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PittyPity Shee’sShe’s aa WhoreWhore

ActedActed byby thethe QueenesQueen’squeen’s MaiestiesMajesty’s Ser-SeruantsSer|uantsServants
atat TheThe PhænixPhaenixPhoenix inin
Drury-LaneDrury LaneDrury-Lane

PrintedPrinted byby NicholasNicholas OkesOkes forfor RichardRichard
, andand areare toto bebe soldsold atat hishis shopshop
inin PaulsPaul’s Church-yardChurchyard, atat thethe signesign
ofof thethe threethree KingsKings. 16331633.

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TheThe SceaneScene


TheThe ActorsActors’Actors NamesNames.

BonauenturaBonaventura, AA FryarFriar.
AA CardinallCardinal, NuntioNuncioNuntio toto thethe PopePope.
SoranzoSoranzo, AA NoblemanNobleman.
FlorioFlorio, AA CittizenCitizen ofof ParmaParma.
DonadoDonado, AnotherAnother CittizenCitizen.
GrimaldiGrimaldi, AA RomanRoman GentlemanGentleman.
GiouanniGiovanni, SonneSon toto FlorioFlorio.
BergettoBergetto, NephewNephew toto DonadoDonado.
RichardettoRichardetto, AA suppos’dsupposed PhisitianPhysician.
VasquesVasques, SeruantServant toto SoranzoSoranzo.
PoggioPoggio, SeruantServant toto BergettoBergetto.


AnnabellaAnnabella, DaughterDaughter toto FlorioFlorio.
HippolitaHippolita, WifeWife toto RichardettoRichardetto
PhilotisPhilotis, HisHis NeeceNiece.
PutanaPutana, TutresseTutoresstutoress toto AnnabellaAnnabella.

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ToTo thethe truelytruly NobleNoble, IohnJohnjohn,
EarleEarl ofof PeterboroughPeterborough, LordLord MordantMordauntMordant,
BaronBaron ofof TurueyTurveyTuruey.

WHereWHereWhere aa TruthTruth ofof MerittMeritmerit hathhath
aa generallgeneral warrantwarrant, ThereThere
LoueLove isis butbut aa DebtDebt, Acknow-AcknowledgementAcknow|ledgementAcknowledgement
aa IusticeJusticejustice
. GreatnesseGreatness
cannotcannot oftenoften claimeclaim VirtueVirtue byby
InheritanceInheritance; YetYet inin thisthis,
YOVRSYOURS appearesappears mostmost Emi-EminentEmi|nentEminent
forfor thatthat youyou areare notnot moremore rightlyrightly HeyreHeir toto
youryour FortunesFortunes, thenthan GloryGlory shalbeshall be toto youryour MemoryMemory.
SweetenesseSweetness ofof dispositiondisposition ennoblesennobles aa freedomefreedom
ofof BirthBirth; inin BOTHBOTH, youryour lawfulllawful InterestInterest addsadds
HonourHonour toto youryour owneown NameName, andand mercymercy toto mymy
presumptionpresumption. YourYour NobleNoble allowanceallowance ofof TheseThese
FirstFirst FruitesFruits
ofof mymy leasureleisure inin thethe ActionAction, embol-emboldensembol|densemboldens
mymy confidenceconfidence, ofof youryour asas noblenoble constructi-constructionconstructi|onconstruction
inin thisthis PresentmentPresentment: especiallyespecially sincesince mymy Ser-SeruiceSer|uiceService
mustmust euerever oweowe particularparticular dutyduty toto youryour Fa-FauoursFa|uours

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The Epistle

uoursFavours, byby aa particularpatticularparticular IngagementEngagement. TheThe GrauityGravity
ofof thethe SubiectSubject maymay easilyeasily excuseexcuse thethe leightnesselightness ofof
thethe TitleTitle: otherwiseotherwise, II hadhad beenebeen aa seueresevere IudgeJudgejudge a-againsta|gainstagainst
minemine owneown guiltguilt. PrincesPrinces hauehave vouchsaf’tvouchsafed
GraceGrace toto triflestrifles, offredoffered fromfrom aa puritypurity ofof DeuotionDevotion,
youryour LordshipLordship maymay like wiselikelikewiselike wise wise pleaseplease, toto admitadmit intointo
youryour goodgood opinionopinion, withwith thesethese weakeweak endeuoursendeavours,
thethe constancyconstancy ofof AffectionAffection fromfrom thethe sinceresincere LouerLover
ofof youryour DesertsDeserts inin HonourHonour


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ToTo mymy FriendFriend thethe

VVithWIthWIth admirationadmiration II behel’dbeheld ThisThis WhoreWhore
Adorn’dAdorned withwith BeautyBeauty, suchsuch asas mightmight restorerestore
(IfIf euerever beingbeing asas ThyThy MuseMuse hathhath fam’dfamed)
HerHer GiouanniGiovanni, inin hishis louelove vnblam’dunblamed:
TheThe readyready GracesGraces lentlent theirtheir willingwilling aydaid,
PallasPallas her selfeherself nownow playdplayed thethe Chamber-maideChambermaid
AndAnd help’thelped toto putput herher DressingsDressings onon: securesecure
RestRest ThouThou, thatthat ThyThy NameName hereinherein shullshall endureendure
ToTo th’endth’end ofof AgeAge; andand AnnabellaAnnabella beebe
GloriouslyGloriously FaireFair, eueneven inin herher InfamieInfamy.


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T’is’Tis’tis PittyPity Shee’sShe’s aa

EnterEnter FryarFriarfriar andand GiouanniGiovanni.
DIsputeDispute nono moremore inin thisthis, forfor knowknow (youngyoung manman)
TheseThese areare nono Schoole-pointsSchool-points; nicenice PhilosophyPhilosophy
MayMay toleratetolerate vnlikelyunlikely argumentsarguments,
ButBut HeauenHeaven admitsadmits nono jestjest; witswits thatthat presum’dpresumed
OnOn witwit tootoo muchmuch, byby striuingstriving howhow toto proueprove
ThereThere waswas nono GodGod; withwith foolishfoolish groundsgrounds ofof (ArtArt,
Discouer’dDiscovered firstfirst thethe neerestnearest wayway toto HellHell;
AndAnd fildfilled thethe worldworld withwith deuelishdevilish AtheismeAtheism:
SuchSuch questionsquestions youthyouth areare fondfond; ForFor betterbetter ’tis’tis,
ToTo blessebless thethe SunneSun, thenthan reasonreason whywhy itit shinesshines;
YetYet heehe thouthou talk’sttalk’st ofof, isis aboueabove thethe SunSun,
NoNo moremore; II maymay notnot hearehear itit.
Gio.GiovanniGio.GentleGentle FatherFather,
ToTo youyou II hauehave vnclasp’tunclasped mymy burthenedburdened soulesoul,
Empty’dEmptied thethe store-housestore-house ofof mymy thoughtsthoughts andand heartheart,
MadeMade my selfemyself poorepoor ofof secretssecrets; hauehave notnot leftleft
AnotherAnother wordword vntolduntold, whichwhich hathhath notnot spokespoke
AllAll whatwhat II euerever durstdurst, oror thinkethink, oror knowknow;
AndAnd yetyet isis herehere thethe comfortcomfort II shallshall hauehave,
MustMust II notnot doedo, whatwhat allall menmen elseelse maymay, louelove?
Fry.FriarFry.YesYes. youyou maymay louelove fairefair sonneson.
Gio.GiovanniGio.MustMust II notnot praisepraise
ThatThat beautybeauty, whichwhich ifif fram’dframed a newaanewa new new, thethe godsgods
WouldWould makemake aa godgod ofof, ifif theythey hadhad itit therethere;
AndAnd kneelekneel toto itit, asas II doodo kneelekneel toto themthem?

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’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore.

Fry.FriarFry.WhyWhy foolishfoolish mad-manmadman?
Gio.GiovanniGio.ShallShall aa peeuishpeevish soundsound,
AA customarycustomary formeform, fromfrom manman toto manman,
OfOf brotherbrother andand ofof sistersister, bebe aa barrebar
TwixtTwixt mymy perpetuallperpetual happinessehappiness andand meeme?
SaySay thatthat wewe hadhad oneone fatherfather, saysay oneone wombewomb,
(CurseCurse toto mymy ioyesjoys) gauegave bothboth vsus lifelife, andand birthbirth;
AreAre weewe notnot thereforetherefore eacheach toto otherother boundbound
SoSo muchmuch thethe moremore byby NatureNature; byby thethe thethe linkslinks
OfOf bloodblood, ofof reasonreason; NayNay ifif youyou willwill hau’thav’thau’ehave’t,
EuenEven ofof ReligionReligion, toto bebe euerever oneone,
OneOne soulesoul, oneone fleshflesh, oneone louelove, oneone heartheart, oneone AllAll?
Fry.FriarFry.HaueHave donedone vnhappyunhappy youthyouth, forfor thouthou artart lostlost.
Gio.GiovanniGio.ShallShall thenthen, (forfor thatthat II amam herher brotherbrother borneborn)
MyMy ioyesjoys bebe euerever banishtbanished fromfrom herher bedbed?
NoNo FatherFather; inin youryour eyeseyes II seesee thethe changechange.
OfOf pittypity andand compassioncompassion: fromfrom youryour ageage
AsAs fromfrom aa sacredsacred OracleOracle. distillsdistils
TheThe lifelife ofof CounsellCounsel: telltell meeme holyholy manman,
WhatWhat CureCure shallshall giuegive meme easeease inin thesethese extreamesextremes.
Fry.FriarFry.RepentanceRepentance (sonneson) andand sorrowsorrow forfor thisthis sinnesin:
ForFor thouthou hasthast mou’dmoved aa MaiestyMajesty aboueabove
WithWith thythy vn-raungedvn-ranngedun-ranged (almostalmost) BlasphemyBlasphemy.
Gio.GiovanniGio.OO doedo notnot speakespeak ofof thatthat (dearedear ConfessorConfessor)
Fry,FriarFry,ArtArt thouthou (mymy sonneson) thatthat miraclemiracle ofof WitWit,
WhoWho onceonce withinwithin thesethese threethree MonethsMoneth’sMonthsmonths wertwert esteem’desteemed
AA wonderwonder ofof thinethine ageage, throughoutthroughout BononiaBononia?
HowHow diddid thethe VniuersityUniversity applaudapplaud
ThyThy GouermentGovernment, BehauiourBehaviour, LearningLearning, SpeechSpeech,
SweetnesseSweetness, andand allall thatthat couldcould makemake vpup aa manman?
II waswas proudproud ofof mymy TutellageTutelagetutelage, andand chosechose
RatherRather toto leaueleave mymy BookesBooks, thenthanthen partpart withwith theethee,
II diddid soso: butbut thethe fruitesfruits ofof allall mymy hopeshopes
AreAre lostlost inin theethee, asas thouthou artart inin thy selfethyself.
OO GiouanniGiovanni: hasthast thouthou leftleft thethe SchoolesSchools
OfOf KnowledgeKnowledge, toto conuerseconverse withwith LustLust andand DeathDeath?
(ForFor DeathDeath waiteswaits onon thythy LustLust) lookelook throughthrough thethe WorldWorld,

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’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore.

AndAnd thouthou shaltshalt seesee aa thousandthousand facesfaces shineshine
MoreMore gloriousglorious, thenthan thisthis IdollIdol thouthou ador’stador’stadorest:
LeaueLeave herher, andand taketake thythy choycechoice, ’tis’tis muchmuch lesseless sinnesin,
ThoughThough inin suchsuch gamesgamosgames asas thosethose, theythey loselose thatthat winnewin.
Gio.GiovanniGio.ItIt werewere moremore easeease toto stopstop thethe OceanOcean
FromFrom floatesfloats andand ebbsebbs, thenthan toto disswadedissuade mymy vowesvowervows.
Fry.FriarFry.ThenThen II hauehave donedone, andand inin thythy wilfullwilful flameflame:
AlreadyAlready seesee thythy ruineruin; HeauenHeaven isis iustjust,
YetYet hearehear mymy counsellcounsel.
Gio.GiovanniGio.AsAs aa voycevoice ofof lifelife.
Fry.FriarFry.HyeHie toto thythy FathersFather’s househouse, therethere lockelock theethee fastfast
AloneAlone withinwithin thythy ChamberChamber, thenthen fallfall downedown
OnOn bothboth thythy kneesknees, andand grouellgrovel onon thethe groundground:
CryCry toto thythy heartheart, washwash eueryevery wordword thouthou vtter’stutter’stutterest
InIn tearestears, (andand if’tif’t beebe possiblepossible) ofof bloodblood:
BeggeBeg HeauenHeaven toto cleansecleanse thethe leprosieleprosy ofof LustLust
ThatThat rotsrots thythy SouleSoul, acknowledgeacknowledge whatwhat thouthou artart,
AA wretchwretch, aa wormeworm, aa nothingnothing: weepeweep, sighsigh, praypray
ThreeThree timestimes aa dayday, andand threethree timestimes eueryevery nightnight:
ForFor seuenseven dayesdays’ spacespace doedo thisthis, thenthen ifif thouthou find’stfind’st
NoNo changechange inin thythy desiresdesires, returnereturn toto meme:
I’leI’ll thinkethink onon remedyremedy, praypray forfor thy selfethyself
AtAt homehome, whil’stwhilst II praypray forfor theethee herehere awayaway,
MyMy blessingblessing withwith theethee, weewe hauehave needeneed toto praypray.
Gio.GiovanniGio.AllAll thisthis I’leI’ll doedo, toto freefree meeme fromfrom thethe rodrod
OfOf vengeancevengeance, elseelse I’leI’ll sweareswear, mymy Fate’sFate’s mymy GodGod..,ExeuntExeunt.

EnterEnter GrimaldiGrimaldi andand VasquesVasques readyready toto fightfight.

Vas.VasquesVas.ComeCome sirsir, standstand toto youryour tacklingtackling, ifif youyou proueprove CrauenCraven,
I’leI’ll makemake youyou runrun quicklyquickly.
Gri.GrimaldiGri.ThouThou artart nono equallequal matchmatch forfor meeme.
Vas.VasquesVas.IndeedIndeed II neuernever wentwent toto thethe warreswars toto bringbring homehome newesnews,
nornor cannotcannot playplay thethe MountibankeMountebankmountebank forfor aa mealesmeal’s meatemeat, andand sweareswear
II gotgot mymy woundswounds inin thethe fieldfield: seesee youyou thesethese graygrey haireshairs, they’lethey’ll
notnot flinchflinch forfor aa bloodybloody nosenose, wiltwilt thouthou toto thisthis geeregear?
Gri.GrimaldiGri.WhyWhy slaueslave, think’stthink’st thouthou I’leI’ll ballancebalance mymy reputationreputation

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T’is pitty shee’s a Whoore.

WithWith aa Cast-suiteCast-suitcast-suit; CallCall thythy MaisterMaster, hehe shallshall knowknow thatthat II daredare
Vas.VasquesVas.ScoldScold likelike aa Cot-queaneCotquean (that’sthat’s youryour ProfessionProfession) thouthou poorepoor
shaddowshadow ofof aa SouldierSoldier, II willwill makemake theethee knowknow, mymy MaisterMaster keepeskeeps
SeruantsServants, thythy bettersbetters inin qualityquality andand performanceperformance: Com’stCom’st thouthou toto
fightfight oror prateprate?
Gri.GrimaldiGri.NeitherNeither withwith theethee,
II amam aa RomaneRoman. andand aa GentlemanGentleman, oneone thatthat hauehave gotgot
MineMine honourhonour withwith expenceexpense ofof bloodblood,
Vas.VasquesVas.YouYou areare aa lyinglying CowardCoward, andand aa foolefool, fightfight, oror byby thesethese HiltsHilts
I’leI’ll killkill theethee brauebrave mymy LordLord, you’leyou’ll fightfight.
Gri.GrimaldiGri.ProuoakeProvoke meme notnot, forfor ifif thouthou dostdost TheyThey fightfight, Gri-Grimal.Gri|mal.GrimaldiGrimal..

hathhath thethe

Vas.VasquesVas.HaueHave atat youyou.
EnterEnter FlorioFlorio, DonadoDonado, SoranzoSoranzo.
Flo.FlorioFlo.WhatWhat meanedmeaned thesethese suddensudden broylesbroils soso nearenear mymy doresdoors?
HaueHave youyou notnot otherother placesplaces, butbut mymy househouse
ToTo ventvent thethe spleenespleen ofosof youryour disordereddisordered bloodsbloods?
MustMust II bebe hauntedhaunted stillstill withwith suchsuch vnrestunrest,
AsAs notnot toto eateeat, oror sleepesleep inin peacepeace atat homehome?
IsIs thisthis youryour louelove GrimaldiGrimaldi? FieFie, t’is’tis naughtnaught.
Do.DonadoDo.AndAnd VasquesVasques. II maymay telltell theethee ’tis’tis notnot wellwell
ToTo broachbroach thesethese quarrelsquarrels, youyou areare euerever forwardforward
InIn secondingseconding contentionscontentions.
EnterEnter aboueabove AnnabellaAnnabella andand PutanaPutana.
Flo.FlorioFlo.What’sWhat’s thethe groundground?
Sor.SoranzoSor.ThatThat withwith youryour patiencepatience SignioreSigniore, I’leI’ll resolueresolve
ThisThis GentlemanGentleman, whomwhom famesamefame reportsreports aa souldiersoldier,
(ForFor elseelse II knowknow notnot) riualsrivals meeme inin louelove
ToTo SigniorSignior Florio’sFlorio’s DaughterDaughter; toto whosewhose earesears
HeHe stillstill preferrsprefers hishis suitesuit toto mymy disgracedisgrace,
ThinkingThinking thethe wayway toto recommendrecommend himselfehimself,
IsIs toto disparagedisparage meme inin hishis reportreport:
ButBut knowknow GrimaldiGrimaldi, thoughthough (maymay bebe) thouthou artart
MyMy equallequal inin thythy bloodblood, yetyet thisthis bewrayesbetrays
AA lownesselowness inin thythy mindemind; whichwhich wer’twere’t thouthou NobleNoble
ThouThou would’stwouldwouldwould’st itit asas muchmuch disdainedisdain, asas II doedo theethee
ForFor thisthis vnworthinesseunworthiness; andand onon thisthis groundground
II will’dwilled mymy SeruantServant toto correctdorrestcorrect thisthis tonguetongue,

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T’is pitty shee’s a Whoore.

HoldingHolding aa manman, soso basebase, nono matchmatch forfor meme.
Vas.VasquesVas.AndAnd hadhad youryour suddanesudda nesudden commingcoming preventedprevented vsus, II hadhad letlet
mymy GentlemanGentleman bloodblood vnderunder thethe gillesgills; II shouldshould hauehave worm’dwormed
youyou SirSir, forfor runningrunning maddemad.
Gri.GrimaldiGri.IleI’ll bebe reueng’drevenged SoranzoSoranzo.
VasVasquesVasOnOn aa dishdish ofof warme-brothwarm-broth toto staystay youryour stomackstomach, doedo
honesthonest InnocenceInnocence, doedo; spone-meatspoon-meat isis aa wholesomerwholesomer dyetdiet thenthan
aa spannishSpanish bladeblade.
Gri.GrimaldiGri.rememberremember thisthis.
Sor.SoranzoSor.II fearefear theethee notnot GrimaldiGrimaldi.Ex.ExitEx. Gri:GrimaldiGri::
Flo.FlorioFlo.MyMy LordLord SoranzoSoranzo, thisthis isis strangestrange toto meme,
WhyWhy youyou shouldshould stormestorm, hauinghaving mymy wordword engag’dengaged:
OwingOwing herher heartheart, whatwhat needeneed youyou doubtdoubt herher eareear?
LoosersLosersLosers’ maymay talketalk byby lawlaw ofof anyany gamegame.
Vas.VasquesVas.YetYet thethe villainevillain ofof wordswords, signiorsignior FlorioFlorio maymay bebe suchsuch,
AsAs wouldwould makemake anyany vnspleen’dunspleened DoueDove, ChollerickCholeric,
BlameBlame notnot mymy LordLord inin thisthis.
Flo.FlorioFlo.BeBe youyou moremore silentsilent,
II wouldwould notnot forfor mymy wealthwealth, mymy daughtersdaughter’s louelove
ShouldShould causecause thethe spillingspilling ofof oneone dropdrop ofof bloodblood.
VasquesVasques putput vpup, let’slet’s endend thisthis frayfray inin winewine.ExeuntExeunt.
PutanaPutanaHowHow likelike youyou thisthis childchild? here’shere’s threatningthreat’ningthreatening challeng-challengingchalleng|ingchallenging
quarrellingquarrelling, andand fightingfighting, onon eueryevery sideside, andand allall isis forfor youryour
sakesake; youyou hadhad needeneed lookelook toto your selfeyourself (ChardgeCharge) you’leyou’ll bebe
stolnestolen awayaway sleepingsleeping elseelse shortlyshortly.
AnnabellaAnnabella:ButBut (TutresseTutresstutoress) suchsuch aa lifelife, giuesgives nono contentcontent
ToTo meme, mymy thoughtsthoughts areare fixtfixed onon otherother endsends;
WouldWould youyou wouldwould leaueleave meme.
Put.PutanaPut.LeaueLeave youyou? nono maruailemarvel elseelse; leaueleave meme, nono leauingleaving (ChardgeCharge)
ThisThis isis louelove outrightoutright, IndeedeIndeed II blameblame youyou notnot, youyou hauehave
ChoyceChoice fitfit forfor thethe bestbest LadyLady inin ItalyItaly.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.PrayPray doedo notnot talketalk soso muchmuch.
Put.PutanaPut.TakeTake thethe worstworst withwith thethe bestbest, there’sthere’s GrimaldiGrimaldi thethe
souldiersoldier aa veryvery well-timbredwell-timbered fellowfellow: theythey saysay hehe isis aa RomanRoman,
NephewNephew toto thethe DukeDuke Mount FerrattoMountMontferratoMount FerrattoFerratto, theythey saysay hehe diddid goodgood ser-serviceser|viceservice
inin thethe warrswars againstagainst thethe MillanoysMilaneseMillanoys, butbut faithfaith (ChardgeCharge) II doedo
notnot likelike himhim, andand bebe forfor nothingnothing, butbut forfor beingbeing aa souldiersoldier; oneone a-amongsta|mongstamongst

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’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore.

twentytwenty ofof youryour skirmishingskirmishing CaptainesCaptains, butbut hauehave somesome
pryuieprivy maymemaymaimmaymeme oror otherother, thatthat marresmars theirtheir standingstanding vprightupright, II likelike
himhim thethe worseworse, heehe crincklescrinkles soso muchmuch inin thethe hamshams; thoughthough heehe
mightmight serueserve, ifif theirtheretheir werewere nono moremore menmen, yetyet hee’she’s notnot thethe manman II
wouldwould choosechoose.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.FyeFie howhow thouthou prat’stprat’stpratest.
Put.PutanaPut.AsAs II amam aa veryvery womanwoman, II likelike SigniourSigniorsignior SoranzoSoranzo, wellwell;
heehe isis wisewise, andand whatwhat isis moremore, richrich; andand whatwhat isis moremore thenthan thatthat,
kindkind, andand whatwhat isis moremore thenthan allall thisthis, aa Noble-manNobleman; suchsuch aa oneone werewere
II thethe fairefair AnnabellaAnnabella, my selfemyself, II wouldwould wishwish andand praypray forfor: thenthenthan
heehe isis bountifullbountiful; besidebeside heehe isis handsomehandsome, andand, byby mymy trothtroth, II
thinkethink wholsomewholesome: (andand that’sthat’s newesnews inin aa gallantgallant ofof threethree andand
twentytwenty. ) liberallliberal thatthat II knowknow: louingloving, thatthat youyou knowknow; andand aa manman
suresure, elseelse heehe couldcould neuernever ha’ha’ purchastpurchased suchsuch aa goodgood namename, withwith
HippolitaHippolita thethe lustielusty WiddowWidow inin herher husbandshusband’s life timelifelifetimelife time time: AndAnd
t’were’twere butbut forfor thatthat reportreport (sweetsweet heartheart) would’awould ’awould’a werewere thinethine:
CommendCommend aa manman forfor hishis qualitiesqualities, butbut taketake aa husbandhusband asas hehe isis aa
plaine-sufficientplain-sufficient, nakednaked manman: suchsuch aa oneone isis forfor youryour bedbed, andand suchsuch
aa oneone isis SigniorSignior SoranzoSoranzo mymy lifelife for’tfor’t.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.SureSure thethe womanwoman tooketook herher morningsmorning’s DraughtDraught totooto soonesoon.
EnterEnter BegettoBegetto andand PoggioPoggio.
Put.PutanaPut.ButBut lookelook (sweetsweet heartheart,) lookelook whatwhat thingething comescomes nownow:
Here’sHere’s anotheranother ofof youryour cyphersciphers toto fillfill vpup thethe numbernumber:
OhOhO brauebrave oldold ApeApe inin aa silkensilken CoateCoat, obserueobserve.
Ber.BergettoBer.Did’stDidst thouthou thinkethink PoggioPoggio, thatthat II wouldwould spoylespoil mymy
NewNew cloathesclothes, andand leaueleave mymy dinnerdinner toto fightfight.
Pog.PoggioPog.NoNo SirSir, II diddid notnot taketake youyou forfor soso arrantarrant aa babiebaby.
Ber.BergettoBer.II amam wyserwiser thenthan soso: forfor II hopehope PoggioPoggio. thouthou
NeuerNever heard’stheard’st ofof anan elderelder brotherbrother, thatthat waswas aa CoxcombCoxcomb,
Did’stDidst PoggioPoggio?
Pog.PoggioPog.NeuerNever indeedeindeed SirSir, asas longlong asas theythey hadhad eithereither landland oror
monymoney leftleft themthem toto inheritinhe ritinherit.
Ber.BergettoBer.IsIs itit possiblepossible PoggioPoggio? ohoho monstruousmonstruous! whywhy IleI’ll vnder-vndertakevnder|takeundertake
withwith aa handfullhandful ofof siluersilver, toto buybuy aa headfullheadful ofof witwit atat anyany
tymetime, butbut sirrahsirrah, II hauehave anotheranother purchasepurchase inin handhand, II shallshall hauehave
thethe wenchwench mynemine vnckleuncle sayessays, II willwill butbut washwash mymy faceface, andand
shiftshift sockssocks, andand thenthen hauehave atat herher yfaithi’faith

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’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore.

MarkeMark mymy pacepace PoggioPoggio.
Pog.PoggioPog.SirSir II hauehave seeneseen anan. AsseAss, andand aa MuleMule trottrot thethe SpannishSpanish
pauin●auinpavin withwith aa betterbetter gracegrace, II knowknow notnot howhow oftenoften.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.ThisThis IdeotIdiot hauntshaunts meme tootoo.
Put.PutanaPut.IAyay, IAyay, hehe needesneeds nono discriptiondescription, thethe richrich MagnificoMagnifico, thatthat isis
belowbelow withwith youryour FatherFather (ChardgeCharge) SigniorSignior DonadoDonado hishis VnckleUncle;
forfor thatthat hehe meanesmeans toto makemake thisthis hishis CozenCousincousin aa goldengolden calfecalf, thinkesthinks
thatthat youyou wilwill bebe aa rightright IsraliteIsraelite, andand fallfall downedown toto himhim presentlypresently:
butbut II hopehope II hauehave tuterdtutored youyou betterbetter: theythey saysay aa foolesfool’s bablebabble isis aa
LadiesLady’slady’s playfellowplayplayplayfellow fellow fellow: yetyet youyou hauinghaving wealthwealth enoughenough, youyou needeneed notnot
castcast vponupon thethe dearthdearth ofof fleshflesh atat anyany raterate: hanghang himhim InnocentInnocent.
EnterEnter GiouanniGiovanni.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.ButBut seesee PutanaPutana, seesee: whatwhat blessedblessed shapeshape
OfOf somesome cælestiallcaelestiallcelestial CreatureCreature nownow appearesappears?
WhatWhat manman isis heehe, thatthat withwith suchsuch sadsad aspectaspect
WalkesWalks carelessecarelestscareless ofosof him selfehimself?
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.LookeLook belowbelow.
Put,PutanaPut,OhOhO, ’tis’tis youryour brotherbrother sweetsweet
Put.PutanaPut.’Tis’Tis youryour brotherbrother.
Anna,AnnabellaAnna,SureSure ’tis’tis notnot heehe, thisthis isis somesome woefullwoeful thingething
WraptWrapped vpup inin griefegrief, somesome shaddowshadow ofof aa manman.
AlasAlas heehe beatsbeats hishis brestbreast, andand wipeswipes hishis eyeseyes
Drown’dDrowned allall inin tearestears: me thinkesmethinks II hearehear himhim sighsigh.
LetsLets downedown PutanaPutana,,? andand pertakepartake thethe causecause,
II knowknow mymy BrotherBrother inin thethe LoueLove hehe bearesbears meme,
WillWill notnot denyedeny meme partagepartage inin hishis sadnessesadness,
MyMy soulesoul isis fullfull ofof heauinesseheaviness andand fearefear.ExitExit.
Gio.GiovanniGio.LostLost, II amam lostlost: mymy fatesfates hauehave doom’ddoomed mymy deathdeath:
TheThe moremore II striuestrive, II louelove, thethe moremore II louelove,
TheThe lesseless II hopehope: II seesee mymy ruineruin, certainecertain.
WhatWhat IudgementJudgementjudgement, oror endeuorsendeavours couldcould applyapply
ToTo mymy incurableincurable andand restlesserestless woundswounds,
II throughlythoroughly hauehave examin’dexamined, butbut inin vainevain:
OOOh thatthat itit werewere notnot inin ReligionReligion sinnesin,

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T’is pitty shee’s a Whoore.

