The Shoemakers' Holiday, or The Gentle Craft
The Shoemakers’ Holiday, or The Gentle Craft

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ln 0001THETHE
ln 0003HolidayHoliday.
ln 0004OROR
ln 0005TheThe GentleGentle CraftCraft.

ln 0006WithWith thethe humoroushumorous lifelife ofof SimonSimon
ln 0007EyreEyre, shoomakershoemaker, andand LordLord MaiorMayor
ln 0008ofof LondonLondon.

ln 0009AsAs itit waswas actedacted beforebefore thethe QueenesQueen’squeen’s mostmost excellentexcellent Ma-MaiestieMa|iestieMajesty
ln 0010iestie
ln 0010onon New-yearesNewNew year’sNewyearesyears dayday atat nightnight lastlast, byby thethe rightright
ln 0011honourablehonorablehonourable thethe EarleEarl ofof NotinghamNottingham, LordLord highhigh Ad-AdmirallAd|mirallAdmiral
ln 0012mirall
ln 0012ofof EnglandEngland, hishis seruantsservants.

ln 0013PrintedPrinted byby ValentineValentine SimsSimmesSims dwellingdwelling atat thethe footefoot ofof AdlingAdling
ln 0014hillhill, neerenear BainardsBaynard’sBainard’s CastleCastle, atat thethe signesign ofof thethe WhiteWhite
ln 0015SwanneSwan, andand areare therethere toto bebe soldsold.
ln 001616001600.

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ln 0001ToTo allall goodgood FellowesFellows, ProfessorsProfessors ofof
ln 0002thethe GentleGentle CraftCraft; ofof whatwhat degreedegree
ln 0003soeuersoever.

ln 0004KIndeKindeKind GentlemenGentlemen, andand honesthonest booneboon Compani-CompanionsCompani∣onsCompanions
ln 0005ons,
ln 0005II presentpresent youyou herehere withwith aa merriemerry conceitedconceited
ln 0006ComedieComedy, calledcalled thethe ShoomakersShoemakers’shoemaker’s HolydayHoliday, actedacted
ln 0007byby mymy LordeLord AdmirallsAdmiral’sadmiral’s PlayersPlayers thisthis presentpresent
ln 0008ChristmasseChristmas, beforebefore thethe QueenesQueen’squeen’s mostmost excellentexcellent
ln 0009MaiestieMajesty. ForFor thethe mirthmirth andand pleasantpleasant mattermatter, byby herher HighnesseHighness
ln 0010graciouslygraciously acceptedaccepted; beingbeing indeedeindeed nono wayway offensiueoffensive. TheThe
ln 0011ArgumentArgument ofof thethe playplay II willwill setset downedown inin thisthis EpistleEpistle: SirSir
ln 0012HughHugh LacieLacylacy ErleEarl ofof LincolneLincoln, hadhad aa yongyoung GentlemanGentleman ofof hishis
ln 0013owneown namename, hishis nerenear kinsmankinsman, thatthat louedloved thethe LordeLord MaiorsMayor’smayor’s
ln 0014daughterdaughter ofof LondonLondon; toto preuentprevent andand crossecross whichwhich louelove, thethe
ln 0015EarleEarl causedcaused hishis kinsmankinsman toto bebe sentsent CoronellColonelcolonel ofof aa companiecompany
ln 0016intointo FranceFrance: whowho resignedresigned hishis placeplace toto anotheranother gentlemangentleman hishis
ln 0017friendfriend, andand camecame disguiseddisguised likelike aa DutchDutch ShoomakerShoemaker, toto thethe
ln 0018househouse ofof SymonSimon EyreEyre inin TowerTower streetestreet, whowho seruedserved thethe MaiorMayor
ln 0019andand hishis housholdhousehold withwith shooesshoes. TheThe merrimentsmerriments thatthat passedpassed inin
ln 0020EyresEyre’s househouse, hishis commingcoming toto bebe MaiorMayor ofof LondonLondon, LaciesLacy’s get-gettingget∣tinggetting
ln 0021ting
ln 0021hishis louelove, andand otherother accidentsaccidents; withwith twotwo merrymerry Three-mensThree-men’s
ln 0022songssongs. TakeTake allall inin goodgood worthworth thatthat isis wellwell intendedintended, forfor
ln 0023nothingnothing isis purposedpurposed butbut mirthmirth, mirthmirth lengthnethlengtheneth longlong lifelife;;
ln 0024whichwhich, withwith allall otherother blessingsblessings II heartilyheartily wishwish youyou.
ln 0025FarewellFarewell.

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wln 0001TheThe firstfirst Three-mansThree-man’sthreeman’s
wln 0002SongSong.

wln 0003OO thethe monthmonth ofof MaieMaymay, thethe merriemerry monthmonth ofof MaieMaymay,
wln 0004SoSo frolickefrolic, soso gaygay, andand soso gréenegreen, soso gréenegreen, soso gréenegreen:
wln 0005OOOh andand thenthen diddid II, vntountounto mymy truetrue louelove saysay,
wln 0006SweeteSwateSweetSwate PegPeg, thouthou shaltshalt bebe mymy SummersSummer’s QuéeneQueen.

wln 0007NOwNOw thethe NightingaleNightingale, thethe prettiepretty NightingaleNightingale,
wln 0008TheThe sweetestsweetest singersinger inin allall thethe ForrestsForest’sforest’s quierchoirquire:
wln 0009IntreatesEntreatsentreats théethee swéetesweet PeggiePeggypeggy, toto hearehear thythy truetrue loueslove’s taletale,
wln 0010LoeLo, yonderyonder sheshe sittethsitteth, herher breastbreast againstagainst aa brierbrier.

wln 0011ButBut OOOh II spiespy thethe CuckooCuckoo, thethe CuckooCuckoo, thethe CuckooCuckoo,
wln 0012SéeSee wherewhere sheshe sittethsitteth, comecome awayaway mymy ioyjoy:
wln 0013ComeCome awayaway II pritheeprithee, II dodo notnot likelike thethe CuckooCuckoo
wln 0014ShouldShould singsing wherewhere mymy PeggiePeggypeggy andand II kissekiss andand toytoy.

wln 0015OO thethe monthmonth ofof MaieMaymay, thethe merriemerry monthmonth ofof MaieMaymay,
wln 0016SoSo frolikefrolic, soso gaygay, andand soso gréenegreen, soso gréenegreen, soso gréenegreen:
wln 0017AndAnd thenthen diddid II, vntountounto mymy truetrue louelove saysay,
wln 0018SwéeteSweet PegPeg, thouthou shaltshalt bebe mymy SummersSummer’s QuéeneQueen.

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wln 0019TheThe SecondSecond Three-mansThree-man’sthreeman’s
wln 0020SongSong.

wln 0021ThisThis isis toto bebe sungsung atat thethe latterlatter endend.
wln 0022COld’sCold’sCOld’sCold’sCOld’s thethe windwind, andand wet’swet’s thethe rainerain,
wln 0023SaintSaint HughHugh bebe ourour goodgood spéedespeed:
wln 0024IllIll isis thethe weatherweather thatthat bringethbringeth nono gainegain,
wln 0025NorNor helpeshelps goodgood heartshearts inin néedeneed.

wln 0026TrowleTrolltroll thethe bollbowl, thethe iollyjolly Nut-browneNutbrownnutbrown bollbowl,
wln 0027AndAnd herehere kindkind matemate toto théethee:
wln 0028Let’sLet’s singsing aa dirgedirge forfor SaintSaint HughesHugh’s soulesoul,
wln 0029AndAnd downedown itit merrilymerrily.

wln 0030DowneDown aa downedown, heyheyheigh downedown aa downedown,
wln 0031HeyHeyHeigh deriederryderie deriederryderie downdown aa downdown,CloseClose withwith thethe tenortenor boyboy:
wln 0032HoHo wellwell donedone, toto meme letlet comecome,
wln 0033KingKing compassecompass gentlegentle ioyjoy.

wln 0034TrowleTrolltroll thethe bollbowl, thethe Nut-browneNutbrownnutbrown bollbowl,
wln 0035AndAnd herehere kindkind &cEtc.etc.asas oftenoften asas therethere bebe menmen toto drinkedrink.

wln 0036AtAt lastlast whenwhen allall hauehave drunkedrunk, thisthis verseverse.
wln 0037Cold’sCold’s thethe windwind, andand wet’swet’s thethe rainerain,
wln 0038SaintSaint HughHugh bebe ourour goodgood spéedespeed:
wln 0039IllIll isis thethe weatherweather thatthat bringethbringeth nono gainegain,
wln 0040NorNor helpeshelps goodgood heartshearts inin needeneed.

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wln 0041TheThe ProloguePrologue asas itit waswas pronouncedpronounced
wln 0042beforebefore thethe QueenesQueen’squeen’s
wln 0043MaiestieMajesty.

wln 0044ASAS wretcheswretrheswretches inin aa stormestorm (expectingexpecting dayday)
wln 0045WithWith tremblingtrembling handshands andand eyeseyes castcast vpup toto heauenheaven,
wln 0046MakeMake PrayersPrayers thethe anchoranchor ofof theirtheir conquerdconquered hopeshopes,
wln 0047SoSo wewe (deeredear GoddesseGoddess) wonderwonder ofof allall eyeseyes,
wln 0048YourYour meanestmeanest vassallsvassalsbassallsvassals (throughthrough mistrustmistrust andand fearefear,
wln 0049ToTo sinckeunckesinkuncke intointo thethe bottomebottom ofof disgracedisgrace,
wln 0050ByBy ourour imperfitimpersitimperfect pastimespastimes) prostrateprostrate thusthus
wln 0051OnOn bendedbendedbent kneesknees, ourour sailessails ofof hopehope dodo strikestrike,
wln 0052DreadingDreading thethe bitterbitter stormesstorms ofof youryour dislikedislike.
wln 0053SinceSince thenthen (vnhappyunhappy menmen) ourour haphap isis suchsuch,
wln 0054ThatThat toto our seluesourselves our seluesourselves nono helphelp cancan bringbring,
wln 0055ButBut néedesneeds mustmust perishperish, ifif youryour saint-likesaintlike earescaresearscares
wln 0056(LockingLocking thethe templetemple wherewhere allall mercymercy sitssits)
wln 0057RefuseRefuse thethe tributetribute ofof ourour beggingbegging tonguestongues.
wln 0058OhOhO grauntgrant (brightbright mirrormirror ofof truetrue ChastitieChastity)
wln 0059FromFrom thosethose life-breathinglife-breathing starresstars youryour sun-likesunlike eyeseyes,
wln 0060OneOne gratiousgracious smilesmile: forfor youryour celestiallcelestial breathbreath
wln 0061MustMust sendsend vsus lifelife, oror sentencesentence vsus toto deathdeath.

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wln 0062AA pleasantpleasant ComedieComedy ofof
wln 0063thethe GentleGentle CraftCraft.

wln 0064EnterEnter LordLord MaiorMayorMaior, LincolneLincoln.

wln 0065LincolneLincoln.
wln 0066MYMY LordLord MaiorMayor, youyou hauehave sundriesundry timestimes
wln 0067FeastedFeasted my selfemyself, andand manymany CourtiersCourtiers moremore,
wln 0068SeldomeSeldom, oror neuernever cancan wewe bebe soso kindkind,
wln 0069ToTo makemake requitallrequital ofof youryour curtesiecourtesy:
wln 0070ButBut leauingleaving thisthis, II hearehear mymy cosencousin LacieLacylacy
wln 0071IsIs muchmuch affectedaffected toto youryour daughterdaughter RoseRose.
wln 0072L.LordL. MaiorMayor.TrueTrue mymy goodgood LordLord, andand sheshe louesloves himhim soso welwell,
wln 0073ThatThat II mislikemislike herher boldnesseboldness inin thethe chacechase.
wln 0074Lincol.LincolnLincol.WhyWhy mymy lordlord MaiorMayor, thinkthink youyou itit thenthen aa shameshame,
wln 0075ToTo ioynejoin aa LacieLacylacy withwith anan OtleysOatley’sOteley’s namename?
wln 0076L.LordL. MaiorMayor.TooToo meanemean isis mymy poorepoor girlegirl forfor hishis highhigh birthbirth,
wln 0077PoorePoor CittizensCitizens mustmust notnot withwith CourtiersCourtiers wedwed,
wln 0078WhoWho willwill inin silkessilks, andand gaygay apparrellapparel spendspend
wln 0079MoreMore inin oneone yeareyear, thenthan II amam worthworth byby farrefar,
wln 0080ThereforeTherefore youryour honourhonorhonour néedeneed notnot doubtdoubt mymy girlegirl.
wln 0081LincolneLincoln.TakeTake héedeheed mymy LordLord, aduiseadvise youyou whatwhat youyou dodo,
wln 0082AA verierberierberierverier vnthriftvnthristunthrift liueslives notnot inin thethe worldworld,
wln 0083ThenThen isis mymy cosencousin, forfor IleI’ll teltell youyou whatwhat,

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A pleasant Comedie of

wln 0084Tis’Tis nownow almostalmost aa yeareyear sincesince hehe requestedrequested
wln 0085ToTo trauelltravel countriescountries forfor experienceexperience,
wln 0086II furnishtfurnished himhim withwith coynecoin, billesbills ofof exchangeexchange,
wln 0087LettersLetters ofof creditecredit, menmen toto waitewait onon himhim,
wln 0088SolicitedSolicited mymy friendsfriends inin ItalieItalyitaly
wln 0089WellWell toto respectrespect himhim: butbut toto séesee thethe endend:
wln 0090ScantScant hadhad hehe iorniedjourneyed throughthrough halfehalf GermanieGermanygermany,
wln 0091ButBut allall hishis coynecoin waswas spentspent, hishis menmen castcast offoff,
wln 0092HisHis billesbills imbezeldembezzled, andand mymy iollyjolly cozecoz,
wln 0093Asham’dAshamed toto shewshow hishis bankeruptbankrupt presencepresence herehere,
wln 0094BecameBecame aa ShoomakerShoemaker inin WittenbergWittenberg,
wln 0095AA goodlygoodly sciencescience forfor aa gentlemangentleman
wln 0096OfOf suchsuch discentdescent: nownow iudgejudge thethe restrest byby thisthis.
wln 0097SupposeSuppose youryour daughterdaughter hauehave aa thousandthousand poundpound,
wln 0098HeHe diddid consumeconsume meme moremore inin oneone halfehalf yeareyear,
wln 0099AndAnd makemake himhim heyreheir toto allall thethe wealthwealth youyou hauehave,
wln 0100OneOne twelue moneth’stwelvemonth’s riotingrioting wilwill wastewaste itit allall,
wln 0101ThenThen seekeseek (mymy LordLord) somesome honesthonest CittizenCitizen
wln 0102ToTo wedwed youryour daughterdaughter toto.
wln 0103L.LordL. MaiorMayor.II thankethank youryour LordshipLordship,
wln 0104WelWell FoxeForeFoxFore, II understandunderstand youryour subtiltiesubtlety,
wln 0105AsAs forfor youryour nephewnephew, letlet youryour lordshipslordship’s eieeye
wln 0106ButBut watchwatch hishis actionsactions, andand youyou néedeneed notnot fearefear,
wln 0107ForFor II hauehave mymy daughterdaughter farrefar enoughenough,
wln 0108AndAnd yetyet youryour cosencousin RowlandRowland mightmight dodo wellwell
wln 0109NowNow hehe hathhath learn’dlearned anan occupationoccupation,
wln 0110AndAnd yetyet II scornescorn toto callcall himhim sonne in lawsonneson-in-lawsonininlawlaw.
wln 0111LincolneLincoln.IAyay butbut II hauehave aa betterbetter tradetrade forfor himhim,
wln 0112II thankethank hishis gracegrace hehe hathhath appointedappointed himhim,
wln 0113ChiefeChief colonellcolonel ofof allall thosethose companiescompanies
wln 0114MustredMustered inin LondonLondon, andand thethe shiresshires aboutabout,
wln 0115ToTo serueserve hishis highnessehighness inin thosethose warreswars ofof FranceFrance:
wln 0116SéeSee wherewhere hehe comescomes: LouelLovellLovel whatwhat newesnews withwith youyou?

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the Gentle Craft.

wln 0117EnterEnter LouellLovell, LacieLacylacy, andand AskewAskew.
wln 0118LouellLovellLouell.MyMy LordLord ofof LincolneLincoln, tis’tis hishis highnessehighness’ willwill,
wln 0119ThatThat presentlypresently youryour cosencousin shipship forfor FranceFrance
wln 0120WithWith allall hishis powerspowers, hehe wouldwould notnot forfor aa millionmillion,
wln 0121ButBut theythey shouldshould landland atat DéepeDieppeDeep withinwithin fourefour daiesdays.
wln 0122Linc.LincolnLinc.GoeGo certifiecertify hishis gracegrace itit shallshall bebe donedone:ExitExit LouellLovell.
wln 0123NowNow cosencousin LacieLacylacy, inin whatwhat forwardnesseforwardness
wln 0124AreAre allall youryour companiescompanies?
wln 0125LacieLacylacy.AllAll wellwell prepar’dprepared,
wln 0126TheThe menmen ofof HartfordshireHartfordshire lielie atat MileMile endend,
wln 0127SuffolkeSuffolk, andand EssexEssex, trainetrain inin TuttleTothillTuttle fieldsfields,
wln 0128TheThe LondonersLondoners, andand thosethose ofof MiddlesexMiddlesex,
wln 0129AllAll gallantlygallantly prepar’dprepared inin FinsburyFinsbury,
wln 0130WithWith frolikefrolic spiritsspirits, longlong forfor theirtheir partingparting howerhour.
wln 0131L.LordL. MaiorMayorTheyThey hauehave theirtheir imprestimprestimpressed, coatescoats, andand furniturefurniture,
wln 0132AndAnd ifif itit pleaseplease youryour cosencousin LacieLacylacy comecome
wln 0133ToTo thethe Guild HallGuildhallGuild-Hall, hehe shallshall receiuereceive hishis paypay,
wln 0134AndAnd twentietwenty poundspounds besidesbesides mymy brethrenbrethrenbrothers
wln 0135WillWill fréelyfreely giuegive himhim, toto approueapprove ourour louesloves
wln 0136WeWe bearebear vntounto mymy LordLord youryour vncleuncle herehere.
wln 0137LacieLacylacy.II thankethank youryour honourhonorhonour.
wln 0138LincolneLincoln.ThankesThanks mymy goodgood LordLord MaiorMayor.
wln 0139L.LordL. Ma.MayorMa.AtAt thethe Guild HalGuildhallGuild Hal wewe wilwill expectexpect youryour commingcoming,ExitExit.
wln 0140LincolneLincoln.ToTo approueapprove youryour louesloves toto meme? nono subtiltiesubtlety
wln 0141NephewNephew: thatthat twentietwenty poundpound hehe dothdoth bestowbestow,
wln 0142ForFor ioyjoy toto ridrid youyou fromfrom hishis daughterdaughter RoseRose:
wln 0143ButBut cosenscousins bothboth, nownow herehere areare nonenone butbut friendsfriends,
wln 0144II wouldwould notnot hauehave youyou castcast anan amorousamorous eieeye
wln 0145VponUponUpon soso meanemean aa proiectproject, asas thethe louelove
wln 0146OfOf aa gaygay wantonwanton paintedpainted cittizencitizen,
wln 0147II knowknow thisthis churlechurl, eveneven inin thethe heightheight ofof scornescorn,
wln 0148DothDoth hatehate thethe mixturemixture ofof hishis bloudblood withwith thinethine,
wln 0149II praypray théethee dodo thouthou soso, rememberremember cozecoz,

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A pleasant Comedie of

wln 0150WhatWhat honourablehonorablehonourable fortunesfortunes waytwait onon théethee,
wln 0151IncreaseIncrease thethe kingsking’s louelove whichwhich soso brightlybrightly shinesshines,
wln 0152AndAnd gildsgilds thythy hopeshopes, II hauehave nono heireheir butbut théethee:
wln 0153AndAnd yetyet notnot théethee, ifif withwith aa waywardwayward spiritspirit,
wln 0154ThouThou startstart fromfrom thethe truetrue byasbias ofof mymy louelove.
wln 0155LacieLacylacy.MyMy LordLord, II willwill (forfor honorhonorhonour (notnot desiredesire
wln 0156OfOf landland oror liuingslivings) oror toto bebe youryour heireheir)
wln 0157SoSo guideguide mymy actionsactions inin pursuitpursuit ofof FranceFrance,
wln 0158AsAs shallshall addeadd glorieglory toto thethe LaciesLacy’sLacies namename.
wln 0159LincolneLincoln.CozeCozcoz, forfor thosethose wordswords hereshere’s thirtiethirty PortuguesPortaguesPortuguese
wln 0160AndAnd NephewNephew AskewAskew, there’sthere’s aa fewfew forfor youyou,
wln 0161FaireFair HonourHonorHonour inin herher loftiestloftrestloftiest eminenceeminence
wln 0162StaiesStays inin FranceFrance forfor youyou tilltill youyou fetchfetch herher thencethence,
wln 0163ThenThen NephewesNephews, clapclap swiftswift wingswings onon youryour dissignesdesigns,
wln 0164BeBe gonegone, bebe gonegone, makemake hastehaste toto thethe Guild HallGuildhallGuild-Hall,
wln 0165ThereThere presentlypresently IleI’ll méetemeet youyou, dodo notnot staystay,
wln 0166WhereWhere honourhonorhonour becomesbecomes, shameshame attendsattends delaydelay.ExitExit.
wln 0167AskewAskew.HowHow gladlygladly wouldwould youryour vncleuncle hauehave youyou gonegone?
wln 0168LacieLacylacy.TrueTrue cozecoz, butbut IleI’ll ore-reacho’erreach hishis policiespolicies,
wln 0169II hauehave somesome seriousserious businessebusiness forfor thréethrée dayesdays,
wln 0170WhichWhich nothingnothing butbut mymy presencepresence cancan dispatchdispatch,
wln 0171YouYou thereforetherefore cosencousin withwith thethe companiescompanies
wln 0172ShallShall hastehassehaste toto DouerDover, therethere IleI’ll méetemeet withwith youyou,
wln 0173OrOr ifif II staystay pastpast mymy prefixedprefixed timetime,
wln 0174AwayAway forfor FranceFrance, weelewe’ll meetemeet inin NormandieNormandynormandy,
wln 0175TheThe twentietwenty poundspounds mymy LordLord MaiorMayorMaior giuesgives toto meme
wln 0176YouYou shallshall receiuereceive, andand thesethese tenten portuguesportaguesPortuguese,
wln 0177PartPart ofof minemine vnclesuncle’s thirtiethirty, gentlegentle cozecoz,
wln 0178HaueHave carecare toto ourour greatgreat chargecharge, II knowknow youryour wisedomewisdom
wln 0179HathHath tridetried it selfeitself inin higherhigher consequenceconsequence.
wln 0180AskewAskew.CozeCozcoz, alall my selfemyself amam yoursyours, yetyet hauehave thisthis carecare,
wln 0181ToTo lodgelodge inin LondonLondon withwith alall secresiesecrecy,
wln 0182OurOur vncleuncle LincolneLincoln hathhath (besidesbesides hishis owneown)

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the Gentle Craft.

wln 0183ManyMany aa iealousjealous eieeye, thatthat inin youryour faceface
wln 0184StaresStares onelyonly toto watchwatch meanesmeans forfor youryour disgracedisgrace.
wln 0185LacieLacylacy.StayStay cosencousin, whowho bebe thesethese?
wln 0186EnterEnter SymonSimonSymon EyreEyre, hishis wifewife, HodgeHodge, FirkFirk, IaneJanejane, &and RafeRafe withwith aa peecepiece.
wln 0187EyreEyre.LeaueLeave whiningwhining, leaueleave whiningwhining, awayaway withwith thisthis
wln 0188whimpringwhimpering, thisthis pewlingpuling, thesethese blubbringblubbering tearestears, andand thesethese
wln 0189wetwet eieseyes, IleI’ll getget thythy husbandhusband discharg’ddischarged, II warrantwarrant theethee
wln 0190swéetesweet IaneJanejane: gogo toto.
wln 0191HodgeHodge.MasterMaster, herehere bebe thethe captainescaptains.
wln 0192EyreEyre.PeacePeace HodgeHodge, hushthusht yeye knaueknave, hushthusht.
wln 0193FirkeFirkFirkeHereHere bebe thethe caualierscavaliers, andand thethe coronelscolonelscoronels, maistermaster.
wln 0194EyreEyre.PeacePeace FirkeFirk, peacepeace mymy finefine FirkeFirk, standstand byby withwith
wln 0195youryour pishery pasheriepishery-pashery, awayaway, II amam aa manman ofof thethe bestbest presencepresence,
wln 0196IleI’ll speakespeak toto themthem andand theythey werewere PopesPopes, gentlemengentlemen, cap=captainescap|tainescaptains
wln 0197taines,
wln 0197colonelscolonels, commanderscommanders: brauebrave menmen, brauebrave leadersleaders,
wln 0198maymay itit pleaseplease youyou toto giuegive meme audienceaudience, II amam SimonSimon EyreEyre,
wln 0199thethe madmad ShoomakerShoomasterShoemakershoe-master ofof Tower streeteTowerstréeteTower streetTowerstreet, thisthis wenchwench withwith thethe
wln 0200mealymealy mouthmouth thatthat wilwill neuernever tiretire, isis mymy wifewife II cancan teltell youyou,
wln 0201hereshere’s HodgeHodge mymy manman, andand mymy foremanforeman, hereshere’s FirkeFirk mymy finefine
wln 0202firkingfirking iourneymanjourneyman, andand thisthis isis blubberedblubbered IaneJanejane, alall wewe comecome
wln 0203toto bebe suterssuitors forfor thisthis honesthonest RafeRafe kéepekeep himhim atat homehome, andand asas II
wln 0204amam aa truetrue shoomakershoemaker, andand aa gentlemangentleman ofof thethe GentleGentle CraftCraft,
wln 0205buybuy spursspurs your selfyourself, andand IleI’ll findfind yeye bootesboots thesethese seuenseven yéeresyears.
wln 0206WifeWife.SeuenSeven yearesyears husbandhusband?
wln 0207EyreEyre.PeacePeace MidriffeMidriff, peacepeace, II knowknow whatwhat II dodo, peacepeace.
wln 0208Firk.Firk.TrulyTruly mastermaster cormorantcormorant, youyou shalshall dodo GodGod goodgood ser=seruiceser|uiceservice
wln 0209uice
wln 0209toto letlet RafeRafe andand hishis wifewife staystay togethertogether, shéesshe’s aa yongyoung newnew
wln 0210marriedmarried womanwoman, ifif youyou taketake herher husbandhusband awayaway fromfrom herher aa
wln 0211nightnight, youyou vndooundo herher, sheshe maymay begbeg inin thethe dayday timetime, forfor héeshe’s asas
wln 0212goodgood aa workmanworkman atat aa prickeprick &and anan awleawl, asas anyany isis inin ourour tradetrade.
wln 0213IaneJanejane.OO letlet himhim staystay, elseelse II shalshall bebe vndoneundone.
wln 0214FirkeFirkFirke.IAyI trulytruly, sheshe shalshall bebe laidlaid atatoneat oneone sideside likelike aa pairepair ofof oldold
wln 0215shooesshoes elseelse, andand bebe occupiedoccupied forfor nono vseuse.

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A pleasant Comedie of

wln 0216LacieLacylacy.TrulyTruly mymy friendsfriends, itit lieslies notnot inin mymy powerpower,
wln 0217TheThe LondonersLondoners areare prestprestpressed, paidepaid, andand setset forthforth
wln 0218ByBy thethe LordLord MaiorMayorMaior, II cannotcannot changechange aa manman.
wln 0219HodgeHodge.WhyWhy thenthen youyou werewere asas goodgood bebe aa corporallcorporal, asas aa
wln 0220colonelcolonel, ifif youyou cannotcannot dischargedischarge oneone goodgood fellowfellow, andand II telltell
wln 0221youyou truetrue, II thinkethink youyou doedo moremore thenthan youyou cancan answereanswer, toto
wln 0222pressepresiepresspresie aa manman withinwithin aa yeareyear andand aa dayday ofof hishis mariagemarriage.
wln 0223EyreEyre.WelWell saidsaid melancholymelancholy HodgeHodge, gramercygramercy mymy finefine
wln 0224foremanforeman.
wln 0225WifeWife.TrulyTruly gentlemengentlemen, itit werewere ilill donedone, forfor suchsuch asas youyou,
wln 0226toto standstand soso stiffelystiffly againstagainst aa poorepoor yongyoung wifewife: consideringconsidering herher
wln 0227casecase, sheshe isis newnew marriedmarried, butbut letlet thatthat passepass: II praypray dealedeal notnot
wln 0228roughlyroughly withwith herher, herher husbandhusband isis aa yongyoung manman andand butbut newlynewly
wln 0229entredentered, butbut letlet thatthat passepass.
wln 0230EyreEyre.AwayAway withwith youryour pisherie pasheriepishery-pashery, youryour polspolspolls andand
wln 0231youryour edipollsedipolsedipolls, peacepeace MidaffeMidriffMidaffe, silencesilence CislyCecilyCisly BumtrincketBumtrinket, letlet
wln 0232youryour headhead speakespeak.
wln 0233FirkeFirkFirke.YeaYea andand thethe horneshorns tootoo, mastermaster.
wln 0234EyreEyre.TooToo soonesoon, mymy finefine FirkFirk, tootoo soonesoon: peacepeace scoundrelsscoundrels,
wln 0235seesee youyou thisthis manman? CaptainesCaptainscaptains, youyou willwill notnot releaserelease himhim, welwell
wln 0236letlet himhim gogo, hée’she’s aa properproper shotshot, letlet himhim vanishvanish, peacepeace IaneJanejane,
wln 0237driedry vpup thythy tearestears, theilethey’ll makemake hishis powderpowder dankishdarkishdarkishdankish, taketake
wln 0238himhim brauebrave menmen, HectorHector ofof TroyTroy waswas anan hackneyhackney toto himhim,
wln 0239HerculesHercules andand TermagantTermagant scoundrellesscoundrels, PrincePrince ArthursArthur’s
wln 0240RoundRound tabletable, byby thethe LordLord ofof LudgateLutgateLudgate, nerene’er fedfed suchsuch aa talltall,
wln 0241suchsuch aa dapperdapper swordmanswordman: byby thethe lifelife ofof PharoPharo, aa brauebrave reso=resolutereso∣luteresolute
wln 0242lute
wln 0242swordmanswordman, peacepeace IaneJanejane, II saysay nono moremore, madmad knauesknaves.
wln 0243Firk.Firk.SéeSee, seesee HodgeHodge, howhow mymy maistermaster rauesraves inin commen=commendationcommen∣dationcommendation
wln 0244dation
wln 0244ofof RafeRafe.
wln 0245HodgeHodge.RaphRafeRaph, thartthou ’rtthou’rt aa gullgull byby thisthis handhand, andand thouthou goestgoest.
wln 0246AskewAskew.II amam gladglad (goodgood mastermaster AyreEyreAir) itit isis mymy haphap
wln 0247ToTo méetemeet soso resoluteresolute aa souldioursoldier.
wln 0248TrustTrust meme, forfor youryour reportreport, andand louelove toto himhim,

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the Gentle Craft.

wln 0249AA commoncommon slightflightflightslight regardregard shallshall notnot respectrespect himhim.
wln 0250LacieLacylacy.IsIs thythy namename RaphRafeRaph?
wln 0251Raph.RafeRaph.YesYes sirsir.
wln 0252LacieLacylacy.GiueGive meme thythy handhand,
wln 0253ThouThou shaltshalt notnot wantwant, asas II amam aa gentlemangentleman:
wln 0254WomanWoman, bebe patientpatient, GodGod (nono doubtdoubt) wilwill sendsend
wln 0255ThyThy husbandhusband safesafe againeagain, butbut hehe mustmust gogo,
wln 0256HisHis countriescountry’s quarrelquarrel sayessays, itit shallshall bebe soso.
wln 0257HodgeHodgeThartThou ’rtthou’rt aa gullgull byby mymy stirropstirrup, ifif thouthou dostdost notnot goego, II
wln 0258wilwill notnot hauehave théethee strikestrike thythy gimbletgimlet intointo thesethese weakeweak vesselsbesselsvessels,
wln 0259prickeprick thinethine enemiesenemies RafeRafe.EnterEnter DodgerDodger.
wln 0260DodgerDodgerMyMy lordlord, youryour vncleuncle onon thethe TowerTower hillhill,
wln 0261StayesStays withwith thethe lordlord MayorMayor, andand thethe AldermenAldermen,
wln 0262AndAnd dothdoth requestrequest youyou withwith alall spéedespeed youyou maymay
wln 0263ToTo hastenhasten thitherthither.exitexit DodgerDodger.
wln 0264AskewAskewCosinCousin, letslet’s gogo.
wln 0265LacyLacy,DodgerDodger runnerun youyou beforebefore, teltell themthem wewe comecome,
wln 0266ThisThis DodgerDodger isis minemine vnclesuncle’s parasiteparasite,
wln 0267TheThe arrantstarrant’starrantst varletvarlet thatthat eree ree’er breathdbreathed onon earthearth,
wln 0268HeHe setssets moremore discorddiscord inin aa noblenoble househouse,
wln 0269ByBy oneone daiesday’sdays brochingbroaching ofof hishis pickethankepickthank talesfalestalesfalls,
wln 0270ThenThen cancan bebe salu’dsalved againeagain inin twentietwenty yearesyears,
wln 0271AndAnd hehe (II fearefear) shallshall gogo withwith vsus toto FranceFrance,
wln 0272ToTo priepry intointo ourour actionsactions.
wln 0273AskewAskew.ThereforeTherefore cozecoz,
wln 0274ItIt shallshall behoouebehoove youyou toto bebe circumspectcircumspect,
wln 0275Lacy.Lacy.FeareFear notnot goodgood cosencousin: RaphRafeRaph, hiehie toto youryour colourscolorscolours.
wln 0276Raph.RafeRaph.II mustmust, becausebecause theresthere’s nono remedieremedy,
wln 0277ButBut gentlegentle maistermaster andand mymy louingloving damedame,
wln 0278AsAs youyou hauehave alwaiesalways béenebeen aa friendfriend toto meme,
wln 0279SoSo inin minemine absenceabsence thinkethink vponupon mymy wifewife.
wln 0280IaneJanejane.AlasAlas mymy RaphRafeRaph.
wln 0281WifeWife.SheShe cannotcannot speakespeak forfor wéepingweeping.

