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ln 0001GallatheaGallatheaGalathea.

ln 0002AsAs itit waswas playdeplayed beforebefore
ln 0003thethe QueenesQueen’squeen’s MaiestieMajesty atat
ln 0004Greene-wicheGreenwichGreen-which, onon NewyeeresNew year’sNewyear’s
ln 0005dayday atat NightNight.

ln 0006ByBy thethe ChyldrenChildren ofof
ln 0007PaulesPaul’s.

ln 0009PrintedPrinted byby IohnJohnjohn Charl-CharlwoodeCharl∣woodeCharlewoodCharlwoode
ln 0010woode
ln 0010forfor thethe VVid-VViddowVVid∣dowWidow
ln 0011dow
ln 0011BroomeBroome.
ln 001215921592.

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wln 0001TheThe ProloguePrologue.

wln 0002IOSIOSIos andand SmyrnaSmyrna werewere twotwo
wln 0003sweetesweet CyttiesCitiescities, thethe firstfirst namednamed
wln 0004ofof thethe VioletViolet, thethe latterlatter ofof thethe
wln 0005MyrrhMyrrh: HomerHomer waswas borneborn
wln 0006inin thethe oneone, andand buriedburied inin thethe
wln 0007otherother; YourYour MaiestiesMajesty’s iudgementjudgement andand fauourfavorfavour,
wln 0008areare ourour SunneSun andand shadoweshadow, thethe oneone commingcoming
wln 0009ofof youryour deepedeep wisedomewisdom, thethe otherother ofof youryour won-wontedwon∣tedwonted
wln 0010ted
wln 0010gracegrace. VVeeWewe inin allall humilitiehumility desiredesire, thatthat byby
wln 0011thethe formerformer, receiuingreceiving ourour firstfirst breathbreath, wewe maymay
wln 0012inin thethe latterlatter, taketake ourour lastlast restrest.
wln 0013AugustusAugustus CæsarCaesarCaesar hadhad suchsuch pearcingpiercing eyeseyes,
wln 0014thatthat whowho soso lookedlooked onon himhim, waswas constrainedconstrained toto
wln 0015winckewink. YourYour highnessehighness hathhath soso perfitperfect aa iudge-iudgementiudge∣mentjudgement
wln 0016ment,
wln 0016thatthat what soeuerwhatsoever wewe offeroffer, wewe areare enfor-enforcedenfor∣cedenforced
wln 0017ced
wln 0017toto blushblush; yetyet asas thethe AtheniansAthenians werewere mostmost
wln 0018curiouscurious, thatthat thethe LawneLawn wherewithwherewith MineruaMinerva
wln 0019waswas coueredcovered, shouldshould bebe withoutwithout spottespot oror wrin-wrinklewrin∣kle

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The Prologue.

wln 0020klewrinkle, SoSo hauehave wewe endeuouredendeavoredendeavoured withwith allall carecare, thatthat
wln 0021whatwhat weewe presentpresent youryour HighnesseHighness, shouldeshould ney-neytherney∣therneither
wln 0022ther
wln 0022offendoffend inin ScæneScaeneScene nornor sillablesyllable, knowingknowing thatthat
wln 0023asas inin thethe groundground wherewhere GoldGold growethgroweth, nothingnothing
wln 0024willwill prosperprosper butbut GoldeGold, soso inin youryour MaiestesMajestesMajesty’sMajestes
wln 0025mindemind, wherewhere nothingnothing dothdoth harborharborharbour butbut vertuevirtue,
wln 0026nothingnothing cancan enterenter butbut vertuevirtue.


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wln 0028ActusActus primusprimus. ScænaScaenaScaena primaprima.

wln 0029TyterusTityrusTyterus. GallatheaGallathea.

wln 0030TyterusTityrusTyterus.THETHE SunneSun doothdoth beatebeat
wln 0031vpponupon thethe playneplain fieldesfields,
wln 0032whereforewherefore letlet vsus sitsit downedown
wln 0033GallatheaGallatheaGalathea, vnderunder thisthis fairefair
wln 0034OakeOak, byby whosewhose broadebroad
wln 0035leauesleaves, beeingbeing defendeddefended
wln 0036fromfrom thethe warmewarm beamesbeams, wewe maymay enioyenjoy thethe freshfresh ayreair,
wln 0037whichwhich softlysoftly breathesbreathes fromfrom HumberHumber floodesfloods.
wln 0038Galla.GallatheaGalla.FatherFather, youyou hauehave deuiseddevised wellwell, andand whilstwhilst ourour
wln 0039flockeflock dothdoth roameroam vpup andand downedown thysthis pleasantpleasant greenegreen,
wln 0040youyou shallshall recountrecount toto meeme, ifif itit pleaseplease youyou, forfor whatwhat causecause
wln 0041thysthis TreeTree waswas dedicateddedicated vntounto NeptuneNeptune, andand whywhy youyou
wln 0042hauehave thusthus disguiseddisguised meme.
wln 0043TyterusTityrusTyterusII doedo agreeagree theretothereto, andand whenwhen thythy statestate andand
wln 0044mymy carecare bebe consideredconsidered, thouthou shaltshalt knoweknow thysthis questionquestion
wln 0045waswas notnot askedasked inin vainevain.
wln 0046GallatheaGallatheaII willinglywillingly attendattend.
wln 0047TyterusTityrusTyterusInIn tymestimes pastpast, wherewhere thouthou seestseest aa heapeheap
wln 0048ofof smallsmall pyblepebble, stoodestood aa statelystately TempleTemple ofof whitewhite Mar-MarbleMar∣bleMarble
wln 0049ble,
wln 0049whichwhich waswas dedicateddedicated toto thethe GodGod ofof thethe SeaSea, (andand inin
wln 0050rightright beeingbeing soso neerenear thethe SeaSea) hetherhither camecame allall suchsuch asas

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wln 0051eythereither venturedventured byby longlong trauelltravel toto seesee CountriesCountries, oror byby
wln 0052greatgreat traffiquetraffic toto vseuse merchandisemerchandise, offeringoffering SacrificeSacrifice byby
wln 0053firefire, toto getteget safetysafety byby waterwater; yeeldingyielding thanksthanks forfor per-perrilsper∣rilsperils
wln 0054rils
wln 0054pastpast, &and makingmaking prayersprayers forfor goodgood successesuccess toto comecome;
wln 0055butbut FortuneFortune, constantconstant inin nothingnothing butbut inconstancieinconstancy, diddid
wln 0056changechange herher copiecopy, asas thethe peoplepeople theirtheir customecustom, forfor thethe
wln 0057LandLand beingbeing oppressedoppressed byby DanesDanes, whowho in steedinstead ofof sacri-sacrificesacri∣ficesacrifice
wln 0058fice,
wln 0058committedcommitted sacrilidgesacrilege, in steedeinsteadin steed ofof religionreligion, rebelli-rebellionrebelli∣onrebellion
wln 0059on,
wln 0059andand mademade aa prayprey ofof thatthat inin whichwhich theythey shouldshould hauehave
wln 0060mademade theyrtheir prayersprayers, tearingtearing downedown thethe TempleTemple eueneven
wln 0061withwith thethe earthearth, beingbeing almostalmost equallequal withwith thethe skyesskies, en-enrageden∣ragedenraged
wln 0062raged
wln 0062soso thethe GodGod whowho bindesbinds thethe windeswinds inin thethe hol-holloweshol∣loweshollows
wln 0063lowes
wln 0063ofof thethe earthearth, thatthat hehe causedcaused thethe SeasSeas toto breakebreak
wln 0064theirtheir boundsbounds, sithsith menmen hadhad brokebroke theirtheir vowesvows, andand toto
wln 0065swellswell asas farrefar aboueabove theyrtheir reachreach, asas menmen hadhad swaruedswerved
wln 0066beyondbeyond theyrtheir reasonreason: thenthen mightmight youyou seesee shippesships saylesail
wln 0067wherewhere sheepesheep feddefed, ankersanchors castcast wherewhere ploughesplowsploughs goego,
wln 0068fishermenfishermen throwthrow theyrtheir netsnets, wherewhere husbandmenhusbandmen sowesow
wln 0069theyrtheir CorneCorn, andand fishesfishes throwthrow theirtheir scalesscales wherewhere fowlesfowls
wln 0070doedo breedebreed theyrtheir quilsquills: thenthen mightmight youyou gathergather frothfroth
wln 0071wherewhere nowenow isis dewedew, rottenrotten weedesweeds forfor sweetesweet rosesroses, &and
wln 0072taketake vieweview ofof monstrousmonstrous MaremaidesMermaidsmermaids, insteedinstead ofof pas-passingpas∣singpassing
wln 0073sing
wln 0073fairefair MaydesMaids.
wln 0074Galla.GallatheaGalla.ToTo hearehear thesethese sweetesweet maruailesmarvels, II wouldwould
wln 0075minemine eyeseyes werewere turnedturned alsoalso intointo earesears.
wln 0076Tyte.TityrusTyte.ButBut atat thethe lastlast, ourour Country-menCountrymen repentingrepenting,
wln 0077andand notnot tootoo latelate, becausebecause atat lastlast, NeptuneNeptune eithereither wearieweary
wln 0078ofof hishis wrothwrath, oror wariewary toto doedo themthem wrongwrong, vponupon condi-conditioncondi∣tioncondition
wln 0079tion
wln 0079consentedconsented toto easeease theyrtheir miseriesmiseries.
wln 0080Galla.GallatheaGalla.WhatWhat conditioncondition willwill notnot miserablemiserable menmen ac-acceptac∣cept
wln 0081ceptaccept?
wln 0082Tyte.TityrusTyte.TheThe conditioncondition waswas thisthis, thatthat atat eueryevery fiuefive
wln 0083yeeresyears dayday, thethe fairestfairest andand chastestchastest virginevirgin inin allall thethe
wln 0084CountreyCountry, shouldshould bebe broughtbrought vntounto thisthis TreeTree, &and heerehere
wln 0085beeingbeing boundbound, (whomwhom neitherneither parentageparentage shallshall excuseexcuse

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wln 0086forfor honourhonorhonour, nornor vertuevirtue forfor entegrityintegrity) isis leftleft forfor aa peacepeace
wln 0087offeringoffering vntounto NeptuneNeptune.
wln 0088Galla.GallatheaGalla.DeereDear isis thethe peacepeace thatthat isis boughtbought withwith guilt-guiltlesseguilt∣lesseguiltless
wln 0089lesse
wln 0089bloodblood.
wln 0090Tyte.TityrusTyte.II amam notnot ableable toto saysay thatthat, butbut heehe sendethsendeth aa
wln 0091MonsterMonster calledcalled thethe AgarAgar, againstagainst whosewhose commingcoming thethe
wln 0092waterswaters roreroar, thethe fowlesfowls fliefly awayaway, andand thethe CattellCattle inin thethe
wln 0093fieldfield forfor terrorterror, shunneshun thethe bankesbanks.
wln 0094Galla.GallatheaGalla.AndAnd sheshe boundbound toto endureendure thatthat horrorhorror?
wln 0095Tyte.TityrusTyte.AndAnd sheshe boundbound toto endureendure thatthat horrorhorror.
wln 0096Galla.GallatheaGalla.DothDoth thysthis MonsterMonster deuouredevour herher?
wln 0097Tyte.TityrusTyte.WhetherWhether sheshe bebe deuoureddevoured ofof himhim, oror conuei-conueiedconuei∣edconveyed
wln 0098ed
wln 0098toto NeptuneNeptune, oror drowneddrowned betweenbetween bothboth, itit isis notnot per-permittedper∣mittedpermitted
wln 0099mitted
wln 0099toto knoweknow, andand encurrethincurreth dangerdanger toto coniectureconjecture;
wln 0100NowNow GallatheaGallatheaGalathea heerehere endethendeth mymy taletale, &and beginnethbeginneth thythy
wln 0101tragedietragedy.
wln 0102Galla.GallatheaGalla.AlasAlas fatherfather, andand whywhy soso?
wln 0103Tyte.TityrusTyte.II wouldwould thouthou hadsthadst beenebeen lesseless fairefair, oror moremore
wln 0104fortunatefortunate, thenthen shouldestshouldst thouthou notnot repinerepine thatthat II hauehave
wln 0105disguiseddisguised theethee inin thisthis attyreattire, forfor thythy beautiebeauty willwill makemake
wln 0106theethee toto bebe thoughtthought worthyworthy ofof thisthis GodGod; toto auoideavoid thertherforether∣foretherefore
wln 0107fore
wln 0107destenydestiny (forfor wisedomewisdom rulethruleth thethe starsstars) II thinkethink itit
wln 0108betterbetter toto vseuse anan vnlawfullunlawful meanesmeans (youryour honourhonorhonour preser-preseruedpreser∣uedpreserved
wln 0109ued)
wln 0109thenthanthen intollerableintolerable greefegrief, bothboth lifelife andand honorhonorhonour ha-hazardedha∣zardedhazarded
wln 0110zarded,
wln 0110andand toto preuentprevent (ifif itit bebe possiblepossible) thythy constella-constellationconstella∣tionconstellation
wln 0111tion
wln 0111byby mymy craftcraft. NowNow hasthast thouthou heardheard thethe customecustom ofof
wln 0112thisthis CountreyCountry, thethe causecause whywhy thysthis TreeTree waswas dedicateddedicated
wln 0113vntounto NeptuneNeptune, andand thethe vexingvexing carecare ofof thythy fearefullfearful Fa-FatherFa∣therFather
wln 0114therFather.
wln 0115Galla.GallatheaGalla.FatherFather, II hauehave beenebeen attentiueattentive toto hearehear, andand
wln 0116byby youryour patiencepatience amam readyready toto aunsweranswer. DestenieDestiny maymay
wln 0117bebe deferreddeferred, notnot preuentedprevented::; andand thereforetherefore itit werewere bet-betterbet∣terbetter
wln 0118ter
wln 0118toto offeroffer my selfemyself inin tryumphtriumph, thenthan toto bebe drawnedrawn toto
wln 0119itit withwith dishonourdishonordishonour. HathHath naturenature (asas youyou saysay) mademade meeme
wln 0120soso fairefair aboueabove allall, andand shallshall notnot vertuevirtue makemake meeme asas fa-famousfa∣mousfamous

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wln 0121mous
wln 0121asas othersothers? DoeDo youyou notnot knoweknow, (oror doothdoth ouer-ouercarefulnesouer∣carefulnesovercarefulness
wln 0122carefulnes
wln 0122makemake youyou forgetforget) thatthat anan honorablehonorablehonourable deathdeath isis
wln 0123toto bebe preferredpreferred beforebefore anan infamousinfamous lifelife. II amam butbut aa childchild,
wln 0124andand hauehave notnot liuedlived longlong, andand yetyet notnot soso childishchildish, asas II de-desirede∣siredesire
wln 0125sire
wln 0125toto liuelive euerever: vertuesvirtues II meanemean toto carrycarry toto mymy grauegrave,
wln 0126notnot graygraygrey haireshairs. II wouldewould II werewere asas suresure thatthat destinydestiny
wln 0127wouldwould lightlight onon meme, asas II amam resoluedresolved itit couldcould notnot fearefear
wln 0128meme. NatureNature hathhath givēgiuēgiven meme beautybeauty, VertueVirtue couragecourage, Na-NatureNa∣tureNature
wln 0129ture
wln 0129mustmust yeeldyield meeme deathdeath, VertueVirtue honorhonorhonour. SufferSuffer meeme
wln 0130thereforetherefore toto diedie, forfor whichwhich II waswas borneborn, oror letlet meme cursecurse
wln 0131thatthat II waswas borneborn, sithsith II maymay notnot diedie forfor itit.
wln 0132Tyte.TityrusTyte.AlasAlas GallatheaGallatheaGalathea, toto considerconsider thethe causescauses ofof
wln 0133changechange, thouthou artart tootoo youngyoung, andand thatthat II shouldshould findfind themthem
wln 0134outout forfor theethee, tootoo tootoo fortunatefortunate.
wln 0135Galla.GallatheaGalla.TheThe desteniedestiny toto meme cannotcannot bebe soso hardhard asas thethe
wln 0136disguisingdisguising hatefullhateful.
wln 0137Tyte.TityrusTyte.ToTo gainegain louelove, thethe GodsGods hauehave takentaken shapesshapes
wln 0138ofof beastesbeasts, andand toto sauesave lifelife artart thouthou coycoy toto taketake thethe at-attireat∣tireattire
wln 0139tire
wln 0139ofof menmen?
wln 0140Galla.GallatheaGalla.TheyThey werewere beastlybeastly godsgods, thatthat lustlust couldcould makemake
wln 0141themthem seemeseem asas beastesbeasts.
wln 0142Tyte.TityrusTyte.InIn healthhealth itit isis easieeasy toto counsellcounsel thethe sickesick, butbut
wln 0143it’sit’s hardhard forfor thethe sickesick toto followefollow wholesomewholesome counsailecounsel.
wln 0144WellWell letlet vsus departdepart, thethe dayday isis farrefar spentspent.ExeuntExeunt.

wln 0145ActusActus primusprimus. ScænaScaenaScaena secundasecunda.
wln 0146CupidCupid, NimphNymph ofof DianaDiana.
wln 0147CupidCupid.FaireFair NimpheNymph, areare youyou strayedstrayed fromfrom youryour
wln 0148companiecompany byby chauncechance, oror louelove youyou toto wanderwander solitarilysolitarily
wln 0149onon purposepurpose?
wln 0150NimphNymph.FaireFair boyboy, oror godgod, oror what euerwhatever youyou beebe, II
wln 0151wouldwould youyou knewknew thesethese woodswoods areare toto meme soso welwell knownknown,
wln 0152thatthat II cannotcannot straystray thoughthough II wouldwould, andand mymy mindemind soso
wln 0153freefree, thatthat toto bebe melancholymelancholy II hauehave nono causecause. ThereThere isis
wln 0154nonenone ofof DianaesDiana’s traynetrain thatthat anyany cancan trainetrain, eithereither outout

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wln 0155ofof theirtheir waieway, oror outout ofof theirtheir witswits.
wln 0156CupidCupid.WhatWhat isis thatthat DianaDiana aa goddessegoddess? whatwhat herher
wln 0157NimphesNymph’s virginsvirgins? whatwhat herher pastimespastimes huntinghunting?
wln 0158NimphNymphAA goddessegoddess? whowho knowesknows itit notnot? VirginsVirgins?
wln 0159whowho thinkesthinks itit notnot? HuntingHunting? whowho louesloves itit notnot?
wln 0160CupidCupidII praypray theethee sweetesweet wenchwench, amongstamongst allall youryour
wln 0161sweetesweet troopetroop, isis therethere notnot oneone thatthat followethfolloweth thethe swee-sweetestswee∣testsweetest
wln 0162test
wln 0162thingthing. SweeteSweet louelove?
wln 0163NimphNymphLoueLove goodgood sirsir, whatwhat meanemean youyou byby itit? oror
wln 0164whatwhat doedo youyou callcall itit?
wln 0165CupidCupidAA heateheat fullfull ofof coldnessecoldness, aa sweetsweet fullfull ofof bit-bitternessebit∣ternessebitterness
wln 0166ternesse,
wln 0166aa painepain fulfull ofof pleasantnessepleasantness, whichwhich makethmaketh
wln 0167thoughtsthoughts hauehave eyeseyes, andand hartsheart’s earesears, bredbred byby desiredesire, nur-nursednur∣sednursed
wln 0168sed
wln 0168byby delightdelight, weanedweaned byby ielousiejealousy, kildkilled byby dissemblingdissembling,
wln 0169buriedburied byby ingratitudeingratitude, andand thisthis isis louelove, fayrefair LadyLady wilwill
wln 0170youyou anyany?
wln 0171NimphNymphIfIf itit bebe nothingnothing elselse, itit isis butbut aa foolishfoolish thingthing.
wln 0172CupidCupidTryTry, andand youyou shallshall findfind itit aa prettiepretty thingthing.
wln 0173NimphNymphII hauehave neitherneither willwill nornor leysureleisure, butbut II willwill fol-followefol∣lowefollow
wln 0174lowe
wln 0174DianaDiana inin thethe ChaceChase, whosewhose virginsvirgins areare allall chastchaste, de-delightingde∣lightingdelighting
wln 0175lighting
wln 0175inin thethe bowebow thatthat woundswounds thethe swiftswift HartHartHeart inin thethe
wln 0176ForrestForest, notnot fearingfearing thethe bowebow thatthat strikesstrikes thethe softesoft hartheart
wln 0177inin thethe ChamberChamber. ThisThis differencedifference isis betweenebetween mymy Mi-MistrisMi∣strisMistress
wln 0178stris
wln 0178DianaDiana, andand youryour MotherMother (asas II gesseguess) VenusVenus, thatthat
wln 0179allall herher NimphesNymphsnymphs areare amiableamiable andand wisewise inin theyrtheir kindekind,
wln 0180thethe otherother amorousamorous andand tootoo kindekind forfor theirtheir sexesex; andand soso
wln 0181farewellfarewell littlelittle godgod.ExitExit.
wln 0182CupidCupidDianaDiana, andand thouthou, andand allall thinethine, shallshall knoweknow
wln 0183thatthat CupidCupid isis aa greatgreat godgod, II willwill practisepracticepractise aa whilewhile inin
wln 0184thesethese woodeswoods, andand playplay suchsuch pranckespranks withwith thesethese
wln 0185NimphesNymphsnymphs, thatthat whilewhile theythey aymeaim toto hithit othersothers withwith theirtheir
wln 0186ArrowesArrows, theythey shallshall bebe woundedwounded themseluesthemselves withwith theirtheir
wln 0187owneown eyeseyes.ExitExit.


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wln 0188ActusActus primusprimus. ScænaScaenaScaena tertiatertia.
wln 0189MelebeusMelebeus. PhillidaPhillida.
wln 0190Meleb.MelebeusMeleb.ComeCome PhillidaPhillida, fairefair PhillidaPhillida, andand II fearefear
wln 0191meme tootoo fairefair beingbeing mymy PhillidaPhillida, thouthou knowestknowest thethe cu-customecu∣stomecustom
wln 0192tome
wln 0192ofof thisthis CountreyCountry, &and II thethe greatnesgreatness ofof thythy beau-beautiebeau∣tiebeauty
wln 0193tie,
wln 0193wewe bothboth thethe fiercenessefierceness ofof thethe monstermonster AgarAgar. Eue-EuerieEue∣rieEveryoneEvery
wln 0194rie oneoneone
wln 0194thinkeththinketh hishis owneown childechild fairefair, butbut II knowknow thatthat
wln 0195whichwhich II mostmost desiredesire, andand wouldwould leastleast hauehave, thatthat thouthou artart
wln 0196fairestfairest. ThouThou shaltshalt thereforetherefore disguisedisguise thy selfethyself inin attireattire,
wln 0197leastlest II shouldshould disguisedisguise my selfemyself inin affectionaffection, inin sufferingsuffering
wln 0198theethee toto perrishperish byby aa fondfond desiredesire, whomwhom II maymay preseruepreserve
wln 0199byby aa suresure deceiptdeceit.
wln 0200Phil.PhillidaPhil.DeereDear fatherfather, NatureNature couldcould notnot makemake meeme soso
wln 0201fairefair asas sheshe hathhath mademade youyou kindekind, nornor youyou moremore kindekind
wln 0202thenthan meme dutifulldutiful. What soeuerWhatsoeverwhatsoever youyou commaundecommand II willwill
wln 0203notnot refuserefuse, becausebecause youyou commaundcommand nothingnothing butbut mymy sa-safetiesa∣fetiesafety
wln 0204fetie,
wln 0204andand youryour happinessehappiness. ButBut howehow shallshall II bebe disgui-disguiseddis∣guiseddisguised
wln 0205seddisguised?
wln 0206Mele.MelebeusMele.InIn mansman’s apparellapparel.
wln 0207Phil.PhillidaPhil.ItIt wilwill neitherneither becomebecome mymy bodiebody, nornor mymy mindemind.
wln 0208Mele.MelebeusMele.WhyWhy PhillidaPhillida?
wln 0209Philli.PhillidaPhilli.ForFor thenthen II mustmust keepekeep companiecompany withwith boyesboys,
wln 0210andand commitcommit folliesfollies vnseemelieunseemly forfor mymy sexesex, oror keepekeep
wln 0211companycompany withwith girlesgirls, andand bebe thoughtthought moremore wantonwanton
wln 0212thenthanthen becommethbecometh meme. BesidesBesides, II shallshall bebe ashamedashamed ofof mymy
wln 0213longlong hosehose andand shortshort coatecoat, andand soso vnwarelieunwarilyunwarely blabbeblab outout
wln 0214somethingsomething byby blushingblushing atat euery thingeverythingevery thing.
wln 0215Mele.MelebeusMele.FeareFear notnot PhillidaPhillida, vseuse willwill makemake itit easieeasy,
wln 0216fearefear mustmust makemake itit necessarienecessary.
wln 0217Philli.PhillidaPhilli.II agreeagree, sincesince mymy fatherfather willwill hauehave itit soso, andand
wln 0218fortunefortune mustmust.
wln 0219Mele.MelebeusMele.ComeCome letlet vsus inin, andand whenwhen thouthou artart disgui-disguiseddisgui∣seddisguised
wln 0220sed,
wln 0220roameroam aboutabout thesethese woodswoods tilltill thethe timetime bebe pastpast, andand
wln 0221NeptuneNeptune pleasedpleased.ExeuntExeunt.


