Browsing: Location: London

Displaying 1 - 395 of 395
Title Author(s) Performance Datesort descending Publication Date Company of First Production STC/Wing
Common Conditions 1576 1576

STC 5592a

The Tide Tarrieth No Man 1576 1576

STC 25018

Promos and Cassandra, 1 1578 1578

STC 25347

Promos and Cassandra, 2 1578 1578

STC 25347

The Three Ladies of London 1581 1584

STC 25784

The Arraignment of Paris 1581 1584

STC 19530

Sappho and Phao 1583 1584

STC 17086

Campaspe (Alexander, Campaspe, and Diogenes) 1583 1584

STC 17047.5

The Rare Triumphs of Love and Fortune 1582 1589

STC 24286

The Battle of Alcazar 1589 1594

STC 19531

The Jew of Malta 1589 1633

STC 17412

Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay 1589 1594

STC 12267

Midas 1589 1592

STC 17083

Alphonsus, King of Aragon 1587 1599

STC 12233

The Spanish Tragedy (Hieronimo is Mad Again) 1587 1592

STC 15086

Tamburlaine the Great, 1 1587 1590

STC 17425

The True Chronicle of King Leir 1590 1605

STC 15343

The Scottish History of James the Fourth 1590 1598

STC 12308

The Reign of King Edward the Third 1590 1596

STC 7501

The Cobbler's Prophecy 1590 1594

STC 25781

George a Greene, the Pinner of Wakefield 1590 1599

STC 12212

Fair Em, the Miller's Daughter 1590 1591

STC 7675

The Old Wives Tale 1590 1595

STC 19545

Mucedorus (and Amadine) 1590 1598

STC 18230

Love's Metamorphosis 1590 1601

STC 17082

Tamburlaine the Great, 2 1588 1590

STC 17425

The Three Lords and Three Ladies of London 1588 1590

STC 25783

The Wounds of Civil War, or Marius and Scilla 1588 1594

STC 16678

The Wars of Cyrus 1588 1594

STC 6160

Endymion, the Man in the Moon 1588 1591

STC 17050

A Looking Glass for London and England 1588 1594

STC 16679

Arden of Feversham 1591 1592

STC 733

The Troublesome Reign of King John, 1 1591 1591

STC 14644

The True Tragedy of Richard the Third 1591 1594

STC 21009

The Troublesome Reign of King John, 2 1591 1591

STC 14644

Edward the First 1591 1593

STC 19535

Jack Straw 1591 1593

STC 23356

Mother Bombie 1591 1594

STC 17084

Orlando Furioso 1591 1594

STC 12265

The Taming of a Shrew 1592 1594

STC 23667

Soliman and Perseda (Zulziman) 1592 1592

STC 22894

Selimus, 1 1592 1594

STC 12310a

Edward the Second 1592 1594

STC 17437

A Knack to Know a Knave 1592 1594

STC 15027

Doctor Faustus 1592 1604

STC 17429

Summer's Last Will and Testament 1592 1600

STC 18376

Gallathea 1585 1592

STC 17080

The Woman in the Moon 1593 1597

STC 17090

The Massacre at Paris 1593 1594

STC 17423

Two Lamentable Tragedies 1594 1601

STC 26076

The Love of David and Fair Bathsheba 1594 1599

STC 19540

The Four Prentices of London 1594 1615

STC 13321

Alphonsus, Emperor of Germany 1594 1654

Wing C1952

Locrine 1594 1595

STC 21528

A Knack to Know an Honest Man 1594 1596

STC 15028

Dido, Queen of Carthage 1586 1594

STC 17441

The Famous Victories of Henry the Fifth 1586 1598

STC 13072

The Blind Beggar of Alexandria (Irus) 1596 1598

STC 4965

Captain Thomas Stukeley 1596 1605

STC 23405

The Case Is Altered 1597 1609

STC 14757

An Humorous Day's Mirth (The Comedy of Humors) 1597 1599

STC 4987

Every Man in His Humor 1598 1601

STC 14766

The Two Angry Women of Abingdon, 1 1598 1599

STC 20122

The Death of Robert, Earl of Huntingdon (Robin Hood, 2) 1598 1601

STC 18269

