The Spanish Tragedy (Hieronimo is Mad Again)
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ln 0001THETHE
ln 0003die,
ln 0003ContainingContaining thethe lamentablelamentable
ln 0004endend ofof DonDon HoratioHoratio, andand Bel-imperiaBel-imperia:
ln 0005withwith thethe pittifullpitiful deathdeath ofof
ln 0006oldeold HieronimoHieronimo.
ln 0007NewlyNewly correctedcorrected andand amendedamended ofof suchsuch grossegross faultsfaults asas
ln 0008passedpassed inin thethe firstfirst impressionimpression.
ln 0010PrintedPrinted byby EdwardEdward AlldeAllde, forfor
ln 0011EdwardEdward WhiteWhite.
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wln 0002EnterEnter thethe GhoastGhost ofof AndreaAndrea, andand withwith himhim
wln 0003ReuengeRevenge.
wln 0004GhoastGhost.
wln 0005WHenWHenWhen thisthis eternalleternal substancesubstance ofof mymy soulesoul,
wln 0006DidDid liue●●uelive imprisondimprisoned inin mymy wantonwanton flesh●leshflesh:
wln 0007EchEach inin theirtheir function●unctionfunction seruingserving othersother’sothers needneed,
wln 0008II waswas aa CourtierCourtier inin thethe SpanishSpanish CourtCourt.
wln 0009MyMy namename waswas DonDon AndreaAndrea, mymy discentdescent
wln 0010ThoughThough notnot ignobleignoble, yetyet inferiourinferior farfar
wln 0011ToTo gratiousgracious fortunesfortunes ofof mymy tendertender youthyouth:
wln 0012ForFor therethere inin primeprime andand pridepride ofof allall mymy yeeresyears,
wln 0013ByBy duteousduteous seruiceservice andand deseruingdeserving louelove,
wln 0014InIn secretsecret II possestpos●estpossessed aa worthywor●hyworthy damedame,
wln 0015WhichWhich highthight sweetsweet Bel-imperiaBel-imperia byby namename.
wln 0016ButBut inin thethe haruestharvest ofof mymy sommersummer ioyesjoys,
wln 0017DeathsDeath’s winterwinter niptnipped thethe blossomesblossoms ofof mymy blissebliss,
wln 0018ForcingForcing diuorcedivorce betwixtbetwixt mymy louelove andand meme.
wln 0019ForFor inin thethe latelate conflictconflict withwith PortingalePortingale,
wln 0020MyMy valourvalorvalour drewdrew meme intointo dangersdanger’s mouthmouth,
wln 0021TillTill lifelife toto deathdeath mademade passagepassage throughthrough mymy woundswounds.
wln 0022WhenWhen II waswas slaineslain, mymy soulesoul descendeddescended straightstraight,
wln 0023ToTo passepass thethe flowingflowing streamestream ofof AcheronAcheron:
wln 0024ButBut churlishchurlish CharonCharon onlyonly boatmanboatman therethere,
wln 0025SaidSaid thatthat mymy ritesrites ofof buriallburial notnot performdeperformed,
wln 0026II mightmight notnot sitsit amongstamongst hishis passengerspassengers.
wln 0027EreEre SolSol hadhad sleptslept threethree nightsnights inin ThetisThe●isThetis’Thetis laplap,
wln 0028AndAnd slakteslaked hishis smoakingsmoking CharriotChariot inin herher floudcloud●loudfloodcloud:
wln 0029ByBy DonDon HoratioHora●ioHoratio ourour knightknight MarshalsMarshal’s sonneson,
wln 0030MyMy funeralsfunerals andand obsequiesobsequies werewere donedone.
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wln 0031ThenThen waswas thethe FerimanFerrymanferryman ofof hellhell contentcontent,
wln 0032ToTo passepass meme ouerover toto thethe slimieslimy strondstrand,
wln 0033ThatThat leadesleads toto fellfell AuernusAvernus’ ouglyugly waueswaves:
wln 0034ThereThere pleasingpleasing CerberusCerberus withwith honiedhoneyed speechspeech,
wln 0035II pastpassed thethe perilsperils ofof thethe formostforemost porchporch.
wln 0036NotNot farrefar fromfrom hencehence amidstamidstamid tenten thousandthousand soulessouls,
wln 0037SateSat MinosMinos, EacusAeacus, andand RhadamantRhadamanthRhadamant,
wln 0038ToTo whomewhom nono soonersooner gan’gan II makemake approchapproach,
wln 0039ToTo crauecrave aa pasportpassport forfor mymy wandringwand’ring GhostGhost:
wln 0040ButBut MinosMinos ingrauenin gravenengraven leauesleaves ofof LotterieLottery,
wln 0041DrewDrew forthforth thethe mannermanner ofof mymy lifelife andand deathdeath.
wln 0042ThisThis knightknight (quothquoth hehe) bothboth liu’dlived andand dieddied inin louelove:
wln 0043AndAnd forfor hishis louelove triedtried fortunefortune ofof thethe warreswars,
wln 0044AndAnd byby warreswar’s fortunefortune lostlost bothboth louelove andand lifelif●life.
wln 0045WhyWhy thenthen saidsaid EacusAeacus, conuayconvey himhim hencehence,
wln 0046ToTo walkewalk withwith louerslovers inin ourour fieldsfields ofof louelove:
wln 0047AndAnd spendspend thethe coursecourse ofof euerlastingeverlasting timetime,
wln 0048VnderUnder greenegreen mirtlemyrtle treestrees andand CipresseCypress shadesshades.
wln 0049NoNo, nono, saidsaid RhadamantRhadamanthRhadamant, itit werewere notnot wellwell,
wln 0050WithWith louingloving soulessouls toto placeplace aa MartialistMartialist,
wln 0051HeHe dieddied inin warrewar, andand mustmust toto martiallmartial fieldsfields:
wln 0052WhereWhere woundedwounded HectorHector liueslives inin lastinglasting painepain,
wln 0053AndAnd AchillesAchilles’Achilles mermedonsmyrmidonsMyrmidons dodo scourescour thethe plaineplain.
wln 0054ThenThen MinosMinos mildestmildest censorcensor ofof thethe threethree,
wln 0055MadeMade thisthis deuicedevice toto endend thethe differencedifference.
wln 0056SendSend himhim (quothquoth hehe) toto ourour infernallinfernal KingKing:
wln 0057ToTo domedoom himhim asas bestbest seemesseems hishis MaiestieMajesty:
wln 0058ToTo thisthis effecteffect mymy pasportpassport straightstraight waswas drawnedrawn.
wln 0059InIn keepingkeeping onon mymy wayway toto PlutosPluto’s CourtCourt,
wln 0060ThroughThrough dreadfulldreadful shadesshades ofof euerever gloomingglooming nightnight:
wln 0061II sawsaw moremore sightssights thenthan thousandthousand tonguestongues cancan telltell,
wln 0062OrOr pennespens cancan writewrite, oror mortallmortal hartshearts cancan thinkthink.
wln 0063ThreeThree waiesways therethere werewere, thatthat onon thethe right handright-handright hand sideside,
wln 0064WasWas readyready wayway vntounto thethe foresaidforesaid fieldsfields,
wln 0065WhereWhere louerslovers liuelive, andand bloudiebloody MartialistsMar●ialistsMartialists,
wln 0066ButBut eithereither sortsort containdcontained withinwithin hishis boundsbounds.
wln 0067TheThe left handleft-handleft hand pathpath decliningdeclining fearfullyfearfully,
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wln 0068WasWas readyready downfalldownfall toto thethe deepestdeepest hellhell.
wln 0069WhereWhere bloudiebloody furiesfuries shakesshakes theirtheir whipswhips ofof steelesteel,
wln 0070AndAnd poorepoor IxionIxion turnesturns anan endlesendless wheelewheel.
wln 0071WhereWhere VsurersUsurers areare choaktchoked withwith meltingmelting goldegold,
wln 0072AndAnd wantonswantons areare imbrasteembraced withwith ouglyugly snakessnakes:
wln 0073AndAnd murderersmurderers gronegroan withwith neuernever killingkilling woundswounds,
wln 0074AndAnd periurdeperjured wightswights scaldedscalded inin boylingboiling leadlead,
wln 0075AndAnd allall soulesoul sinnessins withwith tormentstorments ouerwhelmdoverwhelmed..▪
wln 0076TwixtTwixt thesethese twotwo waiesways, II trod●rodtrodtrodded thethe middlemiddle pathpath,
wln 0077WhichWhich broughtbrought meme toto thethe fairefair ElizianElysian greenegreen.
wln 0078InIn midstmidst whereofwhereof therethere standesstands aa statelystately TowreTower,
wln 0079TheThe walleswalls ofof brassebrass, thethe gatesgates ofof AdamantAdamant.
wln 0080HeereHere findingfinding PlutoPluto withwith hishis ProserpineProserpine,
wln 0081II shewedshowed mymy pasportpassport humbledhumbled onon mymy kneeknee.
wln 0082WhereatWhereat fairefair ProserpineProserpine beganbegan toto smilesmile,
wln 0083AndAnd begdbegged thatthat onelyonly sheshe mightmight giuegive mymy doomedoom.
wln 0084PlutoPlu●oPluto waswas pleasdpleased andand sealdesealed itit withwith aa kissekiss.
wln 0085ForthwithForthwith (ReuengeRevenge) sheshe roundedrounded theethee inin th’eareth’ earth’ear,
wln 0086AndAnd badbade theethee leadlead meme throughthrough thethe gatesgates ofof HorHornHor:
wln 0087WhereWhere dreamesdreams hauehave passagepassage inin thethe silentsilent nightnight.
wln 0088NoNo soonersooner hadhad sheshe spokespoke butbut wewe werewere heerehere,
wln 0089II wotwot notnot howhow, inin twinklingtwinkling ofof anan eyeeye.
wln 0090ReuengeRevenge.
wln 0091THenTHen knowknow AndreaAndrea thatthat thouthou artart ariu’darrived,
wln 0092WhereWhere thouthou shaltshalt seesee thethe authorauthor ofof thythy deathdeath:
wln 0093DonDon BalthazarBalthazar thethe PrincePrince ofof PortingalePortingale.
wln 0094Depriu’dDeprived ofof lifelife byby Bel-imperiaBel-imperia:
wln 0095HeereHere sitsit wewe downedown toto seesee thethe misteriemystery,
wln 0096AndAnd serueserve forfor ChorusChorus inin thisthis tragedietragedy.
wln 0097EnterEnter SpanishSpanish KingKing, GenerallGeneral, CastileCastil●Castile, HieronimoHieronimo.
wln 0098KingKing.
wln 0099NOwNOw saysay L.LordL. GenerallGeneral, howhow faresfares ourour CampeCamp?
wln 0100Gen.GeneralGen.AllAll welwell mymy soueraignesovereign LiegeLiege, exceptexcept somesome fewfew,
wln 0101ThatThat areare deceastdeceased byby fortunefortune ofof thethe warrewar.
wln 0102KingKing.ButBut whatwhat portendsportends thythy cheerefullcheerful countenancecountenance,
wln 0103AndAnd postingposting toto ourour presencepresence thusthus inin hasthaste?
wln 0104SpeakSpeak manman, hathhath fortunefortune giuengiven vsus victorievictory?
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wln 0105Gen.GeneralGen.VictorieVictory mymy LiegeLiege, andand thatthat withwith littlelittle losseloss.
wln 0106KingKing.OurOur PortingalsPortingalesPortingals willwill paypay vsus tributetribute thenthen.
wln 0107Gen.GeneralGen.TributeTribute andand wontedwonted homagehomage therewithalltherewithal.
wln 0108KingKing.ThenThen blestblestblessed bebe heauenheaven, andand guiderguider ofof thethe heauensheavens,
wln 0109FromFrom whosewhose fairefair influenceinfluence suchsuch iusticejustice flowesflows.
wln 0110Cast.CastileCast.OO multummultum dilectedilecte DeoDeo, tibitibst●b●tibstibi militatmilitat ætheraetheraether,
wln 0111EtEt coniuratæconiurataeconiuratae curuatocurvatocuruato poplitopoplito gentesgentes
wln 0112SuccumbuntSuccumbunt: rectirectiserorrectirectiserorrecti sorors●rors●rorsoror estest victoriavictoria iurisiuris.
wln 0113KingKing.ThanksThanks toto mymy louingloving brotherbrother ofof CastileCastileCastille.
wln 0114ButBut GenerallGeneral, vnfoldeunfold inin breefebrief discoursediscourse,
wln 0115YourYour formeform ofof battellbattle andand youryour warreswar’s successesuccess.
wln 0116ThatThat addingadding allall thethe pleasurepleasure ofof thythy newesnews,
wln 0117VntoUnto thethe heightheight ofof formerformer happineshappiness,
wln 0118WithWith deeperdeeper wagewage andand greatergreater dignitiedignity,
wln 0119WeWe maymay rewardreward thythy blisfullblissful chiualriechivalry.
wln 0120Gen.GeneralGen.WhereWhere SpaineSpain andand PortingalePortingale dodo ioyntlyjointly knitknit
wln 0121TheirTheir frontiersfrontiers, leaningleaning onon eacheach othersother’sothers boundbound:
wln 0122ThereThere metmet ourour armiesarmies inin theirtheir proudproud arayarray,
wln 0123BothBoth furnishtfurnished wellwell, bothboth fullfull ofof hopehope andand fearefear:
wln 0124BothBoth menacingmenacing alikealike withwith daringdaring showesshows,
wln 0125BothBoth vauntingvaunting sundrysundry colourscolorscolours ofof deuicedevice,
wln 0126BothBoth cheerlycheerlycherely soundingsounding trumpetstrumpets, drumsdrums andand fifesfifes.
wln 0127BothBoth raisingraising dreadfulldreadful clamorsclamorsclamours toto thethe skiesky,
wln 0128ThatThat valleisvalleys, hilshills, andand riuersrivers mademade reboundrebound,
wln 0129AndAnd heauenheaven it selfeitself waswas frightedfrighted withwith thethe soundsound.
wln 0130OurOur battelsbattles bothboth werewere pitchtpitched inin squadronsquadron formeform,
wln 0131EachEach cornercorner stronglystrongly fenst●enstfenced withwith wingswings ofof shotshot,
wln 0132ButBut ereere wewe ioyndjoined andand camecame toto pushpush ofof PikePike,
wln 0133II broughtbrought aa squadronsquadron ofof ourour readiestreadiest shotshot,
wln 0134FromFrom outout ourour rearwardrearward toto beginbegin thethe fightfight,
wln 0135TheyThey broughtbrought anotheranother wingwing toto incounterencounter vsus:
wln 0136Meane whileMeanwhilemeanwhile ourour ordinanceordinance plaidplayed onon eithereither sideside,
wln 0137AndAnd CaptainesCaptains strouestrove toto hauehave theirtheir valoursvalorsvalours tridetried.
wln 0138DonDon PedroPedro theirtheir chiefechief horse menshorsemen’shorse men’s ColonellCo●●onellColonel:
wln 0139DidDid withwith hishis CornetCornet brauelybravely makemake attemptattempt,
wln 0140ToTo breakbreak thethe orderorder ofof ourour battellbattel●battle rankesranks.
wln 0141ButBut DonDon RogeroR●geroRogero worthyworthy manman ofof warrewar,
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wln 0142MarchtMarched forthforth againstagainst himhim withwith ourour MusketiersMusk●●ier●Musketeers,
wln 0143AndAnd stoptstopped thethe mallicemalice ofof hishis fellfell approchapproach.
wln 0144WhileWhile theythey maintainemaintain hothot skirmishskirmish toototoo andand frofro,
wln 0145BothBoth battailesbattles ioynejoin andand fallfall toto handiehandy blowesblows.
wln 0146TheirThei●Their violentviolent shotshot resemblingresembling th’oceansth’ocean’s ragerage,
wln 0147WhenWhen roaringroa●ingroaring lowdloud andand withwith aa swellingswelling tide●●detide,
wln 0148ItIt beatsbeats vponupon thethe rampiersra●●piersrampires ofof hugehuge rocksrocks,
wln 0149AndAnd gapesgapes toto swallowswallow neighbour boundingneighbor-boundingneighbour bounding landslands.
wln 0150NowNow whilewhile BellonaBellona ragethrageth heerehere andand therethere,
wln 0151ThickThick stormesstorms ofof bulletsbullets ranran likelike winterswinter’s hailehail,
wln 0152AndAnd shiueredshivered LauncesLances darkedark thethe troubledtroubled aireair.
wln 0153PedePede pespes &Etet cuspidecuspide cuspiscuspis,
wln 0154ArmiAnniArmiAnni sonantsonant armisannisannisarmis virvir petiturquepetiturque viro.viro.
wln 0155OnOn eueryevery sideside dropdrop CaptainesCaptains toto thethe groundground,
wln 0156AndAnd SouldiersSoldiers somesome illill maimdemai●●demaimed, somesome slaineslain outrightoutright:
wln 0157HeereHere fallesfalls aa bodybody scindredsundered fromfrom hishis headhead,
wln 0158ThereThere legslegs andand armesarms lyelie bleedingbleeding onon thethe grassegrass,
wln 0159MingledMingled withwith weaponsweapons andand vnboweldunbowelled steedssteeds:
wln 0160ThatThat scatteringscattering ouer spreadoverspreadover spread thethe purplepurple plaineplain.
wln 0161InIn allall thisthis turmoyleturmoil threethree longlong hovreshours andand moremore,
wln 0162TheThe victoryvictory toto neitherneither partpart inclindeinclined,
wln 0163TillTill DonDon AndreaAndrea withwith hishis brauebrave LaunciersLau●ciersLanciers,
wln 0164InIn theirtheir mainemain battellbattle mademade soso greatgreat aa breachbreach,
wln 0165ThatThat halfehal●ehalf dismaiddismayed, thethe multitudemultitude retirderet●rderetired:
wln 0166ButBut BalthazarBalthazar thethe PortingalesPortingales’Portingales youngyoung PrincePrince,
wln 0167BroughtBrought rescuerescue andand encouragdeencouraged themthem toto staystay:
wln 0168Heere-henceHere-hence thethe fightfight waswas eagerlyeagerly renewdrenewed,
wln 0169AndAnd inin thatthat conflictconflict waswas AndreaAndrea slaineslain.
wln 0170BraueBrave manman atat armesarms, butbut weakeweak toto BalthazarBalthazar.
wln 0171YetYet whilewhile thethe PrincePrince insultinginsulting ouerover himhim,
wln 0172BreathdBreathed outout proudproud vauntsvaunts, soundingsounding toto ourour reprochreproach,
wln 0173FriendshipFriendship anda●dand hardiehardy valourvalorvalour ioyndjoined inin oneone,
wln 0174PricktPricked forthforth HoratioHoratio ourour KnightKnight MarshalsMarshal’s sonneson,
wln 0175ToTo challengechallenge forthforth thatthat PrincePrince inin singlesingle fightfight:
wln 0176NotNot longlong betweenebetween thesethese twainetwain thethe fightfight indurdeendured,
wln 0177ButBut straightstraight thethe PrincePrince waswas beatenbeaten fromfrom hishis horsehorse,
wln 0178AndAnd forcstforcdfor●stforced toto yeeldyield himhim prisonerpr●sonerprisoner toto hishis foefoe:
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wln 0179WhenWhen hehe waswas takentaken, allall thethe restrest theythey fledfled,
wln 0180AndAnd ourour CarbinesCarbines pursuedpursued themthem toto thethe deathdeath,
wln 0181TillTill PhœbusPhoebusPhoebus wauingwaving toto thethe westernwestern deepedeep,
wln 0182OurOur TrumpetersTrumpeters werewere chargdecharged toto soundsound retreatretreat.
wln 0183KingKing.ThanksThanks goodgood LordL.L.Lord GenerallGeneral forfor thesethese goodgood newesnews,
wln 0184AndAnd forfor somesome argumentargument ofof moremore toto comecome,
wln 0185TakeTake thisthis andand wearewear itit forfor thythy soueraignessovereign’s sakesake.
wln 0186GiueGive himhim hishis chainechain,
wln 0187ButBut telltell meme nownow, hast●asthast thouthou confirmdconfirmed aa peacepeace?
wln 0188Gen.GeneralGen.NoNo peacepeace mymy LiegeLiege, butbut peacepeace conditionallconditional,
wln 0189ThatThat ifif withwith homagehomage tributetribute bebe wellwell paidpaid,
wln 0190TheThe furyfury ofof youryour forcesforces wilbewill be staidestayed.
wln 0191AndAnd toto thisthis peacepeace theirtheir ViceroyViceroy hathhath subscribdesubscribed.
wln 0192GiueGive thethe K.K●a●paperKingK. aa paperpaper.
wln 0193AndAnd mademade aa solemnesolemn vowvow thatthat duringduring lifelife,
wln 0194HisHis tributetribute shalbeshall be truelytruly paidpaid toto SpaineSpain.
wln 0195KingKing.TheseThese wordswords, thesethese deedsdeeds, becomebecome thythy personperson welwell.
wln 0196ButBut nownow KnightKnight MarshallMarshall frolike●rolikefrolic withwith thythy KingKing,
wln 0197ForFor tis’tis thythy SonneSon thatthat winneswins thisthis battelsbattle’sbattles prizeprize.
wln 0198Hiero.HieronimoHiero.LongLong maymay hehe liuelive toto serueserve mymy soueraignesovereign liegeliege,
wln 0199AndAnd soonesoon decaydecay vnlesseunless hehe serueserve mymy liegeliege.
wln 0200AA tuckettucket a farreafar offoff.
wln 0201KingKing.NotNot thouthou nornor hehe shallshall dyedie withoutwithout rewardreward,
wln 0202WhatWhat meanesmeans thisthis warningwa●ningwarning ofof thisthis trumpetstrumpet’s soundsound?
wln 0203Gen.GeneralGen.ThisThis telstells meme thatthat youryour gracesgrace’sgraces menmen ofof warrewar,
wln 0204SuchSuch asas warreswar’swars fortunefortune hathhath reseru’dreserved fromfrom deathdeath,
wln 0205ComeCome marchingmarching onon towardstowards youryour royallroyal seateseat,
wln 0206ToTo showshow themseluesthemselves beforebefore youryour MaiestieMajesty,
wln 0207ForFor soso II gauegave inin chargecharge atat mymy departdepart.
wln 0208WherebyWhereby byby demonstrationdemonstration shallshall appeareappear,
wln 0209ThatThat allall (exceptexcept threethree hundredhundred oror fewfew moremore)
wln 0210AreAre safesafe returndreturned andand byby theirtheir foesfoes inrichtenriched.
wln 0211TheThe ArmieArmy entersenters, BalthazarBalthazar betweenebetween LorenzoLorenz●Lorenzo
wln 0212andand HoratioHoratio captiuecaptive.
wln 0213KingKing.AA gladsomegladsome sightsight, II longlong toto seesee themthem heerehere.
wln 0214TheyThey enterenter andand passepass byby. img: 5-b
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wln 0215WasWas thatthat thethe warlikewarlike PrincePrince ofof PortingalePortingale,
wln 0216ThatThat byby ourour NephewNephew waswas inin triumphtriumph ledled?
wln 0217Gen.GeneralGen.ItIt waswas mymy LiegeLiege, thethe PrincePrince ofof PortingalePortingale.
wln 0218KingKing.ButBut whatwhat waswas hehe thatthat onon thethe otherother sideside,
wln 0219HeldHeld himhim byby th’armeth’ armth’arm asas partnerpartner ofof thethe prizeprize?
wln 0220Hiero.HieronimoHiero.ThatThat waswas mymy sonneson mymy gratiousgracious soueraignesovereign,
wln 0221OfOf whomewhom, thoughthough fromfrom hishis tendertender infancieinfancy,
wln 0222MyMy louingloving thoughtsthoughts diddid neuernever hopehope butbut wellwell:
wln 0223HeHe neuernever pleasdpleased hishis fathersfather’s eyeseyes tilltill nownow,
wln 0224NorNor fildfilled mymy hartheart withwith ouercloyingovercloying ioyesjoys.
wln 0225KingKing.GoeGo letlet themthem marchmarch onceonce moremore aboutabout thesethese walleswalls,
wln 0226ThatThat stayingstaying themthem wewe maymay conferreconfer andand talketalk,
wln 0227WithWith ourour brauebrave prisonerprisoner andand hishis doubledouble guardguard.
wln 0228HieronimoHieronimo, itit greatlygreatly pleasethpleaseth vsus,
wln 0229ThatThat inin ourour victorievictory thouthou hauehave aa shareshare,
wln 0230ByBy vertuevirtue ofof thythy worthyworthy sonnesson’s exploitexploit.
wln 0231EnterEnter againeagain.
wln 0232BringBring hetherhither thethe youngyoung PrincePrince ofof PortingalePortingale,
wln 0233TheThe restrest martchmarch onon, butbut ereere theythey bebe dismistdismissed,
wln 0234WeWe willwill bestowbestow onon eueryevery souldiersoldier twotwo ducketsducats,
wln 0235AndAnd onon eueryevery leaderleader tenten, thatthat theythey maymay knowknow
wln 0236OurOur largesselargesse welcomeswelcomes themthem.
wln 0237ExeuntExeunt allall butbut Bal.BalthazarBal. Lor.LorenzoLor. Hor●lorHoratioHor.
wln 0238WelcomeWelcome DonDon BalthazarBalthazar, welcomewelcome NephewNephew,
wln 0239AndAnd thouthou HoratioHoratio thouthou artart welcomewelcome tootoo:
wln 0240YoungYoung PrincePrince, althoughalthough thythy fathersfather’s hardhard misdeedesmisdeeds,
wln 0241InIn keepingkeeping backeback thethe tributetribute thatthat hehe owesowes,
wln 0242DeserueDeserve butbut euillevil measuremeasure atat ourour handshands:
wln 0243YetYet shaltshalt thouthou knowknow thatthat SpaineSpain isis honorablehonorablehonourable.
wln 0244Balt.BalthazarBalt.TheThe trespassetrespass thatthat mymy FatherFather mademade inin peacepeace,
wln 0245IsIs nownow controldecontrolled byby fortunefortune ofof thethe warreswars:
wln 0246AndAnd cardscards onceonce dealtdealt, itit bootesboots notnot askeask whywhy soso,
wln 0247HisHis menmen areare slaineslain, aa weakeningweakening toto hishis RealmeRealm,
wln 0248HisHis colourscolorscolours ceaz’dseizedceased, aa blotblot vntounto hishis namename,
wln 0249HisHis SonneSon distrestdistressed, aa corsiuecorrosive toto hishis hartheart,
wln 0250TheseThese punishmentspunishments maymay cleareclear hishis latelate offenceoffenseoffence.
wln 0251KingKing.IAyI BalthazarBalthazar, ifif hehe obserueobserve thisthis trucetruce,
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wln 0252OurOur peacepeace willwill growgrow thethe strongerstronger forfor thesethese warreswars:
wln 0253Meane whileMeanwhilemeanwhile liuelive thouthou thoughthough notnot inin libertieliberty,
wln 0254YetYet freefree fromfrom bearingbearing anyany seruileservile yoakeyoke.
wln 0255ForFor inin ourour hearinghearing thythy desertsdeserts werewere greatgreat,
wln 0256AndAnd inin ourour sightsight thy selfethyself artart gratiousgracious.
wln 0257Balt.BalthazarBalt.AndAnd II shallshall studiestudy toto deseruedeserve thisthis gracegrace.
wln 0258KingKing.ButBut telltell meme, forfor theirtheir holdingholding makesmakes meme doubtdoubt,
wln 0259ToTo whichwhich ofof thesethese twainetwain artart thouthou prisonerprisoner.
wln 0260Lor.LorenzoLor.ToTo meme mymy LiegeLiege.
wln 0261Hor.HoratioHor.ToTo meme mymy SoueraigneSovereign.
wln 0262Lor.LorenzoLor.ThisThis handhand firstfirst tooketook hishis coursercourser byby thethe rainesreins.
wln 0263Hor.HoratioHor.ButBut firstfirst mymy launcelance diddid putput himhim fromfrom hishis horsehorse.
wln 0264Lor.LorenzoLor.I●●I ceaz’d●eaz’dseized hishis weaponweapon andand enioydeenjoyedenjoy itit firstfirst.
wln 0265Hor.HoratioHor.ButBut firstfirst II forc’dforced himhim laylay hishis weaponsweapons downedown,
wln 0266KingKing.LetLet goego hishis armearm vponupon ourour priuiledgeprivilege.
wln 0267LetLet himhim goego.
wln 0268SaySay worthyworthy PrincePrince, toto whetherwhether didstdidst thouthou yeeldyield?
wln 0269Balt.BalthazarBalt.ToTo himhim inin curtesiecourtesy, toto thisthis perforceperforce:
wln 0270HeHe spakespakespoke meme fairefair, thisthis otherother gauegave meme strokesstrokes:
wln 0271HeHe promisdepromised lifelife, thisthis otherother threatnedthreatened deathdeath:
wln 0272HeHe wanwon mymy louelove, thisthis otherother conquerdconquered meme:
wln 0273AndAnd truthtruth toto saysay II yeeldyield my selfemyself toto bothboth.
wln 0274Hiero.HieronimoHiero.ButBut thatthat II knawknowknaw youryour gracegrace forfor iustjust andand wisewise,
wln 0275AndAnd mightmight seemeseem partiallpartial inin thisthis differencedifference,
wln 0276InforctInfor●tEnforced byby naturenature andand byby lawlaw ofof armesarms,
wln 0277MyMy tonguetongue shouldshould pleadplead forfor youngyoung HoratiosHoratio’s rightright.
wln 0278HeHe huntedhunted wellwell thatthat waswas aa LyonsLion’slion’s deathdeath,
wln 0279NotNot hehe thatthat inin aa garmentgarment worewore hishis skinskin:
wln 0280SoSo HaresHares maymay pullpull deaddead LyonsLionslions byby thethe beardbeard.
wln 0281KingKing.ContentContent theethee MarshallMarshal thouthou shaltshalt hauehave nono wrongwrong,
wln 0282AndAnd forfor thythy sakesake thythy SonneSon shallshall wantwant nono rightright.
wln 0283WillWill bothboth abideabide thethe censurecensure ofof mymy doomedoom?
wln 0284Lor.LorenzoLor.II crauecrave nono betterbetter thenthan youryour gracegrace awardsawards.
wln 0285Hor.HoratioHor.NorNor II, althoughalthough II sitsit besidebeside mymy rightright.
wln 0286KingKing.ThenThen byby mymy iudgementjudgement thusthus youryour strifestrife shallshall endend,
wln 0287YouYou bothboth deseruedeserve andand bothboth shallshall hauehave rewardreward.
wln 0288NephewNephew, thouthou tooksttook’sttookst hishis weaponweapon andand hishis horsehorse,
sig: B2r
wln 0289HisHis weaponsweapons andand hishis horsehorse areare thythy rewardreward.
wln 0290HoratioHoratio thouthou didstdidst forceforce himhim firstfirst toto yeeldyield,
wln 0291HisHis ransomeransom thereforetherefore isis thythy valoursvalor’svalour’s feefee:
wln 0292AppointAppoint thethe sumsum asas youyou shallshall bothboth agreeagree.
wln 0293ButBut NephewNephew thouthou shaltshalt hauehave thethe PrincePrince inin guardguard,
wln 0294ForFor thinethine estateestate bestbest fittethfitteth suchsuch aa guestguest.
wln 0295HoratiosHoratio’s househouse werewere smallsmall forfor allall hishis trainetrain,
wln 0296YetYet inin regarderegard thythy substancesubstance passethpasseth hishis,
wln 0297AndAnd thatthat iustjust guerdonguerdon maymay befallbefall desertdesert,
wln 0298ToTo himhim wewe yeeldyield thethe armourarmorarmour ofof thethe PrincePrince.
wln 0299HowHow likeslikes. DonDon BalthazarBalthazar ofof thisthis deuicedevice?
wln 0300Balt.BalthazarBalt.RightRight wellwell mymy LiegeLiege, ifif thisthis prouizoproviso werewere,
wln 0301ThatThat DonDon HoratioHoratio bearebear vsus companycompany,
wln 0302WhomeWhom II admireadmire andand louelove forfor chiualriechivalry.
wln 0303KingKing.HoratioHoratio leaueleave himhim notnot thatthat louesloves theethee soso,
wln 0304NowNow letlet vsus hencehence toto seesee ourour souldierssoldiers paidepaid,
wln 0305AndAnd feastfeast ourour prisonerprisoner asas ourour friendlyfriendly guestguest.
wln 0306ExeuntExeunt.
wln 0307EnterEnter ViceroyV●ceroyViceroy, AlexandroAlexandro, VilluppoVilluppo.
wln 0308Vice.ViceroyVice.IsIs ourour embassadourambassador dispatchtdispatched forfor SpaineSpain?
wln 0309Alex.AlexandroAlex.TwoTwo daiesdays (mymy LiegeLiege) areare pastpassed sincesince hishis departdepart.
wln 0310Vice.ViceroyVice.AndAnd tributetribute paimentpayment gonegone alongalong withwith himhim?
wln 0311Alex.AlexandroAlex.IAyI mymy goodgood LordLord.
wln 0312Vice.ViceroyVice.ThenThen restrest wewe heerehere aa whilewhile inin ourour vnrestunrest.
wln 0313AndAnd feedfeed ourour sorrowessorrows withwith somesome inwardinward sighessighs,
wln 0314ForFor deepestdeepest carescares breakbreak neuernever intointo tearestears.
wln 0315ButBut whereforewherefore sitsit II inin aa RegallRegal thronethrone,
wln 0316ThisThis betterbetter fitsfits aa wretcheswretch’s endlesendless moanemoan.
wln 0317YetYet thisthis isis higherhigher thenthan mymy fortunesfortune’s reachreach,
wln 0318AndAnd thereforetherefore betterbetter thenthan mymy statestate deseruesdeserves.
wln 0319FallesFalls toto thethe groundground.
wln 0320IAyay, IAyay, thisthis earthearth, ImageImage ofof mellanchollymelancholy,
wln 0321SeeksSeeks himhim whomewhom fatesfates adiudgeadjudge toto miseriemisery:
wln 0322HeereHere letlet meme lyelie, nownow amam II atat thethe lowestlowest.
wln 0323QviQuiQvi iacetiacet inin terraterra nonnon habetha●ethabet vndeunde cadatcadat,
wln 0324InIn meme consumpsitconsumpsit viresvires fortunafortuna nocendonocendo,
wln 0325NilNil superestsuperest vtut iamiam possitpossit obesseobesse magismagis.
sig: B2v
wln 0326YesYes, FortuneFortune maymay bereauebereave meme ofof mymy CrowneCrown:
wln 0327HeereHere taketake itit nownow, letlet FortuneFortune doedo herher worstworst,
wln 0328SheShe willwill notnot robrob meme ofof thisthis sablesable weedweed,
wln 0329OOOh nono, sheshe enuiesenvies nonenone butbut pleasantpleasant thingsthings,
wln 0330SuchSuch isis thethe follyfolly ofof dispightfulldespiteful chancechance:
wln 0331FortuneFortune isis blindeblind andand seessees notnot mymy desertsdeserts,
wln 0332SoSo isis sheshe deafedeaf andand heareshears notnot mymy lamentslaments:
wln 0333AndAnd couldcould sheshe hearehear, yetyet isis sheshe wilfullwilful madmad,
wln 0334AndAnd thereforetherefore willwill notnot pittiepity mymy distressedis●ressedistress.
wln 0335SupposeSuppose thatthat sheshe couldcould pittiepity meme, whatwhat thenthen?
wln 0336WhatWhat helpehelp cancan bebe expectedexpected atat herher handshands?
wln 0337WhoseWhose footfoot standingstanding onon aa rowlingrolling stonestone,
wln 0338AndAnd mindemind moremore mutablemutable thenthan ficklefickle windeswinds.
wln 0339WhyWhy wailewail II thenthen whereswhere’s hopehope ofof nono redresseredres●eredress?
wln 0340OO yesyes, complainingcomplaining makesmakes mymy greefegrief seemeseem lesseless.
wln 0341MyMy latelate ambitionambition hathhath distainddistained mymy faithfaith,
wln 0342MyMy breachbreach ofof faithfaith occasiondoccasioned bloudiebloody warreswars,
wln 0343ThoseThose bloudiebloody warreswars hauehave spentspent mymy treasuretreasure,
wln 0344AndAnd withwith mymy treasuretreasure mymy peoplespeople’s bloodblood,
wln 0345AndAnd withwith theirtheir bloodblood, mymy ioyjoy andand bestbest belouedbeloved,
wln 0346MyMy bestbest belouedbeloved, mymy sweetsweet andand onelyonly SonneSon.
wln 0347OO whereforewherefore wentwent II notnot toto warrewar my selfemyself?
wln 0348TheThe causecause waswas minemine II mightmight hauehave dieddied forfor bothboth:
wln 0349MyMy yeeresyears werewere mellowmellow, hishis butbut youngyoung andand greenegreen,
wln 0350MyMy deathdeath werewere naturallnatural, butbut hishis waswas forcedforced.
wln 0351Alex.AlexandroAlex.NoNo doubtdoubt mymy LiegeLiege butbut stillstill thethe PrincePrince suruiuessurvives.
wln 0352Vice.ViceroyVice.SuruiuesSurvives, IAyI wherewhere?
wln 0353Alex.AlexandroAlex.InIn SpaineSpain, aa prisonerprisoner byby mischancemischance ofof warrewar.
wln 0354Vice.ViceroyVice.ThenThen theythey hauehave slaine●laineslain himhim forfor hishis fathersfather’s faultfault.
wln 0355Alex.AlexandroAlex.ThatThat werewere aa breachbreach toto commoncommon lawlaw ofof armesarms.
wln 0356Vice.ViceroyVice.TheyThey reckereck nono laweslaws thatthat meditatemeditate reuengerevenge.
wln 0357Alex.AlexandroAlex.HisHis ransomesransom’s worthworth willwill staystay fromfrom foulefoul reuengerevenge.
wln 0358Vice.ViceroyVice.NoNo, ifif hehe liuedlived thethe newesnews wouldwould soonesoon bebe heerehere.
wln 0359Alex.AlexandroAlex.NayNay euillevil newesnews fliefly fasterfaster stillstill thanthan goodgood.
wln 0360Vice.ViceroyVice.TellTell meme nono moremore ofof newesnews, forfor hehe isis deaddead.
wln 0361Villup.VilluppoVillup.MyMy soueraignsovereign pardonpardon thethe AuthorAuthor ofof illill newesnews,
wln 0362AndAnd IleI’ll bewraybewray thethe fortunefortune ofof thythy SonneSon.
sig: B3r
wln 0363Vice.ViceroyVice.SpeakeSpeak onon, IleI’ll guerdonguerdon theethee what erewhate’er itit bebe,
wln 0364MineMine eareear isis readyready toto receiuereceive illill newesnews,
wln 0365MyMy hartheart grownegrown hardhard gainst’gainst mischiefesmischief’s batterybattery,
wln 0366StandStand vpup II saysay andand telltell thythy taletale atat largelarge,
wln 0367Villup.VilluppoVillup.ThenThen hearehear thatthat truthtruth whichwhich thesethese minemine eieseyes hauehave (seeneseen.
wln 0368WhenWhen bothboth thethe armiesarmies werewere inin battellbattle ioyndjoined,
wln 0369DonDon BalthazarBalthazar amidstamidstamid thethe thickestthickest troupestroops,
wln 0370ToTo winnewin renownerenown, diddid wondrouswondrous featsfeats ofof armesarms:
wln 0371AmongstAmongst thethe restrest II sawsaw himhim handhand toto handhand
wln 0372InIn singlesingle fightfight withwith theirtheir LordLord GenerallGeneral.
wln 0373TillTill AlexandroAlexandro thatthat heerehere counterfeitscounterfeits,
wln 0374VnderUnder thethe colourcolorcolour ofof aa duteousduteous freendfriend,
wln 0375DischargedDischarged hishis PistollPistol atat thethe PrincesPrince’sPRINCE’s backback,
wln 0376AsAs thoughthough hehe wouldwould hauehave slaineslain theirtheir GenerallGeneral.
wln 0377ButBut therwithalltherewithal DonDon BalthazarBalthazar fellfell downedown:
wln 0378AndAnd whenwhen hehe fellfell thenthen wewe beganbegan toto fliefly,
wln 0379ButBut hadhad hehe liuedlived thethe dayday hadhad suresure benebeen oursours.
wln 0380Alex.AlexandroAlex.OO wickedwicked forgerieforgery: OOOh traiteroustraitorous miscreantmiscreant.
wln 0381Vice.ViceroyVice.HoldeHold thouthou thythy peacepeace, butbut nownow VilluppoVilluppo saysay,
wln 0382WhereWhere thenthen becamebecame thethe carkassecarcasscarcase ofof mymy SonneSon?
wln 0383Villup.VilluppoVillup.II sawsaw themthem dragdrag itit toto thethe SpanishSpanish tentstents.
wln 0384Vice.ViceroyVice.IAyay, IAyay, mymy nightlynightly dreamesdreams hauehave toldetold meme thisthis:
wln 0385ThouThou falsefalse, vnkindeunkind, vnthankfullunthankful traiteroustraitorous beastbeast,
wln 0386WhereinWherein hadhad BalthazarBalthazar offendedoffended theethee,
wln 0387ThatThat thouthou shouldstshouldst thusthus betraybetray himhim toto ourour foesfoes?
wln 0388WastWast SpanishSpanish goldegold thatthat blearedbleared soso thinethine eyeseyes,
wln 0389ThatThat thouthou couldstcouldst seesee nono partpart ofof ourour desertsdeserts?
wln 0390PerchancePerchance becausebecause thouthou artart TerseraesTersera’s LordLord,
wln 0391ThouThou hadsthadst somesome hopehope toto wearewear thisthis DiadomeDiademdiadem,
wln 0392IfIf firstfirst mymy SonneSon andand thenthen my selfemyself werewere slaineslain:
wln 0393ButBut thythy ambitiousambitious thoughtthought shallshall breakebreak thythy neckneck.
wln 0394IAyay, thisthis waswas itit thatthat mademade theethee spillspill hishis bloudblood,
wln 0395TakeTake thethe crownecrown andand putput itit onon againeagain.
wln 0396ButBut IleI’ll nownow wearewear itit tilltill thythy bloudblood bebe spiltspilt.
wln 0397Alex.AlexandroAlex.VouchsafeVouchsafe (dreaddread SoueraigneSovereign toto hearehear meme speakspeak.
wln 0398Vice.ViceroyVice.A wayAAwayAwayway withwith himhim, hishis sightsight isis secondsecond hellhell,
wln 0399KeepeKeep himhim tilltill wewe determinedetermine ofof hishis deathdeath.
sig: B3v
wln 0400IfIf BalthazarBalthazar bebe deaddead, hehe shallshall notnot liuelive.
wln 0401VilluppoVilluppo followfollow vsus forfor thythy rewardreward.ExitExit ViceViceroyVice.
wln 0402Villup.VilluppoVillup.ThusThus hauehave II withwith anan enuiousenvious forgedforged taletale,
wln 0403DeceiuedDeceived thethe KingKing, betraidbetrayed minemine enemyenemy,
wln 0404AndAnd hopehope forfor guerdonguerdon ofof mymy villanyvillainy.ExitExit.
wln 0405EnterEnter HoratioHoratio andand Bel-imperiaBel-imperia.
wln 0406Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.SigniorSignior HoratioHoratio, thisthis isis thethe placeplace andand hourehour,
wln 0407WhereinWherein II mustmust intreatentreat theethee toto relaterelate,
wln 0408TheThe circumstancecircumstance ofof DonDon AndreasAndrea’s deathdeath:
wln 0409WhoWho liuingliving waswas mymy garlandsgarland’sgarlands sweetestsweetest flowerflower,
wln 0410AndAnd inin hishis deathdeath hathhath buriedburied mymy delightsdelights.
wln 0411Hor.HoratioHor.ForFor louelove ofof himhim andand seruiceservice toto your selfeyourself,
wln 0412II nillnill refuserefuse thisthis heauyheavy dolefulldoleful chargecharge.
wln 0413YetYet tearestears andand sighessighs, II fearefear willwill hinderhinder meme.
wln 0414WhenWhen bothboth ourour ArmiesArmies werewere enioyndenjoined inin fightfight.
wln 0415YourYour worthieworthy chiualierchevalier amidstamid thethe thikstthick’st,
wln 0416ForFor gloriousglorious causecause stillstill aimingaiming atat thethe fairestfairest,
wln 0417WasWas atat thethe lastlast byby yongyoung DonDon BalthazarBalthazar,
wln 0418EncountredEncountered handhand toto handhand: theirtheir fightfight waswas longlong,
wln 0419TheirTheir hartshearts werewere greatgreat, theirtheir clamoursclamorsclamours menacingmenacing,
wln 0420TheirTheir strengthstrength alikealike, theirtheir strokesstrokes bothboth dangerousdangerous.
wln 0421ButBut wrathfullwrathful NemesisNemesis thatthat wickedwicked powerpower,
wln 0422EnuyingEnvying atat AndreasAndrea’s praisepraise andand worthworth,
wln 0423CutCut shortshort hishis lifelife toto endend hishis praisepraise andand woorthworth.
wln 0424SheShe, sheshe her selfeherself disguisdedisguised inin armoursarmor’sarmours maskemask,
wln 0425(AsAs PallasPallas waswas beforebefore proudproud PergamusPergamus:)
wln 0426BroughtBrought inin aa freshfresh supplysupply ofof HalberdiersHalberdiers,
wln 0427WhichWhich paunchtpaunched hishis horsehorse andand dingddinged himhim toto thethe groundground,
wln 0428ThenThen yongyoung DonDon BalthazarBalthazar withwith ruthlesruthless ragerage,
wln 0429TakingTaking aduantageadvantage ofof hishis foesfoe’s distressedistress,
wln 0430DidDid finishfinish whatwhat hishis HalberdiersHalberdiers begunbegun,
wln 0431AndAnd leftleft notnot tilltill AndreasAndrea’s lifelife waswas donedone.
wln 0432ThenThen thoughthough tootoo latelate incenstincensed withwith iustjust remorceremorse,
wln 0433II withwith mymy bandband setset foorthfoo●thforth againstagainst thethe PrincePrince,
wln 0434AndAnd broughtbrought himhim prisonerprisoner fromfrom hishis HalberdiersHalberdiers.
wln 0435Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.WouldWould thouthou hadsthadst slaineslain himhim thatthat soso slewslew mymy louelove.
sig: B4r
wln 0436ButBut thenthen waswas DonDon AndreasAndrea’s carkassecarcasscarcase lostlost?
wln 0437Hor.HoratioHor.NoNo, thatthat waswas itit forfor whichwhich II cheefelychiefly strouestrou●strove,
wln 0438NorNor steptstepped II backback tilltill II recouerdrecovered himhim:
wln 0439II tooketook himhim vpup andand woundwound himhim inin minemine armesarms.
wln 0440AndAnd weldingwelding himhim vntounto mymy priuateprivate tenttent,
wln 0441ThereThere laidlaid himhim downedown andand dewddewed himhim withwith mymy tearestears,
wln 0442AndAnd sighedsighed andand sorrowedsorrowed asas becamebecame aa freendfriend.
wln 0443ButBut neitherneither freendlyfriendly sorrowsorrow, sighessighs nornor tearestears,
wln 0444CouldCould winwin palepale deathdeath fromfrom hishis vsurpedusurped rightright.
wln 0445YetYet thisthis II diddid, andand lesseless II couldcould notnot doedo:
wln 0446II sawsaw himhim honouredhonoredhonoured withwith duedue funerallfuneral,
wln 0447ThisThis scarfescarf II plucktplucked fromfrom offoff hishis liueleslifeless armearm,
wln 0448AndAnd wearewear itit inin remembranceremembrance ofof mymy freendfriend.
wln 0449Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.II knowknow thethe scarfescarf, wouldwould hehe hadhad keptkept itit stillstill,
wln 0450ForFor hadhad hehe liuedlived hehe wouldwould hauehave keptkept itit stillstill,
wln 0451AndAnd worneworn itit forfor hishis Bel-imperiasBel-imperia’s sakesake:
wln 0452ForFor twas’twas mymy fauourfavorfavour atat hishis lastlast departdepart.
wln 0453ButBut nownow wearewear thouthou itit bothboth forfor himhim andand meme,
wln 0454ForFor afterafter himhim thouthou hasthast deserueddeserved itit bestbest,
wln 0455ButBut forfor thythy kindneskindness inin hishis lifelife andand deathdeath,
wln 0456BeBe suresure whilewhile Bel-imperiasBel-imperia’s lifelife enduresendures,
wln 0457SheShe willwill bebe DonDon HoratiosHoratio’s thankfullthankful freendfriend.
wln 0458Hor.HoratioHor.AndAnd (MadameMadammadam) DonDon HoratioHoratio willwill notnot slackeslack,
wln 0459HumblyHumbly toto serueserve fairefair Bel-imperiaBel-imperia.
wln 0460ButBut nownow ifif youryour goodgood likingliking standstand theretothereto,
wln 0461IleWe●eI’llWe crauecrave youryour pardonpardon toto goego seekeseek thethe PrincePrince,
wln 0462ForFor soso thethe DukeDuke youryour fatherfather gauegave meme chargecharge.
wln 0463ExitExit.
wln 0464Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.IAyay, goego HoratioHoratio, leaueleave meme heerehere alonealone,
wln 0465ForFor sollitudesolitude bestbest fitsfits mymy cheerelescheerless moodmood:
wln 0466YetYet whatwhat auailesavails toto wailewail AndreasAndrea’s deathdeath,
wln 0467FromFrom whencewhence HoratioHoratio prouesproves mymy secondsecond louelove?
wln 0468HadHad hehe notnot louedloved AndreaAndriaAndriaAndrea asas hehe diddid,
wln 0469HeHe couldcould notnot sitsit inin Bel-imperiasBel-imperia’s thoughtsthoughts.
wln 0470ButBut howhow cancan louelove findefind harbourharborharbour inin mymy brestbreast,
wln 0471TillTill II reuengerevenge thethe deathdeath ofof mymy belouedbeloved.
wln 0472YesYes, secondsecond louelove shallshall furtherfurther mymy reuengerevenge.
sig: B4v
wln 0473IleI’ll louelove HoratioHoratio mymy AndreasAndrea’s freendfriend,
wln 0474TheThe moremore toto spightspite thethe PrincePrince thatthat wroughtwrought hishis endend:
wln 0475AndAnd wherewhere DonDon BalthazarBalthazar thatthat slewslew mymy louelove,
wln 0476HimselfeHimself nownow pleadespleads forfor fauourfavorfavour atat mymy handshands,
wln 0477HeHe shallshall inin rigourrigorrigour ofof mymy iustjust disdainedisdain,
wln 0478ReapeReap longlong repentancerepentance forfor hishis murderousmurderous deeddeed:
wln 0479ForFor whatwhat wastwas’t elselse butbut murderousmurderous cowardisecowardice,
wln 0480SoSo manymany toto oppresseoppress oneone valiantvaliant knightknight,
wln 0481WithoutWithout respectrespect ofof honourhonorhonour inin thethe fightfight?
wln 0482AndAnd heerehere hehe comescomes thatthat murdredmurdered mymy delightdelight.
wln 0483EnterEnter LorenzoLorenzo andand BalthazarBalthazar.
wln 0484Lor.LorenzoLor.SisterSister, whatwhat meanesmeans thisthis melancholliemelancholy walkewalk?
wln 0485Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.ThatThat forfor aa whilewhile II wishwish nono companycompany.
wln 0486Lor.LorenzoLor.ButBut heerehere thethe PrincePrince isis comecome toto visitevisit youyou,
wln 0487Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.ThatThat arguesargues thatthat hehe liueslives inin libertieliberty.
wln 0488Bal.BalthazarBal.NoNo MadameMadammadam, butbut inin pleasingpleasing seruitudeservitude.
wln 0489Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.YourYour prisonprison thenthen belikebelike isis youryour conceitconceit.
wln 0490Bal.BalthazarBal.IAyI byby conceitconceit mymy freedomefreedom isis enthraldeenthralled,
wln 0491Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.ThenThen withwith conceiteconceit enlargeenlarge your selfeyourself againeagainagain[·].●.
wln 0492Bal.BalthazarBal.WhatWhat ifif conceiteconceit hauehave laidlaid mymy hartheart toto gagegagegauge?
wln 0493Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.PayPay thatthat youyou borrowedborrowed andand recouerrecover itit.
wln 0494Bal.BalthazarBal.II diedie ifif itit returnereturn fromfrom whencewhence itit lyeslies.
wln 0495Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.AA hartlesheartless manman andand liuelive? AA miraclemiracle.
wln 0496Bal.BalthazarBal.IAyI LadyLady, louelove cancan workework suchsuch miraclesmiracles.
wln 0497Lor.LorenzoLor.TushTush, tushtush mymy LordLord, letlet goego thesethese ambagesambages,
wln 0498AndAnd inin plaineplain tearmesterms acquaintacquaint herher withwith youryour louelove.
wln 0499Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.WhatWhat bootesboots complaintcomplaint, whenwhen thersthere’s nono remedyremedy?
wln 0500Bal.BalthazarBal.YesYes, toto youryour gratiousgracious selfeself mustmust II complainecomplain,
wln 0501InIn whosewhose fairefair answereanswer lyeslies mymy remedyremedy,
wln 0502OnOn whosewhose perfectionperfection allall mymy thoughtsthoughts attendattend,
wln 0503OnOn whosewhose aspectaspect mine●ninemine eyeseyes findefind beautiesbeauty’s bowrebower,
wln 0504InIn whosewhose translucenttranslucent brestbreast mymy hartheart isis lodgdelodged.
wln 0505Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.AlasAlas mymy LordLord thesethese areare hutbuthutbut wordswords ofof coursecourse.
wln 0506AndAnd butbut deuisedevisedevice toto driuedrive meme fromfrom thisthis placeplace.
wln 0507SheShe inin goinggoing inin, letsl●tslets fallfall herher GloueGlove, whichwhich HoratioHoratio
wln 0508commingcomm●ngcomingcomming outout takestakes vpup.
wln 0509Hor.HoratioHor.MadameMadammadam, youryour GloueGlove.
sig: C1r
wln 0510Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.ThanksThanks goodgood HoratioHoratio, taketake itit forfor thythy painespains.
wln 0511Bal.BalthazarBal.SigniorSignior HoratioHoratio stooptstooped inin happiehappy timetime.
wln 0512Hor.HoratioHor.II reaptreaped moremore gracegrace thenthan II deseru’ddeserved oror hop’dhoped.
wln 0513Lor.LorenzoLor.MyMy LordLord, bebe notnot dismaiddismayed forfor whatwhat isis pastpastpassed.
wln 0514YouYou knowknow thatthat womenwomen oftoft areare humeroushumorous:
wln 0515TheseThese cloudsclouds willwill ouerblowoverblow withwith littlelittle windewind.
wln 0516LetLet meme alonealone, IleI’ll scatterscatt●rscatter themthem my selfemyself:
wln 0517Meane whileMeanwhilemeanwhile letlet vsus deuisedevise toto spendspend thethe timetime,
wln 0518InIn somesome delightfulldelightful sportssports andand reuellingrevelling.
wln 0519Hor.HoratioHor.TheThe KingKing mymy LordsLords isis commingcoming hitherhither straightstraight,
wln 0520ToTo feastfeast thethe PortingallPortingale EmbassadourAmbassador,
wln 0521ThingsThings werewere inin readinesreadiness beforebefore II camecame.
wln 0522Bal.BalthazarBal.ThenThen heerehere itit fitsfits vsus toto attendattend thethe KingKing,
wln 0523ToTo welcomewelcome hitherhither ourour EmbassadourAmbassador,
wln 0524AndAnd learnelearn mymy FatherFather andand mymy CountriesCountry’scountry’s healthhealth.
wln 0525EnterEnter thethe banquetbanquet, TrumpetsTrumpets, thethe KingKing andand EmbassadourAmbassador.
wln 0526KingKing.SeeSee LordLord EmbassadorAmbassador, howhow SpaineSpain intreatsentreats
wln 0527TheirTheir prisonerprisoner BalthazarBalthazar, thythy ViceroyesViceroy’sviceroy’s SonneSon:
wln 0528WeWe pleasurepleasure moremore inin kindeneskindness thenthanthen inin warreswars.
wln 0529Embass.AmbassadorEmbass.SadSad isis ourour KingKing, andand PortingalePortingale lamentslaments,
wln 0530SupposingSupposing thatthat DonDon BalthazarBalthazar isis slaineslain.
wln 0531Bal.BalthazarBal..SoSo amam II slaineslain byby beautiesbeauty’s tirannietyranny.
wln 0532YouYou seesee mymy LordLord howhow BalthazarBalthazar isis slaineslain.
wln 0533II frolikefrolic withwith thethe DukeDuke ofof CastilesCastile’sCastiles SonneSon,
wln 0534WraptWrapped eueryevery hourehour inin pleasurspleasures ofof thethe CourtCourt,
wln 0535AndAnd grastegraced withwith fauoursfavorsfavours ofof hishis MaiestieMajesty.
wln 0536KingKing.PutPut offoff youryour greetingsgreetings tilltill ourour feastfeast bebe donedone,
wln 0537NowNow comecome andand sitsit withwith vsus andand tastetaste ourour cheerecheer.
wln 0538SitSit toto thethe banquetbanquet.
wln 0539SitSit downedown youngyoung PrincePrince, youyou areare ourour secondsecond guestguest:
wln 0540BrotherBrother sitsit downedown, andand NephewNephew taketake youryour placeplace,
wln 0541SigniorSignior HoratioHoratio waitewait thouthou vponupon ourour cupcup,
wln 0542ForFor wellwell thouthou hasthast deserueddeserved toto bebe honoredhonoredhonoured.
wln 0543NowNow LordingsLordings fallfall tootoo, SpaineSpain isis PortugallPortugal,
wln 0544AndAnd PortugallPortugal isis SpaineSpain, wewe bothboth areare freendsfriends,
wln 0545TributeTribute isis paidpaid, andand wewe enioyenjoy ourour rightright.
sig: C1r
wln 0546ButBut wherewhere isis oldeold HieronimoHieronimo ourour MarshallMarshal,
wln 0547HeHe promisedp●omisedpromised vsus inin honorhonorhonour ofof ourour guestguest,
wln 0548ToTo gracegrace ourour banquetbanquet withwith somesome pompouspompous iestjest.
wln 0549EnterEnter HieronimoHieronimo withwith aa DrumDrum, threethree KnightsKnights, eacheach hishis ScutScutchinScut|chinScutcheon
wln 0550chin,
wln 0550thenthen hehe fetchesfetches threethree KingsKings, theythey taketake theirtheir
wln 0551CrownesCrowns andand themthem captiuecaptive.
wln 0552HieronimoHieronimo, thisthis maskemask contentscontents minemine eieeye,
wln 0553AlthoughAlthough II soundsound notnot wellwell thethe misteriemystery.
wln 0554Hiero.HieronimoHiero.TheThe firstfirst arm’darmed KnightKnight thatthat hunghung hishis ScutchinScutcheon vpup,
wln 0555HeHe takestakes thethe ScutchinScutcheon andand giuesgives itit toto thethe KingKing.
wln 0556WasWas EnglishEnglish RobertRobert EarleEarl ofof GlocesterGloucesterGlocester,
wln 0557WhoWho whenwhen kingking StephenStephen borebore swaysway inin AlbionAlbion,
wln 0558ArriuedArrived withwith fiuefive andand twentytwenty thousandthousand menmen,
wln 0559InIn PortingalePortingale, andand byby successesuccess ofof warrewar,
wln 0560EnforcedEnforced thethe KingKing thenthen butbut aa SarasinSaracenSarasin,
wln 0561ToTo bearebear thethe yoakeyoke ofof thethe EnglishEnglish MonarchieMonarchy.
wln 0562KingKing.MyMy LordLord ofof PortingalePortingale, byby thisthis youyou seesee,
wln 0563ThatThat whichwhich maymay comfortcomfort bothboth youryour KingKing andand youyou,
wln 0564AndAnd makemake youryour latelate discomfortdiscomfort seemeseem thethe lesseless.
wln 0565ButBut saysay HieronimoHieronimo, whatwhat waswas thethe nextnext?
wln 0566Hiero.HieronimoHiero.TheThe secondsecond KnightKnight thatthat hunghung hishis ScutchinScutcheon vpup,
wln 0567HeHe dothdoth asas hehe diddid beforebefore.
wln 0568WasWas EdmondEdmond EarleEarl ofof KentKent inin AlbionAlbion,
wln 0569WhenWhen EnglishEnglish RichardRichard worewore thethe DiademDiadem.
wln 0570HeHe camecame likewiselikewise andand razedrazed LisbonLisbon walleswalls,
wln 0571AndAnd tooketook thethe KingKing ofof PortingalePortingale inin fightfight:
wln 0572ForFor whichwhich, andand otherother suchsuch likelike seruiceservice donedone,
wln 0573HeHe afterafter waswas createdcreated DukeDuke ofof YorkeYork.
wln 0574KingKing.ThisThis isis anotheranother speciallspecial argumentargument,
wln 0575ThatThat PortingalePortingale maymay dainedeign toto bearebear ourour yoakeyoke,
wln 0576WhenWhen itit byby littlelittle EnglandEngland hathhath beenebeen yoaktyoked:
wln 0577ButBut nownow HieronimoHieronimo whatwhat werewere thethe lastlast?
wln 0578Hiero.HieronimoHiero.TheThe thirdthird andand lastlast notnot leastleast inin ourour accountaccount,
wln 0579DooingDoing asas beforebefore.
wln 0580WasWas asas thethe restrest aa valiantvaliant EnglishmanEnglishman,
wln 0581BraueBrave IohnJohnjohn ofof GauntGa●ntGaunt thethe DukeDuke ofof LancasterLancaster.
sig: C2r
wln 0582AsAs byby hishis ScutchinScutcheon plainelyplainly maymay appeareappear.
wln 0583HeHe withwith aa puissantpuissant armiearmy camecame toto SpaineSpain,
wln 0584AndAnd tooketook ourour KingKing ofof CastileCastileCastille prisonerprisoner.
wln 0585Embass.AmbassadorEmbass.ThisThis isis anan argumentargument forfor ourour ViceroyViceroy,
wln 0586ThatThat SpaineSpain maymay notnot insultinsult forfor herher successesuccess,
wln 0587SinceSince EnglishEnglish warriourswarriors likewiselikewise conqueredconquered SpaineSpain,
wln 0588AndAnd mademade themthem bowbow theirtheir kneesknees toto AlbionAlbion.
wln 0589KingKing.HieronimoHieronimo, II drinkedtinkedrink toto theethee forfor thisthis deuisedevice.
wln 0590WhichWhich hathhath pleasdepleased bothboth thethe EmbassadorAmbassador andand meme:
wln 0591PledgePledge meme HieronomoHieronimoHieronomo, ifif thouthou louelove thethe KingKing.
wln 0592TakesTakes thethe CupCup ofof HoratioHoratio.
wln 0593MyMy LordLord, II fearefear wewe sitsit butbut ouer-longoverlong.
wln 0594VnlesseUnless ourour daintiesdainties werewere moremore delicatedelicate.
wln 0595ButBut welcomewelcome areare youyou toto thethe bestbest wewe hauehave.
wln 0596NowNow letlet vsus inin thatthat youyou maymay bebe dispatchtdispatched,
wln 0597II thinkthink ourour councellcouncil isis alreadyalready setset.
wln 0598ExeuntExeunt omnesomnes.
wln 0599AndreaAndrea.
wln 0600ComeCome wewe forfor thisthis fromfrom depthdepth ofof vnder groundvnderundergroundundergroundground,
wln 0601ToTo seesee himhim feastfeast thatthat gauegave meme mymy deathsdeath’s woundwound?
wln 0602TheseThese pleasantpleasant sightssights areare sorrowsorrow toto mymy soulesoul,
wln 0603NothingNothing butbut leagueleague, andand louelove andand banquetingbanqueting?
wln 0604ReuengeRevenge.
wln 0605BeBe stillstill AndreaAndrea ereere wewe goego fromfrom hencehence,
wln 0606IleI’ll turneturn theirtheir freendshipfriendship intointo fellfell despightdespite,
wln 0607TheirTheir louelove toto mortallmortal hatehate, theirtheir dayday to nightto nighttonight,
wln 0608TheirTheir hopehope intointo dispairedespair, theirtheir peacepeace toto warrewar,
wln 0609TheirTheir ioyesjoys toto painepain, theirtheir blissebliss toto miseriemisery.
wln 0610ActusActus SecundusSecundus.
wln 0611EnterEnter LorenzoLorenzo andand BalthazarBalthazar.
wln 0612LorenzoLorenzo.
wln 0613MYMY LordLord, thoughthough Bel-imperiaBel-imperia seemeseem thusthus coycoy,
wln 0614LetLet reasonreason holdehold youyou inin youryour wontedwonted ioyjoy:
sig: C2v
wln 0615InIn timetime thethe sauagesavage BullB●llBull sustainessustains thethe yoakeyoke,
wln 0616InIn timetime allall haggardhaggard HawkesHawks willwill stoopestoop toto lurelu●elure,
wln 0617InIn timetime smallsmall wedgeswedges cleauecleave thethe hardesthardest OakeOak,
wln 0618InIn timetime thethe flintflint isis pearstpierced withwith softestsoftest showershower,
wln 0619AndAnd sheshe inin timetime willwill fallfall fromfrom herher disdainedisdain,
wln 0620AndAnd ruerue thethe sufferancesufferance ofof youryour freendlyfriendly painepain.
wln 0621Bal.BalthazarBal.NoNo, sheshe isis wilderwilder andand moremore hardhard withallwithal,
wln 0622ThenThanThen beastbeast, oror birdbird, oror treetree, oror stonystony wallwall.
wln 0623ButBut whereforewherefore blotblot II Bel-imperiasBel-imperia’s namename?
wln 0624ItIt isis mymy faultfault, notnot sheshe thatthat meritesmerits blameblame.
wln 0625MyMy featurefeature isis notnot toto contentcontent herher sightsight,
wln 0626MyMy wodreswordeswodreswords areare ruderude andand workework herher nono delightdelight.
wln 0627TheThe lineslines II sendsend herher areare butbut harshharsh andand illill,
wln 0628SuchSuch asas doedo dropdrop fromfrom PanPan andand MarsiasMarsyas’Marsias quillquill.
wln 0629MyMy presentspresents areare notnot ofof sufficientsufficient costcost,
wln 0630AndAnd beingbeing worthlesworthless allall mymy labourslabor’slabours lostlost.
wln 0631YetYet mightmight sheshe louelove meme forfor mymy valiancievaliancy,
wln 0632IAyI butbut thatsthat’s slaundredslandered byby captiuitiecaptivity.
wln 0633YetYet mightmight sheshe louelove meme toto contentcontent herher sirefirefiresire:
wln 0634IAyI butbut herher reasonreason mastersmasters hishis desiredesire.
wln 0635YetYet mightmight sheshe louelove meme asas herher brothersbrother’s freendfriend,
wln 0636IAyay, butbut herher hopeshopes aimeaim atat somesome otherother endend.
wln 0637YetYet mightmight sheshe louelove meme toto vpreareuprear herher statestate,
wln 0638IAyI, butbut perhapsperhaps sheshe hopeshopes somesome noblernobler matemate.
wln 0639YetYet mightmight sheshe louelove meme asas herher beauteousbeauteous thrallthrall,
wln 0640IAyay, butbut II fearefear sheshe cannotcannot louelove atat allall.
wln 0641Lor.LorenzoLor.MyMy LordLord, forfor mymy sakesake leaueleave thesethese extasiesecstasies,
wln 0642AndAnd doubtdoubt notnot butbut weelewe’ll findefind somesome remedieremedy,
wln 0643SomeSome causecause therethere isis thatthat letslets youyou notnot bebe louedloved:
wln 0644FirstFirst thatthat mustmust needsneeds bebe knowneknown andand thenthen remouedremoved.
wln 0645WhatWhat ifif mymy SisterSister louelove somesome otherother KnightKnight?
wln 0646Balt.BalthazarBalt.MyMy sommerssummer’s dayday willwill turneturn toto winterswinter’s nightnight.
wln 0647Lor.LorenzoLor.II hauehave alreadyalready foundfound aa stratagemestratagestratagemstratagememe,
wln 0648ToTo soundsound thethe bottomebottom ofof thisthis doubtfulldoubtful theametheme.
wln 0649MyMy LordLord, forfor onceonce youyou shallshall bebe rulderuled byby meme,
wln 0650HinderHinder meme notnot what erewhate’er youyou hearehear oror seesee.
wln 0651ByBy forceforce orofofor fairefirefairfire meanesmeans willwill II castcast aboutabout,
sig: C3r
wln 0652ToTo findefind thethe truthtruth ofof allall thisthis questionquestion outout.
wln 0653HoHo PedringanoPedringano.
wln 0654Ped.PedringanoPed.SigniorSignior.
wln 0655Lor.LorenzoLor.VienVien queque prestopresto.
wln 0656EnterEnter PedringanoPedringano.
wln 0657Ped.PedringanoPed.HathHath youryour LordshipLordship anyany seruiceservice toto commandcommand meme?
wln 0658Lor.LorenzoLor.IAyI PedringanoPedringano seruiceservice ofof importimport:
wln 0659AndAnd notnot toto spendspend thethe timetime inin triflingtrifling wordswords,
wln 0660ThusThus standsstands thethe casecase; itit isis notnot longlong thouthou knowstknowest,
wln 0661SinceSince II diddid shieldshield theethee fromfrom mymy fathersfather’s wrathwrath,
wln 0662ForFor thythy conueianceconveyance inin AndreasAndrea’s louelove:
wln 0663ForFor whichwhich thouthou wertwert adiudg’dadjudged toto punishmentpunishment,
wln 0664II stoodstood betwixtbetwixt theethee andand thythy punishmentpunishment:
wln 0665AndAnd sincesince, thouthou knowestknowest howhow II hauehave fauouredfavoredfavoured theethee,
wln 0666NowNow toto thesethese fauoursfavorsfavours willwill II addeaddad rewardreward,
wln 0667NotNot withwith fairefair woordswords, butbut storestore ofof goldengolden coynecoin,
wln 0668AndAnd landslands andand liuingliving ioyndjoined withwith dignitiesdignities,
wln 0669IfIf thouthou butbut satisfiesatisfy mymy iustjust demaunddemand.
wln 0670TellI’ellTell truthtruth andand hauehave meme forfor thythy lastinglasting freendfriend.
wln 0671Ped.PedringanoPed.What ereWhate’erwhate’er itit bebe youryour LordshipLordship shallshall demaunddemand,
wln 0672MyMy boundenbounden duetyduty bidsbids meme telltell thethe truthtruth.
wln 0673IfIf casecase itit lyelie inin meme toto telltell thethe truthtruth.
wln 0674Lor,LorenzoLor,ThenThen PedringanoPedringano thisthis isis mymy demaunddemand,
wln 0675WhomeWhom louesloves mymy sistersister Bel-imperiaBel-imperia?
wln 0676ForFor sheshe reposethreposeth allall herher trusttrust inin theethee:
wln 0677SpeakSpeak manman andand gainegain bothboth freendshipfriendship andand rewardreward,
wln 0678II meanemean, whomewhom louesloves sheshe inin AndreasAndrea’s placeplace?
wln 0679Ped.PedringanoPed.AlasAlas mymy LordLord, sincesince DonDon AndreasAndrea’s deathdeath,
wln 0680II hauehave nono creditcredit withwith herher asas beforebefore,
wln 0681AndAnd thereforetherefore knowknow notnot ifif sheshe louelove oror nono.
wln 0682Lor.LorenzoLor.NayNay ifif thouthou dallydally thenthen II amam thythy foefoe,
wln 0683AndAnd fearefear shallshall forceforce whatwhat frendshipfriendship cannotcannot winnewin.
wln 0684ThyThy deathdeath shallshall burybury whatwhat thythy lifelife concealesconceals.
wln 0685ThouThou dyestdiest forfor moremore esteemingesteeming herher thenthen meme.
wln 0686Ped.PedringanoPed.OhOhO staystay mymy LordLord.
wln 0687Lor.LorenzoLor.YetYet speakspeak thethe truthtruth andand II willwill guerdonguerdon theethee,
wln 0688AndAnd shieldshield theethee fromfrom what euerwhatever cancan ensueensue.
sig: C3v
wln 0689AndAnd willwill concealeconceal what erewhate’er proceedsproceeds fromfrom theethee,
wln 0690ButBut ifif thouthou dallydally onceonce againeagain, thouthou diestdiest.
wln 0691Ped.PedringanoPed.IfIf MadameMadammadam Bel-imperiaBel-imperia bebe inin louelove.
wln 0692Lor.LorenzoLor.WhatWhat villainevillain ifsifs andand andsands?
wln 0693Ped.PedringanoPed.OO staystay mymy LordLord, sheshe louesloves HoratioHoratio.
wln 0694BalthazarBalthazar startsstarts backback.
wln 0695Lor.LorenzoLor.WhatWhat DonDon HoratioHorati●Horatio ourour KnightKnight MarshalsMarshal’s sonneson?
wln 0696Ped.PedringanoPed.EuenEveneven himhim mymy LordLord.
wln 0697Lor.LorenzoLor.NowNow saysay, butbut howhow knowestknowest thouthou hehe isis herher louelove?
wln 0698AndAnd thouthou shaltshalt findefind meme kindekind andand liberallliberal:
wln 0699StandStand vpup II saysay, andand fearelesfearless telltell thethe truthtruth.
wln 0700Ped.PedringanoPed.SheShe sentsent himhim lettersletters whichwhich my selfemyself perusdeperused,
wln 0701FullFull fraughtfraught withwith lineslines andand argumentsarguments ofof louelove,
wln 0702PreferringPreferring himhim beforebefore PrincePrince BalthazarBalthazar.
wln 0703Lor.LorenzoLor.SweareSwear onon thisthis crossecross, thatthat whatwhat thouthou saiestsayest isis truetrue,
wln 0704AndAnd thatthat thouthou wiltwilt consealeconceal whatwhat thouthou hasthast toldetold.
wln 0705Ped.PedringanoPed.II sweareswear toto bothboth byby himhim thatthat mademade vsus allall.
wln 0706Lor.LorenzoLor.InIn hopehope thinethine oathoath isis truetrue, heereshere’s thythy rewardreward,
wln 0707ButBut ifif II proueprove theethee periurdeperjured andand vniustunjust,
wln 0708ThisThis veryvery swordsword whereonwhereon thouthou tooksttook’sttookst thinethine oathoath,
wln 0709ShallShall bebe thethe workerworker ofof thythy tragedietragedy.
wln 0710Ped.PedringanoPed.WhatWhat II hauehave saidesaid isis truetrue, andand shallshall forfor meme,
wln 0711BeBe stillstill concealdconcealed fromfrom Bel-imperiaBel-imperia.
wln 0712BesidesBesides youryour HonorsHonor’shonour’s liberalitieliberality,
wln 0713DeseruesDeserves mymy duteousduteous seruiceservice, eueneven tilltill deathdeath.
wln 0714Lor.LorenzoLor.LetLet thisthis bebe allall thatthat thouthou shaltshalt doedo forfor meme,
wln 0715BeBe watchfullwatchful whenwhen, andand wherewhere thesethese louerslovers meetemeet,
wln 0716AndAnd giuegive meme noticenotice inin somesome secretsecret sortsort.
wln 0717Ped.PedringanoPed.II willwill mymy LordLord.
wln 0718Lor.LorenzoLor.ThenThen shaltshalt thouthou findefind thatthat II amam liberallliberal,
wln 0719ThouThou knowstknowest thatthat II cancan moremore aduaunceadvance thythy statestate
wln 0720ThenThanThen sheshe, bebe thereforetherefore wisewise andand failefail meme notnot.
wln 0721GoeGo andand attendattend herher asas thythy customecustom isis,
wln 0722LeastLestlest absenceabsence makemake herher thinkthink thouthou doostdost amisseamiss.
wln 0723ExitExit PedringanoPedringano.
wln 0724WhyWhy soso: T amTTamTamam armisarmis quamquam ingenioingenio:
wln 0725WhereWhere wordswords preuaileprevail notnot, violenceviolence preuailesprevails.
sig: C4r
wln 0726ButBut goldegold dothdoth moremore thenthan eithereither ofof themthem bothboth.
wln 0727HowHow likeslikes PrincePrince BalthazarBalthazar thisthis stratagemestratagem?
wln 0728Bal.BalthazarBal.BothBoth wellwell, andand illill: itit makesmakes meme gladglad andand sadsad:
wln 0729GladGlad, thatthat II knowknow thethe hindererhinderer ofof mymy louelove,
wln 0730SadSad, thatthat II fearefear sheshe hateshates meme whomewhom II louelove.
wln 0731GladGlad, thatthat II knowknow onon whomwhom toto bebe reueng’drevenged,
wln 0732SadSad, thatthat sheeleshe’ll fliefly meme ifif II taketake reuengerevenge.