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A pleasant Comedie of

wln 0282EyreEyre.PeacePeace youyou cracktcracked groatesgroats, youyou mustardmustard tokenstokens, dis=disquietdis∣quietdisquiet
wln 0283quiet
wln 0283notnot thethe brauebrave souldiersoldier, goego thythy waiesways RaphRafeRaph.
wln 0284IaneJanejane.IAyI IAyay, youyou bidbid himhim gogo, whatwhat shalshall II dodo whenwhen hehe isis gonegone?
wln 0285Firk.Firk.WhyWhy bebe doingdoing withwith meme, oror mymy felowfellow HodgeHodge, bebe notnot idleidle.
wln 0286EyreEyre.LetLet meme séesee thythy handhand IaneJanejane, thisthis finefine handhand, thisthis whitewhite
wln 0287handhand, thesethese prettiepretty fingersfingers mustmust spinspin, mustmust cardcard, mustmust workework,
wln 0288workework youyou bembastbombast cotten-candle-queanecotton-candle queancotton-candle-quean, workework forfor youryour
wln 0289liuingliving withwith aa poxpox toto youyou: holdhold théethee RaphRafeRaph, hereshere’s fiuefive sixpencessixpences
wln 0290forfor théethee, fightfight forfor thethe honourhonorhonour ofof thethe GentleGentle CraftCraft, forfor thethe gen=gentlemengen∣tlemengentlemen
wln 0291tlemen
wln 0291ShoomakersShoemakers, thethe couragiouscourageous CordwainersCordwainers, thethe flow=flowerflow∣erflower
wln 0292er
wln 0292ofof S.SaintS. MartinsMartin’s, thethe madmad knauesknaves ofof BedlemBedlam, FléetstréeteFleetstreet,
wln 0293TowerstréeteTowerstreet, andand whitewhite ChappellChapel, crackecrack meme thethe crownescrowns
wln 0294ofof thethe FrenchFrench knauesknaves, aa poxeporepoxpoor onon themthem, crackecrack themthem, fightfight, byby
wln 0295thethe lordlord ofof LudgateLudgate, fightfight mymy finefine boyboy.
wln 0296FirkeFirkFirke.HereHere RafeRafe, here’shere’s thréethreethrée twotwo pencespences, twotwo carrycarry intointo
wln 0297FranceFrance, thethe thirdthird shalshall washwash ourour soulessouls atat partingparting (forfor sorrowsorrow
wln 0298isis driedry) forfor mymy sakesake, FirkeFirk thethe BasaBasa monmon cuescues.
wln 0299HodgeHodge.RaphRafeRaph, II amam heauyheavy atat partingparting, butbut hereshere’s aa shil=shillingshil∣lingshilling
wln 0300ling
wln 0300forfor théethee, GodGod sendsend théethee toto crammecram thythy slopsslops withwith FrenchFrench
wln 0301crownescrowns, andand thythy enemiesenemy’s belliesbellies withwith bulletsbullets.
wln 0302Raph.RafeRaph.II thankethank youyou maistermaster, andand II thankethank youyou allall:
wln 0303NowNow gentlegentle wifewife, mymy louingloving louelylovely IaneJanejane,
wln 0304RichRich menmen atat partingparting, giuegive theirtheir wiueswives richrich giftsgifts,
wln 0305JewelsJewels andand ringsrings, toto gracegrace theirtheir lillielily handshands,
wln 0306ThouThou know’stknowest ourour tradetrade makesmakes ringsrings forfor womenswomen’s héelesheels:
wln 0307HereHere taketake thisthis pairepair ofof shooesshoes cutcut outout byby HodgeHodge,
wln 0308StichtStitchedstitched byby mymy fellowfellow FirkeFirk, seam’dseamed byby my selfemyself,
wln 0309MadeMade vpup andand pincktpinked, withwith lettersletters forfor thythy namename,
wln 0310WeareWear themthem mymy déeredear IaneJanejane, forfor thythy husbandshusband’s sakesake,
wln 0311AndAnd euerieevery morningmorning whenwhen thouthou pull’stpullest themthem onon,
wln 0312RememberRemember meme, andand praypray forfor mymy returnereturn,
wln 0313MakeMake muchmuch ofof themthem, forfor II havehave mademade themthem soso,
wln 0314ThatThat II cancan knowknow themthem fromfrom aa thousandthousand momo’more.

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the Gentle Craft.

wln 0315SoundSound drummedrum, enterenter LordLord MaiorMayorMaior, LincolneLincoln, LacyLacy, AskewAskew,
wln 0316DodgerDodger, andand souldierssoldiers, TheyThey passepass ouerover thethe stagestage, RafeRafe
wln 0317fallesfalls inin amongestamongst themthem, FirkeFirkFirke andand thethe restrest crycry farewelfarewell,
wln 0318&c.Etc.etc. andand soso ExeuntExeunt.

wln 0319EnterEnter RoseRose alonealone makingmaking aa GarlandGarland.
wln 0320HereHere sitsit thouthou downedown vponupon thisthis flowryflowery bankebank,
wln 0321AndAnd makemake aa garlandgarland forfor thythy LaciesLacy’s headhead,
wln 0322TheseThese pinkespinks, thesethese rosesroses, andand thesethese violetsviolets,
wln 0323TheseThese blushingblushing gilliflowersgillyflowers, thesethese marigoldesmarigolds,
wln 0324TheThe fairefair embroderyembroidery ofof hishis coronetcoronet,
wln 0325CarryCarry notnot halfehalf suchsuch beautybeauty inin theirtheir chéekescheeks,
wln 0326AsAs thethe swéetesweet countnauncecountenance ofof mymy LacyLacy dothdoth.
wln 0327OO mymy mostmost vnkindeunkind fatherfather! OO mymy starresstars!
wln 0328WhyWhy lowrdelouredpowered youyou soso atat mymy natiuitynativity,
wln 0329ToTo makemake meme louelove, yetyet liuelive robdrobbed ofof mymy louelove?
wln 0330HereHere asas aa théefethief amam II imprisonedimprisoned
wln 0331(ForFor mymy déeredear LaciesLacy’s sakesake) withinwithin thosethose walleswalls,
wln 0332WhichWhich byby mymy fathersfather’s costcost werewere buildedbuilded vpup
wln 0333ForFor betterbetter purposespurposes: herehere mustmust II languishlanguish
wln 0334ForFor himhim thatthat dothdoth asas muchmuch lamentlament (II knowknow)enterenter SibilSybilSibil.
wln 0335MineMine absenceabsence, asas forfor himhim II pinepine inin woewoe.
wln 0336SibilSybilSibilGoodGood morrowmorrow yongyoung MistrisMistress, II amam suresure youyou makemake
wln 0337thatthat garlandgarland forfor meme, againstagainst II shallshall bebe LadyLady ofof thethe Har=HaruestHa|ruest
wln 0338uestHarvest.
wln 0339RoseRoseSibilSybilSibyl, whatwhat newsnews atat LondonLondon?
wln 0340SibilSybilSibilNoneNone butbut goodgood: mymy lordlord MayorMayor youryour fatherfather, andand
wln 0341maistermaster PhilpotPhilpot youryour vncleuncle, andand maistermaster ScotScottScot youryour coosincousin, andand
wln 0342mistrismistress FrigbottomFrigbottom byby DoctorsDoctors’Doctors CommonsCommons, doedo allall (byby mymy
wln 0343trothtroth) sendsend youyou mostmost heartyhearty commendationscommendations.
wln 0344RoseRoseDidDid LacyLacy sendsend kindkind gréetingsgreetings toto hishis louelove?
wln 0345SibilSybilSibilOO yesyes, outout ofof crycry, byby mymy trothtroth, II scantscant knewknew himhim,
wln 0346herehere a’a worewore scarffescarf, andand herehere aa scarfescarf, herehere aa bunchbunch ofof fethersfeathers,

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A pleasant Comedie of

wln 0347andand herehere pretiousprecious stonesstones andand iewellsjewels, andand aa pairepair ofof gartersgarters:
wln 0348OOOh monstrousmonstrous likelike oneone ofof ourour yellowyellow silkesilk curtainscurtains, atat homehome
wln 0349herehere inin Old-fordOld-ford househouse, herehere inin maistermaster BellymountsBellymount’s cham=chambercham∣berchamber
wln 0350ber,
wln 0350II stoodestood atat ourour dooredoor inin CornehillCornhill, looktlooked atat himhim, hehe atat meme
wln 0351indeedindeed, spakespakespoke toto himhim, butbut hehe notnot toto meme, notnot aa wordword, marymarry gupguyguygup
wln 0352thoughtthought II withwith aa wanionwanion, hehe passtpassed byby meme asas prowdeproud, marymarry
wln 0353fohfoh, areare youyou grownegrown humoroushumorous thoughtthought II? andand soso shutshut thethe
wln 0354dooredoor, andand inin II camecame.
wln 0355RoseRoseOO SibillSybilSibyl, howhow destdost thouthou mymy LacyLacy wrongwrong?
wln 0356MyMy RowlandRowland isis asas gentlegentle asas aa lambelamb,
wln 0357NoNo douedove waswas euerever halfehalf soso mildemild asas hehe.
wln 0358SibilSybilSibilMildeMild? yeayea, asas aa bushelbushel ofof stamptstamped crabscrabs, hehe looktlooked vp=vponvp|onupon
wln 0359on
wln 0359meme asas sowresour asas veriuiceverjuice: goego thythy wayesways thoughtthought II, thouthou
wln 0360maistmayst bebe muchmuch inin mymy gaskinsgaskins, butbut nothingnothing inin mymy neather=neatherstockesneather|stockesnetherstocks
wln 0361stockes:
wln 0361thisthis isis youryour faultfault mistrismistress, toto louelove himhim thatthat louesloves notnot
wln 0362youyou, hehe thinkesthinks scornescorn toto dodo asas he’she’s donedone toto, butbut ifif II werewere asas
wln 0363youyou, IdeI’d crycry, gogo byby IeronimoJeronimojeronimo, gogo byby, IdeI’d setset minemine oldeold debtsdebts
wln 0364againstagainst mymy newnew dribletsdriblets, andand thethe hareshare’s footfoot againstagainst thethe goosegoose
wln 0365gibletsgiblets, forfor ifif euerever II sighsigh whenwhen sléepesleep II shouldeshould taketake, praypray
wln 0366GodGod II maymay looselose mymy mayden-headmaidenhead whenwhen II wakewake.
wln 0367RoseRoseWillWill mymy louelove leaueleave meme thenthen andand gogo toto FranceFrance?
wln 0368SibillSybilSibillII knoweknow notnot thatthat, butbut II amam suresure II seesee himhim stalkestalk
wln 0369beforebefore thethe souldierssoldiers, byby mymy trothtroth hehe isis aa propperproper manman, butbut
wln 0370hehe isis properproper thatthat properproper dothdoth, letlet himhim goego snicke-vpsnick-up yongyoung mi=mistrismi|stris
wln 0371strismistress.
wln 0372RoseRoseGetGet théethee toto LondonLondon, andand learnelearn perfectlyperfectly,
wln 0373WhetherWhether mymy LacyLacy gogo toto FranceFrance, oror nono:
wln 0374DoDo thisthis, andand II wilwill giuegive théethee forfor thythy painespains,
wln 0375MyMy cambrickecambric apronapron, andand mymy romishromish glouesgloves,
wln 0376MyMy purplepurple stockingsstockings, andand aa stomacherstomacher,
wln 0377SaySay, wiltwilt thouthou dodo thisthis SibilSybilSibyl forfor mymy sakesake?
wln 0378SibilSybilSibilWilWillwill II quothquoth a’a? atat whosewhose suitesuit? byby mymy trothtroth yesyes, IleI’ll
wln 0379gogo, aa cambrickecambric apronapron, glouesgloves, aa pairepair ofof purplepurple stockingsstockings,

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the Gentle Craft.

wln 0380andand aa stomacherstomacher, IleI’ll sweatsweat inin purplepurple mistrismistress forfor youyou, ileI’ll taketake
wln 0381anyany thingthing thatthat comescomes aa’a GodsGod’s namename, OOOh richrich, aa CambrickeCambriccambric a-aprona∣pronapron
wln 0382pron;
wln 0382faithfaith thenthen hauehave atat vpup tailestails allall, IleI’ll gogo, IiggyJiggyjiggy, IeggyJeggyjeggy toto
wln 0383LondonLondon, andand bebe herehere inin aa tricetrice yongyoung mistrismistress.ExitExit.
wln 0384RoseRose.DoDo soso goodgood SibillSybilSibyl, meanemean timetime wretchedwretched II
wln 0385WillWill sitsit andand sighsigh forfor hishis lostlost companiecompany.ExitExit.
wln 0386EnterEnter RowlandRowland LacyLacy likelike aa DutchDutch Shooe-makerShoemaker.
wln 0387Lacy.Lacy.HowHow manymany shapesshapes hauehave godsgods andand kingskings deuisdedevised,
wln 0388TherebyThereby toto compassecompass theirtheir desireddesired louesloves?
wln 0389ItIt isis nono shameshame forfor RowlandRowland LacyLacy thenthen,
wln 0390ToTo clotheclothe hishis cunningcunning withwith thethe GentleGentle CraftCraft,
wln 0391ThatThat thusthus disguisdedisguised, II maymay vnknowneunknown possessepossess,
wln 0392TheThe onelyonly happiehappy presencepresence ofof mymy RoseRose:
wln 0393ForFor herher hauehave II forsookeforsook mymy chargecharge inin FranceFrance,
wln 0394IncurdIncurredincurred thethe KingsKing’sking’s displeasuredispleasure, andand stir’dstirred vpup
wln 0395RoughRough hatredhatred inin minemine vncleuncle LincolnesLincoln’s brestbreast:
wln 0396OOOh louelove, howhow powerfullpowerful artart thouthou, thatthat canstcanst changechange
wln 0397HighHigh birthbirth toto barenessebareness, andand aa noblenoble mindmind,
wln 0398ToTo thethe meanemean semblancesemblance ofof aa shooemakershoemaker?
wln 0399ButBut thusthus itit mustmust bebe: forfor herher cruellcruel fatherfather,
wln 0400HatingHating thethe singlesingle vnionunion ofof ourour soulessouls,
wln 0401HathHath secretlysecretly conueydconveyed mymy RoseRose fromfrom LondonLondon,
wln 0402ToTo barrebar meme ofof herher presencepresence, butbut II trusttrust
wln 0403FortuneFortune andand thisthis disguisedisguise willwill furderfurther meme
wln 0404OnceOnce moremore toto viewview herher beautiebeauty, gainegain herher sightsight.
wln 0405HereHere inin TowerstréeteTowerstreet, withwith AyreEyreAir thethe shooe=makershooe-makershoemaker,
wln 0406MeaneMean II aa whilewhile toto workework, II knowknow thethe tradetrade,
wln 0407II learn’tlearntlearned itit whenwhen II waswas inin WittenbergeWittenberg:
wln 0408ThenThen cheerecheer thythy hopinghoping spritessprites, bebe notnot dismaidedismayed,
wln 0409ThouThou canstcanst notnot wantwant, dodo fortunefortune whatwhat sheshe cancan,
wln 0410TheThe GentleGentle CraftCraft isis liuingliving forfor aa manman.exitexit.
wln 0411EnterEnter EyreEyre makingmaking himselfehimself readieready.
wln 0412EyreEyre.WhereWhere bebe thesethese boyesboys, thesethese girlesgirls, thesethese drabbesdrabs,

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A pleasant Comedie of

wln 0413thesethese scoundrelsscoundrels, theythey wallowwallow inin thethe fatfat brewissebrewis ofof mymy boū=boūtieboū|tiebounty
wln 0414tie,
wln 0414andand IIlickelockelicklock vpup thethe crumscrumbs ofof mymy tabletable, yetyet wilwill notnot riserise toto seesee
wln 0415mymy walkeswalks cleansedcleansed: comecome outout youyou powder-beefe-queanespowder-beef queanspowder-beef-queens,
wln 0416whatwhat NanNan, whatwhat Madge-mumble-crustMadge-mumble-crust, comecome outout youyou fattefat
wln 0417Midriffe-swagMidriff-swag, belly-whoresbelly-whores, andand swéepesweep meme thesethese kennelskennels,
wln 0418thatthat thethe noysomenoisome stenchstench offendeoffend notnot thethe nosenose ofof mymy neigh-neighboursneigh∣boursneighborsneighbours
wln 0419bours:
wln 0419whatwhat FirkeFirk II saysay, whatwhat HodgeHodge? openopen mymy shopshop win=windoweswin|doweswindows
wln 0420dowes,
wln 0420whatwhat FirkeFirk II saysay.EnterEnter FirkeFirkFirke.
wln 0421FirkeFirkFirke.OO mastermaster, istis ’tis’t youyou thatthat speakespeak bandogbandog andand bedlambedlam
wln 0422thisthis morningmorning, II waswas inin aa dreamedream, andand muzedmused whatwhat maddemad
wln 0423manman waswas gotgot intointo thethe streetestreet soso earlieearly, hauehave youyou drunkedrunk thisthis
wln 0424morningmorning thatthat youryour throatethroat isis soso cleereclear?
wln 0425EyreEyre.AhAh wellwell saidesaid FirkeFirk, wellwell saidsaid FirkeFirk, toto workework mymy
wln 0426finefine knaueknave, toto workework, washwash thythy faceface, andand thou[*]tthouthou ’ltthoutt bebe moremore blestblestblessed.
wln 0427FirkeFirkFirke.LetLet themthem washwash mymy faceface thatthat willwill eateeat itit, goodgood mai=maistermai|stermaster
wln 0428ster
wln 0428sendsend forfor aa sowcesouse wifewife, ifif youleyou’ll hauehave mymy faceface cleanercleaner.
wln 0429enterenter HodgeHodge.
wln 0430EyreEyre.AwayAway slouensloven, auauntavaunt scoundrellscoundrel, goodgood morrowmorrow
wln 0431HodgeHodge, goodgood morrowmorrow mymy finefine foremanforeman.
wln 0432HodgeHodge.OO maistermaster, goodgood morrowmorrow, yarey’ areyou’re anan earlieearly stirrerstirrer,
wln 0433heereshere’s aa fairefair morningmorning, goodgood morrowmorrow FirkeFirk, II couldcould hauehave
wln 0434sleptslept thisthis howrehour, héereshere’s aa brauebrave dayday towardstowards.
wln 0435EyreEyre.OO hastehaste toto workework mymy finefine foremanforeman, hastehaste toto workework.
wln 0436FirkeFirkFirke.MaisterMaster II amam driedry asas dustdust, toto hearehear mymy fellowfellow Ro-RogerRo∣gerRoger
wln 0437ger
wln 0437talketalk ofof fairefair weatherweather, letlet vsus praypray forfor goodgood leatherleather, andand letlet
wln 0438clownesclowns andand plowboyesplowboys, andand thosethose thatthat workework inin thethe fieldesfields,
wln 0439praypray forfor brauebrave dayesdays, weewe workework inin aa driedry shopshop, whatwhat carecare
wln 0440II ifif itit rainerain?enterenter EyresEyre’s wifewife.
wln 0441EyreEyre.HowHow nownow damedame MargeryMargery, cancan youyou séesee toto riserise? triptrip
wln 0442andand gogo, callcall vpup thethe drabsdrabs youryour maidesmaids.
wln 0443WifeWife.SeeSee toto riserise? II hopehope tis’tis timetime inoughenough, tis’tis earlieearly inoughenough
wln 0444forfor anyany womanwoman toto bebe séeneseen abroadabroad, II maruailemarvel howhow maniemany
wln 0445wiueswives inin TowerstréetTowerstreet areare vpup soso soonsoon? GodsGod’s meme, tis’tis notnot noonenoon,

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the Gentle Craft.

wln 0446hereshere’s aa yawlingyawling.
wln 0447EyreEyre.PeacePeace MargerieMargerymargery, peacepeace, whereswhere’s CislyCistyCecilyCisty Bumtrin=BumtrinketBum∣trinketBumtrinket
wln 0448ket
wln 0448youryour maidemaid? sheshe hashas aa priuieprivy faultfault, sheshe fartesfarts inin herher sleepesleep,
wln 0449callcall thethe queanequean vpup, ifif mymy menmen wantwant shooethréedshoethreadshooethréed, ileI’ll swingeswinge
wln 0450herher inin aa stirropstirrup.
wln 0451FirkeFirkFirke.YetYet thatsthat’s butbut aa driedry beatingbeating, hereshere’s stillstill aa signesign ofof
wln 0452droughtdrought.enterenter LacyLacy singingsinging.
wln 0453Lacy.Lacy.DerDer waswas eeneene’en boreboreboar vanvan GelderlandGelderland, FrolickFrolic sisie byenbyen,
wln 0454HeHe waswas alsalsall’s dronckdronckdrunk hehe coldcouldcold nyetnyet standstand, vpsolceupsolce sesiese byenbyen,
wln 0455TapTap eenseens dede cannekencanneken drinckedrinckedrink scheueschonescheve mannekinmannekin.
wln 0456FirkeFirkFirke.MaisterMaster, forfor mymy lifelife yondersyonder’s aa brotherbrother ofof thethe Gen=GentleGen∣tleGentle
wln 0457tle
wln 0457CraftCraft, ifif hehe bearebear notnot saintsaint HughesHugh’s bonesbones, IleI’ll forfeitforfeit mymy
wln 0458bonesbones, héeshe’s somesome vplandishuplandish workmanworkman, hirehire himhim goodgood mastermaster,
wln 0459thatthat II maymay learnelearn somesome gible, gabblegibble-gabble, twill’twill makemake vsus workework
wln 0460thethe fasterfaster.
wln 0461EyreEyre.PeacePeace FirkeFirk, aa hardhard worldworld, letlet himhim passepass, letlet himhim
wln 0462vanishvanish, wewe hauehave iourneymenjourneymen enowenough, peacepeace mymy finefine FirkeFirk.
wln 0463WifeWife.NayNay, naynay, y’areY arey’ areyou’re bestbest followfollow youryour mansman’s councellcounselcouncil,
wln 0464youyou shalshall séesee whatwhat wilwill comecome onon t’tt: wewe hauehave notnot menmen enowenough, butbut
wln 0465wewe mustmust entertaineentertain euerieevery butter-boxebutterbox: butbut letlet thatthat passepass.
wln 0466HodgeHodge.DameDame, forefore GodGod ifif mymy maistermaster followfollow youryour coun=counsellcoun|sellcounsel
wln 0467sell,
wln 0467héelehe’ll consumeconsume littlelittle béefebeef, hehe shalshall bebe gladglad ofof menmen andand heehe
wln 0468cancan catchcatch themthem.
wln 0469FirkeFirkFirke.IAyI thatthat hehe shallshall.
wln 0470HodgeHodge.ForeFore GodGod aa properproper manman, andand II warrantwarrant aa finefine
wln 0471workmanworkman: maistermaster farewellfarewell, damedame adewadieu, ifif suchsuch aa manman asas hehe
wln 0472cannotcannot findfind workework, HodgeHodge isis notnot forfor youyou.offeroffer toto goego.
wln 0473EyreEyre.StayStay mymy finefine HodgeHodge.
wln 0474FirkeFirkFirke.FaithFaith, andand youryour foremanforeman goego, damedame youyou mustmust taketake
wln 0475aa iourneyjourney toto séekeseek aa newnew iorneymanjourneyman, ifif RogerRoger remoueremove, FirkeFirk
wln 0476followesfollows, ifif S.SaintS. HughsHugh’s bonesbones shallshall notnot bebe setset aa workework, II maymay
wln 0477prickeprick minemine awleawl inin thethe walswalls, andand goego playplay: farefare yeye welwell ma=masterma∣stermaster
wln 0478ster,
wln 0478God buyGoodbyeGod buy damedame.

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A pleasant Comedie of

wln 0479EyreEyre.TarrieCarrieTarryCarry mymy finefine HodgeHodge, mymy briskebrisk foremanforeman, staystay
wln 0480FirkeFirk, peacepeace puddingpudding broathbroth, byby thethe lordlord ofof LudgateLudgate II louelove
wln 0481mymy menmen asas mymy lifelife, peacepeace youyou gallimafriegallimaufry, HodgeHodge ifif hehe wantwant
wln 0482workework IleI’ll hirehire himhim, oneone ofof youyou toto himhim, staystay, hehe comescomes toto vsus.
wln 0483LacieLacylacy.GoedenEoedenEoedenGoeden dachdach meestermeester, endeendeend vyowv vrovro oakoak.
wln 0484FirkeFirkFirke.NaylsNayNayis’NailsNayisis ifif II shouldshould speakespeak afterafter himhim withoutwithout drink=drinkingdrink∣ingdrinking
wln 0485ing,
wln 0485II shuldshould chokechoke, andand youyou frindfriend OakeOak areare youyou ofof thethe GentleGentle (CraftCraft?
wln 0486LacieLacylacy.YawYaw yawyaw, IkIk binbinbeen denden skomawkerskomawker.
wln 0487FirkeFirkFirke.DenDen skomakerskomaker quothquoth a’a, andand hearkhark youyou skomakerskomaker,
wln 0488hauehave youyou alall youryour toolestools, aa goodgood rubbingrubbing pinnepin, aa goodgood stopperstopper,
wln 0489aa goodgood dresserdresser, youryour fourefour sortssorts ofof awlesawls andand youryour twotwo ballesballs
wln 0490ofof waxewax, youryour paringparing knifeknife, youryour handhand andand thumb-leathersthumb-leathers,
wln 0491andand goodgood S.SaintS. HughsHugh’s bonesbones toto smoothsmooth vpup youryour workework.
wln 0492LacieLacylacy.YawYaw yawyaw bebe nietniet vorveardvor veardvor veardvorveard, IkIk habhab allall dede dingendingen,
wln 0493voourvoour mackmack shoesshoes grootgroot andand cleaneclean.
wln 0494FirkeFirkFirke.HaHa haha goodgood maistermaster hirehire himhim, héelehe’ll makemake meme laughlaugh
wln 0495soso thatthat II shalshall workework moremore inin mirthmirth, thenthan II cancan inin earnestearnest.
wln 0496EyreEyre.HeareI careHearI care yeye friendfriend, hauehave yeye anyany skillskill inin thethe misterymystery ofof
wln 0497CordwainersCordwainers?
wln 0498LacieLacylacy.IkIk wéetwéet nietniet watwat yowyowye segseg ichich vestawvestaw youyou nietniet.
wln 0499FirkeFirkFirke.WhyWhy thusthus manman, IchIch versteverste vyowv nietniet quothquoth aa.’aa...
wln 0500LacieLacylacy.YawYaw, yawyaw, yawyaw, ickick cancan datdat welwell doendoen.doen.doen..
wln 0501FirkeFirkFirke.YawYaw, yawyaw, hehe speakesspeaks yawingyawing likelike aa IackeJack dawdaw,
wln 0502thatthat gapesgapes toto bebe fedfed withwith chéesecheese curdescurds, OOOh héelehe’ll giuegive aa villa=villanousvilla|nousvillainous
wln 0503nous
wln 0503pulpull atat aa CanCan ofof doubledouble BéereBeer, butbut HodgeHodge andand II hauehave
wln 0504thethe vantagevantage, wewe mustmust drinkedrink firstfirst, becausebecause weewe areare thethe eldesteldest
wln 0505iourneymanjourneyman.
wln 0506EyreEyre.WhatWhat isis thythy namename?
wln 0507Lacy.Lacy.HansHans, HansHans, MeulterMeulter.
wln 0508EyreEyre.GiueGive meme thythy handhand, th’th’artart welcomewelcome, HodgeHodge enter=entertaineenter|taineentertain
wln 0509taine
wln 0509himhim, FyrkFirkFyrk bidbid himhim welcomewelcome, comecome HansHans, runnerun wifewife,
wln 0510bidbid youryour maidsmaids, youryour TrullibubsCrullibubsCrullibubsTrullibubs, makemake readieready mymy finefine mensmen’s
wln 0511breakefastsbreakfasts: toto himhim HodgeHodge.

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the Gentle Craft.

wln 0512HodgeHodge.HansHans, th’artth’ artthou’rt welcomewelcome, vseuse thy selfethyself friendlyfriendly, forfor
wln 0513wewe areare goodgood fellowesfellows, ifif notnot thouthou shaltshalt bebe foughtfought withwith, wertwert
wln 0514thouthou biggerbigger thenthan aa GiantGiant.
wln 0515Fyrk.FirkFyrk.YeaYea andand drunkedrunk withwith, wertwert thouthou GargantuaGargantua, mymy
wln 0516maistermaster keepeskeeps nono cowardscowards, II teltell theethee: hoeheehohe, boyboy, bringbring himhim anan
wln 0517heele-blockeheel-block, heershere’s aa newnew iourneymanjourneyman.
wln 0518EnterEnter boyboy.
wln 0519Lacy.Lacy.OichOich werstowersto, youyou IchIch moetmoet eeneen haluehalve dossendossendozen CansCans
wln 0520betaelenbetaelen: herehere boyboy nemptnempt disdis skillingskilling, taptap eenseens fréelickefréelicke.
wln 0521ExitExit boyboy.
wln 0522EyreEyre.QuickeQuick snipper snappersnipper-snapper, awayaway FyrkFirkFyrk, scowrescour thythy
wln 0523throatethroat, thouthou shaltshalt washwash itit withwith CastilianCasulianCasulianCastilian licourliquorliquour, comecome mymy
wln 0524lastlast ofof thethe fiuesfives, giuegive meme aa CanCan, hauehave totoEnterEnter boyboy.
wln 0525théethee HansHans, herehere HodgeHodge, herehere FyrkFirkFyrk, drinkedrink youyou madmad GréeksGreeks,
wln 0526andand workework likelike truetrue TroiansTrojans, andand praypray forfor SimonSimon EyreEyre thethe
wln 0527ShoomakerShoemaker: herehere HansHans, andand th’artth’ artthou’rt welcomewelcome.
wln 0528Fyrk.FirkFyrk.LoLo damedame youyou wouldwould hauehave lostlost aa goodgood fellowfellow thatthat wilwill
wln 0529teachteach vsus toto laughlaugh, thisthis béerebeer camecame hoppinghopping inin welwell.
wln 0530WifeWife.SimonSimon itit isis almostalmost seuenseven.
wln 0531EyreEyre.Is’tIs ’tIs’t soso damedame clapperclapper dudgeondudgeon, is’tis ’tis’t seuenseven a clockea’ clocko’clock,
wln 0532andand mymy mensmen’s breakefastbreakfast notnot readieready? triptrip andand goego yowyowye sowstsoused
wln 0533cungercongercunger, awayaway, comecome youyou maddemad HiperboreansHyperboreans, followfollow meme
wln 0534HodgeHodge, followfollow meme HansHans, comecome afterafter mymy finefine FyrkFirkFyrk, toto workework,
wln 0535toto workework aa whilewhile andand thenthen toto breakfastbreakfast.ExitExit.
wln 0536Fyrk.FirkFyrk.SoftSoft, yawyaw, yawyaw, goodgood HansHans, thoughthough mymy mastermaster hauehave
wln 0537nono moremore witwit, butbut toto callcall youyou aforeafore meeme, II amam notnot soso foolishfoolish toto
wln 0538gogo behindbehind youyou, II beingbeing thethe elderelder iourneymanjourneyman.exeuntexeunt.
wln 0539HollowingHalloingHollowing withinwithin. EnterEnter WarnerWarner, andand HammonHammon,
wln 0540likelike huntershunters.

wln 0541HammonHammon.CosenCousin, beatebeat eueryevery brakebrake, thethe game’sgame’s notnot farfar,
wln 0542ThisThis waymaymayway withwith wingedwinged féetefeet hehe fledfled fromfrom deathdeath,
wln 0543WhilstWhilst thethe pursuingpursuing houndshounds sentingscenting hishis stepssteps:
wln 0544FindFind outout hishis highhigh wayway toto destructiondestruction,

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A pleasant Comedie of

wln 0545BesidesBesides, thethe millersmiller’s boyboy toldtold meme eueneven nownow,
wln 0546HeHe sawsaw himhim taketake sailesail, andand hehe hallowedhalloedhallowed himhim,
wln 0547AffirmingAffirming himhim soso embostembossed,
wln 0548ThatThat longlong hehe couldcould notnot holdhold.
wln 0549WarnerWarner.IfIf itit bebe soso,
wln 0550Tis’Tis bestbest wewe tracetrace thesethese meddowesmeadows byby oldold FordFord.
wln 0551AA noisenoise ofof huntershunters withinwithin, enterenter aa boyboy.
wln 0552HammonHammon.HowHow nownow boyboy, whereswhere’s thethe déeredeerdear? speakspeak, sawstsaw’st
wln 0553thouthou himhim?
wln 0554BoyBoy.OO, yeayea II sawsaw himhim scapescape throughthrough aa hedgehedge, andand thenthen
wln 0555ouerover aa ditchditch, thenthen atat mymy LordLord MaiorsMayor’sMajors palepale, ouerover hehe skiptskipped meme
wln 0556andand inin hehe wentwent meme, andand hollaholla thethe huntershunters cridecried, andand therethere
wln 0557boyboy therethere boyboy, butbut therethere hehe isis aa’a minemine honestiehonesty.
wln 0558Ham.HammonHam.BoyBoy God amercyGod amereyGod-a-mercyGod a-mercy, cosencousin letslet’s awayaway,
wln 0559II hopehope wewe shalshall findfind betterbetter sportsport to daytoday.exeuntexeunt.
wln 0560HuntingHunting withinwithin, enterenter RoseRose, andand SibillSibill.SybilSibill...
wln 0561RoseRose.WhyWhy SibillSybilSibyl wiltwilt thouthou proueprove aa forresterforester?
wln 0562Sibill.SybilSibill.VponUponUpon somesome nono, forresterforester, gogo byby: nono faithfaith mistrismistress,
wln 0563thethe deeredeerdear camecame runningrunning intointo thethe barnebarn throughthrough thethe orchardorchard,
wln 0564andand ouerover thethe palepale, II wotwot welwell, II looktlooked asas palepale asas aa newnew chéesecheese
wln 0565toto séesee himhim, butbut whipwhip saiessays goodmangoodman pinne-closepin-close, vpup withwith hishis
wln 0566flailefiaileflail, andand ourour NickeNicknick withwith aa prongprong, andand downedown hehe felfell, andand
wln 0567theythey vponupon himhim, andand II vponupon themthem, byby mymy trothtroth wewe hadhad suchsuch
wln 0568sportsport, andand inin thethe endend wewe endedended himhim, hishis throatethroat wewe cutcut, fleadflayed
wln 0569himhim, vnhorndunhorned himhim, andand mymy lordlord MaiorMayorMaior shalshall eateat ofof himhim anonanon
wln 0570whenwhen hehe comescomes.
wln 0571HornesHornshorn’s soundsound withinwithin.
wln 0572RoseRose.HearkHark hearkhark, thethe huntershunters comecome, y’arey’ areyou’re bestbest taketake héedheed
wln 0573TheyleThey’llthey’ll hauehave aa sayingsaying toto youyou forfor thisthis deededeed.
wln 0574EnterEnter HammonHammon, WarnerWarner, huntsmenhuntsmen, andand boyboy.
wln 0575Ham.HammonHam.GodGod sauesave youyou fairefair ladiesladies.
wln 0576SibilSybilSibil.LadiesLadies, OOOh grossegross!
wln 0577War.WarnerWar.CameCame notnot aa buckebuck thisthis wayway?