Englishmen for my Money, or A Woman Will Have Her Will 1598 1616

STC 12931

The Downfall of Robert, Earl of Huntingdon (Robin Hood, 1) 1598 1601

STC 18271

Old Fortunatus 1599 1600

STC 6517

Antonio and Mellida 1599 1602

STC 17473

Edward the Fourth, 1 1599 1600

STC 13342

Sir John Oldcastle, 1 1599 1600

STC 18795

Edward the Fourth, 2 1599 1600

STC 13342

A Larum for London, or The Siege of Antwerp 1599 1602

STC 16754

Every Man Out of His Humor 1599 1600

STC 14767

Look About You 1599 1600

STC 16799

The Shoemakers' Holiday, or The Gentle Craft 1599 1600

STC 6523

Histriomastix; or The Player Whipped 1599 1610

STC 13529

A Warning for Fair Women 1599 1599

STC 25089

The Maid's Metamorphosis 1600 1600

STC 17188

The Blind Beggar of Bednal Green, 1 (Tom Strowd, 1) 1600 1659

Wing D464

The City Madam 1600 1658

Wing M1047

Patient Grissel 1600 1603

STC 6518

Antonio's Revenge (Antonio and Mellida, 2) 1600 1602

STC 17474

The Wisdom of Doctor Dodypoll 1600 1600

STC 6991

The Weakest Goeth to the Wall 1600 1600

STC 25144

Cynthia's Revels, or The Fountain of Self-Love 1600 1601

STC 14773

Jack Drum's Entertainment (Katherine and Pasquil) 1600 1601

STC 7243

Thomas Lord Cromwell 1600 1602

STC 21532

What You Will 1601 1607

STC 17487

Blurt, Master Constable, or The Spaniard's Night Walk 1601 1602

STC 17876

All Fools 1601 1605

STC 4963

Satiromastix, or The Untrussing of the Humorous Poet 1601 1602

STC 6521

Contention between Liberality and Prodigality 1601 1602

STC 5593

Poetaster, or The Arraignment 1601 1602

STC 14781

The Trial of Chivalry (This Gallant Cavaliero Dick Bowyer) 1601 1605

STC 13527

The Royal King and the Loyal Subject 1602 1637

STC 13364

Wily Beguiled 1602 1606

STC 25818

The Gentleman Usher (Vincentio and Margaret) 1602 1606

STC 4978

The Fair Maid of the Exchange 1602 1607

STC 13317

May Day 1602 1611

STC 4980

The Famous History of Sir Thomas Wyatt 1602 1607

STC 6537

Sir Giles Goosecap 1602 1606

STC 12050

Hoffman, or a Revenge for a Father 1602 1631

STC 5125

How a Man May Choose a Good Wife from a Bad 1602 1602

STC 5594

A Woman Killed with Kindness 1603 1607

STC 13371

The Phoenix 1603 1607

STC 17892

The Wise Woman of Hogsdon 1604 1638

STC 13370

The Malcontent 1604 1604

STC 17479

Philotas 1604 1605

STC 6239

The Honest Whore, 1 (The Converted Courtesan, 1) 1604 1604

STC 6501

When You See Me You Know Me (Henry the Eighth) 1604 1605

STC 21417

Bussy D'Ambois 1604 1607

STC 4966

Law Tricks 1604 1608

STC 6416

Westward Ho 1604 1607

STC 6540

Jeronimo, with the Wars of Portugal, 1 (Hieronimo) 1604 1605

STC 15085

Michaelmas Term 1604 1607

STC 17890

Parasitaster, or The Fawn 1604 1606

STC 17484

Sejanus His Fall 1604 1605

STC 14782

If You Know Not Me You Know Nobody, 1 (The Troubles of Queen Elizabeth) 1604 1605

STC 13328

The Widow's Tears 1604 1612

STC 4994

The Fair Maid of the West, or A Girl Worth Gold, 1 1604 1631

STC 13320

The Fair Maid of Bristow 1604 1605

STC 3794

The London Prodigal 1604 1605

STC 22333

A Trick to Catch the Old One 1605 1608

STC 17896

The Honest Whore, 2 (The Converted Courtesan, 2) 1605 1630

STC 6506

Monsieur D'Olive 1605 1606

STC 4983

The Wonder of Women, or Sophonisba 1605 1606

STC 17488

Eastward Ho 1605 1605

STC 4971

If You Know Not Me You Know Nobody, 2 (The Second Part of Queen Elizabeth's Troubles) 1605 1606

