Doctor Faustus
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ln 0001THETHE
ln 0003HistoryHistory ofof D.DoctorD. FaustusFaustus.
ln 0004AsAs itit hathhath benebeen ActedActed byby thethe RightRight
ln 0005HonorableHonorableHonourable thethe EarleEarl ofof NottinghamNottingham hishis seruantsservants.
ln 0006WrittenWritten byby Ch.ChristopherCh. Marl.MarloweMarl
ln 0008PrintedPrinted byby V.V. S.S. forfor ThomasThomas BushellBushellBushel. 16041604.
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wln 0001TheThe tragicalltragical HistorieHistory
wln 0002ofof DoctorDoctor FaustusFaustus.
wln 0003EnterEnter ChorusChorus.
wln 0004NOtNOt marchingmarching nownow inin fieldsfields ofof ThracimeneThrasimene,
wln 0005WhereWhere MarsMars diddid matemate thethe CarthaginiansCarthaginians,
wln 0006NorNor sportingsporting inin thethe dalliancedalliance ofof louelove,
wln 0007InIn courtscourts ofof KingsKings wherewhere statestate isis ouerturndoverturned,
wln 0008NorNor inin thethe pompepomp ofof prowdproud audaciousaudacious deedesdeeds,
wln 0009IntendsIntends ourour MuseMuse toto dauntdaunt hishis heauenlyheavenly verseverse:
wln 0010OnelyOnly thisthis (GentlemenGentlemen) wewe mustmust performeperform,
wln 0011TheThe formeform ofof FaustusFaustus’Faustus fortunesfortunes goodgood oror badbad.
wln 0012ToTo patientpatient IudgementsJudgementsjudgements wewe appealeappeal ourour plaudeplaudplaude,
wln 0013AndAnd speakespeak forfor FaustusFaustus inin hishis infancieinfancy:
wln 0014NowNow isis hehe borneborn, hishis parentsparents basebase ofof stockestock,
wln 0015InIn GermanyGermany, withinwithin aa townetown calldcalled RhodesRhod●sRhodes:
wln 0016OfOf riperriper yéeresyears toto WertenbergWertenberg hehe wentwent,
wln 0017WhereasWhereas hishis kinsmenkinsmen chieflychiefly broughtbrought himhim vpup,
wln 0018SoSo soonesoon héehe profitesprofits inin DiuinitieDivinity,
wln 0019TheThe fruitfullfruitful plotplot ofof ScholerismeScholarismscholarism grac’tgraced,
wln 0020ThatThat shortlyshortly hehe waswas grac’tgraced withwith DoctorsDoctor’sdoctor’s namename,
wln 0021ExcellingExcelling allall, whosewhose swéetesweet delightdelight disputesdisputes
wln 0022InIn heauenlyheavenly mattersmatters ofof TheologieTheology,
wln 0023TillTill swolnesw●lneswoll’nswollen withwith cunningcunning ofof aa selfes●lfeself conceitconceit,
wln 0024HisHis waxenwa●enwaxen wingswings diddid mountmount aboueabove hishis reachreach,
wln 0025AndAnd meltingmel●ingmelting heauensheavens conspirdeconspiredconspire hishis ouerthrowoverthrow.
wln 0026ForFor fallingfalling toto aa diuelishdevilish exerciseexercise,
wln 0027AndAnd gluttedglutte●glutted moremore withwith learningslearning’s goldengolden giftsgifts,
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wln 0028HeHe surffetssurfeits vponupon cursedcursed NegromancyNecromancyNegromancy,,▪
wln 0029NothingNothing soso sweetesweet asas magickemagic isis toto himhim
wln 0030WhichWhich hehe preferresprefers beforebefore hishis chiefestchiefest blissebliss,
wln 0031AndAnd thisthis thethe manman thatthat inin hishis studystudy sitssits.ExitExit.
wln 0032EnterEnter FaustusFaustus inin hishis StudyStudy.
wln 0033FaustusFaustusSettleSettle thythy studiesstudies FaustusFaustus, andand beginnebegin
wln 0034ToTo soundsound thethe deapthdepth ofo●of thatthat thouthou wiltwilt professeprofess:
wln 0035HauingHaving commencdecommenced, bebe aa DiuineDivine inin shewshow,
wln 0036YetYet leuelllevel atat thethe endend ofof eueryevery ArtArt,
wln 0037AndAnd liuelive andand diedie inin AristotlesAristotle’s workesworks:
wln 0038SweeteSweet AnulatikesAnalytics tis’tis thouthou hasthast rauishtravished meme,
wln 0039BeneBene dissereredisserere estest finisfinis logicislogiceslogicis,,▪
wln 0040IsIs, toto disputedispute wellwell, LogickesLogic’s chiefestchiefest endend
wln 0041AffoordsAffords thisthis ArtArt nono greatergreater myraclemiracle:
wln 0042ThenThen readeread nono moremore, thouthou hasthast attaindattained thethe endend:
wln 0043AA greatergreater subiectsubject fittethfitteth FaustusFaustus’ witwit,
wln 0044BidBid OncaymæonOncaymaeonOn kai me on farewellfarewell, GalenGalen comecome:
wln 0045SéeingSeeing, vbiubi desinitdesinit philosophusphilosophus, ibiibi incipitincipit medicusmedicus.
wln 0046BeBe aa physitionphysician FaustusFaustus, heapeheap vpup goldegold,
wln 0047AndAnd bebe eternizdeeternized forfor somesome wondrouswondrous curecure,
wln 0048SummumSummum bonumbonum medicinæmedicinaemedicinae sanitassanitas,
wln 0049TheThe endend ofof physickephysic isis ourour bodiesbody’sBody’s healthhealth:
wln 0050WhyWhy FaustusFaustus, hasthast thouthou notnot attaindattained thatthat endend?
wln 0051IsIs notnot thythy commoncommon talketalk soundsound AphorismesAphorisms?
wln 0052AreAre notnot thythy billesbills hunghung vpup asas monumentsmonuments,
wln 0053wherebywhereby wholewhole CittiesCities hauehave escaptescaped thethe plagueplague,
wln 0054AndAnd thousandthousand despratedesp’ratedesperate maladiesmaladies béenebeen easdeeased,
wln 0055YetYet artart thouthou stillstill butbut FaustusFaustus, andand aa manman.
wln 0056wouldstwouldst thouthou makemake manman toto liuelive eternallyeternally?
wln 0057OrOr beingbeing deaddead, raiseraise themthem toto lifelife againeagain?
wln 0058ThenThen thisthis professionprofession werewere toto bebe estéemdesteemed.
wln 0059PhysickePhysic farewellfarewell, wherewhere isis IustinianJustinianjustinian?
wln 0060SiS●Si vna〈…〉una〈…〉 e[·]dem[que]eademque resres legatuslegatus duobusduobusdvobus,
wln 0061AlterA●terAlter remremremembering alteralter valoremv●loremvalorem reirei, &c.etc.
wln 0062AA prettypretty casecase ofof paltrypaltry legacieslegacies:
wln 0063Ex hæredtariExExhaereditareEx filium〈…〉filium〈…〉 n[*]n〈…〉non〈…〉 potest〈…〉potest〈…〉 pater〈…〉pater〈…〉 nisinisi:
wln 0064SuchSuch isis thethe subiectsubject ofof thethe instituteinstitute
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wln 0065AndAnd vniuersalluniversal bodybody ofof thethe ChurchChurch:
wln 0066His●isHis studystudy fittesfits aa mercenarymercenary drudgedrudge,
wln 0067whowho aimesaims atat nothingnothing butbut externallexternal trashtrash,
wln 0068TheThe deuilldevil andand illiberallilliberal forfor meme:
wln 0069whenwhen allall isis donedone, DiuinitieDivinity isis bestbest.
wln 0070IeromesJerome’sjerome’s BibleBible, FaustusFaustus, viewview itit wellwell.
wln 0071StipendiumStipendium peccatipeccati morsmors estest: haha, StipendiumStipendium, &c.etc.
wln 0072TheThe rewardreward ofof sinnesin isis deathdeath: thatstha●sthat’s hardhard.
wln 0073SiSi peccassepeccasse negamusnegamus, fallimurfallimur, &et nullanulla estest inin nobisnobis veritasveritas.
wln 0074IfIf wewe saysay thatthat wewe hauehave nono sinnesin,
wln 0075WeWe deceiuedeceive our seluesourselves, andand theresthere’s nono truthtruth inin vsus.
wln 0076WhyWhy thenthen belikebelike wewe mustmust sinnesin,
wln 0077AndAnd soso consequentlyconsequently diedie.
wln 0078IAyay, wewe mustmust diedie anan euerlastinge●erlastingeverlasting deathdeath:
wln 0079WhatWhat doctrinedoctrine callcall youyou thisthis, CheChe serasera, serasera,
wln 0080WhatWhat wilwill bebe, shallshall bebe? DiuinitieDivinity, adieuadieu,
wln 0081TheseThese MetaphisickesMetaphysicsmetaphysics ofof MagiciansMagicia●sMagicians,
wln 0082AndAnd NegromantikeNecromanticnecromantic bookesbooks areare heauenlyheavenly
wln 0083LinesLines, circlescircles, sceanesscenes, lettersletters andand characterscharacters:
wln 0084IAyAyay, thesethese areare thosethose thatthat FaustusFaustus mostmost desiresd●siresdesires.
wln 0085OO whatwhat aa worldworld ofof profitprofit andand delightdelight,
wln 0086OfOf powerpower, ofof honorhonorhonour, ofof omnipotenceomnipotence
wln 0087IsIs promisedpromised toto thethe studiousstudious ArtizanArtisan?
wln 0088AllAll thingsthings thatthat moouemove betweenebetween thethe quietquiet polespoles
wln 0089ShalbeShall beshall be atat mymy commaundcommauncommand. EmperoursEmperorsemperors andand KingsKings,
wln 0090AreAre butbut obeydobeyed inin theirtheir seuerallseu●rallseveral prouincesprovinces:
wln 0091NorNor cancan theythey raiserais●raise thethe windewind, oror rend●endrend thethe cloudesclouds:
wln 0092ButBut hishis dominiondominion thatthat excéedesexceeds inin thisthis,
wln 0093StretchethStretcheth asas farrefar asas dothdoth thethe mindemind ofof manman.
wln 0094AA soundsound MagicianMagician isis aa mightymighty godgod:
wln 0095HéereHere FaustusFa●stusFaustus trietry thythy brainesbrains toto gainegain aa deitiedeity.
wln 0096EnterEnter WagnerWagner.
wln 0097WagnerWagner, commendcommend meme toto mymy deerestdearest friendsfriends,
wln 0098TheThe GermaineGerman ValdesValde●Valdes, andand CorneliusCorneliu●Cornelius,
wln 0099RequestRequest themthem earnestlyearnestly toto visitevisit meme.
wln 0100Wag.WagnerWag.II wilwill sirsir.exitexit.
wln 0101Fau.FaustusFau.TheirTheir conferenceconference willwill bebe aa greatergreater helphelp toto meme,
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wln 0102ThnThanthan allall mymy labourslaborslabours, ploddeplod II nerene’er soso fastfast.
wln 0103EnterEnter thethe goodgood AngellAngel andand thethe euillevil AngellAngel.
wln 0104Good.Good A.AngelA.OO FaustusFaustus, laylay thatthat damneddamned bookebook asideaside,
wln 0105AndAnd gazegaze notnot onon itit, lestlest itit tempttempt thythy soulesoul,
wln 0106AndAnd heapeheap GodsGod’sGods heauyheavy wrathwrath vponupon thythy headhead,
wln 0107ReadeRead, readeread thethe scripturesscriptures, thatthat isis blasphemyblasphemy.
wln 0108EuillEvil An.AngelAn.GoGo forwardforward FaustusFaustus inin thatthat famousfamous artart,
wln 0109WhereinWherein allall naturesnature’s treasurytreasury isis containdcontained:
wln 0110BeBe thouthou onon earthearth asas IoueJovejove isis inin thethe skiesky,
wln 0111LordLord andand commaundercommander ofof thesethese ElementsElements.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 0112Fau.FaustusFau.HowHow amam II gluttedglutted withwith conceitconceit ofof thisthis?
wln 0113ShallShall II makemake spiritsspirits fetchfetch meme whatwhat II pleaseplease,
wln 0114ResolueResolve meme ofof allall ambiguitiesambiguities,
wln 0115PerformePerform whatwhat desperated●speratedesperate enterpriseenterprise II willwill?
wln 0116IleI’ll hauehave themthem flyefly toto IndiaIndia forfor goldgold,
wln 0117RansackeRansack thethe OceanOcean forfor orientorient pearlepearl,
wln 0118AndAnd searchsearch allall cornerscorners ofof thethe new foundnew-foundnew found worldworld
wln 0119ForFor pleasantpleasant fruitesfruits andand princelyprincely delicatesdelicates:
wln 0120IleI’ll hauehave themthem readeread méeme straungestrange philosophiephilosophy,
wln 0121AndAnd telltell thethe secretssecrets ofof allall forraineforeign kingskings,
wln 0122IleI’ll hauehave themthem wallwall allall IermanyGermanyjermany withwith brassebrass,
wln 0123AndAnd makemake swiftswift RhineRhine circlecircle fairefair WertenbergeWertenberg,
wln 0124IleI’ll hauehave themthem fillfill thethe publikepublic schoolesschools withwith skillskill.
wln 0125WherewithWherewith thethe studentsstudents shalbeshall be brauelybravely cladclad:
wln 0126IleI’ll leuylevy souldierssoldiers withwith thethe coynecoin theythey bringbring,
wln 0127AndAnd chasechase thethe PrincePrince ofof ParmaParma fromfrom ourour landland,
wln 0128AndAnd raignereign solesole kingking ofof allall ourour prouincesprovinces:
wln 0129YeaYea strangerstranger enginesengines forfor thethe bruntbrunt ofof warrewar,
wln 0130ThenThanThen waswas thethe fieryfiery kéelekeel atat AntwarpesAntwerp’sAntwerps bridgebridge,
wln 0131IleI’ll makemake mymy seruileservile spiritsspirits toto inuentinvent:
wln 0132ComeCome GermaineGerman ValdesValdes andand CorneliusCornelius,
wln 0133AndAnd makemake meme blestblessed withwith youryour sagesage conferenceconference,
wln 0134ValdesV●ldesValdes, swéetesweet ValdesValdes, andand CorneliusCornelius,
wln 0135EnterEnter ValdesValdes andand CorneliusCornelius.
wln 0136KnowKnow thatthat youryour wordswords hauehave woonwon meme atat thethe lastlast,
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wln 0137ToTo practisepracticepractise MagickeMagic andand concealedconcealed artsarts:
wln 0138YetYet notnot youryour wordswords onelyonly, butbut minemine owneown fantasiefantasy,
wln 0139ThatThat willwill receiuereceive nono obiectobject forfor mymy headhead,
wln 0140ButBut ruminatesruminates onon NegremantiqueNecromanticnegromatic skillskill,
wln 0141PhilosophyPhilosophy isis odiousodious andand obscureobscure,
wln 0142BothBoth LawLaw andand PhisickePhis●ckePhysic areare forfor pettiepetty witswittwit●witswit,
wln 0143DiuinitieDivinity isis basestbasest ofof thethe thréethreethrée,
wln 0144VnpleasantUnpleasantUnpleasant, harshharsh, contemptiblecontemptible andand vildevild,
wln 0145Tis’Tis MagickeMagic, MagickeMagic thatthat hathhath rauishtravished méeme,
wln 0146ThenThen gentlegentle friendsfriends aydeaid meme inin thisthis attemptattempt,
wln 0147AndAnd II thatthat hauehave withwith ConsissylogismesConcise syllogismsConsissylogismes
wln 0148GraueldGravelled thethe PastorsPastors ofof thethe GermaineGerman ChurchChurch,
wln 0149AndAnd mademade thethe flowringflow’ringflowering pridepride ofof WertenbergeWertenberg
wln 0150SwarmeSwarm toto mymy ProblemesProblems asas thethe infernallinfernal spiritsspirits
wln 0151OnOn swéetsweet MusæusMusaeusMusaeus whenwhen hehe camecame toto hellhell,
wln 0152WillWill bebe asas cunningcunning asas AgrippaAgrippa waswas,
wln 0153WhoseWhose shadowesshadows mademade allall EuropeEurope honorhonorhonour himhim.
wln 0154Vald.ValdesVald.FaustusFaustus▪ thesethese bookesbooks thythy witwit andand ourour experienceexperience
wln 0155ShallShall makemake allall nationsnations toto canonizecononizecanonize vsus,
wln 0156AsAs IndianIndian MooresMoors obeyobey theirtheir SpanishSpanish LordsLords,
wln 0157SoSo shallshall thethe subiectssubjects ofof eueryevery elementelement
wln 0158BeBe alwaiesalways seruiceableserviceable toto vsus thréethreethrée,
wln 0159LikeLike LyonsLionslions shallshall theythey guardguard vsus whenwhen wewe pleaseplease,
wln 0160LikeLike AlmaineAlmain RuttersRutters withwith theirtheir horsemenshorsemen’s stauesstaves,
wln 0161OrOr LaplandLapland GyantsGiants trottingtrotting byby ourour sidessides,
wln 0162SometimesSometimes likelike womenwomen, oror vnweddedunwedded maidesmaids,
wln 0163ShadowingShadowing moremore beautiebeauty inin theirtheir ayrieairy browesbrows,
wln 0164ThenThanThen inin theirtheir whitewhite breastsbreasts ofof thethe queenequeen ofof LoueLove:
wln 0165ForFor VeniceVenice shallshall theythey dreggedrag hugehuge ArgocesArgosiesargosies,
wln 0166AndAnd fromfrom AmericaAmerica thethe goldengolden fléecefleece,
wln 0167ThatThat yearelyyearly stuffes●●nffesstuffs oldeold PhilipsPhilip’s treasurytreasury
wln 0168IfIf learnedlearned FaustusFaustus willwill bebe resoluteresolute.
wln 0169Fau.FaustusFau.ValdesValdes asas resoluteresolute amam II inin thisthis
wln 0170AsAs thouthou toto liuelive, thereforetherefore obiectobject itit notnot.
wln 0171Corn.CorneliusCorn.TheThe myraclesmiracles thatthat MagickeMagic willwill performeperform,
wln 0172WillWill makemake théethee vowvow toto studiestudy nothingnothing elseelse,
wln 0173HeHe thatthat isis groundedgrounded inin AstrologieAstrology,
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wln 0174InrichtEnriched withwith tonguestongues wellwell séeneseen mineralsminerals,
wln 0175Hath〈◊〉Hath allall thethe principlesprinciples MagickeMagic dothdoth requirerequire,
wln 0176ThenThe●Then doubtdoubt notn●tnot (FaustusF●●stusFaustus) butbut toto bebe renowmdrenowned,
wln 0177AndAnd moremore frequentedfrequented forfor thisthis mysterymystery,
wln 0178ThenThanThen heretoforeheretofore thethe DolphianDelphianDolphian OracleOracle.
wln 0179TheThe spiritsspirits telltell meme theythey cancan driedry thethe seasea,
wln 0180AndAnd fetchfet●hfetch thethe treasuretrea●uretreasure ofof allall forraineforeign wrackeswracks,
wln 0181IAyay, allall thethe wealthwealth thatthat ourour forefathersfore●athersforefathers hidhid
wln 0182Within〈◊〉Within thethe massiema●●iemassy entrailesen●rail●sentrails ofof thethe earthearth.
wln 0183ThenTh●nThen telltell meme FaustusFaustus, whatwhat shalshall wewe threethree wantwant?
wln 0184Fau.FaustusFau.NothingNoth●ngNothing CorneliusCornelius, OOOh thisthis chearescheers mymy soulesoul,
wln 0185ComeCome sheweshow meme somesome demonstrationsdemonstrations magicallmagi●allmagical,
wln 0186ThatThat II maymay coniureconjure inin somesome lustielusty grouegrove,
wln 0187AndAnd hauehave thesethese ioyesjoys inin fullfull possessionpossession.
wln 0188Val.ValdesVal.ThenThen hastehaste théethee toto somesome solitarysolitary grouegrove,
wln 0189AndAnd bearebear wisewise BaconsBacon’sBacons andand AlbanusAlbanus’Albanus workesworks,
wln 0190TheThe HebrewH●brewHebrew PsalterPsalter, andand newnew TestamentTestament,
wln 0191AndAnd whatsoeuerwhatsoever elseelse isis requisitrequisite
wln 0192Weewe willwill enformeinform théethee ereere ourour conferenceconference ceasecease.
wln 0193Cor.CorneliusCor.ValdesValdes, firstfirst letlet himhim knowknow thethe wordswords ofof artart,
wln 0194AndAnd thenthen allall otherother ceremoniesceremonies learndlearned,
wln 0195FaustusFaustus maymay trietry hishis cunningcunning byby himselfehimself.
wln 0196Val.ValdesVal.FirstFirst IleI’ll instructinstruct theethee inin thethe rudimentsrudiments,
wln 0197AndAnd thenthen wiltwilt thouthou bebe perfecterperfecter thenthan II.
wln 0198Fau.FaustusFau.ThenThen comecome andand dynedine withwith meme, andand afterafter meatemeat
wln 0199WéeleWe’llwe’ll canuasca●uascanvas eueryevery quidditiequiddity thereofthereof:
wln 0200ForFor ereere II sleepesleep Ile●leI’ll trietry whatwhat II cancan dodo,
wln 0201ThisThis nightnight IleI’ll coniureconjure thoughthough II diedie thereforetherefore.
wln 0202ExeuntExeunt.
wln 0203EnterEnter twotwo SchollersScholars.
wln 020411 Sch.ScholarSch.II wonderwonder whatswhat’s becomebecome ofof FaustusFaustus, thatthat waswas
wln 0205wontwont toto makemake ourour schoolesschools ringring withwith, sicsic proboprobo.
wln 020622 Sch.ScholarSch.ThatThat shallshall wewe knowknow, forfor seesee herehere comescomes hishis boyboy.
wln 0207EnterEnter WagnerWagner.
wln 02081.1. Sch.ScholarSch.HowHow nownow sirrasirrah, whereswhere’s thythy maistermaster?
wln 0209Wag.WagnerWag.GodGod inin heauenheaven knowesknows.
wln 02102.2. Scholar2.WhyWhy, dostdost notnot thouthou knowknow?
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wln 0211Wag.WagnerWag.YesYes II knowknow, butbut thatthat followesfollows notnot.
wln 02121.1. Scholar1.GoGo tooto sirrasirrah, leaueleave youryour ieastingjesting, andand telltell vsus wherewhere
wln 0213héehe isis.
wln 0214Wag.WagnerWag.ThatThat followsfollows notnot necessarynecessary byby forceforce ofof argumentargument,
wln 0215thatthat youyou beingbeing licentiatelicentiate shouldshould standstand vpon’tupon ’tupon’t, thereforetherefore ac=acknowledgeac∣knowledgeacknowledge
wln 0216knowledge
wln 0216youryour errorerror, andand bebe attentiueattentive.
wln 02172.2. Scholar2.WhyWhy, didstdidst thouthou notnot saysay thouthou knewstknewest?
wln 0218Wag.WagnerWag.HaueHave youyou anyany witnessewitness on’ton ’ton’t?
wln 02191.1. Scholar1.YesYes sirrasirrah, II heardheard youyou.
wln 0220Wag.WagnerWag.AskeAsk mymy fellowfellow ifif II bebe aa thiefethief.
wln 02212.2. Scholar2.WellWell, youyou willwill notnot telltell vsus.
wln 0222Wag.WagnerWag.YesYes sirsir, II willwill telltell youyou, yetyet ifif youyou werewere notnot duncesdunces
wln 0223youyou wouldwould neuernever askeask meme suchsuch aa questionquestion, forfor isis notnot hehe cor-corpuscor∣puscorpus
wln 0224pus
wln 0224naturalenaturale, andand isis notnot thatthat mobilemobile, thenthen whereforewherefore shouldshould
wln 0225youyou askeask meme suchsuch aa questionquestion: butbut thatthat II amam byby naturenature fleg=flegmatickefleg∣matickephlegmatic
wln 0226maticke,
wln 0226sloweslow toto wrathwrath, andand proneprone toto leacherylechery, (toto louelove II
wln 0227wouldwould saysay) itit werewere notnot forfor youyou toto comecome withinwithin fortieforty footefoot ofof
wln 0228thethe placeplace ofof executionexecution, althoughalthough II dodo notnot doubtdoubt toto séesee youyou
wln 0229bothboth hang’dhanged thethe nextnext SessionsSessions. ThusThus hauinghaving triumphttriumphed ouerover
wln 0230youyou, II willwill setset mymy countnancecountenance likelike aa precisianprecisian, andand beginbegin toto
wln 0231speakespeak thusthus: trulytruly mymy dearedear brethrenbrethrenbrothers, mymy maistermaster isis withinwithin
wln 0232atat dinnerdinner withwith ValdesValdes andand CorneliusCornelius, asas thisthis winewine ifif itit couldcould
wln 0233speakespeak, itit wouldwould enformeinform youryour worshipsworships, andand soso thethe LordLord
wln 0234blessebless youyou, preseruepreserve youyou, andand kéepekeep youyou mymy dearedear brethrenbrethrenbrothers,
wln 0235mymy dearedear brethrenbrethrenbrothers.
wln 0236exitexit.
wln 02371.1. Scholar1.NayNay thenthen II fearefear hehe isis falnefall’nfallen intointo thatthat damneddamned artart, forfor
wln 0238whichwhich theythey twotwo areare infamousinfamous throughthrough thethe worldworld.
wln 02392.2. Scholar2.WereWere hehe aa strangerstranger, andand notnot aliedallied toto meme, yetyet shouldshould
wln 0240II grieuegrieve forfor himhim: butbut comecome letlet vsus gogo andand informeinform thethe RectorRector,
wln 0241andand séesee ifif héehe byby hishis grauegrave counsailecounsel cancan reclaimereclaim himhim.
wln 02421.1. Scholar1.OO butbut II fearefear meme nothingnothing cancan reclaimereclaim himhim.
wln 02432.2. Scholar2.YetYet letlet vsus trietry whatwhat wewe cancan dodo.
wln 0244ExeuntExeunt.
wln 0245EnterEnter FaustusFaustus toto coniureconjure.
wln 0246Fau.FaustusFau.NowNow thatthat thethe gloomygloomy shadowshadow ofof thethe earthearth,
wln 0247LongingLonging toto viewview OrionsOrion’s drislingdrizzling lookelook,
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wln 0248LeapesLeaps fromf●omfrom th’antartike●h●antartiketh’ antarcticth’antarctic worldworld vntounto thethe skiesky,
wln 0249AndA●dAnd dimmesdims thethe welkinwelkin withwith herher pitchypitchy breathbreath:
wln 0250FaustusFaustus, beginbeg●nbegin thinethine incantationsincantations,
wln 0251AndAnd trietriotri●trytrio ifif diuelsdevils willwill obeyobey thythy hesthest,
wln 0252SéeingSeeing thouthou hasthast praydeprayed andand sacrific’dsacri●●●dsacrificedsacrified toto themthem.
wln 0253VVithinUUithinWithinwithin thisthis circle〈◊〉circle isis Iehouahs〈◊〉Jehovah’s namename,
wln 0254ForwardForward anda●dand backwardbackward, andand AgramithistAgramithist,
wln 0255The〈…〉The〈…〉 breuiated〈…〉breviated〈…〉 namesnames ofof holyholy SaintsSaints,
wln 0256FiguresFigur●sFigures ofof eueryevery adiunctadjunct toto thethe heauensheavens,
wln 0257AndAnd characterscharacters ofof signessigns andand erringerring starresstars.
wln 0258ByBy whichwhich thethe spiritsspirits areare inforstenforced toto riserise,
wln 0259ThenThen fearefear notnot FaustusFaustus, butbut bebe resoluteresolute,,.
wln 0260AndAnd trietry thethe vttermostuttermost MagickeMagic cancan performeperform.
wln 0261SintSint mihimihi deidei acherontisacherontis propitijpropitiipropitij, valeatvaleat numennumen triplextriplex IehouæIehouaeJehovaejehovae, igneiigne●ignei,
wln 0262aerijaeriiaerij, AquataniAquatani spiritusspiritus saluetesalveteSalvete, OrientisOrientis princepsprinceps BelsibubBeelzebubBelsabub, inferniinferni
wln 0263ardentisardentisArden’s monarchamonarcha &et demigorgondemigorgon, propitiamuspropitiamus vosvos, vtut apariatapariat &et
wln 0264surgatsurgat MephastophilisMep●astophilisMephistophelesMephastophilis, quòdquodquòd tumeraristumeraris, perper IehouamI●houamJehovamIehouam gehennamgehennam &et
wln 0265consecratamcon●ecratamconsecratam aquamaquam quamquam nuncnunc spargospargo, signúmquesignumquesignúmque cruciscrucis quodnuncquodnunc
wln 0266faciofacio, &et perper votavota nostranostra ipseipse nuncnunc surgatsurgat nobisnobis dicatisdic●tisdicatis Mephasto-MephastophilisMephasto∣philisMephistophelesMephastophilis
wln 0267philis.
wln 0268
wln 0268EnterEnter aa DiuellDevil.
wln 0269II chargecharge théethee toto returnereturn andand chaungecha●●gechange thythy shapeshape,
wln 0270ThouThou artart tootoo vglyugly toto attendattend onon meme,
wln 0271GoeGo andand returnereturn anan oldold FranciscanFranciscan FrierFriar,
wln 0272ThatThat holyholy shapeshape becomesbecomes aa diuelldevil bestbest.ExitExit diuelldevil.
wln 0273II seesee theresthere’s vertuevirtue inin mymy heauenlyheavenly wordswords,
wln 0274WhoWho wouldwould notnot bebe proficientproficient inin thisthis artart?
wln 0275HowHow pliantpliant isis thisthis MephastophilisM●phastophilisMephistophelesMephastophilis?
wln 0276FullFull ofof obedienceobedience andand humilitiehumility,
wln 0277SuchSuch isis thethe forceforce ofof MagickeMagic andand mymy spelsspells,
wln 0278NoNo FaustusFaustus, thouthou artart ConiurerConjurer laureatela●reatelaureate
wln 0279ThatThat canstcanst commaundcommand greatgreat MephastophilisMephistophelesMephastophilis,
wln 0280QuinQuin regisregis MephastophilisM●phastoph●●isMephistophelesMephastophilis fratrisfratris imagineimagine.
wln 0281EnterEnter MephostophilisMephistophelesMephostophilis.
wln 0282Me.MephistophelesMe.NowNow FaustusFaustus, whatwhat wouldstwouldst thouthou hauehave meme dodo?
wln 0283Fau.FaustusFau.II chargecharge théethee waitwait vponupon meme whilstwhilst II liuelive,
sig: B2r
wln 0284ToTo dodo what euerwhatever FaustusFaustus shallshall commaundcommand,
wln 0285BeBe itit toto makemake thethe MooneMoo●eMoon dropdrop fromfrom herher sphearesphere,
wln 0286OrOr thethe OceanOcean toto ouerwhelmeoverwhelm thethe worldworld.
wln 0287Me.MephistophelesMe.II amam aa seruantservant toto greatgreat LuciferLuci●erLucifer,
wln 0288AndAnd maymay notnot followfollow théethee withoutwithout hishis leaueleave,
wln 0289NoNo moremore thenthan hehe commaundscommands mustmust wewe performeperform.
wln 0290Fau.FaustusFau.DidDid notnot hehe chargecharge théethee toto appeareappear toto méeme?
wln 0291Me.MephistophelesMe.NoNo, II camecame nownow hitherhither ofof minemine owneown accordaccord.
wln 0292Fau.FaustusFau.DidDid notnot mymy coniuringconiuring spéechesspeeches raiseraise theethee? speakespeak.
wln 0293Me.MephistophelesMe.ThatThat waswas thethe causecause, butbut yetyet perper accidentaccident,
wln 0294ForFor whenwhen wewe hearehear oneone rackerack thethe namename ofof GodGod,
wln 0295AbiureAbjure thethe scripturesscriptures, andand hishis SauiourSaviorSaviour ChristChrist,
wln 0296WéeWe flyefly, inin hopehope toto getget hishis gloriousglorious soulesoul,
wln 0297NorNor willwill wewe comecome, vnlesseunless hehe vseuse suchsuch meanesmeans
wln 0298WherebyWhereby hehe isis inin dangerdanger toto bebe damnddamned:
wln 0299ThereforeTherefore thethe shortestshortest cutcut forfor coniuringconjuring
wln 0300IsIs stoutlystoutly toto abiureabjure thethe TrinitieTrinity,
wln 0301AndAnd praypray deuoutlydevoutly toto thethe princeprince ofof hellhell.
wln 0302Fau.FaustusFau.SoSo FaustusFaustus hathhath alreadyalready donedone, &and holdsholds thisthis principleprinciple
wln 0303ThereThere isis nono chiefechief butbut onelyonly BelsibubBeelzebubBelsabub,
wln 0304ToTo whomwhom Faustus〈◊〉Faustus dothdoth dedicatededicate himselfehimself,
wln 0305ThisThis wordword damnationdamnation terrifiesterrifies notnot himhim,
wln 0306ForFor hehe confoundsconfounds hellhell inin EliziumElysium,
wln 0307HisHis ghostghost bebe withwith thethe oldeold PhilosophersPhilosophers,
wln 0308ButBut leauinglea●ingleaving thesethese vainevain triflestrifles ofof mensmen’s soulessouls,
wln 0309TellTell meme whatwhat isis thatthat LuciferLucif●rLucifer thythy LordLord?
wln 0310Me.MephistophelesMe.Arch-regentArch-regent andand commaundercommander ofof allall spiritsspirits.
wln 0311Fau.FaustusFau.WasWas notnot thatthat LuciferLucifer anan AngellAngel onceonce?
wln 0312Me.MephistophelesMe.YesYes FaustusFaustus, andand mostmost dearelydear lou’dloved ofof GodGod.
wln 0313Fau.FaustusFau.HowHow comescomes itit thenthen thatthat hehe isis princeprince ofof diuelsdevils?
wln 0314Me.MephistophelesMe.OO byby aspiringaspiring pridepride andand insolenceinsolence,
wln 0315ForFor whichwhich GodGod threwthrew himhim fromfrom thethe faceface ofof heauenheaven.
wln 0316Fau.FaustusFau.andand whatwhat areare youyou thatthat liuelive withwith LuciferL●ciferLucifer?
wln 0317Me.MephistophelesMe.VnhappyUnhappyUnhappy spiritsspirits thatthat fellfell withwith LuciferLucifer,
wln 0318Conspir’dConspired againstagainst ourour GodGod withwith LuciferLucifer,
wln 0319AndAnd areare forfor euereuerdamndever damnddamned withwith LuciferLucifer.
wln 0320Fau.FaustusFau.VVhereUUhereWherewhere areare youyou damn’ddamned?
sig: B2v
wln 0321Me.MephistophelesMe.InIn hellhell.
wln 0322Fau.FaustusFau.HowHow comescomes itit thenthen thatthat thouthou artart outout ofof helhell?
wln 0323Me.MephistophelesMe.WhyWhy thisthis isis helhell, nornor amam II outout ofof itit:
wln 0324ThinkstThink'stThinkst thouthou thatthat II whowho sawsaw thethe faceface ofof GodGod,
wln 0325AndAnd tastedtasted thethe eternaleternal ioyesjoys ofof heauenheaven,
wln 0326AmAm notnot tormentedtormented withwith tenten thousandthousand helshells,
wln 0327InIn beingbeing depriv’ddeprived ofof euerlastingeverlasting blissebliss:
wln 0328OOOh FaustusFaustus, leaueleave thesethese friuolousfrivolous demaundsdemands,
wln 0329whichwhich strikestrike aa terrorterror toto mymy faintingfainting soulesoul.
wln 0330Fau.FaustusFau.WhatWhat, isis greatgreat MephastophilisMephistophelesMephastophilis soso passionatepassionate,
wln 0331ForFor beingbeing deprivddeprived ofof thethe ioyesjoys ofof heauenheaven?
wln 0332LearneLearn thouthou ofof FaustusFaustus manlymanly fortitudefortitude,
wln 0333AndAnd scornescorn thosethose ioyesjoys thouthou neuernever shaltshalt possessepossess.
wln 0334GoGo bearebear thosethose tidingstidings toto greatgreat LuciferLucifer,
wln 0335SéeingSeeing FaustusFaustus hathhath incurrdincurred eternalleternal deathdeath,
wln 0336ByBy despratedesp’ratedesperate thoughtsthoughts againstagainst IouesJove’sjove’s deitiedeity:
wln 0337SaySay, hehe surrenderssurrenders vpup toto himhim hishis soulesoul,
wln 0338SoSo hehe willwill sparespare himhim 24.24. yéeresyears,
wln 0339LettingLetting himhim liuelive inin alall voluptuousnessevoluptuousness,
wln 0340HauingHaving theethee euerever toto attendattend onon meme,
wln 0341ToTo giuegive meme whatsoeuerwhatsoever II shalshall askeask,
wln 0342ToTo teltell meme whatsoeuerwhatsoever II demaunddemand,
wln 0343ToTo slayslay minemine enemiesenemies, andand aydeaid mymy friendsfriends,
wln 0344AndAnd alwayesalways bebe obedientobedient toto mymy wilwill:
wln 0345GoeGo andand returnereturn toto mightymighty LuciferLucifer,
wln 0346AndAnd méetemeet méeme inin mymy studystudy atat midnightmidnight,
wln 0347AndAnd thenthen resolueresolve meme ofof thythy maistersmaster’s mindemind.
wln 0348Me.MephistophelesMe.II willwill FaustusFaustus.exitexit.
wln 0349Fau.FaustusFau.HadHad II as●sas manymany soulessouls asas therethere bebe starresstars,
wln 0350IdeI’d giuegive themthem alall forfor MephastophilisMephistophelesMephastophilis:
wln 0351ByBy himhim IleI’ll bebe greatgreat EmprourEmperor ofof thethe worldworld,
wln 0352AndAnd makemake aa bridgebridge throughthrough thethe moouingmoving ayreair,
wln 0353ToTo passepass thethe OceanOcean withwith aa bandband ofof menmen,
wln 0354IleI’ll ioynejoin thethe hilshills thatthat bindebind thethe AffrickeAff●ickeAfric shoreshore,
wln 0355AndAnd makemake thatthat landland continentcontinent toto SpaineSpain,
wln 0356AndAnd bothboth contributorycontributory toto mymy crownecrown:
wln 0357TheThe EmprourEmperor shalshall notbotnot liuelive butbut byby mymy leaueleave,
sig: B3r
wln 0358NorNor anyany PotentatePotentate ofof GermanyGermany:
wln 0359NowNow thatthat II hauehave obtaindobtained whatwhat II desiredesire,
wln 0360IleI’ll liuelive inin speculationspeculation ofof thisthis ArtArt,
wln 0361TilTill MephastophilisMephistophelesMephastophilis returnereturn againeagain.exitexit.
wln 0362EnterEnter WagnerWagner andand thethe ClowneC●owneClown.
wln 0363Wag.WagnerWag.SirraSirrah boyboy, comecome hitherhither.
wln 0364Clo.ClownHowHow, boyboy? swowns’swounds boyboy, II hopehope youyou hauehave séeneseen ma=manyma∣nymanymany
wln 0365ny
wln 0365boyesboys withwith suchsuch pickadevauntspickadevaunts asas II hauehave. BoyBoy quothaquotha?
wln 0366Wag.WagnerWag.TelTell meme sirrasirrah, hasthast thouthou anyany commingscomings inin?
wln 0367Clo.ClownIAyay, andand goingsgoings outout tootoo, youyou maymay séesee elseelse.
wln 0368Wag.WagnerWag.AlasAlas poorepoor slaueslave, séesee howhow pouertypoverty iestethjesteth inin hishis na=nakednessena∣kednessenakedness
wln 0369kednesse,
wln 0369thethe vilainevillain isis barebare, andand outout ofof seruiceservice, andand soso hun=hungryhun∣gryhungry
wln 0370gry,
wln 0370thatthat II knowknow hehe wouldwould giuegive hishis soulesoul toto thethe DiuelDevil forfor aa
wln 0371shouldershoulder ofof muttonmutton, thoughthough itit werewere bloodblood raweraw.
wln 0372Clo.ClownHowHow, mymy soulesoul toto thethe DiuelDevil forfor aa shouldershoulder ofof mut=muttonmut∣tonmutton
wln 0373ton
wln 0373thoughthough twere’twere bloodblood raweraw? notnot soso goodgood friendfriend, burladieby ’r ladyby’r lady II
wln 0374hadhad néedeneed hauehave itit welwell roastedroasted, andand goodgood sawcesauce toto itit, ifif II paypay soso
wln 0375déeredear.
wln 0376Wag.WagnerWag.welwell, wiltwilt thouthou serueserve meme, andand IleI’ll makemake théethee gogo likelike
wln 0377QuiQui mihimihi discipulusdiscipulus?
wln 0378Clo.ClownHowHow, inin verseverse?
wln 0379Wag.WagnerWag.NoNo sirrasirrah, inin beatenbeaten silkesilk andand staues acrestauesstavesacrestaff’s acreacre.
wln 0380Clo.Clownhowhow, howhow, knauesknave’s acreacre? IAyay, II thoughtthought thatthat waswas alall
wln 0381thethe landland hishis fatherfather left●eftleft himhim: DoeDo yeeye hearehear, II wouldwould bebe soriesorry
wln 0382toto robberob youyou ofof youryour liuingliving.
wln 0383Wag.WagnerWag.SirraSirrah, II saysay inin staues acrestavesacrestaff’s acre.
wln 0384Clo.ClownOhoOho, ohooho, staues acrestavesacrestaff’s acre, whywhy thenthen belikebelike, ifif II werewere
wln 0385youryour manman, II shouldshould bebe fulfull ofof verminevermin.
wln 0386Wag.WagnerWag.SoSo thouthou shaltshalt, whetherwhether thouthou beestbée●tbeest withwith meme, oror nono:
wln 0387butbut sirrasirrah, leaueleave youryour iestingjesting, andand bindebind your selfeyourself presentlypresently
wln 0388vntounto meme forfor seauenseven yéeresyears, oror IleI’ll turneturn alall thethe licelice aboutabout théethee
wln 0389intointo familiarsfamiliars, andand theythey shalshall tearetear théethee inin péecespieces.
wln 0390Clo.ClownDoeDo youyou hearehear sirsir? youyou maymay sauesave thatthat labourlaborlabour, theythey
wln 0391areare tootoo familiarfamiliar withwith meme alreadyalready, swowns’swounds theythey areare asas boldebold
wln 0392withwith mymy fleshflesh, asas ifif theythey hadhad paydpaid forfor mymy meatemeat andand drinkedrink.
wln 0393Wag.WagnerWag.welwell, dodo youyou hearehear sirrasirrah? holdehold, taketake thesethese gildersgilders.
wln 0394Clo.ClownGridyronsGridironsgridirons, whatwhat bebe theythey?
sig: B3v
wln 0395Wag.WagnerWag.WhyWhy frenchfrench crownescrowns.
wln 0396Clo.ClownMasMass butbut forfor thethe namename ofof frenchfrench crownescrowns aa manman
wln 0397werewere asas goodgood hauehave asas manymany englishenglish counterscounters, andand whatwhat
wln 0398shouldshould II dodo withwith thesethese?