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the Gentle Craft.

wln 0578RoseRose.NoNo, butbut twotwo DoesDoes.
wln 0579Ham.HammonHam.AndAnd whichwhich wayway wentwent theythey? faithfaith wéelwe’ll hunthunt atat thosethose
wln 0580Sibill.SybilSibill.AtAt thosethose? vponupon somesome nono: whenwhen, cancan youyou telltell?
wln 0581War.WarnerWar.VponUponUpon somesome, IAyI.
wln 0582Sibill.SybilSibill.GoodGood LordLord!
wln 0583War.WarnerWar.WoundsWounds thenthen farewellfarewell.
wln 0584Ham.HammonHam.BoyBoy, whichwhich wayway wentwent hehe?
wln 0585BoyBoy.ThisThis wayway sirsir hehe ranneran.
wln 0586Ham.HammonHam.ThisThis wayway hehe ranneran indéedeindeed, fairefair mistrismistress RoseRose,
wln 0587OurOur gamegame waswas latelylately inin youryour orchardorchard séeneseen.
wln 0588War.WarnerWar.CanCan youyou aduiseadvise whichwhich wayway hehe tooketook hishis flightflight?
wln 0589SibilSybilSibil.FolloweFollow youryour nosenose, hishis horneshorns willwill guideguide youyou
wln 0590rightright.
wln 0591VVar.WarnerVVar.ThartTh’ artthou’rt aa madmad wenchwench.
wln 0592Sibill.SybilSibill.OO richrich!
wln 0593RoseRose.TrustTrust meme, notnot II,
wln 0594ItIt isis notnot likelike thethe wildwild forrestforest déeredeerdear,
wln 0595WouldWould comecome soso nearenear toto placesplaces ofof resortresort,
wln 0596YouYou areare deceiu’ddeceived, hehe fledfled somesome otherother wayway.
wln 0597VVar.WarnerVVar.WhichWhich wayway mymy suger=candiesuger-candiesugar-candy, cancan youyou shewshow?
wln 0598Sibill.SybilSibill.ComeCome vpup goodgood honnisopshoneysops, vponupon somesome, nono.
wln 0599RoseRose.WhyWhy doedo youyou staystay, andand notnot pursuepursue youryour gamegame?
wln 0600Sibill.SybilSibill.IleI’ll holdhold mymy lifelife theirtheir huntinghunting nagsnags bebe lamelame.
wln 0601Ham.HammonHam.AA déeredeerdear, moremore deeredear isis foundfound withinwithin thisthis placeplace.
wln 0602RoseRose.ButBut notnot thethe déeredeer (sirsir) whichwhich youyou hadhad inin chacechase.
wln 0603Ham.HammonHam.II chac’dchased thethe déeredeerdear, butbut thisthis déeredeardeer chacethchaseth meme.
wln 0604RoseRose.TheThe strangeststrangest huntinghunting thatthat euerever II seesee,
wln 0605ButBut whereswhere’s youryour parkepark?
wln 0606SheShe offersoffers toto goego awayaway.
wln 0607Ham.HammonHam.Tis’Tis herehere: OOOh staystay.
wln 0608RoseRose.ImpaleImpale meme, andand thenthen II willwill notnot straystray.
wln 0609VVarWarnerVVarTheyThey wranglewrangle wenchwench, wewe areare moremore kindkind thenthan theythey
wln 0610Sibill.SybilSibill.WhatWhat kindkind ofof harthartheart isis thatthat (déeredeerdear harthartheart) youyou séekeseek?

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A pleasant Comedie of

wln 0611War.WarnerWar.AA hartheart, dearedear hartheart.
wln 0612SibilSybilSibil.Who euerWhoeverwhoever sawsaw thethe likelike?
wln 0613RoseRose.ToTo looselose youryour hearthartheart, is’tis ’tis’t possiblepossible youyou cancan?
wln 0614Ham.HammonHam.MyMy heartheart isis lostlost.
wln 0615RoseRose.AlackeAlack goodgood gentlemangentleman.
wln 0616Ham.HammonHam.ThisThis poorepoor lostlost hartheart wouldwould II wishwithwithwish youyou mightmight findfind.
wln 0617RoseRose.YouYou byby suchsuch luckeluck mightmight proueprove youryour harthartheart aa hindhind.
wln 0618Ham.HammonHam.WhyWhy LuckeLuck hadhad horneshorns, soso hauehave II heardheard somesome saysay.
wln 0619RoseRose.NowNow GodGod and’tand ’tand’t bebe hishis wilwill sendsend LuckLuck intointo youryour wayway.
wln 0620EnterEnter L.LordL. MaiorMayorMaior, andand seruantsservants.
wln 0621L.LordL. Mai.MayorMai.WhatWhat M.MasterM. HammonHammon, welcomewelcome toto oldold FordFord.
wln 0622Sibill.SybilSibill.GodsGod’s pittikinspittikins, handshands offoff sirsir, héershere’s mymy LordLord.
wln 0623L.LordL. MaiorMayor.II hearehear youyou hadhad illill luckeluck, andand lostlost youryour gamegame.
wln 0624HammonHammon.Tis’Tis truetrue mymy LordLord.
wln 0625L.LordL. MaiorMayor.II amam soriesorry forfor thethe samesame.
wln 0626WhatWhat gentlemangentleman isis thisthis?
wln 0627HammonHammon.MyMy brother in lawbrother-in-lawbrother in law.
wln 0628L.LordL. MaiorMayor.Y’areY areY’ areyou’re welcomewelcome bothboth, sithsith FortuneFortune offersoffers youyou
wln 0629IntoInto mymy handshands, youyou shalshall notnot partpart fromfrom hencehence,
wln 0630VntilUntilUntil youyou hauehave refreshtrefreshed youryour weariedwearied limmeslimbs:
wln 0631GoGo SibelSybilSibyl couercover thethe boordboard, youyou shalshall bebe guestguest
wln 0632ToTo nono goodgood chearecheer, butbut eueneven aa huntershunter’s feastfeast.
wln 0633HammonHammon.II thankethank youryour LordshipLordship: cosencousin, onon mymy lifelife
wln 0634ForFor ourour lostlost vensionvenisouvenison, II shalshall findfind aa wifewife.exeuntexeunt.
wln 0635L.LordL. MaiorMayor.InIn gentlemengentlemen, IleI’ll notnot bebe absentabsent longlong.
wln 0636ThisThis HammonHammon isis aa properproper gentlemangentleman,
wln 0637AA citizencitizen byby birthbirth, fairelyfairly allideallied,
wln 0638HowHow fitfit anan husbandhusband werewere hehe forfor mymy girlegirl?
wln 0639WelWell, II wilwill inin, andand dodo thethe bestbest II cancan,
wln 0640ToTo matchmatch mymy daughterdaughter toto thisthis gentlémangentléman.exitexit.
wln 0641EnterEnter LacieLacylacy, SkipperSkipper, HodgeHodge, andand FirkeFirkFirke.
wln 0642SkipSkipperSkip.IckIck salsal yowyowye watwhat seggenseggen HansHans, disdis skipskip datdat comencomen
wln 0643fromfrom CandyCandy isis alalall wolwol, byby gotsgotsgets sacramentsacrament, vanvan sugarsugar, ciuetcivet,

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the Gentle Craft.

wln 0644almondsalmonds, cambrickcambric, endend allealleall dingendingen towsandtowsandtousand towsandtowsandtousand dingding,
wln 0645nemptnempt itit HansHans, nemptnempt itit vorvozvozvor vyowv meestermeester, daerdaer bebe dede bilsbilsbills vanvan
wln 0646ladenladen, youryour meestermeester SimonSimon EyreEyre salsal haehae goodgood copencopen, watwat
wln 0647seggenseggen yowyowye HansHans?
wln 0648Firk.Firk.WatWat seggenseggen dede reggenreggen dede copencopen, slopenslopen, laughlaugh HodgeHodge
wln 0649laughlaugh.
wln 0650LacieLacylacy.MineMine lieuerliever broderbrother FirkFirk, bringtbringt meestermeester EyreEyre totlotlottot
wln 0651denden signesign vnun swannekinswannekin, daerdaer salsal yowyowye findefind disdis skipperskipper endend
wln 0652meme, watwat seggenseggen yowyowye broderbroderbrother FirkFirk? dootdo ’tdo’t itit HodgeHodge, comecome skip=skipperskip∣per
wln 0653perskipper.exeuntexeunt.
wln 0654FirkeFirkFirke.BringBring himhim qd.qdquoth. youyou, héershere’s nono knauerieknavery, toto bringbring mymememy
wln 0655mastermaster toto buybuy aa shipship, worthworth thethe ladinglading ofof 22 oror 33 hūdredhundred thou=thousandthou∣sandthousand
wln 0656sand
wln 0656poundspounds, alasalas thatsthat’s nothingnothing, aa trifletrifle, aa bablebabble HodgeHodge.
wln 0657HodHodgeHodTheThe truthtruth isis FirkFirk, thatthat thethe marchantmerchant ownerowner ofof thethe
wln 0658shipship daresdares notnot shewshow hishis headhead, andand thereforetherefore thisthis skipperskipper thatthat
wln 0659dealesdeals forfor himhim, forfor thethe louelove hehe bearesbears toto HansHans, offersoffers mymy ma=masterma∣stermaster
wln 0660ster
wln 0660EyreEyre aa bargainebargain inin thethe commoditiescommodities, hehe shalshall hauehave aa rea=reasonablerea∣sonablereasonable
wln 0661sonable
wln 0661dayday ofof paymentpayment, hehe maymay selsell thethe wareswares byby thatthat timetime,
wln 0662andand bebe anan hugehuge gainergainer himselfehimself.
wln 0663Firk.Firk.YeaYea, butbut cancan mymy fellowfellow HansHans lendlend mymy mastermaster twen=twentietwen|tietwenty
wln 0664tie
wln 0664porpentinesporpentines asas anan earnestearnest penniepenny.
wln 0665HodgeHodge.PorteguesPortaguesportagues thouthou wouldstwouldst saysay, herehere theythey bebe FirkeFirkFirke,
wln 0666hearkhark, theythey ginglejingle inin mymy pocketpocket likelike S.SaintS. MaryMary OueriesQueriesOvery’sQueries belsbells.
wln 0667enterenter EyreEyre andand hishis wifewife.
wln 0668FirkeFirkFirke.MumMum, herehere comescomes mymy damedame andand mymy maistermaster, shéeleshe’ll
wln 0669scoldscold onon mymy lifelife, forfor loyteringloitering thisthis MondayMonday, butbut al’sall’s oneone, letlet
wln 0670themthem alall saysay whatwhat theythey cancan, Monday’sMonday’s ourour holydayholiday.
wln 0671WifeWife.YouYou singsing sirsir saucesauce, butbut II beshrewbeshrew youryour heartheart,
wln 0672II fearefear forfor thisthis youryour singingsinging wewe shalshall smartsmart.
wln 0673FirkeFirkFirke.SmartSmart forfor meme damedame, whywhy damedame, whywhy?
wln 0674Hodg.HodgeHodg.MaisterMaster II hopehope yowleyou’ll notnot suffersuffer mymy damedame toto taketake
wln 0675downedown youryour iourneymenjourneymen.
wln 0676Firk.Firk.IfIf sheshe taketake meme downedown, IleI’ll taketake herher vpup, yeayea andand taketake

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A pleasant Comedie of

wln 0677herher downedown tootoo, aa button-holebuttonbuttonbutton-hole,holehole lowerlower.
wln 0678EyreEyre.PeacePeace FirkeFirk, notnot II HodgeHodge, byby thethe lifelife ofof PharaoPharaoh, byby
wln 0679thethe LordLord ofof LudgateLudgate, byby thisthis beardbeard, eueryevery hairehair whereofwhereof II
wln 0680valewvalue atat aa kingsking’s ransomeransom, sheeshe shalshall notnot meddlemeddle withwith youyou,
wln 0681peacepeace youyou bumbast-cotten-candlebombast-cotton-candle QueaneQuean, awayaway queenequeen ofof
wln 0682ClubsClubs, quarrelquarrel notnot withwith meme andand mymy menmen, withwith meme andand mymy
wln 0683finefine FirkeFirk, IleI’ll firkefirk youyou ifif youyou dodo.
wln 0684WifeWife.YeaYea, yeayea manman, youyou maymay vseuse meme asas youyou pleaseplease: butbut
wln 0685letlet thatthat passepass.
wln 0686EyreEyre.LetLet itit passepass, letlet itit vanishvanish awayaway: peacepeace, amam II notnot Si=SimonSi∣monSimon
wln 0687mon
wln 0687EyreEyre? areare notnot thesethese mymy brauebrave menmen? brauebrave shoomakersshoemakers,
wln 0688allall gentlemengentlemen ofof thethe gentlegentle craftcraft? princeprince amam II nonenone, yetyet amam
wln 0689II noblienobly borneborn, asas béeingbeing thethe solesole sonneson ofof aa Shooma=ShoomakerShooma|kerShoemaker
wln 0690ker,
wln 0690awayaway rubbishrubbish, vanishvanish, meltmelt, meltmelt likelike kitchinkitchen
wln 0691stuffestuffkitchen-stuff.
wln 0692WifeWife.YeaYea, yeayea, tis’tis welwell, II mustmust bebe caldcalled rubbishrubbish, kitchin=kitchinkitchen-stuffkitchen
wln 0693stuffestuff,
wln 0693forfor aa sortsort ofof knauesknaves.
wln 0694FirkeFirkFirke.NayNay damedame, youyou shallshall notnot wéepeweep andand wailewail inin woewoe
wln 0695forfor meme: mastermaster IleI’ll staystay nono longerlonger, here’shere’s aa vennentorievenentoryinventory ofof
wln 0696mymy shopshop toolestools: adueadieu mastermaster, HodgeHodge farewelfarewell.
wln 0697HodgeHodge.NayNay staystay FirkeFirk, thouthou shaltshalt notnot gogo alonealone.
wln 0698WifeWife.II praypray letlet themthem goego, therethere bebe momo’more maidesmaids thenthan maw=mawkinmaw|kinmalkin
wln 0699kin,
wln 0699moremore menmen thenthan HodgeHodge, andand moremore foolesfools thenthan FirkeFirk.
wln 0700FirkeFirkFirke.FoolesFoolsfool’s? nailesnails ifif II tarrytarry nowenow, II wouldwould mymy gutsguts
wln 0701mightmight bebe turndturned toto shoo-threadshoe-thread.
wln 0702HodgeHodge.AndAnd ifif II staystay, II praypray GodGod II maymay bebe turndturned toto aa
wln 0703TurkeTurk, andand setset inin FinsburyFinsbury forfor boyesboys toto shootshoot atat: comecome FirkFirk.
wln 0704EyreEyre.StayStay mymy finefine knauesknaves, youyou armesarms ofof mymy tradetrade,
wln 0705youyou pillarspillars ofof mymy professiōprofession. WhatWhat, shalshall aa tittle tattlestittle-tattle’stittle tattles wordswords
wln 0706makemake youyou forsakeforsake SimonSimon EyreEyre? auauntavaunt kitchinstuffekitchen-stuffkitchenstuff, riprip
wln 0707youyou brownbrown breadbread tannikintannakin, outout ofof mymy sightsight, mouemove meme notnot,
wln 0708hauehave notnot II taneta’en youyou fromfrom sellingselling tripestripes inin EastcheapeEastcheap,
wln 0709andand setset youyou inin mymy shopshop, andand mademade youyou hailehail fellowefellow withwith

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the Gentle Craft.

wln 0710SimonSimon EyreEyre thethe shoomakershoemaker? andand nownow dodo youyou dealedeal thusthus withwith
wln 0711mymy IourneymenJourneymenjourneymen? LookeLook youyou powder béefepowder-beefpowder beef queanequean onon thethe faceface
wln 0712ofof HodgeHodge, heershere’s aa faceface forfor aa LordLord.
wln 0713FirkeFirkFirke.AndAnd heershere’s aa faceface forfor anyany LadyLady inin ChristendomeChristendom.
wln 0714EyreEyre.RipRip youyou chitterlingchitterling, auauntavaunt boyboy, bidbid thethe tapstertapster ofof
wln 0715thethe BoresBoar’sboar’s headhead filfill meme aa doozendozen CannesCanscans ofof béerebeer forfor mymy iour=iourneymeniour|neymen
wln 0716neymenjourneymen.
wln 0717FirkeFirkFirke.AA doozendozen CansCans? OO brauebrave, HodgeHodge nownow IleI’ll staystay.
wln 0718EyreEyre.AndAnd thethe knaueknave filsfills anyany moremore thenthan twotwo, hehe payespays forfor
wln 0719themthem: aa doozendozen CansCans ofof béerebeer forfor mymy iourneymenjourneymen, hearehear youyou
wln 0720madmad MesopotamiansMesopotamians, washwash youryour liuerslivers withwith thisthis liquourliquor,
wln 0721wherewhere bebe thethe oddeodd tenten? nono moremore MadgeMadge, nono moremore, welwell saidesaid,
wln 0722drinkedrink &and toto workwork: whatwhat workework dostdost thouthou HodgeHodge? whatwhat workwork?
wln 0723HodgeHodge.II amam aa makingmaking aa pairepair ofof shooesshoes forfor mymy LordLord Ma=MaiorsMa|iorsMayor’smayor’s
wln 0724iors
wln 0724daughterdaughter, mistressemistress RoseRose.
wln 0725FirkeFirkFirke.AndAnd II aa pairepair ofof shooesshoes forfor SybillSybilSibyl mymy LordsLord’s maidmaid,
wln 0726II dealedeal withwith herher.
wln 0727EyreEyre.SybilSybilSibyl? fiefie, defiledefile notnot thythy finefine workemanlyworkmanly fingersfingers
wln 0728withwith thethe féetefeet ofof KitchinstuffeKitchen-stuffkitchenstuff, andand bastingbasting ladiesladies, LadiesLadies ofof
wln 0729thethe CourtCourt, finefine LadiesLadies, mymy ladslads, commitcommit theirtheir feetefeet toto ourour ap=apparellingap|parellingappareling
wln 0730parelling,
wln 0730putput grossegross workework toto HansHans; yarkeyerk andand seameseam, yarkeyerk
wln 0731andand seameseam.
wln 0732Fyrk.FirkFyrk.ForFor yarkingyerkingyarking &and seamingseeming letlet meme alonealone, &and II comecome tootto ’tto’t.
wln 0733HodgeHodge.WelWell maistermaster, alall thisthis isis fromfrom thethe biasbias, dodo youyou re=rememberre∣memberremember
wln 0734member
wln 0734thethe shipship mymy fellowfellow HansHans toldtold youyou ofof, thethe SkipperSkipper
wln 0735andand hehe areare bothboth drinkingdrinking atat thethe swanswan? herehere bebe thethe PortiguesPortaguesPortuguese
wln 0736toto giuegive earnestearnest, ifif youyou gogo throughthrough withwith itit, youyou cancan notnot choosechoose
wln 0737butbut bebe aa LordLord atat leastleast.
wln 0738FirkeFirkFirke.NayNay damedame, ifif mymy mastermaster proueprove notnot aa LordLord, andand youyou
wln 0739aa LadieLady, hanghang meme.
wln 0740WifeWife.YeaYea likelike inoughenough, ifif youyou maymay loiterloiter andand tippletipple thusthus.
wln 0741FirkeFirkFirke.TippleTipple damedame? nono, wewe hauehave béenebeen bargainingbargaining withwith
wln 0742SkellumSkellum SkanderbagSkanderbag: cancan youyou DutchDutch spreakenspreaken forfor aa shipship ofof

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A pleasant Comedie of

wln 0743silkesilk CipresseCypress, ladenladen withwith sugarsugar CandieCandycandy.
wln 0744EnterEnter thethe boyboy withwith aa veluetvelvet coatecoat, andand anan AldermansAlderman’s gownegown.
wln 0745AyreEyreAir putsputs itit onon.

wln 0746EireEyreEire.PeacePeace FirkFirk, silencesilence tittle tattletittle-tattletittle tattle: HodgeHodge, IleI’ll gogo throughthrough
wln 0747withwith itit, héershere’s aa sealeseal ringring, andand II hauehave sentsent forfor aa gardedguarded gowngown,
wln 0748andand aa damaskdamask CasockCassockcassock, seesee wherewhere itit comescomes, lookelook herehere MaggyMaggy,
wln 0749helphelp meme FirkFirk, apparrelapparrelineapparelapparreline meme HodgeHodge, silkesilk andand sattensatin youyou madmad
wln 0750PhilistinesPhilistines, silkesilk andand sattensatin.
wln 0751Firk.Firk.HaHa, haha, mymy maistermaster wilwill bebe asas proudproud asas aa doggedog inin aa
wln 0752dubletdoublet, alall inin beatenbeaten damaskedamask andand veluetvelvet.
wln 0753EyreEyre.SoftlySoftly FirkeFirk, forfor rearingrearing ofof thethe napnap, andand wearingwearing
wln 0754thread=barethread-barethreadbare mymy garmentsgarments: howhow dostdost thouthou likelike meeme FirkeFirk?
wln 0755howhow dodo II lookelook, mymy finefine HodgeHodge?
wln 0756HodgeHodge.WhyWhy nownow youyou lookelook likelike youryour selfmasterselfmaster, II war=warrantwar∣rantwarrant
wln 0757rant
wln 0757youyou, ther’sthere’s fewfew inin thethe citycity, butbut wilwill giuegive youyou thethe walwall, andand
wln 0758comecome vponupon youyou withwith thethe rightright worshipfulworshipful.
wln 0759FirkeFirkFirke.NailesNails mymy mastermaster lookeslooks likelike aa thred-barethreadbare cloakecloak
wln 0760newnew turn’dturned, andand drestdressed: LordLord, LordLord, toto seesee whatwhat goodgood raimentraiment
wln 0761bothboth? damedame, damedame, areare youyou notnot enamouredenamoredenamoured?
wln 0762EyreEyre.HowHow saistsayest thouthou MaggyMaggy, amam II notnot briskbrisk? amam II notnot finefine?
wln 0763WifeWife.FineFine? byby mymy trothtroth sweetsweet hartheart veryvery finefine: byby mymy trothtroth
wln 0764II neuernever likteliked théethee soso welwell inin mymy lifelife swéetesweet heartheart. ButBut letlet thatthat
wln 0765passepass, II warrantwarrant therethere bebe manymany womenwomen inin thethe citiecity hauehave notnot
wln 0766suchsuch handsomehandsome husbandshusbands, butbut onlyonly forfor theirtheir apparellapparel, butbut letlet
wln 0767thatthat passepass tootoo.EnterEnter HansHans andand SkipperSkipper.
wln 0768HansHans.GoddenGoddenGod-den dayday mestermester, disdis bebe dede skipperskipper datdat hebheb dede
wln 0769skipskip vanvan marchandicemerchandise dede commoditycommodity benbenbeen goodgood, nemptnempt itit ma-masterma∣stermaster
wln 0770ster,
wln 0770nemptnempt itit.
wln 0771AireEyreAire.GodamercyGod-a-mercyGodamercy HansHans, welcomewelcome skipperskipper, wherewhere lieslies
wln 0772thisthis shipship ofof marchandicemerchandise?
wln 0773SkipSkipperSkip.DeDe skipskip benben inin rouererovere: dordor bebe vanvan SugarSugar, CyuetCivet,
wln 0774AlmondsAlmonds, CambrickeCambriccambric, andand aa towsandtousand towsandtousand tingstings, gotzgod’sGod’s
wln 0775sacramentsacrament, nemptnempt itit mestermester, yoyo salsal hebheb goodgood copencopen.

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the Gentle Craft.

wln 0776Firk.Firk.ToTo himhim maistermaster, OOOh swéetesweet maistermaster, OOOh swéetsweet wareswares,
wln 0777prunesprunes, almonsalmondsalmons, suger-candysugar-candy, carratcarrotcarrat rootsroots, turnupsturnips, OOOh brauebrave
wln 0778fattingfatting meatemeat, letlet notnot aa manman buyebuy aa nutmegnutmeg butbut your selfeyourself.
wln 0779EyreEyre.PeacePeace FirkeFirk, comecome SkipperSkipper, IleI’ll gogo abroadeabroad withwith
wln 0780youyou, HansHans hauehave youyou mademade himhim drinkedrink?
wln 0781SkipSkipperSkip.YawYaw, yawyaw, icititic hebheb vealeveale gege drunckdrunckdrunk.
wln 0782EyreEyre.ComeCome HansHans followfollow meme: SkipperSkipper, thouthou shaltshalt hauehave
wln 0783mymy countenancecountenance inin thethe CittieCity.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 0784FirkeFirkFirke.YawYaw hebheb vealeveale gege drunckdrunckdrunk, quothquoth a’a: theythey maymay wellwell
wln 0785bebe calledcalled butter-boxesbutter-boxes, whenwhen theythey drinkedrink fatfat vealeveal, andand thickthick
wln 0786bearebear tootoo: butbut comecome damedame, II hopehope you’leyou’ll chidechide vsus nono moremore.
wln 0787VVifeWife.NoNo faithfaith FirkeFirk, nono perdyperdie HodgeHodge, II dodo féelefeel honourhonorhonour
wln 0788créepecreep vponupon meme, andand whichwhich isis moremore, aa certainecertain risingrising inin mymy
wln 0789fleshflesh, butbut letlet thatthat passepass.
wln 0790FirkeFirkFirke.RisingRising inin youryour fleshflesh dodo youyou feelefeel saysay youyou? IAyI youyou maymay
wln 0791bebe withwith childechild, butbut whywhy shouldshould notnot mymy maistermaster féelefeel aa risingrising
wln 0792inin hishis fleshflesh, hauinghaving aa gownegown andand aa goldgold ringring onon, butbut youyou areare
wln 0793suchsuch aa shrewshrew, youl’eyou’ll soonesoon pullpull himhim downedown.
wln 0794VVi.WifeVVi.HaHa, haha, prethéeprithee peacepeace, thouthou mak’stmak’st mymy worshippeworship
wln 0795laughlaugh, butbut letlet thatthat passepass: comecome IleI’ll gogo inin HodgeHodge, prethéeprithee goego
wln 0796beforebefore meme, FirkeFirk followfollow meme.
wln 0797Fi.FirkFi.FirkeFirk dothdoth followfollow, HodgeHodge passepass outout inin statestate.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 0798EnterEnter LincolneLincoln andand DodgerDodger.
wln 0799Li.LincolnLi.HowHow nownow goodgood DodgerDodger, whatswhat’s thethe newesnews inin FranceFrance?
wln 0800DodgerDodger.MyMy LordLord, vponupon thethe eightéeneeighteen dayday ofof MayMay,
wln 0801TheThe FrenchFrench andand EnglishEnglish werewere prepardeprepared toto fightfight,
wln 0802EachEach sideside withwith eagereager furiefury gauegave thethe signesign
wln 0803OfOf aa mostmost hothot encounterencounter, fiuefive longlong howreshours
wln 0804BothBoth armiesarmies foughtfought togethertogether: atat thethe lengthlength,
wln 0805TheThe lotlot ofof victorievictory felfell onon ourour sidessides,
wln 0806TwelueTwelvetwelve thousandthousand ofof thethe FrenchmenFrenchmen thatthat dayday didedied,
wln 0807FoureFourfour thousandthousand EnglishEnglish, andand nono manman ofof namename,
wln 0808ButBut CaptaineCaptain HyamHyam, andand yongyoung ArdingtonArdington,

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A pleasant Comedie of

wln 0809TwoTwo gallantgallant GentlemenGentlemen, II knewknew themthem wellwell.
wln 0810LinLincolnLin.ButBut DodgerDodger, prethéeprithee telltell meme inin thisthis fightfight,
wln 0811HowHow diddid mymy cozencousin LacieLacylacy bearebear himselfehimself?
wln 0812DodgerDodger.MyMy LordLord, youryour cosencousin LacieLacylacy waswas notnot therethere.
wln 0813Linc.LincolnLinc.NotNot therethere?DogDodgerDog.NoNo, mymy goodgood LordLord.
wln 0814LinLincolnLin.SureSure thouthou mistakestmistakest,
wln 0815II sawsaw himhim shiptshipped, andand aa thousandthousand eieseyes besidebeside
wln 0816WereWere witnesseswitnesses ofof thethe farewelsfarewells whichwhich hehe gauegave,
wln 0817WhenWhen II withwith wéepingweeping eieseyes bidbid himhim adewadieu:
wln 0818DodgerDodger taketake héedeheed.
wln 0819DodgerDodger.MyMy LordLord II amam aduis’dadvised,
wln 0820ThatThat whatwhat II spakespakespoke isis truetrue: toto proueprove itit soso,
wln 0821HisHis cosencousin AskewAskew thatthat supplidesupplied hishis placeplace,
wln 0822SentSent meme forfor himhim fromfrom FranceFrance, thatthat secretlysecretly
wln 0823HeHe mightmight conueyconvey himselfehimself hitherhither.
wln 0824LinLincolnLin.IstIs ’tIs’t eueneven soso.
wln 0825DaresDares hehe soso carelesselycarelessly ventureventure hishis lifelife,
wln 0826VponUponUpon thethe indignationindignation ofof aa KingKing?
wln 0827HathHath hehe despis’ddespised mymy louelove, andand spurn’dspurned thosethose fauoursfavorsfavours,
wln 0828WhichWhich II withwith prodigallprodigal handhand powr’dpoured onon hishis headhead?
wln 0829HeHe shallshall repentrepent hishis rashnesrashness withwith hishis soulesoul,
wln 0830SinceSince ofof mymy louelove hehe makesmakes nono estimateestimate,
wln 0831IleI’ll makemake himhim wishwish hehe hadhad notnot knowneknown mymy hatehate,
wln 0832ThouThou hasthast nono otherother newesnews?
wln 0833DodgerDodger.NoneNone elseelse, mymy LordLord.
wln 0834LinLincolnLin.NoneNone worseworse II knowknow thouthou hasthast: procureprocure thethe kingking
wln 0835ToTo crownecrown hishis giddiegiddy browesbrows withwith ampleample honorshonorshonours,
wln 0836SendSend himhim chéefechief ColonellColonel, andand allall mymy hopehope
wln 0837ThusThus toto bebe dashtdashed? butbut tis’tis inin vainevain toto grieuegrieve,
wln 0838OneOne euillevil cannotcannot aa worseworse releeuerelieve:
wln 0839VponUponUpon mymy lifelife II hauehave foundfound outout hishis plotplot,
wln 0840ThatThat oldold dogdog LoueLove thatthat fawndfawned vponupon himhim soso,
wln 0841LoueLove toto thatthat pulingpuling girlegirl, hishis fairefair cheek’tcheeked RoseRose,

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the Gentle Craft.

wln 0842TheThe LordLord MaiorsMayor’smayor’s daughterdaughter hathhath distracteddistracted himhim,
wln 0843AndAnd inin thethe firefire ofof thatthat loueslove’s lunacielunacy,
wln 0844HathHath hehe burntburntburned vpup himselfehimself, comsum’dconsumed hishis creditecredit,
wln 0845LostLost thethe kingsking’s louelove, yeayea andand II fearefear, hishis lifelife,
wln 0846OnelyOnly toto getget aa wantonwanton toto hishis wifewife:
wln 0847DodgerDodger, itit isis soso.
wln 0848DodgerDodger.II fearefear soso, mymy goodgood LordLord.
wln 0849LincolneLincoln.ItIt isis soso, naynay suresure itit cannotcannot bebe,
wln 0850II amam atat mymy witswit’s endend DodgerDodger.
wln 0851DodgerDodger.YeaYea mymy LordLord.
wln 0852LinLincolnLin.ThouThou artart acquaintedacquainted withwith mymy NephewesNephew’snephew’s hauntshaunts,
wln 0853SpendSpend thisthis goldgold forfor thythy painespains, goego seekeseek himhim outout,
wln 0854WatchWatch atat mymy LordLord MaiorsMayor’sMajors (therethere ifif hehe liuelive)
wln 0855DodgerDodger, thouthou shaltshalt bebe suresure toto méetemeet withwith himhim:
wln 0856PrethéePrithee bebe diligentdiligent. LacieLacylacy thythy namename
wln 0857Liu’dLived onceonce inin honourhonorhonour, nownow deaddead inin shameshame:
wln 0858BeBe circumspectcircumspect.exitexit.
wln 0859DodgerDodger.II warrantwarrant youyou mymy LordLord.exitexit.
wln 0860EnterEnter LordLord MaiorMayorMaior, andand mastermaster ScotteScottScotte.
wln 0861L.LordL. Ma.MayorMa.GoodGood maistermaster ScotScottScot, II hauehave beenebeen boldebold withwith youyou,
wln 0862ToTo bebe aa witnessewitness toto aa weddingwedding knotknot,
wln 0863BetwixtBetwixt yongyoung maistermaster HammonHammon andand mymy daughterdaughter,
wln 0864OOOh standstand asideaside, seesee wherewhere thethe louerslovers comecome.
wln 0865EnterEnter HammonHammon, andand RoseRose.
wln 0866RoseRoseCanCan itit bebe possiblepossible youyou louelove meme soso?
wln 0867NoNo, nono, withinwithin thosethose eie-balseyeballs II espieespy,
wln 0868ApparantApparent likelihoodslikelihoods ofof flatteryflattery,
wln 0869PrayPray nownow letlet gogo mymy handhand.
wln 0870HammonHammon.SweeteSweet mistrismistress RoseRose,
wln 0871MisconstrueMisconstrue notnot mymy wordswords, nornor misconceiuemisconceive
wln 0872OfOf mymy affectionaffection, whosewhose deuoteddevoted soulesoul
wln 0873SwearesSwears thatthat II louelove théethee dearerdearer thenthan mymy heartheart.
wln 0874RoseRose.AsAs dearedear asas youryour owneown heartheart? II iudgejudge itit rightright.

