Browsing: Theater: Cockpit

Displaying 1 - 15 of 15
Title Author(s) Performance Datesort descending Publication Date Company of First Production STC/Wing
The Jew of Malta 1589 1633

STC 17412

The Antiquary 1621 1641

Wing M703

The Witch of Edmonton 1621 1658

Wing R2097

The Bondman (The Noble Bondman) 1623 1624

STC 17632

The Sun's Darling 1624 1656

Wing F1467

King John and Matilda 1628 1655

Wing D370

The English Traveller 1627 1633

STC 13315

A Maidenhead Well Lost 1633 1634

STC 13357

The Seven Champions of Christendom 1635 1638

STC 15014

The Hollander (Love's Trial) 1636 1640

STC 11909

The Cid, 1 (The Valiant Cid) 1637 1637

STC 5770

The Ladies' Privilege (The Lady's Privilege) 1637 1640

STC 11910

Wit in a Constable 1638 1640

STC 11914

The Court Beggar 1640 1653

Wing B4870

A Jovial Crew, or The Merry Beggars 1641 1652

Wing B4873