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wln 0222ActusActus primusprimus. ScænaScaenaScaena quartaquarta.
wln 0223MarinerMariner, RaffeRafeRaffe, RobinRobin, andand DickeDick.
wln 0224Rob.RobinRob.NowNow MarinerMariner, whatwhat callestcallest thouthou thisthis sportsport onon
wln 0225thethe SeaSea?
wln 0226Mar.MarinerMar.ItIt isis calledcalled aa wrackewrack.
wln 0227RaffeRafeRaffe.II taketake nono pleasurepleasure inin itit. OfOf allall deathesdeaths II woldwould
wln 0228notnot bebe drownddrowned, onesone’sones clothesclothes willwill bebe soso wetwet whenwhen heehe isis
wln 0229takentaken vpup.
wln 0230DickeDickWhatWhat calstcall’st thouthou thethe thingthing weewe werewere boundebound
wln 0231toto?
wln 0232Mar.MarinerMar.AA raughterrafter.
wln 0233RaffeRafeRaffe.II wyllwill ratherrather hanghang my selfemyself onon aa raughterrafter inin
wln 0234thethe househouse, thenthanthen bebe soso haledhaled inin thethe SeaSea, therethere oneone maymay
wln 0235hauehave aa leapeleap forfor hishis lyfelife; butbut II maruailemarvel howehow ourour Ma-MasterMa∣sterMaster
wln 0236ster
wln 0236speedesspeeds.
wln 0237DickeDickIleI’ll warrantwarrant byby thisthis timetime hehe isis wetshodwetshod. DydDid
wln 0238youyou euerever seesee waterwater bublebubble asas thethe SeaSea diddid? ButBut whatwhat shallshall
wln 0239wewe doedo?
wln 0240Mar.MarinerMar.YouYou areare nownow inin LyncolnshireLincolnshire, wherewhere youyou cancan
wln 0241wantwant nono foulefoul, ifif youyou cancan deuisedevise meanesmeans toto catchcatch themthem,
wln 0242therethere bebe woodswoods hardhard byby, andand atat eueryevery mylesmile’s endeend hou-houseshou∣seshouses
wln 0243ses:
wln 0243soso thatthat ifif youyou seekeseek onon thethe LandeLand, youyou shallshall speedespeed
wln 0244betterbetter thenthan onon thethe SeaSea.
wln 0245Rob.RobinRob.SeaSea, naynay II willwill neuernever sailesail moremore, II brookebrook notnot
wln 0246theirtheir dietdiet: theirtheir breadbread isis soso hardhard, thatthat oneone mustmust carriecarry aa
wln 0247whetstonewhetstone inin hishis mouthmouth toto grindegrind hishis teethteeth: thethe meatemeat
wln 0248soso saltsalt, thatthat oneone wouldewould thinkethink afterafter dinnerdinner hishis tonguetongue
wln 0249hadhad beenebeen powdredpowdered tenten daiesdays.
wln 0250RaffeRafeRaffeOO thouthou hasthast aa sweetsweet lifelife MarinerMariner toto bebe pindepinned
wln 0251inin aa fewfew boordesboards, andand toto bebe withinwithin anan incheinch ofof aa thingthing
wln 0252bottomlessebottomless. II praypray theethee howehow oftenoften hasthast thouthou beenebeen
wln 0253drowneddrowned?
wln 0254Mar.MarinerMar.FooleFool thouthou seestseest II amam yetyet aliuealive.
wln 0255Rob.RobinRob.WhyWhy bebe theythey deadedead thatthat bebe drownddrowned, II hadhad

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wln 0256thoughtthought theythey hadhad beenebeen withwith thethe fishfish, andand soso byby chancechance
wln 0257beenebeen caughtcaught vpup withwith themthem inin aa NetteNet againeagain. ItIt werewere
wln 0258aa shameshame aa littlelittle coldcold waterwater shouldshould killkill aa manman ofof reasonreason,
wln 0259whenwhen youyou shallshall seesee aa poorepoor MynowMinnowminnow lielie inin itit, thatthat hathhath
wln 0260nono vnderstandingunderstanding.
wln 0261Mar.MarinerMar.ThouThou artart wisewise fromfrom thethe crownecrown ofof thythy headehead
wln 0262vpwardsupwardsonwards; seekeseek youyou newnew fortunesfortunes nowenow, II willwill followefollow
wln 0263minemine oldeold. II cancan shiftshift thethe MooneMoon andand thethe SunneSun, andand
wln 0264knowknow byby oneone CardeCard, whatwhat allall youyou cannotcannot dodo byby aa wholewhole
wln 0265payrepair. TheThe Lode-stoneLoadstone thatthat alwaiesalways holdethholdeth hishis nosenose
wln 0266toto thethe NorthNorth, thethe twotwo andand thirtythirty poyntspoints forfor thethe windewind,
wln 0267thethe wonderswonders II seesee wouldewould makemake allall youyou blindeblind: youyou bebe
wln 0268butbut boyesboys, II fearefear thethe SeaSea nono moremore thenthan aa dishdish ofof waterwater.
wln 0269WhyWhy foolesfools itit isis butbut aa liquidliquid elementelement, farewellfarewell.
wln 0270Rob.RobinRob.ItIt werewere goodgood weewe learnedlearned hishis cunningcunning atat thethe
wln 0271CardesCards, forfor wewe mustmust liuelive byby cosenagecozenage, wewe hauehave neytherneither
wln 0272LandsLands nornor witwit, nornor MaistersMasters, nornor honestiehonesty.
wln 0273RafeRafeNayNay II wouldwould fainefain hauehave hishis thirty twothirty-twothirty two, thatthat isis,
wln 0274hishis threethree dozendozen lackinglacking fourefour pointspoints, forfor youyou seesee be-betwixtbe∣twixtbetwixt
wln 0275twixt
wln 0275vsus threethree therethere isis notnot twotwo goodgood pointspoints.
wln 0276DickeDickLetLet vsus callcall himhim aa littlelittle backeback thatthat weewe maymay
wln 0277learnelearn thosethose pointspoints. SirraSirrah aa wordword, II praypray theethee sheweshow vsus
wln 0278thythy pointspoints.
wln 0279Mar.MarinerMar.WillWill youyou learnelearn?
wln 0280DickeDick.IAyI.
wln 0281Mar.MarinerMar.ThenThen asas youyou likelike thisthis II willwill instructinstruct youyou inin
wln 0282allall ourour secretessecrets: forfor therethere isis notnot aa clowteclout nornor cardecard, nornor
wln 0283boordboard, nornor postpost, thatthat hathhath notnot aa speciallspecial namename, oror singu-singulersingu∣lersingular
wln 0284ler
wln 0284naturenature.
wln 0285DickeDickWellWell beginbegin withwith youryour pointspoints, forfor II lackelack on-onlieon∣lieonly
wln 0286lie
wln 0286pointspoints inin thisthis worldworld.
wln 0287Mar.MarinerMar.NorthNorth. NorthNorth &and byby EastEast. North North EastNorth-NortheastNorth North East.
wln 0288North-eastNortheastNorth-east andand byby NorthNorth, North-eastNortheastNorth-east. North-eastNortheastNorth-east andand
wln 0289byby EastEast. East North-eastEast-NortheastEast North-east, EastEast andand byby NorthNorth. EastEast.
wln 0290DickeDickIleI’ll saysay itit.., NorthNorth, north-eastnortheastnorth-east, North-eastNortheastNorth-east, NoreNore

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wln 0291norenore andand byby Nore-eastNore-eastnorth-east. II shallshall neuernever doedo itit.
wln 0292Mar.MarinerMar.ThysThis isis butbut oneone quarterquarter.
wln 0293Rob.RobinRob.II shallshall neuernever learnelearn aa quarterquarter ofof itit. II willwill trytry.
wln 0294NorthNorth, North-eastNortheastNorth-east, isis byby thethe WestWest sideside, NorthNorth andand byby
wln 0295NorthNorth.
wln 0296DickeDickPassingPassing illill.
wln 0297Mar.MarinerMar.HastHast thouthou nono memoriememory. TryTry thouthou.
wln 0298RafeRafeNorthNorth NorthNorth andand byby NorthNorth. II cancan goego nono fur-furtherfur∣therfurther
wln 0299therfurther.
wln 0300Mar.MarinerMar.OO dullerdedullard, isis thythy headhead lighterlighter thenthan thethe windwind,
wln 0301andand thythy tonguetongue soso heauieheavy itit willwill notnot waggewag. II willwill onceonce
wln 0302againeagain saysay itit.
wln 0303RafeRafeII willwill neuernever learnelearn thisthis languagelanguage, itit wilwill getget butbut
wln 0304smallsmall liuingliving, whenwhen itit willwill scarcescarce bebe learnedlearned tilltill oneone beebe
wln 0305oldeold.
wln 0306Mar.MarinerMar.NayNay thenthen farewellfarewell, andand ifif youryour fortunesfortunes ex-exceedeex∣ceedeexceed
wln 0307ceede
wln 0307notnot youryour witswits, youyou shallshall staruestarve beforebefore yeye sleepesleep.
wln 0308RafeRafeWasWas therethere euerever suchsuch coseningcozening? ComeCome letlet vsus
wln 0309toto thethe woodswoods, andand seesee whatwhat fortunefortune wewe maymay hauehave be-beforebe∣forebefore
wln 0310fore
wln 0310theythey bebe mademade shippesships: asas forfor ourour MaisterMaster heehe isis
wln 0311drownddrowned.
wln 0312DickeDickII willwill thisthis wayway.
wln 0313RobinRobinII thisthis.
wln 0314RafeRafeII thisthis, &and thisthis dayday twelue-monthtwelvemonth letlet vsus allall meetemeet
wln 0315heerehere againeagain: itit maymay bebe wewe shallshall eythereither begbeg togethertogether, oror
wln 0316hanghang togethertogether.
wln 0317DickeDickItIt skilsskills notnot soso wewe bebe togethertogether. ButBut letlet vsus singsing
wln 0318nownow, thoughthough wewe crycry heereafterhereafter.ExeuntExeunt.

wln 0319ActusActus secundussecundus ScænaScaenaScaena primaprima.
wln 0320GallatheaGallathea alonealone.
wln 0321Galla.GallatheaGalla.BLushBLush GallatheaGallatheaGalathea thatthat mustmust frameframe thythy affec-affectionaffec∣tionaffection
wln 0322tion
wln 0322fittefit forfor thythy habitehabit, andand thereforetherefore bebe
wln 0323thoughtthought immodestimmodest, becausebecause thouthou artart vnfortunateunfortunate. ThyThy

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wln 0324tendertender yeeresyears cannotcannot dissembledissemble thisthis deceiptdeceit,,: nornor thythy
wln 0325sexesex bearebear itit. OO wouldewould thethe godsgods hadhad mademade meeme asas II
wln 0326seemeseem toto bebe, oror thatthat II mightmight safeliesafely bebe whatwhat II seemeseem notnot.
wln 0327ThyThy FatherFather dotethdoteth GallatheaGallatheaGalathea, whosewhose blindblind louelove cor-corruptethcor∣ruptethcorrupteth
wln 0328rupteth
wln 0328hishis fondefond iudgementjudgement, andand iealousjealous ofof thythy deathdeath,
wln 0329seemethseemeth toto dotedote onon thythy beautybeauty, whosewhose fondefond carecare carri-carriethcarri∣ethcarrieth
wln 0330eth
wln 0330hishis parciallpartial eyeeye asas farrefar fromfrom truethtruth, asas hishis hartheart isis frōfrōfrom
wln 0331falshoodfalsehood. ButBut whywhy doostdost thouthou blameblame himhim,, oror blabblab whatwhat
wln 0332thouthou artart, whenwhen thouthou shouldestshouldst onelieonly counterfetcounterfeit whatwhat
wln 0333thouthou artart notnot. ButBut whistwhist, heerehere commethcometh aa laddelad: II willwill
wln 0334learnelearn ofof himhim howhow toto behauebehave my selfemyself.
wln 0335EnterEnter PhillidaPhillida inin mansman’s attireattire.
wln 0336Philli.PhillidaPhilli.II neitherneither likelike mymy gategaitgate, nornor mymy garmentsgarments, thethe
wln 0337oneone vntowarduntoward, thethe otherother vnfitunfit, bothboth vnseemelyunseemly. OO Phil-PhillidaPhil∣lidaPhillida
wln 0338lida,
wln 0338butbut yonderyonder staiethstayeth oneone, andand thereforetherefore saysay nothingnothing.
wln 0339ButBut ôo PhillidaPhillida.
wln 0340Galla.GallatheaGalla.II perceiueperceive thatthat boyesboys areare inin asas greatgreat dislikingdisliking
wln 0341ofof themseluesthemselves asas maidesmaids, thereforetherefore thoughthough II wearewear thethe
wln 0342apparellapparel, II amam gladglad II amam notnot thethe personperson.
wln 0343Philli.PhillidaPhilli.ItIt isis aa prettypretty boyboy andand aa fairefair, heehe mightmight wellwell
wln 0344hauehave beenebeen aa womanwoman, butbut becausebecause hehe isis notnot, II amam gladglad II
wln 0345amam, forfor nowenow vnderunder thethe colorcolorcolour ofof mymy coatecoat, II shallshall deci-decipherdeci∣pherdecipher
wln 0346pher
wln 0346thethe folliesfollies ofof theirtheir kindkind.
wln 0347Galla.GallatheaGalla.II wouldwould salutesalute himhim, butbut II fearefear II shouldshould makemake
wln 0348aa curtsiecurtsy in steedinstead ofof aa leggeleg.
wln 0349Philli.PhillidaPhilli.IfIf II durstdurst trusttrust mymy faceface asas wellwell asas II doedo mymy
wln 0350habitehabit, II wouldwould spendspend somesome timetime toto makemake pastimepastime, forfor
wln 0351saiesay whatwhat theythey willwill ofof aa mansman’s witwit, itit isis nono secondesecond thingthing
wln 0352toto bebe aa womanwoman.
wln 0353Galla.GallatheaGalla.AllAll thethe bloodblood inin mymy bodiebody wouldwould bebe inin mymy
wln 0354faceface, ifif hehe shouldshould askeask meme (asas thethe questionquestion amongamong menmen
wln 0355isis commoncommon) areare youyou aa maidemaid?
wln 0356Phil.PhillidaPhil.WhyWhy standestand II stillstill, boyesboys shouldeshould bebe boldebold,
wln 0357butbut heerehere commethcometh aa brauebrave trainetrain thatthat willwill spillspill allall ourour
wln 0358talketalk.

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wln 0359EnterEnter DianaDiana, TelusaTelusa, andand EurotaEurataEurataEurota.
wln 0360DianaDianaGodGod speedespeed fairefair boyboy.
wln 0361Galla.GallatheaGalla.YouYou areare deceiueddeceived LadieLady.
wln 0362DianaDianaWhyWhy, areare youyou nono boyboy?
wln 0363Galla.GallatheaGalla.NoNo fairefair boyboy.
wln 0364DianaDianaButBut II seesee anan vnhappieunhappy boyboy.
wln 0365TelusaTelusa.SawSaw youyou notnot thethe DeareDeerdeer comecome thisthis waieway, heehe
wln 0366fleweflew downedown thethe windewind, &and II beleeuebelieve youyou hauehave blanchtblanched
wln 0367himhim.
wln 0368Galla.GallatheaGalla.WhoseWhose DeareDear waswas itit LadieLady?
wln 0369TelusaTelusa.DianaesDiana’s DeareDeerdeer.
wln 0370Galla.GallatheaGalla.II sawsaw nonenone butbut minemine owneown DeareDeardear.
wln 0371TelusaTelusaThisThis waggewag isis wantonwanton oror aa foolefool, askeask thethe
wln 0372otherother, DianaDiana.
wln 0373Galla.GallatheaGalla.II knoweknow notnot howehow itit commethcometh toto passepass, butbut
wln 0374yonderyonder boyboy isis inin minemine eyeeye tootoo beautifullbeautiful, II praypray godsgods thethe
wln 0375LadiesLadies thinkethink himhim notnot theirtheir DeareDeardear.
wln 0376DianaDianaPrettiePretty ladlad, doedo youryour sheepesheep feedefeed inin thethe For-ForrestFor∣restForest
wln 0377rest,
wln 0377oror areare youyou straiedstrayed fromfrom youyouryou flockeflock, oror onon purposepurpose
wln 0378comecome yeye toto marremar DianaesDiana’s pastimepastime?
wln 0379PhillidaPhillidaII vnderstandunderstand notnot oneone wordword youyou speakespeak.
wln 0380DianaDianaVVhatWhat artart thouthou neitherneither LaddeLad nornor sheepe-sheepeheardesheepe∣heardeshepherd
wln 0381heardeshepherd?
wln 0382Phill.PhillidaPhill.MyMy mothermother saidsaid II couldcould bebe nono laddelad tiltill II waswas
wln 0383twentietwenty yeereyear oldeold, nornor keepekeep sheepesheep tilltill II couldecould telltell
wln 0384themthem; andand thereforetherefore LadieLady neitherneither ladlad nornor sheepheardeshepherd
wln 0385isis heerehere.
wln 0386TelusaTelusaTheseThese boyesboys areare bothboth agreedagreed, eithereither theythey areare
wln 0387verievery pleasantpleasant oror tootoo peruerseperverse: youyou werewere bestbest LadieLady
wln 0388makemake themthem tusketusk thesethese VVoodesWoods, whilstwhilst weewe standestand
wln 0389withwith ourour bowesbows, andand soso vseuse themthem asas BeaglesBeagles sincesince theythey
wln 0390hauehave soso goodgood mouthesmouths.
wln 0391DianaDianaII wilwill. FollowFollow meme withoutwithout delaiedelay, oror excuseexcuse, &and
wln 0392ifif youyou cancan doedo nothingnothing, yetyet shallshall youyou hallowhalloohallow thethe DeareDeerdear.

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wln 0393Phill.PhillidaPhill.II amam willingwilling toto goego, notnot forfor thesethese LadiesLadies’lady’s co-companiec●∣paniecompany
wln 0394panie,
wln 0394becausebecause my selfemyself amam aa virginevirgin, butbut forfor thatthat fayrefair
wln 0395boyesboy’s fauorfavorfavour, whowho II thinkethink bebe aa GodGod.
wln 0396DianaDiana.YouYou sirsir boyboy shallshall alsoalso goego.
wln 0397Galla.GallatheaGalla.II mustmust ifif youyou commaundecommand, andand wouldwould ifif youyou
wln 0398hadhad notnot.ExeuntExeunt.

wln 0399ActusActus secundussecundus. ScænaScaenaScaena secundasecunda.
wln 0400CupidCupid alonealone inin NimphesNymph’s apparellapparel, andand NeptuneNeptune
wln 0401lysteninglistening.

wln 0402CupidCupidNoweNow CupidCupid, vnderunder thethe shapeshape ofof aa silliesilly
wln 0403girlegirl sheweshow thethe powerpower ofof aa mightiemighty GodGod. LetLet DianaDiana
wln 0404andand allall herher coycoy NimphesNymphsnymphs knowknow, thatthat therethere isis nono hartheart soso
wln 0405chastechaste butbut thythy bowebow cancan woundewound, nornor eyeseyes soso modestmodest,
wln 0406butbut thythy brandesbrands cancan kindlekindle, nornor thoughtsthoughts soso staiedstaidstayed, butbut
wln 0407thythy shaftsshafts cancan makemake waueringwavering, weakeweak andand wantonwanton: Cu-CupidCu∣pidCupid
wln 0408pid
wln 0408thoughthough hehe bebe aa childchild, isis nono babiebaby. II willwill makemake theirtheir
wln 0409painespains mymy pastimespastimes, &and soso confoundconfound theirtheir louesloves inin theirtheir
wln 0410owneown sexesex, thatthat theythey shallshall dotedote inin theirtheir desiresdesires, delightdelight
wln 0411inin theirtheir affectionsaffections, andand practisepracticepractise onelyonly impossibilitiesimpossibilities.
wln 0412WhilstWhilst II trewanttruanttrewant fromfrom mymy mothermother, II willwill vseuse somesome ty-tyrannyty∣rannytyranny
wln 0413ranny
wln 0413inin thesethese woodeswoods, andand soso shallshall theirtheir exerciseexercise inin foo-foolishfoo∣lishfoolish
wln 0414lish
wln 0414louelove, bebe mymy excuseexcuse forfor runningrunning awayaway. II wilwill seesee whi-whitherwhi∣therwhither
wln 0415ther
wln 0415fairefair facesfaces bebe alwaiesalways chastchaste, oror DianaesDiana’s virginsvirgins one-onelieone∣lieonly
wln 0416lie
wln 0416modestmodest, elselse willwill II spendespend bothboth mymy shaftsshafts andand shyftsshifts,
wln 0417andand thenthen LadiesLadies ifif youyou seesee thesethese daintiedainty DamesDames intraptentrapped
wln 0418inin louelove, saiesay softliesoftly toto your seluesyourselves, weewe maymay allall louelove.
wln 0419ExitExit.
wln 0420NeptuneNeptune.DoeDo silliesilly SheepeheardsShepherds goego aboutabout toto de-deceiuede∣ceiuedeceive
wln 0421ceiue
wln 0421greatgreat NeptuneNeptune, inin puttingputting onon mansman’s attireattire vpponupon
wln 0422womenwomen: andand CupidCupid toto makemake sportsport deceiuedeceive themthem allall, byby
wln 0423vsingusing aa vvomanswoman’s apparellapparel vponupon aa GodGod, thenthenthan NeptuneNeptune
wln 0424thatthat hasthast takentaken sundriesundry shapesshapes toto obtaineobtain louelove, stickstick notnot
wln 0425toto practisepracticepractise somesome deceiptdeceit toto shewshow thythy deitiedeity, andand hauinghaving
wln 0426oftēoftēoften thrustthrust thy selfthyself intointo thethe shapeshape ofof beastesbeasts toto deceiuedeceive

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wln 0427menmen bebe notnot coycoy toto vseuse thethe shapeshape ofof aa SheepeheardeShepherdshepherd, toto
wln 0428shewshow thy selfethyself aa GodGod. NeptuneNeptune cannotcannot bebe ouer-reachedoverreached
wln 0429byby SwainesSwains, himselfehimself isis subtilesubtle, andand ifif DianaDiana bebe ouer-ouertakenouer∣takenovertaken
wln 0430taken
wln 0430byby craftcraft, CupidCupid isis wisewise. II willwill intointo thesethese woodeswoods
wln 0431andand markemark allall, andand inin thethe endend willwill marremar allall.ExitExit.

wln 0432ActusActus secundussecundus. ScænaScaenaScaena tertiatertia.
wln 0433EnterEnter RaffeRafeRaffe alonealone.
wln 0434RafeRafeCallCall youyou thisthis seekingseeking ofof fortunesfortunes whenwhen oneone
wln 0435cancan findefind nothingnothing butbut byrdsbirds’birds nestesnests? wouldwould II werewere outout
wln 0436ofof thesethese VVoodesWoods, forfor II shallshall hauehave butbut woddenwooden luckeluck,
wln 0437heershere’s nothingnothing butbut thethe skreekingscreeking ofof OwlesOwls, crokingcroaking ofof
wln 0438FrogsFrogs, hissinghissing ofof AddersAdders, barkingbarking ofof FoxesFoxes, walkingwalking ofof
wln 0439HaggesHags. ButBut whatwhat bebe thesethese?
wln 0440EnterEnter FayriesFairies dauncingdancing andand playingplaying
wln 0441andand soso, ExeuntExeunt.

wln 0442II willwill followfollow themthem, toto hellhell II shallshall notnot goego, forfor soso fairefair
wln 0443facesfaces neuernever cancan hauehave suchsuch hardhard fortunesfortunes. WhatWhat blackeblack
wln 0444boyboy isis thisthis.
wln 0445EnterEnter thethe AlcumistsAlchemist’sAlchemists boyboy PeterPeter.
wln 0446PeterPeterWhatWhat aa lifelife doedo II leadelead withwith mymy MaisterMaster no-nothingno∣thingnothing
wln 0447thing
wln 0447butbut blowingblowing ofof bellowsbellows, beatingbeating ofof spiritsspirits, &and scra-scrapingscra∣pingscraping
wln 0448ping
wln 0448ofof CrosletsCrossletscrosslets? itit isis aa veryvery secretesecret ScienceScience, forfor nonenone
wln 0449almostalmost cancan vnderstandunderstand thethe languagelanguage ofof itit. SublimationSublimation,
wln 0450AlmigationAlmigationAmalgamation, CalcinationCalcination, RubificationRubification, Encorporati-EncorporationEncorporati∣onIncorporationincorporation
wln 0451on,
wln 0451CircinationCircination, SementationCementationSementation, AlbificationAlbification, andand Fre-FrementationFre∣mentationFermentationfermentation
wln 0452mentation.
wln 0452WithWith asas manymany termesterms vnpossibleunpossible toto bebe vtte-vtteredvtte∣reduttered
wln 0453red,
wln 0453asas thethe ArteArt toto bebe compassedcompassed.
wln 0454RaffeRafeRaffeLetLet meme crossecross my selfemyself, II neuernever heardheard soso manymany
wln 0455greatgreat deuilsdevils inin aa littlelittle MonkiesMonkey’smonkey’s mouthmouth.
wln 0456PeterPeterThenThen ourour instrumentsinstruments, CrosletsCrossletscrosslets, Subliuato-SubliuatoriesSubliuato∣riesSublivatories
wln 0457ries,
wln 0457CucurbitsCucurbits, LimbecksLimbecks, DecensoresDecensoriesDecensores, ViolesViolsviols, manu-manuallmanu∣allmanual
wln 0458all
wln 0458andand murallmural, forfor enbibingimbibing andand conbibingconbibing, BellowesBellows,
wln 0459molificatiuemollificative andand enduratiueindurativeendurative.
wln 0460RafeRafeWhatWhat languagelanguage isis thisthis? doedo theythey speakespeak soso?