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A pleasant Comedie of

wln 0875MenMen louelove theirtheir heartshearts bestbest whenwhen th’arethey’re outout ofof sightsight.
wln 0876HamondHammonHamond.II louelove youyou, byby thisthis handhand.
wln 0877RoseRose.YetYet handshands offoff nownow:
wln 0878IfIf fleshflesh bebe frailefrail, howhow weakeweak andand frail’sfrail’s youryour vowevow?
wln 0879HamondHammonHamond.ThenThen byby mymy lifelife II sweareswear.
wln 0880RoseRose.ThenThen dodo notnot brawlebrawl,
wln 0881OneOne quarrellquarrel loosethloseth wifewife andand lifelife andand allall,
wln 0882IsIs notnot youryour meaningmeaning thusthus?
wln 0883HamondHammonHamond.InIn faithfaith youyou iestjest.
wln 0884RoseRose.LoueLove louesloves toto sportsport, therforetherefore leaueleave louelove y’arey’ areyou’re bestbest.
wln 0885L.LordL. Mai.MayorMai.WhatWhat? squaresquare theythey maistermaster ScotScottScot?
wln 0886Scot.ScottScot.SirSir, neuernever doubtdoubt,
wln 0887LouersLovers areare quicklyquickly inin, andand quicklyquickly outout.
wln 0888Ham.HammonHam.SwéetSweet RoseRose, bebe notnot soso strangestrange inin fansyingfancying meme,
wln 0889NayNay neuernever turneturn asideaside, shunneshun notnot mymy sightsight,
wln 0890II amam notnot grownegrown soso fondfond, toto fondfoundfond mymy louelove
wln 0891OnOn anyany thatthat shallshall quitquit itit withwith disdainedisdain,
wln 0892IfIf youyou wilwill louelove meme, soso, ifif notnot, farewellfarewell.
wln 0893L.LordL. Ma.MayorMa.WhyWhy howhow nownow louerslovers, areare youyou bothboth agréedeagreed?
wln 0894Ham.HammonHam.YesYes faithfaith mymy LordLord.
wln 0895L.LordL. MaiorMayor.Tis’Tis wellwell, giuegive meme youryour handhand, giuegive meme yoursyours (daughterdaughter.
wln 0896HowHow nownow, bothboth pullpull backeback, whatwhat meanesmeans thisthis, girlegirl?
wln 0897RoseRose.II meanemean toto liuelive aa maidemaid.
wln 0898Ham.HammonHam.ButBut notnot toto diedie oneone, pawsepause ereere thatthat bebe saidsaid.asideaside.
wln 0899L.LordL. Mai.MayorMai.WilWillwill youyou stilstill crossecross meme? stillstill bebe obstinateobstinate?
wln 0900HamondHammonHamond.NayNay chidechide herher notnot mymy LordLord forfor doingdoing wellwell,
wln 0901IfIf sheshe cancan liuelive anan happiehappy virginsvirgin’s lifelife,
wln 0902Tis’Tis farrefar moremore blessedblessed thenthan toto bebe aa wifewife.
wln 0903RoseRose.SaySay sirsir II cannotcannot, II hauehave mademade aa vowvow,
wln 0904Who euerWhoeverwhoever bebe mymy husbandhusband, tis’tis notnot youyou.
wln 0905L.LordL. Mai.MayorMai.YourYour tonguetongue isis quickequick, butbut M.MasterM. HamondHammonHamond knowknow,
wln 0906II badebade youyou welcomewelcome toto anotheranother endend.
wln 0907Ham.HammonHam.WhatWhat, wouldwould youyou hauehave meme pulepule, &and pinepine, andand praypray,

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the Gentle Craft.

wln 0908WithWith louelylovely ladielady mistrismistress ofof mymy heartheart,
wln 0909PardonPardon youryour seruantservant, andand thethe rimerrhymerrimer playplay,
wln 0910RaylingRailing onon CupidCupid, andand hishis tyrantstyrant’s dartdart,
wln 0911OrOr thatthat II vndertakeundertake somesome martiallmartial spoilespoil,
wln 0912WearingWearing youryour gloueglove atat turneytourney, andand atat tilttilt,
wln 0913AndAnd teltell howhow manymany gallantsgallautsgallants II vnhorstunhorsed,
wln 0914SwéeteSweet, wilwill thisthis pleasurepleasure youyou?
wln 0915RoseRose.YeaYea, whenwhen wiltwilt beginbegin?
wln 0916WhatWhat louerimeslove-rhymes manman? fiefie onon thatthat deadlydeadly sinnesin.
wln 0917L.LordL. MaiorMayor.IfIf youyou wilwill hauehave herher, IleI’ll makemake herher agréeagree.
wln 0918Ham.HammonHam.EnforcedEnforced louelove isis worseworse thenthan hatehate toto meme,
wln 0919ThereThere isis aa wenchwench kéepeskeeps shopshop inin thethe oldold changechange,
wln 0920ToTo herher wilwill II, itit isis notnot wealthwealth II séekeseek,
wln 0921II hauehave enoughenough, andand wilwill preferreprefer herher louelove
wln 0922BeforeBefore thethe worldworld: mymy goodgood lordlord MaiorMayor adewadieu,
wln 0923OldOld louelove forfor meme, II hauehave nono luckeluck withwith newnew.
wln 0924ExitExit.
wln 0925L.LordL. Ma.MayorMa.NowNow mammetmammet youyou hauehave welwell behau’dbehaved your selfeyourself,
wln 0926ButBut youyou shalshall cursecurse youryour coynescoynesscoins ifif II liuelive,
wln 0927WhoseWho’swho’s withinwithin therethere? séesee youyou conuayconnayconvey youryour mistrismistress
wln 0928StraightStraight toto th’oldth’ oldth’old FordeFordford, IleI’ll kéepekeep youyou straightstraight enoughenough,
wln 0929ForeFore GodGod II wouldwould hauehave swornesworn thethe pulingpuling girlegirl,
wln 0930WouldWould willinglywillingly acceptedaccepted HammonsHammon’sHamon’s louelove,
wln 0931ButBut banishbanish himhim mymy thoughtsthoughts, gogo minionminion inin,exitexit RoseRose.
wln 0932NowNow teltell meme mastermaster ScotScottScot wouldwould youyou hauehave thoughtthought,
wln 0933ThatThat mastermaster SimonSimon EyreEyre thethe shoomakershoemaker,
wln 0934HadHad béenebeen ofof wealthwealth toto buybuy suchsuch marchandizemerchandise?
wln 0935Scot.ScottScot.Twas’Twas’twas welwell mymy LordLord, youryour honourhonorhonour, andand my selfemyself,
wln 0936GrewGrew partnerspartners withwith himhim forfor youryour bilsbills ofof ladinglading,
wln 0937ShewShow thatthat EyresEyre’s gainesgains inin oneone commoditiecommodity,
wln 0938RiseRise atat thethe leastleast toto fulfull thréethreethrée thousandthousand poundpound,
wln 0939BesidesBesides likelike gainegain inin otherother marchandizemerchandise.
wln 0940L.LordL. MaiorMayor.WelWell hehe shalshall spendspend somesome ofof hishis thousandsthousands nownow

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A pleasant Comedie of

wln 0941ForFor II hauehave sentsent forfor himhim toto thethe Guild HalGuildhallGuild Hal,enterenter EyreEyre.
wln 0942SéeSee wherewhere hehe comescomes: goodgood morrowmorrow mastermaster EyreEyre.
wln 0943EyreEyre.PoorePoor SimonSimon EyreEyre, mymy LordLord, youryour shoomakershoemaker.
wln 0944L.LordL. MaiorMayor.WelWell welwell, itit likeslikes your selfeyourself toto termeterm youyou soso,
wln 0945NowNow M.MasterM. DodgerDodger, whatswhat’s thethe newsnews withwith youyou?
wln 0946EnterEnter DodgerDodger.
wln 0947DodgerDodger.IdeI’d gladlygladly speakespeak inin priuateprivate toto youryour honourhonorhonour.
wln 0948L.LordL. MaiorMayor.YouYou shalshall, youyou shalshall: mastermaster EyreEyre, andand M.MasterM. ScotScottScot,
wln 0949II hauehave somesome businessebusiness withwith thisthis gentlemangentleman,
wln 0950II praypray letlet meme intreateentreat youyou toto walkewalk beforebefore
wln 0951ToTo thethe Guild HalGuildhallGuild Hal , IleI’ll followfollow presentlypresently,
wln 0952MasterMaster EyreEyre, II hopehope ereere noonenoon toto callcall youyou ShiriffeSheriff.
wln 0953EyreEyreII wouldwould notnot carecare (mymy LordLord) ifif youyou mightmight calcall meme
wln 0954kingking ofof SpaineSpain, comecome mastermaster ScotScottScot.
wln 0955L.LordL. MaiorMayor.NowNow maistermaster DodgerDodger, whatswhat’s thethe newesnews youyou
wln 0956bringbring?
wln 0957Dod.DodgerDod.TheThe EarleEarl ofof LincolneLincoln byby meme gréetsgreets youryour lordshiplordship
wln 0958AndAnd earnestlyearnestly requestsrequests youyou (ifif youyou cancan)
wln 0959InformeInform himhim wherewhere hishis NephewNephew LacieLacylacy kéepeskeeps.
wln 0960L.LordL. MaiorMayor.IsIs notnot hishis NephewNephew LacieLacylacy nownow inin FranceFrance?
wln 0961DodgerDodger.NoNo II assureassure youryour lordshiplordship, butbut disguisdedisguised
wln 0962LurkesLurks herehere inin LondonLondon.
wln 0963L.LordL. MaiorMayor.LondonLondon? istis ’tis’t eueneven soso?
wln 0964ItIt maymay bebe, butbut vponupon mymy faithfaith andand soulesoul,
wln 0965II knowknow notnot wherewhere hehe liueslives, oror whetherwhether hehe liueslives,
wln 0966SoSo teltell mymy LordLord ofof LincolneLincoln, lurchlurklurch inin LondonLondon?
wln 0967WellWell mastermaster DodgerDodger, youyou perhapsperhaps maymay startstart himhim,
wln 0968BeBe butbut thethe meanesmeans toto ridrisrisrid himhim intointo FranceFrance,
wln 0969IleI’ll giuegive youyou aa dozendozen angelsangels forfor youryour painespains,
wln 0970SoSo muchmuch II louelove hishis honourhonorhonour, hatehate hishis NephewNephew,
wln 0971AndAnd prethéeprithee soso informeinform thythy lordlord fromfrom meme.
wln 0972DodgerDodger.II taketake mymy leaueleave.exitexit. DodgerDodger.
wln 0973L.LordL. MaiorMayor.FarewellFarewell goodgood mastermaster DodgerDodger.

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the Gentle Craft.

wln 0974LacieLacylacy inin LondonLondon? II daredare pawnepawn mymy lifelife,
wln 0975MyMy daughterdaughter knowesknows thereofthereof, andand forfor thatthat causecause,
wln 0976DenideDenied yongyoung M.MasterM. HammonHammon inin hishis louelove,
wln 0977WelWell II amam gladglad II sentsent herher toto oldold FordeFordford,
wln 0978GodsGod’s lordlord tis’tis latelate, toto Guild HallGuildhallGuild-Hall II mustmust hiehie,
wln 0979II knowknow mymy brethrenbrethrenbrothers staystay mymy companiecompany.exitexit.
wln 0980EnterEnter FirkeFirkFirke, EyresEyre’s wifewife, HansHans, andand RogerRoger.
wln 0981WifeWife.ThouThou goestgoest tootoo fastfast forfor meme RogerRoger.
wln 0982FirkeFirkFirke.IAyI forsoothforsooth.
wln 0983WifeWife.II praypray théethee runnerun (doedo youyou hearehear) runnerun toto GuildGuild HallGuildhallGuild-Hall
wln 0984Hall,
wln 0984andand learnelearn ifif mymy husbandhusband mastermaster EyreEyre wilwill taketake thatthat
wln 0985worshipfullworshipful vocationvocation ofof M.MasterM. ShiriffeSheriff vponupon himhim, hiehie théethee goodgood
wln 0986FirkeFirkFirke.
wln 0987FirkeFirkFirke.TakeTake itit? wellwell II goego, andand hehe shouldshould notnot taketake itit, FirkFirk
wln 0988swearesswears toto forsweareforswear himhim, yesyes forsoothforsooth II goego toto Guild HallGuildhallGuild-Hall.
wln 0989WifeWife.NayNay whenwhen? thouthou artart tootoo compendiouscompendious, andand tedioustedious.
wln 0990FirkeFirkFirke.OO rarerare, youryour excellenceexcellence isis fullfull ofof eloquenceeloquence, howhow
wln 0991likelike aa newnew cart whéelecartwheelcart wheel mymy damedame speakesspeaks, andand sheshe lookeslooks likelike
wln 0992anan oldold mustymusty ale-bottleale-bottle goinggoing toto scaldingscalding.
wln 0993WifeWife.NayNay whenwhen? thouthou wiltwilt makemake meme melancholymelancholy.
wln 0994FirkeFirkFirke.GodGod forbidforbid youryour worshipworship shouldshould fallfall intointo thatthat hu=humourhu∣mourhumorhumour
wln 0995mour,
wln 0995II runnerun.exitexit.
wln 0996WifeWife.LetLet meme seesee nownow RogerRoger andand HansHans.
wln 0997H.HansH.IAyI forsoothforsooth damedame (mistrismistress II shouldshould saysay) butbut thethe oldold termeterm
wln 0998soso stickessticks toto thethe rooferoof ofof mymy mouthmouth, II cancan hardlyhardly licklick itit offoff.
wln 0999WifeWife.EuenEveneven whatwhat thouthou wiltwilt goodgood RogerRoger, damedame isis aa fairefair
wln 1000namename forfor anyany honesthonest christianchristian, butbut letlet thatthat passepass, howhow dostdost
wln 1001thouthou HansHans?
wln 1002HansHans.MéeMe tancktanck youyou vrovrouro.
wln 1003WifeWife.WelWell HansHans andand RogerRoger youyou séesee GodGod hathhath blestblestblessed youryour
wln 1004mastermaster, andand perdieperdie ifif euerever hehe comescomes toto bebe M.MasterM. ShiriffeSheriff ofof
wln 1005LondonLondon (asas wewe areare alall mortalmortal) youyou shalshall séesee II wilwill hauehave somesome
wln 1006oddeodd thingthing oror otherother inin aa cornercorner forfor youyou: II wilwill notnot bebe youryour

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A pleasant Comedie of

wln 1007backe friendbackfriendback friend, butbut letlet thatthat passepass, HansHans praypray théethee tietie mymy
wln 1008shooeshoe.
wln 1009HansHans.YawYaw itit salsal vrovro.
wln 1010WifeWifeRogerRoger, thouthou knowstknow’stknowest thethe lengthlength ofof mymy footefoot, asas itit isis
wln 1011nonenone ofof thethe biggestbiggest, soso II thankethank GodGod itit isis handsomehandsome enoughenough,
wln 1012prethéeprithee letlet meme hauehave aa pairepair ofof shooesshoes mademade, corkecork goodgood RogerRoger,
wln 1013wooddenwooden héeleheel tootoo.
wln 1014HodgeHodge.YouYou shallshall.
wln 1015WifeWife.ArtArt thouthou acquaintedacquainted withwith neuernever aa fardingale-ma=fardingale-makerfardingale-ma|kerfarthingale-maker
wln 1016ker,
wln 1016nornor aa French-hoodeFrench-hood makermaker, II mustmust enlargeenlarge mymy bummebuminebumbumine,
wln 1017haha haha, howhow shallshall II lookelook inin aa hoodehood II wonderwonder? perdieperdie odlyoddly II
wln 1018thinkethink.
wln 1019RogerRoger.AsAs aa cattecat outout ofof aa pilloriepillory, verievery welwell II warrantwarrant
wln 1020youyou mistressemistress.
wln 1021WifeWife.IndéedeIndeed allall fleshflesh isis grassegrass, andand RogerRoger, canstcanst thouthou teltell
wln 1022wherewhere II maymay buyebuy aa goodgood hairehair?
wln 1023RogerRoger.YesYes forsoothforsooth, atat thethe poultererspoulterers inin GraciousGracious stréetstreet.
wln 1024VVi.WifeVVi.ThouThou artart anan vngratiousungracious wagwag, perdyperdie, II meanemean aa
wln 1025falsefalse hairehair forfor mymy periwigperiwig.
wln 1026RogerRoger.WhyWhy mistrismistress, thethe nextnext timetime II cutcut mymy beardbeard, youyou
wln 1027shallshall hauehave thethe shauingsshavings ofof itit, butbut theythey areare allall truetrue haireshairs.
wln 1028VVi.WifeVVi.ItIt isis verievery hothot, II mustmust getget meme aa fanfan oror elseelse aa maskemask.
wln 1029Rog.RogerRog.SoSo youyou hadhad néedeneed, toto hidehide youryour wickedwicked faceface.
wln 1030VVi.WifeVVi.FieFie vponupon itit, howhow costlycostly thisthis world’sworld’s callingcalling isis, per=perdyper|dyperdie
wln 1031dy,
wln 1031butbut thatthat itit isis oneone ofof thethe wonderfullwonderful worksworks ofof GodGod, II
wln 1032wouldwould notnot dealedeal withwith itit: isis notnot FirkeFirk comecome yetyet? HansHans béebebeen
wln 1033notnot soso sadsad, letlet itit passepass andand vanishvanish, asas mymy husbandshusband’s worshippeworship
wln 1034saiessays.
wln 1035HansHans.IckIck binbeen vrolickevrolicke, lotlot séesee yowyowye sooso.
wln 1036RogerRoger.MistrisMistress, wilwill youyou drinkedrink aa pipepipe ofof TobaccoTobacco?
wln 1037VVifeWife.OO fiefie vpponupon itit RogerRoger, perdyperdie, thesethese filthiefilthysilthiefilthy TobaccoTobacco
wln 1038pipespipes areare thethe mostmost idleidle slaueringslavering bablesbabbles thatthat euerever II feltfelt: outout
wln 1039vpponupon itit, GodGod blessebless vsus, menmen lookelook notnot likelike menmen thatthat vseuse thēthem.

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the Gentle Craft.

wln 1040EnterEnter RafeRafe beingbeing lamelame.
wln 1041RogerRoger.WhatWhat fellowfellow RafeRafe? MistresMistress lookelook herehere, IanesJane’sjane’s
wln 1042husbandhusband, whywhy howhow, lamelame? HansHans makemake muchmuch ofof himhim, héeshe’s
wln 1043aa brotherbrother ofof ourour tradetrade, aa goodgood workemanworkman, andand aa talltall soul=souldiersoul|dier
wln 1044diersoldier.
wln 1045HansHans.YouYou bebe welcomewelcome broderbroderbrother.
wln 1046WifeWife.PardiePerdieperdie II knewknew himhim notnot, howhow dostdost thouthou goodgood RafeRafe?
wln 1047II amam gladglad toto séesee théethee welwell.
wln 1048RafeRafe.II wouldwould GodGod youyou sawsaw meme damedame asas welwell,
wln 1049AsAs whenwhen II wentwent fromfrom LondonLondon intointo FranceFrance.
wln 1050WifeWife.TrustTrust meeme II amam soriesorry RafeRafe toto séesee théethee impotentimpotent,
wln 1051LordLord howhow thethe warreswars hauehave mademade himhim SunburntSunburnt: thethe leftleft
wln 1052legleg isis notnetnetnot welwell::itit t waswas’twaswas aa fairefair giftgift ofof GodGod thethe infirmitieinfirmity tooketook
wln 1053notnot holdhold aa litlelittle higherhigher, consideringconsidering thouthou camestcamest fromfrom FranceFrance:
wln 1054butbut letlet thatthat passepass.
wln 1055RafeRafe.II amam gladglad toto séesee youyou welwell, andand II reioycerejoice
wln 1056ToTo hearehear thatthat GodGod hathhath blestblestblessed mymy mastermaster soso
wln 1057SinceSince mymy departuredeparture.
wln 1058WifeWife.YeaYea trulytruly RafeRafe, II thankethank mymy makermaker: butbut letlet thatthat
wln 1059passepass.
wln 1060Rog.RogerRog.AndAnd sirrasirrah RafeRafe, whatwhat newesnews, whatwhat newesnews inin FranceFrance?
wln 1061RafeRafe.TelTell meeme goodgood RogerRoger firstfirst, whatwhat newesnews inin EnglandEngland?
wln 1062HowHawHawHow doesdoes mymy IaneJanejane? whenwhen didstdidst thouthou séesee mymy wifewife?
wln 1063WhereWhere liueslives mymy poorepoor heartheart? shéelshe’ll bebe poorepoor indéedindeed
wln 1064NowNow II wantwant limbslimbs toto getget whereonwhereon toto féedfeed.
wln 1065RogerRoger.LimbsLimbs? hasthast thouthou notnot handshands manman? thouthou shaltshalt ne=neuerne|uernever
wln 1066uer
wln 1066séesee aa shoomakershoemaker wantwant breadbread, thoughthough hehe hauehave butbut thréethrée fin=fingersfin∣gersfingers
wln 1067gers
wln 1067onon aa handhand.
wln 1068RafeRafe.YetYet allall thisthis whilewhile II hearehear notnot ofof mymy IaneJanejane.
wln 1069WifeWife.OO RafeRafe youryour wifewife, perdieperdie wewe knoweknow notnot whatswhat’s
wln 1070becomebecome ofof herher: sheshe waswas herehere aa whilewhile, andand becausebecause sheshe waswas
wln 1071marriedmarried grewegrew moremore statelystately thenthan becamebecame herher, II checktchecked herher,
wln 1072andand soso forthforth, awayaway sheshe flungflung, neuernever returnedreturned, nornor saidesaid bihbyebih

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A pleasant Comedie of

wln 1073nornor bahbah: andand RafeRafe youyou knoweknow kaka meme, kaka théethee. AndAnd soso asas II
wln 1074telltell yeye. RogerRoger isis notnot FirkeFirk comecome yetyet?
wln 1075RogerRoger.NoNo forsoothforsooth.
wln 1076WifeWife.AndAnd soso indeedindeed wewe heardheard notnot ofof herher, butbut II hearehear
wln 1077shéeshe liueslives inin LondonLondon: butbut letlet thatthat passepass. IfIf sheshe hadhad wantedwanted,
wln 1078sheeshe mightmight hauehave openedopened herher casecase toto meme oror mymy husbandhusband, oror
wln 1079toto anyany ofof mymy menmen, II amam suresure theresthere’s notnot anyany ofof themthem perdieperdie,
wln 1080butbut wouldwould hauehave donedone herher goodgood toto hishis powerpower. HansHans lookelook ifif
wln 1081FirkeFirk bebe comecome.
wln 1082ExitExit HansHans.

wln 1083HansHans.YawYaw itit salsal vrovro.
wln 1084WifeWife.AndAnd soso asas II saidesaid: butbut RafeRafe, whywhy dostdost thouthou wéepeweep?
wln 1085thouthou knowestknowest thatthat nakednaked weewe camecame outout ofof ourour mothersmother’s
wln 1086wombewomb, andand nakednaked wewe mustmust returnereturn, andand thereforetherefore thankethank
wln 1087GodGod forfor alall thingsthings.
wln 1088RogerRoger.NoNo faithfaith IaneJanejane isis aa straungerstranger héerehere, butbut RafeRafe
wln 1089pullpull vpup aa goodgood heartheart, II knoweknow thouthou hasthast oneone, thythy wifewife manman,
wln 1090isis inin LondonLondon, oneone toldetold méeme héehe sawesaw herher aa whilewhile agoeago ve=verieve|rievery
wln 1091rie
wln 1091brauebrave andand neateneat, wéelewe’ll ferretferret herher outout, andand LondonLondon holdehold
wln 1092herher.
wln 1093WifeWife.AlasAlas, poorepoor soulesoul, héeshe’s ouercomeovercome withwith sorrowesorrow,
wln 1094hehe doesdoes butbut asas II doedo, weepeweep forfor thethe losseloss ofof anyany goodgood thingthing:
wln 1095butbut RafeRafe, getget theethee inin, callcall forfor somesome meatemeat andand drinkedrink, thouthou
wln 1096shaltshalt findfind meme worshipfulworshipful towardstowards théethee.
wln 1097RafeRafe.II thankethank youyou damedame, sincesiucesince II wantwant limslimbs andand landslands,
wln 1098IleI’ll toto GodGod, mymy goodgood friendsfriends, andand toto thesethese mymy handshands.
wln 1099exitexit.

wln 1100EnterEnter HansHans, andand FirkeFirkFirke runningrunning.

wln 1101FyrkeFirkFyrke.RunneRun goodgood HansHans, OOOh HodgeHodge, OOOh mistresmistress, HodgeHodge.
wln 1102heaueheave vpup thinethine earesears, mistressemistress smuggesmug vpup youryour lookeslooks, onon

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the Gentle Craft.

wln 1103withwith youryour bestbest apparellapparel, mymy maistermaster isis chosenchosen, mymy mastermaster isis
wln 1104calledcalled, naynay condemn’dcondemned byby thethe criecry ofof thethe countriecountry toto bebe shiriffesheriff
wln 1105ofof thethe CitieCity, forfor thisthis famousfamous yeareyear nowenow toto comecome: andand timetime
wln 1106nownow beingbeing, aa greatgreat manymany menmen inin bla[*]keblackeblack gownesgowns werewere asktasked
wln 1107forfor theirtheir voycesvoices, andand theirtheir handshands, andand mymy mastermaster hadhad alall theirtheir
wln 1108fistsfists aboutabout hishis earesears presentlypresently, andand theythey criedcried IAyay, IAyay, IAyay, IAyay, andand
wln 1109soso II camecame awayaway, whereforewherefore withoutwithout allall otherother grieuegrieve, II doedo
wln 1110salutesalute youyou mistressemistress shrieueshrieve.
wln 1111HansHans.YawYaw, mymy mestermester isis dede grootgroot manman, dede shrieueshrieve.
wln 1112RogerRoger.DidDid notnot II telltell youyou mistrismistress? nowenow II maymay boldlyboldly
wln 1113saysay, goodgood morrowmorrow toto youryour worshipworship.
wln 1114WifeWife.GoodGood morrowmorrow goodgood RogerRoger, II thankethank youyou mymy goodgood
wln 1115peoplepeople allall. FirkeFirk, holdhold vpup thythy handhand, héer’shere’s aa thrée-penythreepenny péecepiece
wln 1116forfor thythy tidingstidings.
wln 1117Fyrk.FirkFyrk.Tis’Tis butbut thréethreethrée halfe pencehalfpencehalf pence, II thinkethink: yesyes, tis’tis thréethreepencethrée
wln 1118pencepence,
wln 1118II smelsmell thethe RoseRose.
wln 1119RogerRoger.ButBut mistressemistress, bebe rulderuled byby meme, andand doedo notnot speakespeak
wln 1120soso pulinglypulingly.
wln 1121FirkeFirkFirke.Tis’Tis herher worshipworship speakesspeaks soso, andand notnot sheshe, nono faithfaith
wln 1122mistressemistress, speakespeak meeme inin thethe oldeold keykey, tootoo itit FirkeFirk, therethere goodgood
wln 1123FirkeFirkFirke, plieply youryour businessebusiness HodgeHodge, HodgeHodge, withwith aa fullfull mouthmouth:
wln 1124IleI’ll fillfill youryour belliesbellies withwith goodgood chearecheer tiltill theythey criecry twangtwang.

wln 1125EnterEnter SimonSimon EireEyreEire wearingwearing aa goldgold chainechain.
wln 1126HansHans.SeeSee mynmine lieuerliever broderbroderbrother, héerhere comptcomptcount mymy meestermeester.
wln 1127WifeWife.WelcomeWelcome homehome maistermaster shrieueshrieve, II praypray GodGod con=continuecon∣tinuecontinue
wln 1128tinue
wln 1128youyou inin healthhealth andand wealthwealth.
wln 1129EyreEyre.SeeSee herehere mymy MaggyMaggy, aa chainechain, aa goldgold chainechain forfor
wln 1130SimonSimon EyreEyre, II shalshall makemake theethee aa LadyLady, heer’shere’s aa FrenchFrench hoodhood
wln 1131forfor theethee, onon withwith itit, onon withwith itit, dressedress thythy browesbrows withwith thisthis
wln 1132flapflap ofof aa shouldershoulder ofof muttonmutton, toto makemake théethee lookelook louelylovely: wherewhere
wln 1133bebe mymy finefine menmen? RogerRoger, IleI’ll makemake ouerover mymy shopshop andand toolestools
wln 1134toto theethee: FirkeFirk, thouthou shaltshalt bebe thethe foremanforeman: HansHans, thouthou shaltshalt

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A pleasant Comedie of

wln 1135hauehave anan hundredhundred forfor twentietwenty, beebe asas madmad knauesknaves asas youryour
wln 1136maistermaster SimSim EyreEyre hathhath binbeen, &and youyou shallshall liuelive toto bebe SheriuesSheriffs
wln 1137ofof LondonLondon: howhow dostdost thouthou likelike meme MargerieMargerymargery? PrincePrince amam II
wln 1138nonenone, yetyet amam II princelyprincely borneborn, FirkeFirk, HodgeHodge, andand HansHans.
wln 1139AlAllall 33.IAyI forsoothforsooth, whatwhat saiessays youryour worshipworship mistrismistress SherifeSheriff?
wln 1140EyreEyre.WorshipWorship andand honourhonorhonour youyou BabilonionBabylonianbabylonian knauesknaves, forfor
wln 1141thethe GentleGentle CraftCraft: butbut II forgotforgot my selfemyself, II amam biddenbidden byby mymy
wln 1142LordLord MaiorMayor toto dinnerdinner toto oldold FoordFordFoord, heeshe’s gonegone beforebefore, II mustmust
wln 1143afterafter: comecome HodgeHodge, onon withwith youryour trinketstrinkets: nowenow mymy truetrue
wln 1144Troians〈◊〉TrojansTroians, mymy finefine FirkeFirk, mymy dapperdapper HodgeHodge, mymy honesthonest
wln 1145HansHans, somesome deuicedevice, somesome oddeodd crochetscrochets, somesome morrismorris, oror suchsuch
wln 1146likelike, forfor thethe honourhonorhonour ofof thethe gentlegentle shooemakersshoemakers, meetemeet meme atat
wln 1147oldold FoordFordFoord, youyou knowknow mymy mindemind: comecome MadgeMadge, awayaway shutteshut
wln 1148vpup thethe shopshop knauesknaves, andand makemake holidayholiday.exeuntexeunt.
wln 1149FirkeFirkFirke.OO rarerare, OOOh brauebrave, comecome HodgeHodge, followfollow meme HansHans,
wln 1150WéeleWe’llwe’ll bebe withwith themthem forfor aa morrismorris dauncedance.exeuntexeunt.
wln 1151EnterEnter LordLord MaiorMayorMaior, EyreEyre, hishis wifewife, SibillSybilSibill inin aa FrenchFrench hoodhood,
wln 1152andand otherother seruantsservants.

wln 1153L.LordL. MaiorMayor.TrustTrust meeme youyou areare asas welcomewelcome toto oldold FoordFordFoord,
wln 1154asas II my selfemyself.
wln 1155WifeWife.TruelyTruly II thankethank youryour LordshipLordship.
wln 1156L.LordL. Ma.MayorMa.WouldWould ourour badbad chéerecheer werewere worthworth thethe thanksthanks
wln 1157youyou giuegive.
wln 1158EyreEyre.GoodGood chéerecheer mymy LordLord MaiorMayor, finefine chéerecheer, aa finefine
wln 1159househouse, finefine walleswalls, allall finefine andand neatneat.
wln 1160L.LordL. MaiorMayor.NowNow byby mymy trothtroth IleI’ll teltell théethee maistermaster EyreEyre,
wln 1161ItIt doesdoes meme goodgood andand alall mymy brethrenbrethrenbrothers,
wln 1162ThatThat suchsuch aa madcapmadcap fellowfellow asas thy selfethyself
wln 1163IsIs entredentered intointo ourour societiesociety.
wln 1164WifeWife.IAyay butbut mymy LordLord, heehe mustmust learnelearn nowenow toto putteput onon
wln 1165grauitiegravity.
wln 1166EyreEyre.PeacePeace MaggyMaggy, aa figfig forfor grauitiegravity, whenwhen II gogo toto Guild=GuildhalGuild|halGuildhall
wln 1167hal
wln 1167inin mymy scarletscarlet gownegown, IleI’ll looklook asas demurelydemurely asas aa saintsaint, andand

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the Gentle Craft.

wln 1168speakespeak asas grauelygravely asas aa JusticeJustice ofof peacepeace, butbut nownow II amam herehere atat
wln 1169oldold FoordFordFoord, atat mymy goodgood LordLord MaiorsMayor’smayor’s househouse, letlet itit gogo byby, vanishvanish
wln 1170MaggyMaggy, IleI’ll bebe merriemerry, awayaway withwith flipflip flapflap, thesethese fooleriesfooleries,
wln 1171thesethese gulleriesgulleries: whatwhat hunniehoney? princeprince amam II nonenone, yetyet amam II
wln 1172princlyprincely borneborn: whatwhat sayessays mymy LordLord MaiorMayorMaior?
wln 1173L.LordL. MaiorMayor.HaHa, haha, haha, II hadhad ratherrather thenthan aa thousandthousand poundpound,
wln 1174II hadhad anan heartheart butbut halfehalf soso lightlight asas yoursyours.
wln 1175EyreEyre.WhyWhy whatwhat shouldshould II dodo mymy LordLord? aa poundpound ofof carecare
wln 1176paiespays notnot aa dramdram ofof debtdebt: humhum, letslet’s bebe merrymerry whileswhiles wewe areare
wln 1177yongyoung, oldeold ageage, sackesack andand sugarsugar willwill stealesteal vponupon vsus ereere wewe bebe
wln 1178awareaware.
wln 1179L.LordL. Ma.MayorMa.ItsIt’sit’s welwell donedone mistrismistress EyreEyre, praypray giuegive goodgood counsellcounsel
wln 1180toto mymy daughterdaughter.
wln 1181WifeWife.II hopehope mistrismistress RoseRose wilwill hauehave thethe gracegrace toto taketake no=nothingno∣thingnothing
wln 1182thing
wln 1182thatsthat’s badbad.
wln 1183L.LordL. Ma.MayorMa.PrayPray GodGod sheshe dodo, forfor ifaithi’ faithi’faith mistrismistress EyreEyre,
wln 1184II wouldwould bestowbestow vponupon thatthat peeuishpeevish girlegirl
wln 1185AA thousandthousand MarksMarks moremore thenthan II meanemean toto giuegive herher,
wln 1186VponUponUpon conditioncondition shéedShe’d bebe rulderuled byby meme,
wln 1187TheThe ApeApe stillstill crossethcrosseth meme: therethere camecame ofof latelate,
wln 1188AA properproper GentlemanGentleman ofof fairefair reuenewesrevenues,
wln 1189WhomWhom gladlygladly II wouldwould callcall sonne in lawsonneson-in-lawsonininlawlaw:
wln 1190ButBut mymy finefine cockneycockney wouldwould hauehave nonenone ofof himhim.
wln 1191You’leYou’ll proueprove aa cockscombecoxcomb forfor itit ereere youyou diedie,
wln 1192AA courtiercourtier, oror nono manman mustmust pleaseplease youryour eieeye.
wln 1193EyreEyre.BeBe rulderuled swéetesweet RoseRose, th’artth’ artthou’rt riperipe forfor aa manman: marriemarry
wln 1194notnot withwith aa boyboy, thatthat hashas nono moremore hairehair onon hishis faceface thenthan thouthou
wln 1195hasthast onon thythy chéekescheeks: aa courtiercourtier, washwash, gogo byby, standstand notnot vpponupon
wln 1196pisherie pasheriepishery-pashery: thosethose silkensilken fellowesfellows areare butbut paintedpainted Ima=ImagesIma∣gesImages
wln 1197ges,
wln 1197outsidesoutsides, outsidesoutsides RoseRose, theirtheir innerinner liningslinings areare tornetorn:
wln 1198nono mymy finefine mousemouse, marrymarry meme withwith aa GentlemanGentleman GrocerGrocer likelike
wln 1199mymy LordLord MaiorMayorMaior youryour FatherFather, aa GrocerGrocer isis aa swéetesweet tradetrade,
wln 1200PlumsPlums, PlumsPlums: hadhad II aa sonneson oror DaughterDaughter shouldshould marriemarry