wln 0733YetYet mustmust II taketake reuengerevenge oror dyedie my selfemyself,
wln 0734ForFor louelove resistedresisted growesgrows impatientimpatient.
wln 0735II thinkthink HoratioHoratio bebe mymy destindedestined plagueplague,
wln 0736FirstFirst inin hishis handhand hehe brandishedbrandished aa swordsword,
wln 0737AndAnd withwith thatthat swordsword hehe fiercelyfiercely wagedwaged warrewar,
wln 0738AndAnd inin thatthat warrewar hehe gauegave meme dangerousdangerous woundswounds,
wln 0739AndAnd byby thosethose woundswounds hehe forcedforced meme toto yeeldyield,
wln 0740AndAnd byby mymy yeeldingyielding II becamebecame hishis slaueslave.
wln 0741NowNow inin hishis mouthmouth hehe carriescarries pleasingpleasing wordswords,
wln 0742WhichWhich pleasingpleasing wordeswords doedo harbourharborharbour sweetsweet conceitsconceits,
wln 0743WhichWhich sweetsweet conceitsconceits areare lim’dlimned withwith sliesly deceitsdeceits,
wln 0744WhichWhich sliesly deceitsdeceits smoothsmooth Bel-imperiasBel-imperia’s earesears,
wln 0745AndAnd throughthrough herher earesears diuedive downedown intointo herher hartheart,
wln 0746AndAnd inin herher hartheart setset himhim wherewhere II shouldshould standstand.
wln 0747ThusThus hathhath hehe taneta’en mymy bodybody byby hishis forceforce,
wln 0748AndAnd nownow byby sleightsleight wouldwould captiuatecaptivate mymy soulesoul:
wln 0749ButBut inin hishis fallfall ilei’llI’ll tempttempt thethe destiniesdestinies,
wln 0750AndAnd eithereither looselose mymy lifelife, oror winnewin mymy louelove.
wln 0751Lor.LorenzoLor.LetsLet’slet’s goego mymy LordLord, youryour stayingstaying staiesstays reuengerevenge,
wln 0752DoeDo youyou hutbut followfollow meme andand gainegain youryour louelove,
wln 0753HerHer fauourfavorfavour mustmust bebe wonnewon byby hishis remooueremove.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 0754EnterEnter HoratioHoratio andand Bel-imperiaBel-imperia.
wln 0755Hor.HoratioHor.NowNow MadameMadammadam, sincesince byby fauourfavorfavour ofof youryour louelove,
wln 0756OurOur hiddenhidden smokesmoke isis turndturned toto openopen flameflame:
wln 0757AndAnd thatthat withwith lookeslooks andand wordswords wewe feedfeed ourour thoughtthought,
wln 0758TwoTwo chiefechief contentscontents, wherewhere moremore cannotcannot bebe hadhad.
wln 0759ThusThus inin thethe midstmidst ofof loueslove’s fairefair blandishmentsblandishments,
wln 0760WhyWhy shewshow youyou signesign ofof inwardinward languishmentslan guishmentslanguishments.
sig: C4v
wln 0761PedringanoPedringano shewethshoweth allall toto thethe PrincePrince andand LorenzoLorenzo,
wln 0762placingplacing themthem inin secretsecret.
wln 0763Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.MyMy hartheart (sweetsweet freendfriend) isis likelike aa shipship atat seasea,
wln 0764SheShe wishethwisheth portport, wherewhere ridingriding allall atat easeease,
wln 0765SheShe madmademad repairerepair whatwhat stormiestormy timestimes hauehave worneworn:
wln 0766AndAnd leaningleaning onon thethe shoreshore maymay singsing withwith ioyjoy,
wln 0767ThatThat pleasurepleasure followesfollows painepain, andand blissebliss annoyannoy.
wln 0768PossessionPossession ofof thythy louelove isis th’onelyth’ onlyth’only portport,
wln 0769WhereinWherein mymy hartheart withwith fearesfears andand hopeshopes longlong tosttossed,
wln 0770EachEach howrehour dothdoth wishwish andand longlong toto makemake resortresort,
wln 0771ThereThere toto repairerepair thethe ioyesjoys thatthat itit hathhath lostlost:
wln 0772AndAnd sittingsitting safesafe toto singsing inin CupidsCupid’s quirechoir,
wln 0773ThatThat sweetestsweetest blissebliss isis crownecrown ofof loueslove’s desiredesire.
wln 0774BalthazarBalthazar aboueabove.
wln 0775Bal.BalthazarBal.OO sleepesleep minemine eyeseyes, seesee notnot mymy louelove prophandeprofaned,
wln 0776BeBe deafedeaf mymy earesears, hearehear notnot mymy discontentdiscontent,
wln 0777DyeDie hartheart, anotheranother ioyesjoys whatwhat thouthou deseruestdeservest.
wln 0778Lor.LorenzoLor.WatchWatch stillstill minemine eyeseyes, toto seesee thisthis louelove disioynddisjoined,
wln 0779HeareHear stillstill minemine earesears, toto hearehear themthem bothboth lamentlament,
wln 0780LiueLive hartheart toto ioyjoy atat fondfond HoratiosHoratio’s fallfall.
wln 0781Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.WhyWhy standsstands HoratioHoratio speechelesspeechless allall thisthis whilewhile?
wln 0782Hor.HoratioHor.TheThe lesseless II speakspeak, thethe moremore II meditatemeditate.
wln 0783Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.ButBut whereonwhereon doostdost thouthou chiefelychiefly meditatemeditate?
wln 0784Hor.HoratioHor.OnOn dangersdangers pastpast, andand pleasurespleasures toto ensueensue.
wln 0785Bal.Bel.BalthazarBel.OnOn pleasurespleasures pastpast, andand dangersdangers toto ensueensue.
wln 0786Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.WhatWhat dangersdangers, andand whatwhat plesurespleasures doostdost thouthou meanmean?
wln 0787Hor.HoratioHor.DangersDangers ofof warrewar, andand pleasurespleasures ofof ourour louelove.
wln 0788Lor.LorenzoLor.DangersDangers ofof deathdeath, butbut pleasurespleasures nonenone atat allall.
wln 0789Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.LetLet dangersdangers goego, thythy warrewar shallshall bebe withwith meme,
wln 0790ButBut suchsuch aa warringwarring, asas breakesbreaks nono bondbond ofof peacepeace.
wln 0791SpeakSpeak thouthou fairefair wordswords, ilei’llI’ll crossecross themthem withwith fairefair wordswords,
wln 0792SendSend thouthou sweetsweet lookslooks, ileI’ll meetmeet themthem withwith sweetsweet lookslooks,
wln 0793WriteWrite louingloving lineslines, ilei’llI’ll answereanswer louingloving lineslines,
wln 0794GiueGive meme aa kissekiss, ilei’llI’ll countercheckecountercheck thythy kissekiss,
wln 0795BeBe thisthis ourour warringwarring peacepeace, oror peacefullpeaceful warrewar.
wln 0796Hor.HoratioHor.ButBut gratiousgracious MadameMadammadam, thenthen appointappoint thethe fieldfield,
wln 0797WhereWhere trialltrial ofof thisthis warrewar shallshall firstfirst bebe mademade.
sig: D1r
wln 0798Bal.BalthazarBal.AmbitiousAmbitious villainevillain, howhow hishis boldenesboldness growesgrowes●grows!
wln 0799Bel,Bel-imperiaBel,ThenThen bebe thythy fathersfather’s pleasantpleasant bowerbower thethe fieldfield,
wln 0800WhereWhere firstfirst wewe vowdvowed aa mutuallmutual amitieamity:
wln 0801TheThe CourtCourt werewere dangerousdangerous, thatthat placeplace isis safesafe:
wln 0802OurOur howrehour shalbeshall be whenwhen VesperVesper ginnes’ginsbegins toto riserise,
wln 0803ThatThat summonssummons homehome distresfulldistressful trauellerstravelerstravellers.
wln 0804ThereThere nonenone shallshall hearehear vsus butbut thethe harmelesharmless birdsbirds.
wln 0805HappelieHappily thethe gentlegentle NightingaleNightingale,
wln 0806ShallShall carrollcarol vsus a sleepeasleep ereere wewe bebe wareware.
wln 0807AndAnd singingsinging withwith theth●the prickleprickle atat herher breastbreast,
wln 0808TellTell ourour delightdelight andand mirthfullmirthful dalliancedailiancedalliance.
wln 0809TillTill thenthen eacheach hourehour willwill seemeseem aa yeereyear andand moremore.
wln 0810Hor.HoratioHor.ButBut honiehoney sweetsweet, andand honorablehonorablehonourable louelove.
wln 0811ReturneReturn wewe nownow intointo youryour fathersfather’s sightsight,
wln 0812DangerousDangerous suspitionsuspicion waitswaits onon ourour delightdelight.
wln 0813Lor.LorenzoLor.IAyay, dangerdanger mixtmixed withwith iealousjealous despitedespite,
wln 0814ShallShall sendsend thythy soulesoul intointo eternalleternal nightnight.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 0815EnterEnter KingKing ofof SpaineSpain, PortingalePortingale EmbassadourAmbassador,
wln 0816DonDouDouDon CiprianCyprian, &c.etc.
wln 0817KingKing.BrotherBrother ofof CastileCastileCastille, toto thethe PrincesPrince’sPRINCE’s louelove:
wln 0818WhatWhat saiessays youryour daughterdaughter Bel-imperiaBel-imperia?
wln 0819Cip.CyprianCip.AlthoughAlthough sheshe coycoy itit asas becomesbecomes herher kindekind,
wln 0820AndAnd yetyet dissembledissemble thatthat sheshe louesloves thethe PrincePrince:
wln 0821II doubtdoubt notnot II, butbut sheshe willwill stoopestoop inin timetime.
wln 0822AndAnd werewere sheshe frowardfroward, whichwhich sheshe willwill notnot bebe,
wln 0823YetYet heereinherein shallshall sheshe followfollow mymy aduiceadvice,
wln 0824WhichWhich isis toto louelove himhim oror forgoeforgo mymy louelove.
wln 0825KingKing,,.ThenThen LordLord EmbassadourAmbassador ofof PortingalePortingale,
wln 0826AduiseAdvise thythy KingKing toto makemake thisthis marriagemarriage vpup,
wln 0827ForFor strengtheningstrengthening ofof ourour latelate confirmedconfirmed leagueleague,
wln 0828II knowknow nono betterbetter meanesmeans toto makemake vsus freendsfriends.
wln 0829HerHer dowrydowry shallshall bebe largelarge andand liberallliberal,
wln 0830BesidesBesides thatthat, sheshe isis daughterdaughter andand halfehalf heireheir,
wln 0831VntoUnto ourour brotherbrother heerehere DonDonDONE CiprianCip●i●CyprianCiprian,
wln 0832AndAnd shallshall enioye●ioyenjoy thethe moitiemoiety ofof hishis landland.
wln 0833IleI’ll gracegrace herher marriagemarriage withwith anan vncklesvnck●esuncle’s giftgift,
sig: D1v
wln 0834AndAnd thisthis itit isis, inin casecase thethe matchmatch goego forwardforward,
wln 0835TheThe tributetribute whichwhich youyou paypay shalbeshall be releastreleased,
wln 0836AndAnd ifif byby BalthazarBalthazar sheshe hauehave aa SonneSon,
wln 0837HeHe shallshall enioyenjoy thethe kingdomekingdom afterafter vsus.
wln 0838Embas.AmbassadorEmbas.IleI’ll makemake thethe motionmotion toto mymy soueraignesovereign LiegeLiege,
wln 0839AndAnd workework itit ifif mymy counsailecounsel maymay preuaileprevail.
wln 0840KingKing.DoeDo soso mymy LordLord, andand ifif hehe giuegive consentconsent,
wln 0841II hopehope hishis presencepresence heerehere willwill honourhonorhonour vsus,
wln 0842InIn celebrationcelebration ofof thethe nuptiallnuptial dayday,
wln 0843AndAnd letlet himselfehimself determinedetermine ofof thethe timetime.
wln 0844Em.AmbassadorEm.WiltWill ’twill’t pleaseplease youryour gracegrace commandco●mmandcommand meme oughtaught besidbeside?
wln 0845KingKing.CommendCommend meme toto thethe KingKing, andand soso farewellfarewell.
wln 0846ButBut whereswhere’s PrincePrince BalthazarBalthazar toto taketake hishis leaueleave?
wln 0847Em.AmbassadorEm.ThatThat isis perfourmdperformed alreadiealready mymy goodgood LordLord.
wln 0848KingKing.AmongstAmongst thethe restrest ofof whatwhat youyou hauehave inin chargecharge,
wln 0849TheThe PrincesPrince’sPRINCE’s raunsomeransom mustmust notnot bebe forgotforgot:
wln 0850ThatsThat’sthat’s nonenone ofof minemine, butbut hishis thatthat tooketook himhim prisonerprisoner,
wln 0851AndAnd wellwell hishis forwardnesforwardness deseruesdeserves rewardreward.
wln 0852ItI●It waswas HoratioHoratio ourour KnightKnight MarshalsMarshal’s sonneson.
wln 0853Em.AmbassadorEm.BetweeneBetween vsus theresthere’s aa priceprice alreadyalready pitchtpitched,
wln 0854AndAnd shallshall bebe sentsent withwith allall conuenientconvenient speedspeed.
wln 0855KingKing.ThenThen onceonce againeagain farewellfarewell mymy LordLord.
wln 0856Em.AmbassadorEm.FarwellFarewell mymy LordLord ofof CastileCastileCastille andand thethe restrest.ExitExit
wln 0857KingKing.NowNow brotherbrother, youyou mustmust taketake somesome littlelittle painespains,
wln 0858ToTo winnewin fairefair Bel-imperiaBel-imperia fromfrom herher willwill:
wln 0859YoungYoung VirginsVirgins mustmust bebe ruledruled byby theirtheir freendsfriends,
wln 0860TheThe PrincePrince isis amiableamiable andand louesloves herher wellwell,
wln 0861IfIf sheshe neglectneglect himhim andand forgoeforgo hishis louelove,
wln 0862SheShe bothboth willwill wrongwrong herher owneown estateestate andand oursours:
wln 0863ThereforeTherefore whileswhiles II doedo entertaineentertain thethe PrincePrince,
wln 0864WithWith greatestgreatest pleasurepleasure thatthat ourour CourtCourt affoordsaffords,
wln 0865EndeuourEndeavorEndeavour youyou toto winnewin youryour daughtersdaughter’s thoughtsthoughts,
wln 0866IfIf sheshe giuegive backback, allall thisthis willwill comecome toto naughtnaught.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 0867EnterEnter HoratioHoratio, Bel-imperiaBel-imperia, andand PedringanoPedringano.
wln 0868Hor.HoratioHor.NowNow thatthat thethe nightnight beginsbegins withwith sablesable wingswings,
wln 0869ToTo ouer-cloudovercloud thethe brightnesbrightness ofof thethe SunneSun,
sig: D2r
wln 0870AndAnd thatthat inin darkenesdarkness pleasurespleasures maymay bebe donedone:
wln 0871ComeCome Bel-imperiaBel-imperia letlet vsus toto thethe bowerbower,
wln 0872AndAnd therethere inin safetiesafety passepass aa pleasantpleasant howerhour.
wln 0873Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.II followfollow theethee mymy louelove, andand willwill notnot backeback,
wln 0874AlthoughAlthough mymy faintingfainting hartheart controlescontrols mymy soulesoul.
wln 0875Hor.HoratioHor.WhyWhy, makemake youyou doubtdoubt ofof PedringanosPedringano’s faithfaith?
wln 0876Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.NoNo hehe isis asas trustietrusty asas mymy secondsecond selfeself.
wln 0877GoeGo PedringanoPedringano watchwatch withoutwithout thethe gategate,
wln 0878AndAnd letlet vsus knowknow ifif anyany makemake approchapproach.
wln 0879Ped.PedringanoPed.In steedIninsteadInsteedsteed ofof watchingwatching ilei’llI’ll deseruedeserve moremore goldegold.
wln 0880ByBy fetchingfetching DonDon LorenzoLorenzo toto thisthis matchmatch.ExitExit Ped.PedringanoPed.
wln 0881Hor.HoratioHor.WhatWhat meanesmeans mymy louelove?
wln 0882Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.II knowknow notnot whatwhat my selfemyself:
wln 0883AndAnd yetyet mymy hartheart foretelsforetells meme somesome mischauncemischance.
wln 0884Hor.HoratioHor.SweetSweet saysay notnot soso, fairefair fortunefortune isis ourour freendfriend,
wln 0885AndAnd heauensheavens hauehave shutshut vpup dayday toto pleasurepleasure vsus.
wln 0886TheThe starresstars thouthou seestseest holdehold backback theirtheir twincklingtwinkling shineshine,
wln 0887AndAnd LunaLuna hideshides her selfeherself toto pleasurepleasure vsus.
wln 0888Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.ThouThou hasthast preuaildeprevailed, ilei’llI’ll conquerconquer mymy misdoubtmisdoubt,
wln 0889AndAnd inin thythy louelove andand councellcouncil drownedrown mymy fearefear:
wln 0890II fearefear nono moremore, louelove nownow isis allall mymy thoughtsthoughts,
wln 0891WhyWhy sitsit wewe natnotnat, forfor pleasurepleasure askethasketh easeease?
wln 0892Hor.HoratioHor.TheThe moremore thouthou sitstsit’st withinwithin thesethese leauyleafy bowersbowers,
wln 0893TheThe moremore willwill FloraFlora deckedeck itit withwith herher flowersflowers.
wln 0894Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.IAyay butbut ifif FloraFlora spyespy HoratioHoratio heerehere,
wln 0895HerHer iealousjealous eyeeye willwill thinkthink II sitsit tootoo neerenear.
wln 0896Hor.HoratioHor.HarkeHark MadameMadammadam howhow thethe birdsbirds recordrecord byby nightnight,
wln 0897ForFor ioyjoy thatthat Bel-imperiaBel-imperia sitssits inin sightsight.
wln 0898Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.NoNo CupidCupid counterfeitscounterfeits thethe NightingaleNightingale,
wln 0899ToTo frameframe sweetsweet musickmusic toto HoratiosHoratio’s taletale.
wln 0900Hor.HoratioHor.IfIf CupidCupid singsing, thenthenthan VenusVenus isis nornotnor farrefar,
wln 0901IAyI thouthou artart VenusVenus oror somesome fairerfairer starrestar.
wln 0902Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.IfIf II bebe VenusVenusVenus’ thouthou mustmust needsneeds bebe MarsMars,
wln 0903AndAnd wherewhere MarsMars raignethreigneth therethere mustmust needsneeds bebe warrewar.
wln 0904Hor.HoratioHor.ThenThen thusthus beginbegin ourour warswars putput forthforth thythy handhand,
wln 0905ThatThat itit maymay combatcombat withwith mymy ruderruder handhand.
wln 0906Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.SetSet forthforth thythy footfoot toto trytry thethe pushpush ofof minemine.
sig: D2v
wln 0907Hor.HoratioHor.ButBut firstfirst mymy lookeslooks shallshall combatcombat againstagainst thinethine.
wln 0908Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.ThenThen wardward thy selfethyself, II dartdart thisthis kissekiss atat theethee.
wln 0909Hor.HoratioHor.ThusThus II retortretort thethe dartdart thouthou threwstthrewthrew’st atstatat meme.
wln 0910Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.NayNay thenthen toto gainegain thethe gloryglory ofof thethe fieldfield,
wln 0911MyMy twiningtwining armesarms shallshall yoakeyoke andand makemake theethee yeeldyield.
wln 0912Hor.HoratioHor.NayNay thenthen mymy armesarms areare largelarge andand strongstrong with:withwithalwith:
wln 0913ThusThus ElmesElms byby vinesvines areare compastcompassed tilltill theythey fallfall.
wln 0914Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.OO letlet meme goego, forfor inin mymy troubledtroubled eyeseyes,
wln 0915NowNow maistmayst thouthou readread thatthat lifelife inin passionpassion diesdies.
wln 0916Hor.HoratioHor.OO staystay aa whilewhile andand II willwill dyedie withwith theethee,
wln 0917SoSo shaltshalt thouthou yeeldyield, andand yetyet hauehave conquerdconquered meme.
wln 0918Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.WhoseWho’swho’s therethere PedringanoPedringano? wewe areare betraidebetrayed.
wln 0919EnterEnter LorenzoLorenzo, BalthazarBalthazar, CerberinSerberineCerberin, PedringanoPedringano,
wln 0920disguiseddisguised.
wln 0921Lor.LorenzoLor.MyMy LordLord awayaway withwith herher, taketake herher asideaside,
wln 0922OOOh sirsir forbeareforbear, youryour valourvalorvalour isis alreadyalready tridetried.
wln 0923QuicklyQuickly dispatchdispatch mymy maistersmasters,
wln 0924ThyTheyThy hanghang himhim inin thethe ArborArborArbour.
wln 0925Hor.HoratioHor.WhatWhat willwill youyou murdermurder meme?
wln 0926Lor.LorenzoLor.IAyI thusthus, andand thusthus, thesethese areare thethe fruitsfruits ofof louelove.
wln 0927TheyThey stabstab himhim.
wln 0928Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.OO sauesave hishis lifelife andand letlet meme dyedie forfor himhim,
wln 0929OOOh sauesave himhim brotherbrother, sauesave himhim BalthazarBalthazar:
wln 0930II louedloved HoratioHoratio butbut hehe louedloved notnot meme.
wln 0931Bal.BalthazarBal.ButBut BalthazarBalthazar louesloves Bel-imperiaBel-imperia.
wln 0932Lor.LorenzoLor.AlthoughAlthough hishis lifelife werewere stillstill ambituousambitiousambituousambitious proudproud,
wln 0933YetYet isis heheatheathe atat thethe highesthighest nownow hehe isis deaddead.
wln 0934Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.MurderMurder, murdermurder, helpehelp HieronimoHieronimo helpehelp.
wln 0935Lor.LorenzoLor.ComeCome stopstop herher mouthmouth awayaway withwith herher.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 0936EnterEnter HieronimoHieronimo inin hishis shirtshirt, &c.etc.
wln 0937Hiero.HieronimoHiero.WhatWhat outout criescries pluckpluck meme fromfrom mymy nakednaked bedbed,
wln 0938AndAnd chillchill mymy throbbingthrobbing hartheart withwith tremblingtrembling fearefear,
wln 0939WhichWhich neuernever dangerdanger yetyet couldcould dauntdaunt beforebefore.
wln 0940WhoWho calscalls HieronimoHieronimo? speakspeak, heerehere II amam:
wln 0941II diddid notnot slumberslumber, thereforetherefore twaswas’twaswas nono dreamedream,
sig: D3r
wln 0942NoNo, nono, itit waswas somesome womanwoman cridecried forfor helpehelp,
wln 0943AndAnd heerehere withinwithin thisthis gardengarden diddid sheshe crie〈◊〉cry..
wln 0944AndAnd inin thisthis gardengarden mustmust II rescuerescue herher:
wln 0945ButBut staystay, whatwhat murdrousmurderous spectaclespectacle isis thisthis?
wln 0946AA manman hangdhanged vpup andand allall thethe murderersmurderers gonegone,
wln 0947AndAnd inin mymy bowerbower toto laylay thethe guiltguilt onon meme:
wln 0948ThisThis placeplace waswas mademade forfor pleasurepleasure notnot forfor deathdeath.
wln 0949HeHe cutscuts himhim downedown.
wln 0950ThoseThose garmentsgarments thatthat hehe weareswears II ofto●toft hauehave seeneseen,
wln 0951AlasAlas itit isis HoratioHoratio mymy sweetsweet sonneson.
wln 0952OO nono, butbut hehe thatthat whilomewhilom waswas mymy sonneson,
wln 0953OOOh waswas itit thouthou thatthat call’dstcalled’st meme fromfrom mymy bedbed,
wln 0954OOOh speakspeak ifif anyany sparkespark ofof lifelife remaineremain.
wln 0955II amam thythy fatherfather, whowho hathhath slaineslain mymy sonneson?
wln 0956WhatWhat sauadgesavage monstermonster, notnot ofof humanehuman kindekind,
wln 0957HathHath heerehere beenebeen gluttedglutted withwith thythy harmelesharmless bloodblood?
wln 0958AndAnd leftleft thythy bloudiebloody corpescorpsecorpses dishonoureddishonoreddishonoured heerehere,
wln 0959ForFor meme amidstamidstamid thisthis darkedark andand deathfulldeathful shadesshades,
wln 0960ToTo drownedrown theethee withwith anan oceanocean ofof mymy tearestears.
wln 0961OO heauensheavens, whywhy mademade youyou nightnight toto couercover sinnesinuesinsinew?
wln 0962ByBy dayday thisthis deeddeed ofof darkenesdarkness hadhad notnot beenebeen.
wln 0963OO earthearth whywhy didstdidst thouthou notnot inin timetime deuouredevour,
wln 0964TheThe vildevild prophanerprofaner ofof thisthis sacredsacred bowerbower.
wln 0965OO poorepoor HoratioHoratio, whatwhat hadsthadst thouthou misdoonemisdone?
wln 0966ToTo leeseleeselose thythy lifelife ereere lifelife waswas newnew begunbegun.
wln 0967OO wickedwicked butcherbutcher what so erewhatsoe’er thouthou wertwert,
wln 0968HowHow couldcould thouthou stranglestrangle vertuevirtue andand desertdesert?
wln 0969AyAy meme mostmost wretchedwretched thatthat hauehave lostlost mymy ioyjoy,
wln 0970InIn leesingleesinglosing mymy HoratioHoratio mymy sweetsweet boyboy.
wln 0971EnterEnter IsabellIsabellaIsabell.
wln 0972Isa.IsabellaIsa.MyMy husbandshusband’s absenceabsence makesmakes mymy hartheart toto throbthrob,
wln 0973HieronimoHieronimo.
wln 0974Hiero.HieronimoHiero.HeereHere IsabellaIsabella, helpehelp meme toto lamentlament,
wln 0975ForFor sighessighs areare stoptstopped, andand allall mymy tearestears areare spentspent.
wln 0976Isa.IsabellaIsa.WhatWhat worldworld ofof griefegrief, mymy sonneson HoratioHoratio?
wln 0977OO whereswhere’s thethe authorauthor ofof thisthis endlesend●esendless woewoe.
sig: D3v
wln 0978Hiero.HieronimoHiero.ToTo knowknow thethe authorauthor werewere somesome easeease ofof greefegrief,
wln 0979ForFor inin reuengerevenge mymy hartheart wouldwould findefind releeferelief.
wln 0980Isa.IsabellaIsa.ThenThen isis hehe gonegone? andand isis mymy sonneson gonegone tootoo?
wln 0981OO gushgush outout tearestears, fountainsfountains andand flouds●loudsfloods ofof tearestears,
wln 0982BlowBlow sighessighs andand raiseraise anan euerlastingeverlasting stormestorm.
wln 0983ForFor outrageoutrage fitsfits ourour cursedcursed wretchedneswre●chedneswretchedness.
wln 0984Hiero.HieronimoHiero.SweetSweet louelylovely RoseRose, illill plucktplucked beforebefore thythy timetime,
wln 0985FaireFair worthyworthy sonneson, notnot conquerdconquered butbut betraidbetrayed:
wln 0986IleI’ll kissekiss theethee nownow, forfor wordswords withwith tearestears areare staindestained.
wln 0987Isa.IsabellaIsa.AndAnd ilei’llI’ll closeclose vpup thethe glassesglasses ofof hishis sightsight,
wln 0988ForFor onceonce thesethese eyeseyes werewere onelyonly mymy delightdelight,
wln 0989Hiero.HieronimoHiero.SeestSeest thouthou thisthis handkercherhandkercher besmerdbes●erdbesmeared withwith bloodblood,
wln 0990ItIt shallshall notnot fromfrom meme tilltill II taketake reuengerevenge:
wln 0991SeestSeest thouthou thossthosethossthose woundswounds thatthat yetyet areare bleedingbleeding freshfresh,
wln 0992IleI’ll notnot intombeentomb themthem tilltill II hauehave reueng’drevenged:
wln 0993ThenThen willwill II ioyjoy amidstamidstamid mymy discontentdiscontent,
wln 0994TillTill thenthen mymy sorrowsorrow neuernever shalbeshall be spentspent.
wln 0995Isa.IsabellaIsa.TheThe heauensheavens areare iustjust, murdermurder cannotcannot bebe hidhid,
wln 0996TimeTime isis thethe authorauthor bothboth ofof truthtruth andand rightright.
wln 0997AndAnd timetime willwill bringbring thisthis trecherietreachery toto lightlight.
wln 0998Hiero.HieronimoHiero.Meane whileMeanwhilemeanwhile goodgood IsabellaIsabella ceasecease thythy plaintsplaints,
wln 0999OrOr atat thethe leastleast dissembledissemble themthem aa whilewhile,
wln 1000SoSo shallshall wewe soonersooner findefind thethe practisepractice outout,
wln 1001AndAnd learnelearn byby whomwhom allall thisthis waswas broughtbrought aboutabout.
wln 1002ComeCome IsabellIsabell nownow letlet vsus taketake himhim vpup,
wln 1003TheyThey taketake himhim vpup.
wln 1004AndAnd bearebear himhim inin fromfrom outout thisthis cursedcursed placeplace,
wln 1005IleI’ll saysay hishis dirgedirge, singingsinging fitsfits notnot thisthis casecase.
wln 1006OO aliquisa●quisaliquis mihimihi quasquas pulcbrumpulchrumpulcbrum varvervar educeteducateducet herbasherbas.
wln 1007HieroHieronimoHiero setssets hishis brestbreast vntounto hishis swordsword.
wln 1008MisceatMisceat &et nostronostro deturdetur, medicinamedicina doloridolori:
wln 1009AutAut sisiquifaciuntsiquifaciuntsi quiqui faciuntfaciunt annumannum oblimiaoblimia succossuccos,
wln 1010PrebeatPrebeat, ipseipse metum●●tummetum magnammagnam quicunquequicunque perper orbemorbem,
wln 1011GraminaGramina SolSol pulcbraspulchraspulcbras effeciteffecit ininluminisinluminisin luminisluminis orasoras.
wln 1012IpseIpse bibambibam quicquidquicqu●dquicquid meditaturmeditatur sagasaga veneriveneri,
wln 1013QuicquidQuicquid &et irrauieirraniirraviirrani ueeuecacavievecacacæcacaeca menianeniamenia nectitnectit.
wln 1014OmniaOmnia perpetiarperpetiar, lethumletbumle●bu●letbumlethum quoquequoque dumdum semelscm●lsemel omnis●mnisomnis,
sig: D4r
wln 1015NosterNoster inin extinctoextincto moriatur〈◊〉moriatur pectorap●ct●rapectorepectora sensussensus:
wln 1016ErgoErgo tuostuos occulosocculos nunquamnunquam (meamea vitavita) videbovidebo.
wln 1017EtEt tuatua perpetuusperpetuus sepeliuitsepelivit luminalumina somnussomnus:
wln 1018EmoriarEmoriar tecumtecum SicSic, sicsic iuuatiuvatiuuat ireIreireIre subsub vmbrasumbras,
wln 1019AttamenAttamen absistamabsistam properatoproperproperproperato cedere〈…〉〈…〉cedere letho〈…〉〈…〉letho,
wln 1020NeNe mortemmortem vindictavindicta tuamtuam tamiamtumiam nullanulla sequatursequatur.
wln 1021HeereHere hehe throwesthrows itit fromfrom himhim andand bearesbears thethe bodybody awayaway.
wln 1022AndreaAndrea.
wln 1023BroughtstBrought’stbrought’st thouthou meme hetherhither toto increaseincrease mymy painepain?
wln 1024II looktlooked thatthat BalthazarBalthazar shouldshould hauehave beenbeen slaineslain:
wln 1025ButBut tis’tis mymy freendfriend HoratioHoratisHoratisHoratio thatthat isis slaineslain,
wln 1026AndAnd theythey abuseabuse fairefair Bel-imperiaBel-imperia.
wln 1027OrOr whomwhom II doteddoted moremore thenthan allall thethe worldworld,
wln 1028BecauseBecause sheshe lou’dloved meme moremore thenthan allall thethe worldworld.
wln 1029ReuengeRevenge.
wln 1030ThouThou talkesttalkest ofof haruestharvest whenwhen thethe cornecorn isis greenegreen,
wln 1031TheThe endend isis crownecrown ofof eueryevery workework wellwell donedone:
wln 1032TheThe SickleSickle comescomes notnot tilltill thethe cornecorn bebe riperipe.
wln 1033BeBe stillstill, andand ereere II leadlead theethee fromfrom thisthis placeplace,
wln 1034IleI’ll shewshow theethee BalthazarBalthazar inin heauyheavy casecase.
wln 1035ActusActus TertiusTertius.
wln 1036EnterEnter ViceroyViceroy ofof PortingalePortingale, NoblesNobles, Alexan-AlexandroAlexan∣droAlexandro
wln 1037dro,
wln 1037VilluppoVilluppo.
wln 1038ViceroyViceroy.
wln 1039INfortunateINfortunate conditioncondition ofof KingsKings,
wln 1040SeatedSeated amidstamid soso manymany helpeleshelpless doubtsdoubts:
wln 1041FirstFirst wewe areare plastplaced vponupon extreamestextremest heightheight,
wln 1042AndAnd oftoft supplantedsupplanted withwith exceedingexceeding heatheat,
wln 1043ButBut euerever subiectsubject toto thethe wheelewheel ofof chancechance?
wln 1044AndAnd atat ourour highesthighest nevernever ioyjoy wewe soso,
wln 1045AsAs wewe bothboth doubtdoubt andand dreaddread ourour ouerthrowoverthrow.
wln 1046SoSo striuethstriveth notnot thethe waueswaves withwith sundrysundry windswinds,
wln 1047AsAs fortunefortune toylethtoileth inin thethe affairesaffairs ofof kingskings,
sig: D4v
wln 1048ThatThat wouldwould bebe feardfeared, yetyet fearefear toto bebe belouedbeloved,
wln 1049SithSith fearefear oror louelove toto KingsKings isis flatteriesflatterie●flatteries
wln 1050ForFor instanceinstance LordingsLordings, looklook vponupon youryour KingKing,
wln 1051ByBy hatehate depriueddeprived ofof hishis dearestdearest sonnes●nneson,
wln 1052TheThe onelyonly hopehope ofof ourour successiuesuccessuccessivesuccesssuccessivesuccessive lineline.
wln 1053Nob.NobleNob.II hadhad notnot thoughtthought thatthat AlexandrosAl●x●ndrosAlexandro’s hartheart,
wln 1054HadHad beenebeen enuenomde〈◊〉envenomed withwith suchsuch extreameextr●●meextreme hatehate:
wln 1055ButBut nownow II seesee thatthat wordswords hauehave seuerallseveral workesworks,
wln 1056AndAnd theresthere’s nono creditcredi●credit in●●●●in thethe countenancecoun●en●●●●countenance.
wln 1057Vil.VilluppoVil.NoNo, forfor mymy LordLord, hadhad youyou beheldebeheld thethe trainetrain,
wln 1058ThatThat fainedfeigned louelove hadhad colouredcoloredcoloured inin hishis lookeslooks,
wln 1059WhenWhen hehe inin campecamp consortedconsorted BelthazarBelthazar:
wln 1060FarreFar moremore inconstantinconstant hadhad youyou thoughtthought thethe SunneSun,
wln 1061ThatThat howerlyhourly coastscoasts thethe centercentercentre ofof thethe earthearth,
wln 1062ThenThan AlexandrosAlexandro’s purposepurpose toto thethe PrincePrince.
wln 1063Vice.ViceroyVice.NoNo moremore VilluppoVilluppo, thouthou hasthast saidsaid enoughenough,
wln 1064AndAnd withwith thythy wordswords thouthou slaiestslayest ourour woundedwounded thoughtsthoughts.
wln 1065NorNor shallshall II longerlonger dallydally withwith thethe worldworld:
wln 1066ProcrastinatingProcrastinating AlexandrosAlexandro’s deathdeath:
wln 1067GoeGo somesome ofof youyou andand fetchfetch thethe traitortraitor forthforth,
wln 1068ThatThat asas hehe isis condemnedcondemned hehe maymay dyedie.
wln 1069EnterEnter AlexandroAlexandro withwith aa Noble manNobleNoblemanNoblemanman
wln 1070andand HalbertsHalberdshalberds.
wln 1071Nob.NobleNob.InIn suchsuch extreamesextremes, willwill noughtnaught butbut patiencepatience serueserve.
wln 1072Alex.AlexandroAlex.ButBut inin extreamesextremes, whatwhat patiencepatience shallshall II vseuse?
wln 1073NorNor discontentsdiscontents itit meme toto leaueleave thethe worldworld,
wln 1074WithWith whomewhom therethere nothingnothing cancan preuaileprevail butbut wrongwrong.
wln 1075Nob.NobleNob.YetYet hopehope thethe bestbest.
wln 1076Alex.AlexandroAlex.Tis’Tis HeauenHeaven isis mymy hopehope.
wln 1077AsAs forfor thethe earthearth itit isis tootoo muchmuch infecti●sectinfect,
wln 1078ToTo yeeldyield meme hopehope ofof anyany ofof herher mouldmoldmould.
wln 1079Vice.ViceroyVice.WhyWhy lingerlinger yeye? bringbring forthforth thatthat daringdaring feendfe●ndfiend,
wln 1080AndAnd letlet himhim diedie forfor hishis accursedaccursed deeddeed.
wln 1081Alex.AlexandroAlex.NotNot thatthat II fearefear thethe extremitieextre●●tieextremity ofof deathdeath,
wln 1082ForFor NoblesN●blesNobles cannotca●notcannot stoopstoop toto seruileservile fearefear.
wln 1083DooDodo I●I (OOOh KingKing) thusthus discontenteddiscontented liuelive.
sig: E1r
wln 1084ButBut thisthis, OOOh thisthis tormentstorments mymy labouringlaboringlabouring soulesoul,
wln 1085ThatThat thusthus II diedie suspectedsuspected ofof aa sinnesin,
wln 1086WhereofWhereof, asas heauensheavens hauehave knowneknown mymy secretsecret thoughtsthoughts,
wln 1087SoSo amam II freefree fromfrom thisthis suggestionsuggestion.
wln 1088Vice.ViceroyVice.NoNo moremore II saysay, toto thethe torturestortures, whenwhen?
wln 1089BindeBind himhim, andand burneburn hishis bodybody inin thosethose flamesflames,
wln 1090TheyThey bindebind himhim toto thethe stakestake.
wln 1091ThatThat shallshall prefigurepresigureprefigure thosethose vnquenchedunquenched fiersfires,
wln 1092OfOf PhlegitonPhlegethon preparedprepared forfor hishis soulesoul.
wln 1093Alex.AlexandroAlex.MyMy guiltlesguiltless deathdeath willwill bebe aueng’davenged onon theethee,
wln 1094OnOn theethee VilluppoVilluppo thatthat hathhath malisdemaliced thusthus,
wln 1095OrOr forfor thythy meedmeed, hasthast falselyfalsely meme accusdeaccnsdeaccused.
wln 1096Vil.VilluppoVil.NayNay AlexandroAlexandro ifif thouthou menacemenace meme,
wln 1097IleI’ll lendlend aa handhand toto sendsend theethee toto thethe lakelake,
wln 1098WhereWhere thosethose thythy wordswords shallshall perishperish withwith thythy workesworks,
wln 1099IniuriousInjurious traitourtraitor, monstrousmonstrous homicidehomicide.
wln 1100EnterEnter EmbassadourAmbassador.
wln 1101StayStay holdhold aa whilewhile, andand heerhere withwith pardonpardon ofof hishis MaiestieMajesty,
wln 1102LayLay handshands vponupon VilluppoVilluppo.
wln 1103Vice.ViceroyVice.EmbassadourAmbassador, whatwhat newsnews hathhath vrg’durged thisthis sodainsudden en-entranceen∣tranceentrance(trance?
wln 1104Em.AmbassadorEm.KnowKnow soueraignesovereign L.LordL. thatthat BalthazarBalthazar dothdoth liuelive.
wln 1105Vice.ViceroyVice.WhatWhat saiestsayest thouthou? liuethliveth BalthazarBalthazar ourour sonneson?
wln 1106Em.AmbassadorEm.YourYour highneshighness’ sonneson, L.LordL. BalthazarBalthazar dothdoth liuelive.
wln 1107AndAnd wellwell intreatedentreated inin thethe CourtCourt ofof SpaineSpain:
wln 1108HumblyHumbly commendscommends himhim toto youryour MaiestieMajesty.
wln 1109TheseThese eieseyes beheldbeheld, andand thesethese mymy followersfollowers,
wln 1110WithWith thesethese thethe lettersletters ofof thethe KingsKing’sKings commendscommends.
wln 1111GiuesGives himhim LettersLetters.
wln 1112AreAre happiehappy witnesseswitnesses ofof hishis highneshighness’ healthhealth.
wln 1113TheThe KingKing lookeslooks onon thethe lettersletters, andand proceedsproceeds.
wln 1114Vice.ViceroyVice.ThyThy sonneson dothdoth liuelive, youryour tributetribute isis receiu’dreceived,
wln 1115ThyThy peacepeace isis mademade, andand wewe areare satisfiedsatisfied:
wln 1116TheThe restrest resolueresolve vponupon asas thingsthings proposdeproposed,
wln 1117ForFor bothboth ourour honorshonorshonours andand thythy benefitebenefit.
wln 1118Em.AmbassadorEm.TheseThese areare hishis highneshighness’ fartherfarther articlesarticles.
wln 1119HeHe giuesgives himhim moremore LettersLetters.
wln 1120Vice.ViceroyVice.AccursedAccursed wretchwretch toto intimateintimate thesethese illsills,
sig: E1v
wln 1121AgainstAgainst thethe lifelife andand reputationreputation
wln 1122OfOf noblenoble AlexandroAlexandro. comecome mymy LordLord vnbindeunbind himhim.
wln 1123LetLet himhim vnbindeunbind theethee thatthat isis boundbound toto deathdeath,
wln 1124ToTo makemake aa quitallquitall forfor thythy discontentdiscontent.
wln 1125TheyThey vnbindeunbind himhim.
wln 1126Alex.AlexandroAlex.DreadDread LordLord, inin kindeneskindness youyou couldcould dodo nono lesseless,
wln 1127VponUpon reportreport ofof suchsuch aa damneddamned factfact:
wln 1128ButBut thusthus wewe seesee ourour innocenceinnocence hathhath sau’dsaved,
wln 1129TheThe hopeleshopeless lifelife whichwhich thouthou VilluppoVilluppo soughtsought,
wln 1130ByBy thythy suggestionssuggestions toto hauehave massacredmassacred.
wln 1131Vice.ViceroyVice.SaySay falsefalse VilluppoVilluppo? whereforewherefore didstdidst thouthou thusthus
wln 1132FalslyFalsely betraybetray LordLord AlexandrosAlexandro’s lifelife?
wln 1133HimHim whomwhom thouthou knowestknowest, thatthat nono vnkindenesunkindness elselse,
wln 1134ButBut eueneven thethe slaughterslaughter ofof ourour deerestdearest sonneson,
wln 1135CouldCould onceonce hauehave mouedmoved vsus toto hauehave misconceauedmisconceived.
wln 1136Alex.AlexandroAlex.SaySay trecheroustreacherous VilluppoVilluppo, telltell thethe KingKing,
wln 1137OrOr whereinwherein hathhath AlexandroAlexandro vsedused theethee illill?
wln 1138Vil.VilluppoVil.RentRent withwith remembranceremembrance ofof soso foulefoul aa deeddeed,
wln 1139MyMy guiltieguilty soulesoul submitssubmits meme toto thythy doomedoom:
wln 1140ForFor notnot forfor AlexandrosAlexandro’s iniuriesinjuries,
wln 1141ButBut, forrewardforward andand hopehope toto bebe preferdpreferred:
wln 1142ThusThus hauehave II shameleslyshamelessly hazardedhazarded hishis lifelife,
wln 1143Vice.ViceroyVice.whichwhich villainevillain shalbeshall be ransomedransomed withwith thythy deethdeath,
wln 1144AndAnd notnot soso meanemean aa tormenttorment asas wewe heerehere
wln 1145DeuisdeDevised forfor himhim, whowho thouthou saidstsaid’stsaidst slewslew ourour sonneson:
wln 1146ButBut withwith thethe bitterestbitterest tormentstorments andand extreamesextremes,
wln 1147ThatThat maymay bebe yetyet inuentedinvented forfor thinethine endend:
wln 1148Alex.AlexandroAlex. seemesseems toto intreatentreat.
wln 1149IntreatEntreat meme notnot, goego taketake thethe traitortraitor hencehence.ExitExit Vil.VilluppoVil.
wln 1150AndAnd AlexandroAlexandro letlet vsus honorhonorhonour theethee,
wln 1151WithWith publiquepublic noticenotice ofof thythy loyaltieloyalty,
wln 1152ToTo endend thosethose thingsthings articulatedarticulated heerehere,
wln 1153ByBy ourour greatgreat L.LLordL, thethe mightiemighty kingking ofof SpaineSpain.
wln 1154WeWe withwith ourour councellcouncil willwill deliberatedeliberate,
wln 1155ComeCome AlexandroAlexandro keepekeep vsus companycompany.ExeuntEx●untExeunt.
wln 1156EnterEnter HieronimoHieronimo.
wln 1157Hiero.HieronimoHiero.OhOhO eieseyes, nono eieseyes butbut fountainsfountains fraughtfraught withwith tearestears,
sig: E2r
wln 1158OhOhO lifelife, nono lifelife, butbut liuelylively fourmeform ofof deathdeath:
wln 1159OhOhO worldworld, nono worldworld butbut massemass ofof publiquepublic wrongswrongs.
wln 1160ConfusdeConfused andand fildefilled, withwith murdermurder andand misdeedsmisdeeds
wln 1161OhOhO sacredsacred heauensheavens, ifif thisthis vnhallowedunhallowed deeddeed,
wln 1162IfIf thisthis inhumaneinhuman andand barberousbarbarous attemptattempt,
wln 1163IfIf thisthis incomparableincompaeableincomparable murdermurder thusthus,
wln 1164OfOf minemine, butbut nownow nono moremore mymy sonneson,
wln 1165ShallShall vnreuealdunrevealed andand vnreuengedunrevenged passepass,
wln 1166HowHow shouldshould wewe tearmeterm youryour dealingsdealings toto bebe iustjust,
wln 1167IfIf youyou vniustlyunjustly dealedeal withwith thosethose, thatthat inin youryour iusticejustice trusttrust.
wln 1168TheThe nightnight sadsad secretarysecretary toto mymy monesmoans,
wln 1169WithWith direfulldireful visionsvisions wakewake mymy vexedvexed soulesoul,
wln 1170AndAnd withwith thethe woundswounds ofof mymy distresfulldistressful sonneson,
wln 1171SoliciteSolicit meme forfor noticenotice ofof hishis deathdeath.
wln 1172TheThe ouglyugly feendsfiends dodo sallysally forthforth ofof hellhell,
wln 1173AndAnd frameframe mymy stepssteps toto vnfrequentedunfrequented pathspaths,
wln 1174AndAnd fearefear mymy hartheart withwith fiercefierce inflamedinflamed thoughtsthoughts.
wln 1175TheThe cloudiecloudy dayday mymy discontentsdiscontents recordsrecords,
wln 1176EarlyEarly beginsbegins toto regesterregister mymy dreamesdreams,
wln 1177AndAnd driuedrive meme forthforth toto seekeseek thethe murtherermurderer,
wln 1178EiesEyes, lifelife, worldworld, heauensheavens, helhell, nightnight andand dayday,
wln 1179SeeSee, searchsearch, shewshow, sendsend, somesome manman,
wln 1180SomeSome meanemean, thatthat maymay:
wln 1181AA LetterLetter fallethfalleth.
wln 1182WhatsWhat’swhat’s heerehere? aa letterletter, tushtush, itit isis notnot soso,
wln 1183AA LetterLetter writtenwritten toto HieronimoHieronimo.RedRed inckeink.
wln 1184Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.ForFor wantwant ofof inckeink receiuereceive thisthis bloudiebloody writwrit,
wln 1185MeMe hathhath mymy hapleshapless brotherbrother hidhid fromfrom theethee,
wln 1186ReuengeRevenge thy selfethyself onon BalthazarBalthazar andand himhim,
wln 1187ForFor thesethese werewere theythey thatthat murdredmurdered thythy SonneSon.
wln 1188HieronimoHieronimo, reuengerevenge HoratiosHoratio’s deathdeath,
wln 1189AndAnd betterbetter farefare thenthan Bel-imperiaBel-imperia dothdoth.
wln 1190HieroHieronimoHieroWhatWhat meanesmeans thisthis vnexpectedunexpected miraclemiracle?
wln 1191MyMy SonneSon slaineslain byby LorenzoLorenzo andand thethe PrincePrince.
wln 1192WhatWhat causecause hadhad theythey HoratioHoratio toto malignemalign?
wln 1193OrOr whatwhat mightmight moouemove theethee Bel-imperiaBel-imperia,
wln 1194ToTo accuseaccuse thythy brotherbrother, hadhad hehe beenebeen thethe meanemean?
sig: E2v
wln 1195HieronimoHieronimo bewarebeware, thouthou artart betraidebetrayed,
wln 1196AndAnd toto intrapentrap thythy lifelife thisthis trainetrain isis laidelaid.
wln 1197AduiseAdvise theethee thereforetherefore, bebe notnot credulouscredulous:
wln 1198ThisThis isis deuiseddevised toto endangerendanger theethee,
wln 1199ThatThat thouthou byby thisthis LorenzoLorenzo shouldstshouldst accuseaccuse,
wln 1200AndAnd hehe forfor thythy dishonourdishonordishonour donedone, shouldshould drawdraw
wln 1201ThyThy lifelife inin questionquestion; andand thythy namename inin hatehate.
wln 1202DeareDear waswas thethe lifelife ofof mymy belouedbeloved SonneSon,
wln 1203AndAnd ofof hishis deathdeath behouesbehoves meme bebe reueng’drevenged:
wln 1204ThenThen hazardhazard notnot thinethine owneown HieronimoHieronimo,
wln 1205ButBut liuelive t’effectt’ effectt’effect thythy resolutionresolution.
wln 1206II thereforetherefore willwill byby circumstancescircumstances trietry,
wln 1207WhatWhat II cancan gathergather toto confirmeconfirm thisthis writwrit,
wln 1208AndAnd harkningharkening neerenear thethe DukeDuke ofof CastilesCastile’sCastiles househouse,
wln 1209CloseClose ifif II cancan withwith BelimperiaBel-imperia,
wln 1210ToTo listenlisten moremore, butbut nothingnothing toto bewraybewray.
wln 1211EnterEnter PedringanoPedringano.
wln 1212Hiero.HieronimoHiero.NowNow PedringanoPedringano.
wln 1213Ped.PedringanoPed.NowNow HieronimoHieronimo.
wln 1214Hiero.HieronimoHiero.WheresWhere’s thythy LadyLady?
wln 1215Ped.PedringanoPed.II knowknow notnot, heershere’s mymy LordLord.
wln 1216EnterEnter LorenzoLorenzo.
wln 1217Lor.LorenzoLor.HowHow nownow, whosewho’s thisthis, HieronimoHieronimo?
wln 1218Hiero.HieronimoHiero.MyMy LordLord.
wln 1219Ped.PedringanoPed.HeHe askethasketh forfor mymy LadyLady Bel-imperiaBel-imperia.
wln 1220Lor.LorenzoLor.WhatWhat toto doodo HieronimoHieronimo? TheThe DukeDuke mymy fatherfather hathhath
wln 1221VponUpon somesome disgracedisgrace aa whilewhile remoou’dremoved herher hencehence,
wln 1222ButBut ifif itit bebe oughtaught II maymay enformeinform herher ofof,
wln 1223TellTell meme HieronimoHieronimo, andand ilei’llI’ll letlet herher knowknow itit.
wln 1224Hiero.HieronimoHiero.NayNay, naynay mymy LordLord, II thankthank youyou, itit shallshall notnot needneed,
wln 1225II hadhad aa sutesuit vntounto herher, butbut tootoo latelate,
wln 1226AndAnd herher disgracedisgrace makesmakes meme vnfortunateunfortunate.
wln 1227Lor.LorenzoLor.WhyWhy soso HieronimoHieronimo? vseuse meme.
wln 1228Hiero.HieronimoHiero.OhOhO nono mymy LordLord, II daredare notnot, itit mustmust notnot bebe.
wln 1229II humblyhumbly thankthank youryour LordshipLordship.
wln 1230Lor.LorenzoLor.WhyWhy thenthen farewellfarewell.
sig: E3r
wln 1231Hiero.HieronimoHiero.MyMy griefegrief nono hartheart, mymy thoughtsthoughts nono tungtongue cancan telltell.
wln 1232ExitExit.
wln 1233Lor.LorenzoLor.ComeCome hitherhither PedringanoPedringano, seestseest thouthou thisthis?
wln 1234Ped.PedringanoPed.MyMy LordLord, II seesee itit, andand suspectsuspect itit tootoo.
wln 1235Lor.LorenzoLor.ThisThis isis thatthat damneddamned villainvillain SerberineSerberine,
wln 1236ThatThat hathhath II fearefear reuealderevealed HoratiosHoratio’s deathdeath.
wln 1237Ped.PedringanoPed.MyMy LordLord, hehe couldcould notnot, twas’twas soso latelylately donedone,
wln 1238AndAnd sincesince hehe hathhath notnot leftlestlestleft mymy companycompany.
wln 1239Lor.LorenzoLor.AdmitAdmit hehe hauehave notnot, hishis conditionsconditions suchsuch,
wln 1240AsAs fearefear ofof flatteringflattering wordswords maymay makemake himhim falsefalse.
wln 1241II knowknow hishis humourhumorhumour, andand therewiththere withthere withtherewith repentrepent,
wln 1242ThatThat ereere II vsdeused himhim inin thisthis enterpriseenterprise.
wln 1243ButBut PedringanoPedringano, toto preuentprevent thethe worstworst,
wln 1244AndAnd causec●usecause II knowknow theethee secretsecret asas mymy soulesoul,
wln 1245HeereHere forfor thythy furtherfurther satisfactionsatisfaction taketake thouthou thisthis.
wln 1246GiuesGives himhim moremore goldegold.
wln 1247AndAnd harkenharken toto meme, thusthus itit isis deuisdedevised:
wln 1248ThisThis nightnight thouthou mustmust, andand pretheeprithee soso resolueresolve,
wln 1249MeetMeet SerberineSerberine atat S.SaintS. LiugisLuigi’sLiugi’s ParkePark,
wln 1250ThouThou knowestknowest tis’tis heerehere hardhard byby behindebehind thethe househouse,
wln 1251ThereThere taketake thythy standstand, andand seesee thouthou strikestrike himhim suresure,
wln 1252ForFor dyedie hehe mustmust, ifif wewe dodo meanemean toto liuelive.
wln 1253Ped.PedringanoPed.ButBut howhow shallshall SerberineSerberine bebe therethere mymy LordLord?
wln 1254Lor.LorenzoLor.LetLet meme alonealone, ilei’llI’ll sendsend toto himhim toto meetmeet
wln 1255TheThe PrincePrince andand meme, wherewhere thouthou mustmust doedo thisthis deeddeed.
wln 1256Ped.PedringanoPed.ItIt shalbeshall be donedone mymy L.LordL. itit shallshall bebe donedone,
wln 1257AndAnd ilei’llI’ll goego armearm my selfemyself toto meetmeet himhim therethere.
wln 1258Lor.LorenzoLor.WhenWhen thingsthings shallshall alteralter, asas II hopehope theythey wilwill,
wln 1259ThenThen shaltshalt thouthou mountmount forfor thisthis, thoutbouthou knowestknowest mymy mindemind.
wln 1260ExitExit Ped.PedringanoPed.
wln 1261CheChe lele IeronJeronjeron.
wln 1262EnterEnter PagePage.
wln 1263PagePage.MyMy LordLord.
wln 1264Lor.LorenzoLor.GoeGo sirrasirrah toto SerberineSerberine, andand bidbid himhim forthwithforthwith,
wln 1265MeetMeet thethe PrincePrince andand meme atat S.SaintS. LiugisLuigi’sLiugi’s ParkePark,
wln 1266BehindeBehind thethe househouse, thisthis eueningevening boyboy.
wln 1267PagePage.II goego mymy LordLord.
sig: E3v
wln 1268ButBut sirrasirrah, letlet thethe hourehour bebe eighteight a clockeo’clock.
wln 1269BidBid himhim notnot failefail.
wln 1270PagePage.II flyefly mymy LordLord.ExitExit.
wln 1271Lor.LorenzoLor.NowNow toto confirmeconfirm thethe complotcomplot thouthou hasthast castcast,
wln 1272OfOf allall thesethese practisespracticespractises, IleI’ll spreadspread thethe watchwatch,
wln 1273VponUpon preciseprecise commandementcommandment fromfrom thethe kingking,
wln 1274StronglyStrongly toto guardguard thethe placeplace wherewhere PedringanoPedringano
wln 1275ThisThis nightnight shallshall murdermurder hapleshapless SerberineSerberine.
wln 1276ThusThus mustmust wewe workework thatthat willwill auoideavoid distrustdistrust,
wln 1277ThusThus mustmust wewe practisepracticepractise toto preuentprevent mishapmishap,
wln 1278AndAnd thusthus oneone illill, anotheranother mustmust expulseexpulse.
wln 1279ThisThis sliesly enquiryenquiry ofof HieronimoHieronimo forfor Bel-imperiaBel-imperia, breedsbreeds suspi-suspitionsuspicion(tion,
wln 1280AndAnd thisthis suspitionsuspicion boadsbodes aa furtherfurther illill.
wln 1281AsAs forfor my selfemyself, II knowknow mymy secretsecret faultfault,
wln 1282AndAnd soso doedo theythey, butbut II hauehave dealtdealt forfor themthem.
wln 1283TheyThey thatthat forfor coinecoin theirtheir soulessouls endangeredendangered
wln 1284ToTo sauesave mymy lifelife, forfor coynecoin shallshall ventureventure theirstheirs:
wln 1285AndAnd betterbetter itsit’s thatthat basebase companionscompanions dyedie,
wln 1286ThenThanThen byby theirtheir lifelife toto hazardhazard ourour goodgood hapshaps.
wln 1287NorNor shallshall theythey liuelive forfor meme, toto fearefear theirtheir faithfaith:
wln 1288IleI’ll trusttrust my selfemyself, my selfemyself shalbeshall be mymy freendfriend,
wln 1289ForFor dyedie theythey shallshall, slauesslaves areare ordeindordained toto nono otherother endend.
wln 1290ExitExit.
wln 1291EnterEnter PedringanoPedringano withwith aa PistollPistol.
wln 1292NowNow PedringanoPedringano bidbid thythy pistollpistol holdehold,
wln 1293AndAnd holdehold onon FortuneFortune, onceonce moremore fauourfavorfavour meme,
wln 1294GiueGive butbut successesuccess toto minemine atat temptingtempting spiritspirit,
wln 1295AndAnd letlet meme shiftshift forfor takingtaking ofof minemine aimeaim:
wln 1296HeereHere isis thethe goldegold, thisthis isis thethe goldegold proposdeproposed,
wln 1297ItIt isis nono dreamedream thatthat II aduentureadventure forfor,
wln 1298ButBut PedringanoPedringano isis possestpossessed thereofthereof.
wln 1299AndAnd hehe thatthat wouldwould notnot strainestrain hishis conscienceconscience,
wln 1300ForFor himhim thatthat thusthus hishis liberallliberal pursepurse hathhath stretchtstretched,
wln 1301VnworthyUnworthy suchsuch aa fauourfavorfavour maymay hehe failefail,
wln 1302AndAnd wishing●●●hingwishing, wantwant whenwhen suchsuch asas II preuaileprevail.
wln 1303AsAs forfor thethe fearefear ofof apprehensionapprehension,
wln 1304II knowknow, ifif needneed shouldshould bebe, mymy noblenoble LordLord
sig: E4r
wln 1305WillWill standstand betweenebetween meme andand ensuingensuing harmesharms.
wln 1306BesidesBesides, thisthis placeplace isis freefree fromfrom allall suspectsuspect:
wln 1307HeereHere thereforetherefore willwill II staystay andand taketake mymy standstand.
wln 1308EnterEnter thethe watchwatch.
wln 130911. Watchman1II wonderwonder muchmuch toto whatwhat intentintent itit isis,
wln 1310ThatThat wewe areare thusthus expreslyexpressly chargdecharged toto watchwatch?
wln 131122. Watchman2Tis’Tis byby commandementcommandment inin thethe KingsKing’sking’s ownown namename.
wln 131233. Watchman3ButBut wewe werewere neuernever wontwont toto watchwatch andand wardward,
wln 1313SoSo neerenear thethe DukeDuke hishis brothersbrother’s househouse beforebefore.
wln 131422. Watchman2ContentContent your selfeyourself, standstand closeclose, theresthere’s somewhatsomewhat intin ’tin’t.
wln 1315EnterEnter SerberineSerberine.
wln 1316Ser.SerberineSer.HeereHere SerberineSerberine attendattend andand staystay thythy pacepace,
wln 1317ForFor heerehere diddid DonDonDONE LorenzosLorenzo’s PagePage appointappoint,
wln 1318ThatThat thouthou byby hishis commandcommand shouldstshouldst meetmeet withwith himhim.
wln 1319HowHow fitfit aa placeplace ifif oneone werewere soso disposdedisposed,
wln 1320Me thinksMethinksmethinks thisthis cornercorner isis toto closeclose withwith oneone.
wln 1321Ped.PedringanoPed.HeereHere comescomes thethe birdbird thatthat II mustmust ceazeseizecease vponupon,
wln 1322NowNow PedringanoPedringano oror neuernever playplay thethe manman.
wln 1323Ser.SerberineSer.II wonderwonder thatthat hishis LordshipLordship staiesstays soso longlong,
wln 1324OrOr whereforewherefore shouldshould hehe sendsend forfor meme soso latelate?
wln 1325Ped.PedringanoPed.ForFor thisthis SerberineSerberine, andand thouthou shaltshalt ha’teha ’thave’t.
wln 1326ShootesShoots thethe DaggeDag.
wln 1327SoSo, therethere hehe lyeslies, mymy promisepromise isis performdeperformed.
wln 1328TheThe WatchWatch.
wln 132911. Watchman1HarkeHark GentlemenGentlemen, thisthis isis aa Pistol shotPistol-shotPistol-shotPistol shot.
wln 133022. Watchman2AndAnd heereshere’s oneone slaineslain, staystay thethe murderermurderer.
wln 1331Ped.PedringanoPed.NowNow byby thethe sorrowessorrows ofof thethe soulessouls inin hellhell,
wln 1332HeHe striuesstrives withwith thethe watchwatch.
wln 1333WhoWho firstfirst laieslays handhand onon meme, ilei’llI’ll bebe hishis PriestPriest,
wln 133433. Watchman3SirraSirrah, confesseconfess, andand thereintherein playplay thethe PriestPriest,
wln 1335WhyWhy hasthast thouthou thusthus vnkindelyunkindly kildkilled thethe manman?
wln 1336Ped.PedringanoPed.WhyWhy, becausebecause hehe walktwalked abroadabroad soso latelate.
wln 133733. Watchman3ComeCome sirsir, youyou hadhad benebeen betterbetter keptkept youryour bedbed,
wln 1338ThenThanThen hauehave committedcommitted thisthis misdeedmisdeed soso latelate.
wln 133922. Watchman2ComeCome toto thethe MarshalsMarshal’sMarshals withwith thethe murderermurderer.
sig: E4v
wln 134011. Watchman1OnOn toto HieronimosHieronimo’sHieronimos, helpehelp meme heerehere,
wln 1341ToTo bringbring thethe murdredmurdered bodybody withwith vsus tootoo.
wln 1342Ped.PedringanoPed.HieronimoHieronimo, carrycarry meme beforebefore whomwhom youyou willwill,
wln 1343What ereWhate’erwhate’er hehe bebe ilei’llI’ll answereanswer himhim andand youyou,
wln 1344AndAnd doedo youryour worstworst, forfor II defiedefy youyou allall.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 1345EnterEnter LorenzoLorenzo andand BalthazarBalthazar.
wln 1346Bal.BalthazarBal.HowHow nownow mymy LordLord, whatwhat makesmakes youyou riserise soso soonesoon?
wln 1347Lor.LorenzoLor.FeareFear ofof preuentingpreventing ourour mishapsmishaps tootoo latelate.
wln 1348Bal.BalthazarBal.WhatWhat mischiefemischief isis itit thatthat wewe notnot mistrustmistrust?
wln 1349Lor.LorenzoLor.OurOur greatestgreatest ilsills, wewe leastleast mistrustmistrust mymy LordLord,
wln 1350AndAnd inin expectedexpected harmesharms dodo hurthurt vsus mostmost.
wln 1351Bal.BalthazarBal.WhyWhy telltell meme DonDon LorenzoLorenzo, telltell meme manman,
wln 1352IfIf oughtaught concernesconcerns ourour honourhonorhonour andand youryour owneown?
wln 1353Lor.LorenzoLor.NorNor youyou nornor meme mymy LordLord, butbut bothboth inin oneone.
wln 1354ForFor II suspectsuspect, andand thethe presumptionspresumption’spresumptions greatgreat,
wln 1355ThatThat byby thosethose basebase confederatesconfederates inin ourour faultfault,
wln 1356TouchingTouching thethe deathdeath ofof DonDon HoratioHoratio:
wln 1357WeWe areare betraidebetrayed toto oldeold HieronimoHieronimo.
wln 1358Bal.BalthazarBal.BetraideBetrayed LorenzoLorenzo, tushtush itit cannotcannot bebe.
wln 1359Lor.LorenzoLor.AA guiltieguilty conscienceconscience vrgedurged withwith thethe thoughtthought,
wln 1360OfOf formerformer euilsevils, easilyeasily cannotcannot erreerr:
wln 1361II amam perswadedpersuaded, andand diswadedissuade meme notnot,
wln 1362ThatThat alsall’s reuealedrevealed toto HieronimoHieronimo.
wln 1363AndAnd thereforetherefore knowknow thatthat II hauehave castcast itit thusthus:
wln 1364ButBut heereshere’s thethe PagePage, howhow nownow, whatwhat newesnews withwith theethee?
wln 1365PagePage.MyMy LordLord, SerberineSerberine isis slaineslain.
wln 1366Bal.BalthazarBal.WhoWho? SerberineSerberine mymy manman.
wln 1367PagePage.YourYour HighnesHighness’highness’ manman mymy LordLord.
wln 1368Lor.LorenzoLor.SpeakSpeak PagePage, whowho murderedmurdered himhim?
wln 1369PagePage.HeHe thatthat isis apprehendedapprehended forfor thethe factfact.
wln 1370Lor.LorenzoLor.WhoWho?
wln 1371PagePage.PedringanoPedringano.
wln 1372Bal.BalthazarBal.IsIs SerberineSerberine slaineslain thatthat lou’dloved hishis LordLord soso wellwell?
wln 1373IniuriousInjurious villainevillamevillain, murderermurderer ofof hishis freendfriend.
wln 1374Lor.LorenzoLor.HathHath PedringanoP●dringanoPedringano murderedmurdered SerberineSerberine?
wln 1375MyMy LordLord, letlet meme entreatentreat youyou toto taketake thethe painespains,
sig: F1r
wln 1376ToTo exasperateexasperate andand hastenhasten hishis reuengerevenge.
wln 1377WithWith youryour complaintscomplaints vntounto mymy L.LordL. thethe KingKing.
wln 1378ThisThis theirtheir dissentiondissension breedsbreeds aa greatergreater doubtdoubt.
wln 1379Bal.BalthazarBal.AssureAssure theethee DonDon LorenzoLor●nzoLorenzo hehe shallshall dyedie,
wln 1380OrOr elselse hishis HighnesHighness hardlyhardly shallshall denydeny.
wln 1381Meane whileMeanwhilemeanwhile, ilei’llI’ll hastehaste thethe MarshallMarshalmartial SessionsSessions,
wln 1382ForFor diedie hehe shallshall forfor thisthis hishis damneddamned deeddeed.
wln 1383ExitExit BaltBalthazarBalt.
wln 1384Lor.LorenzoLor.WhyWhy soso, thisthis fitsfits ourour formerformer polliciepolicy,
wln 1385AndAnd thusthus experienceexperience bidsbids thethe wisewise toto dealedeal.
wln 1386II laylay thethe plotplot, hehe prosecutesprosecutes thethe pointpoint,
wln 1387II setset thethe traptrap, hehe breakesbreaks thethe worthlesworthless twigstwigs,
wln 1388AndAnd seessees notnot thatthat wherewithwherewith thethe birdbird waswas limdelimed.
wln 1389ThusThus hopefullhopeful menmen thatthat meanemean toto holdehold theirtheir owneown,
wln 1390MustMust looklook likelike fowlersfowlers toto theirtheir dearestdearest freendsfriends.
wln 1391HeHe runnesruns toto killkill whomewhom II hauehave holpeholp toto catchcatch,
wln 1392AndAnd nono manman knowesknows itit waswas mymy reachingreaching fatchfatch.
wln 1393Tis’Tis hardhard toto trusttrust vntounto aa multitudemultitude,
wln 1394OrOr anyany oneone inin minemine opinionopinion,
wln 1395WhenWhen menmen themseluesthemselu●sthemselves theirtheir secretssecrets willwill reuealereveal.
wln 1396EnterEnter aa messengermessenger withwith aa letterletter.
wln 1397Lor.LorenzoLor.BoyBoy.
wln 1398PagePage.MyMy LordLord.
wln 1399Lor.LorenzoLor.WhatsWhat’swhat’s hehe?
wln 1400Mes.MessengerMes.II hauehave aa letterletter toto youryour LordshipLordship.
wln 1401Lor.LorenzoLor.FromFrom whencewhence?
wln 1402Mes.MessengerMes.FromFrom PedringanoPedring anoPedringano that’sthat’s imprisonedimprisoned.
wln 1403Lor.LorenzoLor.SoSo, hehe isis inin prisonprison thenthen?
wln 1404Mes.MessengerMes.IAyI mymy goodgood LordLord.
wln 1405Lor.LorenzoLor.WhatWhat wouldwould hehe withwith vsus?
wln 1406HeHe writeswrites vsus heerehere toto standstand goodgood L.LordL. andand helphelp himhim inin distresdistress.
wln 1407TellTell himhim II hauehave hishis lettersletters, knowknow hishis mindemind,
wln 1408AndAnd whatwhat wewe maymay letlet himhim assureassure himhim ofof.
wln 1409FellowFellow, bebe gonegone: mymy boyboy shallshall followfollow theethee.
wln 1410ExitExit Mes.MessengerMes.
wln 1411ThisThis worksworks likelike waxewax, yetyet onceonce moremore trytry thythy witswits,
sig: F1v
wln 1412BoyBoy, goego conuayconvey thisthis pursepurse toto PedringanoPedring ●n●Pedringano,
wln 1413ThouThou knowestknowest thethe prisonprison, closelyclosely giuegive itit himhim:
wln 1414AndAnd bebe aduisdeadvised thatthat nonenone bebe therethere aboutabout.
wln 1415BidBid himhim bebe merrymerry stillstill, butbut secretsecret:
wln 1416AndAnd thoughthough thethe MarshallMarshalmartial sessionssessions bebe to daytoday,
wln 1417BidBid himhim notnot doubtdoubt ofof hishis deliueriedelivery.
wln 1418TellTell himhim hishis pardonpardon isis alreadyalready signdesigned,
wln 1419AndAnd thereonthereon bidbid himhim boldelyboldly bebe resoluedresolved:
wln 1420ForFor werewere hehe readyready toto bebe turnedturned offoff,
wln 1421AsAs tis’tis mymy willwill thethe vttermostuttermost bebe tridetried:
wln 1422ThouThou withwith hishis pardonpardon shaltshalt attendattend himhim stillstill,
wln 1423ShewShow himhim thisthis boxebox, telltell himhim hishis pardonspardon’spardons intin ’tin’t,
wln 1424ButBut opentopen ’topen’t notnot, andand ifif thouthou louestlovest thythy lifelife:
wln 1425ButBut letlet himhim wiselywisely keepekeep hishis hopeshopes vnknowneunknown,
wln 1426HeHe shallshall notnot wantwant whilewhile DonDon LorenzoLorenzo liueslives: awayaway.
wln 1427PagePage.II goego mymy LordLord, II runnerun.
wln 1428Lor.LorenzoLor.ButBut sirrasirrah, seesee thatthat thisthis bebe cleanelycleanly donedone.
wln 1429ExitExit PagePage.
wln 1430NowNow standsstands ourour fortunefortune onon aa tickletickle pointpoint,
wln 1431AndAnd nownow oror neuernever endsends LorenzosLorenzo’s doubtsdoubts.
wln 1432OneOne onelyonly thingthing isis vneffecteduneffected yetyet,
wln 1433AndAnd thatsthat’s toto seesee thethe ExecutionerExecutioner,
wln 1434ButBut toto whatwhat endend? II listlist notnot trusttrust thethe AireAir
wln 1435WithWith vtteranceutterance ofof ourour pretencepretence thereintherein.
wln 1436ForFor fearefear thethe priuieprivy whispringwhisp’ringwhispering ofof thethe windewind,
wln 1437ConuayConvey ourour wordswords amongstamongst vnfreendlyunfriendly earesears,
wln 1438ThatThat lyelie tootoo openopen toto aduantagesadvantages.
wln 1439EtEt quelquel queque vogliovoglio ItIt nessunnessun lele sasa,
wln 1440IntendoIntendo ioio quelquel mimi bassarabassara.ExitExit.
wln 1441EnterEnter BoyBoy withwith thethe BoxeBox.
wln 1442MyMy MaisterMaster hathhath forbiddenforbidden meme toto lookelook inin thisthis boxbox, andand
wln 1443byby mymy trothtroth tis’tis likelylikely, ifif hehe hadhad notnot warnedwarned meme, II shouldshould notnot
wln 1444hauehave hadhad soso muchmuch idleidle timetime: forfor weewe mens-kindemen’s-kind inin ourour mi-minoritieminority
wln 1445noritie,
wln 1445areare likelike womenwomen inin theirtheir vncertaintieuncertainty, thatthat theythey areare
wln 1446mostmost forbiddenforbidden, theythey wilwill soonestsoonest attemptattempt: soso II nownow. ByBy mymy
wln 1447barebare honestyhonesty heereshere’s nothingnothing butbut thethe barebare emptieempty boxbox: werewere
sig: F2r
wln 1448itit notnot sinsin againstagainst secreciesecrecy, II wouldwould saysay itit werewere aa peecepiece ofof gen-gentlemanlikegen∣tlemanlikegentlemanlike
wln 1449tlemanlike
wln 1449knaueryknavery. II mustmust goego toto PedringanoPedring●noPedringano, andand telltell himhim
wln 1450hishis pardonpardon isis inin thisthis boxebox, naynay, II wouldwould hauehave swornesworn itit, hadhad II
wln 1451notnot seeneseen thethe contrarycontrary. II cannotcannot choosechoose butbut smilesmile toto thinkethink,
wln 1452howhow thethe villainvillain wilwill floutflout thethe gallowesgallows, scornescorn thethe audienceaudience,
wln 1453andand descantdescant onon thethe hangmanhangman, andand alall presumingpresuming ofof hishis pardonpardon
wln 1454fromfrom hencehence. WiltWilt notnot bebe anan oddeodd iestjest, forfor meme toto standstand andand
wln 1455gracegrace eueryevery iestjest hehe makesmakes, pointingpointing mymy fingerfinger atat thisthis boxebox: asas
wln 1456whowho wouldwould saysay, mockmock onon, heershere’s thythy warrantwarrant. IstIs ’tIs’t notnot aa scur-scuruiescurvy
wln 1457uie
wln 1457iestjest, thatthat aa manman shouldshould iestjest himselfehimself toto deathdeath. AlasAlas poorepoor
wln 1458PedringanoPedringano, II amam inin aa sortesort soriesorry forfor theethee, butbut ifif II shouldshould bebe
wln 1459hangedhanged withwith theethee, II cannotcannot weepweep.ExitExit.
wln 1460EnterEnter HieronimoHieronimo andand thethe DeputieDeputy.
wln 1461Hiero.HieronimoHiero.ThusThus mustmust wewe toyletoil inin otherother mensmen’s extreamesextremes,
wln 1462ThatThat knowknow notnot howhow toto remedieremedy ourour owneown,
wln 1463AndAnd doedo themthem iusticejustice, whenwhen vniustlyunjustly wewe:
wln 1464ForFor allall ourour wrongswrongs cancan compassecompass nono redresseredress.