STC 13336

Caesar and Pompey (The Wars of Caesar and Pompey) 1605 1631

STC 4993

A Mad World, My Masters 1605 1608

STC 17888

A Yorkshire Tragedy 1605 1608

STC 22340

Nobody and Somebody 1605 1606

STC 18597

The Dutch Courtesan (Cockle de Moye) 1605 1605

STC 17475

Northward Ho 1605 1607

STC 6539

Love's Cure, or The Martial Maid 1606 1647

Wing B1581

The Noble Gentleman 1606 1647

Wing B1581

The Devil's Charter, or Pope Alexander the Sixth 1606 1607

STC 1466

The Woman Hater (The Hungry Courtier) 1606 1607

STC 1693

The Miseries of Enforced Marriage 1606 1607

STC 25635

The Isle of Gulls 1606 1606

STC 6413

The Puritan, or The Widow of Watling Street 1606 1607

STC 21531

The Revenger's Tragedy 1606 1607

STC 24149

Volpone 1606 1607

STC 14783

The Whore of Babylon 1606 1607

STC 6532

Cupid's Whirligig 1607 1607

STC 22380

The Turk (Muleasses the Turk) 1607 1610

STC 17617

The Fleer 1607 1607

STC 22384

The Insatiate Countess 1607 1613

STC 17476

The Knight of the Burning Pestle 1607 1613

STC 1674

Your Five Gallants (The Five Witty Gallants) 1607 1608

STC 17907

The Rape of Lucrece 1607 1608

STC 13360

Every Woman in Her Humor 1607 1609

STC 25948

The Travels of the Three English Brothers 1607 1607

STC 6417

A Shoemaker a Gentleman 1608 1638

STC 21422

The Dumb Knight 1608 1608

STC 17398

The Conspiracy of Charles Duke of Byron 1608 1608

STC 4968

Cupid's Revenge 1608 1615

STC 1667

The Family of Love 1608 1608

STC 17879

The Merry Devil of Edmonton 1608 1608

STC 7493

The Bloody Banquet 1608 1639

STC 6181

The Faithful Shepherdess 1608 1610

STC 11068

Ram Alley, or Merry Tricks 1608 1611

STC 1502

Humor Out of Breath 1608 1608

STC 6411

The Tragedy of Charles Duke of Byron 1608 1608

STC 4968

Two Maids of More-Clacke 1609 1609

STC 773

A Woman is a Weathercock 1609 1612

STC 10854

The Widow 1609 1652

Wing J1015

Philaster 1609 1620

STC 1681.5

The Coxcomb 1609 1647

Wing B1581

Epicene, or The Silent Woman 1610 1616

STC 14752

The Revenge of Bussy D'Ambois 1610 1613

STC 4989

The Scornful Lady 1610 1616

STC 1686

The Golden Age, or The Lives of Jupiter and Saturn 1610 1611

STC 13325

The Maid's Tragedy 1610 1619

STC 1677

A Christian Turned Turk (The Two Famous Pirates) 1610 1612

STC 6184

The Alchemist 1610 1612

STC 14755

The Atheist's Tragedy, or The Honest Man's Revenge 1611 1611

STC 24146

The Brazen Age 1611 1613

STC 13310

A King and No King 1611 1619

STC 1670

Catiline His Conspiracy 1611 1611

STC 14759

The Night Walker, or The Little Thief 1611 1640

STC 11072

The Spanish Gypsy 1611 1653

Wing M1986

The Roaring Girl, or Moll Cutpurse 1611 1611

STC 17908

A New Wonder, A Woman Never Vexed 1611 1632

STC 21423

Amends for Ladies 1611 1618

STC 10852

The Silver Age 1611 1613

STC 13365

If It Be Not Good, the Devil Is in It (If This Be Not a Good Play, the Devil Is in It) 1611 1612

