Browsing: Company of First Production: Queen Anne's Men

Displaying 1 - 23 of 23
Title Author(s) Performance Datesort ascending Publication Date Company of First Production STC/Wing
Fortune by Land and Sea 1639 1655

Wing H1783

The Devil's Law Case (When Women Go to Law the Devil Is Full of Business) 1619 1623

STC 25173

The Martyred Soldier 1618 1638

STC 22435

Swetnam the Woman-Hater Arraigned by Women 1618 1620

STC 23544

The Honest Lawyer 1615 1616

STC 21519

The Iron Age, 2 1612 1632

STC 13340

The Iron Age, 1 1612 1632

STC 13340

The White Devil (Vittoria Corombona) 1612 1612

STC 25178

The Brazen Age 1611 1613

STC 13310

The Silver Age 1611 1613

STC 13365

Greene's Tu Quoque, or The City Gallant 1611 1614

STC 5673

If It Be Not Good, the Devil Is in It (If This Be Not a Good Play, the Devil Is in It) 1611 1612

STC 6507

Match Me in London 1611 1631

STC 6529

The Golden Age, or The Lives of Jupiter and Saturn 1610 1611

STC 13325

A Shoemaker a Gentleman 1608 1638

STC 21422

The Rape of Lucrece 1607 1608

STC 13360

The Travels of the Three English Brothers 1607 1607

STC 6417

Nobody and Somebody 1605 1606

STC 18597

If You Know Not Me You Know Nobody, 2 (The Second Part of Queen Elizabeth's Troubles) 1605 1606

STC 13336

The Fair Maid of the West, or A Girl Worth Gold, 1 1604 1631

STC 13320

The Wise Woman of Hogsdon 1604 1638

STC 13370

If You Know Not Me You Know Nobody, 1 (The Troubles of Queen Elizabeth) 1604 1605

STC 13328

The Famous History of Sir Thomas Wyatt 1602 1607

STC 6537