wln 1465ButBut shallshall II neuernever liuelive toto seesee thethe dayday,
wln 1466ThatThat II maymay comecome (byby iusticejustice ofof thethe heauensheavens)
wln 1467ToTo knowknow thethe causecause thatthat maymay mymy carescares allayallay?
wln 1468ThisThis toylestoils mymy bodybody, thisthis consumethconsumeth ageage,
wln 1469ThatThat onelyonly II toto allall menmen iustjust mustmust bebe,
wln 1470AndAnd neitherneither GodsGods nornor menmen bebe iustjust toto meme.
wln 1471Dep.DeputyDep.WorthyWorthy HieronimoHieronimo, youryour officeoffice askesasks,
wln 1472AA carecare toto punishpunish suchsuch asas doedo transgressetransgress.
wln 1473Hiero.HieronimoHiero.SoSo istis ’tis’t mymy duetyduty toto regarderegard hishis deathdeath,
wln 1474WhoWho whenwhen hehe liuedlived deserueddeserved mymy dearestdearest bloodblood:
wln 1475ButBut comecome, forfor thatthat wewe camecame forfor letslet’s beginbegin,
wln 1476ForFor heerehere lyeslies thatthat whichwhich bidsbids meme toto bebe gonegone.
wln 1477EnterEnter OfficersOfficers, BoyBoy, andand PedringanoPedringano, withwith aa letterletter
wln 1478inin hishis handhand, boundbound.
wln 1479Depu.DeputyDepu.BringBring forthforth thethe PrisonerPrisoner forfor thethe CourtCourt isis setset.
wln 1480Ped.PedringanoPed.GramercyGramercy boyboy, butbut itit waswas timetime toto comecome,
wln 1481ForFor II hadhad writtenwritten toto mymy LordLord anewanew,
wln 1482AA neerernearer mattermatter thatthat concernethconcerneth himhim,
wln 1483ForFor fearefear hishis LordshipLordship hadhad forgottenforgotten meme:
sig: F2v
wln 1484ButBut sithsith hehe hathhath remembredremembered meme soso wellwell,
wln 1485ComeCome, comecome, comecome onon, whenwhen shallshall wewe toto thisthis geeregear.
wln 1486Hiero.HieronimoHiero.StandStand forthforth thouthou monstermonster, murderermurderer ofof menmen,
wln 1487AndAnd heerehere forfor satisfactionsatisfaction ofof thethe worldworld,
wln 1488ConfesseConfess thythy follyfolly andand repentrepent thythy faultfault,
wln 1489ForFor ther’sthere’s thythy placeplace ofof executionexecution.
wln 1490Ped.PedringanoPed.ThisThis isis shortshort workework, wellwell, toto youryour MarshallshipMarshalshipMartialship
wln 1491FirstFirst II confesseconfess, nornor fearefear II deathdeath therforetherefore,
wln 1492II amam thethe manman, twas’twas II slewslew SerberineSerberine.
wln 1493ButBut sirsir, thenthenthan youyou thinkthink thisthis shalbeshall be thethe placeplace,
wln 1494WhereWhere wewe shallshall satisfiesatisfy youyou forfor thisthis gearegear?
wln 1495Depu.DeputyDepu.IAyI PedringanoPedringano.
wln 1496Ped.PedringanoPed.NowNow II thinkthink notnot soso.
wln 1497HieroHieronimoHiero,PeacePeace impudentimpudent, forfor thouthou shaltshalt findefind itit soso.
wln 1498ForFor bloodblood withwith bloodblood, shallshall whilewhile II sitsit asas iudgejudge,
wln 1499BeBe satisfiedsatisfied, andand thethe lawlaw dischargdedischarged.
wln 1500AndAnd thoughthough my selfemyself cannotcannot receiuereceive thethe likelike,
wln 1501YetYet willwill II seesee thatthat othersothers hauehave theirtheir rightright.
wln 1502DispatchDispatch, thethe faultsfaults approuedapproved andand confestconfessed,
wln 1503HndAndAnd byby ourour lawlaw hehe isis condemndcondemned toto diedie.
wln 1504Hang.HangmanHang.ComeCome onon sitsirsit, areare youyou readyready?
wln 1505Ped.PedringanoPed.ToTo doodo whatwhat, mymy finefine officiousofficious knaueknave?
wln 1506Hang.HangmanHang.ToTo goego toto thisthis geeregear.
wln 1507PedPedringanoPedOO sirsir, youyou areare totooto forwardforward, thouthou wouldstwouldst fainefain furnishfurnish
wln 1508meme withwith aa halterhalter, toto disfurnishdisfurnish meme ofof mymy habithabit.
wln 1509SoSo II shouldshould goego outout ofof thisthis geeregear mymy raimentraiment, intointo thatthat geeregear
wln 1510thethe roperope.
wln 1511ButBut HangmanHangman, nownow II spyspy youryour knaueryknavery, ilei’llI’ll notnot changechange with-withoutwith∣outwithout
wln 1512out
wln 1512bootboot, thatsthat’s flatfl●tflat.
wln 1513Hang.HangmanHang.ComeCome SirSir.
wln 1514Ped.PedringanoPed.SoSo thenthen II mustmust vpup.
wln 1515Hang.HangmanHang.NoNo remedieremedy.
wln 1516Ped.PedringanoPed.YesYes, butbut therethere shalbeshall be forfor mymy commingcoming downedown.
wln 1517Hang.HangmanHang.IndeedIndeed heershere’s aa remedieremedy forfor thatthat.
wln 1518Ped.PedringanoPed.HowHow? bebe turnedturned offoff.
wln 1519Hang.HangmanHang.IAyI truelytruly, comecome areare youyou readyready.
wln 1520II praypray sirsir dispatchdispatch, thethe dayday goesgoes awayaway.
sig: F3r
wln 1521Ped.PedringanoPed.WhatWhat doedo youyou hanghang byby thethe howrehour, ifif youyou doodo, II maymay
wln 1522chancechance toto breakbreak youryour oldeold customecustom.
wln 1523Hang.HangmanHang.FaithFaith youyou hauehave reasonreason, forfor II amam likelike toto breakbreak youryour
wln 1524yongyoung neckneck.
wln 1525Ped.PedringanoPed.DostDost thouthou mockmock meme hangmanhangman, praypray GodGod II bebe notnot
wln 1526preseruedpreserved toto breakbreak youryour knauesknave’s patepate forfor thisthis.
wln 1527Hang.HangmanHang.AlasAlas sirsir, youyou areare aa footfoot tootoo lowlow toto reachreach itit, andand II
wln 1528hopehope youyou willwill neuernever growgrow soso highhigh whilewhile II amam inin thethe
wln 1529officeoffice.
wln 1530Ped.PedringanoPed.SirraSirrah, dostdost seesee yonderyonder boyboy withwith tbethet●ethe boxbox inin hishis handhand?
wln 1531Hang.HangmanHang.WhatWhat, hehe thatthat pointspoints toto itit withwith hishis fingerfinger.
wln 1532Ped.PedringanoPed.IAyI thatthat companioncompanion.
wln 1533Hang.HangmanHang.II knowknow himhim notnot, butbut whatwhat ofof himhim?
wln 1534Ped.PedringanoPed.DoostDost thouthou thinkthink toto liuelive tilltill hishis oldeold doubletdoublet willwill
wln 1535makemake theethee aa newnew trussetruss?
wln 1536Hang.HangmanHang.IAyay, andand manymany aa fairefair yeereyear afterafter, toto trussetruss vpup manymany
wln 1537anan honesterhonester manman thenthan eithereither thouthou oror hehe.
wln 1538Ped.PedringanoPed.WhatWhat hathhath hehe inin hishis boxebox asas thouthou thinkstthink’stthinkst?
wln 1539Hang.HangmanHang.FaithFaith II cannotcannot telltell, nornor II carecare notnot greatlygreatly.
wln 1540Me thinksMethinksmethinks youyou shouldshould ratherrather hearkenhearken toto youryour soulessoul’s healthhealth.
wln 1541Ped.PedringanoPed.WhyWhy sirrasirrah HangmanHangman? II taketake itit, thatthat thatthat isis goodgood forfor
wln 1542thethe bodybody, isis likewiselikewise goodgood forfor thethe soulesoul: andand itit maymay
wln 1543bebe, inin thatthat boxbox isis balmebalm forfor bothboth.
wln 1544Hang.HangmanHang.WelWell, thouthou artart eueneven thethe meriestmerriest peecepiece ofof mansman’s fleshflesh
wln 1545thatthat eree’erere grondegroaned atat mymy officeoffice dooredoor.
wln 1546Ped.PedringanoPed.IsIs youryour roagueryroguery becomebecome anan officeoffice withwith aa knauesknave’s
wln 1547namename?
wln 1548Hang.HangmanHang.IAyay, andand thatthat shallshall allall theythey witneswitness thatthat seesee youyou sealeseal itit
wln 1549withwith aa theeuesthief’s namename.
wln 1550Ped.PedringanoPed.II pretheeprithee requestrequest thisthis goodgood companycompany toto praypray withwith
wln 1551meme.
wln 1552Hang.HangmanHang.IAyI marymarry sirsir, thisthis isis aa goodgood motionmotion: mymy maistersmasters, youyou
wln 1553seesee heershere’s aa goodgood fellowfellow.
wln 1554Ped.PedringanoPed.NayNay, naynay, nownow II rememberremember meme, letlet themthem alonealone tilltill
wln 1555somesome otherother timetime, forfor nownow II hauehave nono greatgreat needneed.
wln 1556Hiero.HieronimoHiero.II hauehave notnot seenseen aa wretchwretch soso impudentimpudent,
wln 1557OOOh monstrousmonstrous timestimes wherewhere murdersmurder’smurders setset soso lightlight,
sig: F3v
wln 1558AndAnd wherewhere thethe soulesoul thatthat shouldshould bebe shrindeshrined inin heauenheaven,
wln 1559SolelieSolely delightsdelights inin interdictedinterdicted thingsthings,
wln 1560StillStill wandringwand’ring inin thethe thorniethorny passagespassages,
wln 1561ThatThat interceptsintercepts it selfeitself ofof hapineshappiness.
wln 1562MurderMurder, OOOh bloudybloody monstermonster, GodGod forbidforbid,
wln 1563AA faultfault soso foulefoul shouldshould scapescape vnpunishedunpunished.
wln 1564DispatchDispatch andand seesee thisthis executionexecution donedone,
wln 1565ThisThis makesmakes meme toto rememberremember theethee mymy sonneson.
wln 1566ExitExit. Hiero.HieronimoHiero.
wln 1567Ped.PedringanoPed.NayNay softsoft, nono hasthaste.
wln 1568Depu.DeputyDepu.WhyWhy, whereforewherefore staystay youyou, hauehave youyou hopehope ofof lifelife?
wln 1569Ped.PedringanoPed.WhyWhy IAyI.
wln 1570Hang.HangmanHang.AsAs howhow?
wln 1571Ped.PedringanoPed.WhyWhy RascallRascal byby mymy pardonpardon fromfrom thethe KingKing.
wln 1572Hang.HangmanHang.standstand youyou onon thatthat, thenthenthan youyou shallshall offoff withwith thisthis.
wln 1573HeHe turnesturns himhim offoff.
wln 1574Depu.DeputyDepu.SoSo ExecutionerExecutioner, conuayconvey himhim hencehence,
wln 1575ButBut letlet hishis bodybody bebe vnburiedunburied.
wln 1576LetLet notnot thethe earthearth bebe chokedchoked oror infectinfect.
wln 1577WithWith thatthat whichwhich heauensheavens contemnescontemns andand menmen neglectneglect.
wln 1578ExeuntExeunt.
wln 1579EnterEnter HieronimoHieronimo.
wln 1580WhereWhere shallshall II runrun toto breathbreathe abroadabroad mymy woeswoes,
wln 1581MyMy woeswoes whosewhose weightweight hathhath weariedwearied thethe earthearth?
wln 1582OrOr minemine exclaimesexclaims thatthat hauehave surchargedsurcharged thethe aireair,
wln 1583WithWith ceaslesceaseless plaintsplaints, forfor mymy deceaseddeceased sonneson?
wln 1584TheThe blustringblust’ringblustering windswinds conspiringconspiring withwith mymy wordswords,
wln 1585AtAt mymy lamentlament hauehave mouedmoved thethe leauelesleafless treestrees.
wln 1586DisroabdeDisrobeddisrobed thethe medowesmeadows ofof theirtheir flowredflowered greenegreen,
wln 1587MadeMade mountainsmountains marshmarsh withwith springspring tidestides ofof mymy tearestears,
wln 1588AndAnd brokenbroken throughthrough thethe brazenbrazen gatesgates ofof hellhell,
wln 1589YetYet stillstill tormentedtormented isis mymy torturedtortured soulesoul,
wln 1590WithWith brokenbroken sighessighs andand restlesrestless passionspassions,
wln 1591ThatThat wingedwinged mountmount, andand houeringhovering inin thethe aireair,
wln 1592BeatBeat atat thethe windoweswindows ofof thethe brightestbrightest heauensheavens,
wln 1593SollicitingSoliciting forfor iusticejustice andand reuengerevenge:
wln 1594ButBut theythey areare plac’tplaced inin thosethose imperiallimperial heightsheights,
sig: F4r
wln 1595WhereWhere countermurdecountermured withwith walleswalls ofof diamonddiamond,
wln 1596II findefind thethe placeplace impregnableimpregnable, andand theythey
wln 1597ResistResist mymy woeswoes, andand giuegive mymy wordswords nono wayway.
wln 1598EnterEnter HangmanHangman withwith aa LetterLetter.
wln 1599Hang.HangmanHang.OO LordLord sirsir, GodGod blessebless youyou sirsir, thethe manman sirsir PetergadePetergade,
wln 1600SirSir, hehe thatthat waswas soso fullfull ofof merriemerry conceitsconceits.
wln 1601Hiero.HieronimoHiero.WelWell, whatwhat ofof himhim?
wln 1602Hang.HangmanHang.OO LordLord sirsir, hehe wentwent thethe wrongwrong wayway, thethe fellowfellow hadhad
wln 1603aa fairefair commissioncommission toto thethe contrarycontrary. SirSir, heerehere isis hishis pas-pasportpassport
wln 1604port,
wln 1604II praypray youyou sirsir, wewe hauehave donedone himhim wrongwrong.
wln 1605Hiero.HieronimoHiero.II warrantwarrant theethee, giuegive itit meme.
wln 1606Hang.HangmanHang.youyou willwill standstand betweenbetween thethe gallowesgallows andand meme.
wln 1607Hiero.HieronimoHiero.IAyay, IAyI.
wln 1608Hang.HangmanHang.II thankthank youryour L.LordL. worshipworship.
wln 1609ExitExit HangmonHangmanHangmon.
wln 1610Hiero.HieronimoHiero.AndAnd yetyet thoughthough somewhatsome whatsome whatsomewhat neerernearer meme concernesconcerns,
wln 1611II willwill toto easeease thethe greefegrief thatthat II sustainesustain,
wln 1612TakeTake trucetruce withwith sorrowsorrow whilewhile II readread onon thisthis.
wln 1613MyMy LordLord, II writewrite asas minemine extreamesextremes requirderequire,
wln 1614ThatThat youyou wouldwould labourlaborlabour mymy deliueriedelivery:
wln 1615IfIf youyou neglectneglect, mymy lifelife isis desperatedesperate,
wln 1616AndAnd inin mymy deathdeath II shallshall reuealereveal thethe trothtroth.
wln 1617YouYou knowknow mymy LordLord, II slewslew himhim forfor youryour sakesake,
wln 1618AndAnd waswas confederateconfeder ateconfederate withwith thethe PrincePrince andand youyou,
wln 1619WonneWon byby rewardsrewards andand hopefullhopeful promisespromises,
wln 1620II holpehopeholphope toto murdermurder DonDon HoratioHoratio tootoo.
wln 1621HolpeHolpholp hehe toto murdermurder minemine HoratioHoratio,
wln 1622AndAnd actorsactors inin th’accursedth’ accursedth’accursed TragedieTragedy.
wln 1623WastWast thouthou LorenzoLorenzo, BalthazarBalthazar andand thouthou,
wln 1624OfOf whomwhom mymy SonneSon, mymy SonneSon deseru’ddeserved soso wellwell,
wln 1625WhatWhat hauehave II heardheard, whatwhat hauehave minemine eieseyes beheldebeheld?
wln 1626OO sacredsacred heauensheavens, maymay itit comecome toto passepass,
wln 1627ThatThat suchsuch aa monstrousmonstrous andand detesteddetested deeddeed,
wln 1628SoSo closelyclosely smootherdsmothered, andand soso longlong concealdconcealed,
wln 1629ShallShall thusthus byby thisthis bebe vengedvenged oror reuealdrevealed.
wln 1630NowNow seesee II whatwhat II durstdurst notnot thenthen suspectsuspect,
sig: F4v
wln 1631ThatThat Bel-imperiasBel-imperia’s LetterLetter waswas notnot faindefeigned,
wln 1632NorNor fainedfeigned sheshe thoughthough falslyfalsely theythey hauehave wrongdwronged,
wln 1633BothBoth herher, my selfemyself, HoratioHorati●Horatio, andand themseluesthemselves.
wln 1634NowNow maymay II makemake comparecompare twixttwixt hershers andand thisthis,
wln 1635OfOf euerieevery accidentaccident, II neerene’er couldcould findefind
wln 1636TillTill nownow, andand nownow II feelinglyfeelingly perceiueperceive,
wln 1637TheyThey diddid whatwhat heauenheaven vnpunishtunpunished wouldwould notnot leaueleave.
wln 1638OO falsefalse LorenzoLorenzo, areare thesethese thythy flatteringflattering lookeslooks?
wln 1639IsIs thisthis thethisthisthe honourhonorhonour thatthat thouthou didstdidst mymy SonneSon?
wln 1640AndAnd BalthazarBalthazar banebane toto thythy soulesoul andand meme,
wln 1641WasWas thisthis thethe ransomeransom hehe reseru’dreserved theethee forfor?
wln 1642WoeWoe toto thethe causecause ofof thesethese constrainedconstrained warreswars,
wln 1643WoeWoe toto thythy basenesbaseness andand captiuitiecaptivity,
wln 1644WoeWoe toto thythy birthbirth, thythy bodybody andand thythy soulesoul,
wln 1645ThyThy cursedcursed fatherfather, andand thythy conquerdconquered selfeself:
wln 1646AndAnd bandband withwith bitterbitter execrationsexecrations bebe
wln 1647TheThe dayday andand placeplace wherewhere hehe diddid pittiepity theethee.
wln 1648ButBut whereforewherefore wastewaste II minemine vnfruitfullunfruitful wordswords?
wln 1649WhenWhen naughtnaught butbut bloodblood willwill satisfiesatisfy mymy woeswoes:
wln 1650II willwill goego plaineplain meme toto mymy LordLord thethe KingKing,
wln 1651AndAnd crycry aloudaloud forfor iusticejustice throughthrough thethe CourtCourt.
wln 1652WearingWearing thethe flintsflints withwith thesethese mymy witheredwithered feetfeet,
wln 1653AndAnd eithereither purchasepurchase iusticejustice byby intreatsentreats,
wln 1654OrOr tiretire themthem allall withwith mymy reuengingrevenging threatsthreats.ExitExit.
wln 1655EnterEnter IsabellIsabellaIsabell andand herher MaidMaid.
wln 1656Isa.IsabellaIsa.SoSo thatthat youyou saysay thisthis hearbherb willwill purgepurge thethe eyeeye
wln 1657AndAnd thisthis thethe headhead, ahah butbut nonenone ofof themthem wilwill purgepurge thethe hartheart:
wln 1658NoNo, thersthere’s nono medicinemedicine leftleft forfor mymy diseasedisease,
wln 1659NorNor anyany phisickphysic toto recurerecure thethe deaddead:
wln 1660SheShe runnesruns lunaticklunatic.
wln 1661HoratioHoratio, OOOh whereswhere’s HoratioHoratio.
wln 1662MaideMaid.GoodGood MadamMadam, affrightaffright notnot thusthus your selfeyourself,
wln 1663WithWith outrageoutrage forfor youryour sonneson HoratioHoratio.
wln 1664HeHe sleepessleeps inin quietquiet inin thethe ElizianElysian fieldsfields.
wln 1665Isa.IsabellaIsa.WhyWhy diddid II notnot giuegive youyou gownesgowns andand goodlygoodly thingsthings,
wln 1666BoughtBought youyou aa whistlewhistle andand aa whipstalkewhipstalk tootoo:
sig: G1r
wln 1667ToTo bebe reuengedrevenged onon theirtheir villaniesvillainies.
wln 1668MaidMaid.MadameMadammadam thesethese humorshumorshumours doedo tormenttorment mymy soulesoul.
wln 1669Isa.IsabellaIsa.MyMy soulesoul, poorepoor soulesoul thouthou talkestalks ofof thingsthings
wln 1670ThouThou knowstknow’stknowest notnot whatwhat, mymy soulesoul hathhath siluersilver wingswings,
wln 1671ThatThat mountsmounts meme vpup vntounto thethe highesthighest heauensheavens,
wln 1672ToTo heauenheaven, IAyI therethere sitssits mymy HoratioHor●tioHoratio,
wln 1673BacktBacked withwith aa trouptrooptroup ofof fieryfiery CherubinsCherubins,
wln 1674DauncingDancing aboutabout hishis newlynewly healedhealed woundswounds
wln 1675SingingSinging sweetsweet hymneshymns andand chauntingchanting heauenlyheavenly notesnotes,
wln 1676RareRare hermonyharmony toto greetgreet hishis innocenceinnocence,
wln 1677ThatThat dydedied, II dydedied aa mirrourmirror inin ourour daiesdays.
wln 1678ButBut saysay, wherewhere shallshall II findefind, thethe menmen, thethe murderersmurderers,
wln 1679ThatThat slewflewflewslew HoratioHoratio, whetherwhitherwhether shallshall II runnerun,
wln 1680ToTo findefind themthem outout, thatthat murderedmurdered mymy SonneSon.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 1681Bel-imperiaBel-imperia atat aa windowwindow.
wln 1682Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.WhatWhat meanesmeans thisthis outrageoutrage thatthat isis offredoffered meme?
wln 1683WhyWhy amam II thusthus sequestredsequestered fromfrom thethe CourtCourt?
wln 1684NoNo noticenotice, shallshall II notnot knowknow thethe causecause,
wln 1685OfOf thisthis mymy secretsecret andand suspitioussuspicious ilsills?
wln 1686AccursedAccursed brotherbrother, vnkindeunkind murderermurderer.
wln 1687WhyWhy bendsbends thouthou thusthus thythy mindemind toto martirmartyr meme?
wln 1688HieronimoHieronimo, whywhy writwrit II ofof thythy wrongswrongs?
wln 1689OrOr whywhy artart thouthou soso slackeslack inin thythy reuengerevenge?
wln 1690AndreaAndrea, OOOh AndreaAndrea thatthat thouthou sawestsawest,
wln 1691MeMe forfor thythy freendfriend HoratioHoratio handledhandled thusthus,
wln 1692AndAnd himhim forfor meme thusthus causelescauseless murderedmurdered.
wln 1693WelWell, forceforce perforceperforce, II mustmust constraineconstrain my selfemyself,
wln 1694ToTo patiencepatience, andand applyapply meme toto thethe timetime,
wln 1695TillTill heauenheaven asas II hauehave hopedhoped shallshall setset meme freefree.
wln 1696EnterEnter ChristophillChristophilChristophill.
wln 1697Chris.ChristophilChris.ComeCome MadameMadame Bel-imperiaBel-imperia, thisthis maymay notnot bebe,
wln 1698ExeuntExeunt.
wln 1699EnterEnter LorenzoLorenzo, BalthazarBalthazar, andand thethe PagePage.
wln 1700Lor.LorenzoLor.BoyBoy, talketalk nono furtherfurther, thusthus farrefar thingsthings goego wellwell,
wln 1701ThouThou artart assurdeassured thatthat thouthou sawestsawest himhim deaddead?
wln 1702PagePage.OrOr elselse mymy LordLord II liuelive notnot.
sig: G1v
wln 1703Lor.LorenzoLor.ThatsThat’sthat’s enoughenough.
wln 1704AsAs forfor hishis resolutionresolution inin hishis endend,
wln 1705LeaueLeave thatthat toto himhim withwith whomwhom hehe soiournssojourns nownow.
wln 1706HeereHere, taketake mymy ringring, andand giuegive itit ChirstophillChristophilChirstophill,
wln 1707AndAnd bidbid himhim letlet mymy SisterSister bebe enlarg’denlarged,
wln 1708AndAnd bringbring herher hitherhither straightstraight.ExitExit PagePage.
wln 1709ThisThis thatthat II diddid waswas forfor aa policiepolicy,
wln 1710ToTo smoothsmooth andand keepekeep thethe murdermurder secretsecret,
wln 1711WhichWhich asas aa ninenine daiesdays’ wonderwonder beingbeing ore-blowneo’erblown,
wln 1712MyMy gentlegentle SisterSister willwill II nownow enlargeenlarge.
wln 1713Bal.BalthazarBal.AndAnd timetime LorenzoLorenzo, forfor mymy LordLord thethe DukeDuke,
wln 1714YouYou heardheard enquiredinquired forfor herher yester-nightyesternight.
wln 1715Lor.LorenzoLor.WhyWhy? andand mymy LordLord, II hopehope youyou heardheard meme saysay,
wln 1716SufficientSufficient reasonreason, whywhy sheshe keptkept awayaway.
wln 1717ButBut thatsthat’s allall oneone, mymy LordLord, youyou louelove herher?
wln 1718Bal.BalthazarBal.IAyI.
wln 1719Lor.LorenzoLor.ThenThen inin youryour louelove bewarebeware, dealedeal cunninglycunningly,
wln 1720SalueSalve allall suspitionssuspicions, onelyonly soothsoothe meme vpup,
wln 1721AndAnd ifif sheshe haphap toto standstand onon tearmesterms withwith vsus,
wln 1722AsAs forfor herher sweet hartsweetheartsweet heart, andand concealementconcealment soso,
wln 1723IestlestJestlest withwith herher gentlygently, vnderunder fainedfeigned iestjest
wln 1724AreAre thingsthings concealdeconcealed, thatthat elselse wouldwould breedbreed vnrestunrest.
wln 1725ButBut heerehere sheshe comescomes.
wln 1726EnterEnter Bel-imperiaBel-imperia.
wln 1727Lor.LorenzoLor.NowNow SisterSister.
wln 1728Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.SisterSister, nono thouthou artart nono brotherbrother, butbut anan enemyenemy.
wln 1729ElsElse wouldstwouldst thouthou notnot hauehave vsdeused thythy SisterSister soso,
wln 1730FirstFirst, toto affrightaffright meme withwith thythy weaponsweapons drawnedrawn,
wln 1731AndAnd withwith extreamesextremes abuseabuse mymy companycompany:
wln 1732AndAnd thenthen toto hurryhurry meme likelike whirlewindswhirlwind’swhirlwinds ragerage,
wln 1733AmidstA midstA midstAmidst aa crewcrew ofof thythy confederatesconfederates:
wln 1734AndAnd clapclap meme vpup wherewhere nonenone mightmight comecome atat meme,
wln 1735NorNor II atat anyany toto reuealereveal mymy wrongswrongs.
wln 1736WhatWhat maddingmadding furyfury diddid possessepossess thythy witswits?
wln 1737OrOr whereinwherein istis ’tis’t thatthat II offendedoffended theethee?
wln 1738Lor.LorenzoLor.AduiseAdviseadvise youyou betterbetter Bel-imperiaBel-imperia,
sig: G2r
wln 1739ForFor II hauehave donedone youyou nono disparagementdisparagement:
wln 1740VnlesseUnless byby moremore discretiondiscretion thenthan deseru’ddeser●’ddeserved,
wln 1741II soughtsought toto sauesave youryour honourhonorhonour andand minemine owneown.
wln 1742Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.MineMine honourhonorhonour, whywhy LorenzoLorenzo, whereinwher inwhere in istis ’tis’t,
wln 1743ThatThat II neglectneglect mymy reputationreputation soso,
wln 1744AsAs youyou, oror anyany needneed toto rescuerescue itit.
wln 1745Lor.LorenzoLor.HisHis highneshighness andand mymy FatherFather werewere resolu’dresolved,
wln 1746ToTo comecome conferreconfer withwith oldeold HieronimoHieronimo,
wln 1747ConcerningConcerning certainecertain mattersmatters ofof estateestate,
wln 1748ThatThat byby thethe ViceroyViceroy waswas determineddetermined.
wln 1749Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.AndAnd whereinwherein waswas minemine honourhonorhonour touchttouched inin thatthat?
wln 1750Bal.BalthazarBal.HaueHave patiencepatience Bel-imperiaBel-imperia, hearehear thethe restrest.
wln 1751Lor.LorenzoLor.MeMe nextnext inin sightsight asas messengermessenger theythey sentsent,
wln 1752ToTo giuegive himhim noticenotice thatthat theythey werewere soso nighnigh:
wln 1753NowNow whenwhen II camecame consortedconsorted withwith thethe PrincePrince,
wln 1754AndAnd vnexpectedunexpected inin anan ArbourArborArbour therethere,
wln 1755FoundFound Bel-imperiaBel-imperia withwith HoratioHoratio.
wln 1756Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.HowHow thanthenthan?
wln 1757Lor.LorenzoLor.WhyWhy thenthen remembringremembering thatthat oldeold disgracedisgrace,
wln 1758WhichWhich youyou forfor DonDon AndreaAndrea hadhad indurdeendured,
wln 1759AndAnd nownow werewere likelylikely longerlonger toto sustainesustain,
wln 1760ByBy beingbeing foundfound soso meanelymeanly accompaniedaccompanied:
wln 1761ThoughtThought ratherrather, forfor II knewknew nono readierreadier meanemean,
wln 1762ToTo thrustthrust HoratioHoratio forthforth mymy fathersfather’s wayway.
wln 1763Bal.BalthazarBal.AndAnd carrycarry youyou obscurelyobscurely some wheresomewhere elselse,
wln 1764LeastLestlest thatthat hishis highneshighness shouldshould hauehave foundfound youyou therethere.
wln 1765Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.EuenEveneven soso mymy LordLord, andand youyou areare witnessewitness,
wln 1766ThatThat thisthis isis truetrue whichwhich hehe entreatethentreateth ofof.
wln 1767YouYou (gentlegentle brotherbrother) forgedforged thisthis forfor mymy sakesake,
wln 1768AndAnd youyou mymy LordLord, werewere mademade hishis instruementinstrument:
wln 1769AA workework ofof worthworth, worthyworthy thethe notingnoting tootoo.
wln 1770ButBut whatswhat’s thethe causecause thatthat youyou concealdeconcealed meme sincesince?
wln 1771LorLorenzoLorYourYour melanchollymelancholy SisterSister sincesince thethe newesnews,
wln 1772OfOf youryour firstfirst fauouritefavoritefavourite DonDon AndreasAndrea’s deathdeath,
wln 1773MyMy FathersFather’s oldeold wrathwrath hathhath exasperateexasperateexasperated.
wln 1774Bal.BalthazarBal.AndAnd betterbetter wastwas’t forfor youyou beingbeing inin disgracedisgrace,
wln 1775ToTo absentabsent your selfeyourself andand giuegive hishis furyfury placeplace.
sig: G2v
wln 1776Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.ButBut whywhy hadhad II nono noticenotice ofof hishis ireire?
wln 1777Lor.LorenzoLor.ThatThat werewere toto addeadd moremore fewellfuel toto youryour firefire.
wln 1778WhoWho burntburntburned likelike AetneAetnaA●tn●Aetna forfor AndreasAndrea’s losseloss.
wln 1779Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.HathHath notnot mymy FatherFather thenthen enquirdeinquiredenquired forfor meme?
wln 1780Lor.LorenzoLor.SisterSister hehe hathhath, andand thusthus excusdeexcused II theethee.
wln 1781HeHe whisperethwhispereth inin herher earecareearcare.
wln 1782ButBut Bel-imperiaBel-imperia, seesee thethe gentlegentle princeprince,
wln 1783LookeLook onon thythy louelove, beholdebehold yongyoung BalthazarBalthazar.
wln 1784WhoseWhose passionspassions byby thythy presencepresence areare increastincreased,
wln 1785AndAnd inin whosewhose melancholliemelancholy thouthou maiestmayest seesee,
wln 1786ThyThy hatehate, hishis louelove: thythy flightflight, hishis followingfollowing theethee.
wln 1787Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.BrotherBrother youyou areare becomebecome anan OratourOrator,
wln 1788II knowknow notnot II, byby whatwhat experienceexperience,
wln 1789TooToo pollitickpolitic forfor meme, pastpast allall comparecompare,
wln 1790SinceSince lastlast II sawsaw youyou, butbut contentcontent your selfeyourself,
wln 1791TheThe PrincePrince isis meditatingmeditating higherhigher thingsthings,
wln 1792Bal.BalthazarBal.Tis’Tis ofof thythy beautybeauty thenthen thatthat conquersconquers KingsKings.
wln 1793OfOf thosethose thythy tressestresses AriadnesAriadne’s twinestwines,
wln 1794WhereWhere withwith mymy libertieliberty thouthou hasthast surprisdesurprised.
wln 1795OfOf thatthat thinethine iuorieivory frontfront mymy sorrowessorrow’s mapmap,
wln 1796WhereinWherein II seesee nono hauenhaven toto restrest mymy hopehope.
wln 1797Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.ToTo louelove, andand fearefear, andand bothboth atat onceonce mymy LordLord,
wln 1798InIn mymy conceiptconceit, areare thingsthings ofof moremore importimport,
wln 1799ThenThan womenswomen’s witswits areare toto bebe busiedbusied withwith.
wln 1800Bal.BalthazarBal.Tis’Tis II thatthat louelove.
wln 1801Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.WhomeWhom?
wln 1802Bal.BalthazarBal.Bel-imperiaBel-imperia.
wln 1803Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.ButBut II thatthat fearefear.
wln 1804Bal.BalthazarBal.WhomeWhom?
wln 1805Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.Bel-imperiaBel-imperia.
wln 1806Lor.LorenzoLor.FeareFear your selfeyourself?
wln 1807Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.IAyI brotherbrother.
wln 1808Lor.LorenzoLor.HowHow?
wln 1809Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.AsAs thosethose, thatthat whatwhat theythey louelove, areare loathloath, andand fearefear toto (looselose.
wln 1810Bal.BalthazarBal.ThenThen fairefair, letlet BalthazarBalthazar youryour keeperkeeper bebe,
wln 1811Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.NoNo, BalthazarBalthazar dothdoth fearefear asas wellwell asas wewe.
wln 1812EstEst tremulotre●●ulotremulo metusmetuimet●●metuimetus pauidumpavidum iunxereiunxere timoremtimorem,
sig: G3r
wln 1813EtEt vanumvanum stolidæstolidaestolidae proditionisproditionis opusopus.ExitExit.
wln 1814Lor.LorenzoLor.NayNay, andand youyou argueargue thingsthings soso cunninglyeunninglycunningly,
wln 1815WeeleWe’llwe’ll goego continuecontinue thisthis discoursediscourse atat CourtCourt,
wln 1816Bal.BalthazarBal.LedLed byby thethe loadstarlodestar ofof herher heauenlyheavenly lookeslooks,
wln 1817WendsWends poorepoor oppressedoppressed BalthazarBaltbazarBalthazar,
wln 1818AsAs oreo’er thethe mountainsmountains walkeswalks thethe wandererwanderer,
wln 1819IncertainIncertain toto effecteffect hishis PilgrimagePilgrimage.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 1820EnterEnter twotwo PortingalesPortingales, andand HieronimoHieronimo
wln 1821meetsmeets themthem.
wln 182211. Portingale1ByBy youryour leaueleave SirSir.
wln 1823Hiero.HieronimoHiero.GoodGood leaueleave hauehave youyou, naynay, II praypray youyou goego,
wln 1824ForFor ilei’llI’ll leaueleave youyou, ifif youyou cancan leaueleave meme soso.
wln 182522. Portingale2PrayPray youyou whichwhich isis thethe nextnext wayway toto mymy L.LordL. thethe DukesDuke’sDukes.
wln 1826Hiero.HieronimoHiero.TheThe nextnext wayway fromfrom meme.
wln 182711. Portingale1ToTo hishis househouse wewe meanemean.
wln 1828Hiero.HieronimoHiero.OO hardhard byby, tis’tis yonyonyond househouse thatthat youyou seesee.
wln 182922. Portingale2YouYou couldcould notnot telltell vsus, ifif hishis SonneSon werewere therethere.
wln 1830Hiero.HieronimoHiero.WhoWho, mymy LordLord LorenzoLorenzo?
wln 183111. Portingale1IAyI SirSir.
wln 1832HeHe goethgoeth inin atat oneone dooredoor andand comescomes outout atat anotheranother.
wln 1833Hiero.HieronimoHiero.OhOhO forbeareforbear, forfor otherother talketalk forfor vsus farfar fitterfitter werewere.
wln 1834ButBut ifif youyou bebe importunateimportunate toto knowknow,
wln 1835TheThe wayway toto himhim, andand wherewhere toto findefind himhim outout,
wln 1836ThenThen listlist toto meme, andand IleI’ll resolueresolve youryour doubtdoubt.
wln 1837ThereThere isis aa pathpath vponupon youryour left handleft-handleft hand sideside,
wln 1838ThatThat leadethleadeth fromfrom aa guiltieguilty conscienceconscience,
wln 1839VntoUnto aa forrestforest ofof distrustdistrust andand fearefear.
wln 1840AA darkesomedarksome placeplace andand dangerousdangerous toto passepass,
wln 1841ThereThere shallshall youyou meetmeet withwith melanchollymelancholy thoughtsthoughts,
wln 1842WhoseWhose balefullbaleful humourshumorshumours ifif youyou butbut vpholdeuphold,
wln 1843ItIt willwill conductconduct youyou toto dispairedespair andand deathdeath:
wln 1844WhoseWhose rockierocky cliffescliffs, whenwhen youyou hauehave onceonce beheldebeheld,
wln 1845WithinWithin aa hugiehugy daledale ofof lastinglasting nightnight,
wln 1846ThatThat kindledkind’edkindled withwith thethe worldsworld’s iniquitiesiniquities,
wln 1847DothDoth castcast vpup filthyfilthy andand detesteddetested fumesfumes.
wln 1848NotNot farfar fromfrom thencethence wherewhere murderersmurderers hauehave builtbuilt,
sig: G3v
wln 1849AA habitationhabitation forfor theirtheir cursedcursed soulessouls:
wln 1850ThereThere inin aa brazenbrazen CaldronCauldroncauldron fixtfixed byby IoueIo●eJove,
wln 1851InIn hishis fellfell wrathwrath vponupon aa sulphersulphur flameflame:
wln 1852Your seluesYourselvesyourselves shallshall findefind LorenzoLorenzo bathingbathing himhim,
wln 1853InIn boylingboiling leadlead andand bloodblood ofof innocentsinnocents.
wln 185411. Portingale1HaHa, haha, haha.
wln 1855Hiero.HieronimoHiero.HaHa, haha, haha: whywhy haha, haha, haha. FarewellFarewell goodgood haha, haha, haha.
wln 1856ExitExit.
wln 185722. Portingale2DoubtlesDoubtless thisthis manman isis passingpassing lunatickelunatic,
wln 1858OrOr imperfectionimperfection ofof hishis ageage dothdoth makemake himhim dotedote.
wln 1859ComeCome, letslet’s awayaway toto seekseek mymy LordLord thethe DukeDuke.
wln 1860EnterEnter HieronimoHieronimo withwith aa PonyardPoniardponiard inin oneone handhand,
wln 1861andand aa RopeRope inin thethe otherother.
wln 1862Hiero.HieronimoHiero.NowNow SirSir, perhapsperhaps II comecome andand seesee thethe KingKing,
wln 1863TheThe KingKing seessees meme, andand fainefain wouldwould hearehear mymy sutesuit.
wln 1864WhyWhy isis notnot thisthis aa strangestrange andand seld seeneseldseenseld seen thingthing.
wln 1865ThatThat standers bystanders-bystanders by withwith toyestoys shouldshould strikestrike meme mutemute.
wln 1866GoGo tooto, II seesee theirtheir shiftsshifts, andand saysay nono moremore,
wln 1867HieronimoHieronimo, tis’tis timetime forfor theethee toto trudgetrudge.
wln 1868DowneDown byby thethe daledale thatthat flowesflows withwith purplepurple goregore,
wln 1869StandethStandeth aa firiefiery TowerTower, therethere sitssits aa iudgejudge,
wln 1870VponUpon aa seatseat ofof steelesteel andand moltenmolten brassebrass:
wln 1871AndAnd twixttwixt hishis teethteeth hehe holdesholds aa fire-brandfirebrand,
wln 1872ThatThat leadesleads vntounto thethe lakelake wherewhere hellhell dothdoth standstand.
wln 1873AwayAway HieronimoHieronimo toto himhim bebe gonegone:
wln 1874HeeleHe’ll doedo theethee iusticejustice forfor HoratiosHoratio’s deathdeath.
wln 1875TurneTurn downdown thisthis pathpath thouthou shaltshalt bebe withwith himhim straitestraight,
wln 1876OrOr thisthis, andand thenthen thouthou needstneed’stneedst notnot taketake thythy brethbreath.
wln 1877ThisThis wayway, oror thatthat wayway: softsoft andand fairefair, notnot soso:
wln 1878ForFor ifif II hanghang oror killkill my selfemyself, letslet’s knowknow
wln 1879WhoWho willwill reuengerevenge HoratiosHoratio’s murthermurder thenthen?
wln 1880NoNo, nono, fiefie nono: pardonpardon meme, ilei’llI’ll nonenone ofof thatthat:
wln 1881HeHe flingsflings awayaway thethe daggerdagger &and halterhalter.
wln 1882ThisThis wayway ilei’llI’ll taketake, andand thisthis wayway comescomes thethe KingKing,
wln 1883HeHe takestakes themthem vpup againeagain.
sig: G4r
wln 1884AndAnd heerehere IleI’ll hauehave aa flingfling atat himhim thatsthat’s flatflat.
wln 1885AndAnd BalthazarBaltbazarBalthazar ilei’llI’ll bebe withwith theethee toto bringbring,
wln 1886AndAnd theethee LorenzoLorenzo, heereshere’s thethe KingKing, naynay, staystay,
wln 1887AndAnd heerehere, IAyI heerehere, therethere goesgoes thethe harehare awayaway.
wln 1888EnterEnter KingKing, EmbassadorAmbassador, CastileCastile, andand LorenzoLorenzo.
wln 1889KingKing.NowNow shewshow EmbassadourAmbassador whatwhat ourour ViceroyViceroy saithsaith,
wln 1890HathHath heehe receiu’dreceived thethe articlesarticles wewe sentsent?
wln 1891Hiero.HieronimoHiero.IusticeJusticejustice, OOOh iusticejustice toto HieronimoHieronimo.
wln 1892Lor.LorenzoLor.BackBack, seestseest thouthou notnot thethe KingKing isis busiebusy?
wln 1893Hiero.HieronimoHiero.OO, isis hehe soso.
wln 1894KingKing.WhoWho isis hehe thatthat interruptsinterrupts ourour businesbusiness?
wln 1895Hiero.HieronimoHiero.NotNot II, HieronimoHieronimo bewarebeware, goego byby, goego byby.
wln 1896Embas.AmbassadorEmbas.RenownedRenowned KingKing hehe hathhath receiuedreceived andand readread,
wln 1897ThyThy kinglykingly proffersproffers, andand thythy promistpromised leagueleague,
wln 1898AndAnd asas aa manman extreamelyextremely ouer-ioydoverjoyed,
wln 1899ToTo hearehear hishis SonneSon soso PrincelyPrincely entertaindeentertained,
wln 1900WhoseWhose deathdeath hehe hadhad soso solemnelysolemnly bewaildebewailed.
wln 1901ThisThis forfor thythy furtherfurther satisfactionsatisfaction,
wln 1902AndAnd kinglykingly louelove, hehe kindelykindly letslets theethee knowknow:
wln 1903FirstFirst, forfor thethe marriagemarriage ofof hishis PrincelyPrincely SonneSon,
wln 1904WithWith Bel-imperiaBel-imperia thythy belouedbeloved NeeceNiece,
wln 1905TheThe newesnews areare moremore delightfulldelightful toto hishis soulesoul,
wln 1906ThenThan myrrhmyrrh oror incenseincense toto thethe offendedoffended heauensheavens.
wln 1907InIn personperson thereforetherefore willwill hehe comecome himselfehimself,
wln 1908ToTo seesee thethe marriagemarriage ritesrites solemnizedsolemnizedsolemnised,
wln 1909AndAnd inin thethe presencepresence ofof thethe CourtCourt ofof SpaineSpain,
wln 1910ToTo knitknit aa suresure inexecrableinexecrable bandband,
wln 1911OfOf KinglyKingly louelove, andand euerlastingeverlasting leagueleague,
wln 1912BetwixtBetwixt thethe CrownesCrowns ofof SpaineSpain andand PortingalePortingale.
wln 1913ThereThere willwill hehe giuegive hishis CrowneCrown toto BalthazarBalthazar,
wln 1914AndAnd makemake aa QueeneQueen ofof Bel-imperiaBel-imperia.
wln 1915KingKing.BrotherBrother, howhow likelike youyou thisthis ourour Vice-roiesViceroy’sViceroys louelove?
wln 1916Cast.CastileCast.NoNo doubtdoubt mymy LordLord, itit isis anan argumentargument
wln 1917OfOf honorablehonorablehonourable carecare toto keepekeep hishis freendfriend,
wln 1918AndAnd wondrouswondrous zealezeal toto BalthazarBalthazar hishis sonneson?
wln 1919NorNor amam II leastleast indebtedindebted toto hishis graeegracegraeegrace,
sig: G4v
wln 1920ThatThat bendsbends hishis likingliking toto mymy daughterdaughter thusthus.
wln 1921Em.AmbassadorEm.NowNow lastlast (dreaddread LordLord) heereheer●here hathhath hishis highneshighness sentsent,
wln 1922AlthoughAlthough hehe sendsend notnot thatthat hishis SonneSon returnereturn,
wln 1923HisHis ransomeransom duedue toto DonDon HoratioHoratio.
wln 1924Hiero.HieronimoHiero.HoratioHoratio, whowho calscalls HoratioHoratio?
wln 1925KingKing.AndAnd wellwell remembredremembered, thankthank hishis MaiestieMajesty.
wln 1926HeereHere, seesee itit giuengiven toto HoratioHoratio.
wln 1927Hiero.HieronimoHiero.IusticeJusticejustice, OOOh iusticejustice, iusticejustice, gentlegentle KingKing.
wln 1928KingKing.WhoWho isis thatthat? HieronimoHieronimo?
wln 1929Hiero.HieronimoHiero.IusticeJusticejustice, OOOh iusticejustice, OOOh mymy sonneson, mymy sonneson,
wln 1930MyMy SonneSon whomwhom naughtnaught cancan ransomeransom oror redeemeredeem●redeem.
wln 1931Lor.LorenzoLor.HieronimoHieronimo, youyou areare notnot wellwell aduisdeadvised.
wln 1932Hiero.HieronimoHiero.AwayA wayA wayAway LorenzoLorenzo hinderhinder meme nono moremore,
wln 1933ForFor thouthou hasthast mademade meme bankruptbankrupt ofof mymy blissebliss:
wln 1934GiueGive meme mymy sonneson, youyou shallshall notnot ransomeransom himhim.
wln 1935AwayAway, ilei’llI’ll riprip thethe bowelsbowels ofof thethe earthearth,
wln 1936HeHe diggethdiggeth withwith hishis daggerdagger.
wln 1937AndAnd FerrieFerry ouerover toto th’Elizianth’ Elysianth’elysian plainesplains,
wln 1938AndAnd bringbring mymy SonneSon toto shewshow hishis deadlydeadly woundswounds.
wln 1939StandStand fromfrom aboutabout meme, ilei’llI’ll makemake aa pickaxepickaxe ofof mymy poniardponiard,
wln 1940AndAnd heerehere surrendersurrender vpup mymy MarshalshipMarshalship:
wln 1941ForFor IleI’ll goego marshallmarshal vpup thethe feendsfiends inin hellhell,
wln 1942ToTo bebe auengedavenged onon youyou allall forfor thisthis.
wln 1943KingKing.WhatWhat meanesmeans thisthis outrageoutrage? willwill nonenone ofof youyou re-restrainerestrain
wln 1944straine
wln 1944hishis furyfury?
wln 1945Hiero.HieronimoHiero.NayNay softsoft andand fairefair, youyou shallshall notnot needneed toto striuestrive,
wln 1946NeedsNeeds mustmust hehe goego thatthat thethe diuelsdevils driuedrive.
wln 1947ExitExit.
wln 1948KingKing.WhatWhat accidentaccident hathhath hapthapped HieronimoHieronimo?
wln 1949II hauehave notnot seeneseen himhim toto demeanedemean himhim soso.
wln 1950Lor.LorenzoLor.MyMy gratiousgracious LordLord, hehe isis withwith extreameextreme pridepride,
wln 1951ConceiuedConceived ofof yongyoung HoratioHoratio hishis SonneSon,
wln 1952AndAnd couetouscovetous ofof hauinghaving toto himselfehimself,
wln 1953TheThe ransomeransom ofof thethe yongyoung PrincePrince BalthazarBal●hazarBalthazar.
wln 1954DistractDistract andand inin aa mannermanner lunaticklunatic.
wln 1955KingKing.BeleeueBelieve meme NephewNephew wewe areare soriesorry fortfor ’tfor’t,
wln 1956ThisThis isis thethe louelove thatthat FathersFathers bearebear theirtheir sonnessons:
sig: H1r
wln 1957ButBut gentlegentle brotherbrother, goego giuegive toto himhim thisthis goldegold,
wln 1958TheThe PrincesPrince’sPRINCE’s raunsomeransom, letlet himhim hauehave hishis duedue,
wln 1959ForFor whatwhat hehe hathhath HoratioHor●●●Horatio shallshall notnot wantwant,
wln 1960HappilyHappily HieronimoHieronimo hathhath needneed thereofthereof.
wln 1961Lor.LorenzoLor.ButBut ifif hehe bebe thusthus helpleslyhelples●yhelplessly distractdistract,
wln 1962Tis’Tis requisiterequisite hishis officeoffice bebe resignderesigned,
wln 1963AndAnd giuengiven toto oneone ofof moremore discretiondiscretion.
wln 1964KingKing.WeWe shallshall encreaseincrease hishis melancholliemolancholliemelancholy soso.
wln 1965Tis’Tis bestbest thatthat wewe seesee furtherfurther inin itit firstfirst:
wln 1966TillTill whenwhen, our selfeourself willwill exemptexempt thethe placeplace.
wln 1967AndAnd BrotherBrother, nownow bringbring inin thethe EmbassadorAmbassador,
wln 1968ThatThat hehe maymay bebe aa witneswitness ofof thethe matchmatch.
wln 1969TwixtTwixt BalthazarBalthazar andand Bel-imperiaBel-imperia.
wln 1970AndAnd thatthat wewe maymay prefixeprefix aa certainecertain timetime.
wln 1971WhereinWherein thethe marriagemarriage shalbeshall be solemnizedsolemnizedsolemnised,
wln 1972ThatThat wewe maymay hauehave thythy LordLord thethe Vice-royViceroy heerehere.
wln 1973Em.AmbassadorEm.ThereinTherein youryour highneshighness highlyhighly shallshall contentcontent,
wln 1974HisHis MaiestieMajesty, thatthat longslongs toto hearehear fromfrom hencehence.
wln 1975KingKing.OnOn thenthen, andand hearehear youyou LordLord EmbassadourAmbassador.
wln 1976ExeuntEx●●●tExeunt.
wln 1977EnterEnter HieronimoHieronim●Hieronimo withwith aa bookbook inin hishis handhand.
wln 1978VindictaVindicta mihimihi.
wln 1979IAyay, heauenheaven willwill bebe reuengedrevenged ofof eueryevery illill,
wln 1980NorNor willwill theythey suffersuffer murdermurder vnrepaideunrepaid:
wln 1981ThenThen staystay HieronimoHieronimo, attendattend theirtheir willwill,
wln 1982ForFor mortallmortal menmen maymay notnot appointappoint theirtheir timetime.
wln 1983PerPerscelusPerscelusPer scelusscelus sempersemper tutumtuinmtuinmtutum estest sceleribussce●eri●ussceleribus iteriter.
wln 1984StrikeStrike, andand strikestrike homehome, wherewhere wrongwrong isis offredoffered theethee,
wln 1985ForFor euilsevils vntounto ilsills conductorsconductors bebe.
wln 1986AndAnd death’sdeath’s thethe worstworst ofof resolutionresolution.
wln 1987ForFor hehe thatthat thinksthinks withwith patiencepatiencopatience toto contendcontend,
wln 1988ToTo quietquiet lifelife, hishis lifelife shallshall easilyeasily endend.
wln 1989FataFata sisi miserosmis●r●smiseros iuuantiuvantiwant habeshabes salutemsalutem:
wln 1990FataFata sisi vitamvitam negantnegant, habeshabes sepulchrumsepulchrum.
wln 1991IfIf destiniedestiny thythy miseriesmiseries doedo easeease,
wln 1992ThenThen hasthast thouthou healthhealth, andand happiehappy shaltshalt thouthou bebe:
sig: H1v
wln 1993IfIf destiniedestiny deniedeny theethee lifelife HieronimoHieronimo.
wln 1994YetYet shaltshalt thouthou bebe assuredassured ofof aa tombetomb:
wln 1995IfIf neitherneither, yetyet letlet thisthis thythy comfortcomfort bebe,
wln 1996HeauenHeaven couerethcovereth himhim thatthat hathhath nono buriallburial,
wln 1997AndAnd toto concludeconclude, II willwill reuengerevenge hishis deathdeath,
wln 1998ButBut howhow? notnot asas thethe vulgarevulgar witswits ofof menmen,
wln 1999WithWith openopen, butbut ineuitableinevitable ilsills::.
wln 2000AsAs byby aa secretsecret, yetyet aa certaincertain meanemean,
wln 2001WhichWhich vnderunder kindeshipkinship wilbewill be clokedcloaked bestbest.
wln 2002WiseWise menmen willwill taketake theirtheir oportunitieopportunity,
wln 2003CloselyClosely andand safelysafely fittingfitting thingsthings toto timetime:
wln 2004ButBut inin extreamesextremes aduantageadvantage hathhath nono timetime.
wln 2005AndAnd thereforetherefore allall timestimes fitfit notnot forfor reuengerevenge:
wln 2006ThusThus thereforetherefore willwill II restresresrest meimemeI’m inin vnrestunrest,
wln 2007DissemblingDissembling quietquiet inin vnquietnesunquietness,
wln 2008NotNot seemingseeming thatthat II knowknow theirtheir villaniesvillainies:
wln 2009ThatThat mymy simplicitiesimplicity maymay makemake themthem thinkthink,
wln 2010ThatThat ignorantlyignorantly II willwill letlet allall slipslip:
wln 2011ForFor ignoranceignorance II wotwot, andand well●ellwell theythey knowknow,
wln 2012RemediumRemedium malorummalorum inersiners estest.
wln 2013NorNor oughtaught auailesavails itit meme toto menacemenace themthem,
wln 2014WhoWho asas aa wintriewintry stormestorm vponupon aa plaineplain,
wln 2015WillWill bearebear meme downedown withwith theirtheir nobilitienobility.
wln 2016NoNo, nono, HieronimoHieronimo, thouthou mustmust enioyneenjoin
wln 2017ThineThine eieseyes toto obseruationobservation, andand thythy tung●ungtongue
wln 2018ToTo mildermilder speechesspeeches, thenthan thythy spiritspirit affoordsaffords,
wln 2019ThyThy hartheart toto patiencepatience, andand thythy handshands toto restrest,
wln 2020ThyThy CappeCap toto cuttesiecurtesiecutte●iecourtesy, andand thythy kneeknee toto bowbow,
wln 2021TillTill toto reuenge〈◊〉revenge thouthou knowknow whenwhen, wherewhere, andand howhow.
wln 2022HowHow nownow, whatwhat noisenoise, whatwhat coilecoil isis thatthat youyou keepekeep?
wln 2023AA noisenoise withinwithin.
wln 2024EnterEnter aa SeruantServant.
wln 2025Ser.ServantSer.HeereHere areare aa sortsort ofof poorepoor PetitionersPetitioners,
wln 2026ThatThat areare importunateimportunate andand itit shallshall pleaseplease youyou sirsir,
wln 2027ThatThat youyou shouldshould pleadplead theirtheir casescases toto thethe KingKing.
wln 2028Hiero.HieronimoHiero.ThatThat II shouldshould pleadplead theirtheir seuerallseveral actionsactions,
wln 2029WhyWhy letlet themthem enterenter, andand letlet meme seesee themthem.
sig: H2r
wln 2030EnterEnter threethree CittizensCitizens andand anan oldeold ManMan.
wln 203111. Citizen1SoSo II telltell youyou thisthis forfor learninglearning andand forfor lawlaw,
wln 2032TheresThere’sthere’s notnot anyany aduocateadvocate inin SpaineSpain,
wln 2033ThatThat cancan preuaileprevail, oror willwill taketake halfehalf thethe painepain,
wln 2034ThatThat hehe willwill inin pursuitepursuit ofof equitieequity.
wln 2035Hiero.HieronimoHiero.ComeCome neerenear youyou menmen thatthat thusthus importuneimportune meme,
wln 2036NowNow mustmust II bearebear aa faceface ofof grauitiegravity,
wln 2037ForFor thusthus II vsdeused beforebefore mymy MarshalshipMarshalship,
wln 2038ToTo pleadeplead inin causescauses asas CorrigedorCorregidorcorregidor.
wln 2039ComeCome onon sirssirs, whatswhat’s thethe mattermatter?
wln 204022. Citizen2SirSir anan ActionAction.
wln 2041Hiero.HieronimoHiero.OfOf BatterieBattery?
wln 204211. Citizen1MineMine ofof debtdebt.
wln 2043Hiero.HieronimoHiero.GiueGive placeplace.
wln 204422. Citizen2NoNo sirsir, minemine isis anan actionaction ofof thethe casecase.
wln 204533. Citizen3MineMine anan EiectioneEjectioneEjection firmafirmaefirma byby aa LeaseLease.
wln 2046Hiero.HieronimoHiero.ContentContent youyou sirssirs, areare youyou determineddetermined,
wln 2047ThatThat II shouldshould pleadplead youryour seuerallseveral actionsactions?
wln 204811. Citizen1IAyay sirsir, andand heereshere’s mymy declarationdeclaration,
wln 204922. Citizen2AndAnd heerehere isis mymy bandband.
wln 205033. Citizen3AndAnd heerehere isis mymy leaselease.
wln 2051TheyThey giuegive himhim paperpaper:
wln 2052Hiero.HieronimoHiero.ButBut whereforewherefore standsstands yonyonyond sillysilly manman soso mutemute,
wln 2053WithWith mournfullmournful eyeseyes andand handshands toto heauenheaven vpreardeupreared?
wln 2054ComeCome hetherhither fatherfather, letlet meme knowknow thythy causecause.
wln 2055SenexSenex.OO worthyworthy sirsir, mymy causecause butbut slightlyslightly knowneknown,
wln 2056MayMay moouemove thethe hartshearts ofof warlikewarlike MyrmydonsMyrmy donsMyrmidons,
wln 2057AndAnd meltmelt thethe CorsickeCorsic rockesrocks withwith ruthfullruthful tearestears.
wln 2058Hiero.HieronimoHiero.SaySay FatherFather, telltell meme whatswhat’s thythy sutesuit?
wln 2059SenexSenex.NoNo sirsir, couldcould mymy woeswoes
wln 2060GiueGive wayway vntounto mymy mostmost distresfulldistressful wordswords,
wln 2061ThenThen shouldshould II notnot inin paperpaper asas youyou seesee,
wln 2062WithWith inckeink bewraybewray, whatwhat bloodblood beganbegan inin meme.
wln 2063Hiero.HieronimoHiero.WhatsWhat’swhat’s heerehere? thethe humblehumble supplicationsupplication
wln 2064OfOf DonDon BazultoBazulto forfor hishis murdredmurdered sonneson.
wln 2065SenexSenex.IAyI SirSir.
wln 2066Hiero.HieronimoHiero.NoNo sirsir, itit waswas mymy murdredmurdered sonneson, oho mymy sonneson.
sig: H2v
wln 2067MyMy sonneson, oho mymy sonneson Horatio〈◊〉Horatio.
wln 2068ButBut minemine, oror thinethine, Bazulto〈◊〉Bazulto bebe contentcontent.
wln 2069HeereHere, taketake mymy hand-kercherhandkercher andand wipewipe thinethine eieseyes,
wln 2070WhilesWhiles wretchedwretched II, inin thythy mishapsmishaps maymay seesee,
wln 2071TheThe liuelylively portraictportrait ofof mymy dyingdying selfeself,
wln 2072HeHe drawethdraweth outout aa bloudiebloody NapkinNapkin.
wln 2073OO nono, notnot thisthis, HoratioHoratio thisthis waswas thinethine,
wln 2074AndAnd whenwhen II dydedyeddied itit inin thythy deerestdearest bloodblood,
wln 2075ThisThis waswas aa tokentoken twixttwixt thythy soulesoul andand meme,
wln 2076ThatThat ofof thythy deathdeath reuengedrevenged II shouldshould bebe.
wln 2077ButBut heerehere, taketake thisthis, andand thisthis, whatwhat mymy pursepurse?
wln 2078IAyI thisthis andand thatthat, andand allall ofof themthem areare thinethine,
wln 2079ForFor allall asas oneone areare ourour extremetiesextremities.
wln 208011. Citizen1OhOhO, seesee thethe kindeneskindness ofof HieronimoHieronimo.
wln 208122. Citizen2ThisThis gentlenesgentleness shewesshows himhim aa GentlemanGentleman.
wln 2082Hiero.HieronimoHiero.SeeSee, seesee, ohoho seesee thythy shameshame HieronimoHieronimo,
wln 2083SeeSee heerehere aa louingloving FatherFather toto hishis sonneson:
wln 2084BeholdeBehold thethe sorrowessorrows andand thethe sadsad lamentslaments,
wln 2085ThatThat hehe deliuerethdelivereth forfor hishis sonnesson’s diceasedecease.
wln 2086IfIf loueslove’s effectseffects soso striuesstrives inin lesserlesser thingsthings,
wln 2087IfIf louelove enforceenforce suchsuch moodesmoods inin meanermeaner witswits,
wln 2088IfIf louelove expresseexpress suchsuch powerpower inin poorepoor estatesestates:
wln 2089HieronimoHieronimo, When asWhenaswhenas aa ragingraging SeaSea,
wln 2090TostTossedtossed withwith thethe windewind andand tidetide oreo’er turnestturnest thenthen
wln 2091TheThe vpperupper billowesbillows coursecourse ofof waueswaves toto keepkeep,
wln 2092WhilestWhilst lesserlesser waterswaters labourlaborlabour inin thethe deepedeep.
wln 2093ThenThen shamestshamest thouthou notnot HieronimoHieronimo toto neglectneglect,
wln 2094TheThe sweetsweet reuengerevenge ofof thythy HoratioHoratio.
wln 2095ThoughThough onon thisthis earthearth iusticejustice willwill notnot bebe foundfound:
wln 2096IleI’ll downedown toto hellhell andand inin thisthis passionpassion,
wln 2097KnockKnock atat thethe dismalldismal gatesgates ofof PlutosPluto’s CourtCourt,
wln 2098GettingGetting byby forceforce asas onceonce AlcidesAlcides diddid,
wln 2099AA troupetroop ofof furiesfuries andand tormentingtormenting haggeshags,
wln 2100ToTo torturetorture DonDon LorenzoLorenzo andand thethe restrest.
wln 2101YetYet leastlest thethe triple headedtriple-headedtriple headed porterporter shouldshould,
wln 2102DenyeDeny mymy passagepassage toto thethe slimyslimy strondstrand:
wln 2103TheThe Thracian〈◊〉Thracian PoetPoet thouthou shaltshalt counterfeitecounterfeit:
sig: H3r
wln 2104ComeCome onon oldeold FatherFather bebe mymy OrpheusOrphe●sOrpheus,
wln 2105AndAnd ifif thouthou canstcanst nono notesnotes vponupon thethe HarpeHarp,
wln 2106ThenThen soundsound thethe burdenburden ofof thythy soreforesorefore hartsheart’s greefegrief,
wln 2107TillTill wewe dodo gainegain thatthat ProserpineProserpine maymay grauntgrant,
wln 2108ReuengeRevenge onon themthem thatthat murdredmurdered mymy SonneSon,
wln 2109ThenThen willwill II rentrent andand tearetear themthem thusthus andand thusthus,
wln 2110ShiueringShivering theirtheir limmeslimbs inin peecespieces withwith mymy teethteeth.
wln 2111TeareTear thethe PapersPapers.
wln 211211. Citizen1OhOhO sirsir mymy DeclarationDeclaration.
wln 2113ExitExit HieronimoHieronimo andand theythey afterafter.
wln 211422. Citizen2SaueSave mymy bondbond.
wln 2115EnterEnter HieronimoHieronim●Hieronimo.
wln 211622. Citizen2SaueSave mymy bondbond.
wln 211733. Citizen3AlasAlas mymy leaselease, itit costcost meme tenten poundpound,
wln 2118AndAnd youyou mymy LordLord hauehave tornetorn thethe samesame.
wln 2119Hiero.HieronimoHiero.ThatThat cancan notnot bebe, II gauegave itit neuernever aa woundwound,
wln 2120ShewShow meme oneone dropdrop ofof bloudblood fallfall fromfrom thethe samesame:
wln 2121HowHow isis itit possiblepossible II shouldshould slaystaystayslay itit thenthen,
wln 2122TushTush nono, runrun afterafter, catchcatch meme ifif youyou cancan.
wln 2123ExeuntExeunt allall butbut thethe oldeold manman.
wln 2124BazultoBazulto remainesremains tilltill HieronimoHieronimo entersenters againeagain, whowho
wln 2125staringstaring himhim inin thethe faceface speakesspeaks.
wln 2126Hiero.HieronimoHiero.AndAnd artart thouthou comecome HoratioHoratio fromfrom thethe depthdepth,
wln 2127ToTo askeask forfor iusticejustice inin thisthis vpperupper earthearth?
wln 2128ToTo telltell thythy FatherFather thouthou artart vnreueng’dunrevenged,
wln 2129ToTo wringwring moremore tearestears fromfrom IsabellasIsabella’s eieseyes?
wln 2130WhoseWhose lightslights areare dimddimmed withwith ouer-longoverlong lamentslaments.
wln 2131GoeGo backback mymy sonneson, complainecomplain toto EacusAeacus,
wln 2132ForFor heereshere’s nono iusticejustice, gentlegentle boyboy bebe gonegone.
wln 2133ForFor iusticejustice isis exiledexiled fromfrom thethe earthearth:
wln 2134HeronimoHieronimoHeronimo willwill bearebear theethee companycompany:
wln 2135ThyThy mothermother criescries onon righteousrighteous RadamantRhadamant,
wln 2136ForFor iustjust reuengerevenge againstagainst thethe murderersmurderers.
wln 2137SenexSenex.AlasAlas mymy L.LordL. whencewhence springsspri●gssprings thisthis troubledtroubled speechspeech?
wln 2138Hiero.HieronimoHiero.ButBut letlet meme lookelook onon mymy Horatio〈◊〉Horatio:
wln 2139SweetSweet boyboy howhow artart thouthou chang’dchanged inin deathsdeath’sdeaths blackblack shadeshade?
sig: H3v
wln 2140HadHad ProserpineProserpine nono pittiepity onon thythy youthyouth?
wln 2141ButBut sufferedsuffered thythy fairfair crimson colourdcrimson-coloredcrimson coloured springspring,
wln 2142WithWith witheredwithered winterwinter toto bebe blastedblasted thusthus?
wln 2143HoratioHoratio, thouthou artart olderolder thenthan thythy FatherFather:
wln 2144AhAh ruthlesseruthless FatherFather, thatthat fauourfavorfavour thusthus transformesstransforms
wln 2145Ba.BazultoBa.AhAh mymy goodgood LordLord, II amam notnot youryour yongyoung SonneSon.
wln 2146Hie.HieronimoHie.WhatWhat, notnot mymy SonneSon●eSon, thouthou thenthen, aa furiefury artart,
wln 2147SentSent fromfrom thethe emptieempty KingdomeKingdom ofof blackeblack nightnight,
wln 2148ToTo summonsummon meme toto makemake appearanceappearance:
wln 2149BeforeBefore grimgrim MynosMinos andand iustjust RadamantRhadamant.
wln 2150ToTo plagueplague HieronimoHieronimo thatthat isis remisseremiss,
wln 2151AndAnd seekesseeks notnot vengeancevengeance forfor HoratioesHoratio’s. deathdeath.
wln 2152Ba.BazultoBa.II amam aa greeuedgrieved manman andand notnot aa GhostGhost,
wln 2153ThatThat camecame forfor iusticejustice forfor mymy murderedmurdered SonneSon.
wln 2154Hie.HieronimoHie.IAyay, nownow II knowknow theethee, nownow thouthou namestnamest mymy SonneSon,
wln 2155ThouThou artart thethe liuelylively imageimage ofof mymy griefegrief,
wln 2156WithinWithin thythy faceface, mymy sorrowessorrows II maymay seesee.
wln 2157ThyThy eyeseyes areare gum’dgummed withwith tearestears, thythy cheekescheeks areare wanwan,
wln 2158ThyThy foreheadforehead troubledtroubled, andand thythy muttringmuttering lipslips
wln 2159MurmureMurmur sadsad wordswords abruptlyabruptly brokenbroken offoff,
wln 2160ByBy forceforce ofof windiewindy sighessighs thythy spiritspirit breathesbreathes,
wln 2161AndAnd allall thisthis sorrowsorrow risethriseth forfor thythy SonneSon:
wln 2162AndAnd selfe sameselfsameself same sorrowsorrow feelefeel II forfor mymy SonneSon.
wln 2163ComeCome inin oldold manman, thouthou shaltshalt toto IzabellIsabel,
wln 2164LeaneLean onon mymy armearm, II theethee, thouthou meme shaltshalt staystay,
wln 2165AndAnd thouthou, andand II, andand sheshe willwill singsing aa songsong:
wln 2166ThreeThree partsparts inin oneone, butbut allall ofof discordsdiscords fram’dframed,
wln 2167TalkeTalk notnot ofof cordscords, butbut letlet vsus nownow bebe gonegone,
wln 2168ForFor withwith aa cordcord HoratioHoratio waswas slaineslain.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 2169EnterEnter KingKing ofof SpaineSpain, thethe DukeDuke, Vice-royViceroy, andand LorenzoLorenzo,
wln 2170BalthazarBalthazar, DonDon PedroPedro, andand BelimperiaB●limperiaBel-imperia.
wln 2171KingKing.GoGo BrotherBrother itit isis thethe DukeDuke ofof CastilesCastile’sCastiles causecause, salutesalute thethe
wln 2172Vice-royVice royViceroyVice roy. inin ourour namename.
wln 2173CastileCasti●●cCastile.II gogo.
wln 2174Vice.ViceroyVice.GoGo forthforth DonDon PedroPedro forfor thythy NephewsNephew’snephew’s sakesake,
wln 2175AndAnd greetgreet thethe DukeDuke ofof CastileCastileCastille.
wln 2176Pedro.Pedro.ItIt shallshall bebe soso.
sig: H4r
wln 2177KingKing.AndAnd nownow toto meetmeet thesethese PortaguisePortuguese,
wln 2178ForFor asas wewe nownow areare, soso sometimessometimes werewere thesethese,
wln 2179KingsKings andand commanderscommanders ofof thethe westernewestern IndiesIndies.
wln 2180WelcomeWelcome brauebrave Vice-royViceroy toto thethe CourtCourt ofof SpaineSpain,
wln 2181AndAnd welcomewelcome allall hishis honorablehonorablehonourable trainetrain:
wln 2182Tis’Tis notnot vnknowneunknown toto vsus, forfor whywhy youyou comecome,
wln 2183OrOr hauehave soso kinglykingly crostcrossed thethe SeasSeas:
wln 2184SuffisethSufficeth itit inin thisthis wewe notenote thethe trothtroth,
wln 2185AndAnd moremore thenthan commoncommon louelove youyou lendlend toto vsus.
wln 2186SoSo isis itit thatthat minemine honorablehonorablehonourable NeiceNe●ceNiece,
wln 2187ForFor itit beseemesbeseems vsus nownow thatthat itit bebe knowneknown,
wln 2188AlreadyAlready isis betroth’dbetrothed toto BalthazarBal●hazarBalthazar:
wln 2189AndAnd byby appointmentappointment andand ourour condiscentcondescendcondiscent,
wln 2190To morrowTomorrow areare theythey toto bebe marriedmarried.
wln 2191ToTo thisthis intentintent wewe entertaineentertain thy selfethyself,
wln 2192ThyThy followersfollowers, theirtheir pleasurepleasure, andand ourour peacepeace:
wln 2193SpeakSpeak menmen ofof PortingalePortingale, shallshall itit bebe soso?
wln 2194IfIf IAyI, saysay soso: ifif notnot, saysay flatlyflatly nono.
wln 2195Vice.ViceroyVice.RenowmedRenowned KingKing, II comecome notnot asas thouthou thinkstthink’stthinkst,
wln 2196WithWith doubtfulldoubtful followersfollowers, vnresoluedunresolved menmen,
wln 2197ButBut suchsuch asas hauehave vponupon thinethine articlesarticles,
wln 2198ConfirmedConfirmed thythy motionmotion andand contentedcontented meme.
wln 2199KnowKnow soueraignesovereign, II comecome toto solemnizesolemnize
wln 2200TheThe marriagemarriage ofof thythy belouedbeloved NeeceNiece,
wln 2201FaireFair Bel-imperiaBel-imperia withwith mymy BalthazarBalthazar.
wln 2202WithWith theethee mymy SonneSon, whomwhom sithsith II liuelive toto seesee;
wln 2203HeereHere taketake mymy CrowneCrown, II giuegive itit herher andand theethee,
wln 2204AndAnd letlet meme liuelive aa solitariesolitary lifelife,
wln 2205InIn ceaselesseceaseless praiersprayers,
wln 2206ToTo thinkthink howhow strangelystrangely heauenheaven hathhath theethee preseruedpreserved.
wln 2207KingKing,SeeSee brotherbrother, seesee, howhow naturenature striuesstrives inin himhim,
wln 2208ComeCome worthyworthy Vice-royViceroy andand accompanyaccompany
wln 2209ThyThy freendfriend, withwith thinethine extremitiesextremities:
wln 2210AA placeplace moremore priuateprivate fitsfits thisthis princelyprincely moodmood.
wln 2211Vice.ViceroyVice.OrOr heerehere oror wherewhere youryour highneshighness thinksthinks itit goodgood.
wln 2212ExeuntExeunt allall butbut CastCas●CastileCast andand Lor.LorenzoLor.
wln 2213Cas.CastileCas.NayNay staystay LorenzoLo●enzoLorenzo, letlet meme talketalk withwith youyou,
sig: H4v
wln 2214SeestSeest thouthou thisthis entertainemententertainment ofof theseth●sethese KingsKings?
wln 2215Lor.LorenzoLor.II doedo mymy LordLord, andand ioyjoy toto seesee thethe samesame.
wln 2216Cas.CastileCas.AndAnd knowestknowest thouthou whywhy thisthis meetingmeeting isis?
wln 2217Lor.LorenzoLor.ForFor herher mymy LordLord, whomwhom BalthazarBal●haz●rBalthazar dothdoth louelove,
wln 2218AndAnd toto confirmeconfirm theirtheir promisedpromised marriagemarriage.
wln 2219Cas.CastileCas.SheShe isis thythy SisterSister?
wln 2220Lor.LorenzoLor.WhoWho Bel-imprriaBel-imperiaBel-imprriaBel-imperia, IAyI mymy gratiousgracious LordLord,
wln 2221AndAnd thisthis isis thethe dayday, thatthat II hauehave longdlonged soso happilyhappily toto seesee.
wln 2222Cas.CastileCas.ThouThou wouldstwouldst bebe loathloath thatthat anyany faultfa●ltfault ofof thinethine,
wln 2223ShouldShould interceptintercept herher inin herher happineshappiness.
wln 2224Lor.LorenzoLor.HeauensHeaven’sheaven’s willwill notnot letlet LorenzoL●renzoLorenzo erreerr soso muchmuch,
wln 2225Cas.CastileCas.WhyWhy thenthen LorenzoLorenzo listenlisten toto mymy wordswords:
wln 2226ItIt isis suspectedsuspected andand reportedreported tootoo,
wln 2227ThatThat thouthou LorenzoLorenzo wrongstwrong’st HieronimoHieronimo.