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wln 0461PeterPeterThenThen ourour MettlesMetalsMettles, SaltpeeterSaltpetre, VitriollVitriol, SalSal
wln 0462tartartartar, SalSal perperatperperat, ArgollArgonArgolArgon, ResagarResagar, SalSal ArmonickArmonic, E-EgrimonyE∣grimonyAgrimonyEgrimony
wln 0463grimony,
wln 0463LumanyLumany, BrimstoneBrimstone, ValerianValerian, TartarTartar AlamAlumalum,
wln 0464Breeme-worteBreemwortbreemwort, GlasseGlass, VnslekedUnslakedunsleeked lymelime, ChalkeChalk, A-AshesA∣shesAshes
wln 0465shes,
wln 0465hayrehair,,; andand whatwhat notnot, toto makemake II knowknow notnot whatwhat.
wln 0466RafeRafeMyMy hairehair beginnethbeginneth toto standestand vprightupright, wouldwould
wln 0467thethe boyboy wouldwould makemake anan endend.
wln 0468PeterPeterAndAnd yetyet suchsuch aa beggerlybeggarly ScienceScience itit isis, andand soso
wln 0469strongstrong onon multiplicationmultiplication, thatthat thethe endeend isis toto hauehave ney-neytherney∣therneither
wln 0470ther
wln 0470goldgold, witwit, nornor honestiehonesty.
wln 0471RafeRafeThenThen amam II iustjust ofof thythy occupationoccupation. WhatWhat fel-fellowfel∣lowfellow
wln 0472low,
wln 0472wellwell metmet.
wln 0473PeterPeterFelowFellow, vponupon whatwhat acquaintanceacquaintance?
wln 0474RafeRafeWhyWhy thouthou saistsaystsayest, thethe endend ofof thythy occupationoccupation isis
wln 0475toto hauehave neitherneither witwit, moneymoney, nornor honestiehonesty: &and me thinksmethinks
wln 0476atat aa blushblush, thouthou shouldestshouldst bebe oneone ofof mymy occupationoccupation.
wln 0477PeterPeterThouThou artart deceiueddeceived, mymy MasterMaster isis anan Alcu-AlcumistAlcu∣mistalchemist
wln 0478mistAlchemist.
wln 0479RafeRafeWhatsWhat’swhat’s thatthat, aa manman?
wln 0480PeterPeterAA littlelittle moremore thenthan aa manman, andand aa hayreshair’s bredthbreadth
wln 0481lesseless thenthan aa GodGod. HeHe cancan makemake ofof thythy capcap goldgold, andand byby
wln 0482multiplicationmultiplication ofof oneone grotegroat, threethree oldold AngelsAngels. II hauehave
wln 0483knowneknown himhim ofof thethe taggetag ofof aa poyntpoint, toto makemake aa siluersilver
wln 0484boolebowl ofof aa pintpint.
wln 0485RafeRafeThatThat makesmakes theethee hauehave neuernever aa pointpoint, theythey bebe alall
wln 0486turnedturned toto potspots: butbut ifif hehe cancan doedo thysthis, hehe shallshall bebe aa godgod
wln 0487altogetheraltogether.
wln 0488PeterPeterYfIf thouthou hauehave anyany goldgold toto workework onon, thouthou artart
wln 0489thenthen mademade forfor euerever: forfor withwith oneone poundpound ofof goldegold, heehe
wln 0490willwill goego neerenear toto pauepave tenneten AkersAcresacres ofof groundground.
wln 0491RafeRafeHoweHowhow mightmight aa manman serueserve himhim andand learnelearn hyshis
wln 0492cunningcunning?
wln 0493PeterPeterEasilieEasily. FirstFirst seemeseem toto vnderstandunderstand thethe termesterms,
wln 0494andand specialliespecially markemark thesethese pointspoints. InIn ourour ArteArt therethere areare
wln 0495fourefour SpiritsSpirits.

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wln 0496RafeRafeNayNay II hauehave doonedone ifif youyou workework withwith deuilsdevils.
wln 0497PeterPeterThouThou artart grossegross; wewe callcall thosethose SpiritsSpirits thatthat areare
wln 0498thethe groundsgrounds ofof ourour ArteArt, &and asas itit werewere thethe mettlesmetalsmettles moremore
wln 0499incorporatiueincorporative forfor dominationdomination. TheThe firstfirst SpiritSpirit isis
wln 0500Quick-siluerQuicksilver.
wln 0501RafeRafeThatThat isis mymy SpiritSpirit, forfor mymy siluersilver isis soso quickequick;
wln 0502thatthat II hauehave muchmuch a doeado toto catchcatch itit, andand whenwhen II hauehave itit,
wln 0503itit isis soso nimblenimble thatthat II cannotcannot holdehold itit; II thoughtthought therethere
wln 0504waswas aa deuilldevil inin itit.
wln 0505PeterPeterTheThe secondsecond, OrpymentOrpimentOrpyment.
wln 0506RafeRafeThatsThat’sthat’s nono SpiritSpirit, butbut aa wordeword toto coniureconjure aa
wln 0507SpiritSpirit.
wln 0508PeterPeterTheThe thirdthird, SalSal ArmoniackArmoniac.
wln 0509RafeRafeAA propperproper wordword.
wln 0510PeterPeterTheThe fourthfourth, BrimstoneBrimstone.
wln 0511RafeRafeThatsThat’sthat’s aa stinckingstinking SpiritSpirit, II thoughtthought therethere waswas
wln 0512somesome spiritspirit inin itit becausebecause itit burntburntburned soso blewblue. ForFor mymy Mo-MotherMo∣therMother
wln 0513ther
wln 0513wouldwould oftenoften telltell meeme thatthat whenwhen thethe candlecandle burntburntburned
wln 0514blewblue, therethere waswas somesome illill SpiritSpirit inin thethe househouse, andand nownow II
wln 0515perceiueperceive itit waswas thethe spiritspirit BrimstoneBrimstone.
wln 0516PeterPeterThouThou castcanstcast rememberremember thesethese fourefour spiritsspirits.
wln 0517RafeRafeLetLet meme alonealone toto coniureconjure themthem.
wln 0518PeterPeterNowNow areare therethere alsoalso seauenseven bodiesbodies, butbut heerehere
wln 0519commethcometh mymy MaisterMaster.
wln 0520EnterEnter AlcumistAlchemistalchemist.
wln 0521RafeRafeThisThis isis aa beggerbeggar.
wln 0522PeterPeterNoNo, suchsuch cunningcunning menmen mustmust disguisedisguise them-themseluesthem∣seluesthemselves
wln 0523selues,
wln 0523asas thoughthough therethere werewere nothingnothing inin themthem forfor other-otherwiseother∣wiseotherwise
wln 0524wise
wln 0524theythey shallshall bebe compelledcompelled toto workework forfor PrincesPrinces, andand
wln 0525soso bebe constrainedconstrained toto bewraybewray theirtheir secretssecrets.
wln 0526RafeRafeII likelike notnot hishis attireattire, butbut amam enamoredenamoredenamoured ofof hyshis
wln 0527ArteArt.
wln 0528AlcumistAlchemistAlcumistAnAn ounceounce ofof SiluerSilver limdelimed, asas muchmuch ofof
wln 0529crudecrude MercuryMercury, ofof SpiritsSpirits fourefour, beeingbeing temperedtempered withwith
wln 0530thethe bodiesbodies seauenseven, byby multiplyingmultiplying ofof itit tenten timestimes, comescomes

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wln 0531forfor oneone poundpound, eyghteight thousandthousand poundspounds, soso thatthat II maymay
wln 0532hauehave onelyonly BeechenBeechen coalescoals.
wln 0533RafeRafeIsIs itit possiblepossible?
wln 0534PeterPeterItIt isis moremore certainecertain thenthan certaintycertainty.
wln 0535RafeRafeIleI’ll telltell theethee oneone secretesecret, II stolestole aa siluersilver thim-thimblethim∣blethimble
wln 0536ble;
wln 0536dostdost thouthou thinkethink thatthat hehe willwill makemake itit aa pottlepottle potpot?
wln 0537PeterPeterAA pottlepottle potpot, naynay II daredare warrantwarrant itit aa wholewhole
wln 0538CupbordCupboard ofof plateplate: whywhy ofof thethe quintessencequintessence ofof aa leadenleaden
wln 0539plummetplummet, hehe hathhath framedframed xx.xxtwentyxx, dozendozen ofof siluersilver SpoonesSpoons.
wln 0540LookeLook howehow heehe studiesstudies, II durstdurst ventureventure mymy lifelife heehe isis
wln 0541nowenow castingcasting aboutabout, howehow ofof hishis breathbreath heehe maymay makemake
wln 0542goldengolden braseletsbracelets, forfor often-timesoftentimes ofof smokesmoke heehe hathhath
wln 0543mademade siluersilver dropsdrops.
wln 0544RafeRafeWhatWhat doedo II hearehear?
wln 0545PeterPeterDydstDidst thouthou neuernever hearehear howehow IupiterJupiterjupiter camecame
wln 0546inin aa goldengolden showershower toto DanaeDanae?
wln 0547RafeRafeII rememberremember thatthat taletale.
wln 0548Pet.PeterPet.ThatThat showershower diddid mymy MasterMaster makemake ofof aa spoone-spoonefullspoone∣fullspoonful
wln 0549full
wln 0549ofof Tartar-alomTartar alumtartar-alum, butbut withwith thethe firefire ofof bloodblood, &and thethe
wln 0550corasiuecorrosive ofof thethe ayreair, hehe isis ableable toto makemake nothingnothing infinitinfinite,
wln 0551butbut whistwhist hehe espiethespieth vsus.
wln 0552Alcum.AlchemistAlcum.WhatWhat PeterPeter doedo youyou loyterloiter, knowingknowing thatthat
wln 0553euerieevery minuteminute increasethincreaseth ourour MineMine?
wln 0554PeterPeterII waswas gladglad toto taketake ayreair, forfor thethe mettlemetalmettle camecame soso
wln 0555fastfast, thatthat II fearedfeared mymy faceface wouldwould hauehave beenebeen turnedturned toto
wln 0556siluersilver.
wln 0557Alcum.AlchemistAlcum.ButBut whatwhat striplingstripling isis thisthis?
wln 0558PeterPeterOneOne thatthat isis desirousdesirous toto learnelearn youryour craftcraft.
wln 0559Alcum.AlchemistAlcum.CraftCraft sirsir boyboy, youyou mustmust callcall itit misteriemystery.
wln 0560RafeRafeAllAll isis oneone, aa craftiecrafty misteriemystery, andand aa mysticallmystical
wln 0561craftcraft.
wln 0562Alcum.AlchemistAlcum.CanstCanst thouthou taketake paynespains?
wln 0563RafeRafeInfiniteInfinite.
wln 0564Alcum.AlchemistAlcum.ButBut thouthou mustmust bebe swornesworn toto bebe secretsecret, andand
wln 0565thenthen II wyllwill entertaineentertain theethee.

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wln 0566RafeRafeII cancan sweareswear thoughthough II bebe aa poorepoor fellowfellow asas welwell
wln 0567asas thethe bestbest manman inin thethe ShyreShire. ButBut SirSir II muchmuch maruailemarvel
wln 0568thatthat youyou beeingbeing soso cunningcunning, shouldshould bebe soso raggedragged.
wln 0569Alcu.AlchemistAlcu.OO mymy childechild, GryphesGryphesGryphs makemake theyrtheir nestesnests ofof
wln 0570goldgold thoughthough theirtheir coatescoats areare fethersfeathers, andand wewe fetherfeather ourour
wln 0571nestesnests withwith DiamondsDiamonds, thoughthough ourour garmentsgarments bebe butbut
wln 0572frizefriezefreeze. YfIf thouthou knewestknewest thethe secretsecret ofof thisthis ScienceScience, thethe
wln 0573cunningcunning wouldewould makemake theethee soso proudeproud thatthat thouthou woul-wouldestwoul∣destwouldst
wln 0574dest
wln 0574disdainedisdain thethe outwardoutward pompepomp.
wln 0575PeterPeterMyMy MaisterMaster isis soso rauishtravished withwith hishis ArteArt, thatthat
wln 0576wewe maniemany timestimes goego supperlessesupperless toto bedbed, forfor hehe wilwill makemake
wln 0577goldgold ofof hishis breadebread, andand suchsuch isis thethe drouthdrought ofof hishis desiredesire,
wln 0578thatthat wewe allall wishwish ourour veryvery gutsguts werewere goldgold.
wln 0579RafeRafeII hauehave goodgood fortunefortune toto lightlight vponupon suchsuch aa Mai-MaisterMai∣sterMaster
wln 0580sterMaster.
wln 0581Alcum.AlchemistAlcum.WhenWhen inin thethe depthdepth ofof mymy skillskill II determinedetermine
wln 0582toto trytry thethe vttermostuttermost ofof minemine ArteArt, II amam disswadeddissuaded byby
wln 0583thethe godsgods, otherwiseotherwise, II durstdurst vndertakeundertake toto makemake thethe firefire
wln 0584asas itit flamesflames, goldgold, thethe windewind asas itit blowesblows, siluersilver, thethe wa-waterwa∣terwater
wln 0585ter
wln 0585asas itit runnesruns, leadlead, thethe earthearth asas itit standesstands, yroniron, thethe
wln 0586skyesky, brassebrass, andand mensmen’s thoughtsthoughts, firmefirm mettlesmetalsmettles.
wln 0587RafeRafeII mustmust blessebless my selfemyself, andand maruellmarvel atat youyou.
wln 0588Alcum.AlchemistAlcum.ComeCome inin, andand thouthou shaltshalt seesee allall.ExitExit.
wln 0589RafeRafeII followefollow, II runnerun, II flyefly; theythey saysay mymy FatherFather
wln 0590hathhath aa goldengolden thumbethumb, youyou shallshall seesee meme hauehave aa goldengolden
wln 0591bodiebody.ExitExit.
wln 0592PeterPeterII amam gladglad ofof thisthis, forfor nownow II shallshall hauehave leysureleisure
wln 0593toto runnerun awayaway; suchsuch aa baldbald ArteArt asas neuernever waswas, letlet himhim
wln 0594keepekeep hishis newenew manman, forfor hehe shallshall neuernever seesee hishis oldeold a-againea∣gaineagain
wln 0595gaine;
wln 0595GodGod sheldeshield meme fromfrom blowingblowing goldgold toto nothingnothing,
wln 0596withwith aa strongstrong imaginationimagination toto makemake nothingnothing anyany thingthing.

wln 0597ExitExit.


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wln 0598ActusActus secundussecundus. ScænaScaenaScaena quartaquarta.
wln 0599GallatheaGallathea alonealone.
wln 0600Galla.GallatheaGalla.HowHow nownow GallatheaGallatheaGalathea? miserablemiserable GallatheaGallatheaGalathea,
wln 0601thatthat hauinghaving putput onon thethe apparellapparel ofof aa boyboy, thouthou canstcanst al-alsoal∣soalso
wln 0602so
wln 0602putput onon thethe mindemind. OO fairefair MelebeusMelebeus, IAyI tootoo fairefair, andand
wln 0603thereforetherefore II fearefear, tootoo proudeproud. HadHad itit notnot beenebeen betterbetter
wln 0604forfor theethee toto hauehave beenebeen aa sacrificesacrifice toto NeptuneNeptune, thenthan aa
wln 0605slaueslave toto CupidCupid? toto diedie forfor thythy CountreyCountry, thenthan toto liuelive inIIin
wln 0606thythy fanciefancy? toto bebe aa sacrificesacrifice, thenthan aa LouerLover? OO wouldewould
wln 0607whenwhen II huntedhunted hishis eyeeye withwith mymy harteheart, heehe mightmight hauehave
wln 0608seeneseen mymy hartheart withwith hishis eyeseyes. WhyWhy diddid NatureNature toto himhim aa
wln 0609boyboy giuegive aa faceface soso fairefair, oror toto meme aa virginevirgin aa fortunefortune soso
wln 0610hard●●●d●●●dhard? II willwill nownow vseuse forfor thethe distaffedistaff thethe bowebow, andand playplay
wln 0611atat quaitesquoits abroadeabroad, thatthat waswas wontwont toto sowesewsow inin mymy Sam-SamplerSam∣plerSampler
wln 0612pler
wln 0612atat homehome. ItIt maymay bebe GallatheaGallatheaGalathea, foolishfoolish GallatheaGallatheaGalathea,
wln 0613whatwhat maymay bebe? nothingnothing. LetLet meeme followefollow himhim intointo thethe
wln 0614WoodsWoods, andand thouthou sweetesweet VenusVenus bebe mymy guideguide.ExitExit.

wln 0615ActusActus secundussecundus. ScænaScaenaScaena quintaquinta.
wln 0616EnterEnter PhillidaPhillida alonealone.
wln 0617Philli.PhillidaPhilli.PoorePoor PhillidaPhillida, cursecurse thethe timetime ofof thythy birthbirth
wln 0618andand rarenesrareness ofof thythy beautiebeauty, thethe vnaptnesunaptness ofof thythy apparelapparel,
wln 0619andand thethe vntamednesuntamedness ofof thythy affectionsaffections. ArtArt thouthou nono soo-soonersoo∣nersooner
wln 0620ner
wln 0620inin thethe habitehabit ofof aa boyboy, butbut thouthou mustmust bebe enamoredenamoredenamoured
wln 0621ofof aa boyboy, whatwhat shaltshalt thouthou doedo whenwhen whatwhat bestbest lykethliketh
wln 0622theethee, mostmost discontentethdiscontenteth theethee? GoeGo intointo thethe WoodsWoods,
wln 0623watchwatch thethe goodgood timestimes, hishis bestbest moodesmoods, andand transgressetransgress
wln 0624inin louelove aa littlelittle ofof thythy modestiemodesty, II willwill, II daredare notnot, thouthou
wln 0625mustmust, II cannotcannot. ThenThen pinepine inin thinethine owneown peeuishnespeevishness.
wln 0626II willwill notnot, II wilwill. AhAh PhillidaPhillida doedo somethingsomething, naynay anieany
wln 0627thingthing ratherrather thenthan liuelive thusthus. WellWell, whatwhat II willwill doedo, mymy selfemyself
wln 0628selfe
wln 0628knowesknows notnot, butbut whatwhat II oughtought II knoweknow tootoo wellwell,
wln 0629andand soso II goego resoluteresolute, eythereither toto bewraybewray mymy louelove, oror suf-suffersuf∣fersuffer
wln 0630fer
wln 0630shameshame.ExitExit.


