Summer's Last Will and Testament
Summer’s Last Will and Testament

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ln 0002ComedieComedy, calledcalled
ln 0003SummersSummer’s lastlast willwill andand
ln 0004TestamentTestament.

ln 0005WrittenWritten byby ThomasThomas Nash.Nash.

ln 0006ImprintedImprinted atat LondonLondon byby SimonSimon StaffordStafford,
ln 0007forfor WaterWalterWater BurreBurreburr.
ln 000816001600.

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wln 0002lastlast willwill andand TestamentTestament.

wln 0003EnterEnter WillWill SummersSummerSummer’s inin hishis foolesfool’s coatecoat butbut halfehalf onon,
wln 0004commingcoming outout.

wln 0005NOctemNOctemNoctem peccatispeccatis, &et fraudibusfraudibus obiiceobiice nubemnubem.
wln 0006ThereThere isis nono suchsuch finefine timetime toto playplay thethe knaueknave
wln 0007inin, asas thethe nightnight. II amam aa GooseGoose oror aa GhostGhost atat
wln 0008leastleast; forfor whatwhat withwith turmoyleturmoil ofof gettinggetting mymy
wln 0009foolesfool’s apparellapparel, andand carecare ofof beingbeing perfitperfect, II amam
wln 0010suresure II hauehave notnot yetyet suptsupped to nighttonight. WillWill Sum-SummersSum∣mersSummer’s
wln 0011mers

wln 0011GhostGhost II shouldshould bebe, comecome toto presentpresent youyou withwith SummersSummer’s
wln 0012lastlast willwill, andand TestamentTestament. BeBe itit soso, ifif mymy cousincousin NedNed willwill lendlend
wln 0013meme hishis ChayneChain andand hishis FiddleFiddle. OtherOther statelystately pac’tpaced ProloguesPrologues
wln 0014vseuse toto attireattire themseluesthemselves withinwithin: II thatthat hauehave aa toytoy inin mymy headhead,
wln 0015moremore thenthan ordinaryordinary, andand vseuse toto goego withoutwithout moneymoney, withoutwithout
wln 0016gartersgarters, withoutwithout girdlegirdle, withoutwithout aa hat-bandhatband, withoutwithout poyntspoints toto
wln 0017mymy hosehose, withoutwithout aa knifeknife toto mymy dinnerdinner, andand makemake soso muchmuch vseuse
wln 0018ofof thisthis wordword withoutwithout, inin eueryevery thingthing, willwill herehere dressedress meme with-withoutwith∣outwithout
wln 0019out.
wln 0019DickDick HuntleyHuntley cryescries, BeginBegin, beginbegin: andand allall thethe wholewhole
wln 0020househouse, ForFor shameshame comecome awayaway; whenwhen II hadhad mymy thingsthings butbut nownow
wln 0021broughtbrought meme outout ofof thethe LawndryLaundrylaundry. GodGod forgiueforgive meme, II diddid notnot
wln 0022seesee mymy LordLord beforebefore. IleI’ll setset aa goodgood faceface onon itit, asas thoughthough whatwhat
wln 0023II hadhad talkttalked idlyidly allall thisthis whilewhile, werewere mymy partpart. SoSo itit isis, boniboni viriviri,
wln 0024thatthat oneone foolefool presentspresents anotheranother; andand II aa foolefool byby naturenature, andand
wln 0025byby arteart, dodo speakespeak toto youyou inin thethe personperson ofof thethe IdiotIdiot ourour Play-PlaymakerPlay∣makerPlaymaker
wln 0026maker.
wln 0026HeHe likelike aa FoppeFop &and anan AsseAss, mustmust bebe makingmaking himselfehimself aa
wln 0027publikepublic laughinglaughing stockstock, &and hauehave nono thankethank forfor hishis laborlaborlabour; wherewhere
wln 0028otherother MagisterijMagisteriiMagisterij, whosewhose inuentioninvention isis farrefar moremore exquisiteexquisite, areare
wln 0029contentcontent toto sitsit stillstill, andand doedo nothingnothing. IleI’ll sheweshow youyou whatwhat aa

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Summers last will

wln 0030scuruyscurvy ProloguePrologue hehe hadhad mademade meme inin anan oldold vayneveinvain ofof similitudessimilitudes:
wln 0031ifif youyou beebe goodgood fellowesfellows, giuegive itit thethe hearinghearing, thatthat youyou maymay
wln 0032iudgejudge ofof himhim thereafterthereafter.
wln 0033TheThe ProloguePrologue.
wln 0034ATAT aa solemnesolemn feastfeast ofof thethe TriumuiriTriumviriTriumuiri inin RomeRome, itit waswas seeneseen
wln 0035andand obseruedobserved, thatthat thethe birdsbirds ceasedceased toto singsing, &and satesat solita-solitariesolita∣riesolitary
wln 0036rie
wln 0036onon thethe househouse topstops, byby reasonreason ofof thethe sightsight ofof aa payntedpainted SerpēntSerpētSerpent
wln 0037setset openlyopenly toto viewview. SoSo faresfares itit withwith vsus nouicesnovices, thatthat herehere betraybetray
wln 0038ourour imperfectionsimperfections: wewe, afraidafraid toto lookelook onon thethe imaginaryimaginary serpentserpent
wln 0039ofof EnuyEnvy, payntedpainted inin mensmen’s affectionsaffections, hauehave ceasedceased toto tunetune anyany
wln 0040musikemusic ofof mirthmirth toto youryour earesears thisthis tweluemonthtwelvemonth, thinkingthinking, thatthat
wln 0041asas itit isis thethe naturenature ofof thethe serpentserpent toto hissehiss: soso childhoodchildhood andand ig-ignoranceig∣noranceignorance
wln 0042norance
wln 0042wouldwould playplay thethe goslingsgoslings, contemningcontemning, andand condem-condemningcondem∣ningcondemning
wln 0043ning
wln 0043whatwhat theythey vnderstoodunderstood notnot. TheirTheir censurescensures wewe weyweigh notnot,
wln 0044whosewhose sencessenses areare notnot yetyet vnswadledunswaddled. TheThe littlelittle minutesminutes willwill bebe
wln 0045continuallycontinually strikingstriking, thoughthough nono manman regardregard themthem. WhelpesWhelps
wln 0046willwill barkebark, beforebefore theythey cancan seesee, andand striuestrive toto bytebite, beforebefore theythey
wln 0047hauehave teethteeth. PolitianusPolitianus speakethspeaketh ofof aa beastbeast, whowho, whilewhile heehe isis
wln 0048cutcut onon thethe tabletable, drinkethdrinketh, andand representsrepresents thethe motionsmotions &and voy-voycesvoy∣cesvoicesvoyces
wln 0049ces
wln 0049ofof aa liuingliving creaturecreature. SuchSuch likelike foolishfoolish beastsbeasts areare wewe, whowho,
wln 0050whilestwhilst wewe areare cutcut, mockedmocked, &and flowtedflouted atat, inin eueryevery mansman’s com-commoncom∣moncommon
wln 0051mon
wln 0051talketalk, willwill notwithstandingnotwithstanding proceedproceed toto shameshame our seluesourselves,
wln 0052toto makemake sportsport. NoNo manman pleasethpleaseth allall, wewe seekeseek toto pleaseplease oneone.
wln 0053DidymusDidymus wrotewrote fourefour thousandthousand bookesbooks, oror asas somesome saysay, sixsix thou-thousandthou∣sandthousand
wln 0054sand,
wln 0054ofof thethe arteart ofof GrammarGrammar. OurOur AuthourAuthor hopeshopes, itit maymay
wln 0055bebe asas lawfulllawful forfor himhim toto writewrite aa thousandthousand lineslines ofof asas lightlight aa sub-subiectsub∣iectsubject
wln 0056iect.
wln 0056SocratesSocrates
(whomwhom thethe OracleOracle pronouncedpronounced thethe wisestwisest manman
wln 0057ofof GreeceGreece) sometimessometimes daunceddanced. ScipioScipio andand LeliusLaeliusLelius byby thethe sea-sea∣sideseaside
wln 0058side
wln 0058playedplayed atat peeble-stonepebble-stone. SemelSemel insaniuimusinsanivimus omnesomnes. EueryEvery
wln 0059manman cannotcannot, withwith ArchimedesArchimedes, makemake aa heauenheaven ofof brassebrass, oror digdig
wln 0060goldgold outout ofof thethe ironiron mynesmines ofof thethe lawelaw. SuchSuch oddeodd triflestrifles, asas
wln 0061MathematiciansMathematicians’Mathematicians experimentsexperiments bebe, ArtificiallArtificial flyesflies toto hanghang inin thethe
wln 0062ayreair byby themseluesthemselves, daunsingdancing ballesballs, anan egge-shelleggshell thatthat shallshall
wln 0063clymeclimb vpup toto thethe toptop ofof aa spearespear, fieryfiery breathingbreathing goaresgoaresgores, PoetæPoetaePoetae
wln 0064nosternoster
professethprofesseth notnot toto makemake. PlaceatPlaceat sibisibi quisq;quisquequisque licebitheebitheebitlicebit. What’sWhat’s
wln 0065aa foolefool butbut hishis bablebabble? DeepeDeep reachingreaching witswits, heerehere isis nono deepedeep

