Dido, Queen of Carthage
Dido, Queen of Carthage

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ln 0001THETHE
ln 0002TragedieTragedy ofof DidoDido
ln 0003QueeneQueen ofof CarthageCarthage:

ln 0004PlayedPlayed byby thethe ChildrenChildren ofof herher
ln 0005MaiestiesMajesty’s ChappellChapel.
ln 0006WrittenWritten byby ChristopherChristopher MarloweMarlowe, andand
ln 0007ThomasThomas Nash.Nash. Gent.Gent.

ln 0008ActorsActors
ln 0009IupiterJupiterjupiter.
ln 0010GanimedGanymede.
ln 0011VenusVenus.
ln 0012CupidCupid.
ln 0013IunoJunojuno.
ln 0014MercurieMercurymercury, oror
ln 0015 HermesHermes

ln 0016ÆneasAeneasAeneas.

ln 0018PrintedPrinted, byby thethe WiddoweWidow OrwinOrwin, forfor ThomasThomas WoodcockeWo●dcockeWoodcockWoodcocke, andand
ln 0019areare toto bebe soldesold atat hishis shopshop, inin PaulesPaul’s Church-yeardChurchyard, atat
ln 0020thethe signesign ofof thethe blackeblack BeareBear. 15941594.

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wln 0001TheThe TragedieTragedy ofof DidoDido QueeneQueen
wln 0002ofof CarthageCarthage.

wln 0003HereHere thethe CurtainesCurtains drawdraw, therethere isis discouereddiscovered IupiterJupiterjupiter dandlingda●dlingdandling
wln 0004GanimedGanymedeGanimed vponupon hishis kneeknee, andand MercuryMercury
wln 0005lyinglying asleepeasleep.

wln 0006Iup.Jupiterjup.COmeCOme gentlegentle GanimedGanymede andand playplay withwith meme,
wln 0007II louelove theethee wellwell, saysay IunoJunojuno whatwhat sheshe willwill.
wln 0008Gan.GanymedeGan.II amam muchmuch betterbetter forfor youryour worthlesworthless louelove,
wln 0009ThatThat willwill notnot shieldshield meme fromfrom herher shrewishshrewish blowesblows:
wln 0010To dayToday when aswhenas II fildfilled intointo youryour cupscups,
wln 0011AndAnd heldheld thethe cloathcloth ofof pleasancepleasance whileswhiles youyou drankedrank,
wln 0012SheShe reachtreached meme suchsuch aa raprap forfor thatthat II spildespilled,
wln 0013AsAs mademade thethe bloudblood runrun downedown aboutabout minemine earesears.
wln 0014Iup.Jupiterjup.WhatWhat? daresdares sheshe strikestrike thethe darlingdarling ofof mymy thoughtsthoughts?
wln 0015ByBy SaturnesSaturn’s soulesoul, andand thisthis earthearth threatningthreatening aireair,
wln 0016ThatThat shakenshaken thrisethrice, makesmakes NaturesNature’s buildingsbuildings quakequake,
wln 0017II vowvow, ifif sheshe butbut onceonce frownefrown onon theethee moremore,
wln 0018ToTo hanghang herher meteormeteor likelike twixttwixt heauenheaven andand earthearth,
wln 0019AndAnd bindbind herher handhand andand footefoot withwith goldengolden cordescords,
wln 0020AsAs onceonce II diddid forfor harmingharming HerculesHercules.
wln 0021Gan.GanymedeGan.MightMight II butbut seesee thatthat pretiepretty sportsport aa footefoot,
wln 0022OOOh howhow wouldwould II withwith HelensHelen’s brotherbrother laughlaugh,
wln 0023AndAnd bringbring thethe GodsGods toto wonderwonder atat thethe gamegame:
wln 0024SweetSweet IupiterJupiterjupiter, ifif eree’erere II pleasdepleased thinethine eyeeye,
wln 0025OrOr seemedseemed fairefair waldewalled inin withwith EglesEagle’s wingswings,
wln 0026GraceGrace mymy immortallimmortal beautiebeauty withwith thisthis booneboon,
wln 0027AndAnd II willwill spendspend mymy timetime inin thythy brightbright armesarms.
wln 0028Iup.Jupiterjup.WhatWhat istis ’tis’t sweetsweet waggewag II shouldshould denydeny thythy youthyouth?

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The Tragedie of Dido.

wln 0029WhoseWhose faceface reflectsreflects suchsuch pleasurepleasure toto minemine eyeseyes,
wln 0030AsAs II exhal’dexhaled withwith thythy firefire dartingdarting beamesbeams,
wln 0031HaueHave oftoft driuendriven backeback thethe horseshorses ofof thethe nightnight,
wln 0032WhenWhen asWhenwhenas asas theythey wouldwould hauehave hal’dhaled theethee fromfrom mymy sightsight:
wln 0033SitSit onon mymy kneeknee, andand callcall forfor thythy contentcontent,
wln 0034ControuleControl proudproud FateFate, andand cutcut thethe thredthread ofof timetime,
wln 0035WhyWhy areare notnot allall thethe GodsGods atat thythy commaundcommand,
wln 0036AndAnd heauenheaven andand earthearth thethe boundsbounds ofof thythy delightdelight?
wln 0037VulcanVulcan shallshall dauncedance toto makemake theethee laughinglaughing sportsport,
wln 0038AndAnd mymy ninenine DaughtersDaughters singsing whenwhen thouthou artart sadsad,
wln 0039FromFrom IunosJuno’s birdbird IleI’ll pluckpluck herher spottedspotted pridepride,
wln 0040ToTo makemake theethee fannesfans wherewithwherewith toto coolecool thythy faceface,
wln 0041AndAnd VenusVenus’ SwannesSwans shallshall shedshed theirtheir siluersilver downedown,
wln 0042ToTo sweetensweeten outout thethe slumbersslumbetsslumbers ofof thythy bedbed:
wln 0043HermesHermes nono moremore shallshall shewshow thethe worldworld hishis wingswings,
wln 0044IfIf thatthat thythy fanciefancy inin hishis feathersfeathers dwelldwell,
wln 0045ButBut asas thisthis oneone IleI’ll tearetear themthem allall fromfrom himhim,
wln 0046DoeDo thouthou butbut saysay theirtheir colourcolorcolour pleasethpleaseth meme:
wln 0047HoldHold herehere mymy littlelittle louelove thesethese linkedlinked gemsgems,
wln 0048MyMy IunoJunojuno warewore vponupon herher marriagemarriage dayday,
wln 0049PutPut thouthou aboutabout thythy neckeneck mymy owneown sweetsweet heartheart,
wln 0050AndAnd tricketrick thythy armesarms andand shouldersshoulders withwith mymy thefttheft.
wln 0051Gan.GanymedeGan.II wouldwould hauehave aa iewelljewel forfor minemine eareear,
wln 0052AndAnd aa finefine brouchbrooch toto putput inin mymy hathat,
wln 0053AndAnd thenthen IleI’ll huggehug withwith youyou anan hundredhundred timestimes.
wln 0054Iup.Jupiterjup.AndAnd shallshall hauehave GanimedGanymede, ifif thouthou wiltwilt bebe mymy louelove.

wln 0055EnterEnter VenusVenus.
wln 0056VenusVenus.IAyI thisthis isis itit, youyou cancan sitsit toyingtoying therethere,
wln 0057AndAnd playingplaying withwith thatthat femalefemale wantonwanton boyboy,
wln 0058WhilesWhiles mymy ÆneasAeneasAeneas wanderswanders onon thethe SeasSeas,
wln 0059AndAnd restsrests aa prayprey toto eueryevery billowesbillow’s pridepride.
wln 0060IunoJunojuno, falsefalse IunoJunojuno inin herher ChariotsChariot’schariot’s pompepomp,
wln 0061DrawneDrawn throughthrough thethe heauensheavens byby SteedesSteeds ofof BoreasBoreas’Boreas broodbrood,
wln 0062MadeMade HebeHebe toto directdirect herher ayrieairy wheeleswheels
wln 0063IntoInto thethe windiewindy countriecountry ofof thethe clowdesclouds,
wln 0064WhereWhere findingfinding ÆolusAeolusAeolus intrenchtentrenched withwith stormesstorms,

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The Tragedie of Dido.

wln 0065AndAnd guardedguarded withwith aa thousandthousand grisliegrisly ghostsghosts,
wln 0066SheShe humblyhumbly diddid beseechbeseech himhim forfor ourour banebane,
wln 0067AndAnd charg’dcharged himhim drownedrown mymy sonneson withwith allall hishis trainetrain.
wln 0068ThenThen gan’gan thethe windeswinds breakebreak opeopeopen theirtheir brazenbrazen dooresdoors,
wln 0069AndAnd allall ÆoliaAeoliaAeolia toto bebe vpup inin armesarms:
wln 0070PoorePoor TroyTroy mustmust nownow bebe sacktsacked vponupon thethe SeaSea,
wln 0071AndAnd NeptunesNeptune’s waueswaves bebe enuiousenvious menmen ofof warrewar,
wln 0072EpeusEpeus’ horsehorse toto ÆtnasAetnasEtna’sAetna’s hillhill transformdtransformed,
wln 0073PreparedPrepared standsstands toto wrackewrack theirtheir wooddenwooden walleswalls,
wln 0074AndAnd ÆolusAeolusAeolus likelike AgamemnonAgamemnon soundssounds
wln 0075TheThe surgessurges, hishis fiercefierce souldierssoldiers toto thethe spoylespoil:
wln 0076SeeSee howhow thethe nightnight VlyssesUlysses-like-like comescomes forthforth,
wln 0077AndAnd interceptsintercepts thethe dayday asas DolonDolon ersterst:
wln 0078AyAy meme! thethe StarresStars supprisdesurprised likelike RhesusRhesus’Rhesus SteedesSteeds,
wln 0079AreAre drawnedrawn byby darknesdarkness forthforth AstrausAstraeus’astraus’ tentstents.
wln 0080WhatWhat shallshall II doedo toto sauesave theethee mymy sweetsweet boyboy?
wln 0081WhenWhen asWhenwhenas asas thethe waueswaves doedo threatthreat ourour ChrystallCrystal worldworld,
wln 0082AndAnd ProteusProteus raisingraising hilshills ofof floudsfloods onon highhigh,
wln 0083EntendsIntends ereere longlong toto sportsport himhim inin thethe skiesky.
wln 0084FalseFalse IupiterJupiterjupiter, rewardstrewardst thouthou vertuevirtue soso?
wln 0085WhatWhat? isis notnot pietiepiety exemptexempt fromfrom woewoe?
wln 0086ThenThen dyedie ÆneasAeneasAeneas inin thinethine innocenceinnocence,
wln 0087SinceSince thatthat religionreligion hathhath nono recompencerecompense.
wln 0088Iup.Jupiterjup.ContentContent theethee CythereaCytherea inin thythy carecare,
wln 0089SinceSince thythy ÆneasAeneasAeneas wandringwand’ring fatefate isis firmefirm,
wln 0090WhoseWhose wearieweary limslimbs shallshall shortlyshortly makemake reposerepose,
wln 0091InIn thosethose fairefair walleswalls II promistpromised himhim ofof yoreyore:
wln 0092ButBut firstfirst inin bloudblood mustmust hishis goodgood fortunefortune budbud,
wln 0093BeforeBefore hehe bebe thethe LordLord ofof TurnusTurnus’ townetown,
wln 0094OrOr forceforce herher smilesmile thatthat hethertohitherto hathhath frowndfrowned:
wln 0095ThreeThree winterswinters shallshall hehe withwith thethe RutilesRutiles warrewar,
wln 0096AndAnd inin thethe endend subduesubdue themthem withwith hishis swordsword,
wln 0097AndAnd fullfull threethree SommersSummers likewiselikewise shallshall hehe wastewaste,
wln 0098InIn mannagingmanaging thosethose fiercefierce barbarianbarbarian mindesminds:
wln 0099WhichWhich onceonce performdperformed, poorepoor TroyTroy soso longlong supprestsuppressed,
wln 0100FromFrom forthforth herher ashesashes shallshall aduanceadvance herher headhead,
wln 0101AndAnd flourishflourish onceonce againeagain thatthat ersterst waswas deaddead:

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The Tragedie of Dido.

wln 0102ButBut brightbright AscaniusAscanius’Ascanius beautiesbeauties betterbetter workework,
wln 0103WhoWho withwith thethe SunneSun deuidesdivides oneone radiantradiant shapeshape,
wln 0104ShallShall buildbuild hishis thronethrone amidstamidstamid thosethose starriestarry towerstowers,
wln 0105ThatThat earth-borneearth-bornearthborn AtlasAtlas groninggroaning vnderpropsunderprops:
wln 0106NoNo boundsbounds butbut heauenheaven shallshall boundbound hishis EmperieEmpery,
wln 0107WhoseWhose azuredazured gatesgates enchasedenchased withwith hishis namename,
wln 0108ShallShall makemake thethe morningmorning hasthaste herher graygraygrey vpriseuprise,
wln 0109ToTo feedefeed herher eyeseyes withwith hishis engrauenengraven famefame.
wln 0110ThusThus inin stoutestout HectorsHector’s racerace threethree hundredhundred yearesyears,
wln 0111TheThe RomaneRoman ScepterSceptre royallroyal shallshall remaineremain,
wln 0112TillTill thatthat aa PrincessePrincess priestpriest conceau’dconceived byby MarsMars,
wln 0113ShallShall yeeldyield toto dignitiedignity aa dubbledouble birthbirth,
wln 0114WhoWho willwill eternisheterniseeternisheternizeeternise TroyTroy inin theirtheir attemptsattempts.
wln 0115VenusVenus.HowHow maymay II creditecredit thesethese thythy flatteringflattering termesterms,
wln 0116WhenWhen yetyet bothboth seasea andand sandssands besetbeset theirtheir shipsships,
wln 0117AndAnd PhœbusPhoebusPhoebus asas inin stygianstygian poolespools, refrainesrefrains
wln 0118ToTo tainttaint hishis tressestresses inin thethe TyrrhenTyrrheneTyrrhen mainemain?
wln 0119Iup.Jupiterjup.II willwill taketake orderorder forfor thatthat presentlypresently:
wln 0120HermesHermes awakeawake, andand hastehaste toto NeptunesNeptune’s realmerealm,
wln 0121WhereasWhereas thethe Wind-godWind-god warringwarring nownow withwith FateFate,
wln 0122BesiegeBesiege thethe ofspringoffspring ofof ourour kinglykingly loynesloins,
wln 0123ChargeCharge himhim fromfrom meme toto turneturn hishis stormiestormy powerspowers,
wln 0124AndAnd fetterfetter themthem inin VulcansVulcan’s sturdiesturdy brassebrass,
wln 0125ThatThat durstdurst thusthus proudlyproudly wrongwrong ourour kinsmanskinsman’s peacepeace.
wln 0126VenusVenusVenus’ farewellfarewell, thythy sonneson shallshall bebe ourour carecare:
wln 0127ComeCome GanimedGanymede, wewe mustmust aboutabout thisthis gearegear.
wln 0128ExeuntExeunt IupiterJupiterjupiter cumcum GanimedGanymedeGanimed.
wln 0129VenusVenus.DisquietDisquiet SeasSeas laylay downedown youryour swellingswelling lookeslooks,
wln 0130AndAnd courtcourt ÆneasAeneasAeneas withwith youryour calmiecalmy cheerecheer,
wln 0131WhoseWhose beautiousbeauteous burdenburden wellwell mightmight makemake youyou proudeproud,
wln 0132HadHad notnot thethe heauensheavens conceau’dconceived withwith hel-bornehellborn clowdesclouds.
wln 0133VaildVeiled hishis resplendantresplendent glorieglory fromfrom youryour viewview,
wln 0134ForFor mymy sakesake pitiepity himhim OceanusOceanus,
wln 0135ThatThat erst-whileerstwhile issuedissued fromfrom thythy watriewat’rywatery loynesloins,
wln 0136AndAnd hadhad mymy beingbeing fromfrom thythy bublingbubbling frothfroth:
wln 0137TritonTriton II knowknow hathhath fildfilled hishis trumpetrump withwith TroyTroy,
wln 0138AndAnd thereforetherefore willwill taketake pitiepity onon hishis toyletoil,

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The Tragedie of Dido.

wln 0139AndAnd callcall bothboth ThetisThetis andand CimodeaCimodea,
wln 0140ToTo succoursuccorsuccour himhim inin thisthis extremitieextremity.

wln 0141EnterEnter ÆneasAeneasAeneas withwith AscaniusAscanius, withwith
wln 0142oneone oror twotwo moremore.

wln 0143WhatWhat? doedo II seesee mymy sonneson nownow comecome onon shoareshore:
wln 0144VenusVenus, howhow artart thouthou compastcompassed withwith contentcontent,
wln 0145TheThe whilewhile thinethine eyeseyes attractattract theirtheir soughtsought forfor ioyesjoys:
wln 0146GreatGreat IupiterJupiterjupiter, stillstill honourdhonoredhonoured maistmayst thouthou bebe,
wln 0147ForFor thisthis soso friendlyfriendly aydeaid inin timetime ofof needeneed.
wln 0148HereHere inin thisthis bushbush disguiseddisguised willwill II standstand,
wln 0149WhilesWhiles mymy ÆneasAeneasAeneas spendsspends himselfehimself inin plaintsplaints,
wln 0150AndAnd heauenheaven andand earthearth withwith hishis vnrestunrest acquaintsacquaints.
wln 0151Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.YouYou sonnessons ofof carecare, companionscompanions ofof mymy coursecourse,
wln 0152PriamsPriam’s misfortunemisfortune followesfollows vsus byby seasea,
wln 0153AndAnd HelensHelen’s raperape dothdoth haunthaunt theethee atat thethe heelesheels.
wln 0154HowHow manymany dangersdangers hauehave wewe ouer pastoueroverpassedover pastpassed?
wln 0155BothBoth barkingbarking ScillaScylla andand thethe soundingsounding RocksRocks,
wln 0156TheThe CyclopsCyclops sheluesshelves, andand grimgrim CeraniasCeraunia’sCerania’s seateseat
wln 0157HaueHave youyou oregoneo’ergone, andand yetyet remaineremain aliuealive?
wln 0158PluckPluck vpup youryour heartshearts, sincesince fatefate stillstill restsrests ourour friendfriend,
wln 0159AndAnd chaungingchanging heauensheavens maymay thosethose goodgood daiesdays returnereturn,
wln 0160WhichWhich PergamaPergama diddid vauntvaunt inin allall herher pridepride.
wln 0161Acha.AchatesAcha.BraueBrave PrincePrince ofof TroyTroy, thouthou onelyonly artart ourour GodGod,
wln 0162ThatThat byby thythy vertuesvirtuesvirtue’s freestfreest vsus fromfrom annoyannoy,
wln 0163AndAnd makesmakes ourour hopeshopes suruiuesurvive toto cunningcunning ioyesjoys:
wln 0164DoeDo thouthou butbut smilesmile, andand clowdiecloudy heauenheaven willwill cleareclear,
wln 0165WhoseWhose nightnight andand dayday descendethdescendeth fromfrom thythy browesbrows:
wln 0166ThoughThough wewe bebe nownow inin extreameextreme miseriemisery,
wln 0167AndAnd restrest thethe mapmap ofof weatherbeatenweather beatenweatherbeatenweather beaten woewoe:
wln 0168YetYet shallshall thethe agedaged SunneSun shedshed forthforth hishis aireair,
wln 0169ToTo makemake vsus liuelive vntounto ourour formerformer heateheat,
wln 0170AndAnd eueryevery beastbeast thethe forrestforest dothdoth sendsend forthforth,
wln 0171BequeathBequeath herher youngyoung onesones toto ourour scantedscanted foodefood.
wln 0172Asca.AscaniusAsca.FatherFather II faintsaintfaintsaint, goodgood fatherfather giuegive meme meatemeat.

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The Tragedie of Dido.

wln 0173Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.AlasAlas sweetsweet boyboy, thouthou mustmust bebe stillstill aa whilewhile,
wln 0174TillTill wewe hauehave firefire toto dressedress thethe meatemeat wewe kildkilled:
wln 0175GentleGentle AchatesAchates, reachreach thethe TinderTinder boxebox,
wln 0176ThatThat wewe maymay makemake aa firefire toto warmewarm vsus withwith,
wln 0177AndAnd rostroast ourour newnew foundfound victualsvictuals onon thisthis shoareshore.
wln 0178VenusVenus.SeeSee whatwhat strangestrange artsarts necessitienecessity findesfinds outout,
wln 0179HowHow neerenear mymy sweetsweet ÆneasAeneasAeneas artart thouthou driuendriven?
wln 0180Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.HoldHold, taketake thisthis candlecandle andand goego lightlight aa firefire,
wln 0181YouYou shallshall hauehave leauesleaves andand windfallwind●allwindfall bowesboughsbows enowenough
wln 0182NeereNear toto thesethese woodswoods, toto rostroast youryour meatemeat withallwithal:
wln 0183AscaniusAscanius, goego andand driedry thythy drencheddrenched limslimbs,
wln 0184WhilesWhiles II withwith mymy AchatesAchates roauerove abroadabroad,
wln 0185ToTo knowknow whatwhat coastcoast thethe windewind hathhath driuendriven vsus onon,
wln 0186OrOr whetherwhether menmen oror beastsbeasts inhabiteinhabit itit.
wln 0187Acha.AchatesAcha.TheThe ayreair isis pleasantpleasant, andand thethe soylesoil mostmost fitfit
wln 0188ForFor CitiesCities, andand societiessociety’ssocieties supportssupports:
wln 0189YetYet muchmuch II maruellmarvel thatthat II cannotcannot findefind,
wln 0190NoNo stepssteps ofof menmen imprintedimprinted inin thethe earthearth.
wln 0191VenusVenus.NowNow isis thethe timetime forfor meme toto playplay mymy partpart:
wln 0192HoeHoho yongyoung menmen, sawsaw youyou asas youyou camecame
wln 0193AnyAny ofof allall mymy SistersSisters wandringwand’ring herehere?
wln 0194HauingHaving aa quiuerquiver girdedgirded toto herher sideside,
wln 0195AndAnd cloathedclothèdclothed inin aa spottedspotted LeopardsLeopard’s skinskin.
wln 0196Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.II neitherneither sawsaw nornor heardheard ofof anyany suchsuch:
wln 0197ButBut whatwhat maymay II fairefair VirginVirgin callcall youryour namename?
wln 0198WhoseWhose lookeslooks setset forthforth nono mortallmortal formeform toto viewview,
wln 0199NorNor speechspeech bewraiesbewrays oughtaught humainehuman inin thythy birthbirth,
wln 0200ThouThou artart aa GoddesseGoddess thatthat deludstdelud’st ourour eyeseyes,
wln 0201AndAnd shrowdesshrouds thythy beautiebeauty inin thisthis borrowdborrowed shapeshape:
wln 0202ButBut whetherwhether thouthou thethe SunnesSun’ssun’s brightbright SisterSister bebe,
wln 0203OrOr oneone ofof chastchaste DianasDiana’s fellowfellow NimphsNymphsnymphs,
wln 0204LiueLive happiehappy inin thethe heightheight ofof allall contentcontent,
wln 0205AndAnd lightenlighten ourour extreamesextremes withwith thisthis oneone booneboon,
wln 0206AsAs toto instructinstruct vsus vnderunder whatwhat goodgood heauenheaven
wln 0207WeWe breathebreathe asas nownow, andand whatwhat thisthis worldworld isis caldecalled,
wln 0208OnOn whichwhich byby tempeststempests’tempest’s furiefury wewe areare castcast,

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The Tragedie of Dido.