STC 6507

Greene's Tu Quoque, or The City Gallant 1611 1614

STC 5673

Match Me in London 1611 1631

STC 6529

The Woman's Prize, or The Tamer Tamed 1611 1647

Wing B1581

The Valiant Welshman (Caradoc the Great) 1612 1615

STC 16

The White Devil (Vittoria Corombona) 1612 1612

STC 25178

The Captain 1612 1647

Wing B1581

Chabot, Admiral of France 1612 1639

STC 4996

The Iron Age, 1 1612 1632

STC 13340

The Iron Age, 2 1612 1632

STC 13340

A Chaste Maid in Cheapside 1613 1630

STC 17877

The Honest Man's Fortune 1613 1647

Wing B1581

Wit at Several Weapons 1613 1647

Wing B1581

Bonduca 1613 1647

Wing B1581

Bartholomew Fair 1614 1631

STC 14753.5

Valentinian 1614 1647

Wing B1581

Wit without Money 1614 1640

STC 1691

The Duchess of Malfi 1614 1623

STC 25176

More Dissemblers Besides Women 1614 1657

Wing M1989

Monsieur Thomas (Father's Own Son) 1615 1639

STC 11071

The Honest Lawyer 1615 1616

STC 21519

Love's Pilgrimage 1616 1647

Wing B1581

The Devil Is an Ass 1616 1631

STC 14753.5

A Fair Quarrel 1616 1617

STC 17911a

The Bloody Brother (Rollo, Duke of Normandy) 1617 1639

STC 11064

The Queen of Corinth 1617 1647

Wing B1581

Thierry and Theodoret 1617 1621

STC 11074

The Mad Lover 1617 1647

Wing B1581

The Chances 1617 1647

Wing B1581

Swetnam the Woman-Hater Arraigned by Women 1618 1620

STC 23544

The Loyal Subject 1618 1647

Wing B1581

The Martyred Soldier 1618 1638

STC 22435

The Knight of Malta 1618 1647

Wing B1581

The Humorous Lieutenant (Generous Enemies, Demetrius and Enanthe) (The Noble Enemy) 1619 1647

Wing B1581

The Devil's Law Case (When Women Go to Law the Devil Is Full of Business) 1619 1623

STC 25173

Two Merry Milkmaids, or The Best Words Wear the Garland 1619 1620

STC 4281

The Fatal Contract 1619 1653

Wing H1422

The Fatal Dowry 1619 1632

STC 17646

All's Lost by Lust 1619 1633

STC 21425

The Laws of Candy 1619 1647

Wing B1581

The Little French Lawyer 1619 1647

Wing B1581

The False One 1620 1647

Wing B1581

The Costly Whore 1620 1633

STC 25582a

The Virgin Martyr 1620 1622

STC 17644

Women Pleased 1620 1647

Wing B1581

The Heir 1620 1622

STC 17713

The World Tossed at Tennis 1620 1620

STC 17909

The Custom of the Country 1620 1647

Wing B1581

The Double Marriage 1620 1647

Wing B1581

The Wild Goose Chase 1621 1652

Wing B1616

The Pilgrim 1621 1647

Wing B1581

The Maid of Honor 1621 1632

STC 17638.5

The Duke of Milan 1621 1623

STC 17634

The Antiquary 1621 1641

Wing M703

Women Beware Women 1621 1657

Wing M1989

The Witch of Edmonton 1621 1658

Wing R2097

The Island Princess 1621 1647

Wing B1581

The Changeling 1622 1653

Wing M1980

Herod and Antipater 1622 1622

STC 17401

Beggars' Bush 1622 1647

Wing B1581

A Match at Midnight 1622 1633

STC 21421

The Nice Valor, or The Passionate Madman 1622 1647

Wing B1581

Osmond the Great Turk, or The Noble Servant 1622 1657

Wing C579

The Prophetess 1622 1647

Wing B1581

The Sea Voyage 1622 1647

Wing B1581

The Spanish Curate 1622 1647

Wing B1581

No Wit, No Help Like a Woman's 1622 1657

Wing M1985

The Noble Spanish Soldier (The Noble Soldier, or A Contract Broken Justly Revenged) 1622 1634