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and Testament.

wln 0066streamestream forfor youyou toto angleangle inin. MoralizersMoralizersMoralisers, youyou thatthat wrestwrest aa ne-neuerne∣uernever
wln 0067uer
wln 0067meantmeant meaningmeaning, outout ofof eueryevery thingthing, applyingapplying allall thingsthings toto
wln 0068thethe presentpresent timetime, keepekeep youryour attentionattention forfor thethe commoncommon StageStage:
wln 0069forfor herehere areare nono quipsquips inin CharactersCharacters forfor youyou toto readeread. VayneVain
wln 0070glozersglozers, gathergather whatwhat youyou willwill. SpiteSpite, spellspell backwardsbackwards, whatwhat
wln 0071thouthou canstcanst. AsAs thethe ParthiansParthians fightfight, flyingflying awayaway: soso willwill weewe
wln 0072prateprate andand talketalk, butbut standstand toto nothingnothing thatthat wewe saysay.
wln 0073HowHow saysay youyou, mymy mastersmasters, doedo youyou notnot laughlaugh atat himhim forfor aa
wln 0074CoxcombeCoxcomb? WhyWhy, hehe hathhath mademade aa ProloguePrologue longerlonger thenthan hishis
wln 0075PlayPlay: naynay, ’tis’tis nono PlayPlay neytherneither, butbut aa sheweshow. IleI’ll bebe swornesworn,
wln 0076thethe IiggefiggesiggeJigfig ofof RowlandsRoland’s God-sonneGodson, isis aa GyantGiant inin comparisoncomparison
wln 0077ofof itit. WhatWhat cancan bebe mademade ofof SummersSummer’s lastlast willwill &and TestamentTestament?
wln 0078SuchSuch anotheranother thingthing, asas GyllianCyllianGillianCyllian ofof BraynfordsBrainford’s willwill, wherewhere sheeshe
wln 0079bequeathedbequeathed aa scorescore ofof fartsfarts amongstamongst herher friendsfriends. ForsoothForsooth, be-becausebe∣causebecause
wln 0080cause
wln 0080thethe plagueplague raignesreigns inin mostmost placesplaces inin thisthis latterlatter endend ofof sum-summersum∣mersummer
wln 0081mer,
wln 0081SummerSummer mustmust comecome inin sickesick: hehe mustmust callcall hishis officersofficers toto
wln 0082accountaccount, yeeldyield hishis thronethrone toto AutumneAutumn, makemake WinterWinter hishis Exe-ExecutourExe∣cutourExecutorExecutour
wln 0083cutour,
wln 0083withwith tittletittle tattletattle TomTom boyboy: GodGod giuegive youyou goodgood nightnight inin
wln 0084WatlingWatling streetstreet. II carecare notnot whatwhat II saysay nownow: forfor II playplay nono moremore
wln 0085thenthan youyou hearehear; &and somesome ofof thatthat youyou heardheard totooto (byby youryour leaueleave) waswas
wln 0086extemporeextempore. HeHe werewere asas goodgood hauehave letlet meme hadhad thethe bestbest partpart:
wln 0087forfor IleI’ll bebe reueng’drevenged onon himhim toto thethe vttermostuttermost, inin thisthis personperson ofof
wln 0088WillWill SummerSummer, whichwhich II hauehave putput onon toto playplay thethe ProloguePrologue, andand
wln 0089meanemean notnot toto putput offoff, tilltill thethe playplay bebe donedone. IleI’ll sitsit asas aa ChorusChorus,
wln 0090andand flowteflout thethe ActorsActors andand himhim atat thethe endend ofof eueryevery SceaneScene: II
wln 0091knowknow theythey willwill notnot interruptinterrupt meme, forfor fearefear ofof marringmarring ofof allall:
wln 0092butbut lookelook toto youryour cuescues, mymy mastersmasters; forfor II intendintend toto playplay thethe
wln 0093knaueknave inin cuecue, andand putput youyou besidesbesides allall youryour partsparts, ifif youyou taketake
wln 0094notnot thethe betterbetter heedeheed. ActorsActors, youyou RoguesRogues, comecome awayaway, cleareclear
wln 0095youryour throatsthroats, bloweblow youryour nosesnoses, andand wypewipe youryour mouthesmouths e’reere
wln 0096youyou enterenter, thatthat youyou maymay taketake nono occasionoccasion toto spitspit oror toto coughcough,
wln 0097whenwhen youyou areare non plusnonnonplusnonplusplus. AndAnd thisthis II barrebar ouerover andand besidesbesides,
wln 0098ThatThat nonenone ofof youyou stroakestroke youryour beardesbeards, toto makemake actionaction, playplay
wln 0099withwith youryour cod-piececodpiece poyntspoints, oror stādstand fumblingfumbling onon youryour buttonsbuttombuttonsbutton,
wln 0100whenwhen youyou knowknow notnot howhow toto bestowbestow youryour fingersfingers. SerueServe GodGod,
wln 0101andand actact cleanlycleanly; aa fitfit ofof mirthmirth, andand anan oldold songsong firstfirst, ifif youyou willwill.

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Summers last will

wln 0102EnterEnter SummerSummer, leaningleaning onon AutumnesAutumn’sAutumns andand WintersWinter’s shouldersshoulders,
wln 0103andand attendedattended onon withwith aa traynetrain ofof SatyrsSatyrs, andand wood-wood∣Nymphswood-Nymphswood∣Nymphs
wln 0104Nymphs,
wln 0104singingsinging.

wln 0105FayreFair SummerSummer droopsdroops, droopedroop menmen andand beastsbeasts thereforetherefore:
wln 0106SoSo fayrefair aa summersummer lookelook forfor neuernever moremore.
wln 0107AllAll goodgood thingsthings vanishvanish, lesseless thenthan inin aa dayday,
wln 0108PeacePeace, plentyplenty, pleasurepleasure sodainelysuddenly decaydecay.
wln 0109GoeGo notnot yetyet awayaway brightbright soulesoul ofof thethe sadsadyearesad yeareyear.
wln 0110TheThe earthearth isis hellhell, whenwhen thouthou leau’stlean’stleav’stleanest toto appeareappear.
wln 0111WhatWhat, shallshall thosethose flowresflowers thatthat decktdecked thythy garlandgarland ersterst,
wln 0112VponUpon thythy grauegrave bebe wastfullywastefully disperstdispersed?
wln 0113OO treestrees, consumeconsume youryour sapsap inin sorrowessorrow’s soursesource.
wln 0114StreamesStreams, turneturn toto tearestears youryour tributarytributary coursecourse.
wln 0115GoeGo notnot yetyet hencehence, brightbright soulesoul ofof thethe sadsadyearesad yeareyear.
wln 0116TheThe earthearth isis hellhell, whenwhen thouthou leau’stleav’st toto appeareappear.