wln 0209TellTell vsus, OOOh telltell vsus thatthat areare ignorantignorant,
wln 0210AndAnd thisthis rightright handhand shallshall makemake thythy AltarsAltars crackcrack
wln 0211WithWith mountainemountain heapesheaps ofof milkemilk whitewhite SacrifizeSacrifice.
wln 0212VenusVenus.SuchSuch honourhonorhonour, strangerstranger, doedo II notnot affectaffect:
wln 0213ItIt isis thethe vseuse forfor TurenTyrianTuren maidesmaids toto wearewear
wln 0214TheirTheir bowebow andand quiuerquiver inin thisthis modestmodest sortsort,
wln 0215AndAnd suitesuit themseluesthemselves inin purplepurple forfor thethe noncenonce,
wln 0216ThatThat theythey maymay triptrip moremore lightlylightly oreo’er thethe lawndeslawns,
wln 0217AndAnd ouertakeovertake thethe tuskedtusked BoreBoar inin chasechase.
wln 0218ButBut forfor thethe landland whereofwhereof thouthou doestdost enquireinquire,
wln 0219ItIt isis thethe punickpunic kingdomekingdom richrich andand strongstrong,
wln 0220AdioyningAdjoining onon AgenorsAgenor’s statelystately townetown,
wln 0221TheThe kinglykingly seateseat ofof SoutherneSouthern LibiaLibya,
wln 0222WhereasWhereas SidonianSidonian DidoDido rulesrules asas QueeneQueen.
wln 0223ButBut whatwhat areare youyou thatthat askeask ofof meme thesethese thingsthings?
wln 0224WhenceWhence maymay youyou comecome, oror whitherwhither willwill youyou goego?
wln 0225Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.OfOf TroyTroy amam II, ÆneasAeneasAeneas isis mymy namename,
wln 0226WhoWho driuendriven byby warrewar fromfrom forthforth mymy natiuenative worldworld,
wln 0227PutPut sailessails toto seasea toto seekeseek outout ItalyItaly:
wln 0228AndAnd mymy diuinedivine descentdescent fromfrom sceptredsceptred IoueJovejove,
wln 0229WithWith twisetwice tweluetwelve PhrigianPhrygianphrygian shipsships II plowedplowedploughed thethe deepedeep,
wln 0230AndAnd mademade thatthat wayway mymy mothermother VenusVenus ledled:
wln 0231ButBut ofof themthem allall scarcescarce seuenseven doedo anchoranchor safesafe,
wln 0232AndAnd theythey soso wracktwracked andand weltredweltered byby thethe waueswaves,
wln 0233AsAs eueryevery tidetide tiltstilts twixttwixt theirtheir okenoaken sidessides:
wln 0234AndAnd allall ofof themthem vnburdenedunburdened ofof theirtheir loadeload,
wln 0235AreAre ballassedballastballassed withwith billowesbillows’billows watriewatery weightweight.
wln 0236ButBut hapleshapless II, GodGod wotwot, poorepoor andand vnknowneunknown,
wln 0237DoeDo tracetrace thesethese LibianLibyan desertsdeserts allall despisdedespised,
wln 0238ExildExiled forthforth EuropeEurope andand widewide AsiaAsia bothboth,
wln 0239AndAnd hauehave notnot anyany couerturecoverture butbut heauenheaven.
wln 0240VenusVenus.FortuneFortune hathhath fauordfavoredfavoured theethee what erewhate’er thouthou bebe,
wln 0241InIn sendingsending theethee vntounto thisthis curteouscourteous CoastCoast:
wln 0242AA GodsGod’s namename onon andand hasthaste theethee toto thethe CourtCourt,
wln 0243WhereWhere DidoDido willwill receiuereceive yeye withwith herher smilessmiles:
wln 0244AndAnd forfor thythy shipsships whichwhich thouthou supposestsupposest lostlost,
wln 0245NotNot oneone ofof themthem hathhath perishtperished inin thethe stormestorm,

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The Tragedie of Dido.

wln 0246ButBut areare ariuedarrived safesafe notnot farrefanefarfane fromfrom hencehence:
wln 0247AndAnd soso II leaueleave theethee toto thythy fortunesfortune’s lotlot,
wln 0248WishingWishing goodgood luckeluck vntounto thythy wandringwand’ring stepssteps.ExitExit.
wln 0249Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.AchatesAchates, tis’tis mymy mothermother thatthat isis fledfled,
wln 0250II knowknow herher byby thethe mouingsmovings ofof herher feetefeet:
wln 0251StayStay gentlegentle VenusVenus, flyefly notnot fromfrom thythy sonneson,
wln 0252TooToo cruellcruel, whywhy wiltwilt thouthou forsakeforsake meme thusthus?
wln 0253OrOr inin thesethese shadesshades deceiu’stdeceiv’stdeceivest minemine eyeeye soso oftoft?
wln 0254WhyWhy talketalk wewe notnot togethertogether handhand inin handhand?
wln 0255AndAnd telltell ourour griefesgriefs inin moremore familiarfamiliar termesterms:
wln 0256ButBut thouthou artart gonegone andand leau’stleavest meme herehere alonealone,
wln 0257ToTo dulldull thethe ayreair withwith mymy discoursiuediscursive moanemoan.ExitExit

wln 0258EnterEnter IllioneusIllioneus, andand CloanthesCleanthesCloanthusCleanthes.

wln 0259Illio.IllioneusIllio.FollowFollow yeye TroiansTrojans, followfollow thisthis brauebrave LordLord,
wln 0260AndAnd plaineplain toto himhim thethe summesum ofof youryour distressedistress.
wln 0261Iar.IarbasIar.WhyWhy, whatwhat areare youyou, oror whereforewherefore doedo youyou sewesue?
wln 0262Illio.IllioneusIllio.WretchesWretches ofof TroyTroy, enuiedenvied ofof thethe windeswinds,
wln 0263ThatThat crauecrave suchsuch fauourfavorfavour atat youryour honorshonor’shonour’s feetefeet,
wln 0264AsAs poorepoor distresseddistressed miseriemisery maymay pleadeplead:
wln 0265SaueSave, sauesave, OOOh sauesave ourour shipsships fromfrom cruellcruel firefire,
wln 0266ThatThat doedo complainecomplain thethe woundswounds ofof thousandthousand waueswaves,
wln 0267AndAnd sparespare ourour liueslives whomwhom eueryevery spitespite pursuespursues.
wln 0268WeWe comecome notnot wewe toto wrongwrong youryour LibianLibyan GodsGods,
wln 0269OrOr stealesteal youryour housholdhousehold lareslares fromfrom theirtheir shrinesshrines:
wln 0270OurOur handshands areare notnot prepar’dprepared toto lawleslawless spoylespoil,
wln 0271NorNor armedarmed toto offendoffend inin anyany kindkind:
wln 0272SuchSuch forceforce isis farrefar fromfrom ourour vnweaponedunweaponed thoughtsthoughts,
wln 0273WhoseWhose fadingfading wealeweal ofof victorievictory forsookeforsook,
wln 0274ForbidsForbids allall hopehope toto harbourharborharbour neerenear ourour heartshearts.
wln 0275Iar.IarbasIar.ButBut telltell meme TroiansTrojans, TroiansTrojans ifif youyou bebe,
wln 0276VntoUnto whatwhat fruitfullfruitful quartersquarters werewere yeye boundbound,
wln 0277BeforeBefore thatthat BoreasBoreas buckledbuckled withwith youryour sailessails?
wln 0278Cloan.CloanthusCloan.ThereThere isis aa placeplace HesperiaHesperia term’dtermed byby vsus,
wln 0279AnAn ancientancient EmpireEmpire, famousedfamoused forfor armesarms,
wln 0280AndAnd fertilefertile inin fairefair CeresCeres’ furrowedfurrowed wealthwealth,

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The Tragedie of Dido.

wln 0281WhichWhich nownow wewe callcall ItaliaItalia ofof hishis namename,
wln 0282ThatThat inin suchsuch peacepeace longlong timetime diddid rulerule thethe samesame:
wln 0283ThitherThither mademade wewe,
wln 0284WhenWhen suddenlysuddenly gloomiegloomy OrionOrion roserose,
wln 0285AndAnd ledled ourour shipsships intointo thethe shallowshallow sandssands,
wln 0286WhereasWhereas thethe SoutherneSouthern windewind withwith brackishbrackish breathbreath,
wln 0287DisperstDispersed themthem allall amongstamongst thethe wrackfullwrackful RockesRocks:
wln 0288FromFrom thencethence aa fewefew ofof vsus escaptescaped toto landland,
wln 0289TheThe restrest wewe fearefear areare fouldedfolded inin thethe floudsfloods.
wln 0290Iar.IarbasIar.BraueBrave menmen atat armesarms, abandonabandon fruitlesfruitless fearesfears,
wln 0291SinceSince CarthageCarthage knowesknows toto entertaineentertain distressedistress.
wln 0292Serg.SergestusSerg.IAyI butbut thethe barbarousbarbarous sortsort doedo threatthreat ourour shipsships,
wln 0293AndAnd willwill notnot letlet vsus lodgelodge vponupon thethe sandssands:
wln 0294InIn multitudesmultitudes theythey swarmeswarm vntounto thethe shoareshore,
wln 0295AndAnd fromfrom thethe firstfirst earthearth interdictinterdict ourour feetefeet.
wln 0296Iar.IarbasIar.My selfeMyselfmyself willwill seesee theythey shallshall notnot troubletrouble yeye,
wln 0297YourYour menmen andand youyou shallshall banquetbanquet inin ourour CourtCourt,
wln 0298AndAnd eueryevery TroianTrojan bebe asas welcomewelcome herehere,
wln 0299AsAs IupiterJupiterjupiter toto silliesilly VausisVansisBaucis’Vansis’ househouse:
wln 0300ComeCome inin withwith meme, IleI’ll bringbring youyou toto mymy QueeneQueen,
wln 0301WhoWho shallshall confirmeconfirm mymy wordswords withwith furtherfurther deedesdeeds.
wln 0302Serg.SergestusSerg.ThankesThanks gentlegentle LordLord forfor suchsuch vnlooktunlooked forfor gracegrace,
wln 0303MightMight wewe butbut onceonce moremore seesee ÆneasAeneasAeneas’Aeneas faceface,
wln 0304ThenThen wouldwould wewe hopehope toto quitequite suchsuch friendlyfriendly turnesturns,
wln 0305AsAs shallshall surpassesurpass thethe wonderwonder ofof ourour speechspeech.

wln 0306ActusActus 2.2.

wln 0307EnterEnter ÆneasAeneasAeneas, AchatesAchates, andand AscaniusAscanius.
wln 0308Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.WhereWhere amam II nownow? thesethese shouldshould bebe CarthageCarthage walleswalls.
wln 0309Acha.AchatesAcha.WhyWhy standsstands mymy sweetesweet ÆneasAeneasAeneas thusthus amazdeamazed?
wln 0310Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.OO mymy AchatesAchates, ThebanTheban NiobeNiobe,
wln 0311WhoWho forfor herher sonnesson’s deathdeath weptwept outout lifelife andand breathbreath,
wln 0312AndAnd driedry withwith griefegrief waswas turndturned intointo aa stonestone,
wln 0313HadHad notnot suchsuch passionspassions inin herher headhead asas II.
wln 0314Me thinkesMethinksmethinks thatthat townetown therethere shouldshould bebe TroyTroy, yonyond IdasIda’s hillhill,
wln 0315ThereThere ZanthusXanthus’ streamestream, becausebecause here’shere’s PriamusPriamus,

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The Tragedie of Dido.

wln 0316AndAnd whenwhen II knowknow itit isis notnot, thenthenthan II dyedie.
wln 0317Ach.AchatesAch.AndAnd inin thisthis humorhumorhumour isis AchatesAchates totooto,
wln 0318II cannotcannot choosechoose butbut fallfall vponupon mymy kneesknees,
wln 0319AndAnd kissekiss hishis handhand: OOOh wherewhere isis HecubaHecuba,
wln 0320HereHere sheshe waswas wontwont toto sitsit, butbut sauingsaving ayreair
wln 0321IsIs nothingnothing herehere, andand whatwhat isis thisthis butbut stonestone?
wln 0322Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.OO yetyet thisthis stonestone dothdoth makemake ÆneasAeneasAeneas weepeweep,
wln 0323AndAnd wouldwould mymy prayersprayers (asas PigmalionsPygmalion’s diddid)
wln 0324CouldCould giuegive itit lifelife, thatthat vnderunder hishis conductconduct
wln 0325WeWe mightmight sailesail backeback toto TroyTroy, andand bebe reuengderevenged
wln 0326OnOn thesethese hard hartedhard-heartedhard hearted GreciansGrecians, whichwhich reioycerejoice
wln 0327ThatThat nothingnothing nownow isis leftleft ofof PriamusPriamus:
wln 0328OOOh PriamusPriamus isis leftleft andand thisthis isis hehe,
wln 0329ComeCome, comecome abourdaboard, pursuepursue thethe hatefullhateful GreekesGreeks.
wln 0330Acha.AchatesAcha.WhatWhat meanesmeans ÆneasAeneasAeneas?
wln 0331Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.AchatesAchates thoughthough minemine eyeseyes saysay thisthis isis stonestone,
wln 0332YetYet thinkesthinks mymy mindemind thatthat thisthis isis PriamusPriamus:
wln 0333AndAnd whenwhen mymy grieuedgrieved heartheart sighessighs andand sayessays nono,
wln 0334ThenThen wouldwould itit leapeleap outout toto giuegive PriamPriam lifelife:
wln 0335OOOh werewere II notnot atat allall soso thouthou mightstmight’stmightst bebe.
wln 0336AchatesAchates, seesee KingKing PriamPriam wagswags hishis handhand,
wln 0337HeHe isis aliuealive, TroyTroy isis notnot ouercomeovercome.
wln 0338Ach.AchatesAch.ThyThy mindmind ÆneasAeneasAeneas thatthat wouldwould hauehave itit soso
wln 0339DeludesDeludes thythy eye sighteyesighteye sight, PriamusPriamus isis deaddead.
wln 0340Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.AhAh TroyTroy isis sacktsacked, andand PriamusPriamus isis deaddead,
wln 0341AndAnd whywhy shouldshould poorepoor ÆneasAeneasAeneas bebe aliuealive?
wln 0342Asca.AscaniusAsca.SweeteSweet fatherfather leaueleave toto weepeweep, thisthis isis notnot hehe:
wln 0343ForFor werewere itit PriamPriam hehe wouldwould smilesmile onon meme.
wln 0344Acha.AchatesAcha.ÆneasAeneasAeneas seesee herehere comecome thethe CitizensCitizens,
wln 0345LeaueLeave toto lamentlament lestleftlest theythey laughlaugh atat ourour fearesfears.

wln 0346EnterEnter CloanthusCloanthus, SergestusSergestus, IllioneusIllioneus.

wln 0347Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.LordsLords ofof thisthis townetown, oror whatsoeuerwhatsoever stilestyle
wln 0348BelongsBelongs vntounto youryour namename, vouchsafevouchsafe ofof ruthruth
wln 0349ToTo telltell vsus whowho inhabitsinhabits thisthis fairefair townetown,
wln 0350WhatWhat kindkind ofof peoplepeople, andand whowho gouernesgoverns themthem:

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The Tragedie of Dido.

wln 0351ForFor wewe areare strangersstrangers driuendriven onon thisthis shoreshore,
wln 0352AndAnd scarcelyscarcely knowknow withinwithin whatwhat ClimeClime wewe areare.
wln 0353Illio.IllioneusIllio.II hearehear ÆneasAeneasAeneas’Aeneas voycevoice, butbut seesee himhim notnot,
wln 0354ForFor nonenone ofof thesethese cancan bebe ourour GenerallGeneral.
wln 0355Acha.AchatesAcha.LikeLike IllioneusIllioneus speakesspeaks thisthis NobleNoble manman,
wln 0356ButBut IllioneusIllioneus goesgoes notnot inin suchsuch robesrobes.
wln 0357Serg.SergestusSerg.YouYou areare AchatesAchates, oror II deciu’ddeceived.
wln 0358Acha.AchatesAcha.ÆneasAeneasAeneas seesee SergestusSergestus oror hishis ghostghost.
wln 0359Illio.IllioneusIllio.HeHe meanesmeans ÆneasAeneasAeneas, letlet vsus kissekiss hishis feetefeet.
wln 0360Cloan.CloanthusCloan.ItIt isis ourour CaptaineCaptain, seesee AscaniusAscanius.
wln 0361Serg.SergestusSerg.LiueLive longlong ÆneasAeneasAeneas andand AscaniusAscanius.
wln 0362Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.AchatesAchates, speakespeak, forfor II amam ouerioyedoverjoyed.
wln 0363Acha.AchatesAcha.OO IllioneusIllioneus, artart thouthou yetyet aliuealive?
wln 0364Illio.IllioneusIllio.BlestBlessed bebe thethe timetime II seesee AchatesAchates’Achates faceface.
wln 0365Cloan.CloanthusCloan.WhyWhy turnesturns ÆneasAeneasAeneas fromfrom hishis trustietrusty friendsfriends?
wln 0366Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.SergestusSergestus, IllioneusIllioneus andand thethe restrest,
wln 0367YourYour sightsight amazdeamazed meme, OOOh whatwhat destiniesdestinies
wln 0368HaueHave broughtbrought mymy sweetesweet companionscompanions inin suchsuch plightplight?
wln 0369OO telltell meme, forfor II longlong toto bebe resolu’dresolved.
wln 0370Illio.IllioneusIllio.LouelyLovely ÆneasAeneasAeneas, thesethese areare CarthageCarthage walleswalls,
wln 0371AndAnd herehere QueeneQueen DidoDido weareswears th’imperiallth’ imperialth’imperial CrowneCrown,
wln 0372WhoWho forfor TroyesTroy’s sakesake hathhath entertaindentertained vsus allall,
wln 0373AndAnd cladclad vsus inin thesethese wealthiewealthy robesrobes wewe wearewear.
wln 0374OftOft hathhath sheshe asktasked vsus vnderunder whomwhom wewe seru’dserved,
wln 0375AndAnd whenwhen wewe toldtold herher sheshe wouldwould weepeweep forfor griefegrief,
wln 0376ThinkingThinking thethe seasea hadhad swallowedswallowed vpup thythy shipsships,
wln 0377AndAnd nownow sheshe seessees theethee howhow willwill sheshe reioycerejoice?
wln 0378Serg.SergestusSerg.SeeSee wherewhere herher seruitorsservitors passepass throughthrough thethe hallhall
wln 0379BearingBearing aa banketbanquet, DidoDido isis notnot farrefar.
wln 0380Illio.IllioneusIllio.LookeLook wherewhere sheshe comescomes: ÆneasAeneasAeneas viewdviewed herher wellwell.
wln 0381Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.WellWell maymay II viewview herher, butbut sheshe seessees notnot meme.

wln 0382EnterEnter DidoDido andand herher trainetrain.

wln 0383DidoDido.WhatWhat strangerstranger artart thouthou thatthat doestdost eyeeye meme thusthus?
wln 0384Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.SometimeSometime II waswas aa TroianTrojan mightiemighty QueeneQueen:
wln 0385ButBut TroyTroy isis notnot, whatwhat shallshall II saysay II amam?

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The Tragedie of Dido.

wln 0386Illio.IllioneusIllio.RenowmedRenowned DidoDido, tis’tis ourour GenerallGeneral: warlikewarlike ÆneasAeneasAeneas.
wln 0387DidoDido.WarlikeWarlike ÆneasAeneasAeneas, andand inin thesethese basebase robesrobes?
wln 0388GoeGo fetchfetch thethe garmentgarment whichwhich SicheusSychaeusSichaeus warewore:
wln 0389BraueBrave PrincePrince, welcomewelcome toto CarthageCarthage andand toto meme,
wln 0390BothBoth happiehappy thatthat ÆneasAeneasAeneas isis ourour guestguest:
wln 0391SitSit inin thisthis chairechair andand banquetbanquet withwith aa QueeneQueen,
wln 0392ÆneasAeneasAeneas isis ÆneasAeneasAeneas, werewere hehe cladclad
wln 0393InIn weedesweeds asas badbad asas euerever IrusIrus warewore.
wln 0394Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.ThisThis isis nono seateseat forfor oneone thatsthat’s comfortlescomfortless,
wln 0395MayMay itit pleaseplease youryour gracegrace toto letlet ÆneasAeneasAeneas waitewait:
wln 0396ForFor thoughthough mymy birthbirth bebe greatgreat, mymy fortunesfortunes meanemean,
wln 0397TooToo meanemean toto bebe companioncompanion toto aa QueeneQueen.
wln 0398DidoDido.ThyThy fortunefortune maymay bebe greatergreater thenthan thythy birthbirth,
wln 0399SitSit downedown ÆneasAeneasAeneas, sitsit inin DidosDido’s placeplace,
wln 0400AndAnd ifif thisthis bebe thythy sonneson asas II supposesuppose,
wln 0401HereHere letlet himhim sitsit, bebe merriemerry louelylovely childchild.
wln 0402Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.ThisThis placeplace beseemesbeseems meme notnot, OOOh pardonpardon meme.
wln 0403DidoDido.IleI’ll hauehave itit soso, ÆneasAeneasAeneas bebe contentcontent.
wln 0404Asca.AscaniusAsca.MadameMadammadam, youyou shallshall bebe mymy mothermother.
wln 0405DidoDido.AndAnd soso II willwill sweetesweet childchild: bebe merriemerry manman,
wln 0406HeresHere’shere’s toto thythy betterbetter fortunefortune andand goodgood starresstars.
wln 0407Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.InIn allall humilitiehumility II thankethank youryour gracegrace.
wln 0408DidoDido.RememberRemember whowho thouthou artart, speakespeak likelike thy selfethyself,
wln 0409HumilitieHumility belongsbelongs toto commoncommon groomesgrooms.
wln 0410Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.AndAnd whowho soso miserablemiserable asas ÆneasAeneasAeneas isis?
wln 0411DidoDido.LyesLies itit inin DidosDido’s handshands toto makemake theethee blestblessed,
wln 0412ThenThen bebe assuredassured thouthou artart notnot miserablemiserable.
wln 0413Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.OO PriamusPriamus, OOOh TroyTroy, OhOhO HecubaHecuba!
wln 0414DidoDido.MayMay II entreateentreat theethee toto discoursediscourse atat largelarge,
wln 0415AndAnd truelytruly toto howhow TroyTroy waswas ouercomeovercome:
wln 0416ForFor manymany talestales goego ofof thatthat CitiesCity’s fallfall,
wln 0417AndAnd scarcelyscarcely doedo agreeagree vponupon oneone poyntpoint:
wln 0418SomeSome saysay AntenorAntenor diddid betraybetray thethe townetown,
wln 0419OthersOthers reportreport twas’twas SinonsSinon’s periurieperjury:
wln 0420ButBut allall inin thisthis thatthat TroyTroy isis ouercomeovercome,
wln 0421AndAnd PriamPriam deaddead, yetyet howhow wewe hearehear nono newesnews.
wln 0422Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.AA wofullwoeful taletale bidsbids DidoDido toto vnfouldunfold,

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The Tragedie of Dido.

