t?
wln 0208Iuni.JuniorIuni.whywhy fleshflesh andand bloodblood mymy LordLord.
wln 0209WhatWhat shouldshould mouemove menmen vntounto aa womanwoman elseelse,
wln 0210Luss.LussuriosoLuss.OO dodo notnot iestjest thythy doomedoom, trusttrust notnot anan axeaxe
wln 0211OrOr swordsword tootoo farfar; thethe LawLaw isis aa wisewise serpentserpent
wln 0212AndAnd quicklyquickly cancan beguilebeguile theethee ofof thythy lifelife,
wln 0213ThoThough marriagemarriage onelyonly hashas mademade theethee mymy brotherbrother,
wln 0214II louelove theethee soso farfar, playplay notnot withwith thythy DeathDeath,
wln 0215Iuni.JuniorIuni.II thankethank youyou trothtroth, goodgood admonitionsadmonitions faithfaith,
wln 0216IfIfideIf idei’d thethe gracegrace nownow toto makemake vseuse ofof themthem,
wln 02171.1. Iud.JudgeIud.ThatThat LadyesLady’s namename hashas spredspread suchsuch aa fairefair wingwing
wln 0218OuerOver allall ItalyItaly; thatthat ifif ourour TongsTonguestongues,
wln 0219WereWere sparingsparing towardtowardtowards thethe FactFact, IudgmentJudgementjudgement it selfeitself,
wln 0220WouldWould bebe condemnedcondemned andand suffersuffer inin mensmen’s thoughtsthoughts,
wln 0221Iuni.JuniorIuni.WellWell thenthen tis’tis donedone, andand itit wouldwould pleaseplease meme wellwell
wln 0222WereWere itit toto doedo agenagain: suresure sheesshe’s aa GoddesseGoddess,
wln 0223ForFor idei’dI’d nono powerpower toto seesee herher, andand toto liuelive,
wln 0224ItIt fallsfalls outout truetrue inin thisthis forfor II mustmust diedie,
wln 0225HerHer beautybeauty waswas ordayndordained toto bebe mymy scaffoldscaffold,
wln 0226AndAnd yetyet my thinksmethinks II mightmight bebe easiereasier ceastceased,
wln 0227MyMy faultfault beingbeing sportsport, letlet meme butbut diedie inin iestjest,
wln 02281.1. Iud.JudgeIud.ThisThis bebe thethe sentencesentence,
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wln 0229Dut.DuchessDut.OO keeptkeep ’tkept vponupon youryour TongueTongue, letlet itit notnot slipslip,
wln 0230DeathDeath tootoo soonesoon stealessteals outout ofof aa LawyersLawyer’slawyer’s liplip,
wln 0231BeBe notnot soso cruell-wisecruel-wise?
wln 02321.1. Iudg.JudgeIudg.YourYour GraceGrace mustmust pardonpardon vsus,
wln 0233’Tis’Tis butbut thethe IusticeJusticejustice ofof thethe LaweLaw.
wln 0234Dut.DuchessDut.TheThe LaweLaw,
wln 0235IsIs grownegrown moremore subtillsubtle thenthan aa womanwoman shouldshould bebe.
wln 0236Spu.SpurioSpu.NowNow, nownow hehe dyesdies, ridrid ’em’em awayaway.
wln 0237Dut.DuchessDut.OO whatwhat itit isis toto hauehave anan old-cooleold-cool DukeDuke,
wln 0238ToTo beebe asas slackslack inin tonguetongue, asas inin performanceperformance.
wln 02391.1. Iudg.JudgeIudg.ConfirmdeConfirmedconfirmed, thisthis bebe thethe doomedoom irreuocableirrevocable.
wln 0240Dut.DuchessDut.OhOh!OhOh!!!1.1. Iudg.JudgeIudg.To morrowTomorrowTomorrow earlyearly.
wln 0241Dut.DuchessDut.PrayPray bebe a beda-bed mymy LordLord.
wln 02421.1. Iudg.JudgeIudg.YourYour GraceGrace muchmuch wrongswrongs your selfeyourself.
wln 0243Ambi.AmbitiosoAmbi.NoNo ’tis’tis thatthat tonguetongue,
wln 0244YourYou’reYour tootoo muchmuch rightright, dosdoes dodo vsus tootoo muchmuch wrongwrong.
wln 02451.1. Iudg.JudgeIudg.LetLet thatthat offenderoffender —
wln 0246Dut.DuchessDut.LiueLive, andand bebe inin healthhealth.
wln 02471.1. IudJudgejudBeBe onon aa ScaffoldScaffold——Duk.DukeDuk.HoldHold, holdhold, mymy LordLord.
wln 0248Spu.SpurioSpu.PaxPoxPax onton ’ton’t,
wln 0249WhatWhat makesmakes mymy DadDad speakespeak nownow?
wln 0250DukeDuke.WeWe willwill deferdefer thethe iudgementjudgement tilltill nextnext sittingsitting,
wln 0251InIn thethe meane timemeantimemean time letlet himhim bebe keptkept closeclose prisonerprisoner:
wln 0252GuardGuard bearebear himhim hencehence.
wln 0253Ambi.AmbitiosoAmbi.BrotherBrother, thisthis makesmakes forfor theethee,
wln 0254FeareFear notnot, weelewe’ll hauehave aa tricktrick toto setset theethee freefree.
wln 0255Iuni.JuniorIuni.BrotherBrother, II willwill expectexpect itit fromfrom youyou bothboth; andand inin thatthat hopehope
wln 0256II restrest.Super.SupervacuoSuper.FarewellFarewell, bebe merrymesrymerry.ExitExit withwith aa gardeguard.
wln 0257Spu.SpurioSpu.DelaydDelayed, deferddeferred naynay thenthenthan ifif iudgementjudgement hauehave coldcold bloudblood,
wln 0258FlatteryFlattery andand bribesbribes willwill killkill itit.
wln 0259DukeDuke.AboutAbout itit thenthen mymy LordsLords withwith youryour bestbest powerspowers,
wln 0260MoreMore seriousserious businessebusiness callscalls vponupon ourour houreshomeshourshomes.Exe.ExeuntExe. manetmanctmanet Du.DuchessDu.
wln 0261Dut.DuchessDut.WastWast euerever knowneknown step-Dutchessestep-Duchessstep-duchess waswas soso mildemild,
wln 0262AndAnd calmecalm asas II? somesome nownow wouldwould plotplot hishis deathdeath,
wln 0263WithWith easieeasy DoctorsDoctors, thosethose loose liuingloose-livingloose living menmen,
wln 0264AndAnd makemake hishis witherdwithered GraceGrace fallfall toto hishis GraueGrave,
wln 0265AndAnd keepekeep ChurchChurch betterbetter?
wln 0266SomeSome secondsecond wifewife wouldwould dodo thisthis, andand dispatchdispatch
img: 6-a
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wln 0267HerHer double loathddouble-loatheddouble loathed LordLord atat meatemeat andand sleepesleep,
wln 0268IndeedIndeed ’tis’tis truetrue anan oldold mansman’s twicetwice aa childechild,
wln 0269MineMine cannotcannot speakespeak, oneone ofof hishis singlesingle wordswords,
wln 0270WouldWould quitequite hauehave freedfreed mymy yongestyoungest deerestdearest sonneson
wln 0271FromFrom deathdeath oror durancedurance, andand hauehave mademade himhim walkewalk
wln 0272WithWith aa boldbold footefoot vponupon thethe thorniethorny lawlaw,
wln 0273WhoseWhose PricklesPrickles shouldshould bowbow vnderunder himhim, butbut ’tis’tis notnot,
wln 0274AndAnd thereforetherefore wedlockwedlock faithfaith shallshall bebe forgotforgot,
wln 0275IleI’ll killkill himhim inin hishis fore-headforehead, hatehate therethere feedefeed,
wln 0276ThatThat woundwound isis deepestdeepest thothough itit neuernever bleedbleed:
wln 0277AndAnd herehere comescomes heehe whomwhom mymy heartheart pointspoints vntounto,
wln 0278HisHis bastardbastard sonneson, butbut mymy loueslove’s true-begottrue-begottrue-beget,
wln 0279ManyMany aa wealthywealthy letterletter hauehave II sentsent himhim,
wln 0280SweldSwelled vpup withwith IewelsJewelsjewels, andand thethe timoroustimorous manman
wln 0281IsIs yetyet butbut coldlycoldly kindekind,
wln 0282ThatThat Iewel’sJewel’sjewel’s minemine thatthat quiuersquivers inin hishis eareear,
wln 0283MockingMocking hishis MaistersMaster’smaster’s chilnessechillness andand vainevain fearefear,
wln 0284Ha’sH’asHas spidespied meme nownow.
wln 0285Spu.SpurioSpu.MadameMadammadam? youryour GraceGrace soso priuateprivate.
wln 0286MyMy duetyduty onon youryour handhand.
wln 0287Dut.DuchessDut.VponUpon mymy handhand sirsir, trothtroth II thinkethink youdeyou’d fearefear,
wln 0288ToTo kissekiss mymy handhand tootoo ifif mymy liplip stoodstood therethere,
wln 0289Spi.SpurioSpi.WitnesseWitness II wouldwould notnot MadamMadam.
wln 0290Dut.DuchessDut.Tis’Tis aa wonderwonder,
wln 0291ForFor ceremonieceremony ha’shas mademade manymany foolesfools,
wln 0292ItIt isis asas easieeasy wayway vntounto aa DutchesseDuchess,
wln 0293AsAs toto aa Hatted-dameHatted-dame, (ifif herher louelove answeranswer)
wln 0294ButBut thatthat byby timoroustimorous honorshonorshonours, palepale respectsrespects,
wln 0295IdleIdle degreesdegrees ofof fearefear, menmen makemake theirtheir wayesways
wln 0296HardHard ofof themseluesthemselves — whatwhat hauehave youyou thoughtthought ofof meme?
wln 0297Spi.SpurioSpi.MadamMadam II euerever thinkethink ofof youyou, inin dutyduty,
wln 0298RegardRegard andand —
wln 0299Dut.DuchessDut.PuhPuh, vponupon mymy louelove II meanemean.
wln 0300Spu.SpurioSpu.II wouldwould ’twere’twere louelove, butbut ’’tustus’t hastus aa fowlerfouler namename
wln 0301ThenThan lustlust; youyou areare mymy fathersfather’s wifewife, youryour GraceGrace maymay gesseguess nownow,
wln 0302WhatWhat II couldcould callcall itit.
wln 0303Dut.DuchessDut.WhyWhy th’artth’ artthou’rt hishis sonneson butbut falslyfalsely,
wln 0304Tis’Tis aa hardhard questionquestion whetherwhether hehe begotbegot theethee.
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wln 0305Spu.SpurioSpu.IfaithI’ faithi’faith ’tis’tis truetrue tootoo; ImeI’m anan vncertaineuncertain manman,
wln 0306OfOf moremore vncertaineuncertain womanwoman; maymay bebe hishis groomegroom ’atho’ th’o’th’ stablestable be-begotbe∣gotbegot
wln 0307got
wln 0307meme, youyou knowknow II knowknow notnot, heehe couldcould rideride aa horsehorse wellwell, aa
wln 0308shrowdshrewdshroud suspitionsuspicion marrymarry — heehe waswas wondrouswondrous talltall, heehe hadhad hishis
wln 0309lengthlength yfaithi’ faithi’faith, forfor peepingpeeping ouerover halfe shuthalf-shuthalf shut holy-dayholiday windoweswindows,
wln 0310MenMen wouldwould desiredesire himhim light’lightlight, whenwhen hehe waswas a foota footeafoota foot,
wln 0311HeHe mademade aa goodlygoodly showshow vnderunder aa Pent-housePenthouse,
wln 0312AndAnd whenwhen hehe ridrid, hishis HattHat wouldwould checkcheck thethe signessigns, andand clatterclatter
wln 0313BarbersBarbers’barber’s BasonsBasinsbasins.
wln 0314Dut.DuchessDut.NayNay setset youyou a horse backa-horsebacka horse back onceonce,
wln 0315YouleYou’ll nerene’er lightlight offoff.
wln 0316Spu.SpurioSpu.IndeedIndeed II amam aa beggarbeggar.
wln 0317Dut.DuchessDut.That’sThat’s moremore thethe signesign thou’artthou artthou’rt GreatGreat — butbut toto ourour louelove.
wln 0318LetLet itit standstand firmefirm bothboth inin thoughtthought andand mindemind,
wln 0319ThatThat thethe DukeDuke waswas thythy FatherFather, asas nono doubtdoubt thenthen
wln 0320HeeHe bidbid fairefair fortfor ’tfor’t, thythy iniurieinjury isis thethe moremore,
wln 0321ForFor hadhad heehe cutcut theethee aa rightright DiamondDiamond,
wln 0322ThouThou hadsthadst beenebeen nextnext setset inin thethe Duke-doomesDukedom’sdukedom’s RingRing,
wln 0323WhenWhen hishis worneworn selfeself likelike AgesAge’sAges easieeasy slaueslave,
wln 0324HadHad droptdropped outout ofof thethe ColletCollet intointo th’th’ GraueGrave;
wln 0325WhatWhat wrongwrong cancan equallequal thisthis? canstcanst thouthou bebe tametame
wln 0326AndAnd thinkethink vppon’tupon ’tupon’t.
wln 0327Spu.SpurioSpu.NoNo madmad andand thinkethink vpon’tupon ’tupon’t.
wln 0328Dut.DuchessDut.WhoWho wouldwould notnot bebe reuengdrevenged ofof suchsuch aa fatherfather,
wln 0329E’enE’en inin thethe worstworst wayway? II wouldwould thankethank thatthat sinnesin,
wln 0330ThatThat couldcould mostmost iniuryinjury himhim, andand beebe inin leagueleague withwith itit,
wln 0331OhOhO whatwhat aa griefegrief ’tis’tis, thatthat aa manman shouldshould liuelive
wln 0332ButBut onceonce ithi’ th’i’th’ worldworld, andand thenthen toto liuelive aa BastardBastard,
wln 0333TheThe cursecurse a’theo’ thea’the wombewomb, thethe theefethief ofof NatureNature,
wln 0334BegotBegot againstagainst thethe seauenthseventh commandementcommandment,
wln 0335HalfeHalf dambddamned inin thethe conceptionconception, byby thethe iusticejustice
wln 0336OfOf thatthat vnbribedunbribed euerlastingeverlasting lawlaw.
wln 0337Spu.SpurioSpu.OhOhO IdeI’d aa hot-backthot-backed DiuillDevil toto mymy fatherfather.
wln 0338Dut.DuchessDut.WouldWould notnot thisthis madmad e’ene’en patiencepatience, makemake bloudblood roughrough?
wln 0339WhoWho butbut anan EunuchEunuch wouldwould notnot sinnesin? hishis bedbed
wln 0340ByBy oneone falsefalse minuteminute disinheriteddisinherited.
wln 0341Spi.SpurioSpi.IAyay, there’sthere’s thethe vengeancevengeance thatthat mymy birthbirth waswas wraptwrapped inin,
wln 0342IleI’ll bebe reuengdrevenged forfor allall, nownow hatehate beginbegin,
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wln 0343IleI’ll callcall foulefoul IncestIncest butbut aa VeniallVenial sinnesin.
wln 0344Dut.DuchessDut.ColdCold stillstill: inin vainevain thenthen mustmust aa DutchesseDuchess woowoo?
wln 0345Spu.SpurioSpu.MadamMadam II blushblush toto saysay whatwhat II willwill doodo.
wln 0346Dut.DuchessDut.ThenceThence flewflew sweetsweet comfortcomfort, earnestearnest andand farewellfarewell.
wln 0347Spu.SpurioSpu.OhOhO oneone incestuousincestuous kissekiss pickspicks openopen hellhell.
wln 0348Dut.DuchessDut.FaithFaith nownow oldold DukeDuke; mymy vengeancevengeance shallshall reachreach highhigh,
wln 0349IleI’ll armearm thythy browbrow withwith womanswoman’s HerauldrieHeraldry.ExitExit.
wln 0350Spu.SpurioSpu.DukeDuke, thouthou didstdidst dodo meme wrongwrong, andand byby thythy ActAct
wln 0351AdulteryAdultery isis mymy naturenature;
wln 0352FaithFaith ifif thethe truthtruth werewere knowneknown, II waswas begotbegot
wln 0353AfterAfter somesome gluttonousgluttonous dinnerdinner, somesome stirringstirring dishdish
wln 0354WasWas mymy firstfirst fatherfather; whenwhen deepedeep healthshealths wentwent roundround,
wln 0355AndAnd LadiesLadies’ladies’ cheekescheeks werewere paintedpainted redred withwith WineWine,
wln 0356TheirTheir tonguestongues asas shortshort andand nimblenimble asas theirtheir heelesheels
wln 0357VtteringUttering wordswords sweetsweet andand thickthick; andand whenwhen theythey riserise,
wln 0358WereWere merrilymerrily disposddisposed toto fallfall agenagain,
wln 0359InIn suchsuch aa whispringwhispering andand with-drawingwithdrawing hourehour,
wln 0360WhenWhen base-male-Bawdsbase male-Bawdsbase-male-Bawds keptkept CentinellSentinelsentinel atat staire-headstairhead
wln 0361WasWas II stolnestol’nstolen softlysoftly; ohoho — damnationdamnation metmet
wln 0362TheThe sinnesin ofof feastsfeasts, drunkendrunken adulteryadultery.
wln 0363II feelefeel itit swellswell meme; mymy reuengerevenge isis iustjust,
wln 0364II waswas begotbegot inin impudentimpudent WineWine andand LustLust:
wln 0365Step-motherStepmother II consentconsent toto thythy desiresdesires,
wln 0366II louelove thythy mischiefemischief wellwell, butbut II hatehate theethee,
wln 0367AndAnd thosethose threethree CubsCubs thythy sonnessons, wishingwishing confusionconfusion
wln 0368DeathDeath andand disgracedisgrace maymay bebe theirtheir EpitaphsEpitaphs,
wln 0369AsAs forfor mymy brotherbrother thethe DukesDuke’s onelyonly sonneson,
wln 0370WhoseWhose birthbirth isis moremore beholdingbeholding toto reportreport
wln 0371ThenThan minemine, andand yetyet perhapsperhaps asas falselyfalsely sownesown.
wln 0372(WomenWomen mustmust notnot bebe trustedtrusted withwith theirtheir owneown)
wln 0373IleI’ll looselooselose mymy dayesdays vponupon himhim hatehate allall II,
wln 0374DukeDuke onon thythy browebrow IleI’ll drawedraw mymy BastardieBastardy.
wln 0375ForFor indeedindeed aa bastardbastard byby naturenature shouldshould makemake CuckoldsCuckolds,
wln 0376BecauseBecause hehe isis thethe sonneson ofof aa Cuckold-makerCuckold-maker.ExitExit.
wln 0377EnterEnter VindiciVindici andand HippolitoHippolito, VindiciVindici inin disguisedisguise toto
wln 0378attendattend L.LordL. LussuriosoLussurioso thethe DukesDuke’s sonneson.
wln 0379Vind.VindiceVind.WhatWhat brotherbrother? amam II farrefar inoughenough fromfrom my selfemyself?
wln 0380Hip.HippolitoHip.AsAs ifif anotheranother manman hadhad beenebeen sentsent wholewhole
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wln 0381IntoInto thethe worldworld, andand nonenone wistwist howhow hehe camecame.
wln 0382Vind.VindiceVind.ItIt wilwill confirmeconfirm meme bouldbold: thethe childchild a’ao’ thth’ CourtCourt,
wln 0383LetLet blushesblushes dwelldwelli’thdwell i’thi’ th’i’th’ CountryCountry impudenceimpudence!
wln 0384ThouThou GoddesseGoddess ofof thethe pallacepalace, MistrsMistressmistress ofof MistessesMistresses
wln 0385ToTo whomwhom thethe costlycostly perfumd-peopleperfumed-people praypray,
wln 0386StrikeStrike thouthou mymy fore-headforehead intointo dauntlessedauntless MarbleMarble;
wln 0387MineMine eyeseyes toto steadysteady SaphiresSapphiresSaphires: turneturn mymy visagevisage,
wln 0388AndAnd ifif II mustmust needesneeds glowglow, letlet meme blushblush inwardinward
wln 0389ThatThat thisthis immodestimmodest seasonseason maymay notnot spyspy,
wln 0390ThatThat schollerscholar inin mymy cheekescheeks, foole-bashfullnesfoole bashfullnesfool-bashfulnessfool bashfulness.
wln 0391ThatThat MaideMaid inin thethe oldold timetime, whosewhose flushflush ofof GraceGrace
wln 0392WouldWould neuernever suffersuffer herher toto getget goodgood cloathsclothes;
wln 0393OurOur maidesmaids areare wiserwiser; andand areare lesseless ashamdashamed,
wln 0394SaueSave GraceGrace thethe bawdebawd II seldomeseldom hearehear GraceGrace nam’dnamed!
wln 0395Hip.HippolitoHip.NayNay brotherbrother youyou reachreach outout a’tho’ th’o’th’ VergeVerge nownow, — Sfoote’Sfoot’sfoot
wln 0396thethe DukesDuke’s sonneson, settlesettle youryour lookeslooks.
wln 0397Vind.VindiceVind.PrayPray letlet meme notnot bebe doubteddoubted.Hip.HippolitoHip.MyMy LordLord —
wln 0398Luss.LussuriosoLuss.HipolitoHippolitoHipolito? — bebe absentabsent leaueleave vsus.
wln 0399Hip.HippolitoHip.MyMy LordLord afterafter longlong searchsearch, warywary inquiryesinquiries
wln 0400AndAnd politickpolitic siftingssiftings, II mademade choisechoice ofof yonyonyond fellowfellow,
wln 0401WhomWhom II gesseguess rarerare forfor manymany deepedeep imploymentsemployments;
wln 0402ThisThis ourour ageage swimsswims withinwithin himhim: andand ifif TimeTime
wln 0403HadHad soso muchmuch hayrehair, II shouldshould taketake himhim forfor TimeTime,
wln 0404HeHe isis soso neerenear kinnekin toto thisthis presentpresent minuteminute?
wln 0405Luss.LussuriosoLuss.Tis’Tis ynoughenough.
wln 0406WeWe thankethank theethee: yetyet wordswords areare butbut great-mensgreat men’sgreat-men’s blanckesblanks
wln 0407GoldGold thothough itit bebe dumdumb do’sdoes vtterutter thethe bestbest thankesthanks.
wln 0408Hip.HippolitoHip.YourYour plenteousplenteonsplenteous honorhonorhonour — anan exlentexc’llent fellowfellow mymy LordLord.
wln 0409Luss.LussuriosoLuss.SoSo, giuegive vsus leaueleave — welcomewelcome, beebe notnot farfar offoff, wewe mustmust beebe
wln 0410betterbetter acquaintedacquainted, pushpush, bebe bouldbold withwith vsus, thythy handhand:
wln 0411Vind.VindiceVind.WithWith allall mymy heartheart yfaithi’ faithi’faith howhow dostdost sweetesweet Musk-catMusk-cat.
wln 0412WhenWhen shallshall wewe lielie togithertogether?
wln 0413Luss.LussuriosoLuss.WondrousWondrous knaueknave!
wln 0414GatherGather himhim intointo bouldnesseboldness, Sfoote’Sfoot’sfoot thethe slaue’sslave’s
wln 0415AlreadyAlready asas familiarfamiliar asas anan AgueAgue,
wln 0416AndAnd shakesshakes meme atat hishis pleasurepleasure, friendfriend II cancan
wln 0417ForgetForget my selfemyself inin priuateprivate, butbut elseelse wherewhere,
wln 0418II praypray dodo youyou rememberremember meme.
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wln 0419Vind.VindiceVind.OhOhO veryvery wellwell sirsir — II consterconsterconstrue my selfemyself sawcysaucy!
wln 0420Luss.LussuriosoLuss.WhatWhat hasthast beenebeen,
wln 0421OfOf whatwhat professionprofession.
wln 0422Vind.VindiceVind.AA bone-setterbone-setterbonesetter!Luss.LussuriosoLuss.AA bone-setterbone-setterbonesetter!
wln 0423Vind.VindiceVind.AA bawdebawd mymy LordLord,
wln 0424OneOne thatthat settssets bonesbones togithertogether.
wln 0425Luss.LussuriosoLuss.NotableNotable bluntnessebluntness?
wln 0426FitFit, fitfit forfor meme, e’ene’en trayndtrained vpup toto mymy handhand
wln 0427ThouThou hasthast beenebeen ScriuenerScrivener tototoo muchmuch knaueryknavery thenthen.
wln 0428Vind.VindiceVind.FooleFool, toto abundanceabundance sirsir; II hauehave beenebeen witnessewitness
wln 0429ToTo thethe surrenderssurrenders ofof aa thousandthousand virginsvirgins,
wln 0430AndAnd notnot soso littlelittle,
wln 0431II hauehave seeneseen PatrimonyesPatrimonies washtwashed a peicesa-piecesa pieces
wln 0432Fruit-feildsFruit-fields turndturned intointo bastardsbastards,
wln 0433AndAnd inin aa worldworld ofof AcresAcres,
wln 0434NotNot soso muchmuch dustdust duedue toto thethe heireheir t’was’twaswas leftleft toototoo
wln 0435AsAs wouldwould wellwell grauellgravel aa petitionpetition!
wln 0436Luss.LussuriosoLuss.FineFine villainevillain? trothtroth II likelike himhim wonderouslywondrously
wln 0437HeesHe’s e’ene’en shaptshaped forfor mymy purposepurpose, thenthenthan thouthou knowstknow’stknowest
wln 0438IthI’ th’i’th’ worldworld strangestrange lustlust.
wln 0439Vind.VindiceVind.OO DutchDutch lustlust! fulsomefulsome lustlust!
wln 0440DrunckenDrunken procrearionprocreationprocrearionprocreation, whichwhich begetsbegets, soso manymany drunckardsdrunkards;
wln 0441SomeSome fatherfather dreadsdreads notnot (gonnegone toto beddebed inin winewine) toto slideslide fromfrom
wln 0442thethe mothermother,
wln 0443AndAnd clingcling thethe daughter-in-lawdaughter-in-law,
wln 0444SomeSome VnclesUnclesuncles areare adulterousadulterous withwith theirtheir NeecesNieces,
wln 0445BrothersBrothers withwith brothersbrothers’brother’s wiueswives, OOOh howrehour ofof IncestIncest!
wln 0446AnyAny kinkin nownow nextnext toto thethe RimRim atho’ th’o’th’ sistersister
wln 0447IsIs mansman’s meatemeat inin thesethese dayesdays, andand inin thethe morningmorning
wln 0448WhenWhen theythey areare vpup andand drestdressed, andand theirtheir maskemask onon,
wln 0449WhoWho cancan perceiueperceive thisthis? sauesave thatthat eternalleternal eyeeye
wln 0450ThatThat see’sseessee’s throughthrough fleshflesh andand allall, wellwell: — IfIf anyany thingthing bebe dambddamned?
wln 0451ItIt willwill bebe tweluetwelve a clocko’clock atat nightnight; thatthat tweluetwelve
wln 0452WillWill neuernever scapescape;
wln 0453ItIt isis thethe IudasJudasjudas ofof thethe howershours; whereinwherein,
wln 0454HonestHonest saluationsalvation isis betraydebetrayed toto sinsin,
wln 0455Luss.LussuriosoLuss.InIntrothIntrothIn trothtroth itit isis tootoo? butbut letlet thisthis talketalk glideglide
wln 0456ItIt isis ourour bloudblood toto erreerr, thothough hellhell gaptegaped lowdeloud
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wln 0457LadiesLadies knowknow LuciferLucifer fellfell, yetyet stillstill areare proudeproud!
wln 0458NowNow sirsir? wertwert thouthou asas secretsecret asas thou’rtthou ’rtthou’rt subtilsubtle,
wln 0459AndAnd deepelydeeply fadomdfathomed intointo allall estatesestates
wln 0460II wouldwould embraceembrace theethee forfor aa neerenear imploymentemployment,
wln 0461AndAnd thouthou shouldstshouldst swellswell inin moneymoney, andand bebe ableable
wln 0462ToTo makemake lamelame beggersbeggars crouchcrouch toto theethee.
wln 0463Vind.VindiceVind.MyMy LordLord?
wln 0464SecretSecret? II nerene’er hadhad thatthat diseasedisease atho’ th’o’th’ mothermother
wln 0465II praisepraise mymy fatherfather: whywhy areare menmen mademade closseclose?
wln 0466ButBut toto keepekeep thoughtsthoughts inin bestbest, II grantgrant youyou thisthis
wln 0467TellTell butbut somesome womanwoman aa secretsecret ouer nightovernightover night,
wln 0468YourYour doctordoctor maymay findefind itit inin thethe vrinallurinal ithi’ th’i’th’ morningmorning,
wln 0469ButBut mymy LordLord.
wln 0470Luss.LussuriosoLuss.SoSo, thou’rtthou ’rtthou’rt confirmdconfirmed inin meeme
wln 0471AndAnd thusthus II enterenter theethee.
wln 0472Vind.VindiceVind.ThisThis IndianIndian diuilldevil,
wln 0473WillWill quicklyquickly enterenter anyany manman: butbut aa VsurerUsurer,
wln 0474HeHe preuentsprevents thatthat, byby entringent’ringentering thethe diuilldevil firstfirst.
wln 0475Luss.LussuriosoLuss.AttendAttend meme, II amam pastpast mymy depthdephtdepth inin lustlust
wln 0476AndAnd II mustmust swimswim oror drownedrown, allall mymy desiresdesires
wln 0477AreAre leueldlevelled atat aa VirginVirgin notnot farfar fromfrom CourtCourt,
wln 0478ToTo whomwhom II hauehave conuaydeconveyed byby MessengerMessenger
wln 0479ManyMany waxtwaxed LinesLines, fullfull ofof mymy neatestneatest spiritspirit,
wln 0480AndAnd iewellsjewels thatthat werewere ableable toto rauishravish herher
wln 0481WithoutWithout thethe helpehelp ofof manman; allall whichwhich andand moremore
wln 0482SheeShe foolishfoolish chastchaste sentsent backback, thethe messengersmessengers,
wln 0483ReceiuingReceiving frownesfrowns forfor answeresanswers.
wln 0484Vind.VindiceVind.PossiblePossible!
wln 0485Tis’Tis aa rarerare PhænixPhaenixPhoenix who erewhoe’erwho ere sheshe beebe,
wln 0486IfIf youryour desiresdesires bebe suchsuch, sheshe soso repugnantrepugnant,
wln 0487InIn trothtroth mymy LordLord idei’dI’d bebe reuengderevenged andand marrymarry herher.
wln 0488Luss.LussuriosoLuss.PushPush; thethe dourydowry ofof herher bloudblood &and ofof herher fortunesfortunes,
wln 0489AreAre bothboth tootoo meanemean, — goodgood ynoughenough toto bebe badbad withalwithal
wln 0490ImeI’m oneone ofof thatthat numbernumber cancan defenddefend
wln 0491MarriageMarriage isis goodgood: yetyet ratherrather keepekeep aa friendfriend,
wln 0492GiueGive meme mymy bedbed byby stealthstealth — theresthere’s truetrue delightdelight
wln 0493WhatWhat breedsbreeds aa loathingloathing in’tin ’tin’t, butbut nightnight byby nightnight.
wln 0494Vind.VindiceVind.AA veryvery finefine relligionreligion?
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wln 0495Luss.LussuriosoLuss.ThereforeTherefore thusthus,
wln 0496IleHeI’llHe trusttrust theethee inin thethe businessebusiness ofof mymy heartheart
wln 0497BecauseBecause II seesee theethee welwell experienc’stexperienced
wln 0498InIn thisthis LuxuriousLuxurious dayday whereinwherein wewe breathbreathebreath,
wln 0499GoGo thouthou, andand withwith aa smoothsmooth enchauntingenchanting tonguetongue
wln 0500BewitchBewitch herher earesears, andand CouzenCozenCousin herher ofof allall GraceGrace
wln 0501EnterEnter vponupon thethe portionportion ofof herher soulesoul,
wln 0502HerHer honorhonorhonour, whichwhich sheshe callscalls herher chastitychastity
wln 0503AndAnd bringbring itit intointo expenceexpense, forfor honestyhonesty
wln 0504IsIs likelike aa stockstock ofof moneymoney laydlaid toto sleepesleep,
wln 0505WhichWhich nerene’er soso littlelittle brokebroke, do’sdoes neuernever keepkeep:
wln 0506Vind.VindiceVind.YouYou hauehave gintgiv’n ’tgint thethe TangTang yfaithi’ faithi’faith mymy LordLord
wln 0507MakeMake knowneknown thethe LadyLady toto meme, andand mymy brainebrain,
wln 0508ShallShall swellswell withwith strangestrange InuentionInvention: II willwill mouemove itit
wln 0509TillTill II expireexpire withwith speakingspeaking, andand dropdrop downedown
wln 0510WithoutWithout aa wordword toto sauesave meme; — butbut ilei’llI’ll workework ——
wln 0511Luss.LussuriosoLuss.WeWe thankethank theethee, andand willwill raiseraise theethee: — receiuereceive herher namename,
wln 0512itit isis thethe onlyonly daughterdaughter, toto MadameMadammadam GratianaGratiana thethe latelate widdowwidow..
wln 0513Vind.VindiceVind.OhOhO, mymy sistersister, mymy sistersister? —Luss.LussuriosoLuss.WhyWhy dostdost walkewalk asideaside?
wln 0514Vind.VindiceVind.MyMy LordLord, II waswas thinkingthinking howhow II mightmight beginbegin
wln 0515AsAs thusthus, ohoho LadieLady — oror twentytwenty hundredhundred deuicesdevices,
wln 0516HerHer veryvery bodkinbodkin willwill putput aa manman inin.
wln 0517Luss.LussuriosoLuss.IAyay, oror thethe waggingwagging ofof herher hairehair.
wln 0518VindVindiceVindNoNo, thatthat shallshall putput youyou inin mymy LordLord.
wln 0519Luss.LussuriosoLuss.Shal’tShall ’tShalt? whywhy contentcontent, dostdost knowknow thethe daughterdaughter thenthen?
wln 0520Vind.VindiceVind.OO exlentexc’llent wellwell byby sightsight.
wln 0521Luss.LussuriosoLuss.ThatThat waswas herher brotherbrother
wln 0522ThatThat diddid preferprefer theethee toto vsus.
wln 0523Vind.VindiceVind.MyMy LordLord II thinkethink soso,
wln 0524II knewknew II hadhad seeneseen himhim some wheresomewhere —
wln 0525Luss.LussuriosoLuss.AndAnd thereforetherefore pree-theeprithee letlet thythy heartheart toto himhim,
wln 0526BeBe asas aa VirginVirgin, closseclose.Vind.VindiceVind.OhOhO meme goodgood LordLord.
wln 0527Luss.LussuriosoLuss.WeWe maymay laughlaugh atat thatthat simplesimple ageage withinwithin himhim;
wln 0528Vind.VindiceVind.HaHa, haha, haha.
wln 0529Luss.LussuriosoLuss.HimselfeHimself beingbeing mademade thethe subtillsubtle instrumentinstrument,
wln 0530ToTo windewind vpup aa goodgood fellowfellow.
wln 0531Vind.VindiceVind.That’sThat’s II mymy LordLord.
wln 0532Luss.LussuriosoLuss.That’sThat’s thouthou.