wln 0117TheThe SatyrsSatyrs andand wood-Nymphswood-Nymphs goego outout singingsinging, andand leaueleave
wln 0118SummerSummer andand WinterWinter andand AutumneAutumn onon thethe stagestage.

wln 0119Will.Will. SummerSummer.AA couplecouple ofof prattypretty boyesboys, ifif theythey wouldwould washwash
wln 0120theirtheir facesfaces, andand werewere wellwell breechtbreeched anan hourehour oror twotwo. TheThe restrest
wln 0121ofof thethe greenegreen menmen hauehave reasonablereasonable voycesvoices, goodgood toto singsing cat-catchescat∣chescatches
wln 0122ches,
wln 0122oror thethe greatgreat IowbenJowbenjowben byby thethe firesfire’s sideside, inin aa winterswinter’s eueningevening.
wln 0123ButBut letlet vsus hearehear whatwhat SummerSummer cancan saysay forfor himselfehimself, whywhy heehe
wln 0124shouldshould notnot bebe histhissed atat.
wln 0125SummerSummer.WhatWhat pleasurepleasure alwayalways lastslasts??: nono ioyjoy enduresendures:
wln 0126SummerSummer II waswas, II amam notnot asas II waswas:
wln 0127HaruestHarvest andand ageage hauehave whit’nedwhitened mymy greenegreen headhead:
wln 0128OnOn AutumneAutumn nownow andand WinterWinter mustmust II leanelean.
wln 0129NeedsNeeds mustmust hehe fallfall, whomwhom nonenone butbut foesfoes vpholduphold.
wln 0130ThusThus mustmust thethe happiesthappiest manman hauehave hishis blackeblack dayday.
wln 0131OmnibusOmnibus vnauna manetmanesmanetmanes noxnox, &et calcandacalcanda semelsemel viavia lethilaethilaethilethi.
wln 0132ThisThis monthmonth hauehave II laynelain languishinglanguishing a beda-bed,
wln 0133LookingLooking echeeach hourehour toto yeeldyield mymy lifelife, andand thronethrone;
wln 0134AndAnd dydedied II hadhad in deedindeedin deed vntounto thethe earthearth,
wln 0135ButBut thatthat ElizaEliza EnglandsEngland’s beauteousbeauteous QueeneQueen,
wln 0136OnOn whomwhom allall seasonsseasons prosperouslyprosperously attendattend,
wln 0137ForbadForbade thethe executionexecution ofof mymy fatefate,

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and Testament.

wln 0138VntillUntil herher ioyfulljoyful progresseprogress waswas expir’dexpired.
wln 0139ForFor herher dothdoth SummerSummer liuelive, andand lingerlinger herehere,
wln 0140AndAnd wishethwisheth longlong toto liuelive toto herher contentcontent:
wln 0141ButBut wisheswishes areare notnot hadhad whenwhen theythey wishwish wellwell.
wln 0142II mustmust departdepart, mymy death-daydeath-day isis setset downedown:
wln 0143ToTo thesethese twotwo mustmust II leaueleave mymy wheatenwheaten crownecrown.
wln 0144SoSo vntounto vnthriftsunthrifts richrich menmen leaueleave theirtheir landslands,
wln 0145WhoWho inin anan hourehour consumeconsume longlong labourslabor’slabours gaynesgains.
wln 0146TrueTrue isis itit thatthat diuinestdivinest SidneySidney sungsung,
wln 0147OOOh, hehe isis mardmarred, thatthat isis forfor othersothers mademade.
wln 0148ComeCome neerenear, mymy friendsfriends, forfor II amam neerenear mymy endend.
wln 0149InIn presencepresence ofof thisthis HonourableHonorableHonourable traynetrain,
wln 0150WhoWho louelove meme (forfor II patronizepatronize theirtheir sportssports)
wln 0151MeaneMean II toto makemake mymy finallfinal TestamentTestament:
wln 0152ButBut firstfirst IleI’ll callcall mymy officersofficers toto countcount,
wln 0153AndAnd ofof thethe wealthwealth II gauegave themthem toto disposedispose,
wln 0154KnowKnow whatwhat isis leftleft. II maymay knowknow whatwhat toto giuegive
wln 0155VertumnusVertumnus thenthen, thatthat turnstturnst thethe yereyear aboutabout.
wln 0156SummonSummon themthem oneone byby oneone toto answereanswer meme,
wln 0157FirstFirst VerVer, thethe springspring, vntounto whosewhose custodycustody
wln 0158II hauehave committedcommitted moremore thenthan toto thethe restrest:
wln 0159TheThe choysechoice ofof allall mymy fragrantfragrant meadesmeads andand flowresflowers,
wln 0160AndAnd whatwhat delightsdelights soe’resoe’er naturenature affordsaffords.
wln 0161Vertum.VertumnusVertum.II willwill, mymy LordLord. VerVer, lustylusty VerVer, byby thethe namename ofof
wln 0162lustylusty VerVer, comecome intointo thethe courtcourt, loselose aa markemark inin issuesissues.
wln 0163EnterEnter VerVer withwith hishis traynetrain, ouerlaydoverlaid withwith suitessuits ofof greenegreen mossemoss,
wln 0164representingrepresenting shortshort grassegrass, singingsinging.

wln 0165TheThe SongSong.
wln 0166SpringSpring, thethe sweetesweet springspring, isis thethe yeresyear’syears pleasantpleasant KingKing,
wln 0167ThenThenThan bloomesblooms echeeach thingthing, thenthenthan maydesmaids dauncedance inin aa ringring,
wln 0168ColdCold doethdoth notnot stingsting, thethe prettypretty birdsbirds doedo singsing,
wln 0169CuckowCuckoo, iuggejug, iuggejug, pupu wewe, toto wittawitta woowoo.
wln 0170TheThe PalmePalm andand MayMay makemake countreycountry houseshouses gaygay.
wln 0171LambsLambs friskefrisk andand playplay, thethe ShepherdsShepherd’sshepherd’s pypepipe allall dayday,
wln 0172AndAnd wewe hearehear ayeaye, birdsbirds tunetune thisthis merrymerry laylay,
wln 0173CuckowCuckoo, iuggejug, iuggejug, pupu wewe, toto wittawitta woowoo.

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Summers last will

wln 0174TheThe fieldsfields breathebreathe sweetesweet, thethe dayziesdaisies kissekiss ourour feetefeet,
wln 0175YoungYoung louerslovers meetemeet, oldold wiueswives a sunninga-sunninga sunning sitsit:
wln 0176InIn eueryevery streetestreet, thesethese tunestunes ourour earesears doedo greetegreet,
wln 0177CuckowCuckoo, iuggejug, iuggejug, pupu wewe, toto wittawitta woowoo.
wln 0178SpringSpring thethe sweetesweet springspring.