wln 0423WhoseWhose memoriememory likelike palepale deathsdeath’sdeaths stonystony macemace,
wln 0424BeatesBeats forthforth mymy sensessenses fromfrom thisthis troubledtroubled soulesoul,
wln 0425AndAnd makesmakes ÆneasAeneasAeneas sinkesink atat DidosDido’s feetefeet.
wln 0426DidoDido.WhatWhat faintsfaints ÆneasAeneasAeneas toto rememberremember TroyTroy?
wln 0427InIn whosewhose defencedefensedefence hehe foughtfought soso valiantlyvaliantly:
wln 0428LookeLook vpup andand speakespeak.
wln 0429Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.ThenThen speakespeak ÆneasAeneasAeneas withwith AchillesAchilles’ tonguetongue,
wln 0430AndAnd DidoDido andand youyou CarthaginianCarthaginian PeeresPeers
wln 0431HeareHear meme, butbut yetyet withwith MirmidonsMirmido●sMyrmidons’Myrmidons harshharsh earesears,
wln 0432DailyDaily inur’dinuredenured toto broylesbroils andand MassacresMassacres,
wln 0433LestLest youyou bebe mou’dmoved tootoo muchmuch withwith mymy sadsad taletale.
wln 0434TheThe GrecianGrecian souldierssoldiers tiredtired withwith tenten yearesyears’years warrewar,
wln 0435BeganBegan toto cryecry, letlet vsus vntounto ourour shipsships,
wln 0436TroyTroy isis inuincibleinvincible, whywhy staystay wewe herehere?
wln 0437WithWith whosewhose outcryesoutcries AtridesAtrides beingbeing apal’dappalled,
wln 0438SummonedSummoned thethe CaptainesCaptains toto hishis princelyprincely tenttent,
wln 0439WhoWho lookinglooking onon thethe scarresscars wewe TroiansTrojans gauegave,
wln 0440SeeingSeeing thethe numbernumber ofof theirtheir menmen decreastdecreased,
wln 0441AndAnd thethe remainderremainder weakeweak andand outout ofof heartheart,
wln 0442GaueGave vpup theirtheir voycesvoices toto dislodgedislodge thethe CampeCamp,
wln 0443AndAnd soso inin troopestroops allall marchtmarched toto TenedosTonedosTenedos:
wln 0444WhereWhere whenwhen theythey camecame, VlyssesUlysses onon thethe sandsand
wln 0445AssaydAssayed withwith honeyhoney wordswords toto turneturn themthem backeback:
wln 0446AndAnd asas hehe spokespoke toto furtherfurther hishis ententintent,
wln 0447TheThe windeswinds diddid driuedrive hugehuge billowesbillows toto thethe shoareshore,
wln 0448AndAnd heauenheaven waswas darkneddarkened withwith tempestuoustempestuous clowdesclouds:
wln 0449ThenThen hehe alleag’dalleged thethe GodsGods wouldwould hauehave themthem staystay,
wln 0450AndAnd propheciedprophesied TroyTroy shouldshould bebe ouercomeovercome:
wln 0451AndAnd therewithalltherewithal hehe caldecalled falsefalse SinonSinon forthforth,
wln 0452AA manman compactcompact ofof craftcraft andand periurieperjury,
wln 0453WhoseWhose ticing’ticing tonguetongue waswas mademade ofof HermesHermosHermes’Hermo’s pipepipe,
wln 0454ToTo forceforce anan hundredhundred watchfullwatchful eyeseyes toto sleepesleep:
wln 0455AndAnd himhim EpeusEpeus hauinghaving mademade thethe horsehorse,
wln 0456WithWith sacrificingsacrificing wreatheswreathes vponupon hishis headhead,
wln 0457VlyssesUlysses sentsent toto ourour vnhappieunhappy townetown:
wln 0458WhoWho grouelinggrovelling inin thethe miremire ofof ZanthusXanthus’Zanthus bankesbanks,
wln 0459HisHis handshands boundbound atat hishis backeback, andand bothboth hishis eyeseyes

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The Tragedie of Dido.

wln 0460TurndTurned vpup toto heauenheaven asas oneone resolu’dresolved toto dyedie,
wln 0461OurOur PhrigianPhrygianphrygian shepherdshepherd haledhaled withinwithin thethe gatesgates,
wln 0462AndAnd broughtbrought vntounto thethe CourtCourt ofof PriamusPriamus:
wln 0463ToTo whomwhom hehe vsedused actionaction soso pitifullpitiful,
wln 0464LookesLooks soso remorcefullremorseful, vowesvows soso forcibleforcible,
wln 0465AsAs therethere withallwithal thethe oldold manman ouercomeovercome,
wln 0466KistKissed himhim, imbrastembraced himhim, andand vnloosdeunloosed hishis bandsbands,
wln 0467AndAnd thenthen, OOOh DidoDido, pardonpardon meme.
wln 0468DidoDido.NayNay leaueleave notnot herehere, resolueresolve meme ofof thethe restrest
wln 0469Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.OO th’inchauntingth’ enchantingth’enchanting wordswords ofof thatthat basebase slaueslave,
wln 0470MadeMade himhim toto thinkethink EpeusEpeus’ pine-treepine-treepinetree HorseHorse
wln 0471AA sacrifizesacrifice t’appeaset’ appeaset’appease MineruasMinerva’s wrathwrath:
wln 0472TheThe ratherrather forfor thatthat oneone LaocoonLaoc●onLaocoon
wln 0473BreakingBreaking aa spearespear vponupon hishis hollowhollow breastbreast,
wln 0474WasWas withwith twotwo wingedwinged SerpentsSerpents stungstung toto deathdeath.
wln 0475WhereatWhereat agastaghast, wewe werewere commandedcommanded straightstraight
wln 0476WithWith reuerencereverence toto drawdraw itit intointo TroyTroy.
wln 0477InIn whichwhich vnhappieunhappy workework waswas II employdemployed,
wln 0478TheseThese handshands diddid helpehelp toto halehale itit toto thethe gatesgates,
wln 0479ThroughThrough whichwhich itit couldcould notnot enterenter twas’twas soso hugehuge.
wln 0480OO hadhad itit neuernever entredentered, TroyTroy hadhad stoodstood.
wln 0481ButBut PriamusPriamus impatientimpatient ofof delaydelay,
wln 0482InforstEnforced aa widewide breachbreach inin thatthat rampierdrampired wallwall,
wln 0483WhichWhich thousandthousand batteringbattering RamsRams couldcould neuernever piercepierce,
wln 0484AndAnd soso camecame inin thisthis fatallfatal instrumentinstrument:
wln 0485AtAt whosewhose accursedaccursed feetefeet asas ouerioyedoverjoyed,
wln 0486WeWe banquettedbanqueted tilltill ouercomeovercome withwith winewine,
wln 0487SomeSome surfettedsurfeited andand othersothers soundlysoundly sleptslept.
wln 0488WhichWhich SinonSinon viewingviewing, causdecaused thethe GreekishGreekish spyesspies
wln 0489ToTo hasthaste toto TenedosTenedos andand telltell thethe CampeCamp:
wln 0490ThenThenThan hehe vnlocktunlocked thethe HorseHorse, andand suddenlysuddenly
wln 0491FromFrom outout hishis entrailesentrails, NeoptolemusNeoptolemus
wln 0492SettingSetting hishis spearespear vponupon thethe groundground, leaptleapt forthforth,
wln 0493AndAnd afterafter himhim aa thousandthousand GreciansGrecians moremore,
wln 0494InIn whosewhose sternestern facesfaces shin’dshined thethe quenchlesquenchless firefire,
wln 0495ThatThat afterafter burntburned thethe pridepride ofof AsiaAsia.
wln 0496ByBy thisthis thethe CampeCamp waswas comecome vntounto thethe walleswalls,

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The Tragedie of Dido.

wln 0497AndAnd throughthrough thethe breachbreach diddid marchmarch intointo thethe streetesstreets,
wln 0498WhereWhere meetingmeeting withwith thethe restrest, killkill killkill theythey cryedcried.
wln 0499FrightedFrighted withwith thisthis confusedconfused noysenoise, II roserose,
wln 0500AndAnd lookinglooking fromfrom aa turretturret, mightmight beholdbehold
wln 0501YongYoung infantsinfants swimmingswimming inin theirtheir parentsparents’ bloudblood,
wln 0502HeadlesHeadless carkassescarcases piledpiled vpup inin heapesheaps,
wln 0503VirginsVirgins halfehalf deaddead draggeddragged byby theirtheir goldengolden hairehair,
wln 0504AndAnd withwith mainemain forceforce flungflung onon aa ringring ofof pikespikes,
wln 0505OldOld menmen withwith swordsswords thrustthrust throughthrough theirtheir agedaged sidessides,
wln 0506KneelingKneeling forfor merciemercy toto aa GreekishGreekish ladlad,
wln 0507WhoWho withwith steelesteel Pol-axesPole-axes dashtdashed outout theirtheir brainesbrains.
wln 0508ThenThen buckledbuckled II minemine armourarmorarmour, drewdrew mymy swordsword,
wln 0509AndAnd thinkingthinking toto goego downedown, camecame HectorsHector’s ghostghost
wln 0510WithWith ashieashy visagevisage, blewishbluish sulphuresulphur eyeseyes,
wln 0511HisHis armesarms tornetorn fromfrom hishis shouldersshoulders, andand hishis breastbreast
wln 0512FurrowdFurrowedfurrowed withwith woundswounds, andand thatthat whichwhich mademade meme weepeweep,
wln 0513ThongsThongs atat hishis heelesheels, byby whichwhich AchillesAchilles’Achilles horsehorse
wln 0514DrewDrew himhim inin triumphtriumph throughthrough thethe GreekishGreekish CampeCamp,
wln 0515BurstBurst fromfrom thethe earthearth, cryingcrying, ÆneasAeneasAeneas flyefly,
wln 0516TroyTroy isis a firea-firea fire, thethe GreciansGrecians hauehave thethe townetown,
wln 0517DidoDido.OO HectorHector whowho weepesweeps notnot toto hearehear thythy namename?
wln 0518Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.YetYet flungflung II forthforth, andand desperatedesperate ofof mymy lifelife,
wln 0519RanRan inin thethe thickestthickest throngsthrongs, andand withwith thisthis swordsword
wln 0520SentSent manymany ofof theirtheir sauadgesavage ghostsghosts toto hellhell.
wln 0521AtAt lastlast camecame PirrhusPyrrhus fellfell andand fullfull ofof ireire,
wln 0522HisHis harnesseharness droppingdropping bloudblood, andand onon hishis spearespear
wln 0523TheThe mangledmangled headhead ofof PriamsPriam’s yongestyoungest sonneson,
wln 0524AndAnd afterafter himhim hishis bandband ofof MirmidonsMyrmidons,
wln 0525WithWith ballesballs ofof wildewild firefire inin theirtheir murderingmurdering pawespaws,
wln 0526WhichWhich mademade thethe funerallfuneral flameflame thatthat burntburned fairefair TroyTroy:
wln 0527AllAll whichwhich hemdhemmed meme aboutabout, cryingcrying, thisthis isis hehe.
wln 0528DidoDido.AhAh, howhow couldcould poorepoor ÆneasAeneasAeneas scapescape theirtheir handshands?
wln 0529Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.MyMy mothermother VenusVenus iealousjealous ofof mymy healthhealth,
wln 0530ConuaidConveyed meme fromfrom theirtheir crookedcrooked netsnets andand bandsbands:
wln 0531SoSo II escaptescaped thethe furiousfurious PirrhusPyrrhus’ wrathwrath:
wln 0532WhoWho thenthen ranran toto thethe pallacepalace ofof thethe KingKing,
wln 0533AndAnd atat IouesJove’sjove’s AltarAltar findingfinding PriamusPriamus,

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The Tragedie of Dido.

wln 0534AboutAbout whosewhosewho’s witheredwithered neckeneck hunghung HecubaHecuba,
wln 0535FouldingFoldingfolding hishis handhand inin hershers, andand ioyntlyjointly bothboth
wln 0536BeatingBeating theirtheir breastsbreasts andand fallingfalling onon thethe groundground,
wln 0537HeHe withwith hishis faulchionssaulchionsfalchion’s poyntpoint raisderaised vpup atat onceonce,
wln 0538AndAnd withwith MegerasMegaera’s eyeseyes staredstared inin theirtheir faceface,
wln 0539ThreatningThreat’ningThreatening aa thousandthousand deathsdeaths atat eueryevery glaunceglance.
wln 0540ToTo whomwhom thethe agedaged KingKing thusthus tremblingtrembling spokespoke:
wln 0541AchillesAchilles’Achilles sonneson, rememberremember whatwhat II waswas,
wln 0542FatherFather ofof fiftiefifty sonnessons, butbut theythey areare slaineslain,
wln 0543LordLord ofof mymy fortunefortune, butbut mymy fortunesfortunes turndturned,
wln 0544KingKing ofof thisthis CitieCity, butbut mymy TroyTroy isis firedfired,
wln 0545AndAnd nownow amam neitherneither fatherfather, LordLord, nornor KingKing:
wln 0546YetYet whowho soso wretchedwretched butbut desiresdesires toto liuelive?
wln 0547OO letlet meme liuelive, greatgreat NeoptolemusNeoptolemus,
wln 0548NotNot mou’dmoved atat allall, butbut smilingsmiling atat hishis tearestears,
wln 0549ThisThis butcherbutcher whil’stwhilst hishis handshands werewere yetyet heldheld vpup,
wln 0550TreadingTreading vponupon hishis breastbreast, strookestruck offoff hishis handshands.
wln 0551DidoDido.OO endend ÆneasAeneasAeneas, II cancan hearehear nono moremore.
wln 0552Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.AtAt whichwhich thethe frantickefrantic QueeneQueen leaptleapt onon hishis faceface,
wln 0553AndAnd inin hishis eyelidseyelids hanginghanging byby thethe naylesnails,
wln 0554AA littlelittle whilewhile prolong’dprolonged herher husbandshusband’s lifelife:
wln 0555AtAt lastlast thethe souldierssoldiers puldpulled herher byby thethe heelesheels,
wln 0556AndAnd swongswung herher howlinghowling inin thethe emptieempty ayreair,
wln 0557WhichWhich sentsent anan ecchoecho toto thethe woundedwounded KingKing:
wln 0558WhereatWhereat hehe liftedlifted vpup hishis bedredbedrid limslimbs,
wln 0559AndAnd wouldwould hauehave grappeldgrappled withwith AchillesAchilles’ sonneson,
wln 0560ForgettingForgetting bothboth hishis wantwant ofof strengthstrength andand handshands,
wln 0561WhichWhich hehe disdainingdisdaining whisktwhisked hishis swordsword aboutabout,
wln 0562AndAnd withwith thethe woundwound thereofthereof thethe KingKing fellfell downedown:
wln 0563ThenThen fromfrom thethe nauellnavel toto thethe throatthroat atat onceonce,
wln 0564HeHe riptripped oldold PriamPriam: atat whosewhose latterlatter gaspegasp
wln 0565IouesJove’sjove’s marblemarble statuestatue gan’gan toto bendbend thethe browbrow,
wln 0566AsAs lothingloathing PirrhusPyrrhus forfor thisthis wickedwicked actact:
wln 0567YetYet hehe vndauntedundaunted tooketook hishis fathersfather’s flaggeflag,
wln 0568AndAnd diptdipped itit inin thethe oldold KingsKing’sking’s chillchill coldcold bloudblood,
wln 0569AndAnd thenthen inin triumphtriumph ranran intointo thethe streetesstreets,
wln 0570ThroughThrough whichwhich hehe couldcould notnot passepass forfor slaughtredslaughtered menmen:

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The Tragedie of Dido.

wln 0571SoSo leaningleaning onon hishis swordsword hehe stoodstood stonestone stillstill,
wln 0572ViewingViewing thethe firefire wherewithwherewith richrich IlionIlion burntburned.
wln 0573ByBy thisthis II gotgot mymy fatherfather onon mymy backeback,
wln 0574ThisThis yongyoung boyboy inin minemine armesarms, andand byby thethe handhand
wln 0575LedLed fairefair CreusaCreusa mymy belouedbeloved wifewife,
wln 0576WhenWhen thouthou AchatesAchates withwith thythy swordsword mad’stmad’stmadest waywayweigh,
wln 0577AndAnd wewe werewere roundround inuiron’denvironed withwith thethe GreekesGreeks:
wln 0578OOOh therethere II lostlost mymy wifewife: andand hadhad notnot wewe
wln 0579FoughtFought manfullymanfully, II hadhad notnot toldtold thisthis taletale:
wln 0580YetYet manhoodmanhood wouldwould notnot serueserve, ofof forceforce wewe fledfled,
wln 0581AndAnd asas wewe wentwent vntounto ourour shipsships, thouthou knowestknowest
wln 0582WeWe sawesaw CassandraCassandra spraulingsprawling inin thethe streetesstreets,
wln 0583WhomWhom AiaxAjaxAiax rauishtravished inin DianasDiana’s FawneFawn,
wln 0584HerHer cheekescheeks swolneswollen withwith sighessighs, herher hairehair allall rentrent,
wln 0585WhomWhom II tooketook vpup toto bearebear vntounto ourour shipsships:
wln 0586ButBut suddenlysuddenly thethe GreciansGrecians followedfollowed vsus,
wln 0587AndAnd II alasalas, waswas forstforced toto letlet herher lyelie.
wln 0588ThenThen gotgot wewe toto ourour shipsships, andand beingbeing abourdaboard,
wln 0589PolixenaPolixena cryedcried outout, ÆneasAeneasAeneas staystay,
wln 0590TheThe GreekesGreeks pursuepursue meme, staystay andand taketake meme inin.
wln 0591MouedMoved withwith herher voycevoice, II leptleapt intointo thethe seasea,
wln 0592ThinkingThinking toto bearebear herher onon mymy backeback abourdaboard:
wln 0593ForFor allall ourour shipsships werewere launchtlaunched intointo thethe deepedeep,
wln 0594AndAnd asas II swommeswumswom, sheshe standingstanding onon thethe shoareshore,
wln 0595WasWas byby thethe cruellcruel MirmidonsMyrmidons surprizdsurprised,
wln 0596AndAnd afterafter byby thatthat PirrhusPyrrhus sacrifizdesacrificed.
wln 0597DidoDido.II dyedie withwith meltingmelting ruthruth, ÆneasAeneasAeneas leaueleave.
wln 0598AnnaAnna.OO whatwhat becamebecame ofof agedaged HecubaHecuba?
wln 0599Iar.IarbasIar.HowHow gotgot ÆneasAeneasAeneas toto thethe fleetefleet againeagain?
wln 0600DidoDido.ButBut howhow scapt’scapedscaped HelenHelen, sheshe thatthat causdecaused thisthis warrewar?
wln 0601Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.AchatesAchates speakespeak, sorrowsorrow hathhath tiredtired meme quitequite.
wln 0602Acha.AchatesAcha.WhatWhat happenedhappened toto thethe QueeneQueen wewe cannotcannot sheweshow,,
wln 0603WeWe hearehear theythey ledled herher captiuecaptive intointo GreeceGreece,
wln 0604AsAs forfor ÆneasAeneasAeneas hehe swommeswumswom quicklyquickly backeback,
wln 0605AndAnd HelenaHelena betraiedbetrayed DüphobusDūphobusDeiphobusDumphobus
wln 0606HerHer LouerLover, afterafter AlexanderAlexander dyeddied,
wln 0607AndAnd soso waswas reconcil’dreconciled toto MenelausMenelaus.

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The Tragedie of Dido.

wln 0608DidoDido.OO hadhad thatthat ticingticing strumpetstrumpet nerene’ernever beenbeen borneborn:
wln 0609TroianTrojan, thythy ruthfullruthful taletale hathhath mademade meme sadsad:
wln 0610ComeCome letlet vsus thinkethink vponupon somesome pleasingpleasing sportsport,
wln 0611ToTo ridrid meme fromfrom thesethese melanchollymelancholy thoughtsthoughts.
wln 0612ExeuntExeunt omnesomnes.

wln 0613EnterEnter VenusVenus atat anotheranother dooredoor, andand takestakes
wln 0614AscaniusAscanius byby thethe sleeuesleeve.

wln 0615VenusVenus.FaireFair childchild staystay thouthou withwith DidosDido’s waitingwaiting maidemaid,
wln 0616IleI’ll giuegive theethee Sugar-almondsSugar-almonds, sweetesweet ConseruesConserves,
wln 0617AA siluersilver girdlegirdle, andand aa goldengolden pursepurse,
wln 0618AndAnd thisthis yongyoung PrincePrince shallshall bebe thythy playfellowplayfellow.
wln 0619Asca.AscaniusAsca.AreAre youyou QueeneQueen DidosDido’s sonneson?
wln 0620CupidCupid.IAyay, andand mymy mothermother gauegave meme thisthis finefine bowbow.
wln 0621Asca.AscaniusAsca.ShallShall II hauehave suchsuch aa quiuerquiver andand aa bowbow?
wln 0622VenusVenus.SuchSuch bowbow, suchsuch quiuerquiver, andand suchsuch goldengolden shaftsshafts,
wln 0623WillWill DidoDido giuegive toto sweetesweet AscaniusAscanius:
wln 0624ForFor DidosDido’s sakesake II taketake theethee inin mymy armesarms,
wln 0625AndAnd stickestick thesethese spangledspangled feathersfeathers inin thythy hathat,
wln 0626EateEat ComfitesComfits inin minemine armesarms, andand II willwill singsing.
wln 0627NowNow isis hehe fastfast asleepeasleep, andand inin thisthis grouegrove
wln 0628AmongstAmongst greenegreen brakesbrakes IleI’ll laylay AscaniusAscanius,
wln 0629AndAnd strewestrew himhim withwith sweetesweet smellingsmelling VioletsViolets,
wln 0630BlushingBlushing RosesRoses, purplepurple HyacintheHyacinth:
wln 0631TheseThese milkemilk whitewhite DouesDoves shallshall bebe hishis CentronelsSentinelsCentronels:
wln 0632WhoWho ifif thatthat anyany seekeseek toto doedo himhim hurthurt,
wln 0633WillWill quicklyquickly flyefly toto CitheidasCitheida’sCitheidas’ fistfist.
wln 0634NowNow CupidCupid turneturn theethee toto AscaniusAscanius’ shapeshape,
wln 0635AndAnd goego toto DidoDido, whowho inin steadstead ofof himhim
wln 0636WillWill setset theethee onon herher laplap andand playplay withwith theethee:
wln 0637ThenThen touchtouch herher whitewhite breastbreast withwith thisthis arrowarrow headhead,
wln 0638ThatThat sheshe maymay dotedote vponupon ÆneasAeneasAeneas’Aeneas louelove:
wln 0639AndAnd byby thatthat meanesmeans repairerepair hishis brokenbroken shipsships,
wln 0640VictuallVictual hishis SouldiersSoldiers, giuegive himhim wealthiewealthy giftsgifts,
wln 0641AndAnd hehe atat lastlast departdepart toto ItalyItaly,
wln 0642OrOr elselse inin CarthageCarthage makemake hishis kinglykingly thronethrone.