wln 0399Wag.WagnerWag.VVhyUUhyWhywhy nownow sirrasirrah thouthou artart atat anan houreshour’shours warningwarning
wln 0400whensoeuerwhenso●uerwhensoever oror wheresoeuerwheresoever thethe diuelldevil shallshall fetchfetch theethemthe●thee.
wln 0401Clo.ClownNoNo, nono, herehere taketake youryour gridironsgridirons againeagain.
wln 0402Wag.WagnerWag.TrulyTruly IleI’ll nonen●nenone ofof themthem.
wln 0403Clo.ClownTrulyTruly butbut youyou shallshall.
wln 0404Wag.WagnerWag.BeareBear witnessewitness II gauegave themthem himhim.
wln 0405Clo.ClownBeareBear witnessewitness II giuegive themthem youyou againeagain.
wln 0406Wag.WagnerWag.VVellUUellWellwell, II willwill causecause twotwo diuelsdevils presentlypresently toto fetchfetch
wln 0407théethee awayaway BaliolBaliollBalliol andand BelcherBelcher.
wln 0408Clo.ClownLetLet youryour BalioBaliolBalio●BalioBalliol andand youryour BelcherB●lcherBelcher comecome herehere, andand IleI’ll
wln 0409knockeknock themthem, theythey werewere neuernever soso knocktknocked sincesince theythey werewere di=diuelsdi∣uelsdevils
wln 0410uels,
wln 0410saysay II shouldshould killkill oneone ofof themthem whatwhat wouldwould folkesfolks saysay? dodo
wln 0411yeye seesee yonderyonder talltall fellowfellow inin thethe roundround slopflopslopflop, heehe hashas kildkilled thethe di=diuelldi∣uelldevil
wln 0412uell,
wln 0412soso II shouldshould bebe caldcalled kill〈◊〉kill diuelldevil allall thethe parishparish ouerover.
wln 0413EnterEnter twotwo diuellsdevils, anda●dand thethe clowneclown runnesruns vpup
wln 0414andand downedown cryingcrying.
wln 0415Wag.WagnerWag.BaliollBaliolBaliol●BaliollBalliol andand BelcherBelcher, spiritsspirits awayaway.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 0416Clow.Clownwhatwhat, areare theythey gonegone? aa vengeancevengeance onon themthem, theythey
wln 0417hauehave vildev●ldevild longlong nailesnails, therethere waswas aa heehe diuelldevil andand aa shéeshe di-diuelldi∣uelldevil
wln 0418uell,
wln 0418IleI’ll tellt●lltell youyou howhow youyou shallshall knowknow themthem, allall héeheehe diuelsdevils hashas
wln 0419hornes〈◊〉horns, andand allall shéeshe diuelsdevils hashadhashad cliftscleftscliffs andand clouencloven feetefeet.
wln 0420Wag.WagnerWag.WellWell sirrasirrah followfollow meme.
wln 0421Clo.ClownButBut dodo youyo●you hearhear? ifif II shouldshould serueserve youyou, wouldwould youyou
wln 0422teach〈…〉teach〈…〉 me〈…〉me〈…〉 to〈…〉to〈…〉 raise〈…〉raise〈…〉 vpup BaniosBanios andand BelcheosBelcheos?
wln 0423Wag.WagnerWag.I[...]I willwill teachteach theethee toto turneturn thythy selfeself toto any thinganything,, toto
wln 0424a[...]a[...] doggedog,, oror aa cattecat,, oror aa mousemouse,, oror aa ratterat,, oror any thinganything..
wln 0425Clo.ClownHow〈◊〉How〈◊〉? aa ChristianChristian fellowfellow toto aa doggedog oror aa cattecat, aa
wln 0426mouse〈…〉mouse〈…〉 oror aa ratterat?? nono, nono sirsir, ifif youyou turneturn meme intointo anyany thingthing,
wln 0427let〈…〉let〈…〉 it〈…〉it〈…〉 be〈…〉be〈…〉 in〈…〉in〈…〉 the〈…〉the〈…〉 likenesse〈…〉likeness〈…〉 ofof aa littlelittle pretiepretty friskingfrisking fleaflea, thatthat II
wln 0428may〈…〉may〈…〉 be〈…〉be〈…〉 here〈…〉here〈…〉 andand therethere andand euery whereeverywhere, OOOh IleI’ll tickletickle thethe pre=〈…〉pretty〈…〉
wln 0429tie
wln 0429wenches〈…〉wenches’〈…〉 plackets〈…〉plackets〈…〉 Ile〈…〉I’ll〈…〉 bebe amongstamongst themthem ifaith●faithi’ faithi’faith.
sig: B4r
wln 0430Wag.WagnerWag.WelWell sirrasirrah, comecome.
wln 0431Clo.ClownButBut doedo youyou hearehear WagnerWagner?
wln 0432Wag.WagnerWag.HowHow BaliollBa●iollBaliollBalliol anda●dand BelcherBel●herBelcher.
wln 0433Clo.ClownOO LordLord II praypray sirsir, letlet BanioBan●oBanio andand BelcherBelcher gogo sléepesleep.
wln 0434Wag.WagnerWag.Vilaine〈…〉Villain〈…〉,,〈…〉 call〈…〉call〈…〉 me〈…〉me〈…〉 Maister〈…〉Master〈…〉 Wagner〈…〉Wagner〈…〉,,〈…〉 and〈…〉and〈…〉 let〈…〉let〈…〉 thy〈…〉thy〈…〉 left〈…〉left〈…〉
wln 0435eye〈…〉eye〈…〉 be〈…〉be〈…〉 diametarily〈…〉diametrically〈…〉 fixt〈…〉fixed〈…〉 vpon〈…〉upon〈…〉 my〈…〉my〈…〉 right〈…〉right〈…〉 heele〈…〉heel〈…〉,,〈…〉 with〈…〉with〈…〉 quasi〈…〉quasi〈…〉 vesti-〈…〉vestigias〈…〉
wln 0436gias〈…〉〈…〉
wln 0436nostras〈…〉nostras〈…〉 infistere〈…〉infistere〈…〉exitexit
wln 0437Clo:ClownGodGod forgiueforgive meme, hehe speakesspeaks DutchDutch fustianfustian: wellwell,
wln 0438IleI’ll folowfollow himhim, IleI’ll serueserve himhim, thatsthat’s flatflat.exitexit
wln 0439EnterEnter FaustusFaustus inin hishis StudyStudy.
wln 0440Fau.FaustusFau.NowNow FaustusFaustus mustmust thouthou néedesneeds bebe damnddamned,
wln 0441AndAnd canstcanst thouthou notnot bebe sauedsaved?
wln 0442whatwhat bootesboots itit thenthen toto thinkethink ofof GodGod oror heauenheaven?
wln 0443AwayAway withwith suchsuch vainevain fanciesfancies andand despairedespair,
wln 0444DespaireDespair inin GodGod, andand trusttrust inin BelsabubBeelzebubBelsabub:
wln 0445NowNow gogo notnot backewardbackward: nono FaustusFaustasFaustus, bebe resoluteresolute,
wln 0446whywhy wauerestwaverest thouthou? OO somethingsomething soundethsoundeth inin minemine earesears:
wln 0447AbiureAbi●reAbjure thisthis MagickeMagic, turneturn toto GodGod againeagain,
wln 0448IAyI andand FaustusFaustus wilwill turneturn toto GodGod againeagain.
wln 0449ToTo GodGod? hehe louesloves theethee notnot,
wln 0450TheThe godgod thouthou seruestservest isis thinethine owneown appetiteappetite,
wln 0451whereinwherein isis fixtfixed thethe louelove ofof BelsabubBeelzebubBelsabub,
wln 0452ToTo himhim IleI’ll buildbuild anan altarealtar andand aa churchchurch,
wln 0453AndAnd offeroffer luke warmelukewarmluke warme bloodblood ofof newnew borneborn babesbabes.
wln 0454EnterEnter goodgood AngellAngel, andand EuillEui●●EvilEuill.
wln 0455GoodGood AngelAngelSwéetSweet FaustusFaustus, leaueleave thatthat execrableexecrable artart.
wln 0456Fau.FaustusFau.ContritionContrition, prayerprayer, repentancerepentance: whatwhat ofof themthem?
wln 0457GoodGood AngelAngelOO theythey areare meanesmeans toto bringbring théethee vntounto hea=heauenhea∣uenheaven
wln 0458uenheaven.
wln 0459EuillEvil AngelAngelRatherRather illusionsillusio●sillusions fruitesfruits ofof lunacylunacy,
wln 0460ThatThat makesmakes menmen foolishfoolish thatthat dodo trusttrust themthem mostmost.
wln 0461GoodGood AngelAngelSwéetSweet FaustusFaustus thinkethink ofof heauenheaven, andand hea=heauenlyhea|uenlyheavenly
wln 0462uenly
wln 0462thingsthings.
wln 0463EuillEvil AngelAngelNoNo FaustusFaustus, thinkethink ofof honorhonorhonour andand wealthwealth.
wln 0464Fau.FaustusFau.OfOf wealthwealth,exeuntexeunt.
wln 0465WhyWhy thethe signorysignory ofof EmdenEmden shalbeshall be minemine,
wln 0466whenwhen MephatophilusMephistophelesMephastophilis shalshall standstand byby meme,
sig: B4v
wln 0467WhatWhat GodGod cancan hurthurt théethee FaustusFaustus? thouthou artart safesafe,
wln 0468CastCast nono moremore doubtsdoubts, comecome MephastophilusMephistophelesMephastophilis,
wln 0469AndAnd bringbring gladglad tidingstidings fromfrom greatgreat LuciferLucifer:
wln 0470IstIs ’tIs’t notnot midnightmidnight? comecome MephastophilusMephistophelesMephastophilis,
wln 0471VeniVeni veniveni MephastophileMephastophileenterenter Meph:MephistophelesMeph:
wln 0472NowNow teltell, whatwhat sayessays LuciferLucifer thythy LordLord?
wln 0473Me:MephistophelesMe:ThatThat II shalshall waitewait onon FaustusFaustus whilstwhilst II liuelive,
wln 0474SoSo hehe wilwill buybuy mymy seruiceservice withwith hishis soulesoul.
wln 0475Fau:FaustusFau:AlreadyAlready FaustusFaustus hathhath hazardedhazarded thatthat forfor théethee.
wln 0476Me:MephistophelesMe:ButBut FaustusFaustus, thouthou mustmust bequeathebequeathbequeathe itit solemnelysolemnly,
wln 0477AndAnd writewrite aa déededeed ofof giftgift withwith thinethine owneown bloodblood,
wln 0478ForFor thatthat securitysecurity crauescraves greatgreat LuciferLucifer:
wln 0479IfIf thouthou denydeny itit, II wilwill backeback toto helhell.
wln 0480Fau:FaustusFau:StayStay MephastophilusMephistophelesMephastophilis, andand teltell meme, whatwhat goodgood wilwill
wln 0481mymy soulesoul dodo thythy LordLord?
wln 0482Me:MephistophelesMe:InlargeEnlarge hishis kingdomekingdom.
wln 0483Fau:FaustusFau:IsIs thatthat thethe reasonreason hehe temptstempts vsus thusthus?
wln 0484Me:MephistophelesMe:SolamenSolamen miserismiseris sociossocios habuissehabuisse dolorisdoloris.
wln 0485Fau:FaustusFau:HaueHave youyou anyany painepain thatthat torturestortures othersothers?
wln 0486Me:MephistophelesMe:AsAs greatgreat asas hauehave thethe humanehuman soulessouls ofof menmen:
wln 0487ButBut teltell meme FaustusFaustus, shalshall II hauehave thythy soulesoul,
wln 0488AndAnd II wilwill bebe thythy slaueslave, andand waitewait onon théethee,
wln 0489AndAnd giuegive théethee moremore thanthan thouthou hasthast witwit toto askeask.
wln 0490Fau:FaustusFau:IAyay MephastophilusMephistophelesMephastophilis, II giuegive itit théethee.
wln 0491Me:MephistophelesMe:ThenThen stabbestab thinethine armearm couragiouslycourageously,
wln 0492AndAnd bindebind thythy soulesoul, thatthat atat somesome certainecertain dayday
wln 0493GreatGreat LuciferLucifer maymay claimeclaim itit asas hishis owneown,
wln 0494AndAnd thenthen bebe thouthou asas greatgreat asas LuciferLucifer.
wln 0495Fau:FaustusFau:LoeLolo MephastophilusMephistophelesMephastophilis, forfor louelove ofof théethee,
wln 0496II cutcut minemine armearm, andand withwith mymy properproper bloodblood
wln 0497AssureAssure mymy soulesoul toto bebe greatgreat LucifersLucifer’s,
wln 0498ChiefeChief LordLord andand regentregent ofof perpetualpe●petualperpetual nightnight,
wln 0499ViewUiewView heerehere thethe bloodblood thatthat tricklestrickles fromfrom minemine armearm,
wln 0500AndAnd letlet itit bebe propitiouspropitious forfor mymy wishwish.
wln 0501Meph:MephistophelesMeph:ButBut FaustusFaustus, thouthou mustmust writewrite itit inin mannermanner ofof aa
wln 0502déededeed ofof giftgift.
wln 0503Fau.FaustusFau.IAyI soso II willwill, butbut MephastophilisMephistophelesMephastophilis mymy bloudblood coniealescongeals
sig: C1r
wln 0504andand II cancan writewrite nono moremore.
wln 0505Me.MephistophelesMe.IleI’ll fetchfetch théethee fierfire toto dissoluedissolve itit straightstraight.ExitExit.
wln 0506Fau.FaustusFau.WhatWhat mightmight thethe stayingstaying ofof mymy bloudblood portendportend?
wln 0507IsIs itit vnwillingunwilling II shouldshould writewrite thisthis billbill?
wln 0508WhyWhy streamesstreams itit notnot, thatthat II maymay writewrite afreshafresh?
wln 0509FaustusFaustus giuesgives toto theethee hishis soulesoul: ahah therethere itit staydestayed,
wln 0510WhyWhy shouldstshouldst thouthou notnot? isis notnot thythy soulesoul thinethine owneown?
wln 0511ThenThen writewrite againeagain, FaustusFaustus giuesgives toto théethee hishis soulesoul.
wln 0512EnterEnter MephastophilisMephistophelesMephastophilis withwith aa chaferchaffer ofof colescoals.
wln 0513Me.MephistophelesMe.HeresHere’shere’s fierfire, comecome FaustusFaustus, setset itit onon.
wln 0514Fau.FaustusFau.SoSo nownow thethe bloudblood beginsbegins toto cleareclear againeagain,
wln 0515NowNow willwill II makemake anan endeend immediatelyimmediately.
wln 0516Me.MephistophelesMe.OO whatwhat willwill notnot II dodo toto obtaineobtain hishis soulesoul?
wln 0517Fau.FaustusFau.ConsummatumConsummatum estest, thisthis BillBill isis endedended,
wln 0518AndAnd FaustusFaustus hathhath bequeath’dbequeathed hishis soulesoul toto LuciferLucifer.
wln 0519ButBut whatwhat isis thisthis inscriptioninscription onon minemine armearm?
wln 0520HomoHomo fugefuge, whitherwhither shouldshould II fliefly?
wln 0521IfIf vntounto GodGod hée’lehe’ll throwethrow théethee downedown toto hellhell,
wln 0522MyMy sencessenses areare deceiu’ddeceived, here’shere’s nothingnothing writwrit,
wln 0523II séesee itit plaineplain, herehere inin thisthis placeplace isis writwrit,
wln 0524HomoHomo fugefuge, yetyet shallshall notnot FaustusFaustus flyefly.
wln 0525Me.MephistophelesMe.IleI’ll fetchfetch himhim somewhatsomewhat toto delightdelight hishis mindemind.
wln 0526exitexit.
wln 0527EnterEnter withwith diuelsdevils, giuinggiving crownescrowns andand richrich apparellapparel toto
wln 0528FaustusFaustus, andand dauncedance, andand thenthen departdepart.
wln 0529Fau.FaustusFau.SpeakeSpeak MephastophilisMephistophelesMephastophilis, whatwhat meanesmeans thisthis sheweshow?
wln 0530Me.MephistophelesMe.NothingNothing FaustusFaustus, butbut toto delightdelight thythy mindemind withallwithal,
wln 0531AndAnd toto sheweshow theethee whatwhat MagickeMagic cancan performeperform.
wln 0532Fau.FaustusFau.ButBut maymay II raiseraise vpup spiritsspirits whenwhen II pleaseplease?
wln 0533Me.MephistophelesMe.IAyay FaustusFaustus, andand dodo greatergreater thingsthings thenthan thesethese.
wln 0534Fau.FaustusFau.ThenThen theresthere’s inoughenough forfor aa thousandthousand soulessouls,
wln 0535HereHere MephastophilisMephastophi●isMephistophelesMephastophilis receiuereceive thisthis scrowlescroll,
wln 0536AA déededeed ofof giftgift ofof bodybody andand ofof soulesoul:
wln 0537ButBut yetyet conditionallyconditionally, thatthat thouthou performeperform
wln 0538AllAll articlesarticles prescrib’dprescribed betweenebe●wéenebetween vsus bothboth.
sig: C1v
wln 0539Me.MephistophelesMe.FaustusFaustus, II sweareswear byby helhell andand LuciferLucifer
wln 0540ToTo effecteffect allall promisespromises betweenebetween vsus mademade.
wln 0541Fau.FaustusFau.ThenThen hearehear meme readeread themthem: onon thesethese conditionsconditions fol=followingfol∣lowingfollowing
wln 0542lowingfollowing.
wln 0543FirstFirst, thatthat FaustusFaustus maymay bebe aa spiritspirit inin forme●ormeform andand substancesubstance.
wln 0544SecondlySecondly, thatthat MephastophilisMephistophelesMephastophilis shallshall bebe hishis seruantservant, andand atat
wln 0545hishis commaundcommand.
wln 0546ThirdlyThirdly, thatthat MephastophilisMephistophelesMephastophilis shallshall dodo forfor himhim, andand bringbring
wln 0547himhim whatsoeuerwhatsoever.
wln 0548FourthlyFourthly, thatthat heehe shallshall bebe inin hishis chamberchamber oror househouse in-inuisiblein∣uisibleinvisible
wln 0549uisibleinvisible.
wln 0550LastlylastlyL●stlyLastlylast, thatthat heehe [*]hallshall●hallshall appeareappear toto thethe saidsaid IohnJohnjohn FaustusFaustus atat allall
wln 0551timestimes, inin whatwhat formeform oror shapeshape soeuersoever hehe pleaseplease.
wln 0552II IohnJohnjohn FaustusFaustus ofof WertenbergeWertenberg, DoctorDoctor, byby thesethese presentspresents, dodo
wln 0553giuegi●egive bothboth bodybody andand soulesoul toto LuciferLucifer princeprince ofof thethe EastEast, andand hishis
wln 0554ministerminister MephastophilisMephistophelesMephastophilis, andand furthermorefurthermore grauntgrant vntounto themthem,
wln 0555thatthat 24.24. yearesyears beingbeing expiredexpired, thethe articlesarticles aboueabove writtenwritten in-inuiolatein∣uiolateinviolate
wln 0556uiolate,
wln 0556fullfull powerpower toto fetchfetch oror carrycarry thethe saidsaid IohnJohnjohn FaustusFaustus bodybody
wln 0557andand soulesoul, fleshflesh, bloudblood, oror goodsgoods, intointo theirtheir habitationhabitation where-wheresoeuerwhere∣soeuerwheresoever
wln 0558soeuerwheresoever.
wln 0559ByBy meme IohnJohnjohn FaustusFaustus.
wln 0560Me.MephistophelesMe.SpeakeSpeak FaustusFaustus, dodo youyou deliuerdeliver thisthis asas youryour déededeed?
wln 0561Fau.FaustusFau.IAyay, taketake itit, andand thethe diuelldevil giuegive theethee goodgood onton●ton ’ton’t.
wln 0562Me.MephistophelesMe.NowNow FaustusFaustus askeask whatwhat thouthou wiltwilt.
wln 0563Fau.FaustusFau.FirstFirst willwill II questionquestion withwith théethee aboutabout hellhell,
wln 0564TelTell meme, wherewhere isis thethe placeplace thatthat menmen callcall hellhell?
wln 0565Me.MephistophelesMe.VnderUnderUnder thethe heauensheavens.
wln 0566Fau.FaustusFau.IAyay, butbut wherewhere aboutabout?
wln 0567Me.MephistophelesMe.WithinWithin thethe bowelsbowels ofof thesethese elementselements,
wln 0568WhereWhere wewe areare tortur’dtortured andand remaineremain forfor euerever,
wln 0569HellHell hathhath nono limitslimits, nornor isis circumscrib’dcircumscribed
wln 0570InIn oneone self selfeselfselfe placeplace, forfor wherewhere wewe areare isis hellhell,
wln 0571AndAnd wherewhere hellhell isis, mustmust wewe euerever bebe:
wln 0572AndAnd toto concludeconclude, whenwhen allall thethe worldworld dissoluesdissolves,
wln 0573AndAnd eueryevery creaturecreature shalbeshall be purifiedpurified,
wln 0574AllAll placesplaces shallshall bebe hellhell thatthat isis notnot heauenheaven.
sig: C2r
wln 0575Fau.FaustusFau.ComeCome, II thinkethink hell’shell’s aa fablefable.
wln 0576Me.MephistophelesMe.IAyay, thinkethink soso stillstill, tilltill experienceexperience changechange thythy mindemind.
wln 0577Fau.FaustusFau.WhyWhy? thinkstthinkst thouthou thenthen thatthat FaustusFaustus shallshall béebebeen
wln 0578damn’ddamned?
wln 0579Me.MephistophelesMe.IAyay ofof necessitienecessity, forfor here’shere’s thethe scrowlescroll,
wln 0580WhereinWherein thouthou hasthast giuengiven thythy soulesoul toto LuciferLucifer.
wln 0581Fau.FaustusFau.IAyay, andand bodybody tootoo, butbut whatwhat ofof thatthat?
wln 0582ThinkstThinkst thouthou thatthat FaustusFaustus isis soso fondfond,
wln 0583ToTo imagineimagine, thatthat afterafter thisthis lifelife therethere isis anyany painepain?
wln 0584TushTush thesethese areare triflestrifles andand méeremere oldeold wiueswives’wife’s talestales.
wln 0585Me.MephistophelesMe.ButBut FaustusFaustus II amam anan instanceinstance toto proueprove thethe contrarycontrary
wln 0586ForFor II amam damnddamned, andand amam nownow inin hellhell.
wln 0587Fau.FaustusFau.HowHow? nownow inin hellhell? naynay andand thisthis bebe hellhell, IleI’ll wil=willinglywil∣linglywillingly
wln 0588lingly
wln 0588bebe damnddamned herehere: whatwhat walkingwalking, disputingdisputing, &c.etc. ButBut
wln 0589leauingleaving offoff thisthis, letlet meme hauehave aa wifewife, thethe fairestfairest maidmaid inin Ger-GermanyGer∣manyGermany
wln 0590many,
wln 0590forfor II amam wantonwanton andand lasciuiouslascivious, andand cancan notnot liuelive
wln 0591withoutwithout aa wifewife.
wln 0592Me.MephistophelesMe.HowHow, aa wifewife? II prithéeprithee FaustusFaustus talketalk notnot ofof aa wifewife.
wln 0593Fau.FaustusFau.NayNay sweetesweet MephastophilisMephistophelesMephastophilis fetchfetch meme oneone, forfor II willwill
wln 0594hauehave oneone.
wln 0595Me.MephistophelesMe.VVellUUellWellwell thouthou wiltwilt hauehave oneone, sitsit therethere tilltill II comecome, IleI’ll
wln 0596fetchfetch théethee aa wifewife inin thethe diuelsdevil’s namename.
wln 0597EnterEnter withwith aa diuelldevil drestdressed likelike aa womanwoman,
wln 0598withwith fier workesfireworksfire works.
wln 0599Me:MephistophelesMe:TelTell FaustusFaustus, howhow dostdost thouthou likelike thythy wifewife?
wln 0600Fau:FaustusFau:AA plagueplague onon herher forfor aa hotehot whorewhore.
wln 0601Me:MephistophelesMe:TutTut FaustusFaustus, marriagemarriage isis butbut aa ceremoniallceremonial toytoy, ifif
wln 0602thouthou louestlovest meme, thinkethink moremore ofof itit.
wln 0603IleI’ll cullcull théethee outout thethe fairestfairest curtezanscourtesans,
wln 0604AndAnd bringbring themthem eu’ryevery morningmorning toto thythy bedbed,
wln 0605SheShe whomewhom thinethine eieeye shallshall likelike, thythy heartheart shalshall hauehave,
wln 0606BeBe sheshe asas chastechaste asas waswas PenelopePenelope,
wln 0607AsAs wisewise asas SabaSaba, oror asas beautifulbeautiful
wln 0608AsAs waswas brightbright LuciferLucifer beforebefore hishis fallfall.
wln 0609HoldH●ldHold, taketake thisthis bookebook, peruseperuse itit thorowlythoroughly,
wln 0610TheThe iteratingiterating ofof thesethese lineslines bringsbrings goldegold,
sig: C2v
wln 0611TheThe framingframing ofof thisthis circlecircle onon thethe groundground,
wln 0612BringsBrings whirlewindeswhirlwinds, tempeststempests, thunderthunder andand lightninglightning.
wln 0613PronouncePronounce thisthis thricethrice deuoutlydevoutly toto thy selfethyself,
wln 0614AndAnd menmen inin armourarmorarmour shalshall appeareappear toto theethee,
wln 0615ReadyReady toto executeexecute whatwhat thouthou desirstdesir’stdesirest.
wln 0616Fau:FaustusFau:ThankesThanks MephastophilusMephistophelesMephastophilis, yetyet fainefain wouldwould II hauehave
wln 0617aa bookebook whereinwherein II mightmight beholdebehold alall spelsspells andand incantationsincantations,
wln 0618thatthat II mightmight raiseraise vpup spiritsspirits whenwhen II pleaseplease.
wln 0619Me:MephistophelesMe:HereHere theythey areare inin thisthis bookebook.ThereThere turneturn toto themthem
wln 0620Fau:FaustusFau:NowNow wouldwould II hauehave aa bookebook wherewhere II mightmight séesee alall
wln 0621characterscharacters andand planetsplanets ofof thethe heauensheavens, thatthat II mightmight knoweknow
wln 0622theirtheir motionsmotions andand dispositionsdispositions.
wln 0623Me:MephistophelesMe:HéereHere theythey areare tootoo.TurneTurn toto themthem
wln 0624Fau:FaustusFau:NayNay letlet meme hauehave oneone bookebook moremore, andand thenthen II hauehave
wln 0625donedone, whereinwherein II mightmight séesee alall plantsplants, hearbesherbs andand tréestrees thatthat
wln 0626growgrow vponupon thethe earthearth.
wln 0627Me,MephistophelesMe,HereHere theythey bebe.
wln 0628Fau:FaustusFau:OO thouthou artart deceiueddeceived.
wln 0629Me:MephistophelesMe:TutTut II warrantwarrant théethee.TurneTurn toto themthem
wln 0630Fau:FaustusFau:WhenWhen II beholdbehold thethe heauensheavens, thenthan II repentrepent,
wln 0631AndAnd cursecurse théethee wickedwicked MephastophilusMephistophelesMephastophilis,
wln 0632BecauseBecause thouthou hasthast depriu’ddeprived meme ofof thosethose ioyesjoys.
wln 0633Me:MephistophelesMe:whywhy FaustusFaustus,
wln 0634ThinkstThinkst thouthou heauenheaven isis suchsuch aa gloriousglorious thingthing?
wln 0635II teltell théethee tis’tis notnot halfehalf soso fairefair asas thouthou,
wln 0636OrOr anyany manman thatthat breathesbreathes onon earthearth.
wln 0637Fau:FaustusFau:HowHow proouestprovest thouthou thatthat?
wln 0638Me:MephistophelesMe:ItIt waswas mademade forfor manman, thereforetherefore isis manman moremore excel=excellentexcel∣lentexcellent
wln 0639lentexcellent.
wln 0640Fau:FaustusFau:IfIf itit werewere mademade forfor manman, twas’twas mademade forfor meme:
wln 0641II wilwill renouncerenounce thisthis magickemagic, andand repentrepent.
wln 0642EnterEnter goodgood AngelAngel, andand euillevil AngelAngel.
wln 0643GoodGood An:AnAngelAn:FaustusFaustus, repentrepent yetyet, GodGod wilwill pittypity théethee.
wln 0644euillevilangel An:AnAngelAn:ThouThou artart aa spiritespirit, GodGod cannotcannot pittypity théethee.
wln 0645Fau:FaustusFau:whowho buzzethbuzzeth inin minemine earesears II amam aa spiritespirit?
wln 0646BeB●Be II aa diueldevil, yetyet GodGod maymay pittypity meme,
wln 0647IAyI GodGod wilwill pittypity meme, ifif II repentrepent.
sig: C3r
wln 0648euillevilangel An:AnAngelAn:IAyI butbut FaustusFaustus neuernever shalshall repentrepent.exeuntexeunt
wln 0649Fau:FaustusFau:MyMy heartsheart’shearts soso hardnedhardened II cannotcannot repentrepent,
wln 0650ScarseScarce cancan II namename saluationsalvation, faithfaith, oror heauenheaven,
wln 0651ButBut fearefulfearful ecchoesechoes thundersthunders inin minemine earesears,
wln 0652FaustusFaustus, thouthou artart damn’ddamned, thenthenthan swordesswords andand kniuesknives,
wln 0653PoysonPoison, gunnesguns, haltershalters, andand invenomdenvenomed stéelesteel
wln 0654AreAre laydelaid beforebefore meme toto dispatchdispatch my selfemyself,
wln 0655AndAnd longlong ereere thisthis II shouldshould hauehave slaineslain my selfemyself,
wln 0656HadHad notnot swéetesweet pleasurepleasure conquerdconquered déepedeep dispairedespair.
wln 0657HaueHave notnot II mademade blindeblind HomerHomer singsing toto meme,
wln 0658OfOf AlexandersAlexander’s louelove, andand EnonsOenone’s deathdeath,
wln 0659AndAnd hathhath notnot hehe thatthat builtbuilt thethe walleswalls ofof ThebesThebes,
wln 0660WithWith rauishingravishing soundsound ofof hishis melodiousmelodious harpharp
wln 0661MadeMade musickemusic withwith mymy MephastophilisMephistophelesMephastophilis,
wln 0662WhyWhy shouldshould II dyedie thenthen, oror baselybasely dispairedespair?
wln 0663II amam resolu’dresolved FaustusFaustus shalshall nerene’er repentrepent,
wln 0664ComeCome MephastophilisMephistophelesMephastophilis, letlet vsus disputedispute againeagain,
wln 0665AndAnd argueargue ofof diuinedivine AstrologieAstrology,
wln 0666TelTell meme, areare therethere manymany heauensheavens aboueabove thethe MooneMoon?
wln 0667AreAre allall celestiallcelestial bodiesbodies butbut oneone globeglobe,
wln 0668AsAs isis thethe substancesubstance ofof thisthis centrickecentric earthearth?
wln 0669Me:MephistophelesMe:AsAs areare thethe elementselements, suchsuch areare thethe sphearesspheres,
wln 0670MutuallyMutually foldedfolded inin eacheach othersother’sothers orbeorb,
wln 0671AndAnd FaustusFaustus allall iointlyjointly mouemove vponupon oneone axletréeaxletree,
wln 0672WhoseWhose terminineterminine isis tearmdtermed thethe worldsworld’s widewide polepole,
wln 0673NorNor areare thethe namesnames ofof SaturneSaturn, MarsMars, oror IupiterJupiterjupiter
wln 0674FaindFeigned, butbut areare erringerring starresstars.
wln 0675Fau.FaustusFau.ButBut telltell meme, hauehave theythey allall oneone motionmotion? bothboth situ〈◊〉situ &et
wln 0676temporetempore.
wln 0677Me.MephistophelesMe.AllAll ioyntlyjointly mouemove fromfrom EastEast toto WestWest inin 24.24. houreshours
wln 0678vponupon thethe polespoles ofof thethe worldworld, butbut differdiffer inin theirtheir motionmotion vponupon
wln 0679thethe polespoles ofof thethe ZodiakeZodiac.
wln 0680Fau.FaustusFau.TushTush, thesethese slenderslender triflestrifles WagnerWagner cancan decidedecide,
wln 0681HathHath MephastophilisM●phastophilusMephistophelesMephastophilis nono greatergreater skillskill?
wln 0682WhoWho knowesknows notnot thethe doubledouble motionmotion ofof thethe plannetsplanets?
wln 0683TheThe first〈◊〉first isis finisht〈◊〉finished inin aa naturallnatural dayday,
wln 0684TheThe secondsec●ndsecond thusthus, asas Saturne〈◊〉Saturn inin 30.30. yearesyears, IupiterJupiterjupiter inin 12.12.
sig: C3v
wln 0685MarsMars inin 4.4. thethe SunneSun, VenusVenus, andand MercuryMercury inin aa yeareyear: thethe
wln 0686MooneMoon inin 28.28. dayesdays. TushTush thesethese areare fresh mensfreshmen’sfresh men’s suppositionssuppositions,
wln 0687butbut telltell meme, hathhath eueryevery sphearesphere aa dominiondominion oror IntelligentijIntelligentij?
wln 0688Me.MephistophelesMe.IAyI.
wln 0689Fau.FaustusFau.HowHow manymany heauensheavens oror sphearesspheres areare therethere?
wln 0690Me.MephistophelesMe.NineNine, thethe seuenseven planetsplanets, thethe firmamentfirmament, andand thethe im=imperiallim∣periallimperial
wln 0691periall
wln 0691heauenheaven.
wln 0692Fau.FaustusFau.VVellUUellWellwell, resolueresolve meme inin thisthis questionquestion, whywhy hauehave wéewe
wln 0693notnot coniunctionsconjunctions, oppositionsoppositions, aspectsaspects, eclipsiseclipsesellipsis, allall atat oneone
wln 0694timetime, butbut inin somesome yearesyears wewe hauehave moremore, inin somesome lesseless?
wln 0695Me.MephistophelesMe.PerPer inæqualeminaequaleminaequalem motummotum respecturespectu totiustotius.
wln 0696Fau.FaustusFau.WellWell, II amam answeredanswered, telltell meme whowho mademade thethe worldworld?
wln 0697Me.MephistophelesMe.II willwill notnot.
wln 0698Fau.FaustusFau.SweeteSweet MephastophilusMephistophelesMephastophilis telltell meme.
wln 0699Me.MephistophelesMe.MoueMove meme notnot, forfor II willwill notnot telltell théethee.
wln 0700Fau.FaustusFau.VillaineUillaineVillain, hauehave II notnot boundbound théethee toto teltell meme anyany thingthing?
wln 0701Me.M●.MephistophelesM●.IAyay, thatthat isis notnot againstagainst ourour kingdomekingdom, butbut thisthis isis,
wln 0702ThinkeThink thouthou onon hellhell FaustusFaustus, forfor thouthou artart damnddamned.
wln 0703Fau.FaustusFau.ThinkeThink FaustusFaustus vponupon GodGod thatthat mademade thethe worldworld.
wln 0704Me.MephistophelesMe.RememberRemember thisthis.ExitExit.
wln 0705Fau.FaustusFau.IAyay, goego accursedaccursed spiritspirit toto vglyugly hellhell,
wln 0706Tis’Tis thouthou hasthast damnddamn●ddamned distresseddistressed FaustusFaustus’ soulesoul:
wln 0707IstIs ’tIs’t notnot tootoo latelate?
wln 0708EnterEnter goodgood AngellAngel andand euillevil.
wln 0709euillevil A.AngelA.TooToo latelate.
wln 0710goodgood A.AngelA.NeuerNever tootoo latelate, ifif FaustusFaustus cancan repentrepent.
wln 0711euillevil A.AngelA.IfIf thouthou repentrepent diuelsdevils shallshall tearetear theethee inin péecespieces.
wln 0712goodgood A.AngelA.RepentRepent, &and theythey shalshall neuernever raceraze thythy skinskin.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 0713Fau.FaustusFau.AhAh ChristChrist mymy SauiourSaviorSaviour, seekeseek toto sauesave distresseddistressed Fau=FaustusFau∣stusFaustus’Faustus
wln 0714stus
wln 0714soulesoul.
wln 0715EnterEnter LuciferLucifer, BelsabubBeelzebubBelsabub, andand MephastophilusMephistophelesMephastophilus.
wln 0716Lu.LuciferLu.ChristChr●stChrist cannotcannot sauesave thythy soulesoul, forfor hehe isis iustjust,
wln 0717TheresThere’sthere’s nonenone butbut II hauehave intrestinterest inin thethe samesame.
wln 0718Fau:FaustusFau:OO whowho artart thouthou thatthat lookstlook’stlookest soso terribleterrible?
wln 0719Lu:LuciferLu:II amam LuciferLucifer, andand thisthis isis mymy companioncompanion PrincePrince inin
wln 0720helhell.
wln 0721Fau:FaustusFau:OO FaustusFaustus, theythey areare comecome toto fetchfetch awayaway thythy soulesoul.
sig: C4r
wln 0722Lu:LuciferLu:wewe comecome toto telltell théethee thouthou dostdost iniureinjure vsus,
wln 0723ThouThou talksttalk’sttalkest ofof ChristChrist, contrarycontrary toto thythy promisepromise
wln 0724ThouThou shouldstshouldst notnot thinkethink ofof GodGod, thinkethink ofof thethe deuildevil,
wln 0725AndA●dAnd ofof hishis dameda●●dame tootoo.
wln 0726Fau:FaustusFau:NorNor willwill I●I henceforthhenceforth: pardonpardon meme inin thisthis,
wln 0727AndAnd FaustusFaustus vowesvows neuernever toto lookelook tosotoso heauenheaven,
wln 0728NeuerNever toto namename GodGod, oror toto praypray toto himhim,
wln 0729ToTo burneburn hishis ScripturesScriptures, slayslay hishis MinistersMinisters,
wln 0730AndAnd makemake mymy spiritesspirits pullpull hishis churcheschurches downedow●edown.
wln 0731Lu:LuciferLu:DoDo soso, andand wewe willwill highlyhighly gratifiegratify theethee:
wln 0732FaustusFaustus, wewe areare comecome fromfrom helhell toto shewshow théethee somesome pastimepastime:
wln 0733sitssitsit downedown, andand thouthou shaltshalt seesee alall thethe seauenseven deadlydeadly sinnessins ap=appeareap∣peareappear
wln 0734peare
wln 0734inin theirtheir properproper shapesshapes.
wln 0735Fau:FaustusFau:ThatThat sightsight willwill bebe asas pleasingpleasing vntounto meme, asas paradiseparadise
wln 0736waswas toto AdamAdam, thethe firstfirst dayday ofof hishis creationcreation.
wln 0737Lu:LuciferLu:TalkeTalk notnot ofof paradiseparadise, nornor creationcreation, butbut markemark thisthis
wln 0738shewshow, talketalk ofof thethe diueldevil, andand nothingnothing elseelse: comecome awayaway.
wln 0739EnterEnter thethe seauenseven deadlydeadly sinnessins.
wln 0740NowNow FaustusFaustus, examineexamine themthem ofof theirtheir seueralseveral namesnames andand
wln 0741dispositionsdispositions.
wln 0742EauFaustusEau:WhatWhat artart thouthou? thethe firstfirst.
wln 0743PridePrideII amam PridePride, II disdainedisdain toto hauehave anyany parentsparents, II amam
wln 0744likelike toto OuidsOvid’s fleafl●●flea, II cancan créepecreep intointo eueryevery cornercorner ofof aa wenchw●nchwench,
wln 0745sometimessometimes likelike aa periwigper●wigperiwig, II sitsit vponupon herher browbrow, oror likelike aa fanfan
wln 0746ofof feathersfeathers, II kissekiss herher lippeslips, indéedeindeed II doedo, whatwhat doedo II notnot?
wln 0747butbut fiefie, whatwhat aa scentscent isis herehere? IleI’ll notnot speakespeak an otheranother wordeword,
wln 0748exceptexcept thethe groundground werewere perfumdeperfumed andand coueredcovered withwith clothcloth ofof
wln 0749arrasarras.
wln 0750Fau:FaustusFau:WhatWhat artart thouthou? thethe secondsecond.
wln 0751Coue:CovetousnessCoue:II amam CouetousnesCovetousness, begottenbegotten ofof anan oldeold churlechurl, inin
wln 0752anan oldeold leatherneleathern bagbag: andand mightmight II hauehave mymy wishwish, II wouldwould
wln 0753desiredesire, thatthat thisthis househouse, andand allall thethe peoplepeople inin itit werewere turndturned toto
wln 0754goldego●degold, thatthat II mightmight lockelock youyou vppeup inin mymy goodgood chestchest, OOOh mymy
wln 0755sweetesweet goldegold
wln 0756Fau:FaustusFau:WhatWhat artart thouthou? thethe thirdthird.
wln 0757WrathWrathII amam WrathWrath, II hadhad neitherneither fatherfather nornor mothermother, II
wln 0758leaptleapt outout ofof aa lionslion’s mouthmouth, whenwhen II waswas scarcescarce halfhalf anan hourehour
sig: C4v
wln 0759oldeold, andand euerever sincesince II hauehave runnerun vpup andand downedown thethe worldeworld,
wln 0760withwith thisthis casecase ofof rapiersrapiers woundingwounding my selfemyself, whenwhen II hadhad nono bodynobody
wln 0761body
wln 0761toto fightfight withalwithal: II waswas borneborn inin helhell, andand lookelook toto itit, forfor
wln 0762somesome ofof youyou shalbeshall be mymy fatherfather.
wln 0763Fau:FaustusFau:whatwhat artart thouthou? thethe fourthfourth.
wln 0764EnuyEnvyII amam EnuyEnvy, begottenbegotten ofof aa Chimney-swéeperChimney-sweeperChimney-swéeper, andand
wln 0765anan OysterOyster wifewife, II cannotcannot readeread, andand thereforetherefore wishwish alall bookesbooks
wln 0766werewere burntburntburned: II amam leanelean withwith séeingseeing othersothers eateeat, OOOh thatthat
wln 0767therethere wouldwould comecome aa faminefamine throughthrough allall thethe worldeworld, thatthat allall
wln 0768mightmight diedie, andand II liuelive alonealone, thenthenthan thouthou shouldstshouldst seesee howhow fattfat II
wln 0769wouldwould bebe: butbut mustmust thouthou sitsit andand II standstand? comecome downedown withwith
wln 0770aa vengeancevengeance.
wln 0771Fau:FaustusFau:AwayAway enuiousenvious rascallrascal: whatwhat artart thouthou? thethe fiftfifth.