wln 0179WillWill SummerSummer.ByBy mymy trothtroth, theythey hauehave voycesvoices asas cleareclear asas
wln 0180ChristallCrystal: thisthis isis aa prattypretty thingthing, ifif itit bebe forfor nothingnothing butbut toto goego
wln 0181a begginga-begging withwith.
wln 0182SummersSummer:BeleeueBelieve meme, VerVer, butbut thouthou artart pleasantpleasant bentbent,
wln 0183ThisThis humorhumorhumour shouldshould importimport aa harmlesseharmless mindemind:
wln 0184KnowstKnow’stknow’st thouthou thethe reasonreason whywhy II sentsent forfor theethee?
wln 0185Ver.Ver.NoNo faithfaith, nornor carecare notnot, whetherwhether II dodo oror nono.
wln 0186IfIf youyou willwill dauncedance aa GalliardGalliard, soso itit isis: ifif notnot, FalangtadoFalangtado, Fa-FalangtadoFa∣langtadoFalangtado
wln 0187langtado,
wln 0187toto wearewear thethe blackeblack andand yellowyellow: FalangtadoFalangtado, Falāg-Falāg∣tadoFalangtado
wln 0188tado,
wln 0188mymy matesmates areare gonegone, IleI’ll followefollow.
wln 0189SummerSummer.NayNay, staystay aa whilewhile, wewe mustmust conferconfer andand talketalk.
wln 0190VerVer, callcall toto mindmind II amam thythy soueraignesovereign LordLord,
wln 0191AndAnd whatwhat thouthou hasthast, ofof meme thouthou hasthast, andand holdsthold’st.
wln 0192VntoUnto nono otherother endend II sentsent forfor theethee.
wln 0193ButBut toto demaunddemand aa reckoningreckoning atat thythy handshands,
wln 0194HowHow wellwell oror illill thouthou hasthast imploydemployed mymy wealthwealth.
wln 0195Ver.Ver.IfIf thatthat bebe allall, wewe willwill notnot disagreedisagree.
wln 0196AA cleaneclean trenchertrencher andand aa napkinnapkin youyou shallshall hauehave presentlypresently.
wln 0197WillWill SummerSummer.TheThe truthtruth isis, thisthis fellowfellow hathhath binbeen aa tapstertapster inin
wln 0198hishis daiesdays.
wln 0199VerVer goesgoes inin, andand fetchethfetcheth outout thethe Hobby horseHobby-horseHobby horse &and thethe morrismorris
wln 0200dauncedance, whowho dauncedance aboutabout.

wln 0201SummerSummer.HowHow nownow? isis thisthis thethe reckoningreckoning wewe shallshall hauehave?
wln 0202WinterWinter.MyMy LordLord, hehe dothdoth abuseabuse youyou: brookebrook itit notnot.
wln 0203AutumneAutumn.SummaSumma totalistotalis II fearefear willwill proueprove himhim butbut aa foolefool.
wln 0204Ver.Ver.AboutAbout, aboutabout, liuelylively, putput youryour horsehorse toto itit, reynerein himhim
wln 0205harderharder, ierkejerk himhim withwith youryour wandwand, sitsit fastfast, sitsit fastfast, manman; foolefoclefoolfocle,
wln 0206holdhold vpup youryour ladleladle therethere.
wln 0207WillWill SummerSummer.OO brauebrave hallhall! OO, wellwell saydsaid, butcherbutcher. NowNow forfor
wln 0208thethe creditcredit ofof WostershireWorcestershireWostershire. TheThe finestfinest setset ofof Morris-dauncersMorris dancersMorris-dancers
wln 0209thatthat isis betweenebetween thisthis andand StrethamStreathamStretham: marymarry, me thinksmethinks therethere isis

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and Testament.

wln 0210oneone ofof themthem daūcethdaūcethdanceth likelike aa ClothyersClothier’sclothier’s horsehorse, withwith aa wool-packwoolpack
wln 0211onon hishis backeback. YouYou friendfriend withwith thethe Hobby-horseHobby-horse, goego notnot
wln 0212tootoo fastfast, forfor fearefear ofof wearingwearing outout mymy LordsLord’sLords tyle-stonestilestonestile-stones withwith
wln 0213youryour hob-nayleshobnails.
wln 0214Ver.Ver.SoSo, soso, soso, trottrot thethe ringring twisetwice ouerover, andand awayaway. MayMay itit
wln 0215pleaseplease mymy LordLord, thisthis isis thethe grandgrand capitallcapital summesum, butbut therethere areare
wln 0216certaynecertain parcelsparcels behindbehind, asas youyou shallshall seesee.
wln 0217SummerSummer.NayNay, naynay, nono moremore; forfor thisthis isis allall tootoo muchmuch.
wln 0218Ver.Ver.ContentContent your selfeyourself, we’lewe’ll hauehave varietyvariety.
wln 0219HereHere enterenter 3.three3. ClownesClowns, &and 3.three3. maidsmaids, singingsinging thisthis songsong, daunsingdancing.
wln 0220TripTrip andand goego, heaueheave andand hoeho,
wln 0221VpUp andand downedown toto andand frofro,
wln 0222FromFrom thethe townetown, toto thethe grouegrove,
wln 0223TwoTwo, andand twotwo, letlet vsus rouerove
wln 0224A MayingA-Mayinga-Maying, a playinga-playinga playing:
wln 0225LoueLove hathhath nono gainsayinggainsaying:
wln 0226SoSo merrilymerrily triptrip andand goego.

wln 0227WillWill SummerSummer.BeshrewBeshrew mymy heartheart, ofof aa numbernumber ofof illill legslegs, II
wln 0228neuernever sawesaw worseworse daunsersdancers: howhow blestblessed areare youyou, thatthat thethe wen-wencheswen∣cheswenches
wln 0229ches
wln 0229ofof thethe parishparish doedo notnot seesee youyou!
wln 0230SummerSummer.PresumptuousPresumptuous VerVer, vnciuill nurturdeuncivil-nurtureduncivil nurtured boyboy,
wln 0231Think’stThink’stThinkest II willwill bebe deridedderided thusthus ofof theethee?
wln 0232IsIs thisthis th’accountth’ accountth’account andand reckoningreckoning thatthat thouthou mak’stmak’st?
wln 0233Ver.Ver.TrothTroth, mymy LordLord, toto telltell youyou playneplain, II cancan giuegive youyou
wln 0234nono otherother accountaccount: namnam quæquaequae habuihabui, perdidipordidipordidiperdidi; whatwhat II hadhad, II hauehave
wln 0235spentspent onon goodgood fellowesfellows, inin thesethese sportssports youyou hauehave seeneseen, whichwhich
wln 0236areare properproper toto thethe SpringSpring, andand othersothers ofof likelike sortsort, (asas giuinggiving
wln 0237wencheswenches greenegreen gownesgowns, makingmaking garlandsgarlands forfor FencersFencers, andand
wln 0238trickingtricking vpup childrenchildren gaygay) hauehave II bestowdebestowed allall mymy flowryflowery trea-treasuretrea∣suretreasure
wln 0239sure,
wln 0239andand flowreflower ofof mymy youthyouth.
wln 0240WillWill SummerSummer.AA smallsmall mattermatter. II knoweknow oneone spentspent inin lesseless
wln 0241thenthan aa yereyear, eyghteight andand fiftyfifty poundspounds inin mustardmustard, andand an otheranother
wln 0242thatthat ranneran inin detdebt, inin thethe spacespace ofof fourefour oror fiuesiuefive yeereyear, aboueabove
wln 0243foureteenefourteen thousandthousand poundpound inin lutelute stringsstrings andand graygraygrey paperpaper.
wln 0244SummerSummer.OO monstrousmonstrous vnthriftunthrift, who e’rewhoe’er heardheard thethe likelike?
wln 0245TheThe seassea’sseas vastvast throatethroat inin soso shortshort tracttract ofof timetime,