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wln 0631ActusActus tertiustertius. ScænaScaenaScaena primaprima.
wln 0632TelusaTelusa alonealone.
wln 0633TelusaTelusaHOweHOwHow nowenow? whatwhat newenew conceitsconceits, vvhatwhat
wln 0634strangestrange contrariescontraries breedebreed inin thythy mindemind?
wln 0635isis thythy DianaDiana becomebecome aa VenusVenus, thythy chastchaste thoughtsthoughts turndturned
wln 0636toto wantonwanton lookeslooks, thythy conqueringconquering modestiemodesty toto aa cap-captiuecap∣tiuecaptive
wln 0637tiue
wln 0637imaginationimagination? BeginnestBeginnest thouthou withwith PiralisPiralis toto diedie inin
wln 0638thethe ayreair andand liuelive inin thethe firefire, toto leaueleave thethe sweetesweet delightdelight
wln 0639ofof huntinghunting, andand toto followefollow thethe hotehot desiredesire ofof louelove? OO
wln 0640TelusaTelusa, thesethese wordswords areare vnfitunfit forfor thythy sexesex beeingbeing aa vir-virginevir∣ginevirgin
wln 0641gine,
wln 0641butbut aptapt forfor thythy affectionsaffections beingbeing aa LouerLover. AndAnd cancan
wln 0642therethere inin yeeresyears soso youngyoung, inin educationeducation soso preciseprecise, inin
wln 0643vowesvows soso holyholy, andand inin aa hartheart soso chastechaste, enterenter eythereither aa
wln 0644strongstrong desiredesire, oror aa wishwish, oror aa waueringwavering thoughtthought ofof louelove?
wln 0645CanCan CupidsCupid’s brandsbrands quenchquench VestasVesta’s flamesflames, andand hishis fee-feeblefee∣blefeeble
wln 0646ble
wln 0646shaftsshafts headedheaded withwith feathersfeathers, pearcepierce deeperdeeper thēthethan Di-DianaesDi∣anaesDiana’s
wln 0647anaes
wln 0647arrowesarrows headedheaded withwith steelesteel? BreakeBreak thythy bowebow
wln 0648TelusaTelusa thatthat seekestseekest toto breakebreak thythy vowevow, andand letlet thosethose
wln 0649handshands thatthat aymedaimed toto hithit thethe wildewild HartHart, scratchescratch outout
wln 0650thosethose eyeseyes thatthat hauehave woundedwounded thythy tametame hartheart. OO vainevain
wln 0651andand onelyonly nakednaked namename ofof ChastitieChastity, thatthat isis mademade eter-eternalleter∣nalleternal
wln 0652nall,
wln 0652andand perishperish byby timetime: holyholy, andand isis infectedinfected byby fancyfancy:
wln 0653diuinedivine, andand isis mademade mortallmortal byby follyfolly. VirginsVirgins’virgin’s hartshearts II
wln 0654perceiueperceive areare notnot vnlikeunlike CottonCotton treestrees, whosewhose fruitefruit isis soso
wln 0655hardhard inin thethe buddebud, thatthat itit soundethsoundeth likelike steelesteel, andand bee-beeingbee∣ingbeing
wln 0656ing
wln 0656ryperipe, pourethpoureth forthforth nothingnothing butbut woolwool, andand theyrtheir
wln 0657thoughtsthoughts likelike thethe leauesleaves ofof LunaryLunary, whichwhich thethe furtherfurther
wln 0658theythey growegrow fromfrom thethe SunneSun, thethe soonersooner theythey areare scor-scorchedscor∣chedscorched
wln 0659ched
wln 0659withwith hishis beamesbeams. OO MelebeusMelebeus, becausebecause thouthou artart
wln 0660fayrefair, mustmust II bebe ficklefickle, andand falsefalse mymy vowevow becausebecause II seesee
wln 0661thythy vertuevirtue? FondeFond gyrlegirl thatthat II amam toto thinkethink ofof louelove,
wln 0662naynay vainevain professionprofession thatthat II followfollow toto disdainedisdain louelove, butbut
wln 0663heerehere commethcometh EurotaEurota, II mustmust nowenow putput onon aa reddered

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wln 0664maskemask andand blusheblush, leastlest sheshe perceiueperceive mymy palepale faceface andand
wln 0665laughlaugh.
wln 0666EnterEnter EurotaEurota..
wln 0667EurotaEurotaTelusaTelusa, DianaDiana bidbid meme hunthunt youyou outout, &and saithsaith
wln 0668thatthat youyou carecare notnot toto hunthunt withwith herher, butbut ifif youyou followefollow
wln 0669anyany otherother GameGame thenthan sheshe hathhath rowsdroused, youryour punishmentpunishment
wln 0670shallshall bebe toto bendbend allall ourour bowesbows, andand weaueweave alall ourour stringsstrings.
wln 0671WhyWhy lookelook yeye soso palepale, soso sadsad, soso wildlywildly.
wln 0672TelusaTelusaEurotaEurota,, thethe GameGame II followfollow isis thethe thingthing II flyefly:
wln 0673mymy strangestrange diseasedisease mymy chiefechief desiredesire.
wln 0674EurotaEurotaII amam nono OedipusOedipus toto expoundexpound riddlesriddles, andand
wln 0675II musemuse howhow thouthou canstcanst bebe SphinxSphinx toto vtterutter themthem. ButBut II
wln 0676praypray theethee TelusaTelusa telltell meeme whatwhat thouthou aylestailest, ifif thouthou bebe
wln 0677sickesick, thisthis groundground hathhath leauesleaves toto healeheal: ifif melancholiemelancholy,
wln 0678heerehere areare pastimespastimes toto vseuse: ifif peeuishpeevish, witwit mustmust weanewean
wln 0679itit, oror timetime, oror counsellcounsel. YfIf thouthou bebe inin louelove (forfor II hauehave
wln 0680heardheard ofof suchsuch aa beastbeast calledcalled louelove) itit shallshall bebe curedcured, whywhy
wln 0681blushestblushest thouthou TelusaTelusa?
wln 0682TelusaTelusaToTo hearehear theethee inin reckoningreckoning mymy painespains toto re-recitere∣citerecite
wln 0683cite
wln 0683thinethine owneown. II sawsaw EurotaEurota howehow amorouslieamorously youyou
wln 0684glauncedglanced youryour eyeeye onon thethe fairefair boyboy inin thethe whitewhite coatecoat,
wln 0685andand howehow cunningliecunningly (nownow thatthat youyou wouldwould hauehave somesome
wln 0686talketalk ofof louelove) youyou hithit meme inin thethe teethteeth withwith louelove.
wln 0687EurotaEurotaII confesseconfess thatthat II amam inin louelove, andand yetyet sweareswear
wln 0688thatthat II knowknow notnot whatwhat itit isis. II feelefeel mymy thoughtsthoughts vnknitunknit,
wln 0689minemine eyeseyes vnstaiedunstayedunstaid, mymy hartheart II knowknow notnot howhow affectedaffected,
wln 0690oror infectedinfected, mymy sleepessleep’ssleeps brokenbroken andand fullfull ofof dreamesdreams, mymy
wln 0691wakenessewakeness sadsad andand fullfull ofof sighessighs, my selfemyself inin allall thingesthings
wln 0692vnlikeunlike my selfemyself. IfIf thisthis bebe louelove, II wouldewould itit hadhad neuernever
wln 0693beenebeen deuiseddevised.
wln 0694TelusaTelusaThouThou hasthast toldtold whatwhat II amam inin vtteringuttering whatwhat
wln 0695thy selfethyself isis: thesethese areare mymy passionspassions EurotaEurota mymy vnbridledunbridled
wln 0696passionspassions, mymy intollerableintolerable passionspassions, whichwhich II werewere asas goodgood
wln 0697acknowledgeacknowledge andand crauecrave counsellcounsel, asas toto deniedeny andand en-endureen∣dureendure
wln 0698dure
wln 0698perillperil.

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wln 0699EurotaEurotaHowHow diddid itit taketake youyou firstfirst TelusaTelusa?
wln 0700TelusaTelusaByBy thethe eyeseyes, mymy wantonwanton eyeseyes whichwhich concei-conceiuedconcei∣uedconceived
wln 0701ued
wln 0701thethe picturepicture ofof hishis faceface, andand hangdhanged itit onon thethe verievery
wln 0702stringsstrings ofof mymy hartheart. OO fairefair MelebeusMelebeus, ôo fondefond TelusaTelusa,
wln 0703butbut howhow diddid itit taketake youyou EurotaEurota?
wln 0704EurotaEurotaByBy thethe earesears, whosewhose sweetesweet wordswords sunckesunk soso
wln 0705deepedeep intointo mymy headhead, thatthat thethe remembranceremembrance ofof hishis witwit,
wln 0706hathhath bereauedbereavedbereft meeme ofof mymy wisedomewisdom;;, ôo eloquenteloquent Tyte-TyterusTyte∣rusTityrus
wln 0707rus,
wln 0707ôo credulouscredulous EurotaEurota. ButBut softsoft heerehere commethcometh Ra-RamiaRa∣miaRamia
wln 0708mia,
wln 0708butbut letlet herher notnot hearehear vsus talketalk, weewe willwill withdrawewithdraw
wln 0709our seluesourselves, andand hearehear herher talketalk.
wln 0710EnterEnter RamiaRamia.
wln 0711RamiaRamiaII amam sentsent toto seekeseek othersothers thatthat hauehave lostlost my
wln 0712selfemyself.
wln 0713EurotaEurotaYouYou shallshall seesee RamiaRamia hathhath alsoalso bittenbitten onon aa
wln 0714louelove leafeleaf.
wln 0715RamiaRamiaCanCan therethere bebe nono hartheart soso chastchaste, butbut louelove cancan
wln 0716woundwound? nornor vowesvows soso holieholy butbut affectionaffection cancan violateviolate.
wln 0717VaineVain artart thouthou vertuevirtue, &and thouthou chastitychastity butbut aa by wordby-wordby word,
wln 0718whenwhen youyou bothboth areare subiectsubject toto louelove, ofof allall thingesthings thethe
wln 0719mostmost abiectabject. IfIf LoueLove bebe aa GodGod, whywhy shouldshould notnot louersloverslovers’
wln 0720bebe vertuousvirtuous? LoueLove isis aa GodGod, andand LouersLovers areare vertuousvirtuous.
wln 0721EurotaEurotaIndeedeIndeed RamiaRamia, ifif LouersLovers werewere notnot vertu-vertuousvertu∣ousvirtuous
wln 0722ous,
wln 0722thenthen wertwert thouthou viciousvicious.
wln 0723RamiaRamiaWhatWhat areare youyou comecome soso neerenear meme?
wln 0724TelusaTelusaII thinkethink wewe camecame neerenear youyou whenwhen weewe saidesaid
wln 0725youyou louedloved.
wln 0726EurotaEurotaTushTush RamiaRamia, tis’tis tootoo latelate toto recallrecall itit, toto re-repentre∣pentrepent
wln 0727pent
wln 0727itit aa shameshame: therforetherefore II praypray theethee telltell whatwhat isis louelove?
wln 0728RamiaRamiaIfIf my selfemyself feltfelt onelieonly thisthis infectioninfection, II wouldwould
wln 0729thenthen taketake vponupon meme thethe definitiondefinition, butbut beeingbeing incidentincident
wln 0730toto soso maniemany, II daredare notnot my selfemyself describedescribe itit, butbut wewe willwill
wln 0731allall talketalk ofof thatthat inin thethe WoodesWoods. DianaDiana stormethstormeth thatthat
wln 0732sendingsending oneone toto seekeseek anotheranother, sheeshe loosethloseth allall. SeruiaServia
wln 0733ofof allall thethe NimphesNymphsnymphs thethe coyestcoyest, louethloveth deadlydeadly, andand ex-exclaimethex∣claimethexclaimeth

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wln 0734claimethclaimeth
wln 0734againstagainst DianaDiana, honourethhonorethhonoureth VenusVenus, detestethdetesteth
wln 0735VestaVesta, andand makethmaketh aa commoncommon scornescorn ofof vertuevirtue. Cly-ClymeneCly∣meneClymene
wln 0736mene,
wln 0736whosewhose stateliestately lookeslooks seemedseemed toto amazeamaze thethe grea-greatestgreatestgreatest
wln 0737test
wln 0737LordesLords, stoopethstoopeth, yeeldethyieldethyields, andand faunethfawneth onon thethe
wln 0738strangestrange boyboy inin thethe WoodsWoods. My selfeMyselfmyself (withwith blushingblushing II
wln 0739speakspeak itit) amam thrallthrall toto thatthat boyboy, thatthat fairefair boyboy, thatthat beau-beautifullbeau∣tifullbeautiful
wln 0740tifull
wln 0740boyboy.
wln 0741TelusaTelusaWhatWhat hauehave weewe heerehere, allall inin louelove? nono otherother
wln 0742foodefood thenthan fanciefancy; nono nono, sheshe shallshall notnot hauehave thethe fayrefair
wln 0743boyboy.
wln 0744EurotaEurotaNorNor youyou TelusaTelusa.
wln 0745RamiaRamiaNorNor youyou EurotaEurota.
wln 0746TelusaTelusaII louelove MelebeusMelebeus, andand mymy desertsdeserts shalbeshall be aun-aunswerableaun∣swerableanswerable
wln 0747swerable
wln 0747toto mymy desiresdesires. II willwill forsakeforsake DianaDiana forfor himhim. II
wln 0748willwill diedie forfor himhim.
wln 0749RamiaRamiaSoSo saithsaith ClymeneClymene, andand sheeshe willwill hauehave HimHim. II
wln 0750carecare notnot, mymy sweetesweet TyterusTityrus thoughthough hehe seemeseem proudeproud,
wln 0751II imputeimpute itit toto childishneschildishness: whowho beeingbeing yetyet scarcescarce outout
wln 0752ofof hishis swath-clowtesswath-clouts, cannotcannot vnderstandeunderstand thesethese deepedeep
wln 0753conceitsconceits; II louelove himhim.
wln 0754EurotaEurotaSoSo doedo II, andand II willwill hauehave himhim.
wln 0755TelusaTelusaImmodestImmodest allall thatthat weewe areare, vnfortunateunfortunate allall
wln 0756thatthat wewe areare likelike toto bebe; shallshall virginsvirgins beginnebegin toto wranglewrangle
wln 0757forfor louelove, andand becomebecome wantonwanton inin theirtheir thoughtsthoughts, inin theirtheir
wln 0758wordswords, inin theirtheir actionsactions. OOOh deuinedivine LoueLove, whichwhich artart ther-therforether∣foretherefore
wln 0759fore
wln 0759calledcalled deuinedivine, becausebecause thouthou ouer-reachestover-reachest thethe wi-wisestwi∣sestwisest
wln 0760sest,
wln 0760conquerestconquerest thethe chastestchastest, andand doostdost allall thingsthings bothboth
wln 0761vnlikelyunlikely andand impossibleimpossible, becausebecause thouthou artart LoueLove. ThouThou
wln 0762makestmakest thethe bashfullbashful impudentimpudent, thethe wisewise fondfond, thethe chastchaste
wln 0763wantonwanton, andand workestworkest contrariescontraries toto ourour reachreach, becausebecause
wln 0764thy selfethyself isis beyondbeyond reasonreason.
wln 0765EurotaEurotaTalkeTalk nono moremore TelusaTelusa, youryour wordswords woundwound.
wln 0766AhAh wouldwould II werewere nono womanwoman.
wln 0767RamiaRamiaWouldWould TyterusTityrus werewere nono boyboy.
wln 0768TelusaTelusaWouldWould TelusaTelusa werewere no bodynobody.ExeuntExeunt

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wln 0769ActusActus tertiustertius. ScænaScaenaScaena secundasecunda.
wln 0770PhillidaPhillida andand GallatheaGallathea.
wln 0771Phil.PhillidaPhil.ItIt isis pittypity thatthat NatureNature framedframed youyou notnot aa wo-womanwo∣manwoman
wln 0772man,,
wln 0772hauinghaving aa faceface soso fairefair, soso louelylovely aa countenauncecountenance,
wln 0773soso modestmodest aa behauiourbehaviorbehaviour.
wln 0774Galla.GallatheaGalla.ThereThere isis aa TreeTree inin TylosTylos, whosewhose nuttesnuts hauehave
wln 0775shelsshells likelike firefire, andand beeingbeing crackedcracked, thethe karnellkernel isis butbut
wln 0776waterwater.
wln 0777Phil.PhillidaPhil.WhatWhat aa toytoy isis itit toto telltell meeme ofof thatthat treetree, beeingbeing
wln 0778nothingnothing toto thethe purposepurpose: II saysay itit isis pittypity youyou areare notnot aa
wln 0779womanwoman.
wln 0780Galla.GallatheaGalla.II wouldwould notnot wishwish toto bebe aa womanwoman, vnlesseunless itit
wln 0781werewere becausebecause thouthou artart aa manman.
wln 0782Phil.PhillidaPhil.NayNay II doedo notnot wishwish toto bebe womanwoman, forfor thenthen II
wln 0783shouldshould notnot louelove theethee, forfor II hauehave swornesworn neuernever toto louelove aa
wln 0784womanwoman.
wln 0785Galla.GallatheaGalla.AA strangestrange humorhumorhumour inin soso prettiepretty aa youthyouth, andand
wln 0786accordingaccording toto mynemine, forfor my selfemyself willwill neuernever louelove aa wo-womanwo∣man
wln 0787manwoman.
wln 0788Philli.PhillidaPhilli.ItIt werewere aa shameshame ifif aa maydenmaiden shouldshould bebe aa su-sutersu∣tersuitor
wln 0789ter,
wln 0789(aa thingthing hatedhated inin thatthat sexesex) thatthat thouthou shouldestshouldst
wln 0790deniedeny toto bebe herher seruantservant.
wln 0791Galla.GallatheaGalla.IfIf itit bebe aa shameshame inin meme, itit cancan bebe nono commen-commendationcommen∣dationcommendation
wln 0792dation
wln 0792inin youyou, forfor your selfeyourself isis ofof thatthat mindemind.
wln 0793Philli.PhillidaPhilli.SupposeSuppose II werewere aa virginevirgin (II blushblush inin suppo-supposingsuppo∣singsupposing
wln 0794sing
wln 0794my selfemyself oneone) andand thatthat vnderunder thethe habitehabit ofof aa boyboy
wln 0795werewere thethe personperson ofof aa maydemaid, ifif II shouldshould vtterutter mymy affec-affectionaffec∣tionaffection
wln 0796tion
wln 0796withwith sighessighs, manifestmanifest mymy sweetesweet louelove byby mymy saltesalt
wln 0797tearestears, andand proueprove mymy loyaltieloyalty vnspottedunspotted, andand mymy griefesgriefs
wln 0798intollerableintolerable, wouldwould notnot thenthen thatthat fairefair faceface, pittiepity thysthis
wln 0799truetrue hartheart?
wln 0800Galla.GallatheaGalla.AdmitAdmit thatthat II werewere, asas youyou wouldewould hauehave meeme
wln 0801supposesuppose thatthat youyou areare, andand thatthat II shouldshould withwith intreatiesentreaties,
wln 0802prayersprayers, othesoaths, bribesbribes, andand what euerwhatever cancan bebe inuentedinvented inin

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wln 0803louelove, desiredesire youryour fauourfavorfavour, wouldwould youyou notnot yeeldyield?
wln 0804Philli.PhillidaPhilli.TushTrushTrushTush youyou comecome inin withwith admitadmit.
wln 0805Galla.GallatheaGalla.AndAnd youyou withwith supposesuppose.
wln 0806Philli.PhillidaPhilli.WhatWhat doubtfulldoubtful speechesspeeches bebe thesethese? II fearefear meme
wln 0807hehe isis asas II amam, aa maydenmaiden.
wln 0808Galla.GallatheaGalla.WhatWhat dreaddread risethriseth inin mymy mindemind, II fearefear thethe
wln 0809boyboy toto bebe asas II amam aa maydenmaiden.
wln 0810Philli.PhillidaPhilli.TushTush itit cannotcannot bebe, hishis voicevoice shewesshows thethe con-contrariecon∣trarie
wln 0811trariecontrary.
wln 0812Galla.GallatheaGalla.YetYet II doedo notnot thinkethink itit;;, forfor hehe wouldewould thenthen
wln 0813hauehave blushedblushed.
wln 0814Phill.PhillidaPhill.HaueHave youyou euerever aa SisterSister?
wln 0815Galla.GallatheaGalla.IfIf II hadhad butbut oneone,, mymy brotherbrother mustmust needsneeds hauehave
wln 0816twotwo, butbut II praypray hauehave youyou euerever aa oneone?
wln 0817Philli.PhillidaPhilli.MyMy FatherFather hadhad butbut oneone daughterdaughter, andand there-thereforethere∣foretherefore
wln 0818fore
wln 0818II couldcould hauehave nono sistersister.
wln 0819Galla.GallatheaGalla.AyeAyay meme, hehe isis asas II amam, forfor hishis speechesspeeches bebe asas
wln 0820minemine areare.
wln 0821Philli.PhillidaPhilli.WhatWhat shallshall II doedo, eythereither heehe isis subtillsubtle oror mymy
wln 0822sexesex simplesimple.
wln 0823Galla.GallatheaGalla.II hauehave knowneknown diuersdivers ofof DianaesDiana’s NimphesNymphsnymphs
wln 0824enamoredenamoredenamoured ofof himhim, yetyet hathhath hehe reiectedrejected allall, eythereither asas tootoo
wln 0825proudeproud toto disdainedisdain, oror tootoo childishchildish notnot toto vnderstandeunderstand,
wln 0826oror forfor thatthat hehe knowethknoweth himselfehimself toto hebehe aa VirginVirgin.
wln 0827Phill.PhillidaPhill.II amam inin aa quandariequandary, DianaesDiana’s NimphesNymphsnymphs hauehave
wln 0828followedfollowed himhim, andand hehe despiseddespised themthem, eythereither knowingknowing
wln 0829tootoo wellwell thethe beautiebeauty ofof hishis owneown faceface, oror thatthat himselfehimself
wln 0830isis ofof thethe samesame mouldemoldmould. II willwill onceonce againeagain trytry himhim. YouYou
wln 0831promisedpromised meme inin thethe woodswoods, thatthat youyou wouldwould louelove meme be-beforebe∣forebefore
wln 0832fore
wln 0832allall DianaesDiana’s NimphesNymphsnymphs.
wln 0833Galla.GallatheaGalla.IAyay, soso youyou wouldwould louelove meeme beforebefore allall DianaesDiana’s
wln 0834NimphesNymphsnymphs.
wln 0835Philli.PhillidaPhilli.CanCan youyou preferreprefer aa fondefond boyboy asas II amam, beforebefore
wln 0836soso fairefair LadiesLadies asas theythey areare.
wln 0837Galla.GallatheaGalla.WhyWhy shouldshould notnot II asas wellwell asas youyou?