wln 0772Glut:GluttonyGlut:whowho II sirsir, II amam GluttonyGluttony, mymy parentsparents areare alall deaddead,
wln 0773andand thethe diueldevil aa penypenny theythey hauehave leftleft meme, butbut aa barebare pentionpension,
wln 0774andand thatthat isis 30.30. mealesmeals aa dayday, andand tenneten beauersbeversbeavers, aa smallsmall
wln 0775triflletrifle toto sufficesuffice naturenature, OOOh II comecome ofof aa royallroyal parentageparentage, mymy
wln 0776grandfathergrandfather waswas aa gammongammon ofof baconbacon, mymy grandmothergrandmother aa
wln 0777hogs headhogsheadhog’s head ofof Claret-wineClaret-wine: MyMy godfathersgodfathers werewere thesethese, Pe=PeterPe∣terPeter
wln 0778ter
wln 0778Pickle-herringPickle-herring, andand MartinMarti●Martin MartlemasMartlemas biefebeef, OOOh butbut
wln 0779mymy godmothergodmother sheshe waswas aa iollyjolly gentlewomangentlewoman, andand webelo=welbelouedwelbelo∣uedwell-beloved
wln 0780ued
wln 0780inin eueryevery goodgood townetown andand CitieCity, herher namename waswas mistressemistress
wln 0781MargeryMargery March-béereMarch-beer: nownow FaustusFaustus, thouthou hasthast heardheard allall mymy
wln 0782ProgenyProgeny, wiltwilt thouthou bidbid meme toto suppersupper?
wln 0783Fau.FaustusFau.NoNo, IleI’ll séesee théethee hangedhanged, thouthou wiltwilt eateeat vpup allall mymy
wln 0784victuallsvictuals.
wln 0785Glut.GluttonyGlut.ThenThen thethe diuelldevil choakechoke théethee.
wln 0786Fau.FaustusFau.ChoakeChoke thy selfethyself gluttonglutton: whatwhat artart thouthou? thethe sixtsixth.
wln 0787SloathSloath.SlothSloath...II amam sloathsloth, II waswas begottenbegotten onon aa sunnysunny bankebank,
wln 0788wherewhere II hauehave lainelain euerever sincesince, andand youyou hauehave donedone meme greatgreat
wln 0789iniuryinjury toto bringbring meme fromfrom thencethence, letlet meme bebe carriedcarried thitherthith●rthither a=againea∣gaineagain
wln 0790gaine
wln 0790byby GluttonyGluttony andand LeacheryLechery, IleI’ll notnot speakespeak an otheranother
wln 0791wordword forfor aa KingsKing’sking’s raunsomera●nsomeransom.
wln 0792Fau.FaustusFau.WhatWhat areare youyou mistressemistress minkesminks? thethe seauenthseventh
wln 0793andand lastlast.
wln 0794LecheryLecheryWhoWho II sirsir? II amam oneone thatthat louesloves anan inchinch ofof rawraw
wln 0795MuttonMutton betterbetter thenthan anan ellell ofof fridefrid●●●ock-fishfried stock-fishstock-fish, andand thethe firstfirst
sig: D1r
wln 0796letterletter ofof mymy namename beginnesbegins withwith leacherylechery.
wln 0797AwayAway, toto helhell, toto helhell.exeuntexeunt thethe sinnessins.
wln 0798Lu.LuciferLu.NowNow FaustusFaustus, howhow dostdost thouthou likelike thisthis?
wln 0799Fau:FaustusFau:OO thisthis feedesfeeds mymy soulesoul.
wln 0800Lu.LuciferLu.But●utBut FaustusFaustus, inin helhell isis alall mannermanner ofof delightdelight.
wln 0801Fau.FaustusFau.OO mightmight II séesee helhell, andand returnereturn againeagain, howhow happyhappy
wln 0802werewere II thenthen?
wln 0803Lu:LuciferLu:ThouThou shaltshalt, II wilwill sendsend forfor théethee atat midnightmidnight, inin meanmean
wln 0804timetime taketake thisthis bookebook, peruseperuse itit throwlythroughly, andand thouthou shaltshalt turneturn
wln 0805thy selfethyself intointo whatwhat shapeshape thouthou wiltwilt.
wln 0806Fau.FaustusFau.GreatGreat thankesthanks mightymighty LuciferLucifer, thisthis wilwill II kéepekeep asas
wln 0807charychary asas mymy lifelife.
wln 0808Lu.LuciferLu.FarewelFarewell FaustusFaustus, andand thinkethink onon thethe diueldevil.
wln 0809Fau.FaustusFau.FarewelFarewell greatgreat LuciferLucifer, comecome MephastophilisMephistophelesMephastophilis.
wln 0810exeuntexeunt omnesomnes.
wln 0811enterenter WagnerWagner solussolus.
wln 0812Wag.WagnerWag.LearnedLearned FaustusFaustus,
wln 0813ToTo knowknow thethe secretssecrets ofof AstronomyAstronomy,
wln 0814GrauenGravengraven inin thethe bookebook ofof IouesIou●sJove’sJoves hiehigh firmamentfirmame●tfirmament,
wln 0815DidDid mountmount himselfehimself toto scalescale OlympusOlympus’ topto●top,
wln 0816BeingBeing seatedseated inin aa chariotchariot burningburning brightbright,
wln 0817DrawneDrawn byb●by thethe strengthstrength ofof yokyyoky dragonsdragons’dragons neckesnecks,
wln 0818HeHe nownow isis gonegone toto prooueprove CosmographyCosmography,
wln 0819AndAnd asas II guesseguess, wilwill firstfirst ariuearrive atat RomeRome,
wln 0820ToTo seesee thethe PopePope, andand mannermanner ofof hishis courtcourt,
wln 0821AndAnd taketake somesome partpart ofof holyholy PetersPeter’s feastfeast,
wln 0822ThatThat toto thisthis dayday isis highlyhighly solemnizdsolemnizedsolemnised.exitexit WagnerWagner
wln 0823EnterEnter FaustusFaustus andand MephastophilusMephastophilisMephastop●ilusMephistophelesMephastophilis.
wln 0824Fau.FaustusFau.HauingHa●ingHavinghaving nownow, mymy goodgood MephastophilusMephistophelesMephastophilis,
wln 0825PastPassedpassed withwith delightdelight thethe statelystately townetown ofof TrierTrier,
wln 0826InuirondEnvironedenvironed roundround withwith ayrieairy mountainemountain topstops,
wln 0827WithWith walleswalls ofof flintflint, andand déepedeep intrenchedentrenched lakeslakes,
wln 0828NotNot toto bebe wonnewon byby anyany conqueringconquering princeprince,
wln 0829FromFrom ParisParis nextnext coastingcoasting thethe RealmeRealm ofof FranceFrance,
wln 0830WéeWe sawesaw thethe riuerriver MaineMaineMain fallfall intointo RhineRhine,
wln 0831VVhoseUUhoseWhosewhose bankesbanks areare setset withwith grouesgroves ofof fruitfulfruitful vinesvines.
wln 0832ThenThen vpup toto NaplesNaples, richrich CampaniaCampania,
sig: D1v
wln 0833VVhoseWhoseWhose buildingsbuildings fairefair andand gorgeousgorgeous toto thethe eyeeye,
wln 0834TheThe stréetesstreets straightstraight forthforth, andand pau’dpaved withwith finest●inestfinest brickebrick,
wln 0835QuartersQuarters thethe townetown inin fourefour equiuolenceequivalence.
wln 0836ThereThere sawesaw wewe learnedlearned MaroesMaro’s goldengolden tombetomb,
wln 0837TheThe wayway hehe cutcut anan EnglishEnglish mile〈◊〉mile inin lengthlength,
wln 0838ThoroughThroughthrough aa rockerock ofof stonestone inin oneone nightsnight’s spacespace.
wln 0839FromFrom thencethe●cethence toto VeniceVenice, PaduaPadnaPadua▪ andand thethe restrest,
wln 0840InIn midstmidst ofof whichwhich aa sumptuoussumptuous TempleTemple standsstands,
wln 0841ThatThat threatsthreats thethe starresstars withwith herher aspiringaspiring toppetop.
wln 0842ThusThus hithertohitherto hathhath FaustusFaustus spentspent hishis timetime,
wln 0843ButBut tellt●lltell meme nownow, whatwhat restingrest●ngresting placeplace isis thisthis?
wln 0844HastHast thouthou asas erst●rsterst II diddid commaundcommand,
wln 0845ConductedConducted meme withinwithin thethe walleswalls ofof RomeRome?
wln 0846Me.MephistophelesMe.FaustusFaustus II hauehave, andand becausebecause wewe wilwill notnot bebe vnpro=vnprouidedvnpro∣uidedunprovided
wln 0847uided,
wln 0847II hauehave takentaken vpup hishis holinesseholiness’ priuyprivy chamberchamber forfor
wln 0848ourour vseuse.
wln 0849Fau.FaustusFau.II hopehope hishis holinesseholi●esseholiness willwill bidbid vsus welcomewelcome.
wln 0850Me.MephistophelesMe.TutTut, tis’tis nono mattermatter manman, wéelewe’ll bebe boldbold withwith hishis goodgood (chearecheer,
wln 0851AndAnd nownow mymy FaustusFaustus, thatthat thouthou maistmayst perceiueperceive
wln 0852WhatWhat RomeRome containethcontaineth toto delightdelight théethee withwith,
wln 0853KnowKnow thatthat thisthis CitieCity standsstands vponupon seuenseven hilleshills
wln 0854ThatThat vnderpropsunderprops thethe groundworkegroundwor●egroundwork ofof thethe samesame,
wln 0855OuerOver thethe whichwhich fourefour statelysta●elystately bridgesbridges leanelean,
wln 0856ThatThat makesmakes safesafe passagepassage toto eacheach partpart ofof RomeRome.
wln 0857VponUponUpon thethe bridgebridge call’dcalled PontoPonto AngeloAngelo,
wln 0858ErectedErected isis aa CastleCastle passingpassing strongstrong,
wln 0859WithinWithin whosewhose walleswalls suchsuch storestore ofof ordonanceordnance areare,
wln 0860AndAnd doubledouble CanonsCanons, fram’dframed ofof caruedcarved brassebrass,
wln 0861AsAs matchmatch thethe dayesdays withinwithin oneone compleatecomplete yeareyear,
wln 0862BesidesBesides thethe gatesgates andand highhigh piramidespyramids,
wln 0863WhichWhich IuliusJuliusjulius CæsarCaesarCaesar broughtbrought fromfrom AffricaAfrica.
wln 0864Fau.FaustusFau.NowNow byby thethe kingdomeskingdoms ofof infernallinfernal rulerule,
wln 0865OfOf StyxStyx, AcheronAcheron,,▪ andand thethe fieryfiery lakelake
wln 0866OfOf euereu●rever burningburning PhlegetonP●leg●●onPhlegeton II sweareswear,
wln 0867ThatThat II dodo longlong toto séesee thethe monumentsmonuments
wln 0868AndAnd scituationsituation ofo●of brightbright splendantsplendent RomeRome,
wln 0869ComeCome thereforetherefore letslet’s awayaway.
sig: D2r
wln 0870Me.MephistophelesMe.NayNay FaustusFaustus staystay, II knowknow youdyo●dyou’d fainefain séesee thethe PopePope,
wln 0871AndAnd taketake somesome partpart ofof holyholy PetersPeter’s feastfeast,
wln 0872WhereWhere thouthou shaltshalt seesee aa troupetroop ofof bald-patebaldpate FriersFriars,
wln 0873WhoseWhose summumsummum bonumbonum isis inin belly-chearebelly-cheer.
wln 0874Fau.FaustusFau.WellWell, II amam contentcontent, toto compassecompass thenthen somesome sportsport,
wln 0875AndAnd byby theirtheir follyfolly makemake vsus merrimentmerriment,
wln 0876ThenThen charmecharm meme thatthat II maymay bebe inuisibleinvisible, toto dodo whatwhat II
wln 0877pleaseplease vnseeneunseen ofof anyany whilstwhilst II staystay inin RomeRome.
wln 0878MeMephistophelesMeSoSo FaustusFaustus, nownow dodo whatwhat thouthou wiltwilt, thouthou shaltshalt notnot
wln 0879bebe discerneddiscerned.
wln 0880SoundSound aa SonnetSennetSonnet, enterenter thethe PopePope andand thethe CardinallCardinal ofof LorraineLorraine
wln 0881toto thethe banketbanquet, withwith FriersFriars attendingattending.
wln 0882PopePopeMyMy LordLord ofof LorraineLorraine, wiltwilt pleaseplease youyou drawdraw nearenear.
wln 0883Fau.FaustusFau.FallFall toototoo, andand thethe diueldevil choakechoke youyou andand youyou sparespare.
wln 0884PopePopeHowH●wHow nownow, whosewho’s thatthat whichwhich spakespoke? FriersFriarsfriars lookelook
wln 0885aboutabout.
wln 0886Fri.FriarFri.Héere’sHere’s no bodynobody, ifif itit likelike youryour HolynesseHoliness.
wln 0887PopePope.MyMy LordLord, herehere isis aa daintiedainty dishdish waswas sentsent meme fromfrom
wln 0888thethe BishopBishop ofof MillaineMallaineMilan.
wln 0889Fau.FaustusFau.II thankethank youyou sirsir.SnatchSnatch itit.
wln 0890PopePope.HowHow nownow, whosewho’s thatthat whichwhich snatchtsnatched thethe meatemeat
wln 0891fromfrom meme? willwill nono manman lookelook?
wln 0892MyMy LordLord, thisthis dishdish waswas sentsent meme fromfrom thethe CardinallCardinal ofof Flo=FlorenceFlo∣renceFlorence
wln 0893renceFlorence.
wln 0894Fau.FaustusFau.YouYou saysay truetrue, IleI’ll hatehate.
wln 0895PopePope.WhatWhat againeagain? mymy LordLord IleI’ll drinkedrink toto youryour gracegrace
wln 0896Fau.FaustusFau.IleI’ll pledgepledge youryour gracegrace.
wln 0897Lor.LorraineLor.MyMy LordLord, itit maymay bebe somesome ghostghost newlynewly creptcrept outout ofof
wln 0898PurgatoryPurgatory comecome toto beggebeg aa pardonpardon ofof youryour holinesseholiness.
wln 0899PopePopeItIt maymay bebe soso, FriersFriars prepareprepare aa dirgedirge toto laylay thethe furyfury
wln 0900ofof thisthis ghostghost, onceonce againeagain mymy LordLord fallfall toototoo.
wln 0901TheThe PopePope crossethcrosseth himselfehimself.
wln 0902Fau.FaustusFau.WhatWhat, areare youyou crossingcrossing ofof your selfeyourself?
wln 0903VVellUUellWellwell vseuse thatthat tricketrick nono moremore, II wouldwould aduiseadvise youyou.
wln 0904CrosseCross againeagain.
wln 0905Fau.FaustusFau.VVellUUellWellwell, theresthere’s thethe secondsecond timetime, awareaware thethe thirdthird,
wln 0906II giuegive youyou fairefair warningwarning.
sig: D2v
wln 0907CrosseCross againeagain, andand FaustusFaustus hitshits himhim aa boxebox ofof thethe eareear,
wln 0908andand theythey allall runnerun awayaway.
wln 0909Fau:FaustusFau:ComeCome onon MephastophilisMephistophelesMephastophilis, whatwhat shallshall wewe dodo?
wln 0910Me.MephistophelesMe.NayNay II knowknow notnot, wewe shalbeshall be curstcursed withwith bellbell, bookebook,
wln 0911andand candlecandle.
wln 0912Fau.FaustusFau.HowHow? bellbell, bookebook, andand candlecandle, candlecandle, bookebook, andand bellbell,
wln 0913ForwardForward andand backwardbackward, toto cursecurse FaustusFaustus toto hellhell.
wln 0914AnonAnon youyou shalshall hearehear aa hoggehog gruntgrunt, aa calfecalf bleatebleat, andand anan
wln 0915asseass brayebray,becausebecause itit isis S.SaintS. PetersPeter’s holyholy dayday.
wln 0916EnterEnter allall thethe FriersFriars toto singsing thethe DirgeDirge.
wln 0917FrierFriarfriar.ComeCome brethrenbrethrenbrothers, letslet’s aboutabout ourour businessebusiness withwith goodgood
wln 0918deuotiondevotion.
wln 0919SingSing thisthis. CursedCursed bebe heehe thatthat stolestole awayaway hishis holinesseholiness meatemeat
wln 0920fromfrom thethe tabletable. maledicatmaledicat dominusdominus.
wln 0921CursedCursed bebe heehe thatthat strookestruck hishis holinesseholiness aa bloweblow onon thethe faceface.
wln 0922maledicatmaledicat dominusdominus.
wln 0923CursedCursed bebe hehe thatthat tooketook FrierFriar SandeloSandelo aa blowblow onon thethe patepate.
wln 0924malemale, &c.etc.
wln 0925CursedCursed bebe hehe thatthat disturbethdisturbeth ourour holyholy DirgeDirge.
wln 0926malemale, &c.etc.
wln 0927CursedCursed bebe hehe thatthat tooketook awayaway hishis holinesseholiness’ winewine.
wln 0928maledicatmaledicat dominusdominus.
wln 0929EtEt omnesomnes sanctisancti. AmenAmen.
wln 0930BeateBeat thethe FriersFriars, andand flingfling fier-workesfireworks amongamong
wln 0931themthem, andand soso ExeuntExeunt.
wln 0932EnterEnter ChorusChorus.
wln 0933VVhenUUhenWhen FaustusFaustus hadhad withwith pleasurepleasure taneta’en thethe viewview
wln 0934OfOf rarestrarest thingsthings, andand royalroyal courtscourts ofof kingskings,
wln 0935HéeHe staydestayed hishis coursecourse, andand soso returnedreturned homehome,
wln 0936WhereWhere suchsuch asas bearebear hishis absenceabsence, butbut withwith griefegrief,
wln 0937II meanemean hishis friendsfriends andand nearestnearest companionscompanions,
wln 0938DidDid gratulategratulate hishis safetiesafety withwith kindekind wordswords,
wln 0939AndAnd inin theirtheir conferenceconference ofof whatwhat befellbefell,
wln 0940TouchingTouching hishis iourneyjourney throughthrough thethe worldworld andand ayreair,
wln 0941TheyThey putput forthforth questionsquestions ofof AstrologieAstrology,
sig: D3r
wln 0942VVhichUUhichWhich FaustusFaustus answerdanswered withwith suchsuch learnedlearned skillskill,
wln 0943AsAs theythey admirdeadmiredadmire andand wondredwonderd〈◊〉wondered atat hishis witwit.
wln 0944NowNow isis hishis famefame spreadspread forthforth inin eueryevery landland,
wln 0945AmongstAmongst thethe restrest thethe EmperourEmperor isis one〈◊〉one,
wln 0946CarolusCarolus thethe fiftfifth, atat whosewhose pallacepalace nownow
wln 0947FaustusFaustus isis feastedfeasted mongst’mongstamongst hishis noblenoble menmen.
wln 0948VVhatUUhatWhat therethere hehe diddid inin trialltrial ofof hishis artart,
wln 0949II leaueleave vntolduntold, youryour eyeseyes shallshall seesee performdperformed.ExitExit.
wln 0950EnterEnter RobinRobin thethe OstlerOstler withwith aa bookebook inin hishis handhand
wln 0951RobinRobinOO thisthis isis admirableadmirable! herehere II haha’ stolnestol’nstolen oneone ofof doctordoctor
wln 0952FaustusFaustus’Faustus coniuringconjuring booksbooks, andand ifaith●faithi’ faithi’faith II meanemean toto search〈◊〉search〈◊〉 somesome
wln 0953circlescircles forfor mymy owneown vseuse::▪ nownow wilwill II makemake alall thethe maidens〈◊〉maidens〈◊〉 inin
wln 0954ourour parishparish dancedance atat mymy pleasurepleasure starkestark nakednaked beforebefore meme, andand
wln 0955soso byby thatthat meanesmeans II shalshall seesee moremore thenthan eree’erere II felt〈◊〉felt, oror saw●awsaw yetyet.
wln 0956EnterEnter RafeRafe callingcalling RobinRobin.
wln 0957RafeRafeRobinRobin, pretheeprithee comecome awayaway, theresthere’s aa GentlemanGentleman
wln 0958tarriestarries toto hauehave hishis horsehors●horse, andand hehe wouldwould hauehave hishis thingsthings rubdrubbed
wln 0959andand mademade cleaneclean: hehe keepeskeeps suchsuch aa chafingchasingcha●ingchafingchase withwith mymy mistrismistress
wln 0960aboutabout itit, andand sheshe hashas sentsent meme toto lookelook théethee outout, prethéeprithee comecome
wln 0961awayaway.
wln 0962RobinRobinKeepeKeep outout, kéepkeep outout, oror elseelse youyou areare blowneblown vpup, youyou
wln 0963areare dismembreddismembered RafeRafe, kéepekeep outout, forfor II amam aboutabout aa roaringroaring
wln 0964peecepiece ofof workework.
wln 0965RafeRafeComeCome, whatwhat doestdost thouthou withwith thatthat samesame bookebook thouthou
wln 0966canstcanst notnot readeread?
wln 0967RobinRobinYesYes, mymy maistermaster andand mistrismistress shalshall findefind thatthat II cancan
wln 0968readeread, hehe forfor hishis foreheadforehead, sheshe forfor herher priuateprivate studystudy, shée’sshe’s
wln 0969borneborn toto bearebear withwith meme, oror elseelse mymy ArtArt failesfails.
wln 0970Rafe●a feRafe WhyWhy RobinRobin whatwhat bookebook isis thatthat?
wln 0971RobinRobinWhatWhat bookebook? whywhy thethe mostmost intollerableintolerable bookebook forfor
wln 0972coniuringconjuring thatthat eree’erere waswas inuentedinvented byby anyany brimstonebrimstone diueldevil.
wln 0973RafeRafeCanstCanst thouthou coniureconjure withwith itit?
wln 0974RobinRobinII cancan dodo alall thesethese thingsthings easilyeasily withwith itit: firstfirst, II cancan
wln 0975makemake théethee drunckedrunk withwith ’ipocrase●ipocrasehippocrase atat anyany tabernetavern inin EuropeEurope
wln 0976forfor nothingnothing, thatsthat’s oneone ofof mymy coniuringconiuring workesworks.
wln 0977RafeRafeOurOur maistermaster ParsonParson sayessays thatsthat’s nothingnothing.
wln 0978RobinRobinTrueTrue RafeRafe, andand moremore RafeRafe, ifif thouthou hasthast anyany mindmind
sig: D3v
wln 0979toto NanNan SpitSpit ourour kitchinkitchen maidemaid, thenthen turneturn herher andand windwind hirher
wln 0980toto thythy owneown vseuse, asas oftenoften asas thouthou wiltwilt, andand atat midnightmidnight.
wln 0981RafeRafeOO brauebrave RobinRobin; shalshall II hauehave NanNan SpitSpit, andand toto minemine
wln 0982owneown vseuse? OnOn thatthat conditioncondition IleI’ll feedefeed thythy diueldevil withwith horse=horsebreadhorse∣breadhorsebread
wln 0983bread
wln 0983asas longlong asas hehe liueslives, ofof fréefree costcost.
wln 0984RobinRobinNoNo moremore swéetesweet RafeRafe, lettslet’s goego andand makemake cleaneclean
wln 0985ourour bootesboots whichwhich lielie foulefoul vponupon ourour handeshands, andand thenthen toto ourour
wln 0986coniuringconjuring inin thethe diuelsdevil’s namename.exeuntexeunt.
wln 0987EnterEnter RobinRobin andand RafeRafe withwith aa siluersilver GobletGoblet.
wln 0988RobinRobinComeCome RafeRafe, diddid notnot II telltell theethee, wewe werewere forfor euerever
wln 0989mademade byby thisthis doctordoctor FaustusFaustus’ bookebook? ecceecce signumsignum, héereshere’s aa sim=simplesim∣plesimple
wln 0990ple
wln 0990purchasepurchase forfor horse-kéepershorsekeepers, ourour horseshorses shalshall eateeat nono hayhay asas
wln 0991longlong asas thisthis lastslasts.enterenter thethe UintnerVintnerVintner.
wln 0992RafeRafeButBut RobinRobin, herehere comescomes thethe vintnervintner.
wln 0993RobinRobinHushHush, IleI’ll gulgull himhim supernaturallysupernaturally: DrawerDrawer, II
wln 0994hopehope alall isis paydpaid, GodGod bebe withwith youyou, comecome RafeRafe.
wln 0995Vintn.VintnerSoftSoft sirsir, aa wordword withwith youyou, II mustmust yetyet hauehave aa gob=gobletgob∣letgoblet
wln 0996let
wln 0996paydepaid fromfrom youyou ereere youyou goego.
wln 0997RobinRobinII aa gobletgoblet RafeRafe, II aa gobletgoblet? II scornescorn youyou: andand youyou
wln 0998areare butbut aa &c.etc. II aa gobletgoblet? searchsearch meme.
wln 0999Vintn.VintnerII meanemean soso sirsir withwith youryour fauorfavorfavour.
wln 1000RobinRobinHowHow saysay youyou nownow?
wln 1001VintnerVintnerII mustmust saysay somewhatsomewhat toto youryour felowfellow, youyou sirsir.
wln 1002RafeRafeMeMe sirsir, meme sirsir, searchsearch youryour fillfill: nownow sirsir, youyou maymay bebe
wln 1003ashamedashamed toto burdenburden honesthon●sthonest menmen withwith aa mattermatter ofof truthtruth.
wln 1004VintnerVintnerWelWell, tonet’ onetone ofof youyou hathhath thisthis gobletgoblet aboutabout youyou.
wln 1005Ro.RobinRo.YouYou lielie DrawerDrawer, tis’tis aforeafore meme: sirrasirrah youyou, IleI’ll teachteach yeye
wln 1006toto impeachimpeach honesthonest menmen●men::▪ standstand byby, IleI’ll scowrescour youyou forfor aa gobletgoblet,
wln 1007standstand asideaside youyou hadhad bestbest, II chargecharge youyou inin thethe namename ofof Belza=BelzabubBelza|bubBeelzebub
wln 1008bub:
wln 1008lookelook toto thethe gobletgoblet RafeRafe.
wln 1009VintnerVintnerwhatwhat meanemean youyou sirrasirrah?
wln 1010RobinRobinIleI’ll teltell youyou whatwhat II meanemean.HeHe readesreads.
wln 1011SanctobulorumSanctobulorum PeriphrasticonPeriphrasticon: naynay IleI’ll tickletickle youyou VintnerUintnerVintner,
wln 1012lookelook toto thethe gobletgoblet RafeRafe, PolypragmosPolypragmos BelyeboramsBel●eboramsBelyeborams framantoframanto pa-pacostiphospa|cost●phospacostiphos
wln 1013costiphos
wln 1013tostutostu MephastophilisMephistophelesMephastophilis, &c.etc.
wln 1014EnterEnter MephostophilisMephistophelesMephostophilis: setssets squibssquibs atat theirtheir backesbacks:
wln 1015theythey runnerun aboutabout.
sig: D4r
wln 1016VintnerVintnerOO nominenomine DomineDomineDominae, whatwhat meanst〈◊〉meanst thouthou RobinRobin thouthou? hasthast
wln 1017nono gobletgoblet.
wln 1018RafeRafePeccatumPeccatum peccatorumpeccatorum, heereshere’s thythy gobletgoblet, goodgood Vint=UintnerUint|nerVintner
wln 1019nerVintner.
wln 1020RobinRobinMisericordiaMisericordia propro nobisnob●●nobis,,▪ whatwhat shalshall II doedo? goodgood diueldevil
wln 1021forgiueforgive meme nownow, andand IleI’ll neuernever rob●obrob thythy LibraryLibrary moremore.
wln 1022EnterEnter toto themthem Meph.MephistophelesMeph.
wln 1023Meph.MephistophelesMeph.VanishUanishVanish vilainesvillains, thth’ oneone likelike anan ApeApe, an otheranother likelike
wln 1024aa BeareBear, thethe thirdthird anan AsseAss, forfor doingdoing thisthis enterpriseenterprise.
wln 1025MonarchMonarch ofof helhell, vnderunder whosewhose blackeblack surueysurvey
wln 1026GreatGreat PotentatesPotentates dodo kneelekneel withwith awfulawful fearefear,
wln 1027VponUponUpon whosewhose altarsaltars thousandthousand foulesfowls do〈…〉do〈…〉 lie〈…〉lie〈…〉,
wln 1028HowHow amam II vexedvexed withwith thesethese vilainesvillains’villain’s charmescharms?
wln 1029FromFrom ConstantinopleConstantinople amam II hitherhither comecome,
wln 1030OnelyOnly forfor pleasurepleasure ofof thesethese damneddamned slauesslaves.
wln 1031RobinRobinHowHow, fromfrom ConstantinopleConstantinople? youyou hauehave hadhad aa greatgreat
wln 1032iourneyjourney, wilwill youyou taketake sixesix pencepence inin youryour pursepurse toto paypay forfor youryour
wln 1033suppersupper, andand bebe gonegone?
wln 1034Me.MephistophelesMe.welwell villainesvillains, forfor youryour presumptionpresumption, II transformetransform
wln 1035théethee intointo anan ApeApe, andand théethee intointo aa DogDog, andand soso bebe gonegone.exitexit.
wln 1036Rob.RobinRob.HowHow, intointo anan ApeApe? thatsthat’s brauebrave, IleI’ll hauehave finefine sportsport
wln 1037withwith thethe boyesboys, IleI’ll getget nutsnuts andand applesapp●esapples enowenowenough.
wln 1038RafeRafeAndAnd II mustmust bebe aa DoggeDog.
wln 1039RobinRobinIfaithI’ faithi’faith thythy headhead wilwill neuernever bebe outout ofof thethe potagepottage potpot. exeuntexeunt.
wln 1040EnterEnter EmperourEmperor, FaustusFaustus, andand aa KnightKnight,
wln 1041withwith AttendantsAttendants.
wln 1042Em.EmperorMaisterMaster doctordoctor FaustusFaustus, II hauehave heardheard strangestrange re=reportre|portreport
wln 1043port
wln 1043ofof thythy knowledgeknowledge inin thethe blackeblack ArteArt, howhow thatthat nonenone inin
wln 1044mymy EmpireEmpire, nornor inin thethe wholewhole worldworld cancan comparecompare withwith théethee,
wln 1045forfor thethe rarerare effectseffects ofof MagickeMagic: theythey saysay thouthou hasthast aa familiarfamiliar
wln 1046spiritspirit, byby whomewhom thouthou canstcanst accomplishaccomplish whatwhat thouthou listlist, thisthis
wln 1047thereforetherefore isis mymy requestrequest thatthat thouthou letlet meme séesee somesome proofeproof ofof thytheth●thy
wln 1048skilskill, thatthat minemine eieseyes maymay bebe witnesseswitnesses toto confirmeconfirm whatwhat minemine
wln 1049earesears hauehave heardheard reportedreported, andand herehere II sweareswear toto théethee, byby thethe
wln 1050honorhonorhonour ofof minemine ImperialImperial crownecrown, thatthat what euerwhatever thouthou doestdost,
wln 1051thouthou shaltshalt bebe nono wayesways preiudicedprejudiced oror indamagedendamaged.
wln 1052KnightKnightIfaithI faithI’ faithi’faith hehe lookeslooks muchmuch likelike aa coniurerc●●iurerconjurer..▪asideaside.
sig: D4v
wln 1053Fau.FaustusFau.MyMy gratiousgracious SoueraigneSovereign, thoughthough II mustmust confesseconfess
wln 1054my selfemyself farrefar inferiorinferior toto thethe reportreport menmen hauehave publishedpublished, andand
wln 1055nothingnothing answerableanswerable toto thethe honorhonorhonour ofof youryour ImperialImperial maiestymajesty,
wln 1056yetyet forfor thatthat louelove andand duetyduty bindesbinds meme therevntothereunto, II amam con=contentcon∣tentcontent
wln 1057tent
wln 1057toto dodo whatsoeuerwhatsoever youryour maiestymajesty shallshall commandcommand meme.
wln 1058Em.EmperorThenThen doctordoctor FaustusFaustus, markemark whatwhat II shallshall saysay, AsAs
wln 1059II waswas sometimesometime solitarysolitary setset, withinwithin mymy ClosetCloset, sundrysundry
wln 1060thoughtsthoughts arosearose, aboutabout thethe honourhonorhonour ofof minemine auncestorsancestors, howehow
wln 1061theythey hadhad wonnewon byby prowesseprowess suchsuch exploitsexploits, gotegotgoat suchsuch richesriches,
wln 1062subduedsubdued soso manymany kingdomeskingdoms, asas wewe thatthat dodo succéedesucceed, oror theythey
wln 1063thatthat shalshall hereafterhereafter possessepossess ourour thronethrone, shalshall (II fearefear meme) ne=neuerne|uernever
wln 1064uer
wln 1064attaineattain toto thatthat degréedegree ofof highhigh renownerenown andand greatgreat autho=authoritieautho|ritieauthority
wln 1065ritie,
wln 1065amongestamongst whichwhich kingskings isis AlexanderAlexander thethe greatgreat, chiefechief
wln 1066spectaclespectacle ofof thethe worldesworld’s preheminencepre-eminence,
wln 1067TheThe brightbright shiningshining ofof whosewhose gloriousglorious actesacts
wln 1068LightensLightens thethe worldworld withwith hishis reflectingreflecting beamesbeams,
wln 1069AsAs whenwhen II hearehear butbut motionmotion mademade ofof himhim,
wln 1070ItIt grieuesgrieves mymy soulesoul II neuernever sawsaw thethe manman:
wln 1071IfIf thereforetherefore thouthou, byby cunningcunning ofof thinethine ArtArt,
wln 1072CanstCanst raiseraise thisthis manman fromfrom hollowhollow vaultsvaults belowbelow,
wln 1073wherewhere lieslies intombdeentombed thisthis famousfamous ConquerourConqueror,
wln 1074AndAnd bringbring withwith himhim hishis beauteousbeauteous ParamourParamour,
wln 1075BothBoth inin theirtheir rightright shapesshapes, gesturegesture, andand attireattire
wln 1076TheyThey vsdevs●eused toto wearewear duringduring theirtheir timetime ofof lifelife,
wln 1077ThouThou shaltshalt bothboth satisfiesatisfy mymy iustjust desiredesire,
wln 1078AndAnd giuegive meme causecause toto praisepraise théethee whilstwhilst II liuelive.
wln 1079Fau:FaustusFau:MyMy gratiousgracious LordLord, II amam readyready toto accomplishaccomplish youryour
wln 1080requestrequest, soso farrefar forthforth asas byby artart andand powerpower ofof mymy spiritspirit II amam
wln 1081ableable toto performeperform.
wln 1082KnightKnightIfaith●aithI’ faithIfaith thatsthat’s iustjust nothingnothing atat allall.asideaside.
wln 1083Fau.FaustusFau.ButBut ifif itit likelike youryour GraceGrace, itit isis notnot inin mymy abilitieability toto
wln 1084presentpresent beforebefore youryour eyeseyes, thethe truetrue substantiallsubstantial bodiesbodies ofof thosethose
wln 1085twotwo deceaseddeceased princesprinces whichwhich longlong sincesince areare consumedconsumed toto dustdust.
wln 1086KnightKnightIAyI marymarry mastermaster doctordoctor, nownow theresthere’s aa signesign ofof gracegrace
wln 1087inin youyou, whenwhen youyou wilwill confesseconfess thethe truethtruth.asideaside.
wln 1088Fau:FaustusFau:ButBut suchsuch spiritesspirits asas cancan liuelylively resembleresemble AlexanderAlexander
wln 1089andand hishis ParamourParamour, shalshall appeareappear beforebefore youryour GraceGrace, inin thatthat
sig: E1r
wln 1090mannermanner thatthat theythey bestbest liu’dlived inin, inin theirtheir mostmost florishingflourishing estateestate,
wln 1091whichwhich II doubtdoubt notnot shalshall sufficientlysufficiently contentcontent youryour ImperiallImperial
wln 1092maiestymajesty.
wln 1093EmEmperorGoGo toto maistermaster DoctorDoctor, letlet meme séesee themthem presentlypresently.
wln 1094Kn.KnightDoDo youyou hearehear maistermaster DoctorDoctor? youyou bringbring AlexanderAlexander
wln 1095andand hishis paramourparamour beforebefore thethe emperoremperor?
wln 1096Fau.FaustusFau.HowHow thenthen sirsir?
wln 1097Kn.KnightIfaithI faithI’ faithi’faith thatsthat’s asas truetrue asas DianaDiana turndturned meme toto aa stag●tagstag.
wln 1098Fau:FaustusFau:NoNo sirsir butbut whenwhen ActeonActaeon dieddied, hehe leftleft thethe horneshorns forfor
wln 1099youyou: MephastophilisMephistophelesMephastophilis bebe gonegone.exitexit Meph.MephistophelesMeph.
wln 1100Kn.KnightNayNay, andand youyou gogo toto coniuringconiuri●gconjuring, IleI’ll bebe gonegone.exitexit KnKnightKn::▪
wln 1101Fau.FaustusFau.IleI’ll méetemeet withwith youyou anoneanon forfor interruptinginterrupting meme soso:
wln 1102héerehere theythey areare mymy gratiousgracious LordLord.
wln 1103EnterEnter Meph:MephistophelesMeph: withwith AlexanderAlexander andand hishis paramourparamour.
wln 1104emp.emperorMaisterMaster DoctorDoctor, II heardheard thisthis LadyLady whilewhile sheshe liu’dlived
wln 1105hadhad aa wartwart oror moalemole inin herher neckeneck, howhow shalshall II knowknow whetherwhether
wln 1106itit bebe soso oror nono?
wln 1107Fau:FaustusFau:YourYour highneshighness maymay boldlyboldly gogo andand séesee.exitexit AlexAlexanderAlex:
wln 1108emp:emperorSureSure thesethese areare nono spiritesspirits, butbut thethe truetrue substantiallsubstantial
wln 1109bodiesbodies ofof thosethose twotwo deceaseddeceased princesprinces.
wln 1110Fau:FaustusFau:wiltwilt pleaseplease youryour highneshighness nownow toto sendsend forfor thethe knightknight
wln 1111thatthat waswas soso pleasantpleasant withwith meme herehere ofof latelate?
wln 1112emp:emperorOneOne ofof youyou callcall himhim foorthforth.
wln 1113EnterEnter thethe KnightKnight withwith aa pairepair ofof horneshorns onon hishis headhead.
wln 1114emp.emperorHowHow nownow sirsir KnightKnight? whywhy II hadhad thoughtthought thouthou
wln 1115hadsthadst beenebeen aa batchelerbachelor, butbut nownow II séesee thouthou hasthast aa wifewife, thatthat
wln 1116notnot onlyonly giuesgives theethee horneshorns, butbut makesmakes théethee wearewear themthem, feelefeel
wln 1117onon thythy headhead.
wln 1118Kn:KnightThouThou damneddamned wretchwretch, andand execrableexecrable doggedog,
wln 1119BredBred inin thethe concaueconcave ofof somesome monstrousmonstrous rockerock:
wln 1120HowHow darstdar’st thouthou thusthus abuseabuse aa GentlemanGentleman?
wln 1121VilaineUilaineVillainvillain II saysay, vndoundo whatwhat thouthou hasthast donedone.
sig: E1v
wln 1122Fau:FaustusFau:OO notnot soso fastfast sirsir, theresthere’s nono hastehaste butbut goodgood, areare youyou
wln 1123remembredremembered howhow youyou crossedcrossed meme inin mymy conferenceconference withwith thethe
wln 1124emperouremperor? II thinkethink II hauehave metmet withwith youyou forfor itit.
wln 1125emp:emperorGoodGood MaisterMaster DoctorDoctor, atat mymy intreatyentreaty releaserelease himhim,
wln 1126hehe hathhath donedone penancepenance sufficientsufficient.
wln 1127Fau:FaustusFau:MyMy gratiousgracious LordLord, notnot soso muchmuch forfor thethe iniuryinjury héehe
wln 1128offredoffered meme héerehere inin youryour presencepresence, asas toto delightdelight youyou withwith somesome
wln 1129mirthmirth, hathhath FaustusFaustus worthilyworthily requitedrequited thisthis iniuriousinjurious knightknight,
wln 1130whichwhich beingbeing allall II desiredesire, II amam contentcontent toto releaserelease himhim ofof hishis
wln 1131horneshorns: andand sirsir knightknight, hereafterhereafter speakespeak wellwell ofof ScholersScholars:
wln 1132MephastophilisMephistophelesMephastophilis, transformetransform himhim straitstraight. NowNow mymy goodgood LordLord
wln 1133hauinghaving donedone mymy duetyduty, II humblyhumbly taketake mymy leaueleave.
wln 1134emp:emperorFarewelFarewell maistermaster DoctorDoctor, yetyet ereere youyou goego, expectexpect
wln 1135fromfrom meme aa bounteousbounteous rewardreward.exitexit EmperourEmperor.
wln 1136Fau:FaustusFau:NowNow MephastophilisMephistophelesMephastophilis, thethe restlesserestless coursecourse thatthat timetime
wln 1137dothdoth runnerun withwith calmecalm andand silentsilent footefoot,
wln 1138ShortningShort’ningShortening mymy dayesdays andand thredthread ofof vitallvital lifelife,
wln 1139CallsCalls forfor thethe paymentpayment ofof mymy latestlatest yearesyears,
wln 1140ThereforeTherefore swéetsweet MephastophilisMephistophelesMephastophilis, letlet vsus makemake hastehaste toto Wer-WertenbergeWer|tenbergeWertenberg
wln 1141tenbergeWertenberg.
wln 1142Me:MephistophelesMe:whatwhat, wilwill youyou goego onon horse backehorsebackhorse back, oror onon footefoot?
wln 1143Fau:FaustusFau:NayNay, tiltill II amam pastpast thisthis fairefair andand pleasantpleasant gréenegreen, ileI’ll
wln 1144walkewalk onon footefoot.enterenter aa Horse-courserHorse-courser
wln 1145Hors:Horse-corserII hauehave béenebeen alall thisthis dayday séekingseeking oneone maistermaster Fu=FustianFu∣stianFustian
wln 1146stian:
wln 1146massemass séesee wherewhere hehe isis, GodGod sauesave youyou maistermaster doctordoctor.
wln 1147Fau:FaustusFau:WhatWhat horse-courserhorse-courser, youyou areare welwell metmet.
wln 1148Hors:Horse-corserDoDo youyou hearehear sirsir? II hauehave broughtbrought youyou fortyforty dol=dollersdol|lersdollars
wln 1149lers
wln 1149forfor youryour horsehorse.
wln 1150Fau:FaustusFau:II cannotcannot selsell himhim soso: ifif thouthou likstlik’st himhim forfor fiftyfifty, taketake
wln 1151himhim.
wln 1152Hors:Horse-corserAlasAlas sirsir, II hauehave nono moremore, II praypray youyou speakespeak forfor
wln 1153meme.
wln 1154Me:MephistophelesMe:II praypray youyou letlet himhim hauehave himhim, hehe isis anan honesthonest felowfellow,
wln 1155andand hehe hashas aa greatgreat chargecharge, neitherneither wifewife nornor childechild.
wln 1156Fau:FaustusFau:WelWell, comecome giuegive meme youryour moneymoney, mymy boyboy wilwill deli=deliuerdeli|uerdeliver
wln 1157uer
wln 1157himhim toto youyou: butbut II mustmust teltell youyou oneone thingthing beforebefore youyou hauehave
sig: E2r
wln 1158himhim, rideride himhim notnot intointo thethe waterwater atat anyany handhand.