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wln 0246DeuourethDevoureth nornor consumethconsumeth halfehalf soso muchmuch.
wln 0247HowHow wellwell mightstmightst thouthou hauehave liu’dlived withinwithin thythy boundsbounds?
wln 0248Ver.Ver.WhatWhat talketalk youyou toto meme, ofof liuingliving withinwithin mymy boundsbounds? II
wln 0249telltell youyou, nonenone butbut AssesAsses liuelive withinwithin theirtheir boundsbounds: thethe sillysilly
wln 0250beastsbeasts, ifif theythey bebe putput inin aa pasturepasture, thatthat isis eateneaten barebare toto thethe veryvery
wln 0251earthearth, &and wherewhere therethere isis nothingnothing toto bebe hadhad butbut thistlesthistles, willwill ra-ratherra∣therrather
wln 0252ther
wln 0252fallfall soberlysoberly toto thosethose thistlesthistles, andand bebe hungerstaru’dhunger-starved, thenthan
wln 0253theythey willwill offeroffer toto breakebreak theirtheir boundsbounds; whereaswhereas thethe lustylusty cour-coursercour∣sercourser
wln 0254ser,
wln 0254ifif hehe bebe inin aa barraynebarren plotplot, andand spyespy betterbetter grassegrass inin somesome
wln 0255pasturepasture neerenear adioyningadjoining, breakesbreaks ouerover hedgehedge andand ditchditch, andand
wln 0256toto goego, e’reere hehe willwill bebe pentpent inin, andand notnot hauehave hishis bellybelly fullfull. Per-PeraduenturePer∣aduenturePeradventure
wln 0257aduenture,
wln 0257thethe horseshorses latelylately swornesworn toto bebe stolnestolen, carriedcarried thatthat
wln 0258youthfullyouthful mindmind, whowho, ifif theythey hadhad benebeen AssesAsses, wouldwould hauehave benebeen
wln 0259yetyet extantextant.
wln 0260WillWill SummersSummerSummer.ThusThus wewe maymay seesee, thethe longerlonger wewe liuelive, thethe
wln 0261moremore weewe shallshall learnelearn: II ne’rene’ernever thoughtthought honestiehonesty anan asseass, tilltill
wln 0262thisthis dayday.
wln 0263Ver.Ver.ThisThis worldworld isis transitorytransitory, itit waswas mademade ofof nothingnothing, andand
wln 0264itit mustmust toto nothingnothing: whereforewherefore, ifif weewe willwill doedo thethe willwill ofof ourour
wln 0265highhigh CreatourCreator, (whosewhose willwill itit isis, thatthat itit passepass toto nothingnothing) weewe
wln 0266mustmust helpehelp toto consumeconsume itit toto nothingnothing. GoldGold isis moremore vilevile thenthan
wln 0267menmen: MenMen dyedie inin thousandsthousands, andand tenten thousandsthousands, yeayea, manymany
wln 0268timestimes inin hundrethhundred thousandsthousands inin oneone battailebattle. IfIf thenthen, thethe bestbest
wln 0269husbandhusband beebe soso liberallliberal ofof hishis bestbest handyworkehandiwork, toto whatwhat endeend
wln 0270shouldshould wewe makemake muchmuch ofof aa glitteringglittering excrementexcrement, oror doubtdoubt toto
wln 0271spendspend atat aa banketbanquet asas manymany poundspounds, asas hehe spendsspends menmen atat aa bat-battailebat∣tailebattle
wln 0272taile?
wln 0272Me thinkesMethinksmethinks II honourhonorhonour GetaGeta thethe RomaneRoman EmperourEmperor, forfor
wln 0273aa brauebrave mindedminded fellowfellow: forfor hehe commaundedcommanded aa banketbanquet toto beebe
wln 0274mademade himhim ofof allall meatsmeats vnderunder thethe SunneSun; whichwhich werewere seruedserved inin
wln 0275afterafter thethe orderorder ofof thethe AlphabetAlphabet; andand thethe ClarkeClerkclerk ofof thethe kitchinkitchen
wln 0276followingfollowing thethe lastlast dishdish (whichwhich waswas twotwo milemile offoff fromfrom thethe for-formostfor∣mostforemost
wln 0277most)
wln 0277broughtbrought himhim anan IndexIndex ofof theirtheir seuerallseveral namesnames: NeytherNeither
wln 0278diddid hehe pinglepingle whenwhen itit waswas setset onon thethe boordboard, butbut forfor thethe spacespace ofof
wln 0279threethree dayesdays andand threethree nightsnights, neuernever roserose fromfrom thethe TableTable.
wln 0280WillWill SummersSummerSummer.OO intolerableintolerable lyinglying villaynevillain, thatthat waswas neuernever
wln 0281begottenbegotten withoutwithout thethe consentconsent ofof aa whetstonewhetstone.

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wln 0282SummerSummer.VngratiousUngracious manman, howhow fondlyfondly hehe arguethargueth!
wln 0283Ver.Ver.TellTell meme, II praypray, whereforewherefore waswas goldgold laydlaid vnderunder ourour
wln 0284feetefeet inin thethe veynesveins ofof thethe earthearth, butbut thatthat weewe shouldshould contemnecontemn
wln 0285itit, andand treadetread vponupon itit, andand soso consequentlyconsequently treadetread thriftthrift vnderunder
wln 0286ourour feetefeet? ItIt waswas notnot knowneknown, tilltill thethe IronIron ageage, donecdonec facinusfacinus
wln 0287inuasitinvasitinuasit mortalesmortales
, asas thethe PoetPoet sayessays; andand thethe ScythiansScythians alwayesalways
wln 0288detesteddetested itit. II willwill proueprove itit, thatthat anan vnthriftunthrift, ofof anyany, comescomes nee-neerestnee∣restnearest
wln 0289rest
wln 0289aa happyhappy manman, inin soso muchmuch asas hehe comescomes neerestnearest toto beggerybeggary.
wln 0290CiceroCicero saithsaith, summumsummum bonumbonum consistesconsists inin omniumomnium rerumrerum vaca-vacationevaca∣tionevacationevacation
wln 0291tione
wln 0291thatthat itit isis thethe chiefestchiefest felicitiefelicity thatthat maymay bebe, toto restrest fromfrom allall
wln 0292labourslaborslabours. NowNow, whowho doethdoth soso muchmuch vacarevacare àà rebusrebus, whowho restsrests
wln 0293soso muchmuch? whowho hathhath soso littlelittle toto doedo, asas thethe beggerbeggar? WhoWho cancan
wln 0294singsing soso merrymerry aa notenote, asas hehe thatthat cannotcannot changechange aa groategroat? CuiCui
wln 0295nilnil estest, nilnil deestdeest
: heehe thatthat hathhath nothingnothing, wantswants nothingnothing. OnOn
wln 0296thethe otherother sideside, itit isis saidsaid ofof thethe CarleCarl, OmniaOmnia habeohabeo, necnec quicquamquicquam
wln 0297habeohabeo
: II hauehave allall thingsthings, yetyet wantwant eueryevery thingthing. MultiMulti mihimihi vi-vitiovi∣tiovitio
wln 0298tio
wln 0298vertuntvertunt, quiaquia egeoegeo
, saithsaith MarcusMarcus CatoCato inin AulusAulus GelliusGellius, atat egoego
wln 0299illisillis, quiaquia nequeuntnequeunt egereegere
: ManyMany vpbraydeupbraid meme, saythsaithsay hehe, be-becausebe∣causebecause
wln 0300cause
wln 0300II amam poorepoor: butbut II vpbraydupbraid themthem, becausebecause theythey cannotcannot
wln 0301liuelive ifif theythey werewere poorepoor. ItIt isis aa commoncommon prouerbeproverb, Dinesq;DinesqueDinesque
wln 0302miserq;miserquemiserque
, aa richrich manman, andand aa miserablemiserable: namnam naturanatura paucispaucis cōtentacōtentacontenta,
wln 0303nonenone soso contentedcontented asas thethe poorepoor manman. AdmitAdmit thatthat thethe chiefestchiefest
wln 0304happineshappiness werewere notnot restrest oror easeease, butbut knowledgeknowledge, asas HerillusHerillus, Al-AlcidamasAl∣cidamasAlcidamas
wln 0305cidamas,
wln 0305&and manymany ofof SocratesSocrates’ followersfollowers affirmeaffirm; whywhy, paupertaspaupertas
wln 0306omnesomnes perdocetperdocotperdocetperdocot artesarts
, pouertypoverty instructsinstructs aa manman inin allall artsarts, itit makesmakes
wln 0307aa manman hardyhardy andand venturousventurous; andand thereforetherefore itit isis calledcalled ofof thethe
wln 0308PoetsPoets, PaupertasPaupertas audaxaudax, valiantvaliant pouertypoverty. ItIt isis notnot soso muchmuch
wln 0309subiectsubject toto inordinateinordinate desiresdesires, asas wealthwealth oror prosperityprosperity. NonNon
wln 0310habethabet vndeunde suumsuum paupertaspaupertas pascatpascat amoremamorem
: pouertypoverty hathhath notnot
wln 0311wherewithallwherewithal toto feedefeed lustlust. AllAll thethe PoetsPoets werewere beggersbeggars: allall
wln 0312AlcumistsAlchemists, andand allall PhilosophersPhilosophers areare beggersbeggars: OmniaOmnia meamea me-mecumme∣cummecum
wln 0313cum
wln 0313portoporto
, quothquoth BiasBias, whenwhen hehe hadhad nothingnothing, butbut breadbread andand
wln 0314cheesecheese inin aa letherneleathern baggebag, andand twotwo oror threethree bookesbooks inin hishis bo-bosomebo∣somebosom
wln 0315some.
wln 0315SaintSaint FrauncisFrancis, aa holyholy SaintSaint, &and neuernever hadhad anyany moneymoney. ItIt
wln 0316isis madnesmadness toto dotedote vponupon muckemuck. ThatThat youngyoung manman ofof AthensAthens,
wln 0317(AelianusAelianus makesmakes mentionmention ofof) maymay bebe anan exampleexample toto vsus, whowho