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wln 0838PhillidaPhillidaComeCome letlet vsus intointo thethe GroueGrove, andand makemake
wln 0839muchmuch oneone ofof anotheranother, thatthat cannotcannot teltell whatwhat toto thinkthink oneone
wln 0840ofof anotheranother.ExeuntExeunt.

wln 0841ActusActus tertiustertius. ScænaScaenaScaena tertiatertia.
wln 0842AlcumistAlchemistalchemist. RafeRafe.
wln 0843Alcum.AlchemistAlcum.RafeRafe, mymy boyboy isis runrun awayaway, II trusttrust thouthou wiltwilt
wln 0844notnot runnerun afterafter.
wln 0845RafeRafeII wouldwould II hadhad aa pairepair ofof wingswings thatthat II mightmight fliefly
wln 0846afterafter.
wln 0847Alcum.AlchemistAlcum.MyMy boyboy waswas thethe veriestveriest theefetheesethief, thethe aran-arantestaran∣testarrantest
wln 0848test
wln 0848lyarliar, andand thethe vildestvildest swearerswearer inin thethe worldeworld, other-otherwiseother∣wiseotherwise
wln 0849wise
wln 0849thethe bestbest boyboy inin thethe worldworld, hehe hathhath stolenstolen mymy appa-apparellappa∣rellapparel
wln 0850rell,
wln 0850allall mymy moneymoney, andand forgotforgot nothingnothing butbut toto bidbid meeme
wln 0851farewellfarewell.
wln 0852RafeRafeThatThat willwill notnot II forgetforget, farewellfarewell MaisterMaster.
wln 0853Alcum.AlchemistAlcum.WhyWhy thouthou hasthast notnot yetyet seeneseen thethe endeend ofof
wln 0854mymy ArteArt.
wln 0855RafeRafeII wouldwould II hadhad notnot knownknown thethe beginningbeginning. DidDid
wln 0856notnot youyou promisepromise meeme, ofof mymy siluersilver thimblethimble toto makemake aa
wln 0857wholewhole cupboordcupboard ofof plateplate, andand thatthat ofof aa SpanishSpanish needleneedle
wln 0858youyou wouldwould buildbuild aa siluersilver steeplesteeple?
wln 0859Alcum.AlchemistAlcum.IAyI RafeRafe, thethe fortunefortune ofof thisthis ArteArt consistethconsisteth
wln 0860inin thethe measuremeasure ofof thethe firefire, forfor ifif therethere bebe aa colecoal tootoo
wln 0861muchmuch, oror aa sparkespark tootoo littlelittle, ifif itit bebe aa littlelittle tootoo hotehot, oror
wln 0862aa thoughtthought tootoo softesoft, allall ourour labourlaborlabour isis inin vainevain; besidesbesides,
wln 0863theythey thatthat bloweblow, mustmust beatebeat tymetime withwith theyrtheir breathesbreathes,
wln 0864asas MusicionsMusicians doedo withwith theirtheir breastsbreasts, soso asas therethere mustmust bebe
wln 0865ofof thethe mettalsmetals, thethe firefire andand workersworkers aa verievery harmonieharmony.
wln 0866RafeRafeNayNay ifif youyou mustmust weighweigh youryour firefire byby ouncesounces, &and
wln 0867taketake measuremeasure ofof aa mansman’s blastblast, youyou maymay thenthen makemake ofof aa
wln 0868drammedram ofof windewind aa wedgewedge ofof goldgold, andand ofof thethe shadoweshadow
wln 0869ofof oneone shillingshilling makemake anotheranother, soso asas youyou hauehave anan Orga-OrganistOrga∣nistOrganist
wln 0870nist
wln 0870toto tunetune youryour temperaturestemperatures.
wln 0871Alcum.AlchemistAlcum.SoSo isis itit, andand oftenoften dothdoth itit happenhappen, thatthat thethe

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wln 0872iustjust proportionproportion ofof thethe firefire andand allall thingsthings concurreconcur.
wln 0873RafeRafeConcurreConcur, condoggecondog. II willwill awayaway.
wln 0874Alcum.AlchemistAlcum.ThenThen awayaway.ExitExit AlcumistAlchemistalchemist.

wln 0875EnterEnter AstronomerAstronomer.
wln 0876RafeRafeAnAn arteart quothquoth youyou, thatthat oneone multipliethmultiplieth soso
wln 0877muchmuch allall dayday, thatthat hehe wantethwanteth moneymoney toto buybuy meatemeat atat
wln 0878nightnight? ButBut whatwhat hauehave wewe yonderyonder? whatwhat deuoutedevout manman?
wln 0879hehe willwill neuernever speakespeak tilltill hehe bebe vrgedurged. II wilwill salutesalute himhim.
wln 0880SirSir, therethere liethlieth aa pursepurse vnderunder youryour feetefeet, ifif II thoughtthought itit
wln 0881werewere notnot yoursyours, II wouldwould taketake itit vpup.
wln 0882Astron.AstronomerAstron.DoostDost thouthou notnot knoweknow thatthat II waswas calcula-calculatingcalcula∣tingcalculating
wln 0883ting
wln 0883thethe natiuitynativity ofof AlexandersAlexander’s greatgreat horsehorse?
wln 0884RafeRafeWhyWhy whatwhat areare youyou?
wln 0885Astron.AstronomerAstron.AnAn AstronomerAstronomer.
wln 0886RafeRafeWhatWhat oneone ofof thosethose thatthat makesmakes AlmanacksAlmanacs.
wln 0887Astro.AstronomerAstro.IpsissimusIpsissimus. II cancan telltell thethe minuteminute ofof thythy byrthbirth,
wln 0888thethe momentmoment ofof thythy deathdeath, andand thethe mannermanner. II cancan teltell theethee
wln 0889whatwhat wetherweather shallshall bebe betweenebetween thisthis andand OctogessimusOctogessimus
wln 0890octauusoctavusoctaws mirabilismirabilis annusannus
. WhenWhen II listlist II cancan setteset aa traptrap forfor
wln 0891thethe SunneSun, catchcatch thethe MooneMoon withwith lyme-twiggeslime-twigs, andand
wln 0892goego a batfowlinga-batfowlinga batfowling forfor starresstars. II cancan telltell theethee thingsthings pastpastpassed,
wln 0893andand thingsthings toto comecome, &and withwith mymy cunningcunning, measuremeasure howhow
wln 0894manymany yardsyards ofof ClowdesClouds areare beneathbeneath thethe SkyeSky. NothingNothing
wln 0895cancan happenhappen whichwhich II fore-seeforesee notnot, nothingnothing shallshall.
wln 0896RafeRafeII hopehope sirsir youyou areare nono moremore thenthan aa GodGod.
wln 0897Astron.AstronomerAstron.II cancan bringbring thethe tweluetwelve signessigns outout ofof theyrtheir
wln 0898ZodiacksZodiacs, andand hanghang themthem vpup atat TauernsTaverns.
wln 0899RafeRafeII praypray youyou sirsir telltell meme whatwhat youyou cannotcannot doedo, forfor
wln 0900II perceiueperceive therethere isis nothingnothing soso easieeasy forfor youyou toto compassecompass
wln 0901asas impossibilitiesimpossibilities. ButBut whatwhat bebe thosethose signessigns?
wln 0902Astro.AstronomerAstro.AsAs aa manman shouldshould saysay, signessigns whichwhich gouernegovern
wln 0903thethe bodybody. TheThe RammeRam gouernethgoverneth thethe headhead.
wln 0904RafeRafeThatThat isis thethe worstworst signesign forfor thethe headhead.
wln 0905Astro.AstronomerAstro.WhyWhy?

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wln 0906RafeRafeBecauseBecause itit isis aa signesign ofof anan illill EweEwe.
wln 0907Astron.AstronomerAstron.TushTush, thatthat signesign mustmust bebe therethere. ThenThen thethe
wln 0908BullBull forfor thethe throtethroat, CapricornusCapricornus forfor thethe kneesknees.
wln 0909RafeRafeII willwill hearehear nono moremore signessigns, ifif theythey bebe allall suchsuch
wln 0910desperatedesperate signessigns: butbut seeingseeing youyou areare, (II knowknow notnot whowho
wln 0911toto termeterm youyou) shallshall II serueserve youyou? II wouldwould fainefain serueserve.
wln 0912Astron.AstronomerAstron.II acceptaccept theethee.
wln 0913RafeRafe.HappieHappy amam II, forfor nownow shallshall II reachreach thoughtsthoughts,
wln 0914andand telltell howhow manymany dropsdrops ofof waterwater goesgoes toto thethe greatestgreatest
wln 0915showreshower ofof raynerain. YouYou shallshall seesee meme catchcatch thethe MooneMoon inin
wln 0916thethe clipsclipseclipse likelike aa ConnyConeyconey inin aa pursnetpurse-netpursnet.
wln 0917Astro.AstronomerAstro.II willwill teachteach theethee thethe GoldenGolden numbernumber, thethe
wln 0918EpactEpact, andand thethe PrimePrime.
wln 0919RafeRafeII wilwill meddlemeddle nono moremore withwith numbringnumbering ofof goldgold,
wln 0920forfor multiplicationmultiplication isis aa miserablemiserable actionaction; II praypray sirsir whatwhat
wln 0921wetherweather shallshall wewe hauehave thisthis howrehour three-scorethreescore yeereyear?
wln 0922Astro.AstronomerAstro.ThatThat II mustmust castcast byby ourour IudicialsJudicialsjudicials Astrono-AstronomicallAstrono∣micallAstronomical
wln 0923micall,
wln 0923thereforetherefore comecome inin withwith meme, andand thouthou shallshall seesee e-eueriee∣uerieevery
wln 0924uerie
wln 0924wrinklewrinkle ofof mymy AstrologicallAstrological wisedomewisdom, andand II willwill
wln 0925makemake thethe HeauensHeavens asas plaineplain toto theethee asas thethe high waiehighwayhigh way,
wln 0926thythy cunningcunning shallshall sittesit cheekecheek byby iolejowl withwith thethe SunnesSun’ssun’s
wln 0927ChariotChariot; thenthen shaltshalt thouthou seesee whatwhat aa basebase thingthing itit isis, toto
wln 0928hauehave othersothers’others thoughtsthoughts creepecreep onon thethe groundeground, when aswhenas
wln 0929thinethine shallshall bebe stitchedstitched toto thethe starresstars.
wln 0930RafeRafeThenThen II shallshall bebe translatedtranslated fromfrom thisthis mortalitymortality.
wln 0931Astro.AstronomerAstro.ThyThy thoughtsthoughts shallshall bebe metamorphosedmetamorphosed, andand
wln 0932mademade haile felloweshail-fellowshail fellows withwith thethe GodsGods.
wln 0933RafeRafeOO fortunefortune. II feelefeel mymy veryvery brainesbrains moralizedmoralizedmoralised,
wln 0934andand asas itit werewere aa certainecertain contemptcontempt ofof earthlyearthly actionsactions isis
wln 0935creptcrept intointo mymy mindemind, byby anan etherialletherial contemplationcontemplation.
wln 0936ComeCome letlet vsus inin.
wln 0937ExeuntExeunt.


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wln 0938ActusActus tertiustertius. ScænaScaenaScaena quartaquarta.
wln 0939DianaDiana, TelusaTelusa, EurotaEurota, RamiaRamia, LarissaLarissa.
wln 0940DianaDianaWhatWhat newesnews hauehave wewe heerehere LadiesLadies, areare allall
wln 0941inin louelove? areare DianaesDiana’s NimphesNymphsnymphs becomebecome VenusVenus’ wan-wantonswan∣tonswantons
wln 0942tons?
wln 0942isis itit aa shameshame toto bebe chastchaste, becausebecause youyou bebe amiableamiable?
wln 0943oror mustmust youyou needesneeds bebe amorousamorous, becausebecause youyou areare fairefair?
wln 0944OO VenusVenus, ifif thysthis bebe thythy spightspite, II willwill requiterequirerequiterequire itit wythwith
wln 0945moremore thenthan hatehate, wellwell shaltshalt thouthou knowknow whatwhat itit isis toto dribdrib
wln 0946thinethine arrowesarrows vpup andand downedown DianaesDiana’s leiesleasleies. ThereThere isis anan
wln 0947vnknowneunknown NimphNymph thatthat stragglethstraggleth vpup andand downedown thesethese
wln 0948woodswoods, whichwhich II suspectsuspect hathhath beenebeen thethe weauerweaver ofof thesethese
wln 0949woeswoes, II sawsaw herher slumbringslumb’ringslumbering byby thethe brookebrook sideside, gogo searchsearch
wln 0950herher &and bringbring herher, ifif youyou findfind vponupon herher shouldershoulder aa burneburn,
wln 0951itit isis CupidCupid: ifif anyany printprint onon herher backeback likelike aa leafeleaf, itit isis
wln 0952MedeaMedea: ifif anyany picturepicture onon herher leftleft breastbreast likelike aa birdebird, itit
wln 0953isis CalipsoCalipso; who euerwhoever itit bebe, bringbring herher hetherhither, andand spee-speediliespee∣diliespeedily
wln 0954dilie
wln 0954bringbring herher hetherhither.
wln 0955TelusaTelusaII willwill goego withwith speedespeed.
wln 0956DianaDianaGoeGo youyou LarissaLarissa andand helpehelp herher.
wln 0957LurissaLarissaLurissaII obeyobey.
wln 0958DianaDianaNoweNow LadiesLadies, doothdoth notnot thatthat makemake youryour
wln 0959cheekescheeks blusheblush, thatthat makesmakes minemine earesears gloweglow? oror cancan
wln 0960youyou rememberremember thatthat withoutwithout sobssobs, whichwhich DianaDiana cancan notnot
wln 0961thinkethink onon withoutwithout sighessighs? WhatWhat greatergreater dishonourdishonordishonour
wln 0962couldcould happenhappen toto DianaDiana, oror toto herher NimphesNymphs’Nymph’s shameshame,
wln 0963thenthanthen thatthat therethere cancan bebe anyany timetime soso idleidle, thatthat sholdshould makemake
wln 0964theirtheir headsheads soso addleaddle? YourYour chastchaste hartshearts mymy NimphesNymphsnymphs,
wln 0965shouldshould resembleresemble thethe OnixOnyxonyx, whichwhich isis hotesthottest whenwhen itit isis
wln 0966whitestwhitest, andand youryour thoughtsthoughts, thethe moremore theythey areare assaul-assaultedassaul∣tedassaulted
wln 0967ted
wln 0967withwith desiresdesires, thethe lesseless theythey shouldshould bebe affectedaffected. YouYou
wln 0968shouldshould thinkethink louelove likelike HomersHomer’s MolyMoly, aa whitewhite leafeleaf &and
wln 0969aa blackeblack rooteroot, aa fairefair sheweshow, andand aa bitterbitter tastetaste. OfOf allall
wln 0970TreesTrees thethe CedarCedar isis greatestgreatest, andand hathhath thethe smallestsmallest
wln 0971seedesseeds: ofof allall affectionsaffections, louelove hathhath thethe greatestgreatest namename, &and

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wln 0972thethe leastleast vertuevirtue. ShallShall itit bebe saidsaid, andand shallshall VenusVenus saysay itit?
wln 0973naynay shallshall itit bebe seeneseen, andand shallshall wantonswantonswantoness seesee itit? thatthat Di-DianaDi∣anaDiana
wln 0974ana
wln 0974thethe goddessegoddess ofof chastitychastity, whosewhose thoughtsthoughts areare al-alwaiesal∣waiesalways
wln 0975waies
wln 0975answerableanswerable toto herher vowesvows, whosewhose eyeseyes neuernever glan-glancedglan∣cedglanced
wln 0976ced
wln 0976onon desiredesire, andand whosewhose hartheart abatethabateth thethe poyntpoint ofof Cu-CupidsCu∣pidsCupid’s
wln 0977pids
wln 0977arrowesarrows, shallshall hauehave herher virginsvirgins toto becomebecome vnchastunchaste
wln 0978inin desiresdesires, immoderateimmoderate inin affectionaffection, vntemperateuntemperate inin
wln 0979louelove, inin foolishfoolish louelove, inin basebase louelove. EaglesEagles castcast theirtheir euillevil
wln 0980feathersfeathers inin thethe SunneSun, butbut youyou castcast youryour bestbest desiresdesires v-vponv∣ponupon
wln 0981pon
wln 0981aa shadoweshadow. TheThe birdesbirdsbird’s IbesIbesibis loselose theirtheir sweetnessesweetness
wln 0982whenwhen theythey loselose theyrtheir sightssights, andand virginsvirgins allall theyrtheir ver-vertuesver∣tuesvirtues
wln 0983tues
wln 0983withwith theyrtheir vnchastunchaste thoughtsthoughts, vnchastunchaste, DianaDiana cal-callethcal∣lethcalleth
wln 0984leth
wln 0984thatthat, thatthat hathhath eythereither anyany showeshow oror suspicionsuspicion ofof
wln 0985lightnesselightness. OO mymy deeredear NimphesNymphsnymphs, ifif youyou kneweknew howehow
wln 0986louingloving thoughtsthoughts stainestain louelylovely facesfaces, youyou wouldewould beebe asas
wln 0987carefulcareful toto hauehave thethe oneone asas vnspottedunspotted asas thethe otherother beau-beautifulbeau∣tifulbeautiful
wln 0988tifulbeautiful.
wln 0989CastCast beforebefore youryour eyeseyes thethe louesloves ofof VenusVenus’ trulstrulls, theirtheir
wln 0990fortunesfortunes, theyrtheir fanciesfancies, theirtheir endsends. WhatWhat areare theythey elselse
wln 0991butbut SilenusSilenus’Silenus picturespictures, withoutwithout, LambesLambs &and DouesDoves, withwithinwith
wln 0992inin,
wln 0992ApesApes, andand OwlesOwls, whowho likelike IxionIxion imbraceembrace clowdesclouds
wln 0993forfor IunoJunojuno, thethe shadowesshadows ofof vertuevirtue inin steedesteadsteed ofof thethe sub-substancesub∣stancesubstance
wln 0994stance.
wln 0994TheThe EaglesEagle’sEagles fethersfeathers consumeconsume thethe fethersfeathers ofof allall o-otherso∣thersothers
wln 0995thers,
wln 0995andand loueslove’s desiredesire corruptethcorrupteth allall otherother vertuesvirtues. II
wln 0996blushblush LadiesLadies thatthat youyou hauinghaving beenebeen heretoforeheretofore patientpatient
wln 0997ofof labourslaborslabours, shouldshould nowenow becomebecome prentisesprentices toto idlenesseidleness,
wln 0998andand vseuse thethe pennepen forfor SonetsSonnets, notnot thethe needleneedle forfor Sam-SamplersSam∣plersSamplers
wln 0999plers.
wln 0999AndAnd howehow isis youryour louelove placedplaced, vpponupon peltingpelting
wln 1000boyesboys, perhapsperhaps basebase ofof birthbirth, withoutwithout doubtdoubt weakeweak ofof
wln 1001discretiondiscretion. IAyI butbut theythey areare fayrefair. OO LadiesLadies doedo youryour eyeseyes
wln 1002beginbegin toto louelove collourscolorscolours, whosewhose hartshearts waswas wontwont toto loathloathe
wln 1003themthem? isis DianaesDiana’s ChaseChase becomebecome VenusVenus’ CourteCourt? andand
wln 1004areare youryour holyholy vowesvows turndturned toto hollowhollow thoughtsthoughts?
wln 1005RamiaRamiaMadameMadammadam, ifif louelove werewere notnot aa thingthing beyondebeyond
wln 1006reasonreason, wewe mightmight thenthen giuegive aa reasonreason ofof ourour doingsdoings, butbut

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wln 1007soso deuinedivine isis hishis forceforce, thatthat itit workethworketh effectseffects asas contra-contrariecontra∣riecontrary
wln 1008rie
wln 1008toto thatthat weewe wishewish, asas vnreasonableunreasonable againstagainst thatthat weewe
wln 1009oughtought.
wln 1010LarissaLarissaLadyLady, soso vnacquaintedunacquainted areare thethe passionspassions ofof
wln 1011louelove, thatthat wewe cancan neitherneither describedescribe themthem nornor bearebear themthem.
wln 1012DianaDianaFoolishFoolish gyrlesgirls, howhow willingwilling youyou areare toto followfollow
wln 1013thatthat whichwhich youyou shouldshould fliefly, butbut heerehere commethcometh TelusaTelusa.

wln 1014EnterEnter TelusaTelusa andand otherother withwith CupidCupid.
wln 1015TelusaTelusaWeWe hauehave broughtbrought thethe disguiseddisguised NimpheNymph, &&candetc.
wln 1016hauehave foundfound onon hishis shouldershoulder PsichesPsyche’s burneburn, andand hehe con-confessethcon∣fessethconfesseth
wln 1017fesseth
wln 1017himselfehimself toto bebe CupidCupid.
wln 1018DianaDianaHoweHowhow nownow sirsir, areare youyou caughtcaught, areare youyou Cu-CupidCu∣pid
wln 1019pidCupid?
wln 1020CupidCupidThouThou shaltshalt seesee DianaDiana thatthat II daredare confesseconfess mymy selfemyself
wln 1021selfe
wln 1021toto bebe CupidCupid.
wln 1022DianaDianaAndAnd thouthou shaltshalt seesee CupidCupid thatthat II willwill sheweshow
wln 1023my selfemyself toto bebe DianaDiana, thatthat isis, ConquererConqueror ofof thythy looseloose &and
wln 1024vntameduntamed appetitesappetites. DidDid thythy mothermother VenusVenus vnderunder thethe
wln 1025colourcolorcolour ofof aa NimpheNymph, sendesend theethee hetherhither toto woundewound mymy
wln 1026NimphesNymphsnymphs? DothDoth sheshe addeadd craftcraft toto herher malicemalice, andand mis-mistrustingmis∣trustingmistrusting
wln 1027trusting
wln 1027herher deitiedeity, practisepracticepractise deceitedeceit: isis therethere nono placeplace
wln 1028butbut mymy GrouesGroves, nono personspersons butbut mymy NimphesNymphsnymphs? CruellCruel
wln 1029andand vnkindunkind VenusVenus, thatthat spightethspiteth onelyonly chastitiechastity, thouthou
wln 1030shaltshalt seesee thatthat DianaesDiana’s powerpower shalshall reuengerevenge thythy polliciepolicy,
wln 1031andand tametame thysthis pridepride. AsAs forfor theethee CupidCupid, II willwill breakebreak
wln 1032thythy bowebow, andand burneburn thinethine arrowesarrows, bindebind thythy handeshands,
wln 1033clypclip thythy wingswings, andand fetterfetter thythy feetefeet. ThouThou thatthat fattestfattest
wln 1034othersothers withwith hopeshopes, shaltshalt bebe feddefed thy selfethyself withwith wisheswishes,
wln 1035&and thouthou thatthat bindestbindest othersothers withwith goldengolden thoughtsthoughts, shaltshalt
wln 1036bebe boundbound thy selfethyself withwith goldengolden fettersfetters,,. VenusVenus’ rodsrods areare
wln 1037mademade ofof RosesRoses, DianaesDiana’s ofof BryersBriers. LetLet VenusVenus thatthat greatgreat
wln 1038GoddesseGoddess, raunsomeransom CupidCupid thatthat littlelittle GodGod. TheseThese La-LadiesLa∣diesLadies
wln 1039dies
wln 1039heerehere whomwhom thouthou hasthast infectedinfected withwith foolishfoolish louelove,
wln 1040shallshall bothboth treadtread onon theethee andand triumphtriumph ouerover theethee. ThineThine

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wln 1041owneown arrowarrow shallshall bebe shotshot intointo thinethine owneown bosomebosom, andand
wln 1042thouthou shaltshalt bebe inamoredenamoredenamoured, notnot onon PsichesPsychesPsyche’s, butbut onon CircesCircesCirce’s.
wln 1043II willwill teachteach theethee whatwhat itit isis toto displeasedisplease DianaDiana, distressedistress
wln 1044herher NimphesNymphsnymphs, oror disturbedisturb herher GameGame.
wln 1045CupidCupidDianaDiana, whatwhat II hauehave doonedone, cannotcannot bebe vndoneundone,
wln 1046butbut whatwhat youyou meanemean toto doedo, shallshall. VenusVenus hathhath somesome
wln 1047GodsGods toto herher friendsfriends, CupidCupid shallshall hauehave allall.
wln 1048DianaDianaAreAre youyou pratingprating? II willwill bridlebridle thythy tonguetongue &and
wln 1049thythy powerpower, andand inin spightspite ofof minemine owneown thoughtsthoughts, II
wln 1050willwill setteset theethee aa tasketask eueryevery dayday, whichwhich ifif thouthou finishfinish
wln 1051notnot, thouthou shaltshalt feelefeel thethe smartsmart. ThouThou shaltshalt bebe vsedused asas
wln 1052DianaesDiana’s slaueslave, notnot VenusVenus’ sonneson. AllAll thethe worldeworld shallshall
wln 1053seesee thatthat II willwill vseuse theethee likelike aa captiuecaptive, andand shewshow my selfemyself
wln 1054aa ConquererConqueror. ComeCome hauehave himhim inin, thatthat weewe maymay deuisedevise
wln 1055aptapt punishmentspunishments forfor hishis proudeproud presumptionspresumptions.
wln 1056EurotaEurotaWeWe willwill plagueplague yeeye forfor aa littlelittle GodGod.
wln 1057TelusaTelusaWeWe wyllwill neuernever pittiepity theethee thoughthough thouthou bebe
wln 1058aa GodGod.
wln 1059RamiaRamiaNorNor II.
wln 1060LarissaLarissaNorNor II.ExeuntExeunt.

wln 1061ActusActus quartusquartus ScænaScaenaScaena primaprima.
wln 1062AugurAugur, MellebeusMelebeusMellebeus, TyterusTityrusTyterus, PopulusPopulus.
wln 1063AugurAugurTHisTHis isis thethe dayday whereinwherein youyou mustmust satis-fiesatisfy
wln 1064NeptuneNeptune andand sauesave your seluesyourselves, callcall toge-togethertoge∣thertogether
wln 1065ther
wln 1065youryour fayrefair DaughtersDaughters, andand forfor aa SacrificeSacrifice taketake thethe
wln 1066fayrestfairest, forfor betterbetter itit isis toto offeroffer aa VirgineVirgin thenthanthen suffersuffer ru-ruineru∣ineruin
wln 1067ine.
wln 1067IfIf youyou thinkthink itit againstagainst naturenature toto sacrificesacrifice youryour chil-childrenchil∣drenchildren
wln 1068dren,
wln 1068thinkethink itit alsoalso againstagainst sencesense toto destroydestroy youryour Coun-CountreyCoun∣treyCountry
wln 1069trey.
wln 1069IfIf youyou imagineimagine NeptuneNeptune pittilessepitiless toto desiredesire suchsuch aa
wln 1070prayprey, confesseconfess your seluesyourselves peruerseperverse toto deseruedeserve suchsuch aa
wln 1071punishmentpunishment. YouYou seesee thisthis treetree, thisthis fatallfatal TreeTree, whosewhose
wln 1072leauesleaves thoughthough theythey glisterglister likelike goldegold, yetyet itit threatneththreateneththreatneth
wln 1073toto fayrefair virginsvirginsvirgin’s griefegrief. ToTo thisthis TreeTree mustmust thethe beauti-beautifullestbeauti∣fullestbeautifullest