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The Tragedie of Dido.

wln 0643CupidCupid.II willwill fairefair mothermother, andand soso playplay mymy partpart,
wln 0644AsAs eueryevery touchtouch shallshall woundwound QueeneQueen DidosDido’s heartheart.
wln 0645VenusVenusSleepeSleep mymy sweetesweet nephewnephew inin thesethese coolingcooling shadesshades,
wln 0646FreeFree fromfrom thethe murmuremurmur ofof thesethese runningrunning streamesstreams,
wln 0647TheThe cryecry ofof beastsbeasts, thethe ratlingrattling ofof thethe windeswinds,
wln 0648OrOr whiskingwhisking ofof thesethese leauesleaves, allall shallshall bebe stillstill,
wln 0649AndAnd nothingnothing interruptinterrupt thythy quietquiet sleepesleep,
wln 0650TillTill II returnereturn andand taketake theethee hencehence againeagain.ExitExit.

wln 0651ActusActus 3.3. ScenaScaena I.I.

wln 0652EnterEnter CupidCupid solussolus.
wln 0653CupidCupid.NowNow CupidCupid causecause thethe CarthaginianCarthaginian QueeneQueen,
wln 0654ToTo bebe inamourdenamoredenamoured ofof thythy brothersbrother’s lookeslooks,
wln 0655ConueyConvey thisthis goldengolden arrowearrow inin thythy sleeuesleeve,
wln 0656LestLest sheshe imagineimagine thouthou artart VenusVenus’ sonneson:
wln 0657AndAnd whenwhen sheshe strokesstrokes theethee softlysoftly onon thethe headhead,
wln 0658ThenThen shallshall II touchtouch herher breastbreast andand conquerconquer herher.

wln 0659EnterEnter IarbusIarbasjarbus, AnnaAnna, andand DidoDido.
wln 0660Iar.IarbasIar.HowHow longlong fairefair DidoDido shallshall II pinepine forfor theethee?
wln 0661Tis’Tis notnot enoughenough thatthat thouthou doestdost grauntgrant meme louelove,
wln 0662ButBut thatthat II maymay enioyenjoy whatwhat II desiredesire:
wln 0663ThatThat louelove isis childishchildish whichwhich consistsconsists inin wordswords.
wln 0664DidoDido.IarbusIarbas, knowknow thatthat thouthou ofof allall mymy wooerswooers
wln 0665(AndAnd yetyet hauehave II hadhad manymany mightiermightier KingsKings)
wln 0666HastHast hadhad thethe greatestgreatest fauoursfavorsfavours II couldcould giuegive:
wln 0667II fearefear meme DidoDido hathhath beenbeen countedcounted lightlight,
wln 0668InIn beingbeing tootoo familiarfamiliar withwith IarbusIarbas:
wln 0669AlbeitAlbeit thethe GodsGods doedo knowknow nono wantonwanton thoughtthought
wln 0670HadHad euerever residenceresidence inin DidosDido’s breastbreast.
wln 0671Iar.IarbasIar.ButBut DidoDido isis thethe fauourfavorfavour II requestrequest.
wln 0672DidoDido.FeareFear notnot IarbusIarbas, DidoDido maymay bebe thinethine.
wln 0673AnnaAnna.LookeLook sistersister howhow ÆneasAeneasAeneas’Aeneas littlelittle sonneson
wln 0674PlayesPlays withwith youryour garmentsgarments andand imbracethembraceth youyou.
wln 0675CupidCupid.NoNo DidoDido willwill notnot taketake meme inin herher armesarms,

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The Tragedie of Dido.

wln 0676II shallshall notnot bebe herher sonneson, sheshe louesloves meme notnot.
wln 0677DidoDido.WeepeWeep notnot sweetsweet boyboy, thouthou shaltshalt bebe DidosDido’s sonneson,
wln 0678SitSit inin mymy laplap andand letlet meme hearehear theethee singsing.
wln 0679NoNo moremore mymy childchild, nownow talketalk anotheranother whilewhile,
wln 0680AndAnd telltell meme wherewhere learnstlearnest thouthou thisthis pretiepretty songsong?
wln 0681CupidCupid.MyMy cosincousin HelenHelen taughttaught itit meme inin TroyTroy.
wln 0682DidoDido.HowHow louelylovely isis AscaniusAscanius whenwhen hehe smilessmiles?
wln 0683CupidCupid.WillWill DidoDido letlet meme hanghang aboutabout herher neckeneck?
wln 0684DidoDido.IAyI waggewag, andand giuegive theethee leaueleave toto kissekiss herher totooto.
wln 0685CupidCupid.WhatWhat willwill youyou giuegive meme? nownow IleI’ll hauehave thisthis FanneFan.
wln 0686DidoDido.TakeTake itit AscaniusAscanius, forfor thythy fathersfather’s sakesake.
wln 0687Iar.IarbasIar.ComeCome DidoDido, leaueleave AscaniusAscanius, letlet vsus walkewalk.
wln 0688DidoDido.GoeGo thouthou awayaway, AscaniusAscanius shallshall staystay.
wln 0689Iar.IarbasIar.VngentleUngentle QueeneQueen, isis thisthis thythy louelove toto meme?
wln 0690DidoDido.OO staystay IarbusIarbas, andand IleI’ll goego withwith theethee.
wln 0691CupidCupid.AndAnd ifif mymy mothermother goego, IleI’ll followfollow herher.
wln 0692DidoDido.WhyWhy staieststayest thouthou herehere? thouthou artart nono louelove ofof minemine?
wln 0693Iar.IarbasIar.IarbusIarbas dyedie, seeingseeing sheshe abandonsabandons theethee.
wln 0694DidoDido.NoNo, liuelive IarbusIarbas, whatwhat hasthast thouthou deseru’ddeserved,
wln 0695ThatThat II shouldshould saysay thouthou artart nono louelove ofof minemine?
wln 0696SomethingSomething thouthou hasthast deseru’ddeserved, awayaway II saysay,
wln 0697DepartDepart fromfrom CarthageCarthage, comecome notnot inin mymy sightsight.
wln 0698Iar.IarbasIar.AmAm II notnot KingKing ofof richrich GetuliaGaetuliaGetulia?
wln 0699DidoDido.IarbusIarbas pardonpardon meme, andand staystay aa whilewhile.
wln 0700CupidCupid.MotherMother, lookelook herehere.
wln 0701DidoDido.WhatWhat telsttell’st thouthou meme ofof richrich GetuliaGaetuliaGetulia?
wln 0702AmAm notnot II QueeneQueen ofof LibiaLibya? thenthen departdepart.
wln 0703Iar.IarbasIar.II goego toto feedfeed thethe humourhumorhumour ofof mymy LoueLove,
wln 0704YetYet notnot fromfrom CarthageCarthage forfor aa thousandthousand worldsworlds.
wln 0705DidoDido.IarbusIarbas.
wln 0706Iar.IarbasIar.DothDoth DidoDido callcall meme backeback?
wln 0707DidoDido.NoNo, butbut II chargecharge theethee neuernever lookelook onon meme.
wln 0708Iar.IarbasIar.ThenThen pullpull outout bothboth minemine eyeseyes, oror letlet meme dyedie.ExitExit Iarb.IarbasIarb.
wln 0709AnnaAnna.WhereforeWherefore dothdoth DidoDido bidbid IarbusIarbas goego?
wln 0710DidoDido.BecauseBecause hishis lothsomeloathsome sightsight offendsoffends minemine eyeeye,
wln 0711AndAnd inin mymy thoughtsthoughts isis shrin’dshrined anotheranother IoueJovejove:
wln 0712OOOh AnnaAnna, didstdidst thouthou knowknow howhow sweetsweet louelove werewere,

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The Tragedie of Dido.

wln 0713FullFull soonesoon wouldstwouldst thouthou abiureabjure thisthis singlesingle lifelife.
wln 0714AnnaAnna.PoorePoor soulesoul II knowknow tootoo wellwell thethe sowersour ofof louelove,
wln 0715OOOh thatthat IarbusIarbas couldcould butbut fanciefancy meme.
wln 0716DidoDido.IsIs notnot ÆneasAeneasAeneas fairefair andand beautifullbeautiful?
wln 0717AnnaAnna.YesYes, andand IarbusIarbas foulefoul andand fauourlesfavorlessfavourless.
wln 0718DidoDido.IsIs hehe notnot eloquenteloquent inin allall hishis speechspeech?
wln 0719AnnaAnna.YesYes, andand IarbusIarbas ruderude andand rusticallrustical.
wln 0720DidoDido.NameName notnot IarbusIarbas, butbut sweetesweet AnnaAnna saysay,
wln 0721IsIs notnot ÆneasAeneasAeneas worthieworthy DidosDido’s louelove?
wln 0722AnnaAnna.OO sistersister, werewere youyou EmpresseEmpress ofof thethe worldworld,
wln 0723ÆneasAeneasAeneas wellwell deseruesdeserves toto bebe youryour louelove,
wln 0724SoSo louelylovely isis hehe thatthat where erewhere’erwhere ere hehe goesgoes,
wln 0725TheThe peoplepeople swarmeswarm toto gazegaze himhim inin thethe faceface.
wln 0726DidoDido.ButBut telltell themthem nonenone shallshall gazegaze onon himhim butbut II,
wln 0727LestLest theirtheir grossegross eye-beameseye-beams tainttaint mymy louerslover’s cheekescheeks:
wln 0728AnnaAnna, goodgood sistersister AnnaAnna goego forfor himhim,
wln 0729LestLest withwith thesethese sweetesweet thoughtsthoughts II meltmelt cleaneclean awayaway.
wln 0730AnnaAnna.ThenThen sistersister youleyou’ll abiureabjure IarbusIarbas’Iarbas louelove?
wln 0731DidoDido.YetYet mustmust II hearehear thatthat lothsomeloathsome namename againeagain?
wln 0732RunneRun forfor ÆneasAeneasAeneas, oror IleI’ll flyefly toto himhim.ExitExit AnnaAnna.
wln 0733CupidCupid.YouYou shallshall notnot hurthurt mymy fatherfather whenwhen hehe comescomes.
wln 0734DidoDido.NoNo, forfor thythy sakesake IleI’ll louelove thythy fatherfather wellwell.
wln 0735OO dulldull conceiptedconceited DidoDido, thatthat tilltill nownow
wln 0736DidstDidst neuernever thinkethink ÆneasAeneasAeneas beautifullbeautiful:
wln 0737ButBut nownow forfor quittancequittance ofof thisthis ouersightoversight,
wln 0738IleI’ll makemake meme braceletsbracelets ofof hishis goldengolden hairehair,
wln 0739HisHis glisteringglistering eyeseyes shallshall bebe mymy lookinglooking glasseglass,
wln 0740HisHis lipslips anan altaraltar, wherewhere IleI’ll offeroffer vpup
wln 0741AsAs manymany kisseskisses asas thethe SeaSea hathhath sandssands,
wln 0742In steadInsteadIn stead ofof musickemusic II willwill hearehear himhim speakespeak,
wln 0743HisHis lookeslooks shallshall bebe mymy onlyonly LibrarieLibrary,
wln 0744AndAnd thouthou ÆneasAeneasAeneas, DidosDido’s treasurietreasury,
wln 0745InIn whosewhose fairefair bosomebosom II willwill lockelock moremore wealthwealth,
wln 0746ThenThan twentietwenty thousandthousand IndiaesIndiasIndiaes cancan affoordafford:
wln 0747OOOh herehere hehe comescomes, louelove, louelove, giuegive DidoDido leaueleave
wln 0748ToTo bebe moremore modestmodest thenthan herher thoughtsthoughts admitadmiradmitadmire,
wln 0749LestLest II bebe mademade aa wonderwonder toto thethe worldworld.

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The Tragedie of Dido.

wln 0750AchatesAchates, howhow dothdoth CarthageCarthage pleaseplease youryour LordLord?
wln 0751Acha.AchatesAcha.ThatThat willwill ÆneasAeneasAeneas sheweshow youryour maiestiemajesty.
wln 0752DidoDido.ÆneasAeneasAeneas, artart thouthou therethere?
wln 0753Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.II vnderstandunderstand youryour highnessehighness sentsent forfor meme.
wln 0754DidoDido.NoNo, butbut nownow thouthou artart herehere, telltell meme inin soothsooth
wln 0755InIn whatwhat mightmight DidoDido highlyhighly pleasurepleasure theethee.
wln 0756Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.SoSo muchmuch hauehave II receiu’dreceived atat DidosDido’s handshands,
wln 0757AsAs withoutwithout blushingblushing II cancan askeask nono moremore:
wln 0758YetYet QueeneQueen ofof AffrickeAfric areare mymy shipsships vnrigdunrigged,
wln 0759MyMy SailesSails allall rentrent inin sundersunder withwith thethe windewind,
wln 0760MyMy OaresOars brokenbroken, andand mymy TacklingTackling lostlost,
wln 0761YeaYea allall mymy NauieNauicNavy splitsplit withwith RockesRocks andand ShelfesShelves:
wln 0762NorNor SterneStern nornor AnchorAnchor hauehave ourour maimedmaimed FleeteFleet,
wln 0763OurOur MastsMasts thethe furiousfurious windeswinds strookestruck ouer bourdoverboardover board:
wln 0764WhichWhich piteouspiteous wantswants ifif DidoDido willwill suppliesupply,
wln 0765WeWe willwill accountaccount herher authorauthor ofof ourour liueslives.
wln 0766DidoDido.ÆneasAeneasAeneas, IleI’ll repairerepair thythy TroianTrojan shipsships,
wln 0767ConditionallyConditionally thatthat thouthou wiltwilt staystay withwith meme,
wln 0768AndAnd letlet AchatesAchates sailesail toto ItalyItaly:
wln 0769IleI’ll giuegive theethee tacklingtackling mademade ofof riueldriveled goldgold,
wln 0770WoundWound onon thethe barkesbarks ofof odoriferousodoriferous treestrees,
wln 0771OaresOars ofof massiemassy IuorieIvoryivory fullfull ofof holesholes,
wln 0772ThroughThrough whichwhich thethe waterwater shallshall delightdelight toto playplay:
wln 0773ThyThy AnchorsAnchors shallshall bebe hewedhewed fromfrom ChristallCrystal RockesRocks,
wln 0774WhichWhich ifif thouthou loselose shallshall shineshine aboueabove thethe waueswaves:
wln 0775TheThe MastsMasts whereonwhereon thythy swellingswelling sailessails shallshall hanghang,
wln 0776HollowHollow PyramidesPyramids ofof siluersilver plateplate:
wln 0777TheThe sailessails ofof fouldedfolded LawneLawn, wherewhere shallshall bebe wroughtwrought
wln 0778TheThe warreswars ofof TroyTroy, butbut notnot TroyesTroy’s ouerthrowoverthrow:
wln 0779ForFor ballaceballast, emptieempty DidosDido’s treasurietreasury,
wln 0780TakeTake whatwhat yeye willwill, butbut leaueleave ÆneasAeneasAeneas herehere.
wln 0781AchatesAchates, thouthou shaltshalt bebe soso meanlymeanly cladclad,
wln 0782AsAs SeaborneSea-bornSeaborn NymphesNymphs shallshall swarmeswarm aboutabout thythy shipsships,
wln 0783AndAnd wantonwanton MermaidesMermaids courtcourt theethee withwith sweetesweet songssongs,
wln 0784FlingingFlinging inin fauoursfavorsfavours ofof moremore soueraignesovereign worthworth,
wln 0785ThenThan ThetisThetis hangshangs aboutabout ApolloesApollo’s neckeneck,
wln 0786SoSo thatthat ÆneasAeneasAeneas maymay butbut staystay withwith meme.

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The Tragedie of Dido.

wln 0787Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.WhereforeWherefore wouldwould DidoDido hauehave ÆneasAeneasAeneas staystay?
wln 0788DidoDido.ToTo warrewar againstagainst mymy borderingbordering enemiesenemies:
wln 0789ÆneasAeneasAeneas, thinkethink notnot DidoDido isis inin louelove:
wln 0790ForFor ifif thatthat anyany manman couldcould conquerconquer meme,
wln 0791II hadhad beenbeen weddedwedded ereere ÆneasAeneasAeneas camecame:
wln 0792SeeSee wherewhere thethe picturespictures ofof mymy suiterssuitors hanghang,
wln 0793AndAnd areare notnot thesethese asas fairefair asas fairefair maymay bebe?
wln 0794Acha.AchatesAcha.II sawsaw thisthis manman atat TroyTroy ereere TroyTroy waswas sacktsacked.
wln 0795Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.II thisthis inin GreeceGreece whenwhen ParisParis stolestole fairefair HelenHelen.
wln 0796Illio.IllioneusIllio.ThisThis manman andand II werewere atat OlympusOlympus’Olympus gamesgames.
wln 0797Serg.SergestusSerg.II knowknow thisthis faceface, hehe isis aa PersianPersian borneborn,
wln 0798II traueldtraveledtravelled withwith himhim toto ÆtoliaAetoliaAetolia.
wln 0799Cloan.CloanthusCloan.AndAnd II inin AthensAthens withwith thisthis gentlemangentleman,
wln 0800VnlesseUnless II bebe deceiu’ddeceived disputeddisputed onceonce.
wln 0801DidoDido.ButBut speakespeak ÆneasAeneasAeneas, knowknow youyou nonenone ofof thesethese?
wln 0802Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.NoNo MadameMadammadam, butbut itit seemesseems thatthat thesethese areare KingsKings.
wln 0803DidoDido.AllAll thesethosethesethose andand othersothers whichwhich II neuernever sawesaw,
wln 0804HaueHave beenbeen mostmost vrgenturgent suiterssuitors forfor mymy louelove,
wln 0805SomeSome camecame inin personperson, othersothers sentsent theirtheir LegatsLegates:
wln 0806YetYet nonenone obtaindobtained meme, II amam freefree fromfrom allall,
wln 0807AndAnd yetyet GodGod knowesknows intangledentangled vntounto oneone.
wln 0808ThisThis waswas anan OratorOrator, andand thoughtthought byby wordswords
wln 0809ToTo compassecompass meme, butbut yetyet hehe waswas deceiu’ddeceived:
wln 0810AndAnd thisthis aa SpartanSpartan CourtierCourtier vainevain andand wildewild,
wln 0811ButBut hishis fantastickfantastic humourshumorshumours pleasdepleased notnot meme:
wln 0812ThisThis waswas AlcionAlcionAltion, aa MusitionMusician,
wln 0813ButBut playdplayed hehe nerene’er soso sweetsweet, II letlet himhim goego:
wln 0814ThisThis waswas thethe wealthiewealthy KingKing ofof ThessalyThessaly,
wln 0815ButBut II hadhad goldgold enoughenough andand castcast himhim offoff:
wln 0816ThisThis MeleagersMeleager’s sonneson, aa warlikewarlike PrincePrince,
wln 0817ButBut weaponsweapons gree’gree notnot withwith mymy tendertender yearesyears:
wln 0818TheThe restrest areare suchsuch asas allall thethe worldworld wellwell knowesknows,
wln 0819YetYet howhow II sweareswear byby heauenheaven andand himhim II louelove,
wln 0820II waswas asas farrefar fromfrom louelove, asas theythey fromfrom hatehate.
wln 0821Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.OO happiehappy shallshall hehe bebe whomwhom DidoDido louesloves.
wln 0822DidoDido.ThenThen neuernever saysay thatthat thouthou artart miserablemiserable,
wln 0823BecauseBecause itit maymay bebe thouthou shaltshalt bebe mymy louelove:

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The Tragedie of Dido.

wln 0824YetYet boastboast notnot ofof itit, forfor II louelove theethee notnot,
wln 0825AndAnd yetyet II hatehate theethee notnot: OOOh ifif II speakespeak
wln 0826II shallshall betraybetray my selfemyself: ÆneasAeneasAeneas speakespeak,
wln 0827WeWe twotwo willwill goego aa huntinghunting inin thethe woodswoods,
wln 0828ButBut notnot soso muchmuch forfor theethee, thouthou artart butbut oneone,
wln 0829AsAs forfor AchatesAchates, andand hishis followersfollowers.ExeuntExeunt.

wln 0830EnterEnter IunoJunojuno toto AscaniusAscanius asleepeasleep.
wln 0831IunoJunojuno.HereHere lyeslies mymy hatehate, ÆneasAeneasAeneas cursedcursed bratbrat,
wln 0832TheThe boyboy whereinwherein falsefalse destiniedestiny delightsdelights,
wln 0833TheThe heireheir ofof furiefury, thethe fauoritefavoritefavourite ofof thethe faceface,
wln 0834ThatThat vglyugly impeimp thatthat shallshall outweareoutwear mymy wrathwrath,
wln 0835AndAnd wrongwrong mymy deitiedeity withwith highhigh disgracedisgrace:
wln 0836ButBut II willwill taketake anotheranother orderorder nownow,
wln 0837AndAnd racerace th’eternallth’ eternalth’eternal RegisterRegister ofoftimeof timetime:
wln 0838TroyTroy shallshall nono moremore callcall himhim herher secondsecond hopehope,
wln 0839NorNotNorNot VenusVenusVenus’ triumphtriumph inin hishis tendertender youthyouth:
wln 0840ForFor herehere inin spightspite ofof heauenheaven IleI’ll murdermurder himhim,
wln 0841AndAnd feedefeed infectioninfection withwith hishis leftleft outout lifelife:
wln 0842SaySay ParisParis, nownow shallshall VenusVenus hauehave thethe ballball?
wln 0843SaySay vengeancevengeance, nownow shallshall herher AscaniusAscanius dyedie.
wln 0844OO nono GodGod wotwot, II cannotcannot watchwatch mymy timetime,
wln 0845NorNor quitquit goodgood turnesturns withwith doubledouble feefee downedown toldtold:
wln 0846TutTut, II amam simplesimple withoutwithout mademade toto hurthurt,
wln 0847AndAnd hauehave nono gallgall atat allall toto grieuegrieve mymy foesfoes:
wln 0848ButBut lustfulllustful IoueJovejove andand hishis adulterousadulterous childchild,
wln 0849ShallShall findefind itit writtenwritten onon confusionsconfusion’s frontfront,
wln 0850ThatThat onelyonly IunoJunojuno rulesrules inin RhamnuseRhamnusRhamnus’ townetown.

wln 0851EnterEnter VenusVenus.
wln 0852VenusVenus.WhatWhat shouldshould thisthis meanemean? mymy DouesDoves areare backback returndreturned,
wln 0853WhoWho warnewarn meme ofof suchsuch daungerdanger prestprestpressed atat handhand,
wln 0854ToTo harmeharm mymy sweetesweet AscaniusAscanius’Ascanius louelylovely lifelife.
wln 0855IunoJunojuno, mymy mortallmortal foefoe, whatwhat makemake youyou herehere?
wln 0856AuauntAvauntAvant oldold witchwitch andand troubletrouble notnot mymy witswits.
wln 0857IunoJunojuno.FieFie VenusVenus, thatthat suchsuch causelescauseless wordswords ofof wrathwrath,
wln 0858ShouldShould eree’erere defiledefile soso fairefair aa mouthmouth asas thinethine:

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The Tragedie of Dido.

wln 0859AreAre notnot wewe bothboth sprongsprung ofof celestiallcelestial raserace,
wln 0860AndAnd banquetbanquet asas twotwo SistersSisters withwith thethe GodsGods?
wln 0861WhyWhy isis itit thenthen displeasuredispleasure shouldshould disioynedisjoin,
wln 0862WhomWhom kindredkindred andand acquaintanceacquaintance counitesco-unites.
wln 0863VenusVenus.OutOut hatefullhateful haghag, thouthou wouldstwouldst hauehave slaineslain mymy sonneson,
wln 0864HadHad notnot mymy DouesDoves discou’rddiscovered thythy ententintent:
wln 0865ButBut II willwill tearetear thythy eyeseyes frofro forthforth thythy headhead,
wln 0866AndAnd feastfeast thethe birdsbirds withwith theirtheir bloud-shottenblood-shottenbloodshotten ballesballs,
wln 0867IfIf thouthou butbut laylay thythy fingersfingers onon mymy boyboy.
wln 0868IunoJunojuno.IsIs thisthis thenthen allall thethe thankesthanks thatthat II shallshall hauehave,
wln 0869ForFor sauingsaving himhim fromfrom SnakesSnakes’Snakes andand SerpentsSerpents’Serpents stingsstings,
wln 0870ThatThat wouldwould hauehave kildkilled himhim sleepingsleeping asas hehe laylay?
wln 0871WhatWhat thoughthough II waswas offendedoffended withwith thythy sonneson,
wln 0872AndAnd wroughtwrought himhim micklemickle woewoe onon seasea andand landland,
wln 0873WhenWhen forfor thethe hatehate ofof TroianTrojan GanimedGanymede,
wln 0874ThatThat waswas aduancedadvanced byby mymy HebesHebe’s shameshame,
wln 0875AndAnd ParisParis iudgementjudgement ofof thethe heauenlyheavenly ballball,
wln 0876II mustredmustered allall thethe windeswinds vntounto hishis wrackewrack,
wln 0877AndAnd vrg’durged eacheach ElementElement toto hishis annoyannoy:
wln 0878YetYet nownow II doedo repentrepent meme ofof hishis ruthruth,
wln 0879AndAnd wishwish thatthat II hadhad neuernever wrongdwronged himhim soso:
wln 0880BootlesBootless II sawesaw itit waswas toto warrewar withwith fatefate,
wln 0881ThatThat hathhath soso manymany vnresistedunresisted friendsfriends:
wln 0882WhereforeWherefore II chaungechange mymy counsellcounsel withwith thethe timetime,
wln 0883AndAnd plantedplanted louelove wherewhere enuieenvy ersterst hadhad sprongsprung.
wln 0884VenusVenus.SisterSister ofof IoueJovejove, ifif thatthat thythy louelove bebe suchsuch,
wln 0885AsAs thesethese thythy protestationsprotestations doedo paintpaint forthforth,
wln 0886WeWe twotwo asas friendsfriends oneone fortunefortune willwill deuidedivide:
wln 0887CupidCupid shallshall laylay hishis arrowesarrows inin thythy laplap,
wln 0888AndAnd toto aa ScepterSceptre chaungechange hishis goldengolden shaftsshafts,
wln 0889FancieFancy andand modestiemodesty shallshall liuelive asas matesmates,
wln 0890AndAnd thythy fairefair peacockespeacocks byby mymy pigeonspigeons pearchperch:
wln 0891LoueLove mymy ÆneasAeneasAeneas, andand desiredesire isis thinethine,
wln 0892TheThe dayday, thethe nightnight, mymy SwannesSwans, mymy sweetessweets areare thinethine.
wln 0893IunoJunojuno.MoreMore thenthan melodiousmelodious areare thesethese wordswords toto meme,
wln 0894ThatThat ouercloyovercloy mymy soulesoul withwith theirtheir contentcontent:
wln 0895VenusVenus, sweetesweet VenusVenus, howhow maymay II deseruedeserve