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wln 0318doteddoted soso extremelyextremely onon thethe imageimage ofof FortuneFortune, thatthat whenwhen heehe
wln 0319mightmight notnot inioyenjoy itit, hehe dyeddied forfor sorrowsorrow. TheThe earthearth yeldsyields allall herher
wln 0320fruitesfruits togethertogether, andand whywhy shouldshould notnot wewe spendspend themthem togethertogether?
wln 0321II thankethank heauensheavens onon mymy kneesknees, thatthat hauehave mademade meeme anan vn-vnthriftvn∣thriftunthrift
wln 0322thriftunthrift.
wln 0323SummerSummer.OO vanitievanity it selfeitself; OOOh witwit illill spentspent!
wln 0324SoSo studiestudy thousandsthousands notnot toto mendmend theirtheir liueslives,
wln 0325ButBut toto maintaynemaintain thethe sinnesin theythey mostmost affectaffect,
wln 0326ToTo bebe helshell’s aduocatesadvocates againstagainst theirtheir owneown soulessouls.
wln 0327VerVer, sincesince thouthou giu’stgiv’st suchsuch praysepraise toto beggerybeggary,
wln 0328AndAnd hasthast defendeddefended itit soso valiantlyvaliantly,
wln 0329ThisThis bebe thythy penancepenance; ThouThou shaltshalt ne’rene’ernever appeareappear,
wln 0330OrOr comecome abroadabroad, butbut LentLent shallshall waytewait onon theethee:
wln 0331HisHis scarsityscarcity maymay counteruaylecountervail thythy wastewaste.
wln 0332RyotRiot maymay flourishflourish, butbut findesfinds wantwant atat lastlast.
wln 0333TakeTake himhim awayaway, thatthat knowethknoweth nono goodgood wayway,
wln 0334AndAnd leadelead himhim thethe nextnext wayway toto woewoe andand wantwant.ExitExit Ver.Ver.
wln 0335ThusThus inin thethe pathspaths ofof knowledgeknowledge manymany straystray,
wln 0336AndAnd fromfrom thethe meanesmeans ofof lifelife fetchfetch theirtheir decaydecay.
wln 0337WillWill SummerSummer.HeighHeigh hoho. HereHere isis aa coylecoil in deedeindeedin deed toto bringbring
wln 0338beggersbeggars toto stockesstocks. II promisepromise youyou truelytruly, II waswas almostalmost asleepasleep;
wln 0339II thoughtthought II hadhad benebeen atat aa SermonSermon. WellWell, forfor thisthis oneone nightsnight’snights
wln 0340exhortationexhortation, II vowvow (byby GodsGod’s gracegrace) neuernever toto bebe goodgood husbandhusband
wln 0341whilewhile II liuelive. ButBut whatwhat isis thisthis toto thethe purposepurpose? HurHur comecome toto PowlPowl
wln 0342(asas thethe WelshmanWelshman sayessays) andand hurhurher paypay anan halfepennyhalfpenny forfor hurburhurburr seatseat,
wln 0343andand hurhurher hearehear thethe PreacherPreacher talgetalge, andand aa talgetalge veryvery wellwell byby gisgis, butbut
wln 0344yetyet aa cannotcannot makemake hurhurher laughlaugh: goego aa TheaterTheater, andand hearehear aa QueenesQueen’squeen’s
wln 0345FiceFice, andand hehe makemake hurhurher laughlaugh, andand laughlaugh hurhurher belly-fullbellyful
. SoSo wewe comecome
wln 0346hitherhither toto laughlaugh andand bebe merrymerry, andand wewe hearehear aa filthyfilthy beggerlybeggarly
wln 0347OrationOration, inin thethe praysepraise ofof beggerybeggary. ItIt isis aa beggerlybeggarly PoetPoet thatthat
wln 0348writwrit itit: andand thatthat makesmakes himhim soso muchmuch commendcommend itit, becausebecause heehe
wln 0349knowesknows notnot howhow toto mendmend himselfehimself. WellWell, ratherrather thenthan hehe shallshall
wln 0350hauehave nono imploymentemployment butbut lickelick dishesdishes, II willwill setset himhim aa workework
wln 0351my selfemyself, toto writewrite inin praysepraise ofof thethe arteart ofof stoupingstooping, andand howehow
wln 0352therethere waswas neuernever anyany famousfamous ThresherThresher, PorterPorter, BrewerBrewer, Pio-PionerPio∣nerPioneer
wln 0353ner,
wln 0353oror CarpenterCarpenter, thatthat hadhad streightstraight backeback. RepayreRepair toto mymy

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and Testament.

wln 0354chamberchamber, poorepoor fellowfellow, whenwhen thethe playplay isis donedone, andand thouthou shaltshalt
wln 0355seesee whatwhat II willwill saysay toto theethee.
wln 0356SummerSummer.VertumnusVertumnus, callcall SolstitiumSolstitium.
wln 0357Vertum.VertumnusVertum.SolstitiumSolstitium, comecome intointo thethe courtcourt withoutwithout: peacepeace
wln 0358therethere belowbelow; makemake roomeroom forfor mastermaster SolstitiumSolstitium.

wln 0359EnterEnter SolstitiumSolstitium likelike anan agedaged HermitHermit, carryingcarrying aa payrepair ofof
wln 0360ballancesbalances, withwith anan houre-glassehourglass inin eythereither ofof themthem; oneone houre-glassehourglass
wln 0361whitewhite, thethe otherother blackeblack: hehe isis broughtbrought inin byby aa numbernumber ofof shepherdsshepherds,
wln 0362playingplaying vponupon RecordersRecorders.