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wln 1074fullest
wln 1074bebe boundbounddodo vntiluntil thethe MonsterMonster AgarAgar carrycarry herher a-awaiea∣waieaway
wln 1075waie,
wln 1075andand ifif thethe MonsterMonster comecome notnot, thenthen assureassure youryour seluesyourselves
wln 1076selues
wln 1076thatthat thethe fairestfairest isis concealedconcealed, andand thenthen youryour coun-countreycoun∣treycountry
wln 1077trey
wln 1077shallshall bebe destroyeddestroyed, thereforetherefore consultconsult withwith youryour seluesyourselves
wln 1078selues,
wln 1078notnot asas fathersfathers ofof childrenchildren, butbut asas fauourersfavorersfavourers ofof
wln 1079youryour CountreyCountry. LetLet NeptuneNeptune hauehave hishis rightright ifif youyou willwill
wln 1080hauehave youryour quietquiet; thusthus hauehave II warnedwarned youyou toto bebe care-carefullcare∣fullcareful
wln 1081full,
wln 1081andand wouldwould wishwish youyou toto bebe wisewise, knowingknowing thatthat whowho
wln 1082soso hathhath thethe fairestfairest daughterdaughter, hathhath thethe greatestgreatest fortunefortune,
wln 1083inin loosinglosing oneone toto sauesave allall, andand soso II departdepart toto provideprovide ce-ceremoniesce∣remoniesceremonies
wln 1084remonies
wln 1084forfor thethe SacrificeSacrifice, andand commaundcommand youyou toto bringbring
wln 1085thethe SacrificeSacrifice.ExitExit AugurAugur.
wln 1086Mel.MelebeusMel.TheyThey saysay TyterusTityrus thatthat youyou hauehave aa fairefair daugh-daughterdaugh∣terdaughter
wln 1087ter,
wln 1087ifif itit bebe soso, dissembledissemble notnot, forfor youyou shallshall bebe aa fortu-fortunatefortu∣natefortunate
wln 1088nate
wln 1088fatherfather. ItIt isis aa thingthing holyholy toto preseruepreserve onesones CountryCountry,
wln 1089andand honorablehonorablehonourable toto bebe thethe causecause.
wln 1090TyterusTityrusTyterusIn deedeIndeedIn deed MelebeusMelebeus II hauehave heardheard youyou boastboast
wln 1091thatthat youyou hadhad aa fairefair daughterdaughter, thenthan thethe whichwhich nonenone waswas
wln 1092moremore beautifulbeautiful. II hopehope youyou areare notnot soso carefulcareful ofof aa childchild,
wln 1093thatthat youyou willwill bebe carelessecareless ofof youryour CountreyCountry, oror addeadd soso
wln 1094muchmuch toto naturenature, thatthat youyou willwill detractdetract fromfrom wisedomewisdom.
wln 1095Melle.MelebeusMelle.II mustmust confesseconfess thatthat II hadhad aa daughterdaughter, andand II
wln 1096knoweknow youyou hauehave, butbut alasalas mymy ChildesChild’s cradlecradle waswas herher
wln 1097grauegrave, andand herher swath-clowteswath-clout herher windingwinding sheetesheet. II
wln 1098wouldwould sheshe hadhad liuedlived tiltill nownow, sheshe shouldshould willinglywillingly hauehave
wln 1099dieddied nownow; forfor whatwhat couldcould hauehave happenedhappened toto porepoor Me-MelebeusMe∣lebeusMelebeus
wln 1100lebeus
wln 1100moremore comfortablecomfortable, thenthanthen toto beebe thethe fatherfather ofof aa
wln 1101fayrefair childchild,, andand sweetsweet CountreyCountry.
wln 1102TyterusTityrusTyterusOO MellebeusMelebeusMellebeus, dissembledissemble youyou maymay withwith mēmen,
wln 1103deceiuedeceive thethe GodsGods youyou cannotcannot, dyddid notnot II seesee, (andand veryvery
wln 1104latelylately seesee) youryour daughterdaughter inin youryour armesarms, when aswhenas youyou
wln 1105gauegave herher infiniteinfinite kisseskisses, withwith affectionaffection II fearefear meeme moremore
wln 1106thenthan fatherlyfatherly. YouYou hauehave conueyedconveyed herher awayaway, thatthat youyou
wln 1107mightmight castcast vsus allall awayaway, bereauingbereaving herher thethe honourhonorhonour ofof herher
wln 1108beautybeauty, andand vsus thethe benefitebenefit, preferringpreferring aa commoncommon in-inconueniencein∣conuenience

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wln 1109conuenienceinconvenience, beforebefore aa priuateprivate mischiefemischief.
wln 1110Melle.MelebeusMelle.ItIt isis aa badbad clothcloth TyterusTityrus thatthat willwill taketake nono co-colourco∣lourcolorcolour
wln 1111lour,
wln 1111andand aa simplesimple FatherFather thatthat cancan vseuse nono cunningcunning, youyou
wln 1112makemake thethe peoplepeople beleeuebelieve thatthat youyou wishwish wellwell, whenwhen youyou
wln 1113practisepracticepractise nothingnothing butbut illill, wishingwishing toto bebe thoughtthought religi-religiousreligi∣ousreligious
wln 1114ous
wln 1114towardstowards thethe GodsGods, whenwhen II knoweknow youyou deceitfuldeceitful to-towardsto∣wardstowards
wln 1115wards
wln 1115menmen. YouYou cannotcannot ouer-reachoverreach meme TyterusTityrus, ouer-ouershooteouer∣shooteovershoot
wln 1116shoote
wln 1116your selfeyourself youyou maymay. ItIt isis aa wiliewily MouseMouse thatthat willwill
wln 1117breedebreed inin thethe CatsCat’scat’s eareear, andand heehe mustmust halthalt cunningliecunningly,
wln 1118thatthat willwill deceiuedeceive aa CrippleCripple. DidDid youyou euerever seesee meme kissekiss
wln 1119mymy DaughterDaughter? youyou areare deceiueddeceived, itit waswas mymy wifewife. AndAnd
wln 1120ifif youyou thoughtthought soso youngyoung aa peecepiece vnfitunfit forfor soso oldold aa per-personper∣sonperson
wln 1121son,
wln 1121andand thereforetherefore imaginedimagined itit toto bebe mymy childechild, notnot mymy
wln 1122spousespouse, youyou mustmust knoweknow thatthat siluersilver haireshairs delightdelight inin
wln 1123goldengolden lockeslocks, andand thethe oldeold fanciesfancies crauecrave youngyoung Nur-NursesNur∣sesNurses
wln 1124ses,
wln 1124andand frostiefrosty yeeresyears mustmust beebe thawedthawed byby youthfullyouthful
wln 1125fyersfires. ButBut thisthis mattermatter setset asideaside, youyou hauehave aa fairefair daugh-daughterdaugh∣terdaughter
wln 1126ter
wln 1126TyterusTityrus, andand itit isis pittiepity youyou areare soso fondfond aa FatherFather.
wln 1127Popu.PopulusPopu.YouYou areare botheboth eythereither tootoo fondefond oror tootoo fro-frowardfro∣wardfroward
wln 1128ward:
wln 1128forfor whilstwhilst youyou disputedispute toto sauesave youryour DaughtersDaughters,
wln 1129wewe neglectneglect toto preuentprevent ourour destructiondestruction.
wln 1130AlterAlterComeCome letlet vsus awayaway andand seekeseek outout aa sacrificesacrifice.
wln 1131WeeWewe mustmust siftsift outout theirtheir cunningcunning, andand letlet themthem shiftshift forfor
wln 1132themseluesthemselves.
wln 1133ExeuntExeunt.

wln 1134ActusActus quartusquartus. ScænaScaenaScaena secundasecunda.
wln 1135CupidCupid. TelusaTelusa, EurotaEurota, LarissaLarissa, enterenter
wln 1136singingsinging.

wln 1137TelusaTelusaComeCome CupidCupid toto youryour tasketask. FirstFirst youyou mustmust
wln 1138vndoeundo allall thesethese LouersLovers’lover’s knotsknots, becausebecause youyou tyedtied themthem.
wln 1139CupidCupidIfIf theythey bebe truetrue louelove knotsknots, tis’tis vnpossibleunpossible toto vn-vnknitvn∣knitunknit
wln 1140knit
wln 1140themthem, ifif falsefalse, II neuernever tiedtied themthem.
wln 1141EurotaEurotaMakeMake nono excuseexcuse butbut toto itit.
wln 1142CupidCupidLoueLovelove’s knotsknots areare tydetiedtIED withwith eyeseyes, andand cannotcannot

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wln 1143bebe vndooneundone withwith handshands, mademade fastfast withwith thoughtsthoughts, andand
wln 1144cannotcannot bebe vnlosedunloosed withwith fingersfingers, hadhad DianaDiana nono tasketask toto
wln 1145setset CupidCupid toto butbut thingsthings impossibleimpossible, II wilwill toto itit.
wln 1146RamiaRamiaWhyWhy howhow nownow? youyou tietie thethe knotsknots fasterfaster.
wln 1147CupidCupidII cannotcannot chusechoose, itit goethgoeth againstagainst mymy mindmind toto
wln 1148makemake themthem looselooselose.
wln 1149EurotaEurotaLetLet meme seesee, nowenow tis’tis vnpossibleunpossible toto bebe vn-vndoonevn∣doone
wln 1150dooneundone.
wln 1151CupidCupidItIt isis thethe truetrue louelove knotteknot ofof aa womanswoman’s hartheart,
wln 1152thereforetherefore cannotcannot bebe vndooneundone.
wln 1153RamiaRamiaThatThat falsfalls inin sundersunder ofof it selfeitself.
wln 1154CupidCupidItIt waswas mademade ofof aa mansman’s thoughtthought whichwhich willwill
wln 1155neuernever hanghang togethertogether.
wln 1156LarissaLarissaYouYou hauehave vndooneundone thatthat wellwell.
wln 1157CupidCupidIAyay, becausebecause itit waswas neuernever tidetiedtide wellwell.
wln 1158TelusaTelusaToTo thethe restrest, forfor sheeshe willwill giuegive youyou nono restrest.
wln 1159TheseThese twotwo knotsknots areare finelyfinely vntideuntied.
wln 1160CupidCupidItIt waswas becausebecause II neuernever tidetiedtide themthem, thethe oneone waswas
wln 1161knitknit byby PlutoPluto, notnot CupidCupid, byby moneymoney, notnot louelove, thethe otherother
wln 1162byby forceforce, notnot faithfaith, byby appointmentappointment, notnot affectionaffection.
wln 1163RamiaRamiaWhyWhy doedo youyou laylay thatthat knotknot asideaside.
wln 1164CupidCupidForFor deathdeath.
wln 1165TelusaTelusaWhyWhy?
wln 1166CupidCupidBecauseBecause thethe knotknot waswas knitknit byby faithfaith, andand mustmust
wln 1167onelyonly bebe vnknitunknit ofof deathdeath.
wln 1168EurotaEurotaWhyWhy laughlaugh youyou?
wln 1169CupidCupidBecauseBecause itit isis thethe fairestfairest andand thethe falsestfalsest, doonedone
wln 1170withwith greatestgreatest arteart andand leastleast truethtruth, withwith bestbest collourscolorscolours,
wln 1171andand worstworst conceitsconceits.
wln 1172TelusaTelusaVVhoWho tidetiedtide itit?
wln 1173CupidCupidAA mansman’s tonguetongue.
wln 1174LarissaLarissaWhyWhy doedo youyou putput thatthat inin mymy bosomebosom?
wln 1175CupidCupidBecauseBecause itit isis onelyonly forfor aa WomansWoman’s bosomebosom.
wln 1176LarissaLarissaWhyWhy whatwhat isis itit?
wln 1177CupidCupidAA womanswoman’s hartheart.

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wln 1178TelusaTelusaComeCome letlet vsus goego inin, andand telltell thatthat CupidCupid hathhath
wln 1179doonedone hishis tasketask, staystay youyou behindbehind LarissaLarissa, andand seesee heehe
wln 1180sleepesleep notnot, forfor LoueLove willwill bebe idleidle, andand taketake heedeheed youyou
wln 1181surfettesurfeit notnot, forfor louelove willwill bebe wantonwanton.ExitExit TelusaTelusa.
wln 1182Laris.LarissaLaris.LetLet meme alonealone II wilwill findfind himhim some-whatsomewhat toto dodo.
wln 1183CupidCupidLadyLady, cancan youyou forfor pittiepity seesee CupidCupid thusthus pu-punishedpu∣nished
wln 1184nishedpunished.
wln 1185LarissaLarissaWhyWhy diddid CupidCupid punishpunish vsus withoutwithout pittiepity?
wln 1186CupidCupidIsIs louelove aa punishmentpunishment?
wln 1187LarissaLarissaItIt isis nono pastimepastime.
wln 1188CupidCupidOO VenusVenus, ifif thouthou sawestsawest CupidCupid asas aa captiuecaptive,
wln 1189boundbound toto obeyobey thatthat waswas wontwont toto commaundecommand, fearingfearing
wln 1190LadiesLadies’ladies’ threatesthreats, thatthat onceonce pearcedpierced theirtheir hartshearts, II cannotcannot
wln 1191telltell whetherwhether thouthou wouldestwouldst reuengerevenge itit forfor despightdespite, oror
wln 1192laughlaugh atat itit forfor disportdisport. TheThe timetime maymay comecome DianaDiana, andand
wln 1193thethe timetime shallshall comecome, thatthat thouthou thatthat settestsettest CupidCupid toto vn-vndoevn∣doeundo
wln 1194doe
wln 1194knotsknots, shallshall intreateentreat CupidCupid toto tyetie knotsknots, andand youyou
wln 1195LadiesLadies thatthat withwith solacesolace hauehave beheldebeheld mymy painespains, shallshall
wln 1196withwith sighessighs intreateentreat mymy pittiepity.
wln 1197HeeHe offerethoffereth toto sleepesleep.
wln 1198LarissaLarissaHowHow nownow CupidCupid beginbegin youyou toto nodnod?
wln 1199RamiaRamiaComeCome CupidCupid, DianaDiana hathhath deuiseddevised newenew la-laboursla∣bourslaborslabours
wln 1200bours
wln 1200forfor youyou thatthat areare GodGod ofof louesloves, youyou shallshall weaueweave
wln 1201SamplersSamplers allall nightnight, andand lackielackey afterafter DianaDiana allall dayday. YouYou
wln 1202shallshall shortlieshortly shooteshoot atat beastesbeasts forfor menmen, becausebecause youyou
wln 1203hauehave mademade beastesbeasts ofof menmen, &and waightwaitweight onon LadiesLadies’ladies’ trainestrains,
wln 1204becausebecause thouthou intrappestentrappest LadiesLadies byby trainestrains. AllAll thethe sto-storiessto∣riesstoriesstoreys
wln 1205ries
wln 1205thatthat areare inin DianaesDiana’s ArrasArras, whichwhich areare ofof louelove, youyou
wln 1206mustmust pickepick outout withwith youryour needleneedle, &and inin thatthat placeplace sowesewsow
wln 1207VestaVesta withwith herher NunsNuns, andand DianaDiana withwith herher NimphesNymphsnymphs.
wln 1208HowHow likelike youyou thisthis CupidCupid.
wln 1209CupidCupidII saysay II willwill prickeprick asas wellwell withwith mymy needleneedle, asas
wln 1210euerever II diddid withwith minemine arrowesarrows.
wln 1211TelusaTelusaDianaDiana cannotcannot yeeldeyield, sheshe conquersconquers affectionaffection.
wln 1212Cup.CupidCup.DianaDiana shallshall yeeldyield, sheshe cannotcannot conquerconquer destenydestiny.

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wln 1213LarissaLarissaComeCome CupidCupid, youyou mustmust toto youryour businesbusiness.
wln 1214CupidCupidYouYou shallshall findfind meme soso busiebusy inin youryour headsheads, thatthat
wln 1215youyou shallshall wishwish II hadhad beenebeen idleidle withwith youryour hartshearts.
wln 1216ExeuntExeunt.

wln 1217ActusActus quartusquartus. ScænaScaenaScaena tertiatertia.
wln 1218NeptuneNeptune alonealone.
wln 1219NeptuneNeptuneThysThis dayday isis thethe solemnesolemn SacrificeSacrifice atat thysthis
wln 1220TreeTree, whereinwherein thethe fairestfairest virginevirgin (werewere notnot thethe inhabi-inhabitantsinhabi∣tantsinhabitants
wln 1221tants
wln 1221faithlessefaithless) shouldshould bebe offeredoffered vntounto meme, butbut soso ouerover
wln 1222carefullcareful areare FathersFathers toto theirtheir childrenchildren, thatthat theythey forgetteforget
wln 1223thethe safetiesafety ofof theirtheir CountreyCountry, &and fearingfearing toto becomebecome vn-vnnaturallvn∣naturallunnatural
wln 1224naturall,
wln 1224becomebecome vnreasonableunreasonable; theirtheir slightssleightsslights maymay bleereblear
wln 1225menmen, deceiuedeceive meme theythey cannotcannot, II wilwill bebe herehere atat thethe hourehour,
wln 1226andand shewshow asas greatgreat crueltiecruelty asas theythey hauehave doonedone craftcraft, &and
wln 1227wellwell shallshall theythey knowknow thatthat NeptuneNeptune shouldshould hauehave beenebeen
wln 1228intreatedentreated, notnot cosenedcozened.ExitExit.

wln 1229ActusActus quartusquartus ScænaScaenaScaena quartaquarta.
wln 1230EnterEnter GallatheaGallathea andand PhillidaPhillida.
wln 1231Phill.PhillidaPhill.II maruellmarvel whatwhat virginevirgin thethe peoplepeople willwill pre-prepresentpre∣presentpresentprepresent
wln 1232present,
wln 1232itit isis happyhappy youyou areare nonenone, forfor thēthēthen itit wouldwould hauehave
wln 1233falnefall’nfallen toto youryour lotlot becausebecause youyou areare soso fairefair.
wln 1234Galla.GallatheaGalla.IfIf youyou hadhad beenebeen aa MaidenMaiden tootoo II needeneed notnot
wln 1235toto hauehave fearedfeared, becausebecause youyou areare fairerfairer.
wln 1236Phill.PhillidaPhill.II praypray theethee sweetesweet boyboy flatterflatter notnot meme, speakespeak
wln 1237truethtruth ofof thy selfethyself, forfor inin minemine eyeeye ofof allall thethe worldworld thouthou
wln 1238artart fayrestfairest.
wln 1239Galla.GallatheaGalla.TheseThese bebe fairefair wordswords, butbut farrefar fromfrom thythy truetrue
wln 1240thoughtsthoughts, II knowknow minemine owneown faceface inin aa truetrue GlasseGlass, andand
wln 1241desiredesire notnot toto seesee itit inin aa flatteringflattering mouthmouth.
wln 1242Phill.PhillidaPhill.OO wouldwould II diddid flatterflatter theethee, andand thatthat fortunefortune
wln 1243wouldwould notnot flatterflatter meme. II louelove theethee asas aa brotherbrother, butbut louelove
wln 1244notnot meme soso.
wln 1245Galla.GallatheaGalla.NoeNono II willwill notnot, butbut louelove theethee betterbetter, becausebecause II

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wln 1246cannotcannot louelove asas aa brotherbrother.
wln 1247Phill.PhillidaPhill.SeeingSeeing wewe areare bothboth boyesboys, andand bothboth louerslovers,
wln 1248thatthat ourour affectionaffection maymay hauehave somesome showeshow, andand seemeseem asas
wln 1249itit werewere louelove, letlet meme callcall theethee MistrisMistress.
wln 1250Galla.GallatheaGalla.II acceptaccept thatthat namename, forfor diuersdivers beforebefore hauehave
wln 1251caldcalled meme MistrisMistress.
wln 1252Phill.PhillidaPhill.ForFor whatwhat causecause?
wln 1253Galla.GallatheaGalla.NayNay therethere lielie thethe MistrisseMistress.
wln 1254Philli.PhillidaPhilli.WyllWillwill notnot youyou bebe atat thethe sacrificesacrifice?
wln 1255Galla.GallatheaGalla.NoeNono.
wln 1256Philli.PhillidaPhilli.WhyWhy?
wln 1257Galla.GallatheaGalla.BecauseBecause II dreamtdreamt thatthat ifif II werewere therethere, II sholdshould
wln 1258bebe turnedturned toto aa virginevirgin, andand thenthen beingbeing soso fairefair (asas thouthou
wln 1259saistsaystsayest II amam) II shouldeshould bebe offeredoffered asas thouthou knowestknowest oneone
wln 1260mustmust. ButBut willwill notnot youyou bebe therethere.
wln 1261Phill.PhillidaPhill.NotNot vnlesseunless II werewere suresure thatthat aa boyboy mightmight bebe
wln 1262sacrificedsacrificed, andand notnot aa maydenmaiden.
wln 1263Galla.GallatheaGalla.WhyWhy thenthen youyou areare inin dangerdanger.
wln 1264Phill.PhillidaPhill.ButBut II wouldwould escapeescape itit byby deceitedeceit, butbut seeingseeing
wln 1265wewe areare resoluedresolved toto bebe bothboth absentabsent, letlet vsus wanderwander intointo
wln 1266thesethese GrouesGroves, tilltill thethe howrehour bebe pastpastpassed.
wln 1267Galla.GallatheaGalla.II amam agreedagreed, forfor thenthen mymy fearefear wilwill bebe pastpassed.
wln 1268Phill.PhillidaPhill.WhyWhy, whatwhat doostdost thouthou fearefear?
wln 1269Galla.GallatheaGalla.NothingNothing butbut thatthat youyou louelove meme notnot.ExitExit.
wln 1270Philli.PhillidaPhilli.II willwill. PoorePoor PhillidaPhillida, whatwhat shouldestshouldst thouthou
wln 1271thinkethink ofof thy selfethyself, thatthat louestlovest oneone thatthat II fearefear meeme, isis asas
wln 1272thy selfethyself isis; andand maymay itit notnot bebe, thatthat herher FatherFather practi-practizedpracti∣zedpracticedpractised
wln 1273zed
wln 1273thethe samesame deceitedeceit withwith herher, thatthat mymy FatherFather hathhath
wln 1274withwith meme, andand knowingknowing herher toto bebe fayrefair, fearedfeared sheshe sholdshould
wln 1275bebe vnfortunateunfortunate, ifif itit bebe soso, PhillidaPhillida howhow desperatedesperate isis thythy
wln 1276casecase? ifif itit bebe notnot, howehow doubtfulldoubtful? ForFor ifif sheshe bebe aa May-MaydenMay∣denMaiden
wln 1277den
wln 1277therethere isis nono hopehope ofof mymy louelove, ifif aa boyboy, aa hazardehazard: II
wln 1278willwill afterafter himhim oror herher, andand leadelead aa melancholiemelancholy lifelife, thatthat
wln 1279lookelook forfor aa miserablemiserable deathdeath.
wln 1280ExitExit.