wln 1159Hors:Horse-corserwhywhy sirsir, wilwill hehe notnot drinkedrink ofof allall waterswaters?
wln 1160Fau:FaustusFau:OO yesyes, hehe wilwill drinkedrink ofof alall waterswaters, butbut rideride himhim notnot
wln 1161intointo thethe waterwater, rideride himhim ouerover hedgehedge oror ditchditch, oror wherewhere thouthou
wln 1162wiltwilt, butbut notnot intointo thethe waterwater.
wln 1163Hors:Horse-corserWelWell sirsir, NowNow amam II mademade manman forfor euerever, IleI’ll notnot
wln 1164leaueleave mymy horsehorse forfor fortieforty: ifif hehe hadhad butbut thethe qualitiequality ofof heyheyheigh
wln 1165dingding, dingding, heyheyheigh, dingding, dingding, IdeI’d makemake aa brauebrave liuingliving onon himhim;
wln 1166héehe hashas aa buttockebuttock asas slickeslick asas anan EleEeleel: welwell god buygodgoodbyegod sirsir, youryour
wln 1167boyboy wilwill deliuerdeliver himhim meme: butbut harkhar●hark yeye sirsir, ifif mymy horsehorse behebehe sicksick, oror
wln 1168illill atat ease●aseease, ifif II bringbring hishis waterwater toto youyou youley●uleyou’ll teltell meme whatwhat itit isis?
wln 1169ExitExit HorsecourserHorse-courserhorse-courser.
wln 1170Fau.FaustusFau.AwayAway youyou villainevillain: whatwhat, doostdost thinkethink II amam aa horse=horse-doctorhorse-doctor
wln 1171doctor?
wln 1171whatwhat artart thouthou FaustusFaustus butbut aa manman condemndcondemned toto diedie?
wln 1172ThyThy fatallfatal timetime dothdoth drawedraw toto finallfinal endeend●end,
wln 1173DispaireDespair dothdoth driuedrive distrustdi●●rustdistrust vntounto mymy thoughtsthoughts,
wln 1174ConfoundConfound thesethese passionspassions withwith aa quietquiet sléepesleep:
wln 1175TushTush, ChristChrist diddid callcall thethe thiefethie●ethief vponupon thethe CrosseCross,
wln 1176ThenThen restrest théethee FaustusFaustus quietquiet inin conceitconceit.SleepeSleep inin hishis chairechair.
wln 1177EnterEnter HorsecourserHorse-courserhorse-courser allall wetwet, cryingcrying.
wln 1178Hors.Horse-corserAlasAlas, alasalas, DoctorDoctor FustianFustian quothquoth a’a, masmassmas. DoctorDoctor
wln 1179LopusLopus waswas neuernever suchsuch aa DoctorDoctor, hashas giuengiven meme aa purgationpurgation,
wln 1180hashas purg’dpurged meme ofof fortieforty DollersDollars, II shallshall neuernever séesee themthem moremore:
wln 1181butbut yetyet likelike anan asseass asas II waswas, II wouldwould notnot bebe ruledruled byby himhim,
wln 1182forfor hehe badebade meme II shouldshould rideride himhim intointo nono waterwater; nownow, II thin=thinkingthin∣kingthinking
wln 1183king
wln 1183mymy horsehorse hadhad hadhad somesome rarerare qualitiequality thatthat hehe wouldwould notnot
wln 1184hauehave hadhad meme knowneknown ofof, II likelike aa ventrousventurous youthyouth, ridrid himhim in=intoin|tointo
wln 1185to
wln 1185thethe deepedeep pondpond atat thethe townestown’s endeend, II waswas nono soonersooner inin thethe
wln 1186middlemiddle ofof thethe pondpond, butbut mymy horsehorse vanishtvanished awayaway, andand II satsat vp=vponvp|onupon
wln 1187on
wln 1187aa bottlebottle ofof heyhay, neuernever soso nearenear drowningdrowning inin mymy lifelife: butbut
wln 1188IleI’ll séekeseek outout mymy DoctorDoctor, andand hauehave mymy fortieforty dollersdollars againeagain,
wln 1189oror IleI’ll makemake itit thethe dearestdearest horsehorse: OOOh yonderyonder isis hishis snippersnipper snappersnipper-snapper
wln 1190snapper,
wln 1190dodo youyou hearehear? youyou, heyheyheigh, passepass, where’swhere’s youryour
wln 1191maistermaster?
sig: E2v
wln 1192Me.MephistophelesMe.whywhy sirsir, whatwhat wouldwould youyou? youyou cannotcannot speakespeak
wln 1193withwith himhim.
wln 1194Hors.Horse-corserButBut II wilwill speakespeak withwith himhim.
wln 1195Me.MephistophelesMe.WhyWhy hée’she’s fastfast asléepeasleep, comecome somesome otherother timetime.
wln 1196Hors.Horse-corserIleI’ll speakespeak withwith himhim nownow, oror IleI’ll breakebreak hishis glasse=glasse-windowesglass-windows
wln 1197windowes
wln 1197aboutabout hishis earesears.
wln 1198Me.MephistophelesMe.II telltell theethee hehe hashas notnot sleptslept thisthis eighteight nightsnights.
wln 1199Hors.Horse-corserAndAnd hehe hauehave notnot sleptslept thisthis eighteight wéekesweeks IleI’ll speakespeak
wln 1200withwith himhim.
wln 1201Me.MephistophelesMe.SéeSee wherewhere hehe isis fastfast asléepeasleep.
wln 1202Hors.Horse-corserIAyay, thisthis isis hehe, GodGod sauesave yeye maistermaster doctordoctor, maistermaster
wln 1203doctordoctor, maistermaster doctordoctor FustianFustian, fortieforty dollersdollars, fortieforty dollersdollars
wln 1204forfor aa bottlebottle ofof heyhay.
wln 1205Me.MephistophelesMe.WhyWhy, thouthou seestseest hehe heareshears théethee notnot.
wln 1206Hors.Horse-corserSoSo, hoho, hoho: soso, hoho, hoho.Hallow Hallow inin hishis eareear.
wln 1207NoNo, willwill youyou notnot wakewake? IleI’ll makemake youyou wakewake ereere II goego.
wln 1208PullPull himhim byby thethe leggeleg, andand pullpull itit awayaway.
wln 1209AlasAlas, II amam vndoneundone, whatwhat shallshall II dodo:
wln 1210Fau.FaustusFau.OO mymy leggeleg, mymy leggeleg, helpehelp MephastophilisMephistophelesMephastophilis, callcall thethe
wln 1211OfficersOfficers, mymy leggeleg, mymy leggeleg.
wln 1212Me.MephistophelesMe.ComeCome villainevillain toto thethe ConstableConstable.
wln 1213Hors.Horse-corserOO LordLord sirsir, letlet meme goego, andand IleI’ll giuegive youyou fortieforty dol=dollersdol|lersdollars
wln 1214lers
wln 1214moremore.
wln 1215Me.MephistophelesMe.WhereWhere bebe theythey?
wln 1216Hors.Horse-corserII hauehave nonenone aboutabout meme, comecome toto mymy OastrieHostryOastrie andand IleI’ll
wln 1217giuegive themthem youyou.
wln 1218Me.MephistophelesMe.BeBe gonegone quicklyquickly.HorsecourserHorse-courserhorse-courser runnesruns awayaway.
wln 1219Fau.FaustusFau.WhatWhat isis hehe gonegone? farwelfarewell hehe, FaustusFaustus hashas hishis leggeleg
wln 1220againeagain, andand thethe HorsecourserHorse-courserhorse-courser II taketake itit, aa bottlebottle ofof heyhay forfor hishis
wln 1221labourlaborlabour; welwell, thisthis tricketrick shalshall costcost himhim fortieforty dollersdollars moremore.
wln 1222EnterEnter WagnerWagner.
wln 1223HowHow nownow VagnerWagner, what’swhat’s thethe newesnews withwith théethee?
sig: E3r
wln 1224Wag.WagnerWag.SirSir, thethe DukeDuke ofof VanholtVanholt dothdoth earnestlyearnestly entreateentreat
wln 1225youryour companycompany.
wln 1226Fau.FaustusFau.TheThe DukeDuke ofof VanholtVanholt! anan honourablehonorablehonourable gentlemangentleman,
wln 1227toto whomwhom II mustmust bebe nono niggardniggard ofof mymy cunningcunning, comecome Me-MephastophilisMe|phastophilisMephistopheles
wln 1228phastophilis,
wln 1228let’slet’s awayaway toto himhim.exeuntexeunt.
wln 1229EnterEnter toto themthem thethe DukeDuke, andand thethe DutchesDuchess,
wln 1230thethe DukeDuke speakesspeaks.
wln 1231Du:DukeDuchessBeléeueBelieve meme maistermaster DoctorDoctor, thisthis merrimentmerriment hathhath
wln 1232muchmuch pleasedpleased meme.
wln 1233Fau:FaustusFau:MyMy gratiousgracious LordLord, II amam gladglad itifitif contentscontents youyou soso
wln 1234welwell: butbut itit maymay bebe MadameMadammadam, youyou taketake nono delightdelight inin thisthis, II
wln 1235hauehave heardheard thatthat greatgreat belliedbellied womenwomen dodo longlong forfor somesome dain=daintiesdain|tiesdainties
wln 1236ties
wln 1236oror otherother, whatwhat isis itit MadameMadammadam? telltell meme, andand youyou shalshall hauehave
wln 1237itit.
wln 1238Dutch.DuchessThankesTha●kesThanks, goodgood maistermaster doctordoctor,
wln 1239AndAnd forfor II séesee youryour curteouscourteous intentintent toto pleasurepleasure meme, II wilwill notnot
wln 1240hidehide fromfrom youyou thethe thingthing mymy heartheart desiresdesires, andand werewere itit nowenow
wln 1241summersummer, asas itit isis IanuaryJanuaryjanuary, andand thethe deaddead timetime ofof thethe winterwinter, II
wln 1242wouldwould desiredesire nono betterbetter meatemeat thenthan aa dishdish ofof riperipe grapesgrapes.
wln 1243Fau:FaustusFau:AlasAlas MadameMadammadam, thatsthat’s nothingnothing, MephastophilisMephistopheles, bebe
wln 1244gonegone: exitexit Meph.MephistophelesMeph. werewere itit aa greatergreater thingthing thenthan thisthis, soso
wln 1245itit wouldwould contentcontent youyou, youyou shouldshould hauehave ititenterenter Mephasto:MephistophelesMephasto:
withwith thethe grapesgrapes.
wln 1246herehere theythey bebe madammadam, wiltwilt pleaseplease youyou tastetaste
wln 1247onon themthem.
wln 1248Du:DukeDuchessBeléeueBelieve meme mastermaster DoctorDoctor, thisthis makesmakes meme wonderwonder
wln 1249aboueabove thethe restrest, thatthat beingbeing inin thethe deaddead timetime ofof winterwinter, andand inin
wln 1250thethe monthmonth ofof IanuaryJanuaryjanuary, howhow youyou shuldshould comecome byby thesethese grapesgrapes.
wln 1251Fau:FaustusFau:IfIf itit likelike youryour gracegrace, thethe yéereyear isis diuideddivided intointo twootwo
wln 1252circlescircles ouerover thethe wholewhole worldeworld, thatthat whenwhen itit isis héerehere winterwinter
wln 1253withwith vsus, inin thethe contrarycontrary circlecircle itit isis summersummer withwith themthem, asas inin
wln 1254IndiaIndi●India, SabaSaba, andand fartherfarther countriescountries inin thethe EastEast, andand byby meansmeans
wln 1255ofof aa swiftswift spiritspir●tspirit thatthat II hauehave, II hadhad themthem broughtbrought hitherhither, asas yeye
wln 1256seesee, howhow dodo youyou likelike themthem MadameMadammadam, beb●be theythey goodgood?
wln 1257Dut:DuchessBeléeueBelieve meme MaisterMaster doctordoctor, theythey bebe thethe bestbest grapesgrapes
sig: E3v
wln 1258thatthat ereer●e’er II tastedtasted inin mymy lifelife beforebefore.
wln 1259Fau:FaustusFau:II amam gladglad theythey contentcontent youyou soso MadamMadam.
wln 1260Du:DukeDuchessComeCome MadameMadammadam, letlet vsus inin, wherewhere youyou mustmust welwell re=rewardre|wardreward
wln 1261ward
wln 1261thisthis learnedlearned manman forfor thethe greatgreat kindneskindness hehe hathhath shewdshowed
wln 1262toto youyou.
wln 1263Dut:DuchessAndAnd soso II wilwill mymy LordLord, andand whilstwhilst II liuelive,
wln 1264RestRest beholdingbeholding forfor thisthis curtesiecourtesy.
wln 1265Fau:FaustusFau:II humblyhumbly thankethank youryour GraceGrace.
wln 1266Du:DukeDuchessComeCome, maistermaster DoctorDoctor followfollow vsus, andand receiuereceive youryour
wln 1267rewardreward.exeuntexeunt.
wln 1268enterenter WagnerWagner solussolus.
wln 1269Wag.WagnerWag.II thinkethink mymy maistermaster meanesmeans toto diedie shortlyshortly,
wln 1270ForFor hehe hathhath giuengiven toto meme alall hishis goodesgoods,
wln 1271AndAnd yetyet me thinkesmethinks, ifif thatthat deathdeath werewere néerenear,
wln 1272HeHe wouldwould notnot banquetbanquet, andand carowsecarouse, andand swillswill
wln 1273AmongstAmongst thethe StudentsStudents, asas eueneven nownow hehe dothdoth,
wln 1274whowho areare atat suppersupper withwith suchsuch belly-cheerebelly-cheer,
wln 1275AsAs WagnerWagner nerene’ernever beheldbeheld inin allall hishis lifelife.
wln 1276SéeSee wherewhere theythey comecome: belikebelike thethe feastleastfeastleast isis endedended.
wln 1277EnterEnter FaustusFaustus withwith twotwo oror threethree SchollersScholars
wln 12781.1. Sch.ScholarSch.MaisterMaster DoctorDoctor FaustusFaustus, sincesince ourour conferenceconference a=abouta|boutabout
wln 1279bout
wln 1279fairefair LadiesLadies, whichwhich waswas thethe beutifulstbeautiful’stbeutifulst inin allall thethe worldworld,
wln 1280wewe hauehave determineddetermined withwith our seluesourselves, thatthat HelenHelen ofof GreeceGreece
wln 1281waswas thethe admirablestadmirablest LadyLady thatthat euerever liuedlived: thereforetherefore mastermaster
wln 1282DoctorDoctor, ifif youyou wilwill dodo vsus thatthat fauorfavorfavour, asas toto letlet vsus séesee thatthat péere=péerelessepéere|lessepeerless
wln 1283lesse
wln 1283DameDame ofof GreeceGreece, whomewhom alall thethe worldworld admiresadmires forfor ma=maiestyma|iestymajesty
wln 1284iesty,
wln 1284wéewe shouldshould thinkethink our seluesourselves muchmuch beholdingbeholding vntounto
wln 1285youyou.
wln 1286Fau.FaustusFau.GentlemenGentlemen, forfor thatthat II knowknow youryour friendshipfriendship isis vn=vnfainedvn|fainedunfeigned
wln 1287fained,
wln 1287andand FaustusFaustus’ customecustom isis notnot toto deniedeuiedenydefy thethe iustjust requestsrequests
wln 1288ofof thosethose thatthat wishwish himhim wellwell, youyou shallshall beholdbehold thatthat pearelessepeerless
wln 1289damedame ofof GreeceGreece, nono otherwaiesotherways forfor pompepomp andand maiestiemajesty, thenthanthen
wln 1290whenwhen sirsir ParisParis crostcrossed thethe seasscasseas withwith herher, andand broughtbrought thethe spoilesspoils
wln 1291toto richrich DardaniaDardamaDardaniaDardama. BeBe silentsilent thenthen, forfor dangerdanger isis inin wordswords.
sig: E4r
wln 1292MusickeMusic soundssounds, andand HelenHelen passethpasseth ouerover thethe StageStage.
wln 12932.2. Sch.ScholarSch.TooToo simplesimple isis mymy witwit toto telltell herher praisepraise,
wln 1294WhomWhom allall thethe worldworld admiresadmires forsoefo●so maiestiemajesty.
wln 12953.3. Sch.ScholarSch.NoNo maruelmarvel thothough thethe angryangry GreekesGreeks pursudepursued
wln 1296WithWith tenneten yearesyears’years warrewar thethe raperape ofof suchsuch aa quéenequeen,
wln 1297WhoseWhose heauenlyheavenly beautybeauty passethpasseth allall comparecompare.
wln 12981.1. Scholar1.SinceSince wewe hauehave séeneseen thethe pridepride ofof naturesnature’s workesworks,
wln 1299AndAnd onelyonly ParagonParagon ofof excellenceexcellence,EnterEnter anan
oldold manman.
wln 1300LetLet vsus departdepart, andand forfor thisthis gloriousglorious déeddeed
wln 1301HappyHappy andand blestblessed bebe FaustusFaustus euermoreevermore.
wln 1302Fau.FaustusFau.GentlemenGentlemen farwelfarewell, thethe samesame II wishwish toto youyou.
wln 1303ExeuntExeunt SchollersScholars.
wln 1304Old.Old.AhAh DoctorDoctor FaustusFaustus, thatthat II mightmight preuaileprevail,
wln 1305ToTo guideguide thythy stepssteps vntounto thethe wayway ofof lifelife,
wln 1306ByBy whichwhich swéetesweet pathpath thouthou maistmayst attaineattain thethe golegoal
wln 1307ThatThat shallshall conductconduct théethee toto celestialcelestial restrest.
wln 1308BreakeBreak heartheart, dropdrop bloudblood, andand minglemingle itit withwith tearestears,
wln 1309TearesTears fallingfalling fromfrom repentantrepentant heauinesseheaviness
wln 1310OfOf thythy mostmost vildevild andand loathsomeloathsome filthinessefilthiness,
wln 1311TheThe stenchstench whereofwhereof corruptscorrupts thethe inwardinward soulesoul
wln 1312WithWith suchsuch flagitiousflagitious crimescrimes ofof hainousheinous sinnessins,
wln 1313AsAs nono commiserationcommiseration maymay expelexpel,
wln 1314ButBut merciemercy FaustusFaustus ofof thythy SauiourSaviorSaviour swéetesweet,
wln 1315WhoseWhose bloudblood alonealone mustmust washwash awayaway thythy guiltguilt.
wln 1316Fau.FaustusFau.WhereWhere artart thouthou FaustusFaustus? wretchwretch whatwhat hasthast thouthou (donedone?
wln 1317DamndDamned artart thouthou FaustusFaustus, damnddamned, dispairedespair andand diedie,
wln 1318HellHell callscalls forfor rightright, andand withwith aa roaringroaring voycevoice
wln 1319SayesSays, FaustusFaustus comecome, thinethine hourehour isis comecome,Mepha.MephaMephistophelesMepha. giuesgives
himhim aa daggerdagger.
wln 1320AndAnd FaustusFaustus willwill comecome toto dodo théethee rightright.
wln 1321Old.Old..AhAh staystay goodgood FaustusFaustus, staystay thythy desperatedesperate stepssteps,
wln 1322II séesee anan AngellAngel houershovers oreo’er thythy headhead,
wln 1323AndAnd withwith aa viollvialviol fullfull ofof preciousprecious gracegrace,
wln 1324OffersOffers toto powrepour thethe samesame intointo thythy soulesoul,
wln 1325ThenThen callcall forfor merciemercy andand auoydavoid dispairedespair.
wln 1326Fau.FaustusFau.AhAh mymy swéetesweet friendfriend, II féelefeel thythy wordswords
sig: E4v
wln 1327ToTo comfortcomfort mymy distresseddistressed soulesoul,
wln 1328LeaueLeave meme aa whilewhile toto ponderponder onon mymy sinnessins.
wln 1329Old.Old..II goego swéetesweet FaustusFaustus, butbut withwith heauyheavy chearecheer,
wln 1330fearingfearing thethe ruineruin ofof thythy hopelessehopeless soulesoul.
wln 1331Fau.FaustusFau.AccursedAccursed FaustusFaustus, wherewhere isis merciemercy nownow?
wln 1332II dodo repentrepent, andand yetyet II dodo dispairedespair:
wln 1333HellHell striuesstrives withwith gracegrace forfor conquestconquest inin mymy breastbreast,
wln 1334WhatWhat shalshall II dodo toto shunshun thethe snaressnares ofof deathdeath?
wln 1335Me.MephistophelesMe.ThouThou traitortraitor FaustusFaustus, II arrestarrest thythy soulesoul
wln 1336ForFor disobediencedisobedience toto mymy soueraignesovereign LordLord,
wln 1337ReuoltRevolt, oror IleI’ll inin peece-mealepiecemeal tearetear thythy fleshflesh.
wln 1338Fau:FaustusFau:SweeteSweet MephastophilisMephistophelesMephastophilis, intreateentreat thythy LordLord
wln 1339ToTo pardonpardon mymy vniustunjust presumptionpresumption,
wln 1340AndAnd withwith mymy bloodblood againeagain II wilwill confirmeconfirm
wln 1341MyMy formerformer vowvow II mademade toto LuciferLucifer.
wln 1342Me.MephistophelesMe.DoDo itit thenthen quickelyquickly, withwith vnfainedunfeigned heartheart,
wln 1343LestLest greatergreater dangerdanger dodo attendattend thythy driftdrift.
wln 1344Fau:FaustusFau:TormentTorment sweetesweet friendfriend, thatthat basebase andand crookedcrooked ageage,
wln 1345ThatThat durstdurst disswadedissuade meme fromfrom thythy LuciferLucifer,
wln 1346WithWith greatestgreatest tormentstorments thatthat ourour helhell affoordsaffords.
wln 1347Me:MephistophelesMe:HisHis faithfaith isis greatgreat, II cannotcannot touchtouch hishis soulesoul,
wln 1348ButBut whatwhat II maymay afflictafflict hishis bodybody withwith,
wln 1349II wilwill attemptattempt, whichwhich isis butbut littlelittle worthworth.
wln 1350Fau:FaustusFau:OneOne thingthing, goodgood seruantservant, letlet meme crauecrave ofof théethee
wln 1351ToTo glutglut thethe longinglonging ofof mymy heartsheart’s desiredesire,
wln 1352ThatThat II mightmight hauehave vntounto mymy paramourparamour,
wln 1353ThatThat heauenlyheavenly HelenHelen whichwhich II sawsaw ofof latelate,
wln 1354WhoseWhose swéetesweet imbracingsembracings maymay extinguishextinguish cleaneclean
wln 1355TheseThese thoughts sthoughtthoughts s thatthat dodo disswadedissuade meme fromfrom mymy vowvow,
wln 1356AndAnd kéepekeep minemine oathoath II mademade toto LuciferLucifer.
wln 1357Me.MephistophelesMe.FaustusFaustus, thisthis, oror whatwhat elseelse thouthou shaltshalt desiredesire,
wln 1358ShalbeShall beshall be performdeperformed inin twincklingtwinkling ofof anan eieeye.enterenter HelenHelen.
wln 1359Fau:FaustusFau:WasWas thisthis thethe faceface thatthat lanchtlaunched aa thousandthousand shippesships?
wln 1360AndAnd burntburntburned thethe toplessetopless TowresTowers ofof IliumIlium?
wln 1361SwéeteSweet HelenHelen, makemake meme immortallimmortal withwith aa kissekiss:
wln 1362HerHer lipslips suckessucks forthforth mymy soulesoul, seesee wherewhere itit fliesflies:
sig: F1r
wln 1363ComeCome HelenHelen, comecome giuegive méeme mymy soulesoul againeagain.
wln 1364HereHere wilwill II dweldwell, forfor heauenheaven bebe inin thesethese lipslips,
wln 1365AndAnd allall isis drossedross thatthat isis notnot HelenaHelena:enterenter oldold manman
wln 1366II wilwill bebe PacisParisPacis, andand forfor louelove ofof théethee,
wln 1367InstéedeInstead ofof TroyTroy shalshall WertenbergeWertenberg bebe sacktsacked,
wln 1368AndAnd II wilwill combatecombat withwith weakeweak MenelausMenclausMenelaus,
wln 1369AndAnd wearewear thythy colourscolorscolours onon mymy plumedplumed CrestCrest:
wln 1370YeaYea II wilwill woundwound AchillisAchilles inin thethe héeleheel,
wln 1371AndAnd thenthen returnereturn toto HelenHelen forfor aa kissekiss.
wln 1372OO thouthou artart fairerfairer thenthe●thanthen thethe eueningevening aireair,
wln 1373CladCla●CladCladed inin thethe beautybeauty ofof aa thousandthousand starresstars,
wln 1374BrighterBrighter artart thouthou thenthen flamingflaming IupiterJupiterjupiter,
wln 1375When●henWhen hehe appeardappeared toto haplessehapless SemeleSemele,
wln 1376MoreMo●eMore louelylovely thenthan thethe monarkemonarch ofof thethe skies●iesky
wln 1377In〈…〉In〈…〉 wanton〈…〉wanton〈…〉 Arethusaes〈…〉Arethusa’s〈…〉 azurde〈…〉azured〈…〉 armes〈…〉arms〈…〉,
wln 1378AndAnd nonenone butbut thouthou shaltshalt bebe mymy paramourparam●●●paramour.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 1379OldOld manmanAccursedAccursed FaustusFaustus, miserablemiserable manman,
wln 1380ThatThat fromfrom thythy soulesoul excludstexclud’st thethe gracegrace ofof heauenheaven,
wln 1381AndAnd fliest〈◊〉fliest thethe thronethrone ofof hishis tribunalltribunal seate●eateseat,
wln 1382EnterEnter thethe Diuelles〈◊〉Devilsdevils.
wln 1383Sathan an〈◊〉SatanSathan an beginsbegins toto sift●iftsift meme withwith hishis pridep●idepride,
wln 1384AsAs inin thisthis furnacefurnace GodGod shalshall trytry mymy faithfaith,
wln 1385MyMy faithfaith, vilevile helhell, shalshall triumphtriumph ouerover théethee,
wln 1386AmbitiousAm●itio●sAmbitious fiends〈◊〉fiends, séesee howhow thethe heauensheavens smiledsmile●smiled
wln 1387AtAt youryour repulserepulse, andand laughslaughs youryour statestate toto scorne〈◊〉scorn,
wln 1388HenceHence helhell, forfor hencehence II fliefly vntounto mymy GodGod.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 1389EnterEnter FaustusFaustus withwith thethe SchollersScholars.
wln 1390Fau:FaustusFau:AhAh GentlemenGentlemen!
wln 13911.1. Sch:SchScholarSch▪whatwhat ailesails FaustusFaustus?
wln 1392Fau:FaustusFau:AhAh mymy swéetesweet chamber-fellowchamber-fellow! hadhad II liuedlived withwith
wln 1393théethee, thenthen hadhad II liuedlived stilstill, butbut nownow II diedie eternallyeternally: lookelook,
wln 1394comescomes hehe notnot? comescomes hehe notnot?
wln 13952.2. Sch:SchScholarSch:whatwhat meanesmeans FaustusFaustus?
wln 13963.3. SchollerScholarBelikeBelike hehe isis grownegrown intointo some〈◊〉some〈◊〉 sickenessesickness, byby
sig: F1v
wln 1397beingbeing euerever solitarysolitary.
wln 13981.1. Sch:SchScholarSch:IfIf itit bebe soso, wéelewe’ll hauehave PhysitiansPhysicians toto curecure himhim,
wln 1399tis’tis butbut aa surffetsurff●tsurfeit, neuernever fearefear manman.
wln 1400Fau:FaustusFau:AA surffetsurfeit ofof deadlydeadly sinnesin thatthat hathhath damnddamned bothboth bodybody
wln 1401andand soulesoul.
wln 14022.2. Sch.ScholarSch.YetYet FaustusFaustus lookelook vpup toto heauenheaven, rememberremember godsgod’sgods
wln 1403merciesmercies areare infiniteinfinite.
wln 1404Fau.FaustusFau.ButBut FaustusFaultusFaustus’ offenceoffenseoffence cancan nerene’er bebe pardonedpardoned,
wln 1405TheThe SerpentSerpent thatthat temptedtempted EueEveeve maymay bebe sau’dsau●dsaved,
wln 1406ButBut notnot FaustusFaustus: AhAh GentlemenGentlemen, hearehehearhe me〈◊〉me〈◊〉 withwith patiencepatience,
wln 1407andand trembletremble notnot atat mymy spéechesspeeches, thoughthough mymy heartheart pantspants andand
wln 1408quiuersquivers toto rememberremember thatthat II hauehave beenebeen aa studentstudent herehere thesethese
wln 1409thirtythirty yéeresyears, OOOh wouldwould II hadhad neuernever séeneseen WertenbergeWertenberg, ne=neuerne|uernever
wln 1410uer
wln 1410readread bookebook: andand whatwhat wonders〈◊〉wonders II hauehave donedone, alall Germany〈◊〉Germany
wln 1411cancan witnes heavenwitness, yeayea allall thethe worldworld, forfor whichwhich Faustus〈…〉Faustus〈…〉 hath〈…〉hath〈…〉 lost〈…〉lost〈…〉
wln 1412bothboth GermanyGermany, andand thethe worldwo●ldworld, yeayea heauenheaven it selfeitself, heauen〈◊〉heaven〈◊〉 thethe
wln 1413seateseat ofof GodGod, thethe thronethrone ofof thethe blessedblesse●blessed, thethe kingdomekingdom ofof ioyjoy,
wln 1414andand mustmust remaineremaine●●remain inin helhell forfor euer●uerever, helhell,, ahah helhell forfor euerever, sweete〈◊〉sweet〈◊〉
wln 1415friendsfriends, whatwhat shallshall becomebecome ofof FaustusFaustus, beingbeing inin helhell forfor 〈◊〉foreuerforever?
wln 14163.3. Sch.ScholarSch.YetYet FaustusFaustus callcall onon GodGod.
wln 1417Fau.FaustusFau.On〈…〉On〈…〉 God〈…〉God〈…〉 whome〈…〉whom〈…〉 Faustus〈…〉Faustus〈…〉 hath〈…〉hath〈…〉 abiurde〈…〉abjured〈…〉,,〈…〉 on〈…〉on〈…〉 God〈…〉God〈…〉,,〈…〉
wln 1418whome〈…〉whom〈…〉 Faustus〈…〉Faustus〈…〉 hath〈…〉hath〈…〉 blasphemed〈…〉blasphemed〈…〉,,〈…〉 ah〈…〉ah〈…〉 my〈…〉my〈…〉 God〈…〉God〈…〉,,〈…〉 I〈…〉I〈…〉 woulde〈…〉would〈…〉
wln 1419weepe〈…〉weep〈…〉,,〈…〉 but〈…〉but〈…〉 the〈…〉the〈…〉 diuel〈…〉devil〈…〉 drawes〈…〉draws〈…〉 in〈…〉in〈…〉 my〈…〉my〈…〉 teares〈…〉tears〈…〉 gush〈…〉gush〈…〉 forth〈…〉forth〈…〉 bloud〈…〉blood〈…〉
wln 1420insteade〈…〉instead〈…〉 of〈…〉of〈…〉 teares〈…〉tears〈…〉,,〈…〉 yea〈…〉yea〈…〉 life〈…〉life〈…〉 and〈…〉and〈…〉 soule〈…〉soul〈…〉,,〈…〉 Oh〈…〉Oh〈…〉 he〈…〉he〈…〉 stayes〈…〉stays〈…〉 my〈…〉my〈…〉 tong〈…〉tongue〈…〉,,〈…〉
wln 1421I〈…〉I〈…〉 would〈…〉would lift〈…〉lift〈…〉 vp〈…〉up〈…〉 my〈…〉my〈…〉 hands〈…〉hands〈…〉,,〈…〉 but〈…〉but〈…〉 see〈…〉see〈…〉,,〈…〉 they〈…〉they〈…〉 hold〈…〉hold〈…〉 them〈…〉them〈…〉,,〈…〉 they〈…〉they〈…〉 hold〈…〉hold〈…〉
wln 1422them〈…〉them〈…〉..〈…〉
wln 1423AllAllWhoWho FaustusFaustus?
wln 1424Fau.FaustusFau.LuciferLucifer andand MephastophilisM●phastophilisMephistophelesMephastophilis.
wln 1425AhAh GentlemenGentlemen! II gauegave themthem mymy soulesoul forfor mymy cunningcunning.
wln 1426AllAllGodGod forbidforbid.
wln 1427Fau.FaustusFau.GodGod forbadeforbade itit indéedeindeed,, ▪ butbut FaustusFaustus hathhath donedone itit:
wln 1428forfor vaineva●●evain pleasurepleasure ofof 24.〈◊〉24.〈◊〉 yearesyears, hathhath FaustusFaustus lost〈◊〉lost〈◊〉 eternalleternal
wln 1429ioyjoy andand felicitief●licitiefelicity, II writwrit themthem aa billbill withwith mine●●nemine owneown bloudblood,
wln 1430thethe datedate isis expiredexpired, thethe timetime wilwii●willwil comecome, andand hehe wilwill fetchfetch meeme.
wln 14311.●.1.●. Schol.Scholarwhywhy diddid notnot FaustusFaustus teltell vsus ofof thisthis beforebefore, thatthat
wln 1432DiuinesDivines mightmight hauehave prayedprayed forfor theethee?
sig: F2r
wln 1433Fau.FaustusFau.OftOft hauehave II thoughtthought toto hauehave donedone soso, butbut thethe diuelldevil
wln 1434threatnedthreatened toto tearetear méeme inin péecespieces, ifif II namdenamed GodGod, toto fetchfetch
wln 1435bothboth bodybody andand soulesoul, ifif II onceonce gauegave eareear toto diuinitiedivinity: andand
wln 1436nownow tis’tis tootoo latelate: GentlemenGentlemen awayaway, lestlest youyou perishperish withwith meme.
wln 14372.2. Sch.ScholarSch.OO whatwhat shalshall wewe dodo toto FaustusFaustus?
wln 1438FaustusFaustusTalkeTalk notnot ofo●of meme, butbut sauesave your seluesyourselves, andand de=departde|partdepart
wln 1439partdepart.
wln 14403.3. Sch.ScholarSch.GodGod wilwill strengthenstrengthen meme, II wilwill staystay withwith Fau=FaustusFau|stusFaustus
wln 1441stusFaustus.
wln 14421.1. Sch.ScholarSch.TemptTempt notnot GodGod, swéetesweet friendfriend, butbut letlet vsus intointo thethe
wln 1443nextnext roomeroom, andand therethere praypray forfor himhim.
wln 1444Fau.FaustusFau.IAyI praypray forfor meme, praypray forfor meme, andand whatwhat noysenoise soeuersoever
wln 1445yéeye hearehear, comecome notnot vntounto meme, forfor nothingnothing cancan rescuerescue meme.
wln 14462.2. Sch.ScholarSch.PrayPray thouthou, andand wewe wilwill praypray thatthat GodGod maymay hauehave
wln 1447mercymercy vponupon théethee.
wln 1448Fau.FaustusFau.GentlemenGentlemen farewelfarewell, ifif II liuelive tiltill morningmorning, IleI’ll visitevisit
wln 1449youyou: ifif notnot, FaustusFaustus isis gonegone toto helhell.
wln 1450AllAllFaustusFaustus, farewelfarewell.ExeuntExeunt Sch.ScholarsSch.
wln 1451TheThe clockeclock strikesstrikes eleaueneleven.
wln 1452Fau.FaustusFau.AhAh FaustusFaustus,
wln 1453NowNow hasthast thouthou butbut oneone barebare howerhour toto liuelive,
wln 1454AndAnd thenthenthan thouthou mustmust bebe damnddamned perpetuallyperpetually:
wln 1455StandStand stilstill youyou euer moouingever-movingever moving spheresspheres ofof heauenheaven,
wln 1456ThatThat time●imetime maymay ceasecease, andand midnightmidnight neuernever comecome:
wln 1457FaireFair NaturesNature’s eieeye, riserise, riserise againeagain, andand makemake
wln 1458PerpetuallPerpetual dayday, oror letlet thisthis hourehour bebe butbut aa yeereyear,
wln 1459AA monethmonth, aa wéekeweek, aa naturallnatural dayday,
wln 1460ThatThat FaustusFaustus maymay repentrepent andand sauesave hishis soulesoul,
wln 1461OOOh lentelentelent lentelentelent curitecurite noctisnoctis equiequi:
wln 1462TheThe starresstars moouemove stilstill, timetime runsruns, thethe clockeclock wilwill strikestrike,
wln 1463TheThe diueldevil wilwill comecome, andand FaustusFaustus mustmust bebe damnddamned.
wln 1464OO IleI’ll leapeleap vpup toto mymy GodGod: whowho pullespulls meme downedown?
wln 1465SeeSee seesee wherewhere ChristsChrist’s bloodblood streamesstreams inin thethe firmamentfirmament,
wln 1466OneOne dropdrop wouldwould sauesave mymy soulesoul, halfehalf aa dropdrop, ahah mymy ChristChrist,
wln 1467AhAh rendrend notnot mymy heartheart forfor namingnaming ofof mymy ChristChrist,
wln 1468YetYet wilwill II callcall onon himhim, oho sparespare meme LuciferLucifer!
sig: F2v
wln 1469WhereWhere isis itit nownow? tis’tis gonegone:
wln 1470AndAnd seesee wherewhere GodGod stretchethstretcheth outout hishis armearm,
wln 1471AndAnd bendsbends hishis irefullireful browesbrows:
wln 1472MountainesMountains andand hilleshills, comecome comecome, andand fallfall onon meme,
wln 1473AndAnd hidehide meme fromfrom thethe heauyheavy wrathwrath ofof GodGod.
wln 1474NoNo nono, thenthen wilwill II headlongheadlong runnerun intointo thethe earthearth:
wln 1475EarthEarth gapegape, OOOh nono, itit wilwill notnot harbourharborharbour meme:
wln 1476YouYou starresstars thatthat raigndreigned atat mymy natiuitienativity,
wln 1477whosewhose influenceinfluence hathhath alottedallotted deathdeath andand helhell,
wln 1478NowNow drawdraw vpup FaustusFaustus likelike aa foggyfoggy mistmist,
wln 1479IntoInto thethe intrailesentrails ofof yonyonyond labringlab’ringlabouring cloudecloud,
wln 1480ThatThat whenwhen youyou vomitevomit foorthforth intointo thethe ayreair,
wln 1481MyMy limbeslimbs maymay issueissue fromfrom youryour smoakysmoky mouthesmouths,
wln 1482SoSo thatthat mymy soulesoul maymay butbut ascendascend toto heauenheaven:
wln 1483AhAh, halfehalf thethe hourehour isis pastpast:TheThe watchwatch strikesstrikes.
wln 1484Twil’Twill allall bebe pastpastpassed anoneanon:
wln 1485OhOhO GodGod, ifif thouthou wiltwilt notnot hauehave mercymercy onon mymy soulesoul,
wln 1486YetYet forfor ChristsChrist’s sakesake, whosewhose bloudblood hathhath ransomdransomed meme,
wln 1487ImposeImpose somesome endend toto mymy incessantincessant painepain,
wln 1488LetLet FaustusFaustus liuelive inin helhell aa thousandthousand yeeresyears,
wln 1489AA hundredhundred thousandthousand, andand atat lastlast bebe sau’dsau●dsaved.
wln 1490OO nono endend isis limitedlimited toto damneddamned soulessouls,
wln 1491WhyWhy wertwert thouthou notnot aa creaturecreature wantingwanting soulesoul?
wln 1492OrOr, whywhy isis thisthis immortallimmortal thatthat thouthou hasthast?
wln 1493AhAh PythagorasPythagoras metem su cossismetem su cossimetempsychosis werewere thatthat truetrue,
wln 1494ThisThis soulesoul shouldshould fliefly fromfrom meme, andand II bebe changdechanged
wln 1495VntoUntoUnto somesome brutishbrutish beastbeast: alall beastsbeasts areare happyhappy, forfor whenwhen theythey (diedie,
wln 1496TheirTheir soulessouls areare soonesoon dissoluddissolved inin elementselements,
wln 1497ButBut minemine mustmust liuelive stillstill toto bebe plagdeplagued inin helhell:
wln 1498CurstCursed bebe thethe parentsparents thatthat ingendredengendered meme:
wln 1499NoNo FaustusFaustus, cursecurse thy selfethyself, cursecurse LuciferLucifer,
wln 1500ThatThat hathhath depriudedeprived théethee ofof thethe ioyesjoys ofof heauenheaven:
wln 1501TheThe clookeclock strikethstriketh tweluetwelve.
wln 1502OO itit strikesstrikes, itit strikesstrikes, nownow bodybody turneturn toto ayreair,
wln 1503OrOr LuciferLucifer wilwill bearebear théethee quickequick toto helhell:
wln 1504ThunderThunder andand lightninglightning.
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wln 1505OhOhO soulesoul, bebe changdechanged intointo littlelittle waterwater dropsdrops,
wln 1506AndAnd falfall intointo thethe OceanOcean, nerene’er bebe foundfound:
wln 1507MyMy GodGod, mymy GodGod, lookelook notnot soso fiercefierce onon meme:EnterEnter diuelsdevils.
wln 1508AddersAdders, andand SerpentsSerpents, letlet meme breathebreathe aa whilewhile:
wln 1509VglyUglyUgly hellhell gapegape notnot, comecome notnot LuciferLucifer,
wln 1510IleI’ll burneburn mymy bookesbooks, ahah MephastophilisMephistophelesMephastophilis.exeuntexeunt withwith himhim
wln 1511EnterEnter ChorusChorus.
wln 1512CutCut isis thethe branchbranch thatthat mightmight hauehave grownegrown fulfull straightstraight,
wln 1513AndAnd burnedburned isis ApolloesApollo’s LaurelLaurel boughbough,
wln 1514ThatThat sometimesometime grewgrew withinwithin thisthis learnedlearned manman:
wln 1515FaustusFaustus isis gonegone, regardregard hishis hellishhellish fallfall,
wln 1516WhoseWhose fiendfulfiendful fortunefortune maymay exhortexhort thethe wisewise,
wln 1517OnelyOnly toto wonderwonder atat vnlawfulunlawful thingsthings,
wln 1518whosewhose deepenessedeepness dothdoth intiseentice suchsuch forwardforward witswits,
wln 1519ToTo practisepracticepractise moremore thanthan heauenlyheavenly powerpower permitspermits.
wln 1520TerminatTerminat horahora diemdiem, TerminatTerminat AuthorAuthor opusopus.
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ln 0001THETHE
ln 0003HistoryHistory ofof D.DoctorD. FaustusFaustus.
ln 0004AsAs itit hathhath benebeen ActedActed byby thethe RightRight
ln 0005HonorableHonorableHonourable thethe EarleEarl ofof NottinghamNottingham hishis seruantsservants.
ln 0006WrittenWritten byby Ch.ChristopherCh. Marl.MarloweMarl
ln 0008PrintedPrinted byby V.V. S.S. forfor ThomasThomas BushellBushellBushel. 16041604.