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A pleasant Comedie of

wln 1201outout ofof thethe generationgeneration andand bloudblood ofof thethe shoe-makersshoemakers, hehe
wln 1202shouldshould packepack: whatwhat, thethe GentleGentle tradetrade isis aa liuingliving forfor aa manman
wln 1203throughthrough EuropeEurope, throughthrough thethe worldworld.

wln 1204AAnoyseAnoyseA noysenoise withinwithin ofof aa TaberTaber andand aa PipePipe.
wln 1205MaiorMayor.WhatWhat noysenoise isis thisthis?
wln 1206EyreEyre.OO mymy LordLord MaiorMayor, aa cruetruecrewtrue ofof goodgood fellowesfellows thatthat
wln 1207forfor louelove toto youryour honourhonorhonour, areare comecome hitherhither withwith aa morrisdancemorris-danceMorris-dance,
wln 1208comecome inin mymy MesopotamiansMesopotamians chéerelycheerilycheerly.

wln 1209EnterEnter HodgeHodge, HansHans, RaphRafeRaph, FirkeFirkFirke, andand otherother shooe-makersshoe-makers inin aa mor-morrismor∣rismorris
wln 1210ris:
wln 1210afterafter aa littlelittle dauncingdancing thethe LordLord MaiorMayorMaior speakesSpeakesspeaksSpeaks.

wln 1211MaiorMayor.MaisterMaster EyreEyre, areare alall thesethese shoe=makersshoe-makersshoemakers?
wln 1212EyreEyre.AlAll CordwainersCordwainers mymy goodgood LordLord MaiorMayor.
wln 1213RoseRose.HowHow likelike mymy LacieLacylacy lookeslooks yondyond shooe-makershoemaker.
wln 1214HaunceHansHaunce.OO thatthat II durstdurst butbut speakespeak vntounto mymy louelove!
wln 1215MaiorMayor.SibilSybilSibyl, gogo fetchfetch somesome winewine toto makemake thesethese drinkedrink,
wln 1216YouYou areare alall welcomewelcome.
wln 1217AllAllAlderman.WeWe thankethank youryour LordshipLordship.
wln 1218RoseRose takestakes aa cupcup ofof winewine andand goesgoes toto HaunceHansHaunce.
wln 1219RoseRose.ForFor hishis sakesake whosewhose fairefair shapeshape thouthou representstrepresent’st,
wln 1220GoodGood friendfriend II drinkedrink toto théethee.
wln 1221HansHans.ItIt bebe danckedanckedank goodgood fristerfrister.
wln 1222EyresEyre’s WifeWife.II seesee mistrismistress RoseRose youyou dodo notnot wantwant iudge=iudgementiudge|mentjudgement
wln 1223ment,
wln 1223youyou hauehave drunkedrunk toto thethe properestproperest manman II kéepekeep.
wln 1224FirkeFirkFirke.HereHere beebe somesome hauehave donedone theirtheir partsparts toto bebe asas properproper
wln 1225asas hehe.
wln 1226MaiorMayor.WelWell, vrgenturgent businesbusiness calscalls meme backeback toto LondonLondon:
wln 1227GoodGood fellowesfellows, firstfirst gogo inin andand tastetaste ourour chearecheer,
wln 1228AndAnd toto makemake merriemerry asas youyou homewardhomeward gogo,
wln 1229SpendSpend thesethese twotwo angelsangels inin beerebeer atat StratfordStratford BoeBoe.BowBoe...
wln 1230EyreEyre.ToTo thesethese twotwo (mymy maddemad ladslads) SimSim EyreEyre adsadds an=anotheran∣other

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the Gentle Craft.

wln 1231otheranother, thenthen chéerelycheerilycheerly FirkeFirk, tickletickle itit HaunceHansHaunce, andand alall forfor
wln 1232thethe honourhonorhonour ofof shoemakersshoemakers.

wln 1233AllAll goego dauncingdancing outout.

wln 1234M.MayorM.ComeCome maistermaster EyreEyre, letslet’s hauehave youryour companiecompany.exeuntexeunt.
wln 1235RoseRose.SibilSybilSibyl WhatWhat shalshall II dodo?
wln 1236Sibill.SybilSibill.WhyWhy whatswhat’s thethe mattermatter?
wln 1237RoseRose.ThatThat HaunceHansHaunce thethe shoemakershoemaker isis mymy louelove LacieLacylacy,
wln 1238DisguisdeDisguised inin thatthat attireattire toto findfind meme outout,
wln 1239HowHow shouldshould II findfind thethe meanesmeans toto speakespeak withwith himhim?
wln 1240Sibill.SybilSibill.WhatWhat mistrismistress, neuernever fearefear, II daredare venterventerventure mymy mai=maidenheadmai∣denheadmaidenhead
wln 1241denhead
wln 1241toto nothingnothing, andand thatsthat’s greatgreat oddesodds, thatthat HaunceHansHaunce thethe
wln 1242DutchmanDutchman whenwhen wewe comecome toto LondonLondon, shalshall notnot onelyonly séesee andand
wln 1243speakespeak withwith youyou, butbut inin spightspite ofof alall youryour FathersFather’s polliciespolicies,
wln 1244stealesteal youyou awayaway andand marriemarry youyou, willwill notnot thisthis pleaseplease youyou?
wln 1245RoseRose.DoDo thisthis, andand euerever bebe assuredassured ofof mymy louelove.
wln 1246SibilSybilSibil.AwayAway thenthen andand followfollow youryour fatherfather toto LondonLondon, lestleftleftlest
wln 1247youryour absenceabsence causecause himhim toto suspectsuspect somethingsomething:
wln 1248To morrowTomorrow ifif mymy counselcounsel bebe obaydeobeyed,
wln 1249IleI’ll bindebind youyou prentiseprentice toto thethe gentlegentle tradetrade.

wln 1250EnterEnter IaneJanejane inin aa SemstersSempster’ssempster’s shopshop workingworking, andand HamondHammonHamond muffledmuffled
wln 1251atat anotheranother dooredoor, hehe standsstands aloofealoof.

wln 1252HamondHammonHamond.YondersYonder’syonder’s thethe shopshop, andand therethere mymy fairefair louelove sitssits,
wln 1253ShéesShe’s fairefair andand louelylovely, butbut sheshe isis notnot minemine,
wln 1254OO wouldwould sheshe werewere, thrisethrice hauehave II courtedcourted herher,
wln 1255ThriseThrice hathhath mymy handhand béenebeen moistnedmoistened withwith herher handhand,
wln 1256WhilstWhilst mymy poorepoor famishtfamished eieseyes dodo féedfeed onon thatthat
wln 1257WhichWhich mademade themthem famishfamish: II amam infortunateinfortunate,
wln 1258II stilstill louelove oneone, yetyet no bodynobody louesloves meme,
wln 1259II musemuse inin otherother menmen whatwhat womenwomen séesee,

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A pleasant Comedie of

wln 1260ThatThat II soso wantwant? finefine mistrismistress RoseRose waswas coycoy,
wln 1261AndAnd thisthis tootoo curiouscurious, ohoho nono, sheshe isis chastechaste,
wln 1262AndAnd forfor shetheshethe thinkesthinks meme wantonwanton, sheshe deniesdenies
wln 1263To〈◊〉To chearecheer mymy coldcold heartheart withwith herher sunniesunny eieseyes:
wln 1264HowHow prettilyprettily sheshe workesworks, ohoho prettiepretty handhand!
wln 1265OhOhO happiehappy workework, itit dothdoth meme goodgood toto standstand
wln 1266VnseeneUnseene〈◊〉unseen toto séesee herher, thusthus II oftoft hauehave stoodstood,
wln 1267InIn frostiefrosty eueningsevenings, aa lightlight burningburning byby herher,
wln 1268EnduringEnduring bitingbiting coldcold, onlyonly toto eieeye herher,
wln 1269OneOne onelyonly lookelook hathhath séem’dseemed asas richrich toto meme
wln 1270AsAs aa kingsking’s crownecrown, suchsuch isis loueslove’s lunacielunacy:
wln 1271MuffeledMuffled IleI’ll passepass alongalong, andand byby thatthat trietry
wln 1272WhetherWhether sheshe knowknow meme.
wln 1273IaneJanejane.SirSir, whatwhat istis ’tis’t youyou buybuy?
wln 1274WhatWhat istis ’tis’t youyou lackelack sirsir? callicocalicocallico, oror lawnelawn,
wln 1275FineFine cambrickecambric shirtsshirts, oror bandsbands, whatwhat willwill youyou buybuy?
wln 1276Ham.HammonHam.ThatThat whichwhich thouthou wiltwilt notnot sellsell, faithfaith yetyet IleI’ll trietry:
wln 1277HowHow dodo youyou sellsell thisthis handkercherhandkercher?
wln 1278IaneJanejane.GoodGood cheapecheap.
wln 1279Ham.HammonHam.AndAnd howhow thesethese ruffesruffs?
wln 1280IaneJanejane.CheapeCheap tootoo.
wln 1281Ham.HammonHam.AndAnd howhow thisthis bandband?
wln 1282IaneJanejane.CheapeCheap tootoo.
wln 1283Ham.HammonHam.AllAll cheapecheap, howhow sellsell youyou thenthen thisthis handhand?
wln 1284IaneJanejane.MyMy handeshands areare notnot toto bebe soldesold.
wln 1285Ham.HammonHam.ToTo bebe giuengiven thenthen: naynay faithfaith II comecome toto buybuy.
wln 1286IaneJanejane.ButBut nonenone knowesknows whenwhen.
wln 1287Ham.HammonHam.GoodGood swéetesweet, leaueleave workework aa littlelittle whilewhile, letslet’s playplay.
wln 1288IaneJanejane.II cannotcannot liuelive byby keepingkeeping hollidayholiday.
wln 1289Ham.HammonHam.IleI’ll paypay youyou forfor thethe timetime whichwhich shallshall bebe lostlost.
wln 1290IaneJanejane.WithWith meme youyou shallshall notnot bebe atat soso muchmuch costcost.
wln 1291Ham.HammonHam.LookLook howhow youyou woundwound thisthis clothcloth, soso youyou woundwound meme.
wln 1292IaneJanejane.ItIt maymay bebe soso.

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the Gentle Craft.

wln 1293Ham.HammonHam.Tis’Tis soso.
wln 1294IaneJanejane.WhatWhat remedieremedy?
wln 1295Ham.HammonHam.NayNay faithfaith youyou areare tootoo coycoy.
wln 1296IaneJanejane.LetLet goego mymy handhand.
wln 1297Ham.HammonHam.II willwill dodo anyany tasktask ofof youryour commandcommand,
wln 1298II wouldwould letlet goego thisthis beautiebeauty, werewere II notnot
wln 1299InIn mindmind toto disobeydisobey youyou byby aa powerpower
wln 1300ThatThat controllescontrols kingskings: II louelove youyou.
wln 1301IaneJanejane.SoSo, nownow partpart.
wln 1302Ham.HammonHam.WithWith handshands II maymay, butbut neuernever withwith mymy heartheart,
wln 1303InIn faithfaith II louelove youyou.
wln 1304IaneJanejane.II beleeuebelieve youyou doedo.
wln 1305Ham.HammonHam.ShallShall aa truetrue louelove inin meme bréedebreed hatehate inin youyou?
wln 1306IaneJanejane.II hatehate youyou notnot.
wln 1307Ham.HammonHam.ThenThen youyou mustmust louelove.
wln 1308IaneJanejane.II doedo, whatwhat areare youyou betterbetter nownow? II louelove notnot youyou,
wln 1309Ham.HammonHam.AllAll thisthis II hopehope isis butbut aa womanswoman’s frayfray,
wln 1310ThatThat meansmeans, comecome toto meme, whenwhen sheshe criescries, awayaway:
wln 1311InIn earnestearnest mistrismistress II dodo notnot iestjest,
wln 1312AA truetrue chastechaste louelove hathhath entredentered inin mymy brestbreast,
wln 1313IInInI louelove youyou dearelydearlydear asas II louelove mymy lifelife,
wln 1314II louelove youyou asas aa husbandhusband louesloves aa wifewife.
wln 1315ThatThat, andand nono otherother louelove mymy louelove requiresrequires,
wln 1316ThyThy wealthwealth II knowknow isis littlelittle, mymy desiresdesires
wln 1317ThirstThirst notnot forfor goldgold, swéetesweet beauteousbeauteous IaneJanejane whatswhat’s minemine,
wln 1318ShallShall (ifif thouthou makemake my selfemyself thinethine) allall bebe thinethine,
wln 1319SaySay, iudgejudge, whatwhat isis thythy sentencesentence, lifelife oror deathdeath?
wln 1320MercieMercy oror crueltiecruelty lieslies inin thythy breathbreath.
wln 1321IaneJanejane.GoodGood sirsir, II dodo beleeuebelieve youyou louelove meme wellwell:
wln 1322ForFor tis’tis aa séelyseelysilly conquestconquest, séelyseelysilly pridepride,
wln 1323ForFor oneone likelike youyou (II meanemean aa gentlemangentleman)
wln 1324ToTo boastboast, thatthat byby hishis louelove trickstricks hehe hathhath broughtbrought,
wln 1325SuchSuch andand suchsuch womenwomen toto hishis amorousamorous lurelure:

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A pleasant Comedie of

wln 1326II thinkethink youyou dodo notnot soso, yetyet manymany doedo,
wln 1327AndAnd makemake itit eueneven aa veryvery tradetrade toto wooewoo,
wln 1328II couldcould bebe coycoy, asas manymany womenwomen bebe,
wln 1329FéedeFeed youyou withwith sunne=shinesunne-shinesunshine smilessmiles, andand wantonwanton lookeslooks,
wln 1330ButBut II detestdetest witchcraftwitchcraft, saysay thatthat II
wln 1331DoeDo constantlyconstantly beleeuebelieve youyou, constantconstant hauehave.
wln 1332Ham.HammonHam.WhyWhy dostdost thouthou notnot beléeuebelieve meme?
wln 1333IaneJanejane.II beleeuebelieve youyou,
wln 1334ButBut yetyet goodgood sirsir, becausebecause II willwill notnot gréeuegrieve youyou,
wln 1335WithWith hopeshopes toto tastetaste fruitefruit, whichwhich willwill neuernever fallfall,
wln 1336InIn simplesimple truthtruth thisthis isis thethe summesum ofof allall
wln 1337MyMy husbandhusband liueslives, atat leastleast II hopehope hehe liueslives,
wln 1338PrestPrestPressed waswas hehe toto thesethese bitterbitter warreswars inin FranceFrance,
wln 1339BitterBitter theythey areare toto meme byby wantingwanting himhim,
wln 1340II hauehave butbut oneone heartheart, andand thatthat heartsheart’shearts hishis duedue,
wln 1341HowHow cancan II thenthen bestowbestow thethe samesame onon youyou?
wln 1342WhilstWhilst hehe liueslives, hishis II liuelive, bebe itit nerene’er soso poorepoor,
wln 1343AndAnd ratherrather bebe hishis wifewife, thenthan aa kingsking’s whorewhore.
wln 1344Ham.HammonHam.ChasteChaste andand dearedear womanwoman, II willwill notnot abuseabuse théethee,
wln 1345AlthoughAlthough itit costcost mymy lifelife, ifif thouthou refuserefuse meme,
wln 1346ThyThy husbandhusband prestprestpressed forfor FranceFrance, whatwhat waswas hishis namename?
wln 1347IaneJanejane.RafeRafe DamportDamport.
wln 1348Ham.HammonHam.DamportDamport, hereshere’s aa letterletter sentsent
wln 1349FromFrom FranceFrance toto meme, fromfrom aa dearedear friendfriend ofof minemine,
wln 1350AA gentlemangentleman ofof placeplace, herehere hehe dothdoth writewrite,
wln 1351TheirTheir namesnames thatthat hauehave binbeen slaineslain inin eueryevery fightfight.
wln 1352IaneJanejane.II hopehope deathsdeath’s scrollscroll containescontains notnot mymy loueslove’s namename
wln 1353Ham.HammonHam.CannotCannot youyou readeread?
wln 1354IaneJanejane.II cancan.
wln 1355Ham.HammonHam.PeruseBeruseBerusePeruse thethe samesame,
wln 1356ToTo mymy remembranceremembrance suchsuch aa namename II readread
wln 1357AmongstAmongst thethe restrest: séesee herehere.
wln 1358IaneJanejane.AyeAyeay meme, héeshe’s deaddead:

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the Gentle Craft.

wln 1359HéesHe’s deaddead, ifif thisthis bebe truetrue mymy dearedear heartsheart’shearts slaineslain.
wln 1360Ham.HammonHam.HaueHave patiencepatience, dearedear louelove.
wln 1361IaneJanejane.HenceHence, hencehence.
wln 1362Ham.HammonHam.NayNay swéetesweet IaneJanejane,
wln 1363MakeMake notnot poorepoor sorrowsorrow prowdproud withwith thesethese richrich tearestears,
wln 1364II mournemourn thythy husbandshusband’s deathdeath becausebecause thouthou mournstmournest.
wln 1365IaneJanejane.ThatThat bilbill isis forgdeforged; tis’tis signdesigned byby forgerieforgery.
wln 1366Ham.HammonHam.IleI’ll bringbring théethee lettersletters sentsent besidesbesides toto manymany
wln 1367CarryingCarrying thethe likelike reportreport: IaneJanejane tis’tis tootoo truetrue,
wln 1368ComeCome, wéepeweep notnot: mourningmourning thoughthough itit riserise fromfrom louelove
wln 1369HelpesHelps notnot thethe mournedmourned, yetyet hurteshurts themthem thatthat mournemourn.
wln 1370IaneJanejane.ForFor GodsGod’s sakesake leaueleave meme.
wln 1371Ham.HammonHam.WhitherWhither dostdost thouthou turneturn?
wln 1372ForgetForget thethe déededeaddeed, louelove themthem thatthat areare aliuealive,
wln 1373HisHis louelove isis fadedfaded, trietry howhow minemine willwill thriuethrive.
wln 1374IaneJanejane.Tis’Tis nownow nono timetime forfor meme toto thinkethink onon louelove,
wln 1375Ham.HammonHam.Tis’Tis nownow bestbest timetime forfor youyou toto thinkethink onon louelove, becausebecause
wln 1376youryour louelove liueslives notnot.
wln 1377IaneJanejane.ThoghThough hehe bebe deaddead, mymy louelove toto himhim shalshall notnot bebe buriedburied:
wln 1378ForFor GodsGod’s sakesake leaueleave meme toto my selfemyself alonealone.
wln 1379Ham.HammonHam.T wouldI’TwouldIwouldwould kilkill mymy soulesoul toto leaueleave théethee drownddrowned inin monemoan:
wln 1380AnswereAnswer meme toto mymy sutesuit, andand II amam gonegone,
wln 1381SaySay toto meme, yeayea, oror nono.
wln 1382IaneJanejane.NoNo.
wln 1383Ham.HammonHam.ThenThen farewellfarewell, oneone farewelfarewell wilwill notnot serueserve, II comecome
wln 1384againagain, comecome driedry thesethese wetwet chéekescheeks, teltell meme faithfaith sweetesweet IaneJanejane,
wln 1385yeayea, oror nono, onceonce moremore.
wln 1386IaneJanejane.OnceOnce moremore II saysay nono, onceonce moremore bebe gonegone II praypray, elseelse
wln 1387wilwill II goego.
wln 1388Ham.HammonHam.NayNay thenthen II wilwill growgrow ruderude byby thisthis whitewhite handhand,
wln 1389VntilUntilUntil youyou changechange thatthat coldecold nono, herehere ilei’llI’ll standstand,
wln 1390TilTill byby youryour hardhard heartheart
wln 1391IaneJanejane.NayNay, forfor GodsGod’s louelove peacepeace,

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A pleasant Comedie of

wln 1392MyMy sorrowessorrows byby youryour presencepresence moremore increaseincrease,
wln 1393NotNot thatthat youyou thusthus areare presentpresent, butbut alall griefegrief
wln 1394DesiresDesires toto bebe alonealone, thereforetherefore inin briefebrief
wln 1395ThusThus muchmuch II saysay, andand sayingsaying bidbid adewadieu,
wln 1396IfIf euerever II wedwed manman itit shallshall bebe youyou.
wln 1397Ham.HammonHam.OhOhO blessedblessed voycevoice, dearedear IaneJanejane IleI’ll vrgeurge nono moremore,
wln 1398ThyThy breathbreath hathhath mademade meme richrich.
wln 1399IaneJanejane.DeathDeath makesmakes meme poorepoor.exeuntexeunt.
wln 1400EnterEnter HodgeHodge atat hishis shopshop boordboard, RafeRafe, FirkFirk, HansHans,
wln 1401andand aa boyboy atat workwork.

wln 1402AllAllAlderman.HeyHey downedown, aa downedown, downedown deriederie.
wln 1403HodgeHodge.WellWell saidsaid mymy heartshearts, plieply youryour workework to daytoday, wewe
wln 1404loytredloitered yesterdayyesterday, toto itit pell mellpell-mell, thatthat wewe maymay liuelive toto bebe LordLord
wln 1405MaiorsMayorsMajors, oror AldermenAldermen atat leastleast.
wln 1406FirkeFirkFirke.HeyHey downedown aa downedown deriederie.
wln 1407HodgeHodge.WellWell saidsaid yfaithi’ faithi’faith, howhow saistsayest thouthou HaunsHansHauns, dothdoth notnot
wln 1408FirkeFirk tickletickle itit?
wln 1409HaunsHansHauns.YawYaw mestermester.
wln 1410FirkeFirkFirke.NotNot soso neitherneither, mymy organeorgan pipepipe squeakessqueaks thisthis mor=morningmor∣ningmorning
wln 1411ning
wln 1411forfor wantwant ofof licoringliquoring: heyheyheigh downedown aa downedown deriederie.
wln 1412HansHans.ForwardForward FirkFirk, towtow bestbest vnun iollyjolly yongsteryoungster horthort II me=mesterme∣stermester
wln 1413ster
wln 1413icititic bidbid yoyoyou cutcut meme vnun pairpair vāpresvampsvāpres vorvor mestermester ieffresjeffer’sJeffer’s bootesboots.
wln 1414HodgeHodge.ThouThou shaltshalt HaunsHaimsHansHaims.
wln 1415FirkeFirkFirke.MasterMaster.
wln 1416HodgeHodgeHowHow nownow, boyboy?
wln 1417FirkeFirkFirkePrayPray, nownow youyou areare inin thethe cuttingcutting vaineveinvain, cutcut méeme
wln 1418outout aa pairepair ofof counterfeitscounterfeits, oror elseelse mymy workework willwill notnot passepass
wln 1419currantcurrentcurrant, heyheyheigh downedown aa downedown.
wln 1420HodgeHodgeTellTell meme sirssirs, areare mymy coosincousin M.MistressM. PriscillaesPriscilla’s shooesshoes
wln 1421donedone?
wln 1422FirkeFirkFirkeYourYour coosincousin? nono maistermaster, oneone ofof youryour auntesaunts, hanghang
wln 1423herher, letlet themthem alonealone.
wln 1424RafeRafeII amam inin handhand withwith themthem, sheshe gauegave chargecharge thatthat nonenone

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the Gentle [◇]

wln 1425butbut II shouldshould doedo themthem forfor herher.
wln 1426FirkeFirkFirkeThouThou dodo forfor herher? thenthenthan [◇]twill〈…〉’twilltwill [◇]be〈…〉be [◇]a〈…〉a [◇]lame〈…〉lame [◇]doing〈…〉doing[*],〈…〉, [◇]and〈…〉and
wln 1427thatthat sheshe louesloves notnot: RafeRafe, thouthou m[******]mightn〈…〉might’stmight [◇]have〈…〉have [◇]sent〈…〉sent [◇]her〈…〉her [◇]to〈…〉to [◇]me〈…〉me[*],〈…〉,
wln 1428inin faithfaith II wouldwould hauehave yearktyerked andand [◇]〈…〉firked〈…〉 [◇]〈…〉your〈…〉 [◇]〈…〉Priscilla〈…〉[*]〈…〉, [◇]〈…〉hey〈…〉
wln 1429downedown aa downedown derryderry, thisthis géeregear w[***]willw〈…〉will [◇]〈…〉not〈…〉 [◇]holde〈…〉hold.
wln 1430HodgeHodgeHowHow saistsayest thouthou FirkeFirk? werewere [◇]〈…〉we〈…〉 [◇]〈…〉not〈…〉 [◇]〈…〉merry〈…〉 [◇]〈…〉at〈…〉 [◇]〈…〉old〈…〉
wln 1431FordFord?
wln 1432FirkeFirkFirkeHowHow merrymerry? whywhy ourour buttockesbuttocks wentwent IiggyJiggyjiggy iog=ioggyiog∣gyjoggyioggy
wln 1433gy
wln 1433likelike aa quagmyrequagmire: welwell sirsir RogerRoger OatemealeOatmealOatemeale, ifif II thoughtthought
wln 1434allall mealemeal ofof thatthat naturenature, II wouldwould eateeat nothingnothing butbut bagbag pad-puddingspad∣dings
wln 1435dingspuddings.
wln 1436RafeRafeOfOf allall goodgood fortunesfortunes, mymy fellowfellow HanceHansHance hadhad thethe bestbest.
wln 1437FirkeFirkFirkeTis’Tis truetrue, becausebecause mistrismistress RoseRose drankedrank toto himhim.
wln 1438HodgeHodgeWelWell, welwell, workework apaceapace, theythey saysay seuenseven ofof thethe Al=AldermenAl∣dermenAldermen
wln 1439dermen
wln 1439bebe deaddead, oror veryvery sickesick.
wln 1440FirkeFirkFirkeII carecare notnot, IleI’ll bebe nonenone.
wln 1441RafeRafeNoNo nornor II, butbut thenthen mymy M.MasterM. EyreEyre willwill comecome quicklyquickly
wln 1442toto bebe L.LordL. MayorMayor.EnterEnter SibilSybilSibil.
wln 1443FirkeFirkFirkeWhoopWhoop, yonderyonder comescomes SibilSybilSibyl.
wln 1444HodgeHodgeSibilSybilSibyl, welcomewelcome yfaithi’ faithi’faith, andand howhow dostdost thouthou maddemad
wln 1445wenchwench?
wln 1446FirkeFirkFirkeSibSybSib whoorewhore, welcomewelcome toto LondonLondon.
wln 1447SibilSybilSibilGodamercyGod-a-mercyGodamercy sweetesweet FirkeFirkFirke: goodgood LordLord HodgeHodge, whatwhat
wln 1448aa delitiousdelicious shopshop youyou hauehave gotgot, youyou tickletickle itit yfaithi’ faithi’faith.
wln 1449RafeRafeGodamercyGodGod-a-mercyGodaamercymercy SibilSybilSibyl forfor ourour goodgood chéerecheer atat oldold FordFord.
wln 1450SibilSybilSibilThatThat youyou shalshall hauehave RafeRafe.
wln 1451FirkeFirkFirkeNayNay byby thethe massemass, wewe haddehad ticklingtickling chéerecheer SibilSybilSibyl,
wln 1452andand howhow thethe plagueplague dostdost thouthou andand mistrismistress RoseRose, andand mymy L.LordL.
wln 1453MayorMayor? II putput thethe womenwomen inin firstfirst.
wln 1454SibilSybilSibilWelWell GodamercyGod-a-mercyGodamercy: butbut GodsGod’sGods meme, II forgetforget my selfmyself,
wln 1455whereswhere’s HaunceHansHaunce thethe FlemingFleming?
wln 1456FirkeFirkFirkeHearkeHark butter-boxebutterbox, noweuowenowvow youyou mustmust yelyyely outout somesome
wln 1457sprekenspreken.

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[◇◇] Comedie of

wln 1458[◇]〈…〉Hans〈…〉[*]〈…〉.[◇]〈…〉Vat〈…〉 [◇]〈…〉begaie〈…〉 [◇]〈…〉gon〈…〉 [◇]〈…〉vat〈…〉 vododvod gongongone FristerFrister.
wln 1459[◇]〈…〉Sybil〈…〉[*]〈…〉.[◇]〈…〉Marry〈…〉 [◇]〈…〉you〈…〉 [◇]〈…〉must〈…〉 [◇]mecome〈…〉mecome toto mymy yongyoung mistrismistress, toto pullpull
wln 1460[◇]〈…〉on〈…〉 [◇]〈…〉her〈…〉 [◇]〈…〉shoes〈…〉 [◇]〈…〉you〈…〉 [◇]〈…〉made〈…〉 [◇]〈…〉last〈…〉[*]〈…〉.
wln 1461[◇]〈…〉Hans〈…〉[◇].[◇]〈…〉Vare〈…〉 [◇]〈…〉ben〈…〉 [◇]〈…〉your〈…〉 [***]leegle〈…〉leegle frofro, varevare benben youryour mistrismistress?
wln 1462[◇]〈…〉Sybil〈…〉[*].[◇]〈…〉Marry〈…〉 [◇]〈…〉here〈…〉 [◇]〈…〉at〈…〉 ourour LondonLondon househouse inin CornewaileCornwall
wln 1463[◇]〈…〉Firk〈…〉[*].[◇]〈…〉Will〈…〉 [◇]〈…〉nobody〈…〉 serueserve herher turneturn butbut HansHans?
wln 1464Sibill.〈…〉Sybil〈…〉No〈…〉〈…〉No [◇]〈…〉sir〈…〉,,〈…〉 comecome HansHans, II standstand vponupon néedlesneedles.
wln 1465Hodg.HodgeHodg.WhyWhy thenthen SibilSybilSibyl, taketake héedeheed ofof prickingpricking.
wln 1466Sibill.SybilSibill.ForFor thatthat letlet meme alonealone, II hauehave aa tricketrick inin mymy bud=budgetbud∣getbudget
wln 1467get,
wln 1467comecome HansHans.
wln 1468HansHans.YawYaw, yawyaw, icic sallsall méetemeet yoyo ganegane.
wln 1469ExitExit HansHans andand Sibill.SybilSibill.
wln 1470HodgeHodge.GoGo HansHans, makemake hastehaste againeagain: comecome, whowho lackslacks
wln 1471workework?
wln 1472FirkeFirkFirke.II maistermaster, forfor II lackelack mymy breakfastbreakfast, tis’tis munchingmunching
wln 1473timetime, andand pastpast
wln 1474HodgeHodgeIstIs ’tIs’t soso? whywhy thenthen leaueleave workework RaphRafeRaph, toto breakfastbreakfast,
wln 1475boyboy lookelook toto thethe toolestools, comecome RaphRafeRaph, comecome FirkeFirk.ExeuntExeunt.

wln 1476EnterEnter aa SeruingmanSerningmanServingmanSerningman.
wln 1477Ser.ServingmanSer.LetLet meme séesee nownow, thethe signesign ofof thethe lastlast inin TowerstréetTowerstreet,
wln 1478masmass yondersyonder’s thethe househouse: whatwhat hawhaw, whoeswho’s withinwithin?

wln 1479EnterEnter RaphRafeRaph.
wln 1480Raph.RafeRaph.WhoWho callescalls therethere, whatwhat wantwant youyou sirsir?
wln 1481Seru.ServantSeru.MarrieMarry II wouldwould hauehave aa pairepair ofof shooesshoes mademade forfor aa
wln 1482GentlewomanGentlewoman againstagainst to morrowtomorrow morningmorning, whatwhat cancan youyou
wln 1483dodo themthem?
wln 1484Raph.RafeRaph.YesYes sirsir, youyou shallshall hauehave themthem, butbut whatwhat lengthslength’slengths herher
wln 1485footefoot?
wln 1486Seru.ServantSeru.WhyWhy youyou mustmust makemake themthem inin allall partsparts likelike thisthis
wln 1487shoeshoe, butbut atat anyany handhand failefail notnot toto dodo themthem, forfor thethe Gentle=GentlewomanGentle∣womanGentlewoman
wln 1488woman
wln 1488isis toto bebe marriedmarried veryvery earlyearly inin thethe morningmorning.

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the Gentle Craft.

wln 1489RaphRafeRaphHowHow? byby thisthis shoeshoe mustmust itit bebe mademade? byby thisthis, areare youyou
wln 1490suresure sirsir byby thisthis?
wln 1491Seru.ServantSeru.HowHow, byby thisthis amam II suresure, byby thisthis? artart thouthou inin thythy witswits?
wln 1492II telltell théethee II mustmust hauehave aa pairepair ofof shooesshoes, dostdost thouthou markemark
wln 1493meme? aa pairepair ofof shooesshoes, twotwo shooesshoes, mademade byby thisthis verievery shoeshoe, thisthis
wln 1494samesame shoeshoe, againstagainst to morrowtomorrow morningmorning byby fourefour a clocko’clock, dostdost
wln 1495vnderstandunderstand meme, canstcanst thouthou do’tdo ’tdo’t?
wln 1496Raph.RafeRaph.YesYes sirsir, yesyes, IAyay, IAyay, II cancan do’tdo ’tdo’t, byby thisthis shoeshoe youyou saysay: II
wln 1497shouldshould knoweknow thisthis shoeshoe, yesyes sirsir, yesyes, byby thisthis shoeshoe, II cancan do tdodo ’tdott,
wln 1498fourefour a clockeo’clock, wellwell, whitherwhither shallshall II bringbring themthem?
wln 1499Seru.ServantSeru.ToTo thethe signesign ofof thethe goldengolden ballball inin WatlingstréeteWatlingstreet,
wln 1500enquireinquire forfor oneone maistermaster HamonHammonHamon aa gentlemangentleman, mymy maistermaster.
wln 1501Raph.RafeRaph.YeaYea sirsir, byby thisthis shoeshoe youyou saysay.
wln 1502Seru.ServantSeru.II saysay maistermaster HammonHammon atat thethe goldengolden ballball, hée’she’s thethe
wln 1503BridegroomeBridegroom, andand thosethose shooesshoes areare forfor hishis bridebride.
wln 1504Raph.RafeRaph.TheyThey shalshall bebe donedone byby thisthis shoeshoe: welwell, wellwell, MaisterMaster
wln 1505HammonHammon atat thethe goldengolden shoeshoe, II wouldwould saysay thethe goldengolden BallBall,
wln 1506verievery wellwell, verievery wellwell, butbut II praypray youyou sirsir wherewhere mustmust maistermaster
wln 1507HammonHammon bebe marriedmarried?
wln 1508Seru.ServantSeru.AtAt SaintSaint FaithsFaith’sfaith’s ChurchChurch vnderunder PaulesPaul’s: butbut whatswhat’s
wln 1509thatthat toto théethee? pretheeprithee dispatchdispatch thosethose shooesshoes, andand soso farewelfarewell.
wln 1510exitexit.
wln 1511Raph.RafeRaph.ByBy thisthis shoeshoe saidsaid hehe, howhow amam II amasdeamazed
wln 1512AtAt thisthis strangestrange accidentaccident? vponupon mymy lifelife,
wln 1513ThisThis waswas thethe verievery shoeshoe II gauegave mymy wifewife
wln 1514WhenWhen II waswas prestprestpressed forfor FranceFrance, sincesince whenwhen alasalas,
wln 1515II neuernever couldcould hearehear ofof herher: itit isis thethe samesame,
wln 1516AndAnd HammonsHammon’sHamon’s BrideBride nono otherother butbut mymy IaneJanejane.

wln 1517EnterEnter FirkeFirkFirke.

wln 1518FirkeFirkFirke.Snailes’SnailsSnails RaphRafeRaph thouthou hasthast lostlost thythy partpart ofof thréethrée potspots,
wln 1519aa countriemancountryman ofof minemine gauegave meme toto breakfastbreakfast.