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wln 0533ToTo enticeentice andand workework hishis sistersister.
wln 0534Vind.VindiceVind.AA purepure nouicenovice?Luss.LussuriosoLuss.T’was’TwasWas finelyfinely manag’dmanaged.
wln 0535Vind.VindiceVind.GallantlyGallantly carriedcarried;
wln 0536AA prety-perfumdepretty-perfumed villainevillain.
wln 0537Luss.LussuriosoLuss.I’ueI’ve bethoughtbethought meme
wln 0538IfIf sheshe prooueprove chastchaste stillstill andand immoueableimmovable,
wln 0539VentureVenture vponupon thethe MotherMother, andand withwith giftesgifts
wln 0540AsAs II willwill furnishfurnish theethee, beginbegin withwith herher.
wln 0541Vin.VindiceVin.OhOhO fiefie, fiefie, that’sthat’s thethe wrongwrong endend mymy LordLord. Tis’Tis meeremere impos-impossibleimpos∣sibleimpossible
wln 0542sible
wln 0542thatthat aa mothermother byby anyany giftsgifts shouldshould becomebecome aa bawdebawd toto herher
wln 0543owneown DaughterDaughter!
wln 0544Luss.LussuriosoLuss.NayNay thenthen II seesee thou’rtthou ’rtthou’rt butbut aa punypuny inin thethe subtillsubtle MisteryMystery ofof
wln 0545aa womanwoman: — whywhy tis’tis heldheld nownow nono daintydainty dishdish: TheThe namename
wln 0546IsIs soso inin leagueleague withwith ageage, thatthat now adaiesnowadaysnow adays
wln 0547ItIt do’sdoes EclipseEclipse threethree quartersquarters ofof aa MotherMother;
wln 0548Vind.VindiceVind.DostDost soso mymy LordLord?
wln 0549LetLet meme alonealone thenthen toto EclipseEclipse thethe fourthfourth.
wln 0550Luss.LussuriosoLuss.WhyWhy wellwell saydsaid, comecome ilei’llI’ll furnishfurnish theethee, butbut firstfirst
wln 0551sweareswear toto bebe truetrue inin allall.
wln 0552Vind.VindiceVind.TrueTrue?Luss.LussuriosoLuss.NayNay butbut sweareswear!
wln 0553Vind.VindiceVind.SweareSwear? — II hopehope youryour honorhonorhonour littlelittle doubtsdoubts mymy faythfaith.
wln 0554Luss.LussuriosoLuss.YetYet forfor mymy humourshumor’shumour’s sakesake causecause II louelove swearingswearing.
wln 0555Vind.VindiceVind.Cause’Cause’cause youyou louelove swearingswearing, slud’slud II willwill.
wln 0556Luss.LussuriosoLuss.WhyWhy ynoughenough,
wln 0557EreErelongEreErelong longlong lookelook toto bebe mademade ofof betterbetter stuffstuff.
wln 0558Vind.VindiceVind.ThatThat willwill dodo wellwell indeedindeed mymy LordLord.
wln 0559Luss.LussuriosoLuss.AttendAttend meme?
wln 0560Vind.VindiceVind.OhOh.
wln 0561NowNow letlet meme burstburst, I’ueI’ve eateneaten NobleNoble poysonpoison,
wln 0562WeWe areare mademade strangestrange fellowesfellows, brotherbrother, innocentinnocent villainesvillains,
wln 0563WiltWilt notnot bebe angryangry whenwhen thouthou hearsthear’sthearst on’ton ’ton’t, thinkstthink’stthinkst thouthou?
wln 0564IfaythI’ faithi’faith thouthou shaltshalt; sweareswear meme toto foulefoul mymy sistersister.
wln 0565SwordSword II durstdurst makemake aa promisepromise ofof himhim toto theethee,
wln 0566ThouThou shaltshalt dis-heiredisheirdis-heir himhim, itit shallshall bebe thinethine honorhonorhonour,
wln 0567AndAnd yetyet nownow angryangry froathfroth isis downedown inin meme,
wln 0568ItIt wouldwould notnot proueprove thethe meanestmeanest policypolicy
wln 0569InIn thisthis disguizedisguise toto trytry thethe faythfaith ofof bothboth,
wln 0570AnotherAnother mightmight hauehave hadhad thethe selfe sameselfsameself same officeoffice,
img: 10-a
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wln 0571SomeSome slaueslave, thatthat wouldwould hauehave wroughtwrought effectuallyeffectually,
wln 0572IAyI andand perhapsperhaps ore-wroughto’erwrought em’em, thereforetherefore II,
wln 0573BeingBeing thoughtthought trauayldtravailed, willwill applyapply my selfemyself,
wln 0574VntoUnto thethe selfe sameselfsameself same formeform, forgetforget mymy naturenature,
wln 0575AsAs ifif nono partpart aboutabout meme werewere kinkin toto em’em,
wln 0576SoSo touchtouch ’em’em, — thothough II durstdurst almosta mostalmosta most forfor goodgood,
wln 0577VentureVenture mymy landslands inin heauenheaven vponupon theirtheir goodgood.ExitExit.
wln 0578EnterEnter thethe discontenteddiscontented LordLord AntonioAntonio, whosewhose wifewife thethe DuchessesDuchess’sduchess’s
wln 0579youngestyoungest SonneSon rauishtravished;; hehe DiscoueringDiscovering thethe bodybody ofof herher deaddead
wln 0580toto certainecertain LordsLords: andand HippolitoHippolito.
wln 0581L.LordL. Ant.AntonioAnt.DrawDraw neerernearer LordsLords andand bebe sadsad witnesseswitnesses
wln 0582OfOf aa fayrefair comelycomely buildingbuilding newlynewly falnefall’nfallen,
wln 0583BeingBeing falselyfalsely vnderminedundermined: violentviolent raperape
wln 0584HasHas playdplayed aa gloriousglorious actact, beholdbehold mymy LordsLords
wln 0585AA sightsight thatthat strikesstrikes manman outout ofof meme:
wln 0586PieroPieroThatThat vertuousvirtuous LadyLady??Ant.AntonioAnt.PresidentPrecedentprecedent forfor wiueswives?
wln 0587Hip.HippolitoHip.TheThe blushblush ofof manymany weomenwomen, whosewhose chastchaste presencepresence,
wln 0588WouldWould enee’en callcall shameshame vpup toto theirtheir cheekescheeks,
wln 0589AndAnd makemake palepale wantonwanton sinnerssinners hauehave goodgood colourscolorscolours. —
wln 0590L.LordL. Ant.AntonioAnt.DeadDead!
wln 0591HerHer honorhonorhonour firstfirst drunkedrunk poysonpoison, andand herher lifelife,
wln 0592BeingBeing fellowesfellows inin oneone househouse diddid pledgepledge herher honourhonorhonour,
wln 0593Pier.PieroPier.OO greefegrief ofof manymany!
wln 0594L.LordL. Anto.AntonioAnto.II marktmarked notnot thisthis beforebefore.
wln 0595AA prayerprayer BookeBook thethe pillowpillow toto herher cheekecheek,
wln 0596ThisThis waswas herher richrich confectionconfection, andand anotheranother
wln 0597Plaste’dPlast●●dPlasteredplastered inin herher rightright handhand, withwith aa leafeleaf tuckttucked vpup,
wln 0598PoyntingPointing toto thesethese wordswords.
wln 0599MeliusMelius virtutevirtute morimori, QuamQuam perper DedecusDedecus viuerevivere.
wln 0600TrueTrue andand effectualleffectual itit isis indeedindeed.
wln 0601Hip.HippolitoHip.MyMy LordLord sincesince youyou enuiteinvite vsus toto youryour sorrowessorrows,
wln 0602LetsLet’slet’s truelytruly tast’emtaste ’em, thatthat withwith equallequal comfortcomfort,
wln 0603AsAs toto our seluesourselves wewe maymay releiuerelieve youryour wrongswrongs,
wln 0604WeWe hauehave greefegrief tootoo, thatthat yetyet walkeswalks withoutwithout TongTonguetongue,
wln 0605CuræCuraeleuesCuraeCuraeleves leuesleves loquunturl●quunturloquuntur, MaioresMajoresMaiores stupentstupent.
wln 0606L.LordL. Ant.AntonioAnt.YouYou dealedeal withwith truthtruth mymy LordLord.
wln 0607LendLend meme butbut youryour AttentionsAttentions, andand IleI’ll cutcut
wln 0608LongLong greefegrief intointo shortshort wordswords: lastlast reuellingrevelling nightnight.
img: 10-b
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wln 0609WhenWhen Torch-lightTorchlight mademade anan artificiallartificial noonenoon
wln 0610AboutAbout thethe CourtCourt, somesome CourtiersCourtiers inin thethe maskemasquemask,
wln 0611PuttingPutting onon betterbetter facesfaces thenthan theirtheir owneown,
wln 0612BeingBeing fullfull ofof frawdefraud andand flatteryflattery: amongstamongst whomewhom,
wln 0613TheThe DuchesesDuchess’sduchess’s yongestyoungest sonneson (thatthat mothmoth toto honorhonorhonour)
wln 0614FildFilled vpup aa RoomeRoom; andand withwith longlong lustlust toto eateat,
wln 0615IntoInto mymy wearingwearing; amongstamongst allall thethe LadyesLadies,
wln 0616SingledSingled outout thatthat deeredear formeform; whowho euerwhowhoever euerever liu’dlived,
wln 0617AsAs coldcold inin LustLust asas sheeshe isis nownow inin deathdeath;
wln 0618(WhichWhich thatthat step Duchesstep-Duchessstep Duchess — MonsterMonster knewknew totooto wellwell;)
wln 0619AndAnd thereforetherefore inin thethe heightheight ofof allall thethe reuellsrevels,
wln 0620WhenWhen MusickMusic waswas hardhard lowdestloudest, CourtiersCourtiers busiestbusiest,
wln 0621AndAnd LadiesLadies greatgreat withwith laughterlaughter; — OOOh VitiousVicious minuteminute!
wln 0622VnfitUnfit butbut forfor relationrelation toto bebe spokespoke ofof,
wln 0623ThenThen withwith aa faceface moremore impudentimpudent thenthan hishis vizardvizard
wln 0624HeHe harriedharried herher amidstamidstamid aa throngthrong ofof PandersPanders,
wln 0625ThatThat liuelive vpponupon damnationdamnation ofof bothboth kindeskinds,
wln 0626AndAnd fedfed thethe rauenousravenous vulturevulture ofof hishis lustlust,
wln 0627(OOOh deathdeath toto thinkethink onton ’ton’t) sheshe herher honorhonorhonour forcstforestforcedforest,
wln 0628DeemdDeemed itit aa noblernobler dowrydowry forfor herher namename,
wln 0629ToTo diedie withwith poysonpoison thenthanthen toto liuelive withwith shameshame.
wln 0630Hip.HippolitoHip.AA wondrouswondrous LadyLady; ofof rarerare firefire compactcompact,
wln 0631Sh’asSh’as mademade herher namename anan EmpresseEmpress byby thatthat actact,
wln 0632Pier.PieroPier.MyMy LordLord whatwhat iudgementjudgement followesfollows thethe offenderoffender?
wln 0633L.LordL. AntAntonioAntFaithFaith nonenone mymy LordLord itit coolescools andand isis deferddeferred,
wln 0634Pier.PieroPier.DelayDelay thethe doomedoom forfor raperape?
wln 0635L.LordL. Ant,AntonioAnt,OO youyou mustmust notenote whowho tis’tis shouldshould diedie,
wln 0636TheThe DuchesseDuchess’Duchess sonneson, sheeleshe’ll lookelook toto bebe aa sauersaver,
wln 0637„IudgmentJudgementjudgement inin thisthis ageage isis nerene’ernever kinkin toto fauourfavorfavour.
wln 0638Hip.HippolitoHip.NayNay thenthen stepstep forthforth thouthou BribelesseBribelessbribeless officerofficer;
wln 0639II bindbind youyou allall inin steelesteel toto bindbind youyou surelysurely,
wln 0640HeerHerehere letlet youryour othsoaths meetmeet, toto bebe keptkept andand paydpaid,
wln 0641WhichWhich elseelse willwill stickestick likelike rustrust, andand shameshame thethe bladeblade,
wln 0642StrengthenStrengthen mymy vowvow, thatthat ifif atat thethe nextnext sittingsitting,
wln 0643IudgmentJudgementjudgement speakespeak allall inin goldgold, andand sparespare thethe bloudblood
wln 0644OfOf suchsuch aa serpentserpent, e’ene’en beforebefore theirtheir seatsseats,
wln 0645ToTo letlet hishis soulesoul outout, whichwhich longlong sincesince waswas foundfound,
wln 0646GuiltyGuilty inin heauenheaven.
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wln 0647AllAll.WeWe sweareswear itit andand willwill actact itit,
wln 0648L.LordL. Anto.AntonioAnto.KindKind GentlemenGentlemen, II thankethank youyou inin mineminelremine IreIre,
wln 0649Hip.HippolitoHip.Twere’Twere’twere pittypity?
wln 0650TheThe ruinsruins ofof soso fairefair aa MonumentMonument,
wln 0651SouldShould notnot bebe diptdipped inin thethe defacersdefacer’s bloudblood,
wln 0652PieroPiero.HerHer funerallfuneral shallshall bebe wealthywealthy, forfor herher namename,
wln 0653MeritsMerits aa toombetomb ofof pearlepearl; mymy LordLord AntonioAntonio,
wln 0654ForFor thisthis timetime wipewipe youryour LadyLady fromfrom youryour eyeseyes,
wln 0655NoNo doubtdoubt ourour greefegrief andand youresyours maymay oneone dayday courtcourt itit,
wln 0656WhenWhen wewe areare moremore familiarfamiliar withwith ReuengRevenge,
wln 0657L.LordL. Anto.AntonioAnto.ThatThat isis mymy comfortcomfort GentlemenGentlemen, andand II ioy●oyjoy,
wln 0658InIn thisthis oneone happineshappiness aboueabove thethe restrest,
wln 0659WhichWhich willwill bebe caldcalled aa miraclemiralcemiracle atat lastlast,
wln 0660ThatThat beingbeing anan old—manold—manold manold—man idei’dI’d aa wifewife soso chastchaste.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 0662EnterEnter CastizaCastiza thethe sistersister.
wln 0663Cast.CastizaCast.HowHow hardlyhardly shallshall thatthat maydenmaiden bebe besetbeset,
wln 0664WhoseWhose onelyonly fortunesfortunes, areare herher constantconstant thoughtsthoughts,
wln 0665ThatThat hashas nono otherother childes-partchild’s-partchild-part butbut herher honorhonorhonour,
wln 0666ThatThat KeepesKeeps herher lowelow; andand emptyempty inin estateestate.
wln 0667MaydesMaids andand theirtheir honorshonorshonours areare likelike poorepoor beginnersbeginners,
wln 0668WereWere notnot sinnesin richrich therethere wouldwould bebe fewerfewer sinnerssinners;
wln 0669WhyWhy hadhad notnot vertuevirtue aa reuennewerevenue? wellwell,
wln 0670II knowknow thethe causecause, twold’twould hauehave impouerish’dimpoverished hellhell.
wln 0671HowHow nownow DondoloDondolo.
wln 0672Don.DondoloDon.MadonaMadonna, therethere isis oneone asas theythey saysay aa thingthing ofof fleshflesh andand
wln 0673bloodblood, aa manman II taketake himhim byby hishis beardbeard thatthat wouldwould veryvery desire-desireouslydesire∣ouslydesirously
wln 0674ously
wln 0674mouthmonthmonthmouth toto mouthmouth withwith youyou.
wln 0675Cast.CastizaCast.WhatsWhat’swhat’s thatthat?
wln 0676Don.DondoloDon.ShowShow hishis teethteeth inin youryour companycompany,
wln 0677Cast.CastizaCast.II vnderstandunderstand theethee notnot;
wln 0678Don.DondoloDon.WhyWhy speakespeak withwith youyou MadonaMadonna!
wln 0679Cast.CastizaCast.WhyWhy saysay soso mad-manmadman, andand cutcut ofoffof aa greatgreat dealedeal ofof durtydirty
wln 0680wayway; hadhad itit notnot beenebeen betterbetter spokespoke inin ordinaryordinary wordswords thatthat oneone
wln 0681wouldwould speakespeak withwith meme.
wln 0682Don.DondoloDon.HaHa, haha, thatsthat’s asas ordinaryordinary asas twotwo shillingsshillings, II wouldwould striuestrive
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wln 0683alitlea little toto showshow my selfemyself inin mymy placeplace, aa Gentleman-vsherGentleman-usher scornesscorns
wln 0684toto vseuse thethe PhrasePhrase andand fanzyefancy ofof aa seruingmanservingman.
wln 0685Cast.CastizaCast.YoursYours bebe youryour oneone sirsir, gogo directdirect himhim hetherhither,
wln 0686II hopehope somesome happyhappy tidingstidings fromfrom mymy brotherbrother,
wln 0687ThatThat latelylately trauayldtravailed, whomewhom mymy soulesoul affectsaffects.
wln 0688HereHere hehe comescomes.
wln 0689EnterEnter VindiceVindice herher brotherbrother disguiseddisguised.
wln 0690Vin.VindiceVin.LadyLady thethe bestbest ofof wisheswishes toto youryour sexesex.
wln 0691FaireFair skinsskins andand newnew gownesgowns,
wln 0692Cast.CastizaCast.OhOhO theythey shallshall thankethank youyou sirsir,
wln 0693WhenceWhence thisthis,
wln 0694Vin.VindiceVin.OhOhO fromfrom aa deeredear andand worthyworthy friendfriend,
wln 0695mightymighty!Cast.CastizaCast.FromFrom whomewhom?
wln 0696Vin.VindiceVin.TheThe DukesDuke’s sonneson!
wln 0697Cast.CastizaCast.ReceiueReceive thatthat!
wln 0698AA boxebox atho’ th’o’th’ eareear toto herher BrotherBrother.
wln 0699II sworeswore I’deI’d putput angeranger inin mymy handhand,
wln 0700AndAnd passepass thethe VirginVirgin limitslimits ofof my selfemyself,
wln 0701ToTo himhim thatthat nextnext appear’dappeared inin thatthat basebase officeoffice,
wln 0702ToTo bebe hishis sinnessin’s AtturneyAttorney, bearebear toto himhim,
wln 0703ThatThat figurefigure ofof mymy hatehate vponupon thythy cheekecheckecheekcheck
wln 0704WhilstWhilst tis’tis yetyet hothot, andand IleI’ll rewardreward theethee fortfor ’tfor’t,
wln 0705TellTell himhim mymy honorhonorhonour shallshall hauehave aa richrich namename,
wln 0706WhenWhen seuerallseveral harlotsharlots shallshall shareshare hishis withwith shameshame,
wln 0707FarewellFarewell commendcommend meme toto himhim inin mymy hatehate!ExitExit.
wln 0708Vin.VindiceVin.ItIt isis thethe sweetestsweetest BoxeBox,
wln 0709ThatThat eree’erere mymy nosenose camecame nyenigh,
wln 0710TheThe finestfinest drawne-workedrawn-work cuffecuff thatthat eree’erere waswas worneworn,
wln 0711IleI’ll louelove thisthis bloweblow forfor euerever, andand thisthis cheekecheek
wln 0712ShallShall stillstill hencehence forwardforward taketake thethe wallwall ofof thisthis.
wln 0713OhOhO ImeI’m abouea boueabovea ’bove mymy tongtongue: mostmost constantconstant sistersister,
wln 0714InIn thisthis thouthou hasthast rightright honorablehonorablehonourable showneshown,
wln 0715ManyMany areare caldcalled byby theirtheir honourhonorhonour thatthat hauehave nonenone,
wln 0716ThouThou artart approu’dapproved forfor euerever inin mymy thoughtsthoughts.
wln 0717ItIt isis notnot inin thethe powerpower ofof wordswords toto taynttaint theethee,
wln 0718AndAnd yetyet forfor thethe saluationsalvation ofof mymy othoath,
wln 0719AsAs mymy resolueresolve inin thatthat poyntpoint; II willwill laylay,
wln 0720HardHard seigesiege vntounto mymy MotherMother, thothough II knowknow,[◇◇]
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wln 0721AA SyrensSiren’ssiren’s tonguetongue couldcould notnot bewitchbewitch herher soso.
wln 0722MasseMass fitlyfitly herehere sheshe comescomes, thankesthanks mymy disguizedisguise,
wln 0723MadameMadammadam goodgood afternooneaf●ernooneafternoon.
wln 0724Moth.MotherMoth.Y’ areY’ areyou’re welcomewelcome sirsir?
wln 0725Vind.VindiceVind.TheThe NextNext ofof ItalyItaly commendscommends himhim toto youyou,
wln 0726OurOur mightymighty expectationexpectation, thethe DukesDuke’s sonneson.
wln 0727Moth.MotherMoth.II thinkethink my selfemyself muchmuch honordhonoredhonoured, thatthat hehe pleasespleases,
wln 0728ToTo ranketanckranktanck meme inin hishis thoughtsthoughts.
wln 0729Vind.VindiceVind.SoSo maymay youyou LadyLady:
wln 0730OneOne thatthat isis likelike toto bebe ourour suddainesudden DukeDuke,
wln 0731TheThe CrowneCrown gapesgapes forfor himhim eueryevery tidetide, andand thenthen
wln 0732CommanderCommander oreo’er vsus allall, dodo butbut thinkethink onon himhim,
wln 0733HowHow blestblessed werewere theythey nownow thatthat couldcould pleasurepleasure himhim
wln 0734E’enE’en withwith anyany thingthing almostalmost.
wln 0735Moth.MotherMoth.IAyay, sauesave theirtheir honorhonorhonour?
wln 0736Vind.VindiceVind.TutTut, oneone wouldwould letlet aa littlelittle ofof thatthat gogo tootoo
wln 0737AndAnd nerene’er bebe seeneseen in’tin ’tin’t: nerene’er bebe seeneseen itit, markemark youyou,
wln 0738IdeI’d winckwink andand letlet itit gogo —
wln 0739Moth.MotherMoth.MarryMarry butbut II wouldwould notnot.
wln 0740Vind.VindiceVind.MarryMarry butbut II wouldwould II hopehope, II knowknow youyou wouldwould tootoo,
wln 0741IfIf youdyou’d thatthat bloudblood nownow whichwhich youyou gauegave youryour daughterdaughter,
wln 0742ToTo herher indeedindeed tis’tis, thisthis wheelewheel comescomes aboutabout,
wln 0743ThatThat manman thatthat mustmust bebe allall thisthis, perhapsperhaps ereere morningmorning
wln 0744(ForFor hishis whitewhite fatherfather do’sdoes butbut mouldemoldmould awayaway)
wln 0745HasHas longlong desirdedesired youryour daughterdaughter.Moth.MotherMoth.DesirdeDesired?
wln 0746Vind.VindiceVind.NayNay butbut hearehe arehearhe are meme,
wln 0747HeHe desirsdesires nownow thatthat willwill commandcommand hereafterhereafter,
wln 0748ThereforeThere foreThereforeThere fore bebe wisewise, II speakespeak asas moremore aa friendfriend
wln 0749ToTo youyou thenthanthen himhim; MadamMadam, II knowknow y’arey’ areyou’re poorepoor,
wln 0750AndAnd lack’lacklack thethe dayday, therethere areare tootoo manymany poorepoor LadiesLadies alreadyalready
wln 0751WhyWhy shouldshould youyou vexvex thethe numbernumber? tis’tis despisddespised,
wln 0752LiueLive wealthywealthy, rightlyrightly vnderstandunderstand thethe worldworld,
wln 0753AndAnd chidechide awayaway thatthat foolishfoolish — CountryCountry girlegirl
wln 0754KeepesKeeps companycompany withwith youryour daughterdaughter, chastitychastity,
wln 0755Moth.MotherMoth.OhOhO fiefie, fiefie, thethe richesriches ofof thethe worldworld cannotcannot hirehire aa mo-mothermo∣thermother
wln 0756ther
wln 0756toto suchsuch aa mostmost vnnaturallunnatural tasketask.
wln 0757Vind.VindiceVind.NoNo, butbut aa thousandthousand AngellsAngels cancan,
wln 0758MenMen hauehave nono powerpower, AngellsAngels mustmust workework youyou too’tto ’tto’t,
img: 12-b
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wln 0759TheThe worldworld descendsdescends intointo suchsuch base-bornebase-born euillsevils
wln 0760ThatThat fortyforty AngellsAngels cancan makemake fourescorefourscore diuillsdevils,
wln 0761ThereThere willwill bebe foolesfools stillstill II perceiueperceive, stillstill foolefool.
wln 0762WouldWould II bebe poorepoor deiecteddejected, scorndscorned ofof greatnessegreatness,
wln 0763SweptSwept fromfrom thethe PallacePalace, andand seesee otherother daughtersdaughters
wln 0764SpringSpring withwith thethe dewedew atho’ th’o’th’ CourtCourt, hauinghaving minemine owneown
wln 0765SoSo muchmuch desir’ddesired andand lou’dloved — byby thethe DukesDuke’s sonneson,
wln 0766NoNo, II wouldwould raiseraise mymy statestate vponupon herher brestbreast
wln 0767AndAnd callcall herher eyeseyes mymy TennantsTenants, II wouldwould countcount
wln 0768MyMy yearelyyearly maintenancemaintenance vponupon herher cheekescheeks:
wln 0769TakeTake CoachCoach vponupon herher liplip, andand allall, herher partesparts
wln 0770ShouldShould keepekeep menmen afterafter menmen, andand II wouldwould rideride,
wln 0771InIn pleasurepleasure vponupon pleasurepleasure:
wln 0772YouYou tooketook greatgreat painespains forfor herher, onceonce whenwhen itit waswas,
wln 0773LetLet herher requiterequite itit nownow, thothough itit bebe butbut somesome
wln 0774YouYou broughtbrought herher forthforth, sheshe maymay wellwell bringbring youyou homehome,
wln 0775Moth.MotherMoth.OO heauensheavens! thisthis ouer-comesovercomes meme?
wln 0776Vind.VindiceVind.NotNot II hopehope, alreadyalready?
wln 0777Moth.MotherMoth.ItIt isis tootoo strongstrong forfor meme, menmen knowknow thatthat knowknow vsus,
wln 0778WeWe areare soso weakeweak theirtheir wordswords cancan ouerthrowoverthrow vsus,
wln 0779HeHe touchttouched meme neerelynearly mademade mymy vertuesvirtues batebate
wln 0780WhenWhen hishis tonguetongue struckstruck vponupon mymy poorepoor estateestate.
wln 0781Vind.VindiceVind.IIe’enI e’ene’en quakequake toto proceedeproceed, mymy spiritspirit turnesturns edgeedge?
wln 0782II fearefear meme she’sshe’s vnmotherdunmothered, yetyet ilei’llI’ll ventureventure,
wln 0783„ThatThat womanwoman isis allall malemale, whomewhom nonenone cancan EnterEnter?
wln 0784WhatWhat thinkethink youyou nownow LadyLady, speakespeak areare youyou wiserwiser?
wln 0785WhatWhat saydsaid aduancementadvancement toto youyou: thusthus itit saydsaid!
wln 0786TheThe daughtersdaughter’sdaughters falf●lfall liftslifts vpup thethe mothersmother’s headhead:
wln 0787DidDid itit notnot MadameMadammadam? butbut ilei’llI’ll sweareswear itit doesdoes
wln 0788InIn manymany placesplaces, tuttut, thisthis ageage fearesfears nono manman,
wln 0789„Tis’Tis nono shameshame toto bebe badbad, becausebecause tis’tis commoncommon.
wln 0790Moth.MotherMoth.IAyI that’sthat’s thethe comfortcomfort on’ton ’ton’t.
wln 0791Vind.VindiceVind.TheThe comfortcomfort on’ton ’ton’t!
wln 0792II keepekeep thethe bestbest forfor lastlast, cancan thesethese perswadepersuade youyou
wln 0793ToTo forgetforget heauenheaven — andand —Moth.MotherMoth.IAyI thesethese areare theythey?
wln 0794Vind.VindiceVind.OhOh!OhOh!!!
wln 0795Moth.MotherMoth.ThatThat enchantenchant ourour sexesex,
wln 0796TheseThese areare thethe meansmeans thatthat gouernegovern ourour affectionsaffections, — thatthat womanwoman
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wln 0797WillWill notnot bebe troubledtroubled withwith thethe mothermother longlong,
wln 0798ThatThat seessees thethe comfortablecomfortable shineshine ofof youyou,
wln 0799II blushblush toto thinkethink whatwhat forfor youryour sakessakes IleI’ll dodo!
wln 0800Vind.VindiceVind.OO suffringsuff’ringsuffering heauenheaven withwith thythy inuisibleinvisible fingerfinger,
wln 0801EneE’ene’en atat thisthis InstantInstant turneturn thethe pretiousprecious sideside
wln 0802OfOf bothboth minemine eye-ballseyeballs inwardinward, notnot toto seesee my selfemyself,
wln 0803Mot.MotherMot.LookeLook youyou sirsir.Vin.VindiceVin.HollaHolla.
wln 0804Mot.MotherMot.LetLet thisthis thankethank youryour painespains.
wln 0805Vind.VindiceVind.OO you’ryou’re aa kindkind Mad-manMadman;
wln 0806Mot.MotherMot.IleI’ll seesee howhow II cancan mouemove,
wln 0807Vind.VindiceVind.YourYour wordswords willwill stingsting,
wln 0808Mot.MotherMot.IfIf sheshe bebe stillstill chastchaste IleI’ll nerene’er callcall herher minemine,
wln 0809Vind.VindiceVind.SpokeSpokeSpoken truertruer thenthan youyou mentmeant itit,
wln 0810Mot.MotherMot.DaughterDaughter CastizaCastiza.Cast.CastizaCast.MadamMadam,
wln 0811Vind.VindiceVind.OO sheesshe’s yonderyonder.
wln 0812MeeteMeet herher: troupestroops ofof celestiallcelestial SoldiersSoldiers gardguard herher heartheart.
wln 0813YonYonYond damdam hashas deuillsdevils ynoughenough toto taketake herher partpart,
wln 0814Cast.CastizaCast.MadamMadam whatwhat makesmakes yonyonyond euill offic’devil-officedevil officed manman,
wln 0815InIn presencepresence ofof youyou;Mot.MotherMot.WhyWhy?
wln 0816Cast.CastizaCast.HeHe latelylately broughtbrought
wln 0817ImmodestImmodest writingwriting sentsent fromfrom thethe DukesDuke’s sonneson
wln 0818ToTo tempttempt meme toto dishonorabledishonorabledishonourable ActAct,
wln 0819Mot.MotherMot.DishonorableDishonorableDishonourable ActAct? — goodgood honorablehonorablehonourable foolefool,
wln 0820ThatThat wouldstwouldst bebe honesthonest causecause thouthou wouldstwouldst bebe soso,
wln 0821ProducingProducing nono oneone reasonreason butbut thythy willwill.
wln 0822AndAnd t’as’t ’ast’as aa goodgood reportreport, pretelyprettily commendedcommended,
wln 0823ButBut praypray byby whomewhom; meanemean peoplepeople; ignorantignorant peoplepeople,
wln 0824TheThe betterbetter sortsort ImeI’m suresure cannotcannot abideabide itit,
wln 0825AndAnd byby whatwhat rulerule shouldstshouldst wewe squaresquare outout ourour liueslives,
wln 0826ButBut byby ourour bettersbetter’sbetters actionsactions? ohoho ifif thouthou knew’stknew’st
wln 0827WhatWhat t’were’twere toto looselose itit, thouthou wouldwould neuernever keepekeep itit:
wln 0828ButBut theresthere’s aa coldcold cursecurse laydlaid vponupon allall MaydesMaids,
wln 0829WhilstWhilst otherother clipclip thethe SunneSun theythey claspclasp thethe shadesshades!
wln 0830VirginityVirginity isis paradiceparadise, locktlocked vpup.
wln 0831YouYou cannotcannot comecome byby your seluesyourselves withoutwithout feefee.
wln 0832AndAnd twas’twas decreeddecreed thatthat manman shouldshould keepekeep thethe keykey!
wln 0833DenyDeny aduancementadvancement, treasuretreasure, thethe DukesDuke’s sonneson,
wln 0834Cast.CastizaCast.II crycry youyou mercymercy. LadyLady II mistookemistook youyou,
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wln 0835PrayPray diddid youyou seesee mymy MotherMother; whichwhich wayway wentwent youyou?
wln 0836PrayPray GodGod II hauehave notnot lostlost herher.
wln 0837Vind.VindiceVind.PrittilyPrettily putput byby.
wln 0838Moth.MotherMoth.AreAre youyou asas proudproud toto meme asas coyecoy toto himhim?
wln 0839DoeDo youyou notnot knowknow meme nownow?
wln 0840Cast.CastizaCast.WhyWhy areare youyou sheeshe?
wln 0841TheThe worldsworld’sworlds soso changdchanged, oneone shapeshape intointo anotheranother,
wln 0842ItIt isis aa wisewise childechild nownow thatthat knowesknows herher mothermother?
wln 0843Vind.VindiceVind.MostMost rightright ifaithi’ faithi’faith.
wln 0844MotherMother.II oweowe youryour cheekecheek mymy handhand,
wln 0845ForFor thatthat presumptionpresumption nownow, butbut IleI’ll forgetforget itit,
wln 0846ComeCome youyou shallshall leaueleave thosethose childishchildish hauiours’haviorshaviours,
wln 0847AndAnd vnderstandunderstand youryour TimeTime, FortunesFortunes flowflow toto youyou,
wln 0848WhatWhat willwill youyou bebe aa GirleGirl?
wln 0849IfIf allall feardfeared drowningdrowning, thatthat spyespy waueswaves a shoareashore,
wln 0850GoldGold wouldwould growgrow richrich, andand allall thethe MarchantsMerchantsmerchant’s poorepoor.
wln 0851Cast.CastizaCast.ItIt isis aa prittypretty sayingsaying ofof aa wickedwicked oneone, butbut me thinkesmethinks nownow
wln 0852ItIt dosdoes notnot showshow soso wellwell outout ofof youryour mouthmouth,
wln 0853BetterBetter inin hishis.
wln 0854Vind.VindiceVind.FaithFaith badbad inoughenough inin bothboth,
wln 0855WereWere II inin earnestearnest asas IleI’ll seemeseem nono lesseless?
wln 0856II wonderwonder LadyLady youryour owneown mothersmother’s wordswords,
wln 0857CannotCannot bebe takentaken, nornor standstand inin fullfull forceforce.
wln 0858’Tis’Tis honestiehonestichonesty youyou vrgeurge; what’swhat’s honestiehonesty?
wln 0859’Tis’Tis butbut heauensheaven’s beggarbeggar; andand whatwhat womanwoman isis soso foolishfoolish toto
wln 0860 keepekeep honestyhonesty,
wln 0861AndAnd bebe notnot ableable toto keepekeep her-selfeherself? NoNo,
wln 0862TimesTimes areare grownegrown wiserwiser andand willwill keepekeep lesseless chargecharge,
wln 0863AA MaideMaid thatthat h’ashas smallsmall portionportion nownow entendsintends,
wln 0864ToTo breakebreak vpup househouse, andand liuelive vponupon herher friendsfriends
wln 0865HowHow blestblessed areare youyou, youyou hauehave happinessehappiness alonealone,
wln 0866OthersOthers mustmust fallfall toto thousandsthousands, youyou toto oneone,
wln 0867SufficientSufficient inin him-selfehimself toto makemake youryour fore-headforehead
wln 0868DazleDazzle thethe worldworld withwith IewelsJewelsjewels, andand petitionarypetitionary peoplepeople
wln 0869StartStart atat youryour presencepresence.
wln 0870MotherMother.OhOhO ifif II werewere yongyoung, II shouldshould bebe rauishtravished.
wln 0871Cast.CastizaCast.IAyI toto looselose youryour honourhonorhonour.
wln 0872Vind.VindiceVind.Slid’SlidSlid howhow cancan youyou looselose youryour honorhonorhonour?