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wln 0001TheThe tragicalltragical HistorieHistory
wln 0002ofof DoctorDoctor FaustusFaustus.
wln 0003EnterEnter ChorusChorus.
wln 0004NOtNOt marchingmarching nownow inin fieldsfields ofof ThracimeneThrasimene,
wln 0005WhereWhere MarsMars diddid matemate thethe CarthaginiansCarthaginians,
wln 0006NorNor sportingsporting inin thethe dalliancedalliance ofof louelove,
wln 0007InIn courtscourts ofof KingsKings wherewhere statestate isis ouerturndoverturned,
wln 0008NorNor inin thethe pompepomp ofof prowdproud audaciousaudacious deedesdeeds,
wln 0009IntendsIntends ourour MuseMuse toto dauntdaunt hishis heauenlyheavenly verseverse:
wln 0010OnelyOnly thisthis (GentlemenGentlemen) wewe mustmust performeperform,
wln 0011TheThe formeform ofof FaustusFaustus’Faustus fortunesfortunes goodgood oror badbad.
wln 0012ToTo patientpatient IudgementsJudgementsjudgements wewe appealeappeal ourour plaudeplaudplaude,
wln 0013AndAnd speakespeak forfor FaustusFaustus inin hishis infancieinfancy:
wln 0014NowNow isis hehe borneborn, hishis parentsparents basebase ofof stockestock,
wln 0015InIn GermanyGermany, withinwithin aa townetown calldcalled RhodesRhod●sRhodes:
wln 0016OfOf riperriper yéeresyears toto WertenbergWertenberg hehe wentwent,
wln 0017WhereasWhereas hishis kinsmenkinsmen chieflychiefly broughtbrought himhim vpup,
wln 0018SoSo soonesoon héehe profitesprofits inin DiuinitieDivinity,
wln 0019TheThe fruitfullfruitful plotplot ofof ScholerismeScholarismscholarism grac’tgraced,
wln 0020ThatThat shortlyshortly hehe waswas grac’tgraced withwith DoctorsDoctor’sdoctor’s namename,
wln 0021ExcellingExcelling allall, whosewhose swéetesweet delightdelight disputesdisputes
wln 0022InIn heauenlyheavenly mattersmatters ofof TheologieTheology,
wln 0023TillTill swolnesw●lneswoll’nswollen withwith cunningcunning ofof aa selfes●lfeself conceitconceit,
wln 0024HisHis waxenwa●enwaxen wingswings diddid mountmount aboueabove hishis reachreach,
wln 0025AndAnd meltingmel●ingmelting heauensheavens conspirdeconspiredconspire hishis ouerthrowoverthrow.
wln 0026ForFor fallingfalling toto aa diuelishdevilish exerciseexercise,
wln 0027AndAnd gluttedglutte●glutted moremore withwith learningslearning’s goldengolden giftsgifts,
img: 3-asig: A2v
The Tragicall History of
wln 0028HeHe surffetssurfeits vponupon cursedcursed NegromancyNecromancyNegromancy,,▪
wln 0029NothingNothing soso sweetesweet asas magickemagic isis toto himhim
wln 0030WhichWhich hehe preferresprefers beforebefore hishis chiefestchiefest blissebliss,
wln 0031AndAnd thisthis thethe manman thatthat inin hishis studystudy sitssits.ExitExit.
wln 0032EnterEnter FaustusFaustus inin hishis StudyStudy.
wln 0033FaustusFaustusSettleSettle thythy studiesstudies FaustusFaustus, andand beginnebegin
wln 0034ToTo soundsound thethe deapthdepth ofo●of thatthat thouthou wiltwilt professeprofess:
wln 0035HauingHaving commencdecommenced, bebe aa DiuineDivine inin shewshow,
wln 0036YetYet leuelllevel atat thethe endend ofof eueryevery ArtArt,
wln 0037AndAnd liuelive andand diedie inin AristotlesAristotle’s workesworks:
wln 0038SweeteSweet AnulatikesAnalytics tis’tis thouthou hasthast rauishtravished meme,
wln 0039BeneBene dissereredisserere estest finisfinis logicislogiceslogicis,,▪
wln 0040IsIs, toto disputedispute wellwell, LogickesLogic’s chiefestchiefest endend
wln 0041AffoordsAffords thisthis ArtArt nono greatergreater myraclemiracle:
wln 0042ThenThen readeread nono moremore, thouthou hasthast attaindattained thethe endend:
wln 0043AA greatergreater subiectsubject fittethfitteth FaustusFaustus’ witwit,
wln 0044BidBid OncaymæonOncaymaeonOn kai me on farewellfarewell, GalenGalen comecome:
wln 0045SéeingSeeing, vbiubi desinitdesinit philosophusphilosophus, ibiibi incipitincipit medicusmedicus.
wln 0046BeBe aa physitionphysician FaustusFaustus, heapeheap vpup goldegold,
wln 0047AndAnd bebe eternizdeeternized forfor somesome wondrouswondrous curecure,
wln 0048SummumSummum bonumbonum medicinæmedicinaemedicinae sanitassanitas,
wln 0049TheThe endend ofof physickephysic isis ourour bodiesbody’sBody’s healthhealth:
wln 0050WhyWhy FaustusFaustus, hasthast thouthou notnot attaindattained thatthat endend?
wln 0051IsIs notnot thythy commoncommon talketalk soundsound AphorismesAphorisms?
wln 0052AreAre notnot thythy billesbills hunghung vpup asas monumentsmonuments,
wln 0053wherebywhereby wholewhole CittiesCities hauehave escaptescaped thethe plagueplague,
wln 0054AndAnd thousandthousand despratedesp’ratedesperate maladiesmaladies béenebeen easdeeased,
wln 0055YetYet artart thouthou stillstill butbut FaustusFaustus, andand aa manman.
wln 0056wouldstwouldst thouthou makemake manman toto liuelive eternallyeternally?
wln 0057OrOr beingbeing deaddead, raiseraise themthem toto lifelife againeagain?
wln 0058ThenThen thisthis professionprofession werewere toto bebe estéemdesteemed.
wln 0059PhysickePhysic farewellfarewell, wherewhere isis IustinianJustinianjustinian?
wln 0060SiS●Si vna〈…〉una〈…〉 e[·]dem[que]eademque resres legatuslegatus duobusduobusdvobus,
wln 0061AlterA●terAlter remremremembering alteralter valoremv●loremvalorem reirei, &c.etc.
wln 0062AA prettypretty casecase ofof paltrypaltry legacieslegacies:
wln 0063Ex hæredtariExExhaereditareEx filium〈…〉filium〈…〉 n[*]n〈…〉non〈…〉 potest〈…〉potest〈…〉 pater〈…〉pater〈…〉 nisinisi:
wln 0064SuchSuch isis thethe subiectsubject ofof thethe instituteinstitute
img: 3-bsig: A3r
Doctor Faustus.
wln 0065AndAnd vniuersalluniversal bodybody ofof thethe ChurchChurch:
wln 0066His●isHis studystudy fittesfits aa mercenarymercenary drudgedrudge,
wln 0067whowho aimesaims atat nothingnothing butbut externallexternal trashtrash,
wln 0068TheThe deuilldevil andand illiberallilliberal forfor meme:
wln 0069whenwhen allall isis donedone, DiuinitieDivinity isis bestbest.
wln 0070IeromesJerome’sjerome’s BibleBible, FaustusFaustus, viewview itit wellwell.
wln 0071StipendiumStipendium peccatipeccati morsmors estest: haha, StipendiumStipendium, &c.etc.
wln 0072TheThe rewardreward ofof sinnesin isis deathdeath: thatstha●sthat’s hardhard.
wln 0073SiSi peccassepeccasse negamusnegamus, fallimurfallimur, &et nullanulla estest inin nobisnobis veritasveritas.
wln 0074IfIf wewe saysay thatthat wewe hauehave nono sinnesin,
wln 0075WeWe deceiuedeceive our seluesourselves, andand theresthere’s nono truthtruth inin vsus.
wln 0076WhyWhy thenthen belikebelike wewe mustmust sinnesin,
wln 0077AndAnd soso consequentlyconsequently diedie.
wln 0078IAyay, wewe mustmust diedie anan euerlastinge●erlastingeverlasting deathdeath:
wln 0079WhatWhat doctrinedoctrine callcall youyou thisthis, CheChe serasera, serasera,
wln 0080WhatWhat wilwill bebe, shallshall bebe? DiuinitieDivinity, adieuadieu,
wln 0081TheseThese MetaphisickesMetaphysicsmetaphysics ofof MagiciansMagicia●sMagicians,
wln 0082AndAnd NegromantikeNecromanticnecromantic bookesbooks areare heauenlyheavenly
wln 0083LinesLines, circlescircles, sceanesscenes, lettersletters andand characterscharacters:
wln 0084IAyAyay, thesethese areare thosethose thatthat FaustusFaustus mostmost desiresd●siresdesires.
wln 0085OO whatwhat aa worldworld ofof profitprofit andand delightdelight,
wln 0086OfOf powerpower, ofof honorhonorhonour, ofof omnipotenceomnipotence
wln 0087IsIs promisedpromised toto thethe studiousstudious ArtizanArtisan?
wln 0088AllAll thingsthings thatthat moouemove betweenebetween thethe quietquiet polespoles
wln 0089ShalbeShall beshall be atat mymy commaundcommauncommand. EmperoursEmperorsemperors andand KingsKings,
wln 0090AreAre butbut obeydobeyed inin theirtheir seuerallseu●rallseveral prouincesprovinces:
wln 0091NorNor cancan theythey raiserais●raise thethe windewind, oror rend●endrend thethe cloudesclouds:
wln 0092ButBut hishis dominiondominion thatthat excéedesexceeds inin thisthis,
wln 0093StretchethStretcheth asas farrefar asas dothdoth thethe mindemind ofof manman.
wln 0094AA soundsound MagicianMagician isis aa mightymighty godgod:
wln 0095HéereHere FaustusFa●stusFaustus trietry thythy brainesbrains toto gainegain aa deitiedeity.
wln 0096EnterEnter WagnerWagner.
wln 0097WagnerWagner, commendcommend meme toto mymy deerestdearest friendsfriends,
wln 0098TheThe GermaineGerman ValdesValde●Valdes, andand CorneliusCorneliu●Cornelius,
wln 0099RequestRequest themthem earnestlyearnestly toto visitevisit meme.
wln 0100Wag.WagnerWag.II wilwill sirsir.exitexit.
wln 0101Fau.FaustusFau.TheirTheir conferenceconference willwill bebe aa greatergreater helphelp toto meme,
img: 4-asig: A3v
The tragicall History of
wln 0102ThnThanthan allall mymy labourslaborslabours, ploddeplod II nerene’er soso fastfast.
wln 0103EnterEnter thethe goodgood AngellAngel andand thethe euillevil AngellAngel.
wln 0104Good.Good A.AngelA.OO FaustusFaustus, laylay thatthat damneddamned bookebook asideaside,
wln 0105AndAnd gazegaze notnot onon itit, lestlest itit tempttempt thythy soulesoul,
wln 0106AndAnd heapeheap GodsGod’sGods heauyheavy wrathwrath vponupon thythy headhead,
wln 0107ReadeRead, readeread thethe scripturesscriptures, thatthat isis blasphemyblasphemy.
wln 0108EuillEvil An.AngelAn.GoGo forwardforward FaustusFaustus inin thatthat famousfamous artart,
wln 0109WhereinWherein allall naturesnature’s treasurytreasury isis containdcontained:
wln 0110BeBe thouthou onon earthearth asas IoueJovejove isis inin thethe skiesky,
wln 0111LordLord andand commaundercommander ofof thesethese ElementsElements.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 0112Fau.FaustusFau.HowHow amam II gluttedglutted withwith conceitconceit ofof thisthis?
wln 0113ShallShall II makemake spiritsspirits fetchfetch meme whatwhat II pleaseplease,
wln 0114ResolueResolve meme ofof allall ambiguitiesambiguities,
wln 0115PerformePerform whatwhat desperated●speratedesperate enterpriseenterprise II willwill?
wln 0116IleI’ll hauehave themthem flyefly toto IndiaIndia forfor goldgold,
wln 0117RansackeRansack thethe OceanOcean forfor orientorient pearlepearl,
wln 0118AndAnd searchsearch allall cornerscorners ofof thethe new foundnew-foundnew found worldworld
wln 0119ForFor pleasantpleasant fruitesfruits andand princelyprincely delicatesdelicates:
wln 0120IleI’ll hauehave themthem readeread méeme straungestrange philosophiephilosophy,
wln 0121AndAnd telltell thethe secretssecrets ofof allall forraineforeign kingskings,
wln 0122IleI’ll hauehave themthem wallwall allall IermanyGermanyjermany withwith brassebrass,
wln 0123AndAnd makemake swiftswift RhineRhine circlecircle fairefair WertenbergeWertenberg,
wln 0124IleI’ll hauehave themthem fillfill thethe publikepublic schoolesschools withwith skillskill.
wln 0125WherewithWherewith thethe studentsstudents shalbeshall be brauelybravely cladclad:
wln 0126IleI’ll leuylevy souldierssoldiers withwith thethe coynecoin theythey bringbring,
wln 0127AndAnd chasechase thethe PrincePrince ofof ParmaParma fromfrom ourour landland,
wln 0128AndAnd raignereign solesole kingking ofof allall ourour prouincesprovinces:
wln 0129YeaYea strangerstranger enginesengines forfor thethe bruntbrunt ofof warrewar,
wln 0130ThenThanThen waswas thethe fieryfiery kéelekeel atat AntwarpesAntwerp’sAntwerps bridgebridge,
wln 0131IleI’ll makemake mymy seruileservile spiritsspirits toto inuentinvent:
wln 0132ComeCome GermaineGerman ValdesValdes andand CorneliusCornelius,
wln 0133AndAnd makemake meme blestblessed withwith youryour sagesage conferenceconference,
wln 0134ValdesV●ldesValdes, swéetesweet ValdesValdes, andand CorneliusCornelius,
wln 0135EnterEnter ValdesValdes andand CorneliusCornelius.
wln 0136KnowKnow thatthat youryour wordswords hauehave woonwon meme atat thethe lastlast,
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Doctor Faustus.
wln 0137ToTo practisepracticepractise MagickeMagic andand concealedconcealed artsarts:
wln 0138YetYet notnot youryour wordswords onelyonly, butbut minemine owneown fantasiefantasy,
wln 0139ThatThat willwill receiuereceive nono obiectobject forfor mymy headhead,
wln 0140ButBut ruminatesruminates onon NegremantiqueNecromanticnegromatic skillskill,
wln 0141PhilosophyPhilosophy isis odiousodious andand obscureobscure,
wln 0142BothBoth LawLaw andand PhisickePhis●ckePhysic areare forfor pettiepetty witswittwit●witswit,
wln 0143DiuinitieDivinity isis basestbasest ofof thethe thréethreethrée,
wln 0144VnpleasantUnpleasantUnpleasant, harshharsh, contemptiblecontemptible andand vildevild,
wln 0145Tis’Tis MagickeMagic, MagickeMagic thatthat hathhath rauishtravished méeme,
wln 0146ThenThen gentlegentle friendsfriends aydeaid meme inin thisthis attemptattempt,
wln 0147AndAnd II thatthat hauehave withwith ConsissylogismesConcise syllogismsConsissylogismes
wln 0148GraueldGravelled thethe PastorsPastors ofof thethe GermaineGerman ChurchChurch,
wln 0149AndAnd mademade thethe flowringflow’ringflowering pridepride ofof WertenbergeWertenberg
wln 0150SwarmeSwarm toto mymy ProblemesProblems asas thethe infernallinfernal spiritsspirits
wln 0151OnOn swéetsweet MusæusMusaeusMusaeus whenwhen hehe camecame toto hellhell,
wln 0152WillWill bebe asas cunningcunning asas AgrippaAgrippa waswas,
wln 0153WhoseWhose shadowesshadows mademade allall EuropeEurope honorhonorhonour himhim.
wln 0154Vald.ValdesVald.FaustusFaustus▪ thesethese bookesbooks thythy witwit andand ourour experienceexperience
wln 0155ShallShall makemake allall nationsnations toto canonizecononizecanonize vsus,
wln 0156AsAs IndianIndian MooresMoors obeyobey theirtheir SpanishSpanish LordsLords,
wln 0157SoSo shallshall thethe subiectssubjects ofof eueryevery elementelement
wln 0158BeBe alwaiesalways seruiceableserviceable toto vsus thréethreethrée,
wln 0159LikeLike LyonsLionslions shallshall theythey guardguard vsus whenwhen wewe pleaseplease,
wln 0160LikeLike AlmaineAlmain RuttersRutters withwith theirtheir horsemenshorsemen’s stauesstaves,
wln 0161OrOr LaplandLapland GyantsGiants trottingtrotting byby ourour sidessides,
wln 0162SometimesSometimes likelike womenwomen, oror vnweddedunwedded maidesmaids,
wln 0163ShadowingShadowing moremore beautiebeauty inin theirtheir ayrieairy browesbrows,
wln 0164ThenThanThen inin theirtheir whitewhite breastsbreasts ofof thethe queenequeen ofof LoueLove:
wln 0165ForFor VeniceVenice shallshall theythey dreggedrag hugehuge ArgocesArgosiesargosies,
wln 0166AndAnd fromfrom AmericaAmerica thethe goldengolden fléecefleece,
wln 0167ThatThat yearelyyearly stuffes●●nffesstuffs oldeold PhilipsPhilip’s treasurytreasury
wln 0168IfIf learnedlearned FaustusFaustus willwill bebe resoluteresolute.
wln 0169Fau.FaustusFau.ValdesValdes asas resoluteresolute amam II inin thisthis
wln 0170AsAs thouthou toto liuelive, thereforetherefore obiectobject itit notnot.
wln 0171Corn.CorneliusCorn.TheThe myraclesmiracles thatthat MagickeMagic willwill performeperform,
wln 0172WillWill makemake théethee vowvow toto studiestudy nothingnothing elseelse,
wln 0173HeHe thatthat isis groundedgrounded inin AstrologieAstrology,
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The tragicall History of
wln 0174InrichtEnriched withwith tonguestongues wellwell séeneseen mineralsminerals,
wln 0175Hath〈◊〉Hath allall thethe principlesprinciples MagickeMagic dothdoth requirerequire,
wln 0176ThenThe●Then doubtdoubt notn●tnot (FaustusF●●stusFaustus) butbut toto bebe renowmdrenowned,
wln 0177AndAnd moremore frequentedfrequented forfor thisthis mysterymystery,
wln 0178ThenThanThen heretoforeheretofore thethe DolphianDelphianDolphian OracleOracle.
wln 0179TheThe spiritsspirits telltell meme theythey cancan driedry thethe seasea,
wln 0180AndAnd fetchfet●hfetch thethe treasuretrea●uretreasure ofof allall forraineforeign wrackeswracks,
wln 0181IAyay, allall thethe wealthwealth thatthat ourour forefathersfore●athersforefathers hidhid
wln 0182Within〈◊〉Within thethe massiema●●iemassy entrailesen●rail●sentrails ofof thethe earthearth.
wln 0183ThenTh●nThen telltell meme FaustusFaustus, whatwhat shalshall wewe threethree wantwant?
wln 0184Fau.FaustusFau.NothingNoth●ngNothing CorneliusCornelius, OOOh thisthis chearescheers mymy soulesoul,
wln 0185ComeCome sheweshow meme somesome demonstrationsdemonstrations magicallmagi●allmagical,
wln 0186ThatThat II maymay coniureconjure inin somesome lustielusty grouegrove,
wln 0187AndAnd hauehave thesethese ioyesjoys inin fullfull possessionpossession.
wln 0188Val.ValdesVal.ThenThen hastehaste théethee toto somesome solitarysolitary grouegrove,
wln 0189AndAnd bearebear wisewise BaconsBacon’sBacons andand AlbanusAlbanus’Albanus workesworks,
wln 0190TheThe HebrewH●brewHebrew PsalterPsalter, andand newnew TestamentTestament,
wln 0191AndAnd whatsoeuerwhatsoever elseelse isis requisitrequisite
wln 0192Weewe willwill enformeinform théethee ereere ourour conferenceconference ceasecease.
wln 0193Cor.CorneliusCor.ValdesValdes, firstfirst letlet himhim knowknow thethe wordswords ofof artart,
wln 0194AndAnd thenthen allall otherother ceremoniesceremonies learndlearned,
wln 0195FaustusFaustus maymay trietry hishis cunningcunning byby himselfehimself.
wln 0196Val.ValdesVal.FirstFirst IleI’ll instructinstruct theethee inin thethe rudimentsrudiments,
wln 0197AndAnd thenthen wiltwilt thouthou bebe perfecterperfecter thenthan II.
wln 0198Fau.FaustusFau.ThenThen comecome andand dynedine withwith meme, andand afterafter meatemeat
wln 0199WéeleWe’llwe’ll canuasca●uascanvas eueryevery quidditiequiddity thereofthereof:
wln 0200ForFor ereere II sleepesleep Ile●leI’ll trietry whatwhat II cancan dodo,
wln 0201ThisThis nightnight IleI’ll coniureconjure thoughthough II diedie thereforetherefore.
wln 0202ExeuntExeunt.
wln 0203EnterEnter twotwo SchollersScholars.
wln 020411 Sch.ScholarSch.II wonderwonder whatswhat’s becomebecome ofof FaustusFaustus, thatthat waswas
wln 0205wontwont toto makemake ourour schoolesschools ringring withwith, sicsic proboprobo.
wln 020622 Sch.ScholarSch.ThatThat shallshall wewe knowknow, forfor seesee herehere comescomes hishis boyboy.
wln 0207EnterEnter WagnerWagner.
wln 02081.1. Sch.ScholarSch.HowHow nownow sirrasirrah, whereswhere’s thythy maistermaster?
wln 0209Wag.WagnerWag.GodGod inin heauenheaven knowesknows.
wln 02102.2. Scholar2.WhyWhy, dostdost notnot thouthou knowknow?
img: 5-bsig: B1r
Doctor Faustus.
wln 0211Wag.WagnerWag.YesYes II knowknow, butbut thatthat followesfollows notnot.
wln 02121.1. Scholar1.GoGo tooto sirrasirrah, leaueleave youryour ieastingjesting, andand telltell vsus wherewhere
wln 0213héehe isis.
wln 0214Wag.WagnerWag.ThatThat followsfollows notnot necessarynecessary byby forceforce ofof argumentargument,
wln 0215thatthat youyou beingbeing licentiatelicentiate shouldshould standstand vpon’tupon ’tupon’t, thereforetherefore ac=acknowledgeac∣knowledgeacknowledge
wln 0216knowledge
wln 0216youryour errorerror, andand bebe attentiueattentive.
wln 02172.2. Scholar2.WhyWhy, didstdidst thouthou notnot saysay thouthou knewstknewest?
wln 0218Wag.WagnerWag.HaueHave youyou anyany witnessewitness on’ton ’ton’t?
wln 02191.1. Scholar1.YesYes sirrasirrah, II heardheard youyou.
wln 0220Wag.WagnerWag.AskeAsk mymy fellowfellow ifif II bebe aa thiefethief.
wln 02212.2. Scholar2.WellWell, youyou willwill notnot telltell vsus.
wln 0222Wag.WagnerWag.YesYes sirsir, II willwill telltell youyou, yetyet ifif youyou werewere notnot duncesdunces
wln 0223youyou wouldwould neuernever askeask meme suchsuch aa questionquestion, forfor isis notnot hehe cor-corpuscor∣puscorpus
wln 0224pus
wln 0224naturalenaturale, andand isis notnot thatthat mobilemobile, thenthen whereforewherefore shouldshould
wln 0225youyou askeask meme suchsuch aa questionquestion: butbut thatthat II amam byby naturenature fleg=flegmatickefleg∣matickephlegmatic
wln 0226maticke,
wln 0226sloweslow toto wrathwrath, andand proneprone toto leacherylechery, (toto louelove II
wln 0227wouldwould saysay) itit werewere notnot forfor youyou toto comecome withinwithin fortieforty footefoot ofof
wln 0228thethe placeplace ofof executionexecution, althoughalthough II dodo notnot doubtdoubt toto séesee youyou
wln 0229bothboth hang’dhanged thethe nextnext SessionsSessions. ThusThus hauinghaving triumphttriumphed ouerover
wln 0230youyou, II willwill setset mymy countnancecountenance likelike aa precisianprecisian, andand beginbegin toto
wln 0231speakespeak thusthus: trulytruly mymy dearedear brethrenbrethrenbrothers, mymy maistermaster isis withinwithin
wln 0232atat dinnerdinner withwith ValdesValdes andand CorneliusCornelius, asas thisthis winewine ifif itit couldcould
wln 0233speakespeak, itit wouldwould enformeinform youryour worshipsworships, andand soso thethe LordLord
wln 0234blessebless youyou, preseruepreserve youyou, andand kéepekeep youyou mymy dearedear brethrenbrethrenbrothers,
wln 0235mymy dearedear brethrenbrethrenbrothers.
wln 0236exitexit.
wln 02371.1. Scholar1.NayNay thenthen II fearefear hehe isis falnefall’nfallen intointo thatthat damneddamned artart, forfor
wln 0238whichwhich theythey twotwo areare infamousinfamous throughthrough thethe worldworld.
wln 02392.2. Scholar2.WereWere hehe aa strangerstranger, andand notnot aliedallied toto meme, yetyet shouldshould
wln 0240II grieuegrieve forfor himhim: butbut comecome letlet vsus gogo andand informeinform thethe RectorRector,
wln 0241andand séesee ifif héehe byby hishis grauegrave counsailecounsel cancan reclaimereclaim himhim.
wln 02421.1. Scholar1.OO butbut II fearefear meme nothingnothing cancan reclaimereclaim himhim.
wln 02432.2. Scholar2.YetYet letlet vsus trietry whatwhat wewe cancan dodo.
wln 0244ExeuntExeunt.
wln 0245EnterEnter FaustusFaustus toto coniureconjure.
wln 0246Fau.FaustusFau.NowNow thatthat thethe gloomygloomy shadowshadow ofof thethe earthearth,
wln 0247LongingLonging toto viewview OrionsOrion’s drislingdrizzling lookelook,
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The tragicall History of
wln 0248LeapesLeaps fromf●omfrom th’antartike●h●antartiketh’ antarcticth’antarctic worldworld vntounto thethe skiesky,
wln 0249AndA●dAnd dimmesdims thethe welkinwelkin withwith herher pitchypitchy breathbreath:
wln 0250FaustusFaustus, beginbeg●nbegin thinethine incantationsincantations,
wln 0251AndAnd trietriotri●trytrio ifif diuelsdevils willwill obeyobey thythy hesthest,
wln 0252SéeingSeeing thouthou hasthast praydeprayed andand sacrific’dsacri●●●dsacrificedsacrified toto themthem.
wln 0253VVithinUUithinWithinwithin thisthis circle〈◊〉circle isis Iehouahs〈◊〉Jehovah’s namename,
wln 0254ForwardForward anda●dand backwardbackward, andand AgramithistAgramithist,
wln 0255The〈…〉The〈…〉 breuiated〈…〉breviated〈…〉 namesnames ofof holyholy SaintsSaints,
wln 0256FiguresFigur●sFigures ofof eueryevery adiunctadjunct toto thethe heauensheavens,
wln 0257AndAnd characterscharacters ofof signessigns andand erringerring starresstars.
wln 0258ByBy whichwhich thethe spiritsspirits areare inforstenforced toto riserise,
wln 0259ThenThen fearefear notnot FaustusFaustus, butbut bebe resoluteresolute,,.
wln 0260AndAnd trietry thethe vttermostuttermost MagickeMagic cancan performeperform.
wln 0261SintSint mihimihi deidei acherontisacherontis propitijpropitiipropitij, valeatvaleat numennumen triplextriplex IehouæIehouaeJehovaejehovae, igneiigne●ignei,
wln 0262aerijaeriiaerij, AquataniAquatani spiritusspiritus saluetesalveteSalvete, OrientisOrientis princepsprinceps BelsibubBeelzebubBelsabub, inferniinferni
wln 0263ardentisardentisArden’s monarchamonarcha &et demigorgondemigorgon, propitiamuspropitiamus vosvos, vtut apariatapariat &et
wln 0264surgatsurgat MephastophilisMep●astophilisMephistophelesMephastophilis, quòdquodquòd tumeraristumeraris, perper IehouamI●houamJehovamIehouam gehennamgehennam &et
wln 0265consecratamcon●ecratamconsecratam aquamaquam quamquam nuncnunc spargospargo, signúmquesignumquesignúmque cruciscrucis quodnuncquodnunc
wln 0266faciofacio, &et perper votavota nostranostra ipseipse nuncnunc surgatsurgat nobisnobis dicatisdic●tisdicatis Mephasto-MephastophilisMephasto∣philisMephistophelesMephastophilis
wln 0267philis.
wln 0268
wln 0268EnterEnter aa DiuellDevil.
wln 0269II chargecharge théethee toto returnereturn andand chaungecha●●gechange thythy shapeshape,
wln 0270ThouThou artart tootoo vglyugly toto attendattend onon meme,
wln 0271GoeGo andand returnereturn anan oldold FranciscanFranciscan FrierFriar,
wln 0272ThatThat holyholy shapeshape becomesbecomes aa diuelldevil bestbest.ExitExit diuelldevil.
wln 0273II seesee theresthere’s vertuevirtue inin mymy heauenlyheavenly wordswords,
wln 0274WhoWho wouldwould notnot bebe proficientproficient inin thisthis artart?
wln 0275HowHow pliantpliant isis thisthis MephastophilisM●phastophilisMephistophelesMephastophilis?
wln 0276FullFull ofof obedienceobedience andand humilitiehumility,
wln 0277SuchSuch isis thethe forceforce ofof MagickeMagic andand mymy spelsspells,
wln 0278NoNo FaustusFaustus, thouthou artart ConiurerConjurer laureatela●reatelaureate
wln 0279ThatThat canstcanst commaundcommand greatgreat MephastophilisMephistophelesMephastophilis,
wln 0280QuinQuin regisregis MephastophilisM●phastoph●●isMephistophelesMephastophilis fratrisfratris imagineimagine.
wln 0281EnterEnter MephostophilisMephistophelesMephostophilis.
wln 0282Me.MephistophelesMe.NowNow FaustusFaustus, whatwhat wouldstwouldst thouthou hauehave meme dodo?
wln 0283Fau.FaustusFau.II chargecharge théethee waitwait vponupon meme whilstwhilst II liuelive,
img: 6-bsig: B2r
Doctor Faustus.
wln 0284ToTo dodo what euerwhatever FaustusFaustus shallshall commaundcommand,
wln 0285BeBe itit toto makemake thethe MooneMoo●eMoon dropdrop fromfrom herher sphearesphere,
wln 0286OrOr thethe OceanOcean toto ouerwhelmeoverwhelm thethe worldworld.
wln 0287Me.MephistophelesMe.II amam aa seruantservant toto greatgreat LuciferLuci●erLucifer,
wln 0288AndAnd maymay notnot followfollow théethee withoutwithout hishis leaueleave,
wln 0289NoNo moremore thenthan hehe commaundscommands mustmust wewe performeperform.
wln 0290Fau.FaustusFau.DidDid notnot hehe chargecharge théethee toto appeareappear toto méeme?
wln 0291Me.MephistophelesMe.NoNo, II camecame nownow hitherhither ofof minemine owneown accordaccord.
wln 0292Fau.FaustusFau.DidDid notnot mymy coniuringconiuring spéechesspeeches raiseraise theethee? speakespeak.
wln 0293Me.MephistophelesMe.ThatThat waswas thethe causecause, butbut yetyet perper accidentaccident,
wln 0294ForFor whenwhen wewe hearehear oneone rackerack thethe namename ofof GodGod,
wln 0295AbiureAbjure thethe scripturesscriptures, andand hishis SauiourSaviorSaviour ChristChrist,
wln 0296WéeWe flyefly, inin hopehope toto getget hishis gloriousglorious soulesoul,
wln 0297NorNor willwill wewe comecome, vnlesseunless hehe vseuse suchsuch meanesmeans
wln 0298WherebyWhereby hehe isis inin dangerdanger toto bebe damnddamned:
wln 0299ThereforeTherefore thethe shortestshortest cutcut forfor coniuringconjuring
wln 0300IsIs stoutlystoutly toto abiureabjure thethe TrinitieTrinity,
wln 0301AndAnd praypray deuoutlydevoutly toto thethe princeprince ofof hellhell.
wln 0302Fau.FaustusFau.SoSo FaustusFaustus hathhath alreadyalready donedone, &and holdsholds thisthis principleprinciple
wln 0303ThereThere isis nono chiefechief butbut onelyonly BelsibubBeelzebubBelsabub,
wln 0304ToTo whomwhom Faustus〈◊〉Faustus dothdoth dedicatededicate himselfehimself,
wln 0305ThisThis wordword damnationdamnation terrifiesterrifies notnot himhim,
wln 0306ForFor hehe confoundsconfounds hellhell inin EliziumElysium,
wln 0307HisHis ghostghost bebe withwith thethe oldeold PhilosophersPhilosophers,
wln 0308ButBut leauinglea●ingleaving thesethese vainevain triflestrifles ofof mensmen’s soulessouls,
wln 0309TellTell meme whatwhat isis thatthat LuciferLucif●rLucifer thythy LordLord?
wln 0310Me.MephistophelesMe.Arch-regentArch-regent andand commaundercommander ofof allall spiritsspirits.
wln 0311Fau.FaustusFau.WasWas notnot thatthat LuciferLucifer anan AngellAngel onceonce?
wln 0312Me.MephistophelesMe.YesYes FaustusFaustus, andand mostmost dearelydear lou’dloved ofof GodGod.
wln 0313Fau.FaustusFau.HowHow comescomes itit thenthen thatthat hehe isis princeprince ofof diuelsdevils?
wln 0314Me.MephistophelesMe.OO byby aspiringaspiring pridepride andand insolenceinsolence,
wln 0315ForFor whichwhich GodGod threwthrew himhim fromfrom thethe faceface ofof heauenheaven.
wln 0316Fau.FaustusFau.andand whatwhat areare youyou thatthat liuelive withwith LuciferL●ciferLucifer?
wln 0317Me.MephistophelesMe.VnhappyUnhappyUnhappy spiritsspirits thatthat fellfell withwith LuciferLucifer,
wln 0318Conspir’dConspired againstagainst ourour GodGod withwith LuciferLucifer,
wln 0319AndAnd areare forfor euereuerdamndever damnddamned withwith LuciferLucifer.
wln 0320Fau.FaustusFau.VVhereUUhereWherewhere areare youyou damn’ddamned?
img: 7-asig: B2v
The tragicall History of
wln 0321Me.MephistophelesMe.InIn hellhell.
wln 0322Fau.FaustusFau.HowHow comescomes itit thenthen thatthat thouthou artart outout ofof helhell?
wln 0323Me.MephistophelesMe.WhyWhy thisthis isis helhell, nornor amam II outout ofof itit:
wln 0324ThinkstThink'stThinkst thouthou thatthat II whowho sawsaw thethe faceface ofof GodGod,
wln 0325AndAnd tastedtasted thethe eternaleternal ioyesjoys ofof heauenheaven,
wln 0326AmAm notnot tormentedtormented withwith tenten thousandthousand helshells,
wln 0327InIn beingbeing depriv’ddeprived ofof euerlastingeverlasting blissebliss:
wln 0328OOOh FaustusFaustus, leaueleave thesethese friuolousfrivolous demaundsdemands,
wln 0329whichwhich strikestrike aa terrorterror toto mymy faintingfainting soulesoul.
wln 0330Fau.FaustusFau.WhatWhat, isis greatgreat MephastophilisMephistophelesMephastophilis soso passionatepassionate,
wln 0331ForFor beingbeing deprivddeprived ofof thethe ioyesjoys ofof heauenheaven?
wln 0332LearneLearn thouthou ofof FaustusFaustus manlymanly fortitudefortitude,
wln 0333AndAnd scornescorn thosethose ioyesjoys thouthou neuernever shaltshalt possessepossess.
wln 0334GoGo bearebear thosethose tidingstidings toto greatgreat LuciferLucifer,
wln 0335SéeingSeeing FaustusFaustus hathhath incurrdincurred eternalleternal deathdeath,
wln 0336ByBy despratedesp’ratedesperate thoughtsthoughts againstagainst IouesJove’sjove’s deitiedeity:
wln 0337SaySay, hehe surrenderssurrenders vpup toto himhim hishis soulesoul,
wln 0338SoSo hehe willwill sparespare himhim 24.24. yéeresyears,
wln 0339LettingLetting himhim liuelive inin alall voluptuousnessevoluptuousness,
wln 0340HauingHaving theethee euerever toto attendattend onon meme,
wln 0341ToTo giuegive meme whatsoeuerwhatsoever II shalshall askeask,
wln 0342ToTo teltell meme whatsoeuerwhatsoever II demaunddemand,
wln 0343ToTo slayslay minemine enemiesenemies, andand aydeaid mymy friendsfriends,
wln 0344AndAnd alwayesalways bebe obedientobedient toto mymy wilwill:
wln 0345GoeGo andand returnereturn toto mightymighty LuciferLucifer,
wln 0346AndAnd méetemeet méeme inin mymy studystudy atat midnightmidnight,
wln 0347AndAnd thenthen resolueresolve meme ofof thythy maistersmaster’s mindemind.
wln 0348Me.MephistophelesMe.II willwill FaustusFaustus.exitexit.
wln 0349Fau.FaustusFau.HadHad II as●sas manymany soulessouls asas therethere bebe starresstars,
wln 0350IdeI’d giuegive themthem alall forfor MephastophilisMephistophelesMephastophilis:
wln 0351ByBy himhim IleI’ll bebe greatgreat EmprourEmperor ofof thethe worldworld,
wln 0352AndAnd makemake aa bridgebridge throughthrough thethe moouingmoving ayreair,
wln 0353ToTo passepass thethe OceanOcean withwith aa bandband ofof menmen,
wln 0354IleI’ll ioynejoin thethe hilshills thatthat bindebind thethe AffrickeAff●ickeAfric shoreshore,
wln 0355AndAnd makemake thatthat landland continentcontinent toto SpaineSpain,
wln 0356AndAnd bothboth contributorycontributory toto mymy crownecrown:
wln 0357TheThe EmprourEmperor shalshall notbotnot liuelive butbut byby mymy leaueleave,
img: 7-bsig: B3r
Doctor Faustus.
wln 0358NorNor anyany PotentatePotentate ofof GermanyGermany:
wln 0359NowNow thatthat II hauehave obtaindobtained whatwhat II desiredesire,
wln 0360IleI’ll liuelive inin speculationspeculation ofof thisthis ArtArt,
wln 0361TilTill MephastophilisMephistophelesMephastophilis returnereturn againeagain.exitexit.
wln 0362EnterEnter WagnerWagner andand thethe ClowneC●owneClown.
wln 0363Wag.WagnerWag.SirraSirrah boyboy, comecome hitherhither.
wln 0364Clo.ClownHowHow, boyboy? swowns’swounds boyboy, II hopehope youyou hauehave séeneseen ma=manyma∣nymanymany
wln 0365ny
wln 0365boyesboys withwith suchsuch pickadevauntspickadevaunts asas II hauehave. BoyBoy quothaquotha?
wln 0366Wag.WagnerWag.TelTell meme sirrasirrah, hasthast thouthou anyany commingscomings inin?
wln 0367Clo.ClownIAyay, andand goingsgoings outout tootoo, youyou maymay séesee elseelse.
wln 0368Wag.WagnerWag.AlasAlas poorepoor slaueslave, séesee howhow pouertypoverty iestethjesteth inin hishis na=nakednessena∣kednessenakedness
wln 0369kednesse,
wln 0369thethe vilainevillain isis barebare, andand outout ofof seruiceservice, andand soso hun=hungryhun∣gryhungry
wln 0370gry,
wln 0370thatthat II knowknow hehe wouldwould giuegive hishis soulesoul toto thethe DiuelDevil forfor aa
wln 0371shouldershoulder ofof muttonmutton, thoughthough itit werewere bloodblood raweraw.
wln 0372Clo.ClownHowHow, mymy soulesoul toto thethe DiuelDevil forfor aa shouldershoulder ofof mut=muttonmut∣tonmutton
wln 0373ton
wln 0373thoughthough twere’twere bloodblood raweraw? notnot soso goodgood friendfriend, burladieby ’r ladyby’r lady II
wln 0374hadhad néedeneed hauehave itit welwell roastedroasted, andand goodgood sawcesauce toto itit, ifif II paypay soso
wln 0375déeredear.
wln 0376Wag.WagnerWag.welwell, wiltwilt thouthou serueserve meme, andand IleI’ll makemake théethee gogo likelike
wln 0377QuiQui mihimihi discipulusdiscipulus?
wln 0378Clo.ClownHowHow, inin verseverse?
wln 0379Wag.WagnerWag.NoNo sirrasirrah, inin beatenbeaten silkesilk andand staues acrestauesstavesacrestaff’s acreacre.
wln 0380Clo.Clownhowhow, howhow, knauesknave’s acreacre? IAyay, II thoughtthought thatthat waswas alall
wln 0381thethe landland hishis fatherfather left●eftleft himhim: DoeDo yeeye hearehear, II wouldwould bebe soriesorry
wln 0382toto robberob youyou ofof youryour liuingliving.
wln 0383Wag.WagnerWag.SirraSirrah, II saysay inin staues acrestavesacrestaff’s acre.
wln 0384Clo.ClownOhoOho, ohooho, staues acrestavesacrestaff’s acre, whywhy thenthen belikebelike, ifif II werewere
wln 0385youryour manman, II shouldshould bebe fulfull ofof verminevermin.
wln 0386Wag.WagnerWag.SoSo thouthou shaltshalt, whetherwhether thouthou beestbée●tbeest withwith meme, oror nono:
wln 0387butbut sirrasirrah, leaueleave youryour iestingjesting, andand bindebind your selfeyourself presentlypresently
wln 0388vntounto meme forfor seauenseven yéeresyears, oror IleI’ll turneturn alall thethe licelice aboutabout théethee
wln 0389intointo familiarsfamiliars, andand theythey shalshall tearetear théethee inin péecespieces.
wln 0390Clo.ClownDoeDo youyou hearehear sirsir? youyou maymay sauesave thatthat labourlaborlabour, theythey
wln 0391areare tootoo familiarfamiliar withwith meme alreadyalready, swowns’swounds theythey areare asas boldebold
wln 0392withwith mymy fleshflesh, asas ifif theythey hadhad paydpaid forfor mymy meatemeat andand drinkedrink.
wln 0393Wag.WagnerWag.welwell, dodo youyou hearehear sirrasirrah? holdehold, taketake thesethese gildersgilders.
wln 0394Clo.ClownGridyronsGridironsgridirons, whatwhat bebe theythey?