ToTo makemake ourour louelove aa GodGod, andand worshipworship itit.
II hauehave eueneven weariedwearied heauenheaven withwith prayersprayers, dryeddried vpup
TheThe springspring ofof mymy continuallcontinual tearestears, eueneven steru’dstarved
MyMy veinesveins withwith daylydaily fastsfasts: whatwhat witwit oror ArtArt
CouldCould CounsaileCounsel, II hauehave practiz’dpractised; butbut alasalas
II findfind allall thesethese butbut dreamesdreams, andand oldold mensmen’s talestales
ToTo fright●●ightfright vnsteedyunsteady youthyouth; I’meI’m stillstill thethe samesame,
OrOr II mustmust speakespeak, oror burstburst; tis’tis notnot II knowknow,
MyMy lustlust; butbut tis’tis mymy farefare thatthat leadsleads meme onon.
KeepeKeep fearefear andand lowlow faint heartedfaintfaint-heartedfaint hearted hearted shameshame withwith slauesslaves,
IleI’ll telltell herher, thatthat II louelove herher, thoughthough mymy heartheart
WereWere ratedrated atat thethe priceprice ofof thatthat attemptattempt.
OhOhO meme! sheshe comescomes.
EnterEnter Anna.AnnabellaAnna. andand PutanaPutana.
Gio.GiovanniGio.IfIf suchsuch aa thingthing
AsAs CourageCourage dwelldwell inin menmen, (yeeye heauenlyheavenly powerspowers)
NowNow doubledouble allall thatthat vertuevirtue inin mymy tonguetongue.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.WhyWhy BrotherBrother, willwill youyou notnot speakespeak toto meme?
Gio.GiovanniGio.YesYes; howhow d’eed’eed’ye SisterSister?
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.HowsoeuerHowsoever II amam, me thinksmethinks youyou areare notnot wellwell.
Put.PutanaPut.BlesseBless vsus whywhy areare youyou soso sadsad SirSir.
Gio.GiovanniGio.LetLet meme intreatentreat youyou leaueleave vsus aa whilewhile, PutanaPutana,
SisterSister, II wouldwould bebe pryuateprivate withwith youyou.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.With-draweWithdraw PutanaPutana.
Put.PutanaPut.II willwill,
IfIf thisthis werewere anyany otherother CompanyCompany forfor herher, II shouldshould thinkethink mymy ab-absenceab|senceabsence
anan officeoffice ofof somesome creditcredit; butbut II willwill leaueleave themthem togethertogether.
ExitExit PutanaPutana:
Gio.GiovanniGio.ComeCome SisterSister lendlend youryour handhand, let’slet’s walkewalk togethertogether.
II hopehope youyou needeneed notnot blushblush toto walkewalk withwith meeme,
Here’sHere’s nonenone butbut youyou andand II.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.How’sHow’s thisthis?
Gio.GiovanniGio.FaithFaith II meanemean nono harmeharm.
Gio.GiovanniGio.NoNo goodgood faithfaith; howhow istis’t with’eewith ’eewi’thee?
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.II trusttrust heehe bebe notnot frantickefrantic

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’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore,

II amam veryvery wellwell brotherbrother.
Gio.GiovanniGio.TrustTrust meme butbut II amam sickesick, II fearefear soso sicksick,
’Twill’Twill costcost mymy lifelife.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.MercyMercy forbidforbid itit: ’tis’tis notnot soso II hopehope.
Gio.GiovanniGio.II thinkethink youyou louelove meme SisterSister.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.YesYes youyou knowknow, II doedo.
Gio.GiovanniGio.II know’tknow’t indeedindeed y’arey’areyou’re veryvery fairefair.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.NayNay thenthen II seesee youyou hauehave aa merrymerry sicknessesickness,
Gio.GiovanniGio.That’sThat’s asas itit prouesproves: theythey PoetsPoets faignefeign (II readread)
ThatThat IunoJunojuno forfor herher foreheadforehead diddid exceedeexceed
AllAll otherother goddessesgoddesses: butbut II durstdurst sweareswear,
YourYour foreheadforehead exceedsexceeds hershers, asas hershers diddid theirstheirs.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.TrothTroth thisthis isis prettypretty.
Gio.GiovanniGio.SuchSuch aa pairepair ofof starresstars.
AsAs areare thinethine eyeseyes, wouldwould (likelike PrometheanPromethean firefire.)
(IfIf gentlygently glaun’stglanced) giuegive lifelife toto senselessesenseless stonesstones.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.FieFie vpon’eeupon ’eeupon’ee,
Gio.GiovanniGio.TheThe LillyLily andand thethe RoseRose mostmost sweetlysweetly straingestrangestraying
VponUpon youryour dimpleddimpled CheekesCheeks doedo striuestrive forfor changechange.
SuchSuch lippeslips wouldwould tempttempt aa SaintSaint; suchsuch handshands asas thosethose
WouldWould makemake anan AnchoretAnchoret LasciuiousLascivious.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.D’eeD’eed’ye mockmock meeme, oror flatterflatter meeme,
Gio.GiovanniGio.IfIf youyou wouldwould seesee aa beautybeauty moremore exactexact
ThenThan ArtArt cancan countercounter fitfit, oror naturenature frameframe,
LookeLook inin youryour glasseglass, andand therethere beholdbehold youryourowneyour owneown.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.OO youyou areare aa trimetrim youthyouth.
Gio.GiovanniGio.HereHere.OffersOffers hishis DaggerDagger toto herher.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.WhatWhat toto doedo.
Gio.GiovanniGio.AndAnd here’shere’s mymy breastbreast, strickstrike homehome.
RipRip vpup mymy bosomebosom, therethere thouthou shaltshalt beholdbehold
AA heartheart, inin whichwhich isis writwrit thethe truthtruth II speakespeak.
WhyWhy stand’eestand ’ee?Anna.AnnabellaAnna.AreAre youyou earnestearnest?
Gio.GiovanniGio.YesYes mostmost earnestearnest.
YouYou cannotcannot louelove?Anna.AnnabellaAnna.WhomWhom??.
Gio.GiovanniGio.MeMe, mymy tortur’dtortured soulesoul
HathHath feltfelt afflictionaffliction inin thethe heateheat ofof DeathDeath.
OO AnnabellaAnnabella II amam quitequite vndoneundone,

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’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore.

TheThe louelove ofof theethee (mymy sistersister) andand thethe viewview
OfOf thythy immortallimmortal beautybeauty hathhath vntun’duntuned
AllAll harmonyharmony bothboth ofof mymy restrest andand lifelife,
WhyWhy d’eed’eed’ye notnot strikestrike?
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.ForbidForbid itit mymy iustjust fearesfears,
IfIf thisthis bebe truetrue, ’twere’twere fitterfitter II werewere deaddead.
Gio.GiovanniGio.TrueTrue AnnabellaAnnabella; ’tis’tis nono timetime toto iestjest,
II hauehave tootoo longlong supprestsuppressed thethe hiddenhidden flamesflames
ThatThat almostalmost hauehave consum’dconsumed meme; II hauehave spentspent
ManyMany aa silentsilent nightnight inin sighessighs andand groanesgroans,
RanRan ouerover allall mymy thoughtsthoughts, despis’ddespised mymy FateFate,
Reason’dReasoned againstagainst thethe reasonsreasons ofof mymy louelove,
DoneDone allall thatthat smooth’d-cheekesmoothed-cheeksmooth-cheeked VertueVirtue couldcould aduiseadvise,
ButBut foundfound allall bootelessebootless; ’tis’tis mymy destinydestiny,
ThatThat youyou mustmust eythereither louelove, oror II mustmust dyedie.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.ComesComes thisthis inin sadnessesadness fromfrom youyou?
Gio,GioGiovanniGio,LetLet somesome mischiefemischief
BefallBefall meme soonesoon, ifif II dissembledissemble oughtaught.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.YouYou areare mymy brotherbrother GiouanniGiovanni.
MyMy SisterSister AnnabellaAnnabella; II knowknow thisthis:
AndAnd couldcould affordafford youyou instanceinstance whywhy toto louelove
SoSo muchmuch thethe moremore forfor thisthis; toto whichwhich intentintent
WiseWise NatureNature firstfirst inin youryour CreationCreation mentmeant
ToTo makemake youyou minemine: else’telse’t hadhad beenebeen sinnesin andand foulefoul,
ToTo shareshare oneone beautybeauty toto aa doubledouble soulesoul.
NeerenesseNearness inin birthbirth oror bloodblood, dothdoth butbut perswadepersuade
AA neerernearer neerenessenearness inin affectionaffection.
II hauehave asktasked CounsellCounsel ofof thethe holyholy ChurchChurch,
WhoWho tellstells meeme II maymay louelove youyou, andand ’tis’tis iustjust,
ThatThat sincesince II maymay, II shouldshould; andand willwill, yesyes willwill:
MustMust II nownow liuelive, oror dyedie?
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.LiueLive, thouthou hasthast wonnewon
TheThe fieldfield, andand neuernever foughtfought; whatwhat thouthou hasthast vrg’durged,
MyMy captiuecaptive heartheart hadhad longlong agoeago resolu’dresolved.
II blushblush toto telltell theethee, (butbut I’leI’ll telltell theethee nownow)
ForFor eueryevery sighsigh thatthat thouthou hasthast spentspent forfor meme,

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’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore.

II hauehave sigh’dsighed tenten; forfor eueryevery tearetear shedshed twentytwenty:
AndAnd notnot soso muchmuch forfor thatthat II lou’dloved, asas thatthat
II durstdurst notnot saysay II lou’dloved; noruornor scarcelyscarcely thinkethink itit.
Gio.GiovanniGio.LetLet notnot thisthis MusickeMusic bebe aa dreamedream (yeeye godsgods)
ForFor pittie’s-sakepity’s sakepity-sake II begge’eebeg ’ee.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.OnOn mymy kneesknees,SheeShe kneeleskneels.
BrotherBrother, eueneven byby ourour MothersMother’s dustdust, II chargecharge youyou,
DoeDo notnot betraybetray meeme toto youryour mirthmirth oror hatehate,
LoueLove meeme, oror killkill meme BrotherBrother.
Gio.GiovanniGio.OnOn mymy kneesknees,HeHe kneeleskneels.
SisterSister, eueneven byby mymy MothersMother’s dustdust II chargecharge youyou,
DoeDo notnot betraybetray meeme toto youryour mirthmirth oror hatehate,
LoueLove meeme, oror killkill meeme SisterSister.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.YouYou meanemean goodgood soothsooth thenthen?
Gio.GiovanniGio.InIn goodgood trothtroth II doedo,
AndAnd soso doedo youyou II hopehope: saysay, I’mI’m inin earnestearnest:
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.I’leI’ll swear’tswear’t andand II.
Gio.GiovanniGio.AndAnd II, andand byby thisthis kissekiss,KissesKisses herher.
(OnceOnce moremore, yetyet onceonce moremore, nownow let’slet’s riserise, byby thisthis)
II wouldwould notnot changechange thisthis minuteminute forfor ElyziumElysium,
WhatWhat mustmust wewe nownow doedo?
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.WhatWhat youyou willwill.Gio.GiovanniGio.ComeCome thenthen,
AfterAfter soso manymany tearestears asas weewe hauehave weptwept,
Let’sLet’s learnelearn toto courtcourt inin smilessmiles, toto kissekiss andand sleepesleep.ExeuntExeunt.
EnterEnter FlorioFlorio andand DonadoDonado.
Flo.Elo.FlorioElo.SigniorSignior DonadoDonado, youyou hauehave saydsaid enoughenough,
II vnderstandunderstand youyou, butbut wouldwould hauehave youyou knowknow,
II willwill notnot forceforce mymy DaughterDaughter ’gainst’gainst herher willwill.
YouYou seesee II hauehave butbut twotwo, aa SonneSon andand HerHer;
AndAnd heehe isis soso deuoteddevoted toto hishis BookeBook,
AsAs II mustmust telltell youyou truetrue, II doubtdoubt hishis healthhealth:
ShouldShould hehe miscarrymiscarry, allall mymy hopeshopes relyrely
VponUpon mymy GirleGirl; asas forfor worldlyworldly FortuneFortune,
II amam II thankethank mymy StarresStars, blestblestblessed withwith enoughenough:
MyMy CareCare isis howhow toto matchmatch herher toto herher likingliking,
II wouldwould notnot hauehave herher marrymarry WealthWealth, butbut LoueLove,
AndAnd ifif sheshe likelike youryour NephewNephew, letlet himhim hauehave herher,

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’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore.

Here’sHere’s allall thatthat II cancan saysay.
Do.DonadoDo.SirSir youyou saysay wellwell,
LikeLike aa truetrue fatherfather, andand forfor mymy partpart, II
IfIf thethe youngyoung folkesfolks cancan likelike, (twixt’twixttwixt youyou andand meme’me )
WillWill promisepromise toto assureassure mymy NephewNephew presentlypresently,
ThreeThree thousandthousand FlorrensFlorinsflorins yeerelyyearly duringduring lifelife,
AndAnd afterafter II amam deaddead, mymy wholewhole estateestate.
Flo.FlorioFlo.’Tis’Tis aa fairefair profferproffer sirsir, meane timemeanemeantimemeantimetime youryour NephewNephew
ShallShall hauehave freefree passagepassage toto commencecommence hishis suitesuit;
IfIf heehe cancan thriuethrive, heehe shallshall hauehave mymy consentconsent,
SoSo forfor thisthis timetime I’leI’ll leaueleave youyou SigniorSignior.ExitExit.
Here’sHere’s hopehope yetyet, ifif mymy NephewNephew wouldwould hauehave witwit,
ButBut heehe isis suchsuch anotheranother DunceDunce, II fearefear
Hee’leHe’ll neuernever winnewin thethe WenchWench; whenwhen II waswas youngyoung
II couldcould hauehave done’tdone’t yfaithy faithi’faith, andand soso shallshall heehe
IfIf heehe willwill learnelearn ofof meeme; andand inin goodgood timetime
HeeHe comescomes himselfehimself.
EnterEnter BergettoBergetto andand PoggioPoggio.
Pog.PoggioPog.HowHow nownow BergettoBergetto, whetherwhitherwhether awayaway soso fastfast?
Ber.BergettoBer.OhOhO VnkleUncle, II hauehave heardheard thethe strangeststrangest newesnews thatthat euerever
camecame outout ofof thethe MyntMynrMint, hauehave II notnot PoggioPoggio.
Pog.PoggioPog.YesYes indeedeindeed SirSir.Do.DonadoDo.WhatWhat newesnews BergettoBergetto?
Ber.BergettoBer.WhyWhy lookelook yeeye VnkleUncle? mymy BarberBarber toldtold meme iustjust nownow
thatthat therethere isis aa fellowfellow comecome toto TowneTown, whowho vndertakesundertakes toto makemake
aa MillMill goego withoutwithout thethe mortallmortal helpehelp ofof anyany waterwater oror windewind,
onelyonly withwith Sand-bagsSandbags: andand thisthis fellowfellow hathhath aa strangestrange HorseHorse, aa
mostmost excellentexcellent beastbeast, I’leI’ll assureassure youyou VnkleUncle, (mymy BarberBarber sayessays)
whosewhose headhead toto thethe wonderwonder ofof allall ChristianChristian peoplepeople, standsstands iustjust be-behindbe|hindbehind
wherewhere hishis tayletail isis, is’tis’t notnornornot truetrue PoggioPoggio?
Pog.PoggioPog.SoSo thethe BarberBarber sworeswore forfor soothsooth.
Do.DonadoDo.AndAnd youyou areare runningrunning hitherhither?Ber.BergettoBer.IAyI forsoothforsooth VnkleVakleUncle.
Do.DonadoDo.WiltWilt thouthou bebe aa FooleFool stilstill? comecome sirsir, youyou shallshall notnot goego,
youyou hauehave moremore mindmind ofof aa Puppet-playPuppet-play, thenthen onon thethe businessebusiness II
toldtold y’eeye: whywhy thouthou greatgreat BabyBaby, wu’twu’twilt neuernever hauehave witwit, wu’twu’twilt
makemake thy selfethyself aa May-gameMay-game toto allall thethe worldworld?
Pog.PoggioPog.AnswereAnswer forfor your selfeyourself MaisterMaster.

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’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore.

Ber.BergettoBer.WhyWhy VnkleUncle, shu’dshould II sitsit atat homehome stillstill, andand notnot goego abroadabroad
toto seesee fashionsfashions likelike otherother gallantsgallants?
Do.DonadoDo.ToTo seesee hobby-horseshobby-horses: whatwhat wisewise talketalk II praypray hadhad youyou
withwith AnnabellaAnnabella, whenwhen youyou werewere atat SigniorSignior Florio’sFlorio’s househouse?
Ber.BergettoBer.OhOhO thethe wenchwench: vdsuds sa’mesa’mesa’ me, VnkleUncle; II tickledtickled herher withwith aa
rarerare speechspeech, thatthat II mademade herher almostalmost burstburst herher bellybelly withwith laugh-laughinglaugh|ing
Do.DonadoDo.NayNay II thinkethink soso, andand whatwhat speechspeech was’twas’t?
Ber.BergettoBer.WhatWhat diddid II saysay PoggioPoggio?
Pog.PoggioPog.forsoothForFotForforsooth soothsooth mymy MaisterMaster saidsaid, thatthat heehe louedloved herher almostalmost as-aswellas|wellas well
asas heehe louedloved ParmasentParmasent, andand sworeswore (I’leI’ll bebe swornesworn forfor himhim).
thatthat sheeshe wantedwanted butbut suchsuch aa NoseNose asas hishis waswas, toto bebe asas prettypretty aa
youngyoung woemanwoman, asas anyany waswas inin ParmaParma.Do.DonadoDo.OhOhO grosegross!
Ber.BergettoBer.NayNay VnkleUncle, thenthen sheesh●eshe ask’tasked meeme, whetherwhether mymy FatherFather hadhad
anyany moremore childrenchildren thenthan my selfemyself: andand II saydsaid nono, ’twere’twere betterbetter
heehe shouldshould hauehave hadhad hishis braynesbrains knocktknocked outout firstfirst.
Do.DonadoDo.ThisThis isis intolerableintolerable.
Ber.BergettoBer.ThenThen saydsaid sheeshe, willwill SigniorSignior DonadoDonado youryour VnkleUncle leaueleave
youyou allall hishis wealthwealth?
Do.DonadoDo.Ha!Ha! thatthat waswas goodgood, diddid sheshe harpeharp vponupon thatthat stringstring?
Ber.BergettoBer.DidDid sheshe harpeharp vponupon thatthat stringstring, IayI thatthat sheshe diddid: II answe-answeredanswe|redanswered
leaueleave meme allall hishis wealthwealth? whywhy woemanwoman, heehe hathhath nono otherother
witwit, ifif heehe hadhad, hehe shouldshould hearehear on’ton’t toto hishis euerlastingeuereverlastingeverlastinglasting gloryglory andand
confusionconfusion: II knowknow (quothquoth II) II amam hishis whitewhite boyboy, andand willwill notnot
bebe guldgulled: andand withwith thatthat sheshe fellfell intointo aa greatgreat smilesmile, andand wentwent awayaway.
NayNay II diddid fitfit herher.
Do.DonadoDo.AhAh sirrahsirrah, thenthen II seesee therethere isis nono changingchanging ofof naturenature,
WellWell BergettoB●rgettoBergetto, II fearefear thouthou wiltwilt bebe aa veryvery AsseAss stillstill.
Ber.BergettoBer.II shouldshould bebe sorrysorry forfor thatthat VnkleUncle.
Do.DonadoDo.ComeCome, comecome youyou homehome withwith meme, sincesince youyou areare nono betterbetter
aa speakerspeaker, I’leI’ll hauehave youyou writewr●tewrite toto herher afterafter somesome courtlycourtly mannermanner,
andand inclose●closeenclose somesome richrich IewellI ewellJewel inin thethe LetterLetter.
Ber.BergettoBer.IAyI marrymarry, thatthat willwill bebe excellentexcellent.
Do.DonadoDo.PeacePeace innocent●nnocentinnocent,
OnceOnce inin mymy timetime I’leI’ll setset mymy witswits toto schooleschool,
IfIf allall failefail, ’tis’tis butbut thethe fortunefortune ofof aa foolefool.
Ber.Be●.Ber.PoggioPoggio, ’twill’twill doedo PoggioPoggio.ExeuntExcuntExeunt.


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’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore.

ActusActus SecundusSecundus.
EnterEnter GiouanniGiovanni andand AnnabellaAnnabella, asas fromfrom theirtheir ChamberChamber.
Gio.GiovanniGio.ComeCome AnnabellaAnnabella, nono moremore SisterSister nownow,
ButBut LoueLove; aa namename moremore GraciousGracious, doedo notnot blushblush,
(BeautiesBeauty’sBeauties sweetesweet wonderwonder) butbut bebe proudproud, toto knowknow
ThatThat yeeldingyielding thouthou hasthast conquer’dconquered, andand inflam’dinflamed
AA heartheart whosewhose tributetribute isis thythy brothersbrother’s lifelife.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.AndAnd minemine isis hishis, ohoho howhow thesethese stolnestolen contentscontents
WouldWould printprint aa modestmodest CrymsonCrimson onon mymy cheekescheeks,
HadHad anyany butbut mymy heartsheart’s delightdelight preuail’dprevailed.
Gio.GiovanniGio.II maruailemarvel whywhy thethe chasterchaster ofof youryour sexsex
ShouldShould thinkethink thisthis prettypretty toyetoy call’dcalled Maiden-headMaidenhead,
SoSo strangestrange aa losseloss, whenwhen beingbeing lostlost, ’tis’tis nothingnothing,
AndAnd youyou areare stillstill thethe samesame.Anna.AnnabellaAnna.’Tis’Tis wellwell forfor youyou,
NowNow youyou cancan talketalk.Gio.GiovanniGio.MusickeMusic aswellas well consistsconsists
InIn th’eareth’ear, asas inin thethe playingplaying.Anna.AnnabellaAnna.OhOhO y’arey’areyou’re wantonwanton,
TellTell on’ton’t, y’arey’areyou’re bestbest, doedo.
Gio.GiovanniGio.ThouThou wiltwilt chidechide meme thenthen,
KisseKiss meme, soso; thusthus hunghung IoueJovejove onon Læda’sLaeda’sLaeda’s neckeneck,
AndAnd suck’tsucked diuinedivine AmbrosiaAmbrosia fromfrom herher lipslips:
II enuyenvy notnot thethe mightiestmightiest manman aliuealive,
ButBut holdhold my selfemyself inin beingbeing KingKing ofof theethee,
MoreMore greatgreat, thenthen werewere II KingKing ofof allall thethe worldworld:
ButBut II shallshall loselose youyou Sweet-heartSweetheart.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.ButBut youyou shallshall notnot.Gio.GiovanniGio.YouYou mustmust bebe marriedmarried MistresMistress.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.YesYes, toto whomwhom?Gio.GiovanniGio.SomeSome oneone mustmust hauehave youyou.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.YouYou mustmust.Gio.GiovanniGio.NayNay somesome otherother.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.NowNow pritheeprithee dodo notnot speakespeak soso, withoutwithout iestingjesting
You’leYou’ll makemake meme weepeweep inin earnestearnest.
Gio.GiovanniGio.WhatWhat youyou willwill notnot.
ButBut telltell meme sweetesweet, can’stcanst thouthou bebe dar’ddared toto sweareswear
ThatThat thouthou wiltwilt liuelive toto meeme, andand toto nono otherother?
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.ByBy bothboth ourour louesloves II daredare, forfor didstdidst thouthou knowknow
MyMy GiouanniGionanniGiovanni, howhow allall suiterssuitors seemeseem
ToTo mymy eyeseyes hatefullhateful, thouthou wouldstwouldst trusttrust meeme thenthen.

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’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore.

Gio.GiovanniGio.EnoughEnough, II taketake thythy wordword; SweetSweet wewe mustmust partpart,
RememberRemember whatwhat thouthou vow’stvow’st, keepekeep wellwell mymy heartheart.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.WillWill youyou begonbegone?Gio.GiovanniGio.II mustmust.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.WhenWhen toto returnereturn?Gio.GiovanniGio.SooneSoon.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.LookeLook youyou doedo.Gio.GiovanniGio.FarewellFarewell.ExitExit.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.GoeGo wherewhere thouthou wiltwilt, inin mindmind I’leI’ll keepekeep theethee herehere,
AndAnd wherewhere thouthou artart, II knowknow II shallshall bebe therethere
EnterEnter PutanaPutana.
Put.PutanaPut.ChildChild, howhow is’tis’t childchild? wellwell, thankethank HeauenHeaven, hahalhahall!
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.OO GuardianGuardian, whatwhat aa ParadiseParadise ofof joyjoy
HaueHave II pastpassed ouerover!
Put.PutanaPut.NayNay whatwhat aa ParadiseParadise ofof ioyjoy hauehave youyou pastpassed vnderunder?
whywhy nownow II commendcommend theethee (ChardgeCharge) fearefear nothingnothing, (sweete-sweete-heartsweetheart
whatwhat thoughthough heehe bebe youryour BrotherBrother; youryour Brother’sBrother’s aa
manman II hopehope, andand II saysay stillstill, ifif aa youngyoung WenchWench feelefeel thethe fittfit vponupon
herher, letlet herher taketake any bodyanybody, FatherFather oror BrotherBrother, allall isis oneone.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.II wouldwould notnot hauehave itit knowneknown forfor allall thethe worldworld.
Put.PutanaPut.NorNor II indeedindeed, forfor thethe speechspeech ofof thethe peoplepeople; elseelse ’twere’twere (nothingnothing.
FlorioFloriowithinwithin DaughterDaughter AnnabellaAnnabella.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.OO meeme! mymy FatherFather, herehere SirSir, reachreach mymy workework.
Flo.FlorioFlo.withinwithin.WhatWhat areare youyou doeingdoing?An.AnnabellaAn.SoSo, letlet himhim comecome nownow,

EnterEnter FlorioFlorio, RichardettoRichardetto, likelike aa DoctorDoctor ofof PhisickePhysic,
andand PhilotisPhilotis withwith aa LuteLute inin herher handhand.

Flo.FlorioFlo.SoSo hardhard atat workework, that’sthat’s wellwell; youyou loselose nono timetime, lookelook,
II hauehave broughtbrought youyou companycompany, here’shere’s oneone, aa learnedlearned DoctorDoctor, late-latelylate|lylately
comecome fromfrom PaduaPadua, muchmuch skildskilled inin PhysickePhysic, andand forfor thatthat II seesee
youyou hauehave ofof latelate beenebeen sicklysickly, II entreatedentreated thisthis reuerentreverent manman
toto visitvisit youyou somesome timetime.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.Y’areY’areYou’re veryvery welcomewelcome SirSir.
Richard.RichardettoRichard.II thankethank youyou MistresseMistress,
LoudLoud FameFame inin largelarge reportreport hathhath spokespoke youryour praisepraise,
AswellAs wellas well forfor VertueVirtue asas perfectionperfection:
ForFor whichwhich II hauehave beenebeen boldbold toto bringbring withwith meeme
AA Kins-woemanKinswoman ofof minemine, aa maidemaid, forfor songsong,
AndAnd musickemusic, oneone perhapsperhaps willwill giuegive contentcontent,

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’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore.

PleasePlease youyou toto knowknow herher.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.TheyThey areare partsparts II louelove,
AndAnd sheeshe forfor themthem mostmost welcomewelcome.
Phi.PhilotisPhi.ThankeThank youyou LadyLady.
Flo.FlorioFlo.SirSir nownow youyou knowknow mymy househouse, praypray makemake notnot strangestrange,
AndAnd ifif youyou findefind mymy DaughterDaughter needeneed youryour ArtArt,
I’leI’ll bebe youryour pay-masterpaymaster.
Rich.RichardettoRich.SirSir, whatwhat II amam sheeshe shallshall commandcommand●command.
Flo.FlorioFlo.YouYou shallshall bindbind meme toto youyou,
DaughterDaughter, II mustmust hauehave conferenceconference withwith youyou,
AboutAbout somesome mattersmatters thatthat concernesconcerns vsus bothboth.
GoodGood MaisterMaster DoctorDoctor, pleaseplease youyou butbut walkewalk inin,
Wee’leWe’ll crauecrave aa littlelittle ofof youryour CozensCousin’sCozens cunningcunning:
II thinkethink mymy GirleGirl hathhath notnot quitequite forgotforgot
ToTo touchtouch anan InstrumentInstrument, sheshe couldcould hauehave don’tdone’tdon’t,
Wee’leWe’ll hearehear themthem bothboth.
Rich.RichardettoRich.I’leI’ll waitewait vponupon youyou sirsir.ExeuntExeunt.
EnterEnter SoranzoSoranzo inin hishis studystudy readingreading aa BookeBook.
LouesLove’slove’s measuremeasure isis extreameextreme, thethe comfortcomfort, painepain:
TheThe lifelife vnrestunrest, andand thethe rewardreward disdainedisdain

What’sWhat’s herehere? lookelook o’reo’er againeagain, ’tis’tis soso, soso writeswrites
ThisThis smoothsmooth licentiouslicentious PoetPoet inin hishis rymesrhymes.
ButBut SanazarSanazar thouthou lyestliest, forfor hadhad thythy bosomebosom
FeltFelt suchsuch oppressionoppression asas isis laidlaid onon minemine,
ThouThou wouldstwouldst hauehave kistkissed thethe rodrod thatthat mademade thethe smartsmart.
ToTo workework thenthen happyhappy MuseMuse, andand contradictcontradict
WhatWhat SanazerSanazer hathhath inin hishis enuyenvy writwrit.
LouesLove’slove’s measuremeasure isis thethe meanemean, sweetsweet hishis annoyesannoys,
HisHis pleasurespleasure’s lifelife, andand hishis rewardreward allall ioyesjoys.

HadHad AnnabellaAnnabella liu’dlived whenwhen SanazarSanazar
DidDid inin hishis briefebrief EnconiumEuconiumEncomium celebratecelebrate
VeniceVenice thatthat QueeneQueen ofof CittiesCities, hehe hadhad leftleft
ThatThat VerseVerse whichwhich gaindgained himhim suchsuch aa sumesum ofof GoldGold,
AndAnd forfor oneone onelyonly lookelook fromfrom AnnabellAnnabell
HadHad writwrit ofof herher, andand herher diuinerdiviner cheekescheeks,
OOOh howhow mymy thoughtsthoughts areare
VasquesVasqueswithinwithin PrayPray forbeareforbear, inin rulesrules ofof CiuilityCivility, letlotlotlet meme giuegive
noticenotice on’ton’t: II shallshall bebe tax’ttaxed ofof mymy neglectneglect ofof dutyduty andand seruiceservice.

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’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore,

Soran.SoranzoSoran.WhatWhat ruderude intrusionintrusion interruptsinterrupts mymy peacepeace,
CanCan II bebe no wherenowhere priuateprivate?
Vas.VasquesVas.withinwithin.TrothTroth youyou wrongwrong youryour modestymodesty.
Soran.SoranzoSoran.What’sWhat’s thethe mattermatter VasquesVasques, whowho is’tis’t?
EnterEnter HipplitaHipplita andand VasquesVasques.
Hip.HippolitaHip.’Tis’Tis II:
DoeDo youyou knowknow meeme nownow? lookelook periurdperjured manman onon herher
WhomWhom thouthou andand thythy distracteddistracted lustlust hauehave wrong’dwronged,
ThyThy sensuallsensual ragerage ofof bloodblood hathhath mademade mymy youthyouth
AAscorneAascorn scornscorn toto menmen andand AngelsAngels, andand shallshall II
BeBe nownow aa foylefoil toto thythy vnsatedunsated changechange?
ThouThou knowstknowest (falsefalse wantonwanton) whenwhen mymy modestmodest famefame
StoodStood freefree fromfrom stainestain, oror scandallscandal, allall thethe charmescharms
OfOf HellHell oror sorcerysorcery couldcould notnot preuaileprevail
AgainstAgainst thethe honourhonour ofof mymy chasterchaster bosomebosom:
ThyneThine eyeseyes diddid pleadeplead inin tearestears, thythy tonguetongue inin oathesoaths
SuchSuch andand soso manymany, thatthat aa heartheart ofof steelesteel
WouldWould hauehave beenebeen wroughtwrought toto pittypitypity, asas waswas minemine:
AndAnd shallshall thethe ConquestConquest ofof mymy lawfulllawful bedbed,
MyMy husbandshusband’s deathdeath vrg’durged onon byby hishis disgracedisgrace,
MyMy losseloss ofof woeman-hoodwomanhood bebe illill rewardedrewarded
WithWith hatredhatred andand contemptcontempt? NoNo, knowknow SoranzoSoranzo,
II hauehave aa spiritspirit dothdoth asas muchmuch distastdistaste
TheThe slaueryslavery ofof fearingfearing theethee, asas thouthou
DostDost loathloathe thethe memorymemory ofof whatwhat hathhath pastpassed.
Soran.SoranzoSoran.NayNay dearedear HippolitaHippolita.
Hip.HippolitaHip.CallCall meme notnot dearedear,
NorNor thinkethink withwith supplesupple wordswords toto smoothsmooth thethe grosenessegrossness
OfOf mymy abusesabuses; ’tis’tis notnot youryour newnew MistresseMistress,
YourYour goodlygoodly MadamMadam MerchantMerchant shallshall triumphtriumph
OnOn mymy deiectiondejection; telltell herher thusthus fromfrom meeme,
MyMy byrthbirth waswas NoblerNobler, andand byby muchmuch moremore FreeFree.
Soran.SoranzoSoran.YouYou areare tootoo violentviolent.
Hip.HippolitaHip.YouYou areare tootoo doubledouble
InIn youryour dissimulationdissimulation, see’stseest thouthou thisthis,
ThisThis habithabit, thesethese blackeblack mourningmourning weedesweeds ofof CareCare,
’Tis’Tis thouthou artart causecause ofof thisthis, andand hasthast divorc’tdivorced

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’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore.