wln 2228AndAnd inin hishis sutessuits towardstowards hishis MaiestieMajesty,
wln 2229StillStill keepstkeep’st himhim backback, andand seeksseeks toto crossecross hishis sutesuit.
wln 2230Lor.LorenzoLor.ThatThat II mymy LordLord?
wln 2231Cas.CastileCas.II telltell theethee SonneSon my selfemyself hauehave heardheard itit saidsaid,
wln 2232WhenWhen toto mymy sorrowsorrow II hauehave beenebeen ashamedashamed
wln 2233ToTo answereanswer forfor theethee, thoughthough thouthou artart mymy sonneson,
wln 2234LorenzoLorenzo, knowestknowest thouthou notnot thethe commoncommon louelove,
wln 2235AndAnd kindeneskindness thatthat HieronimoHieronimo hathhath wonewon,
wln 2236ByBy hishis desertsdeserts withinwithin thethe CourtCourt ofof SpaineSpain?
wln 2237OrOr seestseest thouthou notnot thethe K.KingK. mymy brothersbrother’s carecare,
wln 2238InIn hishis behalfebehalf, andand toto procureprocure hishis healthhealth?
wln 2239LorenzoLorenzo, shouldstshouldst thouthou thwartthwart hishis passionspassions,
wln 2240AndAnd heehe exclaimeexclaim againstagainst theethee toto thethe KingKing,
wln 2241WhatWhat honourhonorhonour wertwere ’twert inin thisthis assemblyassembly,
wln 2242OrOr whatwhat aa scandalescandal wertwere ’twert amongamong thethe KingsKings,
wln 2243ToTo hearehear HieronimoHieronimo exclaimeexclaim onon theethee.
wln 2244TellTell meme, andand lookelook thouthou telltell meme truelytruly tootoo,
wln 2245WhenceWhence growesgrows thethe groundground ofof thisthis reportreport inin CourtCourt.
wln 2246Lor.LorenzoLor.MyMy L.LordL. itit lyeslies notnot inin LorenzosLorenzo’s powerpower,
wln 2247ToTo stopstop thethe vulgarvulgar liberallliberal ofof theirtheir tonguestongues:
wln 2248AA smallsmall aduantageadvantage makesmakes aa waterwater breachbreach,
wln 2249AndAnd nono manman liueslives thatthat longlong contentethcontenteth allall.
wln 2250Cas.CastileCas.My selfeMyselfmyself hauehave seeneseen theethee busiebusy toto keepkeep backback,
sig: I1r
wln 2251HimHim andand hishis supplicationssupplications fromfrom thethe KingKing.
wln 2252Lor.LorenzoLor.Your selfeYourselfyourself mymy L.LordL. hathhath seeneseen hishis passionspassions,
wln 2253ThatThat illill beseemdebeseemed thethe presencepresence ofof aa KingKing,
wln 2254AndAnd forfor II pittiedpitied himhim inin hishis distressedistress,
wln 2255II heldeheld himhim thencethence withwith kindekind andand curteouscourteous wordswords,
wln 2256AsAs freefree fromfrom malicemalice toto HieronimoHieronimo,
wln 2257AsAs toto mymy soulesoul mymy LordLord.
wln 2258Cas.CastileCas.HieronimoHieronimo mymy sonneson, mistakesmistakes theethee thenthen,
wln 2259Lor.LorenzoLor.MyMy gratiousgracious FatherFather, beleeuebelieve meme soso hehe dothdoth,
wln 2260ButBut whatswhat’s aa sillysilly manman distractdistract inin mindemind.
wln 2261ToTo thinkthink vponupon thethe murdermurder ofof hishis sonneson:
wln 2262AlasAlas, howhow easieeasy isis itit forfor himhim toto erreerr?
wln 2263ButBut forfor hishis satisfactionsatisfaction andand thethe worldsworlds,
wln 2264Twere’Twere’twere goodgood mymy L.LordL. thatthat HieronimoHieronimo andand II,
wln 2265WereWere reconcildereconciled, ifif hehe misconstermisconstermisconstrue meme.
wln 2266Cas.CastileCas.LorenzoLorenzo thouthou hasthast saidsaid, itit shalbeshall be soso,
wln 2267GoeGo oneone ofof youyou andand callcall HieronimoHieronimo.
wln 2268EnterEnter BalthazarBalthazar andaudand Bel-imperiaB●l-imperiaBel-imperia.
wln 2269Bal.BalthazarBal.ComeCome Bel-imperieBel-imperiaBel-imperie, BalthazarsBalthazar’s contentcontent,
wln 2270MyMy sorrowessorrow’s easeease andand soueraignesovereign ofof mymy blissebliss,
wln 2271SithSith heauenheaven hathhath ordaindeorordainedordaindedeigned theethee toto bebe minemine:
wln 2272DisperceDispersedisperse thosethose cloudesclouds andand melancholliemelancholy lookeslooks,
wln 2273AndAnd cleereclear themthem vpup withwith thosethose thythy Sunne brightSun-brightSun bright eieseyes,
wln 2274WhereinWherein mymy hopehope andand heauensheaven’sheavens faitefairefai●efair beautiebeauty lieslies.
wln 2275Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.MyMy lookeslooks mymy LordLord, areare fittingfitting forfor mymy louelove,
wln 2276WhichWhich newnew begunbegun, cancan shewshow, brighterbrighter yetyet.
wln 2277Bal.BalthazarBal.NewNew kindledkindled flamesflames shouldshould burneburn asas morningmorning SunSun.
wln 2278Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.ButBut notnot tootoo fastfast, leastlestleast heateheat andand allall bebe donedone.
wln 2279II seesee mymy LordLord mymy FatherFather.
wln 2280Bal.BalthazarBal.TruceTruce mymy louelove, II willwill goego salutesalute himhim.
wln 2281Cas.CastileCas.WelcomeWelcome BalthazarBalthazar, welcomewelcome brauebrave PrincePrinc●Prince,
wln 2282TheThe pledgepledge ofof CastilesCastile’sCastiles peacepeace:
wln 2283AndAnd welcomewelcome Bel-imperiaBel-imperia, howhow nownow girlegirl?
wln 2284WhyWh●Why commestcomest thouthou sadlysadly toto salutesalute vsus thusthus?
wln 2285ContentContent thy selfethyself forfor II amam satisfiedsatisfied,
wln 2286ItIt isis notnot nownow asas whenwhen AndreaAndrea liu’dlived,
sig: I1v
wln 2287WeWe hauehave forgottenforgotten andand forgiuenforgiven thatthat,
wln 2288AndAnd thouthou artart gracedgraced withwith aa happierhappier louelove,
wln 2289ButBut BalthazarBalthazar heerehere comescomes HieronimoHieronimo.
wln 2290IleI’ll hauehave aa wordword withwith himhim.
wln 2291EnterEnter HieronimoHieronimo andand aa SeruantServant.
wln 2292Hiero.HieronimoHiero.AndAnd whereswhere’s thethe DukeDuke?
wln 2293Ser.ServantSer.yonderyonder.
wln 2294Hiero.HieronimoHiero.EuenEveneven soso: whatwhat newnew deuicedevice hauehave theythey deuiseddevised trotrow?
wln 2295PocasPocas PalabrasPalabras, mildemild asas thethe LambeLamb,
wln 2296IstIs ’tIs’t II willwill bebe reueng’drevenged? nono, II amam notnot thethe manman.
wln 2297Cas.CastileCas.WelcomeWelcome HieronimoHieronimo.
wln 2298Lor.LorenzoLor.WelcomeWelcome HieronimoHieronimo.
wln 2299Bal.BalthazarBal.WelcomeWelcome HieronimoHieronimo.
wln 2300Hiero.HieronimoHiero.MyMy LordsLords II thankthank youyou forfor HoratioHoratio.
wln 2301Cas.CastileCas.HieronimoHieronimo, thethe reasonreason thatthat II sentsent
wln 2302ToTo speakspeak withwith youyou, isis thisthis.
wln 2303Hiero.HieronimoHiero.WhatWhat, soso shortshort?
wln 2304ThenThen ileI’ll bebe gonegone, II thankthank youyou fortfor ’tfor’t:
wln 2305Cas.CastileCas.NayNay, staystay HieronimoHieronimo, goego callcall himhim sonneson.
wln 2306HieronimoHieronimo, mymy fatherfather crauescraves aa wordword withwith youyou.
wln 2307Hiero.HieronimoHiero.WithWith meme sirsir? whywhy mymy L.LordL. II thoughtthought youyou hadhad donedone.
wln 2308Lor.LorenzoLor.NoNo, wouldwould hehe hadhad.
wln 2309Cas.CastileCas.HieronimoHieronimo, II hearhear youyou findefind your selfeyourself agreeuedaggrieved atat mymy (SonneSon,
wln 2310BecauseBecause youyou hauehave notnot accesseaccess vntounto thethe KiingKingK●ingKing,
wln 2311AndAnd saysay tis’tis hehe thatthat interceptsintercepts youryour sutessuits.
wln 2312Hiero.HieronimoHiero.WhyWhy, isis notnot thisthis aa miserablemiserable thingthing mymy LordLord?
wln 2313Cas.CastileCas.HieronimoHieronimo, II hopehope youyou hauehave nono causecause,
wln 2314AndAnd wouldwould bebe lothloath thatthat oneone ofof youryour desertsdeserts,
wln 2315ShouldShould onceonce hauehave reasonreason toto suspectsuspect mymy SonneSon,
wln 2316ConsideringConsidering howhow II thinkthink ofof youyou my selfemyself.
wln 2317Hiero.HieronimoHiero.YourYour sonneson LorenzoLorenzo, whomewhom, mymy noblenoble LordLord?
wln 2318TheThe hopehope ofof SpaineSpain, minemine honourablehonorablehonourable freendfriend?
wln 2319GrauntGrant meme thethe combatcombat ofof themthem, ifif theythey daredare.
wln 2320DrawesDraws outout hishis swordsword.
wln 2321IleI’ll meetmeet himhim faceface toto faceface toto telltell meme soso.
wln 2322TheseThese bebe thethe scandalousscandalous reportsreports ofof suchsuch,
sig: I2r
wln 2323AsAs louesloves notnot meme, andand hatehate mymy LordLord tootoo muchmuch.
wln 2324ShouldShould II suspectsuspect LorenzoLorenzo wouldwould preuentprevent,
wln 2325OrOr crossecross mymy sutesuit, thatthat louedloved mymy SonneSon soso wellwell.
wln 2326MyMy LordLord, II amam ashamedashamed itit shouldshould bebe saidsaid.
wln 2327Lor.LorenzoLor.HieronimoHieronimo, II neuernever gauegave youyou causecause.
wln 2328Hero.HieronimoHero.MyMy goodgood LordLord, II knowknow youyou diddid notnot.
wln 2329Cas.CastileCas.ThereThere thenthen pausepause, andand forfor thethe satisfactionsatisfaction ofof thethe (worldworld,
wln 2330HieronimoHieronimo frequentfrequent mymy homelyhomely househouse,
wln 2331TheThe DukeDuke ofof CastileCastileCastille CipriansCyprian’s ancientancient seatseat,
wln 2332AndAnd whenwhen thouthou wiltwilt, vseuse meme, mymy sonneson, andand itit:
wln 2333ButBut heerehere beforebefore PrincePrince BalthazarBalthazar andand meme,
wln 2334EmbraceEmbrace eacheach otherother, andand bebe perfectperfect freendsfriends.
wln 2335Hiero.HieronimoHiero.IAyI marrymarry mymy LordLord, andand shallshall:
wln 2336FreendsFriends (quothquoth hehe) seesee, IleI’ll bebe freendsfriends withwith youyou allall.
wln 2337SpeciallySpecially withwith youyou mymy louelylovely LordLord,
wln 2338ForFor diuersdivers causescauses itit isis sitfitsitfit forfor vsus,
wln 2339ThatThat wewe bebe freendsfriends, thethe worldworld isis suspitioussuspicious,
wln 2340AndAnd menmen maymay thinkthink whatwhat wewe imagineimagine notnot.
wln 2341Bal.BalthazarBal.WhyWhy thisthis isis freendlyfriendly doonedone HieronimoHieronimo.
wln 2342Lor.LorenzoLor.AndAnd thatthat II hopehope oldeold grudgesgrudges areare forgotforgot.
wln 2343Hiero.HieronimoHiero.WhatWhat elselse, itit werewere aa shameshame itit shouldshonldshould notnot bebe soso.
wln 2344Cas.CastileCas.ComeCome onon HieronimoHieronimo atat mymy requestrequest,
wln 2345LetLet vsus entreatentreat youryour companycompany to daytoday.
wln 2346ExeuntExeunt.
wln 2347Hiero.HieronimoHiero.YorYouryour LordshipsLordship’sLordships toto commaundcommand,
wln 2348PhaPahPha: keepkeep youryour wayway.
wln 2349MiMi.Mi.Mi.. ChiChi mimi fafasa? PuiPiùPui CorrezzaCorrezza CheChe nonnon sulesule
wln 2350TraditoTradito vihaviha ootradeotradeo tradetrade vulevule.ExitExit.
wln 2351EnterEnter GhoastGhost andand ReuengeRevenge.
wln 2352GhostGhost.
wln 2353AwakeAwake EricthaErichtha, CerberusCerberus awakeawake,
wln 2354SolliciteSolicit PlutoPluto gentlegentle ProserpineProserpine,
wln 2355ToTo combatcombat AchinonAchinon andand EricusEricus inin hellhell.
wln 2356ForFor neerene’er byby StixStyx andand PhlegetonPhlegethonPhlegeton:
wln 2357NorNor ferriedferried CaronCharon toto thethe fieriefiery lakeslak●slakes,
wln 2358SuchSuch fearfullfearful sightssights, asas poorepoor AndreaAndrea seesee?
sig: I2v
wln 2359ReuengeRe●engeRevenge awakeawake.
wln 2360ReuengeRevenge.
wln 2361AwakeAwake, forfor whywhy?
wln 2362GhostGhost.
wln 2363AwakeAwake ReuengeRevenge, forfor thouthou artart illill aduisdeadvised,
wln 2364ThsleepeTh●sleepeTh’ sleepTh●sleepe, awayaway, whatwhat, thouthou artart warndwarned toto watchwatch.
wln 2365ReuengeRevenge.
wln 2366ContentContent thy selfethyself, andand doedo notnot troubletrouble meme.
wln 2367GhostGhost.
wln 2368AwakeAwake ReuengeRevenge, ifif louelove asas louelove hathhath hadhad,
wln 2369HaueHave yetyet thethe powerpower oror preuailanceprevailance inin hellhell,
wln 2370HieronimoHieronimo withwith LorenzoLorenzo isis ioyndejoined inin leagueleague,
wln 2371AndAnd interceptsintercepts ourour passagepassage toto reuengerevenge:
wln 2372AwakeAwake ReuengeRevenge, oror wewe areare woewoe degonebegonedegonebegone.
wln 2373ReuengeRevenge.
wln 2374ThusThus worldlingsworldlings groundground whatwhat theythey hauehave dreamddreameddreamt vponupon,
wln 2375ContentContent thy selfethyself AndreaAndrea, thoughthough II sleepesleep,
wln 2376YetYet isis mymy moodmood solicitingsoliciting theirtheir soulessouls,
wln 2377SufficethSufficeth theethee thatthat poorepoor HieronimoHieronimo,
wln 2378CannotCannot forgetforget hishis sonneson HoratioHoratio.
wln 2379NorNor diesdies ReuengeRevenge althoughalthough hehe sleepesleep aa whilewhile,
wln 2380ForFor inin vnquietunquiet, quietnesquietness isis faindfeigned:
wln 2381AndAnd slumbringslumbering isis aa commoncommon worldlyworldly wilewile,
wln 2382BeholdeBehold AndreaAndrea forfor anan instanceinstance howhow,
wln 2383ReuengeRevenge hathhath sleptslept, andand thenthen imagineimagine thouthou,
wln 2384WhatWhat tis’tis toto bebe subiectsubject toto destiniedestiny.
wln 2385EnterEnter aa dummedumb shewshow.
wln 2386GhostGhost.
wln 2387AwakeAwake ReuengeRevenge, reuealereveal thisthis misteriemystery.
wln 2388ReuengeRevenge.
wln 2389TheThe twotwo firstfirst thethe nuptiallnuptial TorchesTorchestorch’s boareboreboar,
wln 2390AsAs brightlybrightly burningburning asas thethe mid-daiesmidday’s sunnesun:
wln 2391ButBut afterafter themthem dothdoth HimenHymen hiehie asas fastfast,
wln 2392ClothedClothed inin sable●ablesable, andand aa SaffronSaffron roberobe,
wln 2393AndAnd blowesblows themthem outout, andand quenchethquencheth themthem withwith bloodblood,
sig: I3r
wln 2394AsAs discontentdiscontent thatthat thingsthings continuecontinue soso.
wln 2395GhostGhost.
wln 2396SufficethSufficeth meme thythy meaningsmeaning’smeanings vnderstoodunderstood,
wln 2397AndAnd thanksthanks toto theethee andand thosethose infernallinfernal powerspowers,
wln 2398ThatThat willwill notnot tolleratetolerate aa LouersLover’slover’s woewoe,
wln 2399RestRest theethee forfor II willwill sitsit toto seesee thethe restrest.
wln 2400ReuengeRevenge.
wln 2401ThenThen argueargue notnot forfor thouthou hasthast thythy requestrequest.
wln 2402ExeuntExeunt.
wln 2403ActusActus QuartusQuartus.
wln 2404EnterEnter Bel-imperiaBel-imperia andand HieronimoHier●nimoHieronimo.
wln 2405Bel-imperiaBel-imperia.
wln 2406ISIS thisthis thethe louelove thouthou bearstbear’st HoratioHoratio?
wln 2407IsIs thisthis thethe kindneskindness thatthat thouthou counterfeitscounterfeits,
wln 2408AreAre thesethese thethe fruitsfruits ofof thinethine incessantincessant tearestears?
wln 2409HieronimoHieronimo, areare thesethese thythy passionspassions?
wln 2410ThyThy protestationsprotestations, andand thythy deepedeep lamentslaments,
wln 2411ThatThat thouthou wertwert wontwont toto wearieweary menmen withallwithal.
wln 2412OO vnkindunkind FatherFather, OOOh deceitfulldeceitful worldworld,
wln 2413WithWith whatwhat excusesexcuses canstcanst thouthou shewshow thy selfethyself?
wln 2414WithWith whatwhat dishonourdishonordishonour, andand thethe hatehate ofof menmen,
wln 2415FromFrom thisthis dishonourdishonordishonour andand thethe hatehate ofof menmen:
wln 2416ThusThus toto neglectneglect thethe losseloss andand lifelife ofof himhim,
wln 2417WhomWhom bothboth mymy lettersletters, andand thinethine owneown beliefebelief,
wln 2418AssuresAssures theethee toto bebe causlescauseless slaughteredslaughtered.
wln 2419HieronimoHieronimo, forfor shameshame HieronimoHieronimo:
wln 2420BeBe notnot aa HistoryHistory toto after timesafter-timesafter times,
wln 2421OfOf suchsuch inin gratitudegratitude vntounto thythy SonneSon.
wln 2422VnhappyUnhappy MothersMothers ofof suchsuch childrenchildren thenthen,
wln 2423ButBut monstrousmonstrous FathersFathers, toto forgetforget soso soonesoon
wln 2424TheThe deathdeath ofof thosethose, whomwhom theythey withwith carecare andand costcost
wln 2425HaueHave tendredtendered soso, thusthus carelescareless shouldshould bebe lostlost.
wln 2426My selfeMyselfmyself aa strangerstranger inin respectrespect ofof theethee,
wln 2427SoSo louedloved hishis lifelife, asas stillstill II wishwish theirtheir deathesdeaths,
sig: I3v
wln 2428NorNor shallshall hishis deathdeath bebe vnreuengdunrevenged byby meme.
wln 2429AlthoughAlthough II bearebear itit outout forfor fashionsfashion’s sakesake:
wln 2430ForFor heerehere II sweareswear inin sightsight ofof heauenheaven andand earthearth,
wln 2431ShouldstShould’stShouldst thouthou neglectneglect thethe louelove thouthou shouldstshouldst retaineretain,
wln 2432AndAnd giuegive itit ouerover andand deuisedevise nono moremore,
wln 2433My selfeMyselfmyself shouldshould sendsend theirtheir hatefullhateful soulessouls toto helhell,
wln 2434ThatThat wroughtwrought hishis downfalldownfall withwith extreamestextremest deathdeath.
wln 2435Hie.HieronimoHie.ButBut maymay itit bebe thatthat Bel-imperiaBel-imperia
wln 2436VowesVows suchsuch reuengerevenge asas sheshe hathhath dainddeigned toto saysay:
wln 2437WhyWhy thenthen II seesee thatthat heauenheaven appliesapplies ourour driftdrift,
wln 2438AndAnd allall thethe SaintsSaints doedo sitsit solicitingsoliciting
wln 2439ForFor vengeancevengeance onon thosethose cursedcursed murtherersmurderers
wln 2440MadameMadammadam tis’tis truetrue, andand nownow II findfind itit soso,
wln 2441II foundfound aa letterletter, writtenwritten inin youryour namename,
wln 2442AndAnd inin thatthat letterletter, howhow HoratioHoratio dieddied.
wln 2443PardonPardon, OOOh pardonpardon Bel-imperiaBel-imperia,
wln 2444MyMy fearefear andand carecare inin notnot beleeuingbelieving itit,
wln 2445NorNor thinkethink, II thoughtlesthoughtless thinkethink vponupon aa meanemean,
wln 2446ToTo letlet hishis deathdeath bebe vnreveng’dunrevenged atat fullfull,
wln 2447AndAnd heerehere II vowvow, soso youyou butbut giuegive consentconsent,
wln 2448AndAnd willwill concealeconceal mymy resolutionresolution,
wln 2449II willwill ereere longlong determinedetermine ofof theirtheir deathesdeaths,
wln 2450ThatThat causlescauseless thusthus hauehave murderdmurdered mymy SonneSon.
wln 2451Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.HieronimoHieronimo, II willwill consentconsent, concealeconceal,
wln 2452AndAnd oughtaught thatthat maymay effecteffect forfor thinethine auaileavail,
wln 2453IoyneJoinjoin withwith theethee toto reuengerevenge HoratioesHorat●oesHoratio’s deathdeath.
wln 2454Hier.HieronimoHier.OnOn thenthen, whatsoeuerwhatsoever II deuisedevise,
wln 2455LetLet meme entreatentreat youyou gracegrace mymy practisespracticespractises.
wln 2456ForFor whywhy, thethe plotsplots alreadyalready inin minemine headhead,
wln 2457HeereHere theythey areare.
wln 2458EnterEnter BalthazarBalthazar andand LorenzoLorenzo.
wln 2459Bal.BalthazarBal.HowHow nownow HieronimoHieronimo, whatwhat, courtingcourting Bel-imperiaBel-imperi●Bel-imperia..?
wln 2460Hiero.HieronimoHiero.AyIIAy mymy LordLord, suchsuch courtingcourting asas II promisepromise youyou
wln 2461SheShe hathhath mymy hartheart, butbut youyou mymy LordLord hauehave hershers.
wln 2462Lor.LorenzoLor.ButBut nownow HieronimoHieronimo oror neuernever wewe areare toto intreateentreat youryour (helpehelp.
wln 2463Hie.HieronimoHie.MyMy helphelp, whywhy mymy goodgood LordsLords assureassure your seluesyourselves ofof meme. img: 36-b
sig: I4r
wln 2464ForFor youyou hauehave giuengiven meme causecause, IAyI byby mymy faithfaith hauehave youyou.
wln 2465Bal.BalthazarBal.ItIt pleasdepleased youyou atat thethe entertainmententertainment ofof thethe Embassa-EmbassadourAmbassador(dour,
wln 2466ToTo gracegrace thethe KingKing soso muchmuch asas withwith aa shewshow,
wln 2467NowNow werewere youryour studiestudy soso wellwell furnishedfurnished,
wln 2468AsAs forfor thethe passingpassing ofof thethe firstfirst nightsnight’s sportsport,
wln 2469ToTo entertaineentertain mymy FatherFather withwith thethe likelike:
wln 2470OrOr anyany suchsuch likelike pleasingpleasing motionmotion,
wln 2471AssureAssure your selfeyourself itit wouldwould contentcontent themthem wellwell.
wln 2472Hiero.HieronimoHiero.IsIs thisthis allall?
wln 2473Bal.BalthazarBal.IAyay, thisthis isis allall.
wln 2474Hiero.HieronimoHiero.WhyWhy thenthen ilei’llI’ll fitfit youyou, saysay nono moremore.
wln 2475WhenWhen II waswas yougyoung II gauegave mymy mindemind,
wln 2476AndAnd plideplied my selfemyself toto fruitlesfruitless poetriepoetry:
wln 2477WhichWhich thoughthough itit profiteprofit thethe professorprofessor naughtnaught,
wln 2478YetYet isis itit passingpassing pleasingpleasing toto thethe worldworld.
wln 2479Lor.LorenzoLor.AndAnd howhow forfor thatthat?
wln 2480Hiero.HieronimoHiero.MarrieMarry mymy goodgood LordLord thusthus.
wln 2481AndAnd yetyet me thinksmethinks youyou areare tootoo quickquick withwith vsus.
wln 2482WhenWhen inin TolledoToledo therethere II studiedstudied,
wln 2483ItIt waswas mymy chauncechance toto writewrite aa tragedietragedy,
wln 2484SeeSee heerehere mymy LordsLords.HeHe shewesshows themthem aa bookbook.
wln 2485WhichWhich longlong forgotforgot, II foundfound thisthis otherother dayday,
wln 2486NowNow wouldwould youryour LordshipsLordshipsLordship’s fauourfavorfavour meme soso muchmuch,
wln 2487AsAs butbut toto gracegrace meme withwith youryour actingacting itit,
wln 2488II meanemean eacheach oneone ofof youyou toto playplay aa partpart,
wln 2489AssureAssure youyou itit willwill proueprove mostmost passingpassing strangestrange,
wln 2490AndAnd wondrouswondrous plausibleplausible toto thatthat assemblyassembly.
wln 2491Bal.BalthazarBal.WhatWhat wouldwould youyou hauehave vsus playplay aa TragedieTragedy?
wln 2492Hiero.HieronimoHiero.WhyWhy NeroNero thoughtthought itit nono disparagementdisparagement,
wln 2493AndAnd KingsKings andand EmperoursEmperors hauehave taneta’en delightdelight,
wln 2494ToTo makemake experienceexperience ofof theirtheir witswits inin plaiesplays?
wln 2495Lor.LorenzoLor.NayNay bebe notnot angryangry goodgood HieronimoHieronimo,
wln 2496TheThe PrincePrince butbut askedasked aa questionquestion.
wln 2497Bal.BalthazarBal.InIn faithfaith HieronimoHieronimo andand youyou bebe inin earnestearnest,
wln 2498IleI’ll makemake oneone.
wln 2499Lor.LorenzoLor.AndAnd II anotheranother.
wln 2500Hiero.HieronimoHiero.NowNow mymy goodgood LordLord, couldcould youyou intrearentreat,
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wln 2501YourYour SisterSister Bel-imperiaBel-imperia toto makemake oneone,
wln 2502ForFor whatswhat’s aa playplay withoutwithout aa womanwoman inin itit?
wln 2503Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.LittleLittle intreatyentreaty shallshall serueserve meme HieronomoHieronimoHieronomo,
wln 2504ForFor II mustmust needsneeds bebe imployedemployed inin youryour playplay.
wln 2505Hiero.HieronimoHiero.WhyWhy thisthis isis wellwell, II telltell youyou LordingsLordings,
wln 2506ItIt waswas determineddetermined toto hauehave beenebeen actedacted,
wln 2507ByBy GentlemenGentlemen andand schollersscholars tootoo,
wln 2508SuchSuch asas couldcould telltell whatwhat toto speakspeak.
wln 2509Bal.BalthazarBal.AndAnd nownow itit shallshall bebe plaideplayed byby PrincesPrinces andand CourtiersCourtiers
wln 2510suchsuch asas cancan telltell howhow toto speakspeak:
wln 2511IfIf asas itit isis ourour CountryCountry mannermanner,
wln 2512YouYou willwill butbut letlet vsus knowknow thethe argumentargument.
wln 2513Hiero.HieronimoHiero.ThatThat shallshall II roundlyroundly: thethe CroniclesChronicles ofof SpaineSpain
wln 2514RecordeRecord thisthis writtenwritten ofof aa KnightKnight ofof RodesRhodes,
wln 2515HeHe waswas betrothedbetrothed andand weddedwedded atat thethe lengthlength,
wln 2516ToTo oneone PersedaPerseda anan ItalianItalian damedame.
wln 2517WhoseWhose beautybeauty rauishedravished allall thatthat herher beheldebeheld,
wln 2518EspeciallyEspecially thethe soulesoul ofof SolimanSoliman,
wln 2519WhoWho atat thethe marriagemarriage wayway thethe cheefestchiefest guestguest.
wln 2520ByBy sundrysundry meanesmeans soughtsought SolimanSoliman toto winnewin,
wln 2521PersedasPerseda’s louelove, andand couldcould notnot gainegain thethe samesame.
wln 2522ThenThen gan’gan hehe breakbreak hishis passionspassions toto aa freendfriend,
wln 2523OneOne ofof hishis BashawesBashawsPashas whomwhom hehe heldheld fullfull deeredear,
wln 2524HerHer hadhad thisthis BashawBashaw longlong solicitedsolicited,
wln 2525AndAnd sawsaw sheshe waswas notnot otherwiseotherwise toto bebe wonnewon,
wln 2526ButBut byby herher husbandshusband’s deathdeath thisthis KnightKnight ofof RodesRhodes.
wln 2527WhomeWhom presentlypresently byby trecherietreachery hehe slewslew,
wln 2528SheShe stirdestirred withwith anan exceedingexceeding hatehate thereforetherefore,
wln 2529AsAs causecause ofof thisthis slewslew SolimanSoliman.
wln 2530AndAnd toto escapeescape thethe BashawesBashaw’sPasha’s tirannietyranny,
wln 2531DidDid stabstab her selfeherself, andand thisthis thethe TragedieTragedy.
wln 2532Lor.LorenzoLor.OO excellentexcellent.
wln 2533Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.ButBut saysay HieronimoHieronimo whatwhat thenthen becamebecame ofof himhim
wln 2534ThatThat waswas thethe BashawBashaw?
wln 2535Hiero.HieronimoHiero.MarrieMarry thusthus, mouedmoved withwith remorseremorse ofof hishis misdeedsmisdeeds
wln 2536RanRan toto aa mountainmountain toptop andand hunghung himselfehimself.
wln 2537Bal.BalthazarBal.ButBut whichwhich ofof vsus isis toto performeperform thatthat partepart,
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wln 2538Hiero.HieronimoHiero.OO, thatthat willwill II mymy LordsLords, makemake nono doubtdoubt ofof itit.
wln 2539IleI’ll playplay thethe murderermurderer II warrantwarrant youyou,
wln 2540ForFor II alreadyalready hauehave conceitedconceited thatthat.
wln 2541Bal.BalthazarBal.AndAnd whatwhat shallshall II.
wln 2542Hiero.HieronimoHiero.GreatGreat SolimanSoliman thethe TurkishTurkish EmperourEmperor.
wln 2543Lor.LorenzoLor.AndAnd II.
wln 2544Hiero.HieronimoHiero.ErastusErastus thethe KnightKnight ofof RhodesRhodes,
wln 2545Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.AndAnd II.
wln 2546Hiero.HieronimoHiero.PersedaPerseda, chastechaste andand resoluteresolute.
wln 2547AndAnd heerehere mymy LordsLords areare seuerallseveral abstractsabstracts drawnedrawn,
wln 2548ForFor eacheeach ofof youyou toto notenote youryour partesparts,
wln 2549AndAnd actact itit asas occasion’soccasion’s offredoffered youyou.
wln 2550YouYou mustmust prouideprovide aa turkishturkish cappecap,
wln 2551AA blackblack mustaciomustacio andand aa fauchionfalchion.
wln 2552GiuesGives aa paperpaper toto Bal.BalthazarBal.
wln 2553YouYou withwith aa crossecross likelike toto aa KnightKnight ofof RhodesRhodes.
wln 2554GiuesGives anotheranother toto Lor.LorenzoLor.
wln 2555AndAnd MadameMadammadam, youyou mustmust attireattire your selfeyourself,
wln 2556HeHe giuethgiveth Bel.Bel-imperiaBel. anotheranother.
wln 2557LikeLike PhœbePhoebePhoeb●Phoebe, FloraFlora, oror thethe huntressehuntress,
wln 2558WhichWhich toto youryour discretiondiscretion shallshall seemeseem bestbest.
wln 2559AndAnd asas forfor meme mymy LordsLords IleI’ll lookelook toto oneone,
wln 2560AndAnd withwith thethe raunsomeransom thatthat thethe Vice-royViceroy sentsent,
wln 2561SoSo furnishfurnish andand performeperform thisthis tragedietragedy,
wln 2562AsAs allall thethe worldworld shallshall saysay HieronimoHieronimo,
wln 2563WasWas liberallliberal inin gracinggracing ofof itit soso.
wln 2564Bal.BalthazarBal.HieronimoHieronimo, me thinksmethinks aa ComedieComedy werewere betterbetter.
wln 2565Hiero.HieronimoHiero.AA ComedieComedy, fiefie, comediescomedies areare fitfit forfor commoncommon witswits
wln 2566ButBut toto presentpresent aa KinglyKingly troupetroop withallwithal,
wln 2567GiueGive meme aa statelystately writtenwritten TragedieTragedy.
wln 2568TragediaTragedia cothernatocothernato, fittingfitting KingsKings,
wln 2569ContainingContaining mattermatter, andand notnot commoncommon thingsthings.
wln 2570MyMy LordsLords, allall thisthis mustmust bebe perfourmedperformed,
wln 2571AsAs fittingsitting●ittingsittingfitting forfor thethe firstfirst nightsnight’snights reuellingrevelling.
wln 2572TheThe ItalianItalian TragediansTragedian●Tragedians werewere soso sharpesharp ofof witwit,
wln 2573ThatThat inin oneone houreshour’shours meditationmeditation,
wln 2574TheyThey wouldwould performeperform any thinganyanythinganythingthing inin actionaction.
sig: K1v
wln 2575Lor.LorenzoLor.AndAnd wellwell itit maymay, forfor II hauehave seeneseen thethe likelike
wln 2576InIn ParisParis, mongst’mongstamongst thethe FrenchFrench TragediansTragedians.
wln 2577Hiero.HieronimoHiero.InIn ParisParis, masmass andand wellwell remembredremembered,
wln 2578TheresThere’sthere’s oneone thingthing moremore thatthat restsrests forfor vsus toto doodo.
wln 2579Bal.BalthazarBal.WhatsWhat’swhat’s thatthat HieronimoHieronimo forgetforget notnot anyany thingthing.
wln 2580Hiero.HieronimoHiero.EachEach oneone ofof vsus mustmust actact hishis partepart,
wln 2581InIn vnknowneunknown languageslanguages,
wln 2582ThatThat itit maymay breedebreed thethe moremore varietievariety.
wln 2583AsAs youyou mymy LordLord inin LatinLatin, II inin GreekeGreek,
wln 2584YouYou inin ItalianItalian, andand forfor becausebecause II knowknow,
wln 2585ThatThat Bel-imperiaBel-imperia hathhath practisedpracticedpractised thethe FrenchFrench,
wln 2586InIn courtlycourtly FrenchFrench shallshall allall herher phraisesphrases bebe.
wln 2587Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.YouYou meanemean toto tryetry mymy cunningcunning thenthenthan HieronimoHieronimo.
wln 2588Bal.BalthazarBal.ButBut thisthis willwill bebe aa meeremere confusionconfusion,
wln 2589AndAnd hardlyhardly shallshall wewe allall bebe vnderstoodeunderstood.
wln 2590Hiero.HieronimoHiero.ItIt mustmust bebe soso, forfor thethe conclusionconclusion
wln 2591ShallShall proueprove thethe inuentioninvention, andand allall waswas goodgood:
wln 2592AndAnd II my selfemyself inin anan OrationOration,
wln 2593ThatThat II willwill hauehave therethere behindebehind aa curtainecurtain,
wln 2594AndAnd withwith aa strangestrange andand wondrouswondrous shewshow besidesbesides:
wln 2595AssureAssure your selfeyourself shallshall makemake thethe mattermatter knowneknown.
wln 2596AndAnd allall shalbeshall be concludedconcluded inin oneone SceneScene,
wln 2597ForFor theresthere’s nono pleasurepleasure taneta’en inin tediousnestediousness.
wln 2598Bal.BalthazarBal.HowHow likelike youyou thisthis?
wln 2599Lor.LorenzoLor.WhyWhy thusthus mymy LordLord wewe mustmust resolueresolve,
wln 2600ToTo soothesoothe hishis humorshumorshumours vpup.
wln 2601Bal.BalthazarBal.OnOn thenthen HieronimoHieronimo, farewellfarewell tilltill soonesoon.
wln 2602Hiero.HieronimoHiero.YouleYou’ll plieply thisthis geeregear.
wln 2603Lor.LorenzoLor.II warrantwarrant youyou.ExeuntExeunt allall butbut Hiero.HieronimoHiero.
wln 2604Hiero.HieronimoHiero.WhyWhy soso, nownow shallshall II seesee thethe fallfall ofof BabilonBabylon,
wln 2605WroughtWrought byby thethe heauensheavens inin thisthis confusionconfusion.
wln 2606AndAnd ifif thethe worldworld likelike notnot thisthis tragedietragedy,
wln 2607HardHard isis thethe haphap ofof oldeold HieronimoHieronimo.ExitExit.
wln 2608EnterEnter IsabellaIsabella withwith aa weaponweapon.
wln 2609TellTell meme nono moremore, OOOh monstrousmonstrous homicideshomicides,
wln 2610SinceSince neitherneither pietiepiety nornor pittiepity mouesmoves
sig: K2r
wln 2611TheThe KingKing toto iusticejustice oror compassioncompassion:
wln 2612II willwill reuengerevenge my selfemyself vponupon thisthis placeplace,
wln 2613WhereWhere thusthus theythey murderedmurdered mymy belouedbeloved SonneSon.
wln 2614SheShe cutscuts downedown thethe ArbourArborArbour.
wln 2615DowneDown withwith thesethese branchesbranches andand theseth●sethese loathsomeloathsome bowesboughsbows,
wln 2616OfOf thisthis vnfortunateunfortunate andand fatallfatal pinepine.
wln 2617DowneDown withwith themthem IsabellaIsabella, rent●entrent themthem vpup,
wln 2618AndAnd burneburn thethe rootsroots fromfrom whencewhence thethe restrest isis sprungsprung:
wln 2619II willwill notnot leaueleave aa rootroot, aa stalkestalk, aa treetree,
wln 2620AA boweboughbow, aa branchbranch, aa blossomeblossom, nornor aa leafeleaf,
wln 2621NoNo, notnot anan hearbherb withinwithin thisthis gardengarden PlotPlot.
wln 2622AccursedAccursed complotcomplot ofof mymy miseriemisery,
wln 2623FruitlesseFruitless for euerforforeverforeuerever maymay thisthis gardengarden bebe.
wln 2624BarrenBarren thethe earthearth, andand blislesseblissless whosoeuerwhosoever,
wln 2625ImmaginesImagines notnot toto keepkeep itit vnmanurdeunmanured:
wln 2626AnAn EasterneEastern windewind comixtcommixed withwith noisomenoisome airesairs,
wln 2627ShallShall blastblast thethe plantsplants andand thethe yongyoung saplingssaplings,
wln 2628TheThe earthearth withwith SerpentsSerpents shalbeshalshall be pesteredpesteredbebe
wln 2629AndAnd passengerspassengers forfor fearefear toto bebe infectinfect,
wln 2630ShallShall standstand aloofealoof, andand lookinglooking atat itit, telltell
wln 2631ThereThere murdredmurdered didedied thethe sonneson ofof IsabellIsabell.
wln 2632IAyI heerehere hehe didedied, andand heerehere II himhim imbraceembrace,
wln 2633SeeSee wherewhere hishis GhoastGhost solicitessolicits withwith hishis woundswounds,
wln 2634ReuengeRevenge onon herher thatthat shouldshould reuengerevenge hishis deathdeath,
wln 2635HieronimoHieronimo makemake hastehaste toto seesee thythy sonneson,
wln 2636ForFor sorrowsorrow andand dispairedespair hathhath scitedseitedcitedscited meme,
wln 2637ToTo hearehear HoratioHoratio pleadplead withwith RadamantRhadamant,
wln 2638MakeMake hastehaste, HieronimoHieronimo toto holdehold excusdeexcused.
wln 2639ThyThy negligencenegligence inin pursutepursuit ofof theirtheir deathsdeaths,
wln 2640WhoseWhose hatefullhateful wrathwrath bereu’dbereaved himhim ofof hishis breathbreath.
wln 2641AhAh naynay, thouthou dostdost delaydelay theirtheir deathsdeaths,
wln 2642ForgiuesForgives thethe murderersmurderers ofof thythy noblenoble sonneson,
wln 2643AndAnd nonenone butbut II bestirrebestir meme toto nono endend,
wln 2644AndAnd asas II curssecurse thisthis treetree fromfrom furtherfurther fruitfruit,
wln 2645SoSo shallshall mymy wombewomb bebe cursedcursed forfor hishis sakesake,
wln 2646AndAnd withwith thisthis weaponweapon willwill II woundwound thethe brestbreast,{SheShe stabsstabs
her selfeherself.
wln 2647TheThe hapleshapless brestbreast thatthat gauegave HoratioHoratio sucksuck.
sig: K2v
wln 2648EnterEnter HieronimoHier●nimoHieronimo, hehe knocksknocks vpup thethe curtainecurtain.
wln 2649EnterEnter thethe DukeDuke ofof CastileCastile.
wln 2650Cas.CastileCas.HowHow nownow HieronimoHieroni●oHieronimo whereswhere’s youryour fellowsfellows,
wln 2651ThatThat youyou taketake allall thisthis painepain?
wln 2652Hiero.HieronimoHiero.OO sirsir, itit isis forfor thethe AuthorsAuthor’sauthor’s creditcredit,
wln 2653ToTo looklook thatthat allall thingsthings maymay goego wellwell:
wln 2654ButBut goodgood mymy LordLord letlet meme intreatentreat youryour gracegrace,
wln 2655ToTo giuegive thethe KingKing thethe coppiecopy ofof thethe plaieplay:
wln 2656ThisThis isis thethe argumentargument ofof whatwhat wewe shewshow.
wln 2657Cas,CastileCas,II willwill HieronimoHieronimo.
wln 2658Hiero.HieronimoHiero.OneOne thingthing moremore mymy goodgood LordLord.
wln 2659Cas.CastileCas.WhatsWhat’swhat’s thatthat?
wln 2660Hiero.HieronimoHiero.LetLet meme intreatentreat youryour gracegrace,
wln 2661ThatThat whenwhen thethe trainetrain areare pastpassed intointo thethe galleriegallery,
wln 2662YouYou wouldwould vouchsafevouchsafe to●oto throwethrow meme downedown thethe keykey.
wln 2663Cas.CastileCas.II willwill HieronimoHieronimo.ExitExit Cas.CastileCas.
wln 2664Hiero.HieronimoHiero.WhatWhat areare youyou readyready BalthazarBalthazar?
wln 2665BringBring aa chairechair andand aa cushioncushion forfor thethe KingKing.
wln 2666EnterEnter BalthazarBalthazar withwith aa ChaireChair.
wln 2667WellWell doondone BalthazarBalthazar, hanghang vpup thethe titletitle.
wln 2668OurOur scenescene isis RhodesRhodes, whatwhat isis youryour beardbeard onon?
wln 2669Bal.BalthazarBal.HalfeHalf onon, thethe otherother isis inin mymy handhand.
wln 2670Hiero.HieronimoHiero.DispatchDispatch forfor shameshame, areare youyou soso longlong?
wln 2671ExitExit BalthazarBalthazar.
wln 2672BethinkBethink thy selfethyself HieronimoHieronimo,
wln 2673RecallRecall thythy witswits, recomptrecompt thythy formerformer wrongswrongs,
wln 2674ThouThou hasthast receiuedreceived byby murdermurder ofof thythy sonneson.
wln 2675AndAnd lastlylastly, notnot leastleast, howhow IsabellIsabell,
wln 2676OnceOnce hishis mothermother andand thythy deerestdearest wifewife:
wln 2677AllAll woewoe begonebegone forfor himhim hathhath slaineslain her selfeherself.
wln 2678BehouesBehoves theethee thenthen HieronimoHieronimo toto bebe reueng’drevenged,
wln 2679TheThe plotplot isis laidelaid ofof diredire reuengerevenge,
wln 2680OnOn thenthen HieronimoHieronimo pursuepursue reuengerevenge,
wln 2681ForFor nothingnothing wantswants butbut actingacting ofof reuengerevenge.
wln 2682ExitExit HieronimoHieronimo.
sig: K3r
wln 2683EnterEnter SpanishSpanish KingKing, Vice-royViceroy, thethe DukeDuke ofof CastileCastile,
wln 2684andand theirtheir trainetrain.
wln 2685KingKing.NowNow ViceroyViceroy, shallshall wewe seesee thethe TragedieTragedy,
wln 2686OfOf SolimanSoliman thethe TurkishTurkish EmperourEmperor:
wln 2687PerformdePerformed ofof pleasurepleasure byby youryour SonneSon thethe PrincePrince,
wln 2688MyMy NephewNephew DonDon LorenzoLorenzo, andand mymy NeeceNiece.
wln 2689Vice.ViceroyVice.WhoWho, Bel-imperiaBel-imperi●Bel-imperia?
wln 2690KingKing.IAyay, andand HieronimoHieronimo ourour MarshallMarshal.
wln 2691AtAt whosewhose requestrequest theythey deinedeign toto doo’tdo ’tdo’t themseluesthemselves.
wln 2692TheseThese bebe ourour pastimespastimes inin thethe CourtCourt ofof SpaineSpain.
wln 2693HeereHere brotherbrother, youyou shallshall bebe thethe booke-keeperbook keeper.
wln 2694ThisThis isis thethe argumentargument ofof thatthat theythey shewshow.
wln 2695HeHe giuethgiveth himhim aa bookebook.
wln 2696GentlemenGentlemen, thisthis playplay ofof HieronimoHieronimo inin sundriesundry LanguagesLanguages, waswas
wln 2697thoughtthought goodgood toto bebe setset downedown inin EnglishEnglish moremore largelylargely,
wln 2698forfor thethe easiereasier vnderstandingunderstanding toto eueryevery
wln 2699publiquepublic ReaderReader.
wln 2700EnterEnter BalthazarBalthazar, Bel-imperiaBel-imperia, andand HieronimoHieronimo.
wln 2701BalthazarBalthazar.
wln 2702BAshawBAshawbassa, thatthat RhodesRhodes isis oursours, yeeldyield heauensheavens thethe honorhonorhonour,
wln 2703AndAnd holyholy MahometMahomet ourour sacredsacred ProphetProphet:
wln 2704AndAnd bebe thouthou grac’tgraced withwith eueryevery excelenceexcellence,
wln 2705ThatThat SolimanSoliman cancan giuegive, oror thouthou desiredesire.
wln 2706ButBut thythy desertdesert inin conqueringconquering RhodesRhodes isis lesseless,
wln 2707ThenThan inin reseruingreserving thisthis fairefair ChristianChristian NimphNymph
wln 2708PersedaPerseda, blisfullblissful lamplamp ofof ExcellenceExcellence:
wln 2709WhoseWhose eieseyes compellcompel likelike powerfullpowerful AdamantAdamant,
wln 2710TheThe warlikewarlike heartheart ofof SolimanSoliman toto waitwait.
wln 2711KingKing.SeeSee Vice-RoyViceroy, thatthat isis BalthazarBalt●azarBalthazar youryour SonneSon,
wln 2712ThatThat representsrepresents thethe EmperourEmperor SolymanSoliman:
wln 2713HowHow wellwell hehe actsacts hishis amorousamorous passionpassion.
wln 2714Vice.ViceroyVice.IAyI Bel-imperiaBel-imperia hathhath taughttaught himhim thatthat.
wln 2715CastileCastile.That’sThat’s becausebecause hishis mindmind tunnesrunstons allall onon Bel-imperiaBel-imperia
sig: K3v
wln 2716Hiero.HieronimoHiero.What euerWhateverwhatever ioyjoy earthearth yeeldsyields betidebetide youryour MeiestieMajestymajesty.
wln 2717Balt.BalthazarBalt.EarthEarth yeeldsyields nono ioyjoy withoutwithout PersedaesPerseda’s louelove.
wln 2718Hiero.HieronimoHiero.LetLet thenthen PersedaPerseda onon youryour gracegrace attendattend.
wln 2719Balt.BalthazarBalt.SheShe shallshall notnot waitwait onon meme, butbut II onon herher,
wln 2720DrawneDrawn byby thethe influenceinfluence ofof herher lightslights, II yeeldyield.
wln 2721ButBut letlet mymy friendfriend thethe RhodianRhodian knightknight comecome foorthforth,
wln 2722ErastoErasto, dearerdearer thenthan mymy lifelife toto meme,
wln 2723ThatThat hehe maymay seesee PersedaPerseda mymy belouedbeloved.
wln 2724EnterEnter ErastoErast●Erasto.
wln 2725KingKing.HeereHere comescomes LorenzoLorenzo, lookelook vponvpuponuponon thethe plotplot,
wln 2726AndAnd teltell meme brotherbrother whatwhat partpart plaiesplays hehe?
wln 2727Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.AhAh mymy ErastoErasto, welcomewelcome toto PersedaPerseda.
wln 2728Lo.LorenzoLo.ThriceThrice happiehappy isis ErastoErasto, thatthat thouthou liuestlivest,
wln 2729RhodesRhodes’Rhodes losseloss isis nothingnothing toto ErastoesErasto’s ioyjoy:
wln 2730SithSith hishis PersedaPerseda liueslives, hishis lifelife suruiuessurvives.
wln 2731Balt.BalthazarBalt.AhAh BashawBashaw, heerehere isis louelove betweenebetween ErastoErast●Erasto
wln 2732AndAnd fairefair PersedaPerseda soueraignesovereign ofof mymy soulesoul.
wln 2733Hiero.HieronimoHiero.RemooueRemove ErastoErasto mightymighty SolymanSoliman,
wln 2734AndAnd thenthen PersedaPerseda willwill bebe quicklyquickly wonnewon.
wln 2735Balt.BalthazarBalt.ErastoErasto isis mymy friendfriend, andand whilewhile hehe liueslives,
wln 2736PersedaPerseda neuernever willwill remooueremove herher louelove.
wln 2737Hiero.HieronimoHiero.LetLet notnot ErastoErasto liuelive, toto greeuegrieve greatgreat SolimanSoliman.
wln 2738Balt.BalthazarBalt.DeareDear isis ErastoErasto inin ourour PrinclyPrincely eyeeye.
wln 2739Hiero.HieronimoHiero.ButBut ifif hehe bebe youryour riuallrival, letlet himhim diedie.
wln 2740Balt.BalthazarBalt.VVhyWhy letlet himhim diedie, soso louelove commaundethcommandeth meme.
wln 2741YetYet greeuegrieve II thatthat ErastoErasto shouldshould soso diedie.
wln 2742Hiero.HieronimoHiero.ErastoErasto, SolymanSoliman salutethsaluteth theethee,
wln 2743AndAnd letslets theethee witwit byby meme hishis highneshighness’ willwill:
wln 2744VVhichWhich isis, thouthou shouldstshouldst bebe thusthus imploidemployed.StabStab him●imhim.
wln 2745Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.AyAy meme ErastoErasto, seesee SolymanSoliman ErastoesErasto’s slaineslain.
wln 2746Balt.BalthazarBalt.YetYet liuethliveth SolymanSoliman toto comfortcomfort theethee.
wln 2747FaireFair QueeneQueen ofof beautiebeauty, letlet notnot fauourfavorfavour diedie,
wln 2748ButBut withwith aa gratiousgracious eyeeye beholdebehold hishis griefegrief,
wln 2749ThatThat withwith PersedaesPerseda’s beautiebeauty isis encreastincreased.
wln 2750IfIf byby PersedaesPerseda’s griefegrief bebe notnot releastreleased.
wln 2751Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.TyrantTyrant, desistdesist solicitingsoliciting vainevain sutessuits,
sig: K4r
wln 2752RelentlesRelentless areare minemine earesears toto thythy lamentslaments,
wln 2753AsAs thythy butcherbutcher isis pittilessepitiless andand basebase,
wln 2754VVhichWhich seazdseized onon mymy ErastoErasto, harmelesseharmless knightknight.
wln 2755YetYet byby thythy powerpower thouthou thinkestthinkest toto commaundcommand,
wln 2756AndAnd toto thythy powerpower PersedaPerseda dothdoth obeyobey:
wln 2757ButBut werewere sheshe ableable, thusthus sheshe wouldwould reuengerevenge
wln 2758ThyThy treacheriestreacheries onon theethee ignobleignoble PrincePrince:StabStab himhim.
wln 2759AndAnd onon herselfeherself sheshe wouldwould bebe thusthus reuengdrevengedStabStab herselfeherself.
wln 2760KingKing.VVellWell saidsaid oldeold MarshalMarshal, thisthis waswas brauelybravely donedone.
wln 2761Hiero.HieronimoHiero.ButBut Bel-imperiaBel-imperia plaiesplays PersedaPerseda wellwell.
wln 2762Vice.ViceroyVice.werewere thisthis inin earnestearnest Bel-imperiaBel-imperia,
wln 2763YouYou wouldwould bebe betterbetter toto mymy SonneSon thenthanthen soso.
wln 2764KingKing.ButBut nownow whatwhat followesfollows forfor HieronimoHieronimo?
wln 2765Hiero,HieroHieronimoHiero,MarrieMarry thisthis followesfollows forfor HieronimoHieronimo.
wln 2766HeereHere breakebreak wewe offoff ourour sundriesundry languageslanguages,
wln 2767AndAnd thusthus concludeconclude II inin ourour vulgarevulgar tungtongue.
wln 2768HappelyHappily youyou thinkthink, butbut bootlesbootless areare youryour thoughtsthoughts,
wln 2769ThatThat thisthis isis fabulouslyfabulously counterfeitcounterfeit,
wln 2770AndAnd thatthat wewe doodo asas allall TragediansTragedians doodo.
wln 2771ToTo diedie to daytoday, forfor (fashioningfashioning ourour scenescene)
wln 2772TheThe deathdeath ofof AiaxAjaxAiax, oror somesome RomaineRoman peerepeer,
wln 2773AndAnd inin aa minuteminute startingstarting vpup againeagain,
wln 2774ReuiueRevive toto pleaseplease to morrowestomorrow’sto morrow’s audienceaudience.
wln 2775NoNo PrincesPrinces, knowknow II amam HieronimoHieronimo,
wln 2776TheThe hopeleshopeless FatherFather ofof aa hapleshapless SonneSon,
wln 2777WhoseWhose tungtongue isis tun’dtuned toto telltell hishis latestlatest taletale,
wln 2778NotNot toto excuseexcuse grossegross errorserrors inin thethe playplay,
wln 2779II seesee youryour lookeslooks vrgeurge instanceinstance ofof thesethese wordswords,
wln 2780BeholdeBehold thethe reasonreason vrgingurging meme toto thisthis,
wln 2781ShewesShows hishis deaddead sonneson.
wln 2782SeeSee heerehere mymy shewshow, looklook onon thisthis spectaclespectacle:
wln 2783HeereHere laylay mymy hopehope, andand heerehere mymy hopehope hathhath endend:
wln 2784HeereHere laylay mymy hartheart, andand heerehere mymy hartheart waswas slaineslain:
wln 2785HeereHere laylay mymy treasuretreasure, heerehere mymy treasuretreasure lostlost:
wln 2786HeereHere laylay mymy blissebliss, andand heerehere mymy blissebliss bereftbereft.
wln 2787ButBut hopehope, hartheart, treasuretreasure, ioyjoy, andand blissebliss:
wln 2788AllAll fledfled, faildfailed, dieddied, yeayea allall decaidedecayed withwith thisthis.
sig: K4v
wln 2789FromFrom forthforth thesethese woundswounds camecame breathbreath thatthat gauegave meme lifelife,
wln 2790TheyThey murdredmurdered meme thatthat mademade thesethese fatallfatal markesmarks:
wln 2791TheThe causecause waswas louelove, whencewhence grewgrew thisthis mortallmortal hatehate,
wln 2792TheThe hatehate, LorenzoLorenzo andand yongyoung BalthazarBalthazar:
wln 2793TheThe louelove, mymy sonneson toto Bel-imperiaBel-imperia.
wln 2794ButBut nightnight thethe couerercoverer ofof accursedaccursed crimescrimes,
wln 2795WithWith pitchiepitchy silencesilence hushthushed thesethese traitorstraitors’ harmesharms,
wln 2796AndAnd lentlent themthem leaueleave, forfor theythey hadhad sortedsorted leasureleisure,
wln 2797ToTo taketake aduantageadvantage inin mymy GardenGarden plotplot,
wln 2798VponUpon mymy SonneSon, mymy deeredear HoratioHoratio:
wln 2799ThereThere mercilessemerciless theythey butcherdbutchered vpup mymy boyboy,
wln 2800InIn blackblack darkedark nightnight, toto palepale dimdim cruellcruel deathdeath.
wln 2801HeHe shrikesshrieks, II heardheard, andand yetyet me thinksmethinks II hearehear,
wln 2802HisHis dismalldismal out-cryoutcry ecchoecho inin thethe aireair:
wln 2803WithWith soonestsoonest speedspeed II hastedhasted toto thethe noisenoise,
wln 2804WhereWhere hanginghanging onon aa treetree, II foundfound mymy sonneson.
wln 2805ThroughThrough girtgirt withwith woundswounds, andand slaughtredslaughtered asas youyou seesee,
wln 2806AndAnd greeuedgrieved II (thinkthink youyou) atat thisthis spectaclespectacle?
wln 2807SpeakSpeak PortaguiseCalabrianPortaguisePortuguese, whosewhose losseloss resemblesresembles minemine,
wln 2808IfIf thouthou canstcanst weepweep vponupon thythy BalthazarBalthazar,
wln 2809Tis’Tis likelike II waildewailed forfor mymy HoratioHoratio.
wln 2810AndAnd youyou mymy L.LordL. whosewhose reconciledreconciled sonneson,
wln 2811MarchtMarched inin aa netnet, andand thoughtthought him selfehimself vnseeneunseen,
wln 2812AndAnd ratedrated meme forfor brainsickebrainsick lunacielunacy,
wln 2813WithWith GodGod amendamend thatthat madmad HieronimoHieronimo,
wln 2814HowHow cancan youyou brookbrook ourour plaiesplay’s catastrophecatastrophe?
wln 2815AndAnd heerehere beholdebehold thisthis bloudiebloody hand-kercherhandkercher,
wln 2816WhichWhich atat HoratiosHoratio’s deathdeath II weepingweeping diptdipped,
wln 2817WithinWithin thethe riuerriver ofof hishis bleedingbleeding woundswounds.
wln 2818ItIt asas propitiouspropitious, seesee II hauehave reseruedreserved,
wln 2819AndAnd neuernever hathhath itit leftleft mymy bloodybloody hartheart,
wln 2820SolicitingSoliciting remembranceremembrance ofof mymy vowvow.
wln 2821WithWith thesethese, OOOh thesethese accursedaccursed murderersmurderers,
wln 2822WhichWhich nownow perform’dperformed, mymy hartheart isis satisfiedsatisfied.
wln 2823AndAnd toto thisthis endend thethe BashawBashaw II becamebecame,
wln 2824ThatThat mightmight reuengerevenge meme onon LorenzosLorenzo’s lifelife,
wln 2825WhoWho thereforetherefore waswas appointedappointed toto thethe partpart,
sig: L1r
wln 2826AndAnd waswas toto representrepresent thethe KnightKnight ofof RhodesRhodes,
wln 2827ThatThat II mightmight killkill himhim moremore conuenientlyconveniently.
wln 2828SoSo Vice-royViceroy waswas thisthis BalthazarBalthazar thythy SonneSon,
wln 2829ThatThat SolimanSoliman, whichwhich Bel-imperiaBel-imperia,
wln 2830InIn personperson ofof PersedaPerseda murderedmurdered:
wln 2831SolieSolelysolely appointedappointed toto thatthat tragicketragic partpart,
wln 2832ThatThat sheshe mightmight slaysl●yslay himhim thatthat offendedofftendedoffended herher.
wln 2833PoorePoor Bel-imperiaBel-imperia mistmissed herher partpart inin thisthis,
wln 2834ForFor thoughthough thethe storystory saithsaith sheshe shouldshould hauehave dieddied,
wln 2835YetYet II ofof kindeneskindness, andand ofof carecare toto herher,
wln 2836DidDid otherwiseotherwise determinedetermine ofof herher endend.
wln 2837ButBut louelove ofof himhim whomwhom theythey diddid hatehate tootoo muchmuch,
wln 2838DidDid vrgeurge herher resolutionresolution toto bebe suchsuch.
wln 2839AndAnd PrincesPrinces nownow beholdebehold HieronimoHieronimo,
wln 2840AuthorAuthor andand actoractor inin thisthis TragedieTragedy:
wln 2841BearingBearing hishis latestlatest fortunefortune inin hishis fistfist:
wln 2842AndAnd willwill asas resoluteresolute concludeconclude hishis partepart,
wln 2843AsAs anyany ofof thethe ActorsActors gonegone beforebefore.
wln 2844AndAnd GentlesGentles, thusthus II endend mymy playplay,
wln 2845VrgeUrge nono moremore wordswords, II hauehave nono moremore toto saysay.
wln 2846HeHe runsruns toto hanghang himselfehimself.
wln 2847KingKing.OO hearkenharken Vice-royViceroy, holdehold HieronimoHieronimo,
wln 2848BrotherBrother, mymy NephewNephew, andand thythy SonneSon areare slaineslain.
wln 2849Vice.ViceroyVice.WeWe areare betraidebetrayed, mymy BalthazarBalthazar isis slaineslain,
wln 2850BreakeBreak opeopen thethe dooresdoors, runnerun sauesave HieronimoHieronimo.
wln 2851HieronimoHieronimo, doedo butbut enformeinform thethe KingKing ofof thesethese euentsevents,
wln 2852YponUponupon minemine honourhonorhonour thouthou shaltshalt hauehave nono harmeharm.
wln 2853Hiero.HieronimoHiero.Vice-royViceroy, II willwill notnot trusttrust theethee withwith mymy lifelife,
wln 2854WhichWhich II thisthis dayday hauehave offeredoffered toto mymy SonneSon:
wln 2855AccursedAccursed wretchwretch, whywhy staieststayest thouthou himhim thatthat waswas resoluedresolved (toto diedie?
wln 2856KingKing.SpeakSpeak traitortraitor, damneddamned, bloudybloody murderermurderer speakspeak,
wln 2857ForFor nownow II hauehave theethee II willwill makemake theethee speakspeak:
wln 2858WhyWhy hasthast thouthou donedone thisthis vndeseruingundeserving deeddeed?
wln 2859Vico.ViceVico.ViceroyViceWhyWhy hasthast thouthou murderedmurdered mymy BalthazarBalthazar?
wln 2860Cas.CastileCas.WhyWhy hasthast thouthou butcheredbutchered bothboth mymy childrenchildren thusthus?
wln 2861Hiero.HieronimoHiero.OO goodgood wordswords, asas dearedear toto meme waswas mymy HoratioHoratio,
wln 2862AsAs yoursyours, oror yoursyours, oror yoursyours mymy L.LordL. toto youyou.
sig: L1v
wln 2863MyMy guiltlesguiltless SonneSon waswas byby LorenzoLorenzo slaineslain,
wln 2864AndAnd byby LorenzoLorenzo andand thatthat BalthazarBalthazar,
wln 2865AmAm II atat lastlast reuengedrevenged thorowlythoroughly.
wln 2866VponUpon whosewhose soulessouls maymay heauensheavens bebe yetyet auengedavenged,
wln 2867WithWith greatergreater farfar thenthan thesethese afflictionsafflictions.
wln 2868Cas.CastileCas.ButBut whowho werewere thythy confederatesconfederates inin thisthis?
wln 2869Vice.ViceroyVice.ThatThat waswas thythy daughterdaughter Bel-imperiaBel-imperia.
wln 2870ForFor byby herher handhand mymy BalthazarBal●hazarBalthazar waswas slaineslain
wln 2871II sawsaw herher stabstab himhim.
wln 2872KingKing.WhyWhy speakestspeakest thouthou notnot?
wln 2873Hiero.HieronimoHiero.WhatWhat lesserlesser libertieliberty cancan KingsKings affoordafford
wln 2874ThenThanThen harmelesharmless silencesilence? thenthen affoordafford itit meme:
wln 2875SufficethSufficeth II maymay notnot, nornor II willwill notnot telltell theethee.
wln 2876KingKing.FetchFetch forthforth thethe torturestortures.
wln 2877TraitorTraitor asas thouthou artart, ilei’llI’ll makemake theethee telltell.
wln 2878Hiero.HieronimoHiero.IndeedIndeed thouthou maiestmayest tormenttorment meme asas hishis wretchedwretched (SonneSon,
wln 2879HathHath donedone inin murdringmurdering mymy HoratioHoratio.
wln 2880ButBut neuernever shaltshalt thouthou forceforce meme toto reuealereveal,
wln 2881TheThe thingthing whichwhich II hauehave vowdvowed inuiolateinviolate:
wln 2882AndAnd thereforetherefore inin despightdespite ofof allall thythy threatsthreats,
wln 2883PleasdePleased withwith theirtheir deathsdeaths, andand easdeeased withwith theirtheir reuengerevenge:
wln 2884FirstFirst taketake mymy tungtongue, andand afterwardsafterwards mymy hartheart.
wln 2885KingKing.OO monstrousmonstrous resolutionresolution ofof aa wretchwretch,
wln 2886SeeSee Vice-royViceroy, heehe hathhath bittenbitten foorthforth hishis tungtongue,
wln 2887RatherRather thenthan toto reuealereveal whatwhat wewe requirderequire.
wln 2888CasCastileCasYetYet cancan hehe writewrite.
wln 2889KingKing.AndAnd ifif inin thisthis hehe satisfiesatisfy vsus notnot,
wln 2890WeWe willwill deuisedevise the’xtreamestth’ extremestth’extremest kindekind ofof deathdeath,
wln 2891ThatThat euerever waswas inuentedinvented forfor aa wretchwretch.
wln 2892ThenThen hehe makesmakes signessigns forfor aa knifeknife toto mendmend hishis penpen.
wln 2893Cas.CastileCas.OO hehe wouldwould hauehave aa knifeknife toto mendmend hishis PenPen.
wln 2894Vice.ViceroyVice.HeereHere, andand aduiseadvise theethee thatthat thouthou writewrite thethe trothtroth,
wln 2895LookeLook toto mymy brotherbrother, sauesave HieronimoHieronimo.
wln 2896HeHe withwith aa knifeknife stabsstabs thethe DukeDuke andand himselfehimself.
wln 2897KingKing.WhatWhat ageage hathhath euerever heardheard suchsuch monstrousmonstrous deedsdeeds?
sig: L2
wln 2898MyMy brotherbrother andand thethe wholewhole succeedingsucceeding hopehope,
wln 2899ThatThat SpaineSpain expectedexpected afterafter mymy disceasedeceasedisease,
wln 2900GoGo bearebear hishis bodybody hencehence thatthat wewe maymay mournemourn,
wln 2901TheThe losseloss ofof ourour belouedbeloved brothersbrother’s deathdeath.
wln 2902ThatThat hehe maymay bebe entom’dentombed what erewhate’er befallbefall,
wln 2903II amam thethe nextnext, thethe neerestnearest, lastlast ofof allall.
wln 2904Vice.ViceroyVice.AndAnd thouthou DonDon PedroPedro dodo thethe likelike forfor vsus,
wln 2905TakeTake vpup ourour hapleshapless sonneson vntimelyuntimely slaineslain:
wln 2906SetSet meme withwith himhim, andand hehe withwith wofullwoeful meme,
wln 2907VponUpon thethe mainemain mastmast ofof aa shipship vnmandunmanned,
wln 2908AndAnd letlet thethe windewind andand tidetide hallhaulhall meme alongalong,
wln 2909ToTo SillasSallasScylla’sSallas barkingbarking andand vntameduntamed greefegrief:
wln 2910OrOr toto thethe lothsomeloth someloathsomeloath some poolepool ofof AcheronAcheron,
wln 2911ToTo weepeweep mymy wantwant forfor mymy sweetsweet BalthazarBalthazar,
wln 2912SpaineSpain hathhath nono refugerefuge forfor aa PortingalePortingale.
wln 2913TheThe TrumpetsTrumpets soundsound aa deaddead marchmarch, thethe KingKing ofof SpaineSpain mour-mourningmour∣ningmourning
wln 2914ning
wln 2914afterafter hishis brothersbrother’s bodybody, andand thethe KingKing ofof PortingalePortingale bea-bearingbea∣ringbearing
wln 2915ring
wln 2915thethe bodybody ofof hishis SonneSon.
wln 2916EnterEnter GhoastGhost andand ReuengeRevenge.
wln 2917GhoastGhost.
wln 2918IAyay, nownow mymy hopeshopes hauehave endend inin theirtheir effectseffects,
wln 2919WhenWhen bloodblood andand sorrowsorrow finnishfinish mymy desiresdesires:
wln 2920HoratioHoratio murderedmurdered inin hishis FathersFather’s bowerbower,
wln 2921VildeVild SerberineSerberine byby PedringanoPedringano slaineslain,
wln 2922FalseFalse PedringanoPedringano hangdhanged byby quaintquaint deuicedevice,
wln 2923FaireFair IsabellaIsabella byby her selfeherself misdonemisdone,
wln 2924PrincePrince BalthazarBalthazar byby Bel-imperiaBel-imperia stabdstabbed,
wln 2925TheThe DukeDuke ofof CastileCastileCastille andand hishis wickedwicked SonneSon,
wln 2926BothBoth donedone toto deathdeath byby oldeold HieronimoHieronimo.
wln 2927MyMy Bel-imperiaBel-imperia falnefallen asas DidoDido fellfell,
wln 2928AndAnd goodgood HieronimoHieronimo slaineslain byby himselfehimself:
wln 2929IAyI thesethese werewere spectaclesspectacles toto pleaseplease mymy soulesoul.
wln 2930NowNow willwill II begbeg atat louelylovely ProserpineProserpine,
wln 2931ThatThat byby thethe vertuevirtue ofof herher PrincelyPrincely doomedoom,
wln 2932II maymay consortconsort mymy freendsfriends inin pleasingpleasing sortsort,
sig: L2v
wln 2933AndAnd onon mymy foesfoes workewo●kework iust〈◊〉just andand sharpesharp reuengerevenge.
wln 2934IleI’ll leadlead mymy freendfriend HoratioH●ratioHoratio throughthrough thosethose feeldesfields,
wln 2935WhereWhere neuer dyingnever-dyingnever dying warreswars areare stillstill inurdei●●●deenured.
wln 2936IleI’ll leadlead fairefair IsabellaIsabella toto thatthat trainetrain,
wln 2937WhereWhere pittiepity weepesweeps butbut neuernever feelethfeeleth painepain.
wln 2938IleI’ll leadlead mymy Bel-imperiaBel-imperia toto thosethose ioyes●oyesjoys,
wln 2939ThatThat vestalvestal VirginsVirgins, andand fairefair QueenesQueens possessepossess,
wln 2940IleI’ll leadlead HieronimoHieronimo wherewhere OrpheusOrpheus plaiesplays,
wln 2941AddingAdding sweetsweet pleasurepleasure toto eternalleternal daiesdays.
wln 2942ButBut saysay ReuengeRevenge, forfor thouthou mustmust helpehelp oror nonenone,
wln 2943AgainstAgainst thethe restrest howhow shallshall mymy hatehate bebe showneshown?
wln 2944ReuengeRevenge.
wln 2945ThisThis handhand shallshall halehale themthem downdown toto deepestdeepest hellhell,
wln 2946WhereWhere nonenone butbut furiesfuries, bugsbugs andand torturestortures dwelldwell.
wln 2947GhoastGhost.
wln 2948ThenThen sweetsweet ReuengeRevenge doodo thisthis atat mymy requestrequest,
wln 2949LetLet meme bebe iudgejudge andand doomedoom themthem toto vnrestunrest.
wln 2950LetLet looseloose poorepoor TitiusTitius fromfrom thethe vulturesvulture’s gripegripe,
wln 2951AndAnd letlet DonDon CiprianCyprian supplysupply hishis roomeroom,
wln 2952PlacePlace DonDon LorenzoLorenzo onon IxionsIxion’s wheelewheel,
wln 2953AndAnd letlet thethe louerslover’s endlesendless painespains surceasesurcease:
wln 2954IunoJunojuno forgetsforgets oldeold wrathwrath andand grauntsgrants himhim easeease.
wln 2955HangHang BalthazarBalthazar aboutabout ChinerasChimera’schimera’s neckneck,
wln 2956AndAnd letlet himhim therethere bewailebe wai●ebewail hishis bloudybloody louelove,
wln 2957RepiningRepining atat ourour ioyesjoys thatthat areare aboueabove.
wln 2958LetLet SerberineSerberine goego rouleroll thethe fatallfatal stonestone,
wln 2959AndAnd taketake fromfrom SiciphusSisyphus hishis endlesendless monemoan.
wln 2960FalseFalse PedringaeoPedringanoPedringacoPedringano forfor hishis trecherietreachery,
wln 2961LetLet himhim bebe dragdedragged throughthrough boylingboiling AcheronAcheron,
wln 2962AndAnd therethere liuelive dyingdying stillstill inin endlesendless flamesflames,
wln 2963BlasphemingBlaspheming GodsGods andand allall theirtheir holyholy namesnames.
wln 2964ReuengeRevenge.
wln 2965ThenThen hastehaste wewe downedown toto meetmeet thythy freendsfriends andand foesfoes,
wln 2966ToTo placeplace thythy freendsfriends inin easeease, thethe restrest inin woeswoes.
wln 2967ForFor heerehere, thoughthough deathdeath hathhath endend theirtheir miseriemisery,
wln 2968IleI’ll therethere beginbegin theirtheir endlesendless TragedieTragedy.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 2969FINISFINIS. img: 34-b
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ln 0001THETHE
ln 0003die,
ln 0003ContainingContaining thethe lamentablelamentable
ln 0004endend ofof DonDon HoratioHoratio, andand Bel-imperiaBel-imperia:
ln 0005withwith thethe pittifullpitiful deathdeath ofof
ln 0006oldeold HieronimoHieronimo.
ln 0007NewlyNewly correctedcorrected andand amendedamended ofof suchsuch grossegross faultsfaults asas
ln 0008passedpassed inin thethe firstfirst impressionimpression.
ln 0010PrintedPrinted byby EdwardEdward AlldeAllde, forfor
ln 0011EdwardEdward WhiteWhite.
img: 2-a
sig: A1v
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sig: A2r
wln 0002EnterEnter thethe GhoastGhost ofof AndreaAndrea, andand withwith himhim
wln 0003ReuengeRevenge.
wln 0004GhoastGhost.
wln 0005WHenWHenWhen thisthis eternalleternal substancesubstance ofof mymy soulesoul,
wln 0006DidDid liue●●uelive imprisondimprisoned inin mymy wantonwanton flesh●leshflesh:
wln 0007EchEach inin theirtheir function●unctionfunction seruingserving othersother’sothers needneed,
wln 0008II waswas aa CourtierCourtier inin thethe SpanishSpanish CourtCourt.
wln 0009MyMy namename waswas DonDon AndreaAndrea, mymy discentdescent
wln 0010ThoughThough notnot ignobleignoble, yetyet inferiourinferior farfar
wln 0011ToTo gratiousgracious fortunesfortunes ofof mymy tendertender youthyouth:
wln 0012ForFor therethere inin primeprime andand pridepride ofof allall mymy yeeresyears,
wln 0013ByBy duteousduteous seruiceservice andand deseruingdeserving louelove,
wln 0014InIn secretsecret II possestpos●estpossessed aa worthywor●hyworthy damedame,
wln 0015WhichWhich highthight sweetsweet Bel-imperiaBel-imperia byby namename.
wln 0016ButBut inin thethe haruestharvest ofof mymy sommersummer ioyesjoys,
wln 0017DeathsDeath’s winterwinter niptnipped thethe blossomesblossoms ofof mymy blissebliss,
wln 0018ForcingForcing diuorcedivorce betwixtbetwixt mymy louelove andand meme.
wln 0019ForFor inin thethe latelate conflictconflict withwith PortingalePortingale,
wln 0020MyMy valourvalorvalour drewdrew meme intointo dangersdanger’s mouthmouth,
wln 0021TillTill lifelife toto deathdeath mademade passagepassage throughthrough mymy woundswounds.