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wln 0873ToTo dealedeal withwith mymy LordsLord’sLords GraceGrace,
wln 0874HeeleHe’ll addeadd moremore honourhonorhonour toto itit byby hishis TitleTitle,
wln 0875YourYour MotherMother willwill telltell youyou howhow.
wln 0876MotherMother.ThatThat II willwill.
wln 0877Vind.VindiceVind.OO thinkethink vponupon thethe pleasurepleasure ofof thethe PallacePalace,
wln 0878SecuredSecured easeease andand statestate; thethe stirringstirring meatesmeats,
wln 0879ReadyReady toto mouemove outout ofof thethe dishesdishes, thatthat e’ene’en nownow quickenquicken whenwhen (theirthey’retheir eateneaten,
wln 0880BanquetsBanquets abroadabroad byby Torch-lightTorchlight, MusicksMusicsmusics, sportssports,
wln 0881Bare-headedBareheaded vassailesvassals, thatthat hadhad nerene’er thethe fortunefortune
wln 0882ToTo keepekeep onon theirtheir owneown HatsHats, butbut letlet horneshorns werewearwere em’em..,
wln 0883NineNine CoachesCoaches waitingwaiting — hurryhurry, hurryhurry, hurryhurry.
wln 0884Cast.CastizaCast.IAyI toto thethe DiuillDevil.
wln 0885Vind.VindiceVind.IAyI toto thethe DiuillDevil, toth’to th’ DukeDuke byby mymy faithfaith.
wln 0886Moth.MotherMoth.IAyI toto thethe DukeDuke: daughterdaughter youdeyou’d scornescorn toto thinkethink ath’o’ th’o’th’
wln 0887DiuillDevil andand youyou werewere therethere onceonce.
wln 0888Vin.VindiceVin.TrueTrue, forfor mostmost therethere areare asas proudproud asas hehe forfor hishis heartheart ifaithi’ faithi’faith
wln 0889Who’deWho’d sitsit atat homehome inin aa neglectedneglected roomeroom,
wln 0890DealingDealing herher short-liu’deshort-lived beautybeauty toto thethe picturespictures,
wln 0891ThatThat areare asas vse-lesseuseless asas oldold menmen, whenwhen thosethose
wln 0892PoorerPoorer inin faceface andand fortunefortune thenthanthen her-selfeherself,
wln 0893WalkeWalk withwith aa hundredhundred AcresAcres onon theirtheir backsbacks,
wln 0894FaireFair MedowesMeadows cutcut intointo GreeneGreen fore-partsforeparts — ohoho
wln 0895ItIt waswas thethe greatestgreatest blessingblessing euerever happenedhappened toto womenwomen;
wln 0896WhenWhen FarmersFarmer’sfarmer’s sonnessons agreedagreed, andand metmet agenagain,
wln 0897ToTo washwash theirtheir handshands, andand comecome vpup GentlemenGentlemen;
wln 0898TheThe common-wealthcommonwealth hashas flourishtflourished euerever sincesince,
wln 0899LandsLands thatthat werewere meatmetemeat byby thethe RodRod, thatthat laborslaborslabours spar’dspared,
wln 0900TaylorsTailors rideride downedown, andand measuremeasure em’em byby thethe yeardyard;
wln 0901FaireFair treestrees, thosethose comelycomely fore-topsforetops ofof thethe FieldField,
wln 0902AreAre cutcut toto maintainemaintain head-tireshead-tires — muchmuch vntolduntold,
wln 0903AllAll thriuesthrives butbut ChastityChastity, sheshe lyeslies a colda-colda cold,
wln 0904NaynaynayNay shallshall II comecome neerernearer toto youyou, markemark butbut thisthis:
wln 0905WhyWhy areare therethere soso fewfew honesthonest womenwomen, butbut becausebecause ’tis’tis thethe poorerpoorer
wln 0906professionprofession, that’sthat’s accountedaccounted bestbest, thatsthat’s bestbest followedfollowed, leastleastlest inin
wln 0907tradetrade, leastleastlest inin fashionfashion, andand thatsthat’s notnot honestyhonesty beleeuebelieve itit, andand doedo
wln 0908butbut notenote thethe louelove andand deiecteddejected priceprice ofof itit:
wln 0909LooseLose butbut aa PearlePearl, wewe searchsearch andand cannotcannot brookebrook itit.
wln 0910ButBut thatthat onceonce gonegone, whowho isis soso madmad toto lookelook itit.
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wln 0911MotherMother.TrothTroth hehe sayessays truetrue.
wln 0912Cast.CastizaCast.FalseFalse, II defiedefy youyou bothboth:
wln 0913II hauehave endur’dendured youyou withwith anan eareear ofof firefire,
wln 0914YourYour TonguesTongues hauehave struckstruck hottehot yronsirons onon mymy faceface;
wln 0915MotherMother, comecome fromfrom thatthat poysonouspoisonous womanwoman therethere.
wln 0916MotherMother.WhereWhere?
wln 0917Cast.CastizaCast.DoDo youyou notnot seesee herher, shee’sshe’s tootoo inwardinward thenthen:
wln 0918SlaueSlave perishperish inin thythy officeoffice: youyou heauensheavens pleaseplease,
wln 0919Hence-forthHenceforth toto makemake thethe MotherMother aa diseasedisease,
wln 0920WhichWhich firstfirst beginsbegins withwith meme, yetyet I’ueI’ve out-gonoutgone youyou.ExitExit.
wln 0921Vind.VindiceVind.OO AngelsAngels clapclap youryour wingswings vponupon thethe skyesskies,
wln 0922AndAnd giuegive thisthis VirginVirgin ChristallCrystal plauditiesplaudities?
wln 0923Mot.MotherMot.PeeuishPeevish, coycoy, foolishfoolish, butbut returnereturn thisthis answeranswer,
wln 0924MyMy LordLord shallshall bebe mostmost welcomewelcome, whenwhen hishis pleasurepleasure
wln 0925ConductsConducts himhim thisthis wayway, II willwill swaysway minemine owneown,
wln 0926WomenWomen withwith womenwomen cancan workework bestbest alonealone.ExitExit.
wln 0927Vind.VindiceVind.IndeedIndeed IleI’ll telltell himhim soso;
wln 0928OOOh moremore vnciuilluncivil, moremore vnnaturallunnatural,
wln 0929ThenThan thosethose base-titledbase-titled creaturescreatures thatthat lookelook downe-warddownward,
wln 0930WhyWhy do’sdoes notnot heauenheaven turnetnrneturn blackblack, oror withwith aa frownefrown
wln 0931VndooUndo thethe worldworld — whywhy do’sdoes notnot earthearth startstart vpup,
wln 0932AndAnd strikestrike thethe sinnessins thatthat treadtread vppon’tupon ’tupon’t — ohoho;
wln 0933WertWere ’tWert notnot forfor goldgold andand womenwomen; therethere wouldwould bebe nono damnationdamnation,
wln 0934HellHell wouldwould lookelook likelike aa LordsLord’slord’s GreatGreat KitchinKitchen withoutwithout firefire in’tin ’tin’t;
wln 0935ButBut ’twas’twas decreeddecreed beforebefore thethe worldworld beganbegan,
wln 0936ThatThat theythey shouldshould bebe thethe hookeshooks toto catchcatch.., atat manman.ExitExit.
wln 0937EnterEnter LussuriosoLussurioso, withwith HippolitoHippolito,
wln 0938VindiciesVindice’s brotherbrother.
wln 0939Luss.LussuriosoLuss.II muchmuch applaudapplaud thythy iudgementjudgement, thouthou artart wellwell readread inin aa
wln 0940fellowfellow,
wln 0941AndAnd ’tis’tis thethe deepestdeepest ArteArt toto studiestudy manman;
wln 0942II knowknow thisthis, whichwhich II neuernever learntlearntlearned inin schoolesschools,
wln 0943TheThe world’sworld’s diuideddivided intointo knauesknaves andand foolesfools.
wln 0944Hip.HippolitoHip.KnaueKnave inin youryour faceface mymy LordLord, behindebehind youryour backback.
wln 0945Luss.LussuriosoLuss.AndAnd II muchmuch thankethank theethee, thatthat thouthou hasthast preferdpreferred,
wln 0946AA fellowfellow ofof discoursediscourse — wellwell mingledmingled,
wln 0947AndAnd whosewhose brainebrain TimeTime hathhath seasondseasoned.
wln 0948Hip.HippolitoHip.TrueTrue mymy LordLord,
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wln 0949WeWe shallshall findefind seasonseason onceonce II hopehope; — OOOh villainevillain!
wln 0950ToTo makemake suchsuch anan vnnaturallunnatural slaueslave ofof meme; — butbut —
wln 0951Luss.LussuriosoLuss.MasseMass herehere hehe comescomes.
wln 0952Hip.HippolitoHip.AndAnd nownow shallshall II hauehave freefree leaueleave toto departdepart.
wln 0953Luss.LussuriosoLuss.YourYour absenceabsence, leaueleave vsus.
wln 0954Hip.HippolitoHip.AreAre notnot mymy thoughtsthoughts truetrue?
wln 0955II mustmust remooueremove; butbut brotherbrother youyou maymay staystay,
wln 0956HeartHeart, wewe areare bothboth mademade BawdesBawds aa new-foundnew-found wayway?ExitExit.
wln 0957Luss.LussuriosoLuss.NowNow, we’rewe’re anan eueneven numbernumber? aa thirdthird mansman’s dangerousdangerous,
wln 0958EspeciallyEspecially herher brotherbrother, saysay, bebe freefree,
wln 0959HaueHave II aa pleasurepleasure towardtowardtowards.Vind.VindiceVind.OhOhO mymy LordLord.
wln 0960Luss.LussuriosoLuss.RauishRavish meme inin thinethine answeranswer, artart thouthou rarerare,
wln 0961HastHast thouthou beguildebeguiled herher ofof saluationsalvation,
wln 0962AndAnd rubdrubbed hellhell oreo’er withwith hunnyhoney; isis sheshe aa womanwoman?
wln 0963Vind.VindiceVind.InIn allall butbut inin DesireDesire.
wln 0964Luss.LussuriosoLuss.ThenThen shee’sshe’s inin nothingnothing, — II batebate inin couragecourage nownow.
wln 0965Vind.VindiceVind.TheThe wordswords II broughtbrought,
wln 0966MightMight wellwell hauehave mademade indifferentindifferent honesthonest, naughtnaught,
wln 0967AA rightright goodgood womanwoman inin thesethese dayesdays isinisin changdechangedchange,
wln 0968IntoInto whitewhite moneymoney withwith lesseless labourlaborlabour farrefar,
wln 0969ManyMany aa MaideMaid hashas turn’dturned toto MahometMahomet,
wln 0970WithWith easiereasier workingworking; II durstdurst vndertakeundertake
wln 0971VponUpon thethe pawnepawn andand forfeitforfeit ofof mymy lifelife.
wln 0972WithWith halfehalf thosethose wordswords toto flatflat aa PuritanesPuritan’sPuritans wifewife,
wln 0973ButBut sheshe isis closseclose andand goodgood; — yetyet ’tis’tis aa doubtdoubt byby thisthis timetime; ohoho
wln 0974thethe mothermother, thethe mothermother?
wln 0975Luss.LussuriosoLuss.II neuernever thoughtthought theirtheir sexsex hadhad beenebeen aa wonderwonder,
wln 0976VntillUntil thisthis minuteminute? whatwhat fruitefruit fromfrom thethe MotherMother?
wln 0977Vind.VindiceVind.NowNow mustmust II blisterblister mymy soulesoul, bebe forsworneforsworn,
wln 0978OrOr shameshame thethe womanwoman thatthat receiu’dreceived meeme firstfirst,
wln 0979II willwill bebe truetrue, thouthou liu’stliv’st notnot toto proclaimeproclaim,
wln 0980SpokeSpoke toto aa dyingdying manman, shameshame ha’shas nono shameshame.
wln 0981MyMy LordLord.Luss.LussuriosoLuss.WhoseWho’swho’s thatthat?
wln 0982Vind.VindiceVind.HeresHere’shere’s nonenone butbut II mymy LordLord.
wln 0983Luss.LussuriosoLuss.WhatWhat wouldwould thythy hasthaste vtterutter?
wln 0984Vind.VindiceVind.ComfortComfort.Luss.LussuriosoLuss.WelcomeWelcome.
wln 0985Vind.VindiceVind.TheThe MaideMaid beingbeing dulldull, hauinghaving nono mindemind toto trauelltravel,
wln 0986IntoInto vnknowneunknown landslands, whatwhat diddid meme II straightstraight,
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wln 0987ButBut setset spursspurs toto thethe MotherMother; goldengolden spursspurs,
wln 0988WillWill putput herher toto aa falsefalse gallopgallop inin aa tricetrice,
wln 0989Luss.LussuriosoLuss.IstIs ’tIs’t possiblepossible thatthat inin thisthis.
wln 0990TheThe MotherMother shouldshould bebe dambddamned beforebefore thethe daughterdaughter?
wln 0991Vin.VindiceVin.OhOhO, that’sthat’s goodgood mannersmanners mymy LordLord, thethe MotherMother forfor herher
wln 0992ageage mustmust goego formostforemost youyou knowknow.
wln 0993Lu.LussuriosoLu.Thou’stThou ’stThou’st spokespoke thatthat truetrue!! butbut wherewhere comescomes inin thisthis comfortcomfort.
wln 0994Vind.VindiceVind.InIn aa finefine placeplace mymy LordLord — thethe vnnaturallunnatural mothermother,
wln 0995DidDid withwith herher tongtongue soso hardhard be setbesetbe set herher honorhonorhonour,
wln 0996ThatThat thethe poorepoor foolefool waswas struckstruck toto silentsilent wonderwonder,
wln 0997YetYet stillstill thethe maidmaid likelike anan vnlightedunlighted TaperTaper,
wln 0998WasWas coldcold andand chastchaste, sauesave thatthat herher MothersMother’s breathbreath,
wln 0999DidDid bloweblow firefire onon herher cheekescheckescheekschecks, thethe girlegirl departeddeparted,
wln 1000ButBut thethe goodgood antientancient MadamMadam halfehalf madmad, threwethrew meme
wln 1001TheseThese promissingpromising wordswords, whichwhich II tooketook deepelydeeply notenote ofof;
wln 1002MyMy LordLord shallshall bebe mostmost wellcomewelcome,
wln 1003LussLussuriosoLussFaithFaith II thankethank herher,
wln 1004Vin.VindiceVin.WhenWhen hishis pleasurepleasure conductsconducts himhim thisthis wayway.
wln 1005Luss.LussuriosoLuss.ThatThat shallshall bebe soonesoon ifathi’ faithifath,Vind.VindiceVind.II willwill swaysway minemine owneown,
wln 1006Luss.LussuriosoLuss.SheeShe do’sdoes thethe wiserwiser II commendcommend herher fortfor ’tfor’t,
wln 1007Vind.VindiceVind.WomenWomen withwith womenwomen cancan workework bestbest alonealone,
wln 1008Luss.LussuriosoLuss.ByBy thisthis lightlight andand soso theythey cancan, giuegive ’em’em theirtheir duedue, menmen areare
wln 1009notnot comparablecomparable toto ’em’em.
wln 1010Vind.VindiceVind.NoNo thatsthat’s truetrue, forfor youyou shallshall hauehave oneone womanwoman knitknit
wln 1011moremore inin aa howerhour thenthan anyany manman cancan RauellRavelravel agenagain inin seauenseven andand
wln 1012twentytwenty yeareyear.
wln 1013Luss.LussuriosoLuss.NowNow mymy desiresdesires areare happyhappy, IleI’ll makemake ’em’em free-menfreemen nownow,
wln 1014ThouThou artart aa pretiousprecious fellowfellow, faithfaith II louelove theethee,
wln 1015BeBe wisewise andand makemake itit thythy reuennewrevenue, begbeg, legleg,
wln 1016WhatWhat officeoffice couldstcouldst thouthou bebe AmbitiousAmbitious forfor?
wln 1017Vind.VindiceVind.OfficeOffice mymy LordLord marrymarry ifif II mightmight hauehave mymy wishwish II wouldwould
wln 1018hauehave oneone thatthat waswas neuernever begdbegged yetyet,
wln 1019Luss.LussuriosoLuss.NayNay thenthen thouthou canstcanst hauehave nonenone.
wln 1020Vind.VindiceVind.YesYes mymy LordLord II couldcould pickepick outout anotheranother officeoffice yetyet, naynay
wln 1021andand keepekeep aa horsehorse andand drabdrab vppontupon ’tupon’t,
wln 1022Luss.LussuriosoLuss.PretheePrithee goodgood bluntnesbluntness telltell meme.
wln 1023Vind.VindiceVind.WhyWhy II wouldwould desiredesire butbut thisthis mymy LordLord, toto hauehave allall thethe
wln 1024feesfees behindbehind thethe ArrasArras; andand allall thethe farthingalesfarthingales thatthat falfall plumpeplump
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wln 1025aboutabout tweluetwelve a clocko’clock atat nightnight vponupon thethe RushesRushes.
wln 1026Luss.LussuriosoLuss.Thou’rtThou ’rtThou’rt aa madmad apprehensiueapprehensive knaueknave, dostdost thinkethink toto makemake
wln 1027anyany greatgreat purchasepurchase ofof thatthat.
wln 1028Vind.VindiceVind.OhOhO tis’tis anan vnknowneunknown thingthing mymy LordLord, II wonderwonder ta’s’t hast’has beenbeen
wln 1029mistmissed soso longlong?
wln 1030Luss.LussuriosoLuss.WellWell, thisthis nightnight ilei’llI’ll visitvisit herher, andand tis’tis tilltill thenthen
wln 1031AA yeareyear inin mymy desiresdesires-farwelldesiresdesires-farewell——farwellfarewell, attendattend,
wln 1032TrustTrust meme withwith thythy prefermentpreferment.ExitExit.
wln 1033Vind.VindiceVind.MyMy lou’dloved LordLord;
wln 1034OhOhO shallshall II killkill himhim atho’ th’o’th’ wrong-sidewrong sidewrong-side nownow, no!no!
wln 1035SwordSword thouthou wastwast neuernever aa back-biterbackbiter yetyet,
wln 1036IleI’ll peircepierce himhim toto hishis faceface, hehe shallshall diedie, lookinglooking vponupon meme,
wln 1037ThyThy veinesveins areare sweldswelledswollen withwith lustlust, thisthis shallshall vnfillunfill e’m’em,
wln 1038GreatGreat menmen werewere GodsGods, ifif beggersbeggars couldcould notnot kilkill e’m’em,
wln 1039ForgiueForgive meme heauenheaven, toto callcall mymy mothermother wickedwicked,
wln 1040OhOhO lessenlessen notnot mymy daiesdays vponupon thethe earthearth
wln 1041II cannotcannot honorhonorhonour herher, byby thisthis II fearefear meme
wln 1042HerHer tonguetongue hashas turndturned mymy sistersister intointo vseuse.
wln 1043II waswas aa villainevillain notnot toto bebe forsworneforsworn:
wln 1044ToTo thisthis ourour lecherouslecherous hopehope, thethe DukesDuke’s sonneson,
wln 1045ForFor LawiersLawyers, MerchantsMerchants, somesome diuinesdivines andand allall,
wln 1046CountCount beneficiallbeneficial periuryperjury aa sinsin smallsmall,
wln 1047ItIt shallshall gogo hardhard yetyet, butbutilebut ilei’llI’ll guardguard herher honorhonorhonour
wln 1048AndAnd keepekeep thethe portesports suresure?EnterEnter HippolHippolitoHippol.
wln 1049Hip.HippolitoHip.BrotherBrother howhow goesgoes thethe worldworld? II wouldwould knowknow newesnews ofof youyou
wln 1050ButBut II hauehave newesnews toto telltell youyou.
wln 1051Vind.VindiceVind.WhatWhat inin thethe namename ofof knaueryknavery?
wln 1052Hipo.HippolitoHipo.KnaueryKnavery faythfaith,
wln 1053ThisThis viciousvicious oldold Duke’sDuke’s worthilyworthily abusdeabused
wln 1054TheThe penpen ofof hishis bastardbastard writeswrites himhim CuckoldCuckold!
wln 1055Vind.VindiceVind.HisHis bastardbastard?
wln 1056Hip.HippolitoHip.PrayPray beleeuebelieve itit, hehe andand thethe DuchesseDuchess,
wln 1057ByBy nightnight meetemeet inin theirtheir linnenlinen, theythey hauehave beenebeen seeneseen
wln 1058ByBy staire-footestair-foot pandarspanders!
wln 1059Vind.VindiceVind.OhOhO sinsin foulefoul andand deepedeep,
wln 1060GreatGreat faultsfaults areare wincktwinked atat whenwhen thethe Duke’sDuke’s a sleepeasleep,
wln 1061SeeSee, seesee, herehere comescomes thethe SpurioSpurio.
wln 1062Hip.HippolitoHip.MonstrousMonstrous LuxurLuxur?
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wln 1063Vind.VindiceVind.Vnbrac’dUnbraced: twotwo ofof hishis valiantvaliant bawdesbawds withwith himhim.
wln 1064OO There’sThere’s aa wickedwicked whisperwhisper; hellhell isis inin hishis earecareearcare
wln 1065StayStay let’slet’s obserueobserve hishis passagepassage —
wln 1066Spu.SpurioSpu.OhOhO butbut areare youyou suresure on’ton ’ton’t.
wln 1067Ser.ServantSer.MyMy LordLord mostmost suresure on’ton ’ton’t, forfor twas’twas spokespokespoken byby oneone,
wln 1068ThatThat isis mostmost inwardinward withwith thethe DukesDuke’s sonnesson’s lustlust:
wln 1069ThatThat hehe intendsintends withinwithin thisthis hourehour toto stealesteal,
wln 1070VntoUnto HippolitoesHippolito’s sistersister, whosewhose chastchaste lifelife
wln 1071TheThe mothermother hashas corruptedcorrupted forfor hishis vseuse.
wln 1072Sp.SpurioSp.SweeteSweet wordword, sweetesweet occasionoccasion, faythfaith thenthenthan brotherbrother
wln 1073IleI’ll disinheritdisinherit youyou inin asas shortshort timetime,
wln 1074AsAs II waswas whenwhen II waswas begotbegot inin hasthaste:
wln 1075IleI’ll damdamndam youyou atat youryour pleasurepleasure: pretiousprecious deeddeed
wln 1076AfterAfter youryour lustlust, ohoho twill’twill bebe finefine toto bleedebleed,
wln 1077ComeCome letlet ourour passingpassing outout bebe softsoft &and warywary.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 1078Vi.VindiceVi.MarkeMark, therethere, therethere, thatthat stepstep, nownow toto thethe DuchesDuchess,
wln 1079ThisThis theirtheir secondsecond meetingmeeting, writeswrites thethe DukeDuke CuckoldCuckold
wln 1080WithWith newnew additionsadditions, hishis horneshorns newlynewly reuiu’drevived:
wln 1081NightNight! thouthou thatthat lookstlook’st likelike funerallsunerallfuneral HerauldsHerald’s feesfees
wln 1082TorneTorn downedown betimesbetimes ithi’ th’i’th’ morningmorning, thouthou hangsthangest fittlyfitly
wln 1083ToTo GraceGrace thosethose sinssins thatthat hauehave nono gracegrace atat allall,
wln 1084NowNow tis’tis fullfull seasea a beda-bed ouerover thethe worldworld,
wln 1085TheresThere’sthere’s iuglingjuggling ofof allall sidessides, somesome thatthat werewere MaidesMaids
wln 1086E’enE’en atat Sun setSunsetSun set areare nownow perhapsperhaps ithi’ th’i’th’ Toale-bookeToll-booktoll-book,
wln 1087ThisThis womanwoman inin immodestimmodest thinthin apparellapparel:
wln 1088LetsLets inin herher friendfriend byby waterwater, herehere aa DameDame
wln 1089CunningCunning, naylesnails lether-hindgesleather-hinges toto aa doredoor,
wln 1090ToTo auoideavoid proclamationproclamation,
wln 1091NowNow CuckoldsCuckolds areare a quoyninga-quoyninga quoining, apaceapace, apaceapace, apaceapace, apaceapace?
wln 1092AndAnd carefullcareful sisterssisters spinnespin thatthat threadthread ithi’ th’i’th’ nightnight,
wln 1093ThatThat doesdoes maintainemaintain themthem andand theirtheir bawdesbawds ithi’ th’i’th’ daieday!
wln 1094Hip.HippolitoHip.YouYou flowflow wellwell brotherbrother?
wln 1095Vind.VindiceVind.PuhPuh I’meI’m shallowshallow yetvetvetyet,
wln 1096TooToo sparingsparing andand tootoo modestmodest, shallshall II telltell theethee,
wln 1097IfIf eueryevery tricktrick werewere toldtold thatsthat’s dealtdealt byby nightnight
wln 1098ThereThere areare fewfew herehere thatthat wouldwould notnot blushblush out rightoutrightout right.
wln 1099Hip.HippolitoHip.II amam ofof thatthat beleefebelief tootoo.
wln 1100Vind.VindiceVind.WhoseWho’swho’s thisthis comescomes,
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wln 1101Vind.VindiceVind.TheThe DukesDuke’s sonneson vpup soso latelate, — brotherbrother fallfall backback,
wln 1102AndAnd youyou shallshall learnelearn, somesome mischeifemischief, — mymy goodgood LordLord.
wln 1103Luss.LussuriosoLuss.PiatoPiato, whywhy thethe manman II wishtwished forfor, comecome,
wln 1104II dodo embraceembrace thisthis seasonseason forfor thethe fittestfittest
wln 1105ToTo tasttaste ofof thatthat yongyoung LadyLady?Vind.VindiceVind.HeartHeart, andand hellhell.
wln 1106Hip.HippolitoHip.DambdDamned villainevillain.
wln 1107Vind.VindiceVind.II haha’ nono wayway nownow toto crossecross itit, butbut toto killkill himhim.
wln 1108Luss.LussuriosoLuss.ComeCome onlyonly thouthou andand II.Vin.VindiceVin.MyMy LordLord mymy LordLord.
wln 1109Luss.LussuriosoLuss.WhyWhy dostdost thouthou startstart vsus?
wln 1110Vind.VindiceVind.IdeI’d almostalmost forgotforgot — thethe bastardbastard!Lus.LussuriosoLus.WhatWhat ofof himhim?
wln 1111Vind.VindiceVind.ThisThis nightnight, thisthis hourehour — thisthis minuteminute, nownow.
wln 1112Luss.LussuriosoLuss.WhatWhat? whatwhat?Vin.VindiceVin.ShadowesShadows thethe DuchesseDuchess —
wln 1113Luss.LussuriosoLuss.HorribleHorrible wordword.
wln 1114Vind.VindiceVind.AndAnd likelike strongstrong poysonpoison eateseats,
wln 1115IntoInto thethe DukeDuke youryour fathersfather’s fore-headforehead.Luss.LussuriosoLuss.OhOh.
wln 1116Vind.VindiceVind.HeHe makesmakes hornehorn royallroyal.Lus:LussuriosoLus:MostMost ignobleignoble slaueslave?
wln 1117Vind.VindiceVind.ThisThis isis thethe fruitefruit ofof twotwo bedsbeds.Luss.LussuriosoLuss.II amam madmad.
wln 1118Vind.VindiceVind.ThatThat passagepassage hehe trodtrod warilywarily:Luss.LussuriosoLuss.HeHe diddid!
wln 1119Vind.VindiceVind.AndAnd hushthushed hishis villainesvillains eueryevery stepstep hehe tooketook.
wln 1120Luss.LussuriosoLuss.HisHis villainesvillains? ilei’llI’ll confoundconfound themthem.
wln 1121Vind.VindiceVind.TakeTake e’m’em finelyfinely, finelyfinely, nownow.
wln 1122Luss.LussuriosoLuss.TheThe DuchesseDuchess’Duchess Chamber-dooreChamber-door shallshall notnot controulecontrol meeme.(ExeuntExeunt
wln 1123Hip.HippolitoHip.GoodGood, happyhappy, swiftswift, there’sthere’s gunpowdergunpowder ithi’ th’i’th’ CourtCourt,
wln 1124Wilde fireWild-fireWild fire atat mid-nightmidnight, inin thisthis heedlesseheedless furyfury
wln 1125HeHe maymay showshow violenceviolence toto crossecross himselfehimself,
wln 1126IleI’ll followfollow thethe EuentEvent.ExitExit.
wln 1127Luss.LussuriosoLuss.WhereWhere isis thatthat villainevillain?EnterEnter againeagain.
wln 1128Vind.VindiceVind.SoftlySoflySoftlysoftly mymy LordLord andand youyou maymay taketake e’m’em twistedtwisted.
wln 1129Luss.LussuriosoLuss.II carecare notnot howhow!
wln 1130Vind.VindiceVind.OhOhO twill’twill bebe gloriousglorious,
wln 1131ToTo killkill e’m’em doubleddoubled, whenwhen theirthey’retheir heaptheaped, bebe softsoft mymy LordLord.
wln 1132Luss.LussuriosoLuss.AwayAway mymy spleenespleen isis notnot soso lazylazy, thusthus andand thusthus,
wln 1133IleI’ll shakeshake theirtheir eye-lidseyelids opeopeopen, andand withwith mymy swordsword
wln 1134ShutShut e’m’em agenagain forfor euerever; — villainevillain, strumpetstrumpet —
wln 1135Duk.DukeDuk.YouYou vpperupper GuardGuard defenddefend vsus.Duch.DuchessDuch.TreasonTreason, treasontreason.
wln 1136Duk.DukeDuk.OhOhO taketake meeme notnot inin sleepesleep, II hauehave greatgreat sinssins, II mustmust hauehave (daiesdays,
wln 1137NayNay monthsmonths deeredear sonneson, withwith penitentialpenitential heauesheaves,
wln 1138ToTo liftlift ’em’em outout, andand notnot toto diedie vncleereunclear,
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wln 1139OOOh thouthou wiltwilt killkill meme bothboth inin heauenheaven andand herehere.
wln 1140Luss.LussuriosoLuss.II amam amazdeamazed toto deathdeath.
wln 1141DukeDuke.NayNay villainevillain traytortraitor,
wln 1142WorseWorse thenthan thethe fowlestfoulest EpithiteEpithet, nownow IleI’ll gripegripe theethee
wln 1143Ee’nE’ene’en withwith thethe NeruesNerves ofof wrathwrath, andand throwthrow thythy headhead
wln 1144AmongstAmongst thethe LawyersLawyerslawyer’s gardguard.
wln 1145EnterEnter NoblesNobles andand sonnessons.
wln 11461.1. NobleNoble.HowHow comescomes thethe quietquiet ofof youryour GtaceGraceGrace disturbddisturbed?
wln 1147DukeDuke.ThisThis boyeboy thatthat shouldshould bebe my selfemyself afterafter meeme,
wln 1148WouldWould bebe my selfemyself beforebefore meme, andand inin heateheat
wln 1149OfOf thatthat ambitionambition bloudilybloodily rushtrushed inin
wln 1150IntendingIntending toto deposedepose meme inin mymy bedbed?
wln 11512.2. NobleNoble.DutyDuty andand naturall-loyaltynatural-loyalty for-fendforfend.
wln 1152Dut.DuchessDut.HeHe caldcalled hishis FatherFather villainevillain; andand meme strumpetstrumpet,
wln 1153AA wordword thatthat II abhorreabhor toto file’filefile mymy lipslips withwith.
wln 1154Ambi.AmbitiosoAmbi.ThatThat waswas notnot soso wellwell donedone BrotherBrother?
wln 1155Luss.LussuriosoLuss.II amam abusdeabused — II knowknow ther’sthere’s nono excuseexcuse cancan dodo meme goodgood.
wln 1156Vind.VindiceVind.Tis’Tis nownow goodgood policiepolicy toto bebe fromfrom sightsight,
wln 1157HisHis viciousvicious purposepurpose toto ourour sisterssister’s honourhonorhonour,
wln 1158IsIs crostcrossed beyondbeyond ourour thoughtthought.
wln 1159Hip.HippolitoHip.YouYou littlelittle dreamtdreamt hishis FatherFather sleptslept heerehere.
wln 1160Vind.VindiceVind.OhOhO ’twas’twas farrefar beyondbeyond meme.
wln 1161ButBut sincesince itit fellfell soso; — withoutwithout fright-fullfrightful wordword,
wln 1162WouldWould hehe hadhad kildkilled himhim, twould’twould hauehave easdeeased ourour swordsswords.
wln 1163Duk.DukeDuk.BeBe comfortedcomforted ourour DuchesseDuchess, hehe shallshall dyedie.dissembledissemble aa
wln 1164Luss.LussuriosoLuss.Where’sWhere’s thisthis slaue-panderslave-pander nownow? outout ofof minemine eyeeye,
wln 1165GuiltieGuilty ofof thisthis abuseabuse.
wln 1166EnterEnter SpurioSpurio withwith hishis villainesvillains.
wln 1167Spu.SpurioSpu.Y’areY’ areYou’re villainesvillains, FablersFablers,
wln 1168YouYou hauehave knauesknaves’knaves chinschins, andand harlotsharlots’harlot’s tonguestongues, youyou lielie,
wln 1169AndAnd II wlllwillwill damdamndam youyou withwith oneone mealemeal aa dayday.