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The tragicall History of
wln 0395Wag.WagnerWag.WhyWhy frenchfrench crownescrowns.
wln 0396Clo.ClownMasMass butbut forfor thethe namename ofof frenchfrench crownescrowns aa manman
wln 0397werewere asas goodgood hauehave asas manymany englishenglish counterscounters, andand whatwhat
wln 0398shouldshould II dodo withwith thesethese?
wln 0399Wag.WagnerWag.VVhyUUhyWhywhy nownow sirrasirrah thouthou artart atat anan houreshour’shours warningwarning
wln 0400whensoeuerwhenso●uerwhensoever oror wheresoeuerwheresoever thethe diuelldevil shallshall fetchfetch theethemthe●thee.
wln 0401Clo.ClownNoNo, nono, herehere taketake youryour gridironsgridirons againeagain.
wln 0402Wag.WagnerWag.TrulyTruly IleI’ll nonen●nenone ofof themthem.
wln 0403Clo.ClownTrulyTruly butbut youyou shallshall.
wln 0404Wag.WagnerWag.BeareBear witnessewitness II gauegave themthem himhim.
wln 0405Clo.ClownBeareBear witnessewitness II giuegive themthem youyou againeagain.
wln 0406Wag.WagnerWag.VVellUUellWellwell, II willwill causecause twotwo diuelsdevils presentlypresently toto fetchfetch
wln 0407théethee awayaway BaliolBaliollBalliol andand BelcherBelcher.
wln 0408Clo.ClownLetLet youryour BalioBaliolBalio●BalioBalliol andand youryour BelcherB●lcherBelcher comecome herehere, andand IleI’ll
wln 0409knockeknock themthem, theythey werewere neuernever soso knocktknocked sincesince theythey werewere di=diuelsdi∣uelsdevils
wln 0410uels,
wln 0410saysay II shouldshould killkill oneone ofof themthem whatwhat wouldwould folkesfolks saysay? dodo
wln 0411yeye seesee yonderyonder talltall fellowfellow inin thethe roundround slopflopslopflop, heehe hashas kildkilled thethe di=diuelldi∣uelldevil
wln 0412uell,
wln 0412soso II shouldshould bebe caldcalled kill〈◊〉kill diuelldevil allall thethe parishparish ouerover.
wln 0413EnterEnter twotwo diuellsdevils, anda●dand thethe clowneclown runnesruns vpup
wln 0414andand downedown cryingcrying.
wln 0415Wag.WagnerWag.BaliollBaliolBaliol●BaliollBalliol andand BelcherBelcher, spiritsspirits awayaway.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 0416Clow.Clownwhatwhat, areare theythey gonegone? aa vengeancevengeance onon themthem, theythey
wln 0417hauehave vildev●ldevild longlong nailesnails, therethere waswas aa heehe diuelldevil andand aa shéeshe di-diuelldi∣uelldevil
wln 0418uell,
wln 0418IleI’ll tellt●lltell youyou howhow youyou shallshall knowknow themthem, allall héeheehe diuelsdevils hashas
wln 0419hornes〈◊〉horns, andand allall shéeshe diuelsdevils hashadhashad cliftscleftscliffs andand clouencloven feetefeet.
wln 0420Wag.WagnerWag.WellWell sirrasirrah followfollow meme.
wln 0421Clo.ClownButBut dodo youyo●you hearhear? ifif II shouldshould serueserve youyou, wouldwould youyou
wln 0422teach〈…〉teach〈…〉 me〈…〉me〈…〉 to〈…〉to〈…〉 raise〈…〉raise〈…〉 vpup BaniosBanios andand BelcheosBelcheos?
wln 0423Wag.WagnerWag.I[...]I willwill teachteach theethee toto turneturn thythy selfeself toto any thinganything,, toto
wln 0424a[...]a[...] doggedog,, oror aa cattecat,, oror aa mousemouse,, oror aa ratterat,, oror any thinganything..
wln 0425Clo.ClownHow〈◊〉How〈◊〉? aa ChristianChristian fellowfellow toto aa doggedog oror aa cattecat, aa
wln 0426mouse〈…〉mouse〈…〉 oror aa ratterat?? nono, nono sirsir, ifif youyou turneturn meme intointo anyany thingthing,
wln 0427let〈…〉let〈…〉 it〈…〉it〈…〉 be〈…〉be〈…〉 in〈…〉in〈…〉 the〈…〉the〈…〉 likenesse〈…〉likeness〈…〉 ofof aa littlelittle pretiepretty friskingfrisking fleaflea, thatthat II
wln 0428may〈…〉may〈…〉 be〈…〉be〈…〉 here〈…〉here〈…〉 andand therethere andand euery whereeverywhere, OOOh IleI’ll tickletickle thethe pre=〈…〉pretty〈…〉
wln 0429tie
wln 0429wenches〈…〉wenches’〈…〉 plackets〈…〉plackets〈…〉 Ile〈…〉I’ll〈…〉 bebe amongstamongst themthem ifaith●faithi’ faithi’faith.
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Doctor Faustus.
wln 0430Wag.WagnerWag.WelWell sirrasirrah, comecome.
wln 0431Clo.ClownButBut doedo youyou hearehear WagnerWagner?
wln 0432Wag.WagnerWag.HowHow BaliollBa●iollBaliollBalliol anda●dand BelcherBel●herBelcher.
wln 0433Clo.ClownOO LordLord II praypray sirsir, letlet BanioBan●oBanio andand BelcherBelcher gogo sléepesleep.
wln 0434Wag.WagnerWag.Vilaine〈…〉Villain〈…〉,,〈…〉 call〈…〉call〈…〉 me〈…〉me〈…〉 Maister〈…〉Master〈…〉 Wagner〈…〉Wagner〈…〉,,〈…〉 and〈…〉and〈…〉 let〈…〉let〈…〉 thy〈…〉thy〈…〉 left〈…〉left〈…〉
wln 0435eye〈…〉eye〈…〉 be〈…〉be〈…〉 diametarily〈…〉diametrically〈…〉 fixt〈…〉fixed〈…〉 vpon〈…〉upon〈…〉 my〈…〉my〈…〉 right〈…〉right〈…〉 heele〈…〉heel〈…〉,,〈…〉 with〈…〉with〈…〉 quasi〈…〉quasi〈…〉 vesti-〈…〉vestigias〈…〉
wln 0436gias〈…〉〈…〉
wln 0436nostras〈…〉nostras〈…〉 infistere〈…〉infistere〈…〉exitexit
wln 0437Clo:ClownGodGod forgiueforgive meme, hehe speakesspeaks DutchDutch fustianfustian: wellwell,
wln 0438IleI’ll folowfollow himhim, IleI’ll serueserve himhim, thatsthat’s flatflat.exitexit
wln 0439EnterEnter FaustusFaustus inin hishis StudyStudy.
wln 0440Fau.FaustusFau.NowNow FaustusFaustus mustmust thouthou néedesneeds bebe damnddamned,
wln 0441AndAnd canstcanst thouthou notnot bebe sauedsaved?
wln 0442whatwhat bootesboots itit thenthen toto thinkethink ofof GodGod oror heauenheaven?
wln 0443AwayAway withwith suchsuch vainevain fanciesfancies andand despairedespair,
wln 0444DespaireDespair inin GodGod, andand trusttrust inin BelsabubBeelzebubBelsabub:
wln 0445NowNow gogo notnot backewardbackward: nono FaustusFaustasFaustus, bebe resoluteresolute,
wln 0446whywhy wauerestwaverest thouthou? OO somethingsomething soundethsoundeth inin minemine earesears:
wln 0447AbiureAbi●reAbjure thisthis MagickeMagic, turneturn toto GodGod againeagain,
wln 0448IAyI andand FaustusFaustus wilwill turneturn toto GodGod againeagain.
wln 0449ToTo GodGod? hehe louesloves theethee notnot,
wln 0450TheThe godgod thouthou seruestservest isis thinethine owneown appetiteappetite,
wln 0451whereinwherein isis fixtfixed thethe louelove ofof BelsabubBeelzebubBelsabub,
wln 0452ToTo himhim IleI’ll buildbuild anan altarealtar andand aa churchchurch,
wln 0453AndAnd offeroffer luke warmelukewarmluke warme bloodblood ofof newnew borneborn babesbabes.
wln 0454EnterEnter goodgood AngellAngel, andand EuillEui●●EvilEuill.
wln 0455GoodGood AngelAngelSwéetSweet FaustusFaustus, leaueleave thatthat execrableexecrable artart.
wln 0456Fau.FaustusFau.ContritionContrition, prayerprayer, repentancerepentance: whatwhat ofof themthem?
wln 0457GoodGood AngelAngelOO theythey areare meanesmeans toto bringbring théethee vntounto hea=heauenhea∣uenheaven
wln 0458uenheaven.
wln 0459EuillEvil AngelAngelRatherRather illusionsillusio●sillusions fruitesfruits ofof lunacylunacy,
wln 0460ThatThat makesmakes menmen foolishfoolish thatthat dodo trusttrust themthem mostmost.
wln 0461GoodGood AngelAngelSwéetSweet FaustusFaustus thinkethink ofof heauenheaven, andand hea=heauenlyhea|uenlyheavenly
wln 0462uenly
wln 0462thingsthings.
wln 0463EuillEvil AngelAngelNoNo FaustusFaustus, thinkethink ofof honorhonorhonour andand wealthwealth.
wln 0464Fau.FaustusFau.OfOf wealthwealth,exeuntexeunt.
wln 0465WhyWhy thethe signorysignory ofof EmdenEmden shalbeshall be minemine,
wln 0466whenwhen MephatophilusMephistophelesMephastophilis shalshall standstand byby meme,
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The tragicall History of
wln 0467WhatWhat GodGod cancan hurthurt théethee FaustusFaustus? thouthou artart safesafe,
wln 0468CastCast nono moremore doubtsdoubts, comecome MephastophilusMephistophelesMephastophilis,
wln 0469AndAnd bringbring gladglad tidingstidings fromfrom greatgreat LuciferLucifer:
wln 0470IstIs ’tIs’t notnot midnightmidnight? comecome MephastophilusMephistophelesMephastophilis,
wln 0471VeniVeni veniveni MephastophileMephastophileenterenter Meph:MephistophelesMeph:
wln 0472NowNow teltell, whatwhat sayessays LuciferLucifer thythy LordLord?
wln 0473Me:MephistophelesMe:ThatThat II shalshall waitewait onon FaustusFaustus whilstwhilst II liuelive,
wln 0474SoSo hehe wilwill buybuy mymy seruiceservice withwith hishis soulesoul.
wln 0475Fau:FaustusFau:AlreadyAlready FaustusFaustus hathhath hazardedhazarded thatthat forfor théethee.
wln 0476Me:MephistophelesMe:ButBut FaustusFaustus, thouthou mustmust bequeathebequeathbequeathe itit solemnelysolemnly,
wln 0477AndAnd writewrite aa déededeed ofof giftgift withwith thinethine owneown bloodblood,
wln 0478ForFor thatthat securitysecurity crauescraves greatgreat LuciferLucifer:
wln 0479IfIf thouthou denydeny itit, II wilwill backeback toto helhell.
wln 0480Fau:FaustusFau:StayStay MephastophilusMephistophelesMephastophilis, andand teltell meme, whatwhat goodgood wilwill
wln 0481mymy soulesoul dodo thythy LordLord?
wln 0482Me:MephistophelesMe:InlargeEnlarge hishis kingdomekingdom.
wln 0483Fau:FaustusFau:IsIs thatthat thethe reasonreason hehe temptstempts vsus thusthus?
wln 0484Me:MephistophelesMe:SolamenSolamen miserismiseris sociossocios habuissehabuisse dolorisdoloris.
wln 0485Fau:FaustusFau:HaueHave youyou anyany painepain thatthat torturestortures othersothers?
wln 0486Me:MephistophelesMe:AsAs greatgreat asas hauehave thethe humanehuman soulessouls ofof menmen:
wln 0487ButBut teltell meme FaustusFaustus, shalshall II hauehave thythy soulesoul,
wln 0488AndAnd II wilwill bebe thythy slaueslave, andand waitewait onon théethee,
wln 0489AndAnd giuegive théethee moremore thanthan thouthou hasthast witwit toto askeask.
wln 0490Fau:FaustusFau:IAyay MephastophilusMephistophelesMephastophilis, II giuegive itit théethee.
wln 0491Me:MephistophelesMe:ThenThen stabbestab thinethine armearm couragiouslycourageously,
wln 0492AndAnd bindebind thythy soulesoul, thatthat atat somesome certainecertain dayday
wln 0493GreatGreat LuciferLucifer maymay claimeclaim itit asas hishis owneown,
wln 0494AndAnd thenthen bebe thouthou asas greatgreat asas LuciferLucifer.
wln 0495Fau:FaustusFau:LoeLolo MephastophilusMephistophelesMephastophilis, forfor louelove ofof théethee,
wln 0496II cutcut minemine armearm, andand withwith mymy properproper bloodblood
wln 0497AssureAssure mymy soulesoul toto bebe greatgreat LucifersLucifer’s,
wln 0498ChiefeChief LordLord andand regentregent ofof perpetualpe●petualperpetual nightnight,
wln 0499ViewUiewView heerehere thethe bloodblood thatthat tricklestrickles fromfrom minemine armearm,
wln 0500AndAnd letlet itit bebe propitiouspropitious forfor mymy wishwish.
wln 0501Meph:MephistophelesMeph:ButBut FaustusFaustus, thouthou mustmust writewrite itit inin mannermanner ofof aa
wln 0502déededeed ofof giftgift.
wln 0503Fau.FaustusFau.IAyI soso II willwill, butbut MephastophilisMephistophelesMephastophilis mymy bloudblood coniealescongeals
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Doctor Faustus.
wln 0504andand II cancan writewrite nono moremore.
wln 0505Me.MephistophelesMe.IleI’ll fetchfetch théethee fierfire toto dissoluedissolve itit straightstraight.ExitExit.
wln 0506Fau.FaustusFau.WhatWhat mightmight thethe stayingstaying ofof mymy bloudblood portendportend?
wln 0507IsIs itit vnwillingunwilling II shouldshould writewrite thisthis billbill?
wln 0508WhyWhy streamesstreams itit notnot, thatthat II maymay writewrite afreshafresh?
wln 0509FaustusFaustus giuesgives toto theethee hishis soulesoul: ahah therethere itit staydestayed,
wln 0510WhyWhy shouldstshouldst thouthou notnot? isis notnot thythy soulesoul thinethine owneown?
wln 0511ThenThen writewrite againeagain, FaustusFaustus giuesgives toto théethee hishis soulesoul.
wln 0512EnterEnter MephastophilisMephistophelesMephastophilis withwith aa chaferchaffer ofof colescoals.
wln 0513Me.MephistophelesMe.HeresHere’shere’s fierfire, comecome FaustusFaustus, setset itit onon.
wln 0514Fau.FaustusFau.SoSo nownow thethe bloudblood beginsbegins toto cleareclear againeagain,
wln 0515NowNow willwill II makemake anan endeend immediatelyimmediately.
wln 0516Me.MephistophelesMe.OO whatwhat willwill notnot II dodo toto obtaineobtain hishis soulesoul?
wln 0517Fau.FaustusFau.ConsummatumConsummatum estest, thisthis BillBill isis endedended,
wln 0518AndAnd FaustusFaustus hathhath bequeath’dbequeathed hishis soulesoul toto LuciferLucifer.
wln 0519ButBut whatwhat isis thisthis inscriptioninscription onon minemine armearm?
wln 0520HomoHomo fugefuge, whitherwhither shouldshould II fliefly?
wln 0521IfIf vntounto GodGod hée’lehe’ll throwethrow théethee downedown toto hellhell,
wln 0522MyMy sencessenses areare deceiu’ddeceived, here’shere’s nothingnothing writwrit,
wln 0523II séesee itit plaineplain, herehere inin thisthis placeplace isis writwrit,
wln 0524HomoHomo fugefuge, yetyet shallshall notnot FaustusFaustus flyefly.
wln 0525Me.MephistophelesMe.IleI’ll fetchfetch himhim somewhatsomewhat toto delightdelight hishis mindemind.
wln 0526exitexit.
wln 0527EnterEnter withwith diuelsdevils, giuinggiving crownescrowns andand richrich apparellapparel toto
wln 0528FaustusFaustus, andand dauncedance, andand thenthen departdepart.
wln 0529Fau.FaustusFau.SpeakeSpeak MephastophilisMephistophelesMephastophilis, whatwhat meanesmeans thisthis sheweshow?
wln 0530Me.MephistophelesMe.NothingNothing FaustusFaustus, butbut toto delightdelight thythy mindemind withallwithal,
wln 0531AndAnd toto sheweshow theethee whatwhat MagickeMagic cancan performeperform.
wln 0532Fau.FaustusFau.ButBut maymay II raiseraise vpup spiritsspirits whenwhen II pleaseplease?
wln 0533Me.MephistophelesMe.IAyay FaustusFaustus, andand dodo greatergreater thingsthings thenthan thesethese.
wln 0534Fau.FaustusFau.ThenThen theresthere’s inoughenough forfor aa thousandthousand soulessouls,
wln 0535HereHere MephastophilisMephastophi●isMephistophelesMephastophilis receiuereceive thisthis scrowlescroll,
wln 0536AA déededeed ofof giftgift ofof bodybody andand ofof soulesoul:
wln 0537ButBut yetyet conditionallyconditionally, thatthat thouthou performeperform
wln 0538AllAll articlesarticles prescrib’dprescribed betweenebe●wéenebetween vsus bothboth.
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The tragicall History of
wln 0539Me.MephistophelesMe.FaustusFaustus, II sweareswear byby helhell andand LuciferLucifer
wln 0540ToTo effecteffect allall promisespromises betweenebetween vsus mademade.
wln 0541Fau.FaustusFau.ThenThen hearehear meme readeread themthem: onon thesethese conditionsconditions fol=followingfol∣lowingfollowing
wln 0542lowingfollowing.
wln 0543FirstFirst, thatthat FaustusFaustus maymay bebe aa spiritspirit inin forme●ormeform andand substancesubstance.
wln 0544SecondlySecondly, thatthat MephastophilisMephistophelesMephastophilis shallshall bebe hishis seruantservant, andand atat
wln 0545hishis commaundcommand.
wln 0546ThirdlyThirdly, thatthat MephastophilisMephistophelesMephastophilis shallshall dodo forfor himhim, andand bringbring
wln 0547himhim whatsoeuerwhatsoever.
wln 0548FourthlyFourthly, thatthat heehe shallshall bebe inin hishis chamberchamber oror househouse in-inuisiblein∣uisibleinvisible
wln 0549uisibleinvisible.
wln 0550LastlylastlyL●stlyLastlylast, thatthat heehe [*]hallshall●hallshall appeareappear toto thethe saidsaid IohnJohnjohn FaustusFaustus atat allall
wln 0551timestimes, inin whatwhat formeform oror shapeshape soeuersoever hehe pleaseplease.
wln 0552II IohnJohnjohn FaustusFaustus ofof WertenbergeWertenberg, DoctorDoctor, byby thesethese presentspresents, dodo
wln 0553giuegi●egive bothboth bodybody andand soulesoul toto LuciferLucifer princeprince ofof thethe EastEast, andand hishis
wln 0554ministerminister MephastophilisMephistophelesMephastophilis, andand furthermorefurthermore grauntgrant vntounto themthem,
wln 0555thatthat 24.24. yearesyears beingbeing expiredexpired, thethe articlesarticles aboueabove writtenwritten in-inuiolatein∣uiolateinviolate
wln 0556uiolate,
wln 0556fullfull powerpower toto fetchfetch oror carrycarry thethe saidsaid IohnJohnjohn FaustusFaustus bodybody
wln 0557andand soulesoul, fleshflesh, bloudblood, oror goodsgoods, intointo theirtheir habitationhabitation where-wheresoeuerwhere∣soeuerwheresoever
wln 0558soeuerwheresoever.
wln 0559ByBy meme IohnJohnjohn FaustusFaustus.
wln 0560Me.MephistophelesMe.SpeakeSpeak FaustusFaustus, dodo youyou deliuerdeliver thisthis asas youryour déededeed?
wln 0561Fau.FaustusFau.IAyay, taketake itit, andand thethe diuelldevil giuegive theethee goodgood onton●ton ’ton’t.
wln 0562Me.MephistophelesMe.NowNow FaustusFaustus askeask whatwhat thouthou wiltwilt.
wln 0563Fau.FaustusFau.FirstFirst willwill II questionquestion withwith théethee aboutabout hellhell,
wln 0564TelTell meme, wherewhere isis thethe placeplace thatthat menmen callcall hellhell?
wln 0565Me.MephistophelesMe.VnderUnderUnder thethe heauensheavens.
wln 0566Fau.FaustusFau.IAyay, butbut wherewhere aboutabout?
wln 0567Me.MephistophelesMe.WithinWithin thethe bowelsbowels ofof thesethese elementselements,
wln 0568WhereWhere wewe areare tortur’dtortured andand remaineremain forfor euerever,
wln 0569HellHell hathhath nono limitslimits, nornor isis circumscrib’dcircumscribed
wln 0570InIn oneone self selfeselfselfe placeplace, forfor wherewhere wewe areare isis hellhell,
wln 0571AndAnd wherewhere hellhell isis, mustmust wewe euerever bebe:
wln 0572AndAnd toto concludeconclude, whenwhen allall thethe worldworld dissoluesdissolves,
wln 0573AndAnd eueryevery creaturecreature shalbeshall be purifiedpurified,
wln 0574AllAll placesplaces shallshall bebe hellhell thatthat isis notnot heauenheaven.
img: 10-bsig: C2r
Doctor Faustus.
wln 0575Fau.FaustusFau.ComeCome, II thinkethink hell’shell’s aa fablefable.
wln 0576Me.MephistophelesMe.IAyay, thinkethink soso stillstill, tilltill experienceexperience changechange thythy mindemind.
wln 0577Fau.FaustusFau.WhyWhy? thinkstthinkst thouthou thenthen thatthat FaustusFaustus shallshall béebebeen
wln 0578damn’ddamned?
wln 0579Me.MephistophelesMe.IAyay ofof necessitienecessity, forfor here’shere’s thethe scrowlescroll,
wln 0580WhereinWherein thouthou hasthast giuengiven thythy soulesoul toto LuciferLucifer.
wln 0581Fau.FaustusFau.IAyay, andand bodybody tootoo, butbut whatwhat ofof thatthat?
wln 0582ThinkstThinkst thouthou thatthat FaustusFaustus isis soso fondfond,
wln 0583ToTo imagineimagine, thatthat afterafter thisthis lifelife therethere isis anyany painepain?
wln 0584TushTush thesethese areare triflestrifles andand méeremere oldeold wiueswives’wife’s talestales.
wln 0585Me.MephistophelesMe.ButBut FaustusFaustus II amam anan instanceinstance toto proueprove thethe contrarycontrary
wln 0586ForFor II amam damnddamned, andand amam nownow inin hellhell.
wln 0587Fau.FaustusFau.HowHow? nownow inin hellhell? naynay andand thisthis bebe hellhell, IleI’ll wil=willinglywil∣linglywillingly
wln 0588lingly
wln 0588bebe damnddamned herehere: whatwhat walkingwalking, disputingdisputing, &c.etc. ButBut
wln 0589leauingleaving offoff thisthis, letlet meme hauehave aa wifewife, thethe fairestfairest maidmaid inin Ger-GermanyGer∣manyGermany
wln 0590many,
wln 0590forfor II amam wantonwanton andand lasciuiouslascivious, andand cancan notnot liuelive
wln 0591withoutwithout aa wifewife.
wln 0592Me.MephistophelesMe.HowHow, aa wifewife? II prithéeprithee FaustusFaustus talketalk notnot ofof aa wifewife.
wln 0593Fau.FaustusFau.NayNay sweetesweet MephastophilisMephistophelesMephastophilis fetchfetch meme oneone, forfor II willwill
wln 0594hauehave oneone.
wln 0595Me.MephistophelesMe.VVellUUellWellwell thouthou wiltwilt hauehave oneone, sitsit therethere tilltill II comecome, IleI’ll
wln 0596fetchfetch théethee aa wifewife inin thethe diuelsdevil’s namename.
wln 0597EnterEnter withwith aa diuelldevil drestdressed likelike aa womanwoman,
wln 0598withwith fier workesfireworksfire works.
wln 0599Me:MephistophelesMe:TelTell FaustusFaustus, howhow dostdost thouthou likelike thythy wifewife?
wln 0600Fau:FaustusFau:AA plagueplague onon herher forfor aa hotehot whorewhore.
wln 0601Me:MephistophelesMe:TutTut FaustusFaustus, marriagemarriage isis butbut aa ceremoniallceremonial toytoy, ifif
wln 0602thouthou louestlovest meme, thinkethink moremore ofof itit.
wln 0603IleI’ll cullcull théethee outout thethe fairestfairest curtezanscourtesans,
wln 0604AndAnd bringbring themthem eu’ryevery morningmorning toto thythy bedbed,
wln 0605SheShe whomewhom thinethine eieeye shallshall likelike, thythy heartheart shalshall hauehave,
wln 0606BeBe sheshe asas chastechaste asas waswas PenelopePenelope,
wln 0607AsAs wisewise asas SabaSaba, oror asas beautifulbeautiful
wln 0608AsAs waswas brightbright LuciferLucifer beforebefore hishis fallfall.
wln 0609HoldH●ldHold, taketake thisthis bookebook, peruseperuse itit thorowlythoroughly,
wln 0610TheThe iteratingiterating ofof thesethese lineslines bringsbrings goldegold,
img: 11-asig: C2v
The tragicall History of
wln 0611TheThe framingframing ofof thisthis circlecircle onon thethe groundground,
wln 0612BringsBrings whirlewindeswhirlwinds, tempeststempests, thunderthunder andand lightninglightning.
wln 0613PronouncePronounce thisthis thricethrice deuoutlydevoutly toto thy selfethyself,
wln 0614AndAnd menmen inin armourarmorarmour shalshall appeareappear toto theethee,
wln 0615ReadyReady toto executeexecute whatwhat thouthou desirstdesir’stdesirest.
wln 0616Fau:FaustusFau:ThankesThanks MephastophilusMephistophelesMephastophilis, yetyet fainefain wouldwould II hauehave
wln 0617aa bookebook whereinwherein II mightmight beholdebehold alall spelsspells andand incantationsincantations,
wln 0618thatthat II mightmight raiseraise vpup spiritsspirits whenwhen II pleaseplease.
wln 0619Me:MephistophelesMe:HereHere theythey areare inin thisthis bookebook.ThereThere turneturn toto themthem
wln 0620Fau:FaustusFau:NowNow wouldwould II hauehave aa bookebook wherewhere II mightmight séesee alall
wln 0621characterscharacters andand planetsplanets ofof thethe heauensheavens, thatthat II mightmight knoweknow
wln 0622theirtheir motionsmotions andand dispositionsdispositions.
wln 0623Me:MephistophelesMe:HéereHere theythey areare tootoo.TurneTurn toto themthem
wln 0624Fau:FaustusFau:NayNay letlet meme hauehave oneone bookebook moremore, andand thenthen II hauehave
wln 0625donedone, whereinwherein II mightmight séesee alall plantsplants, hearbesherbs andand tréestrees thatthat
wln 0626growgrow vponupon thethe earthearth.
wln 0627Me,MephistophelesMe,HereHere theythey bebe.
wln 0628Fau:FaustusFau:OO thouthou artart deceiueddeceived.
wln 0629Me:MephistophelesMe:TutTut II warrantwarrant théethee.TurneTurn toto themthem
wln 0630Fau:FaustusFau:WhenWhen II beholdbehold thethe heauensheavens, thenthan II repentrepent,
wln 0631AndAnd cursecurse théethee wickedwicked MephastophilusMephistophelesMephastophilis,
wln 0632BecauseBecause thouthou hasthast depriu’ddeprived meme ofof thosethose ioyesjoys.
wln 0633Me:MephistophelesMe:whywhy FaustusFaustus,
wln 0634ThinkstThinkst thouthou heauenheaven isis suchsuch aa gloriousglorious thingthing?
wln 0635II teltell théethee tis’tis notnot halfehalf soso fairefair asas thouthou,
wln 0636OrOr anyany manman thatthat breathesbreathes onon earthearth.
wln 0637Fau:FaustusFau:HowHow proouestprovest thouthou thatthat?
wln 0638Me:MephistophelesMe:ItIt waswas mademade forfor manman, thereforetherefore isis manman moremore excel=excellentexcel∣lentexcellent
wln 0639lentexcellent.
wln 0640Fau:FaustusFau:IfIf itit werewere mademade forfor manman, twas’twas mademade forfor meme:
wln 0641II wilwill renouncerenounce thisthis magickemagic, andand repentrepent.
wln 0642EnterEnter goodgood AngelAngel, andand euillevil AngelAngel.
wln 0643GoodGood An:AnAngelAn:FaustusFaustus, repentrepent yetyet, GodGod wilwill pittypity théethee.
wln 0644euillevilangel An:AnAngelAn:ThouThou artart aa spiritespirit, GodGod cannotcannot pittypity théethee.
wln 0645Fau:FaustusFau:whowho buzzethbuzzeth inin minemine earesears II amam aa spiritespirit?
wln 0646BeB●Be II aa diueldevil, yetyet GodGod maymay pittypity meme,
wln 0647IAyI GodGod wilwill pittypity meme, ifif II repentrepent.
img: 11-bsig: C3r
Doctor Faustus.
wln 0648euillevilangel An:AnAngelAn:IAyI butbut FaustusFaustus neuernever shalshall repentrepent.exeuntexeunt
wln 0649Fau:FaustusFau:MyMy heartsheart’shearts soso hardnedhardened II cannotcannot repentrepent,
wln 0650ScarseScarce cancan II namename saluationsalvation, faithfaith, oror heauenheaven,
wln 0651ButBut fearefulfearful ecchoesechoes thundersthunders inin minemine earesears,
wln 0652FaustusFaustus, thouthou artart damn’ddamned, thenthenthan swordesswords andand kniuesknives,
wln 0653PoysonPoison, gunnesguns, haltershalters, andand invenomdenvenomed stéelesteel
wln 0654AreAre laydelaid beforebefore meme toto dispatchdispatch my selfemyself,
wln 0655AndAnd longlong ereere thisthis II shouldshould hauehave slaineslain my selfemyself,
wln 0656HadHad notnot swéetesweet pleasurepleasure conquerdconquered déepedeep dispairedespair.
wln 0657HaueHave notnot II mademade blindeblind HomerHomer singsing toto meme,
wln 0658OfOf AlexandersAlexander’s louelove, andand EnonsOenone’s deathdeath,
wln 0659AndAnd hathhath notnot hehe thatthat builtbuilt thethe walleswalls ofof ThebesThebes,
wln 0660WithWith rauishingravishing soundsound ofof hishis melodiousmelodious harpharp
wln 0661MadeMade musickemusic withwith mymy MephastophilisMephistophelesMephastophilis,
wln 0662WhyWhy shouldshould II dyedie thenthen, oror baselybasely dispairedespair?
wln 0663II amam resolu’dresolved FaustusFaustus shalshall nerene’er repentrepent,
wln 0664ComeCome MephastophilisMephistophelesMephastophilis, letlet vsus disputedispute againeagain,
wln 0665AndAnd argueargue ofof diuinedivine AstrologieAstrology,
wln 0666TelTell meme, areare therethere manymany heauensheavens aboueabove thethe MooneMoon?
wln 0667AreAre allall celestiallcelestial bodiesbodies butbut oneone globeglobe,
wln 0668AsAs isis thethe substancesubstance ofof thisthis centrickecentric earthearth?
wln 0669Me:MephistophelesMe:AsAs areare thethe elementselements, suchsuch areare thethe sphearesspheres,
wln 0670MutuallyMutually foldedfolded inin eacheach othersother’sothers orbeorb,
wln 0671AndAnd FaustusFaustus allall iointlyjointly mouemove vponupon oneone axletréeaxletree,
wln 0672WhoseWhose terminineterminine isis tearmdtermed thethe worldsworld’s widewide polepole,
wln 0673NorNor areare thethe namesnames ofof SaturneSaturn, MarsMars, oror IupiterJupiterjupiter
wln 0674FaindFeigned, butbut areare erringerring starresstars.
wln 0675Fau.FaustusFau.ButBut telltell meme, hauehave theythey allall oneone motionmotion? bothboth situ〈◊〉situ &et
wln 0676temporetempore.
wln 0677Me.MephistophelesMe.AllAll ioyntlyjointly mouemove fromfrom EastEast toto WestWest inin 24.24. houreshours
wln 0678vponupon thethe polespoles ofof thethe worldworld, butbut differdiffer inin theirtheir motionmotion vponupon
wln 0679thethe polespoles ofof thethe ZodiakeZodiac.
wln 0680Fau.FaustusFau.TushTush, thesethese slenderslender triflestrifles WagnerWagner cancan decidedecide,
wln 0681HathHath MephastophilisM●phastophilusMephistophelesMephastophilis nono greatergreater skillskill?
wln 0682WhoWho knowesknows notnot thethe doubledouble motionmotion ofof thethe plannetsplanets?
wln 0683TheThe first〈◊〉first isis finisht〈◊〉finished inin aa naturallnatural dayday,
wln 0684TheThe secondsec●ndsecond thusthus, asas Saturne〈◊〉Saturn inin 30.30. yearesyears, IupiterJupiterjupiter inin 12.12.
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The tragicall History of
wln 0685MarsMars inin 4.4. thethe SunneSun, VenusVenus, andand MercuryMercury inin aa yeareyear: thethe
wln 0686MooneMoon inin 28.28. dayesdays. TushTush thesethese areare fresh mensfreshmen’sfresh men’s suppositionssuppositions,
wln 0687butbut telltell meme, hathhath eueryevery sphearesphere aa dominiondominion oror IntelligentijIntelligentij?
wln 0688Me.MephistophelesMe.IAyI.
wln 0689Fau.FaustusFau.HowHow manymany heauensheavens oror sphearesspheres areare therethere?
wln 0690Me.MephistophelesMe.NineNine, thethe seuenseven planetsplanets, thethe firmamentfirmament, andand thethe im=imperiallim∣periallimperial
wln 0691periall
wln 0691heauenheaven.
wln 0692Fau.FaustusFau.VVellUUellWellwell, resolueresolve meme inin thisthis questionquestion, whywhy hauehave wéewe
wln 0693notnot coniunctionsconjunctions, oppositionsoppositions, aspectsaspects, eclipsiseclipsesellipsis, allall atat oneone
wln 0694timetime, butbut inin somesome yearesyears wewe hauehave moremore, inin somesome lesseless?
wln 0695Me.MephistophelesMe.PerPer inæqualeminaequaleminaequalem motummotum respecturespectu totiustotius.
wln 0696Fau.FaustusFau.WellWell, II amam answeredanswered, telltell meme whowho mademade thethe worldworld?
wln 0697Me.MephistophelesMe.II willwill notnot.
wln 0698Fau.FaustusFau.SweeteSweet MephastophilusMephistophelesMephastophilis telltell meme.
wln 0699Me.MephistophelesMe.MoueMove meme notnot, forfor II willwill notnot telltell théethee.
wln 0700Fau.FaustusFau.VillaineUillaineVillain, hauehave II notnot boundbound théethee toto teltell meme anyany thingthing?
wln 0701Me.M●.MephistophelesM●.IAyay, thatthat isis notnot againstagainst ourour kingdomekingdom, butbut thisthis isis,
wln 0702ThinkeThink thouthou onon hellhell FaustusFaustus, forfor thouthou artart damnddamned.
wln 0703Fau.FaustusFau.ThinkeThink FaustusFaustus vponupon GodGod thatthat mademade thethe worldworld.
wln 0704Me.MephistophelesMe.RememberRemember thisthis.ExitExit.
wln 0705Fau.FaustusFau.IAyay, goego accursedaccursed spiritspirit toto vglyugly hellhell,
wln 0706Tis’Tis thouthou hasthast damnddamn●ddamned distresseddistressed FaustusFaustus’ soulesoul:
wln 0707IstIs ’tIs’t notnot tootoo latelate?
wln 0708EnterEnter goodgood AngellAngel andand euillevil.
wln 0709euillevil A.AngelA.TooToo latelate.
wln 0710goodgood A.AngelA.NeuerNever tootoo latelate, ifif FaustusFaustus cancan repentrepent.
wln 0711euillevil A.AngelA.IfIf thouthou repentrepent diuelsdevils shallshall tearetear theethee inin péecespieces.
wln 0712goodgood A.AngelA.RepentRepent, &and theythey shalshall neuernever raceraze thythy skinskin.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 0713Fau.FaustusFau.AhAh ChristChrist mymy SauiourSaviorSaviour, seekeseek toto sauesave distresseddistressed Fau=FaustusFau∣stusFaustus’Faustus
wln 0714stus
wln 0714soulesoul.
wln 0715EnterEnter LuciferLucifer, BelsabubBeelzebubBelsabub, andand MephastophilusMephistophelesMephastophilus.
wln 0716Lu.LuciferLu.ChristChr●stChrist cannotcannot sauesave thythy soulesoul, forfor hehe isis iustjust,
wln 0717TheresThere’sthere’s nonenone butbut II hauehave intrestinterest inin thethe samesame.
wln 0718Fau:FaustusFau:OO whowho artart thouthou thatthat lookstlook’stlookest soso terribleterrible?
wln 0719Lu:LuciferLu:II amam LuciferLucifer, andand thisthis isis mymy companioncompanion PrincePrince inin
wln 0720helhell.
wln 0721Fau:FaustusFau:OO FaustusFaustus, theythey areare comecome toto fetchfetch awayaway thythy soulesoul.
img: 12-bsig: C4r
Doctor Faustus.
wln 0722Lu:LuciferLu:wewe comecome toto telltell théethee thouthou dostdost iniureinjure vsus,
wln 0723ThouThou talksttalk’sttalkest ofof ChristChrist, contrarycontrary toto thythy promisepromise
wln 0724ThouThou shouldstshouldst notnot thinkethink ofof GodGod, thinkethink ofof thethe deuildevil,
wln 0725AndA●dAnd ofof hishis dameda●●dame tootoo.
wln 0726Fau:FaustusFau:NorNor willwill I●I henceforthhenceforth: pardonpardon meme inin thisthis,
wln 0727AndAnd FaustusFaustus vowesvows neuernever toto lookelook tosotoso heauenheaven,
wln 0728NeuerNever toto namename GodGod, oror toto praypray toto himhim,
wln 0729ToTo burneburn hishis ScripturesScriptures, slayslay hishis MinistersMinisters,
wln 0730AndAnd makemake mymy spiritesspirits pullpull hishis churcheschurches downedow●edown.
wln 0731Lu:LuciferLu:DoDo soso, andand wewe willwill highlyhighly gratifiegratify theethee:
wln 0732FaustusFaustus, wewe areare comecome fromfrom helhell toto shewshow théethee somesome pastimepastime:
wln 0733sitssitsit downedown, andand thouthou shaltshalt seesee alall thethe seauenseven deadlydeadly sinnessins ap=appeareap∣peareappear
wln 0734peare
wln 0734inin theirtheir properproper shapesshapes.
wln 0735Fau:FaustusFau:ThatThat sightsight willwill bebe asas pleasingpleasing vntounto meme, asas paradiseparadise
wln 0736waswas toto AdamAdam, thethe firstfirst dayday ofof hishis creationcreation.
wln 0737Lu:LuciferLu:TalkeTalk notnot ofof paradiseparadise, nornor creationcreation, butbut markemark thisthis
wln 0738shewshow, talketalk ofof thethe diueldevil, andand nothingnothing elseelse: comecome awayaway.
wln 0739EnterEnter thethe seauenseven deadlydeadly sinnessins.
wln 0740NowNow FaustusFaustus, examineexamine themthem ofof theirtheir seueralseveral namesnames andand
wln 0741dispositionsdispositions.
wln 0742EauFaustusEau:WhatWhat artart thouthou? thethe firstfirst.
wln 0743PridePrideII amam PridePride, II disdainedisdain toto hauehave anyany parentsparents, II amam
wln 0744likelike toto OuidsOvid’s fleafl●●flea, II cancan créepecreep intointo eueryevery cornercorner ofof aa wenchw●nchwench,
wln 0745sometimessometimes likelike aa periwigper●wigperiwig, II sitsit vponupon herher browbrow, oror likelike aa fanfan
wln 0746ofof feathersfeathers, II kissekiss herher lippeslips, indéedeindeed II doedo, whatwhat doedo II notnot?
wln 0747butbut fiefie, whatwhat aa scentscent isis herehere? IleI’ll notnot speakespeak an otheranother wordeword,
wln 0748exceptexcept thethe groundground werewere perfumdeperfumed andand coueredcovered withwith clothcloth ofof
wln 0749arrasarras.
wln 0750Fau:FaustusFau:WhatWhat artart thouthou? thethe secondsecond.
wln 0751Coue:CovetousnessCoue:II amam CouetousnesCovetousness, begottenbegotten ofof anan oldeold churlechurl, inin
wln 0752anan oldeold leatherneleathern bagbag: andand mightmight II hauehave mymy wishwish, II wouldwould
wln 0753desiredesire, thatthat thisthis househouse, andand allall thethe peoplepeople inin itit werewere turndturned toto
wln 0754goldego●degold, thatthat II mightmight lockelock youyou vppeup inin mymy goodgood chestchest, OOOh mymy
wln 0755sweetesweet goldegold
wln 0756Fau:FaustusFau:WhatWhat artart thouthou? thethe thirdthird.
wln 0757WrathWrathII amam WrathWrath, II hadhad neitherneither fatherfather nornor mothermother, II
wln 0758leaptleapt outout ofof aa lionslion’s mouthmouth, whenwhen II waswas scarcescarce halfhalf anan hourehour
img: 13-asig: C4v
The tragicall History of
wln 0759oldeold, andand euerever sincesince II hauehave runnerun vpup andand downedown thethe worldeworld,
wln 0760withwith thisthis casecase ofof rapiersrapiers woundingwounding my selfemyself, whenwhen II hadhad nono bodynobody
wln 0761body
wln 0761toto fightfight withalwithal: II waswas borneborn inin helhell, andand lookelook toto itit, forfor
wln 0762somesome ofof youyou shalbeshall be mymy fatherfather.
wln 0763Fau:FaustusFau:whatwhat artart thouthou? thethe fourthfourth.
wln 0764EnuyEnvyII amam EnuyEnvy, begottenbegotten ofof aa Chimney-swéeperChimney-sweeperChimney-swéeper, andand
wln 0765anan OysterOyster wifewife, II cannotcannot readeread, andand thereforetherefore wishwish alall bookesbooks
wln 0766werewere burntburntburned: II amam leanelean withwith séeingseeing othersothers eateeat, OOOh thatthat
wln 0767therethere wouldwould comecome aa faminefamine throughthrough allall thethe worldeworld, thatthat allall
wln 0768mightmight diedie, andand II liuelive alonealone, thenthenthan thouthou shouldstshouldst seesee howhow fattfat II
wln 0769wouldwould bebe: butbut mustmust thouthou sitsit andand II standstand? comecome downedown withwith
wln 0770aa vengeancevengeance.
wln 0771Fau:FaustusFau:AwayAway enuiousenvious rascallrascal: whatwhat artart thouthou? thethe fiftfifth.