wln 0022WhenWhen II waswas slaineslain, mymy soulesoul descendeddescended straightstraight,
wln 0023ToTo passepass thethe flowingflowing streamestream ofof AcheronAcheron:
wln 0024ButBut churlishchurlish CharonCharon onlyonly boatmanboatman therethere,
wln 0025SaidSaid thatthat mymy ritesrites ofof buriallburial notnot performdeperformed,
wln 0026II mightmight notnot sitsit amongstamongst hishis passengerspassengers.
wln 0027EreEre SolSol hadhad sleptslept threethree nightsnights inin ThetisThe●isThetis’Thetis laplap,
wln 0028AndAnd slakteslaked hishis smoakingsmoking CharriotChariot inin herher floudcloud●loudfloodcloud:
wln 0029ByBy DonDon HoratioHora●ioHoratio ourour knightknight MarshalsMarshal’s sonneson,
wln 0030MyMy funeralsfunerals andand obsequiesobsequies werewere donedone.
img: 3-asig: A2v
The Spanish Tragedie.
wln 0031ThenThen waswas thethe FerimanFerrymanferryman ofof hellhell contentcontent,
wln 0032ToTo passepass meme ouerover toto thethe slimieslimy strondstrand,
wln 0033ThatThat leadesleads toto fellfell AuernusAvernus’ ouglyugly waueswaves:
wln 0034ThereThere pleasingpleasing CerberusCerberus withwith honiedhoneyed speechspeech,
wln 0035II pastpassed thethe perilsperils ofof thethe formostforemost porchporch.
wln 0036NotNot farrefar fromfrom hencehence amidstamidstamid tenten thousandthousand soulessouls,
wln 0037SateSat MinosMinos, EacusAeacus, andand RhadamantRhadamanthRhadamant,
wln 0038ToTo whomewhom nono soonersooner gan’gan II makemake approchapproach,
wln 0039ToTo crauecrave aa pasportpassport forfor mymy wandringwand’ring GhostGhost:
wln 0040ButBut MinosMinos ingrauenin gravenengraven leauesleaves ofof LotterieLottery,
wln 0041DrewDrew forthforth thethe mannermanner ofof mymy lifelife andand deathdeath.
wln 0042ThisThis knightknight (quothquoth hehe) bothboth liu’dlived andand dieddied inin louelove:
wln 0043AndAnd forfor hishis louelove triedtried fortunefortune ofof thethe warreswars,
wln 0044AndAnd byby warreswar’s fortunefortune lostlost bothboth louelove andand lifelif●life.
wln 0045WhyWhy thenthen saidsaid EacusAeacus, conuayconvey himhim hencehence,
wln 0046ToTo walkewalk withwith louerslovers inin ourour fieldsfields ofof louelove:
wln 0047AndAnd spendspend thethe coursecourse ofof euerlastingeverlasting timetime,
wln 0048VnderUnder greenegreen mirtlemyrtle treestrees andand CipresseCypress shadesshades.
wln 0049NoNo, nono, saidsaid RhadamantRhadamanthRhadamant, itit werewere notnot wellwell,
wln 0050WithWith louingloving soulessouls toto placeplace aa MartialistMartialist,
wln 0051HeHe dieddied inin warrewar, andand mustmust toto martiallmartial fieldsfields:
wln 0052WhereWhere woundedwounded HectorHector liueslives inin lastinglasting painepain,
wln 0053AndAnd AchillesAchilles’Achilles mermedonsmyrmidonsMyrmidons dodo scourescour thethe plaineplain.
wln 0054ThenThen MinosMinos mildestmildest censorcensor ofof thethe threethree,
wln 0055MadeMade thisthis deuicedevice toto endend thethe differencedifference.
wln 0056SendSend himhim (quothquoth hehe) toto ourour infernallinfernal KingKing:
wln 0057ToTo domedoom himhim asas bestbest seemesseems hishis MaiestieMajesty:
wln 0058ToTo thisthis effecteffect mymy pasportpassport straightstraight waswas drawnedrawn.
wln 0059InIn keepingkeeping onon mymy wayway toto PlutosPluto’s CourtCourt,
wln 0060ThroughThrough dreadfulldreadful shadesshades ofof euerever gloomingglooming nightnight:
wln 0061II sawsaw moremore sightssights thenthan thousandthousand tonguestongues cancan telltell,
wln 0062OrOr pennespens cancan writewrite, oror mortallmortal hartshearts cancan thinkthink.
wln 0063ThreeThree waiesways therethere werewere, thatthat onon thethe right handright-handright hand sideside,
wln 0064WasWas readyready wayway vntounto thethe foresaidforesaid fieldsfields,
wln 0065WhereWhere louerslovers liuelive, andand bloudiebloody MartialistsMar●ialistsMartialists,
wln 0066ButBut eithereither sortsort containdcontained withinwithin hishis boundsbounds.
wln 0067TheThe left handleft-handleft hand pathpath decliningdeclining fearfullyfearfully,
img: 3-bsig: A3r
The Spanish Tragedie.
wln 0068WasWas readyready downfalldownfall toto thethe deepestdeepest hellhell.
wln 0069WhereWhere bloudiebloody furiesfuries shakesshakes theirtheir whipswhips ofof steelesteel,
wln 0070AndAnd poorepoor IxionIxion turnesturns anan endlesendless wheelewheel.
wln 0071WhereWhere VsurersUsurers areare choaktchoked withwith meltingmelting goldegold,
wln 0072AndAnd wantonswantons areare imbrasteembraced withwith ouglyugly snakessnakes:
wln 0073AndAnd murderersmurderers gronegroan withwith neuernever killingkilling woundswounds,
wln 0074AndAnd periurdeperjured wightswights scaldedscalded inin boylingboiling leadlead,
wln 0075AndAnd allall soulesoul sinnessins withwith tormentstorments ouerwhelmdoverwhelmed..▪
wln 0076TwixtTwixt thesethese twotwo waiesways, II trod●rodtrodtrodded thethe middlemiddle pathpath,
wln 0077WhichWhich broughtbrought meme toto thethe fairefair ElizianElysian greenegreen.
wln 0078InIn midstmidst whereofwhereof therethere standesstands aa statelystately TowreTower,
wln 0079TheThe walleswalls ofof brassebrass, thethe gatesgates ofof AdamantAdamant.
wln 0080HeereHere findingfinding PlutoPluto withwith hishis ProserpineProserpine,
wln 0081II shewedshowed mymy pasportpassport humbledhumbled onon mymy kneeknee.
wln 0082WhereatWhereat fairefair ProserpineProserpine beganbegan toto smilesmile,
wln 0083AndAnd begdbegged thatthat onelyonly sheshe mightmight giuegive mymy doomedoom.
wln 0084PlutoPlu●oPluto waswas pleasdpleased andand sealdesealed itit withwith aa kissekiss.
wln 0085ForthwithForthwith (ReuengeRevenge) sheshe roundedrounded theethee inin th’eareth’ earth’ear,
wln 0086AndAnd badbade theethee leadlead meme throughthrough thethe gatesgates ofof HorHornHor:
wln 0087WhereWhere dreamesdreams hauehave passagepassage inin thethe silentsilent nightnight.
wln 0088NoNo soonersooner hadhad sheshe spokespoke butbut wewe werewere heerehere,
wln 0089II wotwot notnot howhow, inin twinklingtwinkling ofof anan eyeeye.
wln 0090ReuengeRevenge.
wln 0091THenTHen knowknow AndreaAndrea thatthat thouthou artart ariu’darrived,
wln 0092WhereWhere thouthou shaltshalt seesee thethe authorauthor ofof thythy deathdeath:
wln 0093DonDon BalthazarBalthazar thethe PrincePrince ofof PortingalePortingale.
wln 0094Depriu’dDeprived ofof lifelife byby Bel-imperiaBel-imperia:
wln 0095HeereHere sitsit wewe downedown toto seesee thethe misteriemystery,
wln 0096AndAnd serueserve forfor ChorusChorus inin thisthis tragedietragedy.
wln 0097EnterEnter SpanishSpanish KingKing, GenerallGeneral, CastileCastil●Castile, HieronimoHieronimo.
wln 0098KingKing.
wln 0099NOwNOw saysay L.LordL. GenerallGeneral, howhow faresfares ourour CampeCamp?
wln 0100Gen.GeneralGen.AllAll welwell mymy soueraignesovereign LiegeLiege, exceptexcept somesome fewfew,
wln 0101ThatThat areare deceastdeceased byby fortunefortune ofof thethe warrewar.
wln 0102KingKing.ButBut whatwhat portendsportends thythy cheerefullcheerful countenancecountenance,
wln 0103AndAnd postingposting toto ourour presencepresence thusthus inin hasthaste?
wln 0104SpeakSpeak manman, hathhath fortunefortune giuengiven vsus victorievictory?
img: 4-asig: A3v
The Spanish Tragedie.
wln 0105Gen.GeneralGen.VictorieVictory mymy LiegeLiege, andand thatthat withwith littlelittle losseloss.
wln 0106KingKing.OurOur PortingalsPortingalesPortingals willwill paypay vsus tributetribute thenthen.
wln 0107Gen.GeneralGen.TributeTribute andand wontedwonted homagehomage therewithalltherewithal.
wln 0108KingKing.ThenThen blestblestblessed bebe heauenheaven, andand guiderguider ofof thethe heauensheavens,
wln 0109FromFrom whosewhose fairefair influenceinfluence suchsuch iusticejustice flowesflows.
wln 0110Cast.CastileCast.OO multummultum dilectedilecte DeoDeo, tibitibst●b●tibstibi militatmilitat ætheraetheraether,
wln 0111EtEt coniuratæconiurataeconiuratae curuatocurvatocuruato poplitopoplito gentesgentes
wln 0112SuccumbuntSuccumbunt: rectirectiserorrectirectiserorrecti sorors●rors●rorsoror estest victoriavictoria iurisiuris.
wln 0113KingKing.ThanksThanks toto mymy louingloving brotherbrother ofof CastileCastileCastille.
wln 0114ButBut GenerallGeneral, vnfoldeunfold inin breefebrief discoursediscourse,
wln 0115YourYour formeform ofof battellbattle andand youryour warreswar’s successesuccess.
wln 0116ThatThat addingadding allall thethe pleasurepleasure ofof thythy newesnews,
wln 0117VntoUnto thethe heightheight ofof formerformer happineshappiness,
wln 0118WithWith deeperdeeper wagewage andand greatergreater dignitiedignity,
wln 0119WeWe maymay rewardreward thythy blisfullblissful chiualriechivalry.
wln 0120Gen.GeneralGen.WhereWhere SpaineSpain andand PortingalePortingale dodo ioyntlyjointly knitknit
wln 0121TheirTheir frontiersfrontiers, leaningleaning onon eacheach othersother’sothers boundbound:
wln 0122ThereThere metmet ourour armiesarmies inin theirtheir proudproud arayarray,
wln 0123BothBoth furnishtfurnished wellwell, bothboth fullfull ofof hopehope andand fearefear:
wln 0124BothBoth menacingmenacing alikealike withwith daringdaring showesshows,
wln 0125BothBoth vauntingvaunting sundrysundry colourscolorscolours ofof deuicedevice,
wln 0126BothBoth cheerlycheerlycherely soundingsounding trumpetstrumpets, drumsdrums andand fifesfifes.
wln 0127BothBoth raisingraising dreadfulldreadful clamorsclamorsclamours toto thethe skiesky,
wln 0128ThatThat valleisvalleys, hilshills, andand riuersrivers mademade reboundrebound,
wln 0129AndAnd heauenheaven it selfeitself waswas frightedfrighted withwith thethe soundsound.
wln 0130OurOur battelsbattles bothboth werewere pitchtpitched inin squadronsquadron formeform,
wln 0131EachEach cornercorner stronglystrongly fenst●enstfenced withwith wingswings ofof shotshot,
wln 0132ButBut ereere wewe ioyndjoined andand camecame toto pushpush ofof PikePike,
wln 0133II broughtbrought aa squadronsquadron ofof ourour readiestreadiest shotshot,
wln 0134FromFrom outout ourour rearwardrearward toto beginbegin thethe fightfight,
wln 0135TheyThey broughtbrought anotheranother wingwing toto incounterencounter vsus:
wln 0136Meane whileMeanwhilemeanwhile ourour ordinanceordinance plaidplayed onon eithereither sideside,
wln 0137AndAnd CaptainesCaptains strouestrove toto hauehave theirtheir valoursvalorsvalours tridetried.
wln 0138DonDon PedroPedro theirtheir chiefechief horse menshorsemen’shorse men’s ColonellCo●●onellColonel:
wln 0139DidDid withwith hishis CornetCornet brauelybravely makemake attemptattempt,
wln 0140ToTo breakbreak thethe orderorder ofof ourour battellbattel●battle rankesranks.
wln 0141ButBut DonDon RogeroR●geroRogero worthyworthy manman ofof warrewar,
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The Spanish Tragedie.
wln 0142MarchtMarched forthforth againstagainst himhim withwith ourour MusketiersMusk●●ier●Musketeers,
wln 0143AndAnd stoptstopped thethe mallicemalice ofof hishis fellfell approchapproach.
wln 0144WhileWhile theythey maintainemaintain hothot skirmishskirmish toototoo andand frofro,
wln 0145BothBoth battailesbattles ioynejoin andand fallfall toto handiehandy blowesblows.
wln 0146TheirThei●Their violentviolent shotshot resemblingresembling th’oceansth’ocean’s ragerage,
wln 0147WhenWhen roaringroa●ingroaring lowdloud andand withwith aa swellingswelling tide●●detide,
wln 0148ItIt beatsbeats vponupon thethe rampiersra●●piersrampires ofof hugehuge rocksrocks,
wln 0149AndAnd gapesgapes toto swallowswallow neighbour boundingneighbor-boundingneighbour bounding landslands.
wln 0150NowNow whilewhile BellonaBellona ragethrageth heerehere andand therethere,
wln 0151ThickThick stormesstorms ofof bulletsbullets ranran likelike winterswinter’s hailehail,
wln 0152AndAnd shiueredshivered LauncesLances darkedark thethe troubledtroubled aireair.
wln 0153PedePede pespes &Etet cuspidecuspide cuspiscuspis,
wln 0154ArmiAnniArmiAnni sonantsonant armisannisannisarmis virvir petiturquepetiturque viro.viro.
wln 0155OnOn eueryevery sideside dropdrop CaptainesCaptains toto thethe groundground,
wln 0156AndAnd SouldiersSoldiers somesome illill maimdemai●●demaimed, somesome slaineslain outrightoutright:
wln 0157HeereHere fallesfalls aa bodybody scindredsundered fromfrom hishis headhead,
wln 0158ThereThere legslegs andand armesarms lyelie bleedingbleeding onon thethe grassegrass,
wln 0159MingledMingled withwith weaponsweapons andand vnboweldunbowelled steedssteeds:
wln 0160ThatThat scatteringscattering ouer spreadoverspreadover spread thethe purplepurple plaineplain.
wln 0161InIn allall thisthis turmoyleturmoil threethree longlong hovreshours andand moremore,
wln 0162TheThe victoryvictory toto neitherneither partpart inclindeinclined,
wln 0163TillTill DonDon AndreaAndrea withwith hishis brauebrave LaunciersLau●ciersLanciers,
wln 0164InIn theirtheir mainemain battellbattle mademade soso greatgreat aa breachbreach,
wln 0165ThatThat halfehal●ehalf dismaiddismayed, thethe multitudemultitude retirderet●rderetired:
wln 0166ButBut BalthazarBalthazar thethe PortingalesPortingales’Portingales youngyoung PrincePrince,
wln 0167BroughtBrought rescuerescue andand encouragdeencouraged themthem toto staystay:
wln 0168Heere-henceHere-hence thethe fightfight waswas eagerlyeagerly renewdrenewed,
wln 0169AndAnd inin thatthat conflictconflict waswas AndreaAndrea slaineslain.
wln 0170BraueBrave manman atat armesarms, butbut weakeweak toto BalthazarBalthazar.
wln 0171YetYet whilewhile thethe PrincePrince insultinginsulting ouerover himhim,
wln 0172BreathdBreathed outout proudproud vauntsvaunts, soundingsounding toto ourour reprochreproach,
wln 0173FriendshipFriendship anda●dand hardiehardy valourvalorvalour ioyndjoined inin oneone,
wln 0174PricktPricked forthforth HoratioHoratio ourour KnightKnight MarshalsMarshal’s sonneson,
wln 0175ToTo challengechallenge forthforth thatthat PrincePrince inin singlesingle fightfight:
wln 0176NotNot longlong betweenebetween thesethese twainetwain thethe fightfight indurdeendured,
wln 0177ButBut straightstraight thethe PrincePrince waswas beatenbeaten fromfrom hishis horsehorse,
wln 0178AndAnd forcstforcdfor●stforced toto yeeldyield himhim prisonerpr●sonerprisoner toto hishis foefoe:
img: 5-asig: A4v
The Spanish Tragedie.
wln 0179WhenWhen hehe waswas takentaken, allall thethe restrest theythey fledfled,
wln 0180AndAnd ourour CarbinesCarbines pursuedpursued themthem toto thethe deathdeath,
wln 0181TillTill PhœbusPhoebusPhoebus wauingwaving toto thethe westernwestern deepedeep,
wln 0182OurOur TrumpetersTrumpeters werewere chargdecharged toto soundsound retreatretreat.
wln 0183KingKing.ThanksThanks goodgood LordL.L.Lord GenerallGeneral forfor thesethese goodgood newesnews,
wln 0184AndAnd forfor somesome argumentargument ofof moremore toto comecome,
wln 0185TakeTake thisthis andand wearewear itit forfor thythy soueraignessovereign’s sakesake.
wln 0186GiueGive himhim hishis chainechain,
wln 0187ButBut telltell meme nownow, hast●asthast thouthou confirmdconfirmed aa peacepeace?
wln 0188Gen.GeneralGen.NoNo peacepeace mymy LiegeLiege, butbut peacepeace conditionallconditional,
wln 0189ThatThat ifif withwith homagehomage tributetribute bebe wellwell paidpaid,
wln 0190TheThe furyfury ofof youryour forcesforces wilbewill be staidestayed.
wln 0191AndAnd toto thisthis peacepeace theirtheir ViceroyViceroy hathhath subscribdesubscribed.
wln 0192GiueGive thethe K.K●a●paperKingK. aa paperpaper.
wln 0193AndAnd mademade aa solemnesolemn vowvow thatthat duringduring lifelife,
wln 0194HisHis tributetribute shalbeshall be truelytruly paidpaid toto SpaineSpain.
wln 0195KingKing.TheseThese wordswords, thesethese deedsdeeds, becomebecome thythy personperson welwell.
wln 0196ButBut nownow KnightKnight MarshallMarshall frolike●rolikefrolic withwith thythy KingKing,
wln 0197ForFor tis’tis thythy SonneSon thatthat winneswins thisthis battelsbattle’sbattles prizeprize.
wln 0198Hiero.HieronimoHiero.LongLong maymay hehe liuelive toto serueserve mymy soueraignesovereign liegeliege,
wln 0199AndAnd soonesoon decaydecay vnlesseunless hehe serueserve mymy liegeliege.
wln 0200AA tuckettucket a farreafar offoff.
wln 0201KingKing.NotNot thouthou nornor hehe shallshall dyedie withoutwithout rewardreward,
wln 0202WhatWhat meanesmeans thisthis warningwa●ningwarning ofof thisthis trumpetstrumpet’s soundsound?
wln 0203Gen.GeneralGen.ThisThis telstells meme thatthat youryour gracesgrace’sgraces menmen ofof warrewar,
wln 0204SuchSuch asas warreswar’swars fortunefortune hathhath reseru’dreserved fromfrom deathdeath,
wln 0205ComeCome marchingmarching onon towardstowards youryour royallroyal seateseat,
wln 0206ToTo showshow themseluesthemselves beforebefore youryour MaiestieMajesty,
wln 0207ForFor soso II gauegave inin chargecharge atat mymy departdepart.
wln 0208WherebyWhereby byby demonstrationdemonstration shallshall appeareappear,
wln 0209ThatThat allall (exceptexcept threethree hundredhundred oror fewfew moremore)
wln 0210AreAre safesafe returndreturned andand byby theirtheir foesfoes inrichtenriched.
wln 0211TheThe ArmieArmy entersenters, BalthazarBalthazar betweenebetween LorenzoLorenz●Lorenzo
wln 0212andand HoratioHoratio captiuecaptive.
wln 0213KingKing.AA gladsomegladsome sightsight, II longlong toto seesee themthem heerehere.
wln 0214TheyThey enterenter andand passepass byby. img: 5-b
sig: B1r
The Spanish Tragedle.
wln 0215WasWas thatthat thethe warlikewarlike PrincePrince ofof PortingalePortingale,
wln 0216ThatThat byby ourour NephewNephew waswas inin triumphtriumph ledled?
wln 0217Gen.GeneralGen.ItIt waswas mymy LiegeLiege, thethe PrincePrince ofof PortingalePortingale.
wln 0218KingKing.ButBut whatwhat waswas hehe thatthat onon thethe otherother sideside,
wln 0219HeldHeld himhim byby th’armeth’ armth’arm asas partnerpartner ofof thethe prizeprize?
wln 0220Hiero.HieronimoHiero.ThatThat waswas mymy sonneson mymy gratiousgracious soueraignesovereign,
wln 0221OfOf whomewhom, thoughthough fromfrom hishis tendertender infancieinfancy,
wln 0222MyMy louingloving thoughtsthoughts diddid neuernever hopehope butbut wellwell:
wln 0223HeHe neuernever pleasdpleased hishis fathersfather’s eyeseyes tilltill nownow,
wln 0224NorNor fildfilled mymy hartheart withwith ouercloyingovercloying ioyesjoys.
wln 0225KingKing.GoeGo letlet themthem marchmarch onceonce moremore aboutabout thesethese walleswalls,
wln 0226ThatThat stayingstaying themthem wewe maymay conferreconfer andand talketalk,
wln 0227WithWith ourour brauebrave prisonerprisoner andand hishis doubledouble guardguard.
wln 0228HieronimoHieronimo, itit greatlygreatly pleasethpleaseth vsus,
wln 0229ThatThat inin ourour victorievictory thouthou hauehave aa shareshare,
wln 0230ByBy vertuevirtue ofof thythy worthyworthy sonnesson’s exploitexploit.
wln 0231EnterEnter againeagain.
wln 0232BringBring hetherhither thethe youngyoung PrincePrince ofof PortingalePortingale,
wln 0233TheThe restrest martchmarch onon, butbut ereere theythey bebe dismistdismissed,
wln 0234WeWe willwill bestowbestow onon eueryevery souldiersoldier twotwo ducketsducats,
wln 0235AndAnd onon eueryevery leaderleader tenten, thatthat theythey maymay knowknow
wln 0236OurOur largesselargesse welcomeswelcomes themthem.
wln 0237ExeuntExeunt allall butbut Bal.BalthazarBal. Lor.LorenzoLor. Hor●lorHoratioHor.
wln 0238WelcomeWelcome DonDon BalthazarBalthazar, welcomewelcome NephewNephew,
wln 0239AndAnd thouthou HoratioHoratio thouthou artart welcomewelcome tootoo:
wln 0240YoungYoung PrincePrince, althoughalthough thythy fathersfather’s hardhard misdeedesmisdeeds,
wln 0241InIn keepingkeeping backeback thethe tributetribute thatthat hehe owesowes,
wln 0242DeserueDeserve butbut euillevil measuremeasure atat ourour handshands:
wln 0243YetYet shaltshalt thouthou knowknow thatthat SpaineSpain isis honorablehonorablehonourable.
wln 0244Balt.BalthazarBalt.TheThe trespassetrespass thatthat mymy FatherFather mademade inin peacepeace,
wln 0245IsIs nownow controldecontrolled byby fortunefortune ofof thethe warreswars:
wln 0246AndAnd cardscards onceonce dealtdealt, itit bootesboots notnot askeask whywhy soso,
wln 0247HisHis menmen areare slaineslain, aa weakeningweakening toto hishis RealmeRealm,
wln 0248HisHis colourscolorscolours ceaz’dseizedceased, aa blotblot vntounto hishis namename,
wln 0249HisHis SonneSon distrestdistressed, aa corsiuecorrosive toto hishis hartheart,
wln 0250TheseThese punishmentspunishments maymay cleareclear hishis latelate offenceoffenseoffence.
wln 0251KingKing.IAyI BalthazarBalthazar, ifif hehe obserueobserve thisthis trucetruce,
img: 6-asig: B1v
The Spanish Tragedie.
wln 0252OurOur peacepeace willwill growgrow thethe strongerstronger forfor thesethese warreswars:
wln 0253Meane whileMeanwhilemeanwhile liuelive thouthou thoughthough notnot inin libertieliberty,
wln 0254YetYet freefree fromfrom bearingbearing anyany seruileservile yoakeyoke.
wln 0255ForFor inin ourour hearinghearing thythy desertsdeserts werewere greatgreat,
wln 0256AndAnd inin ourour sightsight thy selfethyself artart gratiousgracious.
wln 0257Balt.BalthazarBalt.AndAnd II shallshall studiestudy toto deseruedeserve thisthis gracegrace.
wln 0258KingKing.ButBut telltell meme, forfor theirtheir holdingholding makesmakes meme doubtdoubt,
wln 0259ToTo whichwhich ofof thesethese twainetwain artart thouthou prisonerprisoner.
wln 0260Lor.LorenzoLor.ToTo meme mymy LiegeLiege.
wln 0261Hor.HoratioHor.ToTo meme mymy SoueraigneSovereign.
wln 0262Lor.LorenzoLor.ThisThis handhand firstfirst tooketook hishis coursercourser byby thethe rainesreins.
wln 0263Hor.HoratioHor.ButBut firstfirst mymy launcelance diddid putput himhim fromfrom hishis horsehorse.
wln 0264Lor.LorenzoLor.I●●I ceaz’d●eaz’dseized hishis weaponweapon andand enioydeenjoyedenjoy itit firstfirst.
wln 0265Hor.HoratioHor.ButBut firstfirst II forc’dforced himhim laylay hishis weaponsweapons downedown,
wln 0266KingKing.LetLet goego hishis armearm vponupon ourour priuiledgeprivilege.
wln 0267LetLet himhim goego.
wln 0268SaySay worthyworthy PrincePrince, toto whetherwhether didstdidst thouthou yeeldyield?
wln 0269Balt.BalthazarBalt.ToTo himhim inin curtesiecourtesy, toto thisthis perforceperforce:
wln 0270HeHe spakespakespoke meme fairefair, thisthis otherother gauegave meme strokesstrokes:
wln 0271HeHe promisdepromised lifelife, thisthis otherother threatnedthreatened deathdeath:
wln 0272HeHe wanwon mymy louelove, thisthis otherother conquerdconquered meme:
wln 0273AndAnd truthtruth toto saysay II yeeldyield my selfemyself toto bothboth.
wln 0274Hiero.HieronimoHiero.ButBut thatthat II knawknowknaw youryour gracegrace forfor iustjust andand wisewise,
wln 0275AndAnd mightmight seemeseem partiallpartial inin thisthis differencedifference,
wln 0276InforctInfor●tEnforced byby naturenature andand byby lawlaw ofof armesarms,
wln 0277MyMy tonguetongue shouldshould pleadplead forfor youngyoung HoratiosHoratio’s rightright.
wln 0278HeHe huntedhunted wellwell thatthat waswas aa LyonsLion’slion’s deathdeath,
wln 0279NotNot hehe thatthat inin aa garmentgarment worewore hishis skinskin:
wln 0280SoSo HaresHares maymay pullpull deaddead LyonsLionslions byby thethe beardbeard.
wln 0281KingKing.ContentContent theethee MarshallMarshal thouthou shaltshalt hauehave nono wrongwrong,
wln 0282AndAnd forfor thythy sakesake thythy SonneSon shallshall wantwant nono rightright.
wln 0283WillWill bothboth abideabide thethe censurecensure ofof mymy doomedoom?
wln 0284Lor.LorenzoLor.II crauecrave nono betterbetter thenthan youryour gracegrace awardsawards.
wln 0285Hor.HoratioHor.NorNor II, althoughalthough II sitsit besidebeside mymy rightright.
wln 0286KingKing.ThenThen byby mymy iudgementjudgement thusthus youryour strifestrife shallshall endend,
wln 0287YouYou bothboth deseruedeserve andand bothboth shallshall hauehave rewardreward.
wln 0288NephewNephew, thouthou tooksttook’sttookst hishis weaponweapon andand hishis horsehorse,
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The Spanish Tragedie.
wln 0289HisHis weaponsweapons andand hishis horsehorse areare thythy rewardreward.
wln 0290HoratioHoratio thouthou didstdidst forceforce himhim firstfirst toto yeeldyield,
wln 0291HisHis ransomeransom thereforetherefore isis thythy valoursvalor’svalour’s feefee:
wln 0292AppointAppoint thethe sumsum asas youyou shallshall bothboth agreeagree.
wln 0293ButBut NephewNephew thouthou shaltshalt hauehave thethe PrincePrince inin guardguard,
wln 0294ForFor thinethine estateestate bestbest fittethfitteth suchsuch aa guestguest.
wln 0295HoratiosHoratio’s househouse werewere smallsmall forfor allall hishis trainetrain,
wln 0296YetYet inin regarderegard thythy substancesubstance passethpasseth hishis,
wln 0297AndAnd thatthat iustjust guerdonguerdon maymay befallbefall desertdesert,
wln 0298ToTo himhim wewe yeeldyield thethe armourarmorarmour ofof thethe PrincePrince.
wln 0299HowHow likeslikes. DonDon BalthazarBalthazar ofof thisthis deuicedevice?
wln 0300Balt.BalthazarBalt.RightRight wellwell mymy LiegeLiege, ifif thisthis prouizoproviso werewere,
wln 0301ThatThat DonDon HoratioHoratio bearebear vsus companycompany,
wln 0302WhomeWhom II admireadmire andand louelove forfor chiualriechivalry.
wln 0303KingKing.HoratioHoratio leaueleave himhim notnot thatthat louesloves theethee soso,
wln 0304NowNow letlet vsus hencehence toto seesee ourour souldierssoldiers paidepaid,
wln 0305AndAnd feastfeast ourour prisonerprisoner asas ourour friendlyfriendly guestguest.
wln 0306ExeuntExeunt.
wln 0307EnterEnter ViceroyV●ceroyViceroy, AlexandroAlexandro, VilluppoVilluppo.
wln 0308Vice.ViceroyVice.IsIs ourour embassadourambassador dispatchtdispatched forfor SpaineSpain?
wln 0309Alex.AlexandroAlex.TwoTwo daiesdays (mymy LiegeLiege) areare pastpassed sincesince hishis departdepart.
wln 0310Vice.ViceroyVice.AndAnd tributetribute paimentpayment gonegone alongalong withwith himhim?
wln 0311Alex.AlexandroAlex.IAyI mymy goodgood LordLord.
wln 0312Vice.ViceroyVice.ThenThen restrest wewe heerehere aa whilewhile inin ourour vnrestunrest.
wln 0313AndAnd feedfeed ourour sorrowessorrows withwith somesome inwardinward sighessighs,
wln 0314ForFor deepestdeepest carescares breakbreak neuernever intointo tearestears.
wln 0315ButBut whereforewherefore sitsit II inin aa RegallRegal thronethrone,
wln 0316ThisThis betterbetter fitsfits aa wretcheswretch’s endlesendless moanemoan.
wln 0317YetYet thisthis isis higherhigher thenthan mymy fortunesfortune’s reachreach,
wln 0318AndAnd thereforetherefore betterbetter thenthan mymy statestate deseruesdeserves.
wln 0319FallesFalls toto thethe groundground.
wln 0320IAyay, IAyay, thisthis earthearth, ImageImage ofof mellanchollymelancholy,
wln 0321SeeksSeeks himhim whomewhom fatesfates adiudgeadjudge toto miseriemisery:
wln 0322HeereHere letlet meme lyelie, nownow amam II atat thethe lowestlowest.
wln 0323QviQuiQvi iacetiacet inin terraterra nonnon habetha●ethabet vndeunde cadatcadat,
wln 0324InIn meme consumpsitconsumpsit viresvires fortunafortuna nocendonocendo,
wln 0325NilNil superestsuperest vtut iamiam possitpossit obesseobesse magismagis.
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The Spanish Tragedie.
wln 0326YesYes, FortuneFortune maymay bereauebereave meme ofof mymy CrowneCrown:
wln 0327HeereHere taketake itit nownow, letlet FortuneFortune doedo herher worstworst,
wln 0328SheShe willwill notnot robrob meme ofof thisthis sablesable weedweed,
wln 0329OOOh nono, sheshe enuiesenvies nonenone butbut pleasantpleasant thingsthings,
wln 0330SuchSuch isis thethe follyfolly ofof dispightfulldespiteful chancechance:
wln 0331FortuneFortune isis blindeblind andand seessees notnot mymy desertsdeserts,
wln 0332SoSo isis sheshe deafedeaf andand heareshears notnot mymy lamentslaments:
wln 0333AndAnd couldcould sheshe hearehear, yetyet isis sheshe wilfullwilful madmad,
wln 0334AndAnd thereforetherefore willwill notnot pittiepity mymy distressedis●ressedistress.
wln 0335SupposeSuppose thatthat sheshe couldcould pittiepity meme, whatwhat thenthen?
wln 0336WhatWhat helpehelp cancan bebe expectedexpected atat herher handshands?
wln 0337WhoseWhose footfoot standingstanding onon aa rowlingrolling stonestone,
wln 0338AndAnd mindemind moremore mutablemutable thenthan ficklefickle windeswinds.
wln 0339WhyWhy wailewail II thenthen whereswhere’s hopehope ofof nono redresseredres●eredress?
wln 0340OO yesyes, complainingcomplaining makesmakes mymy greefegrief seemeseem lesseless.
wln 0341MyMy latelate ambitionambition hathhath distainddistained mymy faithfaith,
wln 0342MyMy breachbreach ofof faithfaith occasiondoccasioned bloudiebloody warreswars,
wln 0343ThoseThose bloudiebloody warreswars hauehave spentspent mymy treasuretreasure,
wln 0344AndAnd withwith mymy treasuretreasure mymy peoplespeople’s bloodblood,
wln 0345AndAnd withwith theirtheir bloodblood, mymy ioyjoy andand bestbest belouedbeloved,
wln 0346MyMy bestbest belouedbeloved, mymy sweetsweet andand onelyonly SonneSon.
wln 0347OO whereforewherefore wentwent II notnot toto warrewar my selfemyself?
wln 0348TheThe causecause waswas minemine II mightmight hauehave dieddied forfor bothboth:
wln 0349MyMy yeeresyears werewere mellowmellow, hishis butbut youngyoung andand greenegreen,
wln 0350MyMy deathdeath werewere naturallnatural, butbut hishis waswas forcedforced.
wln 0351Alex.AlexandroAlex.NoNo doubtdoubt mymy LiegeLiege butbut stillstill thethe PrincePrince suruiuessurvives.
wln 0352Vice.ViceroyVice.SuruiuesSurvives, IAyI wherewhere?
wln 0353Alex.AlexandroAlex.InIn SpaineSpain, aa prisonerprisoner byby mischancemischance ofof warrewar.
wln 0354Vice.ViceroyVice.ThenThen theythey hauehave slaine●laineslain himhim forfor hishis fathersfather’s faultfault.
wln 0355Alex.AlexandroAlex.ThatThat werewere aa breachbreach toto commoncommon lawlaw ofof armesarms.
wln 0356Vice.ViceroyVice.TheyThey reckereck nono laweslaws thatthat meditatemeditate reuengerevenge.
wln 0357Alex.AlexandroAlex.HisHis ransomesransom’s worthworth willwill staystay fromfrom foulefoul reuengerevenge.
wln 0358Vice.ViceroyVice.NoNo, ifif hehe liuedlived thethe newesnews wouldwould soonesoon bebe heerehere.
wln 0359Alex.AlexandroAlex.NayNay euillevil newesnews fliefly fasterfaster stillstill thanthan goodgood.
wln 0360Vice.ViceroyVice.TellTell meme nono moremore ofof newesnews, forfor hehe isis deaddead.
wln 0361Villup.VilluppoVillup.MyMy soueraignsovereign pardonpardon thethe AuthorAuthor ofof illill newesnews,
wln 0362AndAnd IleI’ll bewraybewray thethe fortunefortune ofof thythy SonneSon.
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The Spanish Tragedie.
wln 0363Vice.ViceroyVice.SpeakeSpeak onon, IleI’ll guerdonguerdon theethee what erewhate’er itit bebe,
wln 0364MineMine eareear isis readyready toto receiuereceive illill newesnews,
wln 0365MyMy hartheart grownegrown hardhard gainst’gainst mischiefesmischief’s batterybattery,
wln 0366StandStand vpup II saysay andand telltell thythy taletale atat largelarge,
wln 0367Villup.VilluppoVillup.ThenThen hearehear thatthat truthtruth whichwhich thesethese minemine eieseyes hauehave (seeneseen.
wln 0368WhenWhen bothboth thethe armiesarmies werewere inin battellbattle ioyndjoined,
wln 0369DonDon BalthazarBalthazar amidstamidstamid thethe thickestthickest troupestroops,
wln 0370ToTo winnewin renownerenown, diddid wondrouswondrous featsfeats ofof armesarms:
wln 0371AmongstAmongst thethe restrest II sawsaw himhim handhand toto handhand
wln 0372InIn singlesingle fightfight withwith theirtheir LordLord GenerallGeneral.
wln 0373TillTill AlexandroAlexandro thatthat heerehere counterfeitscounterfeits,
wln 0374VnderUnder thethe colourcolorcolour ofof aa duteousduteous freendfriend,
wln 0375DischargedDischarged hishis PistollPistol atat thethe PrincesPrince’sPRINCE’s backback,
wln 0376AsAs thoughthough hehe wouldwould hauehave slaineslain theirtheir GenerallGeneral.
wln 0377ButBut therwithalltherewithal DonDon BalthazarBalthazar fellfell downedown:
wln 0378AndAnd whenwhen hehe fellfell thenthen wewe beganbegan toto fliefly,
wln 0379ButBut hadhad hehe liuedlived thethe dayday hadhad suresure benebeen oursours.
wln 0380Alex.AlexandroAlex.OO wickedwicked forgerieforgery: OOOh traiteroustraitorous miscreantmiscreant.
wln 0381Vice.ViceroyVice.HoldeHold thouthou thythy peacepeace, butbut nownow VilluppoVilluppo saysay,
wln 0382WhereWhere thenthen becamebecame thethe carkassecarcasscarcase ofof mymy SonneSon?
wln 0383Villup.VilluppoVillup.II sawsaw themthem dragdrag itit toto thethe SpanishSpanish tentstents.
wln 0384Vice.ViceroyVice.IAyay, IAyay, mymy nightlynightly dreamesdreams hauehave toldetold meme thisthis:
wln 0385ThouThou falsefalse, vnkindeunkind, vnthankfullunthankful traiteroustraitorous beastbeast,
wln 0386WhereinWherein hadhad BalthazarBalthazar offendedoffended theethee,
wln 0387ThatThat thouthou shouldstshouldst thusthus betraybetray himhim toto ourour foesfoes?
wln 0388WastWast SpanishSpanish goldegold thatthat blearedbleared soso thinethine eyeseyes,
wln 0389ThatThat thouthou couldstcouldst seesee nono partpart ofof ourour desertsdeserts?
wln 0390PerchancePerchance becausebecause thouthou artart TerseraesTersera’s LordLord,
wln 0391ThouThou hadsthadst somesome hopehope toto wearewear thisthis DiadomeDiademdiadem,
wln 0392IfIf firstfirst mymy SonneSon andand thenthen my selfemyself werewere slaineslain:
wln 0393ButBut thythy ambitiousambitious thoughtthought shallshall breakebreak thythy neckneck.
wln 0394IAyay, thisthis waswas itit thatthat mademade theethee spillspill hishis bloudblood,
wln 0395TakeTake thethe crownecrown andand putput itit onon againeagain.
wln 0396ButBut IleI’ll nownow wearewear itit tilltill thythy bloudblood bebe spiltspilt.
wln 0397Alex.AlexandroAlex.VouchsafeVouchsafe (dreaddread SoueraigneSovereign toto hearehear meme speakspeak.
wln 0398Vice.ViceroyVice.A wayAAwayAwayway withwith himhim, hishis sightsight isis secondsecond hellhell,
wln 0399KeepeKeep himhim tilltill wewe determinedetermine ofof hishis deathdeath.
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The Spanish tragedie.
wln 0400IfIf BalthazarBalthazar bebe deaddead, hehe shallshall notnot liuelive.
wln 0401VilluppoVilluppo followfollow vsus forfor thythy rewardreward.ExitExit ViceViceroyVice.
wln 0402Villup.VilluppoVillup.ThusThus hauehave II withwith anan enuiousenvious forgedforged taletale,
wln 0403DeceiuedDeceived thethe KingKing, betraidbetrayed minemine enemyenemy,
wln 0404AndAnd hopehope forfor guerdonguerdon ofof mymy villanyvillainy.ExitExit.
wln 0405EnterEnter HoratioHoratio andand Bel-imperiaBel-imperia.
wln 0406Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.SigniorSignior HoratioHoratio, thisthis isis thethe placeplace andand hourehour,
wln 0407WhereinWherein II mustmust intreatentreat theethee toto relaterelate,
wln 0408TheThe circumstancecircumstance ofof DonDon AndreasAndrea’s deathdeath:
wln 0409WhoWho liuingliving waswas mymy garlandsgarland’sgarlands sweetestsweetest flowerflower,
wln 0410AndAnd inin hishis deathdeath hathhath buriedburied mymy delightsdelights.
wln 0411Hor.HoratioHor.ForFor louelove ofof himhim andand seruiceservice toto your selfeyourself,
wln 0412II nillnill refuserefuse thisthis heauyheavy dolefulldoleful chargecharge.
wln 0413YetYet tearestears andand sighessighs, II fearefear willwill hinderhinder meme.
wln 0414WhenWhen bothboth ourour ArmiesArmies werewere enioyndenjoined inin fightfight.
wln 0415YourYour worthieworthy chiualierchevalier amidstamid thethe thikstthick’st,
wln 0416ForFor gloriousglorious causecause stillstill aimingaiming atat thethe fairestfairest,
wln 0417WasWas atat thethe lastlast byby yongyoung DonDon BalthazarBalthazar,
wln 0418EncountredEncountered handhand toto handhand: theirtheir fightfight waswas longlong,
wln 0419TheirTheir hartshearts werewere greatgreat, theirtheir clamoursclamorsclamours menacingmenacing,
wln 0420TheirTheir strengthstrength alikealike, theirtheir strokesstrokes bothboth dangerousdangerous.
wln 0421ButBut wrathfullwrathful NemesisNemesis thatthat wickedwicked powerpower,
wln 0422EnuyingEnvying atat AndreasAndrea’s praisepraise andand worthworth,
wln 0423CutCut shortshort hishis lifelife toto endend hishis praisepraise andand woorthworth.
wln 0424SheShe, sheshe her selfeherself disguisdedisguised inin armoursarmor’sarmours maskemask,
wln 0425(AsAs PallasPallas waswas beforebefore proudproud PergamusPergamus:)
wln 0426BroughtBrought inin aa freshfresh supplysupply ofof HalberdiersHalberdiers,
wln 0427WhichWhich paunchtpaunched hishis horsehorse andand dingddinged himhim toto thethe groundground,
wln 0428ThenThen yongyoung DonDon BalthazarBalthazar withwith ruthlesruthless ragerage,
wln 0429TakingTaking aduantageadvantage ofof hishis foesfoe’s distressedistress,
wln 0430DidDid finishfinish whatwhat hishis HalberdiersHalberdiers begunbegun,
wln 0431AndAnd leftleft notnot tilltill AndreasAndrea’s lifelife waswas donedone.
wln 0432ThenThen thoughthough tootoo latelate incenstincensed withwith iustjust remorceremorse,
wln 0433II withwith mymy bandband setset foorthfoo●thforth againstagainst thethe PrincePrince,
wln 0434AndAnd broughtbrought himhim prisonerprisoner fromfrom hishis HalberdiersHalberdiers.
wln 0435Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.WouldWould thouthou hadsthadst slaineslain himhim thatthat soso slewslew mymy louelove.
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The Spanish tragedie.
wln 0436ButBut thenthen waswas DonDon AndreasAndrea’s carkassecarcasscarcase lostlost?
wln 0437Hor.HoratioHor.NoNo, thatthat waswas itit forfor whichwhich II cheefelychiefly strouestrou●strove,
wln 0438NorNor steptstepped II backback tilltill II recouerdrecovered himhim:
wln 0439II tooketook himhim vpup andand woundwound himhim inin minemine armesarms.
wln 0440AndAnd weldingwelding himhim vntounto mymy priuateprivate tenttent,
wln 0441ThereThere laidlaid himhim downedown andand dewddewed himhim withwith mymy tearestears,
wln 0442AndAnd sighedsighed andand sorrowedsorrowed asas becamebecame aa freendfriend.
wln 0443ButBut neitherneither freendlyfriendly sorrowsorrow, sighessighs nornor tearestears,
wln 0444CouldCould winwin palepale deathdeath fromfrom hishis vsurpedusurped rightright.
wln 0445YetYet thisthis II diddid, andand lesseless II couldcould notnot doedo:
wln 0446II sawsaw himhim honouredhonoredhonoured withwith duedue funerallfuneral,
wln 0447ThisThis scarfescarf II plucktplucked fromfrom offoff hishis liueleslifeless armearm,
wln 0448AndAnd wearewear itit inin remembranceremembrance ofof mymy freendfriend.
wln 0449Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.II knowknow thethe scarfescarf, wouldwould hehe hadhad keptkept itit stillstill,
wln 0450ForFor hadhad hehe liuedlived hehe wouldwould hauehave keptkept itit stillstill,
wln 0451AndAnd worneworn itit forfor hishis Bel-imperiasBel-imperia’s sakesake:
wln 0452ForFor twas’twas mymy fauourfavorfavour atat hishis lastlast departdepart.
wln 0453ButBut nownow wearewear thouthou itit bothboth forfor himhim andand meme,
wln 0454ForFor afterafter himhim thouthou hasthast deserueddeserved itit bestbest,
wln 0455ButBut forfor thythy kindneskindness inin hishis lifelife andand deathdeath,
wln 0456BeBe suresure whilewhile Bel-imperiasBel-imperia’s lifelife enduresendures,
wln 0457SheShe willwill bebe DonDon HoratiosHoratio’s thankfullthankful freendfriend.
wln 0458Hor.HoratioHor.AndAnd (MadameMadammadam) DonDon HoratioHoratio willwill notnot slackeslack,
wln 0459HumblyHumbly toto serueserve fairefair Bel-imperiaBel-imperia.
wln 0460ButBut nownow ifif youryour goodgood likingliking standstand theretothereto,
wln 0461IleWe●eI’llWe crauecrave youryour pardonpardon toto goego seekeseek thethe PrincePrince,
wln 0462ForFor soso thethe DukeDuke youryour fatherfather gauegave meme chargecharge.
wln 0463ExitExit.
wln 0464Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.IAyay, goego HoratioHoratio, leaueleave meme heerehere alonealone,
wln 0465ForFor sollitudesolitude bestbest fitsfits mymy cheerelescheerless moodmood:
wln 0466YetYet whatwhat auailesavails toto wailewail AndreasAndrea’s deathdeath,
wln 0467FromFrom whencewhence HoratioHoratio prouesproves mymy secondsecond louelove?
wln 0468HadHad hehe notnot louedloved AndreaAndriaAndriaAndrea asas hehe diddid,
wln 0469HeHe couldcould notnot sitsit inin Bel-imperiasBel-imperia’s thoughtsthoughts.
wln 0470ButBut howhow cancan louelove findefind harbourharborharbour inin mymy brestbreast,
wln 0471TillTill II reuengerevenge thethe deathdeath ofof mymy belouedbeloved.
wln 0472YesYes, secondsecond louelove shallshall furtherfurther mymy reuengerevenge.
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The Spanish tragedie.
wln 0473IleI’ll louelove HoratioHoratio mymy AndreasAndrea’s freendfriend,
wln 0474TheThe moremore toto spightspite thethe PrincePrince thatthat wroughtwrought hishis endend:
wln 0475AndAnd wherewhere DonDon BalthazarBalthazar thatthat slewslew mymy louelove,
wln 0476HimselfeHimself nownow pleadespleads forfor fauourfavorfavour atat mymy handshands,
wln 0477HeHe shallshall inin rigourrigorrigour ofof mymy iustjust disdainedisdain,
wln 0478ReapeReap longlong repentancerepentance forfor hishis murderousmurderous deeddeed:
wln 0479ForFor whatwhat wastwas’t elselse butbut murderousmurderous cowardisecowardice,
wln 0480SoSo manymany toto oppresseoppress oneone valiantvaliant knightknight,
wln 0481WithoutWithout respectrespect ofof honourhonorhonour inin thethe fightfight?
wln 0482AndAnd heerehere hehe comescomes thatthat murdredmurdered mymy delightdelight.
wln 0483EnterEnter LorenzoLorenzo andand BalthazarBalthazar.
wln 0484Lor.LorenzoLor.SisterSister, whatwhat meanesmeans thisthis melancholliemelancholy walkewalk?
wln 0485Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.ThatThat forfor aa whilewhile II wishwish nono companycompany.
wln 0486Lor.LorenzoLor.ButBut heerehere thethe PrincePrince isis comecome toto visitevisit youyou,
wln 0487Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.ThatThat arguesargues thatthat hehe liueslives inin libertieliberty.
wln 0488Bal.BalthazarBal.NoNo MadameMadammadam, butbut inin pleasingpleasing seruitudeservitude.
wln 0489Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.YourYour prisonprison thenthen belikebelike isis youryour conceitconceit.
wln 0490Bal.BalthazarBal.IAyI byby conceitconceit mymy freedomefreedom isis enthraldeenthralled,
wln 0491Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.ThenThen withwith conceiteconceit enlargeenlarge your selfeyourself againeagainagain[·].●.
wln 0492Bal.BalthazarBal.WhatWhat ifif conceiteconceit hauehave laidlaid mymy hartheart toto gagegagegauge?
wln 0493Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.PayPay thatthat youyou borrowedborrowed andand recouerrecover itit.
wln 0494Bal.BalthazarBal.II diedie ifif itit returnereturn fromfrom whencewhence itit lyeslies.
wln 0495Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.AA hartlesheartless manman andand liuelive? AA miraclemiracle.
wln 0496Bal.BalthazarBal.IAyI LadyLady, louelove cancan workework suchsuch miraclesmiracles.
wln 0497Lor.LorenzoLor.TushTush, tushtush mymy LordLord, letlet goego thesethese ambagesambages,
wln 0498AndAnd inin plaineplain tearmesterms acquaintacquaint herher withwith youryour louelove.
wln 0499Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.WhatWhat bootesboots complaintcomplaint, whenwhen thersthere’s nono remedyremedy?
wln 0500Bal.BalthazarBal.YesYes, toto youryour gratiousgracious selfeself mustmust II complainecomplain,
wln 0501InIn whosewhose fairefair answereanswer lyeslies mymy remedyremedy,
wln 0502OnOn whosewhose perfectionperfection allall mymy thoughtsthoughts attendattend,
wln 0503OnOn whosewhose aspectaspect mine●ninemine eyeseyes findefind beautiesbeauty’s bowrebower,
wln 0504InIn whosewhose translucenttranslucent brestbreast mymy hartheart isis lodgdelodged.
wln 0505Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.AlasAlas mymy LordLord thesethese areare hutbuthutbut wordswords ofof coursecourse.
wln 0506AndAnd butbut deuisedevisedevice toto driuedrive meme fromfrom thisthis placeplace.
wln 0507SheShe inin goinggoing inin, letsl●tslets fallfall herher GloueGlove, whichwhich HoratioHoratio
wln 0508commingcomm●ngcomingcomming outout takestakes vpup.
wln 0509Hor.HoratioHor.MadameMadammadam, youryour GloueGlove.
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The Spanish tragedie.
wln 0510Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.ThanksThanks goodgood HoratioHoratio, taketake itit forfor thythy painespains.
wln 0511Bal.BalthazarBal.SigniorSignior HoratioHoratio stooptstooped inin happiehappy timetime.
wln 0512Hor.HoratioHor.II reaptreaped moremore gracegrace thenthan II deseru’ddeserved oror hop’dhoped.
wln 0513Lor.LorenzoLor.MyMy LordLord, bebe notnot dismaiddismayed forfor whatwhat isis pastpastpassed.
wln 0514YouYou knowknow thatthat womenwomen oftoft areare humeroushumorous:
wln 0515TheseThese cloudsclouds willwill ouerblowoverblow withwith littlelittle windewind.
wln 0516LetLet meme alonealone, IleI’ll scatterscatt●rscatter themthem my selfemyself:
wln 0517Meane whileMeanwhilemeanwhile letlet vsus deuisedevise toto spendspend thethe timetime,
wln 0518InIn somesome delightfulldelightful sportssports andand reuellingrevelling.
wln 0519Hor.HoratioHor.TheThe KingKing mymy LordsLords isis commingcoming hitherhither straightstraight,
wln 0520ToTo feastfeast thethe PortingallPortingale EmbassadourAmbassador,
wln 0521ThingsThings werewere inin readinesreadiness beforebefore II camecame.
wln 0522Bal.BalthazarBal.ThenThen heerehere itit fitsfits vsus toto attendattend thethe KingKing,
wln 0523ToTo welcomewelcome hitherhither ourour EmbassadourAmbassador,
wln 0524AndAnd learnelearn mymy FatherFather andand mymy CountriesCountry’scountry’s healthhealth.
wln 0525EnterEnter thethe banquetbanquet, TrumpetsTrumpets, thethe KingKing andand EmbassadourAmbassador.
wln 0526KingKing.SeeSee LordLord EmbassadorAmbassador, howhow SpaineSpain intreatsentreats
wln 0527TheirTheir prisonerprisoner BalthazarBalthazar, thythy ViceroyesViceroy’sviceroy’s SonneSon:
wln 0528WeWe pleasurepleasure moremore inin kindeneskindness thenthanthen inin warreswars.
wln 0529Embass.AmbassadorEmbass.SadSad isis ourour KingKing, andand PortingalePortingale lamentslaments,
wln 0530SupposingSupposing thatthat DonDon BalthazarBalthazar isis slaineslain.
wln 0531Bal.BalthazarBal..SoSo amam II slaineslain byby beautiesbeauty’s tirannietyranny.
wln 0532YouYou seesee mymy LordLord howhow BalthazarBalthazar isis slaineslain.
wln 0533II frolikefrolic withwith thethe DukeDuke ofof CastilesCastile’sCastiles SonneSon,
wln 0534WraptWrapped eueryevery hourehour inin pleasurspleasures ofof thethe CourtCourt,
wln 0535AndAnd grastegraced withwith fauoursfavorsfavours ofof hishis MaiestieMajesty.
wln 0536KingKing.PutPut offoff youryour greetingsgreetings tilltill ourour feastfeast bebe donedone,
wln 0537NowNow comecome andand sitsit withwith vsus andand tastetaste ourour cheerecheer.
wln 0538SitSit toto thethe banquetbanquet.
wln 0539SitSit downedown youngyoung PrincePrince, youyou areare ourour secondsecond guestguest:
wln 0540BrotherBrother sitsit downedown, andand NephewNephew taketake youryour placeplace,
wln 0541SigniorSignior HoratioHoratio waitewait thouthou vponupon ourour cupcup,
wln 0542ForFor wellwell thouthou hasthast deserueddeserved toto bebe honoredhonoredhonoured.
wln 0543NowNow LordingsLordings fallfall tootoo, SpaineSpain isis PortugallPortugal,
wln 0544AndAnd PortugallPortugal isis SpaineSpain, wewe bothboth areare freendsfriends,
wln 0545TributeTribute isis paidpaid, andand wewe enioyenjoy ourour rightright.
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The Spanish Tragedie.
wln 0546ButBut wherewhere isis oldeold HieronimoHieronimo ourour MarshallMarshal,
wln 0547HeHe promisedp●omisedpromised vsus inin honorhonorhonour ofof ourour guestguest,
wln 0548ToTo gracegrace ourour banquetbanquet withwith somesome pompouspompous iestjest.
wln 0549EnterEnter HieronimoHieronimo withwith aa DrumDrum, threethree KnightsKnights, eacheach hishis ScutScutchinScut|chinScutcheon
wln 0550chin,
wln 0550thenthen hehe fetchesfetches threethree KingsKings, theythey taketake theirtheir
wln 0551CrownesCrowns andand themthem captiuecaptive.
wln 0552HieronimoHieronimo, thisthis maskemask contentscontents minemine eieeye,
wln 0553AlthoughAlthough II soundsound notnot wellwell thethe misteriemystery.
wln 0554Hiero.HieronimoHiero.TheThe firstfirst arm’darmed KnightKnight thatthat hunghung hishis ScutchinScutcheon vpup,
wln 0555HeHe takestakes thethe ScutchinScutcheon andand giuesgives itit toto thethe KingKing.
wln 0556WasWas EnglishEnglish RobertRobert EarleEarl ofof GlocesterGloucesterGlocester,
wln 0557WhoWho whenwhen kingking StephenStephen borebore swaysway inin AlbionAlbion,
wln 0558ArriuedArrived withwith fiuefive andand twentytwenty thousandthousand menmen,
wln 0559InIn PortingalePortingale, andand byby successesuccess ofof warrewar,
wln 0560EnforcedEnforced thethe KingKing thenthen butbut aa SarasinSaracenSarasin,
wln 0561ToTo bearebear thethe yoakeyoke ofof thethe EnglishEnglish MonarchieMonarchy.
wln 0562KingKing.MyMy LordLord ofof PortingalePortingale, byby thisthis youyou seesee,
wln 0563ThatThat whichwhich maymay comfortcomfort bothboth youryour KingKing andand youyou,
wln 0564AndAnd makemake youryour latelate discomfortdiscomfort seemeseem thethe lesseless.
wln 0565ButBut saysay HieronimoHieronimo, whatwhat waswas thethe nextnext?
wln 0566Hiero.HieronimoHiero.TheThe secondsecond KnightKnight thatthat hunghung hishis ScutchinScutcheon vpup,
wln 0567HeHe dothdoth asas hehe diddid beforebefore.
wln 0568WasWas EdmondEdmond EarleEarl ofof KentKent inin AlbionAlbion,
wln 0569WhenWhen EnglishEnglish RichardRichard worewore thethe DiademDiadem.
wln 0570HeHe camecame likewiselikewise andand razedrazed LisbonLisbon walleswalls,
wln 0571AndAnd tooketook thethe KingKing ofof PortingalePortingale inin fightfight:
wln 0572ForFor whichwhich, andand otherother suchsuch likelike seruiceservice donedone,
wln 0573HeHe afterafter waswas createdcreated DukeDuke ofof YorkeYork.
wln 0574KingKing.ThisThis isis anotheranother speciallspecial argumentargument,
wln 0575ThatThat PortingalePortingale maymay dainedeign toto bearebear ourour yoakeyoke,
wln 0576WhenWhen itit byby littlelittle EnglandEngland hathhath beenebeen yoaktyoked:
wln 0577ButBut nownow HieronimoHieronimo whatwhat werewere thethe lastlast?
wln 0578Hiero.HieronimoHiero.TheThe thirdthird andand lastlast notnot leastleast inin ourour accountaccount,
wln 0579DooingDoing asas beforebefore.
wln 0580WasWas asas thethe restrest aa valiantvaliant EnglishmanEnglishman,
wln 0581BraueBrave IohnJohnjohn ofof GauntGa●ntGaunt thethe DukeDuke ofof LancasterLancaster.
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The Spanish tragedie.
wln 0582AsAs byby hishis ScutchinScutcheon plainelyplainly maymay appeareappear.
wln 0583HeHe withwith aa puissantpuissant armiearmy camecame toto SpaineSpain,
wln 0584AndAnd tooketook ourour KingKing ofof CastileCastileCastille prisonerprisoner.
wln 0585Embass.AmbassadorEmbass.ThisThis isis anan argumentargument forfor ourour ViceroyViceroy,
wln 0586ThatThat SpaineSpain maymay notnot insultinsult forfor herher successesuccess,
wln 0587SinceSince EnglishEnglish warriourswarriors likewiselikewise conqueredconquered SpaineSpain,
wln 0588AndAnd mademade themthem bowbow theirtheir kneesknees toto AlbionAlbion.
wln 0589KingKing.HieronimoHieronimo, II drinkedtinkedrink toto theethee forfor thisthis deuisedevice.
wln 0590WhichWhich hathhath pleasdepleased bothboth thethe EmbassadorAmbassador andand meme:
wln 0591PledgePledge meme HieronomoHieronimoHieronomo, ifif thouthou louelove thethe KingKing.
wln 0592TakesTakes thethe CupCup ofof HoratioHoratio.
wln 0593MyMy LordLord, II fearefear wewe sitsit butbut ouer-longoverlong.
wln 0594VnlesseUnless ourour daintiesdainties werewere moremore delicatedelicate.
wln 0595ButBut welcomewelcome areare youyou toto thethe bestbest wewe hauehave.
wln 0596NowNow letlet vsus inin thatthat youyou maymay bebe dispatchtdispatched,
wln 0597II thinkthink ourour councellcouncil isis alreadyalready setset.
wln 0598ExeuntExeunt omnesomnes.
wln 0599AndreaAndrea.
wln 0600ComeCome wewe forfor thisthis fromfrom depthdepth ofof vnder groundvnderundergroundundergroundground,
wln 0601ToTo seesee himhim feastfeast thatthat gauegave meme mymy deathsdeath’s woundwound?
wln 0602TheseThese pleasantpleasant sightssights areare sorrowsorrow toto mymy soulesoul,
wln 0603NothingNothing butbut leagueleague, andand louelove andand banquetingbanqueting?
wln 0604ReuengeRevenge.
wln 0605BeBe stillstill AndreaAndrea ereere wewe goego fromfrom hencehence,
wln 0606IleI’ll turneturn theirtheir freendshipfriendship intointo fellfell despightdespite,
wln 0607TheirTheir louelove toto mortallmortal hatehate, theirtheir dayday to nightto nighttonight,
wln 0608TheirTheir hopehope intointo dispairedespair, theirtheir peacepeace toto warrewar,
wln 0609TheirTheir ioyesjoys toto painepain, theirtheir blissebliss toto miseriemisery.
wln 0610ActusActus SecundusSecundus.
wln 0611EnterEnter LorenzoLorenzo andand BalthazarBalthazar.
wln 0612LorenzoLorenzo.
wln 0613MYMY LordLord, thoughthough Bel-imperiaBel-imperia seemeseem thusthus coycoy,
wln 0614LetLet reasonreason holdehold youyou inin youryour wontedwonted ioyjoy:
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The Spanish Tragedie.
wln 0615InIn timetime thethe sauagesavage BullB●llBull sustainessustains thethe yoakeyoke,
wln 0616InIn timetime allall haggardhaggard HawkesHawks willwill stoopestoop toto lurelu●elure,
wln 0617InIn timetime smallsmall wedgeswedges cleauecleave thethe hardesthardest OakeOak,
wln 0618InIn timetime thethe flintflint isis pearstpierced withwith softestsoftest showershower,
wln 0619AndAnd sheshe inin timetime willwill fallfall fromfrom herher disdainedisdain,
wln 0620AndAnd ruerue thethe sufferancesufferance ofof youryour freendlyfriendly painepain.
wln 0621Bal.BalthazarBal.NoNo, sheshe isis wilderwilder andand moremore hardhard withallwithal,
wln 0622ThenThanThen beastbeast, oror birdbird, oror treetree, oror stonystony wallwall.
wln 0623ButBut whereforewherefore blotblot II Bel-imperiasBel-imperia’s namename?
wln 0624ItIt isis mymy faultfault, notnot sheshe thatthat meritesmerits blameblame.
wln 0625MyMy featurefeature isis notnot toto contentcontent herher sightsight,
wln 0626MyMy wodreswordeswodreswords areare ruderude andand workework herher nono delightdelight.
wln 0627TheThe lineslines II sendsend herher areare butbut harshharsh andand illill,
wln 0628SuchSuch asas doedo dropdrop fromfrom PanPan andand MarsiasMarsyas’Marsias quillquill.
wln 0629MyMy presentspresents areare notnot ofof sufficientsufficient costcost,
wln 0630AndAnd beingbeing worthlesworthless allall mymy labourslabor’slabours lostlost.
wln 0631YetYet mightmight sheshe louelove meme forfor mymy valiancievaliancy,
wln 0632IAyI butbut thatsthat’s slaundredslandered byby captiuitiecaptivity.
wln 0633YetYet mightmight sheshe louelove meme toto contentcontent herher sirefirefiresire:
wln 0634IAyI butbut herher reasonreason mastersmasters hishis desiredesire.
wln 0635YetYet mightmight sheshe louelove meme asas herher brothersbrother’s freendfriend,
wln 0636IAyay, butbut herher hopeshopes aimeaim atat somesome otherother endend.
wln 0637YetYet mightmight sheshe louelove meme toto vpreareuprear herher statestate,
wln 0638IAyI, butbut perhapsperhaps sheshe hopeshopes somesome noblernobler matemate.
wln 0639YetYet mightmight sheshe louelove meme asas herher beauteousbeauteous thrallthrall,
wln 0640IAyay, butbut II fearefear sheshe cannotcannot louelove atat allall.
wln 0641Lor.LorenzoLor.MyMy LordLord, forfor mymy sakesake leaueleave thesethese extasiesecstasies,
wln 0642AndAnd doubtdoubt notnot butbut weelewe’ll findefind somesome remedieremedy,
wln 0643SomeSome causecause therethere isis thatthat letslets youyou notnot bebe louedloved:
wln 0644FirstFirst thatthat mustmust needsneeds bebe knowneknown andand thenthen remouedremoved.
wln 0645WhatWhat ifif mymy SisterSister louelove somesome otherother KnightKnight?
wln 0646Balt.BalthazarBalt.MyMy sommerssummer’s dayday willwill turneturn toto winterswinter’s nightnight.
wln 0647Lor.LorenzoLor.II hauehave alreadyalready foundfound aa stratagemestratagestratagemstratagememe,
wln 0648ToTo soundsound thethe bottomebottom ofof thisthis doubtfulldoubtful theametheme.
wln 0649MyMy LordLord, forfor onceonce youyou shallshall bebe rulderuled byby meme,
wln 0650HinderHinder meme notnot what erewhate’er youyou hearehear oror seesee.
wln 0651ByBy forceforce orofofor fairefirefairfire meanesmeans willwill II castcast aboutabout,
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The Spanish Tragedie.
wln 0652ToTo findefind thethe truthtruth ofof allall thisthis questionquestion outout.
wln 0653HoHo PedringanoPedringano.
wln 0654Ped.PedringanoPed.SigniorSignior.
wln 0655Lor.LorenzoLor.VienVien queque prestopresto.
wln 0656EnterEnter PedringanoPedringano.
wln 0657Ped.PedringanoPed.HathHath youryour LordshipLordship anyany seruiceservice toto commandcommand meme?
wln 0658Lor.LorenzoLor.IAyI PedringanoPedringano seruiceservice ofof importimport:
wln 0659AndAnd notnot toto spendspend thethe timetime inin triflingtrifling wordswords,
wln 0660ThusThus standsstands thethe casecase; itit isis notnot longlong thouthou knowstknowest,
wln 0661SinceSince II diddid shieldshield theethee fromfrom mymy fathersfather’s wrathwrath,
wln 0662ForFor thythy conueianceconveyance inin AndreasAndrea’s louelove:
wln 0663ForFor whichwhich thouthou wertwert adiudg’dadjudged toto punishmentpunishment,
wln 0664II stoodstood betwixtbetwixt theethee andand thythy punishmentpunishment:
wln 0665AndAnd sincesince, thouthou knowestknowest howhow II hauehave fauouredfavoredfavoured theethee,
wln 0666NowNow toto thesethese fauoursfavorsfavours willwill II addeaddad rewardreward,
wln 0667NotNot withwith fairefair woordswords, butbut storestore ofof goldengolden coynecoin,
wln 0668AndAnd landslands andand liuingliving ioyndjoined withwith dignitiesdignities,
wln 0669IfIf thouthou butbut satisfiesatisfy mymy iustjust demaunddemand.
wln 0670TellI’ellTell truthtruth andand hauehave meme forfor thythy lastinglasting freendfriend.
wln 0671Ped.PedringanoPed.What ereWhate’erwhate’er itit bebe youryour LordshipLordship shallshall demaunddemand,
wln 0672MyMy boundenbounden duetyduty bidsbids meme telltell thethe truthtruth.
wln 0673IfIf casecase itit lyelie inin meme toto telltell thethe truthtruth.
wln 0674Lor,LorenzoLor,ThenThen PedringanoPedringano thisthis isis mymy demaunddemand,
wln 0675WhomeWhom louesloves mymy sistersister Bel-imperiaBel-imperia?
wln 0676ForFor sheshe reposethreposeth allall herher trusttrust inin theethee:
wln 0677SpeakSpeak manman andand gainegain bothboth freendshipfriendship andand rewardreward,
wln 0678II meanemean, whomewhom louesloves sheshe inin AndreasAndrea’s placeplace?
wln 0679Ped.PedringanoPed.AlasAlas mymy LordLord, sincesince DonDon AndreasAndrea’s deathdeath,
wln 0680II hauehave nono creditcredit withwith herher asas beforebefore,
wln 0681AndAnd thereforetherefore knowknow notnot ifif sheshe louelove oror nono.
wln 0682Lor.LorenzoLor.NayNay ifif thouthou dallydally thenthen II amam thythy foefoe,
wln 0683AndAnd fearefear shallshall forceforce whatwhat frendshipfriendship cannotcannot winnewin.
wln 0684ThyThy deathdeath shallshall burybury whatwhat thythy lifelife concealesconceals.
wln 0685ThouThou dyestdiest forfor moremore esteemingesteeming herher thenthen meme.
wln 0686Ped.PedringanoPed.OhOhO staystay mymy LordLord.
wln 0687Lor.LorenzoLor.YetYet speakspeak thethe truthtruth andand II willwill guerdonguerdon theethee,
wln 0688AndAnd shieldshield theethee fromfrom what euerwhatever cancan ensueensue.
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The Spanish tragedie.
wln 0689AndAnd willwill concealeconceal what erewhate’er proceedsproceeds fromfrom theethee,
wln 0690ButBut ifif thouthou dallydally onceonce againeagain, thouthou diestdiest.
wln 0691Ped.PedringanoPed.IfIf MadameMadammadam Bel-imperiaBel-imperia bebe inin louelove.
wln 0692Lor.LorenzoLor.WhatWhat villainevillain ifsifs andand andsands?
wln 0693Ped.PedringanoPed.OO staystay mymy LordLord, sheshe louesloves HoratioHoratio.
wln 0694BalthazarBalthazar startsstarts backback.
wln 0695Lor.LorenzoLor.WhatWhat DonDon HoratioHorati●Horatio ourour KnightKnight MarshalsMarshal’s sonneson?
wln 0696Ped.PedringanoPed.EuenEveneven himhim mymy LordLord.
wln 0697Lor.LorenzoLor.NowNow saysay, butbut howhow knowestknowest thouthou hehe isis herher louelove?
wln 0698AndAnd thouthou shaltshalt findefind meme kindekind andand liberallliberal:
wln 0699StandStand vpup II saysay, andand fearelesfearless telltell thethe truthtruth.
wln 0700Ped.PedringanoPed.SheShe sentsent himhim lettersletters whichwhich my selfemyself perusdeperused,
wln 0701FullFull fraughtfraught withwith lineslines andand argumentsarguments ofof louelove,
wln 0702PreferringPreferring himhim beforebefore PrincePrince BalthazarBalthazar.
wln 0703Lor.LorenzoLor.SweareSwear onon thisthis crossecross, thatthat whatwhat thouthou saiestsayest isis truetrue,
wln 0704AndAnd thatthat thouthou wiltwilt consealeconceal whatwhat thouthou hasthast toldetold.
wln 0705Ped.PedringanoPed.II sweareswear toto bothboth byby himhim thatthat mademade vsus allall.
wln 0706Lor.LorenzoLor.InIn hopehope thinethine oathoath isis truetrue, heereshere’s thythy rewardreward,
wln 0707ButBut ifif II proueprove theethee periurdeperjured andand vniustunjust,
wln 0708ThisThis veryvery swordsword whereonwhereon thouthou tooksttook’sttookst thinethine oathoath,
wln 0709ShallShall bebe thethe workerworker ofof thythy tragedietragedy.
wln 0710Ped.PedringanoPed.WhatWhat II hauehave saidesaid isis truetrue, andand shallshall forfor meme,
wln 0711BeBe stillstill concealdconcealed fromfrom Bel-imperiaBel-imperia.
wln 0712BesidesBesides youryour HonorsHonor’shonour’s liberalitieliberality,
wln 0713DeseruesDeserves mymy duteousduteous seruiceservice, eueneven tilltill deathdeath.
wln 0714Lor.LorenzoLor.LetLet thisthis bebe allall thatthat thouthou shaltshalt doedo forfor meme,
wln 0715BeBe watchfullwatchful whenwhen, andand wherewhere thesethese louerslovers meetemeet,
wln 0716AndAnd giuegive meme noticenotice inin somesome secretsecret sortsort.
wln 0717Ped.PedringanoPed.II willwill mymy LordLord.
wln 0718Lor.LorenzoLor.ThenThen shaltshalt thouthou findefind thatthat II amam liberallliberal,
wln 0719ThouThou knowstknowest thatthat II cancan moremore aduaunceadvance thythy statestate
wln 0720ThenThanThen sheshe, bebe thereforetherefore wisewise andand failefail meme notnot.
wln 0721GoeGo andand attendattend herher asas thythy customecustom isis,
wln 0722LeastLestlest absenceabsence makemake herher thinkthink thouthou doostdost amisseamiss.
wln 0723ExitExit PedringanoPedringano.
wln 0724WhyWhy soso: T amTTamTamam armisarmis quamquam ingenioingenio:
wln 0725WhereWhere wordswords preuaileprevail notnot, violenceviolence preuailesprevails.
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The Spanish tragedie.
wln 0726ButBut goldegold dothdoth moremore thenthan eithereither ofof themthem bothboth.
wln 0727HowHow likeslikes PrincePrince BalthazarBalthazar thisthis stratagemestratagem?
wln 0728Bal.BalthazarBal.BothBoth wellwell, andand illill: itit makesmakes meme gladglad andand sadsad:
wln 0729GladGlad, thatthat II knowknow thethe hindererhinderer ofof mymy louelove,
wln 0730SadSad, thatthat II fearefear sheshe hateshates meme whomewhom II louelove.
wln 0731GladGlad, thatthat II knowknow onon whomwhom toto bebe reueng’drevenged,
wln 0732SadSad, thatthat sheeleshe’ll fliefly meme ifif II taketake reuengerevenge.
wln 0733YetYet mustmust II taketake reuengerevenge oror dyedie my selfemyself,
wln 0734ForFor louelove resistedresisted growesgrows impatientimpatient.
wln 0735II thinkthink HoratioHoratio bebe mymy destindedestined plagueplague,
wln 0736FirstFirst inin hishis handhand hehe brandishedbrandished aa swordsword,
wln 0737AndAnd withwith thatthat swordsword hehe fiercelyfiercely wagedwaged warrewar,
wln 0738AndAnd inin thatthat warrewar hehe gauegave meme dangerousdangerous woundswounds,
wln 0739AndAnd byby thosethose woundswounds hehe forcedforced meme toto yeeldyield,
wln 0740AndAnd byby mymy yeeldingyielding II becamebecame hishis slaueslave.
wln 0741NowNow inin hishis mouthmouth hehe carriescarries pleasingpleasing wordswords,
wln 0742WhichWhich pleasingpleasing wordeswords doedo harbourharborharbour sweetsweet conceitsconceits,
wln 0743WhichWhich sweetsweet conceitsconceits areare lim’dlimned withwith sliesly deceitsdeceits,
wln 0744WhichWhich sliesly deceitsdeceits smoothsmooth Bel-imperiasBel-imperia’s earesears,
wln 0745AndAnd throughthrough herher earesears diuedive downedown intointo herher hartheart,
wln 0746AndAnd inin herher hartheart setset himhim wherewhere II shouldshould standstand.
wln 0747ThusThus hathhath hehe taneta’en mymy bodybody byby hishis forceforce,
wln 0748AndAnd nownow byby sleightsleight wouldwould captiuatecaptivate mymy soulesoul:
wln 0749ButBut inin hishis fallfall ilei’llI’ll tempttempt thethe destiniesdestinies,
wln 0750AndAnd eithereither looselose mymy lifelife, oror winnewin mymy louelove.
wln 0751Lor.LorenzoLor.LetsLet’slet’s goego mymy LordLord, youryour stayingstaying staiesstays reuengerevenge,
wln 0752DoeDo youyou hutbut followfollow meme andand gainegain youryour louelove,
wln 0753HerHer fauourfavorfavour mustmust bebe wonnewon byby hishis remooueremove.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 0754EnterEnter HoratioHoratio andand Bel-imperiaBel-imperia.
wln 0755Hor.HoratioHor.NowNow MadameMadammadam, sincesince byby fauourfavorfavour ofof youryour louelove,
wln 0756OurOur hiddenhidden smokesmoke isis turndturned toto openopen flameflame:
wln 0757AndAnd thatthat withwith lookeslooks andand wordswords wewe feedfeed ourour thoughtthought,
wln 0758TwoTwo chiefechief contentscontents, wherewhere moremore cannotcannot bebe hadhad.
wln 0759ThusThus inin thethe midstmidst ofof loueslove’s fairefair blandishmentsblandishments,
wln 0760WhyWhy shewshow youyou signesign ofof inwardinward languishmentslan guishmentslanguishments.