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The Tragedie of Dido.

wln 0896SuchSuch amourousamorous fauoursfavorsfavours atat thythy beautiousbeauteous handhand?
wln 0897ButBut thatthat thouthou maistmay’stmayst moremore easilieeasily perceiueperceive,
wln 0898HowHow highlyhighly II doedo prizeprize thisthis amitieamity,
wln 0899HarkeHark toto aa motionmotion ofof eternalleternal leagueleague,
wln 0900WhichWhich II willwill makemake inin quittancequittance ofof thythy louelove:
wln 0901ThyThy sonneson thouthou knowestknowest withwith DidoDido nownow remainesremains,
wln 0902AndAnd feedesfeeds hishis eyeseyes withwith fauoursfavorsfavours ofof herher CourtCourt,
wln 0903SheShe likewiselikewise inin admyringadmiring spendsspends herher timetime,
wln 0904AndAnd cannotcannot talketalk nornor thinkethink ofof oughtaught butbut himhim:
wln 0905WhyWhy shouldshould notnot theythey thenthen ioynejoin inin marriagemarriage,
wln 0906AndAnd bringbring forthforth mightiemighty KingsKings toto CarthageCarthage townetown,
wln 0907WhomWhom casualtiecasualty ofof seasea hathhath mademade suchsuch friendsfriends?
wln 0908AndAnd VenusVenus, letlet therethere bebe aa matchmatch confirmdconfirmed
wln 0909BetwixtBetwixt thesethese twotwo, whosewhose louesloves areare soso alikealike,
wln 0910AndAnd bothboth ourour DeitiesDeities conioyndconjoined inin oneone,
wln 0911ShallShall chainechain felicitiefelicity vntounto theirtheir thronethrone.
wln 0912VenusVenus.WellWell couldcould II likelike thisthis reconcilementsreconcilement’sreconcilements meanesmeans,
wln 0913ButBut muchmuch II fearefear mymy sonneson willwill nerene’er consentconsent,
wln 0914WhoseWhose armedarmed soulesoul alreadiealready onon thethe seasea,
wln 0915DartsDarts forthforth herher lightlight toto LauiniasLavinia’slavinia’s shoareshore.
wln 0916IunoJunojuno.FaireFair QueeneQueen ofof louelove, II willwill deuorcedivorce thesethese doubtsdoubts,
wln 0917AndAnd findefind thethe wayway toto wearieweary suchsuch fondfond thoughtsthoughts:
wln 0918ThisThis dayday theythey bothboth a huntinga-huntinga hunting forthforth willwill rideride
wln 0919IntoInto thesethese woodswoods, adioyningadjoining toto thesethese walleswalls,
wln 0920WhenWhen inin thethe midstmidst ofof allall theirtheir gamesomegame somegamesomegame some sportssports,
wln 0921IleI’ll makemake thethe ClowdesClouds dissoluedissolve theirtheir watriewat’rywatery workesworks,
wln 0922AndAnd drenchdrench SiluanusSilvanus’Silvanus dwellingsdwellings withwith theirtheir shewersshowers,
wln 0923ThenThen inin oneone CaueCave thethe QueeneQueen andand hehe shallshall meetemeet,
wln 0924AndAnd interchangeablyinterchangeably discoursediscourse theirtheir thoughtsthoughts,
wln 0925WhoseWhose shortshort conclusionconclusion willwill sealeseal vpup theirtheir heartshearts,
wln 0926VntoUnto thethe purposepurpose whichwhich wewe nownow propoundpropound.
wln 0927VenusVenus.SisterSister, II seesee youyou sauoursavorsavour ofof mymy wileswiles,
wln 0928BeBe itit asas youyou willwill hauehave forfor thisthis onceonce,
wln 0929MeaneMean timetime, AscaniusAscanius shallshall bebe mymy chargecharge,
wln 0930WhomWhom II willwill bearebear toto IdaId●Ida inin minemine armesarms,
wln 0931AndAnd couchcouch himhim inin AdonisAdonis’ purplepurple downedown.ExeuntExeunt.

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The Tragedie of Dido.

wln 0932EnterEnter DidoDido, ÆneasAeneasAeneas, AnnaAnna, IarbusIarbasjarbus, AchatesAchates,
wln 0933andand followersfollowers.

wln 0934DidoDido.ÆneasAeneasAeneas, thinkethink notnot butbut II honorhonorhonour theethee,
wln 0935ThatThat thusthus inin personperson goego withwith theethee toto hunthunt:
wln 0936MyMy princelyprincely robesrobes thouthou seestseest areare laydlaid asideaside,
wln 0937WhoseWhose glitteringglittering pompepomp DianasDiana’s shrowdesshrouds suppliessupplies,
wln 0938AllAll fellowesfellows nownow disposdedisposed alikealike toto sportesport,
wln 0939TheThe woodswoods areare widewide, andand wewe hauehave storestore ofof gamegame:
wln 0940FaireFair TroianTrojan, holdhold mymy goldengolden bowebow aa whilewhile,
wln 0941VntillUntil II girdgird mymy quiuerquiver toto mymy sideside:
wln 0942LordsLords goego beforebefore, wewe twotwo mustmust talketalk alonealone.
wln 0943Iar.IarbasIar.VngentleUngentle, cancan sheshe wrongwrong IarbusIarbas soso?
wln 0944IleI’ll dyedie beforebefore aa strangerstranger hauehave thatthat gracegrace:
wln 0945WeWe twotwo willwill talketalk alonealone, whatwhat wordswords bebe thesethese?
wln 0946DidoDido.WhatWhat makesmakes IarbusIarbas herehere ofof allall thethe restrest?
wln 0947WeWe couldcould hauehave gonegone withoutwithout youryour companiecompany.
wln 0948Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.ButBut louelove andand duetieduty ledled himhim onon perhapsperhaps,
wln 0949ToTo pressepress beyondbeyond acceptanceacceptance toto youryour sightsight.
wln 0950Iar.IarbasIar.WhyWhy manman ofof TroyTroy, doedo II offendoffend thinethine eyeseyes?
wln 0951OrOr artart thouthou grieudegrieved thythy bettersbetters pressepress soso nyenigh?
wln 0952DidoDido.HowHow nownow GetulianGaetulianGetulian, areare yeye grownegrown soso brauebrave,
wln 0953ToTo challengechallenge vsus withwith youryour comparisonscomparisons?
wln 0954PesantPeasant, goego seekeseek companionscompanions likelike thy selfethyself,
wln 0955AndAnd meddlemeddle notnot withwith anyany thatthat II louelove:
wln 0956ÆneasAeneasAeneas, bebe notnot moudemoved atat whatwhat hehe sayessays,
wln 0957ForFor otherwhileotherwhile hehe willwill bebe outout ofof ioyntjoint.
wln 0958Iar.IarbasIar.WomenWomen maymay wrongwrong byby priuiledgeprivilege ofof louelove:
wln 0959ButBut shouldshould thatthat manman ofof menmen (DidoDido exceptexcept)
wln 0960HaueHave tauntedtaunted meme inin thesethese opprobriousopprobrious termesterms,
wln 0961II wouldwould hauehave eithereither drunkedrunk hishis dyingdying bloudblood,
wln 0962OrOr elselse II wouldwould hauehave giuengiven mymy lifelife inin gagegage?
wln 0963DidoDido.HuntsmenHuntsmen, whywhy pitchpitch youyou notnot youryour toylestoils apaceapace,
wln 0964AndAnd rowserouse thethe light footlight footelight-footlight foot DeereDeerdeer fromfrom forthforth theirtheir lairelair.
wln 0965AnnaAnna.SisterSister, seesee seesee AscaniusAscanius inin hishis pompepomp,
wln 0966BearingBearing hishis huntspearehuntspear brauelybravely inin hishis handhand.

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The Tragedie of Dido.

wln 0967DidoDido.YeaYea littlelittle sonneson, areare youyou soso forwardforward nownow?
wln 0968Asca.AscaniusAsca.IAyI mothermother II shallshall oneone dayday bebe aa man●●nman,
wln 0969AndAnd betterbetter ableable vntounto otherother armesarms,
wln 0970MeaneMean timetime thesethese wantonwanton weaponsweapons serueserve mymy warrewar,
wln 0971WhichWhich II willwill breakebreak betwixtbetwixt aa LyonsLyon●●awesLion’s jawesjaws.
wln 0972DidoDido.WhatWhat, darestdarest thouthou lookelook aa LyonLion inin thethe faceface?
wln 0973Asca.AscaniusAsca.IAyay, andand outfaceoutface himhim totooto, doedo whatwhat hehe cancan.
wln 0974AnnaAnna.HowHow likelike hishis fatherfather speakethspeaketh hehe inin allall?
wln 0975Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.AndAnd moughtmight II liuelive toto seesee himhim sackesack richrich ThebesThebes,
wln 0976AndAnd loadeload hishis spearespear withwith GrecianGrecian PrincesPrinces’princes’ headsheads,
wln 0977ThenThen wouldwould II wishwish meme withwith AnchisesAnchises’Anchises TombeTomb,
wln 0978AndAnd deaddead toto honourhonorhonour thatthat hathhath broughtbrought meme vpup.
wln 0979Iar.IarbasIar.AndAnd mightmight II liuelive toto seesee theethee shiptshipped awayaway,
wln 0980AndAnd hoysthoist aloftaloft onon NeptunesNeptune’s hideoushideous hilleshills,
wln 0981ThenThen wouldwould II wishwish meme inin fairefair DidosDido’s armesarms,
wln 0982AndAnd deaddead toto scornesoones●onescornsoon thatthat hathhath pursuedpursued meme soso.
wln 0983Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.StouteStout friendfriend AchatesAchates, doestdost thouthou knowknow thisthis woodwood?
wln 0984Acha.AchatesAcha.AsAs II rememberremember, herehere youyou shotshot thethe DeereDeerdeer,
wln 0985ThatThat sau’dsaved youryour famishtfamished souldierssoldiers liueslives fromfrom deathdeath,
wln 0986WhenWhen firstfirst youyou setset youryour footefoot vponupon thethe shoareshore,
wln 0987AndAnd herehere wewe metmet fairefair VenusVenusVenus’ virginevirgin likelike,
wln 0988BearingBearing herher bowebow andand quiuerquiver atat herher backeback.
wln 0989Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.OO howhow thesethese irksomeicksomeirksome labourslaborslabours nownow delightdelight,
wln 0990AndAnd ouerioyoverjoyoverioy mymy thoughtsthoughts withwith theirtheir escapeescape:
wln 0991WhoWho wouldwould notnot vndergoeundergo allall kindkind ofof toyletoil,
wln 0992ToTo bebe wellwell stor’dstored withwith suchsuch aa winterswinter’s taletale?
wln 0993DidoDido.ÆneasAeneasAeneas, leaueleave thesethese dumpesdumps andand letslet’s awayaway,
wln 0994SomeSome toto thethe mountainesmountains somesome vntounto thethe soylesoil,
wln 0995YouYou toto thethe valliesvalleys, thouthou vntounto thethe househouse.
wln 0996ExeuntExeunt omnesomnes;;, manentm●●●●usmanetmanent.
wln 0997Iar.IarbasIar.IAyay, thisthis itit isis whichwhich woundswounds meme toto thethe deathdeath,
wln 0998ToTo seesee aa PhrigianPhrygianphrygian far fetfar setforfeitfar set toto thethe seasea,
wln 0999PreferdPreferred beforebefore aa manman ofof maiestiemaiestiesmajestymajesties::
wln 1000OOOh louelove, OOOh hatehate, OOOh cruellcruel womenswomen’s heartshearts,
wln 1001ThatThat imitateimitate thethe MooneMoon inin eueryevery chaungechange.
wln 1002AndAnd likelike thethe PlanetsPlanets euerever louelove toto raungerange:
wln 1003WhatWhat shallshall II doedo thusth●●thus wrongedwronged withwith disdainedisdain?

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The Tragedie of Dido.

wln 1004ReuengeRevenge meme onon ÆneasAeneasAeneas oror onon herher:
wln 1005OnOn herher? fondfond manman, thatthat werewere toto warrewar gainst’gainst heauenheaven,
wln 1006AndAnd withwith oneone shaftshaft prouokeprovoke tenten thousandthousand dartsdarts:
wln 1007ThisThis TroiansTrojan’sTrojans endend willwill bebe thythy enuiesenvy’senvies aimeaim,
wln 1008WhoseWhose bloudblood willwill reconcilereconcile theethee toto contentcontent,
wln 1009AndAnd makemake louelove drunkendrunken withwith thythy sweetesweet desiredesire:
wln 1010ButBut DidoDido thatthat nownow holdethholdeth himhim soso dearedear,
wln 1011WillWill dyedie withwith veryvery tidingstidings ofof hishis deathdeath:
wln 1012ButBut timetime willwill discontinuediscontinue herher contentcontent,
wln 1013AndAnd mouldmoldmould herher mindemind vntounto newenew fanciesfancies shapesshapes:
wln 1014OOOh GodGod ofof heauenheaven, turneturn thethe handhand ofof fatefate
wln 1015VntoUnto thatthat happiehappy dayday ofof mymy delightdelight,
wln 1016AndAnd thenthen, whatwhat thenthen? IarbusIarbas shallshall butbut louelove:
wln 1017SoSo dothdoth hehe nownow, thoughthough notnot withwith equallequal gainegain,
wln 1018ThatThat restethresteth inin thethe riuallrival ofof thythy painepain,
wln 1019WhoWho nerene’er willwill ceasecease toto soarefoaresoar tilltill hehe bebe slaineslain.ExitExit.

wln 1020TheThe stormestorm. EnterEnter ÆneasAeneasAeneas andand DidoDido inin thethe
wln 1021CaueCave atat seuerallseveral timestimes.

wln 1022DidoDido.ÆneasAeneasAeneas.
wln 1023Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.DidoDido.
wln 1024DidoDido.TellTell meme dearedear louelove, howhow foundfound youyou outout thisthis CaueCave?
wln 1025Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.ByBy chancechance sweetesweet QueeneQueen, asas MarsMars andand VenusVenus metmet.
wln 1026DidoDido.WhyWhy, thatthat waswas inin aa netnet, wherewhere wewe areare looseloose,
wln 1027AndAnd yetyet II amam notnot freefree, oho wouldwould II werewere.
wln 1028Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.WhyWhy, whatwhat isis itit thatthat DidoDido maymay desiredesire
wln 1029AndAnd notnot obtaineobtain, bebe itit inin humainehuman powerpower?
wln 1030DidoDido.TheThe thingthing thatthat II willwill dyedie beforebefore II askeask,
wln 1031AndAnd yetyet desiredesire toto hauehave beforebefore II dyedie.
wln 1032Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.ItIt isis notnot oughtaught ÆneasAeneasAeneas maymay atchieueachieve?
wln 1033DidoDido.ÆneasAeneasAeneas nono althoughalthough hishis eyeseyes doedo pearcepierce.
wln 1034Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.WhatWhat, hathhath IarbusIarbas angredangered herher inin oughtaught?
wln 1035AndAnd willwill sheshe bebe auengedavenged onon hishis lifelife?
wln 1036DidoDido.NotNot angredangered meme, exceptexcept inin angringang’ringangering theethee.
wln 1037Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.WhoWho thenthen ofof allall soso cruellcruel maymay hehe bebe,
wln 1038ThatThat shouldshould detainedetain thythy eyeeye inin hishis defectsdefects?

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The Tragedie of Dido.

wln 1039DidoDido.TheThe manman thatthat II doedo eyeeye where erewhere’erwhere ere II amam,
wln 1040WhoseWhose amorousamorous faceface likelike PeanPaeanPean sparklessparkles firefire,
wln 1041When asWhen aswhenas hehe butsbutts hishis beamesbeams onon FlorasFlora’s bedbed,
wln 1042PrometheusPrometheus hathhath putput onon CupidsCupid’s shapeshape,
wln 1043AndAnd II mustmust perishperish inin hishis burningburning armesarms:
wln 1044ÆneasAeneasAeneas, OOOh ÆneasAeneasAeneas, quenchquench thesethese flamesflames.
wln 1045Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.WhatWhat ailesails mymy QueeneQueen, isis sheshe falnefall’nfallen sickesick ofof latelate?
wln 1046DidoDido.NotNot sickesick mymy louelove, butbut sickesick, II mustmust concealeconceal
wln 1047TheThe tormenttorment, thatthat itit bootesboots meme notnot reuealereveal,
wln 1048AndAnd yetyet IleI’ll speakespeak, andand yetyet IleI’ll holdhold mymy peacepeace,
wln 1049DoeDo shameshame herher worstworst, II willwill disclosedisclose mymy griefegrief:
wln 1050ÆneasAeneasAeneas, thouthou artart hehe, whatwhat diddid II saysay?
wln 1051SomethingSomething itit waswas thatthat nownow II hauehave forgotforgot.
wln 1052Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.WhatWhat meanesmeans fairefair DidoDido byby thisthis doubtfulldoubtful speechspeech?
wln 1053DidoDido.NayNay, nothingnothing, butbut ÆneasAeneasAeneas louesloves meme notnot.
wln 1054Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.ÆneasAeneasAeneas’Aeneas thoughtsthoughts daredare notnot ascendascend soso highhigh
wln 1055AsAs DidosDido’s heartheart, whichwhich MonarkesMonarchs mightmight notnot scalescale.
wln 1056DidoDido.ItIt waswas becausebecause II sawesaw nono KingKing likelike theethee,
wln 1057WhoseWhose goldengolden CrowneCrown mightmight ballancebalance mymy contentcontent:
wln 1058ButBut nownow thatthat II hauehave foundfound whatwhat toto effecteffect,
wln 1059II followefollow oneone thatthat louethloveth famefame forfor meme,
wln 1060AndAnd ratherrather hadhad seemeseem fairefair SirensSirens’Sirens eyeseyes,
wln 1061ThenThanThen toto thethe CarthageCarthage QueeneQueen thatthat dyesdies forfor himhim.
wln 1062Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.IfIf thatthat youryour maiestiemajesty cancan lookelook soso lowelow●low,
wln 1063AsAs mymy despiseddespised worthsworths, thatthat shunshun allall praisepraise,
wln 1064WithWith thisthis mymy handhand II giuegive toto youyou mymy heartheart,
wln 1065AndAnd vowvow byby allall thethe GodsGods ofof HospitalitieHospitality,
wln 1066ByBy heauenheaven andand earthearth, andand mymy fairefair brothersbrother’s bowebow,
wln 1067ByBy PaphosPaphos, CapysCapys, andand thethe purplepurple SeaSea,
wln 1068FromFrom whencewhence mymy radiantradiant mothermother diddid descenddescend,
wln 1069AndAnd byby thisthis SwordSword thatthat sauedsaved meme fromfrom thethe GreekesGreeks,
wln 1070NeuerNever toto leaueleave thesethese newenew vprearedupreared walleswalls,
wln 1071WhilesWhiles DidoDido liueslives andand rulesrules inin IunosIu●●sJuno’s townetown,
wln 1072NeuerNever toto likelike oror louelove anyany butbut herher.
wln 1073DidoDido.WhatWhat moremore thenthan deliandelian musickemusic doedo II hearehear,
wln 1074ThatThat callescalls mymy soulesoul fromfrom forthforth hishis liuingliving seateseat,
wln 1075ToTo mouemove vntounto thethe measuresmeasures ofof delightdelight:

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The Tragedie of Dido.

wln 1076KindKind clowdesclouds thatthat sentsent forthforth suchsuch aa curteouscourteous stormestorm,
wln 1077AsAs mademade disdainedisdain toto flyefly toto fanciesfancy’s laplap:
wln 1078StouteStout louelove inin minemine armesarms makemake thythy ItalyItaly,
wln 1079WhoseWhose CrowneCrown andand kingdomekingdom restsrests atat thythy commandecommand:
wln 1080SicheusSychaeusSichaeus, notnot ÆneasAeneasAeneas bebe thouthou caldecalled:
wln 1081TheThe KingKing ofof CarthageCarthage, notnot AnchisesAnchises’Anchises sonneson:
wln 1082HoldHold, taketake thesethese IewelsJewelsjewels atat thythy LouersLover’slover’s handhand,
wln 1083TheseThese goldengolden braceletsbracelets, andand thisthis weddingwedding ringring,
wln 1084WherewithWherewith mymy husbandhusband woo’dwooed meme yetyet aa maidemaid,
wln 1085AndAnd bebe thouthou kingking ofof LibiaLibya, byby mymy guiftgift.
wln 1086ExeuntExeunt toto thethe CaueCausCaveCaus.

wln 1087ActusActus 4.4. ScenaScenaScaena I.I.

wln 1088EnterEnter AchatesAchates, AscaniusAscanius, IarbusIarbasjarbus, andand AnnaAnna.
wln 1089Acha.AchatesAcha.DidDid euerever menmen seesee suchsuch aa suddensudden stormestorm?
wln 1090OrOr dayday soso cleereclear soso suddenlysuddenly orecasto’ercast?
wln 1091Iar.IarbasIar.II thinkethink somesome fellfell InchantresseEnchantress dwellethdwelleth herehere,
wln 1092ThatThat cancan callcall themthem forthforth when aswhenas sheshe pleaseplease,
wln 1093AndAnd diuedive intointo blackeblack tempeststempest’s treasurietreasury,
wln 1094When aswhenas sheshe meanesmeans toto maskemask thethe worldworld withwith clowdesclouds.
wln 1095AnnaAnna.InIn allall mymy lifelife II neuernever knewknew thethe likelike,
wln 1096ItIt haildhailed, itit snowdesnowed, itit lightnedlightened allall atat onceonce.
wln 1097Acha.AchatesAcha.II thinkethink itit waswas thethe diuelsdevil’s reuellingrevelling nightnight,
wln 1098ThereThere waswas suchsuch hurly burlyhurly-burly inin thethe heauensheavens:
wln 1099DoubtlesDoubtless ApollosApollo’s AxeltreeAxletree isis cracktcracked,
wln 1100OrOr agedaged AtlasAtlas’ shouldershoulder outout ofof ioyntjoint,
wln 1101TheThe motionmotion waswas soso ouerover violentviolent.
wln 1102Iar.IarbasIar.InIn allall thisthis coylecoil, wherewhere hauehave yeye leftleft thethe QueeneQueen?
wln 1103Asca.AscaniusAsca.NayNay, wherewhere isis mymy warlikewarlike fatherfather, cancan youyou telltell?
wln 1104AnnaAnna.BeholdBehold wherewhere bothboth ofof themthem comecome forthforth thethe CaueCave.
wln 1105Iar.IarbasIar.ComeCome forthforth thethe CaueCave: cancan heauenheaven endureendure thisthis sightsight?
wln 1106IarbusIarbas, cursecurse thatthat vnreuengingunrevenging IoueJovejove,
wln 1107WhoseWhose flintieflinty dartsdarts sleptslept inin TiphousTyphoeus’ denden,
wln 1108WhilesWhiles thesethese adulterorsadulterers surfettedsurfeited withwith sinnesin:
wln 1109NatureNature, whywhy mad’stmad’stmadest meme notnot somesome poysonouspoisonous beastbeast,
wln 1110ThatThat withwith thethe sharpnessharpness ofof mymy edgededged stingsting,