MyMy husbandhusband fromfrom hishis lifelife andand meme fromfrom himhim,
AndAnd mademade meme WiddowWidow inin mymy widdow-hoodwidowhood.
Soran.SoranzoSoran.WillWill youyou yetyet hearehear?
Hip.HippolitaHip.MoreMore ofof thethe periuriesperjuries?
ThyThy soulesoul isis drown’ddrowned tootoo deepelydeeply inin thosethose sinnessins,
ThouThou need’stneed’stneedest notnot addadd to’thto ●thto th’to’th numbernumber.
Soran.SoranzoSoran.ThenThen I’leI’ll leaueleave youyou,
YouYou areare pastpast allall rulesrules ofof sencesense.
Hip.HippolitaHip.AndAnd thouthou ofof gracegrace.
Vas.VasquesVas.FyFie MistresseMistress, youyou, areare notnot neerenear thethe limitslimits ofof reasonreason, ifif
mymy LordLord hadhad aa resolutionresolution asas noblenoble asas VertueVirtue it selfeitself, youyou taketake thethe
coursecourse toto vnedgeunedge itit allall. SirSir II beseechbeseech youyou doedo notnot perplexeperplex herher,
griefesgriefs (alasalas) willwill hauehave aa ventvent, II daredare vndertakeundertake MadamMadam Hippo-HippolitaHippo|litaHippolita

willwill nownow freelyfreely hearehear youyou.
Soran.SoranzoSoran.TalkeTalk toto aa womanwoman frantickfrantic, areare thesethese thethe fruitsfruits ofof youryour (louelove?
Hip.HippolitaHip.TheyThey areare thethe fruitesfruits ofof thythy vntruthuntruth, falsefalse manman,
DidstDidst thouthou notnot sweareswear, whil’stwhilst yetyet mymy husbandhusband liu’dlived,
ThatThat thouthou wouldstwouldst wishwish nono happinesehappiness onon earthearth
MoreMore thenthan toto callcall meme wifewife? didstdidst thouthou notnot vowvow
WhenWhen heehe shouldshould dyedie toto marrymarry meeme? forfor whichwhich
TheThe DeuillDevil inin mymy bloodblood, andand thythy protestsprotests
Caus’dCaused meeme toto CounsaileCounsel himhim toto vndertakeundertake
AA voyagevoyage toto LigorneLivornoLeghorn, forfor thatthat wewe heardheard,
HisHis BrotherBrother therethere waswas deaddead, andand leftleft aa DaughterDaughter
YoungYoung andand vnfriendedunfriended, whowho withwith muchmuch adoeado
II wish’twished himhim toto bringbring hitherhi●herhither; heehe diddid soso,
AndAnd wentwent; andand asas thouthou know’stknow’stknowest dyeddied onon thethe wayway.
VnhappyUnhappy manman toto buybuy hishis deathdeath soso dearedear
WithWith mymy aduiceadvice; yetyet thouthou forfor whomwhom II diddid itit,
Forget’stForget’stForgettest thythy vowesvows, andand leau’stleav’st meme toto mymy shameshame.
Soran.SoranzoSoran.WhoWho couldcould helpehelp thisthis?
Hip.HippolitaHip.WhoWho? periur’dperjured manman thouthou couldstcouldst,
IfIf thouthou hadsthadst faithfaith oror louelove.
Soran.SoranzoSoran.YouYou areare deceiu’ddeceived,
TheThe vowesvows II mademade, (ifif youyou rememberremember wellwell)
WereWere wickedwicked andand vnlawfullunlawful, ’twere’twere moremore sinnesin
ToTo keepekeep themthem, thenthan toto breakebreak themthem; asas forfor meeme

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’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore.

II cannotcannot maskemask mymy penitencepenitence, thinkethink thouthou
HowHow muchmuch thouthou hasthast digrestdigressed fromfrom honesthonest shameshame,
InIn bringingbringing ofof aa gentlemangentleman toto deathdeath
WhoWho waswas thythy husbandhusband, suchsuch aa oneone asas heehe,
SoSo noblenoble inin hishis qualityquality, conditioncondition,
LearningLearning, behauiourbehaviour, entertainmententertainment, louelove,
AsAs ParmaParma couldcould notnot shewshow aa brauerbraver manman.
Vas,VasquesVas,YouYou doedo notnot wellwell, thisthis waswas notnot youryour promisepromise.
Soran.SoranzoSoran.II carecare notnot, letlet herher knowknow herher monstrousmonstrous lifelife,
EreEre I’leI’ll bebe seruileservile toto soso blackeblack aa sinnesin,
I’leI’ll bebe aa CurseCurse; woemanwoman, comecome herehere nono moremore,
LearneLearn toto repentrepent andand dyedie; forfor byby mymy honourhonour
II hatehate theethee andand thythy lustlust; youyou hauehave beenebeen tootoo foulefoul.
Vas.VasquesVas.ThisThis partpart hashas beenebeen scuruilyscurvily playdplayed.
Hip.HippolitaHip.HowHow foolishlyfoolishly thisthis beastbeast contemnescontemns hishis FateFate,
AndAnd shunsshuns thethe vseuse ofof thatthat, whichwhich II moremore scornescorn
ThenThan II onceonce lou’dloved hishis louelove; butbut letlet himhim goego,SheShe offersoffers toto
goego awayaway.

MyMy vengeancevengeance shallshall giuegive comfortcomfort toto hishis woewoe.
Vas.VasquesVas.MistresseMistress, MistresseMistress MadamMadam HippolitaHippolita,
PrayPray aa wordword oror twotwo.Hip.HippolitaHip.WithWith meeme SirSir?
Vas.VasquesVas.WithWith youyou ifif youyou pleaseplease.Hip.HippolitaHip.WhatWhat is’tis’t?
Vas.VasquesVas.II knowknow youyou areare infinitelyinfinitely mou’dmoved nownow, andand youyou thinkethink
youyou hauehave causecause, somesome II confesseconfess youyou hauehave, butbut suresure notnot soso muchmuch
asas youyou imagineimagine.Hip.HippolitaHip.IndeedIndeed.
Vas.VasquesVas.OO youyo●you werewere miserablymiserably bitterbitter, whichwhich youyou followedfollowed
eueneven toto thethe lastlast sillable●●llablesyllable: FaithFaith youyou werewere somewhatsomewhat tootoo shrewdshrewd,
byby mymy lifelife youyou couldcould notnot hauehave tooketaken mymy LordLord inin aa worseworse timetime,
sincesince II firstfirst knewknew himhim: tomorrowtomorrow youyou shallshall findefind himhim aa newnew
manman.Hip.HippolitaHip.WellWell, II shallshall waitewait hishis leasureleisure.
Vas.VasquesVas.FieFie, thisthis isis notnot aa heartyhearty patiencepatience, itit comescomes sowerlysourly fromfrom
youyou, trothtroth letlet meme perswadepersuade youyou forfor onceonce.
Hip.HippolitaHip.II hauehave itit anda●dand itit shallshall bebe soso; thanksthanks opportunityopportunity
perswadepersuade meme toto whatwhat
Vas.VasquesVas.VisittVisit himhim inin somesome mildermilder tempertemper, OOOh ifif youyou couldcould butbut
mastermaster aa littlelittle youryour femallfemale spleenspleen, howhow mightmight youyou winnewin himhim!
Hip.HippolitaHip.HeeHe wilwill neuernever louelove meme: VasquesVasques, thouthou hasthast binbeen aa tootoo trustytrusty
seruantservant toto suchsuch aa mastermaster, &and II beleeuebelieve thythy rewardreward inin thethe endend wilwill falfall

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’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore.

outout likelike minemine.Vas.VasquesVas.SoSo perhapsperhaps tootoo.
Hip.HippolitaHip.ResolueResolve thy selfethyself itit willwill; hadhad II oneone soso truetrue, soso truelytruly ho-honestho|nesthonest
soso secretsecret toto mymy CounselsCounsels, asas thouthou hasthast beenebeen toto himhim andand
hishis, II shouldshould thinkethink itit aa flightslightflight acquittanceacquittance, notnot onelyonly toto makemake
himhim MaisterMaster ofof allall II hauehave, butbut eueneven ofof my selfemyself.
Vas.VasquesVas.OO youyou areare aa noblenoble GentlewomanGentlewoman.
Hip.HippolitaHip.Wu’tWu’twilt thouthou feedefeed alwayesalways vponupon hopeshopes? wellwell, II knowknow
thouthou artart wisewise, andand see’stseest thethe rewardreward ofof anan oldold seruantservant dallydally whatwhat
itit isisVas.VasquesVas.BeggeryBeggary andand neglectneglect.
Hip.HippolitaHip.TrueTrue, butbut VasquesVasques, wer’twertwere’t thouthou minemine, andand wouldstwouldst beebe
priuateprivate toto meme andand mymy designesdesigns; II herehere protestprotest my selfemyself, andand allall
whatwhat II cancan elseelse callcall mynemine, shouldshould bebe atat thythy disposedispose.
Vas.VasquesVas.WorkeWork youyou thatthat wayway oldold moulemole? thenthenthan II hauehave thethe windwind
ofof youyou II werewere notnot worthyworthy ofof itit, byby anyany desertdesert thatthat couldcould
lyelie withinwithin mymy compassecompass; ifif II couldcould
Hip.HippolitaHip.WhatWhat thenthen?
Vas.VasquesVas.II shouldshould thenthen hopehope toto liuelive inin thesethese mymy oldold yearesyears withwith
restrest andand securitysecurity.
Hip.HippolitaHip.GiueGive meme thythy handhand, nownow promisepromise butbut thythy silencesilence,
AndAnd helpehelp toto bringbring toto passepass aa plotplot II hauehave;
AndAnd herehere inin sightsight ofof HeauenHeaven, (thatthat beingbeing donedone)
II makemake theethee LordLord ofof meeme andand minemine estateestate.
Vas.VasquesVas.ComeCome youyou areare merrymerry,
ThisThis isis suchsuch aa happinessehappiness thatthat II cancan
NeitherNeither thinkethink oror beleeuebelieve.
Hip.HippolitaHip.PromisePromise thythy secresiesecrecy, andand ’tis’tis confirm’dconfirmed.
Vas.VasquesVas.ThenThen herehere II callcall ourour goodgood GenijGenieGenij foe-witnessesfoe-witnesses, whatso-whatsoeuerwhatso|euerwhatsoever
youryour designesdesigns areare, oror againstagainst whomsoeuerwhomsoever, II willwill notnot one-onelyone|lyonly
bebe aa speciallspecial actoractor thereintherein, butbut neuernever disclosedisclose itit tilltill itit bebe effectedeffected.
Hip.HippolitaHip.II taketake thythy wordword, andand withwith thatthat, theethee forfor minemine:
ComeCome thenthen, let’slet’s moremore conferreconfer ofof thisthis anonanon.
OnOn thisthis deliciousdelicious banebane mymy thoughtsthoughts shallshall banquetbanquet,
ReuengeRevenge shallshall sweetensweeten whatwhat mymy griefesgriefs hauehave tastedtasted.ExeuntExeunt.
EnterEnter RichardettoRichardetto andand PhilotisPhilotis.
Richar.RichardettoRichar.ThouThou see’stseest (mymy louelylovely NecceNiece) thesethese strangestrange mis-mishapsmis|hapsmishaps(haps,

HowHow allall mymy fortunesfortunes turneturn toto mymy disgracedisgrace,
WhereinWherein II amam butbut asas aa lookerlooker onon,

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’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore.

WhilesWhiles othersothers actact mymy shameshame, andand II amam silentsilent.
Phi.PhilotisPhi.ButBut VnkleUncle, whereinwherein cancan thisthis borrowedborrowed shapeshape
GiueGive youyou contentcontent?
Richard.RichardettoRichard.I’leI’ll telltell theethee gentlegentle NeeceNiece,
ThyThy wantonwanton AuntAunt inin herher lasciuiouslascivious riottsriots
LiuesLives nownow securesecure, thinkesthinks II amam surelysurely deaddead
InIn mymy latelate IourneyJourneyjourney toto LïgorneLigorneLivornoLeghorn forfor youyou;
(AsAs II hauehave caus’dcaused itit toto bebe rumordrumoured outout)
NowNow wouldwould II seesee withwith whatwhat anan impudenceimpudence
SheeShe giuesgives scopescope toto herher looseloose adulteryadultery,
AndAnd howhow thethe CommonCommon voycevoice allowesallows hereofhereof:
ThusThus farrefar II hauehave preuail’dprevailed.
Phi.PhilotisPhi.AlasAlas, II fearefear
YouYou meanemean somesome strangestrange reuengerevenge.
Richard.RichardettoRichard.OO bebe notnot troubledtroubled,
YourYour ignoranceignorance shallshall pleadeplead forfor youyou inin allall,
ButBut toto ourour businessebusiness, whatwhat, youyou learntlearntlearned forfor certainecertain
HowHow SigniorSignior FlorioFlorio meanesmeans toto giuegive hishis DaughterDaughter
InIn marriagemarriage toto SoranzoSoranzo?
Phi.PhilotisPhi.YesYes forfor certainecertain.
Richard.RichardettoRichard.ButBut howhow findefind youyou youngyoung Annabella’sAnnabella’s louelove,
InclindInclined toto himhim?
Phi.PhilotisPhi.ForFor oughtaught II couldcould perceiueperceive,
SheeShe neytherneither fanciesfancies himhim oror anyany elseelse.
Richard.RichardettoRichard.There’sThere’s MysteryMystery inin thatthat whichwhich timetime mustmust shewshow,
SheeShe vs’dused youyou kindlykindly.Phi.PhilotisPhi.YesYes.
Richard.RichardettoRichard.AndAnd crau’dcraved youryour companycompany?Phi.PhilotisPhi.OftenOften.
Richard.RichardettoRichard.’Tis’Tis wellwell, itit goesgoes asas II couldcould wishwish,
II amam thethe DoctorDoctor nownow, andand asas forfor youyou,
NoneNone knowesknows youyou; ifif allall failefail notnot wewe shallshall thriuethrive.
ButBut whowho comescomes herehere?EnterEnter GrimaldiGrimaldi.
II knowknow himhim, ’tis’tis GrimaldiGrimaldi,
AA RomanRoman andand aa souldiersoldier, neerenear allyedallied
VntoUnto thethe DukeDuke ofof MontferratoMontferrato, oneone
AttendingAttending onon thethe NuntioNuncioNuntio ofof thethe PopePope
ThatThat nownow residesresides inin ParmaParma, byby whichwhich meanesmeans
HeHe hopeshopes toto getget thethe louelove ofof AnnabellaAnnabella,

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’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore.

Gri.GrimaldiGri.SaueSave youyou SirSir.Richard.RichardettoRichard.AndAnd youyou SirSir.
Gri.GrimaldiGri.II hauehave heardheard
OfOf youryour approu’dapproved skillskill, whichwhich throughthrough thethe CityCity
IsIs freelyfreely talkttalked ofof, andand wouldwould crauecrave youryour aydaid.
Richard.RichardettoRichard.ForFor whatwhat SirSir?
Gri.GrimaldiGri.MarryMarry sirsir forfor thisthis
ButBut II wouldwould speakespeak inin PriuatePrivate.
Richard.RichardettoRichard.LeaueLeave vsus CozenCousincousin.ExitExit Phi.PhilotisPhi.
Gri.GrimaldiGri.II louelove fairefair AnnabellaAnnabella, andand wouldwould knowknow
WhetherWhether inin ArtsArts therethere maymay notnot bebe receiptsreceipts
ToTo mouemove affectionaffection.
Richard.RichardettoRichard.SirSir perhapsperhaps therethere maymay,
ButBut thesethese willwill nothingnothing profitprofit youyou.
Gri.GrimaldiGri.NotNot meeme?
Richard.RichardettoRichard.VnlesseUnless II bebe mistookemistookmistaken, youyou areare aa manman
GreatlyGreatly inin fauourfavour withwith thethe CardinallCardinal.
Gri.GrimaldiGri.WhatWhat ofof thatthat?
Richard.RichardettoRichard.InIn dutyduty toto hishis GraceGrace,
II willwill bebe boldbold toto telltell youyou, ifif youyou seekeseek
ToTo marrymarry Florio’sFlorio’s daughterdaughter, youyou mustmust firstfirst
RemoueRemove aa barrebar twixttwixt youyou andand herher.
Gri.GrimaldiGri.WhoseWho’swho’s thatthat?
Richard:RichardettoRichard:SoranzoSoranzo isis thethe manman thatthat hathhath herher heartheart,
AndAnd whilewhile heehe liueslives, bebe suresure youyou cannotcannot speedspeed.
Gri.GrimaldiGri.SoranzoSoranzo, whatwhat minemine EnemyEnemy, is’tis’t heehe?
Richard.RichardettoRichard.IsIs heehe youryour EnemyEnemy?
Gri.GrimaldiGri.TheThe manman II hatehate,
WorseWorse thenthan ConfusionConfusion:
I’leI’ll telltell himhim streightstraight.
Richard.RichardettoRichard.NayNay, thenthen taketake minemine aduiceadvice,
(EuenEven forfor hishis GracesGrace’sgrace’s sakesake thethe CardinallCardinal)
I’leI’ll findefind aa timetime whenwhen heehe andand sheeshe doedo meetemeet,
OfOf whichwhich I’leI’ll giuegive youyou noticenotice, andand toto bebe suresure
HeeHe shallshall n[*]tnotnot scapescape youyou, I’leI’ll prouideprovide aa poysonpoison
ToTo dipdip youryour RapiersRapier’srapier’s poyntpoint inin, ifif heehe hadhad
AsAs manymany headsheads asas (HidraHydra hadhad, hehe dyesdies.
Gri.GrimaldiGri.ButBut shallshall II trusttrust theethee DoctorDoctor?

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’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore.

Richard.RichardettoRichard.AsAs your selfeyourself,
DoubtDoubt notnot inin oughtaught; thusthus shallshall thethe FatesFates decreed●ercedecree,
ByBy meme SoranzoSoranzo fallsfalls, thatthat ruin’dmin’druinedmined meeme.ExeuntExcuntExeunt.
EnterEnter DonadoDonado, BergettoBergetto andand PeggioPeggio.
Do.DonadoDo.WellWell SirSir, II mustmust beebe contentcontent toto bebe bothboth youryour SecretarySecretary
andand youryour MessengerMessenger my selfemyself; II cannotcannot telltell whatwhat thisthis LetterLetter maymay
workework, butbut asas suresure asas II amam aliuealive, ifif thouthou comecome onceoreor●eonceo’er toto talketalk withwith
herher, II fearefear thouthou wu’twu’twilt marremar whatsoeuerwhatsoever II makemake.
Ber.BergettoBer.YouYou makemake VnkleUncle? whywhy amam notnot II biggebig enoughenough toto car-carrycar|rycarry
minemine owneown LetterLetter II praypray?
Do.DonadoDo.IAyay, IayI carrycarry aa foolesfool’s headhead o’thyo’thy owneown; whywhy thouthou DunceDunce,
wouldstwouldst thouthou writewrite aa letterletter, andand carrycarry itit thy selfethyself
Ber.BergettoBer.YesYes thatthat II wuddwould, andand readeread itit toto herher withwith mymy owneown
mouthmouth, forfor youyou mustmust thinkethink, ifif sheeshe willwill notnot beleeuebelieve meme my selfemyself
whenwhen sheshe heareshears meme speakespeak; sheshe willwill notnot beleeuebelieve anothersanother’s hand-hand-writinghandwritinghand-writing
OO youyou thinkethink II amam aablocke-heada blocke-headblockhead VnkleUncle, nono sirsir, Pog-PoggioPog|gioPoggio

knowesknows II hauehave inditedindited aa letterletter my selfemyself, soso II hauehave.
Pog.PoggioPog.YesYes truelytruly sirsir, II hauehave itit inin mymy pocketpocket.
Do.DonadoDo.AA sweetesweatesweetsweat oneone nono doubtdoubt, praypray let’slet’s see’tsee’t.
Ber.BergettoBer.II cannotcannot readeread mymy owneown handhand veryvery wellwell PoggioPoggio,
ReadeRead itit PoggioPoggio.
PoggioPoggio readesreads

Pog.PoggioPog.MOstMOst daintydainty andand honey-sweetehoney-sweet MistresseMistress, II couldcould callcall
youyou fairefair, and〈◊〉and lielie asas fastfast asas anyany thatthat louesloves youyou, butbut
mymy VnkleUncle beingbeing thethe elderolderolderelder manman, II leaueleave itit toto himhim, asas moremore fitfit forfor
hishis ageage, andand thethe colourcolour ofof hishis beardbeard;;: II amam wisewise enoughenough toto telltell youyou
I〈◊〉I cancan boardboard wherewhere II seesee occasionoccasianoccasion, oror ifif youyou likelike mymy VnklesUncle’suncle’s witwit bet-betterbet|terbetter
thenthan minemine, youyou shallshall marrymarry meeme; ifif youyou likelike minemine betterbetter thenthan
hishis,, II willwill marrymarry youyou inin spightspite ofof youryour teethteeth; SoSo commendingcommondingcommending mymy
bestbest partsparts toto youyou, II restrest.YoursYours vpwardsupwardsonwards andand downewardsdownwards,
oror youyou maymay chosechoose, BergettoBergetto.

Ber.BergettoBer.AhAh haha, here’shere’s stuffestuff VnkleUncle.
Do.DonadoDo.Here’sHere’s stuffestuff indeedindeed toto shameshame vsus allall,
PrayPray whosewhose aduiceadvice diddid youyou taketake inin thisthis learnedlearned LetterLetter?
Pog.PoggioPog.NoneNone vponupon mymy wordword, butbut minemine owneown.

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’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore.

Ber.BergettoBer.AndAnd minemine VnkleUncle, beleeuebelieve itit, no bodiesnobody’s elseelse; ’twas’twas minemine
owneown braynebrain, II thankethank aa goodgood witwit for’tfor’t.
Do.DonadoDo.GetGet youyou homehome sirsir, andand lookelook youyonyouyond keepekeep withinwithin dooresdoors
tilltill II returnereturn.
Ber.BergettoBer.HowHow? thatthat werewere aa iestjest indeedeindeed; II scornescorn itit yfaithi’faith.
Do.DonadoDo.WhatWhat youyou doedo notnot?
Ber.BergettoBer.IudgeJudge meme, butbut II doedo nownow.
Pog.PoggioPog.IndeedeIndeed sirsir ’tis’tis veryvery vnhealthyunhealthy.
Do.DonadoDo.WellWell sirsir, ifif II hearehear anyany ofof youryour apishapish runningrunning toto motionsmotions,
andand fopperiesfopperies tilltill II comecome backeback, youyou werewere asas goodgood nono; lookelook
too’tto’t.ExitExit Do.DonadoDo.
Ber.BergettoBer.PoggioPoggio, shall’sshall’s stealesteal toto seesee thisthis HorseHorse withwith thethe headhead in’sin’s (tayletail?
Pog.PoggioPog.IAyay butbut youyou mustmust taketake heedeheedsheedheeds ofof whippingwhipping.
Ber.BergettoBer.DostDost taketake meme forfor aa ChildChild PoggioPoggio,
ComeCome honesthonest PoggioPoggio,ExeuntExeunt:
EnterEnter FryarFriarfriar andand GiouanniGiovanni.
Fry.FriarFry.PeacePeace, thouthou hasthast toldtold aa taletale, whosewhose eueryevery wordword
ThreatensThreatens eternalleternal slaughterflaughterslaughter toto thethe soulesoul:
I’meI’m sorrysorry II hauehave heardheard itit; wouldwould minemine earesears
HadHad beenebeen oneone minuteminute deafedeaf, beforebefore thethe hourehour
ThatThat thouthou cam’stcam’st toto meeme: oooh youngyoung manman cast-awaycastaway,
ByBy thethe relligiousreligious numbernumber ofof minemine orderorder,
II dayday andand nightmightmightnight hauehave wak’twakedwoken mymy agedaged eyeseyes,
AboueAbove thythy strengthstrength, toto weepeweep onon thythy behalfebehalf:
ButBut HeauenHeaven isis angryangry, andand bebe thouthou resolu’dresolved,
ThouThou artart aa manman remark’tremarked toto tasttaste aa mischiefemischief,
LookeLook for’tfor’t; thoughthough itit comecome latelate, itit willwill comecome suresure.
Gio.GiovanniGio.FatherFather, inin thisthis youyou areare vncharitableuncharitable;
WhatWhat II hauehave donedone, I’leI’ll proueprove bothboth fitfit andand goodgood.
ItIt isis aa principallprincipleprincipal (whichwhich youyou hauehave taughttaught
WhenWhen II waswas yetyet youryour SchollerScholar) thatthat thethe FameFame
AndAnd CompositionComposition ofof thethe MindeMind dothdoth followfollow
TheThe FrameFrame andand CompositionComposition ofof BodyBody:
SoSo wherewhere thethe BodiesBody’s furniturefurniture isis BeautyBeauty,
TheThe MindesMind’sMinds mustmust needsneeds bebe VertueVirtue: whichwhich allowedallowed.
VertueVirtue it selfeitself isis ReasonReason butbut refin’drefined,
AndAnd LoueLove thethe QuintesenceQuintessence ofof thatthat, thisthis prouesproves

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’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore.

MyMy SistersSister’ssister’s BeautyBeauty beingbeing rarelyrarely FaireFair,
IsIs rarelyrarely VertuousVirtuous; chiefelychiefly inin herher louelove,
AndAnd chiefelychiefly inin thatthat LoueLove, herher louelove toto meme.
IfIf hershers toto meme, thenthen soso isis minemine toto herher;
SinceSince inin likelike CausesCauses areare effectseffects alikealike.
Fry.FriarFry.OO ignoranceignorance inin knowledgeknowledge, longlong agoeago,
HowHow oftenoften hauehave II warn’dwarned theethee thisthis beforebefore?
IndeedeIndeed ifif wewe werewere suresure therethere werewere nono DeityDeity,
NorNor HeauenHeaven nornor HellHell, thenthenthan toto bebe leadled alonealone,
ByBy NaturesNature’s lightlight (asas werewere PhilosophersPhilosophers
OfOf elderelder timestimes) mightmight instanceinstance somesome defencedefence.
ButBut ’tis’tis notnot soso; thenthen MadmanMadman, thouthou wiltwilt findefind,
ThatThat NatureNature isis inin HeauensHeaven’sHeavens positionspositions blindblind.
Gio.GiovanniGio.YourYour ageage o’re ruleso’re o’erruleso’er rulesrules youyou, hadhad youyou youthyouth likelike minemine,
You’dYou’d makemake herher louelove youryour heauenheaven, andand herher diuinedivine.
Fry.FriarFry.NayNay thenthen II seesee th’artth’artthou’rt tootoo farrefar soldsold toto hellhell,
ItIt lieslies notnot inin thethe CompasseCompass ofof mymy prayersprayers
ToTo callcall theethee backeback; yetyet letlet meme CounsellCounsel theethee:
PerswadePersuade thythy sistersister toto somesome marriagemarriage.
Gio.GiovanniGio.MarriageMarriage? whywhy that’sthat’s toto dambedamn herher; that’sthat’s toto proueprove
HerHer greedygreedy ofof varietyvariety ofof lustlust.
Fry.FriarFry.OO fearefullfearful! ifif thouthou wiltwilt notnot, giuegive meme leaueleave
ToTo shriueshrive herher; lestlest sheeshe shouldshould dyedie vn-absolu’dunabsolved.
Gio.GiovanniGio.AtAt youryour bestbest leasureleisure FatherFather, thenthen shee’leshe’ll telltell youyou,
HowHow dearelydearlydear sheeshe dothdoth prizeprize mymy MatchlesseMatchless louelove,
ThenThan youyou willwill knowknow whatwhat pittypity ’twere’twere wewe twotwo
ShouldShould hauehave beenebeen sundredsundered fromfrom eacheach othersother’sothers armesarms.
ViewView wellwell herher faceface, andand inin thatthat littlelittle roundround,
YouYou maymay obserueobserve aa worldworld ofof varietyvariety;
ForFor ColourColour, lipslips, forfor sweetsweet perfumesperfumes, herher breathbreath;
ForFor IewelsJewelsjewels, eyeseyes; forfor thredsthreads ofof purestpurest goldgold,
HayreHair; forfor deliciousdelicious choycechoice ofof FlowersFlowers, cheekescheeks;
WonderWonder inin eueryevery portionportion ofof thatthat ThroneThrone:
HeareHear herher butbut speakespeak, andand youyou willwill sweareswear thethe SphæresSphaeresSpheres
MakeMake MusickeMusic toto thethe CittizensCitizens inin HeauenHeaven:
ButBut FatherFather, whatwhat isis elseelse forfor pleasurepleasure fram’dframed,
LeastLestlest II offendoffend youryour earesears shallshall goego vn-nam’dunnamed.

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’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore.

Fry.FriarFry.TheThe moremore II hearehear, II pittypity theethee thethe moremore,
ThatThat oneone soso excellentexcellent shouldshould giuegive thosethose partsparts:
AllAll toto aa secondsecond DeathDeath; whatwhat II cancan doedo
IsIs butbut toto praypray; andand yetyet II couldcould aduiseadvise theethee,
WouldstWouldst thouthou bebe rul’druled.
Gio.GiovanniGio.InIn whatwhat?
Fry.FriarFry.WhyWhy leaueleave herher yetyet,
TheThe ThroneThrone ofof MercyMercy isis aboueabove youryour trespassetrespass,
YetYet timetime isis leftleft youyou bothboth
Gio.GiovanniGio.ToTo embraceembrace eacheach otherother,
ElseElse letlet allall timetime bebe struckestruck quitequite outout ofof numbernumber;
SheeShe isis likelike meeme, andand II likelike herher resolu’dresolved.
Fry.FriarFry.NoNo moremore, I’leI’ll visitvisit herher; thisthis grieuesgrieves meme mostmost,
ThingsThings beingbeing thusthus, aa pairepair ofof soulessouls areare lostlost.ExeūtExeunt.