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The Spanish tragedie.
wln 0761PedringanoPedringano shewethshoweth allall toto thethe PrincePrince andand LorenzoLorenzo,
wln 0762placingplacing themthem inin secretsecret.
wln 0763Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.MyMy hartheart (sweetsweet freendfriend) isis likelike aa shipship atat seasea,
wln 0764SheShe wishethwisheth portport, wherewhere ridingriding allall atat easeease,
wln 0765SheShe madmademad repairerepair whatwhat stormiestormy timestimes hauehave worneworn:
wln 0766AndAnd leaningleaning onon thethe shoreshore maymay singsing withwith ioyjoy,
wln 0767ThatThat pleasurepleasure followesfollows painepain, andand blissebliss annoyannoy.
wln 0768PossessionPossession ofof thythy louelove isis th’onelyth’ onlyth’only portport,
wln 0769WhereinWherein mymy hartheart withwith fearesfears andand hopeshopes longlong tosttossed,
wln 0770EachEach howrehour dothdoth wishwish andand longlong toto makemake resortresort,
wln 0771ThereThere toto repairerepair thethe ioyesjoys thatthat itit hathhath lostlost:
wln 0772AndAnd sittingsitting safesafe toto singsing inin CupidsCupid’s quirechoir,
wln 0773ThatThat sweetestsweetest blissebliss isis crownecrown ofof loueslove’s desiredesire.
wln 0774BalthazarBalthazar aboueabove.
wln 0775Bal.BalthazarBal.OO sleepesleep minemine eyeseyes, seesee notnot mymy louelove prophandeprofaned,
wln 0776BeBe deafedeaf mymy earesears, hearehear notnot mymy discontentdiscontent,
wln 0777DyeDie hartheart, anotheranother ioyesjoys whatwhat thouthou deseruestdeservest.
wln 0778Lor.LorenzoLor.WatchWatch stillstill minemine eyeseyes, toto seesee thisthis louelove disioynddisjoined,
wln 0779HeareHear stillstill minemine earesears, toto hearehear themthem bothboth lamentlament,
wln 0780LiueLive hartheart toto ioyjoy atat fondfond HoratiosHoratio’s fallfall.
wln 0781Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.WhyWhy standsstands HoratioHoratio speechelesspeechless allall thisthis whilewhile?
wln 0782Hor.HoratioHor.TheThe lesseless II speakspeak, thethe moremore II meditatemeditate.
wln 0783Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.ButBut whereonwhereon doostdost thouthou chiefelychiefly meditatemeditate?
wln 0784Hor.HoratioHor.OnOn dangersdangers pastpast, andand pleasurespleasures toto ensueensue.
wln 0785Bal.Bel.BalthazarBel.OnOn pleasurespleasures pastpast, andand dangersdangers toto ensueensue.
wln 0786Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.WhatWhat dangersdangers, andand whatwhat plesurespleasures doostdost thouthou meanmean?
wln 0787Hor.HoratioHor.DangersDangers ofof warrewar, andand pleasurespleasures ofof ourour louelove.
wln 0788Lor.LorenzoLor.DangersDangers ofof deathdeath, butbut pleasurespleasures nonenone atat allall.
wln 0789Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.LetLet dangersdangers goego, thythy warrewar shallshall bebe withwith meme,
wln 0790ButBut suchsuch aa warringwarring, asas breakesbreaks nono bondbond ofof peacepeace.
wln 0791SpeakSpeak thouthou fairefair wordswords, ilei’llI’ll crossecross themthem withwith fairefair wordswords,
wln 0792SendSend thouthou sweetsweet lookslooks, ileI’ll meetmeet themthem withwith sweetsweet lookslooks,
wln 0793WriteWrite louingloving lineslines, ilei’llI’ll answereanswer louingloving lineslines,
wln 0794GiueGive meme aa kissekiss, ilei’llI’ll countercheckecountercheck thythy kissekiss,
wln 0795BeBe thisthis ourour warringwarring peacepeace, oror peacefullpeaceful warrewar.
wln 0796Hor.HoratioHor.ButBut gratiousgracious MadameMadammadam, thenthen appointappoint thethe fieldfield,
wln 0797WhereWhere trialltrial ofof thisthis warrewar shallshall firstfirst bebe mademade.
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The Spanish tragedie.
wln 0798Bal.BalthazarBal.AmbitiousAmbitious villainevillain, howhow hishis boldenesboldness growesgrowes●grows!
wln 0799Bel,Bel-imperiaBel,ThenThen bebe thythy fathersfather’s pleasantpleasant bowerbower thethe fieldfield,
wln 0800WhereWhere firstfirst wewe vowdvowed aa mutuallmutual amitieamity:
wln 0801TheThe CourtCourt werewere dangerousdangerous, thatthat placeplace isis safesafe:
wln 0802OurOur howrehour shalbeshall be whenwhen VesperVesper ginnes’ginsbegins toto riserise,
wln 0803ThatThat summonssummons homehome distresfulldistressful trauellerstravelerstravellers.
wln 0804ThereThere nonenone shallshall hearehear vsus butbut thethe harmelesharmless birdsbirds.
wln 0805HappelieHappily thethe gentlegentle NightingaleNightingale,
wln 0806ShallShall carrollcarol vsus a sleepeasleep ereere wewe bebe wareware.
wln 0807AndAnd singingsinging withwith theth●the prickleprickle atat herher breastbreast,
wln 0808TellTell ourour delightdelight andand mirthfullmirthful dalliancedailiancedalliance.
wln 0809TillTill thenthen eacheach hourehour willwill seemeseem aa yeereyear andand moremore.
wln 0810Hor.HoratioHor.ButBut honiehoney sweetsweet, andand honorablehonorablehonourable louelove.
wln 0811ReturneReturn wewe nownow intointo youryour fathersfather’s sightsight,
wln 0812DangerousDangerous suspitionsuspicion waitswaits onon ourour delightdelight.
wln 0813Lor.LorenzoLor.IAyay, dangerdanger mixtmixed withwith iealousjealous despitedespite,
wln 0814ShallShall sendsend thythy soulesoul intointo eternalleternal nightnight.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 0815EnterEnter KingKing ofof SpaineSpain, PortingalePortingale EmbassadourAmbassador,
wln 0816DonDouDouDon CiprianCyprian, &c.etc.
wln 0817KingKing.BrotherBrother ofof CastileCastileCastille, toto thethe PrincesPrince’sPRINCE’s louelove:
wln 0818WhatWhat saiessays youryour daughterdaughter Bel-imperiaBel-imperia?
wln 0819Cip.CyprianCip.AlthoughAlthough sheshe coycoy itit asas becomesbecomes herher kindekind,
wln 0820AndAnd yetyet dissembledissemble thatthat sheshe louesloves thethe PrincePrince:
wln 0821II doubtdoubt notnot II, butbut sheshe willwill stoopestoop inin timetime.
wln 0822AndAnd werewere sheshe frowardfroward, whichwhich sheshe willwill notnot bebe,
wln 0823YetYet heereinherein shallshall sheshe followfollow mymy aduiceadvice,
wln 0824WhichWhich isis toto louelove himhim oror forgoeforgo mymy louelove.
wln 0825KingKing,,.ThenThen LordLord EmbassadourAmbassador ofof PortingalePortingale,
wln 0826AduiseAdvise thythy KingKing toto makemake thisthis marriagemarriage vpup,
wln 0827ForFor strengtheningstrengthening ofof ourour latelate confirmedconfirmed leagueleague,
wln 0828II knowknow nono betterbetter meanesmeans toto makemake vsus freendsfriends.
wln 0829HerHer dowrydowry shallshall bebe largelarge andand liberallliberal,
wln 0830BesidesBesides thatthat, sheshe isis daughterdaughter andand halfehalf heireheir,
wln 0831VntoUnto ourour brotherbrother heerehere DonDonDONE CiprianCip●i●CyprianCiprian,
wln 0832AndAnd shallshall enioye●ioyenjoy thethe moitiemoiety ofof hishis landland.
wln 0833IleI’ll gracegrace herher marriagemarriage withwith anan vncklesvnck●esuncle’s giftgift,
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The Spanish Tragedie.
wln 0834AndAnd thisthis itit isis, inin casecase thethe matchmatch goego forwardforward,
wln 0835TheThe tributetribute whichwhich youyou paypay shalbeshall be releastreleased,
wln 0836AndAnd ifif byby BalthazarBalthazar sheshe hauehave aa SonneSon,
wln 0837HeHe shallshall enioyenjoy thethe kingdomekingdom afterafter vsus.
wln 0838Embas.AmbassadorEmbas.IleI’ll makemake thethe motionmotion toto mymy soueraignesovereign LiegeLiege,
wln 0839AndAnd workework itit ifif mymy counsailecounsel maymay preuaileprevail.
wln 0840KingKing.DoeDo soso mymy LordLord, andand ifif hehe giuegive consentconsent,
wln 0841II hopehope hishis presencepresence heerehere willwill honourhonorhonour vsus,
wln 0842InIn celebrationcelebration ofof thethe nuptiallnuptial dayday,
wln 0843AndAnd letlet himselfehimself determinedetermine ofof thethe timetime.
wln 0844Em.AmbassadorEm.WiltWill ’twill’t pleaseplease youryour gracegrace commandco●mmandcommand meme oughtaught besidbeside?
wln 0845KingKing.CommendCommend meme toto thethe KingKing, andand soso farewellfarewell.
wln 0846ButBut whereswhere’s PrincePrince BalthazarBalthazar toto taketake hishis leaueleave?
wln 0847Em.AmbassadorEm.ThatThat isis perfourmdperformed alreadiealready mymy goodgood LordLord.
wln 0848KingKing.AmongstAmongst thethe restrest ofof whatwhat youyou hauehave inin chargecharge,
wln 0849TheThe PrincesPrince’sPRINCE’s raunsomeransom mustmust notnot bebe forgotforgot:
wln 0850ThatsThat’sthat’s nonenone ofof minemine, butbut hishis thatthat tooketook himhim prisonerprisoner,
wln 0851AndAnd wellwell hishis forwardnesforwardness deseruesdeserves rewardreward.
wln 0852ItI●It waswas HoratioHoratio ourour KnightKnight MarshalsMarshal’s sonneson.
wln 0853Em.AmbassadorEm.BetweeneBetween vsus theresthere’s aa priceprice alreadyalready pitchtpitched,
wln 0854AndAnd shallshall bebe sentsent withwith allall conuenientconvenient speedspeed.
wln 0855KingKing.ThenThen onceonce againeagain farewellfarewell mymy LordLord.
wln 0856Em.AmbassadorEm.FarwellFarewell mymy LordLord ofof CastileCastileCastille andand thethe restrest.ExitExit
wln 0857KingKing.NowNow brotherbrother, youyou mustmust taketake somesome littlelittle painespains,
wln 0858ToTo winnewin fairefair Bel-imperiaBel-imperia fromfrom herher willwill:
wln 0859YoungYoung VirginsVirgins mustmust bebe ruledruled byby theirtheir freendsfriends,
wln 0860TheThe PrincePrince isis amiableamiable andand louesloves herher wellwell,
wln 0861IfIf sheshe neglectneglect himhim andand forgoeforgo hishis louelove,
wln 0862SheShe bothboth willwill wrongwrong herher owneown estateestate andand oursours:
wln 0863ThereforeTherefore whileswhiles II doedo entertaineentertain thethe PrincePrince,
wln 0864WithWith greatestgreatest pleasurepleasure thatthat ourour CourtCourt affoordsaffords,
wln 0865EndeuourEndeavorEndeavour youyou toto winnewin youryour daughtersdaughter’s thoughtsthoughts,
wln 0866IfIf sheshe giuegive backback, allall thisthis willwill comecome toto naughtnaught.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 0867EnterEnter HoratioHoratio, Bel-imperiaBel-imperia, andand PedringanoPedringano.
wln 0868Hor.HoratioHor.NowNow thatthat thethe nightnight beginsbegins withwith sablesable wingswings,
wln 0869ToTo ouer-cloudovercloud thethe brightnesbrightness ofof thethe SunneSun,
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The Spanish tragedie.
wln 0870AndAnd thatthat inin darkenesdarkness pleasurespleasures maymay bebe donedone:
wln 0871ComeCome Bel-imperiaBel-imperia letlet vsus toto thethe bowerbower,
wln 0872AndAnd therethere inin safetiesafety passepass aa pleasantpleasant howerhour.
wln 0873Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.II followfollow theethee mymy louelove, andand willwill notnot backeback,
wln 0874AlthoughAlthough mymy faintingfainting hartheart controlescontrols mymy soulesoul.
wln 0875Hor.HoratioHor.WhyWhy, makemake youyou doubtdoubt ofof PedringanosPedringano’s faithfaith?
wln 0876Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.NoNo hehe isis asas trustietrusty asas mymy secondsecond selfeself.
wln 0877GoeGo PedringanoPedringano watchwatch withoutwithout thethe gategate,
wln 0878AndAnd letlet vsus knowknow ifif anyany makemake approchapproach.
wln 0879Ped.PedringanoPed.In steedIninsteadInsteedsteed ofof watchingwatching ilei’llI’ll deseruedeserve moremore goldegold.
wln 0880ByBy fetchingfetching DonDon LorenzoLorenzo toto thisthis matchmatch.ExitExit Ped.PedringanoPed.
wln 0881Hor.HoratioHor.WhatWhat meanesmeans mymy louelove?
wln 0882Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.II knowknow notnot whatwhat my selfemyself:
wln 0883AndAnd yetyet mymy hartheart foretelsforetells meme somesome mischauncemischance.
wln 0884Hor.HoratioHor.SweetSweet saysay notnot soso, fairefair fortunefortune isis ourour freendfriend,
wln 0885AndAnd heauensheavens hauehave shutshut vpup dayday toto pleasurepleasure vsus.
wln 0886TheThe starresstars thouthou seestseest holdehold backback theirtheir twincklingtwinkling shineshine,
wln 0887AndAnd LunaLuna hideshides her selfeherself toto pleasurepleasure vsus.
wln 0888Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.ThouThou hasthast preuaildeprevailed, ilei’llI’ll conquerconquer mymy misdoubtmisdoubt,
wln 0889AndAnd inin thythy louelove andand councellcouncil drownedrown mymy fearefear:
wln 0890II fearefear nono moremore, louelove nownow isis allall mymy thoughtsthoughts,
wln 0891WhyWhy sitsit wewe natnotnat, forfor pleasurepleasure askethasketh easeease?
wln 0892Hor.HoratioHor.TheThe moremore thouthou sitstsit’st withinwithin thesethese leauyleafy bowersbowers,
wln 0893TheThe moremore willwill FloraFlora deckedeck itit withwith herher flowersflowers.
wln 0894Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.IAyay butbut ifif FloraFlora spyespy HoratioHoratio heerehere,
wln 0895HerHer iealousjealous eyeeye willwill thinkthink II sitsit tootoo neerenear.
wln 0896Hor.HoratioHor.HarkeHark MadameMadammadam howhow thethe birdsbirds recordrecord byby nightnight,
wln 0897ForFor ioyjoy thatthat Bel-imperiaBel-imperia sitssits inin sightsight.
wln 0898Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.NoNo CupidCupid counterfeitscounterfeits thethe NightingaleNightingale,
wln 0899ToTo frameframe sweetsweet musickmusic toto HoratiosHoratio’s taletale.
wln 0900Hor.HoratioHor.IfIf CupidCupid singsing, thenthenthan VenusVenus isis nornotnor farrefar,
wln 0901IAyI thouthou artart VenusVenus oror somesome fairerfairer starrestar.
wln 0902Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.IfIf II bebe VenusVenusVenus’ thouthou mustmust needsneeds bebe MarsMars,
wln 0903AndAnd wherewhere MarsMars raignethreigneth therethere mustmust needsneeds bebe warrewar.
wln 0904Hor.HoratioHor.ThenThen thusthus beginbegin ourour warswars putput forthforth thythy handhand,
wln 0905ThatThat itit maymay combatcombat withwith mymy ruderruder handhand.
wln 0906Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.SetSet forthforth thythy footfoot toto trytry thethe pushpush ofof minemine.
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The Spanish Tragedie.
wln 0907Hor.HoratioHor.ButBut firstfirst mymy lookeslooks shallshall combatcombat againstagainst thinethine.
wln 0908Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.ThenThen wardward thy selfethyself, II dartdart thisthis kissekiss atat theethee.
wln 0909Hor.HoratioHor.ThusThus II retortretort thethe dartdart thouthou threwstthrewthrew’st atstatat meme.
wln 0910Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.NayNay thenthen toto gainegain thethe gloryglory ofof thethe fieldfield,
wln 0911MyMy twiningtwining armesarms shallshall yoakeyoke andand makemake theethee yeeldyield.
wln 0912Hor.HoratioHor.NayNay thenthen mymy armesarms areare largelarge andand strongstrong with:withwithalwith:
wln 0913ThusThus ElmesElms byby vinesvines areare compastcompassed tilltill theythey fallfall.
wln 0914Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.OO letlet meme goego, forfor inin mymy troubledtroubled eyeseyes,
wln 0915NowNow maistmayst thouthou readread thatthat lifelife inin passionpassion diesdies.
wln 0916Hor.HoratioHor.OO staystay aa whilewhile andand II willwill dyedie withwith theethee,
wln 0917SoSo shaltshalt thouthou yeeldyield, andand yetyet hauehave conquerdconquered meme.
wln 0918Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.WhoseWho’swho’s therethere PedringanoPedringano? wewe areare betraidebetrayed.
wln 0919EnterEnter LorenzoLorenzo, BalthazarBalthazar, CerberinSerberineCerberin, PedringanoPedringano,
wln 0920disguiseddisguised.
wln 0921Lor.LorenzoLor.MyMy LordLord awayaway withwith herher, taketake herher asideaside,
wln 0922OOOh sirsir forbeareforbear, youryour valourvalorvalour isis alreadyalready tridetried.
wln 0923QuicklyQuickly dispatchdispatch mymy maistersmasters,
wln 0924ThyTheyThy hanghang himhim inin thethe ArborArborArbour.
wln 0925Hor.HoratioHor.WhatWhat willwill youyou murdermurder meme?
wln 0926Lor.LorenzoLor.IAyI thusthus, andand thusthus, thesethese areare thethe fruitsfruits ofof louelove.
wln 0927TheyThey stabstab himhim.
wln 0928Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.OO sauesave hishis lifelife andand letlet meme dyedie forfor himhim,
wln 0929OOOh sauesave himhim brotherbrother, sauesave himhim BalthazarBalthazar:
wln 0930II louedloved HoratioHoratio butbut hehe louedloved notnot meme.
wln 0931Bal.BalthazarBal.ButBut BalthazarBalthazar louesloves Bel-imperiaBel-imperia.
wln 0932Lor.LorenzoLor.AlthoughAlthough hishis lifelife werewere stillstill ambituousambitiousambituousambitious proudproud,
wln 0933YetYet isis heheatheathe atat thethe highesthighest nownow hehe isis deaddead.
wln 0934Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.MurderMurder, murdermurder, helpehelp HieronimoHieronimo helpehelp.
wln 0935Lor.LorenzoLor.ComeCome stopstop herher mouthmouth awayaway withwith herher.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 0936EnterEnter HieronimoHieronimo inin hishis shirtshirt, &c.etc.
wln 0937Hiero.HieronimoHiero.WhatWhat outout criescries pluckpluck meme fromfrom mymy nakednaked bedbed,
wln 0938AndAnd chillchill mymy throbbingthrobbing hartheart withwith tremblingtrembling fearefear,
wln 0939WhichWhich neuernever dangerdanger yetyet couldcould dauntdaunt beforebefore.
wln 0940WhoWho calscalls HieronimoHieronimo? speakspeak, heerehere II amam:
wln 0941II diddid notnot slumberslumber, thereforetherefore twaswas’twaswas nono dreamedream,
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The Spanish Tragedie.
wln 0942NoNo, nono, itit waswas somesome womanwoman cridecried forfor helpehelp,
wln 0943AndAnd heerehere withinwithin thisthis gardengarden diddid sheshe crie〈◊〉cry..
wln 0944AndAnd inin thisthis gardengarden mustmust II rescuerescue herher:
wln 0945ButBut staystay, whatwhat murdrousmurderous spectaclespectacle isis thisthis?
wln 0946AA manman hangdhanged vpup andand allall thethe murderersmurderers gonegone,
wln 0947AndAnd inin mymy bowerbower toto laylay thethe guiltguilt onon meme:
wln 0948ThisThis placeplace waswas mademade forfor pleasurepleasure notnot forfor deathdeath.
wln 0949HeHe cutscuts himhim downedown.
wln 0950ThoseThose garmentsgarments thatthat hehe weareswears II ofto●toft hauehave seeneseen,
wln 0951AlasAlas itit isis HoratioHoratio mymy sweetsweet sonneson.
wln 0952OO nono, butbut hehe thatthat whilomewhilom waswas mymy sonneson,
wln 0953OOOh waswas itit thouthou thatthat call’dstcalled’st meme fromfrom mymy bedbed,
wln 0954OOOh speakspeak ifif anyany sparkespark ofof lifelife remaineremain.
wln 0955II amam thythy fatherfather, whowho hathhath slaineslain mymy sonneson?
wln 0956WhatWhat sauadgesavage monstermonster, notnot ofof humanehuman kindekind,
wln 0957HathHath heerehere beenebeen gluttedglutted withwith thythy harmelesharmless bloodblood?
wln 0958AndAnd leftleft thythy bloudiebloody corpescorpsecorpses dishonoureddishonoreddishonoured heerehere,
wln 0959ForFor meme amidstamidstamid thisthis darkedark andand deathfulldeathful shadesshades,
wln 0960ToTo drownedrown theethee withwith anan oceanocean ofof mymy tearestears.
wln 0961OO heauensheavens, whywhy mademade youyou nightnight toto couercover sinnesinuesinsinew?
wln 0962ByBy dayday thisthis deeddeed ofof darkenesdarkness hadhad notnot beenebeen.
wln 0963OO earthearth whywhy didstdidst thouthou notnot inin timetime deuouredevour,
wln 0964TheThe vildevild prophanerprofaner ofof thisthis sacredsacred bowerbower.
wln 0965OO poorepoor HoratioHoratio, whatwhat hadsthadst thouthou misdoonemisdone?
wln 0966ToTo leeseleeselose thythy lifelife ereere lifelife waswas newnew begunbegun.
wln 0967OO wickedwicked butcherbutcher what so erewhatsoe’er thouthou wertwert,
wln 0968HowHow couldcould thouthou stranglestrangle vertuevirtue andand desertdesert?
wln 0969AyAy meme mostmost wretchedwretched thatthat hauehave lostlost mymy ioyjoy,
wln 0970InIn leesingleesinglosing mymy HoratioHoratio mymy sweetsweet boyboy.
wln 0971EnterEnter IsabellIsabellaIsabell.
wln 0972Isa.IsabellaIsa.MyMy husbandshusband’s absenceabsence makesmakes mymy hartheart toto throbthrob,
wln 0973HieronimoHieronimo.
wln 0974Hiero.HieronimoHiero.HeereHere IsabellaIsabella, helpehelp meme toto lamentlament,
wln 0975ForFor sighessighs areare stoptstopped, andand allall mymy tearestears areare spentspent.
wln 0976Isa.IsabellaIsa.WhatWhat worldworld ofof griefegrief, mymy sonneson HoratioHoratio?
wln 0977OO whereswhere’s thethe authorauthor ofof thisthis endlesend●esendless woewoe.
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The Spanish tragedie.
wln 0978Hiero.HieronimoHiero.ToTo knowknow thethe authorauthor werewere somesome easeease ofof greefegrief,
wln 0979ForFor inin reuengerevenge mymy hartheart wouldwould findefind releeferelief.
wln 0980Isa.IsabellaIsa.ThenThen isis hehe gonegone? andand isis mymy sonneson gonegone tootoo?
wln 0981OO gushgush outout tearestears, fountainsfountains andand flouds●loudsfloods ofof tearestears,
wln 0982BlowBlow sighessighs andand raiseraise anan euerlastingeverlasting stormestorm.
wln 0983ForFor outrageoutrage fitsfits ourour cursedcursed wretchedneswre●chedneswretchedness.
wln 0984Hiero.HieronimoHiero.SweetSweet louelylovely RoseRose, illill plucktplucked beforebefore thythy timetime,
wln 0985FaireFair worthyworthy sonneson, notnot conquerdconquered butbut betraidbetrayed:
wln 0986IleI’ll kissekiss theethee nownow, forfor wordswords withwith tearestears areare staindestained.
wln 0987Isa.IsabellaIsa.AndAnd ilei’llI’ll closeclose vpup thethe glassesglasses ofof hishis sightsight,
wln 0988ForFor onceonce thesethese eyeseyes werewere onelyonly mymy delightdelight,
wln 0989Hiero.HieronimoHiero.SeestSeest thouthou thisthis handkercherhandkercher besmerdbes●erdbesmeared withwith bloodblood,
wln 0990ItIt shallshall notnot fromfrom meme tilltill II taketake reuengerevenge:
wln 0991SeestSeest thouthou thossthosethossthose woundswounds thatthat yetyet areare bleedingbleeding freshfresh,
wln 0992IleI’ll notnot intombeentomb themthem tilltill II hauehave reueng’drevenged:
wln 0993ThenThen willwill II ioyjoy amidstamidstamid mymy discontentdiscontent,
wln 0994TillTill thenthen mymy sorrowsorrow neuernever shalbeshall be spentspent.
wln 0995Isa.IsabellaIsa.TheThe heauensheavens areare iustjust, murdermurder cannotcannot bebe hidhid,
wln 0996TimeTime isis thethe authorauthor bothboth ofof truthtruth andand rightright.
wln 0997AndAnd timetime willwill bringbring thisthis trecherietreachery toto lightlight.
wln 0998Hiero.HieronimoHiero.Meane whileMeanwhilemeanwhile goodgood IsabellaIsabella ceasecease thythy plaintsplaints,
wln 0999OrOr atat thethe leastleast dissembledissemble themthem aa whilewhile,
wln 1000SoSo shallshall wewe soonersooner findefind thethe practisepractice outout,
wln 1001AndAnd learnelearn byby whomwhom allall thisthis waswas broughtbrought aboutabout.
wln 1002ComeCome IsabellIsabell nownow letlet vsus taketake himhim vpup,
wln 1003TheyThey taketake himhim vpup.
wln 1004AndAnd bearebear himhim inin fromfrom outout thisthis cursedcursed placeplace,
wln 1005IleI’ll saysay hishis dirgedirge, singingsinging fitsfits notnot thisthis casecase.
wln 1006OO aliquisa●quisaliquis mihimihi quasquas pulcbrumpulchrumpulcbrum varvervar educeteducateducet herbasherbas.
wln 1007HieroHieronimoHiero setssets hishis brestbreast vntounto hishis swordsword.
wln 1008MisceatMisceat &et nostronostro deturdetur, medicinamedicina doloridolori:
wln 1009AutAut sisiquifaciuntsiquifaciuntsi quiqui faciuntfaciunt annumannum oblimiaoblimia succossuccos,
wln 1010PrebeatPrebeat, ipseipse metum●●tummetum magnammagnam quicunquequicunque perper orbemorbem,
wln 1011GraminaGramina SolSol pulcbraspulchraspulcbras effeciteffecit ininluminisinluminisin luminisluminis orasoras.
wln 1012IpseIpse bibambibam quicquidquicqu●dquicquid meditaturmeditatur sagasaga veneriveneri,
wln 1013QuicquidQuicquid &et irrauieirraniirraviirrani ueeuecacavievecacacæcacaeca menianeniamenia nectitnectit.
wln 1014OmniaOmnia perpetiarperpetiar, lethumletbumle●bu●letbumlethum quoquequoque dumdum semelscm●lsemel omnis●mnisomnis,
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The Spanish tragedie.
wln 1015NosterNoster inin extinctoextincto moriatur〈◊〉moriatur pectorap●ct●rapectorepectora sensussensus:
wln 1016ErgoErgo tuostuos occulosocculos nunquamnunquam (meamea vitavita) videbovidebo.
wln 1017EtEt tuatua perpetuusperpetuus sepeliuitsepelivit luminalumina somnussomnus:
wln 1018EmoriarEmoriar tecumtecum SicSic, sicsic iuuatiuvatiuuat ireIreireIre subsub vmbrasumbras,
wln 1019AttamenAttamen absistamabsistam properatoproperproperproperato cedere〈…〉〈…〉cedere letho〈…〉〈…〉letho,
wln 1020NeNe mortemmortem vindictavindicta tuamtuam tamiamtumiam nullanulla sequatursequatur.
wln 1021HeereHere hehe throwesthrows itit fromfrom himhim andand bearesbears thethe bodybody awayaway.
wln 1022AndreaAndrea.
wln 1023BroughtstBrought’stbrought’st thouthou meme hetherhither toto increaseincrease mymy painepain?
wln 1024II looktlooked thatthat BalthazarBalthazar shouldshould hauehave beenbeen slaineslain:
wln 1025ButBut tis’tis mymy freendfriend HoratioHoratisHoratisHoratio thatthat isis slaineslain,
wln 1026AndAnd theythey abuseabuse fairefair Bel-imperiaBel-imperia.
wln 1027OrOr whomwhom II doteddoted moremore thenthan allall thethe worldworld,
wln 1028BecauseBecause sheshe lou’dloved meme moremore thenthan allall thethe worldworld.
wln 1029ReuengeRevenge.
wln 1030ThouThou talkesttalkest ofof haruestharvest whenwhen thethe cornecorn isis greenegreen,
wln 1031TheThe endend isis crownecrown ofof eueryevery workework wellwell donedone:
wln 1032TheThe SickleSickle comescomes notnot tilltill thethe cornecorn bebe riperipe.
wln 1033BeBe stillstill, andand ereere II leadlead theethee fromfrom thisthis placeplace,
wln 1034IleI’ll shewshow theethee BalthazarBalthazar inin heauyheavy casecase.
wln 1035ActusActus TertiusTertius.
wln 1036EnterEnter ViceroyViceroy ofof PortingalePortingale, NoblesNobles, Alexan-AlexandroAlexan∣droAlexandro
wln 1037dro,
wln 1037VilluppoVilluppo.
wln 1038ViceroyViceroy.
wln 1039INfortunateINfortunate conditioncondition ofof KingsKings,
wln 1040SeatedSeated amidstamid soso manymany helpeleshelpless doubtsdoubts:
wln 1041FirstFirst wewe areare plastplaced vponupon extreamestextremest heightheight,
wln 1042AndAnd oftoft supplantedsupplanted withwith exceedingexceeding heatheat,
wln 1043ButBut euerever subiectsubject toto thethe wheelewheel ofof chancechance?
wln 1044AndAnd atat ourour highesthighest nevernever ioyjoy wewe soso,
wln 1045AsAs wewe bothboth doubtdoubt andand dreaddread ourour ouerthrowoverthrow.
wln 1046SoSo striuethstriveth notnot thethe waueswaves withwith sundrysundry windswinds,
wln 1047AsAs fortunefortune toylethtoileth inin thethe affairesaffairs ofof kingskings,
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The Spanish tragedie.
wln 1048ThatThat wouldwould bebe feardfeared, yetyet fearefear toto bebe belouedbeloved,
wln 1049SithSith fearefear oror louelove toto KingsKings isis flatteriesflatterie●flatteries
wln 1050ForFor instanceinstance LordingsLordings, looklook vponupon youryour KingKing,
wln 1051ByBy hatehate depriueddeprived ofof hishis dearestdearest sonnes●nneson,
wln 1052TheThe onelyonly hopehope ofof ourour successiuesuccessuccessivesuccesssuccessivesuccessive lineline.
wln 1053Nob.NobleNob.II hadhad notnot thoughtthought thatthat AlexandrosAl●x●ndrosAlexandro’s hartheart,
wln 1054HadHad beenebeen enuenomde〈◊〉envenomed withwith suchsuch extreameextr●●meextreme hatehate:
wln 1055ButBut nownow II seesee thatthat wordswords hauehave seuerallseveral workesworks,
wln 1056AndAnd theresthere’s nono creditcredi●credit in●●●●in thethe countenancecoun●en●●●●countenance.
wln 1057Vil.VilluppoVil.NoNo, forfor mymy LordLord, hadhad youyou beheldebeheld thethe trainetrain,
wln 1058ThatThat fainedfeigned louelove hadhad colouredcoloredcoloured inin hishis lookeslooks,
wln 1059WhenWhen hehe inin campecamp consortedconsorted BelthazarBelthazar:
wln 1060FarreFar moremore inconstantinconstant hadhad youyou thoughtthought thethe SunneSun,
wln 1061ThatThat howerlyhourly coastscoasts thethe centercentercentre ofof thethe earthearth,
wln 1062ThenThan AlexandrosAlexandro’s purposepurpose toto thethe PrincePrince.
wln 1063Vice.ViceroyVice.NoNo moremore VilluppoVilluppo, thouthou hasthast saidsaid enoughenough,
wln 1064AndAnd withwith thythy wordswords thouthou slaiestslayest ourour woundedwounded thoughtsthoughts.
wln 1065NorNor shallshall II longerlonger dallydally withwith thethe worldworld:
wln 1066ProcrastinatingProcrastinating AlexandrosAlexandro’s deathdeath:
wln 1067GoeGo somesome ofof youyou andand fetchfetch thethe traitortraitor forthforth,
wln 1068ThatThat asas hehe isis condemnedcondemned hehe maymay dyedie.
wln 1069EnterEnter AlexandroAlexandro withwith aa Noble manNobleNoblemanNoblemanman
wln 1070andand HalbertsHalberdshalberds.
wln 1071Nob.NobleNob.InIn suchsuch extreamesextremes, willwill noughtnaught butbut patiencepatience serueserve.
wln 1072Alex.AlexandroAlex.ButBut inin extreamesextremes, whatwhat patiencepatience shallshall II vseuse?
wln 1073NorNor discontentsdiscontents itit meme toto leaueleave thethe worldworld,
wln 1074WithWith whomewhom therethere nothingnothing cancan preuaileprevail butbut wrongwrong.
wln 1075Nob.NobleNob.YetYet hopehope thethe bestbest.
wln 1076Alex.AlexandroAlex.Tis’Tis HeauenHeaven isis mymy hopehope.
wln 1077AsAs forfor thethe earthearth itit isis tootoo muchmuch infecti●sectinfect,
wln 1078ToTo yeeldyield meme hopehope ofof anyany ofof herher mouldmoldmould.
wln 1079Vice.ViceroyVice.WhyWhy lingerlinger yeye? bringbring forthforth thatthat daringdaring feendfe●ndfiend,
wln 1080AndAnd letlet himhim diedie forfor hishis accursedaccursed deeddeed.
wln 1081Alex.AlexandroAlex.NotNot thatthat II fearefear thethe extremitieextre●●tieextremity ofof deathdeath,
wln 1082ForFor NoblesN●blesNobles cannotca●notcannot stoopstoop toto seruileservile fearefear.
wln 1083DooDodo I●I (OOOh KingKing) thusthus discontenteddiscontented liuelive.
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The Spanish tragedie.
wln 1084ButBut thisthis, OOOh thisthis tormentstorments mymy labouringlaboringlabouring soulesoul,
wln 1085ThatThat thusthus II diedie suspectedsuspected ofof aa sinnesin,
wln 1086WhereofWhereof, asas heauensheavens hauehave knowneknown mymy secretsecret thoughtsthoughts,
wln 1087SoSo amam II freefree fromfrom thisthis suggestionsuggestion.
wln 1088Vice.ViceroyVice.NoNo moremore II saysay, toto thethe torturestortures, whenwhen?
wln 1089BindeBind himhim, andand burneburn hishis bodybody inin thosethose flamesflames,
wln 1090TheyThey bindebind himhim toto thethe stakestake.
wln 1091ThatThat shallshall prefigurepresigureprefigure thosethose vnquenchedunquenched fiersfires,
wln 1092OfOf PhlegitonPhlegethon preparedprepared forfor hishis soulesoul.
wln 1093Alex.AlexandroAlex.MyMy guiltlesguiltless deathdeath willwill bebe aueng’davenged onon theethee,
wln 1094OnOn theethee VilluppoVilluppo thatthat hathhath malisdemaliced thusthus,
wln 1095OrOr forfor thythy meedmeed, hasthast falselyfalsely meme accusdeaccnsdeaccused.
wln 1096Vil.VilluppoVil.NayNay AlexandroAlexandro ifif thouthou menacemenace meme,
wln 1097IleI’ll lendlend aa handhand toto sendsend theethee toto thethe lakelake,
wln 1098WhereWhere thosethose thythy wordswords shallshall perishperish withwith thythy workesworks,
wln 1099IniuriousInjurious traitourtraitor, monstrousmonstrous homicidehomicide.
wln 1100EnterEnter EmbassadourAmbassador.
wln 1101StayStay holdhold aa whilewhile, andand heerhere withwith pardonpardon ofof hishis MaiestieMajesty,
wln 1102LayLay handshands vponupon VilluppoVilluppo.
wln 1103Vice.ViceroyVice.EmbassadourAmbassador, whatwhat newsnews hathhath vrg’durged thisthis sodainsudden en-entranceen∣tranceentrance(trance?
wln 1104Em.AmbassadorEm.KnowKnow soueraignesovereign L.LordL. thatthat BalthazarBalthazar dothdoth liuelive.
wln 1105Vice.ViceroyVice.WhatWhat saiestsayest thouthou? liuethliveth BalthazarBalthazar ourour sonneson?
wln 1106Em.AmbassadorEm.YourYour highneshighness’ sonneson, L.LordL. BalthazarBalthazar dothdoth liuelive.
wln 1107AndAnd wellwell intreatedentreated inin thethe CourtCourt ofof SpaineSpain:
wln 1108HumblyHumbly commendscommends himhim toto youryour MaiestieMajesty.
wln 1109TheseThese eieseyes beheldbeheld, andand thesethese mymy followersfollowers,
wln 1110WithWith thesethese thethe lettersletters ofof thethe KingsKing’sKings commendscommends.
wln 1111GiuesGives himhim LettersLetters.
wln 1112AreAre happiehappy witnesseswitnesses ofof hishis highneshighness’ healthhealth.
wln 1113TheThe KingKing lookeslooks onon thethe lettersletters, andand proceedsproceeds.
wln 1114Vice.ViceroyVice.ThyThy sonneson dothdoth liuelive, youryour tributetribute isis receiu’dreceived,
wln 1115ThyThy peacepeace isis mademade, andand wewe areare satisfiedsatisfied:
wln 1116TheThe restrest resolueresolve vponupon asas thingsthings proposdeproposed,
wln 1117ForFor bothboth ourour honorshonorshonours andand thythy benefitebenefit.
wln 1118Em.AmbassadorEm.TheseThese areare hishis highneshighness’ fartherfarther articlesarticles.
wln 1119HeHe giuesgives himhim moremore LettersLetters.
wln 1120Vice.ViceroyVice.AccursedAccursed wretchwretch toto intimateintimate thesethese illsills,
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The Spanish Tragedie.
wln 1121AgainstAgainst thethe lifelife andand reputationreputation
wln 1122OfOf noblenoble AlexandroAlexandro. comecome mymy LordLord vnbindeunbind himhim.
wln 1123LetLet himhim vnbindeunbind theethee thatthat isis boundbound toto deathdeath,
wln 1124ToTo makemake aa quitallquitall forfor thythy discontentdiscontent.
wln 1125TheyThey vnbindeunbind himhim.
wln 1126Alex.AlexandroAlex.DreadDread LordLord, inin kindeneskindness youyou couldcould dodo nono lesseless,
wln 1127VponUpon reportreport ofof suchsuch aa damneddamned factfact:
wln 1128ButBut thusthus wewe seesee ourour innocenceinnocence hathhath sau’dsaved,
wln 1129TheThe hopeleshopeless lifelife whichwhich thouthou VilluppoVilluppo soughtsought,
wln 1130ByBy thythy suggestionssuggestions toto hauehave massacredmassacred.
wln 1131Vice.ViceroyVice.SaySay falsefalse VilluppoVilluppo? whereforewherefore didstdidst thouthou thusthus
wln 1132FalslyFalsely betraybetray LordLord AlexandrosAlexandro’s lifelife?
wln 1133HimHim whomwhom thouthou knowestknowest, thatthat nono vnkindenesunkindness elselse,
wln 1134ButBut eueneven thethe slaughterslaughter ofof ourour deerestdearest sonneson,
wln 1135CouldCould onceonce hauehave mouedmoved vsus toto hauehave misconceauedmisconceived.
wln 1136Alex.AlexandroAlex.SaySay trecheroustreacherous VilluppoVilluppo, telltell thethe KingKing,
wln 1137OrOr whereinwherein hathhath AlexandroAlexandro vsedused theethee illill?
wln 1138Vil.VilluppoVil.RentRent withwith remembranceremembrance ofof soso foulefoul aa deeddeed,
wln 1139MyMy guiltieguilty soulesoul submitssubmits meme toto thythy doomedoom:
wln 1140ForFor notnot forfor AlexandrosAlexandro’s iniuriesinjuries,
wln 1141ButBut, forrewardforward andand hopehope toto bebe preferdpreferred:
wln 1142ThusThus hauehave II shameleslyshamelessly hazardedhazarded hishis lifelife,
wln 1143Vice.ViceroyVice.whichwhich villainevillain shalbeshall be ransomedransomed withwith thythy deethdeath,
wln 1144AndAnd notnot soso meanemean aa tormenttorment asas wewe heerehere
wln 1145DeuisdeDevised forfor himhim, whowho thouthou saidstsaid’stsaidst slewslew ourour sonneson:
wln 1146ButBut withwith thethe bitterestbitterest tormentstorments andand extreamesextremes,
wln 1147ThatThat maymay bebe yetyet inuentedinvented forfor thinethine endend:
wln 1148Alex.AlexandroAlex. seemesseems toto intreatentreat.
wln 1149IntreatEntreat meme notnot, goego taketake thethe traitortraitor hencehence.ExitExit Vil.VilluppoVil.
wln 1150AndAnd AlexandroAlexandro letlet vsus honorhonorhonour theethee,
wln 1151WithWith publiquepublic noticenotice ofof thythy loyaltieloyalty,
wln 1152ToTo endend thosethose thingsthings articulatedarticulated heerehere,
wln 1153ByBy ourour greatgreat L.LLordL, thethe mightiemighty kingking ofof SpaineSpain.
wln 1154WeWe withwith ourour councellcouncil willwill deliberatedeliberate,
wln 1155ComeCome AlexandroAlexandro keepekeep vsus companycompany.ExeuntEx●untExeunt.
wln 1156EnterEnter HieronimoHieronimo.
wln 1157Hiero.HieronimoHiero.OhOhO eieseyes, nono eieseyes butbut fountainsfountains fraughtfraught withwith tearestears,
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The Spanish tragedie.
wln 1158OhOhO lifelife, nono lifelife, butbut liuelylively fourmeform ofof deathdeath:
wln 1159OhOhO worldworld, nono worldworld butbut massemass ofof publiquepublic wrongswrongs.
wln 1160ConfusdeConfused andand fildefilled, withwith murdermurder andand misdeedsmisdeeds
wln 1161OhOhO sacredsacred heauensheavens, ifif thisthis vnhallowedunhallowed deeddeed,
wln 1162IfIf thisthis inhumaneinhuman andand barberousbarbarous attemptattempt,
wln 1163IfIf thisthis incomparableincompaeableincomparable murdermurder thusthus,
wln 1164OfOf minemine, butbut nownow nono moremore mymy sonneson,
wln 1165ShallShall vnreuealdunrevealed andand vnreuengedunrevenged passepass,
wln 1166HowHow shouldshould wewe tearmeterm youryour dealingsdealings toto bebe iustjust,
wln 1167IfIf youyou vniustlyunjustly dealedeal withwith thosethose, thatthat inin youryour iusticejustice trusttrust.
wln 1168TheThe nightnight sadsad secretarysecretary toto mymy monesmoans,
wln 1169WithWith direfulldireful visionsvisions wakewake mymy vexedvexed soulesoul,
wln 1170AndAnd withwith thethe woundswounds ofof mymy distresfulldistressful sonneson,
wln 1171SoliciteSolicit meme forfor noticenotice ofof hishis deathdeath.
wln 1172TheThe ouglyugly feendsfiends dodo sallysally forthforth ofof hellhell,
wln 1173AndAnd frameframe mymy stepssteps toto vnfrequentedunfrequented pathspaths,
wln 1174AndAnd fearefear mymy hartheart withwith fiercefierce inflamedinflamed thoughtsthoughts.
wln 1175TheThe cloudiecloudy dayday mymy discontentsdiscontents recordsrecords,
wln 1176EarlyEarly beginsbegins toto regesterregister mymy dreamesdreams,
wln 1177AndAnd driuedrive meme forthforth toto seekeseek thethe murtherermurderer,
wln 1178EiesEyes, lifelife, worldworld, heauensheavens, helhell, nightnight andand dayday,
wln 1179SeeSee, searchsearch, shewshow, sendsend, somesome manman,
wln 1180SomeSome meanemean, thatthat maymay:
wln 1181AA LetterLetter fallethfalleth.
wln 1182WhatsWhat’swhat’s heerehere? aa letterletter, tushtush, itit isis notnot soso,
wln 1183AA LetterLetter writtenwritten toto HieronimoHieronimo.RedRed inckeink.
wln 1184Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.ForFor wantwant ofof inckeink receiuereceive thisthis bloudiebloody writwrit,
wln 1185MeMe hathhath mymy hapleshapless brotherbrother hidhid fromfrom theethee,
wln 1186ReuengeRevenge thy selfethyself onon BalthazarBalthazar andand himhim,
wln 1187ForFor thesethese werewere theythey thatthat murdredmurdered thythy SonneSon.
wln 1188HieronimoHieronimo, reuengerevenge HoratiosHoratio’s deathdeath,
wln 1189AndAnd betterbetter farefare thenthan Bel-imperiaBel-imperia dothdoth.
wln 1190HieroHieronimoHieroWhatWhat meanesmeans thisthis vnexpectedunexpected miraclemiracle?
wln 1191MyMy SonneSon slaineslain byby LorenzoLorenzo andand thethe PrincePrince.
wln 1192WhatWhat causecause hadhad theythey HoratioHoratio toto malignemalign?
wln 1193OrOr whatwhat mightmight moouemove theethee Bel-imperiaBel-imperia,
wln 1194ToTo accuseaccuse thythy brotherbrother, hadhad hehe beenebeen thethe meanemean?
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The Spanish Tragedie.
wln 1195HieronimoHieronimo bewarebeware, thouthou artart betraidebetrayed,
wln 1196AndAnd toto intrapentrap thythy lifelife thisthis trainetrain isis laidelaid.
wln 1197AduiseAdvise theethee thereforetherefore, bebe notnot credulouscredulous:
wln 1198ThisThis isis deuiseddevised toto endangerendanger theethee,
wln 1199ThatThat thouthou byby thisthis LorenzoLorenzo shouldstshouldst accuseaccuse,
wln 1200AndAnd hehe forfor thythy dishonourdishonordishonour donedone, shouldshould drawdraw
wln 1201ThyThy lifelife inin questionquestion; andand thythy namename inin hatehate.
wln 1202DeareDear waswas thethe lifelife ofof mymy belouedbeloved SonneSon,
wln 1203AndAnd ofof hishis deathdeath behouesbehoves meme bebe reueng’drevenged:
wln 1204ThenThen hazardhazard notnot thinethine owneown HieronimoHieronimo,
wln 1205ButBut liuelive t’effectt’ effectt’effect thythy resolutionresolution.
wln 1206II thereforetherefore willwill byby circumstancescircumstances trietry,
wln 1207WhatWhat II cancan gathergather toto confirmeconfirm thisthis writwrit,
wln 1208AndAnd harkningharkening neerenear thethe DukeDuke ofof CastilesCastile’sCastiles househouse,
wln 1209CloseClose ifif II cancan withwith BelimperiaBel-imperia,
wln 1210ToTo listenlisten moremore, butbut nothingnothing toto bewraybewray.
wln 1211EnterEnter PedringanoPedringano.
wln 1212Hiero.HieronimoHiero.NowNow PedringanoPedringano.
wln 1213Ped.PedringanoPed.NowNow HieronimoHieronimo.
wln 1214Hiero.HieronimoHiero.WheresWhere’s thythy LadyLady?
wln 1215Ped.PedringanoPed.II knowknow notnot, heershere’s mymy LordLord.
wln 1216EnterEnter LorenzoLorenzo.
wln 1217Lor.LorenzoLor.HowHow nownow, whosewho’s thisthis, HieronimoHieronimo?
wln 1218Hiero.HieronimoHiero.MyMy LordLord.
wln 1219Ped.PedringanoPed.HeHe askethasketh forfor mymy LadyLady Bel-imperiaBel-imperia.
wln 1220Lor.LorenzoLor.WhatWhat toto doodo HieronimoHieronimo? TheThe DukeDuke mymy fatherfather hathhath
wln 1221VponUpon somesome disgracedisgrace aa whilewhile remoou’dremoved herher hencehence,
wln 1222ButBut ifif itit bebe oughtaught II maymay enformeinform herher ofof,
wln 1223TellTell meme HieronimoHieronimo, andand ilei’llI’ll letlet herher knowknow itit.
wln 1224Hiero.HieronimoHiero.NayNay, naynay mymy LordLord, II thankthank youyou, itit shallshall notnot needneed,
wln 1225II hadhad aa sutesuit vntounto herher, butbut tootoo latelate,
wln 1226AndAnd herher disgracedisgrace makesmakes meme vnfortunateunfortunate.
wln 1227Lor.LorenzoLor.WhyWhy soso HieronimoHieronimo? vseuse meme.
wln 1228Hiero.HieronimoHiero.OhOhO nono mymy LordLord, II daredare notnot, itit mustmust notnot bebe.
wln 1229II humblyhumbly thankthank youryour LordshipLordship.
wln 1230Lor.LorenzoLor.WhyWhy thenthen farewellfarewell.
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The Spanish Tragedie.
wln 1231Hiero.HieronimoHiero.MyMy griefegrief nono hartheart, mymy thoughtsthoughts nono tungtongue cancan telltell.
wln 1232ExitExit.
wln 1233Lor.LorenzoLor.ComeCome hitherhither PedringanoPedringano, seestseest thouthou thisthis?
wln 1234Ped.PedringanoPed.MyMy LordLord, II seesee itit, andand suspectsuspect itit tootoo.
wln 1235Lor.LorenzoLor.ThisThis isis thatthat damneddamned villainvillain SerberineSerberine,
wln 1236ThatThat hathhath II fearefear reuealderevealed HoratiosHoratio’s deathdeath.
wln 1237Ped.PedringanoPed.MyMy LordLord, hehe couldcould notnot, twas’twas soso latelylately donedone,
wln 1238AndAnd sincesince hehe hathhath notnot leftlestlestleft mymy companycompany.
wln 1239Lor.LorenzoLor.AdmitAdmit hehe hauehave notnot, hishis conditionsconditions suchsuch,
wln 1240AsAs fearefear ofof flatteringflattering wordswords maymay makemake himhim falsefalse.
wln 1241II knowknow hishis humourhumorhumour, andand therewiththere withthere withtherewith repentrepent,
wln 1242ThatThat ereere II vsdeused himhim inin thisthis enterpriseenterprise.
wln 1243ButBut PedringanoPedringano, toto preuentprevent thethe worstworst,
wln 1244AndAnd causec●usecause II knowknow theethee secretsecret asas mymy soulesoul,
wln 1245HeereHere forfor thythy furtherfurther satisfactionsatisfaction taketake thouthou thisthis.
wln 1246GiuesGives himhim moremore goldegold.
wln 1247AndAnd harkenharken toto meme, thusthus itit isis deuisdedevised:
wln 1248ThisThis nightnight thouthou mustmust, andand pretheeprithee soso resolueresolve,
wln 1249MeetMeet SerberineSerberine atat S.SaintS. LiugisLuigi’sLiugi’s ParkePark,
wln 1250ThouThou knowestknowest tis’tis heerehere hardhard byby behindebehind thethe househouse,
wln 1251ThereThere taketake thythy standstand, andand seesee thouthou strikestrike himhim suresure,
wln 1252ForFor dyedie hehe mustmust, ifif wewe dodo meanemean toto liuelive.
wln 1253Ped.PedringanoPed.ButBut howhow shallshall SerberineSerberine bebe therethere mymy LordLord?
wln 1254Lor.LorenzoLor.LetLet meme alonealone, ilei’llI’ll sendsend toto himhim toto meetmeet
wln 1255TheThe PrincePrince andand meme, wherewhere thouthou mustmust doedo thisthis deeddeed.
wln 1256Ped.PedringanoPed.ItIt shalbeshall be donedone mymy L.LordL. itit shallshall bebe donedone,
wln 1257AndAnd ilei’llI’ll goego armearm my selfemyself toto meetmeet himhim therethere.
wln 1258Lor.LorenzoLor.WhenWhen thingsthings shallshall alteralter, asas II hopehope theythey wilwill,
wln 1259ThenThen shaltshalt thouthou mountmount forfor thisthis, thoutbouthou knowestknowest mymy mindemind.
wln 1260ExitExit Ped.PedringanoPed.
wln 1261CheChe lele IeronJeronjeron.
wln 1262EnterEnter PagePage.
wln 1263PagePage.MyMy LordLord.
wln 1264Lor.LorenzoLor.GoeGo sirrasirrah toto SerberineSerberine, andand bidbid himhim forthwithforthwith,
wln 1265MeetMeet thethe PrincePrince andand meme atat S.SaintS. LiugisLuigi’sLiugi’s ParkePark,
wln 1266BehindeBehind thethe househouse, thisthis eueningevening boyboy.
wln 1267PagePage.II goego mymy LordLord.
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The Spanish tragedie.
wln 1268ButBut sirrasirrah, letlet thethe hourehour bebe eighteight a clockeo’clock.
wln 1269BidBid himhim notnot failefail.
wln 1270PagePage.II flyefly mymy LordLord.ExitExit.
wln 1271Lor.LorenzoLor.NowNow toto confirmeconfirm thethe complotcomplot thouthou hasthast castcast,
wln 1272OfOf allall thesethese practisespracticespractises, IleI’ll spreadspread thethe watchwatch,
wln 1273VponUpon preciseprecise commandementcommandment fromfrom thethe kingking,
wln 1274StronglyStrongly toto guardguard thethe placeplace wherewhere PedringanoPedringano
wln 1275ThisThis nightnight shallshall murdermurder hapleshapless SerberineSerberine.
wln 1276ThusThus mustmust wewe workework thatthat willwill auoideavoid distrustdistrust,
wln 1277ThusThus mustmust wewe practisepracticepractise toto preuentprevent mishapmishap,
wln 1278AndAnd thusthus oneone illill, anotheranother mustmust expulseexpulse.
wln 1279ThisThis sliesly enquiryenquiry ofof HieronimoHieronimo forfor Bel-imperiaBel-imperia, breedsbreeds suspi-suspitionsuspicion(tion,
wln 1280AndAnd thisthis suspitionsuspicion boadsbodes aa furtherfurther illill.
wln 1281AsAs forfor my selfemyself, II knowknow mymy secretsecret faultfault,
wln 1282AndAnd soso doedo theythey, butbut II hauehave dealtdealt forfor themthem.
wln 1283TheyThey thatthat forfor coinecoin theirtheir soulessouls endangeredendangered
wln 1284ToTo sauesave mymy lifelife, forfor coynecoin shallshall ventureventure theirstheirs:
wln 1285AndAnd betterbetter itsit’s thatthat basebase companionscompanions dyedie,
wln 1286ThenThanThen byby theirtheir lifelife toto hazardhazard ourour goodgood hapshaps.
wln 1287NorNor shallshall theythey liuelive forfor meme, toto fearefear theirtheir faithfaith:
wln 1288IleI’ll trusttrust my selfemyself, my selfemyself shalbeshall be mymy freendfriend,
wln 1289ForFor dyedie theythey shallshall, slauesslaves areare ordeindordained toto nono otherother endend.
wln 1290ExitExit.
wln 1291EnterEnter PedringanoPedringano withwith aa PistollPistol.
wln 1292NowNow PedringanoPedringano bidbid thythy pistollpistol holdehold,
wln 1293AndAnd holdehold onon FortuneFortune, onceonce moremore fauourfavorfavour meme,
wln 1294GiueGive butbut successesuccess toto minemine atat temptingtempting spiritspirit,
wln 1295AndAnd letlet meme shiftshift forfor takingtaking ofof minemine aimeaim:
wln 1296HeereHere isis thethe goldegold, thisthis isis thethe goldegold proposdeproposed,
wln 1297ItIt isis nono dreamedream thatthat II aduentureadventure forfor,
wln 1298ButBut PedringanoPedringano isis possestpossessed thereofthereof.
wln 1299AndAnd hehe thatthat wouldwould notnot strainestrain hishis conscienceconscience,
wln 1300ForFor himhim thatthat thusthus hishis liberallliberal pursepurse hathhath stretchtstretched,
wln 1301VnworthyUnworthy suchsuch aa fauourfavorfavour maymay hehe failefail,
wln 1302AndAnd wishing●●●hingwishing, wantwant whenwhen suchsuch asas II preuaileprevail.
wln 1303AsAs forfor thethe fearefear ofof apprehensionapprehension,
wln 1304II knowknow, ifif needneed shouldshould bebe, mymy noblenoble LordLord
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The Spanish tragedie.
wln 1305WillWill standstand betweenebetween meme andand ensuingensuing harmesharms.
wln 1306BesidesBesides, thisthis placeplace isis freefree fromfrom allall suspectsuspect:
wln 1307HeereHere thereforetherefore willwill II staystay andand taketake mymy standstand.
wln 1308EnterEnter thethe watchwatch.
wln 130911. Watchman1II wonderwonder muchmuch toto whatwhat intentintent itit isis,
wln 1310ThatThat wewe areare thusthus expreslyexpressly chargdecharged toto watchwatch?
wln 131122. Watchman2Tis’Tis byby commandementcommandment inin thethe KingsKing’sking’s ownown namename.
wln 131233. Watchman3ButBut wewe werewere neuernever wontwont toto watchwatch andand wardward,
wln 1313SoSo neerenear thethe DukeDuke hishis brothersbrother’s househouse beforebefore.
wln 131422. Watchman2ContentContent your selfeyourself, standstand closeclose, theresthere’s somewhatsomewhat intin ’tin’t.
wln 1315EnterEnter SerberineSerberine.
wln 1316Ser.SerberineSer.HeereHere SerberineSerberine attendattend andand staystay thythy pacepace,
wln 1317ForFor heerehere diddid DonDonDONE LorenzosLorenzo’s PagePage appointappoint,
wln 1318ThatThat thouthou byby hishis commandcommand shouldstshouldst meetmeet withwith himhim.
wln 1319HowHow fitfit aa placeplace ifif oneone werewere soso disposdedisposed,
wln 1320Me thinksMethinksmethinks thisthis cornercorner isis toto closeclose withwith oneone.
wln 1321Ped.PedringanoPed.HeereHere comescomes thethe birdbird thatthat II mustmust ceazeseizecease vponupon,
wln 1322NowNow PedringanoPedringano oror neuernever playplay thethe manman.
wln 1323Ser.SerberineSer.II wonderwonder thatthat hishis LordshipLordship staiesstays soso longlong,
wln 1324OrOr whereforewherefore shouldshould hehe sendsend forfor meme soso latelate?
wln 1325Ped.PedringanoPed.ForFor thisthis SerberineSerberine, andand thouthou shaltshalt ha’teha ’thave’t.
wln 1326ShootesShoots thethe DaggeDag.
wln 1327SoSo, therethere hehe lyeslies, mymy promisepromise isis performdeperformed.
wln 1328TheThe WatchWatch.
wln 132911. Watchman1HarkeHark GentlemenGentlemen, thisthis isis aa Pistol shotPistol-shotPistol-shotPistol shot.
wln 133022. Watchman2AndAnd heereshere’s oneone slaineslain, staystay thethe murderermurderer.
wln 1331Ped.PedringanoPed.NowNow byby thethe sorrowessorrows ofof thethe soulessouls inin hellhell,
wln 1332HeHe striuesstrives withwith thethe watchwatch.
wln 1333WhoWho firstfirst laieslays handhand onon meme, ilei’llI’ll bebe hishis PriestPriest,
wln 133433. Watchman3SirraSirrah, confesseconfess, andand thereintherein playplay thethe PriestPriest,
wln 1335WhyWhy hasthast thouthou thusthus vnkindelyunkindly kildkilled thethe manman?
wln 1336Ped.PedringanoPed.WhyWhy, becausebecause hehe walktwalked abroadabroad soso latelate.
wln 133733. Watchman3ComeCome sirsir, youyou hadhad benebeen betterbetter keptkept youryour bedbed,
wln 1338ThenThanThen hauehave committedcommitted thisthis misdeedmisdeed soso latelate.
wln 133922. Watchman2ComeCome toto thethe MarshalsMarshal’sMarshals withwith thethe murderermurderer.
1 On
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The Spanish tragedie.
wln 134011. Watchman1OnOn toto HieronimosHieronimo’sHieronimos, helpehelp meme heerehere,
wln 1341ToTo bringbring thethe murdredmurdered bodybody withwith vsus tootoo.
wln 1342Ped.PedringanoPed.HieronimoHieronimo, carrycarry meme beforebefore whomwhom youyou willwill,
wln 1343What ereWhate’erwhate’er hehe bebe ilei’llI’ll answereanswer himhim andand youyou,
wln 1344AndAnd doedo youryour worstworst, forfor II defiedefy youyou allall.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 1345EnterEnter LorenzoLorenzo andand BalthazarBalthazar.
wln 1346Bal.BalthazarBal.HowHow nownow mymy LordLord, whatwhat makesmakes youyou riserise soso soonesoon?
wln 1347Lor.LorenzoLor.FeareFear ofof preuentingpreventing ourour mishapsmishaps tootoo latelate.
wln 1348Bal.BalthazarBal.WhatWhat mischiefemischief isis itit thatthat wewe notnot mistrustmistrust?
wln 1349Lor.LorenzoLor.OurOur greatestgreatest ilsills, wewe leastleast mistrustmistrust mymy LordLord,
wln 1350AndAnd inin expectedexpected harmesharms dodo hurthurt vsus mostmost.
wln 1351Bal.BalthazarBal.WhyWhy telltell meme DonDon LorenzoLorenzo, telltell meme manman,
wln 1352IfIf oughtaught concernesconcerns ourour honourhonorhonour andand youryour owneown?
wln 1353Lor.LorenzoLor.NorNor youyou nornor meme mymy LordLord, butbut bothboth inin oneone.
wln 1354ForFor II suspectsuspect, andand thethe presumptionspresumption’spresumptions greatgreat,
wln 1355ThatThat byby thosethose basebase confederatesconfederates inin ourour faultfault,
wln 1356TouchingTouching thethe deathdeath ofof DonDon HoratioHoratio:
wln 1357WeWe areare betraidebetrayed toto oldeold HieronimoHieronimo.
wln 1358Bal.BalthazarBal.BetraideBetrayed LorenzoLorenzo, tushtush itit cannotcannot bebe.
wln 1359Lor.LorenzoLor.AA guiltieguilty conscienceconscience vrgedurged withwith thethe thoughtthought,
wln 1360OfOf formerformer euilsevils, easilyeasily cannotcannot erreerr:
wln 1361II amam perswadedpersuaded, andand diswadedissuade meme notnot,
wln 1362ThatThat alsall’s reuealedrevealed toto HieronimoHieronimo.
wln 1363AndAnd thereforetherefore knowknow thatthat II hauehave castcast itit thusthus:
wln 1364ButBut heereshere’s thethe PagePage, howhow nownow, whatwhat newesnews withwith theethee?
wln 1365PagePage.MyMy LordLord, SerberineSerberine isis slaineslain.
wln 1366Bal.BalthazarBal.WhoWho? SerberineSerberine mymy manman.
wln 1367PagePage.YourYour HighnesHighness’highness’ manman mymy LordLord.
wln 1368Lor.LorenzoLor.SpeakSpeak PagePage, whowho murderedmurdered himhim?
wln 1369PagePage.HeHe thatthat isis apprehendedapprehended forfor thethe factfact.
wln 1370Lor.LorenzoLor.WhoWho?
wln 1371PagePage.PedringanoPedringano.
wln 1372Bal.BalthazarBal.IsIs SerberineSerberine slaineslain thatthat lou’dloved hishis LordLord soso wellwell?
wln 1373IniuriousInjurious villainevillamevillain, murderermurderer ofof hishis freendfriend.
wln 1374Lor.LorenzoLor.HathHath PedringanoP●dringanoPedringano murderedmurdered SerberineSerberine?
wln 1375MyMy LordLord, letlet meme entreatentreat youyou toto taketake thethe painespains,
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The Spanish tragedie.
wln 1376ToTo exasperateexasperate andand hastenhasten hishis reuengerevenge.
wln 1377WithWith youryour complaintscomplaints vntounto mymy L.LordL. thethe KingKing.
wln 1378ThisThis theirtheir dissentiondissension breedsbreeds aa greatergreater doubtdoubt.
wln 1379Bal.BalthazarBal.AssureAssure theethee DonDon LorenzoLor●nzoLorenzo hehe shallshall dyedie,
wln 1380OrOr elselse hishis HighnesHighness hardlyhardly shallshall denydeny.
wln 1381Meane whileMeanwhilemeanwhile, ilei’llI’ll hastehaste thethe MarshallMarshalmartial SessionsSessions,
wln 1382ForFor diedie hehe shallshall forfor thisthis hishis damneddamned deeddeed.
wln 1383ExitExit BaltBalthazarBalt.
wln 1384Lor.LorenzoLor.WhyWhy soso, thisthis fitsfits ourour formerformer polliciepolicy,
wln 1385AndAnd thusthus experienceexperience bidsbids thethe wisewise toto dealedeal.
wln 1386II laylay thethe plotplot, hehe prosecutesprosecutes thethe pointpoint,
wln 1387II setset thethe traptrap, hehe breakesbreaks thethe worthlesworthless twigstwigs,
wln 1388AndAnd seessees notnot thatthat wherewithwherewith thethe birdbird waswas limdelimed.
wln 1389ThusThus hopefullhopeful menmen thatthat meanemean toto holdehold theirtheir owneown,
wln 1390MustMust looklook likelike fowlersfowlers toto theirtheir dearestdearest freendsfriends.
wln 1391HeHe runnesruns toto killkill whomewhom II hauehave holpeholp toto catchcatch,
wln 1392AndAnd nono manman knowesknows itit waswas mymy reachingreaching fatchfatch.
wln 1393Tis’Tis hardhard toto trusttrust vntounto aa multitudemultitude,
wln 1394OrOr anyany oneone inin minemine opinionopinion,
wln 1395WhenWhen menmen themseluesthemselu●sthemselves theirtheir secretssecrets willwill reuealereveal.
wln 1396EnterEnter aa messengermessenger withwith aa letterletter.
wln 1397Lor.LorenzoLor.BoyBoy.
wln 1398PagePage.MyMy LordLord.
wln 1399Lor.LorenzoLor.WhatsWhat’swhat’s hehe?
wln 1400Mes.MessengerMes.II hauehave aa letterletter toto youryour LordshipLordship.
wln 1401Lor.LorenzoLor.FromFrom whencewhence?
wln 1402Mes.MessengerMes.FromFrom PedringanoPedring anoPedringano that’sthat’s imprisonedimprisoned.
wln 1403Lor.LorenzoLor.SoSo, hehe isis inin prisonprison thenthen?
wln 1404Mes.MessengerMes.IAyI mymy goodgood LordLord.
wln 1405Lor.LorenzoLor.WhatWhat wouldwould hehe withwith vsus?
wln 1406HeHe writeswrites vsus heerehere toto standstand goodgood L.LordL. andand helphelp himhim inin distresdistress.
wln 1407TellTell himhim II hauehave hishis lettersletters, knowknow hishis mindemind,
wln 1408AndAnd whatwhat wewe maymay letlet himhim assureassure himhim ofof.
wln 1409FellowFellow, bebe gonegone: mymy boyboy shallshall followfollow theethee.
wln 1410ExitExit Mes.MessengerMes.
wln 1411ThisThis worksworks likelike waxewax, yetyet onceonce moremore trytry thythy witswits,
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The Spanish tragedie.
wln 1412BoyBoy, goego conuayconvey thisthis pursepurse toto PedringanoPedring ●n●Pedringano,
wln 1413ThouThou knowestknowest thethe prisonprison, closelyclosely giuegive itit himhim:
wln 1414AndAnd bebe aduisdeadvised thatthat nonenone bebe therethere aboutabout.
wln 1415BidBid himhim bebe merrymerry stillstill, butbut secretsecret:
wln 1416AndAnd thoughthough thethe MarshallMarshalmartial sessionssessions bebe to daytoday,
wln 1417BidBid himhim notnot doubtdoubt ofof hishis deliueriedelivery.
wln 1418TellTell himhim hishis pardonpardon isis alreadyalready signdesigned,
wln 1419AndAnd thereonthereon bidbid himhim boldelyboldly bebe resoluedresolved:
wln 1420ForFor werewere hehe readyready toto bebe turnedturned offoff,
wln 1421AsAs tis’tis mymy willwill thethe vttermostuttermost bebe tridetried:
wln 1422ThouThou withwith hishis pardonpardon shaltshalt attendattend himhim stillstill,
wln 1423ShewShow himhim thisthis boxebox, telltell himhim hishis pardonspardon’spardons intin ’tin’t,
wln 1424ButBut opentopen ’topen’t notnot, andand ifif thouthou louestlovest thythy lifelife:
wln 1425ButBut letlet himhim wiselywisely keepekeep hishis hopeshopes vnknowneunknown,
wln 1426HeHe shallshall notnot wantwant whilewhile DonDon LorenzoLorenzo liueslives: awayaway.
wln 1427PagePage.II goego mymy LordLord, II runnerun.
wln 1428Lor.LorenzoLor.ButBut sirrasirrah, seesee thatthat thisthis bebe cleanelycleanly donedone.
wln 1429ExitExit PagePage.
wln 1430NowNow standsstands ourour fortunefortune onon aa tickletickle pointpoint,
wln 1431AndAnd nownow oror neuernever endsends LorenzosLorenzo’s doubtsdoubts.
wln 1432OneOne onelyonly thingthing isis vneffecteduneffected yetyet,
wln 1433AndAnd thatsthat’s toto seesee thethe ExecutionerExecutioner,
wln 1434ButBut toto whatwhat endend? II listlist notnot trusttrust thethe AireAir
wln 1435WithWith vtteranceutterance ofof ourour pretencepretence thereintherein.
wln 1436ForFor fearefear thethe priuieprivy whispringwhisp’ringwhispering ofof thethe windewind,
wln 1437ConuayConvey ourour wordswords amongstamongst vnfreendlyunfriendly earesears,
wln 1438ThatThat lyelie tootoo openopen toto aduantagesadvantages.
wln 1439EtEt quelquel queque vogliovoglio ItIt nessunnessun lele sasa,
wln 1440IntendoIntendo ioio quelquel mimi bassarabassara.ExitExit.
wln 1441EnterEnter BoyBoy withwith thethe BoxeBox.
wln 1442MyMy MaisterMaster hathhath forbiddenforbidden meme toto lookelook inin thisthis boxbox, andand
wln 1443byby mymy trothtroth tis’tis likelylikely, ifif hehe hadhad notnot warnedwarned meme, II shouldshould notnot
wln 1444hauehave hadhad soso muchmuch idleidle timetime: forfor weewe mens-kindemen’s-kind inin ourour mi-minoritieminority
wln 1445noritie,
wln 1445areare likelike womenwomen inin theirtheir vncertaintieuncertainty, thatthat theythey areare
wln 1446mostmost forbiddenforbidden, theythey wilwill soonestsoonest attemptattempt: soso II nownow. ByBy mymy
wln 1447barebare honestyhonesty heereshere’s nothingnothing butbut thethe barebare emptieempty boxbox: werewere
it not
img: 22-bsig: F2r
The Spanish tragedie.
wln 1448itit notnot sinsin againstagainst secreciesecrecy, II wouldwould saysay itit werewere aa peecepiece ofof gen-gentlemanlikegen∣tlemanlikegentlemanlike
wln 1449tlemanlike
wln 1449knaueryknavery. II mustmust goego toto PedringanoPedring●noPedringano, andand telltell himhim
wln 1450hishis pardonpardon isis inin thisthis boxebox, naynay, II wouldwould hauehave swornesworn itit, hadhad II
wln 1451notnot seeneseen thethe contrarycontrary. II cannotcannot choosechoose butbut smilesmile toto thinkethink,
wln 1452howhow thethe villainvillain wilwill floutflout thethe gallowesgallows, scornescorn thethe audienceaudience,
wln 1453andand descantdescant onon thethe hangmanhangman, andand alall presumingpresuming ofof hishis pardonpardon
wln 1454fromfrom hencehence. WiltWilt notnot bebe anan oddeodd iestjest, forfor meme toto standstand andand
wln 1455gracegrace eueryevery iestjest hehe makesmakes, pointingpointing mymy fingerfinger atat thisthis boxebox: asas
wln 1456whowho wouldwould saysay, mockmock onon, heershere’s thythy warrantwarrant. IstIs ’tIs’t notnot aa scur-scuruiescurvy
wln 1457uie
wln 1457iestjest, thatthat aa manman shouldshould iestjest himselfehimself toto deathdeath. AlasAlas poorepoor
wln 1458PedringanoPedringano, II amam inin aa sortesort soriesorry forfor theethee, butbut ifif II shouldshould bebe
wln 1459hangedhanged withwith theethee, II cannotcannot weepweep.ExitExit.
wln 1460EnterEnter HieronimoHieronimo andand thethe DeputieDeputy.
wln 1461Hiero.HieronimoHiero.ThusThus mustmust wewe toyletoil inin otherother mensmen’s extreamesextremes,
wln 1462ThatThat knowknow notnot howhow toto remedieremedy ourour owneown,
wln 1463AndAnd doedo themthem iusticejustice, whenwhen vniustlyunjustly wewe:
wln 1464ForFor allall ourour wrongswrongs cancan compassecompass nono redresseredress.
wln 1465ButBut shallshall II neuernever liuelive toto seesee thethe dayday,
wln 1466ThatThat II maymay comecome (byby iusticejustice ofof thethe heauensheavens)
wln 1467ToTo knowknow thethe causecause thatthat maymay mymy carescares allayallay?
wln 1468ThisThis toylestoils mymy bodybody, thisthis consumethconsumeth ageage,
wln 1469ThatThat onelyonly II toto allall menmen iustjust mustmust bebe,
wln 1470AndAnd neitherneither GodsGods nornor menmen bebe iustjust toto meme.
wln 1471Dep.DeputyDep.WorthyWorthy HieronimoHieronimo, youryour officeoffice askesasks,
wln 1472AA carecare toto punishpunish suchsuch asas doedo transgressetransgress.
wln 1473Hiero.HieronimoHiero.SoSo istis ’tis’t mymy duetyduty toto regarderegard hishis deathdeath,
wln 1474WhoWho whenwhen hehe liuedlived deserueddeserved mymy dearestdearest bloodblood:
wln 1475ButBut comecome, forfor thatthat wewe camecame forfor letslet’s beginbegin,
wln 1476ForFor heerehere lyeslies thatthat whichwhich bidsbids meme toto bebe gonegone.
wln 1477EnterEnter OfficersOfficers, BoyBoy, andand PedringanoPedringano, withwith aa letterletter
wln 1478inin hishis handhand, boundbound.
wln 1479Depu.DeputyDepu.BringBring forthforth thethe PrisonerPrisoner forfor thethe CourtCourt isis setset.