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wln 1281ActusActus quintusquintus. ScænaScaenaScaena primaprima.
wln 1282EnterEnter RafeRafe alonealone.
wln 1283RafeRafe.NONO moremore MaistersMasters nownow, butbut aa MistrisseMistress ifif
wln 1284II cancan lightlight onon herher. AnAn AstronomerAstronomer? ofof allall
wln 1285occupationsoccupations thatsthat’s thethe worstworst, yetyet wellwell farefare thethe Alcu-AlcumistAlcu∣mistAlchemistalchemist
wln 1286mist,
wln 1286forfor hehe keepeskeeps goodgood firesfires thoughthough hehe getsgets nono goldegold,
wln 1287thethe otherother standesstands warmingwarming himselfehimself byby staringstaring onon thethe
wln 1288starresstars, whichwhich II thinkthink hehe cancan asas soonesoon numbernumber asas knowknow
wln 1289theirtheir vertuesvirtues. HeHe toldtold meme aa longlong taletale ofof OctogessimusOctogessimus
wln 1290octauusoctavusoctaws, andand thethe meetingmeeting ofof thethe ConiunctionsConjunctionsconjunctions &and Pla-PlanetsPla∣netsPlanets
wln 1291nets,
wln 1291andand inin thethe meane-timemeantime hehe fellfell backwardebackward himselfehimself
wln 1292intointo aa pondepond. II asktasked himhim whywhy hehe fore-saweforesaw notnot thatthat byby
wln 1293thethe starresstars, hehe saidsaid heehe kneweknew itit, butbut contemndcontemned itit. ButBut
wln 1294softsoft, isis notnot thisthis mymy brotherbrother RobinRobin?
wln 1295EnterEnter RobinRobin.
wln 1296RobinRobinYesYes asas suresure asas thouthou artart RafeRafe.
wln 1297RafeRafeWhatWhat RobinRobin? whatwhat newesnews? whatwhat fortunefortune?
wln 1298RobinRobinFaithFaith II hauehave hadhad butbut baddebad fortunefortune, butbut II
wln 1299prie-theeprithee telltell meme thinethine.
wln 1300RafeRafeII hauehave hadhad twotwo MaistersMasters, notnot byby arteart butbut byby
wln 1301naturenature, oneone saydsaid, thatthat byby multiplyingmultiplying hehe wouldewould makemake
wln 1302ofof aa pennypenny tenneten poundpound.
wln 1303RobinRobinIAyay butbut couldecould hehe doedo itit?
wln 1304RafeRafeCouldCould hehe doedo itit quothquoth youyou? whywhy manman, II sawesaw
wln 1305aa prettiepretty wenchwench comecome toto hishis shoppeshop, wherewhere withwith puf-puffingpuf∣fingpuffing
wln 1306fing,
wln 1306blowingblowing, andand sweatingsweating, hehe soso plyedplied herher, thatthat heehe
wln 1307multiplyedmultiplied herher.
wln 1308RobinRobinHoweHowhow?
wln 1309RafeRafeWhyWhy hehe mademade herher ofof oneone, twotwo.
wln 1310RobinRobinWhatWhat byby firefire?
wln 1311RafeRafeNoNo, byby thethe PhilosophersPhilosopher’sphilosopher’s stonestone.
wln 1312RobinRobinWhyWhy, hauehave PhilosophersPhilosophers suchsuch stonesstones?
wln 1313RafeRafeIAyay, butbut theythey lielie inin aa priuieprivy cupboordcupboard.

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wln 1314RobinRobinWhyWhy thenthen thouthou artart richrich ifif thouthou hauehave learnedlearned
wln 1315thisthis cunningcunning.
wln 1316RafeRafeTushTush thisthis waswas nothingnothing, heehe wouldwould ofof aa littlelittle
wln 1317fastingfasting spittlespittle, makemake aa hosehose &and dubletdoublet ofof clothcloth ofof siluersilver.
wln 1318RobinRobinWouldWould II hadhad beenebeen withwith himhim, forfor II hauehave hadhad
wln 1319almostalmost nono meatemeat, butbut spittlespittle sincesince II camecame toto thethe woodswoods.
wln 1320RafeRafeHowHow thenthen didstdidst thouthou liuelive?
wln 1321RobinRobinWhyWhy manman II seruedserved aa fortune-tellerfortune-teller, whowho saidesaid
wln 1322II shouldshould liuelive toto seesee mymy FatherFather hangdhanged, andand bothboth mymy bro-brothersbro∣thersbrothers
wln 1323thers
wln 1323begbeg. SoSo II concludeconclude thethe MillMill shallshall bebe minemine, andand II
wln 1324liuelive byby imaginationimagination stillstill.
wln 1325RafeRafeThyThy MaisterMaster waswas anan AsseAss, andand looktlooked onon thethe
wln 1326lineslines ofof thythy handshands, butbut mymy otherother MaisterMaster waswas anan Astro-AstronomerAstro∣nomerAstronomer
wln 1327nomer,
wln 1327whichwhich couldcould pickepick mymy natiuitienativity outout ofof thethe starsstars.
wln 1328II shouldeshould hauehave halfehalf aa dozendozen starresstars inin mymy pocketpocket ifif II
wln 1329hauehave notnot lostlost themthem, butbut heerehere theythey bebe. SolSol, SaturneSaturn, Iu-IupiterIu∣piterJupiterjupiter
wln 1330piter,
wln 1330MarsMars, VenusVenus.
wln 1331RobinRobinWhyWhy thesethese bebe butbut namesnames.
wln 1332RafeRafeIAyay, butbut byby thesethese hehe gatherethgathereth, thatthat II waswas aa Io-IoualistIo∣ualistJovalistjovalist
wln 1333ualist,
wln 1333borneborn ofof aa ThursdayThursday, &and thatthat II shouldshould bebe aa brauebrave
wln 1334VenerianVenerean, andand getteget allall mymy goodgood luckeluck onon aa FrydayFriday.
wln 1335RobinRobinTis’Tis strangestrange thatthat aa fishefish dayday shouldshould bebe aa flesh-flesh-dayflesh-dayflesh-day
wln 1336dayflesh day.
wln 1337RafeRafeOO RobinRobin, VenusVenus ortaorta marimari, VenusVenus waswas borneborn ofof
wln 1338thethe SeaSea, thethe SeaSea willwill hauehave fishefish, fishefish mustmust hauehave winewine,
wln 1339winewine willwill hauehave fleshflesh, forfor CaroCaro carniscarnis genusgenus estest muliebremuliebre:
wln 1340butbut softsoft, heerehere commethcometh thatthat notablenotable villainevillain, thatthat onceonce
wln 1341preferdpreferred meme toto thethe AlcumistAlchemistalchemist.
wln 1342EnterEnter PeterPeter.
wln 1343PeterPeterSoSo II hadhad aa MaisterMaster, II wouldwould notnot carecare whatwhat
wln 1344becamebecame ofof meme.
wln 1345RafeRafeRobinRobin thouthou shaltshalt seesee meme fittefit himhim. SoSo II hadhad aa
wln 1346seruauntservant, II carecare neitherneither forfor hishis conditionsconditions, hishis quali-qualitiesquali∣litiesqualities
wln 1347lities,
wln 1347nornor hishis personperson.
wln 1348PeterPeterWhatWhat RafeRafe? wellwell mettemet. NoNo doubtdoubt youyou hadhad aa

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wln 1349warmewarm seruiceservice ofof mymy MaisterMaster thethe AlcumistAlchemistalchemist??.
wln 1350RafeRafeTwas’Twas’twas warmewarm indeedeindeed, forfor thethe firefire hadhad almostalmost
wln 1351burntburntburned outout minemine eyeseyes, andand yetyet mymy teethteeth stillstill watredwatered withwith
wln 1352hungarhunger: soso thatthat mymy seruiceservice waswas bothboth tootoo whotehot &and tootoo
wln 1353coldcold. II meltedmelted allall mymy meatemeat, andand mademade onelyonly mymy slum-slumberslum∣berslumber
wln 1354ber
wln 1354thoughtsthoughts, andand soso hadhad aa fullfull headhead andand anan emptyempty bel-belliebel∣liebelly
wln 1355lie.
wln 1355ButBut wherewhere hasthast thouthou beenebeen sincesince?
wln 1356PeterPeterWithWith aa brotherbrother ofof thinethine II thinkethink, forfor heehe hathhath
wln 1357suchsuch aa coatecoat, andand twotwo brothersbrothers (asas heehe saithsaith) seekingseeking ofof
wln 1358fortunesfortunes.
wln 1359RobinRobinTys’tis mymy brotherbrother DickeDick, II prie-theeprithee letslet’s goego
wln 1360toto himhim.
wln 1361RafeRafeSyrraSirrahsirrah, whatwhat waswas hehe dooingdoing thatthat heehe camecame notnot
wln 1362withwith theethee?
wln 1363PeterPeterHeeHe hathhath gottengotten aa MaisterMaster nowenow, thatthat willwill
wln 1364teachteach himhim toto makemake youyou bothboth hishis youngeryounger brothersbrothers.
wln 1365RafeRafeIAyay, thouthou passestpassest forfor deuisingdevising impossibilitiesimpossibilities,
wln 1366thatsthat’s asas truetrue asas thythy MaisterMaster couldcould makemake siluersilver pottespots ofof
wln 1367taggestags ofof poyntspoints.
wln 1368PeterPeterNayNay hehe willwill teachteach himhim toto cozencozen youyou bothboth, &and
wln 1369soso getteget thethe MillMill toto himselfehimself.
wln 1370RafeRafeNayNay ifif hehe bebe bothboth ourour cozenscozens, II willwill beebe hyshis
wln 1371greatgreat Grand-fatherGrandfather, andand RobinRobin shallshall bebe hishis VncleUncle, butbut II
wln 1372praypray theethee bringbring vsus toto himhim quicklyquickly, forfor II amam greatgreat belli-belliedbelli∣edbellied
wln 1373ed
wln 1373withwith conceiteconceit tilltill II seesee himhim.
wln 1374PeterPeterComeCome thenthen andand goego withwith meme, andand II willwill bringbring
wln 1375yeye toto himhim straightstraight.
wln 1376ExeuntExeunt.

wln 1377ActusActus quintusquintus. ScænaScaenaScaena secundasecunda.
wln 1378AugurAugur. EricthinisEricthinis.
wln 1379AugurAugurBringBring forthforth thethe virginevirgin, thethe fatallfatal virginvirgin, thethe
wln 1380fairestfairest virginevirgin, ifif youyou meanemean toto appeaseappease NeptuneNeptune, andand
wln 1381preseruepreserve youryour CountreyCountry.

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wln 1382Erict.EricthinisErict.HeereHere sheeshe commethcometh, accompaniedaccompanied onelieonly
wln 1383withwith menmen, becausebecause itit isis aa sightsight vnseemelyunseemly (asas allall virginsvirgins
wln 1384saysay) toto seesee thethe mis-fortunemisfortune ofof aa maydenmaiden, andand terribleterrible toto
wln 1385beholdbehold thethe fiercenesfierceness ofof AgarAgar thatthat MonsterMonster.

wln 1386EnterEnter HæbeHaebeHaebe, withwith otherother toto thethe sacrificesacrifice.

wln 1387HæbeHaebeHaebeMyserableMiserable andand accursedaccursed HæbeHaebeHaebeHebe, thatthat beeingbeing
wln 1388neitherneither fairefair nornor fortunatefortunate, thouthou shouldestshouldst bebe thoughtthought
wln 1389mostmost happyhappy andand beautifullbeautiful. CurseCurse thythy birthbirth, thythy lyfelife,
wln 1390thythy deathdeath, beeingbeing borneborn toto liuelive inin dangerdanger, andand hauinghaving
wln 1391liudelived, toto diedie byby deceitdeceit. ArtArt thouthou thethe sacrificesacrifice toto appeaseappease
wln 1392NeptuneNeptune, andand satis-fiesatisfy thethe customecustom, thethe bloodiebloody cu-customcu∣stomcustom
wln 1393stom,
wln 1393ordainedordained forfor thethe safetiesafety ofof thythy CountryCountry. II HæbeHaebeHaebeHebe,
wln 1394poorepoor HæbeHaebeHaebeHebe, menmen willwill hauehave itit soso, whosewhose forcesforces com-commaundcom∣maundcommand
wln 1395maund
wln 1395ourour weakeweak naturesnatures, naynay thethe GodsGods wilwill hauehave itit soso,
wln 1396whosewhose powerspowers dallydally withwith ourour purposespurposes. TheThe Egipti-EgiptiansEgipti∣ansEgyptians
wln 1397ans
wln 1397neuernever cutcut theirtheir DatesDates fromfrom thethe treetree, becausebecause theythey
wln 1398areare soso freshfresh andand greenegreen. ItIt isis thoughtthought wickedneswickedness toto pulpull
wln 1399RosesRoses fromfrom thethe stalkesstalks inin thethe GardenGarden ofof PalestinePalestine, forfor
wln 1400thatthat theythey hauehave soso liuelielively aa reddered: andand whowho soso cuttethcutteth
wln 1401thethe incenseincense TreeTree inin ArabiaArabia beforebefore itit falfall, committethcommitteth sa-sacriledgesa∣criledge
wln 1402criledgesacrilege.
wln 1403ShallShall itit onelyonly bebe lawfulllawful amongstamongst vsus inin thethe primeprime
wln 1404ofof youthyouth, andand pridepride ofof beautiebeauty, toto destroydestroy bothboth youthyouth
wln 1405andand beautiebeauty: andand whatwhat waswas honouredhonoredhonoured inin fruitesfruits andand
wln 1406flowresflowers asas aa vertuevirtue, toto violateviolate inin aa virginevirgin asas aa vicevice? ButBut
wln 1407alasalas desteniedestiny allowethalloweth nono disputedispute, diedie HæbeHaebeHaebeHebe, HæbeHaebeHaebeHebe diedie,
wln 1408wofullwoeful HæbeHaebeHaebeHebe, andand onelyonly accursedaccursed HæbeHaebeHaebeHebe. FarewellFarewell thethe
wln 1409sweetesweet delightsdelights ofof lifelife, andand welcomewelcome nowenow thethe bitterbitter
wln 1410pangspangs ofof deathdeath. Fare-wellFarewell youyou chastchaste virginsvirgins, whosewhose
wln 1411thoughtsthoughts areare diuinedivine, whosewhose facesfaces fairefair, whosewhose fortunesfortunes
wln 1412areare agreeableagreeable toto youryour affectionsaffections, enioyenjoy andand longlong enioyenjoy
wln 1413thethe pleasurepleasure ofof youryour curledcurled lockslocks, thethe amiablenesseamiableness ofof

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wln 1414youryour wishedwished lookeslooks, thethe sweetnessweetness ofof youryour tunedtuned voicesvoices,
wln 1415thethe contentcontent ofof youryour inwardeinward thoughtsthoughts, thethe pompepomp ofof
wln 1416youryour outwardoutward showesshows, onelyonly HæbeHaebeHaebeHebe biddethbiddeth farewellfarewell toto
wln 1417allall thethe ioyesjoys thatthat sheshe conceiuedconceived, andand youyou hopehope forfor, thatthat
wln 1418sheeshe possessedpossessed, andand youyou shallshall; fare-wellfarewell thethe pompepomp ofof
wln 1419PrincesPrince’sPRINCE’s CourtsCourts, whosewhose roofesroofs areare imbosstembossed withwith goldegold,
wln 1420andand whosewhose pauementspavements areare deckeddecked withwith fairefair LadiesLadies,
wln 1421wherewhere thethe daiesdays areare spentspent inin sweetsweet delightsdelights, thethe nightsnights
wln 1422inin pleasantpleasant dreamesdreams, wherewhere chastitiechastity honorethhonorethhonoureth affecti-affectionsaffecti∣onsaffections
wln 1423ons,
wln 1423andand commaundethcommandeth, yeeldethyieldethyields toto desiredesire andand conque-conquerethconque∣reth
wln 1424rethconquereth.
wln 1425Fare-wellFarewell thethe SoueraigneSovereign ofof allall vertuevirtue, andand God-GoddesseGod∣desseGoddess
wln 1426desse
wln 1426ofof allall virginsvirgins, DianaDiana, whosewhose perfectionsperfections areare impos-impossibleimpos∣sibleimpossible
wln 1427sible
wln 1427toto bebe numbrednumbered, andand thereforetherefore infiniteinfinite, neuernever toto bebe
wln 1428matchedmatched, andand thereforetherefore immortallimmortal. Fare-wellFarewell sweetsweet Pa-ParentsPa∣rentsParents
wln 1429rents,
wln 1429yetyet toto bebe minemine, vnfortunateunfortunate ParentsParents. HoweHowhow bles-blessedbles∣sedblessed
wln 1430sed
wln 1430hadhad youyou beenebeen inin barrennesbarrenness? howhow happyhappy hadhad II beenbeen
wln 1431ifif II hadhad notnot beenebeen. Fare-wellFarewell lifelife, vainevain lifelife, wretchedwretched
wln 1432lifelife, whosewhose sorrowessorrows areare longlong, whosewhose endeend doubtfulldoubtful,
wln 1433whosewhose miseriesmiseries certainecertain, whosewhose hopeshopes innumerableinnumerable,
wln 1434whosewhose fearesfears intollerableintolerable. ComeCome deathdeath, andand welcomewelcome
wln 1435deathdeath whomwhom naturenature cannotcannot resistresist, becausebecause necessitynecessity ru-rulethru∣lethruleth
wln 1436leth,
wln 1436nornor deferredefer becausebecause desteniedestiny hastethhasteth. ComeCome AgarAgar
wln 1437thouthou vnsatiableunsatiable MonsterMonster ofof MaidensMaidens’maiden’s bloodblood, &and douou-douourerdouou∣rerdevourerdevour
wln 1438rer
wln 1438ofof beautiesbeauty’s bowelsbowels, glutglut thy selfethyself tilltill thouthou surfetsurfeit, &and
wln 1439letlet mymy lifelife endend thinethine. TeareTear thesethese tendertender ioyntsjoints wythwith
wln 1440thythy greediegreedy iawesjaws, thesethese yellowyellow lockeslocks withwith thythy blackblack
wln 1441feetefeet, thisthis fairefair faceface withwith thythy foulefoul teethteeth. WhyWhy abatestabatest
wln 1442thouthou thythy wontedwonted swiftnesseswiftness? II amam fairefair, II amam aa virginevirgin, II
wln 1443amam readieready. ComeCome AgarAgar thouthou horriblehorrible monstermonster, &and fare-farewellfare∣wellfarewell
wln 1444well
wln 1444worldworld thouthou vilerviler MonsterMonster.
wln 1445AugurAugurTheThe MonsterMonster isis notnot comecome, andand thereforetherefore II
wln 1446seesee NeptuneNeptune isis abusedabused, whosewhose ragerage willwill II fearefear meeme, bebe
wln 1447bothboth infiniteinfinite andand intollerableintolerable: taketake inin thisthis VirgineVirgin,

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wln 1448whosewhose wantwant ofof beautybeauty hathhath sauedsaved herher owneown lifelife, andand allall
wln 1449yoursyours.
wln 1450Erict.EricthinisErict.WeWe couldcould notnot findefind anyany fairerfairer.
wln 1451AugurAugurNeptuneNeptune willwill. GoeGo deliuerdeliver herher toto herher fatherfather.
wln 1452HæbeHaebeHaebeFortunateFortunate HæbeHaebeHaebeHebe, howehow shaltshalt thouthou expresseexpress
wln 1453thythy ioyesjoys? NayNay vnhappyunhappy girlegirl thatthat artart notnot thethe fairestfairest.
wln 1454HadHad itit notnot beenbeen betterbetter forfor theethee toto hauehave dieddied withwith famefame,
wln 1455thenthan toto liuelive withwith dishonourdishonordishonour, toto hauehave preferredpreferred thethe safe-safetiesafe∣tiesafety
wln 1456tie
wln 1456ofof thythy CountreyCountry andand rarenesserareness ofof thythy beautiebeauty, beforebefore
wln 1457sweetnessweetness ofof lifelife, &and vanityvanity ofof thethe worldworld? ButBut alasalas, destenydestiny
wln 1458wouldwould notnot hauehave itit soso, destenydestiny couldecould notnot, forfor itit askethasketh
wln 1459thethe beautifullestbeautifullest, II wouldwould HæbeHaebeHaebeHebe thouthou hadsthadst beenbeen beau-beautifullestbeau∣tifullest
wln 1460tifullestbeautifullest.
wln 1461Erict.EricthinisErict.ComeCome HæbeHaebeHaebeHebe, heerehere isis nono timetime forfor vsus toto rea-reasonrea∣sonreason
wln 1462son,
wln 1462itit hadhad beenebeen bestbest forfor vsus thouthou hadsthadst beenebeen mostmost
wln 1463beautifullbeautiful.
wln 1464ExeuntExeunt.

wln 1465ActusActus quintusquintus. ScænaScaenaScaena tertiatertia.
wln 1466PhillidaPhillida. GallatheaGallathea.

wln 1467PhillidaPhillidaWeWe mettemet thethe virginevirgin thatthat shouldeshould hauehave
wln 1468beenbeen offeredoffered toto NeptuneNeptune, belikebelike eythereither thethe customecustom isis
wln 1469pardonedpardoned, oror sheshe notnot thoughtthought fairestfairest.
wln 1470Galla.GallatheaGalla.II cannotcannot coniectureconjecture thethe causecause, butbut II fearefear thethe
wln 1471euentevent.
wln 1472Phil.PhillidaPhil.WhyWhy shouldshould youyou fearefear, thethe GodGod requirethrequireth nono
wln 1473boyboy.
wln 1474Galla.GallatheaGalla.II wouldwould hehe diddid, thenthen shouldshould II hauehave nono fearefear.
wln 1475Phil.PhillidaPhil.II amam gladglad hehe dothdoth notnot thothough, becausebecause ifif hehe diddid, II
wln 1476shouldshould hauehave alsoalso causecause toto fearefear. ButBut softsoft, whatwhat manman oror
wln 1477GodGod isis thisthis? LetLet vsus closelyclosely withdrawewithdraw our seluesourselves intointo
wln 1478thethe ThicketsThickets,
wln 1479ExeuntExeunt amboambo.