wln 11701.1. Ser.ServantSer.OO goodgood mymy LordLord!
wln 1171Spu.SpurioSpu.Sbloud’Sblood’sblood youyou shallshall neuernever supsup.
wln 11722.2. Ser.ServantSer.OO II beseechbeseech youyou sirsir.
wln 1173Spu.SpurioSpu.ToTo letlet mymy swordsword — CatchCatch coldcold soso longlong andand missemiss himhim.
wln 11741.1. Ser.ServantSer.TrothTroth mymy LordLord — Twas’Twas’twas hishis intentintent toto meetemeet therethere.
wln 1175Spu.SpurioSpu.HeartHeart hee’she’s yonderyonder?
wln 1176HaHa? whatwhat newesnews herehere? isis thethe dayday outout ath-socketo’ th’ socketo’th’ socket,
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wln 1177ThatThat itit isis NooneNoon atat Mid-nightMidnight; thethe CourtCourt vpup,
wln 1178HowHow comescomes thethe GuardGuard soso sawciesaucy withwith hishis elboweselbows?
wln 1179Luss.LussuriosoLuss.TheThe BastardBastard herehere?
wln 1180NayNay thenthen thethe truthtruth ofof mymy intentintent shallshall outout,
wln 1181MyMy LordLord andand FatherFather hearehear meme.DukeDuke.BeareBear himhim hencehence.
wln 1182Luss.LussuriosoLuss.II cancan withwith loyaltieloyalty excuseexcuse.
wln 1183DukeDuke.ExcuseExcuse? toto prisonprison withwith thethe VillaineVillain,
wln 1184DeathDeath shallshall notnot longlong laglag afterafter himhim.
wln 1185Spu.SpurioSpu.GoodGood ifaithi’ faithi’faith, thenthen ’tis’tis notnot muchmuch amisseamiss,
wln 1186Luss.LussuriosoLuss.BrothersBrothers, mymy bestbest releaserelease lieslies onon youryour tonguestongues,
wln 1187II praypray perswadepersuade forfor meeme.
wln 1188Ambi.AmbitiosoAmbi.ItIt isis ourour dutiesduties: makemake your selfeyourself suresure ofof vsus.
wln 1189Sup.SupervacuoSup.WeeleWe’llwe’ll sweatesweat inin pleadingpleading.
wln 1190Luss.LussuriosoLuss.AndAnd II maymay liuelive toto thankethank youyou.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 1191Ambi.AmbitiosoAmbi.NoNo, thythy deathdeath shallshall thankethank meme betterbetter.
wln 1192Spu.SpurioSpu.Hee’sHe’s gongone: IleI’ll afterafter himhim,
wln 1193AndAnd knowknow hishis trespassetrespass, seemeseem toto bearebear aa partpart
wln 1194InIn allall hishis illsills, butbut withwith aa PuritanePuritan heartheart.ExitExit.
wln 1195Amb.AmbitiosoAmb.NowNow brotherbrother, letlet ourour hatehate andand louelove bebe wouenwoven
wln 1196SoSo subtillysubtly togethertogether, thatthat inin speakingspeaking oneone wordword forfor hishis lifelife,
wln 1197WeWe maymay makemake threethree forfor hishis deathdeath,
wln 1198TheThe craftiestcraftiest pleaderpleader getsgets mostmost goldgold forfor breathbreath.
wln 1199Sup.SupervacuoSup.SetSet onon, IleI’ll notnot bebe farrefar behindebehind youyou brotherbrother.
wln 1200DukeDuke.IstIs ’tIs’t possiblepossible aa sonneson shouldshould beebe disobedientdisobedient asas farrefar asas
wln 1201thethe swordsword: itit isis thethe highesthighest hehe cancan goego nono fartherfarther.
wln 1202Ambi.AmbitiosoAmbi.MyMy gratiousgracious LordLord, taketake pittypity, —DukeDuke.PittyPity boyesboys?
wln 1203Amb.AmbitiosoAmb.NayNay weedwe’dweed bebe lothloath toto moouemove youryour GraceGrace tootoo muchmuch,
wln 1204WeeWewe knowknow thethe trespassetre’passetrespass isis vnpardonableunpardonable,
wln 1205BlackBlack, wickedwicked, andand vnnaturallunnatural,
wln 1206Sup.SupervacuoSup.InIn aa SonneSon, ohoho MonstrousMonstrous.
wln 1207Ambi.AmbitiosoAmbi.YetYet mymy LordLord,
wln 1208AA DukesDuke’s softsoft handhand stroakesstrokes thethe roughrough headhead ofof lawlaw,
wln 1209AndAnd makesmakes itit lyelie smoothsmooth.Duk.DukeDuk.ButBut mymy handhand shallshall nerene’er dootdo ’tdo’t.
wln 1210Amb.AmbitiosoAmb.ThatThat asas youyou pleaseplease mymy LordLord.
wln 1211Super.SupervacuoSuper.WeeWewe mustmust needsneeds confesseconfess,
wln 1212SomeSome fatherfather wouldwould hauehave enterdentered intointo hatehate,
wln 1213SoSo deadlydeadly pointedpointed, thatthat beforebefore hishis eyeseyes,
wln 1214HeeHe wouldwould haha’ seeneseen thethe executionexecution soundsound,
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wln 1215WithoutWithout corruptedcorrupted fauourfavorfavour?
wln 1216Amb.AmbitiosoAmb.ButBut mymy LordLord,
wln 1217YourYour GraceGrace maymay liuelive thethe wonderwonder ofof allall timestimes,
wln 1218InIn pardningpard’ningpardoning thatthat offenceoffenseoffence whichwhich neuernever yetyet
wln 1219HadHad faceface toto begbeg aa pardonpardon.DukeDuke.HunnyHoney, how’show’s thisthis?
wln 1220Amb.AmbitiosoAmb.ForgiueForgive himhim goodgood mymy LordLord, heeshee she’s youryour owneown sonneson,
wln 1221AndAnd II mustmust needsneeds saysay ’twas’twas thethe vildliervildlier donedone.
wln 1222Superv.SupervacuoSuperv.Hee’sHe’s thethe nextnext heireheir — yetyet thisthis truetrue reasonreason gathersgathers,
wln 1223NoneNone cancan possessepossess thatthat dispossessedispossess theirtheir fathersfathers:
wln 1224BeBe mercifullmerciful; —
wln 1225DukeDuke.Here’sHere’s nono Step-mothers-witStepmother’s witStep-mothers-wit,
wln 1226IleI’ll trietry ’em’em bothboth vponupon theirtheir louelove andand hatehate.
wln 1227Amb.AmbitiosoAmb.BeBe mercifullmerciful — althoalthough —DukeDuke.YouYou hauehave preuaildprevailed,
wln 1228MyMy wrathwrath likelike flamingflaming waxewax hathhath spentspent it selfeitself,
wln 1229II knowknow ’twas’twas butbut somesome peeuishpeevish MooneMoon inin himhim: goego, letlet himhim beebe (releasdreleased.
wln 1230Superv.SupervacuoSuperv.Sfoote’Sfoot’sfoot howhow nownow BrotherBrother?
wln 1231Amb.AmbitiosoAmb.YourYour GraceGrace dothdoth pleaseplease toto speakespeak besidebeside youryour spleenespleen,
wln 1232II wouldwould itit werewere soso happyhappy?DukeDuke.WhyWhy goego, releaserelease himhim.
wln 1233Superv.SupervacuoSuperv.OO mymy goodgood LordLord, II knowknow thethe fault’sfault’s tootoo weightyweighty,
wln 1234AndAnd fullfull ofof generallgeneral loathingloathing; tootoo inhumaineinhuman,
wln 1235RatherRather byby allall mensmen’s voycesvoices worthyworthy deathdeath.
wln 1236DukeDuke.Tis’Tis truetrue tootoo; herehere thenthen, receiuereceive thisthis signetsignet, doomedoom shallshall (passepass,
wln 1237DirectDirect itit toto thethe IudgesJudgesjudges, hehe shallshall dyedie
wln 1238EreEre manymany dayesdays, makemake hasthaste.
wln 1239Amb.AmbitiosoAmb.AllAll speedspeed thatthat maymay bebe,
wln 1240WeWe couldcould hauehave wishtwished hishis burthenburden notnot soso soresore,
wln 1241WeWe knewknew youryour GraceGrace diddid butbut delaydelay beforebefore.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 1242DukeDuke.Here’sHere’s EnuieEnvy withwith aa poorepoor thinthin couercover or’to’er ’tor’t,
wln 1243LikeLike ScarletScarlet hidhid inin lawnelawn, easilyeasily spidespied throughthrough,
wln 1244ThisThis theirtheir ambitionambition byby thethe MothersMother’s sideside,
wln 1245IsIs dangerousdangerous, andand forfor safetiesafety mustmust bebe purgdpurged,
wln 1246II willwill preuentprevent theirtheir enuiesenvies, suresure itit waswas
wln 1247ButBut somesome mistakenmistaken furiefury inin ourour sonneson,
wln 1248WhichWhich thesethese aspiringaspiring boyesboys wouldwould climbeclimb vponupon:
wln 1249HeHe shallshall beebe releasdereleased suddainlysuddenly.EnterEnter NoblesNobles.
wln 12501.1. Nob.NobleNob.GoodGood morningmorning toto youryour GraceGrace.
wln 1251DukeDuke.WelcomeWelcome mymy LordsLords.
wln 12522.2. Nob.NobleNob.OurOur kneesknees shallshall taketake awayaway thethe officeoffice ofof ourour feetefeet forfor (euerever,
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wln 1253VnlesseUnless youryour GraceGrace bestowbestow aa fathersfather’s eyeeye,
wln 1254VponUpon thethe CloudedClouded fortunesfortunes ofof youryour sonneson,
wln 1255AndAnd inin compassionatecompassionate vertuevirtue grantgrant himhim thatthat,
wln 1256WhichWhich makesmakes e’ene’en meanemean menmen happyhappy; libertyliberty
wln 1257Duk.DukeDuk.HowHow seriouslyseriously theirtheir louesloves andand honorshonorshonours woowoo
wln 1258ForFor thatthat, whichwhich II amam aboutabout toto praypray themthem doodo
wln 1259WhichWhich, riserise mymy LordsLords, youryour kneesknees signesign hishis releaserelease,
wln 1260WeWe freelyfreely pardonpardon himhim.
wln 12611.1. Nob.NobleNob.WeWe oweowe youryour GraceGrace muchmuch thankesthanks, andand hehe muchmuch duetyduty.(ExeuntExeunt.
wln 1262Duk.DukeDuk.ItIt wellwell becomesbecomes thatthat IudgeJudgejudge toto nodnod atat crimescrimes,
wln 1263ThatThat dosdoes commitcommit greatergreater himselfehimself andand liueslives:
wln 1264II maymay forgiueforgive aa disobedientdisobedient errorerror,
wln 1265ThatThat expectexpect pardonpardon forfor adulteryadultery
wln 1266AndAnd inin mymy oldold daiesdays amam aa youthyouth inin lustlust:
wln 1267ManyMany aa beautybeauty hauehave II turndturned toto poysonpoison
wln 1268InIn thethe denialldenial, couetouscovetous ofof allall,
wln 1269AgeAge hothot, isis likelike aa MonsterMonster toto bebe seeneseen:
wln 1270MyMy haireshairs areare whitewhite, andand yetyet mymy sinnessins areare GreeneGreen.
wln 1271ACT.ACT. 3.3.
wln 1272EnterEnter AmbitiosoAmbitioso, andand SuperuacuoSupervacuoSuperuacuo?
wln 1273Sup.SupervacuoSup.BrotherBrother, letlet mymy opinionopinion swaysway youyou onceonce,
wln 1274II speakespeak itit forfor thethe bestbest, toto hauehave himhim diedie:
wln 1275SurestSurest andand soonestsoonest, ifif thethe signetsignet comecome,
wln 1276VntoUnto thethe iudgesjudge’s handshands, whywhy thenthen hishis doomedoom,
wln 1277WillWill bebe deferddeferred tilltill sittingssittings andand Court-daiesCourt-days:
wln 1278IuriesJuriesjuries andand furtherfurther, — FaythsFaiths areare boughtbought andand soldsold,
wln 1279OthsOaths inin thesethese daiesdays areare butbut thethe skinskin ofof goldgold.
wln 1280Amb.AmbitiosoAmb.InIn trothtroth tis’tis truetrue tootoo!
wln 1281Super.SupervacuoSuper.ThenThen letslet’s setset byby thethe IudgesJudgesjudges
wln 1282AndAnd fallfall toto thethe OfficersOfficers, tis’tis butbut mistakingmistaking
wln 1283TheThe DukeDuke ourour fathersfather’s meaningmeaning, andand wherewhere hehe nam’dnamed,
wln 1284EreEre manymany daiesdays, tis’tis butbut forgettingforgetting thatthat
wln 1285AndAnd, hauehave himhim diedie i’thi’ th’i’th’ morningmorning.
wln 1286Amb.AmbitiosoAmb.ExcellentExcellent,
wln 1287ThenThen amam II heireheir — DukeDuke inin aa minuteminute.
wln 1288Super.SupervacuoSuper.NayNay,
wln 1289AndAnd hehe werewere onceonce pufftpuffepuffedpuff outout, herehere isis aa pinnepin.
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wln 1290ShouldShould quicklyquickly prickprick youryour bladderbladder.
wln 1291Amb.AmbitiosoAmb.BlastBlast occasionoccasion,
wln 1292HeHe beingbeing packtpacked, weelewe’ll hauehave somesome tricktrick andand wilewile,
wln 1293ToTo windewind ourour yongeryounger brotherbrother outout ofof prisonprison,
wln 1294ThatThat lieslies inin forfor thethe RapeRape, thethe LadiesLady’sLadies deaddead,
wln 1295AndAnd peoplespeople’s thoughtsthoughts willwill soonesoon bebe buriedburied.
wln 1296Super.SupervacuoSuper.WeWe maymay withwith saftysafety do’tdo ’tdo’t, andand liuelive andand feedefeed,
wln 1297TheThe Duchesse-sonnesDuchess’ sonsDuchess-sons areare tootoo proudproud toto bleedbleed,
wln 1298Am.AmbitiosoAm.WeWe areare yfaithi’ faithi’faith toto saysay truetrue. — comecome let’slet’s notnot lingerlinger
wln 1299IleI’ll toto thethe OfficersOfficers, gogo youyou beforebefore,
wln 1300AndAnd setset anan edgeedge vponupon thethe ExecutionerExecutioner.
wln 1301Sup.SupervacuoSup.LetLet meme alonealone toto grindgrind himhim.ExitExit.
wln 1302Amb.AmbitiosoAmb.MeeteMeet; farewellfarewell,
wln 1303II amam nextnext nownow, II riserise justjust inin thatthat placeplace,
wln 1304WhereWhere thou’rtthou ’rtthou’rt cutcut ofoffof, vponupon thythy NeckNeck kindkind brotherbrother,
wln 1305TheThe fallingfalling ofof oneone headhead, liftslifts vpup anotheranother.ExitExit.
wln 1306EnterEnter withwith thethe NoblesNobles, LussuriosoLussurioso fromfrom prysonprison.
wln 1307Luss.LussuriosoLuss.MyMy LordsLords? II amam soso muchmuch indebtedindebted toto youryour louesloves,
wln 1308ForFor thisthis, OOOh thisthis deliuerydelivery.
wln 13091.1. Nob.NobleNob.ButBut ourour duetiesduties, mymy LordLord, vntounto thethe hopeshopes thatthat growegrow (inin youyou,
wln 1310Luss.LussuriosoLuss.IfIf ereere II liuelive toto bebe my selfemyself ilei’llI’ll thankethank youyou,
wln 1311OOOh libertyliberty thouthou sweetesweet andand heauenlyheavenly DameDame;
wln 1312ButBut hellhell forfor prysonprison isis tootoo mildemild aa namename.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 1313EnterEnter AmbitiosoAmbitioso, andand SuperuacuoSupervacuoSuperuacuo? withwith OfficersOfficers.
wln 1314Am.AmbitiosoAm.OfficersOfficers? hereshere’s thethe DukesDuke’s signetsignet, youryour firmefirm warrantwarrant,
wln 1315BringsBrings thethe commandcommand ofof presentpresent deathdeath a longalonga longalong withwith itit
wln 1316VntoUnto ourour brotherbrother, thethe DukesDuke’s sonneson; wewe areare sorysorry,
wln 1317ThatThat wewe areare soso vnnaturallyunnaturally employdeemployed
wln 1318InIn suchsuch anan vnkindeunkind OfficeOffice, fitterfitter farrefar
wln 1319ForFor enemiesenemies thenthan brothersbrothers.
wln 1320Super.SupervacuoSuper.ButBut youyou knowknow,
wln 1321TheThe DukesDuke’s commandcommand mustmust bebe obaydeobeyed.
wln 13221.1. Offi.OfficerOffi.ItIt mustmust andand shalshall mymy LordLord — thisthis morningmorning thenthen,
wln 1323SoSo suddainelysuddenly?
wln 1324Am.AmbitiosoAm.IAyI alassealas poore-good-soulepoor good-soulpoor-good-soul,
wln 1325HeeHe mustmust breakebreak fastfast betimesbetimes, thethe executionerexecutioner
wln 1326StandsStands readyready toto putput forthforth hishis cowardlycowardly valourvalorvalour.
wln 13272.2. Offi.OfficerOffi.AlreadyAlready?
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wln 1328Sup.SupervacuoSup.AlreadyAlready ifathi’ faithifath, OOOh sirsir, destructiondestruction hieshies,
wln 1329AndAnd thatthat isis leastleast ImpudentImpudent, soonestsoonest dyesdies,
wln 13301.1. Off.OfficerOff.TrothTroth youyou saysay truetrue mymy LordLord wewe taketake ourour leauesleaves,
wln 1331OurOur OfficeOffice shallshall bebe soundsound, weelewe’ll notnot delaydelay,
wln 1332TheThe thirdthird partpart ofof aa minuteminute.
wln 1333Amb.AmbitiosoAmb.ThereinI hereinThereinI herein youyou showeshow.
wln 1334Your seluesYourselvesyourselves goodgood menmen, andand vprightupright officersofficers,
wln 1335PrayPray letlet himhim diedie asas priuatprivate asas hehe maymay,
wln 1336DoeDo himhim thatthat fauourfavorfavour, forfor thethe gapinggaping peoplepeople.
wln 1337WillWill butbut troubletrouble himhim atat hishis prayersprayers,
wln 1338AndAnd makemake himhim cursecurse, andand sweareswear, andand soso diedie blackblack.
wln 1339WillWill youyou bebe soso farfar KindKind?
wln 13401.1. Off.OfficerOff.ItIt shallshall bebe donedone mymy LordLord.
wln 1341Amb.AmbitiosoAmb.WhyWhy wewe dodo thankethank youyou, ifif wewe liuelive toto bebe,
wln 1342YouYou shallshall hauehave aa betterbetter officeoffice,
wln 13432.2. Off.OfficerOff.YourYour goodgood Lord-shippeLordship,
wln 1344Sup.SupervacuoSup.CommendCommend vsus toto thethe scaffoldscaffold inin ourour tearestears.
wln 13451.1. OffOfficerWeeleWe’llwe’ll weepeweep andand doedo youryour commendationscommendations,ExeuntExeunt.
wln 1346Amb.AmbitiosoAmb.FineFine foolesfools inin officeoffice!Sup.SupervacuoSup.ThingsThings fallfall outouroutour soso fitfit.
wln 1347Amb.AmbitiosoAmb.SoSo happilyhappily, comecome brotherbrother ereere nextnext clockclock,
wln 1348HisHis headhead willwill bebe mademade serueserve aa biggerbigger blockblock.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 1349EnterEnter inin prisonprison IuniorJuniorluniorJunior BrotherBrother,
wln 1350Iuni.JuniorIuni.KeeperKeeper.Keep.KeeperKeep.MyMy LordLord.
wln 1351Iuni.JuniorIuni.NoNo newesnews latelylately fromfrom ourour brothersbrothers?
wln 1352AreAre theythey vnmindfullunmindful ofof vsus?
wln 1353Keep.KeeperKeep.MyMy LordLord aa messengermessenger camecame newlynewly inin andand broughtbrought thisthis (fromfrom ’em’em,
wln 1354Iuni.JuniorIuni.NothingNothing butbut paperpaper comfortscomforts?
wln 1355II look’dlooked forfor mymy deliuerydelivery beforebefore thisthis,
wln 1356HadHad theythey beenebeen worthworth theirtheir othsoaths — pretheeprithee bebe fromfrom vsus.
wln 1357NowNow whatwhat saysay youyou forsoothforsooth, speakespeak outout II praypray,
wln 1358LetterLetter.BrotherBrother bebe ofof goodgood cheerecheer,
wln 1359Slud’Slud’slud itit beginsbegins likelike aa whorewhore withwith goodgood cheerecheer,
wln 1360ThouThou shaltshalt notnot bebe longlong aa prisonerprisoner.
wln 1361NotNot fiuefive andand thirtythirty yeareyear likelike aa banqroutbankrupt, II thinkethink soso,
wln 1362WeWe hauehave thoughtthought vponupon aa deuicedevice toto getget theethee outout byby aa tricketrick!
wln 1363ByBy aa tricketrick, poxpox ao’a youryour tricketrick andand itit bebe soso longlong a playinga-playinga playing.
wln 1364AndAnd soso restrest comfortedcomforted, bebe merrymerry andand expectexpect itit suddaynelysuddenly!
wln 1365BeBe merrymerry, hanghang merrymerry, drawdraw andand quarterquarter merrymerry, IleI’ll bebe madmad!!.
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wln 1366IstIs ’tIs’t notnot strangestrange thatthat aa manman shouldshould lielie inin aa wholewhole monthmonth forfor aa wo-womanwo∣manwoman
wln 1367man,
wln 1367wellwell, weewe shallshall seesee howhow suddainesudden ourour brothersbrothers: willwill beebe inin
wln 1368theirtheir promisepromise, II mustmust expectexpect stillstill aa tricktrick! II shallshall notnot beebe longlong aa
wln 1369prisonerprisoner, howhow nownow, whatwhat newesnews?
wln 1370KeeperKeeper.BadBad newesnews mymy LordLord II amam discharg’ddischarged ofof youyou.
wln 1371Iunio.JuniorIunio.SlaueSlave calstcall’st thouthou thatthat badbad newesnews, II thankethank youyou brothersbrothers.
wln 1372Keep.KeeperKeep.MyMy LordLord twill’twill proueprove soso, herehere comecome thethe OfficersOfficers,
wln 1373IntoInto whosewhose handshands II mustmust commitcommit youyou.
wln 1374Iunio.JuniorIunio.HaHa, OfficersOfficers,, whatwhat, whywhy?
wln 13751.1. Offi.OfficerOffi.YouYou mustmust pardonpardon vsus mymy LordLord,
wln 1376OurOur OfficeOffice mustmust bebe soundsound, herehere isis ourour warrantwarrant
wln 1377TheThe signetsignet fromfrom thethe DukeDuke, youyou mustmust straightstraight suffersuffer.
wln 1378IuniorJuniorjunior.SufferSuffer? ilei’llI’ll suffersuffer youyou toto bebe gongone, ilei’llI’ll suffersuffer youyou,
wln 1379ToTo comecome nono moremore, whatwhat wouldwould youyou hauehave meme suffersuffer?
wln 13802.2. Offi.OfficerOffi.MyMy LordLord thosethose wordswords werewere betterbetter chang’dchanged toto praiersprayers,
wln 1381TheThe timestime’stimes butbut breifebrief withwith youyou, prepareprepare toto diedie.
wln 1382IuniorJuniorjunior.SureSure tis’tis notnot soso.3.3. Offi.OfficerOffi.ItIt isis tootoo truetrue mymy LordLord.
wln 1383IuniorJuniorjunior.II telltell youyou tis’tis notnot, forfor thethe DukeDuke mymy fatherfather,
wln 1384DeferdDefendDeferredDefend meme tilltill nextnext sittingsitting, andand II lookelook
wln 1385E’enE’en eueryevery minuteminute threescorethreescore timestimes anan hourehour,
wln 1386ForFor aa releaserelease, aa tricketrick wroughtwrought byby mymy brothersbrothers.
wln 13871.1. Offi.OfficerOffi.AA tricktrick mymy LordLord? ifif youyou expectexpect suchsuch comfortcomfort,
wln 1388YourYour hopeshopes asas fruitlessefruitless asas aa barrenbarren womanwoman:
wln 1389YourYour brothersbrothers werewere thethe vnhappyunhappy messengersmessengers,
wln 1390ThatThat broughtbrought thisthis powerfullpowerful tokentoken forfor youryour deathdeath.
wln 1391IuniorJuniorjunior.MyMy brothersbrothers, nono, nono.
wln 13922.2. Offi.OfficerOffi.Tis’Tis mostmost truetrue mymy LordLord.
wln 1393IuniorJuniorjunior.MyMy brothersbrothers toto bringbring aa warrantwarrant forfor mymy deathdeath
wln 1394HowHow strangestrange thisthis showesshows?
wln 13953.3. Offi.OfficerOffi.There’sThere’s nono delayingdelaying timetime.
wln 1396IuniorJuniorjunior.DesireDesire e’m’em hetherhither, callcall e’m’em vpup, mymy brothersbrothers?
wln 1397TheyThey shallshall denydeny itit toto youryour facesfaces.
wln 13981.1. Offi.OfficerOffi.MyMy LordLord,
wln 1399They’reThey’re farfar ynoughenough byby thisthis, atat leastleast atat CourtCourt,
wln 1400AndAnd thisthis mostmost stricktstrict commandcommand theythey leftleft behindebehind e’m’em,
wln 1401WhenWhen griefegrief swumswum inin theirtheir eyeseyes, theythey show’dshowed likelike brothersbrothers,
wln 1402Brim-fullBrimful ofof heauyheavy sorrowsorrow: butbut thethe DukeDuke
wln 1403MustMust hauehave hishis pleasurepleasure.Iunio.JuniorIunio.HisHis pleasurepleasure?
1. Offi.
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wln 14041.1. Off.OfficerOff.TheseThese werewere theirtheir lastlast wordswords whichwhich mymy memorymemory bearesbears,
wln 1405CommendCommend vsus toto thethe ScaffoldScaffold inin ourour tearestears.
wln 1406IuniorJuniorjunior.PoxPox dryedry theirtheir tearestears, whatwhat shouldshould II dodo withwith tearestears?
wln 1407II hatehate em’em worseworse thenthan anyany CittizensCitizen’scitizen’s sonneson
wln 1408CanCan hatehate saltsalt waterwater; herehere camecame aa letterletter nownow,
wln 1409New-bleedingNew-bleeding fromfrom theirtheir PensPens, scarcescarce stintedstinted yetyet,
wln 1410WouldWould ldeI’d beenebeen tornetorn inin peecespieces whenwhen II toretore itit,
wln 1411LookeLook youyou officiousofficious whoresonswhoresons wordswords ofof comfortcomfort,
wln 1412NotNot longlong aa PrisonerPrisoner.
wln 14131.1. Off.OfficerOff.ItIt sayessays truetrue inin thatthat sirsir, forfor youyou mustmust suffersuffer presentlypresently.
wln 1414IuniorJuniorjunior.AA villanousvillainous DunsDuns, vponupon thethe letterletter knauishknavish expositionexposition,
wln 1415LookeLook youyou thenthen herehere sirsir: WeeleWe’llwe’ll getget theethee outout byby aa tricktrick sayessays heehe.
wln 14162.2. Off.OfficerOff.ThatThat maymay holdhold tootoo sirsir, forfor youyou knowknow aa TrickTrick isis com-commonlycom∣monlycommonly
wln 1417monly
wln 1417fourefour CardesCards, whichwhich waswas meantmeant byby vsus fourefour officersofficers.
wln 1418IuniorJuniorjunior.WorseWorse andand worseworse dealingdealing.
wln 14191.1. Off.OfficerOff.TheThe hourehour beckensbeckons vsus,
wln 1420TheThe heads-manheadsman waiteswaits, liftlift vpup youryour eyeseyes toto heauenheaven.
wln 1421IuniorJuniorjunior.II thankethank youyou faithfaith; goodgood pritty-holsomepretty-wholesome counsellcounsel,
wln 1422II shouldshould lookelook vpup toto heauenheaven asas youyou seddsaid,
wln 1423WhilstWhilst hehe behindebehind meme cozenscozens meme ofof mymy headhead,
wln 1424IAyI thatsthat’s thethe TrickTrick.3.3. Off.OfficerOff.YouYou delaydelay tootoo longlong mymy LordLord.
wln 1425IuniorJuniorjunior.StayStay goodgood AuthoritiesAuthority’sAuthorities BastardsBastards, sincesince II mustmust
wln 1426ThroughThrough BrothersBrother’s periurieperjury dyedie, OOOh letlet meme venomevenom
wln 1427TheirTheir soulessouls withwith cursescurses.1.1. Off.OfficerOff.ComeCome tis’tis nono timetime toto cursecurse.
wln 1428IuniorJuniorjunior.MustMust II bleedbleed thenthen, withoutwithout respectrespect ofof signesign? wellwell —
wln 1429MyMy faultfault waswas sweetsweet sportsport, whichwhich thethe worldworld approouesapproves,
wln 1430II dyedie forfor thatthat whichwhich eueryevery womanwoman louesloves.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 1431EnterEnter VindiciVindiceVindictVindice withwith HippolitoHippolito hishis brotherbrother.
wln 1432Vind.VindiceVind.OO sweetesweet, delectabledelectable, rarerare, happyhappy, rauishingravishing,
wln 1433Hip.HippolitoHip.WhyWhy what’swhat’s thethe mattermatter brotherbrother?
wln 1434Vin.VindiceVin.OO tis’tis ableable, toto makemake aa manman springspring vpup, &and knockknock hishis for-headforehead
wln 1435AgainstAgainst yonyonyond siluarsilver seelingceiling.
wln 1436Hip.HippolitoHip.Pre-theePrithee telltell meeme,
wln 1437WhyWhy maymay notnot II pertakepartake withwith youyou? youyou vowdevowed onceonce
wln 1438ToTo giuegive meme shareshare toto eueryevery tragicktragic thoughtthought.
wln 1439Vind.VindiceVind.Byth’By th’Byth’ MasseMass II thinkethink II diddid tootoo,
wln 1440ThenThen IleI’ll diuidedivide itit toto theethee, — thethe oldold DukeDuke
wln 1441ThinkingThinking mymy outwardoutward shapeshape, andand inwardinward heartheart
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wln 1442AreAre cutcut outout ofof oneone peicepiece; (forfor hehe thatthat pratesprates hishis secretssecrets,
wln 1443HisHis heartheart standsstands atho’ th’o’th’ out sideoutsideout side) hireshires meme byby priceprice:
wln 1444ToTo greetegreet himhim withwith aa LadyLady,
wln 1445InIn somesome fitfit placeplace vayldeveiled fromfrom thethe eyeseyes atho’ th’o’th’ CourtCourt,
wln 1446SomeSome darkneddarkened blushlesseblushless AngleAngle, thatthat isis guiltyguilty
wln 1447OfOf hishis fore-fathersforefathers’forefather’s lustslusts, andand great-folkesgreat-folks’ riotsriots,
wln 1448ToTo whichwhich (II easilyeasily toto maintainemaintain mymy shapeshape)
wln 1449ConsentedConsented, andand diddid wishwish hishis impudentimpudent gracegrace
wln 1450ToTo meetemeet herher herehere inin thisthis vn-sunned-lodgeunsunned lodgeun-sunned-lodge,
wln 1451Where-inWherein tis’tis nightnight atat noonenoon, andand herehere thethe ratherrather,
wln 1452BecauseBecause vntounto thethe torturingtorturing ofof hishis soulesoul,
wln 1453TheThe BastardBastard andand thethe DuchesseDuchess hauehave appoyntedappointed
wln 1454TheirTheir meetingmeeting tootoo inin thisthis luxuriousluxurious circlecircle,
wln 1455WhichWhich mostmost afflictingafflicting sightsight willwill killkill hishis eyeseyes
wln 1456BeforeBefore wewe killkill thethe restrest ofof himhim.
wln 1457Hip.HippolitoHip.Twill’Twill yfaithi’ faithi’faith, mostmost dreadfullydreadfully digesteddigested,
wln 1458II seesee notnot howhow youyou couldcould hauehave mistmissed meme brotherbrother.
wln 1459Vind.VindiceVind.TrueTrue, butbut thethe violenceviolence ofof mymy ioyjoy forgotforgot itit.
wln 1460Hip.HippolitoHip.IAyay, butbut where’swhere’s thatthat LadyLady nownow?
wln 1461Vind.VindiceVind.OhOhO atat thatthat wordword,
wln 1462I’meI’m lostlost againeagain, youyou cannotcannot findefind meme yetyet
wln 1463I’meI’m inin aa throngthrong ofof happyhappy ApprehensionsApprehensions.
wln 1464Hee’sHe’s sutedsuited forfor aa LadyLady, II hauehave tooketooktaken carecare
wln 1465ForFor aa delitiousdelicious liplip, aa sparklingsparkling eyeeye,
wln 1466YouYou shallshall bebe witnessewitness brotherbrother;
wln 1467BeBe readyready standstand withwith youryour hathat offoff.ExitExit.
wln 1468Hip.HippolitoHip.TrothTroth II wonderwonder whatwhat LadyLady itit shouldshould bebe?
wln 1469YetYet tis’tis nono wonderwonder, nownow II thinkethink againeagain,
wln 1470ToTo hauehave aa LadyLady stoopestoop toto aa DukeDuke, thatthat stoopesstoops vntounto hishis menmen,
wln 1471Tis’Tis commoncommon toto bebe commoncommon, throughthrough thethe worldworld:
wln 1472AndAnd there’sthere’s moremore priuateprivate commoncommon shadowingshadowing vicesvices,
wln 1473ThenThan thosethose whowho areare knowneknown bothboth byby theirtheir namesnames andand pricespricesprinces
wln 1474Tis’Tis partpart ofof mymy alleaganceallegiance toto standstand barebare,
wln 1475ToTo thethe DukesDuke’s ConcubineConcubine, — andand herehere sheshe comescomes.
wln 1476EnterEnter VindiceVindice, withwith thethe skullskull ofof hishis louelove drestdressed vpup inin TiresTires.
wln 1477Vind.VindiceVind.MadameMadame hishis gracegrace willwill notnot bebe absentabsent longlong.
wln 1478SecretSecret? nerene’er doubtdoubt vsus MadameMadammadam? twill’twill bebe worthworth
wln 1479ThreeThree veluetvelvet gownesgowns toto youryour LadyshipLadyship — knowneknown?