wln 1480Ped.PedringanoPed.GramercyGramercy boyboy, butbut itit waswas timetime toto comecome,
wln 1481ForFor II hadhad writtenwritten toto mymy LordLord anewanew,
wln 1482AA neerernearer mattermatter thatthat concernethconcerneth himhim,
wln 1483ForFor fearefear hishis LordshipLordship hadhad forgottenforgotten meme:
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The Spanish Tragedie.
wln 1484ButBut sithsith hehe hathhath remembredremembered meme soso wellwell,
wln 1485ComeCome, comecome, comecome onon, whenwhen shallshall wewe toto thisthis geeregear.
wln 1486Hiero.HieronimoHiero.StandStand forthforth thouthou monstermonster, murderermurderer ofof menmen,
wln 1487AndAnd heerehere forfor satisfactionsatisfaction ofof thethe worldworld,
wln 1488ConfesseConfess thythy follyfolly andand repentrepent thythy faultfault,
wln 1489ForFor ther’sthere’s thythy placeplace ofof executionexecution.
wln 1490Ped.PedringanoPed.ThisThis isis shortshort workework, wellwell, toto youryour MarshallshipMarshalshipMartialship
wln 1491FirstFirst II confesseconfess, nornor fearefear II deathdeath therforetherefore,
wln 1492II amam thethe manman, twas’twas II slewslew SerberineSerberine.
wln 1493ButBut sirsir, thenthenthan youyou thinkthink thisthis shalbeshall be thethe placeplace,
wln 1494WhereWhere wewe shallshall satisfiesatisfy youyou forfor thisthis gearegear?
wln 1495Depu.DeputyDepu.IAyI PedringanoPedringano.
wln 1496Ped.PedringanoPed.NowNow II thinkthink notnot soso.
wln 1497HieroHieronimoHiero,PeacePeace impudentimpudent, forfor thouthou shaltshalt findefind itit soso.
wln 1498ForFor bloodblood withwith bloodblood, shallshall whilewhile II sitsit asas iudgejudge,
wln 1499BeBe satisfiedsatisfied, andand thethe lawlaw dischargdedischarged.
wln 1500AndAnd thoughthough my selfemyself cannotcannot receiuereceive thethe likelike,
wln 1501YetYet willwill II seesee thatthat othersothers hauehave theirtheir rightright.
wln 1502DispatchDispatch, thethe faultsfaults approuedapproved andand confestconfessed,
wln 1503HndAndAnd byby ourour lawlaw hehe isis condemndcondemned toto diedie.
wln 1504Hang.HangmanHang.ComeCome onon sitsirsit, areare youyou readyready?
wln 1505Ped.PedringanoPed.ToTo doodo whatwhat, mymy finefine officiousofficious knaueknave?
wln 1506Hang.HangmanHang.ToTo goego toto thisthis geeregear.
wln 1507PedPedringanoPedOO sirsir, youyou areare totooto forwardforward, thouthou wouldstwouldst fainefain furnishfurnish
wln 1508meme withwith aa halterhalter, toto disfurnishdisfurnish meme ofof mymy habithabit.
wln 1509SoSo II shouldshould goego outout ofof thisthis geeregear mymy raimentraiment, intointo thatthat geeregear
wln 1510thethe roperope.
wln 1511ButBut HangmanHangman, nownow II spyspy youryour knaueryknavery, ilei’llI’ll notnot changechange with-withoutwith∣outwithout
wln 1512out
wln 1512bootboot, thatsthat’s flatfl●tflat.
wln 1513Hang.HangmanHang.ComeCome SirSir.
wln 1514Ped.PedringanoPed.SoSo thenthen II mustmust vpup.
wln 1515Hang.HangmanHang.NoNo remedieremedy.
wln 1516Ped.PedringanoPed.YesYes, butbut therethere shalbeshall be forfor mymy commingcoming downedown.
wln 1517Hang.HangmanHang.IndeedIndeed heershere’s aa remedieremedy forfor thatthat.
wln 1518Ped.PedringanoPed.HowHow? bebe turnedturned offoff.
wln 1519Hang.HangmanHang.IAyI truelytruly, comecome areare youyou readyready.
wln 1520II praypray sirsir dispatchdispatch, thethe dayday goesgoes awayaway.
img: 23-bsig: F3r
The Spanish Tragedie.
wln 1521Ped.PedringanoPed.WhatWhat doedo youyou hanghang byby thethe howrehour, ifif youyou doodo, II maymay
wln 1522chancechance toto breakbreak youryour oldeold customecustom.
wln 1523Hang.HangmanHang.FaithFaith youyou hauehave reasonreason, forfor II amam likelike toto breakbreak youryour
wln 1524yongyoung neckneck.
wln 1525Ped.PedringanoPed.DostDost thouthou mockmock meme hangmanhangman, praypray GodGod II bebe notnot
wln 1526preseruedpreserved toto breakbreak youryour knauesknave’s patepate forfor thisthis.
wln 1527Hang.HangmanHang.AlasAlas sirsir, youyou areare aa footfoot tootoo lowlow toto reachreach itit, andand II
wln 1528hopehope youyou willwill neuernever growgrow soso highhigh whilewhile II amam inin thethe
wln 1529officeoffice.
wln 1530Ped.PedringanoPed.SirraSirrah, dostdost seesee yonderyonder boyboy withwith tbethet●ethe boxbox inin hishis handhand?
wln 1531Hang.HangmanHang.WhatWhat, hehe thatthat pointspoints toto itit withwith hishis fingerfinger.
wln 1532Ped.PedringanoPed.IAyI thatthat companioncompanion.
wln 1533Hang.HangmanHang.II knowknow himhim notnot, butbut whatwhat ofof himhim?
wln 1534Ped.PedringanoPed.DoostDost thouthou thinkthink toto liuelive tilltill hishis oldeold doubletdoublet willwill
wln 1535makemake theethee aa newnew trussetruss?
wln 1536Hang.HangmanHang.IAyay, andand manymany aa fairefair yeereyear afterafter, toto trussetruss vpup manymany
wln 1537anan honesterhonester manman thenthan eithereither thouthou oror hehe.
wln 1538Ped.PedringanoPed.WhatWhat hathhath hehe inin hishis boxebox asas thouthou thinkstthink’stthinkst?
wln 1539Hang.HangmanHang.FaithFaith II cannotcannot telltell, nornor II carecare notnot greatlygreatly.
wln 1540Me thinksMethinksmethinks youyou shouldshould ratherrather hearkenhearken toto youryour soulessoul’s healthhealth.
wln 1541Ped.PedringanoPed.WhyWhy sirrasirrah HangmanHangman? II taketake itit, thatthat thatthat isis goodgood forfor
wln 1542thethe bodybody, isis likewiselikewise goodgood forfor thethe soulesoul: andand itit maymay
wln 1543bebe, inin thatthat boxbox isis balmebalm forfor bothboth.
wln 1544Hang.HangmanHang.WelWell, thouthou artart eueneven thethe meriestmerriest peecepiece ofof mansman’s fleshflesh
wln 1545thatthat eree’erere grondegroaned atat mymy officeoffice dooredoor.
wln 1546Ped.PedringanoPed.IsIs youryour roagueryroguery becomebecome anan officeoffice withwith aa knauesknave’s
wln 1547namename?
wln 1548Hang.HangmanHang.IAyay, andand thatthat shallshall allall theythey witneswitness thatthat seesee youyou sealeseal itit
wln 1549withwith aa theeuesthief’s namename.
wln 1550Ped.PedringanoPed.II pretheeprithee requestrequest thisthis goodgood companycompany toto praypray withwith
wln 1551meme.
wln 1552Hang.HangmanHang.IAyI marymarry sirsir, thisthis isis aa goodgood motionmotion: mymy maistersmasters, youyou
wln 1553seesee heershere’s aa goodgood fellowfellow.
wln 1554Ped.PedringanoPed.NayNay, naynay, nownow II rememberremember meme, letlet themthem alonealone tilltill
wln 1555somesome otherother timetime, forfor nownow II hauehave nono greatgreat needneed.
wln 1556Hiero.HieronimoHiero.II hauehave notnot seenseen aa wretchwretch soso impudentimpudent,
wln 1557OOOh monstrousmonstrous timestimes wherewhere murdersmurder’smurders setset soso lightlight,
img: 24-asig: F3v
The Spanish tragedie.
wln 1558AndAnd wherewhere thethe soulesoul thatthat shouldshould bebe shrindeshrined inin heauenheaven,
wln 1559SolelieSolely delightsdelights inin interdictedinterdicted thingsthings,
wln 1560StillStill wandringwand’ring inin thethe thorniethorny passagespassages,
wln 1561ThatThat interceptsintercepts it selfeitself ofof hapineshappiness.
wln 1562MurderMurder, OOOh bloudybloody monstermonster, GodGod forbidforbid,
wln 1563AA faultfault soso foulefoul shouldshould scapescape vnpunishedunpunished.
wln 1564DispatchDispatch andand seesee thisthis executionexecution donedone,
wln 1565ThisThis makesmakes meme toto rememberremember theethee mymy sonneson.
wln 1566ExitExit. Hiero.HieronimoHiero.
wln 1567Ped.PedringanoPed.NayNay softsoft, nono hasthaste.
wln 1568Depu.DeputyDepu.WhyWhy, whereforewherefore staystay youyou, hauehave youyou hopehope ofof lifelife?
wln 1569Ped.PedringanoPed.WhyWhy IAyI.
wln 1570Hang.HangmanHang.AsAs howhow?
wln 1571Ped.PedringanoPed.WhyWhy RascallRascal byby mymy pardonpardon fromfrom thethe KingKing.
wln 1572Hang.HangmanHang.standstand youyou onon thatthat, thenthenthan youyou shallshall offoff withwith thisthis.
wln 1573HeHe turnesturns himhim offoff.
wln 1574Depu.DeputyDepu.SoSo ExecutionerExecutioner, conuayconvey himhim hencehence,
wln 1575ButBut letlet hishis bodybody bebe vnburiedunburied.
wln 1576LetLet notnot thethe earthearth bebe chokedchoked oror infectinfect.
wln 1577WithWith thatthat whichwhich heauensheavens contemnescontemns andand menmen neglectneglect.
wln 1578ExeuntExeunt.
wln 1579EnterEnter HieronimoHieronimo.
wln 1580WhereWhere shallshall II runrun toto breathbreathe abroadabroad mymy woeswoes,
wln 1581MyMy woeswoes whosewhose weightweight hathhath weariedwearied thethe earthearth?
wln 1582OrOr minemine exclaimesexclaims thatthat hauehave surchargedsurcharged thethe aireair,
wln 1583WithWith ceaslesceaseless plaintsplaints, forfor mymy deceaseddeceased sonneson?
wln 1584TheThe blustringblust’ringblustering windswinds conspiringconspiring withwith mymy wordswords,
wln 1585AtAt mymy lamentlament hauehave mouedmoved thethe leauelesleafless treestrees.
wln 1586DisroabdeDisrobeddisrobed thethe medowesmeadows ofof theirtheir flowredflowered greenegreen,
wln 1587MadeMade mountainsmountains marshmarsh withwith springspring tidestides ofof mymy tearestears,
wln 1588AndAnd brokenbroken throughthrough thethe brazenbrazen gatesgates ofof hellhell,
wln 1589YetYet stillstill tormentedtormented isis mymy torturedtortured soulesoul,
wln 1590WithWith brokenbroken sighessighs andand restlesrestless passionspassions,
wln 1591ThatThat wingedwinged mountmount, andand houeringhovering inin thethe aireair,
wln 1592BeatBeat atat thethe windoweswindows ofof thethe brightestbrightest heauensheavens,
wln 1593SollicitingSoliciting forfor iusticejustice andand reuengerevenge:
wln 1594ButBut theythey areare plac’tplaced inin thosethose imperiallimperial heightsheights,
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The Spanish tragedie.
wln 1595WhereWhere countermurdecountermured withwith walleswalls ofof diamonddiamond,
wln 1596II findefind thethe placeplace impregnableimpregnable, andand theythey
wln 1597ResistResist mymy woeswoes, andand giuegive mymy wordswords nono wayway.
wln 1598EnterEnter HangmanHangman withwith aa LetterLetter.
wln 1599Hang.HangmanHang.OO LordLord sirsir, GodGod blessebless youyou sirsir, thethe manman sirsir PetergadePetergade,
wln 1600SirSir, hehe thatthat waswas soso fullfull ofof merriemerry conceitsconceits.
wln 1601Hiero.HieronimoHiero.WelWell, whatwhat ofof himhim?
wln 1602Hang.HangmanHang.OO LordLord sirsir, hehe wentwent thethe wrongwrong wayway, thethe fellowfellow hadhad
wln 1603aa fairefair commissioncommission toto thethe contrarycontrary. SirSir, heerehere isis hishis pas-pasportpassport
wln 1604port,
wln 1604II praypray youyou sirsir, wewe hauehave donedone himhim wrongwrong.
wln 1605Hiero.HieronimoHiero.II warrantwarrant theethee, giuegive itit meme.
wln 1606Hang.HangmanHang.youyou willwill standstand betweenbetween thethe gallowesgallows andand meme.
wln 1607Hiero.HieronimoHiero.IAyay, IAyI.
wln 1608Hang.HangmanHang.II thankthank youryour L.LordL. worshipworship.
wln 1609ExitExit HangmonHangmanHangmon.
wln 1610Hiero.HieronimoHiero.AndAnd yetyet thoughthough somewhatsome whatsome whatsomewhat neerernearer meme concernesconcerns,
wln 1611II willwill toto easeease thethe greefegrief thatthat II sustainesustain,
wln 1612TakeTake trucetruce withwith sorrowsorrow whilewhile II readread onon thisthis.
wln 1613MyMy LordLord, II writewrite asas minemine extreamesextremes requirderequire,
wln 1614ThatThat youyou wouldwould labourlaborlabour mymy deliueriedelivery:
wln 1615IfIf youyou neglectneglect, mymy lifelife isis desperatedesperate,
wln 1616AndAnd inin mymy deathdeath II shallshall reuealereveal thethe trothtroth.
wln 1617YouYou knowknow mymy LordLord, II slewslew himhim forfor youryour sakesake,
wln 1618AndAnd waswas confederateconfeder ateconfederate withwith thethe PrincePrince andand youyou,
wln 1619WonneWon byby rewardsrewards andand hopefullhopeful promisespromises,
wln 1620II holpehopeholphope toto murdermurder DonDon HoratioHoratio tootoo.
wln 1621HolpeHolpholp hehe toto murdermurder minemine HoratioHoratio,
wln 1622AndAnd actorsactors inin th’accursedth’ accursedth’accursed TragedieTragedy.
wln 1623WastWast thouthou LorenzoLorenzo, BalthazarBalthazar andand thouthou,
wln 1624OfOf whomwhom mymy SonneSon, mymy SonneSon deseru’ddeserved soso wellwell,
wln 1625WhatWhat hauehave II heardheard, whatwhat hauehave minemine eieseyes beheldebeheld?
wln 1626OO sacredsacred heauensheavens, maymay itit comecome toto passepass,
wln 1627ThatThat suchsuch aa monstrousmonstrous andand detesteddetested deeddeed,
wln 1628SoSo closelyclosely smootherdsmothered, andand soso longlong concealdconcealed,
wln 1629ShallShall thusthus byby thisthis bebe vengedvenged oror reuealdrevealed.
wln 1630NowNow seesee II whatwhat II durstdurst notnot thenthen suspectsuspect,
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The Spanish tragedie.
wln 1631ThatThat Bel-imperiasBel-imperia’s LetterLetter waswas notnot faindefeigned,
wln 1632NorNor fainedfeigned sheshe thoughthough falslyfalsely theythey hauehave wrongdwronged,
wln 1633BothBoth herher, my selfemyself, HoratioHorati●Horatio, andand themseluesthemselves.
wln 1634NowNow maymay II makemake comparecompare twixttwixt hershers andand thisthis,
wln 1635OfOf euerieevery accidentaccident, II neerene’er couldcould findefind
wln 1636TillTill nownow, andand nownow II feelinglyfeelingly perceiueperceive,
wln 1637TheyThey diddid whatwhat heauenheaven vnpunishtunpunished wouldwould notnot leaueleave.
wln 1638OO falsefalse LorenzoLorenzo, areare thesethese thythy flatteringflattering lookeslooks?
wln 1639IsIs thisthis thethisthisthe honourhonorhonour thatthat thouthou didstdidst mymy SonneSon?
wln 1640AndAnd BalthazarBalthazar banebane toto thythy soulesoul andand meme,
wln 1641WasWas thisthis thethe ransomeransom hehe reseru’dreserved theethee forfor?
wln 1642WoeWoe toto thethe causecause ofof thesethese constrainedconstrained warreswars,
wln 1643WoeWoe toto thythy basenesbaseness andand captiuitiecaptivity,
wln 1644WoeWoe toto thythy birthbirth, thythy bodybody andand thythy soulesoul,
wln 1645ThyThy cursedcursed fatherfather, andand thythy conquerdconquered selfeself:
wln 1646AndAnd bandband withwith bitterbitter execrationsexecrations bebe
wln 1647TheThe dayday andand placeplace wherewhere hehe diddid pittiepity theethee.
wln 1648ButBut whereforewherefore wastewaste II minemine vnfruitfullunfruitful wordswords?
wln 1649WhenWhen naughtnaught butbut bloodblood willwill satisfiesatisfy mymy woeswoes:
wln 1650II willwill goego plaineplain meme toto mymy LordLord thethe KingKing,
wln 1651AndAnd crycry aloudaloud forfor iusticejustice throughthrough thethe CourtCourt.
wln 1652WearingWearing thethe flintsflints withwith thesethese mymy witheredwithered feetfeet,
wln 1653AndAnd eithereither purchasepurchase iusticejustice byby intreatsentreats,
wln 1654OrOr tiretire themthem allall withwith mymy reuengingrevenging threatsthreats.ExitExit.
wln 1655EnterEnter IsabellIsabellaIsabell andand herher MaidMaid.
wln 1656Isa.IsabellaIsa.SoSo thatthat youyou saysay thisthis hearbherb willwill purgepurge thethe eyeeye
wln 1657AndAnd thisthis thethe headhead, ahah butbut nonenone ofof themthem wilwill purgepurge thethe hartheart:
wln 1658NoNo, thersthere’s nono medicinemedicine leftleft forfor mymy diseasedisease,
wln 1659NorNor anyany phisickphysic toto recurerecure thethe deaddead:
wln 1660SheShe runnesruns lunaticklunatic.
wln 1661HoratioHoratio, OOOh whereswhere’s HoratioHoratio.
wln 1662MaideMaid.GoodGood MadamMadam, affrightaffright notnot thusthus your selfeyourself,
wln 1663WithWith outrageoutrage forfor youryour sonneson HoratioHoratio.
wln 1664HeHe sleepessleeps inin quietquiet inin thethe ElizianElysian fieldsfields.
wln 1665Isa.IsabellaIsa.WhyWhy diddid II notnot giuegive youyou gownesgowns andand goodlygoodly thingsthings,
wln 1666BoughtBought youyou aa whistlewhistle andand aa whipstalkewhipstalk tootoo:
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The Spanish tragedie.
wln 1667ToTo bebe reuengedrevenged onon theirtheir villaniesvillainies.
wln 1668MaidMaid.MadameMadammadam thesethese humorshumorshumours doedo tormenttorment mymy soulesoul.
wln 1669Isa.IsabellaIsa.MyMy soulesoul, poorepoor soulesoul thouthou talkestalks ofof thingsthings
wln 1670ThouThou knowstknow’stknowest notnot whatwhat, mymy soulesoul hathhath siluersilver wingswings,
wln 1671ThatThat mountsmounts meme vpup vntounto thethe highesthighest heauensheavens,
wln 1672ToTo heauenheaven, IAyI therethere sitssits mymy HoratioHor●tioHoratio,
wln 1673BacktBacked withwith aa trouptrooptroup ofof fieryfiery CherubinsCherubins,
wln 1674DauncingDancing aboutabout hishis newlynewly healedhealed woundswounds
wln 1675SingingSinging sweetsweet hymneshymns andand chauntingchanting heauenlyheavenly notesnotes,
wln 1676RareRare hermonyharmony toto greetgreet hishis innocenceinnocence,
wln 1677ThatThat dydedied, II dydedied aa mirrourmirror inin ourour daiesdays.
wln 1678ButBut saysay, wherewhere shallshall II findefind, thethe menmen, thethe murderersmurderers,
wln 1679ThatThat slewflewflewslew HoratioHoratio, whetherwhitherwhether shallshall II runnerun,
wln 1680ToTo findefind themthem outout, thatthat murderedmurdered mymy SonneSon.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 1681Bel-imperiaBel-imperia atat aa windowwindow.
wln 1682Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.WhatWhat meanesmeans thisthis outrageoutrage thatthat isis offredoffered meme?
wln 1683WhyWhy amam II thusthus sequestredsequestered fromfrom thethe CourtCourt?
wln 1684NoNo noticenotice, shallshall II notnot knowknow thethe causecause,
wln 1685OfOf thisthis mymy secretsecret andand suspitioussuspicious ilsills?
wln 1686AccursedAccursed brotherbrother, vnkindeunkind murderermurderer.
wln 1687WhyWhy bendsbends thouthou thusthus thythy mindemind toto martirmartyr meme?
wln 1688HieronimoHieronimo, whywhy writwrit II ofof thythy wrongswrongs?
wln 1689OrOr whywhy artart thouthou soso slackeslack inin thythy reuengerevenge?
wln 1690AndreaAndrea, OOOh AndreaAndrea thatthat thouthou sawestsawest,
wln 1691MeMe forfor thythy freendfriend HoratioHoratio handledhandled thusthus,
wln 1692AndAnd himhim forfor meme thusthus causelescauseless murderedmurdered.
wln 1693WelWell, forceforce perforceperforce, II mustmust constraineconstrain my selfemyself,
wln 1694ToTo patiencepatience, andand applyapply meme toto thethe timetime,
wln 1695TillTill heauenheaven asas II hauehave hopedhoped shallshall setset meme freefree.
wln 1696EnterEnter ChristophillChristophilChristophill.
wln 1697Chris.ChristophilChris.ComeCome MadameMadame Bel-imperiaBel-imperia, thisthis maymay notnot bebe,
wln 1698ExeuntExeunt.
wln 1699EnterEnter LorenzoLorenzo, BalthazarBalthazar, andand thethe PagePage.
wln 1700Lor.LorenzoLor.BoyBoy, talketalk nono furtherfurther, thusthus farrefar thingsthings goego wellwell,
wln 1701ThouThou artart assurdeassured thatthat thouthou sawestsawest himhim deaddead?
wln 1702PagePage.OrOr elselse mymy LordLord II liuelive notnot.
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The Spanish Tragedie.
wln 1703Lor.LorenzoLor.ThatsThat’sthat’s enoughenough.
wln 1704AsAs forfor hishis resolutionresolution inin hishis endend,
wln 1705LeaueLeave thatthat toto himhim withwith whomwhom hehe soiournssojourns nownow.
wln 1706HeereHere, taketake mymy ringring, andand giuegive itit ChirstophillChristophilChirstophill,
wln 1707AndAnd bidbid himhim letlet mymy SisterSister bebe enlarg’denlarged,
wln 1708AndAnd bringbring herher hitherhither straightstraight.ExitExit PagePage.
wln 1709ThisThis thatthat II diddid waswas forfor aa policiepolicy,
wln 1710ToTo smoothsmooth andand keepekeep thethe murdermurder secretsecret,
wln 1711WhichWhich asas aa ninenine daiesdays’ wonderwonder beingbeing ore-blowneo’erblown,
wln 1712MyMy gentlegentle SisterSister willwill II nownow enlargeenlarge.
wln 1713Bal.BalthazarBal.AndAnd timetime LorenzoLorenzo, forfor mymy LordLord thethe DukeDuke,
wln 1714YouYou heardheard enquiredinquired forfor herher yester-nightyesternight.
wln 1715Lor.LorenzoLor.WhyWhy? andand mymy LordLord, II hopehope youyou heardheard meme saysay,
wln 1716SufficientSufficient reasonreason, whywhy sheshe keptkept awayaway.
wln 1717ButBut thatsthat’s allall oneone, mymy LordLord, youyou louelove herher?
wln 1718Bal.BalthazarBal.IAyI.
wln 1719Lor.LorenzoLor.ThenThen inin youryour louelove bewarebeware, dealedeal cunninglycunningly,
wln 1720SalueSalve allall suspitionssuspicions, onelyonly soothsoothe meme vpup,
wln 1721AndAnd ifif sheshe haphap toto standstand onon tearmesterms withwith vsus,
wln 1722AsAs forfor herher sweet hartsweetheartsweet heart, andand concealementconcealment soso,
wln 1723IestlestJestlest withwith herher gentlygently, vnderunder fainedfeigned iestjest
wln 1724AreAre thingsthings concealdeconcealed, thatthat elselse wouldwould breedbreed vnrestunrest.
wln 1725ButBut heerehere sheshe comescomes.
wln 1726EnterEnter Bel-imperiaBel-imperia.
wln 1727Lor.LorenzoLor.NowNow SisterSister.
wln 1728Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.SisterSister, nono thouthou artart nono brotherbrother, butbut anan enemyenemy.
wln 1729ElsElse wouldstwouldst thouthou notnot hauehave vsdeused thythy SisterSister soso,
wln 1730FirstFirst, toto affrightaffright meme withwith thythy weaponsweapons drawnedrawn,
wln 1731AndAnd withwith extreamesextremes abuseabuse mymy companycompany:
wln 1732AndAnd thenthen toto hurryhurry meme likelike whirlewindswhirlwind’swhirlwinds ragerage,
wln 1733AmidstA midstA midstAmidst aa crewcrew ofof thythy confederatesconfederates:
wln 1734AndAnd clapclap meme vpup wherewhere nonenone mightmight comecome atat meme,
wln 1735NorNor II atat anyany toto reuealereveal mymy wrongswrongs.
wln 1736WhatWhat maddingmadding furyfury diddid possessepossess thythy witswits?
wln 1737OrOr whereinwherein istis ’tis’t thatthat II offendedoffended theethee?
wln 1738Lor.LorenzoLor.AduiseAdviseadvise youyou betterbetter Bel-imperiaBel-imperia,
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The Spanish tragedie.
wln 1739ForFor II hauehave donedone youyou nono disparagementdisparagement:
wln 1740VnlesseUnless byby moremore discretiondiscretion thenthan deseru’ddeser●’ddeserved,
wln 1741II soughtsought toto sauesave youryour honourhonorhonour andand minemine owneown.
wln 1742Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.MineMine honourhonorhonour, whywhy LorenzoLorenzo, whereinwher inwhere in istis ’tis’t,
wln 1743ThatThat II neglectneglect mymy reputationreputation soso,
wln 1744AsAs youyou, oror anyany needneed toto rescuerescue itit.
wln 1745Lor.LorenzoLor.HisHis highneshighness andand mymy FatherFather werewere resolu’dresolved,
wln 1746ToTo comecome conferreconfer withwith oldeold HieronimoHieronimo,
wln 1747ConcerningConcerning certainecertain mattersmatters ofof estateestate,
wln 1748ThatThat byby thethe ViceroyViceroy waswas determineddetermined.
wln 1749Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.AndAnd whereinwherein waswas minemine honourhonorhonour touchttouched inin thatthat?
wln 1750Bal.BalthazarBal.HaueHave patiencepatience Bel-imperiaBel-imperia, hearehear thethe restrest.
wln 1751Lor.LorenzoLor.MeMe nextnext inin sightsight asas messengermessenger theythey sentsent,
wln 1752ToTo giuegive himhim noticenotice thatthat theythey werewere soso nighnigh:
wln 1753NowNow whenwhen II camecame consortedconsorted withwith thethe PrincePrince,
wln 1754AndAnd vnexpectedunexpected inin anan ArbourArborArbour therethere,
wln 1755FoundFound Bel-imperiaBel-imperia withwith HoratioHoratio.
wln 1756Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.HowHow thanthenthan?
wln 1757Lor.LorenzoLor.WhyWhy thenthen remembringremembering thatthat oldeold disgracedisgrace,
wln 1758WhichWhich youyou forfor DonDon AndreaAndrea hadhad indurdeendured,
wln 1759AndAnd nownow werewere likelylikely longerlonger toto sustainesustain,
wln 1760ByBy beingbeing foundfound soso meanelymeanly accompaniedaccompanied:
wln 1761ThoughtThought ratherrather, forfor II knewknew nono readierreadier meanemean,
wln 1762ToTo thrustthrust HoratioHoratio forthforth mymy fathersfather’s wayway.
wln 1763Bal.BalthazarBal.AndAnd carrycarry youyou obscurelyobscurely some wheresomewhere elselse,
wln 1764LeastLestlest thatthat hishis highneshighness shouldshould hauehave foundfound youyou therethere.
wln 1765Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.EuenEveneven soso mymy LordLord, andand youyou areare witnessewitness,
wln 1766ThatThat thisthis isis truetrue whichwhich hehe entreatethentreateth ofof.
wln 1767YouYou (gentlegentle brotherbrother) forgedforged thisthis forfor mymy sakesake,
wln 1768AndAnd youyou mymy LordLord, werewere mademade hishis instruementinstrument:
wln 1769AA workework ofof worthworth, worthyworthy thethe notingnoting tootoo.
wln 1770ButBut whatswhat’s thethe causecause thatthat youyou concealdeconcealed meme sincesince?
wln 1771LorLorenzoLorYourYour melanchollymelancholy SisterSister sincesince thethe newesnews,
wln 1772OfOf youryour firstfirst fauouritefavoritefavourite DonDon AndreasAndrea’s deathdeath,
wln 1773MyMy FathersFather’s oldeold wrathwrath hathhath exasperateexasperateexasperated.
wln 1774Bal.BalthazarBal.AndAnd betterbetter wastwas’t forfor youyou beingbeing inin disgracedisgrace,
wln 1775ToTo absentabsent your selfeyourself andand giuegive hishis furyfury placeplace.
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The Spanish Tragedie.
wln 1776Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.ButBut whywhy hadhad II nono noticenotice ofof hishis ireire?
wln 1777Lor.LorenzoLor.ThatThat werewere toto addeadd moremore fewellfuel toto youryour firefire.
wln 1778WhoWho burntburntburned likelike AetneAetnaA●tn●Aetna forfor AndreasAndrea’s losseloss.
wln 1779Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.HathHath notnot mymy FatherFather thenthen enquirdeinquiredenquired forfor meme?
wln 1780Lor.LorenzoLor.SisterSister hehe hathhath, andand thusthus excusdeexcused II theethee.
wln 1781HeHe whisperethwhispereth inin herher earecareearcare.
wln 1782ButBut Bel-imperiaBel-imperia, seesee thethe gentlegentle princeprince,
wln 1783LookeLook onon thythy louelove, beholdebehold yongyoung BalthazarBalthazar.
wln 1784WhoseWhose passionspassions byby thythy presencepresence areare increastincreased,
wln 1785AndAnd inin whosewhose melancholliemelancholy thouthou maiestmayest seesee,
wln 1786ThyThy hatehate, hishis louelove: thythy flightflight, hishis followingfollowing theethee.
wln 1787Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.BrotherBrother youyou areare becomebecome anan OratourOrator,
wln 1788II knowknow notnot II, byby whatwhat experienceexperience,
wln 1789TooToo pollitickpolitic forfor meme, pastpast allall comparecompare,
wln 1790SinceSince lastlast II sawsaw youyou, butbut contentcontent your selfeyourself,
wln 1791TheThe PrincePrince isis meditatingmeditating higherhigher thingsthings,
wln 1792Bal.BalthazarBal.Tis’Tis ofof thythy beautybeauty thenthen thatthat conquersconquers KingsKings.
wln 1793OfOf thosethose thythy tressestresses AriadnesAriadne’s twinestwines,
wln 1794WhereWhere withwith mymy libertieliberty thouthou hasthast surprisdesurprised.
wln 1795OfOf thatthat thinethine iuorieivory frontfront mymy sorrowessorrow’s mapmap,
wln 1796WhereinWherein II seesee nono hauenhaven toto restrest mymy hopehope.
wln 1797Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.ToTo louelove, andand fearefear, andand bothboth atat onceonce mymy LordLord,
wln 1798InIn mymy conceiptconceit, areare thingsthings ofof moremore importimport,
wln 1799ThenThan womenswomen’s witswits areare toto bebe busiedbusied withwith.
wln 1800Bal.BalthazarBal.Tis’Tis II thatthat louelove.
wln 1801Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.WhomeWhom?
wln 1802Bal.BalthazarBal.Bel-imperiaBel-imperia.
wln 1803Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.ButBut II thatthat fearefear.
wln 1804Bal.BalthazarBal.WhomeWhom?
wln 1805Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.Bel-imperiaBel-imperia.
wln 1806Lor.LorenzoLor.FeareFear your selfeyourself?
wln 1807Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.IAyI brotherbrother.
wln 1808Lor.LorenzoLor.HowHow?
wln 1809Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.AsAs thosethose, thatthat whatwhat theythey louelove, areare loathloath, andand fearefear toto (looselose.
wln 1810Bal.BalthazarBal.ThenThen fairefair, letlet BalthazarBalthazar youryour keeperkeeper bebe,
wln 1811Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.NoNo, BalthazarBalthazar dothdoth fearefear asas wellwell asas wewe.
wln 1812EstEst tremulotre●●ulotremulo metusmetuimet●●metuimetus pauidumpavidum iunxereiunxere timoremtimorem,
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The Spanish Tragedie.
wln 1813EtEt vanumvanum stolidæstolidaestolidae proditionisproditionis opusopus.ExitExit.
wln 1814Lor.LorenzoLor.NayNay, andand youyou argueargue thingsthings soso cunninglyeunninglycunningly,
wln 1815WeeleWe’llwe’ll goego continuecontinue thisthis discoursediscourse atat CourtCourt,
wln 1816Bal.BalthazarBal.LedLed byby thethe loadstarlodestar ofof herher heauenlyheavenly lookeslooks,
wln 1817WendsWends poorepoor oppressedoppressed BalthazarBaltbazarBalthazar,
wln 1818AsAs oreo’er thethe mountainsmountains walkeswalks thethe wandererwanderer,
wln 1819IncertainIncertain toto effecteffect hishis PilgrimagePilgrimage.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 1820EnterEnter twotwo PortingalesPortingales, andand HieronimoHieronimo
wln 1821meetsmeets themthem.
wln 182211. Portingale1ByBy youryour leaueleave SirSir.
wln 1823Hiero.HieronimoHiero.GoodGood leaueleave hauehave youyou, naynay, II praypray youyou goego,
wln 1824ForFor ilei’llI’ll leaueleave youyou, ifif youyou cancan leaueleave meme soso.
wln 182522. Portingale2PrayPray youyou whichwhich isis thethe nextnext wayway toto mymy L.LordL. thethe DukesDuke’sDukes.
wln 1826Hiero.HieronimoHiero.TheThe nextnext wayway fromfrom meme.
wln 182711. Portingale1ToTo hishis househouse wewe meanemean.
wln 1828Hiero.HieronimoHiero.OO hardhard byby, tis’tis yonyonyond househouse thatthat youyou seesee.
wln 182922. Portingale2YouYou couldcould notnot telltell vsus, ifif hishis SonneSon werewere therethere.
wln 1830Hiero.HieronimoHiero.WhoWho, mymy LordLord LorenzoLorenzo?
wln 183111. Portingale1IAyI SirSir.
wln 1832HeHe goethgoeth inin atat oneone dooredoor andand comescomes outout atat anotheranother.
wln 1833Hiero.HieronimoHiero.OhOhO forbeareforbear, forfor otherother talketalk forfor vsus farfar fitterfitter werewere.
wln 1834ButBut ifif youyou bebe importunateimportunate toto knowknow,
wln 1835TheThe wayway toto himhim, andand wherewhere toto findefind himhim outout,
wln 1836ThenThen listlist toto meme, andand IleI’ll resolueresolve youryour doubtdoubt.
wln 1837ThereThere isis aa pathpath vponupon youryour left handleft-handleft hand sideside,
wln 1838ThatThat leadethleadeth fromfrom aa guiltieguilty conscienceconscience,
wln 1839VntoUnto aa forrestforest ofof distrustdistrust andand fearefear.
wln 1840AA darkesomedarksome placeplace andand dangerousdangerous toto passepass,
wln 1841ThereThere shallshall youyou meetmeet withwith melanchollymelancholy thoughtsthoughts,
wln 1842WhoseWhose balefullbaleful humourshumorshumours ifif youyou butbut vpholdeuphold,
wln 1843ItIt willwill conductconduct youyou toto dispairedespair andand deathdeath:
wln 1844WhoseWhose rockierocky cliffescliffs, whenwhen youyou hauehave onceonce beheldebeheld,
wln 1845WithinWithin aa hugiehugy daledale ofof lastinglasting nightnight,
wln 1846ThatThat kindledkind’edkindled withwith thethe worldsworld’s iniquitiesiniquities,
wln 1847DothDoth castcast vpup filthyfilthy andand detesteddetested fumesfumes.
wln 1848NotNot farfar fromfrom thencethence wherewhere murderersmurderers hauehave builtbuilt,
img: 28-asig: G3v
The Spanish tragedie.
wln 1849AA habitationhabitation forfor theirtheir cursedcursed soulessouls:
wln 1850ThereThere inin aa brazenbrazen CaldronCauldroncauldron fixtfixed byby IoueIo●eJove,
wln 1851InIn hishis fellfell wrathwrath vponupon aa sulphersulphur flameflame:
wln 1852Your seluesYourselvesyourselves shallshall findefind LorenzoLorenzo bathingbathing himhim,
wln 1853InIn boylingboiling leadlead andand bloodblood ofof innocentsinnocents.
wln 185411. Portingale1HaHa, haha, haha.
wln 1855Hiero.HieronimoHiero.HaHa, haha, haha: whywhy haha, haha, haha. FarewellFarewell goodgood haha, haha, haha.
wln 1856ExitExit.
wln 185722. Portingale2DoubtlesDoubtless thisthis manman isis passingpassing lunatickelunatic,
wln 1858OrOr imperfectionimperfection ofof hishis ageage dothdoth makemake himhim dotedote.
wln 1859ComeCome, letslet’s awayaway toto seekseek mymy LordLord thethe DukeDuke.
wln 1860EnterEnter HieronimoHieronimo withwith aa PonyardPoniardponiard inin oneone handhand,
wln 1861andand aa RopeRope inin thethe otherother.
wln 1862Hiero.HieronimoHiero.NowNow SirSir, perhapsperhaps II comecome andand seesee thethe KingKing,
wln 1863TheThe KingKing seessees meme, andand fainefain wouldwould hearehear mymy sutesuit.
wln 1864WhyWhy isis notnot thisthis aa strangestrange andand seld seeneseldseenseld seen thingthing.
wln 1865ThatThat standers bystanders-bystanders by withwith toyestoys shouldshould strikestrike meme mutemute.
wln 1866GoGo tooto, II seesee theirtheir shiftsshifts, andand saysay nono moremore,
wln 1867HieronimoHieronimo, tis’tis timetime forfor theethee toto trudgetrudge.
wln 1868DowneDown byby thethe daledale thatthat flowesflows withwith purplepurple goregore,
wln 1869StandethStandeth aa firiefiery TowerTower, therethere sitssits aa iudgejudge,
wln 1870VponUpon aa seatseat ofof steelesteel andand moltenmolten brassebrass:
wln 1871AndAnd twixttwixt hishis teethteeth hehe holdesholds aa fire-brandfirebrand,
wln 1872ThatThat leadesleads vntounto thethe lakelake wherewhere hellhell dothdoth standstand.
wln 1873AwayAway HieronimoHieronimo toto himhim bebe gonegone:
wln 1874HeeleHe’ll doedo theethee iusticejustice forfor HoratiosHoratio’s deathdeath.
wln 1875TurneTurn downdown thisthis pathpath thouthou shaltshalt bebe withwith himhim straitestraight,
wln 1876OrOr thisthis, andand thenthen thouthou needstneed’stneedst notnot taketake thythy brethbreath.
wln 1877ThisThis wayway, oror thatthat wayway: softsoft andand fairefair, notnot soso:
wln 1878ForFor ifif II hanghang oror killkill my selfemyself, letslet’s knowknow
wln 1879WhoWho willwill reuengerevenge HoratiosHoratio’s murthermurder thenthen?
wln 1880NoNo, nono, fiefie nono: pardonpardon meme, ilei’llI’ll nonenone ofof thatthat:
wln 1881HeHe flingsflings awayaway thethe daggerdagger &and halterhalter.
wln 1882ThisThis wayway ilei’llI’ll taketake, andand thisthis wayway comescomes thethe KingKing,
wln 1883HeHe takestakes themthem vpup againeagain.
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The Spanish tragedie.
wln 1884AndAnd heerehere IleI’ll hauehave aa flingfling atat himhim thatsthat’s flatflat.
wln 1885AndAnd BalthazarBaltbazarBalthazar ilei’llI’ll bebe withwith theethee toto bringbring,
wln 1886AndAnd theethee LorenzoLorenzo, heereshere’s thethe KingKing, naynay, staystay,
wln 1887AndAnd heerehere, IAyI heerehere, therethere goesgoes thethe harehare awayaway.
wln 1888EnterEnter KingKing, EmbassadorAmbassador, CastileCastile, andand LorenzoLorenzo.
wln 1889KingKing.NowNow shewshow EmbassadourAmbassador whatwhat ourour ViceroyViceroy saithsaith,
wln 1890HathHath heehe receiu’dreceived thethe articlesarticles wewe sentsent?
wln 1891Hiero.HieronimoHiero.IusticeJusticejustice, OOOh iusticejustice toto HieronimoHieronimo.
wln 1892Lor.LorenzoLor.BackBack, seestseest thouthou notnot thethe KingKing isis busiebusy?
wln 1893Hiero.HieronimoHiero.OO, isis hehe soso.
wln 1894KingKing.WhoWho isis hehe thatthat interruptsinterrupts ourour businesbusiness?
wln 1895Hiero.HieronimoHiero.NotNot II, HieronimoHieronimo bewarebeware, goego byby, goego byby.
wln 1896Embas.AmbassadorEmbas.RenownedRenowned KingKing hehe hathhath receiuedreceived andand readread,
wln 1897ThyThy kinglykingly proffersproffers, andand thythy promistpromised leagueleague,
wln 1898AndAnd asas aa manman extreamelyextremely ouer-ioydoverjoyed,
wln 1899ToTo hearehear hishis SonneSon soso PrincelyPrincely entertaindeentertained,
wln 1900WhoseWhose deathdeath hehe hadhad soso solemnelysolemnly bewaildebewailed.
wln 1901ThisThis forfor thythy furtherfurther satisfactionsatisfaction,
wln 1902AndAnd kinglykingly louelove, hehe kindelykindly letslets theethee knowknow:
wln 1903FirstFirst, forfor thethe marriagemarriage ofof hishis PrincelyPrincely SonneSon,
wln 1904WithWith Bel-imperiaBel-imperia thythy belouedbeloved NeeceNiece,
wln 1905TheThe newesnews areare moremore delightfulldelightful toto hishis soulesoul,
wln 1906ThenThan myrrhmyrrh oror incenseincense toto thethe offendedoffended heauensheavens.
wln 1907InIn personperson thereforetherefore willwill hehe comecome himselfehimself,
wln 1908ToTo seesee thethe marriagemarriage ritesrites solemnizedsolemnizedsolemnised,
wln 1909AndAnd inin thethe presencepresence ofof thethe CourtCourt ofof SpaineSpain,
wln 1910ToTo knitknit aa suresure inexecrableinexecrable bandband,
wln 1911OfOf KinglyKingly louelove, andand euerlastingeverlasting leagueleague,
wln 1912BetwixtBetwixt thethe CrownesCrowns ofof SpaineSpain andand PortingalePortingale.
wln 1913ThereThere willwill hehe giuegive hishis CrowneCrown toto BalthazarBalthazar,
wln 1914AndAnd makemake aa QueeneQueen ofof Bel-imperiaBel-imperia.
wln 1915KingKing.BrotherBrother, howhow likelike youyou thisthis ourour Vice-roiesViceroy’sViceroys louelove?
wln 1916Cast.CastileCast.NoNo doubtdoubt mymy LordLord, itit isis anan argumentargument
wln 1917OfOf honorablehonorablehonourable carecare toto keepekeep hishis freendfriend,
wln 1918AndAnd wondrouswondrous zealezeal toto BalthazarBalthazar hishis sonneson?
wln 1919NorNor amam II leastleast indebtedindebted toto hishis graeegracegraeegrace,
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The Spanish tragedie.
wln 1920ThatThat bendsbends hishis likingliking toto mymy daughterdaughter thusthus.
wln 1921Em.AmbassadorEm.NowNow lastlast (dreaddread LordLord) heereheer●here hathhath hishis highneshighness sentsent,
wln 1922AlthoughAlthough hehe sendsend notnot thatthat hishis SonneSon returnereturn,
wln 1923HisHis ransomeransom duedue toto DonDon HoratioHoratio.
wln 1924Hiero.HieronimoHiero.HoratioHoratio, whowho calscalls HoratioHoratio?
wln 1925KingKing.AndAnd wellwell remembredremembered, thankthank hishis MaiestieMajesty.
wln 1926HeereHere, seesee itit giuengiven toto HoratioHoratio.
wln 1927Hiero.HieronimoHiero.IusticeJusticejustice, OOOh iusticejustice, iusticejustice, gentlegentle KingKing.
wln 1928KingKing.WhoWho isis thatthat? HieronimoHieronimo?
wln 1929Hiero.HieronimoHiero.IusticeJusticejustice, OOOh iusticejustice, OOOh mymy sonneson, mymy sonneson,
wln 1930MyMy SonneSon whomwhom naughtnaught cancan ransomeransom oror redeemeredeem●redeem.
wln 1931Lor.LorenzoLor.HieronimoHieronimo, youyou areare notnot wellwell aduisdeadvised.
wln 1932Hiero.HieronimoHiero.AwayA wayA wayAway LorenzoLorenzo hinderhinder meme nono moremore,
wln 1933ForFor thouthou hasthast mademade meme bankruptbankrupt ofof mymy blissebliss:
wln 1934GiueGive meme mymy sonneson, youyou shallshall notnot ransomeransom himhim.
wln 1935AwayAway, ilei’llI’ll riprip thethe bowelsbowels ofof thethe earthearth,
wln 1936HeHe diggethdiggeth withwith hishis daggerdagger.
wln 1937AndAnd FerrieFerry ouerover toto th’Elizianth’ Elysianth’elysian plainesplains,
wln 1938AndAnd bringbring mymy SonneSon toto shewshow hishis deadlydeadly woundswounds.
wln 1939StandStand fromfrom aboutabout meme, ilei’llI’ll makemake aa pickaxepickaxe ofof mymy poniardponiard,
wln 1940AndAnd heerehere surrendersurrender vpup mymy MarshalshipMarshalship:
wln 1941ForFor IleI’ll goego marshallmarshal vpup thethe feendsfiends inin hellhell,
wln 1942ToTo bebe auengedavenged onon youyou allall forfor thisthis.
wln 1943KingKing.WhatWhat meanesmeans thisthis outrageoutrage? willwill nonenone ofof youyou re-restrainerestrain
wln 1944straine
wln 1944hishis furyfury?
wln 1945Hiero.HieronimoHiero.NayNay softsoft andand fairefair, youyou shallshall notnot needneed toto striuestrive,
wln 1946NeedsNeeds mustmust hehe goego thatthat thethe diuelsdevils driuedrive.
wln 1947ExitExit.
wln 1948KingKing.WhatWhat accidentaccident hathhath hapthapped HieronimoHieronimo?
wln 1949II hauehave notnot seeneseen himhim toto demeanedemean himhim soso.
wln 1950Lor.LorenzoLor.MyMy gratiousgracious LordLord, hehe isis withwith extreameextreme pridepride,
wln 1951ConceiuedConceived ofof yongyoung HoratioHoratio hishis SonneSon,
wln 1952AndAnd couetouscovetous ofof hauinghaving toto himselfehimself,
wln 1953TheThe ransomeransom ofof thethe yongyoung PrincePrince BalthazarBal●hazarBalthazar.
wln 1954DistractDistract andand inin aa mannermanner lunaticklunatic.
wln 1955KingKing.BeleeueBelieve meme NephewNephew wewe areare soriesorry fortfor ’tfor’t,
wln 1956ThisThis isis thethe louelove thatthat FathersFathers bearebear theirtheir sonnessons:
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The Spanish tragedie.
wln 1957ButBut gentlegentle brotherbrother, goego giuegive toto himhim thisthis goldegold,
wln 1958TheThe PrincesPrince’sPRINCE’s raunsomeransom, letlet himhim hauehave hishis duedue,
wln 1959ForFor whatwhat hehe hathhath HoratioHor●●●Horatio shallshall notnot wantwant,
wln 1960HappilyHappily HieronimoHieronimo hathhath needneed thereofthereof.
wln 1961Lor.LorenzoLor.ButBut ifif hehe bebe thusthus helpleslyhelples●yhelplessly distractdistract,
wln 1962Tis’Tis requisiterequisite hishis officeoffice bebe resignderesigned,
wln 1963AndAnd giuengiven toto oneone ofof moremore discretiondiscretion.
wln 1964KingKing.WeWe shallshall encreaseincrease hishis melancholliemolancholliemelancholy soso.
wln 1965Tis’Tis bestbest thatthat wewe seesee furtherfurther inin itit firstfirst:
wln 1966TillTill whenwhen, our selfeourself willwill exemptexempt thethe placeplace.
wln 1967AndAnd BrotherBrother, nownow bringbring inin thethe EmbassadorAmbassador,
wln 1968ThatThat hehe maymay bebe aa witneswitness ofof thethe matchmatch.
wln 1969TwixtTwixt BalthazarBalthazar andand Bel-imperiaBel-imperia.
wln 1970AndAnd thatthat wewe maymay prefixeprefix aa certainecertain timetime.
wln 1971WhereinWherein thethe marriagemarriage shalbeshall be solemnizedsolemnizedsolemnised,
wln 1972ThatThat wewe maymay hauehave thythy LordLord thethe Vice-royViceroy heerehere.
wln 1973Em.AmbassadorEm.ThereinTherein youryour highneshighness highlyhighly shallshall contentcontent,
wln 1974HisHis MaiestieMajesty, thatthat longslongs toto hearehear fromfrom hencehence.
wln 1975KingKing.OnOn thenthen, andand hearehear youyou LordLord EmbassadourAmbassador.
wln 1976ExeuntEx●●●tExeunt.
wln 1977EnterEnter HieronimoHieronim●Hieronimo withwith aa bookbook inin hishis handhand.
wln 1978VindictaVindicta mihimihi.
wln 1979IAyay, heauenheaven willwill bebe reuengedrevenged ofof eueryevery illill,
wln 1980NorNor willwill theythey suffersuffer murdermurder vnrepaideunrepaid:
wln 1981ThenThen staystay HieronimoHieronimo, attendattend theirtheir willwill,
wln 1982ForFor mortallmortal menmen maymay notnot appointappoint theirtheir timetime.
wln 1983PerPerscelusPerscelusPer scelusscelus sempersemper tutumtuinmtuinmtutum estest sceleribussce●eri●ussceleribus iteriter.
wln 1984StrikeStrike, andand strikestrike homehome, wherewhere wrongwrong isis offredoffered theethee,
wln 1985ForFor euilsevils vntounto ilsills conductorsconductors bebe.
wln 1986AndAnd death’sdeath’s thethe worstworst ofof resolutionresolution.
wln 1987ForFor hehe thatthat thinksthinks withwith patiencepatiencopatience toto contendcontend,
wln 1988ToTo quietquiet lifelife, hishis lifelife shallshall easilyeasily endend.
wln 1989FataFata sisi miserosmis●r●smiseros iuuantiuvantiwant habeshabes salutemsalutem:
wln 1990FataFata sisi vitamvitam negantnegant, habeshabes sepulchrumsepulchrum.
wln 1991IfIf destiniedestiny thythy miseriesmiseries doedo easeease,
wln 1992ThenThen hasthast thouthou healthhealth, andand happiehappy shaltshalt thouthou bebe:
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The Spanish Tragedie.
wln 1993IfIf destiniedestiny deniedeny theethee lifelife HieronimoHieronimo.
wln 1994YetYet shaltshalt thouthou bebe assuredassured ofof aa tombetomb:
wln 1995IfIf neitherneither, yetyet letlet thisthis thythy comfortcomfort bebe,
wln 1996HeauenHeaven couerethcovereth himhim thatthat hathhath nono buriallburial,
wln 1997AndAnd toto concludeconclude, II willwill reuengerevenge hishis deathdeath,
wln 1998ButBut howhow? notnot asas thethe vulgarevulgar witswits ofof menmen,
wln 1999WithWith openopen, butbut ineuitableinevitable ilsills::.
wln 2000AsAs byby aa secretsecret, yetyet aa certaincertain meanemean,
wln 2001WhichWhich vnderunder kindeshipkinship wilbewill be clokedcloaked bestbest.
wln 2002WiseWise menmen willwill taketake theirtheir oportunitieopportunity,
wln 2003CloselyClosely andand safelysafely fittingfitting thingsthings toto timetime:
wln 2004ButBut inin extreamesextremes aduantageadvantage hathhath nono timetime.
wln 2005AndAnd thereforetherefore allall timestimes fitfit notnot forfor reuengerevenge:
wln 2006ThusThus thereforetherefore willwill II restresresrest meimemeI’m inin vnrestunrest,
wln 2007DissemblingDissembling quietquiet inin vnquietnesunquietness,
wln 2008NotNot seemingseeming thatthat II knowknow theirtheir villaniesvillainies:
wln 2009ThatThat mymy simplicitiesimplicity maymay makemake themthem thinkthink,
wln 2010ThatThat ignorantlyignorantly II willwill letlet allall slipslip:
wln 2011ForFor ignoranceignorance II wotwot, andand well●ellwell theythey knowknow,
wln 2012RemediumRemedium malorummalorum inersiners estest.
wln 2013NorNor oughtaught auailesavails itit meme toto menacemenace themthem,
wln 2014WhoWho asas aa wintriewintry stormestorm vponupon aa plaineplain,
wln 2015WillWill bearebear meme downedown withwith theirtheir nobilitienobility.
wln 2016NoNo, nono, HieronimoHieronimo, thouthou mustmust enioyneenjoin
wln 2017ThineThine eieseyes toto obseruationobservation, andand thythy tung●ungtongue
wln 2018ToTo mildermilder speechesspeeches, thenthan thythy spiritspirit affoordsaffords,
wln 2019ThyThy hartheart toto patiencepatience, andand thythy handshands toto restrest,
wln 2020ThyThy CappeCap toto cuttesiecurtesiecutte●iecourtesy, andand thythy kneeknee toto bowbow,
wln 2021TillTill toto reuenge〈◊〉revenge thouthou knowknow whenwhen, wherewhere, andand howhow.
wln 2022HowHow nownow, whatwhat noisenoise, whatwhat coilecoil isis thatthat youyou keepekeep?
wln 2023AA noisenoise withinwithin.
wln 2024EnterEnter aa SeruantServant.
wln 2025Ser.ServantSer.HeereHere areare aa sortsort ofof poorepoor PetitionersPetitioners,
wln 2026ThatThat areare importunateimportunate andand itit shallshall pleaseplease youyou sirsir,
wln 2027ThatThat youyou shouldshould pleadplead theirtheir casescases toto thethe KingKing.
wln 2028Hiero.HieronimoHiero.ThatThat II shouldshould pleadplead theirtheir seuerallseveral actionsactions,
wln 2029WhyWhy letlet themthem enterenter, andand letlet meme seesee themthem.
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The Spanish tragedie.
wln 2030EnterEnter threethree CittizensCitizens andand anan oldeold ManMan.
wln 203111. Citizen1SoSo II telltell youyou thisthis forfor learninglearning andand forfor lawlaw,
wln 2032TheresThere’sthere’s notnot anyany aduocateadvocate inin SpaineSpain,
wln 2033ThatThat cancan preuaileprevail, oror willwill taketake halfehalf thethe painepain,
wln 2034ThatThat hehe willwill inin pursuitepursuit ofof equitieequity.
wln 2035Hiero.HieronimoHiero.ComeCome neerenear youyou menmen thatthat thusthus importuneimportune meme,
wln 2036NowNow mustmust II bearebear aa faceface ofof grauitiegravity,
wln 2037ForFor thusthus II vsdeused beforebefore mymy MarshalshipMarshalship,
wln 2038ToTo pleadeplead inin causescauses asas CorrigedorCorregidorcorregidor.
wln 2039ComeCome onon sirssirs, whatswhat’s thethe mattermatter?
wln 204022. Citizen2SirSir anan ActionAction.
wln 2041Hiero.HieronimoHiero.OfOf BatterieBattery?
wln 204211. Citizen1MineMine ofof debtdebt.
wln 2043Hiero.HieronimoHiero.GiueGive placeplace.
wln 204422. Citizen2NoNo sirsir, minemine isis anan actionaction ofof thethe casecase.
wln 204533. Citizen3MineMine anan EiectioneEjectioneEjection firmafirmaefirma byby aa LeaseLease.
wln 2046Hiero.HieronimoHiero.ContentContent youyou sirssirs, areare youyou determineddetermined,
wln 2047ThatThat II shouldshould pleadplead youryour seuerallseveral actionsactions?
wln 204811. Citizen1IAyay sirsir, andand heereshere’s mymy declarationdeclaration,
wln 204922. Citizen2AndAnd heerehere isis mymy bandband.
wln 205033. Citizen3AndAnd heerehere isis mymy leaselease.
wln 2051TheyThey giuegive himhim paperpaper:
wln 2052Hiero.HieronimoHiero.ButBut whereforewherefore standsstands yonyonyond sillysilly manman soso mutemute,
wln 2053WithWith mournfullmournful eyeseyes andand handshands toto heauenheaven vpreardeupreared?
wln 2054ComeCome hetherhither fatherfather, letlet meme knowknow thythy causecause.
wln 2055SenexSenex.OO worthyworthy sirsir, mymy causecause butbut slightlyslightly knowneknown,
wln 2056MayMay moouemove thethe hartshearts ofof warlikewarlike MyrmydonsMyrmy donsMyrmidons,
wln 2057AndAnd meltmelt thethe CorsickeCorsic rockesrocks withwith ruthfullruthful tearestears.
wln 2058Hiero.HieronimoHiero.SaySay FatherFather, telltell meme whatswhat’s thythy sutesuit?
wln 2059SenexSenex.NoNo sirsir, couldcould mymy woeswoes
wln 2060GiueGive wayway vntounto mymy mostmost distresfulldistressful wordswords,
wln 2061ThenThen shouldshould II notnot inin paperpaper asas youyou seesee,
wln 2062WithWith inckeink bewraybewray, whatwhat bloodblood beganbegan inin meme.
wln 2063Hiero.HieronimoHiero.WhatsWhat’swhat’s heerehere? thethe humblehumble supplicationsupplication
wln 2064OfOf DonDon BazultoBazulto forfor hishis murdredmurdered sonneson.
wln 2065SenexSenex.IAyI SirSir.
wln 2066Hiero.HieronimoHiero.NoNo sirsir, itit waswas mymy murdredmurdered sonneson, oho mymy sonneson.
img: 31-asig: H2v
The Spanish Tragedie.
wln 2067MyMy sonneson, oho mymy sonneson Horatio〈◊〉Horatio.
wln 2068ButBut minemine, oror thinethine, Bazulto〈◊〉Bazulto bebe contentcontent.
wln 2069HeereHere, taketake mymy hand-kercherhandkercher andand wipewipe thinethine eieseyes,
wln 2070WhilesWhiles wretchedwretched II, inin thythy mishapsmishaps maymay seesee,
wln 2071TheThe liuelylively portraictportrait ofof mymy dyingdying selfeself,
wln 2072HeHe drawethdraweth outout aa bloudiebloody NapkinNapkin.
wln 2073OO nono, notnot thisthis, HoratioHoratio thisthis waswas thinethine,
wln 2074AndAnd whenwhen II dydedyeddied itit inin thythy deerestdearest bloodblood,
wln 2075ThisThis waswas aa tokentoken twixttwixt thythy soulesoul andand meme,
wln 2076ThatThat ofof thythy deathdeath reuengedrevenged II shouldshould bebe.
wln 2077ButBut heerehere, taketake thisthis, andand thisthis, whatwhat mymy pursepurse?
wln 2078IAyI thisthis andand thatthat, andand allall ofof themthem areare thinethine,
wln 2079ForFor allall asas oneone areare ourour extremetiesextremities.
wln 208011. Citizen1OhOhO, seesee thethe kindeneskindness ofof HieronimoHieronimo.
wln 208122. Citizen2ThisThis gentlenesgentleness shewesshows himhim aa GentlemanGentleman.
wln 2082Hiero.HieronimoHiero.SeeSee, seesee, ohoho seesee thythy shameshame HieronimoHieronimo,
wln 2083SeeSee heerehere aa louingloving FatherFather toto hishis sonneson:
wln 2084BeholdeBehold thethe sorrowessorrows andand thethe sadsad lamentslaments,
wln 2085ThatThat hehe deliuerethdelivereth forfor hishis sonnesson’s diceasedecease.
wln 2086IfIf loueslove’s effectseffects soso striuesstrives inin lesserlesser thingsthings,
wln 2087IfIf louelove enforceenforce suchsuch moodesmoods inin meanermeaner witswits,
wln 2088IfIf louelove expresseexpress suchsuch powerpower inin poorepoor estatesestates:
wln 2089HieronimoHieronimo, When asWhenaswhenas aa ragingraging SeaSea,
wln 2090TostTossedtossed withwith thethe windewind andand tidetide oreo’er turnestturnest thenthen
wln 2091TheThe vpperupper billowesbillows coursecourse ofof waueswaves toto keepkeep,
wln 2092WhilestWhilst lesserlesser waterswaters labourlaborlabour inin thethe deepedeep.
wln 2093ThenThen shamestshamest thouthou notnot HieronimoHieronimo toto neglectneglect,
wln 2094TheThe sweetsweet reuengerevenge ofof thythy HoratioHoratio.
wln 2095ThoughThough onon thisthis earthearth iusticejustice willwill notnot bebe foundfound:
wln 2096IleI’ll downedown toto hellhell andand inin thisthis passionpassion,
wln 2097KnockKnock atat thethe dismalldismal gatesgates ofof PlutosPluto’s CourtCourt,
wln 2098GettingGetting byby forceforce asas onceonce AlcidesAlcides diddid,
wln 2099AA troupetroop ofof furiesfuries andand tormentingtormenting haggeshags,
wln 2100ToTo torturetorture DonDon LorenzoLorenzo andand thethe restrest.
wln 2101YetYet leastlest thethe triple headedtriple-headedtriple headed porterporter shouldshould,
wln 2102DenyeDeny mymy passagepassage toto thethe slimyslimy strondstrand:
wln 2103TheThe Thracian〈◊〉Thracian PoetPoet thouthou shaltshalt counterfeitecounterfeit:
img: 31-bsig: H3r
The Spanish Tragedie.
wln 2104ComeCome onon oldeold FatherFather bebe mymy OrpheusOrphe●sOrpheus,
wln 2105AndAnd ifif thouthou canstcanst nono notesnotes vponupon thethe HarpeHarp,
wln 2106ThenThen soundsound thethe burdenburden ofof thythy soreforesorefore hartsheart’s greefegrief,
wln 2107TillTill wewe dodo gainegain thatthat ProserpineProserpine maymay grauntgrant,
wln 2108ReuengeRevenge onon themthem thatthat murdredmurdered mymy SonneSon,
wln 2109ThenThen willwill II rentrent andand tearetear themthem thusthus andand thusthus,
wln 2110ShiueringShivering theirtheir limmeslimbs inin peecespieces withwith mymy teethteeth.
wln 2111TeareTear thethe PapersPapers.
wln 211211. Citizen1OhOhO sirsir mymy DeclarationDeclaration.
wln 2113ExitExit HieronimoHieronimo andand theythey afterafter.
wln 211422. Citizen2SaueSave mymy bondbond.
wln 2115EnterEnter HieronimoHieronim●Hieronimo.
wln 211622. Citizen2SaueSave mymy bondbond.
wln 211733. Citizen3AlasAlas mymy leaselease, itit costcost meme tenten poundpound,
wln 2118AndAnd youyou mymy LordLord hauehave tornetorn thethe samesame.
wln 2119Hiero.HieronimoHiero.ThatThat cancan notnot bebe, II gauegave itit neuernever aa woundwound,
wln 2120ShewShow meme oneone dropdrop ofof bloudblood fallfall fromfrom thethe samesame:
wln 2121HowHow isis itit possiblepossible II shouldshould slaystaystayslay itit thenthen,
wln 2122TushTush nono, runrun afterafter, catchcatch meme ifif youyou cancan.
wln 2123ExeuntExeunt allall butbut thethe oldeold manman.
wln 2124BazultoBazulto remainesremains tilltill HieronimoHieronimo entersenters againeagain, whowho
wln 2125staringstaring himhim inin thethe faceface speakesspeaks.
wln 2126Hiero.HieronimoHiero.AndAnd artart thouthou comecome HoratioHoratio fromfrom thethe depthdepth,
wln 2127ToTo askeask forfor iusticejustice inin thisthis vpperupper earthearth?
wln 2128ToTo telltell thythy FatherFather thouthou artart vnreueng’dunrevenged,
wln 2129ToTo wringwring moremore tearestears fromfrom IsabellasIsabella’s eieseyes?
wln 2130WhoseWhose lightslights areare dimddimmed withwith ouer-longoverlong lamentslaments.
wln 2131GoeGo backback mymy sonneson, complainecomplain toto EacusAeacus,
wln 2132ForFor heereshere’s nono iusticejustice, gentlegentle boyboy bebe gonegone.
wln 2133ForFor iusticejustice isis exiledexiled fromfrom thethe earthearth:
wln 2134HeronimoHieronimoHeronimo willwill bearebear theethee companycompany:
wln 2135ThyThy mothermother criescries onon righteousrighteous RadamantRhadamant,
wln 2136ForFor iustjust reuengerevenge againstagainst thethe murderersmurderers.
wln 2137SenexSenex.AlasAlas mymy L.LordL. whencewhence springsspri●gssprings thisthis troubledtroubled speechspeech?
wln 2138Hiero.HieronimoHiero.ButBut letlet meme lookelook onon mymy Horatio〈◊〉Horatio:
wln 2139SweetSweet boyboy howhow artart thouthou chang’dchanged inin deathsdeath’sdeaths blackblack shadeshade?
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The Spanish tragedie.
wln 2140HadHad ProserpineProserpine nono pittiepity onon thythy youthyouth?
wln 2141ButBut sufferedsuffered thythy fairfair crimson colourdcrimson-coloredcrimson coloured springspring,
wln 2142WithWith witheredwithered winterwinter toto bebe blastedblasted thusthus?
wln 2143HoratioHoratio, thouthou artart olderolder thenthan thythy FatherFather:
wln 2144AhAh ruthlesseruthless FatherFather, thatthat fauourfavorfavour thusthus transformesstransforms
wln 2145Ba.BazultoBa.AhAh mymy goodgood LordLord, II amam notnot youryour yongyoung SonneSon.
wln 2146Hie.HieronimoHie.WhatWhat, notnot mymy SonneSon●eSon, thouthou thenthen, aa furiefury artart,
wln 2147SentSent fromfrom thethe emptieempty KingdomeKingdom ofof blackeblack nightnight,
wln 2148ToTo summonsummon meme toto makemake appearanceappearance:
wln 2149BeforeBefore grimgrim MynosMinos andand iustjust RadamantRhadamant.
wln 2150ToTo plagueplague HieronimoHieronimo thatthat isis remisseremiss,
wln 2151AndAnd seekesseeks notnot vengeancevengeance forfor HoratioesHoratio’s. deathdeath.
wln 2152Ba.BazultoBa.II amam aa greeuedgrieved manman andand notnot aa GhostGhost,
wln 2153ThatThat camecame forfor iusticejustice forfor mymy murderedmurdered SonneSon.
wln 2154Hie.HieronimoHie.IAyay, nownow II knowknow theethee, nownow thouthou namestnamest mymy SonneSon,
wln 2155ThouThou artart thethe liuelylively imageimage ofof mymy griefegrief,
wln 2156WithinWithin thythy faceface, mymy sorrowessorrows II maymay seesee.
wln 2157ThyThy eyeseyes areare gum’dgummed withwith tearestears, thythy cheekescheeks areare wanwan,
wln 2158ThyThy foreheadforehead troubledtroubled, andand thythy muttringmuttering lipslips
wln 2159MurmureMurmur sadsad wordswords abruptlyabruptly brokenbroken offoff,
wln 2160ByBy forceforce ofof windiewindy sighessighs thythy spiritspirit breathesbreathes,
wln 2161AndAnd allall thisthis sorrowsorrow risethriseth forfor thythy SonneSon:
wln 2162AndAnd selfe sameselfsameself same sorrowsorrow feelefeel II forfor mymy SonneSon.
wln 2163ComeCome inin oldold manman, thouthou shaltshalt toto IzabellIsabel,
wln 2164LeaneLean onon mymy armearm, II theethee, thouthou meme shaltshalt staystay,
wln 2165AndAnd thouthou, andand II, andand sheshe willwill singsing aa songsong:
wln 2166ThreeThree partsparts inin oneone, butbut allall ofof discordsdiscords fram’dframed,
wln 2167TalkeTalk notnot ofof cordscords, butbut letlet vsus nownow bebe gonegone,
wln 2168ForFor withwith aa cordcord HoratioHoratio waswas slaineslain.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 2169EnterEnter KingKing ofof SpaineSpain, thethe DukeDuke, Vice-royViceroy, andand LorenzoLorenzo,
wln 2170BalthazarBalthazar, DonDon PedroPedro, andand BelimperiaB●limperiaBel-imperia.
wln 2171KingKing.GoGo BrotherBrother itit isis thethe DukeDuke ofof CastilesCastile’sCastiles causecause, salutesalute thethe
wln 2172Vice-royVice royViceroyVice roy. inin ourour namename.
wln 2173CastileCasti●●cCastile.II gogo.
wln 2174Vice.ViceroyVice.GoGo forthforth DonDon PedroPedro forfor thythy NephewsNephew’snephew’s sakesake,
wln 2175AndAnd greetgreet thethe DukeDuke ofof CastileCastileCastille.
wln 2176Pedro.Pedro.ItIt shallshall bebe soso.