EnterEnter FlorioFlorio, DonadoDonado, AnnabellaAnnabella, PutanaPutana.
Flo.FlorioFlo.Where’sWhere’s GiouanniGiovanni?
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.NewlyNewly walk’twalked abroadabroad,
AndAnd (asas II heardheard himhim saysay) gongone toto thethe FryarFriar
HisHis reuerentreverent TutorTutor.
Flo.FlorioFlo.That’sThat’s aa blessedblessed manman,
AA manman mademade vpup ofof holinesseholiness, II hopehope
Hee’leHe’ll teachteach himhim howhow toto gainegain anotheranother worldworld.
Do.DonadoDo.FaireFair GentlewomanGentlewoman, here’shere’s aa letterletter sentsent:
ToTo youyou fromfrom mymy youngyoung CozenCousincousin, II daredare sweareswear
HeHe louesloves youyou inin hishis soulesoul, wouldwould youyou couldcould hearehear
SometimesSometimes, whatwhat II seesee daylydaily, sighessighs andand tearestears,
AsAs ifif hishis breastbreast werewere prisonprison toto hishis heartheart.
Flo.FlorioFlo.ReceiueReceive itit AnnabellaAnnabella.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.AlasAlas goodgood manman.
Do.DonadoDo.What’sWhat’s thatthat sheshe saidsaid?
Pu.PutanaPu.AndAnd pleaseplease youyou sirsir, sheshe saydsaid, alasalas goodgood manman, truelytruly II doedo
CommendCommend himhim toto herher eueryevery nightnight beforebefore herher firstfirst sleepesleep, becausebecause
II wouldwould hauehave herher dreamedream ofof himhim, andand sheeshe harkensharkens toto thatthat mostmost
Do.DonadoDo.Say’stSay’st soso, godamercygod-a-mercygodamercy PutanaPutana there’sthere’s somethingsomething forfor theethee,
andand prytheeprithee doedo whatwhat thouthou canstcanst onon hishis behalfebehalf; sha’notsha’not

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’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore,

bebe lostlost labourlabour, taketake mymy wordword for’tfor’t.
Pu.PutanaPu.ThankeThank youyou mostmost heartilyheartily sirsir, nownow II hauehave aa FeelingFeeling ofof
youryour mindmind, letlet meeme alonealone toto workework.
Pu.PutanaPu.DidDid youyou callcall?
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.KeepeKeep thisthis letterletter,
Do.DonadoDo.SigniorSignior FlorioFlorio, inin anyany casecase bidbid herher readeread itit instantlyinstantly.
Flo.FlorioFlo.KeepeKeep itit forfor whatwhat? praypray readeread itit meeme herehere rightright.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.II shallshall sirsir,SheSheShe readesre●ae●reads,
Do.DonadoDo.HowHow d’eed’eed’ye findefind herher inclin’dinclined SigniorSignior??
Flo.FlorioFlo.TrothTroth sirsir II knowknow notnot howhow; notnot allall soso wellwell
AsAs II couldcould wishwish.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.SirSir II amam boundbound toto restrest youryour CozensCousin’scousin’s debterdebtor,
TheThe IewellJeweljewel I’leI’ll returnereturn, forfor ifif hehe louelove,
I’leI’ll countcount thatthat louelove aa IewellJeweljewel.
Do.DonadoDo.MarkeMark youyou thatthat?
NayNay keepekeep themthem bothboth sweetesweet MaideMaid.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.YouYou mustmust excuseexcuse meeme,
IndeedIndeed II willwill notnot keepekeep itit.
Flo.FlorioFlo.Where’sWhere’s thethe RingRing,
ThatThat whichwhich youryour MotherMother inin herher willwill bequeath’dbequeathed,
AndAnd charg’dcharged youyou onon herher blessingblessing notnot toto giue’tgive’t
ToTo anyany butbut youryour HusbandHusband? sendsend backeback thatthat.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.II hauehave itit notnot,
Flo.FlorioFlo.HaHa!!II hauehave itit notnot, wherewhere is’tis’t?
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.MyMy brotherbrother inin thethe morningmorning tooketook itit frōfrom meme,
SaidSaid hehe wouldwould weare’twear’t to DayToday.
Flo.FlorioFlo.WellWell, whatwhat doedo youyou saysay
ToTo youngyoung Bergetto’sBergetto’s louelove? areare youyou contentcontent
ToTo matchmatch withwith himhim? speakespeak.
Do.DonadoDo.There’sThere’s thethe poyntpoint indeedindeed.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.WhatWhat shalshall II doedo, II mustmust saysay somethingsomething nownow.
Flo.FlorioFlo.WhatWhat saysay, whywhy d’eed’eed’ye notnot speakespeak?
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.SirSir withwith youryour leaueleave
PleasePlease youyou toto giuegive meme freedomefreedom.
Flo.FlorioFlo.YesYes youyou hauehave.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.SigniorSignior DonadoDonado, ifif youryour NephewNephew meanemean

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’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore.

ToTo rayseraise hishis betterbetter FortunesFortunes inin hishis matchmatch,
TheThe hopehope ofof meeme willwill hinderhinder suchsuch aa hopehope;
SirSir ifif youyou louelove himhim, asas II knowknow youyou doedo;
FindFind oneone moremore worthyworthy ofof hishis choycechoice thenthanthen meeme,
InIn shortshort, I’meI’m suresure, II sha’notsha’not bebe hishis wifewife.
Do.DonadoDo.WhyWhy here’shere’s plaineplain dealingdealing, II commendcommend theethee for’tfor’t,
AndAnd allall thethe worstworst II wishwish theethee, isis heauenheaven blessebless theethee,
YourYour FatherFather yetyet andand II willwill stillstill bebe friendsfriends,
ShallShall wewe notnot SigniorSignior FlorioFlorio?
Flo.FlorioFlo.YesYes, whywhy notnot?
LookeLook herehere youryour CozenCousincousin comescomes.
Ente[*]EnterEnte●Enter BergettoBergetto andand PoggioPoggio.
Do.DonadoDo.OhOhO CoxcombeCoxcomb, whatwhat dothdoth hehe makemake herehere?
Ber.BergettoBer.Where’sWhere’s mymy VnkleUncle sirssirs.
Do.DonadoDo.What’sWhat’s thethe newesnews nownow?
Ber.BergettoBer.SaueSave youyou VnkleUncle sauesave youyou, youyou mustmust notnot thinkethink II comecome
forfor nothingnothing MaistersMastersmasters, andand howhow andand howhow is’tis’t? whatwhat youyou hauehave
readread mymy letterletter, ahah, therethere II tickledtickled youyou yfaithi’faith.
Pog.PoggioPog.ButBut ’twere’twere betterbetter youyou hadhad tickledtickled herher inin anotheranother placeplace.
Ber.BergettoBer.SirrahSirrah Sweet-hea[*]tSweet-heartSweetheart, I’leI’ll telltell theethee aa goodgood jestjest, andand riddleriddle
whatwhat ’tis’tis.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.YouYou saysay you’dyou’d telltell meeme.
Ber.BergettoBer.AsAs II waswas walkingwalking iustjust nownow inin thethe StreeteStreet, II mettmet aa
swaggeringswaggering fellowfellow wouldwould needsneeds taketake thethe wallwall ofof meme, andand be-becausebe|causebecause
heehe diddid thrustthrust meme, II veryvery valiantlyvaliantly cal’dcalled himhim RogueRogue, heehe
hereuponhereupon badbade meme drawedraw, II toldtold himhim II hadhad moremore witwit thenthan soso, butbut
whenwhen heehe sawsaw thatthat II wouldwould notnot, heehe diddid soso maulemaul meme withwith thethe
hiltshilts ofof hishis RapierRapier, thatthat mymy headhead sungsung whil’stwhilst mymy feerefear caper’dcapered
inin thethe kennellkennel.
Do.DonadoDo.WasWas euerever thethe likelike asseass seeneseen?
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.AndAnd whatwhat diddid youyou allall thisthis whilewhile?
Ber.BergettoBer.LaughLaugh atat himhim forfor aa gullgull, tilltill II seesee thethe bloodblood runnerun aboutabout
minemine earesears, andand thenthen II couldcould notnot choosechoose butbut findefind inin mymy
heartheart toto crycry; tilltill aa fellowfellow withwith aa broadbroad beardbeard; (theythey saysay heehe
isis aa new-comenew-come DoctorDoctor) caldcalled meeme intointo thisthis househouse, andand gauegave meme aa
playsterplaster, lookelook youyou herehere ’tis’tis; andand sirsir therethere waswas aa youngyoung wenchwench
washtwashed mymy faceface andand handshands mostmost excellentlyexcellently, yfaithi’faith II shallshall louelove

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’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore.

herher asas longlong asas II liuelive for’tfor’t, diddid sheshe notnot PoggioPoggio?
Pog.PoggioPog.YesYes andand kistkissed himhim tootoo.
Ber.BergettoBer.WhyWhy lala nownow, youyou thinkethink II telltell aa lyelie VnkleUncle II warrantwarrant.
Do.DonadoDo.WouldWould heehe thatthat beatebeat thythy bloodblood outout ofof thythy headhead, hadhad
beatenbeaten somesome witwit intointo itit; ForFor II fearefear thouthou neuernever wiltwilt hauehave anyany.
Ber.BergettoBer.OhOhO VnkleUncle, butbut therethere waswas aa wenchwench, wouldwould hauehave donedone aa
mansman’s heartheart goodgood toto hauehave looktlooked onon herher, byby thisthis lightlight sheeshe hadhad aa
faceface mee-thinksmethinks worthworth twentytwenty ofof youyou MistresseMistress AnnabellaAnnabella.
Do,Do,WasWas euerever suchsuch aa foolefool borneborn?
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.II amam gladglad sheeshe lik’tliked youyou sirsir.
Ber.BergettoBer.AreAre youyou soso, byby mymy trothtroth II thankethank youyou forsoothforsooth.
Flo.FlorioFlo.SureSure ’twas’twas thethe DoctorsDoctor’sdoctor’s neeceniece, thatthat waswas lastlast dayday withwith
vsus herehere:
Ber.BergettoBer.’Twas’Twas sheeshe, ’twas’twas sheeshe.
Do.DonadoDo.HowHow doedo youyou knowknow thatthat simplicitysimplicity?
Ber.BergettoBer.WhyWhy doe’sdoes notnot heehe saysay soso? ifif II shouldshould hauehau●have saydsaid nono, II
shouldshould hauehau●have giuengiven himhim thethe lyelie VnkleUncle, andand soso hauehave deseru’ddeserved aa drydry
beatingbeating againeagain; I’leI’ll nonenone ofof thatthat.
Flo.FlorioFlo.AA veryvery modestmodest welbehau’dwell-behaved youngyoung MaideMaid asas II hauehave seeneseen.
Do.DonadoDo.IsIs sheeshe indeedindeed?
SheeShe isis, ifif II hauehave anyany IudgementJudgementjudgement.
Do.DonadoDo.WellWell sirsir, nownow youyou areare freefree, youyou needneed notnot carecare forfor send-sendingsend|ingsending
lettersletters, nownow youyou areare dismistdismissed, youryour MistresseMistress herehere willwill
nonenone ofof youyou.
Ber.BergettoBer.NoNo; whywhy whatwhat carecare II forfor thatthat, II cancan hauehave WenchesWenches e-enoughe|noughenough
inin ParmaParma forfor halfehalf aa CrowneCrown aa peecepiece, cannotcannot II PoggioPoggio?
Pog.PoggioPog.I’leI’ll warrantwarrant youyou sirsir.
Do.DonadoDo.SigniorSignior FlorioFlorio, II thankethank youyou forfor youryour freefree recourserecourse youyou
gauegave forfor mymy admittanceadmittance; andand toto youyou fairefair MaideMaid thatthat IewellJeweljewel II
willwill giuegive youyou ’gainst’gainst youryour marriagemarriage, comecome willwill youyou goego sirsir?
Ber.BergettoBer.IAyI marrymarry willwill II MistresMistress, farwellfarewell MistresMistress, I’leI’ll comecome a-againea|gaineagain
to morrowtomorrow farwellfarewell MistresMistress.ExitExit Do.DonadoDo. Ber.BergettoBer. &and Pog.PoggioPog.
EnterEnter Gio.GiovanniGio.
Flo.FlorioFlo.SonneSon, wherewhere hauehave youyou beenebeen? whatwhat alonealone, alonealone, stillstill,
stillstill? II wouldwould notnot hauehave itit soso, youyou mustmust forsakeforsake thisthis ouerover book-bookishbook|ishbookish
humourhumour. WellWell, youryour SisterSister hathhath shookeshookshaken thethe FooleFool offoff.

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’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore.

Gio.GiovanniGio.’Twas’Twas nono matchmatch forfor herher.
Flo.FlorioFlo.’Twas’Twas notnot indeedindeed II mentmeant itit nothingnothing lesseless,
SoranzoSoranzo isis thethe manman II onelyonly likelike;
LookeLook onon himhim AnnabellaAnnabella, comecome, ’tis’tis supper-timesuppertime,
AndAnd itit growesgrows latelate.ExitExit FlorioFlorio.
Gio.GiovanniGio.WhoseWhose Iewell’s●ewell’sJewel’sjewel’s thatthat?
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.SomeSome Sweet-heartsSweetheart’sSweethearts.
Gio.GiovanniGio.SoSo II thinkethink.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.AA lustylusty youthyouth, SigniorSignior DonadoDonado gauegave itit meme
ToTo wearewear againstagainst mymy MarriageMarriage.
Gio.GiovanniGio.ButBut youyou shallshall notnot wearewear itit, sendsend itit himhim backeback againeagain.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.WhatWhat, youyou areare jealousjealous?
Gio.GiovanniGio.ThatThat youyou shallshall knowknow anonanon, atat betterbetter leasureleisure:
WelcomeWelcome sweetesweet nightnight, thethe EueningEvening crownescrowns thethe DayDay.ExeuntExeunt.

ActusActus TertiusTertius.
EnterEnter BergettoBergetto andand PoggioPoggio.
Ber.BergettoBer.DO’esDOesDoes mymy VnkleUncle thinkethink toto makemake meeme aa BabyBaby stillstill? nono,
PoggioPoggio, hehe shallshall knowknow, II hauehave aa skoncesconce nownow.
Pog.PoggioPog.IAyI letlet himhim notnot bobbebob youyou offoff likelike anan ApeApe withwith anan appleapple.
Ber.BergettoBer.Sfoot’Sfoot’sfoot, II willwill hauehave thethe wenchwench, ifif hehe werewere tenneten VnklesUncles,
inin despightdespite ofof hishis nosenose PoggioPoggio.
Pog.PoggioPog.HoldHold himhim toto thethe Grynd-stoneGrindstone, andand giuegive notnot aa jotjot ofof (groundground,
SheeShe hathhath inin aa mannermanner promisedpromised youyou alreadyalready.
Pog.PoggioPog.TrueTrue PoggioPoggio, andand herher VnkleUncle thethe DoctorDoctor
SworeSwore II shouldshould marrymarry herher.
Pog.PoggioPog.HeHe sworeswore II rememberremember.
Ber.BergettoBer.AndAnd II willwill hauehave herher that’sthat’s moremore; did’stdidst seesee thethe codpeice-codpeice|poyntcodpiece pointcodpiece-point
sheshe gauegave meme, andand thethe boxbox ofof MermaladeMarmalademarmalade?
Pog.PoggioPog.VeryVery wellwell, andand kistkissed youyou, thatthat mymy choppschops watredwatered atat thethe
sightsight on’ton’t; there’sthere’s nono wayway butbut toto clapclap vpup aa marriagemarriage inin hugger hugger mugger
Ber.BergettoBer.II willwill do’tdo’t forfor II telltell theethee PoggioPoggio, II beginbegin toto growgrow valiantvaliant

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’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore.

methinkesmethinks, andand mymy couragecourage beginsbegins toto riserise.
Pog.PoggioPog.ShouldShould youyou bebe afraidafraid ofof youryour VnkleUncle?
Ber.BergettoBer.HangHang himhim oldold doatingdoting RascallRascal, nono, II saysay II willwill hauehave herher.
Pog.PoggioPog.LoseLose nono timetime thenthen.
Ber.BergettoBer.II willwill begetbeget aa racerace ofof WiseWise menmen andand ConstablesConstables, thatthat
shallshall cartcart whooreswhores atat theirtheir owneown chargescharges, andand breakebreak thethe DukesDuke’s
peacepeace ereere II hauehave donedone my selfemyself. comecome awayaway.ExeuntExeunt.

EnterEnter FlorioFlorio, GiouanniGiovanni, SoranzoSoranzo, AnnabellaAnnabella,
PutanaPutana andand VasquesVasques.

Flo.FlorioFlo.MyMy LordLord SoranzoSoranzo, thoughthough II mustmust confesseconfess,
TheThe proffersproffers thatthat areare mademade meme, hauehave beenebeen greatgreat
InIn marriagemarriage ofof mymy daughterdaughter; yetyet thethe hopehope
OfOf youryour stillstill risingrising honourshonours, hauehave preuaildprevailed
AboueAbove allall otherother IoyncturesJointures; herehere sheeshe isis,
SheShe knowesknows mymy mindemind, speakespeak forfor your selfeyourself toto herher,
AndAnd hearehear youyou daughterdaughter, seesee youyou vseuse himhim noblynobly,
ForFor anyany priuateprivate speechspeech, I’leI’ll giuegive youyou timetime:
ComeCome sonneson andand youyou, thethe restrest letlet themthem alonealone,
AgreeAgree asas theythey maymay.
Soran.SoranzoSoran.II thankethank youyou sirsir.
Gio.GiovanniGio.SisterSister bebe notnot allall woemanwoman, thinkethink onon meme.
Soran.SoranzoSoran.VasquesVasques?Vas.VasquesVas.MyMy LordLord.
Soran.SoranzoSoran.AttendAttend meme withoutwithout ExeuntExeunt omnesomnes, manetmanet SoranSoranzoSoran.
(&and AnnaAnnabellaAnna.

Anna.AnnabellaAnna.SirSir what’swhat’s youryour willwill withwith meme?
Soran.SoranzoSoran.DoeDo youyou notnot knowknow whatwhat II shouldshould telltell youyou?
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.YesYes, you’leyou’ll saysay youyou louelove meeme.
Soran.SoranzoSoran.AndAnd I’leI’ll sweareswear itit tootoo; willwill youyou beleeuebelieve itit?
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.’Tis’Tis notnot poyntpoint ofof faithfaith.
EnterEnter GiouanniGiovanni aboueabove.
Soran.SoranzoSoran.HaueHave youyou notnot willwill toto louelove?
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.NotNot youyou.Soran.SoranzoSoran.WhomWhom thenthen?
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.That’sThat’s asas thethe FatesFates inferreinfer.
Gio.GiovanniGio.OfOf thosethose I’meI’m regientregent nownow.
Soran.SoranzoSoran.WhatWhat meanemean youyou sweetesweet?
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.ToTo liuelive andand dyedie aa MaideMaid.

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’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore.

Soran.SoranzoSoran.OhOhO that’sthat’s vnfitunfit.
Gio.GiovanniGio.Here’sHere’s oneone cancan saysay that’sthat’s butbut aa womanswoman’s noatenote.
Soran.SoranzoSoran.DidDid youyou butbut seesee mymy heartheart, thenthen wouldwould youyou sweareswear
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.ThatThat youyou werewere deaddead.
Gio.GiovanniGio.That’sThat’s truetrue, oror somewhatsomewhat neerenear itit.
Soran.SoranzoSoran.SeeSee youyou thesethese truetrue loueslove’s tearestears?
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.NoNo.Gio.GiovanniGio.NowNow sheeshe winkeswinks.
Soran.SoranzoSoran.TheyThey pleadplead toto youyou forfor gracegrace.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.YetYet nothingnothing speakespeak.
Soran.SoranzoSoran.OhOhO grantgrant mymy suitesuit.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.WhatWhat is’tis’tSoran.SoranzoSoran.ToTo letlet meeme liuelive.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.TakeTake itit .
Soran.SoranzoSoran.StillStill yoursyours.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.ThatThat isis notnot minemine toto giuegive.
Gio.GiovanniGio.OneOne suchsuch anotheranother wordword wouldwould kilkill hishis hopeshopes.
Soran.SoranzoSoran.MistresMistress, toto leaueleave thosethose fruitlessefruitless strifesstrifes ofof witwit,
II knowknow II hauehave lou’dloved youyou longlong, andand lou’dloved youyou truelytruly;
NotNot hopehope ofof whatwhat youyou hauehave, butbut whatwhat youyou areare
HaueHave drawnedrawn meme onon, thenthen letlet meeme notnot inin vainevain
StillStill feelefeel thethe rigourrigour ofof youryour chastchaste disdainedisdain.
I’meI’m sickesick, andand sickesick toto th’heartth’heart.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.HelpeHelp, AquavitæAquavitaeAqua-vitaeAquavitae
Soran.SoranzoSoran.WhatWhat meanemean youyou?
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.WhyWhy II thoughtthought youyou hadhad beenebeen sickesick.
Soran.SoranzoSoran.DoeDo youyou mockemock mymy louelove?
Gio.GiovanniGio.ThereThere sirsir sheeshe waswas tootoo nimblenimble.
Soran.SoranzoSoran.’Tis’Tis plaineplain; sheeshe laugheslaughs atat meme, thesethese scornefullscornful tauntstaunts
neitherneither becomebecome youryour modestymodesty, oror yearesyears.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.YouYou areare nono looking-glasselooking-glasslookingglass, oror ifif youyou werewere, I’deI’d dressedress
mymy languagelanguage byby youyou.
Gio.GiovanniGio.I’meI’m confirm’dconfirmed
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.ToTo putput youyou outout ofof doubtdoubt, mymy LordLord, mee-thinksmethinks youryour
CommonCommon sencesense shouldshould makemake youyou vnderstandunderstand, thatthat ifif II lou’dloved youyou,
oror desir’ddesired youryour louelove, somesome wayway II shouldshould hauehave giuengiven youyou betterbetter
tasttaste: butbut sincesince youyou areare aa NobleNoble manman, andand oneone II wouldwouldnotwould notnot wishwish
shouldshould spendspend hishis youthyouth inin hopeshopes, letlet meeme aduiseadvise youyou herehere, toto for-forbearefor|beareforbear
youryour suitesuit, andand thinkethink II wishwish youyou wellwell, II telltell youyou thisthis.

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’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore,

Soran.SoranzoSoran.Is’tIs’t youyou speakespeak thisthis?
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.YesYes, II my selfemyself; yetyet knowknow
ThusThus farrefar II giuegive youyou comfortcomfort, ifif minemine eyeseyes
CouldCould hauehave picktpicked outout aa manman (amongstamongst allall thosethose
ThatThat sue’dsued toto meeme) toto makemake aa husbandhusband ofof,
YouYou shouldshould hauehave beenebeen thatthat manman; letlet thisthis sufficesuffice,
BeBe noblenoble inin youryour secresiesecrecy andand wisewise.
Gio.GiovanniGio.WhyWhy nownow II seesee sheeshe louesloves meme.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.OneOne wordword moremore:
AsAs euerever VertueVirtue liu’dlived withinwithin youryour mindmind,
AsAs euerever noblenoble coursescourses werewere youryour guideguide.
AsAs euerever youyou wouldwould hauehave meme knowknow youyou lou’dloved meme,
LetLet notnot mymy FatherFather knowknow hereofhereof byby youyou:
IfIf II hereafterhereafter findefind thatthat II mustmust marrymarry,
ItIt shallshall bebe youyou oror nonenone.
Soran.SoranzoSoran.II taketake thatthat promisepromise.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.OhOhO, ohoho mymy headhead.
Soran.SoranzoSoran.What’sWhat’s thethe mattermatter, notnot wellwell?
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.OhOhO II beginbegin toto sickensicken.
Gio.GiovanniGio.HeauenHeaven forbidforbid.ExitExit fromfrom aboueabove.
Soran.SoranzoSoran.HelpeHelp, helpehelp, withinwithin therethere hoho.
Gio.GiovanniGio.LookeLook toto youryour daughterdaughter SigniorSignior FlorioFlorio.

EnterEnter FlorioFlorio, GiouanniGiovanni, PutanaPutana.
Flo.FlorioFlo.HoldHold herher vpup, sheeshe sounesswoons.
Gio.GiovanniGio.SisterSister howhow d’eed’eed’ye?
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.SickeSick, brotherbrother, areare youyou therethere?
Flo.FlorioFlo.ConuayConvey herher toto herher bedbed instantlyinstantly, whil’stwhilst II sendsend forfor aa Phi-PhisitianPhi|sitianPhysician
quicklyquickly II saysay.
Put.PutanaPut.AlasAlas poorepoor ChildChild.ExeuntExeunt, manetmanet SoranzoSoranzo.
EnterEnter VasquesVasques.
Vas.VasquesVas.MyMy LordLord.
Soran.SoranzoSoran.OhOhO VasquesVasques, nownow II doublydoubly amam vndoneundone.
BothBoth inin mymy presentpresent andand mymy futurefuture hopeshopes:
SheeShe plainelyplainly toldtold meme, thatthat sheeshe couldcould notnot louelove,
AndAnd thereuponthereupon soonesoon sicknedsickened, andand II fearefear
HerHer life’slife’s inin dangerdanger.

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’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore.

Vas.VasquesVas.ByrBy’rby’r ladylady SirSir, andand soso isis yoursyours, ifif youyou knewknew allall. ’las●las’las sirsir,
II amam sorrysorry forfor thatthat, maymay beebe ’tis’tis butbut thethe MaidesMaids sicknessesickness, anan o-ouer-fluxeo|uer-fluxeoverflux
ofof youthyouth●youth, andand thenthen sirsir, therethere isis nono suchsuch presentpresentremedypresent remedyremedy,
asas presentpresent MarriageMarriage. ButBut hathhath sheeshe giuengiven youyou anan absoluteabsolute
Soran.SoranzoSoran.SheShe hathhath, andand sheshe hathhath notnot; I’meI’m fullfull ofof griefegrief,
ButBut whatwhat sheshe saydsaid, I’leI’ll telltell theethee asas wewe goego.ExeuntExeunt.

EnterEnter GiouanniGiovanni andand PutanaPutana.

Put.PutanaPut.OhOhO sirsir, weewe areare allall vndoneundone, quitequite vndoneundone, vtterlyutterly vndoneundone,
AndAnd sham’dshamed foreuerforever; youryour sistersister, ohoho youryour sistersister.
Gio.GiovanniGio.WhatWhat ofof herher? forfor HeauensHeaven’sheaven’s sakesake speakespeak, howhow do’esdoes sheeshe?
Put.PutanaPut.OhOhO thatthat euerever II waswas borneborn toto seesee thisthis dayday.
Gio.GiovanniGio.SheShe isis notnot deaddead, haha, isis sheeshe?
Put.PutanaPut.DeadDead? nono, sheeshe isis quickequick, ’tis’tis worseworse, sheshe isis withwith childechild,
YouYou knowknow whatwhat youyou hauehave donedone; HeauenHeaven forgiue’eeforgiue’ceforgive ’ee,
’Tis’Tis tootoo latelate toto repentrepent, nownow HeauenHeaven helpehelp vsus.
Gio.GiovanniGio.WithWith childchild? howhow dostdost thouthou know’tknow’t?
Put.PutanaPut.HowHow doedo II know’tknow’t? amam II atat thesethese yeeresyears ignorantignorant, whatwhat
thethe meaning’smeaning’s ofof QuamesQuames, andand WaterpangsWaterpangs bebe? ofof changingchanging ofof
ColoursColours, QuezinesseQueasinessqueasiness ofof stomacksstomachs, PukingsPukings, andand anotheranother thingthing
thatthat II couldcould namename; doedo notnot (forfor herher andand youryour CreditsCredit’scredit’s sakesake) spendspend
thethe timetime inin askingasking howhow, andand whichwhich wayway, ’tis’tis soso; sheeshe isis quickquick
vponupon mymy wordword, ifif youyou letlet aa PhisitianPhysician seesee herher waterwater y’arey’areyou’re
Gio.GiovanniGio.ButBut inin whatwhat casecase isis sheeshe?
Put.PutanaPut.PrettilyPrettily amendedamended, ’twas’twas butbut aa fitfit whichwhich II soonesoon espi’despied,
andand sheshe mustmust lookelook forfor oftenoften hence-forwardhenceforward.
Gio.GiovanniGio.CommendCommend meme toto herher, bidbid herher taketake nono carecare,
LetLet notnot thethe DoctorDoctor visitvisit herher II chargecharge youyou,
MakeMake somesome excuseexcuse, tilltill II returnereturn; ohoho meeme,
II hauehave aa worldworld ofof businessebusiness inin mymy headhead,
DoeDo notnot discomfortdiscomfort herher; howhow doedo thisthis newesnews perplexperplex meeme!
IfIf mymy FatherFather comecome toto herher, telltell himhim shee’sshe’s recouer’drecovered wellwell,
SaySay ’twas’twas butbut somesome illill dyetdiet; d’eed’eed’ye hearehear WoemanWoman,
LookeLook youyou to’tto’t.
Put.PutanaPut.II willwill sirsir.ExeuntExeunt.

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’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore.