STC 21416

The Maid in the Mill 1623 1647

Wing B1581

The Country Girl 1623 1647

Wing B4425

The Wandering Lovers (The Lovers' Progress) (Cleander) 1623 1647

Wing B1581

The Bondman (The Noble Bondman) 1623 1624

STC 17632

The Unnatural Combat 1624 1639

STC 17643

A Game at Chess 1624 1625

STC 17882

The Sun's Darling 1624 1656

Wing F1467

Appius and Virginia 1624 1654

Wing W1215

The Renegado, or The Gentleman of Venice 1624 1630

STC 17641

A Wife for a Month 1624 1647

Wing B1581

The Duchess of Suffolk 1624 1631

STC 7242

The Maid's Revenge 1626 1639

STC 22450

The Fair Maid of the Inn 1626 1647

Wing B1581

The Staple of News 1626 1631

STC 14753.5

The Valiant Scot 1626 1637

STC 24910

The Wedding 1626 1629

STC 22460

Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt 1626 1639

STC 17717

The Roman Actor 1626 1629

STC 17642

The New Inn, or The Light Heart 1629 1631

STC 14780

The Picture 1629 1630

STC 17640

The Deserving Favorite 1629 1629

STC 4628

The Northern Lass 1629 1632

STC 3819

The Grateful Servant (The Faithful Servant) 1629 1630

STC 22444

The Just Italian 1629 1630

STC 6303

The Lover's Melancholy 1628 1629

STC 11163

The Twins 1628 1655

Wing R1446

The Witty Fair One 1628 1633

STC 22462

King John and Matilda 1628 1655

Wing D370

Julia Agrippina, Empress of Rome 1628 1639

STC 17718a

The Broken Heart 1630 1633

STC 11156

The City Wit, or The Woman Wears the Breeches 1630 1653

Wing B4870

The Cruel Brother 1627 1630

STC 6302

The Great Duke of Florence 1627 1636

STC 17637

The English Traveller 1627 1633

STC 13315

The Queen's Exchange (The Royal Exchange) 1631 1657

Wing B4882

The Traitor 1631 1635

STC 22458

Love's Cruelty 1631 1640

STC 22449

The Wonder of a Kingdom 1631 1636

STC 6533

The Emperor of the East 1631 1632

STC 17636

The Fair Maid of the West, or A Girl Worth Gold, 2 1631 1631

STC 13320

The Humorous Courtier (The Duke) 1631 1640

STC 22447

Holland's Leaguer 1631 1632

STC 17443.5

A New Trick to Cheat the Devil 1625 1639

STC 6315

The School of Compliment (Love Tricks) 1625 1631

STC 22456

The Elder Brother 1625 1637

STC 11066

A New Way to Pay Old Debts 1625 1633

STC 17639

The Knave in Grain, New Vamped 1625 1640

STC 6174

The Old Law, or A New Way to Please You 1632 1656

Wing M1048

Changes, or Love in a Maze 1632 1632

STC 22437

Love's Sacrifice 1632 1633

STC 11164

The Weeding of the Covent Garden, or The Middlesex Justice of Peace (The Covent Garden Weeded) 1632 1658

Wing B4872

The Magnetic Lady, or Humors Reconciled 1632 1641

STC 14754

The Ball 1632 1639

STC 4995

'Tis Pity She's a Whore 1632 1633

STC 11165

The Novella 1632 1653

Wing B4870

Hyde Park 1632 1637

STC 22446

The Bird in a Cage (The Beauties) 1633 1633

STC 22436

A Tale of a Tub 1633 1641

STC 14754

Perkin Warbeck 1633 1634

STC 11157

The Young Admiral 1633 1637

STC 22463

A Fine Companion 1633 1633

STC 17442

The Gamester 1633 1637

STC 22443

Covent Garden 1633 1638

STC 18339

The Guardian 1633 1655

Wing M1050

A Maidenhead Well Lost 1633 1634

STC 13357

The Late Lancashire Witches 1634 1634

STC 13373

The Shepherds' Holiday 1634 1635

STC 21470

Tottenham Court 1634 1638

STC 18344

A Very Woman, or The Prince of Tarent 1634 1655

Wing M1050

Love and Honor (The Courage of Love) (The Nonpareilles, or The Matchless Maids) 1634 1649

Wing D329

Love's Mistress, or The Queen's Masque (Cupid and Psyche, or Cupid's Mistress) 1634 1636

