Browsing: Company of First Production: Admiral's (Nottingham's) Men

Displaying 1 - 25 of 25
Title Author(s) Performance Datesort descending Publication Date Company of First Production STC/Wing
The Battle of Alcazar 1589 1594

STC 19531

Tamburlaine the Great, 1 1587 1590

STC 17425

The Reign of King Edward the Third 1590 1596

STC 7501

Tamburlaine the Great, 2 1588 1590

STC 17425

The Wounds of Civil War, or Marius and Scilla 1588 1594

STC 16678

Doctor Faustus 1592 1604

STC 17429

Two Lamentable Tragedies 1594 1601

STC 26076

The Four Prentices of London 1594 1615

STC 13321

A Knack to Know an Honest Man 1594 1596

STC 15028

Captain Thomas Stukeley 1596 1605

STC 23405

The Blind Beggar of Alexandria (Irus) 1596 1598

STC 4965

An Humorous Day's Mirth (The Comedy of Humors) 1597 1599

STC 4987

The Death of Robert, Earl of Huntingdon (Robin Hood, 2) 1598 1601

STC 18269

The Downfall of Robert, Earl of Huntingdon (Robin Hood, 1) 1598 1601

STC 18271

Englishmen for my Money, or A Woman Will Have Her Will 1598 1616

STC 12931

The Two Angry Women of Abingdon, 1 1598 1599

STC 20122

Look About You 1599 1600

STC 16799

Sir John Oldcastle, 1 1599 1600

STC 18795

The Shoemakers' Holiday, or The Gentle Craft 1599 1600

STC 6523

Old Fortunatus 1599 1600

STC 6517

Patient Grissel 1600 1603

STC 6518

The Blind Beggar of Bednal Green, 1 (Tom Strowd, 1) 1600 1659

Wing D464

Hoffman, or a Revenge for a Father 1602 1631

STC 5125

The Family of Love 1608 1608

STC 17879

Lust's Dominion, or The Lascivious Queen 1641 1657

Wing L3504A