EnterEnter FlorioFlorio andand Richa[*]dettoRichardettoRicha[*]detto
Flo.FlorioFlo.AndAnd howhow d’eed’eed’ye findefind herher sirsir??.
Richard.RichardettoRichard.IndifferentIndifferent wellwell,
II seesee nono dangerdanger, scarsescarce perceiueperceive shee’sshe’s sickesick,
ButBut thatthat sheeshe toldtold meeme, sheeshe hadhad latelylately eateneaten
MellownesMelonsmellowness, andand asas sheeshe thoughtthought, thosethose disagreeddisagreed
WithWith herher youngyoung stomackestomach.
Flo.FlorioFlo.DidDid youyou giuegive herher oughtaught?
Richard.RichardettoRichard.AnAn easieeasy surfeitsurfeit waterwater, nothingnothing elseelse,
YouYou needeneed notnot doubtdoubt herher healthhealth; II ratherrather thinkethink
HerHer sicknessesickness isis aa fulnessefullness ofof herher bloodblood,
YouYou vnderstandunderstand meeme?
Flo.FlorioFlo.II doedo; youyou counsellcounsel wellwell,
AndAnd onceonce withinwithin thesethese fewfew dayesdays, willwill soso order’torder’t
SheShe shallshall bebe marriedmarried, ereere sheeshe knowknow thethe timetime.
Richard.RichardettoRichard.YetYet letlet notnot hasthaste (sirsir) makemake vnworthyunworthy choicechoice,
ThatThat werewere dishonourdishonour.
Flo.FlorioFlo.MaisterMaster DoctorDoctor nono,
II willwill notnot doedo soso neitherneither, inin plaineplain wordswords
MyMy LordLord SoranzoSoranzo isis thethe manman II meanemean.
Richard.RichardettoRichard.AA noblenoble andand aa vertuousvirtuous GentlemanGentleman.
Flo.FlorioFlo.AsAs anyany isis inin ParmaParma; notnot farrefar hencehence,
DwelsDwells FatherFather BonauentureBonaventure, aa grauegrave FryarFriarfriar,
OnceOnce TutorTutor toto mymy SonneSon; nownow atat hishis CellCell
I’leI’ll haue’emhave ’em marriedmarried.
Richard.RichardettoRichard.YouYou hauehave plottedplotted wiselywisely.
Flo.FlorioFlo.I’leI’ll sendsend oneone straightstraight
ToTo speakespeak withwith himhim to nighttonight.
Richard.RichardettoRichard.Soranzo’sSoranzo’s wisewise, hehe willwill delaydelay nono timetime.
Flo.FlorioFlo.ItIt shallshall bebe sososo::.
EnterEnter FryarFriarfriar andand GiouanniGiovanni.
Fry.FriarFry.GoodGood peacepeace bebe herehere andand louelove.
Flo.FlorioFlo.WelcomeWelcome relligiousreligious FryarFriarfriar, youyou areare oneone,
ThatThat stillstill bringbring blessingblessing toto thethe placeplace youyou comecome toto.
Gio.GiovanniGio.SirSir, withwith whatwhat speedspeed II couldcould, II diddid mymy bestbest,
ToTo drawdraw thisthis holyholy manman fromfrom forthforth hishis CellCell,
ToTo visitvisit mymy sickesick sistersist●rsister, thatthat withwith wordswords

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’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore.

OfOf ghostlyghostly comfortcomfort inin thisthis timetime ofof needeneed,
HeeHe mightmight absolueabsolve herher, whetherwhether sheshe liuelive oror dyedie.
Flo.FlorioFlo.’Twas’Twas wellwell donedone Giouanni●GiouanniGiovanni, thouthou hereinherein
HastHast shewedshowed aa ChristiansChristian’sChristians’ carecare, aa BrothersBrother’s louelove
ComeCome FatherFather, I’leI’ll conductconduct youyou toto herher chamberchamber,
AndAnd oneone thingthing wouldwould intreatentreat youyou.
Fry.FriarFry.SaySay onon sirsir.
Flo.FlorioFlo.II hauehave aa FathersFather’s dearedear impressionimpression,
AndAnd wishwish beforebefore II fallfall intointo mymy grauegrave,
ThatThat II mightmight seesee herher marriedmarried, asas ’tis’tis fitfit;
AA wordword fromfrom youyou GraueGrave manman, willwill winnewin herher moremore,
ThenThan allall ourour bestbest perswasionspersuasions.
Fry.FriarFry.GentleGentle SirSir,
AllAll thisthis I’leI’ll saysay, thatthat HeauenHeaven maymay prosperprosper herher.ExeuntExeunt.
EnterEnter GrimaldiGrimaldi.
Gri.GrimaldiGri.NowNow ifif thethe DoctorDoctor keepekeep hishis wordword, SoranzoSoranzo,
TwentyTwenty toto oneone youyou missemiss youryour BrideBride; II knowknow
’Tis’Tis anan vnnobleunnoble actact, andand notnot becomesbecomes
AA SouldiersSoldier’ssoldier’s vallourvalour; butbut inin termesterms ofof louelove,
WhereWhere MeriteMerit cannotcannot swaysway, PolicyPolicy mustmust.
II amam resolu’dresolved, ifif thisthis PhisitianPhysician
PlayPlay notnot onon bothboth handshands, thenthen SoranzoSoranzo fallsfalls.
EnterEnter RichardettoRichardetto.
Richard.RichardettoRichard.YouYou areare comecome asas II couldcould wishwish, thisthis veryvery nightnight So-SoranzoSo|ranzoSoranzo
’tis’tis ordain’dordained mustmust beebe affiedaffied toto AnnabellaAnnabella; andand forfor oughtaught
II knowknow, marriedmarried.Gri.GrimaldiGri.HowHow!
Richard.RichardettoRichard.YetYet youryour patiencepatience,
TheThe placeplace, ’tis’tis FryarsFriarfriar’s BonauenturesBonaventure’sbonaventure’s CellCell.
NowNow II wouldwould wishwish youyou toto bestowbestow thisthis nightnight,
InIn watchingwatching thereaboutsthereabouts, ’tis’tis butbut aa nightnight,
IfIf youyou missemiss nownow, to morrowtomorrow I’leI’ll knowknow allall.
Gri.GrimaldiGri.HaueHave youyou thethe poysonpoison?
Richard.RichardettoRichard.HereHere ’tis’tis inin thisthis BoxBox,
DoubtDoubt nothingnothing, thisthis willwillwill -doe’tdo’t; inin anyany casecase
AsAs youyou respectrespect youryour lifelife, bebe quickequick andand suresure.
Gri.GrimaldiGri.I’leI’ll speedespeed himhim.
Richard.RichardettoRichard.DoeDo; awayaway, forfor ’tis’tis notnot safesafe

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’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore.

YouYou shouldshould bebe seeneseen muchmuch herehere euerever mymy louelove.
Gri.GrimaldiGri.AndAnd minemine toto youyou.ExitExit Gri.GrimaldiGri.
Richard.RichardettoRichard.SoSo, ifif thisthis hittbitt●itthitbe’t, I’leI’ll laughlaugh andand hughug reuengerevenge;
AndAnd theythey thatthat nownow dreamedream ofof aa wedding-feastwedding●feastwedding-feast,
MayMay chancechance toto mournemourn thethe lustylusty BridegromesBridegroom’s ruineruin.
ButBut toto mymy otherother businessebusiness; NeiceNiece PhilotisPhilotis.
EnterEnter PhilotisPhilotis.
Richard.RichardettoRichard.MyMy louelylovely NeeceNiece, youyou hauehave bethought’eebethought ’ee.
Phi.PhilotisPhi.YesYes, andand asas youyou counsel’dcounselled,
Fashion’dFashioned mymy heartheart toto louelove himhim, butbut heehe swearesswears
HeeHe willwill to nighttonight bebe marriedmarried; forfor hehe fearesfears
HisHis VnkleUncle elseelse, ifif heehe shouldshould knowknow thethe driftdrift,
WillW●llWill hinderhinder allall, andand callcall hishis CouzeCozcoz toto shriftshrift.
Richard.RichardettoRichard.To nightTonighttonight? whywhy bestbest ofof allall; butbut letlet meeme seesee,
II haha yesyes, soso itit shallshall bebe; inin disguisedisguise
Wee’leWe’ll earelyearly toto thethe FryarsFriar’sFriars, II hauehave thoughtthought on’ton’t.

EnterEnter BergettoBergetto andand PoggioPoggio

Phi.PhilotisPhi.VnkleUncle, heehe comescomes.
Richard.RichardettoRichard.WelcomeWelcome mymy worthyworthy CouzeCozcoz.
Ber.BergettoBer.LasseILassIasseass prettypretty LasseLass, comecome bussebuss LasseLassaeLassLassae;;, aa haha PoggioPoggio.
Phi.PhilotisPhi.There’sThere’s hopehope ofof thisthis yetyet.
Richard.RichardettoRichard.YouYou shallshall hauehave timetime enoughenough, withdrawwithdraw aa littlelittle,
WeeWewe mustmust conferreconfer atat largelarge.
Ber.BergettoBer.HaueHave youyou notnot sweete-meatessweetmeats, oror daintydainty deuicesdevices forfor meme?
Phi.PhilotisPhi.YouYou shallshall enoughenough Sweet-heartSweetheart.
Ber.BergettoBer.Sweet-heartSweetheart, markemark thatthat PoggioPoggio; byby mymy trothtroth II cannotcannot
choosechoose butbut kissekiss theethee onceonce moremore forfor thatthat wordword Sweet-heartSweetheart; Pog-PoggioPog∣gioPoggio
II hauehave aa monstrousmonstrous swellingswelling aboutabout mymy stomackestomach, whatsoeuerwhatsoever
thethe mattermatter bebe.
Pog.PoggioPog.YouYou shallshall hauehave PhisickPhysic for’tfor’t sirsir.
Richard.RichardettoRichard.TimeTime runsruns apaceapace.
Ber.BergettoBer.Time’sTime’s aa blockheadblockhead.
Richard.RichardettoRichard.BeBe rul’druled, whenwhen weewe hauehave donedone what’swhat’s fittfit toto doedo,
ThenThenThan youyou maymay kissekiss youryour fillfill, andand bedbed herher tootoo.ExeuntExeunt.

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’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore.

EnterEnter thethe FryarFriar inin hishis studystudy, sittingsitting inin aa chayrechair, AnnabellaAnnabella knee-kneelingknee∣lingkneeling
andand whisperingwhispering toto himhim, aa TableTable beforebefore themthem andand wax-lightswax-lights,
sheshe weepesweeps, andand wringswrings herher handshands.

Fry.FriarFry.II amam gladglad toto seesee thisthis pennancepenance; forfor beleeuebelieve meme,
YouYou hauehave vnriptunripped aa soulesoul, soso foulefoul andand guiltyguilty.
AsAs II mustmust telltell youyou truetrue, II maruailemarvel howhow
TheThe earthearth hathhath borneborne youyou vpup, butbut weepeweep, weepeweep onon,
TheseThese tearestears maymay doedo youyou goodgood; weepeweep fasterfaster yetyet,
WhilesWhiles II doedo readeread aa LectureLecture.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.WretchedWretched creaturecreature.
Fry.FriarFry.IAyay, youyou areare wretchedwretched, miserablymiserably wretchedwretched.
AlmostAlmost condemn’dcondemned aliuealive; therethere isis aa placeplace
(ListList daughterdaughter) inin aa blackeblack andand hollowhollow VaultVault,
WhereWhere dayday isis neuernever seeneseen; therethere shinesshines nono SunneSun,
ButBut flamingflaming horrourhorror ofof consumingconsuming FiresFires;
AA lightlesselightlesssightless SuphureSulphursulphur, choaktchoked withwith smoakysmoky foggsfogs
OfOf anan infectedinfected darknessedarkness; inin thisthis placeplace
DwellDwell manymany thousandthousand, thousandthousand sundrysundry sortssorts
OfOf neuernever dyingdying deathsdeaths; therethere damneddamned soulesfoulessoulsfowls
RoareRoar withoutwithout pittypity, therethere areare GluttonsGluttons feddfed
WithWith ToadesToads andand AddarsAdders; therethere isis burningburning OyleOil
Powr’dPoured downedown thethe DrunkardsDrunkard’s throatethroat, thethe VsurerUsurer
IsIs forc’tforced toto suppsup wholewhole draughtsdraughts ofof moltenmolten GoldGold;
ThereThere isis thethe MurthererMurderer for-euerforever stab’dstabbed,
YetYet cancan hehe neuernever dyedie; therethere lieslies thethe wantonwanton
OnOn RacksRacks ofof burningburning steelesteel, whileswhiles inin hishis soulesoul
HeeHe feelesfeels thethe tormenttorment ofof hishis ragingraging lustlust.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.MercyMercy, ohoho mercymercy.
Fry.FriarFry.ThereThere standsstands thesethese wretchedwretched thingsthings.
WhoWho hauehave dream’tdreamt outout wholewhole yeeresyears inin lawlesselawless sheetssheets
AndAnd secretsecret incestsincests, cursingcursing oneone anotheranother;
ThenThenThan youyou willwill wishwish, eacheach kissekiss youryour brotherbrother gauegave,
HadHad beenebeen aa DaggersDagger’sdagger’s poyntpoint; thenThenthan youyou shallshall hearehear
HowHow heehe willwill crycry, ohoho wouldwould mymy wickedwicked sistersister
HadHad firstfirst beenebeen damn’ddamned, whenwhen sheeshe diddid yeeldyield toto lustlust.

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’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore.

ButBut softsoft, methinkesmethinks II seesee repentancerepentance workework
NewNew motionsmotions inin youryour heartheart, saysay? howhow is’tis’t withwith youyou?
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.IsIs therethere nono wayway leftleft toto redeemeredeem mymy miseriesmiseries?
Fry.FriarFry.ThereThere isis, despairedespair notnot; HeauenHeaven isis mercifullmerciful,
AndAnd offersoffers gracegrace eueneven nownow; ’tis’tis thusthus agreedagreed,
FirstFirst, forfor youryour HonoursHonour’shonour’s safetysafety thatthat youyou marrymarry
TheThe LordLord SoranzoSoranzo, nextnext, toto sauesave youryour soulesoul,
LeaueLeave offoff thisthis lifelife, andand henceforthhenceforth liuelive toto himhim.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.AyAy meeme.
Fry.FriarFry.SighSigh notnot, II knowknow thethe baytesbaits ofof sinnesin
AreAre hardhard toto leaueleave, ohoho ’tis’tis aa deathdeath toto doe’tdo’t.
RememberRemember whatwhat mustmust comecome, areare youyou contentcontent?
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.II amam.
Fry.FriarFry.II likelike itit wellwell, wee’lewe’ll taketake thethe timetime,
Who’sWho’s neerenear vsus therethere?

EnterEnter FlorioFlorio, GiouanniGiovanni.

Flo.FlorioFlo.DidDid youyou callcall FatherFather?
Fry.FriarFry.IsIs LordLord SoranzoSoranzo comecome?
Flo.FlorioFlo.HeeHeestayeshe stayesstaysplays belowebelow.
Fry.FriarFry.HaueHave youyou acquaintedacquainted himhim atat fullfull?
Flo.FlorioFlo.II hauehave andand heehe isis ouer-ioy’doverjoyed.
Fry.FriarFry.AndAnd soso areare weewe: bidbid himhim comecome neerenear.
Gio.GiovanniGio.MyMy SisterSister weepingweeping, haha? II fearefear thisthis FryarsFriar’sfriar’s falshoodfalsehood,
II willwill callcall himhim.ExitExit.
Flo.FlorioFlo.DaughterDaughter, areare youyou resolu’dresolved?
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.FatherFather, II amam.

EnterEnter GiouanniGiovanni, SoranzoSoranzo, andand VasquesVasques.

Flo.FlorioFlo.MyMy LordLord SoranzoSoranzo, herehere
GiueGive meeme youryour handhand, forfor thatthat II giuegive youyou thisthis.
Soran.SoranzoSoran.LadyLady, saysay youyou soso tootoo?
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.II doedo, andand vowvow, toto liuelive withwith youyou andand yoursyours.
Fry.FriarFry.TimelyTimely resolu’dresolved:
MyMy blessingblessing restrest onon bothboth, moremore toto bebe donedone,
YouYou maymay performeperform itit onon thethe Morning-sunMorning-sun.ExeuntExeunt.

img: 24-a
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’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore.

EnterEnter GrimaldiGrimaldi withwith hishis RapierRapier drawnedrawn,
andand aa Darke-lanthorneDark-lantern.

G[*]i.Gri.GrimaldiGri.’Tis’Tis earlyearly nightnight asas yetyet, andand yetyet tootoo soonesoon
ToTo finishfinish suchsuch aa workework; herehere II willwill lyelie
ToTo listenlisten whowho comescomes nextnext.HeeHe lieslies downedown.

EnterEnter BergettoBergetto andand PhilotisPhilotis disguis’ddisguised, andand afterafter
RichardettoRichardetto andand PoggioPoggio.

Ber.BergettoBer.WeeWewe areare almostalmost atat thethe placeplace, II hopehope Sweet-heartSweetheart.
Gri.GrimaldiGri.II hearehear themthem neerenear, andand heardheard oneone saysay Sweet-heartSweetheart,
’Tis’Tis heehe; nownow guideguide mymy handhand somesome angryangry IusticeJusticejustice
HomeHome toto hishis bosomebosom, nownow hauehave atat youyou sirsir.strikesstrikes Ber.BergettoBer. &and ExitExit.
Ber.BergettoBer.OhOhO helpehelp, helpehelp, here’shere’s aa stichstitch fallenfallen inin mymy guttsguts,
OhOhO forfor aa Flesh-taylorFlesh-tailor quicklyquickly PoggioPoggio.
Phi.PhilotisPhi.WhatWhat aylesails mymy louelove?
Ber.BergettoBer.II amam suresure II cannotcannot pissepiss forwardforward andand backwardbackward andand yetyet
II amam wetwet beforebefore andand behindbehind, lightslights, lightslights, hoho lightslights.
Phi.PhilotisPhi.AlasAlas, somesome VillaineVillain herehere hashas slaineslain mymy louelove.
Richard.RichardettoRichard.OhOhO HeauenHeaven forbidforbid itit; raiseraise vpup thethe nextnext neighboursneighbours
InstantlyInstantly PoggioPoggio, andand bringbring lightslights,ExitExit PoggioPoggio.
HowHow is’tis’t BergettoBergetto? slaineslain?
ItIt cannotcannot bebe; areare youyou suresure y’arey’areyou’re hurthurt?
Ber.BergettoBer.OO mymy bellybelly seethsseethes likelike aa Porridge-potPorridge-pot, somesome coldcold waterwater
II shallshall boyleboil ouerover elseelse; mymy wholewhole bodybody isis inin aa sweatsweat, thatthat youyou
maymay wringwring mymy shirtshirt; feelefeel herehere whywhy PoggioPoggio.

EnterEnter PoggioPoggio withwith OfficersOfficers, andand lightslights andand HalbertsHalberdshalberds.

Pog.PoggioPog.HereHere; alasalas, howhow doedo youyou?
Richard.RichardettoRichard.GiueGive meme aa lightlight, what’swhat’s herehere? allall bloodblood! OO sirssirs,
SigniorSignior Donado’sDonado’s NephewNephew nownow isis slaineslain,
FollowFollow thethe murtherermurderer withwith allall thethe hastehaste
VpUp toto thethe CittyCity, heehe cannotcannot bebe farrefar hencehence,
FollowFollow II beseechbeseech youyou.
OfficersOfficers.FollowFollow, followfollow, followfollow.ExeuntExeunt OfficersOfficers.

img: 24-b
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’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore.

Richard.RichardettoRichard.TeareTear offoff thythy linnenlinen CouzCozCouz, toto stopstop hishis woundswounds,
BeBe ofof goodgood comfortcomfort manman.
Ber.BergettoBer.IsIs allall thisthis minemine owneown bloodblood? nay●aynay thenthen good-nightgoodnight withwith
meme, PoggioPoggio. commendcommend meme toto mymy VnkleUncle, dostdost hearehear? bidbid himhim forfor
mymy sakesake makemake muchmuch ofof thisthis wenchwench, ohoho II amam goinggoing thethe wrongwrong
wayway suresure, mymy bellybelly akesaches soso ohoho farwellfarewell, PoggioPoggio ohoho
ohoho DyesDiesdies.
Phi.PhilotisPhi.OO heehe isis deaddead.
Pog.PoggioPog.HowHow! deaddead!
Richard.RichardettoRichard.Hee’sHe’s deaddead indeedindeed,
’Tis’Tis nownow totoo latelate toto weepeweep, let’slet’s hauehave himhim homehome,
AndAnd withwith whatwhat speedspeed wewe maymay, findefind outout thethe MurthererMurderer.
Pog.PoggioPog.OhOhO mymy MaisterMaster, mymy MaisterMaster, mymy MaisterMaster.ExeuntExeunt.
EnterEnter VasquesVasques andand HippolitaHippolita.
Vas.VasquesVas.II sawsaw itit.
Hip.HippolitaHip.AndAnd when’swhen’s thethe marriage-daymarriage-day?
Vas.VasquesVas.SomeSome twotwo dayesdays hencehence.
Hip.HippolitaHip.TwoTwo dayesdays? WhyWhy manman II wouldwould butbut wishwish twotwo houreshours
ToTo sendsend himhim toto hishis lastlast, andand lastinglasting sleepesleep.
AndAnd VasquesVasques thouthou shaltshalt seesee, I’leI’ll doedo itit brauelybravely.
Vas.VasquesVas.II doedo notnot doubtdoubt youryour wisedomewisdom, nornor (II trusttrust) youyou mymy (secresiesecrecy,
II amam infinitelyinfinitely yoursyours.
Hip.HippolitaHip.II wilbewill be thinethine inspightin spite ofof mymy disgracedisgrace,
SoSo soonesoon? oo wickedwicked manman, II durstdurst bebe swornesworn,
Hee’dHe’dhe’d laughlaugh toto seesee meeme weepeweep.
Vas.VasquesVas.AndAnd that’sthat’s aa VillanousVillainous faultfault inin himhim.
Hip.HippolitaHip.NoNo, letlet himhim laughlaugh, I’meI’m arm’darmed inin mymy resoluesresolue●●resolves
BeBe thouthou stillstill truetrue.
Vas.VasquesVas.II shouldshould getget littlelittle byby treacherytreachery againstagainst soso hopefullhopeful aa pre-prefermentpre∣fermentpreferment
asas II amam likelike toto climbeclimb toto.
Hip.HippolitaHip.EuenEveneven toto mymy bosomebosom VasquesVasques, letlet MyMy youthyouth
ReuellRevel inin thesethese newnew pleasurespleasures, ifif weewe thriuethrive,
HeeHe nownow hathhath butbut aa pairepair ofof dayesdays toto liuelive.ExeuntExeunt.
EnterEnter FlorioFlorio, DonadoDonado, RichardettoRichardetto, PoggioPoggio andand OfficersOfficers.
Flo.FlorioFlo.’Tis’Tis bootlessebootless nownow toto shewshow your selfeyourself aa childchild

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’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore.

SigniorSignior DonadoDonado, whatwhat isis donedone, isis donedone;
SpendSpend notnot thethe timetime inin tearestears, butbut seekeseek forfor IusticeJusticejustice.
Richard.RichardettoRichard.II mustmust confesseconfess, somewhatsomewhat II waswas inin faultfault,
ThatThat hadhad notnot firstfirst acquaintedacquainted youyou whatwhat louelove
PastPassedpassed twixttwixt himhim andand mymy NeeceNiece, butbut asas II liuelive,
HisHis FortuneFortune grieuesgrieves meme asas itit werewere minemine owneown.
Do.DonadoDo.Ala[*]AlasAla●Alas poorepoor CreatureCreature, hehe mentmeant nono manman harmeharm,
ThatThat II amam suresure ofof.
Flo.FlorioFlo.II beleeuebelieve thatthat tootoo;
ButBut staystay mymy MaistersMasters, areare youyou suresure youyou sawsaw
TheThe MurthererMurderer passepass herehere?
Offic.OfficerOffic.AndAnd itit pleaseplease youyou sirsir, weewe areare suresure weewe sawsaw aa RuffianRuffian
withwith aa nakednaked weaponweapon inin hishis handhand allall bloodybloody, getget intointo mymy LordLord
CardinalsCardinal’scardinal’s GracesGrace’sGraces gategate, thatthat weewe areare suresure ofof; butbut forfor fearefear ofof hishis
GraceGrace (blessebless vsus) wewe durstdurst goego nono furtherfurther.
Do.DonadoDo.KnowKnow youyou whatwhat mannermanner ofof manman heehe waswas?
Offic.OfficerOffic.YesYes suresure II knowknow thethe manman, theythey saysay a’a isis aa souldiersoldier, heehe
thatthat lou’dloved youryour daughterdaughter SirSir an’tan’t pleaseplease y’eeye, ’twas’twas heehe forfor cer-certainecer|tainecertain

GrimaldiGrimaldi onon mymy lifelife.
Offic.OfficerOffic.IAyay, Iay, thethe samesame.
Richard.RichardettoRichard.TheThe CardinallCardinal isis NobleNoble, hehe nono doubtdoubt
WillWill giuegive truetrue IusticeJusticejustice.
Do.DonadoDo.KnockeKnock somesome oneone atat thethe gategate,
Pog.PoggioPog.I’leI’ll knockeknock sirsir.PoggioPoggio knocksknocks.
SeruantServantwithinwithin.WhatWhat would’eewould ’eewould’ee?
Flo.FlorioFlo.WeeWewe requirerequire speechspeech withwith thethe LordLord CardinallCardinal
AboutAbout somesome presentpresent businessebusiness, praypray informeinform
HisHis GraceGrace, thatthat wewe areare herehere.

EnterEnter CardinallCardinal andand GrimaldiGrimaldi.

Car.CardinalCar.WhyWhy howhow nownow friendsfriends? whatwhat sawcysaucy matesmates areare (youyou
ThatThat knowknow nornor dutyduty nornor CiuillityCivility?
AreAre wewe aa personperson fitfit toto bebe youryour hoasthost?
OrOr isis ourour househouse becomebecome youryour commoncommon InneInn
ToTo beatebeat ourour doresdoors atat pleasurepleasure? whatwhat suchsuch hastehaste
IsIs yoursyours asas thatthat itit cannotcannot waitewait fitfit timestimes?

img: 25-b
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’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore.

AreAre youyou thethe MaistersMasters ofof thisthis Common-wealthCommonwealth
AndAnd knowknow nono moremore discretiondiscretion? ohoho youryour newesnews
IsIs herehere beforebefore youyou, youyou hauehave lostlost aa NephewNephew
DonadoDonado, lastlast nightnight byby GrimaldiGrimaldi slaineslain:
IsIs thatthat youryour businessebusiness? wellwell sirsir, wewe hauehave knowledgeknowledge on’t〈◊〉on’t.
Le[*]LetLeLet thatthat sufficesuffice.
Gri.GrimaldiGri.InIn presencepresence ofof youryour GraceGrace,
InIn thoughtthought II neuernever mentmeant BergettoBergetto harmeharm,
ButBut FlorioFlorio youyou cancan telltell, withwith howhow muchmuch scornescorn
SoranzoSoranzo backtbacked withwith hishis ConfederatesConfederates,
HathHath oftenoften wrong’dwronged meeme; II toto bebe reueng’drevenged,
(ForFor thatthat II couldcould notnot winwin himhim elseelse toto fightfight)
HadHad thoughtthought byby wayway ofof AmbushAmbush toto hauehave kildkilled himhim,
ButBut waswas vnluckelyunluckily, thereintherein mistookemistook;
ElseElse heehe hadhad feltfelt whatwhat latelate BergettoBergetto diddid:
AndAnd thoughthough mymy faultfault toto himhim werewere meerelymerely chancechance,
YetYet humblyhumbly II submitsubmit meme toto youryour GraceGrace,
ToTo doedo withwith meeme asas youyou pleaseplease.
Car.CardinalCar.RiseRise vpup GrimaldiGrimaldi,
YouYou CittizensCitizens ofof ParmaParma, ifif youyou seekeseek
ForFor IusticeJusticejustice; KnowKnow asas NuntioNuncioNuntio fromfrom thethe PopePope,
ForFor thisthis offenceoffence II herehere receiuereceive GrimaldiGrimaldi
IntoInto hishis holinesseholiness’ protectionprotection.
HeeHe isis nono CommonCommon manman, butbut noblynobly borneborn;
OfOf PrincesPrince’sPRINCE’s bloodblood, thoughthough youyou SirSir FlorioFlorio,
ThoughtThought himhim totooto meanemean aa husbandhusband forfor youryour daughterdaughter
IfIf moremore youyou seekeseek forfor, youyou mustmust goego toto RomeRome,
ForFor heehe shallshall thitherthither; learnelearn moremore witwit forfor shameshame.
BuryBury youryour deaddead awayaway GrimaldiGrimaldi leaue’emleave ’em.Ex.ExitEx. Car.CardinalCar. &and Gri.GrimaldiGri.
Do.DonadoDo.IsIs thisthis aa Church-mansChurchman’schurchman’s voycevoice? dwelsdwells IusticeJusticejustice herehere?
Flo.FlorioFlo.IusticeJusticejustice isis fleddfled toto HeauenHeaven andand comescomes nono neerernearer
SoranzoSoranzo, was’twas’t forfor himhim? OO ImpudenceImpudence!
HadHad hehe thethe faceface toto speakespeak itit, andand notnot blushblush?
ComeCome, comecome DonadoDonado, there’sthere’s nono helpehelp inin thisthis,
WhenWhen CardinalsCardinals thinkethink murder’smurder’s notnot amisseamiss,
GreatGreat menmen maymay doedo theretheirthere willswills, wewe mustmust obeyobey,
ButBut HeauenHeaven willwill iudgejudge themthem for’tfor’t anotheranother dayday.ExeuntExeunt.


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’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore.

ActusActus QuartusQuartus.

AA BanquetBanquet.HoboyesHautboyshoboys.

EnterEnter thethe FryarFriar, GiouanniGiovanni, AnnabellaAnnabella, PhilotisPhilotis, SoranzoSoranzSoranzSoranzo, Do-DonadoDo∣nadoDonado
, RichardettoRichardetto, PutanaPutana andand VasquesVasques.

Fry.FriarFry.THeseTHese holyholy rightsrights perform’dperformed, nownow taketake youryour timestimes,
ToTo spendspend thethe remnantremnant ofof thethe dayday inin FeastFeast;
SuchSuch fitfit repastsrepasts areare pleasingpleasing toto thethe SaintsSaint●Saints
WhoWho areare youryour guestsguests, thoughthough notnot withwith mortallmortal eyeseyes
ToTo bebe beheldbeheld; longlong prosperprosper inin thisthis dayday
YouYou happyhappy CoupleCouple, toto eacheach othersother’sothers ioyjoy:
Soran.SoranzoSoran.FatherFather, youryour prayerprayer isis heardheard, thethe handhand ofof goodnessegoodness
HathHath beenebeen aa sheildshield forfor meme againstagainst mymy deathdeath;
AndAnd moremore toto blessebless meme, hathhath enrichtenriched mymy lifelife
WithWith thisthis mostmost preciousprecious IewellJeweljewel; suchsuch aa prizeprize
AsAs EarthEarth hathhath notnot anotheranother likelike toto thisthis.
CheereCheer vpup mymy LoueLove, andand GentlemenGentlemen, mymy FriendsFriends,
ReioyceRejoice withwith meeme inin mirthmirth, thisthis dayday wee’lewe’ll crownecrown
WithWith lustylusty CupsCups toto Annabella’sAnnabella’s healthhealth.
Gio.GiovanniGio.OhOhO TortureTorture, werewere thethe marriagemarriage yetyet vndoneundone,AsideAside.
EreEre I’deI’d endureendure thisthis sightsight, toto seesee mymy LoueLove
CliptClipped byby anotheranother, II wouldwould daredare ConfusionConfusion,
AndAnd standstand thethe horrourhorror ofof tenten thousandthousand deathsdeaths.
Vas.VasquesVas.AreAre youyou notnot wellwell SirSir?
Gio.GiovanniGio.PretheePrithee fellowfellow waytewait,
II needeneed notnot thythy officiousofficious diligencediligence.
Flo.FlorioFlo.SigniorSignior DonadoDonado, comecome youyou mustmust forgetforget
YourYour latelate mishapsmishaps, andand drownedrown youryour carescares inin winewine.
So[*]an.So an.SoranzoSo an.anan.VasquesVasques?
Vas.VasquesVas.MyMy LordLord.
Soran.SoranzoSoran.ReachReach meme thatthat weightyweighty bowlebowl,
HereHere brotherbrother GiouanniGiovanni, here’shere’s toto youyou,

img: 26-b
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’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore,

YourYour turneturn comescomes nextnext, thoughthough nownow aa BatchelourBachelor,
Here’sHere’s toto youryour sisterssister’s happinessehappiness andand minemine.
Gio.GiovanniGio.II cannotcannot drinkedrink.
Gio.GiovanniGio.’Twill’Twill indeedeindeed offendoffend meme
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.PrayPray, doedo notnot vrgeurge himhim ifif heehe bebe notnot willingwilling.
Flo.FlorioFlo.HowHow nownow, whatwhat noysenoise isis thisthis?
Vas.VasquesVas.OO sirsir, II hadhad forgotforgot toto telltell youyou; certainecertain yougyoung MaidensMaidens
ofof ParmaParma inin honourhonour toto MadamMadam Annabella’sAnnabella’s marriagemarriage, hauehave sentsent
theirtheir louesloves toto herher inin aa MasqueMasque, forfor whichwhich theythey humblyhumbly crauecrave
youryour patiencepatience andand silencesilence.
Soran.SoranzoSoran.WeeWewe areare muchmuch boundbound toto themthem, soso muchmuch thethe moremore asas
itit comescomes vnexpectedunexpected; guideguide themthem inin.
EnterEnter HippolitaHippolita andand LadiesLadies inin whitewhite RoabesRobes withwith
GarlandsGarlands ofof WillowesWillows.