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A pleasant Comedie of

wln 1520RafeRafeII carecare notnot, II hauehave foundfound aa betterbetter thingthing.
wln 1521FirkeFirkFirkeAA thingthing? awayaway, isis itit aa mansman’s thingthing, oror aa womanswoman’s
wln 1522thingthing?
wln 1523RafeRafeFirkeFirk, dostdost thouthou knowknow thisthis shooeshoe?
wln 1524FirkeFirkFirkeNoNo byby mymy trothtroth, neitherneither dothdoth thatthat knowknow meme? II
wln 1525hauehave nono acquaintanceacquaintance withwith itit, tis’tis aa méeremere strangerstranger toto meme.
wln 1526RafeRafeWhyWhy thenthen II dodo, thisthis shooeshoe II durstdurst bebe swornesworn
wln 1527OnceOnce coueredcovered thethe instepinstep ofof mymy IaneJanejane:
wln 1528ThisThis isis herher sizesize, herher breadthbreadth, thusthus trodtrod mymy louelove,
wln 1529TheseThese truetrue louelove knotsknots II pricktpricked, II holdhold mymy lifelife,
wln 1530ByBy thisthis oldold shooeshoe II shallshall findefind outout mymy wifewife.
wln 1531FirkeFirkFirkeHaHa haha oldold shooshoe, thatthat wertwert newnew, howhow aa murrenmurrain camecame
wln 1532thisthis agueague fitfit ofof foolishnesfoolishness vponupon theethee?
wln 1533RafeRafeThusThus FirkeFirk, eueneven nownow herehere camecame aa seruingmanservingman,
wln 1534ByBy thisthis shooeshoe wouldwould hehe hauehave aa newnew pairepair mademade
wln 1535AgainstAgainst to morrowtomorrow morningmorning forfor hishis mistrismistress,
wln 1536ThatsThat’sthat’s toto bebe marriedmarried toto aa GentlemanGentleman,
wln 1537AndAnd whywhy maymay notnot thisthis bebe mymy swéetesweet IaneJanejane?
wln 1538FirkeFirkFirkeAndAnd whywhy maistmayst notnot thouthou bebe mymy swéetesweet AsseAss? haha, haha.
wln 1539RafeRafeWelWell, laughlaugh, andand sparespare notnot: butbut thethe truethtruth isis thisthis.
wln 1540AgainstAgainst to morrowtomorrow morningmorning IleI’ll prouideprovide,
wln 1541AA lustielusty cruecrew ofof honesthonest shoomakersshoemakers,
wln 1542ToTo watchwatch thethe goinggoing ofof thethe bridebride toto churchchurch,
wln 1543IfIf sheshe proueprove IaneJanejane, IleI’ll taketake herher inin dispitedespite,
wln 1544FromFrom HammonHammon andand thethe diueldevil, werewere hehe byby,
wln 1545IfIf itit bebe notnot mymy IaneJanejane, whatwhat remedyremedy?
wln 1546HereofHereof amam II suresure, II shallshall liuelive tilltill II diedie,
wln 1547AlthoughAlthough II neuernever withwith aa womanwoman lielie.exitexit.
wln 1548Fir.FirkFir.ThouThou hehe withwith aa womanwoman toto buildebuild nothingnothing butbut Crip=Cripple-gatesCrip|ple-gatesCripplegates
wln 1549ple-gates!
wln 1549WellWell, GodGod sendssends foolesfools fortunefortune, andand itit maymay bebe hehe
wln 1550maymay lightlight vponupon hishis matrimonymatrimony byby suchsuch aa deuicedevice, forfor wed=weddingwed∣dingwedding
wln 1551ding
wln 1551andand hanginghanging goesgoes byby destinydestiny.
wln 1552exitexit.

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the Gentle Craft.

wln 1553EnterEnter HaunsHansHauns, andand RoseRose armearm inin armearm.
wln 1554HansHans.HowHow happiehappy amam II byby embracingembracing théethee,
wln 1555OhOhO II diddid fearefear suchsuch crossecross mishapsmishaps diddid raignereign,
wln 1556ThatThat II shouldshould neuernever seesee mymy RoseRose againeagain.
wln 1557RoseRose.SwéeteSweet LacieLacylacy, sincesince fairefair OportunitieOpportunity
wln 1558OffersOffers her selfeherself toto furderfurther ourour escapeescape,
wln 1559LetLet notnot tootoo ouer=fondouer-fondoverfond estéemeesteem ofof meme
wln 1560HinderHinder thatthat happiehappy howerhour, inuentinvent thethe meanesmeans,
wln 1561AndAnd RoseRose willwill followfollow théethee throughthrough allall thethe worldworld.
wln 1562HansHans.OhOhO howhow II surfeitsurfeit withwith excesseexcess ofof ioyjoy,
wln 1563MadeMade happiehappy byby thythy richrich perfectionperfection,
wln 1564ButBut sincesince thouthou paistpayest sweetesweet intrestinterest toto mymy hopeshopes,
wln 1565RedoublingRedoubling louelove onon louelove, letlet meme onceonce moremore,
wln 1566LikeLike toto aa boldbold facdefaced debterdebtor crauecrave ofof théethee,
wln 1567ThisThis nightnight toto stealesteal abroadeabroad, andand atat EyresEyre’s househouse,
wln 1568WhoWho nownow byby deathdeath ofof certainecertain AldermenAldermen,
wln 1569IsIs MaiorMayor ofof LondonLondon, andand mymy mastermaster onceonce,
wln 1570MéeteMeet thouthou thythy LacieLacylacy wherewhere inin spitespite ofof changechange,
wln 1571YourYour fathersfather’s angeranger, andand minemine vnclesuncle’s hatehate,
wln 1572OurOur happiehappy nuptiallsnuptials willwill meme consummateconsummate.
wln 1573EnterEnter Sibill.SybilSibill.
wln 1574SibSybilSibOhOhO GodGod, whatwhat willwill youyou doedo mistrismistress? shiftshift forfor youryour selfeyourself
wln 1575selfe,
wln 1575youryour fatherfather isis atat handhand, héeshe’s commingcoming, héeshe’s commingcoming,
wln 1576mastermaster LacieLacylacy hidehide your selfeyourself inin mymy mistrismistress, forfor GodsGod’s sakesake
wln 1577shiftshift forfor your seluesyourselves.
wln 1578HansHansYourYour fatherfather comecome, swéetesweet RoseRose, whatwhat shallshall II doedo?
wln 1579WhereWhere shallshall II hidehide meme? howhow shallshall II escapeescape?
wln 1580RoseRose.AA manman andand wantwant witwit inin extremitieextremity,
wln 1581ComeCome, comecome, bebe HaunsHansHauns stillstill, playplay thethe shoomakershoemaker,
wln 1582PullPull onon mymy shooeshoe.
wln 1583EnterEnter LordLord MaiorMayorMaior.
wln 1584HansHansMasMassMas, andand thatsthat’s wellwell remembredremembered.
wln 1585SibSybilSibHereHere comescomes youryour fatherfather.

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A pleasant Comedie of

wln 1586HansHans.ForwareForwareforward metressemetresse, tis’tis vnun goodgood skowskow, itit salsal velvel dutedute,
wln 1587oror yeye salsal neitneit betallenbetallen.
wln 1588RoseRose.OhOhO GodGod itit pinchethpincheth meme, whatwhat willwill youyou dodo?
wln 1589HansHans.YourYour fathersfather’s presencepresence pinchethpincheth, notnot thethe shooshoe.
wln 1590L.LordL. Mai.MayorMai.WellWell donedone, fitfit mymy daughterdaughter wellwell, andand sheeshe shallshall
wln 1591pleaseplease theethee wellwell.
wln 1592HansHans.YawYaw, yawyaw, ickick weitweit datdat wellwell, forfor wareware tis’tis vnun goodgood
wln 1593shooshoe, tis’tis gigi maitmait vanvan neitsneits leitherleither, sesesee enerenerenter minemine herehere.
wln 1594EnterEnter aa prenticeprentice.
wln 1595L.LordL. Mai.MayorMai.II dodo beléeuebelieve itit, whatswhat’s thethe newesnews withwith youyou?
wln 1596Prent.PrenticePrent.PleasePlease youyou, thethe EarleEarl ofof LincolneLincoln atat thethe gategate isis
wln 1597newlynewly lightedlighted, andand wouldwould speakespeak withwith youyou.
wln 1598L.LordL. Mai.MayorMai.TheThe EarleEarl ofof LincolneLincoln comecome speakespeak withwith meme?
wln 1599WellWell, wellwell, II knowknow hishis erranderrand: daughterdaughter RoseRose,
wln 1600SendSend hencehence youryour shoomakershoemaker, dispatchdispatch, hauehave donedone:
wln 1601SibSybSib, makemake thingsthings handsomehandsome: sirsir boyboy followfollow meme.
wln 1602ExitExit.
wln 1603HansHans.MineMine vncleuncle comecome, ohoho whatwhat maymay thisthis portendportend?
wln 1604SwéeteSweet RoseRose, thisthis ofof ourour louelove threatensthreatens anan endend.
wln 1605RoseRose.BeBe notnot dismaiddismayed atat thisthis what erewhate’er befallbefall,
wln 1606RoseRose isis thinethine owneown, toto witneswitness II speakespeak truthtruth,
wln 1607WhereWhere thouthou appointsappoints thethe placeplace IleI’ll méetemeet withwith théethee,
wln 1608II willwill notnot fixefix aa dayday toto followfollow théethee,
wln 1609ButBut presentlypresently stealesteal hencehence, dodo notnot repliereply.
wln 1610LoueLove whichwhich gauegave strengthstrength toto bearebear mymy fathersfather’s hatehate,
wln 1611ShallShall nownow addeadd wingswings toto furtherfurther ourour escapeescape.
wln 1612exeuntexeunt.

wln 1613EnterEnter L.LordL. MaiorMayorMaior, andand LincolneLincoln.
wln 1614L.LordL. Mai.MayorMai.BeléeueBelieve meme, onon mymy creditecredit II speakespeak truthtruth,
wln 1615SinceSince firstfirst youryour nephewnephew LacieLacylacy wentwent toto FranceFrance,
wln 1616II hauehave notnot seeneseen himhim. ItIt séemdseemed strangestrange toto meme,
wln 1617WhenWhen DodgerDodger toldtold meme thatthat hehe staidestayed behindebehind,

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the Gentle Craft.

wln 1618NeglectingNeglecting thethe hiehigh chargecharge thethe KingKing imposedimposed.
wln 1619Linc.LincolnLinc.TrustTrust meme (sirsir RogerRoger OtlyOatleyOtly) II diddid thinkethink
wln 1620YourYour counsellcounsel hadhad giuengiven headhead toto thisthis attemptattempt,
wln 1621DrawneDrawn toto itit byby thethe louelove hehe bearesbears youryour childchild.
wln 1622HereHere II diddid hopehope toto findfind himhim inin youryour househouse,
wln 1623ButBut nownow II séesee minemine errorerror, andand confesseconfess
wln 1624MyMy iudgementjudgement wrongdwronged youyou byby conceuingconceiving soso.
wln 1625L.LordL. MaiorMayorLodgeLodge inin mymy househouse, saysay youyou? trusttrust meme mymy LordLord,
wln 1626II louelove youryour NephewNephew LacieLacylacy tootoo tootoo dearelydearlydear
wln 1627SoSo muchmuch toto wrongwrong hishis honorhonorhonour, andand hehe hathhath donedone soso,
wln 1628ThatThat firstfirst gauegave himhim aduiseadvice toto staystay fromfrom FranceFrance.
wln 1629ToTo witnessewitness II speakespeak truthtruth, II letlet youyou knowknow
wln 1630HowHow carefullcareful II hauehave beenebeen toto kéepekeep mymy daughterdaughter
wln 1631FréeFree fromfrom allall conferenceconference, oror spéechspeech ofof himhim,
wln 1632NotNot thatthat II skornescorn youryour NephewNephew, butbut inin louelove
wln 1633II bearebear youryour honourhonorhonour, leastlest youryour noblenoble bloudblood,
wln 1634ShouldShould byby mymy meanemean worthworth bebe dishonoureddishonoreddishonoured.
wln 1635LinLincolnLin.HowHow farfar thethe churleschurl’s tonguetongue wanderswanders fromfrom hishis hartheart,
wln 1636WellWell, wellwell sirsir RogerRoger OtleyOatleyOtley II beléeuebelieve youyou,
wln 1637WithWith moremore thenthan manymany thankesthanks forfor thethe kindkind louelove,
wln 1638SoSo muchmuch youyou séemeseem toto bearebear meme: butbut mymy LordLord,
wln 1639LetLet meme requestrequest youryour helpehelp toto séekeseek mymy NephewNephew,
wln 1640WhomWhom ifif II findfind, IleI’ll straightstraight embarkeembark forfor FranceFrance,
wln 1641SoSo shalshall mymy RoseRose bebe fréefree, youryour thoughtsthoughts atat restrest,
wln 1642AndAnd muchmuch carecare diedie whichwhich nownow diesdies inin mymy brestbreast.EnterEnter Sibill.SybilSibill.
wln 1643Sibill.SybilSibill.OhOhO LordLord, helphelp forfor GodsGod’s sakesake, mymy mistrismistress, ohoho mymy
wln 1644yongyoung mistrismistress.
wln 1645L.LordL. Ma.MayorMa.WhereWhere isis thythy mistrismistress? whatswhat’s becomebecome ofof herher?
wln 1646Sibill.SybilSibill.ShéesShe’s gonegone, shéesshe’s fledfled.
wln 1647L.LordL. MaiorMayorGoneGone? whitherwhither isis sheshe fledfled?
wln 1648Sibill.SybilSibill.II knowknow notnot forsoothforsooth, shéesshe’s fledfled outout ofof dooresdoors withwith
wln 1649HaunsHansHauns thethe ShoomakerShoemaker, II sawsaw themthem scudscud, scudscud, scudscud, apaceapace,
wln 1650apaceapace.
L. Ma.

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A pleasant Comedie of

wln 1651L.LordL. MaiorMayorWhichWhich wayway? whatwhat IohnJohnjohn, wherewhere bebe mymy menmen?
wln 1652whichwhich wayway?
wln 1653SibilSybilSibilII knowknow notnot, andand itit pleaseplease youryour worshipworship.
wln 1654L.LordL. maiormayorFledFled withwith aa shoomakershoemaker, cancan thisthis bebe truetrue?
wln 1655SibilSybilSibilOhOhO LordLord sirsir, asas truetrue asas GodsGod’sGods inin heauenheaven.
wln 1656Linc.LincolnLinc.HerHer louelove turndturned shoomakershoemaker? II amam gladglad ofof thisthis.
wln 1657L.LordL. flemingfleming butter boxebutter borebutterboxbutter bore, aa shoomakershoemaker,
wln 1658WillWill sheshe forgetforget herher birthbirth? requiterequite mymy carecare
wln 1659WithWith suchsuch ingratitudeingratitude? skorndscorned sheshe yongyoung HammonHammon,
wln 1660ToTo louelove aa honnikinhonnikin, aa néedieneedy knaueknave?
wln 1661WelWell letlet herher fliefly, IleI’ll notnot fliefly afterafter herher,
wln 1662LetLet herher staruestarve ifif sheshe wilwill, shéesshe’s nonenone ofof minemine.
wln 1663Linc.LincolnLinc.BeBe notnot soso cruellcruel sirsir.
wln 1664EnterEnter FirkeFirkFirke withwith shooesshoes.
wln 1665SibilSybilSibilII amam gladglad shéesshe’s scaptscaped.
wln 1666L.LordL. Ma.MayorMa.IleI’ll notnot accountaccount ofof herher asas ofof mymy childchild:
wln 1667WasWas therethere nono betterbetter obiectobject forfor herher eieseyes,
wln 1668ButBut aa foulefoul drunkendrunken lubberlubber, swillswill belliebelly,
wln 1669AA shoomakershoemaker, thatsthat’s brauebrave.
wln 1670FirkeFirkFirke.YeaYea forsoothforsooth, tis’tis aa veryvery brauebrave shooeshoe, andand asas fitfit asas aa
wln 1671puddingpaddingpaddingpudding.
wln 1672L.LordL. MaMayorMaHowHow nownow, whatwhat knaueknave isis thisthis, fromfrom whencewhence com=commestcom|mestcomest
wln 1673mest
wln 1673thouthou?
wln 1674FirkeFirkFirkeNoNo knaueknave sirsir, II amam FirkeFirkFirke thethe shoomakershoemaker, lustylusty Ro=RogersRo|gersRoger’s
wln 1675gers
wln 1675cheefechief lustielusty iorneymanjourneyman, andand II comecome hitherhither toto taketake vpup
wln 1676thethe prettiepretty leggeleg ofof sweetesweet mistrismistress RoseRose, andand thusthus hopinghoping
wln 1677youryour worshippeworship isis inin asas goodgood healthhealth asas II waswas atat thethe makingmaking
wln 1678hereofhereof, II bidbid youyou farewellfarewell, yoursyours FirkeFirk.
wln 1679L.LordL. Ma.MayorMa.StayStay staystay sirsir knaueknave.
wln 1680Linc.LincolnLinc.ComeCome hitherhither shoomakershoemaker.
wln 1681FirkeFirkFirkeTis’Tis happiehappy thethe knaueknave isis putput beforebefore thethe shoomakershoemaker,
wln 1682oror elseelse II wouldwould notnot hauehave vouchsafedvouchsafed toto comecome backeback toto youyou, II
wln 1683amam mouedmoved, forfor II stirrestir.
L. Ma.

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the Gentle Craft.

wln 1684L.LordL. Ma.MayorMa.MyMy LordeLord, thisthis villainevillain callescalls vsus knauesknaves byby
wln 1685craftcraft.
wln 1686Firk.Firk.ThenThen tis’tis byby thethe GentleGentle CraftCraft, andand toto calcall oneone knaueknave
wln 1687gentlygently, isis nono harmeharm: sitsit youryour worshipworship meriemerry: SibSybSib youryour yongyoung
wln 1688mistrismistress IleI’ll soso bobbob thenthen, nownow mymy maistermaster M.MasterM. EyreEyre isis LordeLord
wln 1689MaiorMayor ofof LondonLondon.
wln 1690L.LordL. Ma.MayorMa.TellTell meme sirrasirrah, whoeswho’s manman areare youyou?
wln 1691FirkeFirkFirkeII amam gladglad toto seesee youryour worshipworship soso merriemerry, II hauehave nono
wln 1692mawmaw toto thisthis geeregear, nono stomackestomach asas yetyet toto aa redred peticotepetticoat.

wln 1693PointingPointing toto SibilSybilSibil.

wln 1694LinLincolnLinHeHe meansmeans notnot sirsir toto wooewoo youyou toto hishis maidmaid,
wln 1695ButBut onelyonly dothdoth demanddemand whosewhose manman youyou areare.
wln 1696FirkeFirkFirkeII singsing nownow toto thethe tunetune ofof RogeroRogero,, RogerRoger mymy felowfellow
wln 1697isis nownow mymy mastermaster.
wln 1698LinLincolnLinSirraSirrah, knowstknow’stknowest thouthou oneone HaunsHansHauns aa shoomakershoemaker?
wln 1699FirkFirkHaunsHansHauns shoomakershoemaker, ohoho yesyes, staystay, yesyes II hauehave himhim, II
wln 1700teltell youyou whatwhat, II speakespeak itit inin secretsecret, mistrismistress RoseRose, andand hehe areare byby
wln 1701thisthis timetime: nono notnot soso, butbut shortlyshortly areare toto comecome ouerover oneone anotheranother
wln 1702withwith, CanCan youyou dancedance thethe shakingshaking ofof thethe shéetessheets? itit isis thatthat
wln 1703HaunsHansHauns, IleI’ll soso gullgull thesethese diggersdiggers.
wln 1704L.LordL. MaMayorMaKnowstKnow’stknow’st thouthou thenthen wherewhere hehe isis?
wln 1705FirkeFirkFirkeYesYes forsoothforsooth, yeayea marrymarry.
wln 1706LinLincolnLinCanstCanst thouthou inin sadnessesadness?
wln 1707FirkeFirkFirkeNoNo forsoothforsooth, nono marriemarry.
wln 1708L.LordL. MaMayorMaTellTell meme goodgood honesthonest fellowfellow wherewhere hehe isis,
wln 1709AndAnd thouthou shaltshalt seesee whatwhat IleI’ll bestowbestow ofof theethee.
wln 1710FirkeFirkFirkeHonestHonest fellowfellow, nono sirsir, notnot soso sirsir, mymy professionprofession isis thethe
wln 1711GentleGentle CraftCraft, II carecare notnot forfor séeingseeing, II louelove feelingfeeling, letlet meme
wln 1712feelefeel itit herehere, auriumaurium tenustenus, tenten peecespieces ofof goldgold, genuumgenuum tenustenus, tenten
wln 1713peecespieces ofof siluersilver, andand thenthen FirkeFirk isis youryour manman inin aa newnew pairepair ofof
wln 1714strechersstretchers.
L. Ma.

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A pleasant Comedie of

wln 1715L.LordL. Ma.MayorMa.HereHere isis anan AngelAngel, partpart ofof thythy rewardreward,
wln 1716WhichWhich II willwill giuegive théethee, telltell meme wherewhere hehe isis.
wln 1717FirkeFirkFirke.NoNo pointpoint: shalshall II betraybetray mymy brotherbrother? nono, shalshall II proueprove
wln 1718IudasJudasjudas toto HansHans? nono, shallshall II criecry treasontreason toto mymy corporationcorporation?
wln 1719nono, II shallshall bebe firktfirked andand yerktyerked thenthen, butbut giuegive meme youryour angellangel,
wln 1720youryour angellangel shallshall teltell youyou.
wln 1721LinLincolnLinDoeDo soso goodgood fellowfellow, tis’tis nono hurthurt toto théethee.
wln 1722FirkeFirkFirkeSendSend simperingsimpering SibSybSib awayaway.
wln 1723L.LordL. MaMayorMaHuswifeHuswifehousewife, getget youyou inin.

wln 1724exitexit SibSib.SybSib...

wln 1725FirkeFirkFirke.PitchersPitchers hauehave earesears, andand maidesmaids hauehave widewide
wln 1726mouthesmouths: butbut forfor HaunsHansHauns praunsPransprawn’s, vponupon mymy wordword to morrowtomorrow
wln 1727morningmorning, hehe andand yongyoung mistrismistress RoseRose goego toto thisthis géeregear, theythey
wln 1728shallshall bebe marriedmarried togethertogether, byby thisthis rushrush, oror elseelse tourneturn
wln 1729FirkeFirk toto aa firkinfirkin ofof butterbutter toto tannetantanne leatherleather withallwithal.
wln 1730L.LordL. Ma.MayorMa.ButBut artart thouthou suresure ofof thisthis?
wln 1731FirkeFirkFirkeAmAm II suresure thatthat PaulesPaul’s stéeplesteeple isis aa handfullhandful higherhigher
wln 1732thenthan LondonLondon stonestone? oror thatthat thethe pissingpissing conduitconduit leakesleaks
wln 1733nothingnothing butbut purepure mothermother BunchBunch? amam II suresure II amam lustielusty
wln 1734FirkeFirkFirke, GodsGod’s nailesnails doedo youyou thinkethink II amam soso basebase toto gullgull
wln 1735youyou?
wln 1736Linc.LincolnLinc.WhereWhere areare theythey marriedmarried? dostdost thouthou knowknow thethe
wln 1737churchchurch?
wln 1738FirkeFirkFirkeII neuernever goego toto churchchurch, butbut II knowknow thethe namename ofof itit,
wln 1739itit isis aa swearingswearing churchchurch, staystay aa whilewhile, tis’tis: IAyI byby thethe masmass, nono,
wln 1740nono, tis’tis IAyI byby mymy trothtroth, nono nornor thatthat, tis’tis IAyI byby mymy faithfaith, thatthat thatthat,
wln 1741tis’tis IAyI byby mymy FaithesFaith’s churchchurch vnderunder PaulesPaul’s crossecross, therethere theythey
wln 1742shallshall bebe knitknit likelike aa pairepair ofof stockingsstockings inin matrimoniematrimony, therethere
wln 1743theilethey’ll bebe in conieinconyin conie.
wln 1744LinLincolnLin.VponUponUpon mymy lifelife, mymy NephewNephew LacieLacylacy walkeswalks
wln 1745InIn thethe disguisedisguise ofof thisthis DutchDutch shoomakershoemaker.

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the Gentle Craft.

wln 1746FirkeFirkFirkeYesYes forsoothforsooth.
wln 1747Linc.LincolnLinc.DothDoth hehe notnot honesthonest fellowfellow?
wln 1748FirkeFirkFirkeNoNo forsoothforsooth, II thinkethink HaunsHansHauns isis no bodienobody, butbut HansHans
wln 1749nono spiritespirit.
wln 1750L.LordL. Ma.MayorMa.MyMy mindmind misgiuesmisgives meme nownow tis’tis soso indéedeindeed.
wln 1751LinLincolnLin.MyMy cosencousin speakesspeaks thethe languagelanguage, knowesknows thethe tradetrade.
wln 1752L.LordL. Ma.MayorMa.LetLet meme requestrequest youryour companiecompany mymy LordLord,
wln 1753YourYour honourablehonorablehonourable presencepresence maymay, nono doubtdoubt,
wln 1754RefraineRefrain theirtheir head-strongheadstrong rashnesserashness, whenwhen my selfemyself
wln 1755GoingGoing alonealone perchanceperchance maymay bebe oreborneo’erborne,
wln 1756ShallShall II requestrequest thisthis fauourfavorfavour?
wln 1757Linc.LincolnLinc.ThisThis, oror whatwhat elseelse.
wln 1758FirkeFirkFirkeThenThen youyou mustmust riserise betimesbetimes, forfor theythey meanemean toto falfall
wln 1759toto theirtheir heyheyhay passepass, andand repasserepass, pindy pandypindy-pandy, whichwhich handhand willwill
wln 1760youyou hauehave, veryvery earelyearly.
wln 1761L.LordL. Ma.MayorMa.MyMy carecare shalshall eueryevery wayway equalequal theirtheir hastehaste,
wln 1762ThisThis nightnight acceptaccept youryour lodginglodging inin mymy househouse,
wln 1763TheThe earlierearlier shalshall wewe stirstir, andand atat SaintSaint FaithesFaith’sFaithes
wln 1764PreuentPrevent thisthis giddygiddy hare-braindharebrained nuptiallnuptial,
wln 1765ThisThis trafficketraffic ofof hothot louelove shalshall yéeldyield coldcold gainesgains,
wln 1766TheyThey banban ourour louesloves, andand wéelewe’ll forbidforbid theirtheir bainesbanns.
wln 1767exeuntexeunt.
wln 1768Linc.LincolnLinc.AtAt SaintSaint FaithesFaith’s churchchurch thouthou saistsayest.
wln 1769FirkeFirkFirkeYesYes, byby theirtheir trothtroth.
wln 1770Linc.LincolnLinc.BeBe secretsecret onon thythy lifelife.
wln 1771FirkeFirkFirkeYesYes, whenwhen II kissekiss youryour wifewife, haha, haha, hereshere’s nono craftcraft
wln 1772inin thethe GentleGentle CraftCraft, II camecame hitherhither ofof purposepurpose withwith shooesshoes toto
wln 1773sirsir RogersRoger’s worshipworship, whilstwhilst RoseRose hishis daughterdaughter bebe coniecatchtconey-catched
wln 1774byby HaunsHansHauns: softsoft nowenow, thesethese twotwo gullesgulls willwill bebe atat SaintSaint
wln 1775FaithesFaith’s churchchurch to morrowtomorrow morningmorning, toto taketake mastermaster Bride=Bride-groomeBridegroom
wln 1776groome,
wln 1776andand mistrismistress BrideBride nappingnapping, andand theythey inin thethe meanemeantimemean
wln 1777timetime shalshall chopchop vpup thethe mattermatter atat thethe SauoySavoy: butbut thethe bestbest sportsport
wln 1778isis, sirsir RogerRoger OtlyOatleyOtly wilwill findfind mymy felowfellow lamelame, RafesRafe’s wifewife goinggoing

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A pleasant Comedie of

wln 1779toto marrymarry aa gentlemangentleman, andand thenthen heelehe’ll stopstop herher in stéedeininsteadinstéedesteed ofof hishis
wln 1780daughterdaughter; ohoho brauebrave, therethere wilwill bebe finefine ticklingtickling sportsport: softsoft nownow,
wln 1781whatwhat hauehave II toto doedo? ohoho II knowknow nownow aa messemess ofof shoomakersshoemakersshoemaker’s
wln 1782meatemeetmeat atat thethe woollwool sacksack inin IvieI vieIvyI vie lanelane, toto cozencozen mymy gentlemangentleman
wln 1783ofof lamelame RafesRafe’s wifewife, thatsthat’s truetrue, alackealack, alackealack girlesgirls, holdehold
wln 1784outout tacketack, forfor nowenow smockessmocks forfor thisthis tumblingtumbling shallshall goego toto
wln 1785wrackewrack.exitexit

wln 1786EnterEnter AyreEyreAyre, hishis WifeWife, haunsHaunshaunshansHauns, andand RoseRose.

wln 1787EyreEyreThisThis isis thethe morningmorning thenthen, staystay mymy bullybully mymy ho=honestho∣nesthonest
wln 1788nest
wln 1788HaunsHansHauns, isis itit notnot?
wln 1789HansHansThisThis isis thethe morningmorning thatthat mustmust makemake vsus twotwo hap=happyhap∣pyhappy
wln 1790py,
wln 1790oror miserablemiserable, thereforetherefore ifif youyou
wln 1791EyreEyreAwayAway withwith thesethese iffesifsiffes andand andsands HaunsHansHauns, andand thesethese
wln 1792etet cæteraescaeteraescaeteraes, byby minemine honorhonorhonour RowlandRowland LacieLacylacy nonenone butbut thethe kingking
wln 1793shallshall wrongwrong théethee: comecome, fearefear nothingnothing, amam notnot II SimSim EyreEyre?
wln 1794IsIs notnot SimSim EyreEyre LordLord mayormayor ofof LondonLondon? fearefear nothingnothing
wln 1795RoseRose, letlet themthem alall saysay whatwhat theythey cancan, daintydainty comecome thouthou toto meme:
wln 1796laughestlaughest thouthou?
wln 1797WifeWifeGoodGood mymy lordlord, standstand herher friendfriend inin whatwhat thingthing youyou
wln 1798maymay.
wln 1799EyreEyreWhyWhy mymy swéetesweet ladylady MadgyMadgy, thinckethink youyou SimonSimon
wln 1800EyreEyre cancan forgetforget hishis finefine dutchdutch IourneymanJourneymanjourneyman? NoNo vahvah. FieFie
wln 1801II scornescorn itit, itit shallshall neuernever bebe castcast inin mymy teethteeth, thatthat II waswas vn=vnthankefulvn|thankefulunthankful
wln 1802thankeful.
wln 1802LadyLady MadgyMadgy, thouthou hadsthadst neuernever couerdcovered thythy Sa=SaracensSa∣racensSaracen’sSaracens
wln 1803racens
wln 1803headhead withwith thisthis frenchfrench flappeflap, nornor loadenloaden thythy bummebum
wln 1804withwith thisthis farthingalefarthingale, tis’tis trashtrash, trumperytrumpery, vanityvanity, SimonSimon
wln 1805EyreEyre hadhad neuernever walktewalked inin aa reddered petticoatepetticoat, nornor worewore aa
wln 1806chainechain ofof goldegold, butbut forfor mymy finefine IourneymansJourneyman’s portiguesportigues,
wln 1807andand shallshall II leaueleave himhim? NoNo: PrincePrince amam II nonenone, yetyet bearebear aa
wln 1808princelyprincely mindemind.
wln 1809HansHansMyMy LordeLord, tis’tis timetime forfor vsus toto partpart fromfrom hencehence.