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wln 1480FewFew LadiesLadies respectrespect thatthat? disgracedisgrace, aa poorepoor thinthin shellshell,
wln 1481Tis’Tis thethe bestbest gracegrace youyou hauehave toto dodo itit wellwell,
wln 1482IleI’ll sauesave youryour handhand thatthat labourlaborlabour, ilei’llI’ll vnmaskeunmask youyou?
wln 1483Hip.HippolitoHip.WhyWhy brotherbrother, brotherbrother.
wln 1484Vind.VindiceVind.ArtArt thouthou beguildbeguiled nownow? tuttut, aa LadyLady cancan,
wln 1485AtAt suchsuch allall hidhid, beguilebeguile aa wiserwiser manman,
wln 1486HaueHave II notnot fittedfitted thethe oldold surfettersurfeiter
wln 1487WithWith aa quaintquaint peicepiece ofof beautybeauty, ageage andand barebare bonebone
wln 1488AreAre eree’erere alliedallied inin actionaction; here’shere’s anan eyeeye,
wln 1489AbleAble toto tempttempt aa greatmangreat mangreat-man — toto serueserve GodGod,
wln 1490AA pretypretty hanginghanging liplip, thatthat hashas for gotforforgotfor gotgot nownow toto dissembledissemble
wln 1491Me thinkesMethinksmethinks thisthis mouthmouth shouldshould makemake aa swearerswearer trembletremble.
wln 1492AA drunckarddrunkard claspeclasp hishis teethteeth, andand notnot vndoundo e’m’em,
wln 1493ToTo suffersuffer wetwet damnationdamnation toto runrun throughthrough e’m’em.
wln 1494HeresHere’shere’s aa cheekecheek keepeskeeps herher colourcolorcolour letlet thethe windewind gogo whistlewhistle,
wln 1495SpoutSpout RaineRain, wewe fearefear theethee notnot, bebe hothot oror coldcold
wln 1496AllsAll’sall’s oneone withwith vsus; andand isis notnot hehe absur’dabsurd,
wln 1497WhoseWhose fortunesfortunes areare vponupon theirtheir facesfaces setset,
wln 1498ThatThat fearefear nono otherother GodGod butbut windewind andand wetwet.
wln 1499Hip.HippolitoHip.BrotherBrother y’auey’aveyou’ve spokespokespoken thatthat rightright,
wln 1500IsIs thisthis thethe formeform thatthat liuingliving shoneshone soso brightbright?
wln 1501Vind.VindiceVind.TheThe veryvery samesame,
wln 1502AndAnd nownow me thinkesmethinks II coldcould e’ene’en chidechide my selfemyself,
wln 1503ForFor doatingdoting onon herher beautybeauty, thothough herher deathdeath
wln 1504ShallShall bebe reuengdrevenged afterafter nono commoncommon actionaction;
wln 1505Do’sDoesdoes thethe Silke-wormeSilkworm expendexpend herher yellowyellow labourslaborslabours
wln 1506ForFor theethee? forfor theethee dosdoes sheshe vndoeundo herselfeherself?
wln 1507AreAre Lord-shipsLordships soldsold toto maintainemaintain Lady-shipsLadyships
wln 1508ForFor thethe poorepoor benefitbenefit ofof aa bewitchingbewitching minuteminute?
wln 1509WhyWhy dosdoes yonyonyond fellowfellow falsifyfalsify hie-waieshighways
wln 1510AndAnd putput hishis lifelife betweenebetween thethe IudgesJudge’sjudge’s lippeslips,
wln 1511ToTo refinerefine suchsuch aa thingthing,, keepeskeeps horsehorse andand menmen
wln 1512ToTo beatebeat theirtheir valoursvalorsvalours forfor herher?
wln 1513SurelySurely wee’rewe’re allall madmad peoplepeople, andand theythey
wln 1514WhomeWhom wewe thinkethink areare, areare notnot, wewe mistakemistake thosethose,
wln 1515Tis’Tis wewe areare madmad inin scencesense, theythey butbut inin clothesclothes.
wln 1516Hip.HippolitoHip.FaithFaith andand inin clothesclothes tootoo wewe, giuegive vsus ourour duedue.
wln 1517Vind.VindiceVind.DosDoesdoes eueryevery proudproud andand selfe-affectingself-affecting DameDame
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wln 1518CamphireCamphire herher faceface forfor thisthis? andanand grieuedgrieuegrieve herher MakerMaker
wln 1519InIn sinfullsinful bathsbaths ofof milkemilk, — whenwhen manymany anan infantinfant staruesstarves,
wln 1520ForFor herher superfluoussuperfluous out-sideoutside, allall forfor thisthis?
wln 1521WhoWho nownow bidsbids twentytwenty poundpound aa nightnight, preparesprepares
wln 1522MusickMusic, perfumesperfumes, andand sweete-meatessweetmeats, allall areare hushthushed,
wln 1523ThouThou maistmayst lielie chastchaste nownow! itit werewere finefine me thinkesmethinks:
wln 1524ToTo hauehave theethee seeneseen atat ReuellsRevels, forgetfullforgetful feastsfeasts,
wln 1525AndAnd vncleaneunclean BrothellsBrothelsbrothels; suresure twould’twould frightfright thethe sinnersinner
wln 1526AndAnd makemake himhim aa goodgood cowardcoward, putput aa ReuellerReveller,
wln 1527OutOut offofoff hishis AntickAntic ambleamble
wln 1528AndAnd cloyecloy anan EpicureEpicure withwith emptyempty dishesdishes?
wln 1529HereHere mightmight aa scornefullscornesullscornful andand ambitiousambitious womanwoman,
wln 1530LookeLook throughthrough andand throughthrough her selfeherself, — seesee LadiesLadies, withwith falsefalse (formesforms,
wln 1531YouYou deceiuedeceive menmen, butbut cannotcannot deceiuedeceive wormesworms.
wln 1532NowNow toto mymy tragicktragic businessebusiness, lookelook youyou brotherbrother,
wln 1533II hauehave notnot fashiondfashioned thisthis onelyonly — forfor showshow
wln 1534AndAnd vselesseuseless propertyproperty, nono, itit shallshall bearebear aa partpart
wln 1535E’enE’en inin itit owneown ReuengeRevenge. ThisThis veryvery skullskull,
wln 1536WhoseWhose MistrisMistress thethe DukeDuke poysonedpoisoned, withwith thisthis drugdrug
wln 1537TheThe mortallmortal cursecurse ofof thethe earthearth; shallshall bebe reuengdrevenged
wln 1538InIn thethe likelike strainestrain, andand kissekiss hishis lippeslips toto deathdeath,
wln 1539AsAs muchmuch asas thethe dumbedumb thingthing cancan, hehe shallshall feelefeel:
wln 1540WhatWhat faylesfails inin poysonpoison, weelewe’ll supplysupply inin steelesteel.
wln 1541Hip.HippolitoHip.BrotherBrother II dodo applaudapplaud thythy constantconstant vengeancevengeance,
wln 1542TheThe quaintnessequaintness ofof thythy malicemalice aboueabove thoughtthought.
wln 1543Vind.VindiceVind.SoSo tis’tis laydelaid onon: nownow comecome andand welcomewelcome DukeDuke,
wln 1544II hauehave herher forfor theethee, II protestprotest itit brotherbrother:
wln 1545Me thinkesMethinksmethinks sheshe makesmakes almostalmost asas fairefair aa sinefinesinesign
wln 1546AsAs somesome oldold gentlewomangentlewoman inin aa PeriwigPeriwig?
wln 1547HideHide thythy faceface nownow forfor shameshame, thouthou hadsthadst needeneed hauehave aa MaskeMask (nownow
wln 1548Tis’Tis vainevain whenwhen beautybeauty flowesflows, butbut whenwhen itit fleetesfleets
wln 1549ThisThis wouldwould becomebecome grauesgraves betterbetter thenthan thethe streetesstreets.
wln 1550Hip.HippolitoHip.YouYou hauehave mymy voicevoice inin thatthat; harkehark, thethe Duke’sDuke’s comecome.
wln 1551Vind.VindiceVind.PeacePeace, let’slet’s obserueobserve whatwhat companycompany hehe bringsbrings,
wln 1552AndAnd howhow hehe dosdoes absentabsent e’m’em, forfor youyou knoweknow
wln 1553HeeleHe’ll wishwish allall priuateprivate, — brotherbrother fallfall youyou backback aa littlelittle,
wln 1554WithWith thethe bonybony LadyLady.Hip.HippolitoHip.ThatThat II willwill.
wln 1555Vind.VindiceVind.SoSo, soso, — nownow 9.nine9. yearsyears’years vengeancevengeance crowdecrowd intointo aa minuteminute!
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wln 1556Duk.DukeDuk.YouYou shallshall hauehave leaueleave toto leaueleave vsus, withwith thisthis chargecharge,
wln 1557VponUpon youryour liueslives, ifif wewe bebe mistmissed by’thby th’ DuchesseDuchess
wln 1558OrOr anyany ofof thethe NoblesNobles, toto giuegive outout,
wln 1559We’reWe’re priuatelyprivately ridrid forthforth.VindVindiceVindOhOhO happinessehappiness!
wln 1560DukDukeWithWith somesome fewfew honorablehonorablehonourable gentlemengentlemen youyou maymay saysay,
wln 1561YouYou maymay namename thosethose thatthat areare awayaway fromfrom CourtCourt.
wln 1562Gentle.GentlemanGentle.YourYour willwill andand pleasurepleasure shallshall bebe donedone mymy LordLord.
wln 1563Vind.VindiceVind.PriuatlyPrivatelyPriuatly ridrid forthforth,
wln 1564HeHe striuesstrives toto makemake suresure workework on’ton ’ton’t — youryour goodgood gracegrace?
wln 1565Duk.DukeDuk.PiatoPiato, wellwell donedone hasthast broughtbrought herher, whatwhat LadyLadyistLady istis ’tis’t?
wln 1566Vind.VindiceVind.FaithFaith mymy LordLord aa CountryCountry LadyLady, aa littlelittle bashfullbashful atat firstfirst
wln 1567asas mostmost ofof themthem areare, butbut afterafter thethe firstfirst kissekiss mymy LordLord thethe worstworst isis
wln 1568pastpast withwith themthem, youryour gracegrace knowesknows nownow whatwhat youyou hauehave toto doodo;
wln 1569sha’ssh’assha’s some-whatsomewhat aa grauegrave lookelook withwith herher — butbut —
wln 1570Duk.DukeDuk.II louelove thatthat bestbest, conductconduct herher.
wln 1571Vind.VindiceVind.HaueHave atat allall.
wln 1572Duk.DukeDuk.InIn grauestgravest lookeslooks thethe GreatestGreatest faultesfaults seemeseem lesseless
wln 1573GiueGive meme thatthat sinsin thatsthat’s rob’drobbed inin HolinesHoliness.
wln 1574Vind.VindiceVind.BackBack withwith thethe TorchTorch; brotherbrother raiseraise thethe perfumesperfumes.
wln 1575Duk.DukeDuk.HowHow sweetesweet cancan aa DukeDuke breathbreathebreath? ageage hashas nono faultfault,
wln 1576PleasurePleasure shouldshould meetemeet inin aa perfumedperfumed mistmist,
wln 1577LadyLady sweetelysweetly encountredencountered, II camecame fromfrom CourtCourt II mustmust beebe bouldbold
wln 1578withwith youyou, ohoho, what’swhat’s thisthis, ohoho!
wln 1579Vind.VindiceVind.royallroyal villainevillain, whitewhite diuilldevil;DukeDuke.OhOh.
wln 1580Vind.VindiceVind.BrotherBrother — placeplace thethe TorchTorch herehere, thatthat hishis affrightedaffrighted eye-eye-ballseyeballs(balls
wln 1581MayMay startstart intointo thosethose holloweshollows, DukeDuke; dostdost knoweknow
wln 1582YonYonYond dreadfulldreadful vizardvizard, viewview itit wellwell, tis’tis thethe skullskull
wln 1583OfOf GlorianaGloriana, whomwhom thouthou poysonedstpoisoned’stpoisonedst lastlast.
wln 1584Duk.DukeDuk.OhOhO, tas’t has’thas poysonedpoisoned meme.
wln 1585Vind.VindiceVind.DidstDidst notnot knowknow thatthat tilltill nownow?
wln 1586Duk.DukeDuk.WhatWhat areare youyou twotwo?
wln 1587Vind.VindiceVind.VillainesVillainsvillains allall threethree? — thethe veryvery raggedragged bonebone,
wln 1588HasHas beenebeen sufficientlysufficiently reuengdrevenged.
wln 1589Duk.DukeDuk.OhOhO HippolitoHippolito? callcall treasontreason.
wln 1590Hip.HippolitoHip.YesYes mymy goodgood LordLord, treasontreason, treasontreason, treasontreason.stampingstamping
onon himhim.
wln 1591Duk.DukeDuk.ThenThen I’meI’m betraydebetrayed.
wln 1592Vind.VindiceVind.AlasseAlas poorepoor LecherLecher inin thethe handshands ofof knauesknaves,
wln 1593AA slauishslavish DukeDuke isis baserbaser thenthan hishis slauesslaves.
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wln 1594DukeDuke.MyMy teethteeth areare eateneaten outout.Vind.VindiceVind.HadstHadst anyany leftlestleftlest.
wln 1595Hip.HippolitoHip.II thinkethink butbut fewfew.
wln 1596Vin.VindiceVin.ThenThen thosethose thatthat diddid eateeat areare eateneaten.Duk.DukeDuk.OO mymy tonguetongue.
wln 1597Vind.VindiceVind.YourYour tonguetongue? twill’twill teachteach youyou toto kissekiss closercloser,
wln 1598NotNot likelike aa FlobberingSlobberingFlobbering DutchmanDutchman, youyou hauehave eyeseyes stillstill:
wln 1599LookeLook monstermonster, whatwhat aa LadyLady hasthast thouthou mademade meme,
wln 1600MyMy onceonce bethrothedbetrothed wifewife.
wln 1601Duk.DukeDuk.IsIs itit thouthou villainevillain, naynay thenthen —
wln 1602Vind.VindiceVind.T’is’Tis’tis II, ’tis’tis VindiciVindici, tis’tis II.
wln 1603Hip.HippolitoHip.AndAnd letlet thisthis comfortcomfort theethee: ourour LordLord andand FatherFather
wln 1604FellFell sicksick vponupon thethe infectioninfection ofof thythy frownesfrowns,
wln 1605AndAnd dyeddied inin sadnessesadness; bebe thatthat thythy hopehope ofof lifelife.DukeDuke.OhOho?
wln 1606Vind.VindiceVind.HeHe hadhad hishis toungtongue, yetyet greefegrief mademade himhim diedie speechlessespeechless.
wln 1607PuhPuh, tis’tis butbut earlyearly yetyet, nownow ilei’llI’ll beginbegin
wln 1608ToTo stickstick thythy soulesoul withwith VlcersUlcers, II willwill makemake
wln 1609ThyThy spiritspirit grieuousgrievous soresore, itit shallshall notnot restrest,
wln 1610ButBut likelike somesome pestilentpestilent manman tossetoss inin thythy brestbreast——- (markemark meme dukeduke)
wln 1611Thou’rtThou ’rtThou’rt aa renownedrenowned, highhigh, andand mightymighty CuckoldCuckold.DukeDuke.OhOh!OhOh!!!
wln 1612Vind.VindiceVind.ThyThy BastardBastard, thythy bastardbastard ridesrides a huntinga-huntinga hunting inin thythy browebrow.
wln 1613DukeDuke.MillionsMillions ofof deathsdeaths.
wln 1614Vind.VindiceVind.NayNay toto afflictafflict theethee moremore,
wln 1615HereHere inin thisthis lodgelodge theythey meetemeet forfor damneddamned clipsclips,
wln 1616ThoseThose eyeseyes shallshall seesee thethe incestin cestincest ofof theirtheir lipslips.
wln 1617DukeDuke.IsIs therethere aa hellhell besidesbesides thisthis, villainesvillains?Vind.VindiceVind.VillaineVillain?
wln 1618NayNay heauenheaven isis iustjust, scornesscorns areare thethe hireshires ofof scornesscorns,
wln 1619II nerene’er knewknew yetyet AdultererAdulterer with-outwithout horneshorns.
wln 1620Hip.HippolitoHip.OnceOnce ereere theythey dyedie ’tis’tis quittedquit.
wln 1621Vind.VindiceVind.HarkeHark thethe musickemusic,
wln 1622TheirTheir banquetbanquet isis prepardeprepared, they’rethey’re commingcoming —
wln 1623DukeDuke.OhOhO, killkill meme notnot withwith thatthat sightsight.
wln 1624Vin.VindiceVin.ThouThou shaltshalt notnot looselose thatthat sightsight forfor allall thythy Duke-doomeDukedomdukedom.
wln 1625DukeDuke.TraytorsTraitorstraitors, murderersmurderers?
wln 1626Vin.VindiceVin.WhatWhat? isis notnot thythy tonguetongue eateneaten outout yetyet?
wln 1627ThenThen weelewe’ll inuentinvent aa silencesilence? brotherbrother stiflestifle thethe TorchTorch,
wln 1628DukeDuke.TreasonTreason, murthermurder?
wln 1629Vind.VindiceVind.NayNay faithfaith, weelewe’ll hauehave youyou hushthushed nownow withwith thythy daggerdagger
wln 1630NaileNail downedown hishis tonguetongue, andand minemine shallshall keepekeep possessionpossession
wln 1631AboutAbout hishis heartheart, ifif heehe butbut gaspegasp heehe dyesdies,
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wln 1632WeeWewe dreaddread notnot deathdeath toto quittancequittance iniuriesinjuries; — BrotherBrother,
wln 1633IfIf hehe butbut winckwink, notnot brookingbrooking thethe foulefoul obiectobject,
wln 1634LetLet ourour twotwo otherother handshands tearetear vpup hishis lidslids,
wln 1635AndAnd makemake hishis eyeseyes likelike CometsComets shineshine throughthrough bloudblood,
wln 1636WhenWhen thethe badbad bleedesbleeds, thenthen isis thethe TragedieTragedy goodgood,
wln 1637Hip.HippolitoHip.WhistWhist, brotherbrother, musick’smusic’s atat ourour eareear, theythey comecome.
wln 1638EnterEnter thethe BastardBastard meetingmeeting thethe DutchesseDuchess.
wln 1639Spu.SpurioSpu.HadHad notnot thatthat kissekiss aa tastetaste ofof sinnesin ’twere’twere sweetesweet.
wln 1640Dutch.DuchessDutch.WhyWhy there’sthere’s nono pleasurepleasure sweetsweet butbut itit isis sinfullsinful.
wln 1641Spu.SpurioSpu.TrueTrue, suchsuch aa bitterbitter sweetnessesweetness fatefate hathhath giuengiven,
wln 1642BestBest sideside toto vsus, isis thethe worstworst sideside toto heauenheaven.
wln 1643Dutch.DuchessDutch.PushPush, comecome: ’tis’tis thethe oldold DukeDuke thythy doubtfulldoubtful FatherFather,
wln 1644TheThe thoughtthought ofof himhim rubsrubs heauenheaven inin thythy wayway,
wln 1645ButBut II protestprotest byby yonderyonder waxenwaxen firefire,
wln 1646ForgetForget himhim, oror ilei’llI’ll poysonpoison himhim.
wln 1647Spu.SpurioSpu.MadamMadam, youyou vrgeurge aa thoughtthought whichwhich nerene’er hadhad lifelife,
wln 1648SoSo deadlydeadly doedo II loathloathe himhim forfor mymy birthbirth,
wln 1649ThatThat ifif heehe tooketook meeme haspthasped withinwithin hishis bedbed,
wln 1650II wouldwould addeadd murthermurder toto adulteryadultery,
wln 1651AndAnd withwith mymy swordsword giuegive vpup hishis yearesyears toto deathdeath.
wln 1652Dutch.DuchessDutch.WhyWhy nownow thou’rtthou ’rtthou’rt sociablesociable, letslet’s inin andand feastfeast,
wln 1653LowdstLoud’stloud’st MusickMusic soundsound: pleasurepleasure isis BanquetsBanquestsBanquet’s guestguest.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 1654Duk.DukeDuk.II cannotcannot brookebrook —Vind.VindiceVind.TheThe BrookeBrook isis turndturned toto bloudblood.
wln 1655Hip.HippolitoHip.ThanksThanks toto lowdloud MusickMusic.Vind.VindiceVind.Twas’Twas’twas ourour friendfriend indeedindeed,
wln 1656’Tis’Tis statestate inin MusickeMusic forfor aa DukeDuke toto bleedbleed:
wln 1657TheThe Duke-domeDukedom wantswants aa headhead, thothough yetyet vnknowneunknown,
wln 1658AsAs fastfast asas theythey peepepeep vpup, letslet’s cutcut ’em’em downedown.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 1659EnterEnter thethe DutchesseDuchess’Duchess twotwo sonnessons, AmbitiosoAmbitioso &and SupervacuoSupervacuo.
wln 1660Amb.AmbitiosoAmb.WasWas notnot hishis executionexecution rarelyrarely plottedplotted?
wln 1661WeWe areare thethe DukesDuke’s sonnessons nownow.
wln 1662Super.SupervacuoSuper.IAyI youyou maymay thankethank mymy policiepolicy forfor thatthat.
wln 1663Amb.AmbitiosoAmb.YourYour policiepolicy, forfor whatwhat?
wln 1664Super.SupervacuoSuper.WhyWhy wastwas’t notnot mymy inuentioninvention brotherbrother,
wln 1665ToTo slipslip thethe IudgesJudgesjudges, andand inin lesserlesser compassecompass,
wln 1666DidDid notnot II drawdraw thethe modellmodel ofof hishis deathdeath,
wln 1667AduizingAdvising youyou toto suddainesudden officersofficers,
wln 1668AndAnd eene’en extemporallextemporal executionexecution.
wln 1669Amb.AmbitiosoAmb.HeartHeart, twas’twas aa thingthing II thoughtthought onon tootoo.
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wln 1670Sup.SupervacuoSup.YouYou thoughtthought onton ’ton’t tootoo, sfootessoote’sfoot slanderslander notnot youryour thoughtsthoughts
wln 1671WithWith gloriousglorious vntruthuntruth, II knowknow twas’twas fromfrom youyou.
wln 1672Amb.AmbitiosoAmb.SirSir II saysay, twas’twas inin mymy headhead.
wln 1673Spu.SupervacuoSpu.IAyay, likelike youryour brainesbrains thenthen,
wln 1674NereNe’erne’er toto comecome outout asas longlong asas youyou liu’dlived.
wln 1675Amb.AmbitiosoAmb.You’dYou’d hauehave thethe honorhonorhonour on’ton ’ton’t forsoothforsooth, thatthat youryour witwit
wln 1676LeadLead himhim toto thethe scaffoldscaffold,
wln 1677Super.SupervacuoSuper.SinceSince itit isis mymy duedue,
wln 1678IleI’ll publishtpublish ’tpublished, butbut IleI’ll ha’tha ’thave’t inin spitespite ofof youyou.
wln 1679Amb.AmbitiosoAmb.Me thinkesMethinksmethinks y’arey’ areyou’re muchmuch tootoo bouldbold, youyou shouldshould aa littlelittle
wln 1680RememberRemember vsus brotherbrother, nextnext toto bebe honesthonest DukeDuke.
wln 1681Sup.SupervacuoSup.IAyay, itit shallshall bebe asas easieeasy forfor youyou toto bebe DukeDuke,
wln 1682AsAs toto bebe honesthonest, andand that’sthat’s neuernever ifaithi’ faithi’faith.
wln 1683Amb.AmbitiosoAmb.WellWell, coldcold hehe isis byby thisthis timetime, andand becausebecause
wln 1684Wee’reWe’rewe’re bothboth ambitiousambitious, bebe itit ourour amityamity,
wln 1685AndAnd letlet thethe gloryglory bebe shardeshared equallyequally.Sup.SupervacuoSup.II amam contentcontent toto thatthat.
wln 1686Amb.AmbitiosoAmb.ThisThis nightnight outourout yongeryounger brotherbrother shallshall outout ofof prisonprison,
wln 1687II hauehave aa tricktrick.Sup.SupervacuoSup.AA tricktrick, pre-theeprithee whatwhat istis ’tis’t?
wln 1688Amb.AmbitiosoAmb.WeeleWe’llwe’ll getget himhim outout byby aa wilewile.Sup.SupervacuoSup.Pre-theePrithee whatwhat wilewile?
wln 1689Amb.AmbitiosoAmb.NoNo sirsir, youyou shallshall notnot knowknow itit, till’ttill ’ttill’t bebe donedone,
wln 1690ForFor thenthen you’dyou’d sweareswear twere’twere yoursyours.
wln 1691Super.SupervacuoSuper.HowHow nownow, whatswhat’s hehe?Amb.AmbitiosoAmb.OneOne ofof thethe officersofficers.
wln 1692Super.SupervacuoSuper.DesiredDesired newesnews.Amb.AmbitiosoAmb.HowHow nownow mymy friendfriend?
wln 1693Off.OfficerOff.MyMy LordsLords, vnderunder youryour pardonpardon, II amam allottedallotted
wln 1694ToTo thatthat desertlessedesertless officeoffice, toto presentpresent youyou
wln 1695WithWith thethe yetyet bleedingbleeding headhead.Sup.SupervacuoSup.HaHa, haha, excellentexcellent.
wln 1696Amb.AmbitiosoAmb.All’sAll’s suresure ourour owneown: BrotherBrother, canstcanst weepeweep thinkstthink’stthinkst thouthou?
wln 1697Twould’Twould’twould gracegrace ourour FlatteryFlattery muchmuch; thinkethink ofof somesome DameDame,
wln 1698Twill’Twill teachteach theethee toto dissembledissemble.
wln 1699Sup.SupervacuoSup.II hauehave thoughtthought, — NowNow forfor your selfeyourself.
wln 1700Amb.AmbitiosoAmb.OurOur sorrowessorrows areare soso fluentfluent,
wln 1701OurOur eyeseyes ore-flowo’erflow ourour toungstongues, wordswords spoakespoke inin tearestears,
wln 1702AreAre likelike thethe murmuresmurmurs ofof thethe waterswaters, thethe soundsound
wln 1703IsIs lowdlyloudly heardheard, butbut cannotcannot bebe distinguishtdistinguished.
wln 1704Sup.SupervacuoSup.HowHow dyeddied hehe praypray?Off.OfficerOff.OO fullfull ofof ragerage andand spleenespleen.
wln 1705Super.SupervacuoSuper.HeHe dyeddied mostmost valiantlyvaliantly thenthen, we’rewe’re gladglad toto hearehear itit.
wln 1706Off.OfficerOff.WeWe couldcould notnot woewoowoe himhim onceonce toto praypray.
wln 1707Amb.AmbitiosoAmb.HeHe showdshowed himselfehimself aa GentlemanGentleman inin thatthat: giuegive himhim hishis (duedue.
Off. But
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wln 1708Off.OfficerOff.ButBut inin thethe steedsteed ofof prayerprayer, hehe drewdrew forthforth oathsoaths.
wln 1709Super.SupervacuoSuper.ThenThen diddid heehe praypray deeredear heartheart,
wln 1710AlthoughAlthough youyou vnderstoodunderstood himhim notnot.
wln 1711Offi.OfficerOffi.MyMy LordsLords,
wln 1712E’enE’en atat hishis lastlast, withwith pardonpardon beebe itit spoakespoke,
wln 1713HeeHe curstcursed youyou bothboth.
wln 1714Sup.SupervacuoSup.HeeHe curstcursed vsus? lasse’laslass goodgood soulesoul.
wln 1715Amb.AmbitiosoAmb.ItIt waswas notnot inin ourour powerspowers, butbut thethe DukesDuke’s pleasurepleasure,
wln 1716FinelyFinely dissembleddissembled ao’a both-sidesboth sidesboth-sides, sweetesweet fatefate,
wln 1717OOOh happyhappy opportunitieopportunity.EnterEnter LussuriosoLussurioso.
wln 1718Luss.LussuriosoLuss.NowNow mymy LordsLords.BothBoth.OhOh!OhOh!!! —
wln 1719Luss.LussuriosoLuss.WhyWhy doedo youyou shunneshun meeme BrothersBrothers?
wln 1720YouYou maymay comecome neerernearer nownow;
wln 1721TheThe sauorsavorsavour ofof thethe prisonprison hashas for-sookeforsook meeme,
wln 1722II thankethank suchsuch kindekind LordsLords asas your seluesyourselves, ImeI’m freefree.
wln 1723AmbAmbitiosoAmbAliueAlive!Super.SupervacuoSuper.InIn healthhealth!
wln 1724Amb.AmbitiosoAmb.ReleasdReleased?
wln 1725WeWe werewere bothboth ee’ne’en amazdamazed withwith ioyjoy toto seesee itit,
wln 1726Luss.LussuriosoLuss.II amam muchmuch toto thankethank youyou.
wln 1727Sup.SupervacuoSup.FaithFaith wewe spar’dspared nono toungtongue, vntounto mymy LordLord thethe DukeDuke.
wln 1728Amb.AmbitiosoAmb.II knowknow youryour deliuerydelivery brotherbrother
wln 1729HadHad notnot beenebeen halfehalf soso suddensudden butbut forfor vsus.
wln 1730Sup.SupervacuoSup.OO howhow wewe pleadedpleaded.Luss.LussuriosoLuss.MostMost deseruingdeserving brothersbrothers,
wln 1731InIn mymy bestbest studiesstudies II willwill thinkethink ofof itit?ExitExit Luss.LussuriosoLuss.
wln 1732Amb.AmbitiosoAmb.OO deathdeath andand vengeancevengeance.Sup.SupervacuoSup.HellHell andand tormentstorments.
wln 1733Amb.AmbitiosoAmb.SlaueSlave camstcam’st thouthou toto deludedelude vsus.Off.OfficerOff.DeludeDelude youyou mymy (LordsLords?
wln 1734Super.SupervacuoSuper.IAyI villainevillain, where’swhere’s thisthis headhead nownow?
wln 1735Off.OfficerOff.WhyWhy heerehere mymy LordLord,
wln 1736IustJust afterafter hishis deliuerydelivery, youyou bothboth camecame
wln 1737WithWith warrantwarrant fromfrom thethe DukeDuke toto be-headbehead youryour brotherbrother.
wln 1738Amb.AmbitiosoAmb.IAyay, ourour brotherbrother, thethe DukesDuke’s sonneson.
wln 1739Off.OfficerOff.TheThe DukesDuke’s sonneson mymy LordLord, hadhad hishis releaserelease beforebefore youyou (camecame.
wln 1740Amb.AmbitiosoAmb.WhoseWhose head’shead’s thatthat thenthen?
wln 1741Off.OfficerOff.HisHis whomwhom youyou leftleft commandcommand forfor, youryour owneown brothersbrother’sbrothers?
wln 1742Amb.AmbitiosoAmb.OurOur brothersbrother’sbrothers? ohoho furiesfuries —
wln 1743Sup.SupervacuoSup.PlaguesPlagues.Amb.AmbitiosoAmb.ConfusionsConfusions.
wln 1744Sup.SupervacuoSup.DarkenesseDarkness.Amb.AmbitiosoAmb.DiuilsDevilsdevils.
wln 1745Sup.SupervacuoSup.FellFell itit outout soso accursedlyaccursedly?Amb.AmbitiosoAmb.SoSo damnedlydamnedly.
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wln 1746Sup.SupervacuoSup.VillaineVillain IleI’ll brainebrain theethee withwith itit,Off.OfficerOff.OO mymy goodgood LordLord!
wln 1747Sup.SupervacuoSup.TheThe DiuillDevil ouer-takeovertake theethee?Amb.AmbitiosoAmb.OO fatallfatal.
wln 1748Sup.SupervacuoSup.OO prodigiousprodigious toto ourour bloudsbloods.Amb.AmbitiosoAmb.DidDid wewe dissembledissemble?
wln 1749Sup.SupervacuoSup.DidDid wewe makemake ourour tearestears woemenwomen forfor theethee?
wln 1750Amb.AmbitiosoAmb.LaughLaugh andand reioycerejoice forfor theethee.
wln 1751Sup.SupervacuoSup.BringBring warrantwarrant forfor thythy deathdeath.Amb.AmbitiosoAmb.MockMock offoff thythy headhead
wln 1752Super.SupervacuoSuper.YouYou hadhad aa tricktrick, youyou hadhad aa wilewile forsoothforsooth.
wln 1753Amb.AmbitiosoAmb.AA murrenmurrain meetemeet ’em’em, there’sthere’s nonenone ofof thesethese wileswiles thatthat
wln 1754euerever comecome toto goodgood: II seesee nownow, therethere isis nothingnothing suresure inin mortali-mortalitiemortali∣tiemortality
wln 1755ite,
wln 1755butbut mortalitiemortality, wellwell, nono moremore wordswords shaltshalt bebe reuengdrevenged ifaithi’ faithi’faith.
wln 1756ComeCome, throwthrow offoff cloudsclouds nownow brotherbrother, thinkethink ofof vengeancevengeance,
wln 1757AndAnd deeperdeeper setledsettled hatehate, sirrahsirrah sitsit fastfast,
wln 1758WeeleWe’llwe’ll pullpull downedown allall, butbut thouthou shaltshalt downedown atat lastlast.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 1759ACT.ACT. 4.4. SCEN.SCENESCEN. 1.1.
wln 1760EnterEnter LussuriosoLussurioso withwith HippolitoHippolito.
wln 1761Luss.LussuriosoLuss.HippolitoHippolito.Hip.HippolitoHip.MyMy LordLord:
wln 1762HasHas youryour goodgood LordshipLordship oughtaughtought toto commandcommand meme inin?
wln 1763Luss.LussuriosoLuss.II pre-theeprithee leaueleave vsus.
wln 1764Hip.HippolitoHip.How’sHow’s thisthis? comecome andand leaueleave vsus?Luss.LussuriosoLuss.HippolitoHippolito.
wln 1765Hip.HippolitoHip.YourYour honorhonorhonour — II standstand readyready forfor anyany dutiousduteous emploimentemployment.
wln 1766Luss.LussuriosoLuss.HeartHeart, whatwhat makstmak’st thouthou herehere?
wln 1767Hip.HippolitoHip.AA prittypretty LordlyLordly humorhumorhumour:
wln 1768HeHe bidsbids meme toto beebe presentpresent, toto departdepart; some-thingsomething hashas stungstung hishis (honorhonorhonour?
wln 1769Luss.LussuriosoLuss.BeeBebe neerernearer, drawdraw neerernearer:
wln 1770Ye’areY’ areyou’re notnot soso goodgood me thinkesmethinks, ImeI’m angryangry withwith youyou.
wln 1771Hip.HippolitoHip.WithWith meme mymy LordLord? ImeI’m angryangry withwith my selfemyself fortfor ’tfor’t.
wln 1772Luss.LussuriosoLuss.YouYou diddid preferreprefer aa goodlygoodly fellowfellow toto meme,
wln 1773Twas’Twas’twas wittilywittily electedelected, twas’twas, II thoughtthought
wln 1774HadHad beenebeen aa villainevillain, andand hehe proouesproves aa KnaueKnave?
wln 1775ToTo meeme aa KnaueKnave.
wln 1776Hip.HippolitoHip.II chosechose himhim forfor thethe bestbest mymy LordLord,
wln 1777Tis’Tis muchmuch mymy sorrowsorrow, ifif neglectneglect inin himhim, breedbreed discontentdiscontent inin youyou.
wln 1778Luss.LussuriosoLuss.NeglectNeglect, twas’twas willwill: IudgeJudgejudge ofof itit,
wln 1779FirmelyFirmly toto telltell ofof anan incredibleincredible ActAct,
wln 1780NotNot toto bebe thoughtthought, lesseless toto bebe spokenspoken ofof,
wln 1781TwixtTwixt mymy Step-motherStepmother andand thethe BastardBastard, ohoho,
wln 1782IncestuousIncestuous sweetessweets betweenebetween ’em’em.