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The Tragedie of Dido.

wln 1111II mightmight hauehave staktestaked themthem bothboth vntounto thethe earthearth,
wln 1112Whil’stWhilst theythey werewere sportingsporting inin thisthis darksomedarksome CaueCave?
wln 1113Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.TheThe ayreair isis cleereclear, andand SoutherneSouthern windeswinds areare whistwhist,
wln 1114ComeCome DidoDido, letlet vsus hastenhasten toto thethe townetown,
wln 1115SinceSince gloomiegloomy ÆolusAeolusAeolus dothdoth ceasecease toto frownefrown.
wln 1116DidoDido.AchatesAchates andand AscaniusAscanius, wellwell metmet.
wln 1117Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.FaireFair AnnaAnna, howhow escaptescaped youyou fromfrom thethe showershower?
wln 1118AnnaAnna.AsAs othersothers diddid, byby runningrunning toto thethe woodwood.
wln 1119DidoDidoButBut wherewhere werewere youyou IarbusIarbas allall thisthis whilewhile?
wln 1120Iar.IarbasIar.NotNot withwith ÆneasAeneasAeneas inin thethe vglyugly CaueCave.
wln 1121DidoDido.II seesee ÆneasAeneasAeneas stickethsticketh inin youryour mindemind,
wln 1122ButBut II willwill soonesoon putput byby thatthat stumblingstumbling blockeblock,
wln 1123AndAnd quellquell thosethose hopeshopes thatthat thusthus employemploy youryour earesears.ExeuntExeunt.

wln 1124EntersEnters IarbusIarbasjarbus toto SacrifizeSacrifice.
wln 1125Iar.IarbasIar.ComeCome seruantsservants, comecome bringbring forthforth thethe SacrifizeSacrifice,
wln 1126ThatThat II maymay pacifiepacify thatthat gloomiegloomy IoueJovejove,
wln 1127WhoseWhose emptieempty AltarsAltars hauehave enlarg’denlarged ourour illesills.
wln 1128EternallEternal IoueJovejove, greatgreat mastermaster ofof thethe ClowdesClouds,
wln 1129FatherFather ofof gladnessegladness, andand allall frollickefrolic thoughtsthoughts,
wln 1130ThatThat withwith thythy gloomiegloomy handhand correctscorrects thethe heauenheaven,
wln 1131WhenWhen ayrieairy creaturescreatures warrewar amongstamongst themseluesthemselves:
wln 1132HeareHear, hearehear, OOOh hearehear IarbusIarbas plainingplaining prayersprayers,
wln 1133WhoseWhose hideoushideous ecchoesechoes makemake thethe welkinwelkin howlehowl,
wln 1134AndAnd allall thethe woodswoods ElizaEliza toto resoundresound:
wln 1135TheThe womanwoman thatthat thouthou wildwilledwild vsus entertaineentertain,
wln 1136WhereWhere strayingstraying inin ourour bordersborders vpup andand downedown,
wln 1137SheShe crau’dcraved aa hidehide ofof groundground toto buildbuild aa townetown,
wln 1138WithWith whomwhom wewe diddid deuidedivide bothboth laweslaws andand landland,
wln 1139AndAnd allall thethe fruitesfruits thatthat plentieplenty elselse sendssends forthforth,
wln 1140ScorningScorning ourour louesloves andand royallroyal marriagemarriage ritesrites,
wln 1141YeeldsYields vpup herher beautiebeauty toto aa strangersstranger’s bedbed,
wln 1142WhoWho hauinghaving wroughtwrought herher shameshame, isis straightstraight wayway fledfled:
wln 1143NowNow ifif thouthou beestbeest aa pityingpitying GodGod ofof powerpower,
wln 1144OnOn whomwhom ruthruth andand compassioncompassion euerever waiteswaits,
wln 1145RedresseRedress thesethese wrongswrongs, andand warnewarn himhim toto hishis shipsships,
wln 1146ThatThat nownow afflictsafflicts meme withwith hishis flatteringflattering eyeseyes.

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The Tragedie of Dido.

wln 1147EnterEnter AnnaAnna.
wln 1148AnnaAnna.HowHow nownow IarbusIarbas, atat youryour prayersprayers soso hardhard?
wln 1149Iar.IarbasIar.IAyI AnnaAnna, isis therethere oughtaught youyou wouldwould withwith meme?
wln 1150AnnaAnna.NayNay, nono suchsuch waightieweighty businesbusiness ofof importimport,
wln 1151ButBut maymay bebe slacktslacked vntilluntil anotheranother timetime:
wln 1152YetYet ifif youyou wouldwould partakepartake withwith meme thethe causecause
wln 1153OfOf thisthis deuotiondevotion thatthat detainethdetaineth youyou,
wln 1154II wouldwould bebe thankfullthankful forfor suchsuch curtesiecourtesy.
wln 1155Iar.IarbasIar.AnnaAnna, againstagainst thisthis TroianTrojan doedo II praypray,
wln 1156WhoWho seekesseeks toto robrob meme ofof thythy SistersSister’ssister’s louelove,
wln 1157AndAnd diuedive intointo herher heartheart byby colouredcoloredcoloured lookeslooks.
wln 1158AnnaAnna.AlasAlas poorepoor KingKing thatthat labourslaborslabours soso inin vainevain,
wln 1159ForFor herher thatthat soso delightethdelighteth inin thythy painepain:
wln 1160BeBe rul’dtul’druledtul’d byby meme, andand seekeseek somesome otherother louelove,
wln 1161WhoseWhose yeeldingyielding heartheart maymay yeeldyield theethee moremore relieferelief.
wln 1162Iar.IarbasIar.MineMine eyeeye isis fixtfixed wherewhere fanciefancy cannotcannot startstart,
wln 1163OOOh leaueleave meme, leaueleave meme toto mymy silentsilent thoughtsthoughts,
wln 1164ThatThat registerregister thethe numbersnumbers ofof mymy ruthruth,
wln 1165AndAnd II willwill eithereither mouemove thethe thoughtlesthoughtless flintflint,
wln 1166OrOr dropdrop outout bothboth minemine eyeseyes inin drislingdrizzling tearestears,
wln 1167BeforeBefore mymy sorrowessorrow’s tidetide hauehave anyany stintstint.
wln 1168AnnaAnna.II willwill notnot leaueleave IarbusIarbas whomwhom II louelove,
wln 1169InIn thisthis delightdelight ofof dyingdying pensiuenespensiveness:
wln 1170AwayAway withwith DidoDido, AnnaAnna bebe thythy songsong,
wln 1171AnnaAnna thatthat dothdoth admireadmire theethee moremore thenthan heauenheaven.
wln 1172Iar.IarbasIar.II maymay nornor willwill listlist toto suchsuch loathsomeloathsome chaungechange,
wln 1173ThatThat interceptsintercepts thethe coursecourse ofof mymy desiredesire:
wln 1174SeruantsServants, comecome fetchfetch thesethese emptieempty vesselsvessels herehere,
wln 1175ForFor II willwill flyefly fromfrom thesethese alluringalluring eyeseyes,
wln 1176ThatThat doedo pursuepursue mymy peacepeace where erewhere’erwhere ere itit goesgoes.ExitExit.
wln 1177AnnaAnna.IarbusIarbas staystay, louingloving IarbusIarbas staystay,
wln 1178ForFor II hauehave honeyhoney toto presentpresent theethee withwith:
wln 1179Hard heartedHard-heartedHard hearted, wiltwilt notnot deignedeign toto hearehear meme speakespeak,
wln 1180IleI’ll followfollow theethee withwith outcryesoutcries nerene’ernear thethe lesseless,
wln 1181AndAnd strewestrew thythy walkeswalks withwith mymy discheuelddisheveled hairehair.ExitExit.

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The Tragedie of Dido.

wln 1182EnterEnter ÆneasAeneasAeneas alonealone.
wln 1183Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.CarthageCarthage, mymy friendlyfriendly hosthost adueadieu,
wln 1184SinceSince destiniedestiny dothdoth callcall meme fromfrom thethe shoareshore:
wln 1185HermesHermes thisthis nightnight descendingdescending inin aa dreamedream,
wln 1186HathHath summondsummoned meme toto fruitfullfruitful ItalyItaly:
wln 1187IoueJovejove wilswills itit soso, mymy mothermother wilswills itit soso:
wln 1188LetLet mymy PhenissaPhoenissa grauntgrant, andand thenthen II goego:
wln 1189GrauntGrant sheshe oror nono, ÆneasAeneasAeneas mustmust awayaway,
wln 1190WhoseWhose goldengolden fortunesfortunes clogdclogged withwith courtlycourtly easeease,
wln 1191CannotCannot ascendascend toto FamesFame’s immortallimmortal househouse,
wln 1192OrOr banquetbanquet inin brightbright honorshonor’shonour’s burnishtburnished hallhall,
wln 1193TillTill hehe hathhath furrowedfurrowed NeptunesNeptune’s glassieglassy fieldesfields,
wln 1194AndAnd cutcut aa passagepassage throughthrough hishis toplestopless hilleshills:
wln 1195AchatesAchates comecome forthforth, SergestusSergestus, IllioneusIllioneus,
wln 1196CloanthusCloanthus, hastehaste awayaway, ÆneasAeneasAeneas callescalls.

wln 1197EnterEnter AchatesAchates, CloanthusCloanthus, SergestusSergestus,
wln 1198andand IllioneusIllioneus.

wln 1199Acha.AchatesAcha.WhatWhat willeswills ourour LordLord, oror whereforewherefore diddid hehe callcall?
wln 1200Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.TheThe dreamesdreams (brauebrave matesmates) thatthat diddid besetbeset mymy bedbed,
wln 1201WhenWhen sleepesleep butbut newlynewly hadhad imbrastembraced thethe nightnight,
wln 1202CommaundsCommands meme leaueleave thesethese vnrenowmedvnrenownedvnrenowmedunrenowned beamesbeams,
wln 1203WhereasWhereas NobilitieNobility abhorsabhors toto staystay,
wln 1204AndAnd nonenone butbut basebase ÆneasAeneasAeneas willwill abideabide:
wln 1205AbourdAboard, abourdaboard, sincesince FatesFates doedo bidbid abourdaboard,
wln 1206AndAnd sliceslice thethe SeaSea withwith sable colouredsable-coloredsable coloured shipsships,
wln 1207OnOn whomwhom thethe nimblenimble windeswinds maymay allall dayday waightwaitweight,
wln 1208AndAnd followfollow themthem asas footemenfootmen throughthrough thethe deepedeep:
wln 1209YetYet DidoDido castscasts herher eyeseyes likelike anchorsanchors outout,
wln 1210ToTo staystay mymy FleeteFleet fromfrom loosinglosing forthforth thethe BayBay::.
wln 1211ComeCome backeback, comecome backeback, II hearehear herher cryecry a farreafar,
wln 1212AndAnd letlet meme linkelink mymy bodiebody toto mymy lipslips,
wln 1213ThatThat tyedtied togethertogether byby thethe striuingstrivingstriuing tonguestongues,
wln 1214WeWe maymay asas oneone sailesail intointo ItalyItaly.
wln 1215Acha.AchatesAcha.BanishBanish thatthat ticing’ticing damedame fromfrom forthforth youryour mouthmouth,
wln 1216AndAnd followfollow youryour foreseeingforeseeing starresstars inin allall;

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The Tragedie of Dido.

wln 1217ThisThis isis nono lifelife forfor menmen atat armesarms toto liuelive,
wln 1218WhereWhere daliancedalliance dothdoth consumeconsume aa SouldiersSoldier’ssoldier’s strengthstrength,
wln 1219AndAnd wantonwanton motionsmotions ofof alluringalluring eyeseyes,
wln 1220EffeminateEffeminate ourour mindesminds inur’dinuredenured toto warrewar.
wln 1221Illio.IllioneusIllio.WhyWhy, letlet vsus buildbuild aa CitieCity ofof ourour owneown,
wln 1222AndAnd notnot standstand lingeringlingering herehere forfor amorousamorous lookeslooks:
wln 1223WillWill DidoDido raiseraise oldold PriamPriam forthforth hishis grauegrave,
wln 1224AndAnd buildbuild thethe townetown againeagain thethe GreekesGreeks diddid burneburn?
wln 1225NoNo nono, sheshe carescares notnot howhow wewe sinkesink oror swimmeswim,
wln 1226SoSo sheshe maymay hauehave ÆneasAeneasAeneas inin herher armesarms.
wln 1227Cloan.CloanthusCloan.ToTo ItalyItaly, sweetesweet friendsfriends toto ItalyItaly,
wln 1228WeWe willwill notnot staystay aa minuteminute longerlonger herehere.
wln 1229Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.TroiansTrojans abourdaboard, andand II willwill followfollow youyou,
wln 1230II fainefain wouldwould goego, yetyet beautiebeauty callescalls meme backeback:
wln 1231ToTo leaueleave herher soso andand notnot onceonce saysay farewellfarewell,
wln 1232WereWere toto transgressetransgress againstagainst allall laweslaws ofof louelove:
wln 1233ButBut ifif II vseuse suchsuch ceremoniousceremonious thankesthanks,
wln 1234AsAs partingparting friendsfriends accustomeaccustom onon thethe shoareshore,
wln 1235HerHer siluersilver armesarms willwill collcoll meme roundround aboutabout,
wln 1236AndAnd tearestears ofof pearlepearl, cryecry staystay, ÆneasAeneasAeneas, staystay:
wln 1237EachEach wordword sheshe sayessays willwill thenthen containecontain aa CrowneCrown,
wln 1238AndAnd eueryevery speechspeech bebe endedended withwith aa kissekiss:
wln 1239II maymay notnot duredure thisthis femalefemale drudgeriedrudgery,
wln 1240ToTo seasea ÆneasAeneasAeneas, findefind outout ItalyItaly.ExitExit.

wln 1241EnterEnter DidoDido andand AnnaAnna.
wln 1242DidoDido.OO AnnaAnna, runnerun vntounto thethe waterwater sideside,
wln 1243TheyThey saysay ÆneasAeneasAeneas’Aeneas menmen areare goinggoing abourdaboard,
wln 1244ItIt maymay bebe hehe willwill stealesteal awayaway withwith themthem:
wln 1245StayStay notnot toto answereanswer meme, runnerun AnnaAnna runnerun.
wln 1246OO foolishfoolish TroiansTrojans thatthat wouldwould stealesteal fromfrom hencehence,
wln 1247AndAnd notnot letlet DidoDido vnderstandunderstand theirtheir driftdrift:
wln 1248II wouldwould hauehave giuengiven AchatesAchates storestore ofof goldgold,
wln 1249AndAnd IllioneusIllioneusIllioneus’ gumgum andand LibianLibyan spicespice,
wln 1250TheThe commoncommon souldierssoldiers richrich imbroderedembroidered coatescoats,
wln 1251AndAnd siluersilver whistleswhistles toto controulecontrol thethe windeswinds,
wln 1252WhichWhich CircesCircesCirce’s sentsentscent SicheusSychaeusSichaeus whenwhen hehe liuedlived:

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The Tragedie of Dido.

wln 1253VnworthieUnworthy areare theythey ofof aa QueenesQueen’squeen’s rewardreward:
wln 1254SeeSee wherewhere theythey comecome, howhow mightmight II doedo toto chidechide?

wln 1255EnterEnter AnnaAnna, withwith ÆneasAeneasAeneas, AchatesAchates, IllioneusIllioneus,
wln 1256andand SergestusSergestus.

wln 1257AnnaAnna.Twas’Twas’twas timetime toto runnerun, ÆneasAeneasAeneas hadhad beenbeen gonegone,
wln 1258TheThe sailessails werewere hoysinghoisinghoisting vpup, andand hehe abourdaboard.
wln 1259DidoDido.IsIs thisthis thythy louelove toto meme?
wln 1260Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.OO princelyprincely DidoDido, giuegive meme leaueleave toto speakespeak,
wln 1261II wentwent toto taketake mymy farewellfarewell ofof AchatesAchates.
wln 1262DidoDido.HowHow hapshaps AchatesAchates bidbid meme notnot farewellfarewell?
wln 1263Acha.AchatesAcha.BecauseBecause II feardfeared youryour gracegrace wouldwould keepekeep meme herehere..,
wln 1264DidoDido.ToTo ridrid theethee ofof thatthat doubtdoubt, abourdaboard againeagain,
wln 1265II chargecharge theethee putput toto seasea andand staystay notnot herehere.
wln 1266Acha.AchatesAcha.ThenThen letlet ÆneasAeneasAeneas goego abourdaboard withwith vsus.
wln 1267DidoDido.GetGet youyou abourdaboard, ÆneasAeneasAeneas meanesmeans toto staystay.
wln 1268Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.TheThe seasea isis roughrough, thethe windeswinds blowblow toto thethe shoareshore.
wln 1269DidoDido.OO falsefalse ÆneasAeneasAeneas, nownow thethe seasea isis roughrough,
wln 1270ButBut whenwhen youyou werewere abourdaboard twas’twas calmecalm enoughenough,
wln 1271ThouThou andand AchatesAchates mentmeant toto sailesail awayaway.
wln 1272Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.HathHath notnot thethe CarthageCarthage QueeneQueen minemine onelyonly sonneson?
wln 1273ThinkesThinks DidoDido II willwill goego andand leaueleave himhim herehere?
wln 1274DidoDido.ÆneasAeneasAeneas pardonpardon meme, forfor II forgotforgot
wln 1275ThatThat yongyoung AscaniusAscanius laylay withwith meme thisthis nightnight:
wln 1276LoueLove mademade meme iealousjealous, butbut toto makemake amendsamends,
wln 1277WeareWear thethe emperiallimperial CrowneCrown ofof LibiaLibya,
wln 1278SwaySway thouthou thethe PunikePunicpunic ScepterSceptre inin mymy steedesteadsteed,
wln 1279AndAnd punishpunish meme ÆneasAeneasAeneas forfor thisthis crimecrime.
wln 1280Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.ThisThis kissekiss shallshall bebe fairefair DidosDido’s punishmentpunishment.
wln 1281DidoDido.OO howhow aa CrowneCrown becomesbecomes ÆneasAeneasAeneas’Aeneas headhead!
wln 1282StayStay herehere ÆneasAeneasAeneas, andand commaundcommand asas KingKing.
wln 1283Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.HowHow vainevain amam II toto wearewear thisthis DiademDiadem,
wln 1284AndAnd bearebear thisthis goldengolden ScepterSceptre inin mymy handhand?
wln 1285AA BurgonetBurgonet ofof steelesteel, andand notnot aa CrowneCrown,
wln 1286AA SwordSword, andand notnot aa ScepterSceptre fitsfits ÆneasAeneasAeneas.
wln 1287DidoDido.OO keepekeep themthem stillstill, andand letlet meme gazegaze mymy fillfill:
wln 1288NowNow lookeslooks ÆneasAeneasAeneas likelike immortallimmortal IoueJovejove,

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The Tragedie of Dido.

wln 1289OOOh wherewhere isis GanimedGanymede toto holdhold hishis cupcup,
wln 1290AndAnd MercuryMercury toto flyefly forfor whatwhat hehe callescalls,
wln 1291TenTen thousandthousand CupidsCupids houerhover inin thethe ayreair,
wln 1292AndAnd fannefan itit inin ÆneasAeneasAeneas’Aeneas louelylovely faceface,
wln 1293OOOh thatthat thethe ClowdesClouds werewere herehere whereinwherein thouthou fleestfleest,
wln 1294ThatThat thouthou andand II vnseeneunseen mightmight sportsport our seluesourselves:
wln 1295HeauensHeavens enuiousenvious ofof ourour ioyesjoys isis waxenwaxen palepale,
wln 1296AndAnd whenwhen wewe whisperwhisper, thenthenthan thethe starresstars fallfall downedown,
wln 1297ToTo bebe partakerspartakers ofof ourour honeyhoney talketalk.
wln 1298Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.OO DidoDido, patronessepatroness ofof allall ourour liueslives,
wln 1299WhenWhen II leaueleave theethee, deathdeath bebe mymy punishmentpunishment,
wln 1300SwellSwell ragingraging seasseas, frownefrown waywardwayward destiniesdestinies,
wln 1301BlowBlow windeswinds, threatenthreaten yeye RockesRocks andand sandiesandy shelfesshelves,
wln 1302ThisThis isis thethe harbourharborharbour thatthat ÆneasAeneasAeneas seekesseeks,
wln 1303LetsLet’slet’s seesee whatwhat tempeststempests cancan anoyannoy meme nownow.
wln 1304DidoDido.NotNot allall thethe worldworld cancan taketake theethee fromfrom minemine armesarms,
wln 1305ÆneasAeneasAeneas maymay commaundcommand asas manymany MooresMoors,
wln 1306AsAs inin thethe SeaSea areare littlelittle waterwater dropsdrops:
wln 1307AndAnd nownow toto makemake experienceexperience ofof mymy louelove,
wln 1308FaireFair sistersister AnnaAnna leadelead mymy louerlover forthforth,
wln 1309AndAnd seatedseated onon mymy GennetJennetjennet, letlet himhim rideride
wln 1310AsAs DidosDido’s husbandhusband throughthrough thethe punickepunic streetesstreets,
wln 1311AndAnd willwill mymy guardguard withwith MauritanianMauritanian dartsdarts,
wln 1312ToTo waitewait vponupon himhim asas theirtheir soueraignesovereign LordLord.
wln 1313AnnaAnna.WhatWhat ifif thethe CitizensCitizens repinerepine thereatthereat?
wln 1314DidoDido.ThoseThose thatthat dislikedislike whatwhat DidoDido giuesgives inin chargecharge,
wln 1315CommaundCommand mymy guardguard toto slayslay forfor theirtheir offenceoffenseoffence:
wln 1316ShallShall vulgarvulgar pesantspeasants stormestorm atat whatwhat II doedo?
wln 1317TheThe groundground isis minemine thatthat giuesgives themthem sustenancesustenance,
wln 1318TheThe ayreair whereinwherein theythey breathebreathe, thethe waterwater, firefire,
wln 1319AllAll thatthat theythey hauehave theirtheir landslands, theirtheir goodsgoods, theirtheir liueslives,
wln 1320AndAnd II thethe GoddesseGoddess ofof allall thesethese, commaundcommand
wln 1321ÆneasAeneasAeneas rideride asas CarthaginianCarthaginian KingKing.
wln 1322Acha.AchatesAcha.ÆneasAeneasAeneas forfor hishis parentageparentage deseruesdeserves
wln 1323AsAs largelarge aa kingdomekingdom asas isis LibiaLabiaLibyaLabia.
wln 1324Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.IAyay, andand vnlesseunless thethe destiniesdestinies bebe falsefalse,
wln 1325II shallshall bebe plantedplanted inin asas richrich aa landland.