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the Gentle Craft.

wln 1810EyreEyreLadyLady MadgyMadgy, ladylady MadgyMadgy, taketake twotwo oror thréethrée ofof mymy
wln 1811pie-crustpiecrust eaterseaters, mymy buffe-ierkinbuff-jerkin varletsvarlets, thatthat doedo walkewalk inin
wln 1812blackeblack gownesgowns atat SimonSimon EyresEyre’s héelesheels, taketake themthem goodgood la-ladyla∣dylady
wln 1813dy
wln 1813MadgyMadgy, trippetrip andand goego, mymy brownebrown QuéeneQueen ufof Perri=PerriwigsPerri|wigsPeriwigs
wln 1814wigs,
wln 1814withwith mymy delicatedelicate RoseRose, andand mymy iollyjolly RowlandRowland toto
wln 1815thethe SauoySavoy, seesee themthem lincktelinked, countenauncecountenance thethe marriagemarriage,
wln 1816andand whenwhen itit isis donedone, clingcling, clingcling togethertogether, youyou HamborowBamborow●amborowBamborowHamborow
wln 1817TurtleTurtle DouesDoves, IleI’ll bearebear youyou outout, comecome toto SimonSimon EyreEyre,
wln 1818comecome dwelldwell withwith meme HaunsHansHauns, thouthou shaltshalt eateeat mincdeminedeminced piespies,
wln 1819andand marchpanemarchpane. RoseRose, awayaway cricketcricket, trippetrip andand goego, mymy
wln 1820LadyLady MadgyMadgy toto thethe SauoySavoy, HaunsHansHauns, wedwed, andand toto bedbed, kissekiss
wln 1821andand awayaway, gogo, vanishvanish.
wln 1822WifeWifeFarewelFarewell mymy lordlord.
wln 1823RoseRoseMakeMake hastehaste sweetsweet louelove.
wln 1824WifeWifeShéedeShe’dshe’d fainefain thethe deededeed werewere donedone.
wln 1825HaunsHansHaunsComeCome mymy swéetesweet RoseRose, fasterfaster thanthan DéereDeerDear wéelewe’ll
wln 1826runnerun.

wln 1827TheyThey goego outout.

wln 1828EyreEyreGoeGo, vanishvanish, vanishvanish, auauntavaunt II saysay: byby thethe lordelord ofof
wln 1829LudgateLudgate, itsit’s aa maddemad lifelife toto bebe aa lordelord MayorMayor, itsit’s aa stir=stirringstir∣ringstirring
wln 1830ring
wln 1830lifelife, aa finefine lifelife, aa veluetvelvet lifelife, aa carefullcareful lifelife. WellWell
wln 1831SimonSimon EyreEyre, yetyet setset aa goodgood faceface onon itit, inin thethe honorhonorhonour ofof sainctsaint
wln 1832HughHugh. SoftSoft, thethe kingking thisthis dayday comescomes toto dinedine withwith meme, toto
wln 1833seesee mymy newnew buildingsbuildings, hishis maiestymajesty isis welcomewelcome, hehe shalshall hauehave
wln 1834goodgood chéerecheer, delicatedelicate cheerecheer, princelyprincely cheerecheer. ThisThis dayday mymy fe=felowfe|lowfellow
wln 1835low
wln 1835prentisesprentices ofof LondonLondon comecome toto dinedine withwith meme tootoo, theythey shallshall
wln 1836hauehave finefine cheerecheer, gentlemanlikegentlemanlike cheerecheer. II promisedpromised thethe madmad
wln 1837CappidosiansCappadociansCappadodians, whenwhen wewe allall seruedserved atat thethe ConduitConduit togethertogether,
wln 1838thatthat ifif euerever II camecame toto bebe MayorMayor ofof LondonLondon, II woouldwould feastfeast
wln 1839themthem alall, andand IleI’ll dootdo ’tdo’t, IleI’ll dootdo ’tdo’t byby thethe lifelife ofof PharaohPharaoh, byby thisthis
wln 1840beardbeard SimSim EireEyreEire wilwill bebe nono flincherflincher. BesidesBesides, II hauehave procurdprocured,
wln 1841thatthat vponupon

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A pleasant Comedie of

wln 1842eueryevery ShrouetuesdayShrove-Tuesday, atat thethe soundsound ofof thethe pancakepancake bellbell: mymy
wln 1843finefine dapperdapper AssyrianAllyrianAllyrianAssyrian ladslads, shallshall clapclap vpup theirtheir shopshop windowswindows,
wln 1844andand awayaway, thisthis isis thethe dayday, andand thisthis dayday theythey shallshall dootdo ’tdo’t, theythey
wln 1845shallshall dootdo ’tdo’t: boyesboys, thatthat dayday areare youyou fréefree, letlet mastersmaster’s carecare, andand
wln 1846prentisesprentices shallshall praypray forfor SimonSimon EyreEyre.exitexit.
wln 1847EnterEnter HodgeHodge, FirkeFirkFirke, RafeRafe, andand fiuefive oror sixesix shoomakersshoemakers,
wln 1848allall withwith cudgelscudgels, oror suchsuch weaponsweapons.

wln 1849HodgeHodgeComeCome RafeRafe, standstand toto itit FirkeFirk: mymy mastersmasters, asas wewe
wln 1850areare thethe brauebrave bloodsbloods ofof thethe shooemakersshoemakers, heiresheirs apparantapparent toto
wln 1851saintsaint HughHugh, andand perpetuallperpetual benefactorsbenefactors toto allall goodgood fellowesfellows::
wln 1852thouthou shaltshalt hauehave nono wrongwrong, werewere HammonHammon aa kingking ofof spadesspades,
wln 1853hehe shouldshould notnot deluedelve inin thythy closeclose withoutwithout thythy sufferauncesufferance: butbut
wln 1854telltell meme RafeRafe, artart thouthou suresure tis’tis thythy wifewife?
wln 1855RafeRafeAmAm II suresure thisthis isis FirkeFirkFirke? ThisThis morningmorning whenwhen II
wln 1856stroktestroked onon herher shooesshoes, II looktelooked vponupon herher, andand sheshe vponupon meme, andand
wln 1857sighedsighed, askteasked meme ifif euerever II knewknew oneone RafeRafe. YesYes saydesaid II: forfor
wln 1858hishis sakesake saidesaid sheshe (tearestears standingstanding inin herher eyeseyes) andand forfor thouthou
wln 1859artart somewhatsomewhat likelike himhim, spendspend thisthis péecepiece ofof goldegold: II tooketook itit:
wln 1860mymy lamelame legleg, andand mymy traueltravel beyondbeyond seasea mademade meme vnknownunknown,
wln 1861allall isis oneone forfor thatthat, II knowknow shéesshe’s minemine.
wln 1862FirkeFirkFirkeDidDid sheshe giuegive théethee thisthis goldgold? OO gloriousglorious glitteringglittering
wln 1863goldgold; shéesshe’s thinethine owneown, tis’tis thythy wifewife, andand sheshe louesloves théethee, forfor
wln 1864IleI’ll standstand tootto ’tto’t, theresthere’s nono womanwoman willwill giuegive goldegold toto anyany manman,
wln 1865butbut sheshe thinkesthinks betterbetter ofof himhim thanthan sheshe thinkesthinks ofof themthem sheeshe
wln 1866giuesgives siluersilver toto: andand forfor HamonHammonHamon, neitherneither HamonHammonHamon nornor Hang=HangmanHang∣manHangman
wln 1867man
wln 1867shallshall wrongwrong théethee inin LondonLondon: IsIs notnot òuròur oldeold maistermaster
wln 1868EireEyreEire lordlord MayorMayor? SpeakeSpeak mymy heartshearts.
wln 1869AllAll.YesYes, andand HamonHammonHamon shallshall knowknow itit toto hishis costcost.
wln 1870EnterEnter hamonhammonhamon, hishis manman, IaneJanejane, andand othersotherotherothers.
wln 1871HodgeHodgePeacePeace mymy bulliesbullies, yonderyonder theythey comecome.
wln 1872RafeRafe,StandStand tootto ’tto’t mymy heartshearts, FirkeFirk, letlet meme speakespeak firstfirst.
wln 1873HodgeHodgeNoNo RafeRafe, letlet meme: HammonHammon, whitherwhither awayaway soso
wln 1874earelyearly?

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the Gentle Craft.

wln 1875HamonHammonHamonVnmannerlyUnmannerlyUnmannerly ruderude slaueslave, whatswhat’s thatthat toto théethee?
wln 1876FirkeFirkFirkeToTo himhim sirsir? yesyes sirsir, andand toto meme, andand othersothers: goodgood mo=morowmo|rowmorrow
wln 1877row
wln 1877IaneJanejane, howhow dostdost thouthou? goodgood LordLord, howhow thethe worldworld isis chan=changedchan∣gedchanged
wln 1878ged
wln 1878withwith youyou, GodGod bebe thankedthanked.
wln 1879HamonHammonHamonVillainesVillainsvillains, handeshands offoff, howehow daredare youyou touchtouch mymy
wln 1880louelove?
wln 1881AllAll.villainesvillains? downedown withwith themthem, crycry clubsclubs forfor prentisesprentices.
wln 1882Hod.HodgeHod.HoldHowHowHold, mymy heartshearts:: touchtouch herher HamonHammonHamon? yeayea andand moremore
wln 1883thanthan thatthat, wéelewe’ll carrycarry herher awayaway withwith vsus. MyMy maistersmasters andand
wln 1884gentlemengentlemen, neuernever drawdraw youryour birdbird spittesspits, shooemakersshoemakers areare
wln 1885steelesteel toto thethe backeback, menmen eueryevery inchinch ofof themthem, alall spiritespirit.
wln 1886AllAll. ofof HamonsHammon’sHamon’s sidesideWelWell, andand whatwhat ofof allall thisthis?
wln 1887HodgeHodgeIleI’ll shewshow youyou: IaneJanejane, dostdost thouthou knowknow thisthis manman?
wln 1888tis’tis RafeRafe II cancan telltell theethee: naynay, ’tistis’tis hehe inin faithfaith, thoughthough hehe bebe
wln 1889lamdelamed byby thethe warreswars, yetyet lookelook notnot strangestrange, butbut runrun toto himhim,
wln 1890foldfold himhim aboutabout thethe neckeneck andand kissekiss himhim.
wln 1891IaneJanejaneLiuesLives thenthen mymy husbandhusband? ohoho GodGod letlet meme gogo,
wln 1892LetLet meme embraceembrace mymy RafeRafe.
wln 1893HamonHammonHamonWhatWhat meanesmeans mymy IaneJanejane?
wln 1894IaneJanejaneNayNay, whatwhat meantmeant youyonyouyond toto telltell meme hehe waswas slaineslain?
wln 1895Ham.HammonHam.PardonPardon meme dearedear louelove forfor beingbeing misledmisled,
wln 1896Twas’Twas’twas rumordrumoredrumoured herehere inin LondonLondon thouthou wertwert deaddead.
wln 1897FirkeFirkFirkeThouThou séestseest hehe liueslives: LasseLass, goego packepack homehome withwith
wln 1898himhim: nownow M.MasterM. HamonHammonHamon, whereswhere’s youryour mistrismistress youryour wifewife?
wln 1899Seru.ServantSeru.Swounds’Swounds’swounds M.MasterM. fightfight forfor herher, willwill youyou thusthus loselose herher?
wln 1900AllAll.DowneDown withwith thatthat creaturecreature, clubsclubs, downedown withwith himhim.
wln 1901HodgeHodgeHoldHold, holdhold.
wln 1902Ham.HammonHam.HoldHold foolefool, sirssirs hehe shalshall dodo nono wrongwrong,
wln 1903WilWill mymy IaneJanejane leaueleave meme thusthus, andand breakebreak herher faithfaith?
wln 1904FirkeFirkFirkeYeaYea sirsir, sheshe mustmust sirsir, sheshe shalshall sirsir, whatwhat thenthen? mendmend itit.
wln 1905HodgeHodgeHearkeHark fellowfellow RafeRafe, folowefollow mymy counselcounsel, setset thethe
wln 1906wenchwench inin thethe midstmidst, andand letlet herher chusechoose herher manman, andand letlet herher bebe
wln 1907hishis womanwoman.

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A pleasant Comedie of

wln 1908IaneJanejaneWhomWhom shouldshould II choosechoose? whomwhom shouldshould mymy thoughtsthoughts (affectaffect?
wln 1909ButBut himhim whomwhom heauenheaven hathhath mademade toto bebe mymy louelove,
wln 1910ThouThou artart mymy husbandhusband andand thesethese humblehumble wéedesweeds,
wln 1911MakesMakes théethee moremore beautifulbeautiful thenthan allall hishis wealthwealth,
wln 1912ThereforeTherefore II wilwill butbut putput offoff hishis attireattire,
wln 1913ReturningReturning itit intointo thethe ownersowner’s handhand,
wln 1914AndAnd afterafter euerever bebe thythy constantconstant wifewife.
wln 1915HodgeHodge.NotNot aa raggerag IaneJanejane, thethe law’slaw’s onon ourour sideside, hehe thatthat
wln 1916sowessows inin anotheranother mansman’s groundground forfetsforfeits hishis haruestharvest, getget théethee
wln 1917homehome RafeRafe, followfollow himhim IaneJanejane, hehe shallshall notnot hauehave soso muchmuch asas aa
wln 1918buskebusk pointpoint fromfrom théethee.
wln 1919FirkeFirkFirkeStandStand toto thatthat RafeRafe, thethe appurtenancesappurtenances areare thinethine
wln 1920owneown, HammonHammon, lookelook notnot atat herher.
wln 1921Seru.ServantSeru.OO swounds’swounds nono.
wln 1922FirkeFirkFirkeBlewBlue coatecoat bebe quietquiet, wéelewe’ll giuegive youyou aa newnew liuerielivery
wln 1923elseelse, wéelewe’ll makemake ShroueShrove TuesdayTuesday SaintSaint GeorgesGeorge’s dayday forfor
wln 1924youyou: lookelook notnot HammonHammon, leareleer notnot, IleI’ll FirkeFirk youyou, forfor thythy
wln 1925headhead nownow, oneone glanceglance, oneone shéepessheep’s eieeye, any thinganyanythinganythingthing atat herher,
wln 1926touchtouch notnot aa raggerag, leastlest II andand mymy brethrenbrethrenbrothers beatebeat youyou toto
wln 1927clowtesclouts.
wln 1928S.ServantS.ComeCome mastermaster HammonHammon, theresthere’s nono striuingstriving herehere.
wln 1929Ham.HammonHam.GoodGood fellowesfellows, hearehear meme speakespeak: andand honesthonest RafeRafe,
wln 1930WhomWhom II hauehave iniuredinjured mostmost byby louingloving IaneJanejane,
wln 1931MarkeMark whatwhat II offeroffer théethee: herehere inin fairefair goldgold
wln 1932IsIs twentietwenty poundpound, IleI’ll giuegive itit forfor thythy IaneJanejane,
wln 1933IfIf thisthis contentcontent théethee notnot, thouthou shaltshalt hauehave moremore.
wln 1934HodgeHodge.SellSellSaddle notnot thythy wifewife RafeRafe, makemake herher notnot aa whorewhore.
wln 1935Ham.HammonHam.SaySay, wiltwilt thouthou fréelyfreely ceasecease thythy claimeclaim inin herher,
wln 1936AndAnd letlet herher bebe mymy wifewife?
wln 1937AllAll.NoNo, dodo notnot RafeRafe.
wln 1938RafeRafeSirraSirrah HammonHammon HammonHammon, dostdost thouthou thinkethink aa
wln 1939Shooe=makerShooe-makerShoemaker isis soso basebase, toto beebe aa bawdebawd toto hishis owneown
wln 1940wifewife forfor commoditiecommodity, taketake thythy goldegold, choakechoke withwith itit, werewere

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the Gentle Craft.

wln 1941II notnot lamelame, II wouldwould makemake théethee eateeat thythy wordswords.
wln 1942FirkeFirkFirkeAA shoomakershoemaker sellsell hishis fleshflesh andand bloudblood, ohoho indignitieindignity!
wln 1943Hod.HodgeHod.SirraSirrah, taketake vpup youryour pelfepelf, andand bebe packingpacking.
wln 1944HamHammonHamII willwill notnot touchtouch oneone penniepenny, butbut inin liewlieu
wln 1945OfOf thatthat greatgreat wrongwrong II offeredoffered thythy IaneJanejane,
wln 1946ToTo IaneJanejane andand théethee II giuegive thatthat twentietwenty poundpound,
wln 1947SinceSince II hauehave faildfailed ofof herher, duringduring mymy lifelife
wln 1948II vowvow nono womanwoman elseelse shallshall bebe mymy wifewife:
wln 1949FarewellFarewell goodgood fellowesfellows ofof thethe GentleGentle tradetrade,
wln 1950YourYour morningsmorning’s mirthmirth mymy mourningmourning dayday hathhath mademade.exeuntexeunt
wln 1951FirkeFirkFirkeTouchTouch thethe goldgold creaturecreature ifif youyou daredare, ya’rey’ areyou’re bestbest bebe
wln 1952trudgingtrudging: herehere IaneJanejane taketake thouthou itit, nownow letslets homehome mymy heartshearts.
wln 1953Hod.HodgeHod.StayStay, whowho comescomes herehere? IaneJanejane, onon againeagain withwith thythy
wln 1954maskemask.
wln 1955EnterEnter LincolneLincoln, L.LordL. MaiorMayorMaior, andand seruantsservants.
wln 1956Linc.LincolnLinc.YondersYonder’syonder’s thethe lyinglying varletvarlet mocktmocked vsus soso.
wln 1957L.LordL. Ma.MayorMa.ComeCome hitherhither sirrasirrah.
wln 1958FirkeFirkFirke.IAyay sirsir, II amam sirrasirrah, youyou meanemean meme, dodo youyou notnot?
wln 1959Linc.LincolnLinc.WhereWhere isis mymy NephewNephew marriedmarried?
wln 1960FirkeFirkFirkeIsIs hehe marriedmarried? GodGod giuegive himhim ioyjoy, II amam gladglad ofof itit:
wln 1961theythey hauehave aa fairefair dayday, andand thethe signesign isis inin aa goodgood planetplanet, MarsMars
wln 1962inin VenusVenus.
wln 1963L.LordL. MaMayorMaVillaineVillain, thouthou toldsttoldst, meme thatthat mymy daughterdaughter RoseRose,
wln 1964ThisThis morningmorning shouldshould bebe marriedmarried atat SaintSaint FaithesFaith’sFaithes,
wln 1965WeWe hauehave watchtwatched therethere thesethese thréethrée houreshours atat thethe leastleast,
wln 1966YetYet séesee wewe nono suchsuch thingthing.
wln 1967FirkeFirkFirkeTrulyTruly II amam soriesorry for’tfor ’tfor’t, aa Bride’sBride’s aa prettiepretty thingthing.
wln 1968HodgeHodgeComeCome toto thethe purposepurpose, yonder’syonder’s thethe BrideBride andand
wln 1969BridegroomeBridegroom youyou lookelook forfor II hopehope: thoughthough youyou bebe LordesLords,
wln 1970youyou areare notnot toto barrebar, byby youryour authoritieauthority, menmen fromfrom womenwomen,
wln 1971areare youyou?
wln 1972L.LordL. MaMayorMaSéeSee séesee mymy daughtersdaughter’sdaughters masktmasked.
wln 1973Linc.LincolnLinc.TrueTrue, andand mymy NephewNephew.

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A pleasant Comedie of

wln 1974ToTo hidehide hishis guiltguilt, counterfeitscounterfeits himhim lamelame.
wln 1975FirkeFirkFirkeYeaYea truelytruly godgod helpehelp thethe poorepoor couplecouple, theythey areare lamelame (andand blindblind.
wln 1976L.LordL. MaiorMayorIleI’ll easeease herher blindnesblindness.
wln 1977LinLincolnLin.IleI’ll hishis lameneslameness curecure.
wln 1978FirkeFirkFirkeLieLie downedown sirssirs, andand laughlaugh, mymy felowfellow RafeRafe isis takentaken
wln 1979forfor RowlandRowland LacyLacy, andand IaneJanejane forfor mistrismistress damaskedamask roserose, thisthis
wln 1980isis alall mymy knaueryknavery.
wln 1981L.LordL. MaiorMayorWhatWhat, hauehave II foundfound youyou minionminion?
wln 1982Linc.LincolnLinc.OO basebase wretchwretch,
wln 1983NayNay hidehide thythy faceface, thethe horrorhorror ofof thythy guiltguilt,
wln 1984CanCan hardlyhardly bebe washtwashed offoff: wherewhere areare thythy powerspowers?
wln 1985WhatWhat battelsvattelsbattlesvattels hauehave youyou mademade? OO yesyes II seesee
wln 1986ThouThou foughtstfoughtst withwith ShameShame, andand shameshame hathhath conquerdconquered théethee.
wln 1987ThisThis lamenesselameness wilwill notnot serueserve.
wln 1988L.LordL. Ma.MayorMa.VnmaskeUnmaskeUnmask your selfeyourself.
wln 1989LinLincolnLin.LeadeLead homehome youryour daughterdaughter.
wln 1990L.LordL. Ma.MayorMa.TakeTake youryour NephewNephew hencehence.
wln 1991RafeRafe.HenceHence, swounds’swounds, whatwhat meanemean youyou? areare youyou madmad? II
wln 1992hopehope youyou cannotcannot inforceenforce mymy wifewife fromfrom meme, whereswhere’s HamonHammonHamon?
wln 1993L.LordL. Ma.MayorMa.YourYour wifewife.
wln 1994LinLincolnLin.WhatWhat HammonHammon?
wln 1995RafeRafeYeaYea mymy wifewife, andand therforetherefore thethe prowdestproudest ofof youyou thatthat
wln 1996laieslays handshands onon herher firstfirst, IleI’ll laylay mymy crutchcrutch crossecross hishis patepate.
wln 1997FirkeFirkFirkeToTo himhim lamelame RafeRafe, hereshere’s brauebrave sportsport.
wln 1998RafeRafeRoseRose callcall youyou herher? whywhy herher namename isis IaneJanejane, lookelook
wln 1999herehere elseelse, dodo youyou knowknow herher nownow?
wln 2000LinLincolnLin.IsIs thisthis youryour daughterdaughter?
wln 2001L.LordL. Ma.MayorMa.NoNo, nornor thisthis youryour nephewnephew:
wln 2002MyMy LordLord ofof LincolneLincoln, wewe areare bothboth abusdeabused
wln 2003ByBy thisthis basebase craftiecrafty varletvarlet.
wln 2004FirkFirkYeaYea forsoothforsooth nono varletvarlet, forsoothforsooth nono basebase, forsoothforsooth II amam
wln 2005butbut meanemean, nono craftiecrattiecraftycrattie neitherneither, butbut ofof thethe GentleGentle CraftCraft.
wln 2006L.LordL. Ma.MayorMa.WhereWhere isis mymy daughterdaughter RoseRose? wherewhere isis mymy childchild?

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the Gentle Craft.

wln 2007LinLincolnLin.WhereWhere isis mymy nephewnephew LacieLacylacy marriedmarried?
wln 2008FirkeFirkFirkeWhyWhy herehere isis goodgood lacdelaidelacedlaid muttonmutton asas II promistpromised youyou.
wln 2009LinLincolnLin.VillaineVillain, IleI’ll hauehave théethee punishtpunished forfor thisthis wrongwrong.
wln 2010FirkeFirkFirkePunishPunish thethe iornymanjourneyman villainevillain, butbut notnot thethe iorney=iorneymaniorney|manjourneyman
wln 2011man
wln 2011shoomakershoemaker.EnterEnter DodgerDodger.
wln 2012DodgerDodger.MyMy LordLord II comecome toto bringbring vnwelcomeunwelcome newesnews,
wln 2013YourYour NephewNephew LacieLacylacy, andand youryour daughterdaughter RoseRose,
wln 2014EarelyEarly thisthis morningmorning weddedwedded atat thethe SauoySavoy,
wln 2015NoneNone beingbeing presentpresent butbut thethe LadieLady MairesseMayoressMairesse:
wln 2016BesidesBesides II learntlearntlearned amongamong thethe officersofficers,
wln 2017TheThe LordLord MaiorMayorMaior vowesvows toto standstand inin theirtheir defencedefensedefence,
wln 2018Gainst’Gainst’gainst anyany thatthat shalshall seekeseek toto crossecross thethe matchmatch.
wln 2019LinLincolnLin.DaresDares EyreEyre thethe shoomakershoemaker vpholduphold thethe deededeed?
wln 2020FirkFirkYesYes sirsir, shoomakersshoemakers daredare standstand inin aa womanswoman’s quarrelquarrel
wln 2021II warrantwarrant youyou, asas deepedeep asas anotheranother, andand deeperdeeper tootoo.
wln 2022Dod.DodgerDod.BesidesBesides, hishis gracegrace, to daytoday dinesdines withwith thethe MaiorMayor,
wln 2023WhoWho onon hishis knéesknees humblyhumbly intendsintends toto fallfall,
wln 2024AndAnd begbeg aa pardonpardon forfor youryour NephewesNephew’snephew’s faultfault.
wln 2025LinLincolnLin.ButBut IleI’ll preuentprevent himhim comecome sirsir RogerRoger OteleyOatleyOteley,
wln 2026TheThe kingking wilwill doedo vsus iusticejustice inin thisthis causecause,
wln 2027How ereHowe’erhowe’er theirtheir handshands hauehave mademade themthem manman andand wifewife,
wln 2028II wilwill disioynedisjoin thethe matchmatch, oror looselose mymy lifelife.exeuntexeunt.
wln 2029FirkeFirkFirkeAdueAdieuadieu monsieurmonsieur DodgerDodger, farewelfarewell foolesfools, haha haha,
wln 2030OhOhO ifif theythey hadhad staidestayed II wouldwould hauehave soso lambdelambed themthem withwith
wln 2031floutes●●outesflouts, OOOh heartheart, mymy codpéececodpiece pointpoint isis readieready toto fliefly inin péecespieces
wln 2032eueryevery timetime II thinkethink vponupon mistrismistress RoseRose, butbut letlet thatthat passepass, asas
wln 2033mymy LadieLady MairesseMayoressMairesse saiessays.
wln 2034HodgeHodgeThisThis mattermatter isis answerdanswered: comecome RafeRafe, homehome withwith
wln 2035thythy wifewife, comecome mymy finefine shoomakersshoemakers, letslet’s toto ourour mastersmaster’smasters thethe
wln 2036newnew lordlord MaiorMayorMaior andand therethere swaggerswagger thisthis shroueshrove TuesdayTuesday, ileI’ll
wln 2037promisepromise youyou winewine enoughenough, forfor MadgeMadge kéepeskeeps thethe sellercellarseller.
wln 2038AllAll.OO rarerare! MadgeMadge isis aa goodgood wenchwench.
wln 2039FirkeFirkFirkeAndAnd IleI’ll promisepromise youyou meatemeat enoughenough, forfor simpringsimpering

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A pleasant Comedie of

wln 2040SusanSusan kéepeskeeps thethe larderlarder, IleI’ll leadelead youyou toto victualsvictuals mymy brauebrave
wln 2041souldierssoldiers, followfollow youryour captainecaptain, OOOh brauebrave, hearkehark, hearkehark.
wln 2042BellBell ringesrings.
wln 2043AllAll.TheThe PancakePancake bellbell ringsrings, thethe pancakepancake belbell, tri-lilltri-lill mymy
wln 2044heartshearts.
wln 2045FirkeFirkFirkeOhOhO brauebrave, ohoho swéetesweet bellbell, OOOh delicatedelicate pancakespancakes, o-openo∣penopen
wln 2046pen
wln 2046thethe dooresdoors mymy heartshearts, andand shutshut vpup thethe windoweswindows, kéepekeep
wln 2047inin thethe househouse, letlet outout thethe pancakespancakes: ohoho rarerare mymy hearteshearts, letslet’s
wln 2048marchmarch togethertogether forfor thethe honorhonorhonour ofof saintsaint HughHugh toto thethe greatgreat newnew
wln 2049hallhall inin GratiousGracious streetestreet cornercorner, whichwhich ourour MaisterMaster thethe newenew
wln 2050lordlord MaiorMayorMaior hathhath builtbuilt.
wln 2051RafeRafeOO thethe crewcrew ofof goodgood fellowsfellows thatthat wilwill dinedine atat mymy lordlord,
wln 2052MaiorsMayor’smayor’s costcost to daytoday!
wln 2053HodgeHodgeByBy thethe lordlord, mymy lordlord MaiorMayorMaior isis aa mostmost brauebrave manman,
wln 2054howhow shalshall prentisesprentices bebe boundbound toto praypray forfor himhim, andand thethe honourhonorhonour
wln 2055ofof thethe gentlemengentlemen shoomakersshoemakers? letslet’s feedefeed andand bebe fatfat withwith mymy
wln 2056lordesLord’s bountyebounty.
wln 2057Fir.FirkFir.OO musicalmusical belbebellbe stilstill! OO HodgeHodge, OOOh mymy brethrenbrethrenbrothers! theresthere’s
wln 2058chéerecheer forfor thethe heauensheavens, vensonvenison pastimespastiespastimes walkewalk vpup andand downdown
wln 2059pipingpiping hotehot, likelike sergeantssergeants, beefebeef andand brewessebrewis comescomes mar=marchingmar∣chingmarching
wln 2060ching
wln 2060inin driedry fattesfats, frittersfritters andand pancakespancakes comescomes trowlingtrolling
wln 2061inin inin whéele barroweswheelbarrowswheel barrows, henneshens andand orengesoranges hoppinghopping inin por=porterspor∣tersporters
wln 2062ters
wln 2062basketsbaskets, colloppescollops andand eggeseggs inin scuttlesscuttles, andand tartestarts andand
wln 2063custardescustards comescomes quaueringquavering inin inin maultmalt shouelsshovels.
wln 2064EnterEnter moremore prentisesprentices.
wln 2065AllAll.WhoopWhoop, lookelook herehere, lookelook herehere.
wln 2066HodgeHodgeHowHow nownow maddemad laddeslads, whitherwhither awayaway soso fastfast?
wln 2067I.1I. Pren.PrenticePren.WhitherWhither, whywhy toto thethe greatgreat newnew hallhall, knowknow youyou
wln 2068notnot whywhy? TheThe lordelord MaiorMayorMaior hathhath biddenbidden allall thethe prentisesprentices inin
wln 2069LondonLondon toto breakfastbreakfast thisthis morningmorning.
wln 2070AllAll.OhOhO brauebrave shoomakershoemaker, ohoho brauebrave lordlord ofof incomprehen=incomprehensibleincomprehen∣sibleincomprehensible
wln 2071sible
wln 2071goodgood fellowshipfellowship, whoowho, hearkehark youyou, thethe pancakepancake bellbell
wln 2072ringsrings.CastCast vpup capscaps.

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the Gentle Craft.

wln 2073FirkeFirkFirkeNayNay moremore mymy heartshearts, eueryevery ShrouetuesdayShrove-Tuesday isis ourour
wln 2074yéereyear ofof JubileJubilee: andand whenwhen thethe pancakepancake belbell ringsrings, wewe areare asas
wln 2075freefree asas mymy lordlord MaiorMayor, wewe maymay shutshut vpup ourour shopsshops, andand makemake
wln 2076holidayholiday: IleI’ll hauehave itit calldcalled, SaintSaint HughesHugh’s HolidayHoliday.
wln 2077AllAll.AgreedAgreed, agreedagreed, SaintSaint HughesHugh’s HolidayHoliday.
wln 2078HodgeHodgeAndAnd thisthis shalshall continuecontinue for euerforeverfor ever.
wln 2079AllAll.OhOhO brauebrave! comecome comecome mymy heartshearts, awayaway, awayaway.
wln 2080FirkeFirkFirkeOO eternalleternal creditecredit toto vsus ofof thethe gentlegentle CraftCraft, marchmarch
wln 2081fairefair mymy heartshearts, ohoho rarerare.exeuntexeunt.
wln 2082EnterEnter KingKing andand hishis trainetrain ouerover thethe stagestage.
wln 2083KingKingIsIs ourour lordlord MaiorMayor ofof LondonLondon suchsuch aa gallantgallant?
wln 2084NobleNoble manmanOneOne ofof thethe merriestmerriest madcapsmadcaps inin youryour landland,
wln 2085YourYour GraceGrace wilwill thinkethink, whenwhen youyou beholdbehold thethe manman,
wln 2086HéesHe’s ratherrather aa wildewild ruffinruffian thanthan aa MaiorMayor:
wln 2087YetYet thusthus muchmuch IleI’ll ensureensure youryour maiestiemajesty,
wln 2088InIn alall hishis actionsactions thatthat concerneconcern hishis statestate,
wln 2089HeHe isis asas seriousserious, prouidentprovident, andand wisewise,
wln 2090AsAs fullfull ofof grauitiegravity amongstamongst thethe grauegrave,
wln 2091AsAs anyany maiormayor hathhath béenebeenebeen thesethese manymany yearesyears.
wln 2092KingKingII amam withwith childchild tiltill II beholdbehold thisthis huffe caphalfe caphuff-caphalf cap,
wln 2093ButBut allall mymy doubtdoubt isis, whenwhen wewe comecome inin presencepresence,
wln 2094HisHis madnessemadness willwill bebe dashtdashed cleaneclean outout ofof countenancecountenance.
wln 2095NobleNoble manmanItIt maymay bebe soso, mymy LiegeLiege.
wln 2096KingKingWhichWhich toto preuentprevent,
wln 2097LetLet somesome oneone giuegive himhim noticenotice, tis’tis ourour pleasurepleasure,
wln 2098ThatThat hehe putput onon hishis woontedwonted merrimentmerriment:
wln 2099SetSet forwardforward.AllAll.OnOn aforeafore.exeuntexeunt.
wln 2100EnterEnter AyreEyreAir HodgeHodge, FirkeFirkFirke, RafeRafe, andand otherother shoemakersshoemakers,
wln 2101allall withwith napkinsnapkins onon theirtheir shouldersshoulders.

wln 2102EyreEyreComeCome mymy finefine HodgeHodge, mymy iollyjolly gentlemengentlemen shooema=shooemakersshooema|kersshoemakers
wln 2103kers,
wln 2103softsoft, wherewhere bebe thesethese CaniballesCannibalscannibals, thesethese varletsvarlets mymy offi=officersoffi∣cersofficers
wln 2104cers,
wln 2104letlet themthem alall walkewalk andand waitewait vponupon mymy brethrenbrethrenbrothers, forfor mymy
wln 2105meaningmeaning isis, thatthat nonenone butbut shoomakersshoemakers, nonenone butbut thethe liuerylivery