Hip Fye
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wln 1783Hip.HippolitoHip.FyeFie mymy LordLord.
wln 1784Lus.LussuriosoLus.II inin kindekind loyaltieloyalty toto mymy fathersfather’s fore-headforehead,
wln 1785MadeMade thisthis aa desperaredesperatedesperaredesperate armearm, andand inin thatthat furiefury,
wln 1786CommittedCommitted treasontreason onon thethe lawfulllawful bedbed,
wln 1787AndAnd withwith mymy swordsword eene’en rac’drazed mymy fathersfather’s bosomebosom,
wln 1788ForFor whichwhich II waswas withinwithin aa stroakestroke ofof deathdeath.
wln 1789Hip.HippolitoHip.AlackAlack, ImeI’m sorrysorry; ssoote’sfoot iustjust vponupon thethe stroakestroke,
wln 1790IarsJarsjars inin mymy brotherbrother, twill’twill bebe villanousvillainous MusickMusic.
wln 1791Vind.VindiceVind.MyMy honoredhonoredhonoured LordLord.EnterEnter Vind.VindiceVind.
wln 1792Luss.LussuriosoLuss.AwayAway pre-theeprithee forsakeforsake vsus, heereafterhereafter weelewe’ll notnot knowknow (theethee.
wln 1793Vind.VindiceVind.NotNot knowknow meme mymy LordLord, youryour LorshipLordship cannotcannot choosechoose.
wln 1794LusLussuriosoLusBegonBegoneBegun II saysay, thouthou artart aa falsefalse knaueknave.
wln 1795Vind.VindiceVind.WhyWhy thethe easiereasier toto bebe knowneknown, mymy LordLord.
wln 1796Lus.LussuriosoLus.PushPush, II shallshall prooueprove tootoo bitterbitter withwith aa wordword,
wln 1797MakeMake theethee aa perpetuallperpetual prisonerprisoner,
wln 1798AndAnd layelaysay thisthis yron-ageiron-age vponupon theethee,
wln 1799Vind.VindiceVind.MumMum, forfor theresthere’s aa doomedoom wouldwould makemake aa womanwoman dumdumb,
wln 1800MissingMissing thethe bastardbastard nextnext himhim, thethe winde’swind’s comescomecomes aboutabout,
wln 1801NowNow tis’tis mymy brothersbrother’s turneturn toto staystay minemine toto goego outout.ExitExit Vin.VindiceVin.
wln 1802Lus.LussuriosoLus.HasH’asHas greatlygreatly moou’dmoved meme.Hip.HippolitoHip.MuchMuch toto blameblame ifaithi’ faithi’faith.
wln 1803Lus.LussuriosoLus.ButBut ilei’llI’ll recouerrecover, toto hishis ruineruin: twas’twas toldtold meme latelylately,
wln 1804II knowknow notnot whetherwhether falsliefalsely, thatthat you’dyou’d aa brotherbrother,
wln 1805Hip.HippolitoHip.WhoWho II, yesyes mymy goodgood LordLord, II hauehave aa brotherbrother
wln 1806Lus.LussuriosoLus.HowHow chancechance thethe CourtCourt neerene’er sawsaw himhim? ofof whatwhat naturenature?
wln 1807HowHow doesdoes hehe applyapply hishis houreshours?
wln 1808Hip.HippolitoHip.FaithFaith toto cursecurse FatesFates,
wln 1809WhoWho, asas hehe thinkesthinks, ordaindordained himhim toto bebe poorepoor,
wln 1810KeepesKeeps atat homehome fullfull ofof wantwant,, andand discontentdiscontent.
wln 1811LusLussuriosoLusThere’sThere’s hopehope inin himhim, forfor discontentdiscontent andand wantwant
wln 1812IsIs thethe bestbest clayclay toto mouldmoldmould, aa villainevillain offofoff;
wln 1813HippolitoHippolito, wishwish himhim repairerepair toto vsus,
wln 1814IfIf therethere bebe oughtaught inin himhim toto pleaseplease ourour bloudblood,
wln 1815ForFor thythy sakesake weelewe’ll aduanceadvance himhim, andand buildbuild fairefair
wln 1816HisHis meanestmeanest fortunesfortunes: forfor itit isis inin vsus
wln 1817ToTo rearerear vpup TowersTowers fromfrom cottagescottages.
wln 1818Hip.HippolitoHip.ItIt isis soso mymy LordLord, hehe willwill attendattend youryour honourhonorhonour,
wln 1819ButBut heeshe’s aa manman, inin whomwhom muchmuch melancholymelancholy dwelsdwells.
wln 1820Lus.LussuriosoLus.WhyWhy thethe betterbetter: bringbring himhim toto CourtCourt.
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wln 1821Hip.HippolitoHip.WithWith willingnessewillingness andand speedspeed,
wln 1822WhomWhom hehe castcast offoff eene’en nownow, mustmust nownow succeedsucceed,
wln 1823BrotherBrother disguisedisguise mustmust offoff,
wln 1824InIn thinethine owneown shapeshape nownow, ilei’llI’ll preferprefer theethee toto himhim:
wln 1825HowHow strangelystrangely doesdoes himselfehimself workework toto vndoundo himhim.ExitExit.
wln 1826Luss.LussuriosoLuss.ThisThis fellowfellow willwill comecome fitlyfitly, hehe shallshall killkill,
wln 1827ThatThat otherother slaueslave, thatthat diddid abuseabuse mymy spleenespleen,
wln 1828AndAnd mademade itit swellswell toto TreasonTreason, II hauehave putput
wln 1829MuchMuch ofof mymy heartheart intointo himhim, heehe mustmust dyedie.
wln 1830HeHe thatthat knowesknows greatgreat mensmen’s secretssecrets andand prouesproves slightslight,
wln 1831ThatThat manman nerene’er liueslives toto seesee hishis BeardBeard turneturn whitewhite:
wln 1832IAyI hehe shallshall speedespeed himhim: IleI’ll employemploy theethee brotherbrother,
wln 1833SlauesSlaves areare butbut NaylesNails, toto driuedrive outout oneone anotheranother?
wln 1834HeeHe beingbeing ofof blackblack conditioncondition, sutablesuitable
wln 1835ToTo wantwant andand illill contentcontent, hopehope ofof prefermentpreferment
wln 1836WillWill grindegrind himhim toto anan EdgeEdge —TheThe NoblesNobles enterenter.
wln 18371.1. Noble1.GoodGood dayesdays vntounto youryour honourhonorhonour.
wln 1838Luss.LussuriosoLuss.MyMy kindekind LordsLords, II dodo returnereturn thethe likelike,
wln 18392.2. Noble2.SaweSaw youyou mymy LordLord thethe DukeDuke?
wln 1840Luss.LussuriosoLuss.MyMy LordLord andand FatherFather, isis hehe fromfrom CourtCourt?
wln 18411.1. Noble1.HeesHe’s suresure fromfrom CourtCourt,
wln 1842ButBut wherewhere, whichwhich wayway, hishis pleasurepleasure tooketook wewe knowknow notnot,
wln 1843NorNor cancan weewe heareheareonthear onton ’ton’t.
wln 1844Luss.LussuriosoLuss.HereHere comecome thosethose shouldshould telltell,
wln 1845SaweSaw youyou mymy LordLord andand FatherFather?
wln 18463.3. Noble3.NotNot sincesince twotwo houreshours beforebefore noonenoon mymy LordLord,
wln 1847AndAnd thenthen hehe priuatelyprivately ridderid forthforth.
wln 1848Lus.LussuriosoLus.OhOhO heeshe’s rodroderod forthforth.
wln 18491.1. Noble1.Twas’Twas’twas wondrouswondrous priuatelyprivately,
wln 18502.2. Noble2.TheresThere’sthere’s nonenone ithi’ th’i’th’ CourtCourt hadhad anyany knowledgeknowledge onton ’ton’t.
wln 1851Lus.LussuriosoLus.HisHis GraceGrace isis oldold, andand suddensudden, tis’tis nono treasontreason
wln 1852ToTo saysay, thethe DukeDuke mymy FatherFather hashas aa humorhumorhumour,
wln 1853OrOr suchsuch aa ToyeToy aboutabout himhim; whatwhat inin vsus
wln 1854WouldWould appeareappear lightlight, inin himhim seemesseems vertuousvirtuous.
wln 18553.3. Noble3.Tis’Tis OracleOracle mymy LordLord.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 1856EnterEnter VindiceVindice andand HippolitoHippolito, Vind.VindiceVind. outout ofof hishis disguisedisguise.
wln 1857Hip.HippolitoHip.SoSo, soso, all’sall’s asas itit shouldshould bebe, y’arey’ areyou’re your selfeyourself.
wln 1858Vind.VindiceVind.HowHow thatthat great-villainegreat villaingreat-villain putsputs meme toto mymy shiftsshifts.
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wln 1859Hip.HippolitoHip.HeeHe thatthat diddid latelylately, inin disguizedisguise reiectreject theethee;
wln 1860ShallShall nownow thouthou artart thy selfethyself, asas muchmuch respectrespect theethee.
wln 1861Vind.VindiceVind.Twill’Twill bebe thethe quainterquainter fallaciefallacy; butbut brotherbrother,
wln 1862Sfoote’Sfoot’sfoot whatwhat vseuse willwill heehe putput meme toto nownow thinkstthink’stthinkst thouthou?
wln 1863Hip.HippolitoHip.NayNay youyou mustmust pardonpardon meme inin thatthat, II knowknow notnot:
wln 1864H’asHasH’asHas somesome employmentemployment forfor youyou: butbut whatwhat tis’tis
wln 1865HeeHe andand hishis SecretarySecretary thethe DiuellDevil knowesknows bestbest.
wln 1866Vind,VindiceVind,WellWell II mustmust suitesuit mymy toungtongue toto hishis desiresdesires,
wln 1867WhatWhat colourcolorcolour so eresoe’er theythey bebe; hopinghoping atat lastlast
wln 1868ToTo pilepile vpup allall mymy wisheswishes onon hishis brestbreast,
wln 1869Hip.HippolitoHip.FaithFaith BrotherBrother hehe himselfehimself showesshows thethe wayway.
wln 1870Vind.VindiceVind.NowNow thethe DukeDuke isis deaddead, thethe realmerealm isis cladclad inin clayeclay:
wln 1871HisHis deathdeath beingbeing notnot yetyet knowneknown, vnderunder hishis namename
wln 1872TheThe peoplepeople stillstill areare gouerndgoverned; wellwell, thouthou hishis sonneson
wln 1873ArtArt notnot long-liu’dlong-lived, thouthou shaltshalt notnot ioyjoy hishis deathdeath:
wln 1874ToTo killkill theethee thenthen, II shouldshould mostmost honourhonorhonour theethee;
wln 1875ForFor twould’twould standstand firmefirm inin eueryevery mansman’s beliefebelief,
wln 1876Thou’stThou ’stThou’st aa kindekind childchild, andand onelyonly dyedstdied’st withwith griefegrief.
wln 1877Hip.HippolitoHip.YouYou fetchfetch aboutabout wellwell, butbut letslet’s talketalk inin presentpresent,
wln 1878HowHow willwill youyou appeareappear inin fashionfashion differentdifferent,
wln 1879AsAs wellwell asas inin apparrellapparel, toto makemake allall thingsthings possiblepossible:
wln 1880IfIf youyou bebe butbut onceonce tripttripped, weewe fallfall forfor euerever.
wln 1881ItIt isis notnot thethe leastleast polliciepolicy toto beebe doubtfulldoubtful,
wln 1882YouYou mustmust changechange tonguetongue: — familiarfamiliar waswas youryour firstfirst.
wln 1883Vind.VindiceVind.WhyWhy IleI’ll bearebear meme inin somesome strainestrain ofof melancholiemelancholy,
wln 1884AndAnd stringstring my selfemyself withwith heauy—soundingheauy — soundingheavy-soundingheavy — sounding WyreWire,
wln 1885LikeLike suchsuch anan InstrumentInstrument, thatthat speakesspeaks merrymerry thingsthings sadlysadly.
wln 1886Hip.HippolitoHip.ThenThen tis’tis asas II meantmeant,
wln 1887II gauegave youyou outout atat firstfirst inin discontentdiscontent.
wln 1888Vind.VindiceVind.IleI’ll turneturn my selfemyself, andand thenthen —
wln 1889Hip.HippolitoHip.Sfoote’Sfoot’sfoot herehere hehe comescomes: hasthast thoughtthought vppontupon ’tupon’t.
wln 1890Vind.VindiceVind.SaluteSalute himhim, fearefear notnot meme.Luss.LussuriosoLuss.HippolitoHippolito.
wln 1891Hip.HippolitoHip.YourYour LordshipLordship.Luss.LussuriosoLuss.What’sWhat’s hehe yonderyonder?
wln 1892Hip.HippolitoHip.Tis’Tis VindiciVindici, mymy discontenteddiscontented BrotherBrother,
wln 1893WhomWhom, cording’cording toto youryour willwill l’aueI’ve broughtbrought toto CourtCourt.
wln 1894LussLussuriosoLuss,IsIs thatthat thythy brotherbrother? beshrewbeshrew meme, aa goodgood presencepresence,
wln 1895II wonderwonder h’ash’ashas beenebeen fromfrom thethe CourtCourt soso longlong?
wln 1896ComeCome neerernearer.
Hip. Brother
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wln 1897Hip.HippolitoHip.BrotherBrother, LordLord LussuriosoLussurioso thethe DukeDuke sonneson.SnatchesSnatches ofoffof
hishis hathat andand
makesmakes legslegs
toto himhim.
wln 1898Luss.LussuriosoLuss.BeBe moremore neerenear toto vsus, welcomewelcome, neerernearer yetyet.
wln 1899Vind.VindiceVind.HowHow dondon youyou? godgod youyou godgod denden.
wln 1900Luss.LussuriosoLuss.WeWe thankethank theethee?
wln 1901HowHow stranglystrangely suchsuch aa course-homelycourse-homely salutesalute,
wln 1902ShowesShows inin thethe PallacePalace, wherewhere wewe greetegreet inin firefire:
wln 1903NimbleNimble andand desperatedesperate tonguestongues, shouldshould wewe namename,
wln 1904GodGod inin aa salutationsalutation, twould’twould neerene’er bebe stoodstood on’ton ’ton’t, ——- heauenheaven!
wln 1905TellTell meme, whatwhat hashas mademade theethee soso melancholymelancholy.
wln 1906Vind.VindiceVind.WhyWhy, goinggoing toto LawLaw.
wln 1907Luss.LussuriosoLuss.WhyWhy willwill thatthat makemake aa manman mellancholymelancholy?
wln 1908Vind.VindiceVind.YesYes, toto lookelook longlong vponupon inckink andand blackblack buckrombuckram — II
wln 1909wentwent meeme toto lawlaw inin AnnoAnno QuadragesimoQuadragesimo secundosecundo, andand II wadedwaded
wln 1910outout ofof itit, inin AnnoAnno sextagesimosextagesimo tertiotertio.
wln 1911Luss.LussuriosoLuss.WhatWhat, threethree andand twentytwenty yearsyears inin lawlaw?
wln 1912Vind.VindiceVind.II hauehave knowneknown thosethose thatthat hauehave beenebeen fiuefive andand fiftyfifty andand,,
wln 1913allall aboutabout PullinPullenpullen andand PiggesPigs.
wln 1914Luss.LussuriosoLuss.MayMay itit beebe possiblepossible suchsuch menmen shouldshould breathbreathe,
wln 1915ToTo vexvex thethe TearmesTerms soso muchmuch.Vin.VindiceVin.Tis’Tis foodefood toto somesome mymy LordLord.
wln 1916ThereThere areare oldeold menmen atat thethe presentpresent, thatthat areare soso poysonedpoisoned
wln 1917withwith thethe affectiōaffectatiōaffectation ofof law-wordslaw-words, (hauinghaving hadhad manymany suitessuits can-canuastcan∣uastcanvased
wln 1918uast,)
wln 1918thatthat theirtheir commoncommon talketalk isis nothingnothing butbut BarberyBarbaryBarbery lattinlatin:
wln 1919theythey cannotcannot soso muchmuch asas praypray, butbut inin lawlaw, thatthat theirtheir sinnessins maymay
wln 1920bebe remou’dremoved, withwith aa writwrit ofof ErrorError, andand theirtheir soulessouls fetchtfetched vpup toto
wln 1921heauenheaven, withwith aa sasararasasarara.
wln 1922Hip.HippolitoHip.ItIt seemesseems mostmost strangestrange toto meme,
wln 1923YetYet allall thethe worldworld meetesmeets roundround inin thethe samesame bentbent:
wln 1924WhereWhere thethe heartshearts setset, therethere goesgoes thethe tonguestongue’s consentconsent,
wln 1925HowHow dostdost applyapply thythy studiesstudies fellowfellow?
wln 1926Vind.VindiceVind.StudyStudy?? whywhy toto thinkethink howhow aa greatgreat richrich manman lieslies a dyinga-dyinga dying,
wln 1927andand aa poorepoor CoblerCobbler toalestolls thethe bellbell forfor himhim? howhow hehe cannotcannot de-departde∣partdepart
wln 1928part
wln 1928thethe worldworld, andand seesee thethe greatgreat chest-standchest-stand beforebefore himhim, whenwhen
wln 1929heehe lieslies speechlessespeechless, howhow heehe willwill pointpoint youyou readilyreadily toto allall thethe
wln 1930boxesboxes, andand whenwhen heehe isis pastpast allall memorymemory, asas thethe gossepsgossips gesseguess,
wln 1931thenthen thinkesthinks heehe ofof forffeturesforfeitures andand obligationsobligations, naynay whenwhen toto allall
wln 1932mensmen’s hearingshearings hehe whurleswhurlswhirls andand rotlesrattles inin thethe throatethroat hee’she’s bus-bussiebus∣siebusy
wln 1933sie
wln 1933threatningthreat’ningthreatening hishis poorepoor TennantsTenants? andand thisthis wouldwould lastlast meme nownow
wln 1934somesome seauenseven yearesyears’years thinkingthinking oror there aboutsthereabouts? butbut, II hauehave aa
img: 28-a
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wln 1935ConceitConceit a comminga-cominga coming inin picturepicture vponupon thisthis, II drawedraw itit my selfemyself,
wln 1936whichwhich ifaithi’ faithi’faith lala IleI’ll presentpresent toto youryour honorhonorhonour, youyou shallshall notnot chosechoose
wln 1937butbut likelike itit forfor youryour LordshipLordship shallshall giuegive meme nothingnothing forfor itit,
wln 1938Luss.LussuriosoLuss.NayNay youyou misstakemistake meme thenthen,
wln 1939ForFor II amam publishtpublished bountifullbountiful inoughenough,
wln 1940LetsLet’slet’s tasttaste ofof youryour conceitconceit.
wln 1941Vin.VindiceVin.InIn picturepicture mymy LordLord.Luss.LussuriosoLuss.IAyI inin picturepicture,
wln 1942Vin.VindiceVin.MarryMarry thisthis itit isis — AA vsuringusuring FatherFather toto bebe boylingboiling inin hellhell,
wln 1943andand hishis sonneson andand HeireHeir withwith aa WhoreWhore dancingdancing ouerover himhim.
wln 1944Hip.HippolitoHip.HasH’asHas par’dpared himhim toto thethe quickequick.
wln 1945Lus.LussuriosoLus.TheThe conceit’sconceit’s prittypretty ifaithi’ faithi’faith,
wln 1946ButBut tak’ttake ’ttake’t vponupon mymy lifelife twill’twill nerene’er bebe liktliked.
wln 1947Vind.VindiceVind.NoNo, whywhy ImeI’m suresure thethe whorewhore willwill bebe liktliked wellwell enoughenough.
wln 1948Hip.HippolitoHip.IAyI ifif sheshe werewere outout atho’ th’o’th’ picturepicture heedehe’dheed likelike herher thenthen himselfehimself.
wln 1949Vin.VindiceVin.AndAnd asas forfor thethe sonneson andand heireheir, hehe shallshall bebe anan eyesoreeyeforeeyesore toto
wln 1950nono youngyoung ReuellersRevellers, forfor heehe shallshall beebe drawnedrawn inin cloth of goldcloth-of-goldcloth of gold
wln 1951breechesbreeches.
wln 1952Luss.LussuriosoLuss.AndAnd thouthou hasthast putput mymy meaningmeaning inin thethe pocketspockpocketspock,
wln 1953AndAnd canstcanst notnot drawdraw thatthat outout, mymy thoughtthought waswas thisthis,etsets
wln 1954ToTo seesee thethe picturepicture ofof aa vsuringusuring fatherfather
wln 1955BoylingBoiling inin hellhell, ourour richmenrich menrichmen wouldwould nerene’er likelike itit,
wln 1956Vin.VindiceVin.OO truetrue II crycry youyou heartlyheart’ly mercymercy II hnowknowhnowknow thethe reasonreason, forfor
wln 1957somesome of’emof ’em hadhad ratherrather bebe dambddamned indeedindeed, thēthēthan dambddamned inin colourscolorscolours.
wln 1958Lus.LussuriosoLus.AA parlousparlousperilous melancholymelancholy, hash’ashas witwit enoughenough,
wln 1959ToTo murdermurder anyany manman, andand IleI’ll giuegive himhim meanesmeans,
wln 1960II thinkethink thouthou artart ill moniedill-moneyedill moneyed;
wln 1961Vin.VindiceVin.MoneyMoney, hoho, hoho,
wln 1962Tas’T has’thas beenebeen mymy wantwant soso longlong, tis’tis nownow mymy scoffescoff.
wln 1963IueI’ve enee’en forgotforgot whatwhat colourcolorcolour siluerssilver’s offofoff,
wln 1964Lus.LussuriosoLus.ItIt hitshits asas II couldcould wishwish,Vin.VindiceVin.II getget goodgood clothsclothes,
wln 1965OfOf thosethose thatthat dreaddread mymy humourhumorhumour, andand forfor table-roometable-room,
wln 1966II feedfeed onon thosethose thatthat cannotcannot bebe ridrid ofof meme,
wln 1967Lus.LussuriosoLus.SomewhatSomewhat toto setset theethee vpup withallwithal,
wln 1968Vin.VindiceVin.OO minemine eyeseyes,Lus.LussuriosoLus.HowHow nownow manman.
wln 1969Vin.VindiceVin.AlmostAlmost struckestruck blindblind,
wln 1970ThisThis brightbright vnusuallunusual shineshine, toto meme seemesseems proudproud,
wln 1971II daredare notnot lookelook tilltill thethe sunnesun bebe inin aa cloudcloud,
wln 1972Lus.LussuriosoLus.II thinkethink II shallshall afecteaffect hishis melancholymelancholy,
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wln 1973HowHow areare theythey nownow.Vin.VindiceVin.TheThe betterbetter forfor youryouyour askingraskingaskingask.
wln 1974Lus.LussuriosoLus.YouYou shallshall bebe betterbetter yetyet ifif youyou butbut fastenfasten,
wln 1975TrulyTruly onon mymy intentintent, nownow yarey’ areyou’re bothboth presentpresent
wln 1976II willwill vnbraceunbrace suchsuch aa closseclose priuateprivate villaynevillain,
wln 1977VntoUnto youryour vengfullvengeful swordsswords, thethe likelike nerene’ernever heardheard ofof,
wln 1978WhoWho hathhath disgrac’ddisgraced youyou muchmuch andand iniur’dinjured vsus,
wln 1979Hip.HippolitoHip.DisgracedDisgraced vsus mymy LordLord?
wln 1980Lus.LussuriosoLus.IAyI HippolitoHippolito.
wln 1981II keptkept itit herehere tilltill nownow thatthat bothboth youryour angersangers,
wln 1982MightMight meetemeet himhim atat onceonce,
wln 1983Vin.VindiceVin.ImeI’m couetuouscovetous,
wln 1984ToTo knowknow thethe villaynevillain,
wln 1985Lus.LussuriosoLus.YouYou knowknow himhim thatthat slaueslave PandarPandar,
wln 1986PiatoPiato whomewhom wewe threatenedthreatened lastlast
wln 1987WithWith ironsirons inin perpetuallperpetual prisonmentprisonment;
wln 1988Vin.VindiceVin.AllAll thisthis isis II.Hip.HippolitoHip.IstIs ’tIs’t hehe mymy LordLord?
wln 1989Lus.LussuriosoLus.IleI’ll telltell youyou, youyou firstfirst preferdpreferred himhim toto meme.
wln 1990Vin.VindiceVin.DidDid youyou brotherbrother.Hip.HippolitoHip.II diddid indeedindeed?
wln 1991Lus.LussuriosoLus.AndAnd thethe ingreatfullungrateful villaynevillain,
wln 1992ToTo quitquit thatthat kindneskindness, stronglystrongly wroughtwrought withwith meme,
wln 1993BeingBeing asas youyou seesee aa likelylikely manman forfor pleasurepleasure,
wln 1994WithWith iewelsjewels toto corruptcorrupt youryour virginvirgin sistersister.
wln 1995Hip.HippolitoHip.OhOhO villainevillain,Vin.VindiceVin.HeHe shallshall furelysurelyfurelysurely diedie thatthat diddid itit.
wln 1996Lus.LussuriosoLus.II farfar fromfrom thinkingthinking anyany VirginVirgin harmeharm.
wln 1997EspeciallyEspecially knowingknowing herher toto bebe asas chastchaste
wln 1998AsAs thatthat partpart whichwhich scarcescarce sufferssuffers toto bebe touchttouched,
wln 1999Th’Th’ eyeeye wouldwould notnot endureendure himhim,
wln 2000Vin.VindiceVin.WouldWould youyou notnot mymy LordLord,
wln 2001Twas’Twas’twas wondrouswondrous honorablyhonorablyhonourably donnedone,
wln 2002Lus.LussuriosoLus.ButBut withwith somesome fiuefive frownesfrowns keptkept himhim outout,
wln 2003Vin.VindiceVin.OutOut slaueslave.
wln 2004Lus.LussuriosoLus.WhatWhat diddid meme hehe butbut inin reuengerevenge ofof thatthat,
wln 2005WentWent ofof hishis owneown freefree willwill toto makemake infirmeinfirm,
wln 2006YourYour sisterssister’s honorhonorhonour, whomewhom II honorhonorhonour withwith mymy soulesoul,
wln 2007ForFor chastchaste respectrespect, andand notnot preuaylingprevailing therethere,
wln 2008(AsAs twas’twas butbut desperatedesperate follyfolly toto attemptattempt itit,)
wln 2009InIn meeremere spleenespleen, byby thethe wayway, way laieswaylaysway lays youryour mothermother,
wln 2010WhoseWhose honorhonorhonour beingbeing aa cowardcoward asas itit seemesseems.
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wln 2011YeeldedYielded byby littlelittle forceforce.Vind.VindiceVind.CowardCoward indeedindeed.
wln 2012Luss.LussuriosoLuss.HeHe proudproud ofof theirtheir aduantageadvantage, (asas hehe thoughtthought)
wln 2013BroughtBrought meme thesethese newesnews forfor happyhappy, butbut II, heauenheaven forgiueforgive meeme (for’tfor ’tfor’t.
wln 2014Vind.VindiceVind.WhatWhat diddid youryour honourhonorhonour.
wln 2015Luss.LussuriosoLuss.InIn ragerage pushtpushed himhim fromfrom meeme.
wln 2016TrampledTrampled beneathbeneath hishis throatethroat, spurndspurned himhim, andand bruizdbruised:
wln 2017IndeedIndeed II waswas tootoo cruellcruel toto saysay trothtroth.
wln 2018Hip.HippolitoHip.MostMost NoblyNobly managdemanaged.
wln 2019Vind.VindiceVind.HasHas notnot heauenheaven anan eareear? IsIs allall thethe lightninglightning wastedwasted?
wln 2020Luss.LussuriosoLuss.IfIf II nownow werewere soso impatientimpatient inin aa modestmodest causecause,
wln 2021WhatWhat shouldshould youyou bebe?
wln 2022Vind.VindiceVind.FullFull madmad, hehe shallshall notnot liuelive
wln 2023ToTo seesee thethe MooneMoon changechange.
wln 2024Luss.LussuriosoLuss.He’sHe’s aboutabout thethe PallacePalace,
wln 2025HippolitoHippolito inticeentice himhim thisthis wayway, thatthat thythy brotherbrother
wln 2026MayMay taketake fullfull markemark ofof himhim.
wln 2027Hip.HippolitoHip.HeartHeart? — thatthat shallshall notnot needeneed mymy LordLord,
wln 2028II cancan directdirect himhim soso farfar.
wln 2029Luss.LussuriosoLuss.YetYet forfor mymy hateshate’s sakesake,
wln 2030GoGo, windewind himhim thisthis wayway? ilei’llI’ll seesee himhim bleedebleed my selfemyself.
wln 2031Hip.HippolitoHip.WhatWhat nownow brotherbrother?
wln 2032Vind.VindiceVind.NayNay e’ene’en whatwhat youyou willwill — y’arey’ areyou’re putput to’tto ’tto’t brotherbrother?
wln 2033Hip.HippolitoHip.AnAn impossibleimpossible tasketask, IleI’ll sweareswear,
wln 2034ToTo bringbring himhim hitherhither, thatsthat’s alreadyalready herehere.ExitExit Hippo.HippolitoHippo.
wln 2035Luss.LussuriosoLuss.ThyThy namename, II hauehave forgotforgot itit?Vin.VindiceVin.VindiceVindice mymy LordLord.
wln 2036Luss.LussuriosoLuss.Tis’Tis aa goodgood namename thatthat.Vind.VindiceVind.IAyay, aa ReuengerRevenger.
wln 2037Luss.LussuriosoLuss.ItIt dosdoes betokenbetoken couragecourage, thouthonthou shouldstshouldst bebe valiantvaliant,
wln 2038AndAnd killkill thinethine enemiesenemies.Vind.VindiceVind.ThatsThat’sthat’s mymy hopehope mymy LordLord.
wln 2039Luss.LussuriosoLuss.ThisThis slaueslave isis oneone.Vind.VindiceVind.IleI’ll doomedoom himhim.
wln 2040Luss.LussuriosoLuss.ThenThen ilei’llI’ll praisepraise theethee?
wln 2041DoDo thouthou obserueobserve meme bestbest, andand IleI’ll bestbest raiseraise theethee.EnterEnter. Hip.HippolitoHip.
wln 2042Vind.VindiceVind.IndeedIndeed, II thankethank youyou.
wln 2043Luss.LussuriosoLuss.NowNow HippolitoHippolito, where’swhere’s thethe slaueslave PandarPandar?
wln 2044Hip.HippolitoHip.YourYour goodgood LordshipLordship,
wln 2045WouldWould hauehave aa loathsomeloathsome sightsight ofof himhim, muchmuch offensiueoffensive?
wln 2046Hee’sHe’s notnot inin casecase nownow toto bebe seeneseen mymy LordLord,
wln 2047TheThe worstworst ofof allall thethe deadlydeadly sinnessins isis inin himhim:
wln 2048ThatThat beggerlybeggarly damnationdamnation, drunkennessedrunkenness.