STC 13352

The Example 1634 1637

STC 22442

The Careless Shepherdess 1635 1656

Wing G1005

Messalina, the Roman Empress 1635 1640

STC 21011

The Queen and Concubine 1635 1659

Wing B4872

The Seven Champions of Christendom 1635 1638

STC 15014

The Prisoners 1635 1640

STC 14959

The Sparagus Garden (Tom Hoydon o' Tanton Deane) 1635 1640

STC 3820

The Platonic Lovers 1635 1636

STC 6305

The Fancies Chaste and Noble 1635 1638

STC 11159

A Challenge for Beauty 1635 1636

STC 13311

The Conspiracy (Pallantus and Eudora) 1635 1638

STC 14958

The Lady of Pleasure 1635 1637

STC 22448

Hannibal and Scipio 1635 1637

STC 18341

The Coronation 1635 1640

STC 22440

The New Academy, or The New Exchange 1635 1658

Wing B4872

The Duke's Mistress 1636 1638

STC 22441b

The Hollander (Love's Trial) 1636 1640

STC 11909

Arviragus and Philicia, 2 1636 1639

STC 4627

Arviragus and Philicia, 1 1636 1639

STC 4627

The Bashful Lover 1636 1655

Wing M1050

The Wits 1636 1636

STC 6309

The Ladies' Privilege (The Lady's Privilege) 1637 1640

STC 11910

Microcosmus 1637 1637

STC 18342

The English Moor, or The Mock Marriage 1637 1658

Wing B4872

Aglaura 1637 1638

STC 23420

The Cid, 1 (The Valiant Cid) 1637 1637

STC 5770

The Fool Would Be a Favorite, or the Discreet Lover 1637 1657

Wing C580

The Royal Master 1637 1638

STC 22454

The Lost Lady 1637 1638

STC 1902

The Bride 1638 1640

STC 18338

The Goblins 1638 1646

Wing S6127

Wit in a Constable 1638 1640

STC 11914

The Passionate Lovers, 1 1638 1655

Wing C581

The Damoiselle, or The New Ordinary 1638 1653

Wing B4870

The Passionate Lovers, 2 1638 1655

Wing C581

The Rebellion 1638 1640

STC 20770

The Constant Maid (Love Will Find Out the Way) 1638 1640

STC 22438

The Unfortunate Lovers 1638 1643

Wing D348

The Antipodes 1638 1640

STC 3818

The Cunning Lovers 1638 1654

Wing B4850

The Doubtful Heir (Rosania, or Love's Victory) 1638 1652

Wing S3466

Argalus and Parthenia 1638 1639

STC 11908

The Lady's Trial 1638 1639

STC 11161

The Politician 1639 1655

Wing S3482

The Noble Stranger 1639 1640

STC 22377

The Gentleman of Venice 1639 1655

Wing S3468

Brennoralt, or The Discontented Colonel 1639 1642

Wing S6125A

Claracilla 1639 1641

STC 14959

Saint Patrick for Ireland, 1 1639 1640

STC 22455

Albertus Wallenstein 1639 1639

STC 11912

Fortune by Land and Sea 1639 1655

Wing H1783

The Lovesick Court, or The Ambitious Politic 1639 1658

Wing B4872

A Mad Couple Well Matched 1639 1653

Wing B4870

The Obstinate Lady 1639 1657

Wing C4896

Revenge for Honor (The Parricide) 1640 1654

Wing C1948

The Imposture (The Impostor) 1640 1652

Wing S3476

The Queen of Aragon 1640 1640

STC 12587

The Country Captain (Captain Underwit) 1640 1649

Wing N877

The Court Beggar 1640 1653

Wing B4870

The Arcadia 1640 1640

STC 22453

The Walks of Islington and Hogsdon (Tricks of Youth) 1641 1657

Wing J1071

The Variety 1641 1649

Wing N877

The Brothers 1641 1652

Wing S3460

The Cardinal 1641 1652

Wing S3461

A Jovial Crew, or The Merry Beggars 1641 1652

Wing B4873

Lust's Dominion, or The Lascivious Queen 1641 1657

Wing L3504A

The Queen, or The Excellency of Her Sex 1641 1653

Wing Q155

The Sisters 1642 1652

Wing S3485

The Sophy 1642 1642

Wing D1009

All for Money 1577 1578

STC 16949