wln 0772Glut:GluttonyGlut:whowho II sirsir, II amam GluttonyGluttony, mymy parentsparents areare alall deaddead,
wln 0773andand thethe diueldevil aa penypenny theythey hauehave leftleft meme, butbut aa barebare pentionpension,
wln 0774andand thatthat isis 30.30. mealesmeals aa dayday, andand tenneten beauersbeversbeavers, aa smallsmall
wln 0775triflletrifle toto sufficesuffice naturenature, OOOh II comecome ofof aa royallroyal parentageparentage, mymy
wln 0776grandfathergrandfather waswas aa gammongammon ofof baconbacon, mymy grandmothergrandmother aa
wln 0777hogs headhogsheadhog’s head ofof Claret-wineClaret-wine: MyMy godfathersgodfathers werewere thesethese, Pe=PeterPe∣terPeter
wln 0778ter
wln 0778Pickle-herringPickle-herring, andand MartinMarti●Martin MartlemasMartlemas biefebeef, OOOh butbut
wln 0779mymy godmothergodmother sheshe waswas aa iollyjolly gentlewomangentlewoman, andand webelo=welbelouedwelbelo∣uedwell-beloved
wln 0780ued
wln 0780inin eueryevery goodgood townetown andand CitieCity, herher namename waswas mistressemistress
wln 0781MargeryMargery March-béereMarch-beer: nownow FaustusFaustus, thouthou hasthast heardheard allall mymy
wln 0782ProgenyProgeny, wiltwilt thouthou bidbid meme toto suppersupper?
wln 0783Fau.FaustusFau.NoNo, IleI’ll séesee théethee hangedhanged, thouthou wiltwilt eateeat vpup allall mymy
wln 0784victuallsvictuals.
wln 0785Glut.GluttonyGlut.ThenThen thethe diuelldevil choakechoke théethee.
wln 0786Fau.FaustusFau.ChoakeChoke thy selfethyself gluttonglutton: whatwhat artart thouthou? thethe sixtsixth.
wln 0787SloathSloath.SlothSloath...II amam sloathsloth, II waswas begottenbegotten onon aa sunnysunny bankebank,
wln 0788wherewhere II hauehave lainelain euerever sincesince, andand youyou hauehave donedone meme greatgreat
wln 0789iniuryinjury toto bringbring meme fromfrom thencethence, letlet meme bebe carriedcarried thitherthith●rthither a=againea∣gaineagain
wln 0790gaine
wln 0790byby GluttonyGluttony andand LeacheryLechery, IleI’ll notnot speakespeak an otheranother
wln 0791wordword forfor aa KingsKing’sking’s raunsomera●nsomeransom.
wln 0792Fau.FaustusFau.WhatWhat areare youyou mistressemistress minkesminks? thethe seauenthseventh
wln 0793andand lastlast.
wln 0794LecheryLecheryWhoWho II sirsir? II amam oneone thatthat louesloves anan inchinch ofof rawraw
wln 0795MuttonMutton betterbetter thenthan anan ellell ofof fridefrid●●●ock-fishfried stock-fishstock-fish, andand thethe firstfirst
img: 13-bsig: D1r
Doctor Faustus.
wln 0796letterletter ofof mymy namename beginnesbegins withwith leacherylechery.
wln 0797AwayAway, toto helhell, toto helhell.exeuntexeunt thethe sinnessins.
wln 0798Lu.LuciferLu.NowNow FaustusFaustus, howhow dostdost thouthou likelike thisthis?
wln 0799Fau:FaustusFau:OO thisthis feedesfeeds mymy soulesoul.
wln 0800Lu.LuciferLu.But●utBut FaustusFaustus, inin helhell isis alall mannermanner ofof delightdelight.
wln 0801Fau.FaustusFau.OO mightmight II séesee helhell, andand returnereturn againeagain, howhow happyhappy
wln 0802werewere II thenthen?
wln 0803Lu:LuciferLu:ThouThou shaltshalt, II wilwill sendsend forfor théethee atat midnightmidnight, inin meanmean
wln 0804timetime taketake thisthis bookebook, peruseperuse itit throwlythroughly, andand thouthou shaltshalt turneturn
wln 0805thy selfethyself intointo whatwhat shapeshape thouthou wiltwilt.
wln 0806Fau.FaustusFau.GreatGreat thankesthanks mightymighty LuciferLucifer, thisthis wilwill II kéepekeep asas
wln 0807charychary asas mymy lifelife.
wln 0808Lu.LuciferLu.FarewelFarewell FaustusFaustus, andand thinkethink onon thethe diueldevil.
wln 0809Fau.FaustusFau.FarewelFarewell greatgreat LuciferLucifer, comecome MephastophilisMephistophelesMephastophilis.
wln 0810exeuntexeunt omnesomnes.
wln 0811enterenter WagnerWagner solussolus.
wln 0812Wag.WagnerWag.LearnedLearned FaustusFaustus,
wln 0813ToTo knowknow thethe secretssecrets ofof AstronomyAstronomy,
wln 0814GrauenGravengraven inin thethe bookebook ofof IouesIou●sJove’sJoves hiehigh firmamentfirmame●tfirmament,
wln 0815DidDid mountmount himselfehimself toto scalescale OlympusOlympus’ topto●top,
wln 0816BeingBeing seatedseated inin aa chariotchariot burningburning brightbright,
wln 0817DrawneDrawn byb●by thethe strengthstrength ofof yokyyoky dragonsdragons’dragons neckesnecks,
wln 0818HeHe nownow isis gonegone toto prooueprove CosmographyCosmography,
wln 0819AndAnd asas II guesseguess, wilwill firstfirst ariuearrive atat RomeRome,
wln 0820ToTo seesee thethe PopePope, andand mannermanner ofof hishis courtcourt,
wln 0821AndAnd taketake somesome partpart ofof holyholy PetersPeter’s feastfeast,
wln 0822ThatThat toto thisthis dayday isis highlyhighly solemnizdsolemnizedsolemnised.exitexit WagnerWagner
wln 0823EnterEnter FaustusFaustus andand MephastophilusMephastophilisMephastop●ilusMephistophelesMephastophilis.
wln 0824Fau.FaustusFau.HauingHa●ingHavinghaving nownow, mymy goodgood MephastophilusMephistophelesMephastophilis,
wln 0825PastPassedpassed withwith delightdelight thethe statelystately townetown ofof TrierTrier,
wln 0826InuirondEnvironedenvironed roundround withwith ayrieairy mountainemountain topstops,
wln 0827WithWith walleswalls ofof flintflint, andand déepedeep intrenchedentrenched lakeslakes,
wln 0828NotNot toto bebe wonnewon byby anyany conqueringconquering princeprince,
wln 0829FromFrom ParisParis nextnext coastingcoasting thethe RealmeRealm ofof FranceFrance,
wln 0830WéeWe sawesaw thethe riuerriver MaineMaineMain fallfall intointo RhineRhine,
wln 0831VVhoseUUhoseWhosewhose bankesbanks areare setset withwith grouesgroves ofof fruitfulfruitful vinesvines.
wln 0832ThenThen vpup toto NaplesNaples, richrich CampaniaCampania,
img: 14-asig: D1v
The tragicall History of
wln 0833VVhoseWhoseWhose buildingsbuildings fairefair andand gorgeousgorgeous toto thethe eyeeye,
wln 0834TheThe stréetesstreets straightstraight forthforth, andand pau’dpaved withwith finest●inestfinest brickebrick,
wln 0835QuartersQuarters thethe townetown inin fourefour equiuolenceequivalence.
wln 0836ThereThere sawesaw wewe learnedlearned MaroesMaro’s goldengolden tombetomb,
wln 0837TheThe wayway hehe cutcut anan EnglishEnglish mile〈◊〉mile inin lengthlength,
wln 0838ThoroughThroughthrough aa rockerock ofof stonestone inin oneone nightsnight’s spacespace.
wln 0839FromFrom thencethe●cethence toto VeniceVenice, PaduaPadnaPadua▪ andand thethe restrest,
wln 0840InIn midstmidst ofof whichwhich aa sumptuoussumptuous TempleTemple standsstands,
wln 0841ThatThat threatsthreats thethe starresstars withwith herher aspiringaspiring toppetop.
wln 0842ThusThus hithertohitherto hathhath FaustusFaustus spentspent hishis timetime,
wln 0843ButBut tellt●lltell meme nownow, whatwhat restingrest●ngresting placeplace isis thisthis?
wln 0844HastHast thouthou asas erst●rsterst II diddid commaundcommand,
wln 0845ConductedConducted meme withinwithin thethe walleswalls ofof RomeRome?
wln 0846Me.MephistophelesMe.FaustusFaustus II hauehave, andand becausebecause wewe wilwill notnot bebe vnpro=vnprouidedvnpro∣uidedunprovided
wln 0847uided,
wln 0847II hauehave takentaken vpup hishis holinesseholiness’ priuyprivy chamberchamber forfor
wln 0848ourour vseuse.
wln 0849Fau.FaustusFau.II hopehope hishis holinesseholi●esseholiness willwill bidbid vsus welcomewelcome.
wln 0850Me.MephistophelesMe.TutTut, tis’tis nono mattermatter manman, wéelewe’ll bebe boldbold withwith hishis goodgood (chearecheer,
wln 0851AndAnd nownow mymy FaustusFaustus, thatthat thouthou maistmayst perceiueperceive
wln 0852WhatWhat RomeRome containethcontaineth toto delightdelight théethee withwith,
wln 0853KnowKnow thatthat thisthis CitieCity standsstands vponupon seuenseven hilleshills
wln 0854ThatThat vnderpropsunderprops thethe groundworkegroundwor●egroundwork ofof thethe samesame,
wln 0855OuerOver thethe whichwhich fourefour statelysta●elystately bridgesbridges leanelean,
wln 0856ThatThat makesmakes safesafe passagepassage toto eacheach partpart ofof RomeRome.
wln 0857VponUponUpon thethe bridgebridge call’dcalled PontoPonto AngeloAngelo,
wln 0858ErectedErected isis aa CastleCastle passingpassing strongstrong,
wln 0859WithinWithin whosewhose walleswalls suchsuch storestore ofof ordonanceordnance areare,
wln 0860AndAnd doubledouble CanonsCanons, fram’dframed ofof caruedcarved brassebrass,
wln 0861AsAs matchmatch thethe dayesdays withinwithin oneone compleatecomplete yeareyear,
wln 0862BesidesBesides thethe gatesgates andand highhigh piramidespyramids,
wln 0863WhichWhich IuliusJuliusjulius CæsarCaesarCaesar broughtbrought fromfrom AffricaAfrica.
wln 0864Fau.FaustusFau.NowNow byby thethe kingdomeskingdoms ofof infernallinfernal rulerule,
wln 0865OfOf StyxStyx, AcheronAcheron,,▪ andand thethe fieryfiery lakelake
wln 0866OfOf euereu●rever burningburning PhlegetonP●leg●●onPhlegeton II sweareswear,
wln 0867ThatThat II dodo longlong toto séesee thethe monumentsmonuments
wln 0868AndAnd scituationsituation ofo●of brightbright splendantsplendent RomeRome,
wln 0869ComeCome thereforetherefore letslet’s awayaway.
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Doctor Faustus.
wln 0870Me.MephistophelesMe.NayNay FaustusFaustus staystay, II knowknow youdyo●dyou’d fainefain séesee thethe PopePope,
wln 0871AndAnd taketake somesome partpart ofof holyholy PetersPeter’s feastfeast,
wln 0872WhereWhere thouthou shaltshalt seesee aa troupetroop ofof bald-patebaldpate FriersFriars,
wln 0873WhoseWhose summumsummum bonumbonum isis inin belly-chearebelly-cheer.
wln 0874Fau.FaustusFau.WellWell, II amam contentcontent, toto compassecompass thenthen somesome sportsport,
wln 0875AndAnd byby theirtheir follyfolly makemake vsus merrimentmerriment,
wln 0876ThenThen charmecharm meme thatthat II maymay bebe inuisibleinvisible, toto dodo whatwhat II
wln 0877pleaseplease vnseeneunseen ofof anyany whilstwhilst II staystay inin RomeRome.
wln 0878MeMephistophelesMeSoSo FaustusFaustus, nownow dodo whatwhat thouthou wiltwilt, thouthou shaltshalt notnot
wln 0879bebe discerneddiscerned.
wln 0880SoundSound aa SonnetSennetSonnet, enterenter thethe PopePope andand thethe CardinallCardinal ofof LorraineLorraine
wln 0881toto thethe banketbanquet, withwith FriersFriars attendingattending.
wln 0882PopePopeMyMy LordLord ofof LorraineLorraine, wiltwilt pleaseplease youyou drawdraw nearenear.
wln 0883Fau.FaustusFau.FallFall toototoo, andand thethe diueldevil choakechoke youyou andand youyou sparespare.
wln 0884PopePopeHowH●wHow nownow, whosewho’s thatthat whichwhich spakespoke? FriersFriarsfriars lookelook
wln 0885aboutabout.
wln 0886Fri.FriarFri.Héere’sHere’s no bodynobody, ifif itit likelike youryour HolynesseHoliness.
wln 0887PopePope.MyMy LordLord, herehere isis aa daintiedainty dishdish waswas sentsent meme fromfrom
wln 0888thethe BishopBishop ofof MillaineMallaineMilan.
wln 0889Fau.FaustusFau.II thankethank youyou sirsir.SnatchSnatch itit.
wln 0890PopePope.HowHow nownow, whosewho’s thatthat whichwhich snatchtsnatched thethe meatemeat
wln 0891fromfrom meme? willwill nono manman lookelook?
wln 0892MyMy LordLord, thisthis dishdish waswas sentsent meme fromfrom thethe CardinallCardinal ofof Flo=FlorenceFlo∣renceFlorence
wln 0893renceFlorence.
wln 0894Fau.FaustusFau.YouYou saysay truetrue, IleI’ll hatehate.
wln 0895PopePope.WhatWhat againeagain? mymy LordLord IleI’ll drinkedrink toto youryour gracegrace
wln 0896Fau.FaustusFau.IleI’ll pledgepledge youryour gracegrace.
wln 0897Lor.LorraineLor.MyMy LordLord, itit maymay bebe somesome ghostghost newlynewly creptcrept outout ofof
wln 0898PurgatoryPurgatory comecome toto beggebeg aa pardonpardon ofof youryour holinesseholiness.
wln 0899PopePopeItIt maymay bebe soso, FriersFriars prepareprepare aa dirgedirge toto laylay thethe furyfury
wln 0900ofof thisthis ghostghost, onceonce againeagain mymy LordLord fallfall toototoo.
wln 0901TheThe PopePope crossethcrosseth himselfehimself.
wln 0902Fau.FaustusFau.WhatWhat, areare youyou crossingcrossing ofof your selfeyourself?
wln 0903VVellUUellWellwell vseuse thatthat tricketrick nono moremore, II wouldwould aduiseadvise youyou.
wln 0904CrosseCross againeagain.
wln 0905Fau.FaustusFau.VVellUUellWellwell, theresthere’s thethe secondsecond timetime, awareaware thethe thirdthird,
wln 0906II giuegive youyou fairefair warningwarning.
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The tragicall History of
wln 0907CrosseCross againeagain, andand FaustusFaustus hitshits himhim aa boxebox ofof thethe eareear,
wln 0908andand theythey allall runnerun awayaway.
wln 0909Fau:FaustusFau:ComeCome onon MephastophilisMephistophelesMephastophilis, whatwhat shallshall wewe dodo?
wln 0910Me.MephistophelesMe.NayNay II knowknow notnot, wewe shalbeshall be curstcursed withwith bellbell, bookebook,
wln 0911andand candlecandle.
wln 0912Fau.FaustusFau.HowHow? bellbell, bookebook, andand candlecandle, candlecandle, bookebook, andand bellbell,
wln 0913ForwardForward andand backwardbackward, toto cursecurse FaustusFaustus toto hellhell.
wln 0914AnonAnon youyou shalshall hearehear aa hoggehog gruntgrunt, aa calfecalf bleatebleat, andand anan
wln 0915asseass brayebray,becausebecause itit isis S.SaintS. PetersPeter’s holyholy dayday.
wln 0916EnterEnter allall thethe FriersFriars toto singsing thethe DirgeDirge.
wln 0917FrierFriarfriar.ComeCome brethrenbrethrenbrothers, letslet’s aboutabout ourour businessebusiness withwith goodgood
wln 0918deuotiondevotion.
wln 0919SingSing thisthis. CursedCursed bebe heehe thatthat stolestole awayaway hishis holinesseholiness meatemeat
wln 0920fromfrom thethe tabletable. maledicatmaledicat dominusdominus.
wln 0921CursedCursed bebe heehe thatthat strookestruck hishis holinesseholiness aa bloweblow onon thethe faceface.
wln 0922maledicatmaledicat dominusdominus.
wln 0923CursedCursed bebe hehe thatthat tooketook FrierFriar SandeloSandelo aa blowblow onon thethe patepate.
wln 0924malemale, &c.etc.
wln 0925CursedCursed bebe hehe thatthat disturbethdisturbeth ourour holyholy DirgeDirge.
wln 0926malemale, &c.etc.
wln 0927CursedCursed bebe hehe thatthat tooketook awayaway hishis holinesseholiness’ winewine.
wln 0928maledicatmaledicat dominusdominus.
wln 0929EtEt omnesomnes sanctisancti. AmenAmen.
wln 0930BeateBeat thethe FriersFriars, andand flingfling fier-workesfireworks amongamong
wln 0931themthem, andand soso ExeuntExeunt.
wln 0932EnterEnter ChorusChorus.
wln 0933VVhenUUhenWhen FaustusFaustus hadhad withwith pleasurepleasure taneta’en thethe viewview
wln 0934OfOf rarestrarest thingsthings, andand royalroyal courtscourts ofof kingskings,
wln 0935HéeHe staydestayed hishis coursecourse, andand soso returnedreturned homehome,
wln 0936WhereWhere suchsuch asas bearebear hishis absenceabsence, butbut withwith griefegrief,
wln 0937II meanemean hishis friendsfriends andand nearestnearest companionscompanions,
wln 0938DidDid gratulategratulate hishis safetiesafety withwith kindekind wordswords,
wln 0939AndAnd inin theirtheir conferenceconference ofof whatwhat befellbefell,
wln 0940TouchingTouching hishis iourneyjourney throughthrough thethe worldworld andand ayreair,
wln 0941TheyThey putput forthforth questionsquestions ofof AstrologieAstrology,
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Doctor Faustus.
wln 0942VVhichUUhichWhich FaustusFaustus answerdanswered withwith suchsuch learnedlearned skillskill,
wln 0943AsAs theythey admirdeadmiredadmire andand wondredwonderd〈◊〉wondered atat hishis witwit.
wln 0944NowNow isis hishis famefame spreadspread forthforth inin eueryevery landland,
wln 0945AmongstAmongst thethe restrest thethe EmperourEmperor isis one〈◊〉one,
wln 0946CarolusCarolus thethe fiftfifth, atat whosewhose pallacepalace nownow
wln 0947FaustusFaustus isis feastedfeasted mongst’mongstamongst hishis noblenoble menmen.
wln 0948VVhatUUhatWhat therethere hehe diddid inin trialltrial ofof hishis artart,
wln 0949II leaueleave vntolduntold, youryour eyeseyes shallshall seesee performdperformed.ExitExit.
wln 0950EnterEnter RobinRobin thethe OstlerOstler withwith aa bookebook inin hishis handhand
wln 0951RobinRobinOO thisthis isis admirableadmirable! herehere II haha’ stolnestol’nstolen oneone ofof doctordoctor
wln 0952FaustusFaustus’Faustus coniuringconjuring booksbooks, andand ifaith●faithi’ faithi’faith II meanemean toto search〈◊〉search〈◊〉 somesome
wln 0953circlescircles forfor mymy owneown vseuse::▪ nownow wilwill II makemake alall thethe maidens〈◊〉maidens〈◊〉 inin
wln 0954ourour parishparish dancedance atat mymy pleasurepleasure starkestark nakednaked beforebefore meme, andand
wln 0955soso byby thatthat meanesmeans II shalshall seesee moremore thenthan eree’erere II felt〈◊〉felt, oror saw●awsaw yetyet.
wln 0956EnterEnter RafeRafe callingcalling RobinRobin.
wln 0957RafeRafeRobinRobin, pretheeprithee comecome awayaway, theresthere’s aa GentlemanGentleman
wln 0958tarriestarries toto hauehave hishis horsehors●horse, andand hehe wouldwould hauehave hishis thingsthings rubdrubbed
wln 0959andand mademade cleaneclean: hehe keepeskeeps suchsuch aa chafingchasingcha●ingchafingchase withwith mymy mistrismistress
wln 0960aboutabout itit, andand sheshe hashas sentsent meme toto lookelook théethee outout, prethéeprithee comecome
wln 0961awayaway.
wln 0962RobinRobinKeepeKeep outout, kéepkeep outout, oror elseelse youyou areare blowneblown vpup, youyou
wln 0963areare dismembreddismembered RafeRafe, kéepekeep outout, forfor II amam aboutabout aa roaringroaring
wln 0964peecepiece ofof workework.
wln 0965RafeRafeComeCome, whatwhat doestdost thouthou withwith thatthat samesame bookebook thouthou
wln 0966canstcanst notnot readeread?
wln 0967RobinRobinYesYes, mymy maistermaster andand mistrismistress shalshall findefind thatthat II cancan
wln 0968readeread, hehe forfor hishis foreheadforehead, sheshe forfor herher priuateprivate studystudy, shée’sshe’s
wln 0969borneborn toto bearebear withwith meme, oror elseelse mymy ArtArt failesfails.
wln 0970Rafe●a feRafe WhyWhy RobinRobin whatwhat bookebook isis thatthat?
wln 0971RobinRobinWhatWhat bookebook? whywhy thethe mostmost intollerableintolerable bookebook forfor
wln 0972coniuringconjuring thatthat eree’erere waswas inuentedinvented byby anyany brimstonebrimstone diueldevil.
wln 0973RafeRafeCanstCanst thouthou coniureconjure withwith itit?
wln 0974RobinRobinII cancan dodo alall thesethese thingsthings easilyeasily withwith itit: firstfirst, II cancan
wln 0975makemake théethee drunckedrunk withwith ’ipocrase●ipocrasehippocrase atat anyany tabernetavern inin EuropeEurope
wln 0976forfor nothingnothing, thatsthat’s oneone ofof mymy coniuringconiuring workesworks.
wln 0977RafeRafeOurOur maistermaster ParsonParson sayessays thatsthat’s nothingnothing.
wln 0978RobinRobinTrueTrue RafeRafe, andand moremore RafeRafe, ifif thouthou hasthast anyany mindmind
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The tragicall History of
wln 0979toto NanNan SpitSpit ourour kitchinkitchen maidemaid, thenthen turneturn herher andand windwind hirher
wln 0980toto thythy owneown vseuse, asas oftenoften asas thouthou wiltwilt, andand atat midnightmidnight.
wln 0981RafeRafeOO brauebrave RobinRobin; shalshall II hauehave NanNan SpitSpit, andand toto minemine
wln 0982owneown vseuse? OnOn thatthat conditioncondition IleI’ll feedefeed thythy diueldevil withwith horse=horsebreadhorse∣breadhorsebread
wln 0983bread
wln 0983asas longlong asas hehe liueslives, ofof fréefree costcost.
wln 0984RobinRobinNoNo moremore swéetesweet RafeRafe, lettslet’s goego andand makemake cleaneclean
wln 0985ourour bootesboots whichwhich lielie foulefoul vponupon ourour handeshands, andand thenthen toto ourour
wln 0986coniuringconjuring inin thethe diuelsdevil’s namename.exeuntexeunt.
wln 0987EnterEnter RobinRobin andand RafeRafe withwith aa siluersilver GobletGoblet.
wln 0988RobinRobinComeCome RafeRafe, diddid notnot II telltell theethee, wewe werewere forfor euerever
wln 0989mademade byby thisthis doctordoctor FaustusFaustus’ bookebook? ecceecce signumsignum, héereshere’s aa sim=simplesim∣plesimple
wln 0990ple
wln 0990purchasepurchase forfor horse-kéepershorsekeepers, ourour horseshorses shalshall eateeat nono hayhay asas
wln 0991longlong asas thisthis lastslasts.enterenter thethe UintnerVintnerVintner.
wln 0992RafeRafeButBut RobinRobin, herehere comescomes thethe vintnervintner.
wln 0993RobinRobinHushHush, IleI’ll gulgull himhim supernaturallysupernaturally: DrawerDrawer, II
wln 0994hopehope alall isis paydpaid, GodGod bebe withwith youyou, comecome RafeRafe.
wln 0995Vintn.VintnerSoftSoft sirsir, aa wordword withwith youyou, II mustmust yetyet hauehave aa gob=gobletgob∣letgoblet
wln 0996let
wln 0996paydepaid fromfrom youyou ereere youyou goego.
wln 0997RobinRobinII aa gobletgoblet RafeRafe, II aa gobletgoblet? II scornescorn youyou: andand youyou
wln 0998areare butbut aa &c.etc. II aa gobletgoblet? searchsearch meme.
wln 0999Vintn.VintnerII meanemean soso sirsir withwith youryour fauorfavorfavour.
wln 1000RobinRobinHowHow saysay youyou nownow?
wln 1001VintnerVintnerII mustmust saysay somewhatsomewhat toto youryour felowfellow, youyou sirsir.
wln 1002RafeRafeMeMe sirsir, meme sirsir, searchsearch youryour fillfill: nownow sirsir, youyou maymay bebe
wln 1003ashamedashamed toto burdenburden honesthon●sthonest menmen withwith aa mattermatter ofof truthtruth.
wln 1004VintnerVintnerWelWell, tonet’ onetone ofof youyou hathhath thisthis gobletgoblet aboutabout youyou.
wln 1005Ro.RobinRo.YouYou lielie DrawerDrawer, tis’tis aforeafore meme: sirrasirrah youyou, IleI’ll teachteach yeye
wln 1006toto impeachimpeach honesthonest menmen●men::▪ standstand byby, IleI’ll scowrescour youyou forfor aa gobletgoblet,
wln 1007standstand asideaside youyou hadhad bestbest, II chargecharge youyou inin thethe namename ofof Belza=BelzabubBelza|bubBeelzebub
wln 1008bub:
wln 1008lookelook toto thethe gobletgoblet RafeRafe.
wln 1009VintnerVintnerwhatwhat meanemean youyou sirrasirrah?
wln 1010RobinRobinIleI’ll teltell youyou whatwhat II meanemean.HeHe readesreads.
wln 1011SanctobulorumSanctobulorum PeriphrasticonPeriphrasticon: naynay IleI’ll tickletickle youyou VintnerUintnerVintner,
wln 1012lookelook toto thethe gobletgoblet RafeRafe, PolypragmosPolypragmos BelyeboramsBel●eboramsBelyeborams framantoframanto pa-pacostiphospa|cost●phospacostiphos
wln 1013costiphos
wln 1013tostutostu MephastophilisMephistophelesMephastophilis, &c.etc.
wln 1014EnterEnter MephostophilisMephistophelesMephostophilis: setssets squibssquibs atat theirtheir backesbacks:
wln 1015theythey runnerun aboutabout.
img: 16-bsig: D4r
Doctor Faustus.
wln 1016VintnerVintnerOO nominenomine DomineDomineDominae, whatwhat meanst〈◊〉meanst thouthou RobinRobin thouthou? hasthast
wln 1017nono gobletgoblet.
wln 1018RafeRafePeccatumPeccatum peccatorumpeccatorum, heereshere’s thythy gobletgoblet, goodgood Vint=UintnerUint|nerVintner
wln 1019nerVintner.
wln 1020RobinRobinMisericordiaMisericordia propro nobisnob●●nobis,,▪ whatwhat shalshall II doedo? goodgood diueldevil
wln 1021forgiueforgive meme nownow, andand IleI’ll neuernever rob●obrob thythy LibraryLibrary moremore.
wln 1022EnterEnter toto themthem Meph.MephistophelesMeph.
wln 1023Meph.MephistophelesMeph.VanishUanishVanish vilainesvillains, thth’ oneone likelike anan ApeApe, an otheranother likelike
wln 1024aa BeareBear, thethe thirdthird anan AsseAss, forfor doingdoing thisthis enterpriseenterprise.
wln 1025MonarchMonarch ofof helhell, vnderunder whosewhose blackeblack surueysurvey
wln 1026GreatGreat PotentatesPotentates dodo kneelekneel withwith awfulawful fearefear,
wln 1027VponUponUpon whosewhose altarsaltars thousandthousand foulesfowls do〈…〉do〈…〉 lie〈…〉lie〈…〉,
wln 1028HowHow amam II vexedvexed withwith thesethese vilainesvillains’villain’s charmescharms?
wln 1029FromFrom ConstantinopleConstantinople amam II hitherhither comecome,
wln 1030OnelyOnly forfor pleasurepleasure ofof thesethese damneddamned slauesslaves.
wln 1031RobinRobinHowHow, fromfrom ConstantinopleConstantinople? youyou hauehave hadhad aa greatgreat
wln 1032iourneyjourney, wilwill youyou taketake sixesix pencepence inin youryour pursepurse toto paypay forfor youryour
wln 1033suppersupper, andand bebe gonegone?
wln 1034Me.MephistophelesMe.welwell villainesvillains, forfor youryour presumptionpresumption, II transformetransform
wln 1035théethee intointo anan ApeApe, andand théethee intointo aa DogDog, andand soso bebe gonegone.exitexit.
wln 1036Rob.RobinRob.HowHow, intointo anan ApeApe? thatsthat’s brauebrave, IleI’ll hauehave finefine sportsport
wln 1037withwith thethe boyesboys, IleI’ll getget nutsnuts andand applesapp●esapples enowenowenough.
wln 1038RafeRafeAndAnd II mustmust bebe aa DoggeDog.
wln 1039RobinRobinIfaithI’ faithi’faith thythy headhead wilwill neuernever bebe outout ofof thethe potagepottage potpot. exeuntexeunt.
wln 1040EnterEnter EmperourEmperor, FaustusFaustus, andand aa KnightKnight,
wln 1041withwith AttendantsAttendants.
wln 1042Em.EmperorMaisterMaster doctordoctor FaustusFaustus, II hauehave heardheard strangestrange re=reportre|portreport
wln 1043port
wln 1043ofof thythy knowledgeknowledge inin thethe blackeblack ArteArt, howhow thatthat nonenone inin
wln 1044mymy EmpireEmpire, nornor inin thethe wholewhole worldworld cancan comparecompare withwith théethee,
wln 1045forfor thethe rarerare effectseffects ofof MagickeMagic: theythey saysay thouthou hasthast aa familiarfamiliar
wln 1046spiritspirit, byby whomewhom thouthou canstcanst accomplishaccomplish whatwhat thouthou listlist, thisthis
wln 1047thereforetherefore isis mymy requestrequest thatthat thouthou letlet meme séesee somesome proofeproof ofof thytheth●thy
wln 1048skilskill, thatthat minemine eieseyes maymay bebe witnesseswitnesses toto confirmeconfirm whatwhat minemine
wln 1049earesears hauehave heardheard reportedreported, andand herehere II sweareswear toto théethee, byby thethe
wln 1050honorhonorhonour ofof minemine ImperialImperial crownecrown, thatthat what euerwhatever thouthou doestdost,
wln 1051thouthou shaltshalt bebe nono wayesways preiudicedprejudiced oror indamagedendamaged.
wln 1052KnightKnightIfaithI faithI’ faithi’faith hehe lookeslooks muchmuch likelike aa coniurerc●●iurerconjurer..▪asideaside.
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The tragicall History of
wln 1053Fau.FaustusFau.MyMy gratiousgracious SoueraigneSovereign, thoughthough II mustmust confesseconfess
wln 1054my selfemyself farrefar inferiorinferior toto thethe reportreport menmen hauehave publishedpublished, andand
wln 1055nothingnothing answerableanswerable toto thethe honorhonorhonour ofof youryour ImperialImperial maiestymajesty,
wln 1056yetyet forfor thatthat louelove andand duetyduty bindesbinds meme therevntothereunto, II amam con=contentcon∣tentcontent
wln 1057tent
wln 1057toto dodo whatsoeuerwhatsoever youryour maiestymajesty shallshall commandcommand meme.
wln 1058Em.EmperorThenThen doctordoctor FaustusFaustus, markemark whatwhat II shallshall saysay, AsAs
wln 1059II waswas sometimesometime solitarysolitary setset, withinwithin mymy ClosetCloset, sundrysundry
wln 1060thoughtsthoughts arosearose, aboutabout thethe honourhonorhonour ofof minemine auncestorsancestors, howehow
wln 1061theythey hadhad wonnewon byby prowesseprowess suchsuch exploitsexploits, gotegotgoat suchsuch richesriches,
wln 1062subduedsubdued soso manymany kingdomeskingdoms, asas wewe thatthat dodo succéedesucceed, oror theythey
wln 1063thatthat shalshall hereafterhereafter possessepossess ourour thronethrone, shalshall (II fearefear meme) ne=neuerne|uernever
wln 1064uer
wln 1064attaineattain toto thatthat degréedegree ofof highhigh renownerenown andand greatgreat autho=authoritieautho|ritieauthority
wln 1065ritie,
wln 1065amongestamongst whichwhich kingskings isis AlexanderAlexander thethe greatgreat, chiefechief
wln 1066spectaclespectacle ofof thethe worldesworld’s preheminencepre-eminence,
wln 1067TheThe brightbright shiningshining ofof whosewhose gloriousglorious actesacts
wln 1068LightensLightens thethe worldworld withwith hishis reflectingreflecting beamesbeams,
wln 1069AsAs whenwhen II hearehear butbut motionmotion mademade ofof himhim,
wln 1070ItIt grieuesgrieves mymy soulesoul II neuernever sawsaw thethe manman:
wln 1071IfIf thereforetherefore thouthou, byby cunningcunning ofof thinethine ArtArt,
wln 1072CanstCanst raiseraise thisthis manman fromfrom hollowhollow vaultsvaults belowbelow,
wln 1073wherewhere lieslies intombdeentombed thisthis famousfamous ConquerourConqueror,
wln 1074AndAnd bringbring withwith himhim hishis beauteousbeauteous ParamourParamour,
wln 1075BothBoth inin theirtheir rightright shapesshapes, gesturegesture, andand attireattire
wln 1076TheyThey vsdevs●eused toto wearewear duringduring theirtheir timetime ofof lifelife,
wln 1077ThouThou shaltshalt bothboth satisfiesatisfy mymy iustjust desiredesire,
wln 1078AndAnd giuegive meme causecause toto praisepraise théethee whilstwhilst II liuelive.
wln 1079Fau:FaustusFau:MyMy gratiousgracious LordLord, II amam readyready toto accomplishaccomplish youryour
wln 1080requestrequest, soso farrefar forthforth asas byby artart andand powerpower ofof mymy spiritspirit II amam
wln 1081ableable toto performeperform.
wln 1082KnightKnightIfaith●aithI’ faithIfaith thatsthat’s iustjust nothingnothing atat allall.asideaside.
wln 1083Fau.FaustusFau.ButBut ifif itit likelike youryour GraceGrace, itit isis notnot inin mymy abilitieability toto
wln 1084presentpresent beforebefore youryour eyeseyes, thethe truetrue substantiallsubstantial bodiesbodies ofof thosethose
wln 1085twotwo deceaseddeceased princesprinces whichwhich longlong sincesince areare consumedconsumed toto dustdust.
wln 1086KnightKnightIAyI marymarry mastermaster doctordoctor, nownow theresthere’s aa signesign ofof gracegrace
wln 1087inin youyou, whenwhen youyou wilwill confesseconfess thethe truethtruth.asideaside.
wln 1088Fau:FaustusFau:ButBut suchsuch spiritesspirits asas cancan liuelylively resembleresemble AlexanderAlexander
wln 1089andand hishis ParamourParamour, shalshall appeareappear beforebefore youryour GraceGrace, inin thatthat
img: 17-bsig: E1r
Doctor Faustus.
wln 1090mannermanner thatthat theythey bestbest liu’dlived inin, inin theirtheir mostmost florishingflourishing estateestate,
wln 1091whichwhich II doubtdoubt notnot shalshall sufficientlysufficiently contentcontent youryour ImperiallImperial
wln 1092maiestymajesty.
wln 1093EmEmperorGoGo toto maistermaster DoctorDoctor, letlet meme séesee themthem presentlypresently.
wln 1094Kn.KnightDoDo youyou hearehear maistermaster DoctorDoctor? youyou bringbring AlexanderAlexander
wln 1095andand hishis paramourparamour beforebefore thethe emperoremperor?
wln 1096Fau.FaustusFau.HowHow thenthen sirsir?
wln 1097Kn.KnightIfaithI faithI’ faithi’faith thatsthat’s asas truetrue asas DianaDiana turndturned meme toto aa stag●tagstag.
wln 1098Fau:FaustusFau:NoNo sirsir butbut whenwhen ActeonActaeon dieddied, hehe leftleft thethe horneshorns forfor
wln 1099youyou: MephastophilisMephistophelesMephastophilis bebe gonegone.exitexit Meph.MephistophelesMeph.
wln 1100Kn.KnightNayNay, andand youyou gogo toto coniuringconiuri●gconjuring, IleI’ll bebe gonegone.exitexit KnKnightKn::▪
wln 1101Fau.FaustusFau.IleI’ll méetemeet withwith youyou anoneanon forfor interruptinginterrupting meme soso:
wln 1102héerehere theythey areare mymy gratiousgracious LordLord.
wln 1103EnterEnter Meph:MephistophelesMeph: withwith AlexanderAlexander andand hishis paramourparamour.
wln 1104emp.emperorMaisterMaster DoctorDoctor, II heardheard thisthis LadyLady whilewhile sheshe liu’dlived
wln 1105hadhad aa wartwart oror moalemole inin herher neckeneck, howhow shalshall II knowknow whetherwhether
wln 1106itit bebe soso oror nono?
wln 1107Fau:FaustusFau:YourYour highneshighness maymay boldlyboldly gogo andand séesee.exitexit AlexAlexanderAlex:
wln 1108emp:emperorSureSure thesethese areare nono spiritesspirits, butbut thethe truetrue substantiallsubstantial
wln 1109bodiesbodies ofof thosethose twotwo deceaseddeceased princesprinces.
wln 1110Fau:FaustusFau:wiltwilt pleaseplease youryour highneshighness nownow toto sendsend forfor thethe knightknight
wln 1111thatthat waswas soso pleasantpleasant withwith meme herehere ofof latelate?
wln 1112emp:emperorOneOne ofof youyou callcall himhim foorthforth.
wln 1113EnterEnter thethe KnightKnight withwith aa pairepair ofof horneshorns onon hishis headhead.
wln 1114emp.emperorHowHow nownow sirsir KnightKnight? whywhy II hadhad thoughtthought thouthou
wln 1115hadsthadst beenebeen aa batchelerbachelor, butbut nownow II séesee thouthou hasthast aa wifewife, thatthat
wln 1116notnot onlyonly giuesgives theethee horneshorns, butbut makesmakes théethee wearewear themthem, feelefeel
wln 1117onon thythy headhead.
wln 1118Kn:KnightThouThou damneddamned wretchwretch, andand execrableexecrable doggedog,
wln 1119BredBred inin thethe concaueconcave ofof somesome monstrousmonstrous rockerock:
wln 1120HowHow darstdar’st thouthou thusthus abuseabuse aa GentlemanGentleman?
wln 1121VilaineUilaineVillainvillain II saysay, vndoundo whatwhat thouthou hasthast donedone.
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The tragicall History of
wln 1122Fau:FaustusFau:OO notnot soso fastfast sirsir, theresthere’s nono hastehaste butbut goodgood, areare youyou
wln 1123remembredremembered howhow youyou crossedcrossed meme inin mymy conferenceconference withwith thethe
wln 1124emperouremperor? II thinkethink II hauehave metmet withwith youyou forfor itit.
wln 1125emp:emperorGoodGood MaisterMaster DoctorDoctor, atat mymy intreatyentreaty releaserelease himhim,
wln 1126hehe hathhath donedone penancepenance sufficientsufficient.
wln 1127Fau:FaustusFau:MyMy gratiousgracious LordLord, notnot soso muchmuch forfor thethe iniuryinjury héehe
wln 1128offredoffered meme héerehere inin youryour presencepresence, asas toto delightdelight youyou withwith somesome
wln 1129mirthmirth, hathhath FaustusFaustus worthilyworthily requitedrequited thisthis iniuriousinjurious knightknight,
wln 1130whichwhich beingbeing allall II desiredesire, II amam contentcontent toto releaserelease himhim ofof hishis
wln 1131horneshorns: andand sirsir knightknight, hereafterhereafter speakespeak wellwell ofof ScholersScholars:
wln 1132MephastophilisMephistophelesMephastophilis, transformetransform himhim straitstraight. NowNow mymy goodgood LordLord
wln 1133hauinghaving donedone mymy duetyduty, II humblyhumbly taketake mymy leaueleave.
wln 1134emp:emperorFarewelFarewell maistermaster DoctorDoctor, yetyet ereere youyou goego, expectexpect
wln 1135fromfrom meme aa bounteousbounteous rewardreward.exitexit EmperourEmperor.
wln 1136Fau:FaustusFau:NowNow MephastophilisMephistophelesMephastophilis, thethe restlesserestless coursecourse thatthat timetime
wln 1137dothdoth runnerun withwith calmecalm andand silentsilent footefoot,
wln 1138ShortningShort’ningShortening mymy dayesdays andand thredthread ofof vitallvital lifelife,
wln 1139CallsCalls forfor thethe paymentpayment ofof mymy latestlatest yearesyears,
wln 1140ThereforeTherefore swéetsweet MephastophilisMephistophelesMephastophilis, letlet vsus makemake hastehaste toto Wer-WertenbergeWer|tenbergeWertenberg
wln 1141tenbergeWertenberg.
wln 1142Me:MephistophelesMe:whatwhat, wilwill youyou goego onon horse backehorsebackhorse back, oror onon footefoot?
wln 1143Fau:FaustusFau:NayNay, tiltill II amam pastpast thisthis fairefair andand pleasantpleasant gréenegreen, ileI’ll
wln 1144walkewalk onon footefoot.enterenter aa Horse-courserHorse-courser
wln 1145Hors:Horse-corserII hauehave béenebeen alall thisthis dayday séekingseeking oneone maistermaster Fu=FustianFu∣stianFustian
wln 1146stian:
wln 1146massemass séesee wherewhere hehe isis, GodGod sauesave youyou maistermaster doctordoctor.
wln 1147Fau:FaustusFau:WhatWhat horse-courserhorse-courser, youyou areare welwell metmet.
wln 1148Hors:Horse-corserDoDo youyou hearehear sirsir? II hauehave broughtbrought youyou fortyforty dol=dollersdol|lersdollars
wln 1149lers
wln 1149forfor youryour horsehorse.
wln 1150Fau:FaustusFau:II cannotcannot selsell himhim soso: ifif thouthou likstlik’st himhim forfor fiftyfifty, taketake
wln 1151himhim.
wln 1152Hors:Horse-corserAlasAlas sirsir, II hauehave nono moremore, II praypray youyou speakespeak forfor
wln 1153meme.
wln 1154Me:MephistophelesMe:II praypray youyou letlet himhim hauehave himhim, hehe isis anan honesthonest felowfellow,
wln 1155andand hehe hashas aa greatgreat chargecharge, neitherneither wifewife nornor childechild.
wln 1156Fau:FaustusFau:WelWell, comecome giuegive meme youryour moneymoney, mymy boyboy wilwill deli=deliuerdeli|uerdeliver
wln 1157uer
wln 1157himhim toto youyou: butbut II mustmust teltell youyou oneone thingthing beforebefore youyou hauehave
img: 18-bsig: E2r
Doctor Faustus.
wln 1158himhim, rideride himhim notnot intointo thethe waterwater atat anyany handhand.
wln 1159Hors:Horse-corserwhywhy sirsir, wilwill hehe notnot drinkedrink ofof allall waterswaters?
wln 1160Fau:FaustusFau:OO yesyes, hehe wilwill drinkedrink ofof alall waterswaters, butbut rideride himhim notnot
wln 1161intointo thethe waterwater, rideride himhim ouerover hedgehedge oror ditchditch, oror wherewhere thouthou
wln 1162wiltwilt, butbut notnot intointo thethe waterwater.
wln 1163Hors:Horse-corserWelWell sirsir, NowNow amam II mademade manman forfor euerever, IleI’ll notnot
wln 1164leaueleave mymy horsehorse forfor fortieforty: ifif hehe hadhad butbut thethe qualitiequality ofof heyheyheigh
wln 1165dingding, dingding, heyheyheigh, dingding, dingding, IdeI’d makemake aa brauebrave liuingliving onon himhim;
wln 1166héehe hashas aa buttockebuttock asas slickeslick asas anan EleEeleel: welwell god buygodgoodbyegod sirsir, youryour
wln 1167boyboy wilwill deliuerdeliver himhim meme: butbut harkhar●hark yeye sirsir, ifif mymy horsehorse behebehe sicksick, oror
wln 1168illill atat ease●aseease, ifif II bringbring hishis waterwater toto youyou youley●uleyou’ll teltell meme whatwhat itit isis?
wln 1169ExitExit HorsecourserHorse-courserhorse-courser.
wln 1170Fau.FaustusFau.AwayAway youyou villainevillain: whatwhat, doostdost thinkethink II amam aa horse=horse-doctorhorse-doctor
wln 1171doctor?
wln 1171whatwhat artart thouthou FaustusFaustus butbut aa manman condemndcondemned toto diedie?
wln 1172ThyThy fatallfatal timetime dothdoth drawedraw toto finallfinal endeend●end,
wln 1173DispaireDespair dothdoth driuedrive distrustdi●●rustdistrust vntounto mymy thoughtsthoughts,
wln 1174ConfoundConfound thesethese passionspassions withwith aa quietquiet sléepesleep:
wln 1175TushTush, ChristChrist diddid callcall thethe thiefethie●ethief vponupon thethe CrosseCross,
wln 1176ThenThen restrest théethee FaustusFaustus quietquiet inin conceitconceit.SleepeSleep inin hishis chairechair.
wln 1177EnterEnter HorsecourserHorse-courserhorse-courser allall wetwet, cryingcrying.
wln 1178Hors.Horse-corserAlasAlas, alasalas, DoctorDoctor FustianFustian quothquoth a’a, masmassmas. DoctorDoctor
wln 1179LopusLopus waswas neuernever suchsuch aa DoctorDoctor, hashas giuengiven meme aa purgationpurgation,
wln 1180hashas purg’dpurged meme ofof fortieforty DollersDollars, II shallshall neuernever séesee themthem moremore:
wln 1181butbut yetyet likelike anan asseass asas II waswas, II wouldwould notnot bebe ruledruled byby himhim,
wln 1182forfor hehe badebade meme II shouldshould rideride himhim intointo nono waterwater; nownow, II thin=thinkingthin∣kingthinking
wln 1183king
wln 1183mymy horsehorse hadhad hadhad somesome rarerare qualitiequality thatthat hehe wouldwould notnot
wln 1184hauehave hadhad meme knowneknown ofof, II likelike aa ventrousventurous youthyouth, ridrid himhim in=intoin|tointo
wln 1185to
wln 1185thethe deepedeep pondpond atat thethe townestown’s endeend, II waswas nono soonersooner inin thethe
wln 1186middlemiddle ofof thethe pondpond, butbut mymy horsehorse vanishtvanished awayaway, andand II satsat vp=vponvp|onupon
wln 1187on
wln 1187aa bottlebottle ofof heyhay, neuernever soso nearenear drowningdrowning inin mymy lifelife: butbut
wln 1188IleI’ll séekeseek outout mymy DoctorDoctor, andand hauehave mymy fortieforty dollersdollars againeagain,
wln 1189oror IleI’ll makemake itit thethe dearestdearest horsehorse: OOOh yonderyonder isis hishis snippersnipper snappersnipper-snapper
wln 1190snapper,
wln 1190dodo youyou hearehear? youyou, heyheyheigh, passepass, where’swhere’s youryour
wln 1191maistermaster?