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wln 1480EnterEnter NeptuneNeptune alonealone.
wln 1481NeptuneNeptuneAndAnd doedo menmen beginnebegin toto beebe equallequal withwith
wln 1482GodsGods, seekingseeking byby craftcraft toto ouer-reachoverreach thēthēthem thatthat byby powerpower
wln 1483ouer-seeoversee themthem? DoeDo theythey dotedote soso muchmuch onon theirtheir daugh-daughtersdaugh∣tersdaughters
wln 1484ters,
wln 1484thatthat theythey stickstick notnot toto dalliedally withwith ourour deitiesdeities, wellwell
wln 1485shallshall thethe inhabitantsinhabitants seesee, thatthat destiniedestiny cannotcannot bebe pre-preuentedpre∣uentedprevented
wln 1486uented
wln 1486byby craftcraft, nornor mymy angeranger bebe appeasedappeased byby submis-submissionsubmis∣sionsubmission
wln 1487sion.
wln 1487II willwill makemake hauockehavoc ofof DianaesDiana’s NimphesNymphsnymphs, mymy
wln 1488TempleTemple shallshall beebe dieddyeddied withwith MaydensMaidens’maiden’s bloodblood, andand therethere
wln 1489shalshall bebe nothingnothing moremore vilevile thenthan toto bebe aa VirgineVirgin. ToTo bebe
wln 1490youngyoung andand fayrefair, shallshall bebe accountedaccounted shameshame &and punish-punishmentpunish∣mentpunishment
wln 1491ment,
wln 1491inin soso muchmuch asas itit shallshall bebe thoughtthought asas dishonorabledishonorabledishonourable
wln 1492toto bebe honesthonest, asas fortunatefortunate toto bebe deformeddeformed.

wln 1493EnterEnter DianaDiana withwith herher NimphesNymphsnymphs.
wln 1494DianaDianaOO NeptuneNeptune, hasthast thouthou forgottenforgotten thy selfethyself, oror
wln 1495wiltwilt thouthou cleaneclean for-sakeforsake meeme? HathHath DianaDiana therforetherefore
wln 1496broughtbrought dangerdanger toto herher NimphesNymphsnymphs, becausebecause theythey bebe chastchaste?
wln 1497shalshall vertuevirtue suffersuffer bothboth painepain andand shameshame whichwhich alwaiesalways
wln 1498deseruethdeserveth praisepraise andand honorhonorhonour?

wln 1499EnterEnter VenusVenus.
wln 1500VenusVenusPraysePraise andand honourhonorhonour (NeptuneNeptune) nothingnothing lesseless,
wln 1501exceptexcept itit bebe commendablecommendable toto bebe coycoy, andand honorablehonorablehonourable toto
wln 1502bebe peeuishpeevish. SweetSweet NeptuneNeptune, ifif VenusVenus cancan dodo anyany thingthing,
wln 1503letlet herher trytry itit inin thisthis oneone thingthing, thatthat DianaDiana maymay findefind asas
wln 1504smallsmall comfortcomfort atat thythy handshands, asas LoueLove hathhath foundfound curte-curtesiecurte∣siecourtesy
wln 1505sie
wln 1505atat hershers.
wln 1506ThisThis isis sheeshe thatthat hatethhateth sweetesweet delightsdelights, enuiethenvieth
wln 1507louingloving desiresdesires, maskethmasketh wantonwanton eyeseyes, stoppethstoppeth amo-amorousamo∣rousamorous
wln 1508rous
wln 1508earesears, bridlethbridleth youthfullyouthful mouthesmouths, andand vnderunder aa
wln 1509namename, oror aa wordeword constancieconstancy, entertainethentertaineth allall kindekind ofof
wln 1510crueltiecruelty: sheeshe hathhath takentaken mymy sonneson CupidCupid, CupidCupid mymy

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wln 1511louelylovely sonneson, vsingusing himhim likelike aa prentiseprentice, whyppingwhipping himhim
wln 1512likelike aa slaueslave, scorningscorning himhim likelike aa beastbeast, thereforetherefore Nep-NeptuneNep∣tuneNeptune
wln 1513tune
wln 1513II intreateentreat theethee byby nono otherother GodGod, thenthan thethe GodGod ofof
wln 1514louelove, thatthat thouthou euillevil intreateentreat thisthis GoddesseGoddess ofof hatehate.
wln 1515NeptuneNeptuneII musemuse notnot aa littlelittle toto seesee youyou twotwo inin thisthis
wln 1516placeplace, atat thisthis timetime, andand aboutabout thisthis mattermatter, butbut whatwhat saysay
wln 1517youyou DianaDiana, hauehave youyou CupidCupid captiuecaptive?
wln 1518DianaDianaII saysay therethere isis nothingnothing moremore vainevain, thenthanthen toto
wln 1519disputedispute withwith VenusVenus, whosewhose vntameduntamed affectionsaffections hauehave
wln 1520bredbred moremore brawlesbrawls inin heauenheaven, thenthanthen isis fittefit toto repeaterepeat inin
wln 1521earthearth, oror possiblepossible toto recountrecount inin numbernumber, II hauehave CupidCupid,
wln 1522andand willwill keepekeep himhim, notnot toto dandledandle inin mymy lappelap, whomwhom II
wln 1523abhorabhor inin mymy hartheart, butbut toto laughlaugh himhim toto scornescorn, thatthat hathhath
wln 1524mademade inin mymy virginsvirgins’virgin’s hartshearts suchsuch deepedeep scarresscars.
wln 1525VenusVenusScarresScars DianaDiana callcall youyou themthem thatthat II knowknow toto
wln 1526bebe bleedingbleeding woundeswounds? alasalas weakeweak deitiedeity, itit stretchethstretcheth
wln 1527notnot soso farrefar, bothboth toto abateabate thethe sharpnessesharpness ofof hishis Ar-ArrowesAr∣rowesArrows
wln 1528rowes
wln 1528andand toto healeheal thethe hurtshurts. NoNo, LouesLove’slove’s woundeswounds
wln 1529whenwhen theythey seemeseem greenegreen, ranklerankle, andand hauinghaving aa smoothsmooth
wln 1530skinneskin withoutwithout, festerfester toto thethe deathdeath withinwithin. ThereforeTherefore
wln 1531NeptuneNeptune, ifif euerever VenusVenus stoodestood theethee inin steedstead, furthe-furtheredfurthe∣redfurthered
wln 1532red
wln 1532thythy fanciesfancies, oror shallshall atat allall timestimes bebe atat thythy cōmaundcommand,
wln 1533letlet eythereither DianaDiana bringbring herher VirginsVirgins toto aa continuallcontinual
wln 1534massacremassacre, oror releaserelease CupidCupid ofof hishis martyrdomemartyrdom.
wln 1535DianaDianaItIt isis knowneknown VenusVenus, thatthat youryour tonguetongue isis
wln 1536asas vnrulieunruly asas youryour thoughtsthoughts, andand youryour thoughtsthoughts asas vn-vnstaiedvn∣staiedunstaid
wln 1537staied
wln 1537asas youryour eyeseyes, DianaDiana cannotcannot chatterchatter, VenusVenus can-cannotcan∣notcannot
wln 1538not
wln 1538chusechoose.
wln 1539VenusVenusItIt isis anan honourhonorhonour forfor DianaDiana toto hauehave VenusVenus
wln 1540meanemean illill, whenwhen sheshe soso speakethspeaketh wellwell, butbut youyou shalshall seesee
wln 1541II comecome notnot toto trifletrifle, thereforetherefore onceonce againeagain NeptuneNeptune, ifif
wln 1542thatthat bebe notnot buriedburied, whichwhich cancan neuernever diedie, fanciefancy, oror thatthat
wln 1543quenchedquenched whichwhich mustmust euerever burneburn, affectionaffection, shewshow thythy selfethyself
wln 1544selfe
wln 1544thethe samesame NeptuneNeptune thatthat II knewknew theethee toto beebe whenwhen

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wln 1545thouthou wastwast aa Sheepe-heardeShepherd, andand letlet notnot VenusVenus’ wordeswords
wln 1546bebe vainevain inin thynethine earesears, sincesince thynethine werewere imprintedimprinted inin
wln 1547mymy hartheart.
wln 1548NeptuneNeptuneItIt werewere vnfitteunfit thatthat GoddessesGoddesses shouldeshould
wln 1549striuestrive, andand itit werewere vnreasonableunreasonable thatthat II sholdshould notnot yeeldyield,
wln 1550andand thereforetherefore toto pleaseplease bothboth, bothboth attendattend; DianaDiana II mustmust
wln 1551honorhonorhonour, herher vertuevirtue deseruethdeserveth nono lesseless, butbut VenusVenus II mustmust
wln 1552louelove, II mustmust confesseconfess soso muchmuch.
wln 1553DianaDiana, restorerestore CupidCupid toto VenusVenus, andand II willwill for euerforeverfor ever
wln 1554releaserelease thethe sacrificesacrifice ofof VirginsVirgins, ifif thereforetherefore youyou louelove
wln 1555youryour NimphesNymphsnymphs asas sheeshe dothdoth herher SonneSon, oror preferreprefer notnot
wln 1556aa priuateprivate grudgegrudge beforebefore aa commoncommon griefegrief, aunswereanswer
wln 1557whatwhat youyou willwill doedo.
wln 1558DianaDianaII accountaccount notnot thethe choysechoice hardehard, forfor hadhad II
wln 1559twentietwenty CupidsCupids, II wouldewould deliuerdeliver themthem allall toto sauesave oneone
wln 1560VirgineVirgin, knowingknowing louelove toto bebe aa thingthing ofof allall thethe vainestvainest,
wln 1561virginitievirginity toto bebe aa vertuevirtue ofof allall thethe noblestnoblest. II yeeldyield, La-LarissaLa∣rissaLarissa
wln 1562rissa,
wln 1562bringbring outout CupidCupid: andand nownow shallshall itit bebe saidesaid, thatthat
wln 1563CupidCupid sauedsaved thosethose hehe thoughtthought toto spoylespoil.
wln 1564VenusVenusII agreeagree toto thisthis willingliewillingly: forfor II willwill bebe wariewary
wln 1565howehow mymy SonneSon wanderwander againeagain. ButBut DianaDiana cannotcannot for-forbidfor∣bidforbid
wln 1566bid
wln 1566himhim toto woundewound.
wln 1567DianaDianaYesYes, chastitiechastity isis notnot withinwithin thethe leuelllevel ofof hishis
wln 1568bowebow.
wln 1569VenusVenusButBut beautiebeauty isis aa fayrefair markemark toto hithit.
wln 1570NeptuneNeptuneWellWell II amam gladdeglad youyou areare agreedagreed: andand
wln 1571saiesay thatthat NeptuneNeptune hathhath deltdealt wellwell wythwith BeautieBeauty andand
wln 1572ChastitieChastity.

wln 1573EnterEnter CupidCupid.

wln 1574DianaDianaHeereHere taketake youryour sonneson.
wln 1575VenusVenusSyrSir boyboy wherewhere hauehave youyou beenebeen? alwaiesalways ta-takenta∣kentaken
wln 1576ken,
wln 1576firstfirst byby SaphoSapphoSapho, nowenow byby DianaDiana, howehow hapnethhapp’nethhappeneth itit

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wln 1577youyou vnhappieunhappy ElpheElfelf?
wln 1578CupidCupidCommingComing throughthrough DianaesDiana’s woodeswoods, andand see-seeingsee∣ingseeing
wln 1579ing
wln 1579soso maniemany fayrefair facesfaces withwith fondefond heartshearts, II thoughtthought
wln 1580forfor mymy sportsport toto makemake themthem smartsmart, andand soso waswas takentaken byby
wln 1581DianaDiana.
wln 1582VenusVenusII amam gladglad II hauehave youyou.
wln 1583DianaDianaAndAnd II amam gladdeglad II amam ridderid ofof himhim.
wln 1584VenusVenusAlasAlas poorepoor boyboy, thythy VVingesWings clyptclipped? thythy
wln 1585brandesbrands quenchtquenched? thythy BoweBow burntburntburned? andand thythy ArrowesArrows
wln 1586brokebroke?
wln 1587CupidCupidIAyay butbut itit skillethskilleth notnot, II bearebear nowenow mynemine Ar-ArrowesAr∣rowesArrows
wln 1588rowes
wln 1588inin minemine eyeseyes, mymy WingesWings onon mymy thoughtsthoughts, mymy
wln 1589brandesbrands inin mynemine earesears, mymy bowebow inin mymy mouthmouth, soso asas II
wln 1590cancan woundewound withwith lookinglooking, flyefly withwith thinkingthinking, burneburn
wln 1591withwith hearinghearing, shooteshoot withwith speakingspeaking.
wln 1592VenusVenusVVellWell youyou shallshall vpup toto heauenheaven withwith meeme, forfor
wln 1593onon earthearth thouthou wiltwilt loselose meme.

wln 1594EnterEnter TyterusTityrusTyterus, MelebeusMelebeus, GallatheaGallathea
wln 1595andand PhyllidaPhillidaPhyllida.

wln 1596NeptuneNeptuneButBut softsoft, whatwhat bebe thesethese?
wln 1597TyterusTityrusTyterusThoseThose thatthat hauehave offendedoffended theethee toto sauesave
wln 1598theirtheir daughtersdaughters.
wln 1599NeptuneNeptuneVVhyWhy, hadhad youyou aa fairefair daughterdaughter?
wln 1600TyterusTityrusTyterusIAyay, andand MelebeusMelebeus aa fairefair daughterdaughter.
wln 1601NeptuneNeptuneWhereWhere bebe theythey?
wln 1602Meleb.MelebeusMeleb.InIn yonderyonder WoodsWoods, andand mee thinkesmethinks II seesee
wln 1603themthem commingcoming.
wln 1604NeptuneNeptuneWellWell, youryour desertsdeserts hauehave notnot gottengotten par-pardonpar∣donpardon
wln 1605don,
wln 1605butbut thesethese GoddessesGoddesses’Goddesses iarresjars.
wln 1606Meleb.MelebeusMeleb.ThysThis isis mymy DaughterDaughter, mymy sweetesweet Phil-PhillidaPhil∣lida
wln 1607lidaPhillida.
wln 1608TyterusTityrusTyterusAndAnd thisthis isis mymy fairefair GallatheaGallatheaGalathea.

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wln 1609Galla.GallatheaGalla.VnfortunateUnfortunate GallatheaGallatheaGalathea ifif thisthis bebe PhillidaPhillida.
wln 1610Phill.PhillidaPhill.AccursedAccursed PhillidaPhillida ifif thatthat bebe GallatheaGallatheaGalathea.
wln 1611Galla.GallatheaGalla.AndAnd wastwast thouthou allall thysthis whilewhile enamouredenamoredenamoured ofof
wln 1612PhillidaPhillida, thatthat sweetesweet PhillidaPhillida?
wln 1613Phill.PhillidaPhill.AndAnd couldestcouldst thouthou doatedote vponupon thethe faceface ofof aa
wln 1614MaidenMaiden, thy selfethyself beeingbeing oneone, onon thethe faceface ofof fayrefair Gal-GallatheaGal∣lathea
wln 1615latheaGallathea?
wln 1616NeptuneNeptuneDoeDo youyou bothboth beeingbeing MaidensMaidens louelove oneone
wln 1617anotheranother?
wln 1618Galla.GallatheaGalla.II hadhad thoughtthought thethe habitehabit agreeableagreeable withwith thethe
wln 1619SexeSex, andand soso burnedburned inin thethe firefire ofof minemine owneown fanciesfancies.
wln 1620PhillidaPhillidaII hadhad thoughtthought thatthat inin thethe attyreattire ofof aa boyboy,
wln 1621therethere couldcould notnot hauehave lodgedlodged thethe bodybody ofof aa VirgineVirgin, &and
wln 1622soso waswas inflamedinflamed withwith aa sweetesweet desiredesire, whichwhich nownow II findfind
wln 1623aa sowersour deceitdeceit.
wln 1624DianaDianaNoweNow thingsthings fallingfalling outout asas theythey doedo, youyou
wln 1625mustmust leaueleave thesethese fondfond fondfond affectionsaffections, naturenature willwill hauehave
wln 1626itit soso, necessitienecessity mustmust.
wln 1627GallatheaGallatheaII willwill neuernever louelove anyany butbut PhillidaPhillida, herher louelove
wln 1628isis engrauenengraven inin mymy hartheart, withwith herher eyeseyes.
wln 1629PhillidaPhillidaNorNor II anyany butbut GallatheaGallatheaGalathea, whosewhose faithfaith isis im-imprintedim∣printedimprinted
wln 1630printed
wln 1630inin mymy thoughtsthoughts byby herher wordswords.
wln 1631NeptuneNeptuneAnAn idleidle choycechoice, strangestrange, andand foolishfoolish, forfor
wln 1632oneone VirgineVirgin toto doatedote onon anotheranother, andand toto imagineimagine aa con-constantcon∣stantconstant
wln 1633stant
wln 1633faithfaith, wherewhere therethere cancan bebe nono causecause ofof affectionaffection.
wln 1634HoweHowhow likelike youyou thisthis VenusVenus?
wln 1635VenusVenusII likelike wellwell andand alloweallow itit, theythey shallshall bothboth bebe
wln 1636possessedpossessed ofof theirtheir wisheswishes, forfor neuernever shallshall itit bebe saidsaid thatthat
wln 1637NatureNature oror FortuneFortune shallshall ouer-throweoverthrow LoueLove, andand FaythFaith.
wln 1638IsIs youryour louesloveslove’s vnspottedunspotted, begunnebegun withwith truethtruth, con-continuedcon∣tinuedcontinued
wln 1639tinued
wln 1639wythwith constancieconstancy, andand notnot toto beebe alteredaltered tylltill
wln 1640deathdeath?
wln 1641GallatheaGallatheaDieDie GallatheaGallatheaGalathea ifif thythy louelove bebe notnot soso.
wln 1642PhillidaPhillidaAccursedAccursed beebe thouthou PhillidaPhillida ifif thythy louelove bebe

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wln 1643notnot soso.
wln 1644DianaDianaSupposeSuppose allall thisthis VenusVenus, whatwhat thenthen?
wln 1645VenusVenusThenThen shallshall itit bebe seeneseen, thatthat II cancan turneturn oneone
wln 1646ofof themthem toto bebe aa manman, andand thatthat II willwill.
wln 1647DianaDianaIsIs itit possiblepossible?
wln 1648VenusVenusWhatWhat isis toto LoueLove oror thethe MistrisseMistress ofof louelove vn-vnpossiblevn∣possibleunpossible
wln 1649possible?
wln 1649WasWas itit notnot VenusVenus thatthat diddid thethe likelike toto IphisIphis
wln 1650andand IanthesIauthesIanthesIanthe; howehow saysay yeeye areare yeye agreedagreed, oneone toto beebe aa
wln 1651boyboy presentlypresently?
wln 1652PhillidaPhillidaII amam contentcontent, soso II maymay imbraceembrace GallatheaGallatheaGalathea.
wln 1653GallatheaGallatheaII wishwish itit, soso II maymay enioyenjoy PhillidaPhillida.
wln 1654Melleb.MelebeusMelleb.SoftSoft DaughterDaughter, youyou mustmust knowknow whetherwhether II
wln 1655willwill hauehave youyou aa SonneSon.
wln 1656TyterusTityrusTyterusTakeTake meeme withwith youyou GallatheaGallatheaGalathea, II willwill keepekeep
wln 1657youyou asas II begattebegat youyou, aa DaughterDaughter.
wln 1658Melleb.MelebeusMelleb.TyterusTityrus, letlet yoursyours bebe aa boyboy andand ifif youyou willwill,
wln 1659minemine shallshall notnot.
wln 1660TyterusTityrusTyterusNayNay minemine shallshall notnot, forfor byby thatthat meanesmeans mymy
wln 1661youngyoung sonneson shallshall loselose hishis inheritanceinheritance.
wln 1662Melleb.MelebeusMelleb.WhyWhy thenthen getteget himhim toto bebe mademade aa MaidenMaiden
wln 1663andand thenthen therethere isis nothingnothing lostlost.
wln 1664Tyte.TityrusTyte.IfIf therethere beebe suchsuch changingchanging, II wouldewould VenusVenus
wln 1665couldcould makemake mymy wifewife aa ManMan.
wln 1666Melleb.MelebeusMelleb.WhyWhy?
wln 1667TyterusTityrusTyterusBecauseBecause sheeshe louesloves alwaiesalways toto playplay withwith
wln 1668menmen.
wln 1669VenusVenusWellWell youyou areare bothboth fondefond, thereforetherefore agreeagree toto
wln 1670thysthis changingchanging, oror suffersuffer youryour DaughtersDaughters toto endureendure
wln 1671hardehard chauncechance.
wln 1672Melleb.MelebeusMelleb.HoweHowhow saysay youyou TyterusTityrus, shallshall weewe referrerefer itit
wln 1673toto VenusVenus.
wln 1674Tyte.TityrusTyte.II amam contentcontent, becausebecause sheshe isis aa GoddesseGoddess.
wln 1675VenusVenusNeptuneNeptune youyou willwill notnot dislikedislike itit.
wln 1676NeptuneNeptuneNotNot II.

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wln 1677VenusVenusNorNor youyou DianaDiana.
wln 1678DianaDianaNotNot II.
wln 1679VenusVenusCupidCupid shallshall notnot.
wln 1680CupidCupidII willwill notnot.
wln 1681VenusVenusThenThen letlet vsus departdepart, neitherneither ofof themthem shallshall
wln 1682knowknow whosewhose lotlot itit shalshall bebe tiltill theythey comecome toto thethe Church-ChurchdoreChurch∣doreChurch doorchurch-door
wln 1683dore.
wln 1683OneOne shallshall bebe, dothdoth itit suffisesuffice?
wln 1684PhillidaPhillidaAndAnd satis-fiesatisfy vsus bothboth, doothdoth itit notnot Galla-GallatheaGalla∣theaGalathea
wln 1685theaGallathea?
wln 1686Galla.GallatheaGalla.YesYes PhillidaPhillida.

wln 1687EnterEnter RafeRafe, RobinRobin, andand DickeDick.
wln 1688RafeRafeComeCome RobinRobin, II amam gladdeglad II hauehave mettemet withwith
wln 1689theethee, forfor nowenow weewe willwill makemake ourour FatherFather laughlaugh atat thesethese
wln 1690talestales.
wln 1691DianaDianaWhatWhat areare thesethese thatthat soso malepartliemalapertly thrustthrust
wln 1692themseluesthemselves intointo ourour companiescompanies?
wln 1693RobinRobinForsoothForsooth MadameMadammadam wewe areare fortunefortune tellerstellers.
wln 1694VenusVenusFortuneFortune tellerstellers; telltell meme mymy fortunefortune.
wln 1695RafeRafeWeWe doedo notnot meanemean fortunefortune tellerstellers, wewe meanemean
wln 1696fortunefortune tellerstellers: wewe cancan telltell whatwhat fortunefortune weewe hauehave hadhad
wln 1697thesethese tweluetwelve monthesmonths inin thethe WoodsWoods.
wln 1698DianaDianaLetLet themthem alonealone, theythey bebe butbut peeuishpeevish.
wln 1699VenusVenusYetYet theythey willwill bebe asas goodgood asas MinstrilsMinstrels atat thethe
wln 1700marriagemarriage, toto makemake vsus allall merriemerry.
wln 1701DickeDickIAyI LadiesLadies wewe bearebear aa veryvery goodgood ConsortConsort,
wln 1702VenusVenusCanCan youyou singsing?
wln 1703RafeRafeBaselieBasely.
wln 1704VenusVenusAndAnd youyou?
wln 1705DickeDickMeanelyMeanly.
wln 1706VenusVenusAndAnd whatwhat cancan youyou doedo?
wln 1707RobinRobinIfIf theythey dubledouble itit, II willwill trebletreble itit.
wln 1708VenusVenusThenThen shallshall yeeye goego withwith vsus, andand singsing HymenHymen
wln 1709beforebefore thethe marriagemarriage. AreAre youyou contentcontent?

img: 28-b
sig: H2r


wln 1710RafeRafeContentContent? neuernever betterbetter contentcontent, forfor therethere wewe
wln 1711shallshall bebe suresure toto fillfill ourour belliesbellies withwith CaponsCapons rumpesrumps, oror
wln 1712somesome suchsuch daintiedainty dishesdishes.
wln 1713VenusVenusThenThen followfollow vsus.
wln 1714ExeuntExeunt.

wln 1715TheThe EpilogueEpilogue.

wln 1716Galla.GallatheaGalla.GOEGO allall, tis’tis II onelyonly thatthat concludeconclude alall. YouYou
wln 1717LadiesLadies maymay seesee, thatthat VenusVenus cancan makemake
wln 1718constancieconstancy ficklenesfickleness, couragecourage cowardicecowardice, modestiemodesty
wln 1719lightnesselightness, workingworking thingsthings impossibleimpossible inin youryour SexeSex,
wln 1720andand temperingtempering hardesthardest hartsheartsheart’s likelike softestsoftest woollwool. YeeldeYield
wln 1721LadiesLadies, yeeldyield toto louelove LadiesLadies, whichwhich lurkethlurketh vnderunder youryour
wln 1722eye-lidseyelids whilstwhilst youyou sleepesleep, andand plaiethplayeth withwith youryour hartheartstringsheart
wln 1723stringsstrings
wln 1723whilstwhilst youyou wakewake: whosewhose sweetnessweetness neuernever bree-breedethbree∣dethbreedeth
wln 1724deth
wln 1724satietiesatiety, labourlaborlabour wearinesseweariness, nornor greefegrief bitternessebitterness.
wln 1725CupidCupid waswas begottenbegotten inin aa mistemist, nursednursed inin ClowdesClouds, andand
wln 1726suckingsucking onelieonly vponupon conceitsconceits. ConfesseConfess himhim aa Conque-ConquererConque∣rerConqueror
wln 1727rer,
wln 1727whomwhom yeeye oughtought toto regarderegard, sithsith itit isis vnpossibleunpossible toto
wln 1728resistresist, forfor thisthis isis infallibleinfallible, thatthat LoueLove conquerethconquereth allall
wln 1729thingsthings butbut it selfeitself, andand LadiesLadies allall hartshearts butbut theirtheir owneown.



Textual Notes
  1. 377 (8-b) : The regularized reading your is amended from the original you.
  2. 451 (9-b) : The regularized reading Fermentation is amended from the original Frementation.
  3. 516 (10-b) : The regularized reading canst is amended from the original cast.
  4. 826 (15-a) : The regularized reading be is amended from the original he.
  5. 957 (17-a) : The regularized reading Larissa is amended from the original Lurissa.
  6. 1231 (21-a) : The regularized reading present is amended from the original pre-present.
  7. 1437 (24-a) : The regularized reading devourer is amended from the original douourer.
  8. 1448 (24-b) : Some editions supply a word such as spoiled or destroyed before all yours to give the correct meaning.
  9. 1625 (27-a) : The regularized reading fond comes from the original fond, though possible variants include found.
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