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wln 2049Luss.LussuriosoLuss.ThenThen he’she’s aa double-slauedouble-slave.
wln 2050Vind.VindiceVind.Twas’Twas’twas wellwell conuaideconveyed, vponupon aa suddainesudden witwit.
wln 2051Luss.LussuriosoLuss.WhatWhat, areare youyou bothboth,
wln 2052FirmelyFirmly resoludresolved, ilei’llI’ll seesee himhim deaddead my selfemyself.
wln 2053Vind.VindiceVind.OrOr elseelse, letlet notnot vsus liuelive.
wln 2054Luss.LussuriosoLuss.YouYou maymay directdirect youryour brotherbrother toto taketake notenote ofof himhim.
wln 2055Hip.HippolitoHip.II shallshall.
wln 2056Luss.LussuriosoLuss.RiseRise butbut inin thisthis, andand youyou shallshall neuernever fallfall.
wln 2057Vind.VindiceVind.YourYour honourshonor’shonour’s VassaylesVassals.
wln 2058Luss.LussuriosoLuss.ThisThis waswas wiselywisely carriedcarried,
wln 2059DeepeDeep policiepolicy inin vsus, makesmakes foolesfools ofof suchsuch:
wln 2060ThenThen mustmust aa slaueslave diedie, whenwhen hehe knowesknows tootoo muchmuch.Exi.exitExitexit Luss.LussuriosoLuss.
wln 2061Vind.VindiceVind.OO thouthou almightyalmighty patiencepatience, tis’tis mymy wonderwonder,
wln 2062ThatThat suchsuch aa fellowfellow, impudentimpudent andand wickedwicked,
wln 2063ShouldShould notnot bebe clouencloven asas hehe stoodstood:
wln 2064OrOr withwith aa secretsecret windewind burstburst openopen!
wln 2065IsIs therethere nono thunderthunder leftleft, oror istis ’tis’t keptkept vpup
wln 2066InIn stockstock forfor heauierheavier vengeancevengeance, therethere itit goesgoes!
wln 2067Hip.HippolitoHip.BrotherBrother wewe looselose our seluesourselves?
wln 2068Vind.VindiceVind.ButBut II hauehave foundfound itit,
wln 2069Twill’Twill holdhold, tis’tis suresure, thankesthanks, thankesthanks toto anyany spiritspirit,
wln 2070ThatThat mingledmingled itit mongst’mongstamongst mymy inuentionsinventions.
wln 2071Hip.HippolitoHip.WhatWhat istis ’tis’t?
wln 2072Vind.VindiceVind.Tis’Tis soundsound, andand goodgood, thouthou shaltshalt pertakepartake itit,
wln 2073I’meI’m hir’dhired toto killkill my selfemyself.Hip.HippolitoHip.TrueTrue.
wln 2074Vind.VindiceVind.Pree-theePrithee markemark itit,
wln 2075AndAnd thethe oldold DukeDuke beingbeing deaddead, butbut notnot conuaideconveyed,
wln 2076ForFor he’she’s alreadyalready mistmissed tootoo, andand youyou knowknow:
wln 2077MurderMurder willwill peepepeep outout ofof thethe closestclosest huskehusk.Hip.HippolitoHip.MostMost truetrue?
wln 2078Vind.VindiceVind.WhatWhat saysay youyou thenthen toto thisthis deuicedevice,
wln 2079IfIf wewe drestdressed vpup thethe bodybody ofof thethe DukeDuke.
wln 2080Hip.HippolitoHip.InIn thatthat disguisedisguise ofof yoursyours.
wln 2081Vind.VindiceVind.Y’areY’ areYou’re quickquick, y’auey’ auey’ havey’ Ave reachtreached itit.
wln 2082Hip.HippolitoHip.II likelike itit wonderouslywondrously.
wln 2083Vind.VindiceVind.AndAnd beingbeing inin drinckdrink, asas youyou hauehave publishtpublished himhim,
wln 2084ToTo leanelean himhim onon hishis elboweelbow, asas ifif sleepesleep hadhad caughtcaught himhim:
wln 2085WhichWhich claimesclaims mostmost interestinterest inin suchsuch sluggysluggy menmen.
wln 2086Hip.HippolitoHip.GoodGood yetyet, butbut here’shere’s aa doubtdoubt,
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wln 2087Me thoughtMethoughtmethought by’thby th’ DukesDuke’s sonneson toto killkill thatthat pandarpandar,
wln 2088ShallShall whenwhen hehe isis knowneknown bebe thoughtthought toto killkill thethe DukeDuke.
wln 2089Vind.VindiceVind.NeitherNeither, OOOh thankesthanks, itit isis substantiallsubstantial
wln 2090ForFor thatthat disguizedisguise beingbeing onon himhim, whichwhich II worewore,
wln 2091ItIt wilwill bebe thoughtthought II, whichwhich hehe callscalls thethe PandarPandar, diddid kilkill thethe DukeDuke,
wln 2092&and fledfled awayaway inin hishis apparellapparel, leauingleaving himhim soso disguiz’ddisguised, toto auoideavoid
wln 2093swiftswift pursuitepursuit.Hip.HippolitoHip.FirmerFirmer, andand firmerfirmer.
wln 2094Vind.VindiceVind.NayNay doubtdoubt notnot tis’tis inin grainegrain, II warrantwarrant itit holdhold collourcolorcolour.
wln 2095Hip.HippolitoHip.LetsLet’slet’s aboutabout itit.
wln 2096Vind.VindiceVind.ButBut byby thethe wayway tootoo, nownow II thinkethink on’ton ’ton’t, brotherbrother,
wln 2097Let’sLet’s coniureconjure thatthat basebase diuilldevil outout ofof ourour MotherMother.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 2098EnterEnter thethe DutchesDuchess armearm inin armearm withwith thethe BastardBastard: hehe seemethseemeth lasci-lasciuiouslylasci∣uiouslylasciviously
wln 2099uiously
wln 2099toto herher, afterafter themthem, EnterEnter SuperuacuoSupervacuoSuperuacuo, runningrunning withwith aa ra-rapierra∣pierrapier
wln 2100pier,
wln 2100hishis BrotherBrother stopsstops himhim.
wln 2101Spuri.SpurioSpuri.MadamMadam, vnlockunlock your selfeyourself, shouldshould itit bebe seeneseen,
wln 2102YourYour armearm wouldwould bebe suspectedsuspected.
wln 2103Duch.DuchessDuch.WhoWho istitsis ’tit’s thatthat daresdares suspectsuspect, oror thisthis, oror thesethese?
wln 2104MayMay notnot wewe dealedeal ourour fauoursfavorsfavours wherewhere wewe pleaseplease?
wln 2105Spu.SpurioSpu.I’meI’m,, confidentconfident, youyou maymay.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 2106Amb.AmbitiosoAmb.Sfoot’Sfoot’sfoot brotherbrother holdhold.
wln 2107Sup.SupervacuoSup.WoultWouldstwilt letlet thethe BastardBastard shameshame vsus?
wln 2108Amb.AmbitiosoAmb.HoldHold, holdhold, brotherbrother? there’sthere’s fitterfitter timetime thenthan nownow.
wln 2109Sup.SupervacuoSup.NowNow whenwhen II seesee itit.Amb.AmbitiosoAmb.Tis’Tis tootoo muchmuch seeneseen alreadyalready.
wln 2110Sup.SupervacuoSup.SeeneSeen andand knowneknown,
wln 2111TheThe NoblerNobler she’sshe’s, thethe baserbaser isis sheeshe grownegrown.
wln 2112Amb.AmbitiosoAmb.IfIf sheshe werewere bentbent lasciuiouslylasciviously, thethe faultfault
wln 2113OfOf mightymighty womenwomen, thatthat sleepesleep softsoft, — OOOh deathdeath,
wln 2114MustMust sheshe needesneeds chusechoose suchsuch anan vnequallunequal sinnersinner:
wln 2115ToTo makemake allall worseworse.
wln 2116Sup.SupervacuoSup.AA BastardBastard, thethe DukesDuke’s BastardBastard, ShameShame heaptheaped onon shameshame.
wln 2117Amb.AmbitiosoAmb.OO ourour disgracedisgrace.
wln 2118MostMost womenwomen hauehave smallsmall wastewaistwaste thethe worldworld through-outthroughout,
wln 2119ButBut theretheirthere desiresdesires areare thousandthousand milesmiles aboutabout.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 2120Sup.SupervacuoSup.ComeCome staystay notnot herehere, letslet’s afterafter, andand preuentprevent,
wln 2121OrOr elselse theilethe ilethey’llthe I’ll sinnesin fasterfaster thenthan weelewe’ll repentrepent.
wln 2122EnterEnter VindiceVindice andand HippolitoHippolito, bringingbringing outout theretheirthere MotherMother
wln 2123oneone byby oneone shouldershoulder, andand thethe otherother byby thethe otherother, withwith
wln 2124daggersdaggers inin theirtheir handshands.
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wln 2125Vind.VindiceVind.OO thouthou? forfor whomwhom nono namename isis badbad ynoughenough.
wln 2126Moth.MotherMoth.WhatWhat meanesmeans mymy sonnessons whatwhat willwill youyou murdermurder meme?
wln 2127Vind.VindiceVind.WickedWicked,, vnnaturallunnatural ParentsParents.
wln 2128Hip.HippolitoHip.Feend●eendFiend ofof womenwomen.
wln 2129Moth.MotherMoth.OhOhlareOhlareOh!! areare sonnessons turndturned monstersmonsters? helpehelp.
wln 2130Vind.VindiceVind.InIn vainevain.
wln 2131Moth.MotherMoth.AreAre youyou soso barbarousbarbarous toto setset IronIron nipplesnipples
wln 2132VponUpon thethe brestbreast thatthat gauegave youyou sucksuck.
wln 2133Vind.VindiceVind.ThatThat brestbreast,
wln 2134IsIs turndturned toto QuarledQuarled poysonpoison.
wln 2135Moth.MotherMoth.CutCut notnot youryour daiesdays for’tfor ’tfor’t, amam notnot II youryour mothermother?
wln 2136Vind.VindiceVind.ThouI houThou dostdost vsurpeusurp thatthat titletitle nownow byby fraudfraud
wln 2137ForFor inin thatthat shellshell ofof mothermother breedsbreeds aa bawdebawd.
wln 2138Moth.MotherMoth.AA bawdebawd? OO namename farfar loathsomeroathsomerloathsomer thenthan hellhell.
wln 2139Hip.HippolitoHip.ItIt shouldshould bebe soso knewstknew’stknewst thouthou thythy OfficeOffice wellwell.
wln 2140Moth.MothMotherII hatehate itit.
wln 2141Vind.VindiceVind.AhAh istis ’tis’t possiblepossible, ThouThou onelyonly, youyou powerspowers onon hiehigh,
wln 2142ThatThat womenwomen shouldshould dissembledissemble whenwhen theythey diedie.
wln 2143Mot.MotherMot.DissembleDissemble.
wln 2144Vind.VindiceVind.DidDid notnot thethe DukesDuke’s sonneson directdirect
wln 2145AA fellowfellow, ofof thethe worldsworld’s conditioncondition, hitherhither,
wln 2146ThatThat diddid corruptcorrupt allall thatthat waswas goodgood inin theethee:
wln 2147MadeMade theethee vnciuillyuncivilly forgetforget thy selfethyself,
wln 2148AndAnd workework ourour sistersister toto hishis lustlust.
wln 2149Moth.MotherMoth.WhoWho II,
wln 2150ThatThat hadhad beenebeen monstrousmonstrous? II defiedefy thatthat manman:
wln 2151ForFor anyany suchsuch intentintent, nonenone liueslives soso purepure,
wln 2152ButBut shallshall bebe soildsoiled withwith slanderslander, — goodgood sonneson beleiuebelieve itit notnot..,
wln 2153Vind.VindiceVind.OhOhO I’meI’m inin doubtdoubt,
wln 2154WhetherWhether I’meI’m my selfemyself, oror nono,
wln 2155StayStay, letlet meme lookelook agenagain vponupon thisthis faceface.
wln 2156WhoWho shallshall bebe sau’dsaved whenwhen mothersmothers hauehave nono gracegrace.
wln 2157Hip.HippolitoHip.Twould’Twould’twould makemake oneone halfehalf dispairedespair.
wln 2158Vind.VindiceVind.II waswas thethe manman,
wln 2159DefieDefy meme, nownow? letslet’s seesee, do’tdo ’tdo’t modestlymodestly.
wln 2160Moth.MotherMoth.OO hellhell vntounto mymy soulesoul.
wln 2161Vind.VindiceVind.InIn thatthat disguizedisguise, II sentsent fromfrom thethe DukesDuke’s sonneson,
wln 2162TryedTried youyou, andand foundfound youyou basebase mettellmetalmettle,
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wln 2163AsAs anyany villainevillain mightmight hauehave donnedone.
wln 2164Mo.MotherMo.OOneOneO nono, nono tonguetongue butbut yoursyours couldcould hauehave bewitchtbewitched meme soso.
wln 2165Vind.VindiceVind.OO nimblenimble inin damnationdamnation, quickquick inin tunetune,
wln 2166ThereThere isis nono diuilldevil couldcould strikestrike firefire soso soonesoon:
wln 2167II amam confutedconfuted inin aa wordword.
wln 2168Mot.MotherMot.OhOhO sonnessons, forgiueforgive meme, toto my selfemyself ilei’llI’ll proueprove moremore truetrue,
wln 2169YouYou thatthat shouldshould honorhonorhonour meme, II kneelekneel toto youyou.
wln 2170Vind.VindiceVind.AA mothermother toto giuegive aymeaim toto herher owneown daughterdaughter.
wln 2171Hip.HippolitoHip.TrueTrue brotherbrother, howhow farfar beyondbeyond naturenature ’tis’tis,
wln 2172ThoThough manymany MothersMothersMother’s do’tdo ’tdo’t.
wln 2173Vind.VindiceVind.NayNay andand youyou drawdraw tearestears onceonce, gogo youyou toto bedbed,
wln 2174WetWet willwill makemake yroniron blushblush andand changechange toto redred:
wln 2175BrotherBrother itit rainesrains, twill’twill spoilespoil youryour daggerdagger, househouse itit.
wln 2176HipHippolitoHipTis’Tis donedone.
wln 2177Vin.VindiceVin.YfaithI’ faithI’faith tis’tis aa sweetesweet showershower, itit dosdoes muchmuch goodgood,
wln 2178TheThe fruitfullfruitful groundsgrounds, andand meadowesmeadows ofof herher soulesoul,
wln 2179HasHas beenebeen longlong drydry: powrepourpower downedown thouthou blessedblessed dewdew,
wln 2180RiseRise MotherMother, trothtroth thisthis showershower hashas mademade youyou higherhigher.
wln 2181Mot.MotherMot.OO youyou heauensheavens? taketake thisthis infectiousinfectious spotspot outout ofof mymy soulesoul,
wln 2182IleI’ll rencerinse itit inin seauenseven waterswaters ofof minemine eyeseyes?
wln 2183MakeMake mymy tearestears saltsalt ynoughenough toto tasttaste ofof gracegrace,
wln 2184ToTo weepeweep, isis toto ourour sexesex: naturallynaturally giuengiven:
wln 2185ButBut toto weepeweep truelytruly thatsthat’s aa giftgift fromfrom heauenheaven?
wln 2186Vind.VindiceVind.NayNay IleI’ll kissekiss youyou nownow: kissekiss herher brotherbrother?
wln 2187LetsLet’slet’s marrymarry herher toto ourour soulessouls, wherein’swherein’s nono lustlust,
wln 2188AndAnd honorablyhonorablyhonourably louelove herher.Hip.HippolitoHip.LetLet itit bebe.
wln 2189Vind.VindiceVind.ForFor honesthonest womenwomen areare soso sildfildseldfilled andand rarerare,
wln 2190Tis’Tis goodgood toto cherishcherish thosethose poorepoor fewfew thatthat areare.
wln 2191OhOhO youyou ofof easieeasy waxewax, dodo butbut imagineimagine
wln 2192NowNow thethe diseasedisease hashas leftleft youyou, howhow leprouslyleprously
wln 2193ThatThat OfficeOffice wouldwould hauehave cling’dclinged vntounto youryour foreheadforehead,
wln 2194AllAll mothersmothers thatthat hadhad anyany gracefullgraceful huehue,
wln 2195WouldWould hauehave worneworn maskesmasks toto hidehide theirtheir faceface atat youyou:
wln 2196ItIt wouldwould hauehave grownegrown toto thisthis, atat youryour foulefoul namename;
wln 2197Greene-collour’dGreen-colored maidesmaids wouldwould hauehave turndturned redred withwith shameshame?
wln 2198Hip.HippolitoHip.AndAnd thenthen ourour sistersister fullfull ofof hirehire, andand bassenessebaseness.
wln 2199Vind.VindiceVind.ThereThere hadhad beenebeen boylingboiling leadled agenagain,
wln 2200TheThe dukesduke’sDuke’s sonnessons greatgreat ConcubineConcubine:
wln 2201AA drabdrab ofof StateState, aa cloath a siluercloth-o’-silvercloth a silver slutslut,
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wln 2202ToTo hauehave herher trainetrain borneborne vpup, andand herher soulesoul trailetrail i’thi’ th’i’th’ durtdirt; greatgreat.
wln 2203Hip.HippolitoHip.ToTo bebe miserablymiserably greatgreat, richrich toto bebe eternallyeternally wretchedwretched.
wln 2204Vind.VindiceVind.OO commoncommon madnessemadness:
wln 2205AskeAsk butbut thethe thriuingstthriving’stthrivingst harlotharlot inin coldcold bloudblood,
wln 2206SheedShe’d giuegive thethe worldworld toto makemake herher honourhonorhonour goodgood,
wln 2207PerhapsPerhaps youleyou’ll saysay butbut onelyonly to’thto th’to’th DukesDuke’s sonneson,
wln 2208InIn priuateprivate; whywhy, sheeshe firstfirst beginsbegins withwith oneone,
wln 2209WhoWho afterwardafterwardafterwards toto thousandthousand proouesproves aa whorewhore:
wln 2210„BreakeBreak IceIce inin oneone placeplace, itit willwill crackcrack inin moremore.
wln 2211MotherMother.MostMost certainlycertainly applyedapplied?
wln 2212Hip.HippolitoHip.OhOhO BrotherBrother, youyou forgetforget ourour businessebusiness.
wln 2213Vind.VindiceVind.AndAnd wellwell remembredremembered, ioye’sjoy’s aa subtillsubtle elfeelf,
wln 2214II thinkethink man’sman’s happiesthappiest, whenwhen hehe forgetsforgets himselfehimself:
wln 2215FarewellFarewell onceonce dryeddried, nownow holy-watredholy-watered MeadeMead,
wln 2216OurOur heartshearts wearewear FeathersFeathers, thatthat beforebefore worewore LeadLead.
wln 2217MotherMother.IleI’ll giuegive youyou thisthis, thatthat oneone II neuernever knewknew
wln 2218PleadPlead betterbetter, forfor, andand gainst’gainst thethe DiuillDevil, thenthan youyou.
wln 2219Vind.VindiceVind.YouYou makemake meme proudproud onton ’ton’t.
wln 2220Hip.HippolitoHip.CommendCommend vsus inin allall vertuevirtue toto ourour SisterSister.
wln 2221Vind.VindiceVind.IAyI forfor thethe louelove ofof heauenheaven, toto thatthat truetrue maidemaid.
wln 2222MotherMother.WithWith mymy bestbest wordswords.
wln 2223Vind.VindiceVind.WhyWhy thatthat waswas motherlymotherly saydsaid.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 2224MotherMother.II wonderwonder nownow whatwhat furyfury diddid transporttransport meme?
wln 2225II feelefeel goodgood thoughtsthoughts beginbegin toto settlesettle inin meme.
wln 2226OhOhO withwith whatwhat fore-headforehead cancan II lookelook onon herher?
wln 2227WhoseWhose honorhonorhonour I’ueI’ve soso impiouslieimpiously besetbeset,
wln 2228AndAnd herehere sheeshe comescomes,
wln 2229Cast.CastizaCast.NowNow mothermother, youyou hauehave wroughtwrought withwith meme soso stronglystrongly,
wln 2230ThatThat whatwhat forfor mymy aduancementadvancement, asas toto calmecalm
wln 2231TheThe troubletrouble ofof youryour tonguetongue: II amam contentcontent.
wln 2232MotherMother.ContentContent, toto whatwhat?
wln 2233Cast.CastizaCast.ToTo dodo asas youyou hauehave wishtwished meme,
wln 2234ToTo prostituteprostitute mymy brestbreast toto thethe DukesDuke’s sonneson:
wln 2235AndAnd putput my selfemyself toto commoncommon VsuryUsury.
wln 2236MotherMother.II hopehope youyou willwill notnot soso.
wln 2237Cast.CastizaCast.HopeHope youyou II willwill notnot?
wln 2238That’sThat’s notnot thethe hopehope youyou lookelook toto bebe sauedsaved inin.
wln 2239MotherMother.TruthTruth butbut itit isis.
Cast. Do
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wln 2240Cast.CastizaCast.DoDo notnot deceiuedeceive your selfeyourself,
wln 2241II amam, asas youyou eene’en outout ofof MarbleMarble wroughtwrought,
wln 2242WhatWhat wouldwould youyou nownow, areare yeeye notnot pleasdepleased yetyet withwith meme,
wln 2243YouYou shallshall notnot wishwish meme toto bebe moremore lasciuiouslascivious
wln 2244ThenThan II intendintend toto bebe.MotherMother.StrikeStrike notnot meme coldcold,
wln 2245Cast.CastizaCast.HowHow oftenoften hauehave youyou chargdcharged meme onon youryour blessingblessing
wln 2246ToTo bebe aa cursedcursed womanwoman — whenwhen youyou knewknew,
wln 2247YourYour blessingblessing hadhad nono forceforce toto makemake meme lewdlewd,
wln 2248YouYou laidelaid youryour curssecurse vponupon meme, thatthat diddid moremore,
wln 2249TheThe mothersmother’s cursecurse isis heauyheavy, wherewhere thatthat fightsfights,
wln 2250SonnesSunsSons setset inin stormestorm, andand daughtersdaughters looselose theirtheir lightslights?
wln 2251Moth.MotherMoth.GoodGood childechild, dearedear maidemaid, ifif therethere bebe anyany sparkespark
wln 2252OfOf heauenlyheavenly intellectuallintellectual firefire withinwithin theethee, ohoho letlet mymy breathbreath,
wln 2253ReuiueRevive itit toto aa flameflame:
wln 2254PutPut notnot allall outout, withwith womanswoman’s wilfullwillfulwilful follyesfollies,
wln 2255II amam recouerdrecovered ofof thatthat foulefoul diseasedisease
wln 2256ThatThat hauntshaunts tootoo manymany mothersmothers, kindekind forgiueforgive meme,
wln 2257MakeMake meme notnot sicksick inin healthhealth? — ifif thenthen
wln 2258MyMy wordswords preuaildeprevailed whenwhen theythey werewere wickednessewickedness,
wln 2259HowHow muchmuch moremore nownow whenwhen theythey areare iustjust andand goodgood?
wln 2260Cast.CastizaCast.II wonderwonder whatwhat youyou meanemean, areare notnot youyou sheshe
wln 2261ForFor whosewhose infectinfect perswasionspersuasions II couldcould scarcescarce
wln 2262KneeleKneel outout mymy prayersprayers, andand hadhad muchmuch adooado
wln 2263InIn threethree houreshours’ readingreading, toto vntwistuntwist soso muchmuch
wln 2264OfOf thethe blackblack serpentserpent, asas youyou woundwound aboutabout meme.
wln 2265Moth.MotherMoth.Tis’Tis vnfruitfullunfruitful, heldheld tedioustedious toto repeaterepeat whatswhat’s pastpast,
wln 2266ImeI’m nownow youryour presentpresent MotherMother.Cast.CastizaCast.PushPush, nownow ’tis’tis tootoo latelate,
wln 2267Moth.MotherMoth.BethinkeBethink agenagain, thouthou knowstknow’stknowest notnot whatwhat thouthou saystsayst.
wln 2268Cast.CastizaCast.NoNo, denydeny aduancementadvancement, treasuretreasure, thethe DukesDuke’s sonneson.
wln 2269Moth.MotherMoth.OO seesee, II spokespoke thosethose wordswords, andand nownow theythey poysonpoison meme:
wln 2270WhatWhat willwill thethe deeddeed dodo thenthen?
wln 2271AduancementAdvancement, truetrue: asas highhigh asas shameshame cancan pitchpitch,
wln 2272ForFor TreasureTreasure; who erewhoe’erwho ere knewknew aa harlotharlot richrich?
wln 2273OrOr couldcould buildbuild byby thethe purchasepurchase ofof herher sinnesin,
wln 2274AnAn hospitallhospital toto keepekeep theirtheir bastardsbastards inin: TheThe DukesDuke’s sonneson,
wln 2275OhOhO whenwhen woemenwomen areare yongyoung CourtiersCourtiers, theythey areare suresure toto bebe oldold (beggarsbeggars,
wln 2276ToTo knowknow thethe miseriesmiseries mostmost harlotsharlots tastetaste,
wln 2277ThoudstThou ’dstthou’dst wishwish thy selfethyself vnborneunborn, whenwhen thouthou artart vnchastunchaste.
wln 2278Cast.CastizaCast.OO mothermother letlet meme twinetwine aboutabout youryour neckeneck,
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wln 2279AndAnd kissekiss youyou tilltill mymy soulesoul meltmelt onon youryour lipslips,
wln 2280II diddid butbut thisthis toto trietry youyou.Mot.MotherMot.OO speakespeak truthtruth.
wln 2281Cast.CastizaCast.IndeedIndeed II diddid notnot, forfor nono tongtongue hashas forceforce toto alteralter meme fromfrom (honesthonest
wln 2282IfIf maydensmaidens wouldwould, mensmen’s wordswords couldcould hauehave nono powerpower,
wln 2283AA verginvirgin honorhonorhonour isis aa christallcrystal TowerTower.
wln 2284WhichWhich beingbeing weakeweak isis guardedguarded withwith goodgood spiritsspirits,
wln 2285VntillUntil sheshe baselybasely yeeldsyields nono illill inheritsinherits.
wln 2286Mot.MotherMot.OO happyhappy childchild! faithfaith andand thythy birthbirth hathhath sauedsaved meme,
wln 2287Mongst’MongstAmongst thousandthousand daughtersdaughters happiesthappiest ofof allall othersothers,
wln 2288BuyBuy thouthou aa glasseglass forfor maidesmaids,, andand II forfor mothersmothers.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 2289EnterEnter VindiceVindice andand HippolitoHippolito.
wln 2290Vin.VindiceVin.SoSo, soso, hehe leanesleans wellwell, taketake heedeheed youyou wakewake himhim notnot bro-brotherbro∣therbrother(ther
wln 2291Hip.HippolitoHip.II warantwarrant youyou mymy lifelife forfor yoursyours.
wln 2292Vin.VindiceVin.ThatsThat’sthat’s aa goodgood laylay, forfor II mustmust killkill my selfemyself?
wln 2293BrotherBrother thatsthat’s II: thatthat sitssits forfor meme: dodo youyou markemark itit,
wln 2294AndAnd II mustmust standstand readyready herehere toto makemake awayaway my selfemyself yonderyonder — II
wln 2295mustmust sitsit toto beebe kildkilled, andand standstand toto killkill my selfemyself, II couldcould varryvary itit
wln 2296notnot soso littlelittle asas thricethrice ouerover agenagain, tas’t has’thas somesome eighteight returnesreturns likelike
wln 2297MichelmasMichaelmas TearmeTerm.Hip.HippolitoHip.ThatsThat’sthat’s enowenowenough aa conscienceconscience.
wln 2298Vind.VindiceVind.ButBut sirrahsirrah dosdoes thethe DukesDuke’s sonneson comecome singlesingle?
wln 2299Hip.HippolitoHip.NoNo, there’sthere’s thethe hellhell on’ton ’ton’t, hishis faith’sfaith’s tootoo feeblefeeble toto gogo alonealone?
wln 2300heehe bringsbrings flesh-fliesflesh-flies afterafter himhim, thatthat willwill buzzebuzz againstagainst suppersupper
wln 2301timetime, andand humhum forfor hishis commingcoming outout.
wln 2302Vind.VindiceVind.AhAh thethe fly-flopfly-flop ofof vengeancevengeance beatebeat ’em’em toto peecespieces? herehere
wln 2303waswas thethe sweetestsweetest occasionoccasion, thethe fittestfittest hourehour, toto hauehave mademade mymy
wln 2304reuengrevenge familiarfamiliar withwith himhim, showshow himhim thethe bodybody ofof thethe DukeDuke hishis
wln 2305fatherfather, andand howhow quaintlyquaintly hehe dieddied likelike aa PolititianPolitician inin hugger-hugger-muggerhugger-mugger
wln 2306mugger,
wln 2306mademade nono manman acquaintedacquainted withwith itit, andand inin CatastropheCatastrophe
wln 2307slaineslain himhim ouerover hishis fathersfather’s brestbreast, andand ohoho I’meI’m madmad toto looselose suchsuch aa
wln 2308sweetesweet opportunityopportunity.
wln 2309Hip.HippolitoHip.NayNay pushpush, pree-theeprithee bebe contentcontent! there’sthere’s nono remedyremedy pre-presentpre∣sentpresent
wln 2310sent,
wln 2310maymay notnot hereafterhereafter timestimes openopen inin asas fairefair facesfaces asas thisthis.
wln 2311Vind.VindiceVind.TheyThey maymay ifif theythey cancan paintpaint soso wellwell?
wln 2312Hip.HippolitoHip.ComeCome, nownow toto auoideavoid alall suspitionsuspicion, letslet’s forsakeforsake thisthis roomeroom,
wln 2313andand bebe goinggoing toto meetemeet thethe DukesDuke’s sonneson.
wln 2314Vind.VindiceVind.ContentContent, I’meI’m forfor anyany wetherweather? heartheart stepstep closseclose, herehere heehe (comescomes?
wln 2314Ent.EnterEnt. LussLuffLussarioLuff.
wln 2315Hip.HippolitoHip.MyMy honordhonoredhonoured LordLord?Lus.LussuriosoLus.OhOhO meme; youyou bothboth presentpresent.
wln 2316Vin.VindiceVin.E’enE’en newlynewly mymy LordLord, iustjust asas youryour LordshipLordship enterdentered nownow? a-abouta∣boutabout
wln 2317bout
wln 2317thisthis placeplace wewe hadhad noticenotice giuengiven heehe shouldshould beebe, butbut inin somesome
wln 2318[◇]loathsome [◇]plight [◇]or [◇]other[*].
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wln 2319Hip.HippolitoHip.CameCame youryour honourhonorhonour priuateprivate?
wln 2320Luss.LussuriosoLuss.PriuatePrivate inoughenough forfor thisthis: onelyonly aa fewfew
wln 2321AttendAttend mymy commingcoming outout.Hip.HippolitoHip.DeathDeath rotterot thosethose fewfew.
wln 2322Luss.LussuriosoLuss.StayStay yonder’syonder’s thethe slaueslave.
wln 2323Vind.VindiceVind.MasseMass there’sthere’s thethe slaueslave indeedindeed mymy LordLord;
wln 2324Tis’Tis aa goodgood childchild, hehe callscalls hishis FatherFather slaueslave.
wln 2325Luss.LussuriosoLuss.IAyay, thatsthat’s thethe villainevillain, thethe dambddamned villainevillain: softlysoftly,
wln 2326TreadTread easieeasy.
wln 2327Vin.VindiceVin.PuhPuh, II warrantwarrant youyou mymy LordLord, weelewe’ll stifllestifle inin ourour breathsbreathsbreathes.
wln 2328Luss.LussuriosoLuss.ThatThat willwill dodo wellwell:
wln 2329BaseBase roaguerogue, thouthou sleepestsleepest thythy lastlast, tis’tis policiepolicy,
wln 2330ToTo hauehave himhim killdkilled in’sin ’sin’s sleepesleep, forfor ifif hehe waktwaked
wln 2331HeeHe wouldwould betraybetray allall toto themthem.
wln 2332Vind.VindiceVind.ButBut mymy LordLord.Luss.LussuriosoLuss.HaHa, whatwhat saystsayst?
wln 2333Vind.VindiceVind.ShallShall wewe killkill himhim nownow heeshe’s drunkedrunk?Lus.LussuriosoLus.IAyI bestbest ofof allall.
wln 2334Vind.VindiceVind.WhyWhy thenthen heehe willwill nerene’er liuelive toto bebe sobersober?
wln 2335Lus.LussuriosoLus.NoNo mattermatter, letlet himhim reelereel toto hellhell.
wln 2336Vind.VindiceVind.ButBut beingbeing soso fullfull ofof liquorliquor, II fearefear heehe willwill putput outout allall (thethe firefire,
wln 2337Lus.LussuriosoLus.ThouThou artart aa madmad brestbreast.
wln 2338Vin.VindiceVin.AndAnd leaueleave nonenone toto warmewarm youryour LordshipsLordship’s GolsGollsgolls withallwithal;
wln 2339ForFor hehe thatthat dyesdies drunkedrunk, fallsfalls intointo hellhell firefire likelike aa BucketBucket o’aao’ waterwater,
wln 2340qushqush qushqush.
wln 2341Lus.LussuriosoLus.ComeCome bebe readyready, nakenaketake youryour swordsswords, thinkethink ofof youryour wrongswrongs
wln 2342ThisThis slaueslave hashas iniur’dinjured youyou.
wln 2343Vind.VindiceVind.TrothTroth soso hehe hashas, andand hehe hashas paidepaid wellwell fortfor ’tfor’t.
wln 2344Lus.LussuriosoLus.MeeteMeet withwith himhim nownow.
wln 2345Vin.VindiceVin.YouleYou’ll bearebear vsus outout mymy LordLord?
wln 2346Lus.LussuriosoLus.PuhPuh, amam II aa LordLord forfor nothingnothing thinkethink youyou, quicklyquickly, nownow.
wln 2347Vind.VindiceVind.SaSa, sasa, sasa: thumpethump, therethere hehe lyeslies.
wln 2348Lus.LussuriosoLus.NimblyNimbly donedone, haha? ohoho, villainesvillains, murderersmurderers,
wln 2349Tis’Tis thethe oldold DukeDuke mymy fatherfather.Vind.VindiceVind.That’sThat’s aa iestjest.
wln 2350Lus.LussuriosoLus.WhatWhat stiffestiff andand coldecold alreadyalready?
wln 2351OO pardonpardon meme toto callcall youyou fromfrom youryour namesnames:
wln 2352Tis’Tis nonenone ofof youryour deeddeed, — thatthat villainevillain PiatoPiato
wln 2353WhomWhom youyou thoughtthought nownow toto killkill, hashas murderdmurdered himhim,
wln 2354AndAnd leftleft himhim thusthus disguizddisguised.Hip.HippolitoHip.AndAnd notnononot vnlikelyunlikely.
wln 2355Vind.VindiceVind.OO rascall●ascallrascal waswas hehe notnot ashamdeashamed,
wln 2356ToTo putput thethe DukeDuke intointo aa greasiegreasy doubletdoublet.
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wln 2357Luss.LussuriosoLuss.HeHe hashas beenebeen coldcold andand stiffstiff whowho knowesknows, howhow longlong?
wln 2358Vind.VindiceVind.MarryMarry thatthat dodo II.
wln 2359Luss.LussuriosoLuss.NoNo wordswords II praypray, offofoff anyany thingthing entendedintended:
wln 2360Vind.VindiceVind.OhOhO mymy LordLord.
wln 2361Hip.HippolitoHip.II wouldwould samefainesame hauehave youryour LordshipLordship thinkethink thatthat wewe hauehave
wln 2362smallsmall reasonreason toto prateprate.
wln 2363LusLussuriosoLusFaithFaith thouthou saystsayst truetrue? ilei’llI’ll forth-withforthwith sendsend toto CourtCourt,
wln 2364ForFor allall thethe NoblesNobles, BastardBastard, DuchesseDuchessduchess, allall?
wln 2365HowHow herehere byby miraclemiracle weewe foundfound himhim deaddead,
wln 2366AndAnd inin hishis raymentraiment thatthat foulefoul villainevillain fledfled.
wln 2367Vind.VindiceVind.ThatThat willwill bebe thethe bestbest wayway mymy LordLord, toto cleereclear vsus allall: letslet’s
wln 2368castcast aboutabout toto bebe cleereclear.
wln 2369Luss.LussuriosoLuss.HoHo, NencioNencio, SordidoSordido, andand thethe restrest.EnterEnter allall.
wln 23701.1. Attendant1.MyMy LordLord.2.2. Attendant2.MyMy LordLord.
wln 2371Lus.LussuriosoLus.BeBe wittnesseswitnesses ofof aa strangestrange spectaclespectacle:
wln 2372ChoosingChoosing forfor priuateprivate conferenceconference thatthat sadsad roomeroom
wln 2373WeWe foundfound thethe DukeDuke mymy fatherfather gealde’gealedgealed inin bloudblood.
wln 23741.1. Attendant1.MyMy LordLord thethe DukeDuke — runrun hiehietheehie theethee NencioNencio,
wln 2375StartleStartle thethe CourtCourt byby signifyingsignifying soso muchmuch.
wln 2376Vind.VindiceVind.ThusThus muchmuch byby witwit aa deepedeep ReuengerRevenger cancan:
wln 2377WhenWhen murdersmurders knowneknown,, toto bebe thethe cleerestclearest manman
wln 2378We’reWe’re fordestfardestfurthest offoff, andand withwith asas bouldbold anan eyeeye,
wln 2379SuruaySurvey hishis bodybody asas thethe standersstanders byby.
wln 2380Luss.LussuriosoLuss.MyMy royallroyal fatherfather, tootoo baselybasely letlet bloudblood,
wln 2381ByBy aa maleuolentmalevolent slaueslave.
wln 2382Hip.HippolitoHip.HarkeHark? hehe callscalls theethee slaueslave agenagain.Vin.VindiceVin.Ha’sH’asHas lostlost, hehe maymay.
wln 2383Lus.LussuriosoLus.OhOhO sightsight, lookelook hetherhither, seesee, hishis lipslips areare gnawngnawn withwith poysōpoysōpoison.
wln 2384Vin.VindiceVin.HowHow — hishis lipslips by’thby th’ massemass theythey beebe.
wln 2385Lus.LussuriosoLus.OO villainevillain — OOOh roaguerogue — OOOh slaueslave — OOOh rascallrascal:
wln 2386Hip.HippolitoHip.OO goodgood deceitedeceit, hehe quitsquits himhim withwith likelike tearmesterms.
wln 23871.1. Noble1.WhereWhere.2.2. Noble2.WhichWhich wayway.
wln 2388Amb.AmbitiosoAmb.OuerOver whatwhat rooferoof hangshangs thisthis prodigiousprodigious CometComet,
wln 2389InIn deadlydeadly firefire.
wln 2390Lus.LussuriosoLus.BeholdBehold, beholdbehold mymy LordsLords thethe DukeDuke mymy fathersfather’sfathers murderdmurdered
wln 2391byby aa vassailevassal, thatthat owesowes thisthis habithabit, andand herehere leftleft disguisdedisguised.
wln 2392Duch.DuchessDuch.MyMy LordLord andand husbandhusband.2.2. Noble2.ReuerendReverend MaiestyMajesty.
wln 23931.1. Noble1.II hauehave seeneseen thesethese clothsclothes, oftenoften attendingattending onon himhim.
wln 2394Vin.VindiceVin.ThatThat NoblemanNobleman, hashas binbeen ithi’ th’i’th’ CountryCountry, forfor hehe dosdoes notnot lielie?