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The tragicall History of
wln 1192Me.MephistophelesMe.whywhy sirsir, whatwhat wouldwould youyou? youyou cannotcannot speakespeak
wln 1193withwith himhim.
wln 1194Hors.Horse-corserButBut II wilwill speakespeak withwith himhim.
wln 1195Me.MephistophelesMe.WhyWhy hée’she’s fastfast asléepeasleep, comecome somesome otherother timetime.
wln 1196Hors.Horse-corserIleI’ll speakespeak withwith himhim nownow, oror IleI’ll breakebreak hishis glasse=glasse-windowesglass-windows
wln 1197windowes
wln 1197aboutabout hishis earesears.
wln 1198Me.MephistophelesMe.II telltell theethee hehe hashas notnot sleptslept thisthis eighteight nightsnights.
wln 1199Hors.Horse-corserAndAnd hehe hauehave notnot sleptslept thisthis eighteight wéekesweeks IleI’ll speakespeak
wln 1200withwith himhim.
wln 1201Me.MephistophelesMe.SéeSee wherewhere hehe isis fastfast asléepeasleep.
wln 1202Hors.Horse-corserIAyay, thisthis isis hehe, GodGod sauesave yeye maistermaster doctordoctor, maistermaster
wln 1203doctordoctor, maistermaster doctordoctor FustianFustian, fortieforty dollersdollars, fortieforty dollersdollars
wln 1204forfor aa bottlebottle ofof heyhay.
wln 1205Me.MephistophelesMe.WhyWhy, thouthou seestseest hehe heareshears théethee notnot.
wln 1206Hors.Horse-corserSoSo, hoho, hoho: soso, hoho, hoho.Hallow Hallow inin hishis eareear.
wln 1207NoNo, willwill youyou notnot wakewake? IleI’ll makemake youyou wakewake ereere II goego.
wln 1208PullPull himhim byby thethe leggeleg, andand pullpull itit awayaway.
wln 1209AlasAlas, II amam vndoneundone, whatwhat shallshall II dodo:
wln 1210Fau.FaustusFau.OO mymy leggeleg, mymy leggeleg, helpehelp MephastophilisMephistophelesMephastophilis, callcall thethe
wln 1211OfficersOfficers, mymy leggeleg, mymy leggeleg.
wln 1212Me.MephistophelesMe.ComeCome villainevillain toto thethe ConstableConstable.
wln 1213Hors.Horse-corserOO LordLord sirsir, letlet meme goego, andand IleI’ll giuegive youyou fortieforty dol=dollersdol|lersdollars
wln 1214lers
wln 1214moremore.
wln 1215Me.MephistophelesMe.WhereWhere bebe theythey?
wln 1216Hors.Horse-corserII hauehave nonenone aboutabout meme, comecome toto mymy OastrieHostryOastrie andand IleI’ll
wln 1217giuegive themthem youyou.
wln 1218Me.MephistophelesMe.BeBe gonegone quicklyquickly.HorsecourserHorse-courserhorse-courser runnesruns awayaway.
wln 1219Fau.FaustusFau.WhatWhat isis hehe gonegone? farwelfarewell hehe, FaustusFaustus hashas hishis leggeleg
wln 1220againeagain, andand thethe HorsecourserHorse-courserhorse-courser II taketake itit, aa bottlebottle ofof heyhay forfor hishis
wln 1221labourlaborlabour; welwell, thisthis tricketrick shalshall costcost himhim fortieforty dollersdollars moremore.
wln 1222EnterEnter WagnerWagner.
wln 1223HowHow nownow VagnerWagner, what’swhat’s thethe newesnews withwith théethee?
img: 19-bsig: E3r
Doctor Faustus.
wln 1224Wag.WagnerWag.SirSir, thethe DukeDuke ofof VanholtVanholt dothdoth earnestlyearnestly entreateentreat
wln 1225youryour companycompany.
wln 1226Fau.FaustusFau.TheThe DukeDuke ofof VanholtVanholt! anan honourablehonorablehonourable gentlemangentleman,
wln 1227toto whomwhom II mustmust bebe nono niggardniggard ofof mymy cunningcunning, comecome Me-MephastophilisMe|phastophilisMephistopheles
wln 1228phastophilis,
wln 1228let’slet’s awayaway toto himhim.exeuntexeunt.
wln 1229EnterEnter toto themthem thethe DukeDuke, andand thethe DutchesDuchess,
wln 1230thethe DukeDuke speakesspeaks.
wln 1231Du:DukeDuchessBeléeueBelieve meme maistermaster DoctorDoctor, thisthis merrimentmerriment hathhath
wln 1232muchmuch pleasedpleased meme.
wln 1233Fau:FaustusFau:MyMy gratiousgracious LordLord, II amam gladglad itifitif contentscontents youyou soso
wln 1234welwell: butbut itit maymay bebe MadameMadammadam, youyou taketake nono delightdelight inin thisthis, II
wln 1235hauehave heardheard thatthat greatgreat belliedbellied womenwomen dodo longlong forfor somesome dain=daintiesdain|tiesdainties
wln 1236ties
wln 1236oror otherother, whatwhat isis itit MadameMadammadam? telltell meme, andand youyou shalshall hauehave
wln 1237itit.
wln 1238Dutch.DuchessThankesTha●kesThanks, goodgood maistermaster doctordoctor,
wln 1239AndAnd forfor II séesee youryour curteouscourteous intentintent toto pleasurepleasure meme, II wilwill notnot
wln 1240hidehide fromfrom youyou thethe thingthing mymy heartheart desiresdesires, andand werewere itit nowenow
wln 1241summersummer, asas itit isis IanuaryJanuaryjanuary, andand thethe deaddead timetime ofof thethe winterwinter, II
wln 1242wouldwould desiredesire nono betterbetter meatemeat thenthan aa dishdish ofof riperipe grapesgrapes.
wln 1243Fau:FaustusFau:AlasAlas MadameMadammadam, thatsthat’s nothingnothing, MephastophilisMephistopheles, bebe
wln 1244gonegone: exitexit Meph.MephistophelesMeph. werewere itit aa greatergreater thingthing thenthan thisthis, soso
wln 1245itit wouldwould contentcontent youyou, youyou shouldshould hauehave ititenterenter Mephasto:MephistophelesMephasto:
withwith thethe grapesgrapes.
wln 1246herehere theythey bebe madammadam, wiltwilt pleaseplease youyou tastetaste
wln 1247onon themthem.
wln 1248Du:DukeDuchessBeléeueBelieve meme mastermaster DoctorDoctor, thisthis makesmakes meme wonderwonder
wln 1249aboueabove thethe restrest, thatthat beingbeing inin thethe deaddead timetime ofof winterwinter, andand inin
wln 1250thethe monthmonth ofof IanuaryJanuaryjanuary, howhow youyou shuldshould comecome byby thesethese grapesgrapes.
wln 1251Fau:FaustusFau:IfIf itit likelike youryour gracegrace, thethe yéereyear isis diuideddivided intointo twootwo
wln 1252circlescircles ouerover thethe wholewhole worldeworld, thatthat whenwhen itit isis héerehere winterwinter
wln 1253withwith vsus, inin thethe contrarycontrary circlecircle itit isis summersummer withwith themthem, asas inin
wln 1254IndiaIndi●India, SabaSaba, andand fartherfarther countriescountries inin thethe EastEast, andand byby meansmeans
wln 1255ofof aa swiftswift spiritspir●tspirit thatthat II hauehave, II hadhad themthem broughtbrought hitherhither, asas yeye
wln 1256seesee, howhow dodo youyou likelike themthem MadameMadammadam, beb●be theythey goodgood?
wln 1257Dut:DuchessBeléeueBelieve meme MaisterMaster doctordoctor, theythey bebe thethe bestbest grapesgrapes
img: 20-asig: E3v
The tragicall History of
wln 1258thatthat ereer●e’er II tastedtasted inin mymy lifelife beforebefore.
wln 1259Fau:FaustusFau:II amam gladglad theythey contentcontent youyou soso MadamMadam.
wln 1260Du:DukeDuchessComeCome MadameMadammadam, letlet vsus inin, wherewhere youyou mustmust welwell re=rewardre|wardreward
wln 1261ward
wln 1261thisthis learnedlearned manman forfor thethe greatgreat kindneskindness hehe hathhath shewdshowed
wln 1262toto youyou.
wln 1263Dut:DuchessAndAnd soso II wilwill mymy LordLord, andand whilstwhilst II liuelive,
wln 1264RestRest beholdingbeholding forfor thisthis curtesiecourtesy.
wln 1265Fau:FaustusFau:II humblyhumbly thankethank youryour GraceGrace.
wln 1266Du:DukeDuchessComeCome, maistermaster DoctorDoctor followfollow vsus, andand receiuereceive youryour
wln 1267rewardreward.exeuntexeunt.
wln 1268enterenter WagnerWagner solussolus.
wln 1269Wag.WagnerWag.II thinkethink mymy maistermaster meanesmeans toto diedie shortlyshortly,
wln 1270ForFor hehe hathhath giuengiven toto meme alall hishis goodesgoods,
wln 1271AndAnd yetyet me thinkesmethinks, ifif thatthat deathdeath werewere néerenear,
wln 1272HeHe wouldwould notnot banquetbanquet, andand carowsecarouse, andand swillswill
wln 1273AmongstAmongst thethe StudentsStudents, asas eueneven nownow hehe dothdoth,
wln 1274whowho areare atat suppersupper withwith suchsuch belly-cheerebelly-cheer,
wln 1275AsAs WagnerWagner nerene’ernever beheldbeheld inin allall hishis lifelife.
wln 1276SéeSee wherewhere theythey comecome: belikebelike thethe feastleastfeastleast isis endedended.
wln 1277EnterEnter FaustusFaustus withwith twotwo oror threethree SchollersScholars
wln 12781.1. Sch.ScholarSch.MaisterMaster DoctorDoctor FaustusFaustus, sincesince ourour conferenceconference a=abouta|boutabout
wln 1279bout
wln 1279fairefair LadiesLadies, whichwhich waswas thethe beutifulstbeautiful’stbeutifulst inin allall thethe worldworld,
wln 1280wewe hauehave determineddetermined withwith our seluesourselves, thatthat HelenHelen ofof GreeceGreece
wln 1281waswas thethe admirablestadmirablest LadyLady thatthat euerever liuedlived: thereforetherefore mastermaster
wln 1282DoctorDoctor, ifif youyou wilwill dodo vsus thatthat fauorfavorfavour, asas toto letlet vsus séesee thatthat péere=péerelessepéere|lessepeerless
wln 1283lesse
wln 1283DameDame ofof GreeceGreece, whomewhom alall thethe worldworld admiresadmires forfor ma=maiestyma|iestymajesty
wln 1284iesty,
wln 1284wéewe shouldshould thinkethink our seluesourselves muchmuch beholdingbeholding vntounto
wln 1285youyou.
wln 1286Fau.FaustusFau.GentlemenGentlemen, forfor thatthat II knowknow youryour friendshipfriendship isis vn=vnfainedvn|fainedunfeigned
wln 1287fained,
wln 1287andand FaustusFaustus’ customecustom isis notnot toto deniedeuiedenydefy thethe iustjust requestsrequests
wln 1288ofof thosethose thatthat wishwish himhim wellwell, youyou shallshall beholdbehold thatthat pearelessepeerless
wln 1289damedame ofof GreeceGreece, nono otherwaiesotherways forfor pompepomp andand maiestiemajesty, thenthanthen
wln 1290whenwhen sirsir ParisParis crostcrossed thethe seasscasseas withwith herher, andand broughtbrought thethe spoilesspoils
wln 1291toto richrich DardaniaDardamaDardaniaDardama. BeBe silentsilent thenthen, forfor dangerdanger isis inin wordswords.
img: 20-bsig: E4r
Doctor Faustus.
wln 1292MusickeMusic soundssounds, andand HelenHelen passethpasseth ouerover thethe StageStage.
wln 12932.2. Sch.ScholarSch.TooToo simplesimple isis mymy witwit toto telltell herher praisepraise,
wln 1294WhomWhom allall thethe worldworld admiresadmires forsoefo●so maiestiemajesty.
wln 12953.3. Sch.ScholarSch.NoNo maruelmarvel thothough thethe angryangry GreekesGreeks pursudepursued
wln 1296WithWith tenneten yearesyears’years warrewar thethe raperape ofof suchsuch aa quéenequeen,
wln 1297WhoseWhose heauenlyheavenly beautybeauty passethpasseth allall comparecompare.
wln 12981.1. Scholar1.SinceSince wewe hauehave séeneseen thethe pridepride ofof naturesnature’s workesworks,
wln 1299AndAnd onelyonly ParagonParagon ofof excellenceexcellence,EnterEnter anan
oldold manman.
wln 1300LetLet vsus departdepart, andand forfor thisthis gloriousglorious déeddeed
wln 1301HappyHappy andand blestblessed bebe FaustusFaustus euermoreevermore.
wln 1302Fau.FaustusFau.GentlemenGentlemen farwelfarewell, thethe samesame II wishwish toto youyou.
wln 1303ExeuntExeunt SchollersScholars.
wln 1304Old.Old.AhAh DoctorDoctor FaustusFaustus, thatthat II mightmight preuaileprevail,
wln 1305ToTo guideguide thythy stepssteps vntounto thethe wayway ofof lifelife,
wln 1306ByBy whichwhich swéetesweet pathpath thouthou maistmayst attaineattain thethe golegoal
wln 1307ThatThat shallshall conductconduct théethee toto celestialcelestial restrest.
wln 1308BreakeBreak heartheart, dropdrop bloudblood, andand minglemingle itit withwith tearestears,
wln 1309TearesTears fallingfalling fromfrom repentantrepentant heauinesseheaviness
wln 1310OfOf thythy mostmost vildevild andand loathsomeloathsome filthinessefilthiness,
wln 1311TheThe stenchstench whereofwhereof corruptscorrupts thethe inwardinward soulesoul
wln 1312WithWith suchsuch flagitiousflagitious crimescrimes ofof hainousheinous sinnessins,
wln 1313AsAs nono commiserationcommiseration maymay expelexpel,
wln 1314ButBut merciemercy FaustusFaustus ofof thythy SauiourSaviorSaviour swéetesweet,
wln 1315WhoseWhose bloudblood alonealone mustmust washwash awayaway thythy guiltguilt.
wln 1316Fau.FaustusFau.WhereWhere artart thouthou FaustusFaustus? wretchwretch whatwhat hasthast thouthou (donedone?
wln 1317DamndDamned artart thouthou FaustusFaustus, damnddamned, dispairedespair andand diedie,
wln 1318HellHell callscalls forfor rightright, andand withwith aa roaringroaring voycevoice
wln 1319SayesSays, FaustusFaustus comecome, thinethine hourehour isis comecome,Mepha.MephaMephistophelesMepha. giuesgives
himhim aa daggerdagger.
wln 1320AndAnd FaustusFaustus willwill comecome toto dodo théethee rightright.
wln 1321Old.Old..AhAh staystay goodgood FaustusFaustus, staystay thythy desperatedesperate stepssteps,
wln 1322II séesee anan AngellAngel houershovers oreo’er thythy headhead,
wln 1323AndAnd withwith aa viollvialviol fullfull ofof preciousprecious gracegrace,
wln 1324OffersOffers toto powrepour thethe samesame intointo thythy soulesoul,
wln 1325ThenThen callcall forfor merciemercy andand auoydavoid dispairedespair.
wln 1326Fau.FaustusFau.AhAh mymy swéetesweet friendfriend, II féelefeel thythy wordswords
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The tragicall History of
wln 1327ToTo comfortcomfort mymy distresseddistressed soulesoul,
wln 1328LeaueLeave meme aa whilewhile toto ponderponder onon mymy sinnessins.
wln 1329Old.Old..II goego swéetesweet FaustusFaustus, butbut withwith heauyheavy chearecheer,
wln 1330fearingfearing thethe ruineruin ofof thythy hopelessehopeless soulesoul.
wln 1331Fau.FaustusFau.AccursedAccursed FaustusFaustus, wherewhere isis merciemercy nownow?
wln 1332II dodo repentrepent, andand yetyet II dodo dispairedespair:
wln 1333HellHell striuesstrives withwith gracegrace forfor conquestconquest inin mymy breastbreast,
wln 1334WhatWhat shalshall II dodo toto shunshun thethe snaressnares ofof deathdeath?
wln 1335Me.MephistophelesMe.ThouThou traitortraitor FaustusFaustus, II arrestarrest thythy soulesoul
wln 1336ForFor disobediencedisobedience toto mymy soueraignesovereign LordLord,
wln 1337ReuoltRevolt, oror IleI’ll inin peece-mealepiecemeal tearetear thythy fleshflesh.
wln 1338Fau:FaustusFau:SweeteSweet MephastophilisMephistophelesMephastophilis, intreateentreat thythy LordLord
wln 1339ToTo pardonpardon mymy vniustunjust presumptionpresumption,
wln 1340AndAnd withwith mymy bloodblood againeagain II wilwill confirmeconfirm
wln 1341MyMy formerformer vowvow II mademade toto LuciferLucifer.
wln 1342Me.MephistophelesMe.DoDo itit thenthen quickelyquickly, withwith vnfainedunfeigned heartheart,
wln 1343LestLest greatergreater dangerdanger dodo attendattend thythy driftdrift.
wln 1344Fau:FaustusFau:TormentTorment sweetesweet friendfriend, thatthat basebase andand crookedcrooked ageage,
wln 1345ThatThat durstdurst disswadedissuade meme fromfrom thythy LuciferLucifer,
wln 1346WithWith greatestgreatest tormentstorments thatthat ourour helhell affoordsaffords.
wln 1347Me:MephistophelesMe:HisHis faithfaith isis greatgreat, II cannotcannot touchtouch hishis soulesoul,
wln 1348ButBut whatwhat II maymay afflictafflict hishis bodybody withwith,
wln 1349II wilwill attemptattempt, whichwhich isis butbut littlelittle worthworth.
wln 1350Fau:FaustusFau:OneOne thingthing, goodgood seruantservant, letlet meme crauecrave ofof théethee
wln 1351ToTo glutglut thethe longinglonging ofof mymy heartsheart’s desiredesire,
wln 1352ThatThat II mightmight hauehave vntounto mymy paramourparamour,
wln 1353ThatThat heauenlyheavenly HelenHelen whichwhich II sawsaw ofof latelate,
wln 1354WhoseWhose swéetesweet imbracingsembracings maymay extinguishextinguish cleaneclean
wln 1355TheseThese thoughts sthoughtthoughts s thatthat dodo disswadedissuade meme fromfrom mymy vowvow,
wln 1356AndAnd kéepekeep minemine oathoath II mademade toto LuciferLucifer.
wln 1357Me.MephistophelesMe.FaustusFaustus, thisthis, oror whatwhat elseelse thouthou shaltshalt desiredesire,
wln 1358ShalbeShall beshall be performdeperformed inin twincklingtwinkling ofof anan eieeye.enterenter HelenHelen.
wln 1359Fau:FaustusFau:WasWas thisthis thethe faceface thatthat lanchtlaunched aa thousandthousand shippesships?
wln 1360AndAnd burntburntburned thethe toplessetopless TowresTowers ofof IliumIlium?
wln 1361SwéeteSweet HelenHelen, makemake meme immortallimmortal withwith aa kissekiss:
wln 1362HerHer lipslips suckessucks forthforth mymy soulesoul, seesee wherewhere itit fliesflies:
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Doctor Faustus.
wln 1363ComeCome HelenHelen, comecome giuegive méeme mymy soulesoul againeagain.
wln 1364HereHere wilwill II dweldwell, forfor heauenheaven bebe inin thesethese lipslips,
wln 1365AndAnd allall isis drossedross thatthat isis notnot HelenaHelena:enterenter oldold manman
wln 1366II wilwill bebe PacisParisPacis, andand forfor louelove ofof théethee,
wln 1367InstéedeInstead ofof TroyTroy shalshall WertenbergeWertenberg bebe sacktsacked,
wln 1368AndAnd II wilwill combatecombat withwith weakeweak MenelausMenclausMenelaus,
wln 1369AndAnd wearewear thythy colourscolorscolours onon mymy plumedplumed CrestCrest:
wln 1370YeaYea II wilwill woundwound AchillisAchilles inin thethe héeleheel,
wln 1371AndAnd thenthen returnereturn toto HelenHelen forfor aa kissekiss.
wln 1372OO thouthou artart fairerfairer thenthe●thanthen thethe eueningevening aireair,
wln 1373CladCla●CladCladed inin thethe beautybeauty ofof aa thousandthousand starresstars,
wln 1374BrighterBrighter artart thouthou thenthen flamingflaming IupiterJupiterjupiter,
wln 1375When●henWhen hehe appeardappeared toto haplessehapless SemeleSemele,
wln 1376MoreMo●eMore louelylovely thenthan thethe monarkemonarch ofof thethe skies●iesky
wln 1377In〈…〉In〈…〉 wanton〈…〉wanton〈…〉 Arethusaes〈…〉Arethusa’s〈…〉 azurde〈…〉azured〈…〉 armes〈…〉arms〈…〉,
wln 1378AndAnd nonenone butbut thouthou shaltshalt bebe mymy paramourparam●●●paramour.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 1379OldOld manmanAccursedAccursed FaustusFaustus, miserablemiserable manman,
wln 1380ThatThat fromfrom thythy soulesoul excludstexclud’st thethe gracegrace ofof heauenheaven,
wln 1381AndAnd fliest〈◊〉fliest thethe thronethrone ofof hishis tribunalltribunal seate●eateseat,
wln 1382EnterEnter thethe Diuelles〈◊〉Devilsdevils.
wln 1383Sathan an〈◊〉SatanSathan an beginsbegins toto sift●iftsift meme withwith hishis pridep●idepride,
wln 1384AsAs inin thisthis furnacefurnace GodGod shalshall trytry mymy faithfaith,
wln 1385MyMy faithfaith, vilevile helhell, shalshall triumphtriumph ouerover théethee,
wln 1386AmbitiousAm●itio●sAmbitious fiends〈◊〉fiends, séesee howhow thethe heauensheavens smiledsmile●smiled
wln 1387AtAt youryour repulserepulse, andand laughslaughs youryour statestate toto scorne〈◊〉scorn,
wln 1388HenceHence helhell, forfor hencehence II fliefly vntounto mymy GodGod.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 1389EnterEnter FaustusFaustus withwith thethe SchollersScholars.
wln 1390Fau:FaustusFau:AhAh GentlemenGentlemen!
wln 13911.1. Sch:SchScholarSch▪whatwhat ailesails FaustusFaustus?
wln 1392Fau:FaustusFau:AhAh mymy swéetesweet chamber-fellowchamber-fellow! hadhad II liuedlived withwith
wln 1393théethee, thenthen hadhad II liuedlived stilstill, butbut nownow II diedie eternallyeternally: lookelook,
wln 1394comescomes hehe notnot? comescomes hehe notnot?
wln 13952.2. Sch:SchScholarSch:whatwhat meanesmeans FaustusFaustus?
wln 13963.3. SchollerScholarBelikeBelike hehe isis grownegrown intointo some〈◊〉some〈◊〉 sickenessesickness, byby
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The tragicall History of
wln 1397beingbeing euerever solitarysolitary.
wln 13981.1. Sch:SchScholarSch:IfIf itit bebe soso, wéelewe’ll hauehave PhysitiansPhysicians toto curecure himhim,
wln 1399tis’tis butbut aa surffetsurff●tsurfeit, neuernever fearefear manman.
wln 1400Fau:FaustusFau:AA surffetsurfeit ofof deadlydeadly sinnesin thatthat hathhath damnddamned bothboth bodybody
wln 1401andand soulesoul.
wln 14022.2. Sch.ScholarSch.YetYet FaustusFaustus lookelook vpup toto heauenheaven, rememberremember godsgod’sgods
wln 1403merciesmercies areare infiniteinfinite.
wln 1404Fau.FaustusFau.ButBut FaustusFaultusFaustus’ offenceoffenseoffence cancan nerene’er bebe pardonedpardoned,
wln 1405TheThe SerpentSerpent thatthat temptedtempted EueEveeve maymay bebe sau’dsau●dsaved,
wln 1406ButBut notnot FaustusFaustus: AhAh GentlemenGentlemen, hearehehearhe me〈◊〉me〈◊〉 withwith patiencepatience,
wln 1407andand trembletremble notnot atat mymy spéechesspeeches, thoughthough mymy heartheart pantspants andand
wln 1408quiuersquivers toto rememberremember thatthat II hauehave beenebeen aa studentstudent herehere thesethese
wln 1409thirtythirty yéeresyears, OOOh wouldwould II hadhad neuernever séeneseen WertenbergeWertenberg, ne=neuerne|uernever
wln 1410uer
wln 1410readread bookebook: andand whatwhat wonders〈◊〉wonders II hauehave donedone, alall Germany〈◊〉Germany
wln 1411cancan witnes heavenwitness, yeayea allall thethe worldworld, forfor whichwhich Faustus〈…〉Faustus〈…〉 hath〈…〉hath〈…〉 lost〈…〉lost〈…〉
wln 1412bothboth GermanyGermany, andand thethe worldwo●ldworld, yeayea heauenheaven it selfeitself, heauen〈◊〉heaven〈◊〉 thethe
wln 1413seateseat ofof GodGod, thethe thronethrone ofof thethe blessedblesse●blessed, thethe kingdomekingdom ofof ioyjoy,
wln 1414andand mustmust remaineremaine●●remain inin helhell forfor euer●uerever, helhell,, ahah helhell forfor euerever, sweete〈◊〉sweet〈◊〉
wln 1415friendsfriends, whatwhat shallshall becomebecome ofof FaustusFaustus, beingbeing inin helhell forfor 〈◊〉foreuerforever?
wln 14163.3. Sch.ScholarSch.YetYet FaustusFaustus callcall onon GodGod.
wln 1417Fau.FaustusFau.On〈…〉On〈…〉 God〈…〉God〈…〉 whome〈…〉whom〈…〉 Faustus〈…〉Faustus〈…〉 hath〈…〉hath〈…〉 abiurde〈…〉abjured〈…〉,,〈…〉 on〈…〉on〈…〉 God〈…〉God〈…〉,,〈…〉
wln 1418whome〈…〉whom〈…〉 Faustus〈…〉Faustus〈…〉 hath〈…〉hath〈…〉 blasphemed〈…〉blasphemed〈…〉,,〈…〉 ah〈…〉ah〈…〉 my〈…〉my〈…〉 God〈…〉God〈…〉,,〈…〉 I〈…〉I〈…〉 woulde〈…〉would〈…〉
wln 1419weepe〈…〉weep〈…〉,,〈…〉 but〈…〉but〈…〉 the〈…〉the〈…〉 diuel〈…〉devil〈…〉 drawes〈…〉draws〈…〉 in〈…〉in〈…〉 my〈…〉my〈…〉 teares〈…〉tears〈…〉 gush〈…〉gush〈…〉 forth〈…〉forth〈…〉 bloud〈…〉blood〈…〉
wln 1420insteade〈…〉instead〈…〉 of〈…〉of〈…〉 teares〈…〉tears〈…〉,,〈…〉 yea〈…〉yea〈…〉 life〈…〉life〈…〉 and〈…〉and〈…〉 soule〈…〉soul〈…〉,,〈…〉 Oh〈…〉Oh〈…〉 he〈…〉he〈…〉 stayes〈…〉stays〈…〉 my〈…〉my〈…〉 tong〈…〉tongue〈…〉,,〈…〉
wln 1421I〈…〉I〈…〉 would〈…〉would lift〈…〉lift〈…〉 vp〈…〉up〈…〉 my〈…〉my〈…〉 hands〈…〉hands〈…〉,,〈…〉 but〈…〉but〈…〉 see〈…〉see〈…〉,,〈…〉 they〈…〉they〈…〉 hold〈…〉hold〈…〉 them〈…〉them〈…〉,,〈…〉 they〈…〉they〈…〉 hold〈…〉hold〈…〉
wln 1422them〈…〉them〈…〉..〈…〉
wln 1423AllAllWhoWho FaustusFaustus?
wln 1424Fau.FaustusFau.LuciferLucifer andand MephastophilisM●phastophilisMephistophelesMephastophilis.
wln 1425AhAh GentlemenGentlemen! II gauegave themthem mymy soulesoul forfor mymy cunningcunning.
wln 1426AllAllGodGod forbidforbid.
wln 1427Fau.FaustusFau.GodGod forbadeforbade itit indéedeindeed,, ▪ butbut FaustusFaustus hathhath donedone itit:
wln 1428forfor vaineva●●evain pleasurepleasure ofof 24.〈◊〉24.〈◊〉 yearesyears, hathhath FaustusFaustus lost〈◊〉lost〈◊〉 eternalleternal
wln 1429ioyjoy andand felicitief●licitiefelicity, II writwrit themthem aa billbill withwith mine●●nemine owneown bloudblood,
wln 1430thethe datedate isis expiredexpired, thethe timetime wilwii●willwil comecome, andand hehe wilwill fetchfetch meeme.
wln 14311.●.1.●. Schol.Scholarwhywhy diddid notnot FaustusFaustus teltell vsus ofof thisthis beforebefore, thatthat
wln 1432DiuinesDivines mightmight hauehave prayedprayed forfor theethee?
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Doctor Faustus.
wln 1433Fau.FaustusFau.OftOft hauehave II thoughtthought toto hauehave donedone soso, butbut thethe diuelldevil
wln 1434threatnedthreatened toto tearetear méeme inin péecespieces, ifif II namdenamed GodGod, toto fetchfetch
wln 1435bothboth bodybody andand soulesoul, ifif II onceonce gauegave eareear toto diuinitiedivinity: andand
wln 1436nownow tis’tis tootoo latelate: GentlemenGentlemen awayaway, lestlest youyou perishperish withwith meme.
wln 14372.2. Sch.ScholarSch.OO whatwhat shalshall wewe dodo toto FaustusFaustus?
wln 1438FaustusFaustusTalkeTalk notnot ofo●of meme, butbut sauesave your seluesyourselves, andand de=departde|partdepart
wln 1439partdepart.
wln 14403.3. Sch.ScholarSch.GodGod wilwill strengthenstrengthen meme, II wilwill staystay withwith Fau=FaustusFau|stusFaustus
wln 1441stusFaustus.
wln 14421.1. Sch.ScholarSch.TemptTempt notnot GodGod, swéetesweet friendfriend, butbut letlet vsus intointo thethe
wln 1443nextnext roomeroom, andand therethere praypray forfor himhim.
wln 1444Fau.FaustusFau.IAyI praypray forfor meme, praypray forfor meme, andand whatwhat noysenoise soeuersoever
wln 1445yéeye hearehear, comecome notnot vntounto meme, forfor nothingnothing cancan rescuerescue meme.
wln 14462.2. Sch.ScholarSch.PrayPray thouthou, andand wewe wilwill praypray thatthat GodGod maymay hauehave
wln 1447mercymercy vponupon théethee.
wln 1448Fau.FaustusFau.GentlemenGentlemen farewelfarewell, ifif II liuelive tiltill morningmorning, IleI’ll visitevisit
wln 1449youyou: ifif notnot, FaustusFaustus isis gonegone toto helhell.
wln 1450AllAllFaustusFaustus, farewelfarewell.ExeuntExeunt Sch.ScholarsSch.
wln 1451TheThe clockeclock strikesstrikes eleaueneleven.
wln 1452Fau.FaustusFau.AhAh FaustusFaustus,
wln 1453NowNow hasthast thouthou butbut oneone barebare howerhour toto liuelive,
wln 1454AndAnd thenthenthan thouthou mustmust bebe damnddamned perpetuallyperpetually:
wln 1455StandStand stilstill youyou euer moouingever-movingever moving spheresspheres ofof heauenheaven,
wln 1456ThatThat time●imetime maymay ceasecease, andand midnightmidnight neuernever comecome:
wln 1457FaireFair NaturesNature’s eieeye, riserise, riserise againeagain, andand makemake
wln 1458PerpetuallPerpetual dayday, oror letlet thisthis hourehour bebe butbut aa yeereyear,
wln 1459AA monethmonth, aa wéekeweek, aa naturallnatural dayday,
wln 1460ThatThat FaustusFaustus maymay repentrepent andand sauesave hishis soulesoul,
wln 1461OOOh lentelentelent lentelentelent curitecurite noctisnoctis equiequi:
wln 1462TheThe starresstars moouemove stilstill, timetime runsruns, thethe clockeclock wilwill strikestrike,
wln 1463TheThe diueldevil wilwill comecome, andand FaustusFaustus mustmust bebe damnddamned.
wln 1464OO IleI’ll leapeleap vpup toto mymy GodGod: whowho pullespulls meme downedown?
wln 1465SeeSee seesee wherewhere ChristsChrist’s bloodblood streamesstreams inin thethe firmamentfirmament,
wln 1466OneOne dropdrop wouldwould sauesave mymy soulesoul, halfehalf aa dropdrop, ahah mymy ChristChrist,
wln 1467AhAh rendrend notnot mymy heartheart forfor namingnaming ofof mymy ChristChrist,
wln 1468YetYet wilwill II callcall onon himhim, oho sparespare meme LuciferLucifer!
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The tragicall History of
wln 1469WhereWhere isis itit nownow? tis’tis gonegone:
wln 1470AndAnd seesee wherewhere GodGod stretchethstretcheth outout hishis armearm,
wln 1471AndAnd bendsbends hishis irefullireful browesbrows:
wln 1472MountainesMountains andand hilleshills, comecome comecome, andand fallfall onon meme,
wln 1473AndAnd hidehide meme fromfrom thethe heauyheavy wrathwrath ofof GodGod.
wln 1474NoNo nono, thenthen wilwill II headlongheadlong runnerun intointo thethe earthearth:
wln 1475EarthEarth gapegape, OOOh nono, itit wilwill notnot harbourharborharbour meme:
wln 1476YouYou starresstars thatthat raigndreigned atat mymy natiuitienativity,
wln 1477whosewhose influenceinfluence hathhath alottedallotted deathdeath andand helhell,
wln 1478NowNow drawdraw vpup FaustusFaustus likelike aa foggyfoggy mistmist,
wln 1479IntoInto thethe intrailesentrails ofof yonyonyond labringlab’ringlabouring cloudecloud,
wln 1480ThatThat whenwhen youyou vomitevomit foorthforth intointo thethe ayreair,
wln 1481MyMy limbeslimbs maymay issueissue fromfrom youryour smoakysmoky mouthesmouths,
wln 1482SoSo thatthat mymy soulesoul maymay butbut ascendascend toto heauenheaven:
wln 1483AhAh, halfehalf thethe hourehour isis pastpast:TheThe watchwatch strikesstrikes.
wln 1484Twil’Twill allall bebe pastpastpassed anoneanon:
wln 1485OhOhO GodGod, ifif thouthou wiltwilt notnot hauehave mercymercy onon mymy soulesoul,
wln 1486YetYet forfor ChristsChrist’s sakesake, whosewhose bloudblood hathhath ransomdransomed meme,
wln 1487ImposeImpose somesome endend toto mymy incessantincessant painepain,
wln 1488LetLet FaustusFaustus liuelive inin helhell aa thousandthousand yeeresyears,
wln 1489AA hundredhundred thousandthousand, andand atat lastlast bebe sau’dsau●dsaved.
wln 1490OO nono endend isis limitedlimited toto damneddamned soulessouls,
wln 1491WhyWhy wertwert thouthou notnot aa creaturecreature wantingwanting soulesoul?
wln 1492OrOr, whywhy isis thisthis immortallimmortal thatthat thouthou hasthast?
wln 1493AhAh PythagorasPythagoras metem su cossismetem su cossimetempsychosis werewere thatthat truetrue,
wln 1494ThisThis soulesoul shouldshould fliefly fromfrom meme, andand II bebe changdechanged
wln 1495VntoUntoUnto somesome brutishbrutish beastbeast: alall beastsbeasts areare happyhappy, forfor whenwhen theythey (diedie,
wln 1496TheirTheir soulessouls areare soonesoon dissoluddissolved inin elementselements,
wln 1497ButBut minemine mustmust liuelive stillstill toto bebe plagdeplagued inin helhell:
wln 1498CurstCursed bebe thethe parentsparents thatthat ingendredengendered meme:
wln 1499NoNo FaustusFaustus, cursecurse thy selfethyself, cursecurse LuciferLucifer,
wln 1500ThatThat hathhath depriudedeprived théethee ofof thethe ioyesjoys ofof heauenheaven:
wln 1501TheThe clookeclock strikethstriketh tweluetwelve.
wln 1502OO itit strikesstrikes, itit strikesstrikes, nownow bodybody turneturn toto ayreair,
wln 1503OrOr LuciferLucifer wilwill bearebear théethee quickequick toto helhell:
wln 1504ThunderThunder andand lightninglightning.
img: 23-bsig: F3r
Doctor Faustus.
wln 1505OhOhO soulesoul, bebe changdechanged intointo littlelittle waterwater dropsdrops,
wln 1506AndAnd falfall intointo thethe OceanOcean, nerene’er bebe foundfound:
wln 1507MyMy GodGod, mymy GodGod, lookelook notnot soso fiercefierce onon meme:EnterEnter diuelsdevils.
wln 1508AddersAdders, andand SerpentsSerpents, letlet meme breathebreathe aa whilewhile:
wln 1509VglyUglyUgly hellhell gapegape notnot, comecome notnot LuciferLucifer,
wln 1510IleI’ll burneburn mymy bookesbooks, ahah MephastophilisMephistophelesMephastophilis.exeuntexeunt withwith himhim
wln 1511EnterEnter ChorusChorus.
wln 1512CutCut isis thethe branchbranch thatthat mightmight hauehave grownegrown fulfull straightstraight,
wln 1513AndAnd burnedburned isis ApolloesApollo’s LaurelLaurel boughbough,
wln 1514ThatThat sometimesometime grewgrew withinwithin thisthis learnedlearned manman:
wln 1515FaustusFaustus isis gonegone, regardregard hishis hellishhellish fallfall,
wln 1516WhoseWhose fiendfulfiendful fortunefortune maymay exhortexhort thethe wisewise,
wln 1517OnelyOnly toto wonderwonder atat vnlawfulunlawful thingsthings,
wln 1518whosewhose deepenessedeepness dothdoth intiseentice suchsuch forwardforward witswits,
wln 1519ToTo practisepracticepractise moremore thanthan heauenlyheavenly powerpower permitspermits.
wln 1520TerminatTerminat horahora diemdiem, TerminatTerminat AuthorAuthor opusopus.
Textual Notes
- 60 (3-a) : The regularized reading eademque is supplied for the original e[·]dem[que].
- 60 (3-a) : The Latin is problematic throughout and is not corrected. For example, here legatus is likely meant to be "legatur."
- 63 (3-a) : The regularized reading non is supplied for the original n[*]n.
- 254 (6-a) : The regularized reading Agramithist comes from the original Agramithist, though possible variants include Anagrammatized.
- 550 (10-a) : The regularized reading shall is supplied for the original [*]hall.
- 1437 (22-b) : Other editions add the word save to give the reading: to save Faustus.