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The Tragedie of Dido.

wln 1326DidoDido.SpeakeSpeak ofof nono otherother landland, thisthis landland isis thinethine,
wln 1327DidoDido isis thinethine, henceforthhenceforth IleI’ll callcall theethee LordLord:
wln 1328DoeDo asas II bidbid theethee, sistersister leadelead thethe wayway,
wln 1329AndAnd fromfrom aa turretturret IleI’ll beholdbehold mymy louelove.
wln 1330Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.ThenThen herehere inin meme shallshall flourishflourish PriamsPriam’s racerace,
wln 1331AndAnd thouthou andand II AchatesAchates, forfor reuengerevenge,
wln 1332ForFor TroyTroy, forfor PriamPriam, forfor hishis fiftiefifty sonnessons,
wln 1333OurOur kinsmenskinsmen’s louesloves, andand thousandthousand guiltlesguiltless soulessouls,
wln 1334WillWill leadelead anan hostehost againstagainst thethe hatefullhateful GreekesGreeks,
wln 1335AndAnd firefire proudeproud LacedemonLacedaemon oreo’er theirtheir headsheads.ExitExit.
wln 1336DidoDido.SpeakesSpeakersSpeaksSpeakers notnot ÆneasAeneasAeneas likelike aa ConquerorConqueror?
wln 1337OO blessedblessed tempeststempests thatthat diddid driuedrive himhim inin,
wln 1338OOOh happiehappy sandsand thatthat mademade himhim runnerun agroundaground:
wln 1339HenceforthHenceforth youyou shallshall bebe ourour CarthageCarthage GodsGods:
wln 1340Iay, butbut itit maymay bebe hehe willwill leaueleave mymy louelove,
wln 1341AndAnd seekeseek aa forraineforeign landland caldecalled ItalyItaly:
wln 1342OOOh thatthat II hadhad aa charmecharm toto keepekeep thethe windeswinds
wln 1343WithinWithin thethe closureclosure ofof aa goldengolden ballball,
wln 1344OrOr thatthat thethe TyrrhenTyrrhen seasea werewere inin minemine armesarms,
wln 1345ThatThat hehe mightmight suffersuffer shipwrackeshipwreck onon mymy breastbreast,
wln 1346AsAs oftoft asas hehe attemptsattempts toto hoysthoist vpup sailesail:
wln 1347II mustmust preuentprevent himhim, wishingwishing willwill notnot serueserve:
wln 1348GoeGo, bidbid mymy NurseNurse taketake yongyoung AscaniusAscanius,
wln 1349AndAnd bearebear himhim inin thethe countreycountry toto herher househouse,
wln 1350ÆneasAeneasAeneas willwill notnot goego withoutwithout hishis sonneson:
wln 1351YetYet lestlest hehe shouldshould, forfor II amam fullfull ofof fearefear,
wln 1352BringBring meme hishis oaresoars, hishis tacklingtackling, andand hishis sailessails:
wln 1353WhatWhat ifif II sinkesink hishis shipsships? OO heelehe’ll frownefrown:
wln 1354BetterBetter hehe frownefrown, thenthan II shouldshould dyedie forfor griefegrief:
wln 1355II cannotcannot seesee himhim frownefrown, itit maymay notnot bebe:
wln 1356ArmiesArmies ofof foesfoes resolu’dresolved toto winnewin thisthis townetown,
wln 1357OrOr impiousimpious traitorstraitors vowdevowed toto hauehave mymy lifelife,
wln 1358AffrightAffright meme notnot, onelyonly ÆneasAeneasAeneas’Aeneas frownefrown
wln 1359IsIs thatthat whichwhich terrifiesterrifies poorepoor DidosDido’s heartheart:
wln 1360NotNot bloudiebloody spearesspears appearingappearing inin thethe ayreair,
wln 1361PresagePresage thethe downfalldownfall ofof mymy EmperieEmpery,
wln 1362NorNor blazingblazing CommetsComets threatensthreatens DidosDido’s deathdeath,

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The Tragedie of Dido.

wln 1363ItIt isis ÆneasAeneasAeneas’Aeneas frownefrown thatthat endsends mymy daiesdays:
wln 1364IfIf hehe forsakeforsake meme notnot, II neuernever dyedie,
wln 1365ForFor inin hishis lookeslooks II seesee eternitieeternity,
wln 1366AndAnd heelehe’ll makemake meme immortallimmortal withwith aa kissekiss.

wln 1367EnterEnter aa LordLord.
wln 1368YourYour NurseNurse isis gonegone withwith yongyoung AscaniusAscauiusAscanius,
wln 1369AndAnd hereshere’s ÆneasAeneasAeneas’Aeneas tacklingtackling, oaresoars andand sailessails.
wln 1370DidoDido.AreAre thesethese thethe sailessails thatthat inin despightdespite ofof meme,
wln 1371PacktPacked withwith thethe windeswinds toto bearebear ÆneasAeneasAeneas hencehence?
wln 1372IleI’ll hanghang yeye inin thethe chamberchamber wherewhere II lyelie,
wln 1373DriueDrive ifif youyou cancan mymy househouse toto ItalyItaly:
wln 1374IleI’ll setset thethe casementcasement openopen thatthat thethe windeswinds
wln 1375MayMay enterenter inin, andand onceonce againeagain conspireconspire
wln 1376AgainstAgainst thethe lifelife ofof meme poorepoor CarthageCarthage QueeneQueen:
wln 1377ButBut thoughthough hehe goego, hehe stayesstays inin CarthageCarthage stillstill,
wln 1378AndAnd letlet richrich CarthageCarthage fleetefleet vponupon thethe seasseas,
wln 1379SoSo II maymay hauehave ÆneasAeneasAeneas inin minemine armesarms.
wln 1380IsIs thisthis thethe woodwood thatthat grewgrew inin CarthageCarthage plainesplains,
wln 1381AndAnd wouldwould bebe toylingtoiling inin thethe watriewat’rywatery billowesbillows,
wln 1382ToTo robrob theirtheir mistressemistress ofof herher TroianTrojan guestguest?
wln 1383OO cursedcursed treetree, hadsthadst thouthou butbut witwit oror sensesense,
wln 1384ToTo measuremeasure howhow II prizeprize ÆneasAeneasAeneas’Aeneas louelove,
wln 1385ThouThou wouldstwouldst hauehave leaptleapt fromfrom outout thethe SailersSailors’Sailors handshands,
wln 1386AndAnd toldtold meme thatthat ÆneasAeneasAeneas mentmeant toto goego:
wln 1387AndAnd yetyet II blameblame theethee notnot, thouthou artart butbut woodwood.
wln 1388TheThe waterwater whichwhich ourour PoetsPoets termeterm aa NimphNymph,
wln 1389WhyWhy diddid itit suffersuffer theethee toto touchtouch herher breastbreast,
wln 1390AndAnd shrunkeshrunk notnot backeback, knowingknowing mymy louelove waswas therethere?
wln 1391TheThe waterwater isis anan ElementElement, nono NimphNymph,
wln 1392WhyWhy shouldshould II blameblame ÆneasAeneasAeneas forfor hishis flightflight?
wln 1393OO DidoDido, blameblame notnot himhim, butbut breakebreak hishis oaresoars,
wln 1394TheseThese werewere thethe instrumentsinstruments thatthat launchtlaunched himhim forthforth,
wln 1395TheresThere’sthere’s notnot soso muchmuch asas thisthis basebase tacklingtackling tootoo,
wln 1396ButBut daresdares toto heapeheap vpup sorrowesorrow toto mymy heartheart:
wln 1397WasWas itit notnot youyou thatthat hoysedhoisedhoist vpup thesethese sailessails?
wln 1398WhyWhy burstburst youyou notnot, andand theythey fellfell inin thethe seasseas?

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The Tragedie of Dido.

wln 1399ForFor thisthis willwill DidoDido tyetie yeye fullfull ofof knotsknots,
wln 1400AndAnd sheereshearsheer yeye allall asunderasunder withwith herher handshands:
wln 1401NowNow serueserve toto chastizechastise shipboyesship-boys forfor theirtheir faultsfaults,
wln 1402YeYe shallshall nono moremore offendoffend thethe CarthageCarthage QueeneQueen.
wln 1403NowNow letlet himhim hanghang mymy fauoursfavorsfavours onon hishis mastsmasts,
wln 1404AndAnd seesee ifif thosethose willwill serueserve in steedinstead ofof sailessails:
wln 1405ForFor tacklingtackling, letlet himhim taketake thethe chaineschains ofof goldgold,
wln 1406WhichWhich II bestowdbestowed vponupon hishis followersfollowers:
wln 1407In steedInsteadIn steed ofof oaresoars, letlet himhim vseuse hishis handshands,
wln 1408AndAnd swimswim toto ItalyItaly, IleI’ll keepekeep thesethese suresure:
wln 1409ComeCome bearebear themthem inin.ExitExit.

wln 1410EnterEnter thethe NurseNurse withwith CupidCupid forfor AscaniusAscanius.

wln 1411NurseNurse.MyMy LordLord AscaniusAscanius, yeye mustmust goego withwith meme.
wln 1412CupidCupid.WhitherWhither mustmust II goego? IleI’ll staystay withwith mymy mothermother.
wln 1413NurseNurse.NoNo, thouthou shaltshalt goego withwith meme vntounto mymy househouse,
wln 1414II hauehave anan OrchardOrchard thatthat hathhath storestore ofof plumsplums,
wln 1415BrowneBrownbrown AlmondsAlmonds, SeruisesServices, riperipe FigsFigs andand DatesDates,
wln 1416DewberriesDew-berriesdew-berries, ApplesApples, yellowyellow OrengesOranges,
wln 1417AA gardengarden wherewhere areare Bee hiuesBeehivesbe hives fullfull ofof honeyhoney,
wln 1418Musk-rosesMusk-roses, andand aa thousandthousand sortsort ofof flowersflowers,
wln 1419AndAnd inin thethe midstmidst dothdoth runrun aa siluersilver streamestream,
wln 1420WhereWhere thouthou shaltshalt seesee thethe redred gildgilled fishesfishes leapeleap,
wln 1421WhiteWhite SwannesSwans, andand manymany louelylovely water fowleswater sowleswater-fowlswater souls:
wln 1422NowNow speakespeak AscaniusAscanius, willwill yeye goego oror nono?
wln 1423CupidCupid.ComeCome comecome IleI’ll goego, howhow farrefar hencehence isis youryour househouse?
wln 1424NurseNurse.ButBut herebyhereby childchild, wewe shallshall getget thitherthither straightstraight.
wln 1425CupidCupid.NurseNurse II amam wearieweary, willwill youyou carriecarry meme?
wln 1426NurseNurse.IAyay, soso youleyou’ll dwelldwell withwith meme andand callcall meme mothermother.
wln 1427CupidCupid.SoSo youleyou’ll louelove meme, II carecare notnot ifif II doedo.
wln 1428NurseNurse.ThatThat II mightmight liuelive toto seesee thisthis boyboy aa manman,
wln 1429HowHow pretilieprettily hehe laughslaughs, goego yeye waggewag,
wln 1430YouleYou’ll bebe aa twiggertwigger whenwhen youyou comecome toto ageage.
wln 1431SaySay DidoDido whatwhat sheshe willwill II amam notnot oldold,
wln 1432IleI’ll bebe nono moremore aa widowewidow, II amam youngyoung,
wln 1433IleI’ll hauehave aa husbandhusband, oror elselse aa louerlover.

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The Tragedie of Dido.

wln 1434CupidCupid.AA husbandhusband andand nono teethteeth!
wln 1435NurseNurse.OO whatwhat meanemean II toto hauehave suchsuch foolishfoolish thoughtsthoughts!
wln 1436FoolishFoolish isis louelove, aa toytoy, OOOh sacredsacred louelove,
wln 1437IfIf therethere bebe anyany heauenheaven inin earthearth, tis’tis louelove:
wln 1438EspeciallyEspecially inin womenwomen ofof youryour yearesyears.
wln 1439BlushBlush blushblush forfor shameshame, whywhy shouldstshouldst thouthou thinkethink ofof louelove?
wln 1440AA grauegrave, andand notnot aa louerlover fitsfits thythy ageage:
wln 1441AA grauegrave, whywhy? II maymay liuelive aa hundredhundred yearesyears,
wln 1442FourescoreFourscorefourscore isis butbut aa girlesgirl’s ageage, louelove isis sweetesweet:
wln 1443MyMy vainesveins areare witheredwithered, andand mymy sinewessinews driedry,
wln 1444WhyWhy doedo II thinkethink ofof louelove nownow II shouldshould dyedie?
wln 1445CupidCupid.ComeCome NurseNurse.
wln 1446NurseNurse.WellWell, ifif hehe comecome a wooinga-wooing hehe shallshall speedespeed,
wln 1447OOOh howhow vnwiseunwise waswas II toto saysay himhim naynay!ExeuntExeunt.

wln 1448ActusActus 5.5.

wln 1449EnterEnter ÆneasAeneasAeneas withwith aa paperpaper inin hishis handhand, drawingdrawing thethe
wln 1450platformeplatform ofof thethe citiecity, withwith himhim AchatesAchates,
wln 1451CloanthusCloanthus, andand IllioneusIllioneus.

wln 1452Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.TriumphTriumph mymy matesmates, ourour trauelstravels areare atat endend.
wln 1453HereHere willwill ÆneasAeneasAeneas buildbuild aa statelierstatelier TroyTroy,
wln 1454ThenThanThen thatthat whichwhich grimgrim AtridesAtrides ouerthrewoverthrew:
wln 1455CarthageCarthage shallshall vauntvaunt herher pettiepetty walleswalls nono moremore,
wln 1456ForFor II willwill gracegrace themthem withwith aa fairerfairer frameframe,
wln 1457AndAnd cladclad herher inin aa ChrystallCrystal liuerielivery,
wln 1458WhereinWherein thethe dayday maymay euermoreevermore delightdelight:
wln 1459FromFrom goldengolden IndiaIndia GangesGanges willwill II fetchfetch,
wln 1460WhoseWhose wealthiewealthy streamesstreams maymay waitewait vponupon herher towerstowers,
wln 1461AndAnd triple wisetriple-wisetriple wise intrenchentrench herher roundround aboutabout:
wln 1462TheThe SunneSun fromfrom EgyptEgypt shallshall richrich odorsodorsodours bringbring,
wln 1463WherewithWhereWherewithWhere withwith hishis burningburning beamesbeams likelike labouringlaboringlabouring BeesBees,
wln 1464ThatThat loadeload theirtheir thighesthighs withwith HyblasHybla’s honeyshoney’shoneys spoylesspoils,
wln 1465ShallShall herehere vnburdenunburden theirtheir exhaledexhaled sweetessweets,
wln 1466AndAnd plantplant ourour pleasantpleasant suburbessuburbs withwith herher fumesfumes.
wln 1467Acha.AchatesAcha.WhatWhat lengthlength oror bredthbreadth shalshall thisthis brauebrave townetown cõtaincōtainecontain?
wln 1468Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.NotNot pastpast fourefour thousandthousand pacespaces atat thethe mostmost.

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The Tragedie of Dido.

wln 1469Illio.IllioneusIllio.ButBut whatwhat shallshall itit bebe caldecalled, TroyTroy asas beforebefore?
wln 1470Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.ThatThat hauehave II notnot determindedetermined withwith my selfemy selfmyself.
wln 1471Cloan.CloanthusCloan.LetLet itit bebe term’dtermed ÆneaAeneaAenea byby youryour namename.
wln 1472Serg.SergestusSerg.RatherRather AscaniaAscania byby youryour littlelittle sonneson.
wln 1473Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.NayNay, II willwill hauehave itit caldecalled AnchisaonAnchis●onAnchisaon,
wln 1474OfOf mymy oldold fathersfather’s namename.

wln 1475EnterEnter HermesHermes withwith AscaniusAscanius.
wln 1476HermesHermes.ÆneasAeneasAeneas staystay, IouesJove’sjove’s HeraldHerald bidsbids theethee staystay.
wln 1477Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.WhomWhom doedo II seesee, IouesJove’sjove’s wingedwinged messengermessenger?
wln 1478WelcomeWelcome toto CarthageCarthage newnew erectederected townetown.
wln 1479HermesHermes.WhyWhy cosincousin standstand youyou buildingbuilding CitiesCities herehere,
wln 1480AndAnd beautifyingbeautifying thethe EmpireEmpire ofof thisthis QueeneQueen,
wln 1481WhileWhile ItalyItaly isis cleaneclean outout ofof thythy mindemind?
wln 1482ToTooTo tootoo forgetfullforgetful ofof thinethine owneown affayresaffairs,
wln 1483WhyWhy wiltwilt thouthou soso betraybetray thythy sonnesson’ssons goodgood haphap?
wln 1484TheThe kingking ofof GodsGods sentsent meme fromfrom highesthighest heauenheaven,
wln 1485ToTo soundsound thisthis angrieangry messagemessage inin thinethine earesears.
wln 1486VaineVain manman, whatwhat MonarkyMonarchymonarchy expectstexpect’stexpectest thouthou herehere?
wln 1487OrOr withwith whatwhat thoughtthought sleepstsleep’stsleepest thouthou inin LibiaLibya shoareshore?
wln 1488IfIf thatthat allall glorieglory hathhath forsakenforsaken theethee,
wln 1489AndAnd thouthou despisedespise thethe praisepraise ofof suchsuch attemptsattempts:
wln 1490YetYet thinkethink vponupon AscaniusAscanius’Ascanius prophesieprophecy,
wln 1491AndAnd yongyoung IulusIulus’julus moremore thenthan thousandthousand yearesyears,
wln 1492WhomWhom II hauehave broughtbrought fromfrom IdaIda wherewhere hehe sleptslept,
wln 1493AndAnd borebore yongyoung CupidCupid vntounto CypresseCypress IleIsleI’ll.
wln 1494Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.ThisThis waswas mymy mothermother thatthat be guildbeguiled thethe QueeneQueen,
wln 1495AndAnd mademade meme taketake mymy brotherbrother forfor mymy sonneson:
wln 1496NoNo maruellmarvel DidoDido thoughthough thouthou bebe inin louelove,
wln 1497ThatThat dayliedaily danlestdanglestdanglest CupidCupid inin thythy armesarms:
wln 1498WelcomeWelcome sweetsweet childchild, wherewhere hasthast thouthou beenbeen thisthis longlong?
wln 1499Asca.AscaniusAsca.EatingEating sweetsweet ComfitesComfits withwith QueeneQueen DidosDido’s maidemaid,
wln 1500WhoWho euersinceeversince hathhath luldlulled meme inin herher armesarms.
wln 1501Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.SergestusSergestus, bearebear himhim hencehence vntounto ourour shipsships,
wln 1502LestLest DidoDido spyingspying himhim keepekeep himhim forfor aa pledgepledge.
wln 1503HermesHermes.SpendstSpend’stSpendst thouthou thythy timetime aboutabout thisthis littlelittle boyboy,
wln 1504AndAnd giuestgivest notnot eareear vntounto thethe chargecharge II bringbring?

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The Tragedie of Dido.

wln 1505II telltell theethee thouthou mustmust straightstraight toto ItalyItaly,
wln 1506OrOr elselse abideabide thethe wrathwrath ofof frowningfrowning IoueJovejove.
wln 1507Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.HowHow shouldshould II putput intointo thethe ragingraging deepedeep,
wln 1508WhoWho hauehave nono sailessails nornor tacklingtackling forfor mymy shipsships?
wln 1509WhatWhat wouldwould thethe GodsGods hauehave meme DeucalionDeucalion likelike,
wln 1510FloteFloat vpup andand downedown where erewhere’erwhere ere thethe billowesbillows driuedrive?
wln 1511ThoughThough sheshe repairderepaired mymy fleetefleet andand gauegave meme shipsships,
wln 1512YetYet hathhath sheshe taneta’en awayaway mymy oaresoars andand mastsmasts,
wln 1513AndAnd leftleft meme neitherneither sailesail nornor sternestern abourdaboard.

wln 1514EnterEnter toto themthem IarbusIarbasjarbus.
wln 1515Iar.IarbasIar.HowHow nownow ÆneasAeneasAeneas, sadsad, whatwhat meanesmeans thesethese dumpesdumps?
wln 1516Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.IarbusIarbas, II amam cleaneclean besidesbesides my selfemyself,
wln 1517IoueJovejove hathhath heaptheaped onon meme suchsuch aa desperatedesperate chargecharge,
wln 1518WhichWhich neitherneither artart nornor reasonreason maymay atchieueachieve,
wln 1519NorNor II deuisedevisedevice byby whatwhat meanesmeans toto contriuecontrive.
wln 1520Iar.IarbasIar.AsAs howhow II praypray, maymay II entreateentreat youyou telltell.
wln 1521Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.WithWith speedespeed hehe bidsbids meme sailesail toto ItalyItaly,
wln 1522When asWhenaswhenas II wantwant bothboth riggingrigging forfor mymy fleetefleet,
wln 1523AndAnd alsoalso furniturefurniture forfor thesethese mymy menmen.
wln 1524Iar.IarbasIar.IfIf thatthat bebe allall, thenthenthan chearecheer thythy droopingdrooping lookeslooks,
wln 1525ForFor II willwill furnishfurnish theethee withwith suchsuch suppliessupplies:
wln 1526LetLet somesome ofof thosethose thythy followersfollowers goego withwith meme,
wln 1527AndAnd theythey shallshall hauehave whatwhat thingthing so eresoe’er thouthou needstneedst.
wln 1528Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.ThankesThanks goodgood IarbusIarbas forfor thythy friendlyfriendly aydeaid,
wln 1529AchatesAchates andand thethe restrest shallshall waitewait onon theethee,
wln 1530Whil’stWhilst II restrest thankfullthankful forfor thisthis curtesiecourtesy.
wln 1531ExitExit IarbusIarbasjarbus andand ÆneasAeneasAeneas’Aeneas trainetrain.
wln 1532NowNow willwill II hastehaste vntounto LauinianLavinianlavinian shoareshore,
wln 1533AndAnd raiseraise aa newnew foundationfoundation toto oldold TroyTroy,
wln 1534WitnesWitness thethe GodsGods, andand witneswitness heauenheaven andand earthearth,
wln 1535HowHow lothloath II amam toto leaueleave thesethese LibianLibyan boundsbounds,
wln 1536ButBut thatthat eternalleternal IupiterJupiterjupiter commandscommands.

wln 1537EnterEnter DidoDido andand ÆneasAeneasAeneas.
wln 1538DidoDido.II fearefear II sawesaw ÆneasAeneasAeneas’Aeneas littlelittle sonneson,
wln 1539LedLed byby AchatesAchates toto thethe TroianTrojan fleetefleet:

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The Tragedie of Dido.

wln 1540IfIf itit bebe soso, hishis fatherfather meanesmeans toto flyefly:
wln 1541ButBut herehere hehe isis, nownow DidoDido trietry thythy witwit.
wln 1542ÆneasAeneasAeneas, whereforewherefore goego thythy menmen abourdaboard?
wln 1543WhyWhy areare thythy shipsships newnew rigdrigged? oror toto whatwhat endend
wln 1544LaunchtLaunched fromfrom thethe hauenhaven, lyelie theythey inin thethe RhodeRhode?
wln 1545PardonPardon meme thoughthough II askeask, louelove makesmakes meme askeask.
wln 1546Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.OO pardonpardon meme, ifif II resolueresolve theethee whywhy:
wln 1547ÆneasAeneasAeneas willwill notnot fainefeign withwith hishis dearedear louelove,
wln 1548II mustmust fromfrom hencehence: thisthis dayday swiftswift MercuryMercury
wln 1549WhenWhen II waswas layinglaying aa platformeplatform forfor thesethese walleswalls,
wln 1550SentSent fromfrom hishis fatherfather IoueJovejove, appeardappeared toto meme,
wln 1551AndAnd inin hishis namename rebuktrebuked meme bitterlybitterly,
wln 1552ForFor lingeringlingering herehere, neglectingneglecting ItalyItaly.
wln 1553DidoDido.ButBut yetyet ÆneasAeneasAeneas willwill notnot leaueleave hishis louelove.
wln 1554Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.II amam commaundedcommanded byby immortallimmortal IoueJovejove,
wln 1555ToTo leaueleave thisthis townetown andand passepass toto ItalyItaly,
wln 1556AndAnd thereforetherefore mustmust ofof forceforce.
wln 1557DidoDido.TheseThese wordswords proceedproceed notnot fromfrom ÆneasAeneasAeneas’Aeneas heartheart.
wln 1558Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.NotNot fromfrom mymy heartheart, forfor II cancan hardlyhardly goego,
wln 1559AndAnd yetyet II maymay notnot staystay, DidoDido farewellfarewell.
wln 1560DidoDido.FarewellFarewell: isis thisthis thethe mendsmends forfor DidosDido’s louelove?
wln 1561DoeDodo TroiansTrojans vseuse toto quitquit theirtheir LouersLovers thusthus?
wln 1562FareFare wellwell maymay DidoDido, soso ÆneasAeneasAeneas staystay,
wln 1563II dyedie, ifif mymy ÆneasAeneasAeneas saysay farewellfarewell.
wln 1564Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.ThenThen letlet meme goego andand neuernever saysay farewellfarewell,
wln 1565LetLet meme goego, farewellfarewell, II mustmust fromfrom hencehence.
wln 1566DidoDido.TheseThese wordswords areare poysonpoison toto poorepoor DidosDido’s soulesoul,
wln 1567OOOh speakespeak likelike mymy ÆneasAeneasAeneas, likelike mymy louelove:
wln 1568WhyWhy look’stlook’stlookest thouthou towardtowards thethe seasea? thethe timetime hathhath beenbeen
wln 1569WhenWhen DidosDido’s beautiebeauty chaungdchanged thinethine eyeseyes toto herher:
wln 1570AmAm II lesseless fairefair thenthan whenwhen thouthou sawestsawest meme firstfirst?
wln 1571OO thenthen ÆneasAeneasAeneas, tis’tis forfor griefegrief ofof theethee:
wln 1572SaySay thouthou wiltwilt staystay inin CarthageCarthage withwith mymy QueeneQueen,
wln 1573AndAnd DidosDido’s beautiebeauty willwill returnereturn againeagain:
wln 1574ÆneasAeneasAeneas, saysay, howhow canstcanst thouthou taketake thythy leaueleave?
wln 1575WiltWilt thouthou kissekiss DidoDido? OO thythy lipslips hauehave swornesworn
wln 1576ToTo staystay withwith DidoDido: canstcanst thouthou taketake herher handhand?