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wln 2395Sup.SupervacuoSup.LearneLearn ofof ourour mothermother letslet’s dissembledissemble totooto,
wln 2396II amam gladglad hee’she’s vanishtvanished; soso II hopehope areare youyou?
wln 2397Amb.AmbitiosoAmb.IAyI youyou maymay taketake mymy wordword fortfor ’tfor’t.
wln 2398Spur.SpurioSpur.OldOld DadDad, deaddead?
wln 2399IAyay, oneone ofof hishis castcast sinnessins willwill sendsend thethe FatesFates
wln 2400MostMost heartyhearty commendationscommendations byby hishis owneown sonneson,
wln 2401IleI’ll tugtug inin thethe newnew streamestrcamestream, tilltill strengthstrength bebe donedone.
wln 2402Lus.LussuriosoLus.WhereWhere bebe thosethose twotwo, thatthat diddid affirmeaffirm toto vsus?
wln 2403MyMy LordLord thethe DukeDuke waswas priuatelyprivately ridrid forthforth?
wln 24041.1. Noble1.OO pardonpardon vsus mymy LordsLords, heehe gauegave thatthat chargecharge
wln 2405VponUpon ourour liueslives ifif hehe werewere mistmissed atat CourtCourt,
wln 2406ToTo answeranswer soso; heehe roderoderoad notnot any whereanywhere,
wln 2407WeWe leftleft himhim priuateprivate withwith thatthat fellowfellow herehere?Vind.VindiceVind.ConfirmdeConfirmedconfirmed.
wln 2408Lus.LussuriosoLus.OO heauensheavens, thatthat falsefalse chargecharge waswas hishis deathdeath,
wln 2409ImpudentImpudent BeggarsBeggars, durstdurst youyou toto ourour faceface,
wln 2410MaintaineMaintain suchsuch aa falsefalse answeranswer? bearebear himhim straightstraight toto executionexecution.
wln 24111.1. Noble1.MyMy LordLord?Luss.LussuriosoLuss.VrgeUrge meme nono moremore.
wln 2412InIn thisthis thethe excuseexcuse, maymay bebe cal’dcalled halfehalf thethe murthermurder?
wln 2413Vind.VindiceVind.Yo’ueYou’ve sentencdesentenced wellwell.
wln 2414Luss.LussuriosoLuss.AwayAway seesee itit bebe donedone.
wln 2415Vind.VindiceVind.CouldCould youyou notnot stickstick: seesee whatwhat confessionconfession dothdoth?
wln 2416WhoWho wouldwould notnot lielie whenwhen menmen areare hangdhanged forfor truthtruth?
wln 2417Hip.HippolitoHip.BrotherBrother howhow happyhappy isis ourour vengeancevengeance.
wln 2418Vin.VindiceVin.WhyWhy itit hitshits, pastpast thethe apprehensionapprehension ofof indifferentindifferent witswits.
wln 2419LussLussuriosoLuss,MyMy LordLord letlet post horsepostpost-horse bebe sentsent,
wln 2420IntoInto allall placesplaces toto intrapentrap thethe villainevillain,
wln 2421Vin.VindiceVin.Post-horsePost-horse haha haha.
wln 2422Nob.NobleNob.MyMy LordLord, we’rewe’re som-thingsomething bouldbold toto knowknow ourour duetyduty?
wln 2423YourYour fathersfather’sfathers accidentallyaccidentally departeddeparted,
wln 2424TheThe titlestitles thatthat werewere duedue toto himhim, meetemeet youyou.
wln 2425Lus.LussuriosoLus.MeeteMeet meme? I’meI’m notnot atat leisureleisure mymy goodgood LordLord,
wln 2426I’ueI’ve manymany greefesgriefs toto dispatchdispatch outout atho’ th’o’th’ wayway:
wln 2427WelcomeWelcome sweetesweet titlestitles, — talketalk toto meme mymy LordsLords,
wln 2428OfOffepulchersOf sepulcherssepulchers, andand mightymighty EmperorsEmperor’s bonesbones,
wln 2429ThatsThat’sthat’s thoughtthought forfor meme.
wln 2430Vind.VindiceVind.SoSo, oneone maymay seesee byby thisthis,
wln 2431HowHow forraineforeign marketsmarkets goego:
wln 2432CourtiersCourtiers hauehave feetefeet atho’ th’o’th’ ninesnines, andand tonguestongues atho’ th’o’th’ twelluestwelves,
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wln 2433TheyThey flatterflatter DukesDukes andand DukesDukes flatterflatter them-seluesthemselves.
wln 2434Nob.NobleNob.MyMy LordLord itit isis youryour shineshine mustmust comfortcomfort vsus.
wln 2435Luss.LussuriosoLuss.AlasAlas II shineshine inin tearestears likelike thethe SunneSun inin AprillApril.
wln 2436Nobl.NobleNobl.YourYou’reYour nownow mymy LordsLord’sLords gracegrace?
wln 2437Luss.LussuriosoLuss.MyMy LordsLord’sLords gracegrace? II perceiueperceive youleyou’ll hauehave itit soso.
wln 2438Nobl.NobleNobl.Tis’Tis butbut youryour owneown.
wln 2439Luss.LussuriosoLuss.ThenThen heauensheavens giuegive meme gracegrace toto bebe soso?
wln 2440VindVindiceVindHeHe praiesprays welwell forfor him-selfehimself.
wln 2441Nobl.NobleNobl.MadameMadammadam allall sorrowessorrows,
wln 2442MustMust runnerun theirtheir circlescircles intointo ioyesjoys, nono doubtdoubt butbut timetime,
wln 2443WilWill makemake thethe murderermurderer bringbring forthforth him-selfehimself.
wln 2444Vind.VindiceVind.HeHe werewere anan AsseAss thenthen yfaithi’ faithi’faith?
wln 2445Nob.NobleNob.InIn thethe meanemean seasonseason,
wln 2446LetLet vsus bethinkebethink thethe latest-funeralllatest funerallatest-funerall honorshonorshonours:
wln 2447DueDueEndue toto thethe DukesDuke’s coldcold bodiebody, — andand withallwithal,
wln 2448CallingCalling toto memorymemory ourour newnew happinessehappiness,
wln 2449SpreadeSpread inin hishis royallroyal sonneson, — LordsLords GentlemenGentlemen,
wln 2450PreparePrepare forfor ReuellsRevels.Vind.VindiceVind.ReuellsRevels.
wln 2451Nobl.NobleNobl.TimeTime hathhath seuerallseurallseveral fallsfalls,
wln 2452GreefesGriefs liftlift vpup ioyesjoys, feastesfeasts putput downedown funerallsfunerals.
wln 2453Lus.LussuriosoLus.ComeCome thenthen mymy LordsLords, mymy fauoursfavorsfavours toto youyou allall,
wln 2454TheThe DuchesseDuchess isis suspectedsuspected, fowlyfoully bentbent,
wln 2455IleI’ll beginnebegin DukedomeDukedom withwith herher banishmentbanishment?ExeuntExeunt DukeDuke
NoblesNobles andand DuchesseDuchessduchess.
wln 2456Hip.HippolitoHip.ReuellsRevels.
wln 2457Vind.VindiceVind.IAyay, that’sthat’s thethe wordword, wewe areare firmefirm yetyet,
wln 2458StrikeStrike oneone strainestrain moremore, andand thenthen wewe crownecrown ourour witwit.Exeu.ExeuntExeu. Bro.BrothersBro.
wln 2459Spu.SpurioSpu.WellWell, hauehave thethe fayrestfairest markemark, — (soso saydsaid thethe DukeDuke whenwhen
wln 2460hehe begotbegot meme,)
wln 2461AndAnd ifif II missemiss hishis heartheart oror neerenear aboutabout,
wln 2462ThenThen hauehave atat anyany,, aa BastardBastard scornesscorns toto bebe outout.
wln 2463Sup.SupervacuoSup.Not’stNot’stNotest thouthou thatthat SpurioSpurio brotherbrother.
wln 2464And.AndAmbitiosoAnd,YesYes II notenote himhim toto ourour shameshame.
wln 2465Super.SupervacuoSuper.HeHe shallshall notnot liuelive, hishis hairehair shallshall notnot growgrow muchmuch longerlonger?
wln 2466inin thisthis timetime ofof ReuellsRevels trickstricks maymay bebe setset a footeafoota foot, seestseest thouthou yonyonyond
wln 2467newnew MooneMoon, itit shallshall out-liueoutlive thethe newnew DukeDuke byby muchmuch, thisthis handhand
wln 2468shallshall dispossessedispossess himhim, thenthenthan we’rewe’re mightymighty.
wln 2469AA maskemasquemask isis treasonstreason’s licencelicenselicence, thatthat buildbuild vponupon?
wln 2470Tis’Tis murdersmurder’s bestbest faceface whenwhen aa vizard’svizard’s onon.ExitExit Super.SupervacuoSuper.
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wln 2471Amb.AmbitiosoAmb.IstIs ’tIs’t soso, ’ts’tis veryvery goodgood,
wln 2472AndAnd dodo youyou thinkethink toto bebe DukeDuke thenthen, kindekind brotherbrother:
wln 2473IleI’ll seesee fairefair playplay, dropdrop oneone, andand therethere lieslies tothert’ othert’other.ExitExit Ambi.AmbitiosoAmbi.
wln 2474EnterEnter VindiceVindice &and HippolitoHippolito, withwith PieroPiero andand otherother LordsLords.
wln 2475Vind.VindiceVind.MyMy LordsLords; bebe allall ofof MusickMusic, strikestrike oldold gricfesgriefesgricfesgriefs intointo otherother (countriescountries
wln 2476ThatThat flowflow inin tootoo muchmuch milkemilk, andand hauehave faintfaint liuerslivers,
wln 2477NotNot daringdaring toto stabstab homehome theirtheir discontentsdiscontents:
wln 2478LetLet ourour hidhid flamesflames breakebreak outout, asas firefire, asas lightninglightning,
wln 2479ToTo blastblast thisthis villanousvillainous DukedomeDukedom: vextvexed withwith sinnesin;
wln 2480WindeWind vpup youryour soulessouls toto theirtheir fullfull heightheight agenagain.
wln 2481PieroPiero.HowHow?1.1. Noble1.WhichWhich wayway?
wln 24823.3. Noble3.AnyAny wayway: ourour wrongswrongs areare suchsuch,
wln 2483WeWe cannotcannot iustlyjustly bebe reuengdereueng derevengedrevenge de tootoo muchmuch.
wln 2484Vind.VindiceVind.YouYou shallshall hauehave allall enoughenough: — ReuelsRevels areare towardtowardtowards,
wln 2485AndAnd thosethose fewfew NoblesNobles thatthat hauehave longlong suppressdsuppressed youyou,
wln 2486AreAre busiedbusied toto thethe furnishingfurnishing ofof aa MaskeMask:
wln 2487AndAnd dodo affectaffect toto makemake aa pleasantpleasant tailetaletail onton ’ton’t,
wln 2488TheThe MaskingMasking suitessuits areare fashioningfashioning, nownow comescomes inin
wln 2489ThatThat whichwhich mustmust gladglad vsus allall — weewe toto taketake patternepattern
wln 2490OfOf allall thosethose suitessuits, thethe colourcolorcolour, trimmingtrimming, fashionfashion,
wln 2491E’enE’en toto anan vndistinguishtundistinguished hayrehair almostalmost:
wln 2492ThenThen entringent’ringentering firstfirst, obseruingobserving thethe truetrue formeform,
wln 2493WithinWithin aa strainestrain oror twotwo wewe shallshall findefind leasureleisure,
wln 2494ToTo stealesteal ourour swordsswords outout handsomlyhandsomely,
wln 2495AndAnd whenwhen theythey thinkethink theirtheir pleasurepleasure sweetesweet andand goodgood,
wln 2496InIn midstmidst ofof allall theirtheir ioyesjoys, theythey shallshall sighsigh bloudblood.
wln 2497Pie.PieroPie.WeightilyWeightily, effectuallyeffectually,3.3. Noble3.beforebefore thethe tothert’other MaskersMaskers comecome.
wln 2498Vind.VindiceVind.We’reWe’re gonegone, allall donedone andand pastpastpassed.
wln 2499Pie.PieroPie.ButBut howhow forfor thethe DukesDuke’s guardguard?Vind.VindiceVind.LetLet thatthat alonealone,
wln 2500ByBy oneone andand oneone theirtheir strengthsstrengths shallshall bebe drunkedrunk downedown,
wln 2501Hip.HippolitoHip.ThereThere areare fiuefive hundredhundred GentlemenGentlemen inin thethe actionaction,
wln 2502ThatThat willwill applyapply them-seluesthemselves, andand notnot standstand idleidle.
wln 2503Pier.PieroPier.OhOhO letlet vsus hughug youryour bosomesbosoms.Vin.VindiceVin.ComeCome mymy LordsLords,
wln 2504PreparePrepare forfor deedsdeeds, letlet otherother timestimes hauehave wordswords.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 2505InIn aa dumdumb shewshow, thethe possessingpossessing ofof thethe youngyoung DukeDuke.
wln 2506withwith allall hishis NoblesNobles: ThenThen soundingsounding MusickMusic.
wln 2507AA furnishtfurnished TableTable isis broughtbrought forthforth: thenthen entersenters thethe DukeDuke
wln 2508&and hishis NoblesNobles toto thethe banquetbanquotbanquotbanquet. AA blasing-starblazing-star appearethappeareth.
img: 35-b
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wln 2509NobleNoble.ManyMany harmoniousharmonious houreshours, andand choisestchoicest pleasurespleasures,
wln 2510FillFill vpup thethe royallroyal numbersnumbers ofof youryour yearesyears.
wln 2511Lus.LussuriosoLus.MyMy LordsLords we’rewe’re pleasdpleased toto thankethank youyou? — thothough wewe knowknow,
wln 2512Tis’Tis butbut youryour duetyduty nownow toto wishwish itit soso.
wln 2513Nob.NobleNob.ThatThat shineshine makesmakes vsus allall happyhappy.
wln 25143.3. Nob.NobleNob.HisHis GraceGrace frounesfrowns?
wln 25152.2. Nob.NobleNob.YetYet wewe mustmust saysay hehe smilessmiles.1.1. Nob.NobleNob.II thinkethink wewe mustmust.
wln 2516Lus.LussuriosoLus.ThatThat foule-Incontinentfoul Incontinentfoul-incontinent DuchesseDuchess wewe hauehave banishtbanished,
wln 2517TheThe BastardBastard shallshall notnot liuelive: afterafter thesethese ReuellsRevels
wln 2518IleI’ll beginbegin strangestrange onesones; heehe andand thethe stepsonnesstepsons,
wln 2519ShallShall paypay theirtheir liueslives forfor thethe firstfirst subsidiessubsidies,
wln 2520WeWe mustmust notnot frownefrown soso soonesoon, elseelse t’ad’t ’ad’t’ad beenebeen nownow?
wln 25211.1. Nob.NobleNob.MyMy gratiousgracious LordLord pleaseplease youyou prepareprepare forfor pleasurepleasure,
wln 2522TheThe maskemasquemask isis notnot farfar offoff.
wln 2523Lus.LussuriosoLus.WeWe areare forfor pleasurepleasure,
wln 2524BeshrewBeshrew theethee, whatwhat artart thouthou? madstmad’st meme startstart?
wln 2525ThouThou hasthast committedcommitted treasontreason, — AA blazingblazing starstar.
wln 252611, Nob.NobleNob.AA blazingblazing starstar, OOOh wherewhere mymy LordLord.Lus.LussuriosoLus.SpySpy outout.
wln 25272.2. Nob,NobleSeeSee, seesee, mymy LordsLords, aa wondrous-dreadfulwondrous dreadfulwondrous-dreadful oneone.
wln 2528Lus.LussuriosoLus.II amam notnot pleasdpleased atat thatthat ill-knottedill-knotted firefire,
wln 2529ThatThat bushing-flaringbushing flaringbushing-flaring starstar, — amam notnot II DukeDuke?
wln 2530ItIt shouldshould notnot quakequake meme nownow: hadhad itit appeardappeared,
wln 2531BeforeBefore itit, II mightmight thenthen hauehave iustlyjustly feardfeared,
wln 2532ButBut yetyet theythey saysay, whomwhom artart andand learninglearning WedsWeds:
wln 2533WhenWhen starsstars werewere lockslocks, theythey threatenthreaten great-mensgreat men’sgreat-men’s headsheads,
wln 2534IsIs itit soso? youyou areare readread mymy LordsLords.
wln 25351.1. Nob.NobleNob.MayMay itit pleaseplease youryour GraceGrace,
wln 2536ItIt showesshows greatgreat angeranger.
wln 2537Lus.LussuriosoLus.ThatThat dosdoes notnot pleaseplease ourour GraceGrace.
wln 25382.2. Nob.NobleNob.YetYet here’shere’s thethe comfortcomfort mymy LordLord, manymany timestimes.
wln 2539WhenWhen itit seemesseems mostmost itit threatnesthreatens fardestfardestfarthest offoff.
wln 2540Lus.LussuriosoLus.FaithFaith andand II thinkethink soso tootoo.
wln 25411.1. Nob.NobleNob.BesideBeside mymy LordLord,
wln 2542You’rYou’re gracefullygracefully establishtestablished withwith thethe louesloves
wln 2543OfOf allall youryour subiectssubjects: andand forfor naturallnatural deathdeath,
wln 2544II hopehope itit willwill bebe threescorethreescore yearsyears a comminga-cominga coming.
wln 2545Lus.LussuriosoLus.TrueTrue, nono moremore butbut threescorethreescore yearsyears.
wln 25461.1. Nob.NobleNob.FourescoreFourscorefourscore II hopehope mymy LordLord:22, Nob.NobleNob.AndAnd fiuescorefive-score, IIay,
wln 254733, Nob.NobleNob.ButBut tis’tis mymy hopehope mymy LordLord, youyou shallshall nerene’er diedie.
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wln 2548Lus.LussuriosoLus.GiueGive meme thythy handhand, thesethese othersothers II rebukerebuke,
wln 2549HeHe thatthat hopeshopes soso, isis sittestfittestsittest forfor aa DukeDuke:
wln 2550ThouThou shaltshalt sitsit nextnext meme, taketake youryour placesplaces LordsLords,
wln 2551We’reWe’re readyready nownow forfor sportssports, letlet ’em’em setset onon.
wln 2552YouYou thingthing? wewe shallshall forgetforget youyou quitequite anonanon!
wln 25533.3. Nob.NobleNob.II hearehear ’em’em commingcoming mymy LordLord.EnterEnter thethe MaskeMasqueMask ofof
ReuengersRevengers thethe twotwo BrothersBrothers, andand
twotwo LordsLords moremore.
wln 2554Lus.LussuriosoLus.AhAh tis’tis wellwell,
wln 2555BrothersBrothers, andand BastardBastard, youyou dancedance nextnext inin hellhell?
wln 2556TheThe ReuengersRevengers dauncedance?
wln 2557AtAt thethe endend, stealesteal outout theirtheir swordsswords, andand thesethese fourefour killkill thethe fourefour atat
wln 2558thethe TableTable, inin theirtheir ChairesChairs.., ItIt thundersthunders.
wln 2559Vind.VindiceVind.MarkeMark, ThunderThunder?
wln 2560DostDost knowknow thythy kuecue, thouthou big-voyc’stbig-voiced cryercrier?
wln 2561DukesDuke’s groanesgroans, areare thundersthunder’sthunders watch-wordswatchwords,
wln 2562Hip.HippolitoHip.SoSo mymy LordsLords, YouYou hauehave ynoughenough.
wln 2563Vind.VindiceVind.ComeCome letslet’s awayaway, nono lingringling’ringlingering.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 2564Hip.HippolitoHip.FollowFollow, goego?
wln 2565Vind.VindiceVind.NoNo powerpower isis angryangry whenwhen thethe lust-fullustful diedie,
wln 2566WhenWhen thunder-clapsthunder clapsthunderclaps, heauenheaven likeslikes thethe tragedytragedy.ExitExit Vin.VindiceVin.
wln 2567Lus.LussuriosoLus.OhOhO, ohoho.
wln 2568EnterEnter thethe otherother MaskeMasqueMask ofof entendedintended murderersmurderers? Step-sonsStepsons; BastardBastard;
wln 2569andand aa fourthfourth manman, commingcoming inin dauncingdancing, thethe DukeDuke recouersrecovers aa
wln 2570littlelittle inin voycevoice, andand groanesgroans, — callscalls aa guardguard, treasontreason.
wln 2571AtAt whichwhich theythey allall startstart outout ofof theirtheir measuremeasure, andand turningturning towardstowards
wln 2572thethe TableTable, theythey findefind themthem allall toto bebe murderedmurdered.
wln 2573Spur.SpurioSpur.WhoseWhose groanegroan waswas thatthat?Lus.LussuriosoLus.TreasonTreason, aa guardguard.
wln 2574Amb.AmbitiosoAmb.HowHow nownow? allall murderdmurdered!Super.SupervacuoSuper.MurderdMurdered!
wln 25754.4. Noble4.AndAnd thosethose hishis NoblesNobles?
wln 2576Amb.AmbitiosoAmb.Here’sHere’s aa labourlaborlabour sau’dsaved,
wln 2577II thoughtthought toto hauehave spedsped himhim, Sbloud’Sblood’sblood howhow camecame thisthis.
wln 2578Spur.SpurioSpur.ThenThen II proclaimeproclaim my selfemyself, nownow II amam DukeDuke.
wln 2579Amb.AmbitiosoAmb.ThouThou DukeDuke,! brotherbrother thouthou liestliest.
wln 2580Spu.SpurioSpu.SlaueSlave soso dostdost thouthou?
wln 25814.4. Noble4.BaseBase villaynevillain hasthast thouthou slaineslain mymy LordLord andand MaisterMaster.
wln 2582EnterEnter thethe firstfirst menmen.
wln 2583Vind.VindiceVind.PistollsPistolspistols, treasontreason, murdermurder, helpehelp, guardguard mymy LordLord thethe DukeDuke.
wln 2584Hip.HippolitoHip.LayLay holdhold vponupon thisthis TraytorsTraitors?Lus.LussuriosoLus.OhOh.
wln 2585Vind.VindiceVind.AlasseAlas, thethe DukeDuke isis murderdmurdered.Hip.HippolitoHip.AndAnd thethe NoblesNobles.
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wln 2586Vin.VindiceVin.SurgeonsSurgeons, SurgeonsSurgeons, — heartheart dosdoes hehe breathbreathe soso longlong.
wln 2587Ant.AntonioAnt.AA piteouspiteous tragædytragaedytragedy, ableable toto wakemakewake,
wln 2588AnAn old-mansold man’s eyeseyes bloud-shotbloodshot;Luss.LussuriosoLuss.OhOh.
wln 2589Vin.VindiceVin.LookeLook toto mymy LordLord thethe DukedukeDuke-adukeDuke——-aa vengeancevengeance throttlethrottle himhim.
wln 2590ConfesseConfess thouthou murdrousmurderous andand vnhollowedunhollowed manman,
wln 2591DidstDidst thouthou killkill allall thesethese?
wln 25924.4. Noble4.NoneNone butbut thethe BastardBastard II,
wln 2593Vin.VindiceVin.HowHow camecame thethe DukeDuke slaineslain thenthen;
wln 25944.4. Noble4.WeWe foundfound himhim soso,Luss.LussuriosoLuss.OO villainevillain,
wln 2595Vin,VindiceVin,HarkeHark.Luss.LussuriosoLuss.ThoseThose inin thethe maskemasquemask diddid murdermurder vsus,
wln 2596Vin,VindiceVin,LawLawla youyou nownow sirsir.
wln 2597OO marblemarble impudenceimpudence! willwill youyou confesseconfess nownow?
wln 25984.4. Noble4.Sloud’Slud’slud tis’tis allall falsefalse,
wln 2599Ant.AntonioAnt.AwayAway withwith thatthat foulefoul monstermonster,
wln 2600DiptDipped inin aa PrincesPrince’sPRINCE’s bloudblood.
wln 26014.4. Noble4.HeartHeart tis’tis aa lyelie,
wln 2602Ant.AntonioAnt.LetLet himhim hauehave bitterbitter executionexecution,
wln 2603Vin.VindiceVin.NewNew marrowmarrow nono II cannotcannot bebe exprestexpressed,
wln 2604HowHow fairesfaresfairs mymy LordLord thethe DukeDuke.
wln 2605LussLussuriosoLussFarewelFarewell toto alall,
wln 2606HeHe thatthat climesclimbs highesthighest hashas thethe greatestgreatest fallfall,
wln 2607MyMy tongtongue isis outout ofof officeoffice.
wln 2608Vin.VindiceVin.AyreAir GentlemenGentlemen, ayreair,
wln 2609NowNow thoultthou ’ltthou’lt notnot prateprate onton ’ton’t, twas’twas VindiceVindice murdredmurdered theethee,
wln 2610Luss.LussuriosoLuss.OhOh.Vin.VindiceVin.MurdredMurdered thythy FatherFather.
wln 2611Luss.LussuriosoLuss.OhOh.
wln 2612Vin.VindiceVin.AndAnd II amam hehe-tellhe tell —— telltell no-bodynobody, soso soso, thethe DukesDuke’s departeddeparted,
wln 2613Ant.AntonioAnt.ItIt waswas aa deadlydeadly handhand thatthat woundedwounded himhim,
wln 2614TheThe restrest, ambitiousambitious whowho shouldshould rulerule andand swaysway,
wln 2615AfterAfter hishis deathdeath werewere soso mademade allall awayaway,
wln 2616Vin.VindiceVin.MyMy LordLord waswas vnlikelyunlikely,Hip.HippolitoHip.NowNow thethe hopehope,
wln 2617OfOf ItalyItaly lyeslies inin youryour reuerendreverend yearesyears?
wln 2618Vin.VindiceVin.YourYour hayrehair, willwill makemake thethe siluersilver ageage agenagain,
wln 2619WhenWhen therethere waswas fewerfewer butbut moremore honesthonest menmen,
wln 2620Anto.AntonioAnto.TheThe burdensburden’sburdens weightyweighty andand willwill pressepress ageage downedown,
wln 2621MayMay II soso rulerule thatthat heauenheaven naymaynay keepekeep thethe crownecrown,
wln 2622Vin.VindiceVin.TheThe raperape ofof youryour goodgood LadyLady hashas beenebeen quitedquited,
wln 2623WithWith deathdeath onon deathdeath.Ant.AntonioAnt.IustJust isis thethe LaweLaw aboueabove
img: 37-a
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wln 2624ButBut ofof alall thingsthings itit putsputs meme mostmost toto wonderwonder
wln 2625HowHow thethe oldold DukeDuke camecame murdredmurderedVin.VindiceOhOh,, mymy LordLord..
wln 2626Ant.AntonioAnt.ItIt waswas the〈…〉the〈…〉 strangelieststrangeliest carriedcarried, II notnot hardheardhard ofof thethe likelike,
wln 2627Hip.HippolitoHip.Twas’Twas’twas allall donnedone forfor thethe bestbest mymy LordLord,
wln 2628Vin.VindiceVin.AllAll forfor youryour gracesgrace’s goodgood??● wewe maymay bebe bouldbold toto speakespeak itit (nownow,
wln 2629Twas’Twas’twas some-whatsomewhat wittywitty carriedcarried thothough wewe saysay itit.
wln 2630Twas’Twas’twas wewe twotwo murdredmurdered himhim,Ant.AntonioAnt.YouYou twotwo?
wln 2631Vin.Vin,VindiceVin,NoneNone elseelse ifaithi’ faithi’faith mymy LordLord naynay twas’twas wellwell managdemanaged,
wln 2632Ant.AntonioAnt.LayLay handshands vponupon thosethose villainesvillains.Vin.VindiceVin.HowHow? onon vsus?
wln 2633Ant.AntonioAnt.BeareBear ’em’em twototwo speedyspeedy executionexecution,
wln 2634Vin.Vin,VindiceVin,HeartHeart wastwas’twaste notnot forfor youryour goodgood mymy LordLord?
wln 2635Ant.AntonioAnt.MyMy goodgood awayaway withwith ’em’em suchsuch anan ouldold manman asas hehe,
wln 2636YouYou thatthat wouldwould murdermurder himhim wouldwould murdermurder meme,
wln 2637Vin.VindiceVin.IstI●tIs ’tis’t comecome aboutabout;Hip.HippolitoHip.Sfoote’Sfoot’sfoot brotherbrother youyou begunbegun,
wln 2638Vin.VindiceVin.MayMay notnot wewe setset asas wellwell asas thethe DukesDuke’s sonneson,
wln 2639ThouThou hasthast nono conscienceconscience, areare wewe notnot reuengderevenged?
wln 2640IsIs therethere oneone enemyenemy leftleft aliuealive amongstamongst thosethose?
wln 2641Tis’Tis timetime toto diedie, whenwhen wewe areare our seluesourselves ourour foesfoes.
wln 2642WhenWhen murdersmurders shutshut deedsdeeds closseclose, thisthis cursecurse doesdoes sealeseal ’em’em,
wln 2643IfIf nonenone disclosedisclose ’em’em theythey them seluesthemselves reuealereveal ’em’em!
wln 2644ThisThis murdermurder mightmight hauehave sleptslept inin tonglessetongueless brassebrass,
wln 2645ButBut forfor our seluesourselves, andand thethe worldworld dyeddied anan asseass;
wln 2646NowNow II rememberremember tootoo, herehere waswas PiatoPiato.
wln 2647BroughtBrought forthforth aa knauishknavish sentancesentence onceonce, nono doubtdoubt (saidsaid hehe) butbut (timetime
wln 2648WillWill makemake thethe murderermurderer bringbring forthforth himselfehimself?
wln 2649Tis’Tis wellwell hehe dieddied, hehe waswas aa witchwitch,
wln 2650AndAnd nownow mymy LordLord, sincesince wewe areare inin forfor euerever:
wln 2651ThisThis workework waswas oursours whichwhich elseelse mightmight hauehave beenebeen sliptslipped,
wln 2652AndAnd ifif wewe listlist wewe couldcould hauehave NoblesNobles cliptclipped,
wln 2653AndAnd gogo forfor lesse〈…〉less thenthan beggersbeggars, butbut wewe hatehate
wln 2654To〈…〉To〈…〉 bleedbleed soso cowardlycowardly wewe hauehave ynoughenough,
wln 2655Yfaith〈…〉I’ faith〈…〉,, we’rewe’re wellwell,, ourour MotherMother turn’dturned,, ourour SisterSister truetrue,
wln 2656We〈◊〉We〈◊〉 diedie afterafter aa nestnest ofof Dukes〈◊〉DukesDUKE,, adue〈◊〉adieu〈◊〉,,ExeuntExeunt
wln 2657Ant.AntonioAnt.HowHow subtillysubtly waswas thatthat murdermurder elosdeclosdeelosdeclosed, bearebear vpup,
wln 2658ThoseTheseTheseThose tragicktragic bodiesbodies, tis’tis aa heauyheavy seasonseason:
wln 2659Pray〈◊〉〈◊〉Pray heauenwhen〈◊〉heavenwhen theirtheir bloudblood maymay washwash awayaway allall treasontreason.ExitExit
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- 3
The regularized reading Vindice
is amended from the original Vendici.
- 55
The regularized reading her
comes from the original her,
though possible variants include his.
- 120
The regularized reading Court
is amended from the original Cour.
- 226
The regularized reading methinks
is amended from the original my thinks.
- 384
The regularized reading Mistresses
is amended from the original Mistesses.
- 651
The regularized reading Should
is amended from the original Sould.
- 1146
The regularized reading Grace
is amended from the original Gtace.
- 1169
The regularized reading will
is amended from the original wlll.
- 1598
The regularized reading Slobbering
is amended from the original Flobbering.
- 1673
The regularized reading Supervacuo
is amended from the original Spu..
- 1686
The regularized reading our
is amended from the original out.
- 1785
The regularized reading desperate
is amended from the original desperare.
- 1800
The regularized reading come
is amended from the original comes.
- 1952
The letters ets in this word are printed beneath the line, due to slipped type. EMED reinstates the letters to the correct position.
- 1956
The regularized reading know
is amended from the original hnow.
- 1995
The regularized reading surely
is amended from the original furely.
- 2107
The regularized reading Wouldst
is amended from the original Woult.
- 2318
The regularized reading loathsome
is supplied for the original [◇].
- 2318
The regularized reading plight
is supplied for the original [◇].
- 2318
The regularized reading or
is supplied for the original [◇].
- 2318
The regularized reading other
is supplied for the original [◇].
- 2318
The regularized reading .
is supplied for the original [*].
- 2337
The regularized reading breast
comes from the original brest,
though possible variants include beast.
- 2464
The regularized reading Ambitioso
is amended from the original And..
- 2549
The regularized reading fittest
is amended from the original sittest.
- 2587
The regularized reading make
is amended from the original wake.
- 2621
The regularized reading may
is amended from the original nay.
- 2633
The regularized reading to
is amended from the original two.
- 2657
The regularized reading closed
is amended from the original elosde.