Title Page
General Title Page
THE RIGHT EXCELlent and famous Historye, of Promos and Cassandra: Deuided into two Commicall Discourses. In the fyrste parte is showne, the vnsufferable abuse, of a lewde Magistrate: The vertuous behauiours of a chaste Ladye: The vncontrowled leawdnes of a fauoured Curtisan. And the vndeserued estimation of a pernicious Parasyte. In the second parte is discoursed, the perfect magnanimitye of a noble Kinge, in checking Uice and fauouringe Uertue: Wherein is showne, the Ruyne and ouer-throwe, of dishonest practises: with the aduauncement of vpright dealing.
George Whetstones Gent.
[Colophon, M3v] ¶Imprinted at London by Richarde Ihones, and are to be solde ouer agaynst Saint Sepulchres Church, without Newgate. August.20. 1578.
Internal Title Page
[half-title: B1r] The Historie, of Promos and Cassandra.
[1578] provided by colophon
Stationer Information
Physical Description
Published as part of a pair of plays, containing: Promos and Cassandra, 1; Promos and Cassandra, 2.
Wiggins suggests a best-guess creation date of 1577, range 1575–8. He states that in 1582, the play was said to never have been performed.