MusickeMusic andand aa DaunceDance.DanceDance.

Soran.SoranzoSoran.ThanksThanks louelylovely VirginsVirgins, nownow mightmight weewe butbut knowknow
ToTo whomwhom weewe hauehave beenebeen beholdingbeholding forfor thisthis louelove,
WeeWewe shallshall acknowledgeacknowledge itit.
Hip.HippolitaHip.YesYes, youyou shallshall knowknow,
WhatWhat thinkethink youyou nownow?
Hip.HippolitaHip.’Tis’Tis sheeshe,
BeeBebe notnot amaz’damazed; nornor blushblush youngyoung louelylovely BrideBride,
II comecome notnot toto defrauddefraud youyou ofof youryour manman,
’Tis’Tis nownow nono timetime toto reckonreckon vpup thethe talketalk
WhatWhat ParmaParma longlong hathhath rumour’drumoured ofof vsus bothboth,
LetLet rashrash reportreport runrun onon; thethe breathbreath thatthat ventsvents itit
WillWill (likelike aa bubblebubble) breakebreak it selfeitself atat lastlast.
ButBut nownow toto youyou SweetSweet CreatureCreature, lend’slend’s youryour handhand,
PerhapsPerhaps itit hathhath beenebeen saidsaid, thatthat II wouldwould claimeclaim
SomeSome interestinterest inin SoranzoSoranzo, nownow youryour LordLord,
WhatWhat II hauehave rightright toto doedo, hishis soulesoul knowesknows bestbest:
ButBut inin mymy dutyduty toto youryour NobleNoble worthworth,
SweeteSweet AnnabellaAnnabella, andand mymy carecare ofof youyou,

img: 27-a
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’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore.

HereHere taketake SoranzoSoranzo, taketake thisthis handhand fromfrom meme,
I’leI’ll onceonce moremore ioynejoin, whatwhat byby thethe holyholy ChurchChurch
IsIs finish’tfinished andand allow’dallowed; hauehave II donedone wellwell?
Soran.SoranzoSoran.YouYou hauehave tootoo muchmuch ingag’dengaged vsus.
Hip.HippolitaHip.OneOne thingthing moremore
ThatThat youyou maymay knowknow mymy singlesingle charitycharity,
FreelyFreely II herehere remitremit allall interestinterest
II ereere couldcould claymeclaim; andand guiegive youyou backeback youryour vowesvows,
AndAnd toto confirm’tconfirm’t, reachreach meme aa CupCup ofof winewine
MyMy LordLord SoranzoSoranzo, inin thisthis draughtdraught II drinkedrink,
LongLong restresresrest ’eet’eet’ee’ee lookelook toto itit VasquesVasques.
Vas.VasquesVas.FeareFear nothingnothing HeHe giuesgives herher aapoysonda poysondpoisoned CupCup,
(SheShe drinksdrinks.

Soran.SoranzoSoran.HippolitaHippolita, II thankethank youyou, andand willwill pledgepledge
ThisThis happyhappy VnionUnion asas anotheranother lifelife,
WineWine therethere.
Vas.VasquesVas.YouYou shallshall hauehave nonenone, neitherneither shallshall youyou pledgepledge herher.
Vas.VasquesVas.KnowKnow nownow MistresseMistress sheeshe deuilldevil, youryour owneown mischieuousmischievous (treacherytreachery
HathHath kildkilled youyou, II mustmust notnot marrymarry youyou.
OmnesOmnes.What’sWhat’s thethe mattermatter?
Vas.VasquesVas.FoolishFoolish woemanwoman, thouthou artart nownow likelike aa Fire-brandFirebrand, thatthat
hathhath kindledkindled othersothers andand burntburntburned thy selfethyself; TroppoTroppo sperarsperar nigannaingannaniganna,
thythy vainevain hopehope hathhath deceiueddeceived theethee, thouthou artart butbut deaddead, ifif thouthou
hasthast anyany gracegrace, praypray.
Vas.VasquesVas.DyeDie inin charitycharity forfor shameshame,
ThisThis thingthing ofof malicemalice, thisthis womanwoman hadhad priuatelyprivately corruptedcorrupted meeme
withwith promisepromise ofof malicemalice, vnderunder thisthis politiquepolitic reconciliationreconciliation toto
toto poysonpoison mymy LordLord, whileswhiles sheeshe mightmight laughlaugh atat hishis ConfusionConfusion
onohono hishis marriage-daymarriage-day; II promis’dpromised herher fairefair, butbut II knewknew whatwhat mymy
rewardreward shouldshould hauehave beenebeen, andand wouldwould willinglywillingly hauehave spar’dspared herher
lifelife, butbut thatthat II waswas acquaintedacquainted withwith thethe dangerdanger ofof herher dispositi-dispositiondispositi∣ondisposition
andand nownow hauehave fittedfitted herher aa iustjust paymentpayment inin herher owneown coynecoin,
therethere sheeshe isis, sheeshe hathhath yetyet andand endend thythy dayesdays inin
peacepeace vildvilevild womanwoman, asas forfor lifelife there’sthere’s nono hopehope, thinkethink notnoton’tnot on’ton’t.
OmnesOmnes.WonderfullWonderful IusticeJusticejustice!

img: 27-b
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’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore.

Richard.RichardettoRichard.HeauenHeaven thouthou artart righteousrighteous.
Hip.HippolitaHip.OO ’tis’tis truetrue,
II feelefeel mymy minuteminute commingcoming, hadhad thatthat slaueslave
KeptKept promisepromise, (oooh mymy tormenttorment) thouthou thisthis hourehour
Had’stHadst dyeddied SoranzoSoranzo heateheat aboueabove hellhell firefire
YetYet ereere II passepass awayaway CruellCruel, cruellcruel flamesflames
TakeTake herehere mymy cursecurse amongstamongst youyou; maymay thythy bedbed
OfOf marriagemarriage bebe aa rackerack vntounto thythy heartheart,
BurneBurn bloodblood andand boyleboil inin VengeanceVengeance oooh mymy heartheart,
MyMy Flame’sFlame’s intolerableintolerable maistmayst thouthou liuelive
ToTo fatherfather BastardsBastards, maymay herher wombewomb bringbring forthforth
MonstersMonsters, andand dyedie togethertogether inin youryour sinnessins
HatedHated, scorn’dscorned andand vnpittiedunpitied ohoho ohoho DyesDiesdies.
Flo.FlorioFlo.WasWas e’ree’er soso vildvilevild aa CreatureCreature?
Richard.RichardettoRichard.Here’sHere’s thethe endend
OfOf lustlust andand pridepride.Anna.AnnabellaAnna.ItIt isis aa fearefullfearful sightsight.
Soran.SoranzoSoran.VasquesVasques, II knowknow theethee nownow aa trustytrusty seruantservant,
AndAnd neuernever willwill forgetforget theethee comecome MyMy LoueLove,
Wee’leWe’ll homehome, andand thankethank thethe HeauensHeavens forfor thisthis escapeescape,
FatherFather andand FriendsFriends, weewe mustmust breakebreak vpup thisthis mirthmirth,
ItIt isis tootoo sadsad aa FeastFeast.
Do.DonadoDo.BeareBear hencehence thethe bodybody.
Fry.FriarFry.Here’sHere’s anan ominousominous changechange,
MarkeMark thisthis mymy GiouaniGiovanniGiovani, andand taketake heedheed,
II fearefear thethe euentevent; thatthat marriagemarriage seldome’sseldom’s goodgood,
WhereWhere thethe bride-banquetbride-banquet soso beginsbegins inin bloodblood.ExeuntExeunt.
EnterEnter RichardettoRichardetto andand PhilotisPhilotis.
Richard.RichardettoRichard.MyMy wretchedwretched wifewife moremore wretchedwretched inin herher shameshame
ThenThen inin herher wrongswrongs toto meme, hathhath paidpaid tootoo soonesoon
TheThe forfeitforfeit ofof herher modestymodesty andand lifelife.
AndAnd II amam suresure (mymy NeeceNiece) thoughthough vengeancevengeance houerhover,
KeepingKeeping aloofealoof yetyet fromfrom Soranzo’sSoranzo’s fallfall,
YetYet heehe willwill fallfall, andand sinkesink withwith hishis owneown weightweight.
II needneed notnot (nownow mymy heartheart perswadespersuades meme soso)
ToTo furtherfurther hishis confusionconfusion; therethere isis oneone
AboueAbove beginsbegins toto workework, forfor asas II hearehear,
Debate’sDebate’s alreadyalready twixttwixt hishis wifewife andand himhim,

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’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore.

ThickenThicken andand runrun toto headhead; sheeshe (asas ’tis’tis saydsaid)
SleightensSleightens hishis louelove, andand hehe abandonsabandons hershers
MuchMuch talketalk II hearehear, sincesince thingsthings goego thusthus (mymy NeeceNiece)
InIn tendertender louelove andand pittypity ofof youryour youthyouth,
MyMy counsellcounsel isis, thatthat youyou shouldshould freefree youryour yeeresyears
FromFrom hazardhazard ofof thesethese woeswoes; byby flyingflying hencehence
ToTo fairefair CremonaCremona, therethere toto vowvow youryour soulesoul
InIn holinesseholiness aa holyholy VotaresseVotaress,
LeaueLeave meme toto seesee thethe endend ofof thesethese extreamesextremes
AllAll humanehuman worldlyworldly coursescourses areare vneuenuneven,
NoNo lifelife isis blessedblessed butbut thethe wayway toto HeauenHeaven.
Phi.PhilotisPhi.VnkleUncle, shallshall II resolueresolve toto bebe aa NunNun?
Richard.RichardettoRichard.IAyI gentlegentle NeeceNiece; andand inin youryour hourelyhourly prayersprayers
RememberRemember meme youryour poorepoor vnhappyunhappy VnkleUncle;
HieHie toto CremonaCremona nownow, asas FortuneFortune leadesleads,
YourYour homehome, youryour cloystercloister, youryour bestbest FriendsFriends, youryour beadesbeads,
YourYour chastchaste andand singlesingle lifelife shallshall crownecrown youryour BirthBirth,
WhoWho dyesdies aa VirgineVirgin, liuelive aa SaintSaint onon earthearth.
Phi.PhilotisPhi.ThenThen farwellfarewell worldworld, andand worldlyworldly thoughtsthoughts adeiuadieu,
WelcomeWelcome chastchaste vowesvows, my selfemyself II yeeldyield toto youyou.ExeuntExeunt.

EnterEnter SoranzoSoranzo vnbrac’tunbraced, andand AnnabellaAnnabella dragg’ddragged inin.

Soran.SoranzoSoran.ComeCome strumpetstrumpet, famousfamous whoorewhore, werewere eueryevery dropdrop
OfOf bloodblood thatthat runsruns inin thythy adulterousadulterous veynesveins
AA lifelife, thisthis SwordSword, (dostdost see’tsee’t) shouldshould inin oneone bloweblow
ConfoundConfound themthem allall, HarlotHarlot, rarerare, notablenotable HarlotHarlot,
ThatThat withwith thythy brazenbrazen faceface maintainstmaintainst thythy sinnesin
WasWas therethere nono manman inin ParmaParma toto bebe bawdbawd
ToTo youryour looseloose cunningcunning whorodomewhoredom elseelse butbut II?
MustMust youryour hothot ytchitch andand plurisiepleurisy ofof lustlust,
TheThe heydayhey dayhey dayheyday ofof youryour luxuryluxury bebe feddfed
VpUp toto aa surfeitesurfeit, andand couldcould nonenone butbut II
BeBe picktpicked outout toto bebe cloakecloak toto youryour closeclose trickstricks,
YourYour belly-sportsbelly-sports? NowNow II mustmust bebe thethe DadDad
ToTo allall thatthat gallymaufreygallimaufry that’sthat’s stuftstuffed
InIn thythy CorruptedCorrupted bastard-bearingbastard-bearing wombewomb,

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’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore.

SheySayShey, mustmust II?
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.BeastlyBeastly manman, whywhy ’tis’tis thythy fatefate:
II suedsued notnot toto theethee, forfor, butbut thatthat II thoughtthought●thought
YourYour Ouer-louingEver-lovingCuer-louingOver-lovingEver-loving LordshipLordship wouldwould hauehave runnerun
MaddMad onon denyalldenial, hadhad yeeye lentlent meme timetime,
II wouldwould hauehave toldtold ’ee’eethou inin whatwhat casecase II waswas,
ButBut youyou wou’dwould needesneeds bebe doingdoing.
Soran.SoranzoSoran.WhoreWhore ofof whoreswhores!
Dar’stDar’stDarest thouthou tel’tell meeme thisthis?
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.OO yesyes, whywhy notnot?
YouYou werewere deceiu’ddeceived inin meeme; ’twas’twas notnot forfor louelove
II chosechose youyou, butbut forfor honourhonour; yetyet knowknow thisthis,
Wou’dWould youyou bebe patientpatient yetyet, andand hidehide youryour shameshame,
I’deI’d seesee whetherwhether II couldcould louelove youyou.
Soran.SoranzoSoran.ExcellentExcellent QueaneQueenQuean!
WhyWhy artart thouthou notnot withwith ChildChild?
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.WhatWhat needsneeds allall thisthis,
WhenWhen ’tis’tis superfluoussuperfluous? II confesseconfess II amam.
Soran.SoranzoSoran.TellTell meeme byby whomewhom.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.SoftSoft sirsir, ’twas’twas notnot inin mymy bargainebargain.
YetYet somewhatsomewhat sirsir toto staystay youryour longinglonging stomackestomach
I’meI’m contentcontent t’acquaintt’acquaint youyou withwith; TheThe manman,
TheThe moremore thenthan ManMan thatthat gotgot thisthis sprightlysprightly BoyBoy,
(ForFor ’tis’tis aa BoyBoy thatthat forfor gloryglory sirsir,
YourYour heyreheir shalbeshall be aa SonneSon,)
Soran.SoranzoSoran.DamnableDamnable MonsterMonster.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.NayNay andand youyou willwill notnot hearehear, I’leI’ll speakespeak nono moremore.
Soran.SoranzoSoran.YesYes speakespeak, andand speakespeak thythy lastlast.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.AA matchmatch, aa matchmatch;
ThisThis NobleNoble CreatureCreature waswas inin eueryevery partpart
SoSo angell-likeangel-like, soso gloriousglorious, thatthat aa woemanwoman,
WhoWho hadhad notnot beenebeen butbut humanhuman asas waswas II,
WouldWould hauehave kneel’dkneeled toto himhim, andand hauehave beg’dbegged forfor louelove.
YouYou, whywhy youyou areare notnot worthyworthy onceonce toto namename
HisHis namename withoutwithout truetrue worshipworship, oror indeedeindeed,
VnlesseUnless youyou kneel’dkneeled, toto hearehear anotheranother namename himhim.
Soran.SoranzoSoran.WhatWhat waswas heehe cal’dcalled?

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’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore.

Anna.AnnabellaAnna.WeeWewe areare notnot comecome toto thatthat,
LetLet itit sufficesuffice, thatthat youyou shallshall hauehave thethe gloryglory,
ToTo FatherFather whatwhat soso BraueBrave aa FatherFather gotgot.
InIn briefebrief, hadhad notnot thisthis chancechance, falnefallen outout as’tas’t dothdoth,
II neuernever hadhad beenebeen troubledtroubled withwith aa thoughtthought
ThatThat youyou hadhad beenebeen aa CreatureCreature; butbut forfor marriagemarriage,
II scarcescarce dreamedream yetyet ofof thatthat.
Soran.SoranzoSoran.TellTell meme hishis namename.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.AlasAlas, alasalas, there’sthere’s allall
WillWill youyou beleeuebelieve?
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.YouYou shallshall neuernever knowknow.Soran.SoranzoSoran.HowHow!
IfIf youyou doedo, letlet meeme bebe curstcursed.
Soran.SoranzoSoran.NotNot knowknow itit, StrumpetStrumpet, I’leI’ll ripprip vpup thythy heartheart,
AndAnd findefind itit therethere.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.DoeDo, doedo.
Soran.SoranzoSoran.AndAnd withwith mymy teethteeth,
TeareTear thethe prodigiousprodigious leacherlecher joyntjoint byby ioyntjoint.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.HaHa, haha, haha, thethe man’sman’s merrymerry.
Soran.SoranzoSoran.Do’stDost thouthou laughlaugh?
ComeCome WhoreWh●reWhore, telltell meeme youryour louerlover, oror byby TruthTruth
I’leI’ll hewhowhowhew thythy fleshflesh toto shredsshreds; whowho is’tis’t
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.CheChe mortemorte pluispluis dolcedolce cheche moriremorire perper amoreamore.singssings.
Soran.SoranzoSoran.ThusThus willwill II pullpull thythy hayrehair, andand thusthus I’leI’ll dragdrag
ThyThy lustlust be-leapredbe-leagredbe-leapredbeleperedbeleaguered bodybody throughthrough thethe dustdust.
YetYet telltell hishis namename.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.MorendoMorendoinMorendoinMorendo inin gratiagratia LeiLei morireremorireimorirere senzasenzadoloresenzadoloresenza doloredolore.singssings
Soran.SoranzoSoran.DostDost thouthou TriumphTriumph? thethe TreasureTreasure ofof thethe EarthEarth
ShallShall notnot redeemeredeem theethee, werewere therethere kneelingkneeling KingsKings,
DidDid beggebeg thythy lifelife, oror AngellsAngels diddid comecome downedown
ToTo pleadplead inin tearestears, yetyet shouldshould notnot allall preuayleprevail
AgainstAgainst mymy ragerage; do’stdost thouthou notnot trembletremble yetyet?
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.AtAt whatwhat? toto dyedie; NoNo, bebe aa GallantGallant hang-manhangman
II daredare theethee toto thethe worstworst, strikestrike, andand strikestrike homehome,
II leaueleave reuengerevenge behindbehind, andand thouthou shaltshalt feel’tfeel’t.

img: 29-b
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’Tis pitty shee’[*] a Whoore.

Soran.SoranzoSoran.YetYet telltell meeme erecreere thouthou dyestdiest, andand telltell meeme truelytruly,
KnowesKnows thythy oldold FatherFather thisthis?Anna.AnnabellaAnna.NoNo byby mymy lifelife.
Soran.SoranzoSoran.WiltWilt thouthou confesseconfess, andand II willwill sparespare thythy lifelife?
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.MyMy lifelife? II willwill notnot buybuy mymy lifelife soso dearedear.
Soran.SoranzoSoran.II willwill notnot slackeslack mymy VengeanceVe●geanceVengeance.
EnterEnter VasquesVasques.
Vas.VasquesVas.WhatWhat d’eed’eed’ye meanemean SirSir?
Soran.SoranzoSoran.ForbeareForbear VasquesVasques, suchsuch aa damneddamned WhoreWhore
DeseruesDeserves nono pittypity.
Vas.VasquesVas.NowNow thethe godsgods forefendforefend!
AndAnd wudwould youyou bebe herher executionerexecutioner, andand killkill herher inin youryour ragerage tootoo?
OO ’twere’twere mostmost vn-manlikeunmanlike; sheeshe isis youryour wifewife, whatwhat faultsfaults hathhath
beenebeen donedone byby herher beforebefore sheshe marriedmarried youyou, werewere notnot againstagainst youyou;
alasalas PoorePoor LadyLady, whatwhat hathhath sheeshe committedcommitted, whichwhich anyany LadyLady
inin ItalyItaly inin thethe likelike casecase wouldwould notnot? SirSir, youyou mustmust bebe ruledruled byby
youryour reasonreason, andand notnot byby youryour furyfury, thatthat werewere vnhumaneunhuman andand
Soran.SoranzoSoran.SheeShe shallshall notnot liuelive.
Vas.VasquesVas.ComeCome sheeshe mustmust; youyou wouldwould hauehave herher confesseconfess thethe Au-AuthorsAu∣thorsAuthors
ofof herher presentpresent misfortunesmisfortu●esmisfortunes II warrant’eewarrant ’ee, ’tis’tis anan vnconscio-vnconscionablevnconscio|nableunconscionable
demanddemand, andand sheeshe shouldshould looselose thethe estimationestimation thatthat II (forfor
mymy partpart) holdhold ofof herher worthworth, ifif sheeshe hadhad donedone itit; whywhy sirsir youyou
oughtought notnot ofof allall menmen liuingliving toto knowknow itit: goodgood sirsir beebe reconciledreconciled,
alasalas goodgood gentlewomangentlewoman.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.PishPish, doedo notnot begbeg forfor meeme, II prizeprize mymy lifelife
AsAs nothingnothing; ifif TheThe manman willwill needsneeds beebe maddmad.
WhyWhy letlet himhim taketake itit.
Soran.SoranzoSoran.VasquesVasques, hear’sthear’st thouthou thisthis?
Vas.VasquesVas.YesYes, andand commendcommend herher forfor itit; inin thisthis sheeshe shewsshows thethe no-noblenesseno|blenessenobleness
ofof aa gallantgallant spiritspirit, andand beshrewbeshrew mymy heartheart, butbut itit becomesbecomes
herher rarelyrarely SirSir, inin anyany casecase smothersmother youryour reuengerevenge; leaueleave
thethe sentingscenting outout youryour wrongswrongs toto meeme, beebe rul’drul’d●ruled asas youyou respectrespect
youryour honourhonour, oror youyou marrmar allall SirSir, ifif euerever mymy seruiceservice werewere ofof
anyany CreditCredit withwith youyou, bebe notnot soso violentviolent inin youryour distractionsdistractions: youyou
areare marriedmarried nownow; whatwhat aa tryumphtriumph mightmight thethe reportreport ofof thisthis giuegive
toto otherother neglectedneglected SutorsSuitors, ’tis’tis asas manlikemanlike toto bearebear extremitiesextremities,
asas godlikegodlike toto forgiueforgive.

img: 30-a
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’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore.

Soran.SoranzoSoran.OO VasquesVasques, VasquesVasques, inin thisthis peecepiece ofof fleshflesh,
ThisThis faithlessefaithless faceface ofof hershers, hadhad II laydlaid vpup
TheThe treasuretreasure ofof mymy heartheart; hadsthadst thouthou beenebeen vertuousvirtuous
(FaireFair wickedwicked woemanwoman) notnot thethe matchlessematchless ioyesjoys
OfOf LifeLife it selfeitself hadhad mademade meeme wishwish toto liuelive
WithWith anyany SaintSaint butbut theethee; DeceitfullDeceitful CreatureCreature,
HowHow hasthast thouthou mock’tmocked mymy hopeshopes, andand inin thethe shameshame
OfOf thythy lewdlewd wombewomb, eueneven buriedburied meeme aliuealive?
II diddid tootoo dearelydearlydear louelove theethee.
Vas.VasquesVas.ThisThis isis wellwell;
FollowFollow thisthis tempertemper withwith somesome passionpassion,AsideAside.
BeeBebe briefebrief andand mouingmoving, ’tis’tis forfor thethe purposepurpose.
Soran.SoranzoSoran.BeBe witnessewitness toto mymy wordswords thythy soulesoul andand thoughtsthoughts,
AndAnd telltell meeme didstdidst notnot thinkethink thatthat inin mymy heartheart,
II diddid tootoo superstitiouslysuperstitiously adoreadore theethee.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.II mustmust confesseconfess, II knowknow youyou lou’dloved meeme wellwell.
Soran.SoranzoSoran.AndAnd wouldstwouldst thouthou vseuse meeme thusthus? OO AnnabellaAnnabella,
BeeBebe thusthus assur’dassured, whatsor’rewhatsoe’er thethe VillaineVillain waswas,
ThatThat thusthus hathhath temptedtempted theethee toto ThisThis disgracedisgrace,
WellWell heehe mightmight lustlust, butbut neuernever lou’dloved likelike meeme:
HeeHe doateddoted onon thethe picturepicture thatthat hunghung outout
VponUpon thythy cheekescheeks, toto pleaseplease hishis humouroushumourous eyeeye;
NotNot onon thethe partpart II lou’dloved, whichwhich waswas thythy heartheart,
AndAnd asas II thoughtthought, thythy VertuesVirtues.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.OO mymy LordLord!
TheseThese wordswords woundwound deeperdeeper thenthan youryour SwordSword couldcould dodo.
Vas.VasquesVas.LetLet meeme notnot euerever taketake comfortcomfort, butbut II beginbegin toto weepeweep my my selfemyself
soso muchmuch II pittypity himhim; whywhy MadamMadam II knewknew whenwhen hishis ragerage
waswas ouer-pastoverpast, whatwhat itit wouldwould comecome toto.
Soran.SoranzoSoran.ForgiueForgive meeme AnnabellaAnnabella, thoughthough thythy youthyouth
HathHath temptedtempted theethee aboueabove thythy strengthstrength toto follyfolly,
YetYet willwill notnot II forgetforget whatwhat II shouldshould beebe,
AndAnd whatwhat II amam, aa husbandhusband; inin thatthat namename
IsIs hidhid DeuinityDivinity; ifif II doedo findefind
ThatThat thouthou wiltwilt yetyet bebe truetrue, herehere II remitremit
allall formerformer faultsfaults, andand taketake theethee toto mymy bosomebosom.
Vas.VasquesVas.ByBy mymy trothtroth, andand that’sthat’s aa poyntpoint ofof noblenoble charitycharity.

img: 30-b
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’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore,

Anna.AnnabellaAnna.SirSir onon mymy kneesknees
Soran.SoranzoSoran.RiseRise vpup, youyou shallshall notnot kneelekneel,
GetGet youyou toto youryour chamberchamber, seesee youyou makemake nono shewshow
OfOf alterationalteration, I’leI’ll bebe withwith youyou streightstraight;
MyMy reasonreason tellstells meeme nownow, thatthat ’Tis’Tis asas commoncommon
ToTo erreerr inin frailtyfrailty asas toto beebe aa woemanwoman,

GoeGo toto youryour chamberchamber.ExitExit AnnaAnnabellaAnna.
Vas.VasquesVas.SoSo, thisthis waswas somewhatsomewhat toto thethe mattermatter; whatwhat doedo youyou
thinkethink ofof youryour heauenheaven ofof happinessehappiness nownow sirsir?
Soran.SoranzoSoran.II carrycarry hellhell aboutabout meeme, allall mymy bloodblood
IsIs fir’dfired inin swiftswift reuengerevenge.
Vas.VasquesVas.ThatThat maymay beebe, butbut knowknow youyou howhow, oror onon whomwhom? alasalas,
toto marrymarry aa greatgreat woemanwoman, beingbeing mademade greatgreat inin thethe stockestock toto youryour
handhand, isis aa vsuallusual sportsport inin thesethese dayesdays; butbut toto knowknow whatwhat SecretSecret
itit waswas thatthat hauntedhaunted youryour Cunny-berryCunny-berry, there’sthere’s thethe cunningcunning.
Soran.SoranzoSoran.I’leI’ll makemake herher telltell her selfeherself, oror
Vas.VasquesVas.OrOr whatwhat? youyou mustmust notnot doedoesodo soso, letlet meme yetyet perswadepersuade youryour
sufferancesufferance aa littlelittle whilewhile, goego toto herher, vseuse herher mildlymildly, winnewin herher ifif
itit bebe possiblepossible toto aa VoluntaryVoluntary, toto aa weepingweeping tunetune; forfor thethe restrest, ifif
allall hitthit, II willwill notnot missemiss mymy markemark; praypray sirsir goego inin, thethe nextnext newsnews
II telltell youyou shallshall bebe wonderswonders.
Soran.SoranzoSoran.DelayDelay inin vengeancevengeance giuesgives aa heauyerheavier blowblow.ExitExit.
Vas,VasquesVas,AhAh sirrahsirrah, here’shere’s workework forfor thethe noncenonce; II hadhad aa suspici-suspicionsuspici∣onsuspicion
ofof aa badbad mattermatter inin mymy headhead aa prettypretty whileswhiles agoeago; butbut afterafter MyMy
scuruyscurvy lookeslooks herehere atat homehome, herher waspishwaspish peruersnesseperverseness,
andand loudloud fault-findingfaultfinding, thenthen II remembredremembered thethe ProuerbeProverb, thatthat
WhereWhere HensHens crowecrow, andand CocksCocks holdhold theirtheir peacepeace, therethere areare sorrysorry
sfoot’sfoot, ifif thethe lowerlower partsparts ofof aa Shee-taylorsShe-tailor’sshe-tailor’s CunningCunning, cancan
couercover suchsuch aa swellingswelling inin thethe stomackestomach, I’leI’ll neuernever blameblame aa falsefalse
stichstitch inin aa shoeshoe whileswhiles II liuelive againeagain; vpup andand vpup soso quickequick? andand soso
quicklyquickly tootoo? ’twere’twere aa finefine policypolicy toto learnelear●elearn byby whomwhom thisthis mustmust
bebe knowneknown: andand II hauehave thoughtthought on’ton’t here’shere’s thethe wayway oror
nonenone whatwhat cryingcrying oldold MistresseMistress! alasalas, alasalas, II cannotcannot blameblame
’ee’eethou, weewe hauehave aa LordLord, HeauenHeaven helpehelp vsus, isis soso maddemad asas thethe devilldevil
himselfehimself, thethe moremore shameshame forfor himhim.
EnterEnter PutanaPutana.
Put.PutanaPut.OO VasquesVasques, thatthat euerever II waswas borneborn toto seesee thisthis dayday,

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’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore.