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The Tragedie of Dido.

wln 1577ThyThy handhand andand minemine hauehavehave plightedplighted mutuallmutual faithfaith,
wln 1578ThereforeTherefore vnkindunkind ÆneasAeneasAeneas, mustmust thouthou saysay,
wln 1579ThenThen letlet meme goego, andand neuernever saysay farewellfarewell.
wln 1580Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.OO QueeneQueen ofof CarthageCarthage, wertwert thouthou vglyugly blackeblack,
wln 1581ÆneasAeneasAeneas couldcould notnot choosechoose butbut holdhold theethee dearedear,
wln 1582YetYet mustmust hehe notnot gainsaygainsay thethe GodsGods’God’s behestbehest.
wln 1583DidoDido.TheThe GodsGods, whatwhat GodsGods bebe thosethose thatthat seekeseek mymy deathdeath?
wln 1584WhereinWherein hauehave II offendedoffended IupiterJupiterjupiter,
wln 1585ThatThat hehe shouldshould taketake ÆneasAeneasAeneas fromfrom minemine armesarms?
wln 1586OO nono, thethe GodsGods weyweigh notnot whatwhat LouersLovers doedo,
wln 1587ItIt isis ÆneasAeneasAeneas callescalls ÆneasAeneasAeneas hencehence,
wln 1588AndAnd wofullwoeful DidoDido byby thesethese blubbredblubbered cheekescheeks,
wln 1589ByBy thisthis rightright handhand, andand byby ourour spousallspousal ritesrites,
wln 1590DesiresDesires ÆneasAeneasAeneas toto remaineremain withwith herher:
wln 1591SiSi benebenebeen quidquid dede tete meruimerui, fuitfuit autaut tibitibi quidquamquidquam
wln 1592DulceDulce meummeum, misereremiserere domusdomus labentislabentis: &et istamistam
wln 1593OroOro, sisi quisquis adad hæchaechaec precibusprecibus locuslocus, exueexue mentemmentem.

wln 1594Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.DesineDesine mequemeque tuistuis incendereincendere tequeteque querelisquerelis,
wln 1595ItaliamItaliam nonnon spontesponte sequorsequor.

wln 1596DidoDido.HastHast thouthou forgotforgot howhow manymany neighbourneighborneighbour kingskings
wln 1597WereWere vpup inin armesarms, forfor makingmaking theethee mymy louelove?
wln 1598HowHow CarthageCarthage diddid rebellrebel, IarbusIarbasjarbus’ stormestorm,
wln 1599AndAnd allall thethe worldworld callescalls meme aa secondsecond HelenHelen,
wln 1600ForFor beingbeing intangledentangled byby aa strangersstranger’s lookeslooks:
wln 1601SoSo thouthou wouldstwouldst proueprove asas truetrue asas ParisParis diddid,
wln 1602WouldWould, asas fairefair TroyTroy waswas, CarthageCarthage mightmight bebe sacktsacked,
wln 1603AndAnd II bebe caldecalled aa secondsecond HelenaHelena.
wln 1604HadHad II aa sonneson byby theethee, thethe griefegrief werewere lesseless,
wln 1605ThatThat II mightmight seesee ÆneasAeneasAeneas inin hishis faceface:
wln 1606NowNow ifif thouthou goestgoest, whatwhat canstcanst thouthou leaueleave behindbehind,
wln 1607ButBut ratherrather willwill augmentaugment thenthanthen easecaseease mymy woewoe?
wln 1608Æn.Aen.AeneasAen.InIn vainevain mymy louelove thouthou spendstspend’stspendst thythy faintingfainting breathbreath,
wln 1609IfIf wordswords mightmight mouemove meme II werewere ouercomeovercome.
wln 1610DidoDido.AndAnd wiltwilt thouthou notnot bebe mou’dmoved withwith DidosDido’s wordswords?
wln 1611ThyThy mothermother waswas nono GoddesseGoddess periurdperjured manman,
wln 1612NorNor DardanusDardanus thethe authorauthor ofof thythy stockeflockeslockestockflock:
wln 1613ButBut thouthou artart sprungsprung fromfrom ScythianScythian CaucasusCaucasus,

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The Tragedie of Dido.

wln 1614AndAnd TygersTigers ofof HircaniaHyrcania gauegave theethee suckesuck:
wln 1615AhAh foolishfoolish DidoDido toto forbeareforbear thisthis longlong!
wln 1616WastWast thouthou notnot wracktwracked vponupon thisthis LibianLibyan shoareshore,
wln 1617AndAnd cam’stcam’st toto DidoDido likelike aa FisherFisher swaineswain?
wln 1618RepairdeRepaired notnot II thythy shipsships, mademade theethee aa KingKing,
wln 1619AndAnd allall thythy needieneedy followersfollowers NoblemenNoblemen?
wln 1620OO SerpentSerpent thatthat camecame creepingcreeping fromfrom thethe shoareshore,
wln 1621AndAnd II forfor pitiepity harbordharboredharboured inin mymy bosomebosom,
wln 1622WiltWilt thouthou nownow flayflay meme withwith thythy venomedvenomed stingsting,
wln 1623AndAnd hissehiss atat DidoDido forfor preseruingpreserving theethee?
wln 1624GoeGo goego andand sparespare notnot, seekeseek outout ItalyItaly,
wln 1625II hopehope thatthat thatthat whichwhich louelove forbidsforbids meme doedo,
wln 1626TheThe RockesRocks andand Sea-gulfesSea-gulfssea-gulfs willwill performeperform atat largelarge,
wln 1627AndAnd thouthou shaltshalt perishperish inin thethe billowesbillows’billows waiesways,
wln 1628ToTo whomwhom poorepoor DidoDido dothdoth bequeathbequeath reuengerevenge,
wln 1629IAyI traytortraitor, andand thethe waueswaves shallshall castcast theethee vpup,
wln 1630WhereWhere thouthou andand falsefalse AchatesAchates firstfirst setset footefoot:
wln 1631WhichWhich ifif itit chauncechance, IleI’ll giuegive yeye buriallburial,
wln 1632AndAnd weepeweep vponupon youryour liueleslifeless carcasescarcases,
wln 1633ThoughThough thouthou nornor hehe willwill pitiepity meme aa whitwhit.
wln 1634WhyWhy star’ststar’ststarest thouthou inin mymy faceface? ifif thouthou wiltwilt staystay,
wln 1635LeapeLeap inin minemine armesarms, minemine armesarms areare openopen widewide:
wln 1636IfIf notnot, turneturn fromfrom meme, andand IleI’ll turneturn fromfrom theethee:
wln 1637ForFor thoughthough thouthou hasthast thethe heartheart toto saysay farewellfarewell,
wln 1638II hauehave notnot powerpower toto staystay theethee: isis hehe gonegone?
wln 1639IAyI butbut heelehe’ll comecome againeagain, hehe cannotcannot goego,
wln 1640HeHe louesloves meme toto tootoo wellwell toto serueserve meme soso:
wln 1641YetYet hehe thatthat inin mymy sightsight wouldwould notnot relentrelent,
wln 1642WillWill, beingbeing absentabsent, bebe abdurateobdurateobdurate stillstill.
wln 1643ByBy thisthis isis hehe gotgot toto thethe waterwater sideside,
wln 1644AndAnd, seesee thethe SailersSailors taketake himhim byby thethe handhand,
wln 1645ButBut hehe shrinkesshrinks backeback, andand nownow remembringrememb’ringremembering meme,
wln 1646ReturnesReturns amaineamain: welcomewelcome, welcomewelcome mymy louelove:
wln 1647ButBut whereswhere’s ÆneasAeneasAeneas? ahah heeshe’s gonegone heeshe’s gonegone!
wln 1648AnnaAnna.WhatWhat meanesmeans mymy sistersister thusthus toto rauerave andand cryecry?
wln 1649DidoDido.OO AnnaAnna, mymy ÆneasAeneasAeneas isis abourdaboard,
wln 1650AndAnd leauingleaving meme willwill sailesail toto ItalyItaly.

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The Tragedie of Dido.

wln 1651OnceOnce didstdidst thouthou goego, andand hehe camecame backeback againeagain,
wln 1652NowNow bringbring himhim backeback, andand thouthou shaltshalt bebe aa QueeneQueen,
wln 1653AndAnd II willwill liuelive aa priuateprivate lifelife withwith himhim.
wln 1654AnnaAnna.WickedWicked ÆneasAeneasAeneas.
wln 1655DidoDido.CallCall himhim notnot wickedwicked, sistersister speakespeak himhim fairefair,
wln 1656AndAnd lookelook vponupon himhim withwith aa MermaidesMermaid’smermaid’s eyeeye,
wln 1657TellTell himhim, II neuernever vow’dvowed atat AulisAulis gulfegulf
wln 1658TheThe desolationdesolation ofof hishis natiuenative TroyTroy,
wln 1659NorNor sentsent aa thousandthousand shipsships vntounto thethe walleswalls,
wln 1660NorNor euerever violatedviolated faithfaith toto himhim:
wln 1661RequestRequest himhim gentlygently (AnnaAnna) toto returnereturn,
wln 1662II crauecrave butbut thisthis, hehe staystay aa tidetide oror twotwo,
wln 1663ThatThat II maymay learnelearn toto bearebear itit patientlypatiently,
wln 1664IfIf hehe departdepart thusthus suddenlysuddenly, II dyedie:
wln 1665RunRun AnnaAnna, runrun, staystay notnot toto answereanswer meme.
wln 1666AnnaAnna.II goego fairefair sistersister, heauensheavens grauntgrant goodgood successesuccess.
wln 1667ExitExit AnnaAnna.

wln 1668EnterEnter thethe NurseNurse.
wln 1669NurseNurse.OO DidoDido, youryour littlelittle sonneson AscaniusAscanius
wln 1670IsIs gonegone! hehe laylay withwith meme lastlast nightnight,
wln 1671AndAnd inin thethe morningmorning hehe waswas stolnestol’nstolen fromfrom meme,
wln 1672II thinkethink somesome FairiesFairies hauehave beguiledbeguiled meme.
wln 1673DidoDido.OO cursedcursed haggehag andand falsefalse dissemblingdissembling wretchwretch!
wln 1674ThatThat slayestslayest meme withwith thythy harshharsh andand hellishhellish taletale,
wln 1675ThouThou forfor somesome pettiepetty guiftgift hasthast letlet himhim goego,
wln 1676AndAnd II amam thusthus deludeddeluded ofof mymy boyboy:
wln 1677AwayAway withwith herher toto prisonprison presentlypresently,
wln 1678TraytoresseTraitoresstraitoress tootoo keendkeened andand cursedcursed SorceresseSorceress.
wln 1679NurseNurse.II knowknow notnot whatwhat youyou meanemean byby treasontreason, IIay,
wln 1680II amam asas truetrue asas anyany oneone ofof yoursyours.ExeuntExeunt thethe NurseNurse.
wln 1681DidoDido.AwayAway withwith herher, suffersuffer herher notnot toto speakespeak.
wln 1682MyMy sistersister comescomes, II likelike notnot herher sadsad lookeslooks.

wln 1683EnterEnter AnnaAnna.
wln 1684AnnaAnna.BeforeBefore II camecame, ÆneasAeneasAeneas waswas abourdaboard,
wln 1685AndAnd spyingspying meme, hoysthoist vpup thethe sailessails amaineamain:

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The Tragedie of Dido.

wln 1686ButBut II cridecried outout, ÆneasAeneasAeneas, falsefalse ÆneasAeneasAeneas staystay.
wln 1687ThenThen gan’gan hehe waggewag hishis handhand, whichwhich yetyet heldheld vpup,
wln 1688MadeMade meme supposesuppose hehe wouldwould hauehave heardheard meme speakespeak:
wln 1689ThenThen gan’gan theythey driuedrive intointo thethe OceanOcean,
wln 1690WhichWhich whenwhen II viewdviewed, II cridecried, ÆneasAeneasAeneas staystay,
wln 1691DidoDido, fairefair DidoDido wilswills ÆneasAeneasAeneas staystay:
wln 1692YetYet hehe whosewhose heartheart ofof adamantadamant oror flintflint,
wln 1693MyMy tearestears nornor plaintsplaints couldcould mollifiemollify aa whitwhit:
wln 1694ThenThen careleslycarelessly II rentrent mymy hairehair forfor griefegrief,
wln 1695WhichWhich seeneseen toto allall, thoughthough hehe beheldbeheld meme notnot,
wln 1696TheyThey gan’gan toto mouemove himhim toto redresseredress mymy ruthruth,
wln 1697AndAnd staystay aa whilewhile toto hearehear whatwhat II couldcould saysay,
wln 1698ButBut hehe claptclapped vnderunder hatcheshatches saildsailed awayaway.
wln 1699DidoDido.OO AnnaAnna, AnnaAnna, II willwill followfollow himhim.
wln 1700AnnaAnna.HowHow cancan yeye goego whenwhen hehe hathhath allall youryour fleetefleet?
wln 1701DidoDido.IleHeI’llHe frameframe meme wingswings ofof waxewax likelike IcarusIcarus,
wln 1702AndAnd oreo’er hishis shipsships willwill soaresoar vntounto thethe SunneSun,
wln 1703ThatThat theythey maymay meltmelt andand II fallfall inin hishis armesarms:
wln 1704OrOr elselse IleI’ll makemake aa prayerprayer vntounto thethe waueswaves,
wln 1705ThatThat II maymay swimswim toto himhim likelike TritonsTrito●sTriton’s neeceniece:
wln 1706OOOh AnnaAnna, fetchfetch OrionsOrion’s HarpeHarp,
wln 1707ThatThat II maymay tice’tice aa DolphinDolphin toto thethe shoareshore,
wln 1708AndAnd rideride vponupon hishis backeback vntounto mymy louelove:
wln 1709LookeLook sistersister, lookelook louelylovely ÆneasAeneasAeneas’Aeneas shipsships,
wln 1710SeeSee seesee, thethe billowesbillows heaueheave himhim vpup toto heauenheaven,
wln 1711AndAnd nownow downedown fallesfalls thethe keeleskeels intointo thethe deepedeep:
wln 1712OOOh sistersister, sistersister, taketake awayaway thethe RockesRocks,
wln 1713TheileThey’llthey’ll breakebreak hishis shipsships, OOOh ProteusProteus, NeptuneNeptune, IoueJovejove,
wln 1714SaueSave, sauesave ÆneasAeneasAeneas, DidosDido’s leefestliefest louelove!
wln 1715NowNow isis hehe comecome onon shoareshore safesafe withoutwithout hurthurt:
wln 1716ButBut seesee, AchatesAchates wilswills himhim putput toto seasea,
wln 1717AndAnd allall thethe SailersSailors merriemerry makemake forfor ioyjoy,
wln 1718ButBut hehe remembringrememb’ringremembering meme shrinkesshrinks backeback againeagain:
wln 1719SeeSee wherewhere hehe comescomes, welcomewelcome, welcomewelcome mymy louelove.
wln 1720AnnaAnna.AhAh sistersister, leaueleave thesethese idleidle fantasiesfantasies,
wln 1721SweetSweet sistersister ceasecease, rememberremember whowho youyou areare.
wln 1722DidoDido.DidoDido II amam, vnlesseunless II bebe deceiu’ddeceived,

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The Tragedie of Dido.

wln 1723AndAnd mustmust II rauerave thusthus forfor aa runnagaterunagate?
wln 1724MustMust II makemake shipsships forfor himhim toto sailesail awayaway?
wln 1725NothingNothing cancan bearebear meme toto himhim butbut aa shipship,
wln 1726AndAnd hehe hathhath allall thythy fleetefleet, whatwhat shallshall II doedo
wln 1727ButBut dyedie inin furiefury ofof thisthis ouersightoversight?
wln 1728IAyay, II mustmust bebe thethe murderermurderer ofof my selfemyself:
wln 1729NoNo butbut II amam notnot, yetyet II willwill bebe straightstraight.
wln 1730AnnaAnna bebe gladglad, nownow hauehave II foundfound aa meanemean
wln 1731ToTo ridrid meme fromfrom thesethese thoughtsthoughts ofof LunacieLunacy:
wln 1732NotNot farrefar fromfrom hencehence therethere isis aa womanwoman famousedfamoused forfor artsarts,
wln 1733DaughterDaughter vntounto thethe NimphsNymphsNymph’s HesperidesHesperides,
wln 1734WhoWho wildwilled meme sacrifizesacrifice hishis ticingticing relliquesrelics:
wln 1735GoeGo AnnaAnna, bidbid mymy seruantsservants bringbring meme firefire.ExitExit AnnaAnna.

wln 1736EnterEnter IarbusIarbasjarbus.
wln 1737Iar.IarbasIar.HowHow longlong willwill DidoDido mournemourn aa strangersstranger’s flightflight,
wln 1738ThatThat hathhath dishonorddishonoreddishonoured herher andand CarthageCarthage bothboth?
wln 1739HowHow longlong shallshall II withwith griefegrief consumeconsume mymy daiesdays,
wln 1740AndAnd reapereap nono guerdonguerdon forfor mymy truesttruest louelove?
wln 1741DidoDido.IarbusIarbas, talketalk notnot ofof ÆneasAeneasAeneas, letlet himhim goego,
wln 1742LayLay toto thythy handshands andand helpehelp meme makemake aa firefire,
wln 1743ThatThat shallshall consumeconsume allall thatthat thisthis strangerstranger leftleft,
wln 1744ForFor II entendintend aa priuateprivate SacrifizeSacrifice,
wln 1745ToTo curecure mymy mindemind thatthat meltsmelts forfor vnkindunkind louelove.
wln 1746Iar.IarbasIar.ButBut afterwardsafterwards willwill DidoDido grauntgrant meme louelove?
wln 1747DidoDido.IAyay, Iay, IarbusIarbas, afterafter thisthis isis donedone,
wln 1748NoneNone inin thethe worldworld shallshall hauehave mymy louelove butbut thouthou:
wln 1749SoSo, leaueleave meme nownow, letlet nonenone approachapproach thisthis placeplace.ExitExit IarbusIarbasjarbus.
wln 1750NowNow DidoDido, withwith thesethese reliquesrelics burneburn thy selfethyself,
wln 1751AndAnd makemake ÆneasAeneasAeneas famousfamous throughthrough thethe worldworld,
wln 1752ForFor periurieperjury andand slaughterslaughter ofof aa QueeneQueen:
wln 1753HereHere lyelie thethe SwordSword thatthat inin thethe darksomedarksome CaueCave
wln 1754HeHe drewdrew, andand sworeswore byby toto bebe truetrue toto meme,
wln 1755ThouThou shaltshalt burneburn firstfirst, thythy crimecrime isis worseworse thenthan hishis:
wln 1756HereHere lyelie thethe garmentgarment whichwhich II cloath’dclothed himhim inin,
wln 1757WhenWhen firstfirst hehe camecame onon shoareshore, perishperish thouthou totooto:
wln 1758TheseThese lettersletters, lineslines, andand periurdperjured paperspapers allall,

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The Tragedie of Dido.

wln 1759ShallShall burneburn toto cinderscinders inin thisthis pretiousprecious flameflame.
wln 1760AndAnd nownow yeye GodsGods thatthat guideguide thethe starriestarry frameframe,
wln 1761AndAnd orderorder allall thingsthings atat youryour highhigh disposedispose,
wln 1762GrauntGrant, thoughthough thethe traytorstraitorstraitor’s landland inin ItalyItaly,
wln 1763TheyThey maymay bebe stillstill tormentedtormented withwith vnrestunrest,
wln 1764AndAnd fromfrom minemine ashesashes letlet aa ConquerourConqueror riserise,
wln 1765ThatThat maymay reuengerevenge thisthis treasontreason toto aa QueeneQueen,
wln 1766ByBy plowingplowingploughing vpup hishis CountriesCountries withwith thethe SwordSword:
wln 1767BetwixtBetwixt thisthis landland andand thatthat bebe neuernever leagueleague,
wln 1768LittoraLitoraLittora littoribuslitoribuslittoribus contrariacontraria, fluctibusfluctibus vndasundas
wln 1769ImpresorImprecorImpresor: armaarma armisarmis: pugnentpugnent ipsiq[ue]ipsiqueipsique nepotesnepotes:

wln 1770LiueLive falsefalse ÆneasAeneasAeneas, truesttruest DidoDido dyesdies,
wln 1771SicSic sicsic iuuatjuvatiwat ireire subsub vmbrasumbras.
wln 1772EnterEnter AnnaAnna.
wln 1773AnnaAnna.OO helpehelp IarbusIarbas, DidoDido inin thesethese flamesflames
wln 1774HathHath burntburntburned her selfeherself, ayeay meme, vnhappieunhappy meme!
wln 1775EnterEnter IarbusIarbasjarbus runningrunning.
wln 1776Iar.IarbasIar.CursedCursed IarbusIarbas, dyedie toto expiateexpiate
wln 1777TheThe griefegrief thatthat tirestires vponupon thinethine inwardinward soulesoul,
wln 1778DidoDido II comecome toto theethee, ayeay meme ÆneasAeneasAeneas.
wln 1779AnnaAnna.WhatWhat cancan mymy tearestears oror cryescries preuaileprevail meme nownow?
wln 1780DidoDido isis deaddead, IarbusIarbas slaineslain, IarbusIarbas mymy dearedear louelove,
wln 1781OOOh sweetsweet IarbusIarbas, AnnasAnna’s solesole delightdelight,
wln 1782WhatWhat fatallfatal destiniedestiny enuiesenvies meme thusthus,
wln 1783ToTo seesee mymy sweetsweet IarbusIarbas slayslay himselfehimself?
wln 1784ButBut AnnaAnna nownow shallshall honorhonorhonour theethee inin deathdeath,
wln 1785AndAnd mixemix herher bloudblood withwith thinethine, thisthis shallshall II doedo,
wln 1786ThatThat GodsGods andand menmen maymay pitiepity thisthis mymy deathdeath,
wln 1787AndAnd ruerue ourour endsends sencelessenseless ofof lifelife oror breathbreath:
wln 1788NowNow sweetsweet IarbusIarbas staystay, II comecome toto theethee.


img: 27-b
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Textual Notes
  1. 299 (6-b) : The regularized reading Baucis' is amended from the original Vausis.
  2. 714 (12-b) : The regularized reading sour comes from the original sower, though possible variants include power.
  3. 996 (16-a) : The regularized reading manet is amended from the original manent.
  4. 998 (16-a) : The regularized reading forfeit is amended from the original far fet.
  5. 1497 (23-a) : The regularized reading danglest is amended from the original danlest.
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First printed edition:
Dido, Queen of Carthage