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The Spanish tragedie.
wln 2177KingKing.AndAnd nownow toto meetmeet thesethese PortaguisePortuguese,
wln 2178ForFor asas wewe nownow areare, soso sometimessometimes werewere thesethese,
wln 2179KingsKings andand commanderscommanders ofof thethe westernewestern IndiesIndies.
wln 2180WelcomeWelcome brauebrave Vice-royViceroy toto thethe CourtCourt ofof SpaineSpain,
wln 2181AndAnd welcomewelcome allall hishis honorablehonorablehonourable trainetrain:
wln 2182Tis’Tis notnot vnknowneunknown toto vsus, forfor whywhy youyou comecome,
wln 2183OrOr hauehave soso kinglykingly crostcrossed thethe SeasSeas:
wln 2184SuffisethSufficeth itit inin thisthis wewe notenote thethe trothtroth,
wln 2185AndAnd moremore thenthan commoncommon louelove youyou lendlend toto vsus.
wln 2186SoSo isis itit thatthat minemine honorablehonorablehonourable NeiceNe●ceNiece,
wln 2187ForFor itit beseemesbeseems vsus nownow thatthat itit bebe knowneknown,
wln 2188AlreadyAlready isis betroth’dbetrothed toto BalthazarBal●hazarBalthazar:
wln 2189AndAnd byby appointmentappointment andand ourour condiscentcondescendcondiscent,
wln 2190To morrowTomorrow areare theythey toto bebe marriedmarried.
wln 2191ToTo thisthis intentintent wewe entertaineentertain thy selfethyself,
wln 2192ThyThy followersfollowers, theirtheir pleasurepleasure, andand ourour peacepeace:
wln 2193SpeakSpeak menmen ofof PortingalePortingale, shallshall itit bebe soso?
wln 2194IfIf IAyI, saysay soso: ifif notnot, saysay flatlyflatly nono.
wln 2195Vice.ViceroyVice.RenowmedRenowned KingKing, II comecome notnot asas thouthou thinkstthink’stthinkst,
wln 2196WithWith doubtfulldoubtful followersfollowers, vnresoluedunresolved menmen,
wln 2197ButBut suchsuch asas hauehave vponupon thinethine articlesarticles,
wln 2198ConfirmedConfirmed thythy motionmotion andand contentedcontented meme.
wln 2199KnowKnow soueraignesovereign, II comecome toto solemnizesolemnize
wln 2200TheThe marriagemarriage ofof thythy belouedbeloved NeeceNiece,
wln 2201FaireFair Bel-imperiaBel-imperia withwith mymy BalthazarBalthazar.
wln 2202WithWith theethee mymy SonneSon, whomwhom sithsith II liuelive toto seesee;
wln 2203HeereHere taketake mymy CrowneCrown, II giuegive itit herher andand theethee,
wln 2204AndAnd letlet meme liuelive aa solitariesolitary lifelife,
wln 2205InIn ceaselesseceaseless praiersprayers,
wln 2206ToTo thinkthink howhow strangelystrangely heauenheaven hathhath theethee preseruedpreserved.
wln 2207KingKing,SeeSee brotherbrother, seesee, howhow naturenature striuesstrives inin himhim,
wln 2208ComeCome worthyworthy Vice-royViceroy andand accompanyaccompany
wln 2209ThyThy freendfriend, withwith thinethine extremitiesextremities:
wln 2210AA placeplace moremore priuateprivate fitsfits thisthis princelyprincely moodmood.
wln 2211Vice.ViceroyVice.OrOr heerehere oror wherewhere youryour highneshighness thinksthinks itit goodgood.
wln 2212ExeuntExeunt allall butbut CastCas●CastileCast andand Lor.LorenzoLor.
wln 2213Cas.CastileCas.NayNay staystay LorenzoLo●enzoLorenzo, letlet meme talketalk withwith youyou,
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The Spanish tragedie.
wln 2214SeestSeest thouthou thisthis entertainemententertainment ofof theseth●sethese KingsKings?
wln 2215Lor.LorenzoLor.II doedo mymy LordLord, andand ioyjoy toto seesee thethe samesame.
wln 2216Cas.CastileCas.AndAnd knowestknowest thouthou whywhy thisthis meetingmeeting isis?
wln 2217Lor.LorenzoLor.ForFor herher mymy LordLord, whomwhom BalthazarBal●haz●rBalthazar dothdoth louelove,
wln 2218AndAnd toto confirmeconfirm theirtheir promisedpromised marriagemarriage.
wln 2219Cas.CastileCas.SheShe isis thythy SisterSister?
wln 2220Lor.LorenzoLor.WhoWho Bel-imprriaBel-imperiaBel-imprriaBel-imperia, IAyI mymy gratiousgracious LordLord,
wln 2221AndAnd thisthis isis thethe dayday, thatthat II hauehave longdlonged soso happilyhappily toto seesee.
wln 2222Cas.CastileCas.ThouThou wouldstwouldst bebe loathloath thatthat anyany faultfa●ltfault ofof thinethine,
wln 2223ShouldShould interceptintercept herher inin herher happineshappiness.
wln 2224Lor.LorenzoLor.HeauensHeaven’sheaven’s willwill notnot letlet LorenzoL●renzoLorenzo erreerr soso muchmuch,
wln 2225Cas.CastileCas.WhyWhy thenthen LorenzoLorenzo listenlisten toto mymy wordswords:
wln 2226ItIt isis suspectedsuspected andand reportedreported tootoo,
wln 2227ThatThat thouthou LorenzoLorenzo wrongstwrong’st HieronimoHieronimo.
wln 2228AndAnd inin hishis sutessuits towardstowards hishis MaiestieMajesty,
wln 2229StillStill keepstkeep’st himhim backback, andand seeksseeks toto crossecross hishis sutesuit.
wln 2230Lor.LorenzoLor.ThatThat II mymy LordLord?
wln 2231Cas.CastileCas.II telltell theethee SonneSon my selfemyself hauehave heardheard itit saidsaid,
wln 2232WhenWhen toto mymy sorrowsorrow II hauehave beenebeen ashamedashamed
wln 2233ToTo answereanswer forfor theethee, thoughthough thouthou artart mymy sonneson,
wln 2234LorenzoLorenzo, knowestknowest thouthou notnot thethe commoncommon louelove,
wln 2235AndAnd kindeneskindness thatthat HieronimoHieronimo hathhath wonewon,
wln 2236ByBy hishis desertsdeserts withinwithin thethe CourtCourt ofof SpaineSpain?
wln 2237OrOr seestseest thouthou notnot thethe K.KingK. mymy brothersbrother’s carecare,
wln 2238InIn hishis behalfebehalf, andand toto procureprocure hishis healthhealth?
wln 2239LorenzoLorenzo, shouldstshouldst thouthou thwartthwart hishis passionspassions,
wln 2240AndAnd heehe exclaimeexclaim againstagainst theethee toto thethe KingKing,
wln 2241WhatWhat honourhonorhonour wertwere ’twert inin thisthis assemblyassembly,
wln 2242OrOr whatwhat aa scandalescandal wertwere ’twert amongamong thethe KingsKings,
wln 2243ToTo hearehear HieronimoHieronimo exclaimeexclaim onon theethee.
wln 2244TellTell meme, andand lookelook thouthou telltell meme truelytruly tootoo,
wln 2245WhenceWhence growesgrows thethe groundground ofof thisthis reportreport inin CourtCourt.
wln 2246Lor.LorenzoLor.MyMy L.LordL. itit lyeslies notnot inin LorenzosLorenzo’s powerpower,
wln 2247ToTo stopstop thethe vulgarvulgar liberallliberal ofof theirtheir tonguestongues:
wln 2248AA smallsmall aduantageadvantage makesmakes aa waterwater breachbreach,
wln 2249AndAnd nono manman liueslives thatthat longlong contentethcontenteth allall.
wln 2250Cas.CastileCas.My selfeMyselfmyself hauehave seeneseen theethee busiebusy toto keepkeep backback,
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The Spanish tragedie.
wln 2251HimHim andand hishis supplicationssupplications fromfrom thethe KingKing.
wln 2252Lor.LorenzoLor.Your selfeYourselfyourself mymy L.LordL. hathhath seeneseen hishis passionspassions,
wln 2253ThatThat illill beseemdebeseemed thethe presencepresence ofof aa KingKing,
wln 2254AndAnd forfor II pittiedpitied himhim inin hishis distressedistress,
wln 2255II heldeheld himhim thencethence withwith kindekind andand curteouscourteous wordswords,
wln 2256AsAs freefree fromfrom malicemalice toto HieronimoHieronimo,
wln 2257AsAs toto mymy soulesoul mymy LordLord.
wln 2258Cas.CastileCas.HieronimoHieronimo mymy sonneson, mistakesmistakes theethee thenthen,
wln 2259Lor.LorenzoLor.MyMy gratiousgracious FatherFather, beleeuebelieve meme soso hehe dothdoth,
wln 2260ButBut whatswhat’s aa sillysilly manman distractdistract inin mindemind.
wln 2261ToTo thinkthink vponupon thethe murdermurder ofof hishis sonneson:
wln 2262AlasAlas, howhow easieeasy isis itit forfor himhim toto erreerr?
wln 2263ButBut forfor hishis satisfactionsatisfaction andand thethe worldsworlds,
wln 2264Twere’Twere’twere goodgood mymy L.LordL. thatthat HieronimoHieronimo andand II,
wln 2265WereWere reconcildereconciled, ifif hehe misconstermisconstermisconstrue meme.
wln 2266Cas.CastileCas.LorenzoLorenzo thouthou hasthast saidsaid, itit shalbeshall be soso,
wln 2267GoeGo oneone ofof youyou andand callcall HieronimoHieronimo.
wln 2268EnterEnter BalthazarBalthazar andaudand Bel-imperiaB●l-imperiaBel-imperia.
wln 2269Bal.BalthazarBal.ComeCome Bel-imperieBel-imperiaBel-imperie, BalthazarsBalthazar’s contentcontent,
wln 2270MyMy sorrowessorrow’s easeease andand soueraignesovereign ofof mymy blissebliss,
wln 2271SithSith heauenheaven hathhath ordaindeorordainedordaindedeigned theethee toto bebe minemine:
wln 2272DisperceDispersedisperse thosethose cloudesclouds andand melancholliemelancholy lookeslooks,
wln 2273AndAnd cleereclear themthem vpup withwith thosethose thythy Sunne brightSun-brightSun bright eieseyes,
wln 2274WhereinWherein mymy hopehope andand heauensheaven’sheavens faitefairefai●efair beautiebeauty lieslies.
wln 2275Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.MyMy lookeslooks mymy LordLord, areare fittingfitting forfor mymy louelove,
wln 2276WhichWhich newnew begunbegun, cancan shewshow, brighterbrighter yetyet.
wln 2277Bal.BalthazarBal.NewNew kindledkindled flamesflames shouldshould burneburn asas morningmorning SunSun.
wln 2278Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.ButBut notnot tootoo fastfast, leastlestleast heateheat andand allall bebe donedone.
wln 2279II seesee mymy LordLord mymy FatherFather.
wln 2280Bal.BalthazarBal.TruceTruce mymy louelove, II willwill goego salutesalute himhim.
wln 2281Cas.CastileCas.WelcomeWelcome BalthazarBalthazar, welcomewelcome brauebrave PrincePrinc●Prince,
wln 2282TheThe pledgepledge ofof CastilesCastile’sCastiles peacepeace:
wln 2283AndAnd welcomewelcome Bel-imperiaBel-imperia, howhow nownow girlegirl?
wln 2284WhyWh●Why commestcomest thouthou sadlysadly toto salutesalute vsus thusthus?
wln 2285ContentContent thy selfethyself forfor II amam satisfiedsatisfied,
wln 2286ItIt isis notnot nownow asas whenwhen AndreaAndrea liu’dlived,
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The Spanish Tragedie.
wln 2287WeWe hauehave forgottenforgotten andand forgiuenforgiven thatthat,
wln 2288AndAnd thouthou artart gracedgraced withwith aa happierhappier louelove,
wln 2289ButBut BalthazarBalthazar heerehere comescomes HieronimoHieronimo.
wln 2290IleI’ll hauehave aa wordword withwith himhim.
wln 2291EnterEnter HieronimoHieronimo andand aa SeruantServant.
wln 2292Hiero.HieronimoHiero.AndAnd whereswhere’s thethe DukeDuke?
wln 2293Ser.ServantSer.yonderyonder.
wln 2294Hiero.HieronimoHiero.EuenEveneven soso: whatwhat newnew deuicedevice hauehave theythey deuiseddevised trotrow?
wln 2295PocasPocas PalabrasPalabras, mildemild asas thethe LambeLamb,
wln 2296IstIs ’tIs’t II willwill bebe reueng’drevenged? nono, II amam notnot thethe manman.
wln 2297Cas.CastileCas.WelcomeWelcome HieronimoHieronimo.
wln 2298Lor.LorenzoLor.WelcomeWelcome HieronimoHieronimo.
wln 2299Bal.BalthazarBal.WelcomeWelcome HieronimoHieronimo.
wln 2300Hiero.HieronimoHiero.MyMy LordsLords II thankthank youyou forfor HoratioHoratio.
wln 2301Cas.CastileCas.HieronimoHieronimo, thethe reasonreason thatthat II sentsent
wln 2302ToTo speakspeak withwith youyou, isis thisthis.
wln 2303Hiero.HieronimoHiero.WhatWhat, soso shortshort?
wln 2304ThenThen ileI’ll bebe gonegone, II thankthank youyou fortfor ’tfor’t:
wln 2305Cas.CastileCas.NayNay, staystay HieronimoHieronimo, goego callcall himhim sonneson.
wln 2306HieronimoHieronimo, mymy fatherfather crauescraves aa wordword withwith youyou.
wln 2307Hiero.HieronimoHiero.WithWith meme sirsir? whywhy mymy L.LordL. II thoughtthought youyou hadhad donedone.
wln 2308Lor.LorenzoLor.NoNo, wouldwould hehe hadhad.
wln 2309Cas.CastileCas.HieronimoHieronimo, II hearhear youyou findefind your selfeyourself agreeuedaggrieved atat mymy (SonneSon,
wln 2310BecauseBecause youyou hauehave notnot accesseaccess vntounto thethe KiingKingK●ingKing,
wln 2311AndAnd saysay tis’tis hehe thatthat interceptsintercepts youryour sutessuits.
wln 2312Hiero.HieronimoHiero.WhyWhy, isis notnot thisthis aa miserablemiserable thingthing mymy LordLord?
wln 2313Cas.CastileCas.HieronimoHieronimo, II hopehope youyou hauehave nono causecause,
wln 2314AndAnd wouldwould bebe lothloath thatthat oneone ofof youryour desertsdeserts,
wln 2315ShouldShould onceonce hauehave reasonreason toto suspectsuspect mymy SonneSon,
wln 2316ConsideringConsidering howhow II thinkthink ofof youyou my selfemyself.
wln 2317Hiero.HieronimoHiero.YourYour sonneson LorenzoLorenzo, whomewhom, mymy noblenoble LordLord?
wln 2318TheThe hopehope ofof SpaineSpain, minemine honourablehonorablehonourable freendfriend?
wln 2319GrauntGrant meme thethe combatcombat ofof themthem, ifif theythey daredare.
wln 2320DrawesDraws outout hishis swordsword.
wln 2321IleI’ll meetmeet himhim faceface toto faceface toto telltell meme soso.
wln 2322TheseThese bebe thethe scandalousscandalous reportsreports ofof suchsuch,
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The Spanish tragedie.
wln 2323AsAs louesloves notnot meme, andand hatehate mymy LordLord tootoo muchmuch.
wln 2324ShouldShould II suspectsuspect LorenzoLorenzo wouldwould preuentprevent,
wln 2325OrOr crossecross mymy sutesuit, thatthat louedloved mymy SonneSon soso wellwell.
wln 2326MyMy LordLord, II amam ashamedashamed itit shouldshould bebe saidsaid.
wln 2327Lor.LorenzoLor.HieronimoHieronimo, II neuernever gauegave youyou causecause.
wln 2328Hero.HieronimoHero.MyMy goodgood LordLord, II knowknow youyou diddid notnot.
wln 2329Cas.CastileCas.ThereThere thenthen pausepause, andand forfor thethe satisfactionsatisfaction ofof thethe (worldworld,
wln 2330HieronimoHieronimo frequentfrequent mymy homelyhomely househouse,
wln 2331TheThe DukeDuke ofof CastileCastileCastille CipriansCyprian’s ancientancient seatseat,
wln 2332AndAnd whenwhen thouthou wiltwilt, vseuse meme, mymy sonneson, andand itit:
wln 2333ButBut heerehere beforebefore PrincePrince BalthazarBalthazar andand meme,
wln 2334EmbraceEmbrace eacheach otherother, andand bebe perfectperfect freendsfriends.
wln 2335Hiero.HieronimoHiero.IAyI marrymarry mymy LordLord, andand shallshall:
wln 2336FreendsFriends (quothquoth hehe) seesee, IleI’ll bebe freendsfriends withwith youyou allall.
wln 2337SpeciallySpecially withwith youyou mymy louelylovely LordLord,
wln 2338ForFor diuersdivers causescauses itit isis sitfitsitfit forfor vsus,
wln 2339ThatThat wewe bebe freendsfriends, thethe worldworld isis suspitioussuspicious,
wln 2340AndAnd menmen maymay thinkthink whatwhat wewe imagineimagine notnot.
wln 2341Bal.BalthazarBal.WhyWhy thisthis isis freendlyfriendly doonedone HieronimoHieronimo.
wln 2342Lor.LorenzoLor.AndAnd thatthat II hopehope oldeold grudgesgrudges areare forgotforgot.
wln 2343Hiero.HieronimoHiero.WhatWhat elselse, itit werewere aa shameshame itit shouldshonldshould notnot bebe soso.
wln 2344Cas.CastileCas.ComeCome onon HieronimoHieronimo atat mymy requestrequest,
wln 2345LetLet vsus entreatentreat youryour companycompany to daytoday.
wln 2346ExeuntExeunt.
wln 2347Hiero.HieronimoHiero.YorYouryour LordshipsLordship’sLordships toto commaundcommand,
wln 2348PhaPahPha: keepkeep youryour wayway.
wln 2349MiMi.Mi.Mi.. ChiChi mimi fafasa? PuiPiùPui CorrezzaCorrezza CheChe nonnon sulesule
wln 2350TraditoTradito vihaviha ootradeotradeo tradetrade vulevule.ExitExit.
wln 2351EnterEnter GhoastGhost andand ReuengeRevenge.
wln 2352GhostGhost.
wln 2353AwakeAwake EricthaErichtha, CerberusCerberus awakeawake,
wln 2354SolliciteSolicit PlutoPluto gentlegentle ProserpineProserpine,
wln 2355ToTo combatcombat AchinonAchinon andand EricusEricus inin hellhell.
wln 2356ForFor neerene’er byby StixStyx andand PhlegetonPhlegethonPhlegeton:
wln 2357NorNor ferriedferried CaronCharon toto thethe fieriefiery lakeslak●slakes,
wln 2358SuchSuch fearfullfearful sightssights, asas poorepoor AndreaAndrea seesee?
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The Spanish Tragedie.
wln 2359ReuengeRe●engeRevenge awakeawake.
wln 2360ReuengeRevenge.
wln 2361AwakeAwake, forfor whywhy?
wln 2362GhostGhost.
wln 2363AwakeAwake ReuengeRevenge, forfor thouthou artart illill aduisdeadvised,
wln 2364ThsleepeTh●sleepeTh’ sleepTh●sleepe, awayaway, whatwhat, thouthou artart warndwarned toto watchwatch.
wln 2365ReuengeRevenge.
wln 2366ContentContent thy selfethyself, andand doedo notnot troubletrouble meme.
wln 2367GhostGhost.
wln 2368AwakeAwake ReuengeRevenge, ifif louelove asas louelove hathhath hadhad,
wln 2369HaueHave yetyet thethe powerpower oror preuailanceprevailance inin hellhell,
wln 2370HieronimoHieronimo withwith LorenzoLorenzo isis ioyndejoined inin leagueleague,
wln 2371AndAnd interceptsintercepts ourour passagepassage toto reuengerevenge:
wln 2372AwakeAwake ReuengeRevenge, oror wewe areare woewoe degonebegonedegonebegone.
wln 2373ReuengeRevenge.
wln 2374ThusThus worldlingsworldlings groundground whatwhat theythey hauehave dreamddreameddreamt vponupon,
wln 2375ContentContent thy selfethyself AndreaAndrea, thoughthough II sleepesleep,
wln 2376YetYet isis mymy moodmood solicitingsoliciting theirtheir soulessouls,
wln 2377SufficethSufficeth theethee thatthat poorepoor HieronimoHieronimo,
wln 2378CannotCannot forgetforget hishis sonneson HoratioHoratio.
wln 2379NorNor diesdies ReuengeRevenge althoughalthough hehe sleepesleep aa whilewhile,
wln 2380ForFor inin vnquietunquiet, quietnesquietness isis faindfeigned:
wln 2381AndAnd slumbringslumbering isis aa commoncommon worldlyworldly wilewile,
wln 2382BeholdeBehold AndreaAndrea forfor anan instanceinstance howhow,
wln 2383ReuengeRevenge hathhath sleptslept, andand thenthen imagineimagine thouthou,
wln 2384WhatWhat tis’tis toto bebe subiectsubject toto destiniedestiny.
wln 2385EnterEnter aa dummedumb shewshow.
wln 2386GhostGhost.
wln 2387AwakeAwake ReuengeRevenge, reuealereveal thisthis misteriemystery.
wln 2388ReuengeRevenge.
wln 2389TheThe twotwo firstfirst thethe nuptiallnuptial TorchesTorchestorch’s boareboreboar,
wln 2390AsAs brightlybrightly burningburning asas thethe mid-daiesmidday’s sunnesun:
wln 2391ButBut afterafter themthem dothdoth HimenHymen hiehie asas fastfast,
wln 2392ClothedClothed inin sable●ablesable, andand aa SaffronSaffron roberobe,
wln 2393AndAnd blowesblows themthem outout, andand quenchethquencheth themthem withwith bloodblood,
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The Spanish Tragedie.
wln 2394AsAs discontentdiscontent thatthat thingsthings continuecontinue soso.
wln 2395GhostGhost.
wln 2396SufficethSufficeth meme thythy meaningsmeaning’smeanings vnderstoodunderstood,
wln 2397AndAnd thanksthanks toto theethee andand thosethose infernallinfernal powerspowers,
wln 2398ThatThat willwill notnot tolleratetolerate aa LouersLover’slover’s woewoe,
wln 2399RestRest theethee forfor II willwill sitsit toto seesee thethe restrest.
wln 2400ReuengeRevenge.
wln 2401ThenThen argueargue notnot forfor thouthou hasthast thythy requestrequest.
wln 2402ExeuntExeunt.
wln 2403ActusActus QuartusQuartus.
wln 2404EnterEnter Bel-imperiaBel-imperia andand HieronimoHier●nimoHieronimo.
wln 2405Bel-imperiaBel-imperia.
wln 2406ISIS thisthis thethe louelove thouthou bearstbear’st HoratioHoratio?
wln 2407IsIs thisthis thethe kindneskindness thatthat thouthou counterfeitscounterfeits,
wln 2408AreAre thesethese thethe fruitsfruits ofof thinethine incessantincessant tearestears?
wln 2409HieronimoHieronimo, areare thesethese thythy passionspassions?
wln 2410ThyThy protestationsprotestations, andand thythy deepedeep lamentslaments,
wln 2411ThatThat thouthou wertwert wontwont toto wearieweary menmen withallwithal.
wln 2412OO vnkindunkind FatherFather, OOOh deceitfulldeceitful worldworld,
wln 2413WithWith whatwhat excusesexcuses canstcanst thouthou shewshow thy selfethyself?
wln 2414WithWith whatwhat dishonourdishonordishonour, andand thethe hatehate ofof menmen,
wln 2415FromFrom thisthis dishonourdishonordishonour andand thethe hatehate ofof menmen:
wln 2416ThusThus toto neglectneglect thethe losseloss andand lifelife ofof himhim,
wln 2417WhomWhom bothboth mymy lettersletters, andand thinethine owneown beliefebelief,
wln 2418AssuresAssures theethee toto bebe causlescauseless slaughteredslaughtered.
wln 2419HieronimoHieronimo, forfor shameshame HieronimoHieronimo:
wln 2420BeBe notnot aa HistoryHistory toto after timesafter-timesafter times,
wln 2421OfOf suchsuch inin gratitudegratitude vntounto thythy SonneSon.
wln 2422VnhappyUnhappy MothersMothers ofof suchsuch childrenchildren thenthen,
wln 2423ButBut monstrousmonstrous FathersFathers, toto forgetforget soso soonesoon
wln 2424TheThe deathdeath ofof thosethose, whomwhom theythey withwith carecare andand costcost
wln 2425HaueHave tendredtendered soso, thusthus carelescareless shouldshould bebe lostlost.
wln 2426My selfeMyselfmyself aa strangerstranger inin respectrespect ofof theethee,
wln 2427SoSo louedloved hishis lifelife, asas stillstill II wishwish theirtheir deathesdeaths,
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The Spanish tragedie.
wln 2428NorNor shallshall hishis deathdeath bebe vnreuengdunrevenged byby meme.
wln 2429AlthoughAlthough II bearebear itit outout forfor fashionsfashion’s sakesake:
wln 2430ForFor heerehere II sweareswear inin sightsight ofof heauenheaven andand earthearth,
wln 2431ShouldstShould’stShouldst thouthou neglectneglect thethe louelove thouthou shouldstshouldst retaineretain,
wln 2432AndAnd giuegive itit ouerover andand deuisedevise nono moremore,
wln 2433My selfeMyselfmyself shouldshould sendsend theirtheir hatefullhateful soulessouls toto helhell,
wln 2434ThatThat wroughtwrought hishis downfalldownfall withwith extreamestextremest deathdeath.
wln 2435Hie.HieronimoHie.ButBut maymay itit bebe thatthat Bel-imperiaBel-imperia
wln 2436VowesVows suchsuch reuengerevenge asas sheshe hathhath dainddeigned toto saysay:
wln 2437WhyWhy thenthen II seesee thatthat heauenheaven appliesapplies ourour driftdrift,
wln 2438AndAnd allall thethe SaintsSaints doedo sitsit solicitingsoliciting
wln 2439ForFor vengeancevengeance onon thosethose cursedcursed murtherersmurderers
wln 2440MadameMadammadam tis’tis truetrue, andand nownow II findfind itit soso,
wln 2441II foundfound aa letterletter, writtenwritten inin youryour namename,
wln 2442AndAnd inin thatthat letterletter, howhow HoratioHoratio dieddied.
wln 2443PardonPardon, OOOh pardonpardon Bel-imperiaBel-imperia,
wln 2444MyMy fearefear andand carecare inin notnot beleeuingbelieving itit,
wln 2445NorNor thinkethink, II thoughtlesthoughtless thinkethink vponupon aa meanemean,
wln 2446ToTo letlet hishis deathdeath bebe vnreveng’dunrevenged atat fullfull,
wln 2447AndAnd heerehere II vowvow, soso youyou butbut giuegive consentconsent,
wln 2448AndAnd willwill concealeconceal mymy resolutionresolution,
wln 2449II willwill ereere longlong determinedetermine ofof theirtheir deathesdeaths,
wln 2450ThatThat causlescauseless thusthus hauehave murderdmurdered mymy SonneSon.
wln 2451Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.HieronimoHieronimo, II willwill consentconsent, concealeconceal,
wln 2452AndAnd oughtaught thatthat maymay effecteffect forfor thinethine auaileavail,
wln 2453IoyneJoinjoin withwith theethee toto reuengerevenge HoratioesHorat●oesHoratio’s deathdeath.
wln 2454Hier.HieronimoHier.OnOn thenthen, whatsoeuerwhatsoever II deuisedevise,
wln 2455LetLet meme entreatentreat youyou gracegrace mymy practisespracticespractises.
wln 2456ForFor whywhy, thethe plotsplots alreadyalready inin minemine headhead,
wln 2457HeereHere theythey areare.
wln 2458EnterEnter BalthazarBalthazar andand LorenzoLorenzo.
wln 2459Bal.BalthazarBal.HowHow nownow HieronimoHieronimo, whatwhat, courtingcourting Bel-imperiaBel-imperi●Bel-imperia..?
wln 2460Hiero.HieronimoHiero.AyIIAy mymy LordLord, suchsuch courtingcourting asas II promisepromise youyou
wln 2461SheShe hathhath mymy hartheart, butbut youyou mymy LordLord hauehave hershers.
wln 2462Lor.LorenzoLor.ButBut nownow HieronimoHieronimo oror neuernever wewe areare toto intreateentreat youryour (helpehelp.
wln 2463Hie.HieronimoHie.MyMy helphelp, whywhy mymy goodgood LordsLords assureassure your seluesyourselves ofof meme. img: 36-b
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The Spanish tragedie.
wln 2464ForFor youyou hauehave giuengiven meme causecause, IAyI byby mymy faithfaith hauehave youyou.
wln 2465Bal.BalthazarBal.ItIt pleasdepleased youyou atat thethe entertainmententertainment ofof thethe Embassa-EmbassadourAmbassador(dour,
wln 2466ToTo gracegrace thethe KingKing soso muchmuch asas withwith aa shewshow,
wln 2467NowNow werewere youryour studiestudy soso wellwell furnishedfurnished,
wln 2468AsAs forfor thethe passingpassing ofof thethe firstfirst nightsnight’s sportsport,
wln 2469ToTo entertaineentertain mymy FatherFather withwith thethe likelike:
wln 2470OrOr anyany suchsuch likelike pleasingpleasing motionmotion,
wln 2471AssureAssure your selfeyourself itit wouldwould contentcontent themthem wellwell.
wln 2472Hiero.HieronimoHiero.IsIs thisthis allall?
wln 2473Bal.BalthazarBal.IAyay, thisthis isis allall.
wln 2474Hiero.HieronimoHiero.WhyWhy thenthen ilei’llI’ll fitfit youyou, saysay nono moremore.
wln 2475WhenWhen II waswas yougyoung II gauegave mymy mindemind,
wln 2476AndAnd plideplied my selfemyself toto fruitlesfruitless poetriepoetry:
wln 2477WhichWhich thoughthough itit profiteprofit thethe professorprofessor naughtnaught,
wln 2478YetYet isis itit passingpassing pleasingpleasing toto thethe worldworld.
wln 2479Lor.LorenzoLor.AndAnd howhow forfor thatthat?
wln 2480Hiero.HieronimoHiero.MarrieMarry mymy goodgood LordLord thusthus.
wln 2481AndAnd yetyet me thinksmethinks youyou areare tootoo quickquick withwith vsus.
wln 2482WhenWhen inin TolledoToledo therethere II studiedstudied,
wln 2483ItIt waswas mymy chauncechance toto writewrite aa tragedietragedy,
wln 2484SeeSee heerehere mymy LordsLords.HeHe shewesshows themthem aa bookbook.
wln 2485WhichWhich longlong forgotforgot, II foundfound thisthis otherother dayday,
wln 2486NowNow wouldwould youryour LordshipsLordshipsLordship’s fauourfavorfavour meme soso muchmuch,
wln 2487AsAs butbut toto gracegrace meme withwith youryour actingacting itit,
wln 2488II meanemean eacheach oneone ofof youyou toto playplay aa partpart,
wln 2489AssureAssure youyou itit willwill proueprove mostmost passingpassing strangestrange,
wln 2490AndAnd wondrouswondrous plausibleplausible toto thatthat assemblyassembly.
wln 2491Bal.BalthazarBal.WhatWhat wouldwould youyou hauehave vsus playplay aa TragedieTragedy?
wln 2492Hiero.HieronimoHiero.WhyWhy NeroNero thoughtthought itit nono disparagementdisparagement,
wln 2493AndAnd KingsKings andand EmperoursEmperors hauehave taneta’en delightdelight,
wln 2494ToTo makemake experienceexperience ofof theirtheir witswits inin plaiesplays?
wln 2495Lor.LorenzoLor.NayNay bebe notnot angryangry goodgood HieronimoHieronimo,
wln 2496TheThe PrincePrince butbut askedasked aa questionquestion.
wln 2497Bal.BalthazarBal.InIn faithfaith HieronimoHieronimo andand youyou bebe inin earnestearnest,
wln 2498IleI’ll makemake oneone.
wln 2499Lor.LorenzoLor.AndAnd II anotheranother.
wln 2500Hiero.HieronimoHiero.NowNow mymy goodgood LordLord, couldcould youyou intrearentreat,
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The Spanish tragedie.
wln 2501YourYour SisterSister Bel-imperiaBel-imperia toto makemake oneone,
wln 2502ForFor whatswhat’s aa playplay withoutwithout aa womanwoman inin itit?
wln 2503Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.LittleLittle intreatyentreaty shallshall serueserve meme HieronomoHieronimoHieronomo,
wln 2504ForFor II mustmust needsneeds bebe imployedemployed inin youryour playplay.
wln 2505Hiero.HieronimoHiero.WhyWhy thisthis isis wellwell, II telltell youyou LordingsLordings,
wln 2506ItIt waswas determineddetermined toto hauehave beenebeen actedacted,
wln 2507ByBy GentlemenGentlemen andand schollersscholars tootoo,
wln 2508SuchSuch asas couldcould telltell whatwhat toto speakspeak.
wln 2509Bal.BalthazarBal.AndAnd nownow itit shallshall bebe plaideplayed byby PrincesPrinces andand CourtiersCourtiers
wln 2510suchsuch asas cancan telltell howhow toto speakspeak:
wln 2511IfIf asas itit isis ourour CountryCountry mannermanner,
wln 2512YouYou willwill butbut letlet vsus knowknow thethe argumentargument.
wln 2513Hiero.HieronimoHiero.ThatThat shallshall II roundlyroundly: thethe CroniclesChronicles ofof SpaineSpain
wln 2514RecordeRecord thisthis writtenwritten ofof aa KnightKnight ofof RodesRhodes,
wln 2515HeHe waswas betrothedbetrothed andand weddedwedded atat thethe lengthlength,
wln 2516ToTo oneone PersedaPerseda anan ItalianItalian damedame.
wln 2517WhoseWhose beautybeauty rauishedravished allall thatthat herher beheldebeheld,
wln 2518EspeciallyEspecially thethe soulesoul ofof SolimanSoliman,
wln 2519WhoWho atat thethe marriagemarriage wayway thethe cheefestchiefest guestguest.
wln 2520ByBy sundrysundry meanesmeans soughtsought SolimanSoliman toto winnewin,
wln 2521PersedasPerseda’s louelove, andand couldcould notnot gainegain thethe samesame.
wln 2522ThenThen gan’gan hehe breakbreak hishis passionspassions toto aa freendfriend,
wln 2523OneOne ofof hishis BashawesBashawsPashas whomwhom hehe heldheld fullfull deeredear,
wln 2524HerHer hadhad thisthis BashawBashaw longlong solicitedsolicited,
wln 2525AndAnd sawsaw sheshe waswas notnot otherwiseotherwise toto bebe wonnewon,
wln 2526ButBut byby herher husbandshusband’s deathdeath thisthis KnightKnight ofof RodesRhodes.
wln 2527WhomeWhom presentlypresently byby trecherietreachery hehe slewslew,
wln 2528SheShe stirdestirred withwith anan exceedingexceeding hatehate thereforetherefore,
wln 2529AsAs causecause ofof thisthis slewslew SolimanSoliman.
wln 2530AndAnd toto escapeescape thethe BashawesBashaw’sPasha’s tirannietyranny,
wln 2531DidDid stabstab her selfeherself, andand thisthis thethe TragedieTragedy.
wln 2532Lor.LorenzoLor.OO excellentexcellent.
wln 2533Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.ButBut saysay HieronimoHieronimo whatwhat thenthen becamebecame ofof himhim
wln 2534ThatThat waswas thethe BashawBashaw?
wln 2535Hiero.HieronimoHiero.MarrieMarry thusthus, mouedmoved withwith remorseremorse ofof hishis misdeedsmisdeeds
wln 2536RanRan toto aa mountainmountain toptop andand hunghung himselfehimself.
wln 2537Bal.BalthazarBal.ButBut whichwhich ofof vsus isis toto performeperform thatthat partepart,
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The Spanish tragedie.
wln 2538Hiero.HieronimoHiero.OO, thatthat willwill II mymy LordsLords, makemake nono doubtdoubt ofof itit.
wln 2539IleI’ll playplay thethe murderermurderer II warrantwarrant youyou,
wln 2540ForFor II alreadyalready hauehave conceitedconceited thatthat.
wln 2541Bal.BalthazarBal.AndAnd whatwhat shallshall II.
wln 2542Hiero.HieronimoHiero.GreatGreat SolimanSoliman thethe TurkishTurkish EmperourEmperor.
wln 2543Lor.LorenzoLor.AndAnd II.
wln 2544Hiero.HieronimoHiero.ErastusErastus thethe KnightKnight ofof RhodesRhodes,
wln 2545Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.AndAnd II.
wln 2546Hiero.HieronimoHiero.PersedaPerseda, chastechaste andand resoluteresolute.
wln 2547AndAnd heerehere mymy LordsLords areare seuerallseveral abstractsabstracts drawnedrawn,
wln 2548ForFor eacheeach ofof youyou toto notenote youryour partesparts,
wln 2549AndAnd actact itit asas occasion’soccasion’s offredoffered youyou.
wln 2550YouYou mustmust prouideprovide aa turkishturkish cappecap,
wln 2551AA blackblack mustaciomustacio andand aa fauchionfalchion.
wln 2552GiuesGives aa paperpaper toto Bal.BalthazarBal.
wln 2553YouYou withwith aa crossecross likelike toto aa KnightKnight ofof RhodesRhodes.
wln 2554GiuesGives anotheranother toto Lor.LorenzoLor.
wln 2555AndAnd MadameMadammadam, youyou mustmust attireattire your selfeyourself,
wln 2556HeHe giuethgiveth Bel.Bel-imperiaBel. anotheranother.
wln 2557LikeLike PhœbePhoebePhoeb●Phoebe, FloraFlora, oror thethe huntressehuntress,
wln 2558WhichWhich toto youryour discretiondiscretion shallshall seemeseem bestbest.
wln 2559AndAnd asas forfor meme mymy LordsLords IleI’ll lookelook toto oneone,
wln 2560AndAnd withwith thethe raunsomeransom thatthat thethe Vice-royViceroy sentsent,
wln 2561SoSo furnishfurnish andand performeperform thisthis tragedietragedy,
wln 2562AsAs allall thethe worldworld shallshall saysay HieronimoHieronimo,
wln 2563WasWas liberallliberal inin gracinggracing ofof itit soso.
wln 2564Bal.BalthazarBal.HieronimoHieronimo, me thinksmethinks aa ComedieComedy werewere betterbetter.
wln 2565Hiero.HieronimoHiero.AA ComedieComedy, fiefie, comediescomedies areare fitfit forfor commoncommon witswits
wln 2566ButBut toto presentpresent aa KinglyKingly troupetroop withallwithal,
wln 2567GiueGive meme aa statelystately writtenwritten TragedieTragedy.
wln 2568TragediaTragedia cothernatocothernato, fittingfitting KingsKings,
wln 2569ContainingContaining mattermatter, andand notnot commoncommon thingsthings.
wln 2570MyMy LordsLords, allall thisthis mustmust bebe perfourmedperformed,
wln 2571AsAs fittingsitting●ittingsittingfitting forfor thethe firstfirst nightsnight’snights reuellingrevelling.
wln 2572TheThe ItalianItalian TragediansTragedian●Tragedians werewere soso sharpesharp ofof witwit,
wln 2573ThatThat inin oneone houreshour’shours meditationmeditation,
wln 2574TheyThey wouldwould performeperform any thinganyanythinganythingthing inin actionaction.
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The Spanish Tragedie.
wln 2575Lor.LorenzoLor.AndAnd wellwell itit maymay, forfor II hauehave seeneseen thethe likelike
wln 2576InIn ParisParis, mongst’mongstamongst thethe FrenchFrench TragediansTragedians.
wln 2577Hiero.HieronimoHiero.InIn ParisParis, masmass andand wellwell remembredremembered,
wln 2578TheresThere’sthere’s oneone thingthing moremore thatthat restsrests forfor vsus toto doodo.
wln 2579Bal.BalthazarBal.WhatsWhat’swhat’s thatthat HieronimoHieronimo forgetforget notnot anyany thingthing.
wln 2580Hiero.HieronimoHiero.EachEach oneone ofof vsus mustmust actact hishis partepart,
wln 2581InIn vnknowneunknown languageslanguages,
wln 2582ThatThat itit maymay breedebreed thethe moremore varietievariety.
wln 2583AsAs youyou mymy LordLord inin LatinLatin, II inin GreekeGreek,
wln 2584YouYou inin ItalianItalian, andand forfor becausebecause II knowknow,
wln 2585ThatThat Bel-imperiaBel-imperia hathhath practisedpracticedpractised thethe FrenchFrench,
wln 2586InIn courtlycourtly FrenchFrench shallshall allall herher phraisesphrases bebe.
wln 2587Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.YouYou meanemean toto tryetry mymy cunningcunning thenthenthan HieronimoHieronimo.
wln 2588Bal.BalthazarBal.ButBut thisthis willwill bebe aa meeremere confusionconfusion,
wln 2589AndAnd hardlyhardly shallshall wewe allall bebe vnderstoodeunderstood.
wln 2590Hiero.HieronimoHiero.ItIt mustmust bebe soso, forfor thethe conclusionconclusion
wln 2591ShallShall proueprove thethe inuentioninvention, andand allall waswas goodgood:
wln 2592AndAnd II my selfemyself inin anan OrationOration,
wln 2593ThatThat II willwill hauehave therethere behindebehind aa curtainecurtain,
wln 2594AndAnd withwith aa strangestrange andand wondrouswondrous shewshow besidesbesides:
wln 2595AssureAssure your selfeyourself shallshall makemake thethe mattermatter knowneknown.
wln 2596AndAnd allall shalbeshall be concludedconcluded inin oneone SceneScene,
wln 2597ForFor theresthere’s nono pleasurepleasure taneta’en inin tediousnestediousness.
wln 2598Bal.BalthazarBal.HowHow likelike youyou thisthis?
wln 2599Lor.LorenzoLor.WhyWhy thusthus mymy LordLord wewe mustmust resolueresolve,
wln 2600ToTo soothesoothe hishis humorshumorshumours vpup.
wln 2601Bal.BalthazarBal.OnOn thenthen HieronimoHieronimo, farewellfarewell tilltill soonesoon.
wln 2602Hiero.HieronimoHiero.YouleYou’ll plieply thisthis geeregear.
wln 2603Lor.LorenzoLor.II warrantwarrant youyou.ExeuntExeunt allall butbut Hiero.HieronimoHiero.
wln 2604Hiero.HieronimoHiero.WhyWhy soso, nownow shallshall II seesee thethe fallfall ofof BabilonBabylon,
wln 2605WroughtWrought byby thethe heauensheavens inin thisthis confusionconfusion.
wln 2606AndAnd ifif thethe worldworld likelike notnot thisthis tragedietragedy,
wln 2607HardHard isis thethe haphap ofof oldeold HieronimoHieronimo.ExitExit.
wln 2608EnterEnter IsabellaIsabella withwith aa weaponweapon.
wln 2609TellTell meme nono moremore, OOOh monstrousmonstrous homicideshomicides,
wln 2610SinceSince neitherneither pietiepiety nornor pittiepity mouesmoves
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The Spanish tragedie.
wln 2611TheThe KingKing toto iusticejustice oror compassioncompassion:
wln 2612II willwill reuengerevenge my selfemyself vponupon thisthis placeplace,
wln 2613WhereWhere thusthus theythey murderedmurdered mymy belouedbeloved SonneSon.
wln 2614SheShe cutscuts downedown thethe ArbourArborArbour.
wln 2615DowneDown withwith thesethese branchesbranches andand theseth●sethese loathsomeloathsome bowesboughsbows,
wln 2616OfOf thisthis vnfortunateunfortunate andand fatallfatal pinepine.
wln 2617DowneDown withwith themthem IsabellaIsabella, rent●entrent themthem vpup,
wln 2618AndAnd burneburn thethe rootsroots fromfrom whencewhence thethe restrest isis sprungsprung:
wln 2619II willwill notnot leaueleave aa rootroot, aa stalkestalk, aa treetree,
wln 2620AA boweboughbow, aa branchbranch, aa blossomeblossom, nornor aa leafeleaf,
wln 2621NoNo, notnot anan hearbherb withinwithin thisthis gardengarden PlotPlot.
wln 2622AccursedAccursed complotcomplot ofof mymy miseriemisery,
wln 2623FruitlesseFruitless for euerforforeverforeuerever maymay thisthis gardengarden bebe.
wln 2624BarrenBarren thethe earthearth, andand blislesseblissless whosoeuerwhosoever,
wln 2625ImmaginesImagines notnot toto keepkeep itit vnmanurdeunmanured:
wln 2626AnAn EasterneEastern windewind comixtcommixed withwith noisomenoisome airesairs,
wln 2627ShallShall blastblast thethe plantsplants andand thethe yongyoung saplingssaplings,
wln 2628TheThe earthearth withwith SerpentsSerpents shalbeshalshall be pesteredpesteredbebe
wln 2629AndAnd passengerspassengers forfor fearefear toto bebe infectinfect,
wln 2630ShallShall standstand aloofealoof, andand lookinglooking atat itit, telltell
wln 2631ThereThere murdredmurdered didedied thethe sonneson ofof IsabellIsabell.
wln 2632IAyI heerehere hehe didedied, andand heerehere II himhim imbraceembrace,
wln 2633SeeSee wherewhere hishis GhoastGhost solicitessolicits withwith hishis woundswounds,
wln 2634ReuengeRevenge onon herher thatthat shouldshould reuengerevenge hishis deathdeath,
wln 2635HieronimoHieronimo makemake hastehaste toto seesee thythy sonneson,
wln 2636ForFor sorrowsorrow andand dispairedespair hathhath scitedseitedcitedscited meme,
wln 2637ToTo hearehear HoratioHoratio pleadplead withwith RadamantRhadamant,
wln 2638MakeMake hastehaste, HieronimoHieronimo toto holdehold excusdeexcused.
wln 2639ThyThy negligencenegligence inin pursutepursuit ofof theirtheir deathsdeaths,
wln 2640WhoseWhose hatefullhateful wrathwrath bereu’dbereaved himhim ofof hishis breathbreath.
wln 2641AhAh naynay, thouthou dostdost delaydelay theirtheir deathsdeaths,
wln 2642ForgiuesForgives thethe murderersmurderers ofof thythy noblenoble sonneson,
wln 2643AndAnd nonenone butbut II bestirrebestir meme toto nono endend,
wln 2644AndAnd asas II curssecurse thisthis treetree fromfrom furtherfurther fruitfruit,
wln 2645SoSo shallshall mymy wombewomb bebe cursedcursed forfor hishis sakesake,
wln 2646AndAnd withwith thisthis weaponweapon willwill II woundwound thethe brestbreast,{SheShe stabsstabs
her selfeherself.
wln 2647TheThe hapleshapless brestbreast thatthat gauegave HoratioHoratio sucksuck.
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The Spanish Tragedie.
wln 2648EnterEnter HieronimoHier●nimoHieronimo, hehe knocksknocks vpup thethe curtainecurtain.
wln 2649EnterEnter thethe DukeDuke ofof CastileCastile.
wln 2650Cas.CastileCas.HowHow nownow HieronimoHieroni●oHieronimo whereswhere’s youryour fellowsfellows,
wln 2651ThatThat youyou taketake allall thisthis painepain?
wln 2652Hiero.HieronimoHiero.OO sirsir, itit isis forfor thethe AuthorsAuthor’sauthor’s creditcredit,
wln 2653ToTo looklook thatthat allall thingsthings maymay goego wellwell:
wln 2654ButBut goodgood mymy LordLord letlet meme intreatentreat youryour gracegrace,
wln 2655ToTo giuegive thethe KingKing thethe coppiecopy ofof thethe plaieplay:
wln 2656ThisThis isis thethe argumentargument ofof whatwhat wewe shewshow.
wln 2657Cas,CastileCas,II willwill HieronimoHieronimo.
wln 2658Hiero.HieronimoHiero.OneOne thingthing moremore mymy goodgood LordLord.
wln 2659Cas.CastileCas.WhatsWhat’swhat’s thatthat?
wln 2660Hiero.HieronimoHiero.LetLet meme intreatentreat youryour gracegrace,
wln 2661ThatThat whenwhen thethe trainetrain areare pastpassed intointo thethe galleriegallery,
wln 2662YouYou wouldwould vouchsafevouchsafe to●oto throwethrow meme downedown thethe keykey.
wln 2663Cas.CastileCas.II willwill HieronimoHieronimo.ExitExit Cas.CastileCas.
wln 2664Hiero.HieronimoHiero.WhatWhat areare youyou readyready BalthazarBalthazar?
wln 2665BringBring aa chairechair andand aa cushioncushion forfor thethe KingKing.
wln 2666EnterEnter BalthazarBalthazar withwith aa ChaireChair.
wln 2667WellWell doondone BalthazarBalthazar, hanghang vpup thethe titletitle.
wln 2668OurOur scenescene isis RhodesRhodes, whatwhat isis youryour beardbeard onon?
wln 2669Bal.BalthazarBal.HalfeHalf onon, thethe otherother isis inin mymy handhand.
wln 2670Hiero.HieronimoHiero.DispatchDispatch forfor shameshame, areare youyou soso longlong?
wln 2671ExitExit BalthazarBalthazar.
wln 2672BethinkBethink thy selfethyself HieronimoHieronimo,
wln 2673RecallRecall thythy witswits, recomptrecompt thythy formerformer wrongswrongs,
wln 2674ThouThou hasthast receiuedreceived byby murdermurder ofof thythy sonneson.
wln 2675AndAnd lastlylastly, notnot leastleast, howhow IsabellIsabell,
wln 2676OnceOnce hishis mothermother andand thythy deerestdearest wifewife:
wln 2677AllAll woewoe begonebegone forfor himhim hathhath slaineslain her selfeherself.
wln 2678BehouesBehoves theethee thenthen HieronimoHieronimo toto bebe reueng’drevenged,
wln 2679TheThe plotplot isis laidelaid ofof diredire reuengerevenge,
wln 2680OnOn thenthen HieronimoHieronimo pursuepursue reuengerevenge,
wln 2681ForFor nothingnothing wantswants butbut actingacting ofof reuengerevenge.
wln 2682ExitExit HieronimoHieronimo.
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The Spanish Tragedie.
wln 2683EnterEnter SpanishSpanish KingKing, Vice-royViceroy, thethe DukeDuke ofof CastileCastile,
wln 2684andand theirtheir trainetrain.
wln 2685KingKing.NowNow ViceroyViceroy, shallshall wewe seesee thethe TragedieTragedy,
wln 2686OfOf SolimanSoliman thethe TurkishTurkish EmperourEmperor:
wln 2687PerformdePerformed ofof pleasurepleasure byby youryour SonneSon thethe PrincePrince,
wln 2688MyMy NephewNephew DonDon LorenzoLorenzo, andand mymy NeeceNiece.
wln 2689Vice.ViceroyVice.WhoWho, Bel-imperiaBel-imperi●Bel-imperia?
wln 2690KingKing.IAyay, andand HieronimoHieronimo ourour MarshallMarshal.
wln 2691AtAt whosewhose requestrequest theythey deinedeign toto doo’tdo ’tdo’t themseluesthemselves.
wln 2692TheseThese bebe ourour pastimespastimes inin thethe CourtCourt ofof SpaineSpain.
wln 2693HeereHere brotherbrother, youyou shallshall bebe thethe booke-keeperbook keeper.
wln 2694ThisThis isis thethe argumentargument ofof thatthat theythey shewshow.
wln 2695HeHe giuethgiveth himhim aa bookebook.
wln 2696GentlemenGentlemen, thisthis playplay ofof HieronimoHieronimo inin sundriesundry LanguagesLanguages, waswas
wln 2697thoughtthought goodgood toto bebe setset downedown inin EnglishEnglish moremore largelylargely,
wln 2698forfor thethe easiereasier vnderstandingunderstanding toto eueryevery
wln 2699publiquepublic ReaderReader.
wln 2700EnterEnter BalthazarBalthazar, Bel-imperiaBel-imperia, andand HieronimoHieronimo.
wln 2701BalthazarBalthazar.
wln 2702BAshawBAshawbassa, thatthat RhodesRhodes isis oursours, yeeldyield heauensheavens thethe honorhonorhonour,
wln 2703AndAnd holyholy MahometMahomet ourour sacredsacred ProphetProphet:
wln 2704AndAnd bebe thouthou grac’tgraced withwith eueryevery excelenceexcellence,
wln 2705ThatThat SolimanSoliman cancan giuegive, oror thouthou desiredesire.
wln 2706ButBut thythy desertdesert inin conqueringconquering RhodesRhodes isis lesseless,
wln 2707ThenThan inin reseruingreserving thisthis fairefair ChristianChristian NimphNymph
wln 2708PersedaPerseda, blisfullblissful lamplamp ofof ExcellenceExcellence:
wln 2709WhoseWhose eieseyes compellcompel likelike powerfullpowerful AdamantAdamant,
wln 2710TheThe warlikewarlike heartheart ofof SolimanSoliman toto waitwait.
wln 2711KingKing.SeeSee Vice-RoyViceroy, thatthat isis BalthazarBalt●azarBalthazar youryour SonneSon,
wln 2712ThatThat representsrepresents thethe EmperourEmperor SolymanSoliman:
wln 2713HowHow wellwell hehe actsacts hishis amorousamorous passionpassion.
wln 2714Vice.ViceroyVice.IAyI Bel-imperiaBel-imperia hathhath taughttaught himhim thatthat.
wln 2715CastileCastile.That’sThat’s becausebecause hishis mindmind tunnesrunstons allall onon Bel-imperiaBel-imperia
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The Spanish tragedie.
wln 2716Hiero.HieronimoHiero.What euerWhateverwhatever ioyjoy earthearth yeeldsyields betidebetide youryour MeiestieMajestymajesty.
wln 2717Balt.BalthazarBalt.EarthEarth yeeldsyields nono ioyjoy withoutwithout PersedaesPerseda’s louelove.
wln 2718Hiero.HieronimoHiero.LetLet thenthen PersedaPerseda onon youryour gracegrace attendattend.
wln 2719Balt.BalthazarBalt.SheShe shallshall notnot waitwait onon meme, butbut II onon herher,
wln 2720DrawneDrawn byby thethe influenceinfluence ofof herher lightslights, II yeeldyield.
wln 2721ButBut letlet mymy friendfriend thethe RhodianRhodian knightknight comecome foorthforth,
wln 2722ErastoErasto, dearerdearer thenthan mymy lifelife toto meme,
wln 2723ThatThat hehe maymay seesee PersedaPerseda mymy belouedbeloved.
wln 2724EnterEnter ErastoErast●Erasto.
wln 2725KingKing.HeereHere comescomes LorenzoLorenzo, lookelook vponvpuponuponon thethe plotplot,
wln 2726AndAnd teltell meme brotherbrother whatwhat partpart plaiesplays hehe?
wln 2727Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.AhAh mymy ErastoErasto, welcomewelcome toto PersedaPerseda.
wln 2728Lo.LorenzoLo.ThriceThrice happiehappy isis ErastoErasto, thatthat thouthou liuestlivest,
wln 2729RhodesRhodes’Rhodes losseloss isis nothingnothing toto ErastoesErasto’s ioyjoy:
wln 2730SithSith hishis PersedaPerseda liueslives, hishis lifelife suruiuessurvives.
wln 2731Balt.BalthazarBalt.AhAh BashawBashaw, heerehere isis louelove betweenebetween ErastoErast●Erasto
wln 2732AndAnd fairefair PersedaPerseda soueraignesovereign ofof mymy soulesoul.
wln 2733Hiero.HieronimoHiero.RemooueRemove ErastoErasto mightymighty SolymanSoliman,
wln 2734AndAnd thenthen PersedaPerseda willwill bebe quicklyquickly wonnewon.
wln 2735Balt.BalthazarBalt.ErastoErasto isis mymy friendfriend, andand whilewhile hehe liueslives,
wln 2736PersedaPerseda neuernever willwill remooueremove herher louelove.
wln 2737Hiero.HieronimoHiero.LetLet notnot ErastoErasto liuelive, toto greeuegrieve greatgreat SolimanSoliman.
wln 2738Balt.BalthazarBalt.DeareDear isis ErastoErasto inin ourour PrinclyPrincely eyeeye.
wln 2739Hiero.HieronimoHiero.ButBut ifif hehe bebe youryour riuallrival, letlet himhim diedie.
wln 2740Balt.BalthazarBalt.VVhyWhy letlet himhim diedie, soso louelove commaundethcommandeth meme.
wln 2741YetYet greeuegrieve II thatthat ErastoErasto shouldshould soso diedie.
wln 2742Hiero.HieronimoHiero.ErastoErasto, SolymanSoliman salutethsaluteth theethee,
wln 2743AndAnd letslets theethee witwit byby meme hishis highneshighness’ willwill:
wln 2744VVhichWhich isis, thouthou shouldstshouldst bebe thusthus imploidemployed.StabStab him●imhim.
wln 2745Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.AyAy meme ErastoErasto, seesee SolymanSoliman ErastoesErasto’s slaineslain.
wln 2746Balt.BalthazarBalt.YetYet liuethliveth SolymanSoliman toto comfortcomfort theethee.
wln 2747FaireFair QueeneQueen ofof beautiebeauty, letlet notnot fauourfavorfavour diedie,
wln 2748ButBut withwith aa gratiousgracious eyeeye beholdebehold hishis griefegrief,
wln 2749ThatThat withwith PersedaesPerseda’s beautiebeauty isis encreastincreased.
wln 2750IfIf byby PersedaesPerseda’s griefegrief bebe notnot releastreleased.
wln 2751Bel.Bel-imperiaBel.TyrantTyrant, desistdesist solicitingsoliciting vainevain sutessuits,
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The Spanish tragedie.
wln 2752RelentlesRelentless areare minemine earesears toto thythy lamentslaments,
wln 2753AsAs thythy butcherbutcher isis pittilessepitiless andand basebase,
wln 2754VVhichWhich seazdseized onon mymy ErastoErasto, harmelesseharmless knightknight.
wln 2755YetYet byby thythy powerpower thouthou thinkestthinkest toto commaundcommand,
wln 2756AndAnd toto thythy powerpower PersedaPerseda dothdoth obeyobey:
wln 2757ButBut werewere sheshe ableable, thusthus sheshe wouldwould reuengerevenge
wln 2758ThyThy treacheriestreacheries onon theethee ignobleignoble PrincePrince:StabStab himhim.
wln 2759AndAnd onon herselfeherself sheshe wouldwould bebe thusthus reuengdrevengedStabStab herselfeherself.
wln 2760KingKing.VVellWell saidsaid oldeold MarshalMarshal, thisthis waswas brauelybravely donedone.
wln 2761Hiero.HieronimoHiero.ButBut Bel-imperiaBel-imperia plaiesplays PersedaPerseda wellwell.
wln 2762Vice.ViceroyVice.werewere thisthis inin earnestearnest Bel-imperiaBel-imperia,
wln 2763YouYou wouldwould bebe betterbetter toto mymy SonneSon thenthanthen soso.
wln 2764KingKing.ButBut nownow whatwhat followesfollows forfor HieronimoHieronimo?
wln 2765Hiero,HieroHieronimoHiero,MarrieMarry thisthis followesfollows forfor HieronimoHieronimo.
wln 2766HeereHere breakebreak wewe offoff ourour sundriesundry languageslanguages,
wln 2767AndAnd thusthus concludeconclude II inin ourour vulgarevulgar tungtongue.
wln 2768HappelyHappily youyou thinkthink, butbut bootlesbootless areare youryour thoughtsthoughts,
wln 2769ThatThat thisthis isis fabulouslyfabulously counterfeitcounterfeit,
wln 2770AndAnd thatthat wewe doodo asas allall TragediansTragedians doodo.
wln 2771ToTo diedie to daytoday, forfor (fashioningfashioning ourour scenescene)
wln 2772TheThe deathdeath ofof AiaxAjaxAiax, oror somesome RomaineRoman peerepeer,
wln 2773AndAnd inin aa minuteminute startingstarting vpup againeagain,
wln 2774ReuiueRevive toto pleaseplease to morrowestomorrow’sto morrow’s audienceaudience.
wln 2775NoNo PrincesPrinces, knowknow II amam HieronimoHieronimo,
wln 2776TheThe hopeleshopeless FatherFather ofof aa hapleshapless SonneSon,
wln 2777WhoseWhose tungtongue isis tun’dtuned toto telltell hishis latestlatest taletale,
wln 2778NotNot toto excuseexcuse grossegross errorserrors inin thethe playplay,
wln 2779II seesee youryour lookeslooks vrgeurge instanceinstance ofof thesethese wordswords,
wln 2780BeholdeBehold thethe reasonreason vrgingurging meme toto thisthis,
wln 2781ShewesShows hishis deaddead sonneson.
wln 2782SeeSee heerehere mymy shewshow, looklook onon thisthis spectaclespectacle:
wln 2783HeereHere laylay mymy hopehope, andand heerehere mymy hopehope hathhath endend:
wln 2784HeereHere laylay mymy hartheart, andand heerehere mymy hartheart waswas slaineslain:
wln 2785HeereHere laylay mymy treasuretreasure, heerehere mymy treasuretreasure lostlost:
wln 2786HeereHere laylay mymy blissebliss, andand heerehere mymy blissebliss bereftbereft.
wln 2787ButBut hopehope, hartheart, treasuretreasure, ioyjoy, andand blissebliss:
wln 2788AllAll fledfled, faildfailed, dieddied, yeayea allall decaidedecayed withwith thisthis.
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The Spanish tragedie.
wln 2789FromFrom forthforth thesethese woundswounds camecame breathbreath thatthat gauegave meme lifelife,
wln 2790TheyThey murdredmurdered meme thatthat mademade thesethese fatallfatal markesmarks:
wln 2791TheThe causecause waswas louelove, whencewhence grewgrew thisthis mortallmortal hatehate,
wln 2792TheThe hatehate, LorenzoLorenzo andand yongyoung BalthazarBalthazar:
wln 2793TheThe louelove, mymy sonneson toto Bel-imperiaBel-imperia.
wln 2794ButBut nightnight thethe couerercoverer ofof accursedaccursed crimescrimes,
wln 2795WithWith pitchiepitchy silencesilence hushthushed thesethese traitorstraitors’ harmesharms,
wln 2796AndAnd lentlent themthem leaueleave, forfor theythey hadhad sortedsorted leasureleisure,
wln 2797ToTo taketake aduantageadvantage inin mymy GardenGarden plotplot,
wln 2798VponUpon mymy SonneSon, mymy deeredear HoratioHoratio:
wln 2799ThereThere mercilessemerciless theythey butcherdbutchered vpup mymy boyboy,
wln 2800InIn blackblack darkedark nightnight, toto palepale dimdim cruellcruel deathdeath.
wln 2801HeHe shrikesshrieks, II heardheard, andand yetyet me thinksmethinks II hearehear,
wln 2802HisHis dismalldismal out-cryoutcry ecchoecho inin thethe aireair:
wln 2803WithWith soonestsoonest speedspeed II hastedhasted toto thethe noisenoise,
wln 2804WhereWhere hanginghanging onon aa treetree, II foundfound mymy sonneson.
wln 2805ThroughThrough girtgirt withwith woundswounds, andand slaughtredslaughtered asas youyou seesee,
wln 2806AndAnd greeuedgrieved II (thinkthink youyou) atat thisthis spectaclespectacle?
wln 2807SpeakSpeak PortaguiseCalabrianPortaguisePortuguese, whosewhose losseloss resemblesresembles minemine,
wln 2808IfIf thouthou canstcanst weepweep vponupon thythy BalthazarBalthazar,
wln 2809Tis’Tis likelike II waildewailed forfor mymy HoratioHoratio.
wln 2810AndAnd youyou mymy L.LordL. whosewhose reconciledreconciled sonneson,
wln 2811MarchtMarched inin aa netnet, andand thoughtthought him selfehimself vnseeneunseen,
wln 2812AndAnd ratedrated meme forfor brainsickebrainsick lunacielunacy,
wln 2813WithWith GodGod amendamend thatthat madmad HieronimoHieronimo,
wln 2814HowHow cancan youyou brookbrook ourour plaiesplay’s catastrophecatastrophe?
wln 2815AndAnd heerehere beholdebehold thisthis bloudiebloody hand-kercherhandkercher,
wln 2816WhichWhich atat HoratiosHoratio’s deathdeath II weepingweeping diptdipped,
wln 2817WithinWithin thethe riuerriver ofof hishis bleedingbleeding woundswounds.
wln 2818ItIt asas propitiouspropitious, seesee II hauehave reseruedreserved,
wln 2819AndAnd neuernever hathhath itit leftleft mymy bloodybloody hartheart,
wln 2820SolicitingSoliciting remembranceremembrance ofof mymy vowvow.
wln 2821WithWith thesethese, OOOh thesethese accursedaccursed murderersmurderers,
wln 2822WhichWhich nownow perform’dperformed, mymy hartheart isis satisfiedsatisfied.
wln 2823AndAnd toto thisthis endend thethe BashawBashaw II becamebecame,
wln 2824ThatThat mightmight reuengerevenge meme onon LorenzosLorenzo’s lifelife,
wln 2825WhoWho thereforetherefore waswas appointedappointed toto thethe partpart,
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The Spanish tragedie.
wln 2826AndAnd waswas toto representrepresent thethe KnightKnight ofof RhodesRhodes,
wln 2827ThatThat II mightmight killkill himhim moremore conuenientlyconveniently.
wln 2828SoSo Vice-royViceroy waswas thisthis BalthazarBalthazar thythy SonneSon,
wln 2829ThatThat SolimanSoliman, whichwhich Bel-imperiaBel-imperia,
wln 2830InIn personperson ofof PersedaPerseda murderedmurdered:
wln 2831SolieSolelysolely appointedappointed toto thatthat tragicketragic partpart,
wln 2832ThatThat sheshe mightmight slaysl●yslay himhim thatthat offendedofftendedoffended herher.
wln 2833PoorePoor Bel-imperiaBel-imperia mistmissed herher partpart inin thisthis,
wln 2834ForFor thoughthough thethe storystory saithsaith sheshe shouldshould hauehave dieddied,
wln 2835YetYet II ofof kindeneskindness, andand ofof carecare toto herher,
wln 2836DidDid otherwiseotherwise determinedetermine ofof herher endend.
wln 2837ButBut louelove ofof himhim whomwhom theythey diddid hatehate tootoo muchmuch,
wln 2838DidDid vrgeurge herher resolutionresolution toto bebe suchsuch.
wln 2839AndAnd PrincesPrinces nownow beholdebehold HieronimoHieronimo,
wln 2840AuthorAuthor andand actoractor inin thisthis TragedieTragedy:
wln 2841BearingBearing hishis latestlatest fortunefortune inin hishis fistfist:
wln 2842AndAnd willwill asas resoluteresolute concludeconclude hishis partepart,
wln 2843AsAs anyany ofof thethe ActorsActors gonegone beforebefore.
wln 2844AndAnd GentlesGentles, thusthus II endend mymy playplay,
wln 2845VrgeUrge nono moremore wordswords, II hauehave nono moremore toto saysay.
wln 2846HeHe runsruns toto hanghang himselfehimself.
wln 2847KingKing.OO hearkenharken Vice-royViceroy, holdehold HieronimoHieronimo,
wln 2848BrotherBrother, mymy NephewNephew, andand thythy SonneSon areare slaineslain.
wln 2849Vice.ViceroyVice.WeWe areare betraidebetrayed, mymy BalthazarBalthazar isis slaineslain,
wln 2850BreakeBreak opeopen thethe dooresdoors, runnerun sauesave HieronimoHieronimo.
wln 2851HieronimoHieronimo, doedo butbut enformeinform thethe KingKing ofof thesethese euentsevents,
wln 2852YponUponupon minemine honourhonorhonour thouthou shaltshalt hauehave nono harmeharm.
wln 2853Hiero.HieronimoHiero.Vice-royViceroy, II willwill notnot trusttrust theethee withwith mymy lifelife,
wln 2854WhichWhich II thisthis dayday hauehave offeredoffered toto mymy SonneSon:
wln 2855AccursedAccursed wretchwretch, whywhy staieststayest thouthou himhim thatthat waswas resoluedresolved (toto diedie?
wln 2856KingKing.SpeakSpeak traitortraitor, damneddamned, bloudybloody murderermurderer speakspeak,
wln 2857ForFor nownow II hauehave theethee II willwill makemake theethee speakspeak:
wln 2858WhyWhy hasthast thouthou donedone thisthis vndeseruingundeserving deeddeed?
wln 2859Vico.ViceVico.ViceroyViceWhyWhy hasthast thouthou murderedmurdered mymy BalthazarBalthazar?
wln 2860Cas.CastileCas.WhyWhy hasthast thouthou butcheredbutchered bothboth mymy childrenchildren thusthus?
wln 2861Hiero.HieronimoHiero.OO goodgood wordswords, asas dearedear toto meme waswas mymy HoratioHoratio,
wln 2862AsAs yoursyours, oror yoursyours, oror yoursyours mymy L.LordL. toto youyou.
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The Spanish Tragedie.
wln 2863MyMy guiltlesguiltless SonneSon waswas byby LorenzoLorenzo slaineslain,
wln 2864AndAnd byby LorenzoLorenzo andand thatthat BalthazarBalthazar,
wln 2865AmAm II atat lastlast reuengedrevenged thorowlythoroughly.
wln 2866VponUpon whosewhose soulessouls maymay heauensheavens bebe yetyet auengedavenged,
wln 2867WithWith greatergreater farfar thenthan thesethese afflictionsafflictions.
wln 2868Cas.CastileCas.ButBut whowho werewere thythy confederatesconfederates inin thisthis?
wln 2869Vice.ViceroyVice.ThatThat waswas thythy daughterdaughter Bel-imperiaBel-imperia.
wln 2870ForFor byby herher handhand mymy BalthazarBal●hazarBalthazar waswas slaineslain
wln 2871II sawsaw herher stabstab himhim.
wln 2872KingKing.WhyWhy speakestspeakest thouthou notnot?
wln 2873Hiero.HieronimoHiero.WhatWhat lesserlesser libertieliberty cancan KingsKings affoordafford
wln 2874ThenThanThen harmelesharmless silencesilence? thenthen affoordafford itit meme:
wln 2875SufficethSufficeth II maymay notnot, nornor II willwill notnot telltell theethee.
wln 2876KingKing.FetchFetch forthforth thethe torturestortures.
wln 2877TraitorTraitor asas thouthou artart, ilei’llI’ll makemake theethee telltell.
wln 2878Hiero.HieronimoHiero.IndeedIndeed thouthou maiestmayest tormenttorment meme asas hishis wretchedwretched (SonneSon,
wln 2879HathHath donedone inin murdringmurdering mymy HoratioHoratio.
wln 2880ButBut neuernever shaltshalt thouthou forceforce meme toto reuealereveal,
wln 2881TheThe thingthing whichwhich II hauehave vowdvowed inuiolateinviolate:
wln 2882AndAnd thereforetherefore inin despightdespite ofof allall thythy threatsthreats,
wln 2883PleasdePleased withwith theirtheir deathsdeaths, andand easdeeased withwith theirtheir reuengerevenge:
wln 2884FirstFirst taketake mymy tungtongue, andand afterwardsafterwards mymy hartheart.
wln 2885KingKing.OO monstrousmonstrous resolutionresolution ofof aa wretchwretch,
wln 2886SeeSee Vice-royViceroy, heehe hathhath bittenbitten foorthforth hishis tungtongue,
wln 2887RatherRather thenthan toto reuealereveal whatwhat wewe requirderequire.
wln 2888CasCastileCasYetYet cancan hehe writewrite.
wln 2889KingKing.AndAnd ifif inin thisthis hehe satisfiesatisfy vsus notnot,
wln 2890WeWe willwill deuisedevise the’xtreamestth’ extremestth’extremest kindekind ofof deathdeath,
wln 2891ThatThat euerever waswas inuentedinvented forfor aa wretchwretch.
wln 2892ThenThen hehe makesmakes signessigns forfor aa knifeknife toto mendmend hishis penpen.
wln 2893Cas.CastileCas.OO hehe wouldwould hauehave aa knifeknife toto mendmend hishis PenPen.
wln 2894Vice.ViceroyVice.HeereHere, andand aduiseadvise theethee thatthat thouthou writewrite thethe trothtroth,
wln 2895LookeLook toto mymy brotherbrother, sauesave HieronimoHieronimo.
wln 2896HeHe withwith aa knifeknife stabsstabs thethe DukeDuke andand himselfehimself.
wln 2897KingKing.WhatWhat ageage hathhath euerever heardheard suchsuch monstrousmonstrous deedsdeeds?
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The Spanish Tragedie.
wln 2898MyMy brotherbrother andand thethe wholewhole succeedingsucceeding hopehope,
wln 2899ThatThat SpaineSpain expectedexpected afterafter mymy disceasedeceasedisease,
wln 2900GoGo bearebear hishis bodybody hencehence thatthat wewe maymay mournemourn,
wln 2901TheThe losseloss ofof ourour belouedbeloved brothersbrother’s deathdeath.
wln 2902ThatThat hehe maymay bebe entom’dentombed what erewhate’er befallbefall,
wln 2903II amam thethe nextnext, thethe neerestnearest, lastlast ofof allall.
wln 2904Vice.ViceroyVice.AndAnd thouthou DonDon PedroPedro dodo thethe likelike forfor vsus,
wln 2905TakeTake vpup ourour hapleshapless sonneson vntimelyuntimely slaineslain:
wln 2906SetSet meme withwith himhim, andand hehe withwith wofullwoeful meme,
wln 2907VponUpon thethe mainemain mastmast ofof aa shipship vnmandunmanned,
wln 2908AndAnd letlet thethe windewind andand tidetide hallhaulhall meme alongalong,
wln 2909ToTo SillasSallasScylla’sSallas barkingbarking andand vntameduntamed greefegrief:
wln 2910OrOr toto thethe lothsomeloth someloathsomeloath some poolepool ofof AcheronAcheron,
wln 2911ToTo weepeweep mymy wantwant forfor mymy sweetsweet BalthazarBalthazar,
wln 2912SpaineSpain hathhath nono refugerefuge forfor aa PortingalePortingale.
wln 2913TheThe TrumpetsTrumpets soundsound aa deaddead marchmarch, thethe KingKing ofof SpaineSpain mour-mourningmour∣ningmourning
wln 2914ning
wln 2914afterafter hishis brothersbrother’s bodybody, andand thethe KingKing ofof PortingalePortingale bea-bearingbea∣ringbearing
wln 2915ring
wln 2915thethe bodybody ofof hishis SonneSon.
wln 2916EnterEnter GhoastGhost andand ReuengeRevenge.
wln 2917GhoastGhost.
wln 2918IAyay, nownow mymy hopeshopes hauehave endend inin theirtheir effectseffects,
wln 2919WhenWhen bloodblood andand sorrowsorrow finnishfinish mymy desiresdesires:
wln 2920HoratioHoratio murderedmurdered inin hishis FathersFather’s bowerbower,
wln 2921VildeVild SerberineSerberine byby PedringanoPedringano slaineslain,
wln 2922FalseFalse PedringanoPedringano hangdhanged byby quaintquaint deuicedevice,
wln 2923FaireFair IsabellaIsabella byby her selfeherself misdonemisdone,
wln 2924PrincePrince BalthazarBalthazar byby Bel-imperiaBel-imperia stabdstabbed,
wln 2925TheThe DukeDuke ofof CastileCastileCastille andand hishis wickedwicked SonneSon,
wln 2926BothBoth donedone toto deathdeath byby oldeold HieronimoHieronimo.
wln 2927MyMy Bel-imperiaBel-imperia falnefallen asas DidoDido fellfell,
wln 2928AndAnd goodgood HieronimoHieronimo slaineslain byby himselfehimself:
wln 2929IAyI thesethese werewere spectaclesspectacles toto pleaseplease mymy soulesoul.
wln 2930NowNow willwill II begbeg atat louelylovely ProserpineProserpine,
wln 2931ThatThat byby thethe vertuevirtue ofof herher PrincelyPrincely doomedoom,
wln 2932II maymay consortconsort mymy freendsfriends inin pleasingpleasing sortsort,
img: 43-asig: L2v
The Spanish tragedie.
wln 2933AndAnd onon mymy foesfoes workewo●kework iust〈◊〉just andand sharpesharp reuengerevenge.
wln 2934IleI’ll leadlead mymy freendfriend HoratioH●ratioHoratio throughthrough thosethose feeldesfields,
wln 2935WhereWhere neuer dyingnever-dyingnever dying warreswars areare stillstill inurdei●●●deenured.
wln 2936IleI’ll leadlead fairefair IsabellaIsabella toto thatthat trainetrain,
wln 2937WhereWhere pittiepity weepesweeps butbut neuernever feelethfeeleth painepain.
wln 2938IleI’ll leadlead mymy Bel-imperiaBel-imperia toto thosethose ioyes●oyesjoys,
wln 2939ThatThat vestalvestal VirginsVirgins, andand fairefair QueenesQueens possessepossess,
wln 2940IleI’ll leadlead HieronimoHieronimo wherewhere OrpheusOrpheus plaiesplays,
wln 2941AddingAdding sweetsweet pleasurepleasure toto eternalleternal daiesdays.
wln 2942ButBut saysay ReuengeRevenge, forfor thouthou mustmust helpehelp oror nonenone,
wln 2943AgainstAgainst thethe restrest howhow shallshall mymy hatehate bebe showneshown?
wln 2944ReuengeRevenge.
wln 2945ThisThis handhand shallshall halehale themthem downdown toto deepestdeepest hellhell,
wln 2946WhereWhere nonenone butbut furiesfuries, bugsbugs andand torturestortures dwelldwell.
wln 2947GhoastGhost.
wln 2948ThenThen sweetsweet ReuengeRevenge doodo thisthis atat mymy requestrequest,
wln 2949LetLet meme bebe iudgejudge andand doomedoom themthem toto vnrestunrest.
wln 2950LetLet looseloose poorepoor TitiusTitius fromfrom thethe vulturesvulture’s gripegripe,
wln 2951AndAnd letlet DonDon CiprianCyprian supplysupply hishis roomeroom,
wln 2952PlacePlace DonDon LorenzoLorenzo onon IxionsIxion’s wheelewheel,
wln 2953AndAnd letlet thethe louerslover’s endlesendless painespains surceasesurcease:
wln 2954IunoJunojuno forgetsforgets oldeold wrathwrath andand grauntsgrants himhim easeease.
wln 2955HangHang BalthazarBalthazar aboutabout ChinerasChimera’schimera’s neckneck,
wln 2956AndAnd letlet himhim therethere bewailebe wai●ebewail hishis bloudybloody louelove,
wln 2957RepiningRepining atat ourour ioyesjoys thatthat areare aboueabove.
wln 2958LetLet SerberineSerberine goego rouleroll thethe fatallfatal stonestone,
wln 2959AndAnd taketake fromfrom SiciphusSisyphus hishis endlesendless monemoan.
wln 2960FalseFalse PedringaeoPedringanoPedringacoPedringano forfor hishis trecherietreachery,
wln 2961LetLet himhim bebe dragdedragged throughthrough boylingboiling AcheronAcheron,
wln 2962AndAnd therethere liuelive dyingdying stillstill inin endlesendless flamesflames,
wln 2963BlasphemingBlaspheming GodsGods andand allall theirtheir holyholy namesnames.
wln 2964ReuengeRevenge.
wln 2965ThenThen hastehaste wewe downedown toto meetmeet thythy freendsfriends andand foesfoes,
wln 2966ToTo placeplace thythy freendsfriends inin easeease, thethe restrest inin woeswoes.
wln 2967ForFor heerehere, thoughthough deathdeath hathhath endend theirtheir miseriemisery,
wln 2968IleI’ll therethere beginbegin theirtheir endlesendless TragedieTragedy.ExeuntExeunt.
wln 2969FINISFINIS. img: 34-b
sig: [N/A]
Textual Notes
- 86 (3-b) : The regularized reading Horn is amended from the original Hor.
- 111 (4-a) : The regularized reading poplito comes from the original poplito, though possible variants include poplite.
- 154 (4-b) : The regularized reading Armi comes from the original Armi, though possible variants include Arma.
- 491 (9-a) : The regularized reading . is supplied for the original [·].
- 505 (9-a) : The regularized reading but is amended from the original hut.
- 626 (11-a) : The regularized reading words is amended from the original wodres.
- 752 (12-b) : The regularized reading but is amended from the original hut.
- 765 (13-a) : The regularized reading made comes from the original mad, though possible variants include may.
- 900 (14-b) : The regularized reading not is amended from the original nor.
- 924 (15-a) : The regularized reading They is amended from the original Thy.
- 1006 (16-a) : The regularized reading pulchrum is amended from the original pulcbrum.
- 1011 (16-a) : The regularized reading pulchras is amended from the original pulcbras.
- 1013 (16-a) : The regularized reading irravi comes from the original irraui, though possible variants include herbarum.
- 1013 (16-a) : The regularized reading nenia is amended from the original menia.
- 1019 (16-b) : The regularized reading letho is amended from the original letbo.
- 1020 (16-b) : The regularized reading tum is amended from the original tam.
- 1027 (16-b) : The regularized reading Or comes from the original Or, though possible variants include On.
- 1101 (17-b) : No speech prefix given, speaker indicated by stage direction.
- 1137 (18-a) : Some editions remove the word Or.
- 1183 (18-b) : Red incke describes the letter read on stage.
- 1439 (22-a) : This passage in Italian varies significantly from modern editions. No effort has been made to provide corrections.
- 1503 (23-a) : The regularized reading And is amended from the original Hnd.
- 1504 (23-a) : The regularized reading sir is amended from the original sit.
- 1530 (23-b) : The regularized reading the is amended from the original tbe.
- 1609 (24-b) : The regularized reading Hangman is amended from the original Hangmon.
- 1919 (28-b) : The regularized reading grace is amended from the original graee.
- 2020 (30-a) : The regularized reading courtesy is amended from the original cuttesie.
- 2145 (32-a) : Bazulto, Senex, and Old Man are all names for the same character.
- 2220 (33-a) : The regularized reading Bel-imperia is amended from the original Bel-imprria.
- 2269 (33-b) : The regularized reading Bel-imperia is amended from the original Bel-imperie.
- 2274 (33-b) : The regularized reading fair is amended from the original faite.
- 2306 (34-a) : Speech prefix for Lorenzo is missing.
- 2310 (34-a) : The regularized reading King is amended from the original Kiing.
- 2338 (34-b) : The regularized reading fit is amended from the original sit.
- 2349 (34-b) : This Italian passage is problematic, and has not been systematically corrected.
- 2364 (35-a) : The regularized reading Th’sleep comes from the original Thsleepe, though possible variants include To sleep.
- 2372 (35-a) : The regularized reading begone is amended from the original degone.
- 2500 (36-b) : The regularized reading entreat is amended from the original intrear.
- 2609 (38-a) : Stage direction acts as speech prefix.
- 2715 (39-b) : The regularized reading runs is amended from the original tunnes.
- 2960 (43-a) : The regularized reading Pedringano is amended from the original Pedringaeo.