D[*]thDothDoth heehe vseuse theethee soso tootoo, sometimessometimes VasquesVasques?
Vas.VasquesVas.MeeMe? whywhy heehe makesmakes aa doggedog ofof meeme; butbut ifif somesome werewere
ofof mymy mindemind, II knowknow whatwhat weewe wouldwould doedo; asas suresure asas II amam anan
honesthonest manman, heehe willwill goego neerenear toto killkill mymy LadyLady withwith vnkindnesseunkindness;
saysay sheeshe bebe with-childwith-child, isis thatthat suchsuch aa mattermatter forfor aa youngyoung woemanwoman
ofof herher yeeresyears, toto bebe blam’dblamed forfor?
Put.PutanaPut.AlasAlas goodgood heartheart, itit isis againstagainst herher willwill fullfull soresore.
Vas.VasquesVas.II durstdurst bebe swornesworn, allall hishis madnessemadness isis, forfor thatthat sheeshe willwill
notnot confesseconfess whosewhose ’tis’tis, whichwhich heehe willwill knowknow, andand whenwhen hehe dothdoth
knowknow itit, II amam soso wellwell acquaintedacquainted withwith hishis humourhumour, thatthat heehe
willwill forgetforget allall streightstraight; wellwell II couldcould wishwish, sheeshe wouldwould inin plaineplain
termesterms telltell allall, forfor that’sthat’s thethe wayway indeedindeed.
Put.PutanaPut.DoeDo youyou thinkethink soso?
Vas.VasquesVas.FoFohFoe, II know’tknow’t; prouidedprovided thatthat heehe diddid notnot winnewin herher to’tto’t
byby forceforce, heehe waswas onceonce inin aa mindmind, thatthat youyou couldcould telltell, andand mentmeant
toto hauehave wrungw●ungwrung itit outout ofof youyou, butbut II somewhatsomewhat pacifiedpacified himhim forfor
thatthat●that; yetyet suresure youyou knowknow aa greatgreat, dealedeal.
Put.PutanaPut.HeauenHeaven forgiueforgive vsus allall, II knowknow aa littlelittle VasquesVasques.
Vas.VasquesVas.WhyWhy shouldshould youyou notnot? whowho elseelse shouldshould? vponupon mymy Con-ConscienceCon∣scienceConscience
sheeshe louesloves youyou dearelydearlydear, andand youyou wouldwould notnot betraybetray herher toto
anyany afflictionaffliction forfor thethe worldworld.
Put.PutanaPut.NotNot forfor allall thethe worldworld byby mymy FaithFaith andand trothtroth VasquesVasques.
Vas.VasquesVas.’Twere’Twere pittypity ofof youryour lifelife ifif youyou shouldshould, butbut InIn thisthis youyou
shouldshould bothboth releiuerelieve herher presentpresent discomfortsdiscomforts, pacifiepacify mymy LordLord, andand
gainegain your selfeyourself euerlastingeuereverlastingever lasting lasting louelove andand prefermentpreferment.
Put.PutanaPut.Do’stDost thinkethink soso VasquesVasques?
Vas.VasquesVas.NayNay II know’tknow’t; suresure ’twas’twas somesome neerenear andand entireentire friendfriend.
Put.PutanaPut.’Twas’T’T’Twas was was aa dearedear friendfriend indeedindeed; butbut
Vas.VasquesVas.ButBut whatwhat? fearefear notnot toto namename himhim: mymy lifelife betweenebetween youyou
andand dangerdanger; faithfaith II thinkethink ’twas’twas nono basebase FellowFellow.
Put.PutanaPut.ThouThou wiltwilt standstand betweenebetween meeme andand harmeharme●harm?
Vas.VasquesVas.V’dsUd’sUds pittypity, whatwhat elseelse; youyou shalbeshall be rewardedrewarded tootoo; trusttrust meme.
Put.PutanaPut.’Twas’Twas eueneven nono worseworse thenthan herher owneown brotherbrother.
Vas.VasquesVas.HerHer brotherbrother GiouanniGiovanni II warrant’eewarrant ’ee?
Put.PutanaPut.EuenEveneven heehe VasquesVasques; asas brauebrave aa GentlemanGentleman asas euerever kistkissed
fairefair LadyLady; OOOh theythey louelove mostmost perpetuallyperpetually.
Vas.VasquesVas.AA brauebrave GentlemanGentleman indeedindeed, whywhy thereintherein II CommendCommend

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’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore.

herher choycechoice betterbetter andand betterbetter youyou areare suresure ’twas’twas heehe?
Put.PutanaPut.SureSure; andand youyou shall seeshall’seeshall see heehe willwill notnot bebe longlong fromfrom herher
Vas.VasquesVas.HeHe werewere toto blameblame ifif hehe wouldwould: butbut maymay II beleeuebelieve theethee?
Put.PutanaPut.BeleeueBelieve meeme! whywhy do’stdost thinkethink II amam aa TurkeTurk oror aa IewJewjew?
nono VasquesVasques, II hauehave knowneknown theirtheir dealingsdealings tootoo longlong toto belyebelie themthem
Vas.VasquesVas.WhereWhere areare youyou? therethere withinwithin sirssirs?
EnterEnter BandettiBandittiBandetti.
Put.PutanaPut.HowHow nownow, whatwhat areare thesethese?
Vas.VasquesVas.YouYou shallshall knowknow presentlypresently,
ComeCome sirssirs, taketake meeme ThisThis oldold DamnableDamnable haggehag,
GagGag herher instantlyinstantly, andand putput outout herher eyeseyes, quicklyquickly, quicklyquickly.
Put.PutanaPut.VasquesVasques, VasquesVasques.
Vas.VasquesVas.GagGag herher II saysay sfoot’sfootsf●ot’sfoot d’eed’eed’ye suffersuffer herher toto prateprate? whatwhat d’eed’eed’ye
fumblefumble aboutabout? letlet meeme comecome toto herher, I’leI’ll helpehelp youryour oldold gumsgums,
youyou Toad-belliedToad-bellied bitchbi●chbitch; sirssirs, carrycarry herher closelyclosely intointo thethe Coale-Coale-houseCoalhouseCoal-house
andand putput outout herher eyeseyes instantlyinstantly, ifif sheeshe roaresroars, slittslit herher
nosenose; d’eed’eed’ye hearehear, beebe speedyspeedy andand suresure. WhyWhy thisthis isis excellentexcellent andand
aboueabove expectationexpectation.ExitExit withwith PutanaPutana.
HerHer owneown brotherbrother? OO horriblehorrible! toto whatwhat aa heightheight ofof libertyliberty inin
damnationdamnation hathhath thethe DeuillDevil trayn’dtrayn’dourtrained ourour ageage, herher BrotherBrother, wellwell;
there’sthere’s yetyet butbut aa beginningbeginning, II mustmust toto mymy LordLord, andand tutortutor himhim
betterbetter inin hishis pointspoints ofof vengeancevengeance; nownow II seesee howhow aa smoothsmooth taletale
goesgoes beyondbeyond aa smoothsmooth tayletail, butbut softsoft,
whatwhat thingthing comescomes nextnext?EnterEnter GiouanniGiovanni.
GiouanniGiovanni! asas II wouldwould wishwish; mymy beleefebelief isis strengthnedstrengthened,
’Tis’Tis asas firmefirm asas WinterWinter andand SummerSummer.
Gio.GiovanniGio.Where’sWhere’s mymy SisterSister?
Vas.VasquesVas.TroubledTroubled withwith aa newnew sicknessickness mymy LordLord she’sshe’s somwhatsomewhat illill.
Gio.GiovanniGio.TookeT●●thTook tootoo muchmuch ofof thethe fleshflesh II beleeuebelieve.
Vas.VasquesVas.TrothT●●thTroth sirsir andand youyou II thinkethink hauehauee’nehave e’nee’en hitthit itit,
ButBut MyMy vertuousvirtuous LadyLady.
Gio.GiovanniGio.Where’sWhere’s sheeshe?
Vas.VasquesVas.InIn herher chamberchamber; pleaseplease youyou visitvisit herher; sheshe isis alonealone, youryour li-liberalityli∣beralityliberality
hathhath doublydoubly mademade meme youryour seruantservant, andand euerever shalshall euerever ExitExit Gio.GiovanniGio.
SirSir, II amam mademade aa manman, II hauehave plyedplied mymy CueCue withwith cunningcunningEnterEnter So-SoranzoSo∣ranzoSoranzo


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andand successesuccess, II beseechbeseech youyou let’slet’s bebe priuateprivate.
Soran,SoranzoSoran,MyMy LadyesLady’s brother’sbrother’s comecome, nownow hee’lehe’ll knowknow allall.
Vas.VasquesVas.LetLet himhim know’tknow’t, II hauehave mademade somesome ofof themthem fastfast enoughenough,
HowHow hauehave youyou deltdealt withwith mymy LadyLady?
Soran.SoranSoran●SoranzoSoranGentlyGently, asas thouthou hasthast counsail’dcounselled; OOOh mymy soulesoul
RunsRuns circularcircular inin sorrowsorrow forfor reuengerevenge,
ButBut VasquesVasques, thouthou shaltshalt knowknow
Vas.VasquesVas.NayNay, II willwill knowknow nono moremore; forfor nownow comescomes youryour turneturn
toto knowknow; II wouldwould notnot talketalk soso openlyopenly withwith youyou: LetLet mymy youngyoung
MaisterMaster taketake timetime enoughenough, andand goego atat pleasurepleasure; heehe isis soldsold toto
deathdeath, andand thethe DeuillDevil shallshall notnot ransomeransom himhim, SirSir II beseechbeseech youyou,
youryour priuacyprivacy.
Soran.SoranzoSoran.NoNo ConquestConquest cancan gaynegain gloryglory ofof mymy fearefear.ExitExit.

ActusActus QuintusQuintus.
EnterEnter AnnabellaAnnabella aboueabove.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.PleasuresPleasure’spleasure’s farwellfarewell, andand allall yeeye thriftlessethriftless minutesminutes,
WhereinWherein FalseFalse ioyesjoys hauehave spunspun aa wearyweary lifelife,
ToTo thesethese mymy FortunesFortunes nownow II taketake mymy leaueleave.
ThouThou PreciousPrecious TimeTime, thatthat swiftlyswiftly rid’strid’st inin poastpost
OuerOver thethe worldworld, toto finishfinish vpup thethe racerace
OfOf mymy lastlast fatefate; herehere staystay thythy restlesserestless coursecourse,
AndAnd bearebear toto AgesAges thatthat areare yetyet vnborneunborn,
AA wretchedwretched woefullwoeful woemanswoman’s TragedyTragedy,
MyMy ConscienceConscience nownow standsstands vpup againstagainst mymy lustlust
WithWith dispositionsdispositions charectredcharactered inin guiltguilt,EnterEnter FryarFriarfriar.
AndAnd tellstells meeme II amam lostlost: NowNow II confesseconfess,
BeautyBeauty thatthat cloathesclothes thethe out-sideoutside ofof thethe faceface,
IsIs cursedcursed ifif itit bebe notnot cloath’deloath’dclothed withwith gracegrace:

HereHere likelike aa TurtleTurtle (mew’dmewed vpup inin aa CageCage)
Vn-matedUnmated, II conuerseconverse withwith AyreAir andand wallswalls,
AndAnd descantdescant onon mymy vildvilevild vnhappinesseunhappiness.
OO GiouanniGiovanni, thatthat hasthast hadhad thethe spoylespoil

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OfOf thinethine owneown vertuesvirtues andand mymy modestmodest famefame,
WouldWould thouthou hadsthadst beenebeen lesseless subiectsubject toto thosethose StarsStars
ThatThat luckelesseluckless raign’dreigned atat mymy NatiuityNativity:
OOOh wouldwould thethe scourgescourge duedue toto mymy blackeblack offenceoffence
MightMight passepass fromfrom theethee, thatthat II alonealone mightmight feelefeele●feel
TheThe tormenttorment ofof anan vncontrouleduncontrolled flameflame.
Fry.FriarFry.What’sWhat’s thisthis II hearehear?
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.ThatThat manman, thatthat BlessedBlessed FryarFriar,
WhoWho ioyndjoined inin CeremoniallCeremonial knotknot mymy handhand
ToTo himhim whosewhose wifewife II nownow amam; toldtold meeme oftoft,
II troadtrod thethe pathpath toto deathdeath, andand shewedshowed meeme howhow.
ButBut theythey whowho sleepesleep inin LethargiesLethargies ofof LustLust
HuggeHugg●Hug theirtheir confusionconfusion, makingmaking HeauenHeaven vniustv●●ius●unjust,

AndAnd soso diddid II.
Fry.FriarFry.Here’sHere’s MusickeMusic toto thethe soulesoul.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.ForgiueForgive meeme mymy GoodGood GeniusGenius, andand thisthis onceonce
BeBe helpfullhelpful toto mymy endsends; LetLet somesome goodgood manman
PassePass thisthis wayway, toto whosewhose trusttrust II maymay commitcommit
ThisThis paperpaper doubledouble lin’dlined withwith tearestears andand bloodblood:
WhichWhich beingbeing grantedgranted; herehere II sadlysadly vowvow
RepentanceRepentance, andand aa leauingleaving ofof thatthat lifelife
II longlong hauehave dyeddied inin.
Fry.FriarFry.LadyLady, HeauenHeaven hathhath heardheard youyou,
AndAnd hathhath byby prouidenceprovidence ordain’dordained, thatthat II
shouldshould bebe hishis MinisterMinister forfor youryour behoofebehoof.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.HaHa, whatwhat areare youyou?
Fry.FriarFry.YourYour brothersbrother’s friendfriend thethe FryarFriar;
GladGlad inin mymy soulesoul thatthat II hauehave liu’dlived toto hearehear
ThisThis freefree confessionconfession twixttwixt youryour peacepeace andand youyou,
WhatWhat wouldwould youyou oror toto whomwhom? fearefear notnot toto speakespeak.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.IsIs HeauenHeaven soso bountifullbountiful? thenthenthan II hauehave foundfound
MoreMore fauourfavour thenthan II hop’dhoped; herehere HolyHoly manman ThrowesThrows aa letterletter,
CommendCommend meeme toto mymy BrotherBrother giuegive himhim thatthat,
ThatThat LetterLetter; bidbid himhim readread itit andand repentrepent,
TellTell himhim thatthat II (imprison’dimprisoned inin mymy chamberchamber,
BardBarredBard ofof allall companycompany, eueneven ofof MyMy GuardianGuardian,
WhoWho giuesgives meme causecause ofof muchmuch suspectsuspect) hauehave timetime

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ToTo blushblush atat whatwhat hathhath pastpassed: biddbid himhim bebe wisewise,
AndAnd notnot beleeuebelieve thethe FriendshipFriendship ofof mymy LordLord,
II fearefear muchmuch moremore thenthan II cancan speakespeak: GoodGood fatherfather,
TheThe placeplace isis dangerousdangerous, andand spyesspies areare busiebusy,
II mustmust breakebreak offoff you’leyou’ll doe’tdo’t?
Fry.FriarFry.BeBe suresure II willwill;
AndAnd flyfly withwith speedespeed mymy blessingblessing euerever restrest
WithWith theethee mymy daughterdaughter, liuelive toto dyedie moremore blessedblessed.ExitExit Fry.FriarFry.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.ThanksThanks toto thethe heauensheavens, whowho hauehave prolong’dprolonged mymy breathbreath
ToTo thisthis goodgood vseuse: NowNow II cancan welcomewelcome DeathDeath.ExitExit.

EnterEnter SoranzoSoranzo andand VasquesVasques.

Vas.VasquesVas.AmAm II toto bebe beleeu’dbelieved nownow?
FirstFirst, marrymarry aa strumpetstrumpet thatthat castcast her selfeherself awayaway vponupon youyou butbut toto
laughlaugh atat youryour horneshorns? toto feastfeast onon youryour disgracedisgrace, riottriot inin youryour vex-vexationsvex∣ationsvexations
cuckoldcuckold youyou inin youryour bride-bedbridebed, wastewaste youryour estateestate vponupon
PandersPanders andand BawdsBawds?
Soran.SoranzoSoran.NoNo moremore, II saysay nono moremore.
Vas.VasquesVas.AA CuckoldCuckold isis aa goodlygoodly tametame beastbeast mymy LordLord.
Soran.SoranzoSoran.II amam resolu’dresolved; vrgeurge notnot anotheranother wordword,
MyMy thoughtsthoughts areare greatgreat, andand allall asas resoluteresolute
AsAs thunderthunder; inin meanemean timetime I’leI’ll causecause ourour LadyLady
ToTo deckedeck her selfeherself inin allall herher bridallbridal RobesRobes,
KisseKiss herher, andand foldfold herher gentlygently inin mymy armesarms.
BegoneBegone; yetyet hearehear youyou, areare thethe BandettiBandittiBandetti readyready
ToTo waitewait inin AmbushAmbush?
Vas.VasquesVas.GoodGood SirSir, troubletrouble notnot your selfeyourself aboutabout otherother businesbusiness, thenthan
youryour owneown resolutionresolution; rememberremember thatthat timetime lostlost cannotcannot bebe recal’drecalled.
Soran.SoranzoSoran.WithWith allall thethe cunningcunning wordswords thouthou canstcanst, inuiteinvite
TheThe StatesStates ofof ParmaParma toto mymy Birth-dayesBirthday’sbirthday’s feastfeast,
HasteHaste toto mymy BrotherBrother riuallrival andand hishis FatherFather,
EntreateEntreat themthem gentlygently, biddbid themthem notnot toto faylefail,
BeeBebe speedyspeedy andand returnereturn.
Vas.VasquesVas.LetLet notnot youryour pittypity betraybetray youyou, tilltill mymy commingcoming backeback,
ThinkeThink vponupon IncestIncest andand CuckoldryCuckoldry.
Soran.SoranzoSoran.ReuengeRevenge isis allall thethe AmbitionAmbition II aspireaspire,
ToTo thatthat I’leI’ll climeclimb oror fallfall; mymy blood’sblood’s onon firefire.ExeuntExeunt.

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EnterEnter GiouanniGiovanni.

Gio.GiovanniGio.BusieBusy opinionopinion isis anan idleidle FooleFool,
ThatThat asas aa Schoole-rodSchool-rodschool-rod keepeskeeps aa childchild inin aweawe,
FrightsFrights thethe vnexperienc’tunexperienced tempertemper ofof thethe mindmind:
SoSo diddid itit meeme; whowho ereere MyMy preciousprecious SisterSister
WasWas marriedmarried, thoughtthought allall tasttaste ofof louelove wouldwould dyedie
InIn suchsuch aa ContractContract; butbut II findefind nono changechange
OfOf pleasurepleasure inin thisthis formallformal lawlaw ofof sportssports.
SheeSheshe isis stillstill oneone toto meeme, andand eueryevery kissekiss
AsAs sweetsweet, andand asas deliciousdelicious asas thethe firstfirst
II reap’treaped; whenwhen yetyet thethe priuiledgeprivilege ofof youthyouth
IntitledEntitled herher aa VirgineVirgin. OO thethe gloryglory
OfOf twotwo vnitedunited heartshearts likelike hershers andand minemine!
LetLet PoaringPoring booke-menbookmen dreamedream ofof otherother worldsworlds,
MyMy worldworld, andand allall ofof happinessehappiness isis herehere,
AndAnd I’deI’d notnot changechange itit forfor thethe bestbest toto comecome,
AA lifelife ofof pleasurepleasure isis ElyzeumElysiumElyzeum.EnterEnter FryarFriarfriar.
FatherFather, youyou enterenter onon thethe IubileJubileejubilee
OfOf mymy retyr’dretired delightsdelights; NowNow II cancan telltell youyou,
TheThe hellhell youyou oftoft hauehave promptedprompted, isis noughtnaught elseelse
ButBut slauishslavish andand fondfond superstitioussuperstitious fearefear;
AndAnd II couldcould proueprove itit tootoo
Fry.FriarFry.ThyThy blindnesseblindness slayesslays theethee,
LookeLook therethere, ’tis’tis writtwritwritten toto theethee.GiuesGives thethe

Gio.GiovanniGio.FromFrom whomwhom?.
Fry.FriarFry.VnripUnrip thethe sealesseals andand seesee:
TheThe blood’sblood’s yetyet seethingseething hothot, thatthat willwill anonanon
BeBe frozenfrozen harderharder thenthan congeal’dcongealed CorrallCoral.
WhyWhy d’eed’eed’ye changechange colourcolour sonneson?
Gio.GiovanniGio.ForeFore HeauenHeaven youyou makemake
SomeSome pettypetty DeuillDevil factorfactor ’twixt’twixt mymy louelove
AndAnd youryour relligion-maskedreligion-masked sorceriessorceries.
WhereWhere hadhad youyou thisthis?
Fry.FriarFry.ThyThy ConscienceConscience youthyouth isis sear’dseared,
ElseElse thouthou wouldstwouldst stoopestoop toto warningwarning.
Gio.GiovanniGio.’Tis’Tis herher handhand,

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’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore.

II know’tknow’t; andand ’tis’tis allall writtenwritten inin herher bloodblood.
SheShe writeswrites II knowknow notnot whatwhat; DeathDeath? I’leI’ll notnot fearefear
AnAn armedarmed thunder-boltthunderbolt aym’daimed atat mymy heartheart.
SheeSheshe writeswrites weewe areare discouereddiscovered, pox〈◊〉pox ono●on dreamesdreams
OfOf lowelow faint-heartedfaint-hearted CowardiseCowardice;;: discouereddiscovered?
TheThe DeuillDevil weewe areare; whichwhich wayway is’tis’t possiblepossible?
AreAre weewe grownegrown TraytoursTraytomsTraitors toto ourour owneown delightsdelights?
ConfusionConfusion taketake suchsuch dotagedotage, ’tis’tis butbut forg’dforged,
ThisThis isis youryour peeuishpeevish chatteringchattering weakeweak oldold manman,
NowNow sirsir, whatwhat newesnews bringbring youyou?
EnterEnter VasquesVasques.
Vas.VasquesVas.MyMy LordLord, accordingaccording toto hishis yearelyyearly customecustom keepingkeeping thisthis
dayday aa FeastFeast inin honourhonour ofof hishis Birth-dayBirthday, byby meeme inuitesinvites youyou thi-thitherthi∣therthither
youryour worthyworthy FatherFather withwith thethe PopesPope’spope’s reuerendreverend NuntioNuncioNuntio, andand
otherother Magnifico’sMagni●ico’sMagnificoes ofof ParmaParma, hauehave promis’dpromised theirtheir presencepresence, wiltwil●wilt
pleaseplease youyou toto bebe ofof thethe numbernumber?
Gio.GiovanniGio.YesYes, telltell themthem II daredare comecome.
Vas.VasquesVas.DareDare comecome?
Gio.GiovanniGio.SoSo II saydsaid; andand telltell himhim moremore II willwill comecome.
Vas.VasquesVas.TheseThese wordswords areare strangestrange toto meeme.
Gio.GiovanniGio.SaySay II willwill comecome.
Vas.VasquesVas.YouYou willwill notnot missemiss?
Gio.GiovanniGio.YetYet moremore, I’leI’ll comecome; sirsir, areare youyou answer’danswered?
V[*]s.Vas.VasquesVas.SoSo I’leI’ll saysay mymy seruiceservice toto youyou●you.ExitExit Vas.VasquesVas.
Fry.FriarFry.YouYou willwill not〈◊〉not goego II trusttrust.
Gio.GiovanniGio.NotNot goego? forfor whatwhat?
Fry.FriarFry.OO doedo notnot goego, thisthis feastfeast (I’leI’ll gagegagegauge mymy lifelife)
IsIs butbut aa plotplot toto traynetrain youyou toto youryour ruineruin,
BeBe rul’druled, youyou sha’notsha’not goego.
Gio.GiovanniGio.NotNot goego? stoodstood DeathDeath
ThreatningThreat’ningThreatening hishis armiesarmies ofof confoundingconfounding plaguesplagues,
WithWith hoasts●o●stshosts ofof dangersdangers hothot asas blazingblazing StarrsStars,
II wouldwould bebe therethere; notnot goego? yesyes andand resolueresolve
ToTo strikestrike asas deepedeep inin slaughterslaughter asas theythey allall.
ForFor II willwill goego.
Fry.FriarFry.GoeGo wherewhere thouthou wiltwilt, II seesee
TheThe wildnessewildness ofof thythy FateFareFareFate drawesdraws toto anan endend,

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’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore,

ToTo aa badbad fearefullfearful endend; II mustmust notnot staystay
ToTo knowknow thythy fallfall, backeback toto BononiaBononia II
WithWith speedspeed willwill hastehaste, andand shunshun thisthis commingcoming bloweblow.
ParmaParma farwellfarewell, wouldwould II hadhad neuernever knowneknown theethee,
OrOr oughtaught ofof thinethine; wellwell YoungmanYoung manyoung man, sincesince nono prayerprayer
CanCan makemake theethee safesafe, II leaueleave theethee toto despayredespair.ExitExit Fry.FriarFry.
DespaireDespair oror torturestortures ofof aa thousandthousand hellshellshell’s
All’sAll’s oneone toto meeme; II hauehave setset vpup mymy restrest.
NowNow, nownow, workework seriousserious thoughtsthoughts onon banefullbaneful plotsplots
BeBe allall aa manman mymy soulesoul; letlet notnot thethe CurseCurse
OfOf oldold prescriptionprescription rentrent fromfrom meeme thethe gallgall
OfOf CourageCourage, whichwhich inrollsenrolls aa gloriousglorious deathdeath.
IfIf II mustmust tottertotter likelike aa well-grownewell-grown OakeOak,
SomeSome vnderunder shrubsshrubs shallshall inin mymy weightyweighty fallfall
BeBe crushtcrushed toto splittssplits: withwith meme theythey allall shallshall perishperish.ExitExit.

EnterEnter SoranzoSoranzo, VasquesVasques, andand BandettiBandittiBandetti.
Soran.SoranzoSoran.YouYou willwill notnot faylesaylefailsail, oror shrinkeshrink inin thethe attemptattempt?
Vas.VasquesVas.II willwill vndertakeundertake forfor theirtheir partsparts; bebe suresure mymy MaistersMasters toto
bebe bloodybloody enoughenough, andand asas vnmercifullunmerciful, asas ifif youyou werewere prayingpraying
vponupon aa richrich bootybooty onon thethe veryvery MountainesMountains ofof LiguriaLiguria; forfor youryour
pardonspardons trusttrust toto mymy LordLord; butbut forfor rewardreward youyou shallshall trusttrust nonenone
butbut youryour owneown pocketspockets.
Ban.BandittiBan. omnesomnes.Wee’leWe’ll makemake aa murthermurder.
Soran.SoranzoSoran.Here’sHere’s goldgold, here’shere’s moremore; wantwant nothingnothing, whatwhat youyou dodo
isis noblenoble, andand anan actact ofof brauebrave reuengerevenge.
I’leI’ll makemake yeeye richrich BandettiBandittiBandetti andand allall FreeFree.
OmnesOmnes.LibertyLiberty, libertyliberty.
Vas.VasquesVas.HoldHold, taketake eueryevery manman aa VizardVizard; whenwhen yeeye areare withwithwithdrawnwith
drawnedrawn, keepekeep asas muchmuch silencesilence asas youyou cancan possiblypossibly: youyou knowknow
thethe watch-wordwatchword, tilltill whichwhich bebe spokenspoken mouemove notnot, butbut whenwhen youyou
hearehear thatthat, rushrush inin likelike aa stormy-floodstormy-flood; II needeneed notnot instructinstruct yeeye
inin youryour owneown professionprofession.
OmnesOmnes.NoNo, nono, nono.
Vas.VasquesVas.InIn thenthen, youryour endsends areare profitprofit andand prefermentpreferment awayaway.ExitExit Ban-BandettiBan∣detti

Soran.SoranzoSoran.TheThe guestsguests willwill allall comecome VasquesVasques?
Vas.VasquesVas.YesYes sirsir,

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andand nownow letlet meme aa littlelittle edgeedge youryour resolutionresolution;
youyou seesee nothingnothing isis vnreadyunready toto thisthis GreatGreat workework, butbut aa greatgreat mindmind
inin youyou: CallCall toto youryour remembranceremembrance youryour disgracesdisgraces, youryour losseloss ofof
HonourHonour, Hippolita’sHippolita’s bloodblood; andand armearm youryour couragecourage inin youryour owneown
wrongswrongs, soso shallshall youyou bestbest rightright thosethose wrongswrongs inin vengeancevengeance
whichwhich youyou maymay truelytruly callcall YourYour owneown.
Soran.SoranzoSoran.’Tis’Tis wellwell; thethe lesseless II speakespeak, thethe moremore II burneburn,
andand bloodblood shallshall quenchquench thatthat flameflame.
Vas.VasquesVas.NowNow youyou beginbegin toto turneturn ItalianItalian, thisthis besidebeside, whenwhen mymy
youngyoung Incest-mongerIncest-monger comescomes, heehe wilbewill be sharpesharp setset onon hishis oldold bittbit:
giuegive himhim timetime enoughenough, letlet himhim hauehave youryour ChamberChamber andand bedbed atat li-libertyli∣bertyliberty
letlet mymy HotHot HareHare hauehave lawlaw ereere hehe bebe huntedhunted toto hishis deathdeath,
EnterEnter Gio-GiouanniGio∣uanni
thatthat ifif itit bebe possiblepossible, heehe maymay poastpost toto HellHell inin thethe veryvery ActAct ofof hishis
Soran.SoranzoSoran.ItIt shallshall bebe soso; andand seesee asas weewe wouldwould wishwish,
HeeHe comescomes himselfehimself firstfirst; welcomewelcome mymy Much-lou’dMuch-loved brotherbrother,
NowNow II perceiueperceive youyou honourhonour meme; y’arey’areyou’re welcomewelcome,
ButBut where’swhere’s mymy fatherfather?
Gio.GiovanniGio.WithWith thethe otherother StatesStates,
AttendingAttending onon thethe NuntioNuncioNuntio ofof thethe PopePope
ToTo waitewait vponupon himhim hitherhither; how’show’s mymy sistersister?
Soran.SoranzoSoran.LikeLike aa goodgood huswifehuswifehousewife scarcelyscarcely readyready yetyet,
Y’areY’areYou’re bestbest walkewalk toto herher chamberchamber.
Gio.GiovanniGio.IfIf youyou willwill.
Soran.SoranzoSoran.II mustmust expectexpect mymy honourablehonourable FriendsFriends,
GoodGood brotherbrother getget herher forthfort●forth.
Gio.GiovanniGio.YouYou areare busiebusy SirSir.ExitExit GiouanniGiovanni.
Vas.VasquesVas.EuenEveneven asas thethe greatgreat DeuillDevil himselfehimself wouldwould hauehave itit, letlet himhim
goego andand glutglut himselfehimself inin hishis owneown destructiondestruction; harkehark, thethe NuncioNuncio
isis atat handhand; goodgood sirsir bebe readyready toto receiuereceive himhim.

FlorishFlourishflourish.EnterEnter CardinallCardinal, FlorioFlorio, DonadoDonado, RichardettoRichardetto andand AttendantsAttendants.

Soran.SoranzoSoran.MostMost reuerendreverend LordLord, thisthis gracegrace hathhath mademade meme proudproud,
ThatThat youyou vouchsafevouchsafe mymy househouse; II euerever restrest
YourYour humblehumble seruantservant forfor thisthis NobleNoble FauourFavour.
Car.CardinalCar.YouYou areare ourour FriendFriend mymy LordLord, his●ishis holinesseholiness

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’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore.