wln 0363SolstitiumSolstitium.AllAll haylehail toto SummerSummer mymy dreaddread soueraignesovereign LordLord.
wln 0364SummerSummer.WelcomeWelcome, SolstitiumSolstitium, thouthou artart oneone ofof themthem,
wln 0365ToTo whosewhose goodgood husbandryhusbandry wewe hauehave referr’dreferred
wln 0366PartPart ofof thosethose smallsmall reuenuesrevenues thatthat wewe hauehave.
wln 0367WhatWhat hasthast thouthou gayndgained vsus? whatwhat hasthast thouthou broughtbrought inin?
wln 0368SolstitiumSolstitium.AlasAlas, mymy LordLord, whatwhat gauegave youyou meme toto keepekeep,
wln 0369ButBut aa fewefew dayesdays’ eyeseyes inin mymy primeprime ofof youthyouth?
wln 0370AndAnd thosethose II hauehave conuertedconverted toto whitewhite hayreshairs:
wln 0371II neuernever lou’dloved ambitiouslyambitiously toto clymeclimb,
wln 0372OrOr thrustthrust mymy handhand tootoo farrefar intointo thethe firefire.
wln 0373ToTo bebe inin heauenheaven, suresure, isis aa blessedblessed thingthing:
wln 0374ButBut Atlas-likeAtlas-like, toto proppeprop heauenheaven onon onesone’sones backeback,
wln 0375CannotCannot butbut bebe moremore labourlaborlabour thenthan delightdelight.
wln 0376SuchSuch isis thethe statestate ofof menmen inin honourhonorhonour plac’dplaced;
wln 0377TheyThey areare goldgold vesselsvessels mademade forfor seruileservile vsesuses,
wln 0378HighHigh treestrees thatthat keepekeep thethe weatherweather fromfrom lowlow houseshouses,
wln 0379ButBut cannotcannot sheildshield thethe tempesttempest fromfrom themseluesthemselves.
wln 0380II louelove toto dwelldwell betwixtbetwixt thethe hilleshills andand dalesdales;
wln 0381NeytherNeither toto bebe soso greatgreat toto bebe enuideenvied,
wln 0382NorNor yetyet soso poorepoor thethe worldworld shouldshould pitiepity meme.
wln 0383InterInter vtrumq[ue]vtrumqueutrumque tenetene, mediomedio tutissimustutissimus ibisibis.
wln 0384SummerSummer.WhatWhat doestdost thouthou withwith thosethose ballancesbalances thouthou bearstbear’st?
wln 0385SolstitiumSolstitium.InIn themthem II weighweigh thethe dayday andand nightnight alikealike.
wln 0386ThisThis whitewhite glasseglass isis thethe houre-glassehourglass ofof thethe dayday:
wln 0387ThisThis blackeblack oneone thethe iustjust measuremeasure ofof thethe nightnight;
wln 0388OneOne moremore thenthan otherother holdethholdeth notnot aa graynegrain:

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wln 0389BothBoth serueserve timestimes iustjust proportionproportion toto mayntaynemaintain.
wln 0390SummerSummer.II likelike thythy moderationmoderation wondrouswondrous wellwell:
wln 0391AndAnd thisthis thythy ballancebalance, wayghingweighing thethe whitewhite glasseglass
wln 0392AndAnd blackeblack, withwith equallequal poyzepoise andand stedfaststeadfast handhand,
wln 0393AA patternepattern isis toto PrincesPrinces andand greatgreat menmen,
wln 0394HowHow toto weighweigh allall estatesestates indifferentlyindifferently:
wln 0395TheThe SpiritualtySpiritualty andand TemporaltyTemporalty alikealike,
wln 0396NeytherNeither toto bebe tootoo prodigallprodigal ofof smylessmiles,
wln 0397NorNor tootoo seueresevere inin frowningfrowning withoutwithout causecause.
wln 0398IfIf youyou bebe wisewise, youyou MonarchsMonarchs ofof thethe earthearth,
wln 0399HaueHave twotwo suchsuch glassesglasses stillstill beforebefore youryour eyeseyes;
wln 0400ThinkeThink asas youyou hauehave aa whitewhite glasseglass runningrunning onon,
wln 0401GoodGood dayesdays, friendsfriendsfriend’s fauourfavorfavour, andand allall thingsthings atat beckbeck,
wln 0402SoSo thisthis whitewhite glasseglass runnerun outout (asas outout itit willwill)
wln 0403TheThe blackeblack comescomes nextnext, youryour downfalldownfall isis atat handhand,
wln 0404TakeTake thisthis ofof meme, forfor somewhatsomewhat II hauehave trydetried;
wln 0405AA mightymighty ebbeebb followesfollows aa mightymighty tydetide.
wln 0406ButBut saysay, SolstitiumSolstitium, hadsthadst thouthou noughtnaught besidesbesides?
wln 0407NoughtNaughtnaught butbut dayesdays’ eyeseyes, andand fairefair lookslooks, gauegave II theethee?
wln 0408SolstitiumSolstitium.NothingNothing mymy LordLord, nornor oughtaught moremore diddid II askeask.
wln 0409SummerSummer.ButBut hadsthadst thouthou alwayesalways keptkept theethee inin mymy sightsight,
wln 0410ThyThy goodgood desertsdeserts, thoughthough silentsilent, wouldwould hauehave asktasked.
wln 0411Solst.SolstitiumSolst.DesertsDeserts, mymy LordLord, ofof ancientancient seruitoursservitors,
wln 0412AreAre likelike oldold soressores, whichwhich maymay notnot bebe riptripped vpup:
wln 0413SuchSuch vseuse thesethese timestimes hauehave gotgot, thatthat nonenone mustmust begbeg,
wln 0414ButBut thosethose thatthat hauehave youngyoung limmeslimbs toto lauishlavish fastfast.
wln 0415SummerSummer.II grieuegrieve, nono moremore regardregard waswas hadhad ofof theethee:
wln 0416AA littlelittle soonersooner hadsthadst thouthou spokespoke toto meme,
wln 0417ThouThou hadsthadst benebeen heardheard, butbut nownow thethe timetime isis pastpast:
wln 0418DeathDeath waytethwaiteth atat thethe doredoor forfor theethee andand meme;
wln 0419LetLet vsus goego measuremeasure outout ourour bedsbeds inin clayclay:
wln 0420NoughtNaughtnaught butbut goodgood deedesdeeds hencehence shallshall wewe bearebear awayaway.
wln 0421BeBe, asas thouthou wertwert, bestbest stewardsteward ofof mymy howreshours,
wln 0422AndAnd soso returnereturn vntounto thythy countreycountry bowresbowers.
wln 0423HereHere SolstitiumSolstitium goesgoes outout withwith hishis musikemusic,
wln 0424asas hehe comescomes inin.


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and Testament.

wln 0425WillWill SummerSummer.FyeFie, fyefie ofof honestyhonesty, fyefie: SolstitiumSolstitium isis anan asseass,
wln 0426perdyperdie, thisthis playplay isis aa gally-maufreygallimaufry: fetchfetch meeme somesome drinkedrink,
wln 0427some bodysomebody. WhatWhat cheerecheer, whatwhat cheerecheer, mymy heartshearts? areare notnot
wln 0428youyou thirstythirsty withwith listeninglifteninglistening toto thisthis drydry sportsport? WhatWhat hauehave wewe toto
wln 0429doedo withwith scalesscales, andand hower-glasseshourglasses, exceptexcept wewe werewere BakersBakers, oror
wln 0430Clock-keepersClock-keepers? II cannotcannot telltell howhow otherother menmen areare addictedaddicted, butbut
wln 0431itit isis againstagainst mymy professionprofession toto vseuse anyany scalesscales, butbut suchsuch asas wewe playplay
wln 0432atat withwith aa boulebowl, oror keepekeep anyany howershours, butbut dinnerdinner oror suppersupper.
wln 0433ItIt isis aa pedanticallpedantical thingthing, toto respectrespect timestimes andand seasonsseasons: ifif aa manman
wln 0434bebe drinkingdrinking withwith goodgood fellowesfellows latelate, hehe mustmust comecome homehome, forfor
wln 0435fearefear thethe gatesgates bebe shutshut; whenwhen II amam inin mymy warmewarm bedbed, II mustmust
wln 0436riserise toto prayersprayers, becausebecause thethe bellbell ringsrings. II likelike nono suchsuch foolishfoolish
wln 0437customescustoms. ActorsActors, bringbring nownow aa blackblack IackJackjack, andand aa rundletrundletroundlet ofof
wln 0438ofof RenishRhenish winewine, disputingdisputing ofof thethe antiquityantiquity ofof redred nosesnoses; letlet thethe
wln 0439prodigallprodigal childechild comecome outout inin hishis dubletdoublet andand hosehose allall greasygreasy, hishis
wln 0440shirtshirt hanginghanging forthforth, andand ne’rene’ernever aa pennypenny inin hishis pursepurse, andand talketalk
wln 0441whatwhat aa finefine thingthing itit isis toto walkewalk summerlysummerly, oror sitsit whistlingwhistling vnderunder
wln 0442aa hedgehedge andand keepekeep hoggeshogs. GoGo forwardforward inin gracegrace andand vertuevirtue toto
wln 0443proceedproceed; butbut letlet vsus hauehave nono moremore ofof thesethese grauegrave mattersmatters.
wln 0444SummerSummer.VertumnusVertumnus, willwill SolSol comecome beforebefore vsus.
wln 0445VertumnusVertumnus.SolSol, SolSol, vtut, rere, meme, fafa, solsol, comecome toto churchchurch whilewhile
wln 0446thethe bellbell tolltoll.