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A pleasant Comedie of

wln 2106ofof mymy CompanyCompany shallshall inin theirtheir sattinsatin hoodeshoods waitewait vpponupon thethe
wln 2107trenchertrencher ofof mymy soueraignesovereign.
wln 2108FirkeFirkFirkeOO mymy LordLord, itit willwill bebe rarerare.
wln 2109AyreEyreAyreNoNo moremore FirkeFirk, comecome liuelylively, letlet youryour fellowefellow pren=prentisespren|tisesprentices
wln 2110tises
wln 2110wantwant nono cheerecheer, letlet winewine bebe plentifulplentiful asas béerebeer, andand beerebeer
wln 2111asas waterwater, hanghang thesethese pennypenny pinchingpinching fathersfathers, thatthat crammecram
wln 2112wealthwealth inin innocentinnocent lamblamb skinnesskins, riprip knauesknaves, auantanauntavaunt, lookelook
wln 2113toto mymy guestsguests
wln 2114HodgeHodgeMyMy LordLord, wewe areare atat ourour witswits endend forfor roomeroom, thosethose
wln 2115hundredhundred tablestables wilwill notnot feastfeast thethe fourthfourth partpart ofof themthem.
wln 2116AyreEyreAyreThenThen couercover meme thosethose hundredhundred tablestables againeagain, andand
wln 2117againeagain, tiltill allall mymy iollyjolly prentisesprentices bebe feastedfeasted: auoydeavoid HodgeHodge,
wln 2118runnerun RafeRafe, friskefrisk aboutabout mymy nimblenumblenumblenimble FirkeFirkFirke, carowsecarouse meme fa=fadomefa|domefathom
wln 2119dome
wln 2119healthshealths toto thethe honorhonorhonour ofof thethe shoomakersshoemakers: dodo theythey drinkdrink
wln 2120liuelylively HodgeHodge? dodo theythey tickletickle itit FirkeFirk?
wln 2121FirkeFirkFirkeTickleTickle itit? somesome ofof themthem hauehave takentaken theirtheir licourliquorliquour stan=standingstan∣dingstanding
wln 2122ding
wln 2122soso longlong, thatthat theythey cancan standstand nono longerlonger: butbut forfor meatemeat,
wln 2123theythey wouldwould eateeat itit andand theythey hadhad itit.
wln 2124AyreEyreAyreWantWant theythey meatemeat? whereswhere’s thisthis swag-bellyswagbelly, thisthis
wln 2125greasiegreasy kitchinstuffekitchenstuff cookecook, callcall thethe varletvarlet toto meme: wantwant meatmeat!
wln 2126FirkeFirk, HodgeHodge, lamelame RafeRafe, runnerun mymy talltall menmen, beleagerbeleaguer thethe
wln 2127shamblesshambles, beggarbeggar alall East-CheapeEastcheap, serueserve meme wholewhole oxenoxen inin
wln 2128chargerschargers, andand letlet sheepesheep whinewhine vponupon thethe tablestables likelike piggespigs
wln 2129forfor wantwant ofof goodgood felowesfellows toto eateeat themthem. WantWant meatemeat! vanishvanish
wln 2130FirkeFirk, auauntavaunt HodgeHodge.
wln 2131HodgeHodgeYourYour lordshiplordship mistakesmistakes mymy manman FirkeFirk, hehe meansmeans
wln 2132theirtheir belliesbellies wantwant meatemeat, notnot thethe boordsboards, forfor theythey hauehave drunkdrunk
wln 2133soso muchmuch theythey cancan eateeat nothingnothing.
wln 2134EneerEnterEneer hanshans, RoseRose, andand WifeWife.
wln 2135WifeWifeWhereWhere isis mymy LordLord.
wln 2136AyreEyreAyreHowHow nownow ladylady MadgyMadgy.
wln 2137WifeWifeTheThe kingsking’s mostmost excelentexcellent maiestymajesty isis newnew comecome, héehe
wln 2138sendssends meme forfor thythy honorhonorhonour: oneone ofof hishis mostmost worshipfulworshipful PéeresPeers,

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the Gentle Craft.

wln 2139badebade meme teltell thouthou mustmust bebe merymerry, andand soso forthforth: butbut letlet thatthat passepass.
wln 2140EyreEyreIsIs mymy SoueraigneSovereign comecome? vanishvanish mymy talltall shooma=shoomakersshooma|kersshoemakers
wln 2141kers,
wln 2141mymy nimblenimble brethrenbrethrenbrothers, lookelook toto mymy guestsguests thethe prentisesprentices:
wln 2142yetyet staystay aa littlelittle, howhow nownow HansHans, howhow lookeslooks mymy littlelittle RoseRose?
wln 2143HansHansLetLet meme requestrequest youyou toto rememberremember meme,
wln 2144II knowknow youryour honourhonorhonour easilyeasily maymay obtaineobtain,
wln 2145FréeFree pardonpardon ofof thethe kingking forfor meme andand RoseRose,
wln 2146AndAnd reconcilereconcile meme toto mymy vnclesuncle’s gracegrace.
wln 2147EyreEyreHaueHave donedone mymy goodgood HansHans, mymy honesthonest iorneymanjourneyman,
wln 2148lookelook chéerelycheerly, IleI’ll fallfall vponupon bothboth mymy kneesknees tilltill theythey bebe asas
wln 2149hardhard asas hornehorn, butbut IleI’ll getget thythy pardonpardon.
wln 2150WifeWifeGoodGood mymy LordLord hauehave aa carecare whatwhat youyou speakespeak toto hishis
wln 2151gracegrace.
wln 2152EyreEyreAwayAway youyou IslingtonI slingtonI slingtonIslington whitepotwhitepot, hencehence youyou hap=happerarsehap∣oerarsehopperarsehapperarse
wln 2153perarse,
wln 2153youyou barlybarley puddingpudding fulfull ofof magotsmaggots, youyou broyldbroiled carbo=carbonadocarbo∣nadocarbonado
wln 2154nado,
wln 2154auauntavaunt, auauntavaunt, auoideavoid MephostophilusMephistopheles: shallshall SimSim
wln 2155EyreEyre leaueleave toto speakespeak ofof youyou LadieLady MadgieMadgy? vanishvanish mothermother
wln 2156MiniuerMiniver capcap, vanishvanish, goego, triptrip andand goego, meddlemeddle withwith youryour
wln 2157partletspartlets, andand youryour pishery pasheriepishery-pashery, youryour flewesflewsflewes andand youryour
wln 2158whirligigswhirligigs, gogo, rubrub, outout ofof minemine alleyalley: SimSim EyreEyre knowesknows
wln 2159howhow toto speakespeak toto aa PopePope, toto SultanSultan SolimanSoliman, toto Tambur=TamburlaineTambur∣laineTamburlaine
wln 2160laine
wln 2160andand hehe werewere herehere: andand shalshall II meltmelt? shalshall II droopedroop beforebefore
wln 2161mymy SoueraigneSovereign? nono, comecome mymy LadieLady MadgieMadgy, followfollow meme
wln 2162HaunsHansHauns, aboutabout youryour businessebusiness mymy frolickefrolic frée=bootersfrée-bootersfreebooters: FirkeFirk,
wln 2163friskefrisk aboutabout, andand aboutabout, andand aboutabout, forfor thethe honourhonorhonour ofof madmad Si=SimonSi∣monSimon
wln 2164mon
wln 2164EyreEyre LordLord MaiorMayor ofof LondonLondon.
wln 2165FirkeFirkFirkeHeyHey forfor thethe honourhonorhonour ofof thethe shoomakersshoemakers.exeuntexeunt.
wln 2166AA longlong flourishflourish oror twotwo: enterenter KingKing, NoblesNobles, EyreEyre, hishis wifewife, LacieLacylacy,
wln 2167RoseRose: LacieLacylacy andand RoseRose kneelekneel.

wln 2168KingKingWellWell LacieLacylacy thoughthough thethe factfact waswas verievery foulefoul,
wln 2169OfOf youryour reuoltingrenoltingrevolting fromfrom ourour kinglykingly louelove,
wln 2170AndAnd youryour owneown duetieduty, yetyet wewe pardonpardon youyou,
wln 2171RiseRise bothboth, andand mistrismistress LacieLacylacy, thankethank mymy LordLord MaiorMayor

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A pleasant Comedie of

wln 2172ForFor youryour yongyoung bridegroomebridegroom herehere.
wln 2173EyreEyreSoSo mymy déeredear liegeliege, SimSim EyreEyre andand mymy brethrenbrethrenbrothers thethe
wln 2174gentlemengentlemen shoomakersshoemakers shalshall setset youryour swéetesweet maiestiesmajesty’s imageimage,
wln 2175cheekecheek byby iowlejowl byby SaintSaint HughHugh, forfor thisthis honourhonorhonour youyou hauehave
wln 2176donedone poorepoor SimonSimon EyreEyre, II beséethbeseeth youryour gracegrace pardonpardon mymy
wln 2177ruderude behauiourbehaviorbehaviour, II amam aa handicrafts manhandicraftshandicraftsmanhandicraftsmanman, yetyet mymy heartheart isis
wln 2178withoutwithout craftcraft, II wouldwould bebe sorysorry atat mymy soulesoul, thatthat mymy boldnesseboldness
wln 2179shouldshould offendoffend mymy kingking.
wln 2180KingKingNayNay, II praypray théethee goodgood lordlord MaiorMayorMaior, bebe eueneven asas merymerry
wln 2181asas ifif thouthou wertwert amongamong thythy shoomakersshoemakers,
wln 2182ItIt doesdoes meme goodgood toto seesee theethee inin thisthis humourhumorhumour.
wln 2183EyreEyreSaistSayest thouthou meme soso mymy swéetesweet DioclesianDioclesian? thenthen humphump,
wln 2184PrincePrince amam II nonenone, yetyet amam II princelyprincely borneborn, byby thethe LordLord
wln 2185ofof LudgateLudgate mymy LiegeLiege, IleI’ll bebe asas merriemerry asas aa piepie.
wln 2186KingKingTelTell meme infaithin faith madmad EyreEyre, howhow oldold thouthou artart.
wln 2187EyreEyreMyMy LiegeLiege aa verievery boyboy, aa striplingstripling, aa yonkeryounker, youyou
wln 2188séesee notnot aa whitewhite hairehair onon mymy headhead, notnot aa graygraygrey inin thisthis beardbeard,
wln 2189euerieevery hairehair II assureassure thythy maiestiemajesty thatthat stickessticks inin thisthis
wln 2190beardbeard, SimSim EyreEyre valuesvalues atat thethe kingking ofof BabilonsBabylon’s ransomeransom,
wln 2191TamaTamarTama ChamsCham’scham’s beardbeard waswas aa rubbingrubbing brushbrush tootto ’tto’t: yetyet IleI’ll
wln 2192shaueshave itit offoff, andand stuffestuff tennistennis ballsballs withwith itit toto pleaseplease mymy bullybully
wln 2193kingking.
wln 2194KingKingButBut allall thisthis whilewhile II dodo notnot knowknow youryour ageage.
wln 2195EyreEyreMyMy liegeliege, II amam sixesix andand fiftiefifty yeareyear oldeold, yetyet II
wln 2196cancan criecry humpehumphumpe, withwith aa soundsound heartheart forfor thethe honourhonorhonour ofof
wln 2197SaintSaint HughHugh: markemark thisthis oldeold wenchwench, mymy kingking, II
wln 2198dauncdedanced thethe shakingshaking ofof thethe sheetessheets withwith herher sixesix andand thir=thirtiethir|tiethirty
wln 2199tie
wln 2199yearesyears agoeago, andand yetyet II hopehope toto getget twotwo oror threethree yongyoung
wln 2200LordeLord MaiorsMayorsMajors ereere II diedie: II amam lustielusty stillstill, SimSim EyreEyre
wln 2201stillstill: carecare, andand coldecold lodginglodging bringsbrings whitewhite haireshairs. MyMy
wln 2202swéetesweet MaiestieMajesty, letlet carecare vanishvanish, castcast itit vpponupon thythy
wln 2203NoblesNobles, itit willwill makemake théethee lookelook alwayesalways youngyoung likelike
wln 2204ApolloApollo, andand cryecry humpehumphumpe: PrincePrince amam II nonenone, yetyet amam

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the Gentle Craft.

wln 2205II princelyprincely borneborn.
wln 2206KingKingHaHa haha: sayesay CornewallCornwall, didstdidst thouthou euerever séesee hishis
wln 2207likelike?
wln 2208NobleNoble manmanNotNot II, mymy LordeLord.

wln 2209EnterEnter LincolneLincoln, andand LordLord MaiorMayor.

wln 2210KingKingLincolneLincoln, whatwhat newesnews withwith youyou?
wln 2211Linc.LincolnLinc.MyMy graciousgracious LordLord, hauehave carecare vntounto your selfeyourself,
wln 2212ForFor therethere areare traytorstraitors herehere.
wln 2213AllAll.TraytorsTraitorstraitors, wherewhere? whowho?
wln 2214EyreEyreTraitorsTraitors inin mymy househouse? GodGod forbidforbid, wherewhere bebe mymy of=officersof∣ficersofficers
wln 2215ficers?
wln 2215IleI’ll spendspend mymy soulesoul ereere mymy kingking féelefeel harmeharm.
wln 2216KingKingWhereWhere isis thethe traytortraitor? LincolneLincoln.
wln 2217Linc.LincolnLinc.HereHere hehe standsstands.
wln 2218KingKingCornewallCornwall, laylay holdhold onon LacieLacylacy: LincolneLincoln, speakespeak:
wln 2219WhatWhat canstcanst thouthou laylay vntounto thythy NephewesNephew’snephew’s chargecharge?
wln 2220Linc.LincolnLinc.ThisThis mymy deeredear liegeliege: youryour gracegrace toto doedo meme honourhonorhonour,
wln 2221HeaptHeaped onon thethe headhead ofof thisthis degenerousdegenerous boyboy,
wln 2222DesertlesseDesertless fauoursfavorsfavours, youyou mademade choisechoice ofof himhim,
wln 2223ToTo bebe commandercommander ouerover powerspowers inin FranceFrance,
wln 2224ButBut hehe.
wln 2225KingKingGoodGood LincolneLincoln prythéepry théepritheepry thee pawsepause aa whilewhile,
wln 2226EuenEven inin thinethine eieseyes II readeread whatwhat thouthou wouldstwouldst speakespeak,
wln 2227II knowknow howhow LacieLacylacy diddid neglectneglect ourour louelove,
wln 2228RanneRan himselfehimself déepelydeeply (inin thethe highesthighest degréedegree)
wln 2229IntoInto vilevile treasontreason.
wln 2230Linc.LincolnLinc.IsIs hehe notnot aa traytortraitor?
wln 2231KingKingLincolneLincoln, hehe waswas: nownow hauehave wewe pardnedpardoned himhim,
wln 2232Twas’Twas’twas notnot aa basebase wantwant ofof truetrue valorsvalor’svalour’s firefire,
wln 2233ThatThat heldheld himhim outout ofof FranceFrance, butbut loueslove’s desiredesire.
wln 2234Linc.LincolnLinc.II wilwill notnot bearebear hishis shameshame vponupon mymy backeback.
wln 2235KingKingNorNor shaltshalt thouthou LincolneLincoln, II forgiveforgive youyou bothboth.

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A pleasant Comedie of

wln 2236LinLincolnLinThenThen (goodgood mymy liegeliege) forbidforbid thethe boyboy toto wedwed
wln 2237OneOne, whosewhose meanemean birthbirth willwill muchmuch disgracedisgrace hishis bedbed.
wln 2238KingKingAreAre theythey notnot marriedmarried?
wln 2239Linc.LincolnLinc.NoNo mymy LiegeLiege.
wln 2240BothBothWeWe areare.
wln 2241KingKingShallShall II divorcedivorce themthem thenthen? OO bebe itit farrefar,
wln 2242ThatThat anyany handhand onon earthearth shouldshould daredare vntieuntie,
wln 2243TheThe sacredsacred knotknot knitknit byby GodsGod’s maiestiemajesty,
wln 2244II wouldwould notnot forfor mymy crownecrown disioynedisjoin theirtheir handshands,
wln 2245ThatThat areare conioyndconjoined inin holyholy nuptiallnuptial bandsbands,
wln 2246HowHow saistsayest thouthou LacyLacy? wouldstwouldst thouthou looselose thythy RoseRose?
wln 2247HansHansNotNot forfor allall IndiansIndians’Indians wealthwealth, mymy soueraignesovereign.
wln 2248KingKingButBut RoseRose II amam suresure herher LacieLacylacy wouldwould forgoeforgo.
wln 2249RoseRoseIfIf RoseRose werewere asktasked thatthat questionquestion, sheedShe’d saysay, nono.
wln 2250KingKingYouYou hearehear themthem LincolneLincoln.
wln 2251LincLincolnLincYeaYea mymy liegeliege, II dodo.
wln 2252KingKingYetYet canstcanst thouthou findfind ithi’ th’i’th’ heartheart toto partpart thesethese twotwo?
wln 2253WhoWho séeksseeks, besidesbesides youyou, toto diuorcedivorce thesethese louerslovers?
wln 2254L.LordL. Ma.MayorMa.II dodo (mymy graciousgracious LordLord) II amam herher fatherfather.
wln 2255KingKingSirSir RogerRoger OteleyOatleyOteley, ourour lastlast MaiorMayor II thinkethink,
wln 2256NobNobleNobTheThe samesame mymy liegeliege.
wln 2257KingKingWouldWould youyou offendoffend LouesLove’slove’s laweslaws?
wln 2258WelWell, youyou shalshall hauehave youryour willswills, youyou suesue toto meme,
wln 2259ToTo prohibiteprohibit thethe matchmatch: SoftSoft, letlet meme séesee,
wln 2260YouYou bothboth areare marriedmarried, LacieLacylacy, artart thouthou notnot?
wln 2261HansHansII amam, dreaddread SoueraigneSovereign.
wln 2262KingKingThenThen vponupon thythy lifelife,
wln 2263II chargecharge théethee, notnot toto callcall thisthis womanwoman wifewife.
wln 2264L.LordL. Ma.MayorMa.II thankethank youryour gracegrace.
wln 2265RoseRoseOO mymy mostmost gratiousgracious LordLord!kneelekneel
wln 2266KingKingNayNay RoseRose, neuernever wooewoo meme, II teltell youyou truetrue,
wln 2267AlthoughAlthough asas yetyet II amam aa batchellorbachelor,
wln 2268YetYet II beléèuebelieve II shalshall notnot marrymarry youyou.

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the Gentle Craft.

wln 2269RoseRoseCanCan youyou diuidedivide thethe bodybody fromfrom thethe soulesoul,
wln 2270YetYet makemake thethe bodybody liuelive?
wln 2271KingKingYeaYea, soso profoundprofound?
wln 2272II cannotcannot RoseRose, butbut youyou II mustmust diuidedivide:
wln 2273FaireFair maidemaid, thisthis bridegroomebridegroom cannotcannot bebe youryour bridebride.
wln 2274AreAre youyou pleasdepleased LincolneLincoln? OteleyOatleyOteley, areare youyou pleasdepleased?
wln 2275BothBothYesYes mymy LordLord.
wln 2276KingKingThenThen mustmust mymy heartheart bebe easdeeased,
wln 2277ForFor creditcredit meme, mymy conscienceconscience liueslives inin painepain,
wln 2278TilTill thesethese whomwhom II deuorcdedivorced bebe ioynedjoined againeagain:
wln 2279LacyLacy, giuegive meme thythy handhand, RoseRose, lendlend meme thinethine.
wln 2280BeBe whatwhat youyou wouldwould bebe: kissekiss nownow: soso, thatsthat’s finefine,
wln 2281AtAt nightnight (louerslovers) toto bedbed: nownow letlet meme séesee,
wln 2282WhichWhich ofof youyou allall mislikesmislikes thisthis harmonyharmony?
wln 2283L.LordL. Ma.MayorMa.WilWillwill youyou thenthen taketake fromfrom meme mymy childchild perforceperforce?
wln 2284KingKingWhyWhy telltell meme OteleyOatleyOteley, shinesshines notnot LaciesLacy’s namename,
wln 2285AsAs brightbright inin thethe worldesworld’s eyeeye, asas thethe gaygay beamesbeams
wln 2286OfOf anyany citizencitizen?
wln 2287Linc.LincolnLinc.YeaYea butbut mymy gratiousgracious LordLord,
wln 2288II dodo mislikemislike thethe matchmatch farrefar moremore thanthan hehe,
wln 2289HerHer bloudblood isis tootoo tootoo basebase.
wln 2290KingKingLincolneLincoln, nono moremore,
wln 2291DostDost thouthou notnot knowknow, thatthat louelove respectsrespects nono bloudblood?
wln 2292CaresCares notnot forfor differencedifference ofof birthbirth, oror statestate,
wln 2293TheThe maidemaid isis yongyoung, welwell borneborn, fairefair, vertuousvirtuous,
wln 2294AA worthyworthy bridebride forfor anyany gentlemangentleman:
wln 2295BesidesBesides, youryour nephewnephew forfor herher sakesake diddid stoopestoop
wln 2296ToTo barebare necessitienecessity: andand asas II hearehear,
wln 2297ForgettingForgetting honorshonorshonours, andand allall courtlycourtly pleasurespleasures,
wln 2298ToTo gainegain herher louelove, becamebecame aa shooemakershoemaker.
wln 2299AsAs forfor thethe honorhonorhonour whichwhich hehe lostlost inin FranceFrance,
wln 2300ThusThus II redéemeredeem itit: LacieLacylacy, knéelekneel théethee downedown,
wln 2301AriseArise sirsir RowlandRowland LacieLacylacy: telltell meme nownow,

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A pleasant Comedie of

wln 2302TellTell meme inin earnestearnest OteleyOatleyOteley, canstcanst thouthou chidechide?
wln 2303SéeingSeeing thythy RoseRose aa ladielady andand aa brydebride.
wln 2304LordLord MaiorMayor.II amam contentcontent withwith whatwhat youryour GraceGrace hathhath
wln 2305donedone.
wln 2306Linc.LincolnLinc.AndAnd II mymy liegeliege, sincesince theresthere’s nono remedieremedy.
wln 2307KingKingComeCome onon thenthen, alatallat shakeshake handshands, IleI’ll hauehave youyou frendsfriends,
wln 2308WhereWhere therethere isis muchmuch louelove, allall discorddiscord endsends,
wln 2309WhatWhat sayessays mymy madmad LordLord MaiorMayor toto allall thisthis louelove?
wln 2310EyreEyreOO mymy liegeliege, thisthis honourhonorhonour youyou hauehave donedone toto mymy finefine
wln 2311iourneymanjourneyman herehere, RowlandRowland LacieLacylacy, andand allall thesethese fauoursfavorsfavours
wln 2312whichwhich youyou havehave showneshown toto meme thisthis dayeday inin mymy poorepoor househouse,
wln 2313willwill makemake SimonSimon EyreEyre liuelive longerlonger byby oneone dozendozen ofof warmewarm
wln 2314summerssummers moremore thenthan hehe shouldshould.
wln 2315KingKingNayNay, mymy madmad LordLord MaiorMayorMaior (thatthat shallshall bebe thythy namename)
wln 2316IfIf anyany gracegrace ofof minemine cancan lengthlength thythy lifelife,
wln 2317OneOne honourhonorhonour moremore IleI’ll doedo theethee, thatthat newnew buildingbuilding,
wln 2318WhichWhich atat thythy costcost inin CornehillCornhill isis erectederected,
wln 2319ShallShall taketake aa namename fromfrom vsus, wéelewe’ll hauehave itit caldcalled,
wln 2320TheThe LeadenLeaden hallhall, becausebecause inin diggingdigging itit,
wln 2321YouYou foundfound thethe leadlead thatthat couerethcovereth thethe samesame.
wln 2322EyreEyreII thankethank youryour MaiestieMajesty.
wln 2323WifeWifeGodGod blessebless youryour GraceGrace.
wln 2324KingKingLincolneLincoln, aa wordword withwith youyou.

wln 2325EnterEnter HodgeHodge, FirkeFirkFirke, RafeRafe, andand moremore shoomakersshoemakers.
wln 2326EyreEyreHowHow nownow mymy madmad knauesknaves? PeacePeace, speakespeak softlysoftly,
wln 2327yonderyonder isis thethe kingking.
wln 2328KingKingWithWith thethe oldeold troupetroop whichwhich therethere wewe kéepekeep inin paypay,
wln 2329WeWe wilwill incorporateincorporate aa newnew supplysupply:
wln 2330BeforeBefore oneone summersummer moremore passepass oreo’er mymy headhead,
wln 2331FranceFrance shalshall repentrepent EnglandEngland waswas iniuredinjured.
wln 2332WhatWhat areare allall thosethose?
wln 2333HansHansAllAll shoomakersshoemakers, mymy LiegeLiege,

img: 40-b
sig: K4r

the Gentle Craft.

wln 2334SometimesSometimes mymy fellowesfellows, inin theirtheir companiescompanies
wln 2335II liudelivedlived asas merrymerry asas anan emproremperor.
wln 2336KingKingMyMy madmad lordlord MayorMayor, areare allall thesethese shoomakersshoemakers?
wln 2337EyreEyreAllAll ShooemakersShoemakers, mymy LiegeLiege, allall gentlemengentlemen ofof thethe
wln 2338GentleGentle CraftCraft, truetrue TroiansTrojans, couragiouscourageous CordwainersCordwainers, theythey
wln 2339allall knéelekneel toto thethe shrineshrine ofof holyholy saintsaint HughHugh.
wln 2340AllAll.GodGod sauesave youryour maiestymajesty allall shoomakersshoemakers
wln 2341KingKingMadMad SimonSimon, wouldwould theythey anyany thingthing withwith vsus?
wln 2342EyreEyreMumMum madmad knauesknaves, notnot aa wordword, IleI’ll dootdo ’tdo’t, II warrantwarrant
wln 2343youyou. TheyThey areare allall beggarsbeggars, mymy LiegeLiege, allall forfor themseluesthemselves: andand
wln 2344II forfor themthem allall, onon bothboth mymy knéesknees dodo intreateentreat, thatthat forfor thethe ho=honorho|norhonorhonour
wln 2345nor
wln 2345ofof poorepoor SimonSimon EyreEyre, andand thethe goodgood ofof hishis brethrenbrethrenbrothers thesethese
wln 2346madmad knauesknaves, youryour GraceGrace wouldwould vouchsafevouchsafe somesome priuilegeprivilege toto
wln 2347mymy newnew LedenLeadenLeden hallhall, thatthat itit maymay bebe lawfulllawful forfor vsus toto buybuy andand
wln 2348sellsell leatherleather therethere twotwo dayesdays aa wéekeweek.
wln 2349KingKingMadMad SimSim, II grantgrant youryour suitesuit, youyou shallshall hauehave patentpatent
wln 2350ToTo holdhold twotwo marketmarket dayesdays inin LedenLeadenLeden hallhall,
wln 2351MondayesMondaysMondayes andand FridayesFridays, thosethose shalshall bebe thethe timestimes:
wln 2352WillWill thisthis contentcontent youyou?
wln 2353AllAll.IesusJesusjesus blessebless youryour GraceGrace.
wln 2354EyreEyreInIn thethe namename ofof thesethese mymy poorepoor brethrenbrethrenbrothers shoomakersshoemakers,
wln 2355II mostmost humblyhumbly thankethank youryour GraceGrace. ButBut beforebefore II riserise, sée=séeingsée|ingseeing
wln 2356ing
wln 2356youyou areare inin thethe GiuingGiving vainevain, andand wewe inin thethe BeggingBegging,
wln 2357grauntgrant SimSim EyreEyre oneone booneboon moremore.
wln 2358KingKingWhatWhat isis itit mymy LordLord MaiorMayorMaior?
wln 2359EyreEyreVouchsafeVouchsafe toto tastetaste ofof aa poorepoor banquetbanquet thatthat standesstands
wln 2360swéetelysweetly waitingwaiting forfor youryour sweetesweet presencepresence.
wln 2361KingKingII shallshall vndoundo theethee EyreEyre, onlyonly withwith feastsfeasts,
wln 2362AlreadyAlready hauehave II béenebeen tootoo troublesometroublesome,
wln 2363SaySay, hauehave II notnot?
wln 2364EyreEyreOO mymy deeredear kingking, SimSim EyreEyre waswas takentaken vnawaresunawares
wln 2365vponupon aa dayday ofof shrouingshroving whichwhich II promistpromised longlong agoago toto thethe prenprentisespren tisesprentices
wln 2366tises
wln 2366ofof LondonLondon: forfor andtan ’tan’t pleaseplease youryour HighnesHighness, inin timetime pastpastpassed

img: 41-a
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A pleasant Comedie of

wln 2367II barebore thethe waterwater tankerdtankertankard, and〈◊〉and mymy coatecoat
wln 2368SitsSits notnot aa whitwhit thethe worseworldworse upon〈◊〉upon mymy backeback:
wln 2369AndAnd thenthen vponupon aa morningmorning somesome madmad boyesboys,
wln 2370ItIt waswas ShrouetuesdayShrove-Tuesday éeuneeven asas tis’tis nownow,
wln 2371GaueGave meme mymy breakefastbreakfast, andand II sworeswore thenthen byby thethe stopplestopple ofof
wln 2372mymy tankerdtankard, ifif euerever II camecame toto bebe LordLord MaiorMayor ofof LondonLondon, II
wln 2373wouldwould feastfeast alall thethe prentisesprentices, ThisThis dayday (mymy liegeliege) II diddid itit, andand
wln 2374thethe slauesslaves hadhad anan hundredhundred tablestables fiuefive timestimes coueredcovered, theythey
wln 2375areare gonegone homehome andand vanishtvanished: yetyet addeadd moremore honourhonorhonour toto thethe
wln 2376GentleGentle TradeTrade, tastetaste ofof EyresEyre’s banquetbanquet, Simon’sSimon’s happiehappy
wln 2377mademade.
wln 2378KingKingEyreEyre, II wilwill tastetaste ofof thythy banquetbanquet, andand wilwill saysay,
wln 2379II hauehave notnot metmet moremore pleasurepleasure onon aa dayday,
wln 2380FriendsFriends ofof thethe GentleGentle CraftCraft, thankesthanks toto youyou alall,
wln 2381ThankesThanks mymy kindkind LadieLady MairesseMayoressMairesse forfor ourour chéerethéerecheerthere,
wln 2382ComeCome LordesLords, aa whilewhitewhilewhite letslet’s reuelrevel itit atat homehome,
wln 2383WhenWhen allall ourour sportssports, andand banquetingsbanquetings areare donedomedone,
wln 2384WarresWarswar’s mustmostmostmust rightright wrongswrongs whichwhich frenchmenfrenchmen hauehave begunbegun.
wln 2385ExeuntExeunt.

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sig: [N/A]

Textual Notes
  1. 13 (2-b) : The regularized reading Adling comes from the original Adling, though possible variants include Addle.
  2. 426 (11-a) : The regularized reading thou’lt is supplied for the original thou[*]t.
  3. 455 (11-b) : The regularized reading schone is amended from the original scheue.
  4. 546 (13-a) : The regularized reading sail comes from the original saile, though possible variants include soil.
  5. 1106 (21-b) : The regularized reading black is supplied for the original bla[*]ke.
  6. 1426 (26-b) : The regularized reading ’twill is supplied for the original [◇].
  7. 1426 (26-b) : The regularized reading be is supplied for the original [◇].
  8. 1426 (26-b) : The regularized reading a is supplied for the original [◇].
  9. 1426 (26-b) : The regularized reading lame is supplied for the original [◇].
  10. 1426 (26-b) : The regularized reading doing is supplied for the original [◇].
  11. 1426 (26-b) : The regularized reading , is supplied for the original [*].
  12. 1426 (26-b) : The regularized reading and is supplied for the original [◇].
  13. 1427 (26-b) : The regularized reading might’st is supplied for the original [******].
  14. 1427 (26-b) : The regularized reading have is supplied for the original [◇].
  15. 1427 (26-b) : The regularized reading sent is supplied for the original [◇].
  16. 1427 (26-b) : The regularized reading her is supplied for the original [◇].
  17. 1427 (26-b) : The regularized reading to is supplied for the original [◇].
  18. 1427 (26-b) : The regularized reading me is supplied for the original [◇].
  19. 1427 (26-b) : The regularized reading , is supplied for the original [*].
  20. 1428 (26-b) : The regularized reading firked is supplied for the original [◇].
  21. 1428 (26-b) : The regularized reading your is supplied for the original [◇].
  22. 1428 (26-b) : The regularized reading Priscilla is supplied for the original [◇].
  23. 1428 (26-b) : The regularized reading , is supplied for the original [*].
  24. 1428 (26-b) : The regularized reading hey is supplied for the original [◇].
  25. 1429 (26-b) : The regularized reading will is supplied for the original w[***].
  26. 1429 (26-b) : The regularized reading not is supplied for the original [◇].
  27. 1429 (26-b) : The regularized reading hold is supplied for the original [◇].
  28. 1430 (26-b) : The regularized reading we is supplied for the original [◇].
  29. 1430 (26-b) : The regularized reading not is supplied for the original [◇].
  30. 1430 (26-b) : The regularized reading merry is supplied for the original [◇].
  31. 1430 (26-b) : The regularized reading at is supplied for the original [◇].
  32. 1430 (26-b) : The regularized reading old is supplied for the original [◇].
  33. 1458 (27-a) : The regularized reading Hans is supplied for the original [◇].
  34. 1458 (27-a) : The regularized reading . is supplied for the original [*].
  35. 1458 (27-a) : The regularized reading Vat is supplied for the original [◇].
  36. 1458 (27-a) : The regularized reading begaie is supplied for the original [◇].
  37. 1458 (27-a) : The regularized reading gon is supplied for the original [◇].
  38. 1458 (27-a) : The regularized reading vat is supplied for the original [◇].
  39. 1459 (27-a) : The regularized reading Sybil is supplied for the original [◇].
  40. 1459 (27-a) : The regularized reading . is supplied for the original [*].
  41. 1459 (27-a) : The regularized reading Marry is supplied for the original [◇].
  42. 1459 (27-a) : The regularized reading you is supplied for the original [◇].
  43. 1459 (27-a) : The regularized reading must is supplied for the original [◇].
  44. 1459 (27-a) : The regularized reading come is supplied for the original [**]me.
  45. 1460 (27-a) : The regularized reading on is supplied for the original [◇].
  46. 1460 (27-a) : The regularized reading her is supplied for the original [◇].
  47. 1460 (27-a) : The regularized reading shoes is supplied for the original [◇].
  48. 1460 (27-a) : The regularized reading you is supplied for the original [◇].
  49. 1460 (27-a) : The regularized reading made is supplied for the original [◇].
  50. 1460 (27-a) : The regularized reading last is supplied for the original [◇].
  51. 1460 (27-a) : The regularized reading . is supplied for the original [*].
  52. 1461 (27-a) : The regularized reading Hans is supplied for the original [◇].
  53. 1461 (27-a) : The regularized reading . is supplied for the original [◇].
  54. 1461 (27-a) : The regularized reading Vare is supplied for the original [◇].
  55. 1461 (27-a) : The regularized reading ben is supplied for the original [◇].
  56. 1461 (27-a) : The regularized reading your is supplied for the original [◇].
  57. 1461 (27-a) : The regularized reading egle is supplied for the original [**]le.
  58. 1462 (27-a) : The regularized reading Sybil is supplied for the original [◇].
  59. 1462 (27-a) : The regularized reading . is supplied for the original [◇].
  60. 1462 (27-a) : The regularized reading Marry is supplied for the original [◇].
  61. 1462 (27-a) : The regularized reading here is supplied for the original [◇].
  62. 1462 (27-a) : The regularized reading at is supplied for the original [◇].
  63. 1463 (27-a) : The regularized reading Firk is supplied for the original [◇].
  64. 1463 (27-a) : The regularized reading . is supplied for the original [*].
  65. 1463 (27-a) : The regularized reading Will is supplied for the original [◇].
  66. 1463 (27-a) : The regularized reading nobody is supplied for the original [◇].
  67. 1464 (27-a) : The regularized reading sir is supplied for the original [◇].
  68. 2058 (36-a) : The regularized reading pasties is amended from the original pastimes.
  69. 2134 (37-a) : The regularized reading Enter is amended from the original Eneer.
  70. 2191 (38-a) : The regularized reading Tamar is amended from the original Tama.
Choose Spelling:

First printed edition:
The Shoemakers’ Holiday, or The Gentle Craft