ShallShall vnderstandunderstand, howhow zealouslyzealously youyou honourhonour
SaintSaint PetersPeter’s VicarVicar inin hishis substitutesubstitute
OurOur speciallspecial louelove toto youyou.
Soran.SoranzoSoran.SigniorsSigniors toto youyou
MyMy welcomewelcome, andand mymy euerever bestbest ofof thanksthanks
ForFor thisthis soso memorablememorable courtesiecourtesy,
PleasethPleaseth youryour GraceGrace toto walkewalk neerenear?
Car.CardinalCar.MyMy LordLord, weewe comecome
ToTo celebratecelebrate youryour FeastFeast withwith CiuillCivil mirthmirth,
As●sAs ancientancient customecustom teachethteacheth: weewe willwill goego.
Soran.SoranzoSoran.AttendAttend hishis gracegrace therethere, SigniorsSigniors keepekeep youryour wayway.ExeūtExeunt

EnterEnter GiouanniGiovanni andand AnnabellaAnnabella lyinglying onon aa bedbed.

Gio.GiovanniGio.WhatWhat chang’dchanged soso soonesoon? hathhath youryour newnew sprightlysprightly LordLord●Lord
FoundFound outout aa tricketrick inin night-gamesnight-games moremore thenthan weewe
CouldCould knowknow inin ourour simplicitysimplicity? haha! is’tis’t soso?
OrOr doesdoes thethe fittfit comecome onon youyou, toto proueprove treacheroustreacherous
ToTo youryour pastpast vowesvows andand oathesoaths?
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.WhyWhy shouldshould youyou jeastjest
AtAt mymy CalamityCalamity, withoutwithout allall sencesense
OfOf thethe approachingapproaching dangersdangers youyou areare inin?
Gio.GiovanniGio.WhatWhat danger’sdanger’s halfehalf soso greatgreat asas thythy reuoltrevolt?
ThouThou artart aa faithlessefaithless sistersister, elseelse thouthou know’stknow’stknowest,
MaliceMalice, oror anyany treacherytreachery besidebeside
WouldWould stoopestoop toto mymy bent-browesbent-brows; whywhy II holdhold FateFate
Clasp’tClasped inin mymy fistfist, andand couldcould CommandCommand thethe CourseCourse
OfOf timestime’stimes eternalleternal motionmotion; hadsthadst thouthou beenebeen,
OneOne thoughtthought moremore steddysteady thenthan anan ebbingebbing SeaSea.
AndAnd whatwhat? you’leyou’ll nownow bebe honesthonest, that’sthat’s resolu’dresolved?
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.BrotherBrother, dearedear brotherbrother, knowknow whatwhat II hauehave beenebeen;
AndAnd knowknow thatthat nownow there’sthere’s butbut aa dyingdying timetime
TwixtTwixt vsus andand ourour ConfusionConfusion: let’slet’s notnot wastewaste
TheseThese preciousprecious houreshours inin vaynevain andand vselesseuseless speechspeech.
AlasAlas, thesethese gaygay attyresattires werewere notnot putput onon
ButBut toto somesome endend; thisthis suddainesudden solemnesolemn FeastFeast
WasWas notnot ordayn’dordained toto riottriot inin expenceexpense;;:

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’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore.

II thatThat●hatthatThat hauehave nownow beenebeen chambredchambered herehere alonealone,
BardBarredBard ofof mymy GuardianGuardian, oror ofof anyany elseelse,
AmAm notnot forfor nothingnothing atat anan instantinstant free’dfreed
ToTo freshfresh accesseaccess; bebe notnot deceiu’ddeceived MyMy BrotherBrother,
ThisThis BanquetBanquet isis anan harbingerharbinger ofof DeathDeath
ToTo youyou andand meeme, resolueresolve your selfeyourself itit isis,
AndAnd bebe prepar’dprepared toto welcomewelcome itit.
Gio.GiovanniGio.WellWell thenthen,
TheThe Schoole-menSchoolmen teachteach thatthat allall thisthis GlobeGlobe ofof earthearth
ShalbeShall beshall be consum’dconsumed toto ashesashes inin aa minuteminute.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.SoSo II hauehave readread tootoo.
Gio.GiovanniGio.ButBut ’twere’twere somewhatsomewhat strangestrange
ToTo seesee thethe WatersWaters burneburn, couldcould II beleeuebelieve
ThisThis mightmight bebe truetrue, II couldcould beleeuebelieve asas wellwell
ThereThere mightmight bebe hellhell oror HeauenHeaven.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.That’sThat’s mostmost certainecertain.
GioGiovanniGioAA dreamedream, aa dreamedream; elseelse inin thisthis otherother worldworld
WeeWewe shouldshould knowknow oneone anotheranother.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.SoSo weewe shallshall.
Gio.GiovanniGio.HaueHave youyou heardheard soso?
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.ForFor certainecertain.
Gio.GiovanniGio.ButBut d’eed’eed’ye thinkethink,
ThatThat II shallshall seesee youyou therethere,
YouYou lookelook onon meeme,
MayMay weewe kissekiss oneone anotheranother,
PratePrate oror laughlaugh,
OrOr doedo asas weewe doedo herehere?
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.II knowknow notnot thatthat,
ButBut goodgood forfor thethe presentpresent, whatwhat d’eed’eed’ye meanemean
ToTo freefree your selfeyourself fromfrom dangerdanger? somesome wayway, thinkethink
HowHow toto escapeescape; I’meI’m suresure thethe guestsguests areare comecome.
Gio.GiovanniGio.LookeLook vpup, lookelook herehere; whatwhat seesee youyou inin mymy faceface?
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.DistractionDistraction andand aa troubledtroubled CountenanceCountenance.
Gio.GiovanniGio.DeathDeath andand aa swiftswift repiningrepining wrathwrath yetyet lookelook,
WhatWhat seesee youyou inin minemine eyeseyes?
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.MethinkesMethinks youyou weepeweep.
Gio.GiovanniGio.II doedo indeedeindeed; thesethese areare thethe funerallfuneral tearestears

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’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore.

ShedShed onon youryour grauegrave, thesethese furrowedfurrowed vpup mymy cheekescheeks
WhenWhen firstfirst II lou’dloved andand knewknew notnot howhow toto woewoe.
FaireFair AnnabellaAnnabella, shouldshould II herehere repeaterepeat
TheThe StoryStory ofof mymy lifelife, weewe mightmight looselose timetime.
BeBe recordrecord allall thethe spiritsspirits ofof thethe AyreAir,
AndAnd allall thingsthings elseelse thatthat areare; thatthat DayDay andand NightNight,
EarelyEarly andand latelate, thethe tributetribute whichwhich mymy heartheart
HathHath paidpaid toto Annabella’sAnnabella’s sacredsacred louelove,
HathHath beenbeen thesethese tearestears, whichwhich areare herher mournersmourners nownow:
NeuerNever tilltill nownow diddid NatureNature doedo herher bestbest,
ToTo shewshow aa matchlessematchless beautybeauty toto thethe worldworld,
WhichWhich inin anan instantinstant, ereere itit scarsescarce waswas seeneseen,
TheThe jealousjealous DestiniesDestinies requirerequire againeagain.
PrayPray AnnabellaAnnabella, praypray; sincesince weewe mustmust partpart,
GoeGo thouthou whitewhite inin thythy soulesoul, toto fillfill aa ThroneThrone
OfOf InnocenceInnocence andand SanctitySanctity inin HeauenHeaven.
PrayPray, praypray mymy SisterSister.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.ThenThen II seesee youryour driftdrift,
YeeYe blessedblessed AngelsAngels, guardguard meeme.
Gio.GiovanniGio.SoSo saysay II,
KisseKiss meeme; ifif euerever afterafter timestimes shouldshould hearehear
OfOf ourour fast-knitfast-knit affectionsaffections, thoughthough perhapsperhaps
TheThe LawesLaws ofof ConscienceConscience andand ofof CiuillCi●illCivil vseuse
MayMay iustlyjustly blameblame vsus, yetyet whenwhen theythey butbut knowknow
OurOur louesloves, ThatThat louelove willwill wipewipe awayaway thatthat rigourrigour,
WhichWhich wouldwould inin otherother IncestsIncests beebe abhorr’dabhorred.
GiueGive meeme youryour handhand; howhow sweetelysweetly LifeLife dothdoth runnerun
InIn thesethese wellwell colouredcol●uredcoloured veinesveins! howhow constantlyconstantly
TheseThese PalmesPalms doedo promisepromise healthhealth! butbut II couldcould chidechide
WithWith NatureNature forfor thisthis CunningCunning flatteryflattery,
KisseKiss meeme againeagain forgiueforgive meeme.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.WithWith mymy heartheart.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.WillWill youyou begonebegone?
Gio.GiovanniGio.BeBe darkedark brightbright SunneSun,
AndAnd makemake thisthis mid-daymidday nightnight, thatthat thythy guiltgiltguilt rayesrays
MayMay notnot beholdbehold aa deeddeed, willwill turneturn theirtheir splendoursplendour

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’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore.

MoreMore sootysooty, thenthan thethe PoetsPoets faignefeign theirtheir StixStyx.
OneOne otherother kissekiss mymy SisterSister.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.WhatWhat meanesmeans thisthis?
Gio.GiovanniGio.ToTo sauesave thythy famefame andand killkill theethee inin aa kissekiss.stabsstabs herher.
ThusThus dyedie, andand dyedie byby meeme, andand byby mymy handhand,
ReuengeRevenge●●●engeRevenge isis minemine; HonourHonour dothdoth louelove CommandCommand.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.OhOhO brotherbrother byby youryour handhand?
Gio.GiovanniGio.WhenWhen thouthou artart deaddead:
I’leI’ll giuegive mymy reasonsreasons for’tfor’t; forfor toto disputedispute
WithWith thythy (eueneven inin thythy deathdeath) mostmost louelylovely beautybeauty,
WouldWould makemake meeme staggerstagger toto performeperform thisthis actact
WhichWhich II mostmost gloryglory inin.
Anna.AnnabellaAnna.ForgiueForgive himhim HeauenHeaven andand meme mymy sinnessins, farwellfarewell.
BrotherBrother vnkindunkind, vnkindunkind mercymercy greatgreat HeauenHeaven ohoho ohoho.DyesDiesdies.
Gio.GiovanniGio.Shee’sShe’s deaddead, alasalas goodgood soulesoul; TheThe haplessehapless FruiteFruit
ThatThat inin herher wombewomb receiu’dreceived itsits lifelife fromfrom meeme,
HathHath hadhad fromfrom meeme aa CradleCradle andand aa GraueGrave.
II mustmust notnot dallydally, thisthis sadsad Marriage-bedMarriage-bed
InIn allall herher bestbest, borebore herher aliuealive andand deaddead.
SoranzoSoranzo thouthou hasthast mistmissed thythy aymeaim inin thisthis,
II hauehave preuentedprevented nownow thythy reachingreaching plotsplots,
AndAnd kil’dkilled aa LoueLove, forfor whosewhose eacheach dropdrop ofof bloodblood
II wouldwould hauehave pawn’dpawned mymy heartheart; FayreFair AnnabellaAnnabella,
HowHow ouer-gloriousover-glorious artart thouthou inin thythy woundswounds,
TryumphingTriumphing ouerover infamyinfamy andand hatehate!
ShrinkeShrink notnot CouragiousCourageous handhand, standstand vpup mymy heartheart,
AndAnd boldlyboldly actact mymy lastlast, andand greatergreater partpart.ExitExit withwith thethe BodyBody.
AA BanquetBanquet.
EnterEnter CardinallCardinal, FlorioFlorio, DonadoDonado, SoranzoSoranzo, RichardettoRichardetto, Vas-VasquesVas∣quesVasques

andand attendantsattendants; TheyThey taketake theirtheir placesplaces.

Vas.VasquesVas.RememberRemember SirSir whatwhat youyou hauehave toto dodo, bebe wisewise andand resoluteresolu●eresolute.
Soran.SoranzoSoran.EnoughEnough mymy heartheart isis fix’tfixed, pleasethpleaseth YourYour GraceGrace
ToTo tastetaste thesethese CourseCourse ConfectionsConfections; thoughthough thethe vseuse
OfOf suchsuch setset enterteymentsentertainments moremore consistsconsists
InIn CustomeCustom, thenthanthen inin CauseCause; yetyet ReuerendReverend SirSir,
II amam stillstill mademade youryour seruantservant byby youryour presencepresence.

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’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore.

Car.CardinalCar.AndAnd weewe youryour FriendFriend.
Soran.SoranzoSoran.ButBut where’swhere’s mymy BrotherBrother GiouanniGiovanni?

EnterEnter GiouanniGiovanni withwith atat heartheart vponupon hishis DaggerDagger.
Gio.GiovanniGio.HereHere, herehere SoranzoSoranzo; trim’dtrimmed inin reekingreeking bloodblood,
ThatThat tryumphstriumphs ouerover deathdeath; proudproud inin thethe spoylespoil
OfOf LoueLove andand VengeanceVengeance, FateFate oror allall thethe PowersPowers
ThatThat guideguide thethe motionsmotions ofof ImmortallimmortallImortalimmortal SoulesSouls
CouldCould notnot preuentprevent meeme.
Car.CardinalCar.WhatWhat meanesmeans thisthis?
Flo.FlorioFlo.SonneSon GiouanniGiovanni?
Soran.SoranzoSoran.ShallShall II bebe forestall’dforestalled?
Gio.GiovanniGio.BeBe notnot amaz’damazed: IfIf youryour misgiuingmisgiving heartshearts
ShrinkeShrink atat anan idleidle sightsight; whatwhat bloodlessebloodless FeareFear
OfOf CowardCoward passionpassion wouldwould hauehave ceaz’dseizedceased youryour sencessenses,
HadHad youyou beheldbeheld thethe RapeRape ofof LifeLife andand BeautyBeauty
WhichWhich II hauehave actedacted? mymy sistersister, ohoho mymy sistersister,
Flo.FlorioFlo.HaHa!Ha!Ha! WhatWhat ofof herher?
Gio.GiovanniGio.TheThe GloryGlory ofof mymy DeedDeed
DarknedDarkened thethe mid-daymidday SunneSun, mademade NooneNoon asas NightNight.
YouYou camecame toto feastfeast MyMy LordsLords withwith daintydainty farefare,
II camecame toto feastfeast tootoo, butbut II dig’ddigged forfor foodfood
InIn aa muchmuch richerricher MyneMine thenthen GoldGold oror StoneStone
OfOf anyany valuevalue ballanc’tbalanced; ’tis’tis aa HeartHeart,
AA HeartHeart mymy LordsLords, inin whichwhich isis minemine intomb’dentombed,
LookeLook wellwell vpon’tupon’t; d’eed’eed’ye know’tknow’t?
Vas.VasquesVas.WhatWhat strangestrange ridle’sriddle’s thisthis?
Gio.GiovanniGio.’Tis’Tis Annabella’sAnnabella’s HeartHeart, ’tis’tis; whywhy d’eed’eed’ye startlestartle?
II vowvow ’tis’tis hershers, thisthis DaggersDagger’sdagger’s poyntpoint plow’dploughed vpup
HerHer fruitefullfruitful wombewomb, andand leftleft toto meeme thethe famefame
OfOf aa mostmost gloriousglorious executionerexecutioner.
Flo.FlorioFlo.WhyWhy mad-manmadman, artart thy selfethyself?
Gio.GiovanniGio.YesYes FatherFather, andand thatthat timestimes toto comecome maymay knowknow,
HowHow asas mymy FateFate II honouredhonoured mymy reuengerevenge:
ListLiftLiftList FatherFather, toto youryour earesears II willwill yeeldyield vpup
HowHow muchmuch II hauehave deseru’ddeserved toto beebe youryour sonneson.
Flo.FlorioFlo.WhatWhat is’tis’t thouthou say’stsay’st?

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’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore.

Gio.GiovanniGio.NineNine MoonesMoons hauehave hadhad theirtheir changeschanges,
SinceSince II firstfirst throughlythoroughly view’dviewed andand truelytruly lou’dloved
YourYour DaughterDaughter andand mymy SisterSister.
Flo.FlorioFlo.HowHow! alasalas mymy LordsLords, hee’she’s aa frantickfrantic mad-manmadman!
Gio.GiovanniGio.FatherFather nono;
ForFor ninenine MonethsMonths spacef●acespace, inin secretsecret II enjoy’denjoyed
SweeteSweet Annabella’sAnnabella’s sheetessheets; NineNine MonethsMonths II liu’dlived
AA happyhappy MonarchMonarch ofof herher heartheart andand herher,
SoranzoSoranzo, thouthou know’stknow’stknowest thisthis; thythy palerpaler cheekecheek
BearesBears thethe ConfoundingConfounding printprint ofof thythy disgracedisgrace,
ForFor herher tootoo fruitfullfruitful wombewomb tootoo soonesoon bewray’dbewray’d●bewrayed
TheThe happyhappy passagepassage ofof ourour stolnestolen delightsdelights,
AndAnd mademade herher MotherMother toto aa ChildChild vnborneunborn.
Car.CardinalCar.IncestuousIncestuous VillaineVillain.
Flo.FlorioFlo.OhOhO hishis ragerage belyesbelies himhim.
Gio.GiovanniGio.ItIt doesdoes notnot, ’tis’tis thethe OracleOracle ofof truthtruth,
II vowvow itit isis soso.
Soran.SoranzoSoran.II shallshall burstburst withwith furyfury,
BringBring thethe strumpetstrumpet forthforth.
Vas.VasquesVas.II shallshall SirSir.ExitExit Vas.VasquesVas.
Gio.GiovanniGio.DoeDo sirsir, hauehave youyou allall nono faithfaith
ToTo creditcredit yetyet mymy TriumphsTriumphs? herehere II sweareswear
ByBy allall thatthat youyou callcall sacredsacred, byby thethe louelove
II borebore mymy AnnabellaAnnabella whil’stwhilst sheshe liu’dlived,
TheseThese handshands hauehave fromfrom herher bosomebosom riptripped thisthis heartheart.
Is’tIs’t truetrue oror nono sirsir?EnterEnter Vas.VasquesVas.
Vas.VasquesVas.’Tis’Tis mostmost strangelystrangely truetrue.
Flo.FlorioFlo.CursedCursed manman hauehave II liu’dlived toto DyesDiesdies.
Car.CardinalCar.HoldHold vpup FlorioFlorio,
MonsterMonster ofof ChildrenChildren, seesee whatwhat thouthou hasthast donedone,
BroakeBroke thythy oldold FathersFather’s heartheart; isis nonenone ofof youyou
DaresDares venterventure onon himhim?
Gio.GiovanniGio.LetLet ’em’em; ohoho mymy FatherFather,
HowHow wellwell hishis deathdeath becomesbecomes himhim inin hishis griefesgriefs!
WhyWhy thisthis waswas donedone withwith CourageCourage; nownow surviuessurvinessurvives
NoneNone ofof ourour househouse butbut II, guiltguilt inin thethe bloodblood
OfOf aa FayreFair sistersister andand aa HaplesseHapless FatherFather.

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’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore.

Soran.SoranzoSoran.InhamaneInhumaninhuman scornescorn ofof menmen, hasthast thouthou aa thoughtthought
T’outliueT’outlivet’outlive thythy murthersmurders?
Gio.GiovanniGio.YesYes, II telltell theethee yesyes;
ForFor inin mymy fistsfists II bearebear thethe twiststwists ofof lifelife,
SoranzoSoranzo, seesee thisthis heartheart whichwhich waswas thythy wiueswife’swives,
ThusThus II exchangeexchange itit royallyroyally forfor thinethine,
AndAnd thusthus andand thusthus, nownow brauebrave reuengerevenge isis minemine.
Vas.VasquesVas.II cannotcannot holdhold anyany longerlonger; youyou sirsir, areare youyou grownegrown inso-insolentinso∣lentinsolent
inin youryour butcheriesbutcheries? hauehave atat youyou.FightFight.
Gio.GiovanniGio.ComeCome, II amam arm’darmed toto meetemeet theethee.
Vas.VasquesVas.NoNo, willwill itit notnot bebe yetyet? ifif thisthis willwill notnot, anotheranother shallshall,
NotNot yetyet; II shallshall fittfit youyou anonanon VengeanceVengeance.
EnterEnter BandettiBandittiBandetti.
Gio.GiovanniGio.WelcomeWelcome, comecome moremore ofof youyou what e’rewhate’er youyou bebe,
II daredare youryour worstworst
OhOhO II cancan standstand nono longerlonger, FeebleFeeble armesarms
HaueHave youyou soso soonesoon lostlost strengthstrength.
Vas.VasquesVas.NowNow, youyou areare welcomewelcome SirSir,
AwayAway mymy MaistersMasters, allall isis donedone,
ShiftShift forfor your seluesyourselves, youryour rewardreward isis youryour owneown,
ShiftShift forfor your seluesyourselves.
Ban.BanditBan.AwayAway, awayaway.ExeuntExeunt BandettiBandittiBandetti.
Vas.VasquesVas.HowHow d’eed’eed’ye mymy LordLord, seesee youyou thisthis? howhow is’tis’t?
Soran.SoranzoSoran.DeadDead; butbut inin deathdeath wellwell pleasedpleased, thatthat II hauehave liu’dlived
ToTo seesee mymy wrongswrongs reueng’drevenged onon thatthat BlackeBlack DeuillDevil.
OO VasquesVasques, toto thythy bosomebosom letlet meeme giuegive
MyMy lastlast ofof breathbreath, letlet notnot thatthat LecherLecher liuelive ohoho DyesDiesdies.
Vas.VasquesVas.TheThe RewardReward ofof peacepeace andand restrest bebe withwith himhim,
MyMy euerever dearestdearest LordLord andand MaisterMaster.
Gio.GiovanniGio.WhoseWhose handhand gauegave meeme thisthis woundwound?
Vas.VasquesVas.MineMine SirSir, II waswas youryour firstfirst manman, hauehave youyou enoughenough?
Gio.GiovanniGio.II thankethank theethee, thouthou hasthast donedone forfor meme butbut whatwhat II wouldwould
hauehave elseelse donedone onon my selfemyself, ar’tart suresure thythy LordLord isis deaddead?
Vas.VasquesVas.OhOhO ImpudentImpudent slaueslave, asas suresure asas II amam suresure toto seesee thetheethe dyedie,
Car.CardinalCar.ThinkeThink onon thythy lifelife andand endend, andand callcall forfor mercymercy.
Gio.GiovanniGio.MercyMercy? whywhy II hauehave foundfound itit inin thisthis IusticeJusticejustice.
Car.CardinalCar.StriueStrive yetyet toto crycry toto HeauenHeaven.

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’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore.

Gio.GiovanniGio.OhOhO II bleedbleed fastfast,
DeathDeath, thouthou artart aa guestguest longlong look’tlooked forfor, II embraceembrace
TheeThee andand thythy woundswouudswounds; ohoho mymy lastlast minuteminute comescomes.
Where e’reWhere’erwhere’er II goego, letlet meeme enjoyenjoy thisthis gracegrace,
FreelyFreely toto viewview MyMy Annabella’sAnnabella’s faceface.DyesDiesdies.
Do.DonadoDo.StrangeStrange MiracleMiracle ofof IusticeJusticejustice!
Car.CardinalCar.RayseRaise vpup thethe CittyCity, weewe shallshall bebe murderedmurderedallmurdered allall.
Vas.VasquesVas.YouYou needeneed notnot fearefear, youyou shallshall notnot; thisthis strangestrange tasketask be-beingbe∣ingbeing
endedended, II hauehave paidpaid thethe DutyDuty toto thethe SonneSon, whichwhich II hauehave vow-vowedvow∣edvowed
toto thethe FatherFather.
Car.CardinalCar.SpeakeSpeak wretchedwretched VillaineVillain, whatwhat incarnateincarnate FeindFiend
HathHath ledled theethee onon toto thisthis?
Vas.VasquesVas.HonestyHonesty, andand pittypity ofof mymy MaistersMaster’smaster’s wrongswrongs; forfor knowknow
MyMy LordLord. II amam byby birthbirth aa SpaniardSpaniard, broughtbrought forthforth mymy Coun-CountreyCoun|treyCountry
inin mymy youthyouth byby LordLord Soranzo’sSoranzo’s FatherFather; whomwhom whil’stwhilst hehe li-liuedli∣uedlived
II seru’dserved faithfullyfaithfully; sincesince whosewhose deathdeath II hauehave beenebeen toto thisthis
manman, asas II waswas toto himhim; whatwhat II hauehave donedone waswas dutyduty, andand II repentrepent
nothingnothing, butbut thatthat thethe losseloss ofof mymy lifelife hadhad notnot ransom’dransomed hishis.
Car.CardinalCar.SaySay FellowFellow, know’stknow’stknowest thouthou anyany yetyet vnnam’dunnamed
OfOf CounsellCounsel inin thisthis IncestIncest?
Vas.VasquesVas.YesYes, anan oldold woemanwoman, sometimessometimes GuardianGuardian toto thisthis mur-murthuredmur∣thuredmurderedmurthured
Car.CardinalCar.AndAnd what’swhat’s becomebecome ofof herher?
Vas.VasquesVas.WithinWithin thisthis RoomeRoom sheeshe isis, whosewhose eyeseyes afterafter herher con-confessioncon∣fessionconfession
II caus’dcaused toto bebe putput outout, butbut keptkept aliuealive, toto confirmeconfirm whatwhat
fromfrom Giouanni’sGiovanni’s owneown mouthmouth youyou hauehave heardheard: nownow MyMy LordLord,
whatwhat II hauehave donedone, youyou maymay IudgeJudgejudge ofof, andand letlet youryour owneown wise-wisedomewise∣domewisdom
beebe aa judgejudge inin youryour owneown reasonreason.
Car.CardinalCar.PeacePeace; FirstFirst thisthis woemanwoman chiefechief inin thesethese effectseffects,
MyMy sentencesentence isis, thatthat forthwithforthwith sheeshe bebe taneta’en
OutOut ofof thethe CityCity, forfor examplesexample’s sakesake,
ThereThere toto bebe burntburned toto ashesashes.
Do.DonadoDo.’Tis’Tis mostmost iustjust.
Car.CardinalCar.BeBe itit youryour chargecharge DonadoDonado, seesee itit donedone.
Do.DonadoDo.II shallshall.
Vas.VasquesVas.WhatWhat forfor meeme? ifif deathdeath, ’tis’tis welcomewelcome, II hauehave beenebeen ho-honestho∣nesthonest
toto thethe SonneSon, asas II waswas toto thethe FatherFather.

img: 39-b
sig: K4r

’Tis pitty shee’s a Whoore.

Car.CardinalCar.FellowFellow, forfor theethee; sincesince whatwhat thouthou did’stdidst, waswas donedouedonedove
NotNot forfor thy selfethyself, beingbeing nono ItalianItalian,
WeeWewe banishbanish theethee forfor euerever, toto departdepart
WithinWithin threethree dayesdays, inin thisthis weewe doedo dispensedispense
WithWith groundsgrounds ofof reasonreason notnot ofof thinethine offenceoffence.
Vas.VasquesVas.’Tis’Tis wellwell; thisthis ConquestConquest isis minemine, andand II reioycerejoice thatthat aa
SpaniardSpaniard out-wentoutwent anan ItalianItalian inin reuengerevenge.ExitExit Vas.VasquesVas.
Car.CardinalCar.TakeTake vpup thesethese slaughteredslaughtered bodiesbodies, seesee themthem buriedburied,
AndAnd allall thethe GoldGold andand IewellsJewelsjewels, oror whatsoeuerwhatsoever,
ConfiscateConfiscate byby thethe CanonsCanons ofof thethe ChurchChurch,
WeeWewe ceazeseizecease vponupon toto thethe PopesPope’spope’s properproper vseuse.
Richar.RichardettoRichar.YourYour GracesGrace’sgrace’s pardonpardon, thusthus longlong II liu’dlived disguis’ddisguised
ToTo seesee thethe effecteffect ofof PridePride andand LustLust atat onceonce
BroughtBrought bothboth toto shamefullshameful endsends.
Car.CardinalCar.WhatWhat RichardettoRichardetto whomwhom weewe thoughrthoughtthoughrthought forfor deaddead?
Do.DonadoDo.SirSir waswas itit youyou
Richar.RichardettoRichar.YourYour friendfriend.
Car.CardinalCar.WeeWewe shallshall hauehave timetime
ToTo talketalk atat largelarge ofof allall, butbut neuernever yetyet
IncestIncest andand MurtherMurder hauehave soso strangelystrangely metmet.
OfOf oneone soso youngyoung, soso richrich inin NaturesNature’s storestore,
WhoWho couldcould notnot saysay, ’Tis’Tis pittypity shee’sshe’s aa WhooreWhore?ExeuntExeunt.


TheThe generallgeneral CommendationCommendation deserueddeserved byby thethe ActorsActors, inin
theirtheir PresentmentPresentment ofof thisthis TragedyTragedy, maymay easilyeasily excuseexcuse suchsuch
fewfew faultsfaults, asas areare escapedescaped inin thethe PrintingPrinting: AA commoncommon
charitycharity maymay allowallow himhim thethe abilityability ofof spellingspelling, whomwhom aa se-securese∣curesecure
confidenceconfidence assuresassures thatthat heehe cannotcannot ignorantlyignorantly erreerr inin
thethe ApplicationApplication ofof SenceSense.

Textual Notes
  1. (3-b) : A3 is an added leaf, and is not included in the collation formula.
  2. (9-a) : The regularized reading smoothed-cheek comes from the original smooth’d-cheeke, though possible variants include smooth-cheeked.
  3. (13-a) : The regularized reading Livorno is amended from the original Ligorne.
  4. (14-a) : The regularized reading slight is amended from the original flight.
  5. (14-b) : The regularized reading Livorno is amended from the original Lïgorne.
  6. (15-a) : The regularized reading not is supplied for the original n[*]t.
  7. (18-a) : The regularized reading Enter is supplied for the original Ente[*].
  8. (18-a) : The regularized reading Sweetheart is supplied for the original Sweet-hea[*]t.
  9. (19-a) : Erroneous speech prefix. Potential alternate reading: Bergetto.
  10. (21-b) : The regularized reading Richardetto is supplied for the original Richa[*]detto.
  11. (22-a) : The regularized reading Friar is amended from the original Fryars.
  12. (24-a) : The regularized reading Grimaldi is supplied for the original G[*]i..
  13. (25-a) : The regularized reading Alas is supplied for the original Ala[*].
  14. (25-b) : The regularized reading Let is supplied for the original Le[*].
  15. (26-a) : The regularized reading Soranzo is supplied for the original So[*]an..
  16. (29-a) : The regularized reading Lei comes from the original Lei, though possible variants include Dei or a lui.
  17. (31-a) : The regularized reading Doth is supplied for the original D[*]th.
  18. (34-a) : The regularized reading Vasques is supplied for the original V[*]s..
  19. (36-b) : The regularized reading woe comes from the original woe, though possible variants include woo.
  20. (37-b) : The regularized reading at comes from the original at, though possible variants include a.
  21. (39-b) : The regularized reading thought is amended from the original thoughr.

’Tis Pity She’s a Whore