wln 0447EnterEnter SolSol, verievery richlyrichly attir’deattired, withwith aa noysenoise ofof MusiciansMusicians
wln 0448beforebefore himhim.

wln 0449SummerSummer.IAyI marriemarry, herehere comescomes maiestiemajesty inin pompepomp,
wln 0450ResplendentResplendent SolSol, chiefechief planetplanet ofof thethe heauensheavens,
wln 0451HeHe isis ourour seruantservant, lookeslooks hehe ne’rene’ernever soso bigbig.
wln 0452Sol.Sol.MyMy liegeliege, whatwhat crau’stcrav’stcravest thouthou atat thythy vassalsvassal’svassals handshands?
wln 0453SummerSummer.HypocrisieHypocrisy, howhow itit cancan changechange hishis shapeshape!
wln 0454HowHow basebase isis pridepride fromfrom hishis owneown dunghilldunghill putput?
wln 0455HowHow II hauehave rais’draised theethee, SolSol, II listlist notnot telltell,
wln 0456OutOut ofof thethe OceanOcean ofof aduersitieadversity,
wln 0457ToTo sitsit inin heightheight ofof honorshonor’shonours gloriousglorious heauenheaven,
wln 0458ToTo bebe thethe eye-soreeyesore ofof aspiringaspiring eyeseyes,

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Summers last will

wln 0459ToTo giuegive thethe dayday herher lifelife, fromfrom thythy brightbright lookeslooks,
wln 0460AndAnd letlet noughtnaught thriuethrive vponupon thethe faceface ofof earthearth,
wln 0461FromFrom whichwhich thouthou shaltshalt withdrawwithdraw thythy powerfulpowerful smilessmiles.
wln 0462WhatWhat hasthast thouthou donedone deseruingdeserving suchsuch hiehigh gracegrace?
wln 0463WhatWhat industrieindustry, oror meritoriousmeritorious toyletoil,
wln 0464CanstCanst thouthou produceproduce, toto proueprove mymy giftgift wellwell plac’deplaced?
wln 0465SomeSome seruiceservice, oror somesome profitprofit II expectexpect:
wln 0466NoneNone isis promotedpromoted butbut forfor somesome respectrespect.
wln 0467Sol.Sol.MyMy LordLord, whatwhat needsneeds thesethese termesterms betwixtbetwixt vsus twotwo?
wln 0468VpbraidingUpbraiding, illill beseemesbeseems youryour bounteousbounteous mindmind:
wln 0469II dodo youyou honourhonorhonour forfor aduancingadvancing meme.
wln 0470WhyWhy, t’is’tis aa creditcredit forfor youryour excellenceexcellence,
wln 0471ToTo hauehave soso greatgreat aa subiectsubject asas II amam:
wln 0472ThisThis isis youryour glorieglory andand magnificencemagnificence,
wln 0473ThatThat withoutwithout stoupingstooping ofof youryour mightinessemightiness,
wln 0474OrOr takingtaking anyany whitwhit fromfrom youryour highhigh statestate,
wln 0475YouYou cancan makemake oneone asas mightiemighty asas your selfeyourself.
wln 0476AutumneAutumn.OO arrogancearrogance exceedingexceeding allall beliefebelief!
wln 0477SummerSummer mymy LordLord, thisthis sawciesaucy vpstartupstart IackeJack,
wln 0478ThatThat nownow dothdoth rulerule thethe chariotchariot ofof thethe SunneSun,
wln 0479AndAnd makesmakes allall starresstars deriuederive theirtheir lightlight fromfrom himhim,
wln 0480IsIs aa mostmost basebase insinuatinginsinuating slaueslave,
wln 0481TheThe sonneson ofof parsimonyparsimony, andand disdainedisdain,
wln 0482OneOne thatthat willwill shineshine, onon friendsfriends andand foesfoes alikealike,
wln 0483ThatThat vnderunder brightestbrightest smilessmiles, hidethhideth blackeblack showersshowers:
wln 0484WhoseWhose enuiousenvious breathbreath dothdoth drydry vpup springssprings andand lakeslakes,
wln 0485AndAnd burnesburns thethe grassegrass, thatthat beastesbeasts cancan getget nono foodefood.
wln 0486WinterWinter.NoNo dunghilldunghill hathhath soso vildevild anan excrementexcrement,
wln 0487ButBut withwith hishis beamesbeams heehe willwill forthwithforth withforthwithforth with exhaleexhale:
wln 0488TheThe fennesfens andand quag-myresquagmires tithetithe toto himhim theirtheir filthfilth:
wln 0489FoorthForth purestpurest minesmines hehe suckessucks aa gainefullgainful drossedross:
wln 0490GreeneGreen Iuy-bushesIvy-bushesjuy-bushes atat thethe VintnersVintner’svintner’s dooresdoors
wln 0491HeHe witherswithers, andand deuourethdevoureth allall theirtheir sapsap.
wln 0492AutumneAutumn.LasciuiousLascivious andand intemperateintemperate hehe isis.
wln 0493TheThe wrongwrong ofof DaphneDaphne isis aa well knownwell knownewell-knownwell known taletale:
wln 0494EcheEach eueningevening hehe descendsdescends toto ThetisThetis’Thetis laplap,

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and Testament.

wln 0495TheThe whilewhile menmen thinkethink hehe bathesbathesbaths himhim inin thethe seasea.
wln 0496OO, butbut whenwhen hehe returnethreturneth whencewhence hehe camecame,
wln 0497DowneDown toto thethe WestWest, thenthen dawnesdawns hishis deitydeity,
wln 0498ThenThen doubleddoubled isis thethe swellingswelling ofof hishis lookeslooks;
wln 0499HeHe ouerloadesouer loadesoverloadsover loads hishis carrecar withwith OrientOrient gemmesgems,
wln 0500AndAnd reynesreins hishis fieryfiery horseshorses withwith richrich pearlepearl:
wln 0501HeHe termesterms himselfehimself thethe godgod ofof PoetryPoetry,
wln 0502AndAnd settethsetteth wantonwanton songssongs vntounto thethe LuteLute.
wln 0503WinterWinter.LetLet himhim notnot talketalk; forfor hehe hathhath wordswords atat willwill,
wln 0504AndAnd witwit toto makemake thethe baddestbaddest mattermatter goodgood.
wln 0505SummerSummer.BadBad wordswords, badbad witwit: oho, wherewhere dwelsdwells faithfaith (oror truthtruth
wln 0506IllIll vsuryusury mymy fauoursfavorsfavours reapereap fromfrom theethee,
wln 0507VsurpingUsurping SolSol, thethe hatehate ofof heauenheaven andand earthearth.
wln 0508Sol.Sol.IfIf EnuyEnvy vnconfutedunconfuted maymay accuseaccuse,
wln 0509ThenThenThan InnocenceInnocence mustmust vncondemneduncondemned dyedie.
wln 0510TheThe namename ofof MartyrdomeMartyrdom offenceoffenseoffence hathhath gayndgained,
wln 0511WhenWhen furyfury stoptstopped aa frowardfroward IudgesJudge’sjudges earesears.
wln 0512MuchMuch IleI’ll notnot saysay (muchmuch speechspeech muchmuch follyfolly